iio Centre Reporter. FRED. KTST2 EDITOR. CsXTHR HAM., Pa., Mar. F.. IST.. There is prospect for a wholesale swinging of Mollies one of these days. There are now in the jail of i arbor, Columbia and Schuylkill counties fif teen Mollies convicted of murder in the first degree, via: Kelly, INiy Ic, I ampheb Fisher, Yellow Jack Honohue, Carroll. Boyle, Koarity, Huffy, M Geehnn. Mnn lev, Kehoe, Hosier, Tully and M Hugh. The prospects are that every one of them will swing. • ♦ ' An exchange puts if thus: Ihe warmest kind of hat—One that's got stove in. The Reporter thinks that not a good as a hat with a ilf in for the wearer could be sure of a fat appoint ment under Grant. The people by s majority of 1150.000 elected Tilden president. The nations' returning board, by a vote of S to " stole the position for Fraudulent Hayes The Tribune of 2S ult.. says, "it is six teen weeks since Gov. Hayes was elect ed President." That's an untruth TP den was elected at that time, and Re turning Board Hayes was only "counted in" last week. Fraudulent Hayeson Friday re* gr>- ed the office of Governor of the State ot Ohio. The vacancy was filled by Lieu tenant Thomas L Young, who took the oath of office administered by Chief Justice Welch. The Fraudulent President arrived at Washington on Friday morning, "J, at 15 min, past niue. The republican state senators signed a letter to Fraudulent Haves,urging htm to retain Bon Cameron iu Ins cabinet as Sec'y of War. It was Hon who bulldoi ed Hayes* nomination at Cincinnati and defeated Blaine. Fraudulent owes Hon. something. Hurrah for Reform ! The Illinois republicans want Gen. Logan to be Sec'y of war under the Fraudulent President. In speaking of the rascality by width Hayes was elected and the promised good that he now intends to do with the stolen office, the Sun expresses the true sentiment when itsavs: These facts cannot be forgiven, con doned, or extenuated. They are like the sin against the Holy Ghost in religion, which no repentance can expiate. Above al). no good behavior on the part of a President thus fraudulently placed in office can wash out the stains, the shame, and the guilt of his eleva tion. Senator Sherman of Ohio, it is thought, will be Sec'y of the Treasury under Hayes. Sherman did all he could to steal the Presidency and Hayes isn not go back on him. Hon. L. A. Mackey has our thanks fir a copy of Memorial Addresses Life and Character of Henry Wilson. EUROPE.—PEACE AT LAST. A London telegram of 27 ult, says Reuters telegram from Constantinople states that an understanding w as finally established to-day betweeu the Porte and Servia. The protocol will certainly be signed to-morrow. The Turks wiil evacuate Servian territory witliln twelve days after the signing of the pro tocol. The Servian delegates will subse quently hand the Porte a note giving guarantees for the future. The vote will treat of four points, vix., the erection of new fortifications in Servia, the hoisting of the Ottoman flag side by side with that of Servia on existing forts, recog nition of equal rights of Jews and Chris tians and the prevention ofarmed bands from crossing the frontier. The ques tion of the appointment of an Ottoman agent in Belgrade and the future owner ship of Little Zwornik are set aside for the present A CHARGE AGAISSTGARFIELD. Garfield is an Ohio Congressman of the Madison Wells-Chandler stripe. He was one of the S who perjured himself and voted against the 7, to steal the Presidency for Returning Board Haves; As to the purity of this gentleman's character, the following intelligence from Washington on 28 ult., will show: A resolution has been prepared on evidence taken bv the Glover commit tee, for the expulsion of General Gar field from the House on the charge of having corruptly taken money while a member of Congress.. General Garfield has asked and will appear before the committee to-morrow to make an ex planation. The charge is not uufamiliar here, and first came out in the Hiatrict investigation, wherein it was testified that he received a fee of *3,000 for his influence in obtaining a contract from the Board of Public Works for wood pavement. His defense is that he wrote an argument for It. C. Parsons on the merits of the pavement; and was paid by him for it, but it is charged by the com mittee that in a suit in Court the con tract of Garfield with Parsons as attor ney for the pavement contractors has been decided to be a corrupt one, on the ground that it was made contingent on the necessary appropriations being made by Congress for this work. XOTTO FOR RETVRSISG BOARD HA YES. ".Resolved, that no evidence of fraud be admitted." . A New ork bull-dozer has come to grief. Iu October last George It. l'etti bone, the superintendent of the Howe Sewing Machine Company, undertook to give Haves and Wheeler a lift. With this v:ew he issued a circular to the thousands of agencies of his company throughout the United States, instruct ing them, in so many words, to discharge their subordinates who should vote the Democratic ticket. The reasons given were that "the success of the Democratic party will be the ruin of the country," and that "this is a struggle between the intelligent and respectable portion of the community and the ignorant and roughs and rowdies of the cities." Whether this intimidation policy was carried out j we have not the means of knowing, but here comes the news that Mr. Pettiboue has absconded, with the report that he is a defaulter to the amount of $20,000. So much for one arrogant claimant of intelligence and respectability. London had 104 deaths by small-pox last week. Longfellow is 70 years old. He will soon be