TERRIBLE COLLIERY DISASTER. Kilhirm Hodle* \ lli-wri i rnilmi HrfRP. A oorrrs]>>ri<]onf >f th* Ij>mlon 7Vntf> writes fr< tn Helton: In tin 1 course *>t t their explore!; • Mes-r*. Dickenson and Martin none nux>-s tin* whole of tin' eighteen Unites of those killed by the terrible colliery disaster ; fifteen t tinm t were lmddled Ovgethor in a group ; some wore kneeling on the ground with tin ir lnvnds clasped as if in prayer; others wore seated on the wagon way, and had nppar< ntly 'awaited death with com posure, while others Again worn lying on the r faces, with their lingers .foi nly im bedded in the earth, toetifviugto lite des perate oil', ts they had made to crawl out of the miiV silting smoke. Mr. Dicken son states that if these jvsir follows eon 1.1 1 only hnvo managed to tattle their way for forty yards further they would hare been sale. Two others wen* found w.Unn twenty -five yards of a working that wAs clear from smoke, while the eighteenth was discovered within nineteen yatxlsot" what would have been a Itaven ot safety. The flow of water into the pit was -toi>- }>ed, and akuit seven o'ehvk the w hole of the Usi.es were iwaveyni to the pit eye. and placed in tubs, and iweix\l with shee!> le.-.dy for ivmovwL The rumor that the Uxliee* had Iven found spread rapidly through the .hslik l, and some thousands >i persons soon cvugm-. guted around the pit bank. In order to allay the <\e.tern cut which prevailed the police adopted a very isuvionah'e ei., and infortue 1 the crowd that the deceas ed would not he brought to the surface till night -a hint which had tin efhvt of considerably thinning the number- of those present. The winding up of the dead bod it - commenced at eight o'el.vk. They were hnnight out of the pit in ivnples and propelled along a tr .mway into tlie colliery yard, where they were plae\l on stretchers iual ctmei into the joiner's shop, t >ne of the tirst to U* depon itr to the U alien Iviug placed iu oortins. Tie faeee*ud feet of all the un fortunate men were washed, after which a few of their bereaved friends wo re admitted hi order to testify as t,i their ideutiflcatiuu. The scene was moot heartrending. sufficient to iry the nerves of the strongest present. (haritj lUfl Toilet*. Tiiere is.not to be a certain sameness, notwitlistaiuhng the variety, iu ball tc.lets, says tlie New York Tribune, reviewing those at tlie charity l>all in that £ity. Despite what is
o--ibi. to liave them of a style and fabric which will not go out of fashion, and that w ill allow making over. This limits the choice m >re than can l>e im agined by tliose who have liad no ex [vraiuvin making "both eiuis meat." Tliia season, ball Costumes may lie di vided iutvi tiirce classes—the fresh Parisian costumes; tlie "limited in come " dre- -< *. nirned over froui year to year by pers-n- who cannot afford dressmakers' charges for alteration ; and old but Lam*. <>in toilets combined and altered over in the prevailing fashion. Nt v r in the history <>f clothes were the difference more marked between the new and the old than s >w. Ihiffs andgathers, fulin- and vlraperx*, conceal more than charity, bnt the strict " princesse " style admits of none of these, and not only ex acts freshness aud richness of fabrics for tlie stately dress, but newness of trained, lace-trimmed skirfs. No pr incest*-dress can lie nxade to lit smoothly over old fashioned cotton skirts, gathered in at the waist ; and with new dresses, t'' .e- fore, ladies liave trained underskirts made with deep yokes, aud a Spanish fl 'Uiice attached to a phun gored strip, so a> to form a fan-shape at the back, like the dress. These skirts are trimmed with Smyrna insertion and lace, and strictly follow the outline of the dress skirt. This smoothness of outline, only broken by a double plaiting, a rgxv of buttons, a cascade of lace, and rnffl-vl train at the back, disiingtnshcs ull the later styles of evening and ball dresses, and separates them unmistakably from those which have done duty during pre vious seasons. New toilet- have.very long trains, but the bodice and sleeves are anything but uniform. Some are made very high, with soft plaitings and inside lace mils, in the Eliaalietliau style. Others are very low—so low as to suggest the corslet and breast-plate more than the ho.li,ce, and are destitute of sleeves, a simple band over the shoulder h-aviug the arm entirely bare. The medium and heart shajied" Ixxlicx #, the demi-long sleeves, and puffed and tied hack skirt* belong h> past modes, and tell as plainly as words of the necessity for retrench ment or economy. Fashion runs to ex tremes just now, accept - no compromises, no half measures, but insists u]miu its votaries doing and daring all. Collecting babscriptien-. A London barrister recently received a letter from a school boanl election agent to this effect: " Sir—l am deeply interested in procuring the retnni of Sir. for tlie tHi-.ird, and, knowing vour views ujsin educational matter*, have taken the liberty of placing your name npou liis committee. I have further ventured to put down yotir name as a sulivriber of five guinea- towanl his ex penses, and unless you notify to me on or liefore the —th that you do not con cur in these arrangements, T aliall take the further liberty of assuming that you acquiesce in Them, and tliat 1 may look to you for the subscription recorded to your name." Tlie barrister promptly replied : "Hir —I regret that I cannot accept the offers made by you to me in your letter of yes terday. I may, however, mention that I am deeply interested in raising a fund hi provide for the necessities of a destitute and deserving widow lady. Knowing your charitable disposition, I have taken the liberty of putting down your name as u subscriber for ten guineas, and since bit* dat qui eitvdat, I shall, unless I hear to the contrary from you by midday to morrow, venture to assume that yoti ac cept my offices on your behalf, and that I may look to yoti for that amount of subscription." Early next morning came a messenger in haste, in s cab, bearing a letter from the agent. ' So sorry, but the pressing calls upon liis purse' forbade him to ac cept Mr. 's kind offices." A Trotting Team of Oxen. The Cheyenne Leader says: Dexter, tlie tamer of bovines, created a great sensation on the streets by appearing in a carriage drawn by four milk white oxen, all in harness and'driven tandem. The gay and festive looking beasts pranced along in fine style—" heads up and tails a risin'," as our John would say. Gov ernor Thayer was invited to take a ride, and was driven about for some time by Dexter. Other gentlemen also enjoyed the novelty. Dexter sitys that either of his team can trot a mile in 3.47. He offers to bet any amount pf money that he can load a wagon with -4,500 pounds of freight, attach his four oxen, and make hotter time to DendwooJ than any four-horse or mule team with the same load can possibly do. A Story from Morntomloin. Hie Corinnc con e-pendent of the Salt l.ake ritni'n tolls the following stOry We have had finite a sensation. V short time ago u woman came walking into our city on the railroad track, who was eh sell ,*!<<> appnir much exhausted, and finally she made her way to the dvr of otto of onr citizens, win re her strength >mve way entirely, but she had fallen into the lunula of goHt Saniaritans, who took her in and kindly eared for her. They found le r m a m h ■ e ioiti-1, 1 t live up to hts iirivili .*, and marr.e I a nineteen vmr-old eirl, but kept it a - .*r* t from ills wife tor alvmt fhris-moiitl W she found it out she |rladled, and crest, d tsnuclhiug ot a euuinivUioa in the old tel lotf's e.'lilip. He then showed the effect of hts Morn m teaching He told her that alie eotild have the privilege of h luvrem, bought with her money but if she left she should not have a cent, an I, further, if she made any fuss ids ml it, he would kill lie:, She, Hot Willing t • remain in a house of prostitution, and fearing for her life, picked up a small bundle of clothes and walk," t to this place, trading all the clothe* she could •pale fvir ntvvssaries on her way through the M.irtuou sciUetui-ut She was in tending to emitinue her way on f.