The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, March 01, 1877, Image 4

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ItnMiut t rap* •< Corn.
S. J. Crane, Vinelami, N. J., vh<
represented himself as an honest inquire
after the truth, asked jv>rmision to pre
pound to (lie fanners' club the agricultu
ral conundrum, viz.: Why do not noun
of the members of thought till how t<
raise a large crop of Indian corn instea.
of conjuring up unintelligible and non
practical formulas for making fertilizer
which w ill not return the proprietor m
much money as he expended in junvha
ing the crude chemicals ?
It requires not only com formula, bn
avast amount of lianl-llsnxl iudustrj, t
raise a satisfactory growth of corn. B<
for*> one can produce a Innintiful crop o
Indian corn the soil niu*t be fattened
esptviftlly a soil that lias Isvn imj>over
ished by injudicious mauag.snent
Chemists write on agrienltiiral J<q>ics
It is a T.xiums ]U\HVSS to iinpmve land o
cr.iinai v fertility si> that it will yield on<
hundred bushels )er acri l . If the soil n
thin or run down, it must have largi
quantities of Ivinivnnl manur*> works,
in; clover or maize, or l>otli. must Is
plowed under, and tlie plow, liarrow am
roller used to turn up, bw ill l'rag:oiti
and crush to tine atoms thc)UtiSe *esr
bed. • Little bv little the productivenuN
of the land w ill increase bv f uv-*o menus
then, when at has been brought tip ti
the jxnnt of Yielding fortv or fifty luudi
els of ahelted corn tt will be safe to up
ply cheuiuvd fertiliratiopo terytiiy dolliu
exjxuidixl for tlie required tdemante ml!
be the means of pnxlueing mors tlui
thrice its value in tlie increased yield o!
A member added that sufficient {>low inn
enhaiux-s the fertility of the -oil iu t
great degnx- F.sp\nally is litis ttin
with cort:fields. The more fmptenUy
the ground is stirml. if done eorvfully
SKI as not to injure the n.x>ts. the mow
rapid will lx> the growth and the nn rt
abuiuhuit the yield. Farmers who liav<
tried it affirm that if land is plowed a
sixn a* a crop of graiu is taken off, then
again in a mouth or six weeks, and atil
again in the early winter, plowing a lit
tie dvj>er every ume, the benefit to ane
ceeding crops will be txjuai to a oootxnj
of mamire. The more finely adhewvi
siiils are pulverixol the more rx.alily thej
appropriate aud to tho plant th.
nutriment snppli\l them, whether it is
gaiued from the aUuw-phorv or fnnu fee
tilizers appUwl; cons\piently the policy
of frequent plowing as a pn-parauon foj
tlie giv>wth of a large com orop wu
urg*\l by tliis menber. In cex n ma
liuring of Laud he adviaed the plowing u
of rye as very advantageous. The grail
should l>e plowtxl in at wait the time tha'
the rye lias attamtxl it* full growth, but i
little Iwfore blossoming. It should 1h
rollcil down fiat first, so a* to lie readily
covered. This process enables the Uuni
to lie quickly supplied with a larg*
amount of valuable plant food iu th
organic and mineral elements giuntxl.
nearly e,pial in value to a gvxxl dressm}:
of guan >. Regarvimg artiticid manure
for the com crop, tlie member referred t
IVifessor Cook's experiments; tho d,-
ductiims from the rt>sult* gained by him
wcr> that the muriate of {wtasli, a}ij>ii\]
at the rate of one hundred pouniis per
acre upon soil of an excellent character,
is very effective and may lie profitably
used; that any other fertilizers than pot
ash salts can DC used only at aka u|xm
a com crop grv w n upon s,nl in good i\>u
dition; tliat ewn lnivanl manure may
be ustxl to excess, and therefore unprotit
ably. when tlie soil has been brought by
previous good culture and fertilizing up
to a certain standard of productiveness;
that the direct application of barayar-i
manure to the corn crop is not so effec
tive as applications wed irrorportn-d
with the soil; tint a decaying clover sod
furnishes abiunlact ammonia for a full
crop of corn, anil, finally, that a pre
viously manure,! clover owl is the W-t of
all prejiaration for a corn crop.
Khrmrrw' ( lib aud Ainwrrv.
rre make gixxl ftxWer?
live for fodder makes probably the
best early feed that cau lie grown, but
care must be taken to cut it before it gets
ripe or stock will not relish it.
Can fruit trees be grown successfully
in wooilen troughs ?
Very prolific dwarf trees may be pro
duced in wooden troughs in the open air.
As in pot culture, so in these troughs,
tlie roots are restricted an J on early fruit
ful condition secured. Fanners who
have plenty of land have no need for
adopting this mode of culture, but per
sons in cities have furnished considerable
fruit in this way. In latitudes where
apricots and nectarines have not time in
ordinary orchard culture, an arrangement
of This kind on the sheltered side of a
garden fence has been introduced with
In what proportions are these trouirhs
or boxes made ?
They are usually made with, twelve
inch-wide boards for side* and liottoin,
nailing tlie side* to the bottom to guard
against roots protruding into tlie soil Ixs
neath ; these may be of any length ; the
trees are generally set alwiiit three feet
Can anything be done at this season to
assist in bringing back a good even
growth of grass to a lawn that ha* liecome
Yes; give it a top *lre&aing of good
stable manure at once. Let it be well
laid all over the surface, and have a care
that the manure is well rotted. As oc
casion offers daring the winter it should
be broken m> and manipulated with an
iron rake. The object is to distribute it
eveniv over the entire surface, so that
it will settle down ami moisten the good
roots. When spring opens the rough
strawy portions, if any are left, should
be removed, otherwise it will interfere
writh the proper keeping of the surface.
Why are not liquid manures more gen
erally used on farm crops?
The expense of their application on a
large scale prevents the extensive use of
liquid manures. Their value in floral
cultivation is acknowledged by all. In
the pot culture of plants, where the
amount of soil is limited, when judn-ioindv
applied liquid manure is of vast service.
Much harm, however, may be occasioned
by its indiscriminate we. H<-lthv and
well rooted plants, such as are well sup
plied with hungry roots but grow slowly
for want of nutriment, as orange and
lemon trees, etc., for years in the same
pot or tub, are greatly benefited by it
For what crops are ashes specially
beneficial a* a fertilizer ?
Ashes are among the best of fertilizers
for onions. For this crop they should be
strewed along tlie TOWB, lengthwise, and
the cultivator then run between them, or
else hoed by hand. Applied to Indian
corn, a handful to each hill, immediately
before a rain storm or just before a or< >p
is hoed, ashes give pood returns. For
vines in thejgarden they are also desirable.
Ashes applied to grass lands just after
the first crop of hay luw been taacu off ia
said to have a line effect.
/lou-t k(< (>ln Department.