Old-fellow. Fraudulent Hayes should take Eliza Pinkston into bis kitchen cabinet. Committing fraud, and voting "8t07," "Resolved that evidence of fraud he not received," and that's what mzde it for Returning Board Hayes. Fifty illicit distillers, w ere arrested ia Georgia the other day. Grant is no more President, thank God, but if Hayes follows in his footsteps these fellows will all get a pardon. Hays' inaugural address and appomt trcn's do not suit the Camcrons, Ch&ndx \ lees, Mortons and Ingersolls—they swear he will turn out an Andy Johnson. KAYSS TROVRLR COHMFXCIXG The Packard government i" Louisia na. which *li>l the stealing of that stale for Haves, is now dis anted, and Grant iucd an Order that the military abould no longer bolster it up llayeathe bene ficiary of the Louisiana framl is -aid to assent to thin! How strange if the I'adianl government i a framl (which it is s then Hayes is a framl. For the vote that elected the one alao went for the other. Here is an adiuiasion that Hayes :■ in by framl just as Paokaid was. How ingrntefullv are the thieves now treat ed by the men who take the sto'en goods! The Packard new ate up in anus at N'cw Orleans at their threatened aban donment by Hayes. The ingratitude ol t strikes these worthies, and very pro (>erly and truly their lawislature jester lav paased resolutions declaring Pack ard received inure voles m Ni>vnnber than the Hayes electors. I rg.v if IV k ar\l is a usurper, what is the question of the Louisiana Radicals. The trouble is commencing. RAILROAD. Our people are feeling a little suspi cious that the railroad, after reaching Spring Mills, will .-t. p "£"'■ Ft.iw may in- or may not IK" the ea.-e, but the pa-t bad faith in pushing ft rward the w.tk, leaves gv d ground for the fears now ei.* tertatned. SucKaction wyuild be noth ing short of contemptible in \ iew of the patience our people have shown, Ho le!*)' they have had to put up with, af ter paying their sul>acri| tions, giving the right of w ay, and having their farms cut up and despoiled without the long promised benefit* of the railroad. If there is to bo no delay after reaching St ring Mills why in sll decency is nrt the ballasting ordered to go on with this side of that poiut ? If there are any members in the board of dire- tors who are indifferent about this matter, the stockholders at next election will know how to give proves and have a new set elected. Manv of our |>eople are of the opinion that some men in Bellefonte have not been friends of our road. Some have been very loudly for it to our face*, but worked for delays behind our hacks, and wished to see it go no farther west than Laurelton. There are some Bellefonter* however, who were true friends of the road and did all they could to have it go on. If Bellefone is in earnest why uot raise the paltry sum asked of it towards making the branch ? It,has capitalists enough to raise five times the amount. We are informed from a source that is trustworthy that if Bellefonte docs not raise the sum required within a few weeks, the Pennsylvania railroad com pany will conclude to make our road through to Tyrone. We are informed at the same time that the reason why our road is not constructed faster, is because Bellefonte holds back with the branch. There is plausibility in ail this. We de sire Bellefonte reap all the ad. van* tages possible to derived from our road in preference to Tyrone or any other town outside of our county, but if it longer stands in its own light, the blame rests with it. Let Bellefonte look at the figures: The distance from Sunbnry to Tyrone by w ay of the Sunburvand Lewistown road is 135 miles. Same byway of our road dirrct through to Tyrone is 105 miles— -30 miles in our favor, and with the im mense shipments of anthracite coal this saving of distance between these two points is an important consideration. The distance direct through is from 12 to fifteen miles shorter than byway of Bellefonte. Let Bellefontebe warned in time. THE GREAT VILLA IS Y. The greatest outrage ever perpetrated i in this country, was consummated on f last Friday night, in declaring R. B. Hayes President of the United States, in opposition to the clearly expressed will of a large majority of the American people, as given on the Bth of last No vember, when Samuel J. Tilden was fairly and honestly chosen President by a majority of 264,000 over and black voters and a of one million of the white vote and by an bone.-t elec toral majority over Hayes the usurper now in the seat! Hayes i not an honest man, pise he would not accept an office which he knows was stolen for him. He can never rest his head upon his pillow with out a conscience that smites him as one who committed a great crime against his country. He is not entitled to the place fourvears, nor three nor one year, no, not one minute and at no time is it the duty of the majority to let him remain there, if they see fit to oust him from a place to which a large majority of the American people chose another. If it is | right to let Mr. Hayes have undisputed possession of the presidential chair, then the rebellion of George Washington against the wrongs that the colonies suf fered from George 111 was wrong, and it was equally the duty of the revolutiona ry fathers to submit to. the wrong. Our forefathers resorted to the sacred right of revolution to redress their wrongs and cast off the yoke of the oppressor, and that right is as good, nnd as sacred, in! 1877 as it was in J776. 