-ot t > Virginia t'it\, N< \ , where she haa a slater able t > assist her. Th s is tier s'rv, which she told in an intelhgeut, ctraighttarwnud lnumier. A Malrimetiiul Maehiue. Tartam Dean, who niarr . I Marx Knox to mmielssly in Oanncl, N. Y.. l as. j| i> undersUvil, mwnkxl and e instructed a niaeliine f.ir his oflhv which marries v.s-t..rs and take- their uhoti.grajilni * mtUtaunvtualr. John Merrdt in* .ts Ui*t he luisu I been niMTried to anylHwlv; the parson is not .jtlile certain who offici ated as bndegt.viu; Mary Ki x is all adrift, and has drwi-gtvl her alleged lius laud to ivttrt; but the in w machine will tix future identity beyond a doubt. The catKhilatca. ka\ mg made know u their wi-iies, #rx tt-iuuiusi to iui npiwviijuej ixxoni, when iu*h 1* tinuly unied hy the arm iui.l ankle, and haekexl cnlmlv, hut irresistibly Against n hemlrest upholster _ \1 vui the wtill. Tliere is now no eliuliee for either to escape. Iu this jvo-itt.ul the uiHV>nsc:ou*ly steps ou • lever, whk*h swings a enruera itiio jvom tiuu at the v>tlier tml of the rvviu. The ji.xrsou herxiupoli enters, :*-.trues mi easy but vigilant jvositiou at the (Wxm era, mwi tnkos out his watch. The fol lowing trialojyne ensues; Pur-on —" i'ou deoire to be nnite.l in the holv 1 minis of tiuitriniotiy ?" X. M. —We nrt;- ti-uL tenderly. You d - *!. o.'iy promise k> love, wruxk as much an you're a miud to, cherish iiikl j i :.u*t the j . -r ---S.UI, doa't stir, whom you now L 'ld ba the right hand, steady, steady, never mind the fly. n long us yi.u both shall live; therefore, in uie preeenee of these xri tu esses, don't twitch your ear, sir, I pronounce v uiman and wife. * Twenty !* Tune nji. Very well done." The parson ih<>ti politely tenche- the lever and releases tiieui frmu the imp. He writes the certificate on tlie back of tho pliotogrmph, and tiles away tlie uegntive. Ihuaou l>-*au d.H -u't moan to le caught out again.—.V i York Why He Wept. Ho left her and stepjied oat to s* .- a friend between acts. " Why, E" I ward," said she, when he returned, " there are tears in your eyes." '* Yes, [>et," rejilicd he, s.demnlv, " I suppoae there are—l saw such a-a i -ight when 1 was out." "Did you—what was it?" inquired she. "Hitcli a sad sight"—continued he, keeping his face awuy that she might not smell his breath—" I discovered a young man whom I h:ive known for years drinking whisky. " " You did ?" "Tee, stauding right in plain sight before me. partaking ly and careless ly of the dreadful intoxicating glass." There was a little pause, wlu-n the young la*lv suddenly said : " Edward, was he standing right iu front of you ?" ' Yes, pet," was the reply." Tliere WHS another pause, when t-i young lady asked again : "Edward, don't most of tlie fashion able sal.sm conuters have great uiee niirnirs right on the walls beliind them?" E.lwwrd flushed a little atul looked quizzioal as he replied tliat he 'Mxtlieved' they did. AilJ here he [icriuitted the subject drop. Depression in the Iron Trade Abroad In Germany the capital invested by thirty-two of the largest iron and steel mannfacturing $78,0*15,000, and the net loss, exclusive of interest and deprecia tion in the value of jiroperty last year was ."51,791.000. Only six of the cotn panie* paid anv dividend, and the ns>*t fortunate of these six was one of the sandiest, which divided 0 *2-3 per cent. Tin* Prttssian mining and iron coni;any, of DiKMeidorf, with a capital of $2,700,- 000, lost 8005,000 en la.-t year's ujiern tious, and $215,000 on th e** of the year liefore. Tlie net loss of tli thirty-two coinjmnies in two ycurls has bceu .-2,770,- 000. If misery loves company, here is plenty of it. A hi-*. " A kiss," says n writer, " is a s*-ul ex pressing a sincere attnehment the pledge of future union—a present taking tin* impfeffmon of on ivory cor.d press— crimson balsam frn ninety-five weddings take place. An experienced lady observes tliat a good way to pick out a husband is to see how patiently he waits for dinner when it is behind time. Her husband re marks that a good way to pick out a wife is to see whether the woman has dinner ready in time. A Chinaman never keeps in debt long. He prefers to commit suicide. SI MM tltY tH NEWS. In-ill, ..I Inirrral Irom lloinr ntnl Ihranal. Tlie ismnell of the t'mv.T-ilv of tlie <'lt> of Ni York Imm MM to admit fMaaieetndwla. tin f.-ln*l of Mantl (Ira- *• api'io |.iirtil> .1 let t ateit 111 N. villi liana ali.l Vteiu pin I i *tic. | paradi atul t ult- \ maid iveif In- nan . a, s 1' iloo.lm wn- lo.tg.st ' j i at I'oin likc. pMi , N. \ . Imis.-I with -w in.tlun: I lutein -isuiuli farmer, in the sale of corn -In lies v linvl'i he obtained (lien ,tg lialun , to alhs"' esvipt-. wlteii in fael tin, were note f.rr various sums. He haaalso faeii oporeting in Put nam enmity t in ls,|\ of l ! I. !.n O Main in y. the .ti a.I l eiusn ehl. f, ati. i fx iuk ill state for Itva rtavs in (lie armory .f the Ve \ork Sivty Nmtli n innnt, - isk. i to I mop. , aiVMiui autrd to a guant of hotloi \n Imliaii rillili. i hi, u,.1il in tin ititell.l.eius. I ■ (In lost loinl a. eu. . to the . tf.sl tliat a tea n.a-k- pe rloti, < iglit lmn.lrisl kalges id I'll, i It. . . watTtor,. eii.'lii|, .1 on the Tongue fixer, itl,.a>v< rtsl twtwnmi Hill mat f.'iu 1i.ui.1t..1 w.Utii i - maietniig upon them, wherrlljmn tin x the f.u wai.t a few n.unoi a ihooia. while the mam t.sty .( In,liati* form, .1 an amhuaeavtc tu a eanxoit tu .wxli rto aumtnlste tin- -ol.tn i - Ihe los.p, .h.l let folk.a up |h, .l.ss.yami (lot, saxtnl (' .-in . lie- from a ,hait!\ *lllhllea.1. Mr*. N, Un \S io-!ki wln, aas aetitig a, p.,-tmlalii ~ at Net 111 t .!>• rty, t'lno, el. isst with a it I. a. her. ami the e ita> - afl. i * at <1 > ai tel,-l for ha\l!iy, al la. list xalUahl, letter* Itoiu the Ui i ' One mall w.x* kltteit . u.t tao other - t a.lix inturxsi to a ralli s\| xs-Uiatiiii itc*i Ijg-!. ill dge. S J a me-. t it toil, it S. ti ami Wu ion tin haxvi Is, i aitxtaled to .lei. cure.- for the lot Is ; i of Ihe Vatliami I ii X|a-- i auk a little iiver a v. .r ay;,i. It villi l-e rxsS'lk. lcs| that the ea-hit i a h,.u-e a:t- entcie.l ami lit, faitllb oveim.aeixd. while he wa- folvsst (o furm-li file kv . aid combination t*. ll.i vault, from which the e>t,her- "Uixsl i" ".i.OiVi in money ami avurtlu,. Hoy emk vv .d to tie.jobate with the latik olliexr, f i the leturn of till securities, aml tliu- llie dilu tive- eol llieir .iue ... Th,'-. •. lNmgla--. on. ,g Mm ti ouiy clerk, al \V aalnugtoii. had .huge of the aoeomtt- , f unpad intue-l ..ti r, , i.leixvl Is.iid,, and a, the mtelX—t a.s'iltu'tlaU ,t ( val lie ton .e,l a partnership with a New York attorm v ami f .nil I t. u Ike a-ktix-,ea of the parlie to w tiviin (it*. Hit* i c-I vvaa due. flu tatter w aid call outlie parti. , and uITor 1,, pr-sure the ant nt dm th : • f.-r a peri*.ill. • gn --i rally wrj heavy, ahtrli tu a, -ilit linn divl.te Willi tkmgU-,. They del a lai ku I'li-iniuulll discovery aa made ml IK>ip:!a,a ain g-.l I'vg. ti. i don, the African < xphgwr, ha, hi-en v| j-4lihii i vrri|.,i of lh* culm province of Soudan. Africa Eoliy-tive lutiter* |sitlnsl ui a coal iui.it e ipi*, on al r.! ai>>* -. 1 mux. I'.*.. Indian rumors mioum. to tien. I'n k that Sitting Butt aud Oraay ll,tree are anxious in make iwa.-e oil the term* > ... Twu worklllaili, for a erudge, thrcv (siwder Uit • the h .is*'of Mieha. ', lhaxia, foreman of (hi I > km, canal, lai ta, iu an endeavor to I 'oW up th, rula. IwUn-lieitl. (Vit-tderaMe damage wa- done, hut no pcrsou wx, luJurxsL Tho J ecpetrahga were raptiuvd. The Hr:lih ,tuaui-hip J. Ik Walker cleaivsl fi m N >v crnim nt : Ten uull. smder cartri.lgetUt,- taai Winchester eartriilg*-, Martini -In 11.-. s,iXai,',x.Xl bullet,, Tt.h.a l Martini gun,, SS.rjax Martini scat hard*, tin whole valued at tl,W*,r s X tcrish!.' I. . *r *vpl -i.*t oe currv*l at lha llarroin ,t< 1 w. rk in St. KUUii.e, FIUuM, leu jar- n* w*rv klilv tor fatally m puxsl. aud many hadl* injured .Hie Pact Al and mien r StaJe-of Mi v have all etveu in th. ir aliegian,, l<> lieu, lka Viov. Packard, of laiui-iaua, tus.l a narrow maj* from v, -iuatlou at tlie hands of a vou ig Ulan oalhlig hull-elf Win. It. Wehlol:, of Pleiad-lplua. A, the governor vra vsiuvering iu hi- private ro ui. a o rrvinpoiwV'Ut ef the PUl'.a*le)|ihi.x /*ix a- was aun uurod and a.liiutlrd No -**••. r ar.- the jHTsntt allo**sl in tin? n- tu than Ml. Packard round himself with a pistol j- nttsl at hi, head. He prompt!, knocked the avap u down and it wa- etplial.-l al h.* f. vt. the : al! taking effort ui Ho governor - kt,< *. . austug a painful wound. The w..ttld-U- murxhser *a immediately hol m the arm I. a g. '.ieiuaa j-rewnt aud sx'UTtvl. with an a in wailing oilt-ide tlie 1 uildiug. Weldou claim t i tune a,—slat. • iu tin cruur .lop*rlj. frx.m Dakota Temt-vry ar* fl'k-1 w:ih - txauih of Indian deprod.iUwu.... I'our !i"oi*r, w*rv wrxsk. ,1 in i h -ajs-ak, bay. an t while the crv w of th Ilelem.xi were -av.-t, i! i known thai the hai.d- of the I UlsvUu w< r* loat I vleu-ixe ttggliu., oprrat. siiU-tinxaCaiia da and tlii- .x.iiutrv have t- < u urn arth.d I y the rvxeuile ..dicers, who ,iiu. afler leinp a brid* (ra f.-w moot be only, it i, auruuncu tiiat Peiguson was the innrd. ri-r. ly -g A Btx.tliert n"* grain e]#vah rai Pe--na, 111., vraa d, -tr-o ihv rib . I. - tkl <' . iu -luram-e, -g,c Win-low, the Ir, a-iry .1. :k who-t th #11.0(al |*ei v; f gjxen back- wmi' lime -tuce.wlveii put on trial pleaded glcdtv and admitted t at th* fr*s- usw *>f ,<]HiUu aid !