DOORS C'BVAKINO. —To prevent tlie
creaking of doors applv a little soap to
the hinges, or take hml, soup ami black
lead, equal parte, and apply.
proof paper for covering jars used in
preserving, etc., may be made by brush
ing over the paper with boiled linseed
oil and suspending it over a line nntil
To CLEAN GOLD LACE.—GoId lace is
easily cleaned and restored to its original
brightness by rubbing it with a soft
brush dipped in roche-tilum burnt, sifted
to a very line powder.
INK STAINS. —The best means to re
move ink stains from linen or any white
material is to immerse the spot in milk
and keep it there until the ink disap
pears, changing the milk when it gets
strained honey on the backs of the hands
mmediately after each washing and while
■wet, then dry off with a soft towel ; after
two or three applications the hands will
become healed and smooth.
ounces of vermicelli in a pint of new
milk till soft, with a little cinnamon;
when cold add a quarter of a pint of
good cream, five yolks of eggs, a quarter
of a pound of butter and a little sugar;
bake it.
In the Sandwich Islands tlie Chinese
are called cockroaches.
Tho Washington National Monument.
Sinoo tho tlrst day of .lannnry, ISTfI.
when the booming of oatuion and ringing
I of l*lls announced to the nation that tho
r eontonnial year of American imlopond
. omv had .lawnod on tho country, thoro
. has Iveen a revival of glorious motnorioo
i, ami a tnoro intenso nationality token jaw
, soss-on of tho jxx.ple. Representative-.
1 of foreign government* have viaitixl out
. shore* and joinod in our rejoicing*. Not
t: only has a more frntenul fooling been
s extended throughout our own lovod land,
. but a kindlier regard toward distant na
tiona whoso citizens have IMVU our gnosis
t during this year of jubilee. Tho Inter
, national Kx)H**ition at Fhilndelphia has
.! ecliptwkl anything of tlio kiml ovor hehl,
f and nothing IU tlie history of tlio world
can coiujvire with it.
1 hiring tho year the Washington Na
tional Monument s.vioty has Itccu earn
estly" and actively engaged in sohoitnig
f subscriptions for tlio completion of tlio
!, monumont, iui.l Uioir efforts have Itccn
„ rewarvhxl by noble response- from all
, classes and mtorost*. I uhke any othoi
j monumojit ever erected, tins will truly
, ho a national one, for the snbsorilier* to
| it embrace, lU>-K viatmli* of all
, kinds, Vslges of sivn t and braiefieiai
i . *.< i. tie*, bank*, military organization*,
churches, Saldiath-sch.Kils, State legm
. l.vturee, mtini.-ipa) corporationa, and dur>
, tug the last KO.—IOU ot Congress, that
laxly made a donation of two hundred
. 'thousand dollars, and further co-operated
f with tho svs-jcty by cr. atiug * aoamus
I aeai, under ho< direction the work is
to la proMx-utcd, consisting oi tho Pre-i
--f dent of the I'nitoil a itos, the sujwrvis
• ing architect of the Tmisurv dojiartmont,
tlio architect el the Fuih\l States caintol,
the chief of engiiitx'ts of the Fmtixl
States army and the tlrst rice-jiresnlcnt
. f the Monument aoriety. If tlie ixmntrv
mxshxl any assurance of the durability
of the work it has it tu tlie names of the
eminent gentlemen who have lnvu se
lected for its sri(-erci*tou.
The monument us now 174 feet in
, height, ami has is>t, thus far, 85i;tt>,OOtX
| It is estimated that it w ill take 54."h>,-
IkH to oompiote it, of this amount the
society has ui available assets and re
, a|<.s.Ule stiWeripLions about ?Htltl,tK>l>,
I including the Congn ssioual ,1 nation.
, The uouiuaait, when ftnishixl, will be
, at on altitude i>f 4Ho feet above the top
, - of the foundation courses, which ore 17)
. feet ihn o the surface of the grouud,
thus really making tlio height feet.
r Tho foumlutions are laid eighty feet
, son ire eight feet tx low tlie snrtace, of
s.ui.l tuaaunry; the louse of the obi lusk is
( tiity-tivv h. t s.iuar>, writh oralis tift>eii
fist thick; the top of the mouuuieiit will
, U 36. feet Sijuare, leaving a eluciil>cr
t on the inside in twcniy-flvoleet square,
, in which are platssl the memorial blis-ks.
, so arntugisl as to ia-o tho wiinling stair-
wiiv that they can ren.hlv be seen by
, visHors. The memorial blocks arc prc
, seated by the States, Territories, lUU
mei)ialitiea, organimtioiis, iu.hv uluuls
| and foreign coontriev. Forty have nl
; nwjyf been placed in poaitkaioini cighty
( tivc are yet iu the hqu.lanum. We give
our rem lor* a description of a few of the
most interesting otic* : Flock of trap
| rvH-k, four fact by tiirix> feet, on which,
. in raised letters, is : " Delaware—First
to adopt, will be the last to desert the
Cntistitutiou." Rh.K-k of himsi-uie, four
feet by two feet ; "Indiana- Know.-, uo
North, no South—nothing but the
Union." block of liunx>toiio, four feet
bv two ; "lilinotri—State Sovereignty—
N'aticmal Union." Bhwk of marble, totir
feet Dy two feet ; " Soutli Carolina—
.-two WIM Opil'umfU'- July 4,
17Tt>— /hi'fi Apirit *p< ma *p> * —Smth
Carolina." liiock of granite, six feet
by six feet; " MassuchnaetUi—Etut
flfil /" vuli ii Sub J.ibt mbifr <jui--
Uim " liiock of tlornl marble, four feet
by two ; "State of Florida—ln tiod i
our Trust—FU rida Stcs in His Councils
Safety, in His Life nn Ktasuplo, in His
Memory a P.rj.etiud lk>nd of Uuim."
Bha-k ci bruwnstonc, four foot by two
feet : '• Now Jersey—Trenton, IVo,
'2O, 1776; Monmouth, June 2*. 177H;
Frincetm, January S, 1777; Springfield,
June, 23, 173b—Liberty and Prosperi
ty." Block of granite, four feet by two
feet; " Virginia—\Vho gave Waohiugtou
X> America, gives this granite for his
niouiunent." Block <4 marble, six foot
>y two flit oixiucliea; "City of Wash
ington to it* fouudur. " Block of mar
ble, six feet bv tlyree (get; " Maryland
— l Tim memo'rml of her n qstii* f>w the
Father of lus Country, and of lit T cordial
habitual aud immovable altachnicnt to
the American Union." Block of eriuite,
four feet six inches by three feet six
inches; " Si> n( Pn'nku* Sit /)■ m Xubii
R'ssttmio (ondita, A. D. l%0; Civita*
Eegimine A. I). 1822." Blm-k
of nmrble, tour feet six iu<'!ios by ti rix
feet six indies; "From Vermont (coat
of arniM of tho State in l>aas relief)—
Fr\i>m and Unity." Block of vari
gat.xl marble, feet by two feet;
" Tennesa*-*.'—Tlie Federal Union, it
must be
three feet by two fret; *' From Utah
Territory (coat of arms in baas relief)
Holiness to the Lord." Block of
copper ore, four feet by two feet feet six
inches (almost pure copjo-r, weighing
jioiuiils, bearing t lie coat of arms
of th- Stat • and inscription in solid sil
ver letters); " Michigan—An emblem of
,h> r trust in tlie Union." Block of In
dian pijie clay, two feet bv one foot six
inches; "The Htatc o{ Minnesota."