1 If this thing is to Win n Joe t'oburn protested against "being railroaded into State prison, " the general Impulse of the eommnnity was to give the man fair play. Governor Ha} • s is certainly entitled to. at lea it as winch consideration ns Joe "burn. and should not "be railroaded into the White | House." the ordinal} administration | of justice is held to be a matter of snob importance and delicaej thatt \er\ ap pearance of undue baste, mneh less of fraud, in the pnnishmeut of the most hardened criminal, is carefully avoided by every well-constituted court, ami yet there are people clamoring '"i the deci si on of this great Presidential ca*e, Mir rouiuled *s it is by a thousand imhea tions of fraud and foul play, wi b a de grce of hsste such as was thought un seemly in the trial of Joe t'oburn in the t'ourtof Sessions, lie suggest to our lb publican friends that tin t iua> find bciore long that although the mattci which now p|H-ais of supreme iiu|w>( tance to them is to have Huycs counted into office, the leal tiling to tie done ;* to show that lie i- the man entitled to id tlee. t hex arc in a hum Input him in to the President * when the) should be i lnetly anxious to prove that he has a right tube put into it It they niuki him i hict Magistrate of the nation, ami the common sense of the coyntrv con cludes, after tine drltberatitn, that the) have acted without regard to truth or justice, and placed the tiovernmeiit in the hands of an usurper, both the) and he will become infamous, The) bar illas far driven headlong to their oh - -1 they have aim. -t reacheil the g. al of the White House with tluircanrf date, and yet at every stride tin y have taken the) tiave only made it plainer that tin title to possesion i- a fraudulent one tiased on dishonesty ami only defended by technicalities. I'ndersuch circumstan ces a little of the grand leisure of jiistne I would ls< appropriate. We aro net in desperate straits to pick up a President bv the 4th of March, Anv middle-aged American taken at random from the streets would serve our purpo-o it the right to the otMce is not to be consider ed. What good eituetia seek to a-. •r --t.un is nil - was elected by the people last November, and though we have, unfortunately, delegated the t.i-k of x sunning the matter to a commission wliieh has abdicated ita duties, we are not precluded from considering wheth er its members are or are not perform ing the work fcr which they were ap |Hiinte.l, or observing the.r oath of - !* fice. The com mission so far has pro ne n ted such strange and inonstr- us con clusions inlaw and equity that there is a natural repuguance to swallowing them on the part of every healthy and well-orgamtcd mind. The general prin ciple of the validity of fraud laid down by the commission in alt the judgments which it has thus far rendered, is so essentially immoral that sensible men see it to be dangerous to soviet v; the decisions have been marked bv such slovenly haste in the work of "railroad* ing Hayes into the White Hou-e"' that the details are full of inconsistencies. It would have been better to have gone i tuoreslowlv andjmore securely, if in deed there "lie any way of walking surely without walking uprightly. On the Ptli of February the commission r. udered its decision in the Florida ca-e in fav -r of the Hayes electors, and said : "The ground of this decision sta'.i d briefly as required by *; d act is as fol lows.- That it is not competent under the Constitution and the law as it ex isted at the date of the passage of said act, to go into evidence aliunde the pa per* o|>ened bv the President <-f the Senate in the presence ofthc twohoust to prove that other persons than those ' regularly certified o by the Governor of the State o r Florida in and according t-- the determination and declaration of their appointment bytlie Hoard of state Canvassers of said State prior to the time required for the performance of their duties, had been app- inted elec tors " Sis days afterwards the commission rendered a decision in the Louisiana case, and stated its inability logo be hind the Governor's certificate based on the canvass, in exactly the same lan guage, with the exception of the phrase "certified to by the Governor of the State," instead of "certified to bv the ■ Governor of the state of Florida." ltut then- is a remarkable change of phrt ology in the decision of the Oregon case rendered on February 2"VI. It runs : "Tho brief ground of this decisi .n is, that it appears, npon such evidence as by the Constitution and the law named in said act of Congress is conipoU ut and pertinent to the consideration of the subject, that the before-mentioned elec tors appear to have been lawfully ap pointed such electors of President and Vice-President of the United States for the term beginning March 4, A. I>. 1*77, of tlie State of Oregon, and that they voted as such at the time ami in tin man ner provided for by tbeConstitution of the United States and the iav. And tbev are, farther of opinion that by Un laws of the state of Oregon the duty of canvassing the returns of all the votes given at an election of President and Vice-I'resident was imposed upon the Secretary of State, and upon noone else That the Secretary of State did canvas.