■ : raii/.d In* latter farnltle*. lie wa* ix iv.i't-t and iw-ntene,.l t., r chtxm tr. oth' ruprtaoiiim-nt, .. I'hoae who investigated th o .*! • ~ f Weill the uM is- .. v -tn of --.v. Pack -d in V:v Urkan*. etpr.-t Hm noli that the man wv* not in jxv- ■ -s-ui <-f 1 - i.-id u i.id when the att-mpt wa- made If- had Vs-Ctl drinking d-sply f.'-r aottle tunc on ' nil-on a.-, mut of di-atti -intii .nt in a lband *k iT!w 1 have more to d • with the fatUcrthcrx after, aud would nt let hun eiiU-r th boll .. it.- father, fearful.-f hi*daughter -e. nf.- - :i i- • mine k' - ,n, the re-xilt of wh-h would Is hi* m vrrs-ratioii in priis-u. wa-fiu. Ua. Af * ui-.rnmg* later, he went to lu daiig-hter n apart inent, at .-I announcing " 1 have eome t*. kill ! yi :v *h. t lier, beat in her skull with the butt •>f hi* J tl >l, ,tahLs.l her a dozen Um-* and ked lor 1-mtaily, tluallr leaving her a bloody 1 mi" of wound*, under the U lief tliat *he wa* d.-id Int. lhgenee from Neufouiidlami -'. i- - that a life buoy ha* l*s u |*.-ked up 1, ar mg lh- name "George Cromw.il. and n<> doubt Dow eai-t* that Hint aim-r ntrmk ou Ca|* Mary within tw.nty-live tn'h-s <-f the *j-it where her ut r ship. iis Wa-hingtn,weiit down. The Cromwell earned thirty wula, alt of wlwmt iwobahlv pen-hod OHomiell brother-' urge ciai|s-raii.- establishment in -br-cy Citv wa-de-trove.l by fire. I*.sn, #AO,- j <•<> Til. manager* --f tin- S w Y.-rk Stat. fair hav- dfn.lrd to hold it iu lloch. -t< r frv-m Sept, 17:h t-i the 'did. Sneak thi- • - giine l ad.nision t. the 1 xnk ing lion-, .f June* <1 King'* S n*. in N.w Y'ork. and during the rush of buioe ticeeed - 1 m a. -urmg a tin laix eutitaiuilig m b ltd* B'.-l ount: -. The valuable* !... -talih-hed • ii tlie Mexican frontier adja . < ut to the L'nit-d Stab -. and that bii-iue** t* U-giliniiig to pick up under the .-.ntideius- m -pired Ly the Iha/ admimtratioii ....Bear Vdmiral i'ha*. 11. liavi- lied iu Wadiineton of neart dfooaae, at the age of -. venty. He l.ad 1 ecu in active wet v i.a fifty four Tear* A fir in Midina. Dhfai, defr..y*d the Emjuia hlis k and three adjoining l uil.Htig*. I.- ♦Z'..OOO : jmrtially ta.uNd .. Wm. H. Sid die. a twmk . a-hirr at Mn iieajsilt*. Minn., wa* -hot and kilhsl by Mi-* Kate N.sinan for atsluemg and then de-erting tier. Tlie young woman, when arr. d. inxuif. td no jx tmirae for the dead. A Tdi.C ltittof| pioxi.ling fur tlie i,ue of an attache ent for C< nrii.l N. Jor.lnu, eadih-r of . the Third Natioi.al bank .-f New York, he hax ing fail. -I toaj.t ear U-fore the oomiuiHee on privflegr* and ■ lection* to t< difv to the ac count- of Saiiiiu 1 .1. Til.l. u. Wm. T. P. Hon and \. s. 11. wilt in that hank.* After di-cti**ton ! tlie rcMilntioii wa* agre, I to. Mr. liignlla (1:< p. i. of Kan* from the nun ciitie.- on j i, . r. l-.rti d f.v raldy on tlie inendnii nt- <-f the It- use to th- t illincroaaiiig the j* ii -ion* of tl "*e who tiave h>*t both an arm and i foot from t-- - ;r> j*r month, lie said (tie Senate pa- -xl a bill to in r-a-e aneti j.eli sion to *ll7 a mt-ntli. tint the lioti*e ri-dnced it to • Ml, and a* there were onlv *ixt* n person* on the pension roll* affected by it. tin • ommit te. thought it !*•-! t-i have the S. not- ,• incur, l h'- amendment* wereeoiit-urred iu and the bill iiae-i d. After di-cn—ing Mr. IJ-with * ami ndinent to lh. Pacific railroad bill to er. at a sinking fund for the liipiidation of tie- ind- ht*im— do. the government hy th.- Pacific railroad <• enpanieh. provi h. g that the k7sfi,fl'>o to be p .id by tie .xiinpanie* to the crmlit of the winkiit - fund .hall tie In addition to other paymeut*. iu-tead of iu lieu <>f oOier jioyinent* or rr jutren ent-. wa- agreed to ->. a*, 22 : nay*. 20. The Printing Amiropriation hill paa*ed bythe Senate provide* tliat from and after the pres ent M-niuon of Congre** the Congressional prin ter shall not pay a price exceeding fifty c ut* jier thou-mid ms for eompoaition. an 1 forty cent# an hour for time work iu 1 inditip, etc. The Senate coneurred in the amendment* of tlie Ifou-e to tho-e of the Senate on theC-mui lar ami Diploinatie Approjiriatioii bill, and it vvu* | in--oil. The Senate having returned to ita chamber Mr. Stiernian (Rep.), of Ohio, auboiitted a resolution tliat the deeision of the commi-aion upjn the electoral vote of Louiaiana ,tan l an tlie judgment of the Senate, the objection* made tlicrek"to the contrary notwithstanding. Ml In man i t'em. , *'f Ni n \ . ik. po sented a substitute ponding that the lltar *"• I Uv'tors rotes for laiiitsiana bo not isitliil. d, tlx lie ci iouot tin iMiutiit*s|"ii imtwithstsudilig. 3li Mart i 11 loin. >, of lira*, favoreu the Mlbslitute. declaring thai tin CiUlilnlssloli w dir. < led to B""i i tain the true vol# of tlx Slate, but iliat cad of flint tliev bad t i-ugld forth a '"•rtilhati'rvs kliig with fraud, i tul ofteuaire tu lh< nostrils of all hoii' l Js ople. Mi h. runit 11 'cm l. ot Ni w \olk, coniltxid ■ I "11 llie *|| duration of the t*ii|ltlUl""loM that It cimUt not 11 .Hi te*tim*iliy w hii'h was off* ri*t to prnr. tliat fiaud > \i*t.d ami that certain •lm t 'i* it. ii , il , and de* laii*l that such a d* i-ion u >to tin •IT* • I 11 mi (hi re iiaa no ja'Wei In toiigii-" to i Plain tin truth ami •mite d "in ttaud. Ml. riiiuuiaii 11' em. I, *>( titilo, aigueit that tlx V"t of lli. irtittnittg I* oil. f 1 llt*ialia were uin oiistitilliolial and desti llctile ol oIU repitblxau ("tin of gorertmnt. I icu if it* a* t* were let iiue ii-Ututi-ua! Uit-y w.-ie imt legal in . am awing tlie vot* of the -i ir-ntii of Sol elllb, i 1,1-t, I. . i l st., Il' ti 11 quill d (hat llie Is >aid "liould I* eotujMi*,*! of tin- jier on* t 1 dllti i. ni jmlitn al partii s, but in fact It waa evHiipox'-d of but foui jM-rwruia, all of tlx same party, and the* -!. otilr it fused to fill tie rai'.iii i. Mi Ixriiian It. | of ihu tie* tared that tin- decision was i: ht and *■ .r qir tioii of law no man would hai* lull two mouth* uge that i "Ugi. * liad tin rtgl.t t*i overhaul tlx ir turns I " win. h t lectin S wen eh ■ ell, If then "e an* rigid of a Stat*. II WA- (he right to clioo.-c it* own elector*, ihi' light wa* > .*i* full* guarded hi the t\m tiluti n Alt. M it-ui li* ; t ludtani. thought that if any provision of IHI' tiiut, ual law via* plain, It wat! fact that 1 up, - lo.d no Tight lo go behlint the ih* !"ration uf (lo propl Male officer* a* to whom ha*t Ihv u chosen ehvtor*. Ih* action of tli ''at. ■ \*i . noiio th* Slate eiilr, sod ll* t t oiigt* Mi lUyard Drill.of Dvlalvait , hu miiol on the * :iimi*'..ui, looiirixd the faihtie of hi* < (Tolt* tu 1* half of jli.tic*. till u ".alii, t to him not unit did till* decision of th*' eight IMilulei.uf the c IIUIII-*i>Hi level iu tiiedtl"! all the e"cul.l uuit* UiruHti brouud the * lection "fat '' ti ,t, but it an uo iiic i*t t" the jHiij h "t tin* laudtliat truth and ju*- ti*v, hoire-ty and morality win n lotigei tie c :11 al Iws!* o. Hull political power. Nt l Walldc. thun. ot I'tlil. \tl altta, said llu -citato! fintlt tlht* All. Kheriuaii' sai* that no law iur as*, rtid th. tight tn go twihind It., tvturu*. but tin recent ahowrv* that he llim *rlf said that till* Ult gave tliat li lit when he i<-I'tial it* pa> age, and tw0..1 th 'v tiiuitisiou, M> ~*r \t""ii aud (taincht, in lh. deb.-i* o; ;*"cd tlx hid lavcaUiw it gave that right. Ill* rejection of the p: ->f of fiaud hy tile ceitiiui-'ioo adiiittt.-d It "truth Mr. sai.iiu i li. ■ .. of California, argued tliat tlx deci'li'tl *'f theCotliml"lon only tls talned the right ■ f th* state in ".hs'tiiig its Mr. With, r* I'em. f Vug una, said tin* deciie u *! ' IKtrated the tact that tlx mettt bcr* of th' highest tr;' nnal tn tin land <*>ukl ii"t rise al-.ie party. Phi* d< i-i"ii [that Con gres* Could not inquire iutii front in tlx < tec* l. !*1 Vote f the Mate us., a* rt : a d'sTrllit of state * licit . illy mill a.Sii.c .le-1 by it* wlhlret adherent* Mr. Kernau * sul**t;lute x tio ii voted down bv a strict lastv i. t*', and Ml. sl.iiuial* * tv*. - lutxn was agree 1 til. the > i a*y s .11 . i*o . I- t It .• si the rot*' of 1 **ui*iaiia, th .-.vretary wa* in trti. tod to inform tin tlous* of tlx S* nal* ■ r.-adiue-* t" g" oti with tb< count 11 WM*. Mr. S*-e!ei Jll.ie], 1 Mar-.v(diu.-tt*, from llie o n.luttt< "ii li.ilna affair-, rr |w*rted a bill at not ul uig lii** set i ll: Mains; tlir S, ixs a U 'tloli f Indian* . I N* York t !* -■ land* within tin t atlarutign* ai.d Alhglxni it ** t ration*. Pa **ed. Tlie Itou*. jirvwx-vded to Uu cm *id< ration of the rejsut cf the .S'tiuutti* e • u ti.e roctioii in lloriUa. dul ling that the IYUI.