<Xlier iiliK-ks simply Ivoar the names of the
7s tales and Tern tonus presenting them.
Bhssk of imirble, five by two feet;
" Priwntoil by tlio tier man Benevolent
-Society of the city of WiuiiungV ti, I).
C., instituted Oct. 3, 182*1, incur)**
rated July 27, 1842, as a ni- rueuto of th.i
veneration of its memliers for t!u- Father
of liis Countrv-." 81. * , U of marble, six by
three feet ; "Association of .Tourii'-jmen
j StonecnttiTS of Philndelphia— Uiub d
wo Stand." Block of marble, five and
1 one-half by two and one-half feet ;
; "Grand L'slge of Masons, District of
Columbia—Our brother, George Wash
, ington." Block of browmstona, four by
two feet; "1.0.0. F. Grand L*lge of
the Independent Order of Odd Fellows
lof tlie State of New Jersey*—To the mem
ory of Washington, the Father of his
Conutrv. We command you to visit the
sick, help the distressed, bury the dead
and educate the orpluui. February 22,
I 1851." Block of marble, four by two
! feet; " Unibvl Sons of America, insti
i tilted 1845, Pennsylvania—" f iu/um Ad
Mori mm Cmte Cant' J-'irmr." Block of
■ limestone, four bv two feet; " Invincible
! Fire Co. No. 5, Cincinnati, Oliio, 1850—
The memorv of M'nsliitjgUm." Block of
, limestone, /our bv two; "I. O. O. F. of
Indian®—ln God wo trust. Constitu
tional liberty— the earth for its domain
and eternity for its duration." Block of
marble, four by three feet; "Hibeniia
,>f Baltimore (with list of officers
in I>cV)_American eagle in boss relief
holding in its lieak a scroll with tlie
words ' E Pluribu* Unum over the
harp of Erin). Mentor rf Fidrli*."
Block of marble, five and one-half bv
three feef; " The memory of tlie just is
, Uesaed—l'rov. x., 7. Presented by the
'Jiildnn </f the Hnnday-schools of the
Jli thoh-it Episoojsil church in the city
lof N'w York, Feb. 22, 1855." Block of
) ninrbh 1 , flv< and one-half by three feet;
" From the Habt.fdh-schooi children of
j th<* 31. E. church in the city and district
of Philadelphia. July 4, 1853. A pseacli
i ml gospi-l—A free press—Washington—
j we revere his memory " (open Bible in
j bass relief with extracts from Luke
Ixviii., 16, Prov. xxii., 11). Block of
' white marble, six by four f.-et; Presented
jby the Fire Dcjiartment of Philndel
j phia. (.Scene in buss relief—Fnirmonnt
waterworks in tin* distance; engine, hose
carriage, hook and ladder, and firemen
! in the foreground, and this flanked on
: either side by blocks of marble four by
1 three feet each, containing a complete
i list of ull fire, hosti and hook uiul ladder
| eompanies of tlie city .of Philadeljiliia,
Frankfort and Gerniantown at the time
of presentation.) Block of white mar- ,
ble, six feet eight inches high by four
feet three inches wide. "Continental
Guards of New Orleans" (tliisisa beauti
ful piece of work, with the coat of arms
of Louisiana and the full list of the
names of the officers, privates and hon
j orary members cut in and gilded, with
• the date of presentation—Feb. 22,
1856). Block of marble, five and one
third by three and one-half feet; " From
the Templars of Honor and temperance
organizations—Dec., 1845. (An Ameri
can eagle in bass relief with scroll in its
beak, inscribed thereon—'Truth, Purity
anil Fidelity our pledges.') We will not
make, buy, sell or use as a beverage any
spirituous or malt liquors, wine, cider or ,
any other alcoholic liquors, ami will dis
countenance their manufacture, traffic
nml use, ami this pledge wo will main
(nin until tho rn.f of life." Block of
granite, four by two foot; "From tho
homo of Stark by tho ladies of Man-
Chester, N H." Block of marblo, four
by two mnl on O- half foot; •• FMIU tho
citizens of Alexandria, V* , tho descend
onta of tho ucighlior* ami friends of
Washington.' Block of marblo. four hv
throo loot; " From ladies mi.i gcuUcmru
of tho dramatic profession of Amoriou."
I [Bust ot Shakespeare in laas robof ami
nlsoo it tho inscription: " All that ltvo
must die.") lllook of marble, five ami
ono half by Ihroo aint 0110-fourth; "From
employees ot It Rottii A 808, loeotoo
tivo works, Philadelphia, Fa." i With
looouiotiv e, a bountiful |>tooo of
work, out in lias* robof. I HUx-k
of luarbhi, four by four foot; "Tho
Grand ledge of tho t'uitc-d Statos
I. (F O. F." (Most elaborately carved
with emblem* of tho onlor in bass ro
bof, ami inscription "Wo iMUUiiaml you
t.i visit tho siok, l. llovo tho ilistr. x*ed,
bury tho iloa.l ami educate tho orphan. )
Itl.H-k of marblo, six by thrtv, " From
Soils of lVa)>c runcc of lYmi-ylvnuta
Tin* ssiroM HntogtiMfd of tho lila-itn-r. of
our country is total abstinence Iroiii all
that intoxicate*." lil.H-k of variegated
marblo, -i\ by four . "1 t k tt. F \
tributo of \oin-ration .unl oral itm!o from
tho subordinate l.xlgesot tho I GO. F.
of tho oitjf ami oounty of Pblludelptua,
in ixttnmcmoration of tho devot.xl pa
triotixui, tho l ullwl virtuo- ami tho il
lustrious deed* of trim who*.- luomnry
is an tuUumuitmo Ink u tlio*National
I'niou" iwith tho nUUllx rh of tho M \-
ontv-two hxlgex ami encampments con
tributing, ami motto ; " Equality our
platform, IxuicvoleiK-r our iluty, univer
sal fratero-ty our aim.") Bl.x-k of fos-
Mhforoun marble from tho Iwwl of tho
(ilihi ri\or at CuMHtiuati ; " l'i-scuted
by tho Youug Moil's Mercantile Library
AstHsnatioii of Cincinnati. Organized
V I>. l-\k"> 1853. 2,400 member*
Froml lu honor Washington, contribute*
it-- humbio quota to tlio swelling tide of
untjotial gratitude. (lliio, tirst Isiru of
tlio ordinance of 'B7. every pulsation of
tho hoart boats high and strong for
liberty a'i.l for tho Futon." < l'itesplen
ili.l block was presented during tho past
yoar.) Bl.x-k of marhlo, four by two;
" Cherokee nation." Rkok of blue
stone, rive bv two; " From Rra.hl.K-k'a
tlohl." BliK'l of uuirblo, four by two ;
" From tlie N< EnglandSix*iety (\uiu
da." Block of marble, four by two;
'• From the DIH'IUKI island*." Mock of
nyirlile, four by two; " From the temple
uf Ksculapina, island of lhiro*. Pre
seuti-l by the offiivTS of the Uuited
State- *t earner Saranac." lth vk of
marble, thiw bv t\*o; " From the ruins
of ancnint Coriiisge. PniMtila! bv I>.