-1 these returns in the case l>ef<>re us, and j thereby ascertained that J. G. Cart wright, W. H. Odell and J. W. Watt-' had a majority of all the votes given for i electors ami had the highest nuniber of J votes for that office, and by the express 1 language of the statute those persons are | deemed elected." Here there is no flourish about the Governor's certificate, and further on the declaration is made that the failure of the Governor to give anv persons so "deemed elected" a certificate, did not "have the effect of defeating their ap pointment." Thus the commission de clares in two decisions that the Gover nor's certificate is essential to the legali ty of the ehoiceof an elector, even when a canvassing and a returning hoard pas* upon thequestion l-efore him;but where he is associated with a Secretary ofStatc in Uie canvass, and acts as a check upon that official, his certificate is pronc-unc ed useless. The important admission is j also made that the appointment of Watts 1 consisted in his receiving the most votes whereas tbe Constitution expressly de- i dares that he was ineligible when voted for. In the case of the Vermont Post-j master, the Republicans claimed at first that his appointment as elector was not. completed ny the more act of election,! but by the Governor's certificate. How-1 ever, let its continue our citations. In the Florida derjsmn of February 9 the commission said: "As to the objection made to the eligi bility of Mr. Humphries the commis sion is of opinion that without reference to the question of the effect of the vote of an ineligible elector, the evidence does not show that he held the oflice of Ship ping Commissioner on the day w hen the ejectors were appointed." There is nothing aliunde here but on February 10 the commission in the Ix>uisiana decision, treating the same question, said : "The commission by a majority of votes is also of opinion that it is not competent to prove that any of said per sona n., appointed "electors as aforesaid held an office of trustor profit under the United .States at the tuna jyjien they were ineligible under the laws of thp Slate, or any other matter offered to be proved aliunde said certificates and ne pers.'' 'lhis was in direct violation of the practice established six days before, arid was made necessary by the fact that the Louisiana electors were indefensible, while Humphries, of Florida, was not. On the 23d of February, in due process of raiimading Hayes into the Presiden cy, the com inland,-) /pet the same point in the Oregon case, and yjolating the principle laid down seven days bjefoya, took evidence, and made this curious itstement in its decision : "That Jthough the evidence shows lliat \\ alts wax a postmaster at the time JT his election, that UIU Ja rendered im material by his resignation both post master and cl ctor, and his subsequent I appointment to fill the vacancy so made] iy tba Electoral College." In other wt.jdo fjie commission grave y tells us that a ip.ui who was ineligi when appointed, nested a vacancy )y resigning an oflice which he was in- ; apabk of holding, and was then put in' o the vacuum left by his getting out ofa dace in which he hud never [been! If , t was essential (o know thin in the cast i f Watts, and if the validity of his vote i lepends upon this double process of i esignntion and reappointment, why was t ot the history of the .State and Federal! 1 dies-holders on the Hayes electoral ' cket in Louisiana traced out in the ' line vay ? Why w ere the facta in re ai dto them pronounced aliunde? Was j, because investigation would have shown at of the tlevi. t s it oiled to make good tin' vote of Watt '' When lit* judgments of tht' .'mini->i.in tlt-li\ etc.! within two it 11 k, show such slmnicfiil laj .•., it i H no woiult r Unit tlit* roiintry pause*. Ho \\ ANHINGTON. TIN: R.N:CT: < <>sci T PEP. tIIK I'ltl Sll'l Ml 11 i|| jtllt Iti lt| t'tt I I'll i> HV At M Itl'Vll, W tMit\t.io\ t M.troli 2 I:w A M. The Prm-hlential contest, which has been ably fought alt tiny, uml until thi lll)rilill|!, ha* lit last lirt ii brought to tin i|Miotuinniiih t low Noi iiliMi.uilmg the riloitji of. liMrn.iioin-tf., antl tin- potter f.ll eloquence id |lu> |' ( una lalir im ili- I cm to |tit'\out the consummation of tin fraud ninl tlit- nit sling of tin* President \ I lift Millerttl an lioiiornl>lo defeat. Thin rcr.il It tt.o--onn wli.it uiit'Xprt It ' ion wan read and the ten vot h of W m-tiunin were announce I foi Haven ant! Wheeler. '1 ho presiding idth or aglil thin toll eluden tin* count of the thirty-tight Staten of the I 111011. The tellers will in w a- rrtain and deliver the result ot till' Votes to the presiding Officer, tow nv. ASM Ixt t mk.nt no i.nno in. A'. I 12 A. M. the election of Haven and Wheeler wan proclaimed. The an nouncement fell like a dumper on tin crowds present, there being no demon* stratiuiis made. \ui I JUS theories halt been given for this want of enthusiasm one of which in that this result wan an tieipated, but which in a laiue excuse. _\. • ►■'iier had the rt -tilt hct 11 a tin "U ru ed than the Comeution ad.journed.it be ing 4:15 A.M. j.C. Fillihus'.ering For The K ight: Washington, March I, 1877. The ex citement in Congress to day exceedf civ il war did net Hang over member* a- it did in IMI, but there wra the in| ending •t'gn a U I -is' ■: log d.h> ii. r of a stolon Presidency '1 .a subversion . ft:.. I . ! :• of ot rr four million* of voter* and the re versa', of li e mlmM|| 2t laft-.l Will I nineteen States of the U1 n. At timet during the day tettion old men und t out g men in p li'.icnl service fairly grew frriixi led in their excitement The lobbies a i galleries wi re crowded, and the .-t.rfl w I of priv drged persons jammed the nr. a . ! | the hall outside tne circle of members' I desk and invaded the ash , Ai-plau-t and hiss, s were of frequent occurrence ai ! the gallant band ofubstructioriisU oh- I ttruc'.ing fraud ai d forgery j uthrj . 1 I the fight. Excited members, Mill* oi j Texas, and Dcebeof New York, mount tl their desks to hurl their prop ,t* ..gains' the Speaker's rulings, which Were, a* yes terday, against dilatory motions. At on time Speaker H.n lall lot control of th< House, and n.alnea* and riot ruled tht hour. But he quickly recovered the rein, and directed the Sargtanl-at-Arms t maintain order, show the d or! tr. tspas sers on the door, and see that member' were in their s.