-u elect**r load I cell <1 t*'. : . t!i:.l v !at \\ i ili f lowa, said li. di I txt want to Mlirrnl with any such ft:. !i! buu. 11 q kill* Jls 111. ], T Peiin*rlr.oua. In in . .tin. tl • r*:- it. )" k. ujaui tt, and IHtui * 11 Jlteji ], of Mint.. - ta. who taiade a mug :1* it js rt. -poke m fai.r.f that. !!< defended tlx action of t! • l.ioi t iral in nu**i ui tu refusing I-* rico, tl rvj**rt of th luajciitv as cvtdrti'. u tl.. 1 *nda case. N ■ tribunal iu t'.- world, he *ssid, wi uld rvcviv* it a* (lileuce. It wa* -inq iv an JanahgtUmi art.'.l la, ru** t.id - tm< (.. mv s * ledge. !t "Tented the l*e*u!lar nrillh--*' f tin l:,|>*il i. in* to win u l.r all th*-* ad vantv-e 1- circumdal. .* 1:! it 1* a fact, ir. adneh i cam t da-. I us* nti . .' **r and dcuy, and eveTT tnaii. . man a State, whohav. a right t . VJ*l that, how en r ]'vrtlan their rep! rotative ni x In hi* I-'.Ural froth, h. di- !at lead, **ii qupatlon* . d* :,le and repnrt upon the future naval |**hcy of tlx Fluted Mat. , *.iid co.unii- am t * i* nmt . f ttic admiral of th* navy, the g. m ral of tlx annv. tw. ui..l o(lu n • f that tribunal in writing :•• a maj■ rity f tlx eouutu-sioix r* agreeing tie '*. It will now lw read hy the *ecr*darjT "f S liat*-." Tb* *|e*iionwe tlxn re.v.l . ■ fnilow* The Elec toral fammt'-ioii memioiie*! in • aid act having received cv rtain c* rtilicat' * and p|w r* pur;**rt mg to lie rertlticati * and j*aj* : .v -vmipanyiiig tli* name uf th< I'lMoralrol' from tlx State of Is'Ui'iann, and the objection* th. ist.i snlmutted to tt under *ai'l act, now r* |- t tliat it ha* dub. considered til' same, pur-m t t nd act. ami ha* l*y a majority of iote* deci hd. and d< * hereby di.id*. that the i.*ti of YYilhaiu P. K* ll<*pg, J. Henry ltun-h, Peter Jo*, ph. D A. Hhchion, M"rriK Marks. Var ;i It. Irvisv, Or tindo li. Proii 'b r and o.**mr J* ffrioii, uani'd m the ivrtilicat*- of YYPUatu I'. Kellogg. g"i '•nior "f **i ! Slat*. which vot* - at*- certified I > *axl jh rson*. a* apjwar* hv tlx *• rtilicat.'* sub mitted to the eowm i*ion a- aforcwM. and marked tnunlsT* on* and Ihr* • ly satd cotii miasion and lu nrwitli return'-1. arn the vot'* provided for hv the fonntifutlon "f the t'lift.*l Stat* * . and that the -urn are lawfully t • t . count<"l a* tli'Tein certified, namely Flight vote* for Itntlierford lh Hay*, "f Ohio, f"r Presifh-nt, ninl < iglit vot* - for William A Wheeler, of N- w Y'k. f.*r \ i.-i-Predd* nt. Tlie <-oninii*sioii ha*, hy a majority of vote*, d(* idi*l, and *h" * hereby ib—nle ami ro|*ort. that tlx eight jxrsolis llr-t 1* fore named weie dillv ap|*'luted eh* t'-r- iti ami hy the said State of ismisiaiia. The brief ground *f thi* decision i*. that it ap|* ar* upon such < wl* n e a* I \ tlx Constitu tion and tin law nam* ! ill -aid act of i .nigr* s i* c'liiq" t* nt and [initllF nt t" tlx c. n Id. r.*: o i of III*- "llhJe.T, that tlx Iwf u*- in* litioocd * !*">• t**r* apjie.ir to have l .n lawfully apj*fiint*d "iii h * le'tor* of Pr* 'id'lit uml \ n e l'n *id* nt of the t'nitoil State*, for tl*. t* nn U ginning March t. 1*77. of th* Stat.-of I...ui*iana. end that th* y vol. da* sucli at the tim*. and in the manner provided for 1 v the t i'ii*lituti n of tin Fluted Hint* * and tin fan. And the eoiinni-fion ha", hy a majority of votes, d.vnled that it i* imt com]* t'nt, uml. r the ('.inalitiitioti atxl th. law it exist**lal tlx- dab of the pa. ago of tlx *; .1 act. to go into ei i h x *■*• *i' *na' i' tlx paper* Opened l, v the president "f the Senate in tlx pre* lie' of the ta* house* b> ]*r<-vx that olh.r per*< n* than tho • regular ll la rtlfii"! t" by the g 'ViTtloT Of till'Stat, on and Recording t" tlx di iertiiiuii ii in of tlx *r at*) liitm* nt hy the returning ofh c.-r* tor election* in *:.x| Mat. i*rx r to the t:> *. 1 eqtlire.l for tlx' |* rfonuatiec of their duties had 1 sen appointed .Ixetor*. or hy ooiitilei I I M.f In ftliovv that tlxy hail imt. or that tlx ■l. termination of *dd r.-ttiruilig oltii ei aa* m.t ill RC''.ird-itjce with the truth end tact ; tlx c. iiimi*-ion. I v ii majoritv cf vot. *. 1" uig "f opinion that it wa* imt within tlx jiui-h. timi .f the two house* of Colin. *. a 'inhl.sl t count tlx voles for l'r. id.lit anil Vic l'r.*, dent, to enter upon n trial of urh qm stion. The conimi'-ioii hy h majority "f voh's, ia also of opinion that 11 i* notiS*ui|s tent to;i- vi thai any of ai id |*Ts.m* i-'* a|*js>iiito.l eh ST* as aforesaid held an office of trx-t or prottt uti der tlx- Fnite.l States at tlx* time when the* were appointed, or that they vn re lneligil.l. under the lav** of the State, or any tlu r mat ter offered I** prove almwlr said certificate* and pajier*. llie comtnlßsion i* also.of the opinion, by a majority of v,t< *, that tlx- retunihig officer* of elei-tion* who canvii" •<1 tlie vote* Ht the elixtioii for electors ill Is.tii-iana were R IRW fully constituted tssly hy virtue of a constitu tional law. nud that R vacancy in said Issl.v did not vitiate it pr.xeeiliiig". j The i oniiiii* )"ii has also .! cxled, flti.l does I hereby decide hv a nißj 'tityof votes, and 11- l port us a coil", qileiire (d the for* going, and upon the ground before "tate.l, thai the paj* r pnrpi rting to lie n crtiiicatc of the electoral vote* of -aid State of Isiui-iana. ohjct.-d to hv T. f>. ltowo and other*, marked N. C. C. No. ■j hv the commwaion. end herewith returned, i not the certificate of th*' votes provided for by the Constitution of tho United State*, anil that they ought not to be counted a* sue)* I *'' lie at VYn-liiiigtoli KaillUel I Miller, VV. Htrong, J. "Xpli I' Hindh y, (Id I I dmiili.U II P. Moit.ui. I i.-.l I. I li. liiigliuvsen, James, V liartivld, (i.... P. Iloar. The dedal. >n listing I e.u r. ml, the i*r. siding .dtie. i iiskul wlieili. r there were any objection* t>. th. .I*. idon. Ml (ilbsoli ( lh tii. f, (if Isitilsiniin, th'Tiilpoll r."> and pi iit.sl objection* to the ilnsisluii, .-li the gioiiliil that tin (S'liilitlssioii had t< fin-' Itoi. • <>(*.- aridiii'i , I.lHe 11 had bee nof t. led. Slid had d<. 1.1. d that tlx* Vote* iilelitioli ,it ill *s rtill.-aU ** Ni.s 1 and'J slioiil.lt" oouul i'*l tor llsre* and Wii'H'lor, such < rldi'iic* to th< contrary notwithstaiiduig. The |*m|mi r< *T(< at gn'at length the pi.smiling" of tlx (idiuut io", but the | m*|Kil of it is th* iejecti< *11 of the I'tlil*"'* It Is stglliil by most of tlx |l* III. " lilts 1" tilth tlollsa . I i u the j>i. -idiiig "Hie. i calling (>.r f ii*tl*. r td'je I ftrliatol VValtae,' I'.-m . et Pel"! "ili.ii.la, rose and pre*, "ted the following.sign < d l > a ililiulsT of • iiafoinaud nr.nil • i • I'll at 1 list tin d.cUl.'ti |* In Violation of th.' I lo't.iial a. t, in tins I hat hy 11... act the < oiimitustoit Ia rvspiind to dis-ld. wh.tixr any and what rot. * from MI. II Mat* at* tlx rotes | lor tiled t. i lo tit* I '.institution and what J*o sons w.rr duly aii|s.liiti >1 eli. toi .i ret the c .iiiuu-'i'ili t. til". 1 to eratiiine and ase. rtam win. net. duly Ap|s>"ite.l el.i loin ill ttti.l by tlie !*i< of ls>ui-tana, and what r**tf fr*'lllll*■ 1 Wile not duly eh.. -, ri, hut that tin 1 had fain Ii and fialtdil! iitly aettsl a* '.ieh I lis'fors, ai d al*.. I. fund offei> to show that tlx J I'Tiltdnl ieilllicit. - >'t election were pr.#- * nod by .-.'iiuplioii and wlioltr uuttu. t hiol liei'alis. ill. 111. l'loli j' ill dlsogard of truth, jiiatl.'' Mut lan. and < atahllsh* - tlx .hni' iall .. r and **intii"U il.s'triii. that fiaud, fotg.ll, hill"! i slid 1-1 jury .an iawfuiir l. 11-IHI am aim to it lh, a Po-'ldeUt of tlx I lilted statee against the well known oi i aallv us . rtalli.d mil of the jss.pl. and of Mai. -. I'lx |iivi ling oitie. r . ail. I for still furth* i *"hj,cti.iiis, if mi ami Mt, i .s'liran 11 Nun.), of I'. uiuvlr ama. |>rt -citl. l thu ohj.-ilou and pro test s I list l! wa- Imt denied Is fore the Conmil.i slitn that the lYllb-ll ehaXom In laUllniatlX had te" lied a large iaajiuitv of tie Vote* cast. Sc. oUll It .. :i tie I d i.teei Is foot tlx cin liu**i' ii that Writ* and hii n- .*t. *, "tiling theumelve" a leturiiing Niartl, wire gttuliv of gross fraud . that then .-ertitii ale. given t.' the Hay. ' i- HI o lain and fiaiidulent, .*• tliat their a.'ti i ill eaiiia -lltg tlx vote* were lit t|. |*ti.n of the ('.m-titiitii n and laws of'the Mat. "f l-outslana. Ihird Hi. set. ii of tlir right lurrnlr' of tho < nuim--ii.ii iu declining to hear eiiji'iie. of th -< and other fact- was a violate" of tlx lcttei aiidsj'irtl of tin act under wh. li tie i m mt*ci..B wa* crest. I. and of tin *puil of the i .'iistitutioii id (In t'luti d Mat. No further ol.jecUon* ts-uig jyrcxiite-d, tlx |'ie-i.!mg olhi-eT announced that tin Senate ... old with.ltaw to its . haruber, so thai tlx two fi Ue>- might separately eviwidcf Mid dtealo til Objee-lion*. The kiirisral I'rlbuaal. 