A. Porter Heall. Bhwk of marble,
a ith u curved Kgvptiau In ;ul a>t in,
said to have b.s<n c;irv<d by tlie Egyp
tians for the temple erected in honor of
Augustus, on the bunks of the Nile,
brought from there by J. A. Lehman
aud pn -euteii as an offering of his ven
' eratiou f>>r Whuliingtou." Block of mar
ble, "fnuu Japan" <translation of in
scription); " ExjKirtesl from the harlnT of
Snuoda in the proveuoe of Id-a, the fifth
month of tlie year An-ey Torn, April,
1853." Block of variegated marble,
' four fis-t five inches high by diree fts t
five inches wide. "From China"
(trandatiou of inacription)—" It is evi
dent NYiufimigfiO) was a remarkable man.
In devising plans lie was more decided
than F'Xiking or WoO Shunc wielding
hi* four-foot<sl falcon, lie < xtendeil tlie
frontier thousands of miles, refused t>
usurp t!;e royal dignity, or transmit it to
his jxistcnty. In ruling tin- Nut. he
proniousl g.*>d customs and .lid not de
pend on military merit; in this in-differed
t'nuu all nations. Who tild not call him
a liero tunoug the people of the great
West ? Can any one fail to pronounce
\Ya*hingtou peerless ? The United
Stat. -of America, prom five .-f aid
happiness generally and -xt nsiv.-ly,
the like of such a nation tloes not exist
eitiier in ancient or modem times."
Block of fine white marble, five by two
andune-half feet. Bine fiu*ing, rui-slgilt
chanwters and highly ornamente.L by tlie sultan of Turkey
(translation of inseriptioui: "N> N- to
strengthen the frten.Dhip existing le
--tween th. two countries AUlul Maji.l
Khan Ims had his name also written <>n
tlu-monument of Wssluugi- -n." Tliese
words from u chroma."'in 12'y-177i) of
tiie Hedjira—on the upja-r part i thu
moii nrraiu ooutaimng "Alslul Msjid,
son of Malnuoud Khan." In the isirner:
" Written by the court po-t Mustaphs
Izvvt." Block of lnvu. llirw feet by two ;
" From Vesuvius bv Gts.rge Vm. Ter
rell." Bloek of marble, three feet eight
by two; " by the Governor
and Commune of the of Peru*
and Naxoa, Greciiui Arehi| lago. Aug.
13, 1855." Block of ni' granite, five
feet by three and a half; "To the memory
of Washington—The Free Nwi-- t'ou
federatesi, MIK'CCLn." Bt.a-k of tine
white lmirhle, four fe-t by three, from
Greece. The Gr.-ek characters transla
ted read : " To Georg-- Washington, tin*
General, the Ruler, the Patriot, the Citi
zen of the New ami Illustrious Liberty,
tlie lnml of Solon, Themistode* and
Perielc*, the mother of ancient lils-rty,
wnds this ancient stone as n Uwlitnony
of honor and admiration from the
rartheuisi." Block of red granite, four
by two; " Washington IN-m
Gnteu utid Gerechtcn Das 8.-frenndete
We regret thai KJNICC prevents a de
scription of all tlie blocks presented.
Tiie history of mankind affords no paral
lel to this mt noble work, which, when
completed, will be the highest structure
ever erectal, and stand as a tribute of n
republic's love, admiration and gratitude
toward him who, under the providence
of G.KI, was the ehief author of its
freedom, its dignity and its happiness.
There is needed to complete the work
alsuit §150.000. Tlie Monument society
has hod a design of the monu
ment, twenty-four by nineteen indies,
showing it as it now stands and wiiat it
will be when finished, and on the winie
plate the terminations ami heights <>f
otlu-r prominent strnctnres in the world,
drawn to a scale a* in com)Nirisou with
the monument, making a beautiful and
historical picture. That the contribu
tors to the monument fund may have
something to sh<>w their personal identity
with the work, all subscriptions off fifty
cents or over are acknowledged by tin
society with one of these designs, giving
the name of the contributor and amount
The Monument society appeals to the
country to make up the amount needed
to fully complete the monument. Cer
tainly there is no one in Free America
too jNKir to send their offerings of fifty
cent* to show tlioir gratitude to Washing
ton for the iuestimuble bh-ssings we as a
people enjoy, which nr.; mainly due to
his disinterested and self-sucrificing
patriotism. No more glorious page
of centennial history can be written
than that full provision was made iu this
glad year of the nation's jubilee for the
finishing of this proud monument. Let
the people everywhere, throughout all
S'-ctiouH of our country, come together in
the closing days of this hundredth anni
versary of the nation's birth, and rallying
around the name of Washington, send
therr offerings for the completion of the
greatest and most noble undertaking the
worhl has ever known.
The officers of the Monument society
are: U. >S. Grant, President of the United
States, rr-fijfici'i President ; Hon. Robert
C. Winthrnp nml W. W. Corcoran, Vice-
Presidents ; J. B. 11. Smith, Treasurer ;
John B. Blake, Secretary. All contri
butions should be set it to John B. Bhtke,
Socwtory Washington National Monu
ment Society, Washington, D. who
will make acknowledgement as stated
THAT SETTLED IT. —At a villnge in Dur
ham, England, recently, two miners were
heard in hot dispute on the knotty point
whether a certain companion of tlieirs
was married to tho female who had the
honor of sharing his bed and board. The
following was the closing exchanges of
the rollcxpiy: " Wey, Jack, man, an
tell thoo thor not married. Aa knna
nicely." "But they are; an can tell
thoo for a snrtinty, Wey man, didn't aa
soe him hoy a glass a her? DO ye' think
he'd do that if they warn't married ?"
The opinion that Weddings day fol
lows appropriately after Choose (lav is
put forth with due diffidence by the Phil
adelphia Bulletin,
Si MM IKY or XKWft.
II cm* at Inlrraal train llonir anil Mironit.
Tha of th* t.nk*
Shore ii-ftiilinl thnt f\ utoiiiv wont t luw
ttmt iMfjhty pot *oll* lout tlicll liX* Ulul M\lx
ttitia wi i- raMMiin! frm th itiiu* of the A*lt*
ImU li ||t* (HitifrmtictiHl llit* rr|Hiii of Ilia
having foil4*ll'U tin ua of viator on tho hum
liitf owi A|**llV It tt i • lm\itt£ tirrii atololl
while |u tliroUfh I >mitiH'tnlit, ih t.otix.H
welV ml ! xxoik to tltnooxoi the olfointoi, ami
the |HUtuiJ>U't at S |t. K.