-ats. At or.ee, John 0 Thompson with bis raglc 11 ountrJ mart appeared in the throng, and a reasonable ' degreij if order w • o-.'rcV. red. All Night Hessioti I'robahle. Seven o clock—Tnc H.iuse ; still enga ged on roll calls on dilatory motions. An all night session is threatened. The col ored member* from the South are intense !y disgusle! at the rum--rod re. gnition ol jNicholls and Hampton. 'lbe filibuster have increased in numbers, arid .tr< swinging things W.th a perfect looi>- | news. The Fight Still Going On. Eight and a half o'clock—The gal'.erie. are packed ar.d the floor crowded Caul | field of Illinois, is leading ihc filibusters calling the yeas and nays on the dilatory motions. The Senate is waiting fur lh> Ilouie to send tor it. Jenk* is still voting to proceed ai'.h the count Sheakley i active to prevent it, saying, "Where fraud •s law filibustering is patriotism.' O' Brien I of Maryland says they w, 1 keep it up a'l ! NIGHF^ An Angry Hive of ilecs What a mix Kar.dal! has on hit hands when tht> House, like an angrr hive of bees, swarm through the hall. From tw.-lvc o'clock till three did they worry ! and growl. The f.rl cold bath wh eh 'on them was the vote of W to 170. which ! refused to give a ret ess, after the Senate 1 had retired. Tho Texas and M >-• uri del ! egation* voted solidly against delay. The , bendboldera, the Southern leaders who j want railr- ads, and tlioK) wh" wantJofSces ; are the ones on whom the execrations fall. I I hare not got it through my head yet just which ot these caux-t are the most to blame. Tho two hcurs allowed for debate on South Carolina commenced to run a: three o'clock. Hooker, of Mississippi bad tho first ten minutes. He was followed by old Mr. Lapham, of New Y°rk: tbenJohr, Good, Jr., of Virginia, follows a Demo crat but in support of proceeding with the count. He is a vigorous talker, and made a regular stump speech, llev. Judge Law rent e, of Ohio, Republican follows He was one of tho South Carolina Coniniitteo. It is depressing to attempt to give you any account of the scenes which feed the ; brightening hopes of Radical fe*ti?ity ! when one's own side is steeped in the j brightening shadows of defeat. It 1* said ' that there is no sight so sad as for n man to lire to see the funeral of hit own repu tation, a...i a foiling akin to this set ins t settle on all citienn Democrats. Old Lap-1 ham say* all this is merely a contest be tween eighty thousand otiico holders and five hundred thousand offico seekers. If ho hod added "one of whom 1 nin which," he would have come a little nearer. All accounts received from Constantino ple represent tho condition of the Turki.-h Empire ns very desperate. Already scarcity of provisions in several Armenian villages near Lmir has assumed propor tions of veritable famine. Inhabitants of twelve villages, numbering 15,000, atu on during the greatest privations and n few have died from starvation. Choice Flower nml Garden Seeds. 1 Strawberries*, I'eaeliess, Ac,. : NEW .soUTS, LY MAIL. J Plant-of the newest and finest imp. vJI ed sorts, carefully packed nnd prepaid by 1 mail. My coll.-clion of M rawb.wrie# took 1 the first premium f-.r the bet Collection 1 I -1 ■■ GN at h(w of the MM-- Hortieul-ll lural wociety, in Boston. 1 grow ever 100 c varieties, the inoat complete collection in 1 the country, including all too npy'. large 2 American and imported kinds Friaeii;! descriptive (Jatnloguns, gratis by mail. • Also, Bulbs, Fruit Tree*, Hoses, Ev.-r* 1 greens, Choico Flower, tiardon. Tree, I Kveicfcon, Herb, or Fruit .Seods, 'iopack- ► ets ofoithJr fof kj '*>, by mail. !I. C C'. Tho Trim Capu > i Cranberry l> best sort for Upland,'l,iVwia V y, .r'l Garden, by mail, |n-paid. J-l txi p. i l(jy,tb (Xt per 100. Wholesale 1 'atniogue to: \ the trade. Agents Wanted. r, S M WATSON. Old Colony Nur-.-ries g and Weed Waralfpuse, Plymouth, Mass. Established IW4. Bninr a ..1 Mr. Dnrii. I F. Boalty, nu.nufucluri i arid 2 , proprietor of tho B. ally l'iano and 1!.".t-l -V tr. ted Goblen Tongue Parlor n , gun*, v ,J , is certainly a P very rtiuonkble and ganafwux ...an to trans-' ! ij. l bueiness with. Jle make* ti..- v.-ry j fair proposition to any who may favor him • with uli order, as follow* :"It'tlu< in-tru .ni , ment does not prove satisfactory iil't. r u . J j test trial of five days uftt r receiving it thoi f ! purchase money will be refunded upon t i, I.'. return of the instrument, and he will 1 i\ , | freight charges both way.-." Thl i- <,-r- ... j uiinl.v an exceeding, generous, and -ufe "" [ manner in which to transact business with u I him. JI fwnrrniit? hit in.-trunn-ni.- for six years. Sea his advortisement. July 20.v (.KANT TO l\\( KAItD lie will no Longer Sujijiuil 11 iiti wit) I'IOOJIi. \\mloi gti ti, Mr> h 2. Tho follow inj ti leg rant went tent from this oitT tod*y II i aiojC ah i sua o* no Ann v. Wash INuloM l> (', March V, 11-77 1- ' K l< (!.• (' Aujjcr, (ii.inittiilii.k. N > Oilcan- Ih foil wuig d •pitch In hern ei.it to (ioveinur Packard and I hereby furiilthad \cti for vour inl riiml;.' • Mil g. VCI MllCht Signed* W. T. SntHUtK, (id #fal Kvict 1I \ ( Mo-i. s, Washington, II (' , Mar.h I l. tlov S It Pacini N. iv (. it I • I,' ■oor t" \ nir i ul U i onto Ox' Presidei I ilnirri Uio to aa, that ho frola it In# iluty to *t*t Iratikl, lha' he ilui liol believe public op.mo. will laliger tolerate the maintenance of i.ite gov rnim-i.t lit Louisiana by the ut .I lie M llitm v anil that he must concur th i* manifest fooling The troops w hi ;. .. '.t r, ;n the past, protect life r.n< propctly from mob violence when lli • Tate authentic* tail, but during the t 'iiiiiii< d*\ - of hi* offlcial life they will be U'd to e-ial t Mi. Knott i putted a rc-lut oo froi the Select Committee on Privilege* drclai II .; that SalltUel J Tildcli had received It i)l t ral v< lc of c!