11l coiistdertlig th. . a-, of 1, ul ialth, tefefThd to the t l.ctoral (XMlUiUsaiuU by the j. lut COO r.-titi' ii, Jiisti. . < lid id atii".un.. I tin tiir*. cnltiltcat. * that w.-e Ixfure the eemitui*r:oli t"nil f oljevli. il. Pol evur ettirnee, lie said, tin v had lien liumls'e.l one, two andtlin., ami oljactoTa te. ttttmbera on. and thi.. would ilr-t he lxaid. llu "is-in g aiguuxnt ill thi' part of tlx lhmocrrtn- objector* against the re.v pt. u of lh. Keliogg ..-rti'xat." wa* made b* M-uator XrOouw. It Was an aualvM* of'tbe law* of la iuaiana, having . returned fit Hay. -. Mats*. It'll,l -it Soil 11 ■■. .on th. pa:: of the lir putihewu elevteir*. elaUlied that the-gov • ir:.or* "itisal. in tins can las..! as it wa* up* i. Un act! u < f the returning boarel, wa* ."ixlulve. b>t * had !"Cii held iu the Flori da ca*>-. i..'r sail tin kcltogg governnxtit Lad leek rniigliirr ! I * the Plee'tlUi. and isg l-.a'..ii el faltl - I.t*.f tl.- general f. -l.n : '•!. aiwi llx electron. ali'Mlkl rote again*! huri again. Hilt he wa* lief, a* the ooUto* lifts :* tilouaaud vottM - wl. * had t*-ndifiamhi in tt* nature of i L . . .-.tlie famiim*-"! n ef tin.-tiga! n ami tad txith.f judicial IN r ■ v.cUtire function*. f*4 its c.'t < lu-koti* win* ail "Übjort t" the r* i " .nary aeUuO of Coiigr* It wa* created like ti .. 'IM . .ut of which lii.ti'h legislation had glow:, t. o rrul such fraud* a* •a- Jxiping i .1 id tlie I. hi I ia*X Ul Fnglaiei and en- ap|- altttg f.r tr:utu|4i tn tin* tribunal lie n xdo :.n analysl' of the e !lu*rre act* of 1.- iii'iana and .Inland that the Mat. bad failed to pror.ie tlie mju. to law and it* • l.c!oral r- :. i.itud. tb.-r. 'ore, I*. I lottoi out ! llie h laici h. ;e. Mi ( arys-iitir *td that Coxgt. •# ignored th. I***nl four y*-*r* • and d< arid, if it a- 9 fratl-l tlieu it wa ft fraud ti.** !. h llu* trrl unal cous! not . :'ahJ. Mr. t .iqwsnti r j*ike Hnx tmnut* * in *ujj.dlh wu I v him that the I'restd. :.tt*i d. t-.r-ar. Pi !.ral and let Stat. >fti the court* tlu judi fa] | *. r c iifernd Ojmti tlw fr lum- I**anl inu't I* r.-gafd..l a fully rme*.iiati tuti.e.aL Mr. < *rj- iter -aid tin > would "how. f all 'Vie-1 l.y the . .mtnissg n, that not a ingn . parish in icni :ana s. Nt to tin K tuinlug l- anl any . velen • in tlx form j ri-scribad by law f r tin purj*s< of throwing out rote- > n tl ground of inttiuithUun and red* nee. lb r. a.l fnaii tin rej. rt. n I -u.-iana aigticd by M Uwr. lV|w> .r a; 1 try-, e rt nn j*n It. nid tliat Mr. Wheeler would I*, he th .tight, very nuxb aurj-r;*.*! ti tlnd biimxlf ooiuitwd ui by a I- aid which be liad JoUn l in crNnti auiing : r.l uig a pi**;-. ly Kuuiar thing. Mr. J'..; I j nt< r - . k -ing apj" al to tlx oocin-.n-iou wa* " I*. not att* mpt 1" stauixh I KHMI witii fraud. , and invite th. onrtlimw of our institution*. Mr. Trumbull then ofT.red tlx < iid.;>ce on I tho Item - rati. i>!r Fine 7b*t William P. K>' g who apjxar* .** a Have* elector, l- the *ati inrsoii win* wa -1 il. fit goi. rii"! . f isitii'iail:.. Seen.! That William P. K. llogg wa* not a|*]Mitfitf tlx rtt|* rri- r • f the rcgmtratioti it a| , or- that th* *anl hel; r<*-< iv**l 3.4.VJ ro|*r* , i * than each of tlx J'lldan elector*. Fiftii That th retttrouw board w-ilfiilly and fraudulently •'tiniatcd ami count**! 2.14 rot<. ! wliK-h win- not given in any precinct of tin Stat*-. Sixth Tliat tin vote* ca*t on tlie seventh of Novemlxr as shown ly thu rn iiiwiuii'n have never Ixw n compiled nor canva*""d, nu.l tlrat "aid returning I".aid never erun pr. h-iiiled to canvaiM tin*.' return*, and only muiraH-cd ' fh> return* made bv tin- stijK'rvi—n*. S venth Iliat tlie vol.'* given for . .-'for* liar. iier* r 1* en ojxni l.y tlie govwinor >,f tlx Stat.- iu |.r. *< ix of tlx -c.-r tary of State, tli-- att- nny-g. n.ral of the State and a tlistrrrt ! judge at 11 " —Hit of gov. rarni ut ; nor ha* In exaniiiieil tin return* and aw-.Ttaimd wlxther any "lie wa* elect.si. but llial lie knew when Ix . r.H-ub d 1 to limn* If uud other* that lo and Uiey lir.d not nswived within . of a* many rot. - a hod been mod for th. 1 lid. it t elector*. 11. pro]*"-. I fourth to show that m Sept. m- IHT. 1876. K.-Uogg and otlxra m tin*city of N< rv Orh-aB", iii lmUngfli. nxnil . ra of tlx u turn ing lioartl. on ten .1 into an unlawful and criini na! comhinatioii and con*pirarv to can*.-it t" Iw certiftcd and returned to tie secretary of st.it. by tlx returning Is.ard tt|**ti their pu tended nr. s, that K. llogg and others lad r. e< ived a majority of all rot. • ca-l at thai oioeti"ii for elector*, wlxthcr midi 'hor'd he tie fact or imt. and that tlie rctuniing board, in violation of tie law of tlx State, on the twentieth of November. 1872, rofuto .*.in pilc r. atateii int of vol. * made l y tie com mi inner* of cl.-ctioti in regard to the election of electors, hnt tlxy did canvas* ami compile "idy tlx ronsolidn! d atatemeiit* and returns made to tie m by the silp.Tiis.ir* of regi*|ra tion in the several parishes ; and that the Is .aril altcre 1, change', or forgi I the cono||- late.l statenxnb or return* of the *iijxrvising r> i (rating ofl'.c. rof the pari-h of Vernon, in lh' f' |i..wing manner. Mr. Trumbull jw.xecdcl to state thegroun.ls of "Id.' ti'iii to lire of the !U*|Nil*licanelectorw, md char e \ that in ti"lp' n . f th. I "list it Il licit they held "tier offices whin elect ed. Mr. rrumhiill coiiiiixtic.Hl hi* arguim nt with a gen. ml discussion of the power of < m , re** and the commission to prevent an cic - - tioii of the Pr. i.b'id of tlx I luted Stat. • by fraud. The commission, he -aid. is a logi*ln 11v • body, which need not lx liam|* r.*l by any technical rule* of evidence; then fore it could di i-nti' for its. If :n regnnl lorc eirin ; evidence infills case, lie a'kill: I* till* Colnrill'sloll f. rmed merely to a.ld up flgim *or to examine aud coiit ider all (iii' stions auhmilted and do ■ •id.' ac.a ii ding to il" law creating it? 11. hi Id iliat tlx two lu'ii'i-H of ('onrre** have d. ei led that the ccrtillc'd.' of the governor in due form, *s in tlx Kollogg-Flnchback case. Is not binding upon ('ongre**. All the commilt.-es, lie said, v ho have vi-ited Is.m-iatia and rc|x>rt e.l to f'ongr* s for year* reported that tlx re tiirniiig loar.l ha* absolutely no power to do anything but count and compile tlx rotes, end that tin y have tin Jiiri*diction in the way of re jecting vote*, mile . a foundntion is laid. Mr. Stouglitoii followed for (lie IlopublicaiiH, vnd said Mint in the Connecticut electi n (Jov ornor lngerffoll certitied himself a* elector *t- Inrge. lb held that the fact that Kellogg" i lemniid for troops was grnutcd was conclusive •vi'l.'llC' of Ili* light of governor; Hint llie ru i turning board had full jsiwcr to Ret, aud that it could act n* well with four n* with live nu-m --hers. ami lxld that all question* ill KouisUna are determined by tlie Florida case. He argued Ilml tin* t" lsk< hUiniiiiy by Cnngres* IK fiTI I'l I'M N B "tliat tin* orrtiflialien "t hci**rs by A state i* filial MUL IMT it'll, nal'li B; Cougrw.** ..r any tilbtinal that I . ngt* ■ I'ati T'li'lU LLU LlT'l'l tliat tin LI L' T..! g' .rrui: ■ .t IAI* TTIIIFAF NOTHING N|.-"II a* tati, fill" It i till*. Hl* - Otiati liK I ' til* • "I aunt "F tin State* , tliat It LIN tin* right IN Ilrati IT. T"|P, ami tin g* ncrat gov* IT.llnl.t lina IN* light T" Imitltr* behind HIT* fact, AMI that tin- niily JAIWI-r tliat could bat* l*-en dr frgated T- T '<*ngr<-* t" tin- comuil'sloii latin ||. | |.l ruuilt Mltlluilt m l IlllllUlllg LLLR L-L.ft'lß al .ULOA. 11. took ground in FI KRI>I to tin T< itiCi-atloii of I lllr* I ont-iam* T II flora. I iiat I I, at Kellogg, whom tin* opjsxuig Colli Xel lia'L ai Hl, libit TOLA, governor DR FTLRIO in tlnir |irtiitr>D offer of I*ll -f. bail aright to MAIN' the itirt. siton, tin, 'inl i liat tin fi > T.loh L* dt" tin- |{II" uin . .NIL •. ruing tin ijcftinn warrant*'! lilm in MAKING it. VI " that tin ivrtifiral. - I.f tin alleged Inch gild* TLO-L' ia, I'M uatar, amit-ynr g*xnal. ami Fl< NAM IA 11 luuiim-I-I'in-R, ti I me. l a T*l"|*r ami law fill |>mt I t the rui-nltat result. lie tn lit tliat TIN rxituiiilaan II I'tiul'l not understand TL.I MAT .ON>lit inn NI I.' ."alalia, ami chaigiug Itltliiil'latiuli A- an I !FR< T TO tin usurpation ami ill. GAL a* tmil charged. In- said "The vintaliM tin* T RAVISHES, nr tin fraiiil tl.atait I. tly ) ur ban* tlx virtue AND the tight of ALUCL inu CLU- L\ .. which la tin. HUl'at V" lii i rd tn tin un Huil.itT of ltn-aiter ami I ' ■ *. '•< ...I 1 Ileal tin I iiatlt "lN -it via* ".it guilty - I tin- f.ilit .f t—irrlHug Uul a HUk should m.t .lift t|ln office ..f elector ait lioliorttl rlto-.11 wtm Ulla Wttlllll ita told. la a ) la. ■ of I'ubli truat. 