Hloek, n hitherto i *\ - to. I wli
oottft -whl hi* tillip V I'oltlaloti I ctwt < it a aml
aml a coal trmluon the ht. hUlNittl
out Jn<Ali 11 t nlhttatl <ati* <t tha ttmtaut <l* nth
of I t auk WiU.ui, a hiakt iuao, and nrtc*rv in
|Ulio f. Uo angtovH I atnt Mnifil hrakeiuoli.
Iho Ajwoli# ltuluijt* ha\ < oituulM* d
many le|'tHUt!tiu of Ut. in Moitloti t n An
/-t'lia, and in a to the
h s'lmlatuii d* | Ttvato* the itu Iti. sent luoxaiiiantii
of tlir rcftulat Inn'tta, mot that the
- furuuh
ino'ioy to a.|Uip and |t\ ahajiduf t*ordt r m om!*
atil Itnlian tauter*, who wouht nmui out an alul
to lite
the goteriHtf !• Alii that | *Uoi * t Vti.oua will
haxo to t i ahaiiiloiit il hv thr.UUi, 1 ho
Mualtpoi tt<ath* in I.oudon air . u tho Uiiti*M<
|*n i*vti!uij{ in ctftM* work lhr o nun wore
Itmtautlv kiHnt aul our ixriou>l\ itijiiitd o> an
iron mine at lh
ixiil|t in U)h>ll thoni lu .i \itmii *1 J alio *
AUh u ilitxl lu Nan I lain'i'HVi *f
the hiain V mall t*as; r
111 chock* ami dlfta waaatohii Mmtil N w
|sal hi . an t I iiuuuiatl. No cliio han lon
ohtoiluxt a* tt the robbri.
I he tiautia Cool T\*. !o*t HYC ->
at Naiitn>ik( . l a., by au in< a tlarv it. . I • o,
IJW.WH lulo tho alTaitif
tho ti' kii txi'.k ftt liaukllii, Jud,, iii trlopn
the fai't that * ahirr Tayl>i had ta-eu a tut* .
lum inuiiry for yt irw |*a*t, and falsify hu
book* t i'ow i hu las* ahtn >. Iht t tai amount
cmtw*iUl f .Ku uj. #l4O,uW U ui|? the rntire
timaU ( ll uaUttltlou. t'hh |wvula*
tMii* ( liffiitfoil I •otirv .... 1h iUMIf
111 Call* Itavt ho lU alrovi-4 tlxo UH|K Mailt
tUtita!loii* ty hi* An i ipbiiuu in Ua
I ivlli< i) near Ikdto i, I kiiUJ u-n
lurii 111 ttia latt r part of tho Itllr
axait i;v>\erumcnt afTC-t* 1 twenty one yoiuitf
uirn and r lev on > itj* women, -ludiuts in a
university, fr ilim|ilayiug a red luaTibhl
•' (*moii and latxrtx. tin. ha\e jttt Ixx-u
tried, and ail tut tlir** hat- let u ** ntnc! tt
in ual servitude or tiaujsi (ain>n . 1 tie
laitiah U*iuii Llliiii, fio|u inibeo for
Nr w|Krt. Wales, went a*ho: on f.uihlv i-!n: i
ant Usaiio a total wtavk, Nlurtnii ixi*iim
w redrowi<r! Ileury It smith, I>.!. 1.1. !►..
jrofci*MU of lhohuy, at I niou Hoiimtry, died
111 Nex* \ork City. H- x%a- wnlkiwiwu an au
< minatil , ileal niituf. Ihe llriUsh
x nael Vrniinta srrixvd -t lh • k> u, N. \ .
from t aivutta, sl.ort four eraixivu, who w*i
waalimt vurrttaid in a t*ycb m-.
Alt llie r idled St alt * llUllte are uXrf crow ditl
with w rk, and it will take a full yt-ajp
i k oi|*Wt the f JO.OHH,!'" 1 ' > f ifluiiri iu
th airtsl lx 4 rs* \ . . i / i ojhr /*.! has
l-eeu eutcrtx! ay-no*! Mr. ! Ikua) .i v ordt r f
the attorney r oueiai, an! with (n-u. til ant a
apitroxnl An i.rtiit- i tii-.b tfuio into a Jail
0i \Vl!kt> o N. C.. a: l liu iatevl tiifee illicit
duuller cotirined tluriui It,, fainoiu
aln>rtht*ru r w. l% uU\ Itwht of <. m \a. diet)
IWttxv at New \ufk \kkii~s 111 the N|..!cul NrW
York, m IC h f s oxtr f l.xAki A grand
t all w* at V>rf ia, \a,, in honor of
Alcita and tie • tin r sflavr* id tin Huian
navy ... Win: Coofc, id ikxerty tovruahip.
t'ait ido, aht*t ilia daughter, Ogrd tw Utx-foUr
years, and afterward blew hi* own bmiu out.
Jwuiu. I tV.ultvlh a wealthy New \< rk
la>**t and *h o dealer, tomrnilUxl stilddc by
shooting, while under all hahitcinaUuu Uiat hr
po\x.{\ sirickett t of
A Iurgtj, 4%'tlou Irako* ot New \ork
city, is a runaway defaulter il* induced ti c
fonddential elrik of a large h us* to join in his
speculation-, anil oUk> thsl after t*svu:mg a
defaulter to the amount of *i ■ ly •.*•* u
V: toruci* utd the itriUali • irki&imt in j*sr
au. In her * pooch *t ea|t *M-tl bup of a
|*cactftil actth QleUt id IJ. LA*trill |UOwUoU.
tUar Admiral t'harks Wilkes dird in
a- til e Service. lie war t|ic of .rr whl> ClpCUlvd
llaa >ll A!t>l SI)4-il Jiltll.. I)li' Ut<> ,t
Uo .4 Iku*.' hth. v'taoln<- <-fahUduncnt in
N w Y'.-rk city was d<lr >x ( d t v !it\ h
The TVnut usee state Smttt cn-
in the Hoiue n-s lttUati directing the
comptroller AIH! treasurer t • -its}>riid the jny
incut of Interest uU tlie Slat* U>:i<i(vl d It.