*c'...r legally in d cell -t.luli. i.ally appointed and tlieieh July elected President of the fn.tr State.-, and it 5 the opinion ot the 11-.if thai TI oni- A Hendricks having t.-civ ' a !ih>< mi 1 ■r of Vote* f-r V . e Pi e ' lent via* duly < lectcd. j The rendu lion Wut adopted by lli- t js& j There i* u ruiooi in the da. v poj rtl. Mr Tilden 1 ok the i-nth at President, i S>w York, on Saturday AVe do I think th t* is c. ■to though he i* the on I one now entitled to it i ABINKT OUTGOINGS. Winh ■ n March 4 —lt is ronlMeiC ly -tn'id, late to night, by a grntlenia h Idirg olore pol.t . a? a id personal reli lim with Prealdent 11: - • tl l net slate will very certainly contain th names Vie. , l.iait*, of Nivv Yerl for sccctary ot state, .Sherman, of Ohi. for trend try of the Treasury S. huia. i Mis-ouri, for the it lerlor departui. ■ McCrary, of lowa, f. r attorney genera and Key, of T. iai, for j. it master ge-ir! ul. It is now probable that one of tl: ■h. r j 1a,.;.* *.'. lln g'♦> i li d ,na \Y!. will repre-. Nt New Ki gland ). not yi i been de'.ernili. d. In th • army appropriation bill, th Home t k tl..* posd.it.n that r.ot a dolli r a luai. *hou. 1 he used by the K. leri administration torn villain tho ha*lar.{ r. i rrqpt carpet-bag gov*rr utenlt ot Chan berlain in South Carolina and Packard i Louis ana. A section to this eject vvas n -cried in the bill. The SenaU w. ui.l ro agree to it for the Senate i- thelast re fuj jif tyranny and corruption. The lieu bravely adhered to iu potui r.; C nfe er.ee Cotr.rniltee Conferred it *am, an 'Oui.gr. ss h-i> a ijourned t wiih ut pa- t: .the army appropriation bill. 1 hi* tut render an catra tetsion ncc.ssary, unle lluye. wants to uttimenebit ad: -:n jtion, at intimated by telegraph by slielcl dig tome old lavv so as t > git m l ey eat the Treasury, wit hi ~t it* di ■<•. t appropri tion by Congrats- Ti..- : a dt goroi business, and unells ot imp achiasnL The 11. use it right and the people wi sustain it. |) Ll< SAltB The under# gn. i w.il uffcr the f-1 ei .ng property at Public Sale, on VYoiitictdav, March, 2*!h, at 12 n via Ilortes, 4Co t*. Cow#. Sheep, t. ir-hor Wagor.s, 1 two hots* \\ t.o .i ('*rt and (si-art, liob-sled. r-elf rake liul bard Kit or and Mower. Nc v Champ . Mower, Hay lUke, ll'.'i I*, Hay Lad.ie-i Curnplantcr, Centre 11*11 llorte-powei Machine and Shaker, Faming mil Plowt, llarr. ws. Cultivator*, Tug '.ari.t-u Mugry harms*. Plow g. tri. Wag n Sa l die, Flynelta. Hay fork, rope and pulliel C w chains. Pork- 11-1 :ers, A .1 lon credit will be given. ANl>. (HK(i(, n r s MAKUAHKTGKKOii 1)1" HLICSALK. The ur. lersigned will offer a: public al at bit residence in Centre Hnll, VVcdneminy, March H at one o'cliH-1-. p ui., the fallow ing p, r ton*! property, to wit • 1 YEA RU NG COLT, TWO C< >\V> one of which vvjil be frctb, the other i part A Idem, v 1 HHKKI'IXC SOW. 7 SHOATS. family tied, I sett double barne. 1 tet single harnett, 1 cutting htm h, large cho) bex, and other farming utensils Iluti.-ehuhl Furniture. I coal stove. No. rank tl. ve, 1 radon iight, -elf feeder. Tablet, chair*, bedstead secretary, cart . tub and meat v .-e. 1. feb lo " C C KELLKK PUBLIC Q I ij ALE! Will be expoit*! at public snl. n Thur* day. M AliCll 16th at the late residence of W W. I ve. de ceased. k'i miles west of Centre Hill, hi following persona! properly, vi; : 'd ~rk otic 1 year old MAKK with f >al, 1 ■! year old colt. 1 tpring colt, cow s, young Cattle, 1 breeding Sow. 1 plarration Wagon, 'J spring Wagon*, 1 Carriage, 1 1 family Sleigh, Hob-Sled, iiav Ladders, horse KnWe, nmehine Horse Power and Shaker, Plows. Harrow*, Millhcim Culti vator, small Cultivators, Corn-planter, (irain Prill, field Holler, wind .Mill, hay Fork, Hope !>nd PullieS, 2 setts Tug liar riefs. llreechbandt, Front (soars. 1 sett double Harm -, Hay by the ton. Corn by the buhel. Cross rut *aw. Copper kettle, 1 Spear's anti-Clinker Coal stove, 1 Ten pint st... . 1 foal stove, meat'land and other articles too numerous to mention Sale to cotamence at 10 o'clock v. lie., terms w ill be made known by JA N K LOVE (5 M BOAL, Admr's. IJUBLICSALK. Will lo C.po- ,1 lo public sate, at tho residence f the undersigned in Milroy, Armagh tvvp -n TUKSPAY. M A KCll'lltli, the follow ng described valuabl" personal property ,o wit; iuoop wouk no USEI !- rear old Colt, 'J 2-yaar old Colts, 1 sucking ,'olt, C liKAP M tLf li COW-S. all fresh. [ It-year old Hull, 6 head young ('aU)u, I breeding Sow-, sood Hog, 6 Shouts, f lorto wagvn, k'-horso wagon, Sji-ing wag in, Junior Hu. kcye Keaper v V- Mower, tuggy, pair Hoh-sleds. Sleigh, Family lied. Hay Hake, Field Holler, Hough and teady Cornplanter, 2 double Cernplows, | Excelsior Plow#, it lleckendorn l'lowt larshear Plow, H-horae Cultivator, 2 2 iore audi 1-liorse Cultivator#, Shovel ; 'low, 'J Joint Harrow*, Square Harrow, laV Fork. Hope and -adder*. 2letti Manure Boards, *Yr..\ lakes, Cutting Hog, pair light double riving Harness, 2 sett* single Harness air heavy (Jailer Ureechbatid Harness.! pair# Lead or Front l>i>ur*, (i setts Plow ' Oill-, Team Sadd e. ii setts Fly nets, 6: eel.' h *'•; ! ■ 1 Collars, ('. straw Collars,' t'tilrs Check Lines. - L r i<""'i 1" leather, [alters, Choke Mraps, Martinuuii., •U* spreader*. 