1 tie Mat. liaa aright to tln-i.b foi iteeU nh.it cWtor* It mill cliisi* ; "to aay that mi meligll l . man can't be hot tu I*- tripped Up 111 A lrrnjiaaiii. il satisfactory to It at-lf I--. lIIV T vtraiiour T ifclriirt' I.f tin- i A.-l. JLL.L GO ( atuplsll, f.'T tin JI. 11..- lata, aanl that till. lit mleht, 1* ... ; L'cl< ral 111 11, tin- J* iltl cat hea lOF tJi- who!*J* >• V, ainlth. it rrnatiun, tin V halt a light, through tlna trihuual, to iu .JIIU. HIT" UIA origUh "ULNN. In- AAKTSL, "tth.L* I lat Hill nit tt I.iah "I tin I'lillt lSlatt-a 1 It IHVat lltnl I" tin filial tlorisl.'H > HIE jnr*.ailuti<>U of tin. FEJ.ral guveniim IIT O*ir I lie tt.-fSai :I IN till A RM-E la, be arguej, ah-O lutt. I LI- MALT IN. IVE LJ 'T AONMTO AJ.I "lot I'reajJt L.tiai rlninrt ffun tin I. 'U TIE giuUiul that tlnv HTL. UI ri ll I I" -I that tin- (-•. r 1., tin MALT a to ammuit ELE-i -ra uu a triiat LO ur RT TIUM.I to tin Malta, ami " not a haul-It. to LA I'iat.TL ith. If, ht aaitl, "LHT \oirt of a MIL., a- .ITT.-rial in tlir TH" -aiiig f tlnciura, LA an niitvrtaiu T. •!... I otigr. - ran 11-F !1— to LN-ar it. Yoti moat I* aaaiu J that it ia the Malt that *|a-mka to yoti lajfnct* yU count ita tolce. Iln Stit. I. vt . E I. pun t" La. Uttered I ) a eurm n. a RETNMITIK hoard. ' H aanl tliat ULIL.*- I C"UL.L r. IILTIL' a ft a .1 LLIT | - !-lo of J.. .1 alalia nouhl lar 1. ft Hill, .ut Imi rait at all against any, EVRTI the ii.."! ATIODUUT at.d trao-j A.l till, fraud a of a re tUMiili'* huard. 1 hat tin IJetiluti art of 1" l."UJiau.-I re)* A!t*l all irta and peri.-- of at U T-rerioa* to it. ami r '.< .itaertth ijied out tin ~ :. lie it 1 , tin ae! f 1-a'•- j>r "I'll! g f r a lit. alt *>f * IrrU'.n. llnll f. t*. a* lb*- •.1 a-. ' J'LT lit art ■f |s'.l l-rotni"! >!'• Il.'ih.al. the r. turning t- rd had no dm arrai.t; that the retwtihig 10.'l '■!> t.tjuilfd Iv it *-alii ato is not tin • rigiuml ittui:.- mail. In tin- foituuiaai-un-r*. of .L.rlion. t ;.t, I ut. -d of DOING title, it a.-Oi } l • hat a HITI * - ha- called a " contmbulaUd ft. Iff: cut ! the AUNTTVIHI'. That the an.LE >I.M. I IT TII= . that TO. nfuml of tb. N-turu IN. I- aid !" TDL tin- 1 a AURT tniiicb TW URN-L, and HIO h, "I df'| lit cf tin- JIFOT laioii of tt.C la .1 iff HI: lit A : IL. |"T!tlduU lute : - -' T. IHAT evalilKT L rt-' ltcd toaht> that HO Ritirh of LLU -CT "f ]N>mIMIN aa .R-lmtn UALTCF thr r< turning MUD f"r that Male nn oiittilutn ual. ami the art of tin AMD rcturu- ING I'Hild air told litis Ha- rt jcctt.L by tin- foll-'Wing t. tr Y.a \lh ti lUyartl, < !iiTt*d, FVld. liiiuton, L'ayn ami J burn-, i. 7. Na MR r- LII - Iky . I lmunds. Frr'UNG buy>. U, <. art. Id, lluar, Mllhr. Murt"U MNJ Stnuig H. A N.' -r of otln R rr -ohUitXi* of a fitoilmr natitif * ERE PI. mtcd by tin ITEIN.-. ral. hut IN T very r*e the* Hrre T'tod d"*TI the tote st . tdilig 111 OIL II CA— ' to 7. K. ".IT.T Mort". U I otlficl tb< fuilowmg I. lltat tb; ]- r~ ns liai TT'l as . .. T.IF ITIIVIT'" ate iiutllltei ON H re tin Unfui -!•- 11.rs . f the hlatn of Inmtnaiim, and Uiat th. IR T. TEE art- th. Y* S JIP IIW by tlie I .uietituln U of the I'lllt—D Mat .mid should L ("IIULL-I for lit n|. i.t and KIT* - I'M NUB tit. dht r * 'hit nTI HI adiind by AT.: of ft to 7, aa fotlo* > Y.a- Me T>. Uradii-y, i'-lmund*. I'relitip huy a. (•. Hit id. II"m, Sliikr, Morton and Mr.uig -. M.s-R-. AM'ft, llaymrd, UfTord, 1 nI.L, j I'a* .' I I HI on IT.t! 7. Jiistic Mil", R and Iti atlh-y ami IH-PN setitm tii. lluar ta.re then a]*T**inled a cotnmitiet to .haft A r. J.rt of tlir d. F -MN. ALLH a L-rn f stat- M.'iit ■ f the REA" W tin RT for. to 1 - *LYN.iI by tl,. N embee AGN-II - tin itin. aod to I<* tralie mittfd to tin- J "it -ion of Ilie two hoUu-A aa r. ne-d 1 V tin- I'L.vtt ral act. The rejoirt wa* aignetl by M< - tr. MilWr. Mr. G. iTra.li. V, F-TIMLLLDA, Morton, Ir. ling" hnv . ti. ti.uin I and Ibaar. The N I-ORT .A aa Mm llie Kit TML comini*ai..|l hating NOiml certain oerti ..at. au.l paiera PURJAEI'IIG to I ■ 0 rtilicat. a of ti.e ehvt'irai xotoa of the Mai. f L-O'IISIANA, mi. i " Main (ia|*R auoompanyuig the aam.. and th. .-IT. tmn* thereto, r.-J rt that it has duly CI'II'IDT-ND the ammc. and lias d. NIT 1 and DOES h r be d.-'I j.- that the rot. A of Win, I It K. llogg. ii. 11. HT* t< r. \. it. Ism-O, ITnon. In ter J< H. J. II lhr. li. U A sin I.I' UI. and Morris Mark . a:I • I in th. .-ertii! TIT "f Win. I'itt Kellogg, G.ITNNI .r . f amid State twhich v. 'lee arm irrotts! by '.rid JAU *" TI APPEAR' hr tin OT rtiticat. s LIT rutted 1" ( RNINI-si'.ll a afortetm.l. ami marked number ..nt hy amjtl ci>mmi*.>n, and LINN with return..! * are tin r.it< J".I.lel for by tbe < iistitiitH>ll <>f the Tinted Mate-, ami that THE same are lawfully to beouiihsl * llicrrui OR ttlio.l tiaiuti*. . .gilt V'h t-. F.ir Prvsnh nt. and right rote- for W in. A. Wlneicr. of the Stall ..f K.TT Y.rk. for \ I.X-TR. -1 b ut. LLW OUI no -I >N also .tts-UL.-H and rtjsriis THAT tin . iglit ;. I . • VR-I I- f I■>•'H ly pointed •ITl'tors in and to th. MAM Stale of I. -iiisiaua. TIN ground . f this dcriai- -N, atabsl LUB-tly, I sTihstm.Tl.ril* N follows : That It I' 11. ! ..""Ist. UT to K" into ovniencw ",'L.ilnh II T tin J..J ■' ~ NJIII. .thy th' pr< I d, ut of TIL. S. N:: to in the presence of th. two lions. > 1" JW.IV. (bat other {wr- II" than tin -e .... T I .I; 1. . 1 . . t ii- G". RnT . f th. SLATI "< I*lll sua. tn and ttiswdiiig l" 'lie dctermi iiAlioti and ib- larati'.n *-f their APJ "NITIIHMI, in • 'tli.-t rr. ids, t go Isdiimltln .rtifteat. of the g.'iertmr so fur .i tt i- fouml.d ii|s-ii tin action of the frdttrning tsrard. Th. r. JSW T ALSO states that the conimis-ion coiikl no* rtet N* y . Rl.lence to show thai any .-(OR wa IM-ligihl* on tie seventh "f XoreTii ls r. tin .lay of th* ••Uvtion, * N tin- ground that it tt as not "Hitialt ' show that an elector was . hgil'le .'II that dav so long as In was eligible win 11 In east In- vote in tin RHS toral college, and th. fact MMS-ARS that the ali.-. IJ meligi- L.LE ehctors. llnwstir and Inrisee. were eh"-TI RRAH . iTeretl the |uirjort <>f wliieh rv.M lli.it NO LIIO heineH wiiieh eAihllie ml ministered urntild prevent tiijditheria, mul THAT the M.iitiline.l N Iministrwt oti ..f them for Mir prent length I time w.UIM he iiijnriotiH. I Ir. ileeh."* ileeliires thiit TLMT tins rvns liini .1 lit his reeotnmenihi ti.'ll of tan 1 ph< surb *LUT" >f s "LII. which, lie holds. Will DESTROY lii germs of tliph theriii, the I*l. ss l un . t.ssues lx'illg DlS infeetetl. lie thmks Hint Ihfl remedy Inis fulfilleil nil expectation*; and some of his brethren, it upjnius, think ofher rrise. Who sliiill tltvule when even Chi cago ihietorH ilisngreet Inrineihle in l'eneej Invisible in War. The authorship of this aphoristic wit ticism has generally been attributed to the lion. licit. Hill, of Georgia, who re cently applied it, on the ll sir of Con gress, f. the prepent day. Ihe merit of it hi longs to the late Cnpt. George H. Derby, better known by the twin (it ft/unit ot "John l'huuiix." When s'a ti mod id Sun Francisco he was invited to a public dinner given bv u company of State militia. Doing called upon for a toast, though a guest, he could not re press h s love for satire, ami accordingly gave: "The California Militia—lnvui -1 c.ble iu Ponce; Invisible in War," The (>RITSSHO|IJM'R (FUC-LIUN. Tlie grunsliopper ipieshoti is the nll nlmorbiug one among the fnniierw of the Northwest, f**r it will mutter little to THEM who is the next President if these winged pests destroy lluur crops and leave them without money to iny any tuxes, in an nddross r*-<*rmtlv ifchiored before the Ht. I**>l|LS Academy of Hl'iolieo by Prut. Ildey, wh**s- previous F*iro warnings UJSIN this subjrs't have I WON remarkably luvurutc, aome intcrosting iu timntioiiN of grirs*ho)lJ>r prolHibilitics were udvaiictwi. The profeanor Ix-gini by calling attention to the fulfillment of his prediction* for IH7II, LO- having a rear ago express* WL Ills LA-LIEF that ill MIS s.UIN, Kaunas and NI-braaka there would uot hab h the following spring AS many loeiiiita an would naturally hutch in or.bi nary aoawona from iudigeitous sjareiea; tiiu! TLIIS*. Stnb-S ruvugix! by HS-usta in DIE spring and early summer of 1K75 Would enjoy jieeulisr imiiiunity during tlie same aoanous of lK7t, n< T only from HS-iist injuries, but ulao from the injuries of moil oilier ll.'Violia lnae<-ta; but that they would Is liable to silfTel troiU till grut irv switrins frrnu the far Northwest later in the year, all >*f wlih'B came to | sins ill accordance with the professor's jnriplieeiif The pri-<-ciit situation, sc IT*r.luig t* I'rof. llilev, is this: 'llie I-WARMS of IT -Ly Aioiuitaiu bsnwts, though they came KI late lo seriously AFL' of gntiwhopj.er extenuiuators have Is-eii invented, ami the farmers in the threatened REGIONS ARE very gener ally preparing to deieml their eropa. The population of the I' nited King dom of Great Brit nn and Ireland is. in round iniuitiers, •JH.IMKI.OOO, the numls-r <>f mliirhti.