Charles tlt-ury u atul Martin Het rr,
tolli colortxj men. xrre cunvtrted on circum-
Malltial C M kmce aihl h :g ta! IVift Ti'bac*>*,
Mil., (or (In- it.nrjrr i( XV. K>ir*tt. in
July, Is".;. .Cshka, Kirk .4 RCLMB,
li' J<-*lir> in 1.-J i •In . ui
tu>* liulrJ villi btliiiU • axut uttinK to
OS* *l.l
til'- ntit Urli v','i:ij*".i < tin i-ri w *f the or>ti r
-.'l; .. r lji:rs, wl .-i. - ; n.r 4im;-i
--llw, XU.. lit uf thi 1-hV., i - r. >'U-IrL
,l'alurr T*yl r. ••( tlr Krukeii l'rankUn
41ilJ. t luuiW. *ti n4 (ujUir J. (ktiln-r. re
turned t< tlie til*B 111 the ' 4IiJ when
dlaievi rJ m the m rtil: ; • ui • i nt. .J
rumlitniu thn-ujth tcokne... No in .noj
fiMiuJ Willi hltti A rtnlu t (or t n,.
nien in rtilt CUr tiiaunt \ Jii t. < t"Un
ion. for hM: . . *lu u -i tli 1 • i-li, Jii .iri -! a
(Cmplnip • tiuimii-e ainl orJ< r-1 Uie Jr.truo-
Uou of it* ,tock "f li'|Uorr t'li |ir>>|inet. r
• ( the 4VmuttA t Ni 1- If r.l. *•* ...
hftvo piven liotlrr thnt on the ftrt of \!*reli
tLc of ttuur ttjiemft* . will to a lrmie • J
to the *nie nr. ■ . *• )>. I inJiimtrr The
•Utntuer hu£i! ml shtlti "hurj!. tnowii 4,
the Mount M.iirri.l Sri - 11- .li*, i>4 clie
■boyil by tin- L—. t:.'. M MMMi
Turner ft ' in ir with 4iiJ >• -! il to 1114 m
the Juiglitfr of Milt.ll A ~ln st K< rrrl
Hill, 1*4.. 411J Oil tin f4thor 411.1 thi voting
Ulth rvftuttlg llttU Itl Unlit, he iuiinl
the father with 411 aruiv mu-vet. am) then fo
loaduig It 1 lew out hi - own Unin.
A Ji-ivti h from I'llrulta, 1 ll. ri ] rt. that
4 gun|HiwJer I *|'lo-;oti ha- vturij at AJ
hetiiahird, l.v whi h fifty partvlio*tl* kilMind
tine thoumnj 11 oiiihli.l Ihirmg 4 >ju*rn i
l><ner!i t 'tiarJi. ami George Smfrrt, Uetliatu,
ui KUurlinrt'UgU, 1"4., George drnt 4 levolu r
4i>J 4t iot (ii4rh . in the Lr.-i-i, urDu-tuig 4
uuuj whirl, n-nlte.l in hi, d"th in 4 abort
turn- Sir 4Vn:. Jirgu- u, the fatuoiu
Scotch surgeon. 4uJ w-rgetnt •nrgi-. ti t>- \ ,
torla, Jie>l >n laimhui. ignl ruh-niiu. He
w an niuiwiit nu nry. n .. Four
It ion w I*l klllej 4lld three woumh J lo the ex
pkHHli "f tlie Ijotler 111 Jon .mwmill near
Nohleaviile, InJ. Th i< >t I Si ux chn f.
S|mtu <1 Tail, 1* looted a luahguartl of two liun-
JriJ |ueknl warrior, fr ni atm r.g the agency
Indiana and at.l rti j for the h "UU Sioux namp.
In the capacity <f pari 'rat- r. toriijea.or to in
duce tin in to atv i pi the lertna offered h) tlie
government ltuing a atrm-t hght l-tw<n
two gain;- f 1 ifiha lu 4Vilh tiuahurgh, S. V.,
Krial. Hertfeldi r aa •taliavl in the neck and
killed hy Win. A' rm lh. The Ahya-imana
have again d< fi at"! the Igyiitiaiia m ar Muair
vale .IVitatm - imivrfi-t from France ar>
tin* timng h Id ui the New York market
Mr*. lUclurd Conklin, of I : . si. N. Y.. iixi
dcntaUv *. t h*r clothing . n In. 1*111) *o* liitnmt
t<> ilea tic Her hu*band wa* *• 1 urm-d
in In* effort* tn subdue the dam--* IYii-
Jeot Tracy are I t'ashi. r (hap: nan. of tb< Hart
font 1 1 'oim. Farpier* Sank, hav. 1 en arT<-*te>l
for roll er/lenient and falsifying the tuk ac
count*. Until man he ill high pi-ees in the city.
Tin* cotton laileii stcan.. r Havana, fr> 111
New Orleans for luvcrpool. w.-i- l ure I at *• a
when ofT the Carolina*, ami tin paaarngvra ami
crew were foroeil to take to the small lioat*.
leaving everything behind. After drifting for
nineteen hour* they w<-r< n *nil lv a |. -m,
vnwail. The cargo .mil *te.-:m r were rained at
KsKl.OoO The i.iike Hitnre road ha* |aid
£R,I7S to the willow of I* t'. Cram, of new
Haven, Conn.. who wa one of the victim* of
lite Ashtabula disaster .. Hear Admiral
Theodorua llailey duel in Washington. aged
aeventv-two. He waa the thiril rear admiral to
die within a )vrtod of two .k- Intelli
gence from KogliU"! i* to the effi-et that forty
Yarmouth and Loweidoft fishing vi la. having
on Istard two hundred mmlii, are nu**mg
l/rdo de Tejada, tin refuge") }ir• nidctit of
Mexico, armed in N< .* York from I'Anaiua. ac
companied by fieri. Kaeobedo, heretofore r<-
(jortcl killed. Hie future niovementa of the
(•arty are mm rtain.
When li- puty t'nitcd State* Marshal 11. It.
Hugh's attempted to arrest two murderer*
naar ludep- -ixience, Mo., he was *h<it anil
killed l v theni lleveuue officer* raiiletl the
illicit diatiilern in tin- mouolanion* r< gions of
Nortli 1 lolina, supported by government
troop*. Hurty-thr) <-distilleries wrradestrnyed
and . ighty-four men i*| tun-d The still* ami
their content* win- d< troy-I. 1 Wiring the
night following attempt* to rearm- tin pris
oner* were made by tlnir friends, ami Hunt.
Mclutyre, of tin regular imn. wa killed by
tln-m and his body taken off. \ detachment
sent for the l**lv us* ohhgad t"> kill thri-e of the
duaperad">es I* fore accompli hing tin ir object.
.Tb'- thirty-ninth rail for tin- redemption
of inn millions of i-'J(i Isuul* of (he i**uc Mar
ami Noieuil < r, l*f>", bo* I ecu i -ne<l In
cons< ijneiice "if the prevail lie of rinderpest in
Germany the mi) rtation - f •- ttlr ami hide ,
from that country into the t'lliti •! State* i* pr -
hibited Win. (iroi 11 was hang' d at I'lttw
bnrgh, l'a., for tin murder of hi- half brother.
(In the scaffold he exhorted h; heari r* to put
their trust 111 G<*l a* he had done A Cali
f-Tula farnnr waa rn -I' d b r offering hi give
.Secretart t'hamlhr t" ihcuh- a land claim
in In* favor .... John Sullivan. ag<- four, ami
John Hwei uy, age five, waa drowned at Ali
aoma. Conn ....BtMIHI h'v been ap
poiute 1 for the I,< high and WtlkeshatTe coal
Ity (iatlinht.