2 S horsn ; atctit Cloviteci it of Double and Singletrees, Lot ol Cu lo. Lug. Boom, F fth. Carrying Breast,j utt and Cow chains, (>rind*tone, Iron' W..i •Jpisag. Staffer, Lard Pre#-, Meal, estel, Tot vt. ,od ''on toguthi-r with vu iUs other art...lit'- not 1„e....0 it). Also ■ain in thegroumj by tho aero! ') k.4.-ll Wi si"i ami under, oath ; over thai amount] credit of tt to 12 months will bo given,! itli approved security. Sale to com-. • ce at 10 o'clock, a. m. Mi JQBKPB K. 6BIBK. j ENN'S VALLEY INSTITUTE ' >h„ llr.t n iion of (Ids Preparatory iiool will up. n at I'KNTKK 11A LL, on IJi LAST PHI'HM>A Y, i'J") in April, .7, and bontinue ten week#, Stiidon!- both Si xe will bo prepared for College, aching nd Uusine.-s Tuition from $6 $S per term. Board per week, 52.60 to 6. Address, . W. FOKTNKV. "Ob 3tno Howard, Pa, Moody on iiis.a \ us. Mr. Moody. Dm evangelist, ji now In horing with bit i■■ u-tnim J tuccea* In, oo of hi meeting* n few day* | patched r sermon on Heaven. We print for tint render* of tin* Reporter *k< tcb >f t*f lilt urTtnon .* ' Mr. .M-utJv v*hs id hit •tomoiit, iift4) ►I" I. id w ' a'. in evidently tni. tin w • duy', tnkii g lor In* tut the par jnige of "Lay ii t u|> (or y<>ursi-l*e* tf B s ur* upon i-nrih." he contrasted enithlv i mid hcev. nly With won', that wi f kind, but sharp •> a knife, be attm Ui- t the tolly , ! laying tip treasures unearth. ll' brought (o IItI dp wit, an* ecdote, Kiut.d tt rnr, and an abundance 01 Scripture, and tna.la a worldly life an in ( liut on!> wrong but w.-ak. Then be •poke i I heavenly in autre* - the tiio. 'lona, the r< t and the crown. Taking i'aui a- an Illustration ol a man pursuing the latter, lie said : 1 newer lou. h the life of I'aul but it maker run aaliau.rd ol myself. t am n'tain i of !I a ("111 - . jii.ty . f the l'.Hii '•'u \ lie had no CtlflitleO to build 'ii"4i 'i building 'ike iina no contn ittee to •at ■> h 111 1.1. kat hitll K'l.ltj* down to l< wit in w itb a lit! io bundle > ! iool uto , lei hi aim to make tenia wilti, and he i< ! a buildit bon • rnidi ilr atrret The ii uirnt he began to preach Cl.ml cri.il- 1 , ml, they . nat h.ni out- l.ook at liirn ill t orinlh. li. it ri ], ,J n i mtnitte a 1 Kill" > I .1-I;..tie - ta I .1.1 I !H !i the 1 itkir| . f the city anlg.ve hint thirty , nil e -trip - and I' t v.:.. the ,a!nrv they paid him ; but he d; in't complain Some i no uiighi have aa d ; loin: "What an yi i: g ng to d> i ok at him when the en c n.ca, " uie .\tf mto Macedonia; 'and over heroine*, and the first thing h> 1 had was lliiity stiine stri| . - more lie and *> as Look at liitti again ; he Is at Kome. I . The lime ol hi*departure is at hand, liel laser up Ilia Jell n'.d write* to hi* olul 1 fii.-nd '1 im-thy , 'T hare fought goo.. 1 light, 1 iiave kept the faith" I don't! (Li w what Huston would have done I ' !..U1 He held on to tin la th. 1 eupp m . jltny would have ru id him a big. t, a \< ry narrow man. llut now the time haul :i come !.>r him to be iat cut. d, and he watj ■ j bch. led two inner outnda of Kan* 1, would like to have Lo en in Home and teen' htm. Talk about the great men of 1 It nt ! e Ca-.ars <'K on . Kutne ns\ j . er l.a.i such a man. 1. d substituted if pre ferred W 1! UK ID. ', Mention this Paper. Rochester, N. Y.i Private Sale. A Choice Farm and House and Lot. The following described properly, of John Kmmort, ic< J. -ituate in Harris twp. Centre county, . ne FAKM, contain ing one hundred and thirty thri-" acres M T less, beuiidei by land* of B. Kv-. .■rliart, deo J, James tilenn. McFarlcn. Dr. Henderson, dm 1. and clh r is offer >>d at'private aale. The farm is well wa tered. a never Jailing stream of water run ning throughthe farm and within thirty yards of the barn. all ', a well of ncver :ailing water nt the house, with gnoc: pump in it The ii pr.svemeni' ure i. urge FRAME IIOUNK. tw • sieri. - higl almost new- ; a frame bank barn, forty - I fire by eighty feet and all other ncre-sa rV outbuildings This i* one of the b.-st producing farms in this section f'-r ol! j kind* of grain i* ali limestone land. A large t)HCH AHD of choice £ruil on t' c t'rcimtea K.-r particular inquire of \Vm. WerU on the farm. Also one House and lot Situated in 11 ilsburg. Centre cm, tlx Jhou-e is two sUuies high, w ith kitihen at tached to it, and all necessary outbuild ing* alio a g>< >d stable, a never tailing wei! of wider with good pump. The lot u • well set with fruit trees <>f best quality. Also two acre- and 12.1 perches of e\t el lent land situate near the German Re formed church in BoaUhurg within two I tquaret of above houM. • JOSI \ll NKFF, Executor of J. Km* inert, dee'd. 80 nov Bm. , II \ I! 0 W A UK!, IKON, STJ2EL, .SADDLKKY WAKE, COACH WARE, WOODEN WAKE, W M L PAPERS, LAMPS, PICTURE FRAMES, WINDOW SHADES, if flic lowest Cash Pricey nf V. G. FRAN CISC US. .ciaji'tvvn iropt. 20. lhTtJ. sept 2H. I Vi<_ " ' O- . ANCHOBED s f> AT OAK HALL. 6 ATUTTt mftTtTTTTT X HILL TO HE HfADQUAIIIHIS f0 ■■■ CLOTHING. U> WMM£/? & BROWN, | IN THE OLD PLACE AT THE OLD TRADE. X All the beet talent. nio anc# and advantagas w rah pnrnmand, ffjntiriudil lf>AK HALL,to |iro Valentines *V Co*s New Store! 41 IT 1 j* f / t II Wooden and \ aleuiuics a Co. s Wil i... ri >!'