-'L houses 5,212,'.CT2, ami ther ar*- 72,117,7tii iter. -S of assi-twudile laud in the kingdom. TILL) Adtertlse T I'. 'U'L. sometiuie* ASK wbv J>* Lr. It. V. I'i.l'* . t Ilultal.., N Y-, sjsii.l SU tuueli "I.JIIEY in *|nilsrtty slut sal. , ll TA sell kteitru dial A. 1. Mew art . ..U'LDETED LL GISJ JS.liey. sad undoubtedly it J-aid LILM, L<* ►JCRI'I iiisny hundred tlioaasnddoUsrMU sd\rvs*da. yet nu !• tv iitieati I*F TH. riortli LAW of Ui ns-rvlisa- TL. > IL grand M RET of ni. ■> S LI.-a m ufler- LIIG otilr goisl- wlii.-h poaaass merit lo •iislaui tlietuM-irea, and then ttir**tigh literal nid ]>er *(<,lit a.L. . T-tisriig making live |-.J ,!e liionsigh )r ai.juamled with their g.SSI .PIALIUS-, MEN .1- n..| d iu amassing groat f.-rtunrs, E lal it'Tmv a thrivuig slid |miaiieul Imamess, and b unding substantial institutions like L'r. I'UN('* tirsnl luralsla 11**t t U**N tut LIMMVER* will not rtm ON. ret a* a remedy for set ere .•.ugh-, and ah curable L*rouehiai. tliroal and lung iilte hull*. 1 Ulier* :t to L- UT* surpassed a a rTiie*ly." The peotde hare T- ntidi U tu hi* MEDII"I.< LE.-NU" he d> * Imt over rw* ..uuueiid TLICTN. and wtw-n tried they gin salts fa '.INN. LLO Medical Adviser, a L. kof over HUH hnndr.D jmges, Uhrstrated by two hundred and eighty-two MIGRATING* and L*tu DM ell 'til aiid gill, I'.TT. ltd to tie r*e']*H> at A* moderate a !•*-- |*O*t-J*ald V. Tl*at it I n*. wotnler that *.: *t ■: • hun.ii* dUW naand hat . alraady -.A !.L Hl* liwUHiradiitn L k* arc on er* I DRURG'I T * ootuiter fur fr* duuihatiuii. I'ojiularity. Tlie I*.|silnr.ty **f MEWIA. JtWHlk Kirk A F'O - AJE, manufactured tu T 'hieagti, i* ahuwn I T the tin; I < E-lnite.l saie which thtir g.ssl* hare REACHED during tlie year L*7. This by far I* th- iarg. T s|l iniunfactimiig CONCERN M th*- T'l, 1 -tat. * I.I'SH.I.'IMJ- AII J r4IIUG LH I'M! -FT. from the Hod ritrrof th* N tii I- New oceans, and from i'ortiand. 'DE,. to >an Praucint-I, |-"Uud- au utially. NE WECAFHD grea*E enter into tie -• '••ap' TH!y I TIN ret:: it"! tallow and regetalis • AL*' 1. • 'iitai'.lUG AIL I'.LOTATI .t. fir and SIJI. .V w* iglit* aiwar* ti llable. Tltlsla whv their E*|" ar* ■*>* |***ptilar with alt FOOD and v*n*imi< al lnni*EK-< JETA. V IIINKI Place tv step. WINN r • GO t*. SEW York, the Trem. *nt llousi*. Wo ltrwdwav. kept en Kumjean jdan. I* the place. You can hat. a emufortai Is r.san for 75 eta and HJ* r dav. You can GOT a MOD TN-al FER fnnn 3' eta. lo 50 EX. fa* wil T* U.AI all tie whohwalr dry f *d bom* ', and ti < U TII ! stag* PAS'.IIG the doot will tak. < lUj aiir part of tl.idtv. 1 wa- *ati*fied ; I know every one will be who give* thetn a trial. Wkra Yoti (o to New lark It •• U< -Table t*. ioj. at the LE*L hotel. Tlie U *t hotel at J >rt*sent U wtthin tlx reach of tbe nns-t tn -leratc purse. It 'lionld L*E g* norally known iliat the (traiHl Central, the largest of the first-el*** B*gel*. ha* reached the lowest "liard |4N" r-dctKHi YS< mad*' that IA the tswt tir*t-ela*' AI-.SIMNHHLAT*"II* for #2.50 and FR.i.MI, Mt. A ! f 4 L.OO and D'.CO per day. ■ If the ls-nnl of health, which SJW-nt thonsaiid* . F dollar* in the R< IX-ra! didrihution . F B*SL.*rir< r* T<* jwcvetit the sj read of ermta gi.*u* f< VERA would wmhbat. tlx* slxmld gratuitoii'lr disini ut. * MI.,MA N.ai : th. . tima of the . "MAGI -ns . nipiion*. Sold er.-rywh. re. TVPOT C utl iit.-ll's, Jin. 7 Sixth avenue, N W \.*ra. HID * Hair A WhMur Pyw. Hack or INTOWTI. 50C. |fraai a I'lidinguislwd JuiisL] "1 hat. trod th*- Peruvian S> rap. and the re>nlt fully sustain* tour pr. -diction. It ha* made * N< - MAN of me. uifusod into niv *yten in w vigor and etxri r ; 1 am IS* kII::< r tr> mil -1"U and daUlitated, aa wli.-N vou last aw nie, I ut stronger, lxarti. R. and nitli larger eaj*actt* for laU.R mental and physical, than at any time during tbe lat live years." Is there cue rcxwlcrof this pnper sttf f, IUW fi M rheumatism ? If *•>. write to H.'ljd ' 11'!'. e A IW'utlev, drugget' VTasliing tou I'. C.. for a eirculai of Durang • Uh* u matic P. NN dr. Thi* TN<>licitio IS tak*-n intT itally, and will positively curv any cane "f rheumatism <>n the fa,** of tbe green earth. IVice oix dollar a tsrttle. \Vc U* die* tlmt the agricultural pn]>era all over tie- .> will try recimeiend the useof S5*R-- ~l,tti'.< OrfWfllry IVwrfllie* Pterdrrr,- Kxrh-irupr. P. nner- ami others in this SCLI-IA have lsng known afi.L . pnxiated tlx adaut.ige of those I*owd.-r or* r all ether*. TIE N> nre prxrbablv N liiimlrixl or more J*er ll* in lbi*> and TN ighl-onng towna who daily snlf' r from the dl-lresejng * ffocta of lud ncv troul '' who do not know that JEAASN I .ino*l "* !.>*< TCTRF IS almost a certain cure. Id wvere cas* great N iicf may BR- **L*lamcd. if not a perfect euro. PirtiMit e* ami inventor* SHOULD reiwl advrrtiaemenl of Kd-OU Ilroa.M another column. The Mrtrkel*. *rw voaa. IHW'F Caii> — Native <*<• Texas and Cherokee. I*Vi,l*a MV MIVUCow. lit s # llog t.lve. ...... 0 111 0 V L>r.""l OTS.S T* sbeej* E O'I hsn.Ll*' '* <►* WJ00 No. 2. new 10 #J M*io 00 flry Odd, per cwt 5 57V,(# 8 "0 IT- ling. Scaled, JWW tx. 18 ms 1* IVtroteum Crude .10 .SI" Iteflued ..2F>V Wool- Osllfornla Fleece 17 I* 23 Tex*' •' 16 (4 22 All'lrallau " 38 '!lo.. .6 (4 40J M X.-D 3 IS! 9D (Vats— Mixed T <. 37 petroleum—-Clilde ill* 14 11N heou.il ..26 a waTEaxowrs, VIM. Beef Cattle—Poor to Choice 479 # IW Sheep 279 (4 62* Lamb* 179 0 2* l> A Hlleht rli!, M ( tiuitlift, Pw ar<- aware nf Un' Imjeiriaum uf rherklii( a <*mgh trr " .Siiylit nM," wlib-h wmtld rletd to a tuilil rrmnlr, I Ml, if irngletiMt, oflrn attarlio tbo liiiiK.. " ftiHfli'l tlnmrhint Tnthti" pin , fttirit ami altixrol trnnirxlialti rt llof. Vt'irt Iftlilo Ptilnxmarr llalnam, Ibr great New CngUm! oar* ftf mtiKlu, onldi MM) rtriteainp tk/U. Ontlt r 111 i/ A Co. '., Huotuli, frat L* us J is, hard ?.il ooagh. -rs yatti acr*> ilia rhost, and rr erf Mlcaljoi of r ••uat(t!n. My h> ad h' 'it-d s i the tire. Th* tustu r acrurnjlaL J so laffldly |olMf haad ai 111 r -( (hat I rem I 1 •••$ i - sy Ffvuttciifiir at LigLi 1 sofitrtf t>ci of ted. It serin* d fi Lis. at lhi |*-!nt t( atlu i. I wt-til l th. u Lav® r**-i.ra ioevery means la n.r jemli n rr to disl<>*l|fc th# mucus frotu my iujt+i uidhuvl 6rf< ru heitig aU!s to sleep sc!a. lor ft period aritfart My fuusiia wsrs tilre laird and o much In flan, .f t-.at I rould wiflt dim. ulty IWljilftV. I ft! ri ilueiit sufgeon la i jfbf <1 I j oft opwui*' en flirtti* hul at bis i rijunt It. Tln Jr.fi ftiStion hd uUtrftlwn in wt lbi"at, Cftua* l L> lb ftotsoi.oas tiiattcr drvpiih.a iet* fy*mtpy head, ht t ait I muted and ludajnr dmy I'mjr* U fc l I f. ersaat.ffy, -ft deet ( hard eattgb. Bear.uli.U t. ) a> >• u !• gin I'ftshuw tits Sffasrt* of iM* r.!eae t ao fl at I I> t fvah, |ns pal*, ftud Showed vt*j ayfttpt. u *•! iu rarly death by i .. %4%+n hiati. m had reached | >staff. or fthoul ate Rriuhihc ay >. I b ;t>u |bt. u* <>f §aa ki>' ii * ii f an u row a-fat. it Alter u! a the Cil bofl.t 1 Ucwi l lu-i-turm farm' ly. The fiibt u .ftcio uird I*l cTtr h>y betd •• ! Lad fc"t fcuoWft It to ln |or )e tr. It aentvod f m*- -I < lo ftrreai Mis din kftrti ■ /• uto tm Urnt i fty'i By tui-'g it OS a pal fie l loot fedtlir iai tmaii'ift a id awr'tiun of my to.Mh, ao fhit tl.ey a*jftui c • ae* dlu I iftui'-K JJA'- I'ft# loftUMf *rf 4411) chest a** ijifir ar. d. the b rrij.f )*t • la a.y b id reward, tuy dvuaca * f h tr'bg sad of av> itf w< re r i> pltiri) r aturwd,ftftd tst-ry dyat bate ftp {Mrs red dur. fa 1 lat rl ftd of s't years paal, aui Lata, while fuilowi'M I their toae, ti.l* . yfrl'rais of tli) frrftsrol Bt|l(9. 00l | olUUard fcuhiKlortbcf oltl em. i b!u# c curlnft U,;a*f a llh btkruftl/iMil'H iLCllt, ! K have reeoci.mended It Ift uisl uta bui.drr-A r:.sr i Without •tibghrwofUilarr.snd koa- ia sum* f < <4 j lu.-to* i* a receive d wh*h *l hr ha fiuta parti alu 1 at. (! I haveaol 1 Ofte loUlt. TkUftUa of f j ntdldM 1 ha*e c < v re* owiaeadeil.net -r tim+fng tr lit ted lu Ihetu bef.'f-r.ailtn/* fli eot.rlfti.Uy SUftfrd lit Ibr ir tale. V r* eratrftuiy j uurt, humfx >. rrh.s. i ;i. LhoßoE r. DorimoWv hrrruLß. aa. Fib. !*Ji. Theft |era nally appeare d fir nil G* n r i . I>iftv Utoti . a -1 rii4t l alh lhftl U*i lot ftuihft aiaUUCftl by hi.o aahaenbed is trtic. H*-ft me. hi*lU J. UtoMA*. A quatlce of the Prtff. laCOLLINS'S Cures Pains and Aches. It edttvtlcee the ClimUtlo#. p H s. si. SaauhoJU/ry Ar tiu.. it ewi sliiwurcahdfc.fraW. It rcri a.