A Rochester woman wore in the street*
n ballroom costnmo—it dree* with Khort
sleeves and low nt the lwtsom. A crowd
followed her. nuvl *he won arreated for
disturbing tlio public pence. Hhe
proved, in eonrt, tluit she waft reputable,
and that her conduct in the street waa
decorous. Her lawyer argued that n
dress tlint might, be worn in n ballroom
by gaslight without impropriety waa fit
to be worn in the street by dnylight.
She was released; hut subsequently,
when she made nnother nppearnnee in
the same nttire, she was arrested and
sent to an insane asylum.
A grocer ltad a pound of sugar return
ed with a note stating: " Too much sand
for tAble use, nnd not enough for build
ing purpose*."
rtllion* were jm arnle.l in form of a hill
eiatiling arrears of |ieiiatiiiia j In faior ut a alx
ioenth •ineiiilllirlll to the Ikiiiatitiitinu prohll I
tlug the several Stale, from ilT.fiaiiehlalng
eiti.'eiia oil niHHiiiut of an, and lu> leasing the
nilllllcr of Judges 111 the aia'olul illi 1111, elll
hia. mg tin Stati'i of Venn lit t'olito elll ui slid
Ni w 4 ork.
Mi Windoßt t It. j>. 4, of Mluneaota, reiMiited
adversely on the House tall to provtdi for tho
|iayiueut of James It. I aits for Ihe constrnetioii
of Jeltii-a at the au will pass of
nv. 1. II vias pho 1 d 011 the calendar vnlh the
advi rati ii poi 1 ll authiuues the sreri lsiy of
tin Ireanurv to pay out of any loiaporoiir Ist. >1
11HUII 1 111 Ihe tl. aelin S.'4M!,tMMI to sai.l Tads
whrln-vet the aeelelarv of vvai shall iketeniilue
thai dial amount is 1 ur I ads hv Ihe terms of
his eoutiai't, eti
Mr. 44 all 0 0 , IVin. 1, of l'< uiisv Itaiua. 111 din
eti.sing the Ull foi a sinking fund for the
Tactile lallload e.*tllpaiiy to I. illilnll s. the
Tutted Stalls guv 11 min ut, sail Ismdn were
Issued to thi (VHilpaiUei liatiu 1 In thi tall of Uie
Juds isry eoiunilli.c, aiiiounliug lo alsuit P<li,
(sHI.UUtI. The go n 111110 nt had paid Intel vst 00
till II to tin amount of alslUt #'M ISKI.HSI (If
this Me had U < II li m, hurse,| hul als'llt * I,' h "l,-
(sal, leaving tie amount act nail v advanwrs) to
it.ile al- , I ♦t,(iis,,(KlU, 44e pav fiUn lu
anuilally ah ut ♦ I MSI.INKI in lntei, -|. The hill
of the Judicialv eotnuilllie |>ro|Misea to rrllti
htu si us aiumallv al .11 I J..Vki,iuai. and even
if II should I. adopti.l e fail Is iuud annually
over #3oo,null, aiol applv nothing t. aaiil 11,,
past, while the hill 4 f tl* liatlroad eiHiiUiittei
pi. ■ v ides lur leinhuisiug hul *!,7tai,t**l, atul
the government 1. Ivaiuv . aunualli *3 luu.taal
more than I will ruin If thai almuhl he
adopted The f.aluei hill colitis frolli thi law
coiiimllti ■ and In well coUsldi IT il. The ijlles
lioii of law may h< a el. -.- one, I ut It is Isth-r
t>v solve our vloul-ts lu favor of lejatyuielil as
soon a |s salhle, for at the Is -t t- fall behind
111 payment
Mi. 44 Indoiu iIU p. of Minnesota, call, lup
tin hill ap| l,'|, listing r > 41, (MM) til supple a tie
di ietK-y m the sppropriatiou fur pi luting dur
ing ihe curn nt lis. al year.
Mr Anthony (Hn-p , of lih--de Island, aaid
[s-ople vvtie coUi-Uiitly applying Co the i.<au
tntttee 011 pi tilling for situations ui the govern
lUent office. Tin- prtnti ia in that office con
trolled the tyjs . 1 aphlcat aasisiatlou in 44ash-
Ulgt m, hut ht- had I. ■ n liiforniid that the gov
ernment printers allowed thus.. 111 private
olti.w-a to work for a less aiootxnt tliaa that
psi.l lu tin government . tliee.
After furthi 1 discussion the Kcuah tcfuml
to concur lu the aiiieiidnienl yeas, lit I, nays,
Mr. Sargent, lu p .of t'allfornta, suhniittesl
a hill pro! ding that the whole liuttllier of l as
•t ilgt-rs of Asiatic hulh iv ilrwnt received tui
Isvard tin s(.wooers of the Tacltlcmall ixunpaliy,
tii he loaded st any plac, ui< AißOftcU, shall at
UO time exived tun psssetiger tn 1 very lifti-eii
rvglstelel lons, and on airy violation f th.s
provision, payment from this ajrjwvijmatiotl ahall
era-. Orvlelt-il to t plllltii!.
The iv iiato cons) t< red the Indian approfuia
turn hill, and various amn.dineula reysKted hv
tin .. unuiHi-i 0.1 approprtati 'iis wen-agroedlo.
Ihi hill having hoiii eou.ldi ie.l lu Committee Of
the whole. wa. rr. nted tn the Ivuair, and U e
ameiidii, ' math in o amuiltrr welt- e un urred
ill. Ihe 1 ill Was I. ail a lhlld lilne an.l passed
Mr 1 'aw * - ylli ; if Ms -st htisi tU. Witts.
duel d a hill to aulh (ire and e-pnp an ex|wvtl
troil t the Arctic si as, according to the plait of
t'ap:. Howgaiv of the aigual awrvi. ■ h. fnii d
lii thi 1 iunvlttiie on naval affairs.
till to 1 ittxmiag' a i., a~! !c telegraph
line IwlivCiti Anierw a and 1 uro| was j'aswid.
Mi. Adams, rnrk of tin Houst of lie; listn
talivws, appeared al tho har of the Senate and
announced that th. H uw .lid Iws pri paiisl
t 1 gits t the Hr nat. Ut the hall of th< HoVtsr t.
prxsti-l with tlie fnrtht r mum uf the vote for
I resident and Vke-I'rertdrrit
Tin N ualr returned to its ( hands r after the
visit lo the 1 1 oUsi, and the nn - di nt / vi fcr i.
ailHoun>vd that be liaviug suloulttid to the two
how* • of t'i ngri ss Hi pant meeting the de
c.-um of Hie hi. toral I inwissc 11 in regard to
the v..ti f Ti.ida. a memlsr fi.,111 New 4 -rk
ol Jisrtid then I ~ whieli ohjoctmn woulj be
Hi sivretary then r. id the ohJecUun suh
itiiltes) in the H te by Mr. k kid.
Tlii S> hate hy a strict |iar!) vote • f It In Jli
re fuss d tii adjourn.