•* Gl&Sf and ■nJ J 'J i • Queens on re, Ma %.t it l l All new and desirable good* al pries s umes New Block below what you are in the > J habit of paying. We HULLKI ONTI , PA. , have one price, nev , ct misrepresent Nov Store, v r, , anything Aew Goods, and Largest Stock, makegood Best Assortment, • goods a spec* r Lowest Prices. iality; it will prove Fair Dealing, 1 to yonr advantage to uj Dry Goods, satisfv'yourselrea bv pern rancy Goods, a) inspection that the above Boots, Shoes, statement contains nothing but facts. Halt. t ~ Countrv Produce taken in trade at Caps, Clothing, fu " m,,k " t,loc ' _ VALENTINES & CO S, Prop'i*. , Groceries, , il. HERMAN, Manager. l&jan • ( all and see us. We studj (o please. New FIRM -New Enterprise — NEW GOODS. IsaacD.Boyer (SUCCESSOR TO B. F. PHILIPS.) AARONSBURG, PA. We have just returned from th- Eastern Cities, where we purchased at CASH' I'HICKS, a full line of DHY GOODS. BOOTS & SHOES. NOTIONS, QUEENS WARE. GK< >GEHI KS. H A KDWA t:E. WILLOW WARE an J a gncr*l variety of MERCHANDISE. We do not d m it necei .ry to Hate prices here, but invite you to some and see us and we will convince you that we have a# fine a lot ol goods and sell as cheap as any, house in Centre county. • nov 16y; lii fijfir o SHORTLIDGE & CO, o BELIEFONTE, PA. Ili.ve erected a r,ew G U AIN ELKY ATOR on their Coal Yard and aro buying grain AT THE HIGHEST PRICES, in cash on delivery, for WHEAT, COIIN, . • RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., rnloud i ff i* done more r*;>ilv *>d more promptly than any other place in town which makci Uio N KW ELEVATOR the moat dwimolc place to sell grain. lAXTiii* AtilTE "COAL"j The only dealers iu Centre C'ouuav who sell Ihc \Y: IS Li Iv E; Si B: A Ri Ri E Ci Oi A! L from the old Baltimore mines. Also gHAMOKIN AM) OTHER GRADES of Anthracite C<>nl dryly housed expressly for hour e use. at the lowest prices F-TFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FIRE BRICK AND GROUND FIRE CLAY. DEALERS IN CAYUGA GRQUND PLASTER, v,!iL i i- always sold at low prices, and warranted to bo as good a fertilizer as on Otl r plaster. o>pkm ikm NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, lir.LKFOYTE, IA. I lIEATTY GRAND, 8 )UABE AND UPRIGHT h turn Jn* P. Regan, firm Regan A Carter, Mb! tkm Dally tod Weekly Tri on City, Mo., after receiving a $;<) instrument, says r "Ptaoo reached ui In gw j condition. I am we I pleated with it. It is all you rep resent it to be." From K. R. Baldridge, Bennington Fur nace. Pa., after rcceis in* a fftW piano. "lieatly" received 4Ui int., ail O. K., and coino, fui.y up to your representation, and earned, our eipectatlona. While I don't profess to l.e a Judge in the matter, Mr. li. <* •-, u| pronounce* it of w%ry tweet tone j and iavrry much pleased with tl." Best inducements ever offered- Money refunded upon return of Piano and freight cbargct pal J by we . P. Bcatly) blh way. if unsatisfactory, after a t*>t trial of five day*. Pratios warranted for aix years. Agents wanted. Send for caie'ogtie. Ad drew D. P BEAUTY, Washington, New Jersey, ""CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. O. DEININGER. A new, complete Hardware Rtore ha been opened by the undersigned in Cen lire Hail, where he is prepared to sell at kinds of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Nails. Ac. Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb r-aws, Clothes Racks, a full assort ment of (Haas and Mirror Plate Picture Frames, Hpokts, Felloes, and Hubs, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spade* and Porks, Lock., llinges, Screws, Hash Springs. llorse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oili, Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn ishes. Picture, framed in the finest style. Anything not on hand, ordered upon •hortc.t notice. rar- Remember, all nods offered cheap er than elsewhere \V. A. CURRY, & &}jDB CKSITBE II ALL, lA. Would most respectfully inform the eit sen. of this \ trinity, that be has started a new Boot and Shoa Shop, and would be thankful for a ihara of the public patroa •g. Boot, and Sboea made to order and according to style, and warrants his work no equal any made elsewhere. All kinds f repairing done, and charges reasonable, 'liv* him* call f.h 1* lv /ifeNTltliflALL Furniture Rooms' EZRA KRIRBIIE, respectfully intorms the citixens of Ccntr county, that he has bough t out the old .tend of J. O. Deininger, and has reduced the prices. They have constantly on hand and make U> order BEDSTEADS. BUREAUS SINKS. WASHBTAVDS. CORNERCUFBOARDA TABLES. Ac.. Ac. Their .lock of ready-made Furniture is large and warranted of good workmanship and i. all made under their own immed - ale supervision, and is offered at rates J cheaper than elsewhere, i (bill and see our stock before purchasing j" <• where. tfti fob. ly F. POiITSKY, Attorney at Law Brllcfonte, Pa. Office over Bey inoid.hank ma v 14' of us.'sr SMcsitHsrr, j. v. .UOOSKT President, Uuahier. OENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO (Lata Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, At <1 Allow interest, Discount Notes, POT aed Bell. Covornment Secuiitics.Gnlr' <£ spl0"(!8tf Coupons BEATTYS PARLOR Klegard styles, with valuable improve ments. Ncw and Beautiful Solo Stops. Over one thousand Organists and Musi cians indorse these organ* and recommend tbeui at strictly first clam in Tuna, M ichanism and durability. Warranted for si* year*. Most Elegant aud Latest Improved Have been awarded the Highest Pretax am* in competition with others for simplie .ity. Durability. Promptness, and Piano like action. Pure, sweet, and evenly balanced jone, orchestra! effect*, an J infrtaujlaruaa* ec case which nv be fctd P- the rccds. Send for Price Lin. Add rot* DANIEL ¥ UEATTY, * Washington, New Jersey, Harness. Saddles. &c ■ . TB. iioiOTlpw.!. drtormlMl to raw* Uto pfUr •MBS for !•-, ptiiw. csl* lb* stM* UUO <• lb. |*MK to TIU STOR* OF lADOLKIY no* oflrrod si OiiiaM M*wt Dmt* ■ or UMMOTI* uJ Uto USMW. lb. !.i,ol ,*d *M T.rted .: *;l ttuuTi'.lm ram ('*>*<•*. 1 iT?* , 'T'T W * l l h * jaamlai ladsa of w ih •ML <.f Uto atomOi *nd MK o* Ms . *I