-. Vain a 4 Sorenrve. It ruled Kutficr C untdftHit* It ftfrufUirdilk tJWHlcft. It t ufra Mtu u? iniiaa. sa l SeftrhtftU. It lo< lai*ahUPen- 1 t i-rui It cufts Kcrvuft* Hitx ka. It la U-Vtltt Is In Pftiftlf'ia. It curtd lafiaiimia ion oj lbs Uv f it irttMvn Ktrrowr Flt *. It cura ahplLftl Bbefthucd*. It la Grmtrihl ftr.d It t urra hnllrpay or i IU. It is "ale, lieifaLlr. and Ceoftowiiira , .. It tftpnacrlhsd by lnyoirtsua* It la ffcdorted If f h-rtHckiftft. bold by all *1 rufftts** for 26 frtta ten on rsrdpt of B reuia lor t i.e. |1 -Zl for o*o.or #2X, lur twelve, coin fu ir wrapped, and worramed perfect* by WKJf&f* A tHifTlkU. rryrl#i®n, boeun*, Mmi IIALE'S HONEY CP HOREHCUND AND TAP FOR THE CURE OF i Otis;)'*. C>; !i, Ib?iu, HciiricEott, Diffirill Brv.tlh.aj. aci *ll AJf-wLcai f th* Thro**, Ercs* tiai TcV**, Alt L-.tft, Uhdihg to Cohiißptira. T - .' infx!?TMe rvir.c)r composed of lit* ! U'>*ST of the pl.-int )lorehoonri, in chemical m >n w:'h Tar.BAl.m, eitraried fiorri the I ill l'*|\cnft. of the fmru tree AisEit ! ' iUiit'ii v, or of Giiead. i II . y of iiorrhound roOTHRS AXD : mi* I itritationaamiiritlamraalioai,ami 1 d-IAKSES AM. ii'au* the throat I "ji'l ft rp- -.;?(** leading to the Itmgt. Fivr uj.ln.jaal ingredient* keep the organ* cool, tu t, !in healthful action. l.et no pre iu hie I* . y.'ti fmm trj-ing thi great mcdi* ci:ic < f n . u doctor vlii hs* kaoed thoa u ! of ltft • lo it in hi large prirate practice. V I'..—The 1 ar-Lalm has no FAD T A*TK or | ktaciL i r.;< • . t cr.xfs AVD ft rr* iwu. t'irsi u. -rig ta buy U*C ' J'flis'v Tuotluu'tx- I irops ** Cure in 1 slitin(e. Sold by ail Dnsggikt* C. N. CRITTENTON, Prop., N.Y. .'--rftiftrara Thr Be* Tm* oh * sir.vo w I*VMM** tL * p lr * I S hatnl.ua rl*mi -4 ana tjj-ra 0 ..r 1 I/ua r# fti*lh Uffkly ( owwrirlal, tMai!.f arrsn#d. cUftrly • ■• •.••4. arrfa. * wlthd - eapslaJ fswuly n-iMr. jM.r p*. J | frw *u months In Clubs of Bv# > I .(AO sweh. par pat. dobs of M or orw. 9 I .sO ■ l**** .-uSAb ctiwtoiw w. * a harnltww# and a! ml tic pnntsiuitt. bs*d fur bp#r:al uvlor U* Aceot* Boat AtlvrnMac Medium Im tbi Sowib Rat*#, and quantity and quality of ctrrulolaor. onfiold* +rr-'. lUb t ard and otj'.a il lpr fn# Addrwa A. 11. alM.l ltfKU, MsaatwOotratßOUl. Vvosftsvlllr. K •. [Ewtftblithcd 1846.1 J.ESTEY & 00. BrAttlotooro, Vt. for Illustrated Catalogue / s^ TH \ [ CLOCKS & RUN WELL I \ WEAR WELL J \ **EP Qppp Music Books for Reed Or&ans! Clarke's New Method FOR RKKD ORGANS 92.A0>. is unirrnaJly known aa on# f rare itwnt, but# in th# instruct.v# Ci'ttrwi, anl th# well chosen air* for practice. Gctze's School FOR PARLOR ORG AN Tha Mia of luan 30.1KN1 r..,i*ft ia th* hvwi ;>r...f of it, gr. t ,a>,iulant> , Emerson's New Method l OH RRFDORtiANA is th# work of two diMmguiohiHl mnu iana. end ir #jual to thr beat. Root's School FOR THR CABINRT ORGAN (BS.OOl.is on* ct th# oldest and best Methods. \\ 1 !•!> known and u.#d. Clarke's $1 Instructor FOR RKKD ORGANS, i* an abhmviated but very pood method for tiegmner*. Winner's New School FOR CABINKT ORGAN <7*l eta), is the cheapest and an #ac#llcrit easy uifttcaction UMII. Organ at Home, boards k:I cloth 91 (lit, has RK) well knoun K##d tiriran pieces. F.tthwr B(Hk mailKl, post free. f(r Retail Price. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boton. C. H. DITSON vV CO., 711 BrmJwg,, w Y*rh. J. E. I>ITf*ON A CO.. _ I SnvtwMor* to Lx. A Walku. Pbll* |HINTKKh, an " mrni -*ni "I fcafft •&• I I.) VimWM Ml.WlUi ifn I* Ilt. h!H ,\Y tfOO CIKH*. Kir., KOK Jl.li m IV.I . VtMMirV WyoMi J ml.* Wit I'*' 82*0 A{ ( ITTfI nirit. I* nUi, * nmniatnii Rvwfcwat . iwi Adrtrra* J. n M twr, A Ort.lß. l/ww, H Wis77rr<;.;rs 566 r.r 'VIStUm m BK> $5 to S2O c, Il I> " >■ M **"• A#***, UMWI ontai aad k(. * tu. 'l'lll' | KKI 1. ( OHPIMIIN rh.|~i b.. k 1 MkHaM. >H** ||l I 111 nmilMga i AmM l OMAt frra U Awu MM lh> tn/td AMm A << l 1.1 hit A U).riw<. AARA A MMU. Aof.u ,M>U4 M I— ml \ M to. rtnoiuna /mm t wil i !>■■* mint j. Tiaratrag /iiw |*ift bf i |*r' , ■TroUo 111.i M.l Work*. ■ . aui.lt. mti'iltl A TrerseA Vmyrtw.i*i*A A#e*t^ irio u OHIM *wywljv to . *n'Uf w>iu*/t. *nd uiu/wi I.uubm. l-.rt.-ulav, tea*. AlMlama J. A I ., ■. lol% SYNDICATE l*Qio.ito. Pr.ftuwo l.i 4.aot?r to I M I . wra.ft Jr.. tJ S.nti. WilSmm m~E**TIL nITPUTP % N 11 PITENTS ? o *°* 03 a jtwulll ti I Wwumtoft,llC ■<€** faw 1> Am itiifia Qwcid y* ift*r bUM runt MUM y , MMim. m *ll. w.l f>* l-ra. fcj **.: lo MOM* IMi*y & ... • I*OM H M** e3tm A I.MI'I.OVM I :>T. ASTV I fItWIM ol ,4 J .*. T. MIIJJIMMIS.I mi mull, Oblo °OMONA NURSERY . . *|M. Jorb nmd 1.rr.l A*rrir*o. b l4 IMr.o nrmm Ti* mo* <*( ... >... .*■• )•/> *T.ra. rrablod Uoi .*io*oa ft. Mb. bolbrOßo !*. WM PARKY. < i.MIOQ. %. ■ J. mm; iotut uri comsbeles tx tui i MT>P KTAT*:S •9mfltad U* IT rtfc A'eipiwit. cW—|ii*l ww< S>rtA%v pad IS* Ual S%*> It Tri :t Mid b Ami <* Rl.llo. Af u> ifwO, Addry I • rrtatftttrielb . Pa . ('*irnJb*Umr Cm M**m iW >., I Havc old lialri | wiithpJ tmcfc %w| If •** (mr y#-#r Bj uruut W te m $, I bti'ttrd ..t MP pwrti It Uotm !• <**' ' kind. him h (mbtwßrt pk u# wrv trwMjr tm A wtwi thi* kd % rofwd nlrudtettAr*. J A MRS *:AfVs. R Y.. Rj Mo l f uj \r Y rk |AiyiAtTUMIII Prof. BftmU-o Mgk • mimunt - • V## vdt NMW tW tMpm m fctcA at 4 OtUWMVMCM H jyT'M A<|i i% mijr cm*, w w^S AIM*. I **ra_ KmMiwo. Oimmo Hum, <,►**■ i KKb oo iii A nliUmn A Mrara Or BoUo' lb>(* rao.So. I* RorUi Mtb Sw -t Umuo. Mo. VIOLIN STRINGS! rrao.io. li.Ro* VftoKo Striae*. m l"rJUnft of Ooi .IJ .MKRmM,* OH> / Ml- 5f * HiuJaoraoniDtMft.-" ~lWra brs cm 4 •*<*. ■ oo J. MAKStiBM, l("Wri My*rol jr.r*. raowooJ hMOM. IUO t MQibrr* RSra S*wT*rtu ii ■ binrciti SAuamt o bt*i. ■*_* * (■> 1111 LU ItMbnmtrl oi*TMAM*ir*o Kaiofco VlnlliilM. Lnmp I.kotni b1.0,'. * Aototf iwMn. Aoiraralir ft.ii2*goiAer*. wn|i """■ AI.AK) ■ >r*r. bolot oaf. trawmj Mliniil'li ftntf S-Vito*. t.nwV-Jft(r4 a l caoowAß. oim Y TMfKßAlT^ e^^rT>^s^ * , Sy4 cKraonl *mM M*l b* *nM '.rjl iAhra ajwlmSm. Ci*nstsSratET!Ti.Cstt to.tAietsl*. TREES A SHRUBS •o l.ro* wni ft* oTHI'IT TUERS IT IIH - H • M I:K*K™>'SMOOII . KmilftOllliMftßOMt. AMftft. M■•! : ml*. I'urj.W Khm¥. m ShroW if KllwKW bf :t wl tun. I ur nioiof" Mbtmo. m ?. B. PARSONS & CO., Bos BP. KImoIIIIIB. > - > • •IT* HKI.T/W AT SIOIIT.' FRjuii LESUTS ffisram IMTQ 3ENTESNIAL EXHIBITIOS Mm o*!r o -roirl-" PoTon.l Utnunrnt tbo CWaoi •n ,hrt ioMoftpmrMH l.II Hr"* * tuft/ at th. boos U* br S''nh*. Vrl. A.ftlpi. AiiftJt, Afrn.-r IVn.ft*...' rSvA.XIt I.KftUE' Pi'lUStliV'. itfWSK. ~3 J PoMi hln*. Sm Torb. ■'. A LUCRATIVE BUBINEBB. MT WE WANT 500 MORE FIRST-CLASS SCWINC MACHINE ACENTS. AND 500 MINOFINERCY AND ANILITY TO LEARN THE BUSINESS OF SELLINC SCWINC MA CHIN EB. COMPENSATION LIBERALrNUT VARYING ACCOROINC TO ABILITY. CHAN ACTCR AND OV* - FICATIONB OF THE ACENT. FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS Wiison Sewim Madime Cd. Ciucaso. Vin BXSASTAT. > TrL a r<* Crbui Lb. nAG'TS WANTED FOR HtSTORV(k| lENTEN'L EXHIBITION It snaliio* s rly 4itO *>{ tui!i:n4r. aui cy'ln-b j*e tin t.rwßt K%Tn* rs* n. -b1 t* nly * ' t;i my PjAMmnl It trwsU of *$• rni-1 ' iJiwt, tnmdrrt( ehi , .t. mriisitws. CTYt*t swßfit*. "te, \nr) chwp and ir!!- at ftjjrkt thw wid i** onfws* m weir drj Hrnl #* vmr rstr* trrrn* t*> an 1 • fall drncrtttfiMß it thr wcrk. Pun.Aiiri.rttio, PA. caution. sssyti^Msyr IV nt I* tWwrei Srr Uut IV book yi-u t-n* evUiM •trr fNNI i r* ittd nwarly 4fNI f>- Rftgrivtagi WOXDI ItH'l NK I KSN! bIHIO •! tlir CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION ULSi ItIBRD AND ILXI STR.4TED. Vld in SO liajrwL It Ving ' •* •!!> NNS|le4e* rfrtrr •ri TiO iogi*, sali .tnj'Un# .4 tie n-tf-r ithtsn. vtsih! bnildiitgw. awNdrrlu! rultibitb, rirlwiiir*. grrstdßisHc : lllaMrtilrtl hisnt thu ej .Klwr, nrr>bsdt *•* : Ons nf* vrflt rWrd i 4 wk 3,01M1 *" ws-'-f. wn Bftuf.. IViba.. PbiUl l*.n . Jt Si4nfirld, Mun PAHTinPU Hrwnrr* of fskrlr rlntmrd cfhcial sod UAU IIUN bmdts Smd h* proof . W WttßOft'S COKPOCHD OF 'W PURE COD LIVER AND LIME.^j Ts Owe soil AH. Are Ysi HflrrlNg front i coflfh, raid. Mthmi. hronchitiw tr snjr of tbo v inctw MilHucwiAry truublsa. tYist im •!!• rid ni- n*umjion! If si. war '* mnor*! I'mrf (W lA**r Urn*** a sf md rfßcscmus raambr. This is t> qasok prepirtUno. at trNi4lsr!> prvbcnwd bslktr mtiks! fsciltv Man ifsctnrwd only by A. B. WILBOK. t'twsmist, Bostom. vW bjr til drujtf it NKW \Y ILLtUA 4 GXUIIS AUTOMATIC nd prod icing \Yjßr \/ 1/ An tr.ttte M "vr'.tu /VM ; v V Trf; o-cl Rrsattft. Idl xoi. Tab lUrtt to bw* WLS' 0T orrrf tr.-ota. SILENT SEWING MACHINE. Sn.d Pcwul Card for llluittratod Price LDt. as. Willoox & GlbUs S. 51. Co., ICcf. Bond St.l S llrta.lwftt Nr Yor't TO ADVERTISERS! BEALS & FOSTER, No. 41 Park Row, NEW YORK, GKNKRVi. AGENTS FOR THE AMERICAN NEWSPAPER UNION LISTS OF CO OPERATIVE NEWSPAPERS. Advertisers deftirina to otn* cither of the I.icU (not Subluheil in their own city) tuty with Iran BRAI.S i KkSTKR direct, oo oil order* will baraofter put through their hand.. A. J. AIKKNN, I'r.nidrnt Amcrkaut Xtrwopopcr l uloo. ; W. Y'.N. V l . _J No. 8. UTIIEN HRITINO TO AOTEUT llSLtte