Mr. Whyti Is iu.of Mar-viand, gubnutled
the following t>r den J. Hist the Senate th>
not concur in the dr. n made I y tlie coii,mia
ii ctvaltil Wider tin act a|jwoved January
. i 1 -77. ltd th* v■ i.■ - east hy 44llktusiin
( ail, Bobcrt Bulivs-k, J. J-. 4(inge ar d It It.
II lit m a> rlrs t is 1 f the Mat* < f 1 i. >nda, an
the true anj lawful mt, > for I'resident and
Vg-e.-IYesnleiit of that Stair, and should U
cOtnitrd as the electoral vote of the State of
A nnuilw-r of amrndmeuts were tiresrnted
and nnally Mr Hamlin (ltr;xt, of Ma ne, ub
Uiittel the folloWllig
I. • no!. l it tin v ti 1 f t!o Stat, f Flitr
la should be counted f r K. IS. Haves fur
I*rv-idiHt, ami 44 ill tarn A. 4% heeler fi-r Vge
Trc .lent, as dwfwttitiMd by the llloctoral rvcui
mtsw. iu
At the rrs-jm st of Mr. Mrrnmoa the Jc-n u
f the 1 h-total commissi.ui suhtuiltid to the
pud >XoV eidioli was lead. Flit t|uaati. U nig
tli" rdrr s lUnltlu] 1 v Mr.44hyt< :t es t,
Jix-teet yews. 36; nays, 15 . a strict |wrty vote.
Tlu .|Q| Silvia "as Lie n taken in, the
tit. 11 if Mr Harnlln, ami it was agreed to nxg
43 . i.ays, 35 , a strut party vole.
Aftir •- : furthi* ihis-HMi n Mr. Sliertnan
liep. . of Ohio, aaid he did nig like the rvaeda
t; n . (find hy (hi M-ukr from Maun, and
Just*! pteil, Ncwu> It cor. tamed tli* uan
tin ns V bit; Hell I| th, Vote hy
which that n-solution wax agreed to would lw
rwcvuwljeml. ami one mlunind t v hlnowlf
wonlil I* ad..j toil m plac* there, f, yir. Slur
man's r> eduti .1 was a* follows
A'i> r /, "Uiat tigdarii-i 11 of the c.nnu>. n
n;-.n the eh- :■ ral Vuti* of t! State Of Fl, rida
stand as tin Judgtiuut of Die Senate, the objug
til ill" made thereto to t)e c iitrwry twd with
standing. Ihe resolution of Mr. Sherman was
then agreed to yeas, ti . nays, 251 a strict
J'artv vide.
The House in run tmttee i>f the wh' te. Mr.
1 ion of Illinois in the .hair. h>k Uj the de
fitit ncy appropriation lull. Mr. 44 aldriin , lh (~
! y. h'.gs i. - 1 that th* hill a(.r>ijria!d '. The two larg-i st appropriations
Were , He ut *(4*1,(101) a defCctclw y In the
uavv di |4vrtuieid, and one of t*Jl7,(**' at■; r.-
■mated for Jivnaio. to isoidier• w h , kiave i.sta
Mr. 4'anor , lk-tn, ( of Ohio, chatrtnan of the
committer mi pniiting. cffiT-1 an amrmlnu lit
I 4 the Finding hill |*ovelinc that after tin
1 In*. ~f tin | ns nl I "iign-ss n • great 1 r price
•hall lr paid for lal.r I v the govrrnment | nu
ll : t'.v 1 Is paid in tin Cito s of New 4. rk.
Fhtladeiphia ami llallm. rc. He <xp'ainod that
he had. in conjunction with the chainnan . f
Ho cnmmitttne oti printmc of th" Sinatu, ad
dn snd a h-ttir to the pnl pnuter in August
last, advising him to adopt me such nib in
the tnanagi men! of the print g office If that
adv. i- had been follow id. tlni. would Ix-d 11 w
have l*i n a dollar of deficiency in that dc;-ail
ment of the government.
Xtr. T-ong. r iltep.), of Michigan, thought
tliat tin proposition ** impractical'!., and
tiiat it aim 1 a blow at Uie most faithful lalstr
v- of the govwnitiw nt.
Tlie amendment was a-l"]'t.d bv yeas. 11*;
nays, 105, and tlx bill appropriating FH(4i,ono
for deficiency in th* printing appro)'nation was
passi <i.
Mr. Hal* flu p. \ of Main*. rve to a privi
lege 1 question ami tula lolU r which had le. n
*<idi. - ~1 t" him fioin J Madison 44, |lsand
Thomas ('. Aiider "ti. stating that th. y
eonllui*) in a dain]>, dark dungeon in tli. n liar
"f tt.e t'ai'it"l ; that, by . rd> r nf tin S]ak. r,
Uiey had lx- II trwnsf. rr- >1 t<> a much t tier
roohi, ."nd that tin v had lawn brought back to
th cell by order of the serg. int-at imiv, and
that on ace. nut of tbebadatr in thr cell, on.-
of th.-m (.Gov. Ws-ll- v wa- now on hi* sirkbr.l.
v, r. Halo -aid his attention had boon called by
this letter to the matter. He hail £<W to tin
cell in which the prisoner* w.-re confiuwl, and
tia-l found it a dahijx dark room b'h> Which n
gleam of sunlight could n-v. r penetrate, and
which had to l,* illuminated by gas. The air
wa pot—aioua, and one of tlie prisoner*, an 01.l
tnan over cvetitv v. : r f age. i.\ . n 111* 1- 1
nf sieknis . ]t was inhuman t > k.-en thcqi in
such a nsitii. and lie therefore offered a res iln
tion directing the *. rgeant-at-arnis t" remi-ve
the inis"li> rs to a well light.,) and well v. nti rvH.m, where their health mav not Is-
endanger ed.
Mr. Tox moved to rrf.r the rcaolutien to the
s]ceinl eomuiittee on the i le tion in Ix ni-iana,
citli instruct ion- to report a nee-lily b. the
II on w whether auch aatatcof nffa'rs <l(H* exist
a- i stated in the ciiimuiiicatK II of .1. Atadison
44'<1 la and llioinas T. Anderson, and it waa *u
ML Morrison ( Horn.), of Illincts, chaimian of
the special eoinmitU'e on affair*, anlo
liult.,l th" rr|*irt jof that eormintlee, which
<■< include* .lli A resolution .In luring Hint the
I>imi•• ratio elector* received A majority of the
vote" 111 the State i f liouinieiiA ; that the pre
t'lulod OAIIVA-I- (viiil compilation i f the vote fur
CLD tor" I T tin Ixiard of returning officers a*
without authority of IAW. fraudulent and void,
ami till villi •if (tint State cannot liecount
ed for Have* and Whcebi" without confirming
Ami Approving the illegal mnl fraudulent Action
of tin said n tlinin g Ixiard.
Mr. Towiim mJ (Hep.), of Pennsylvania, *ul>-
nntteil A minority r |x>rt recommending tlie
adoption of n resolutii m declaring that the
ltepuUioan elector* IIAVC Iwen eleoti <1 in I/om*i-
AliA, mnl (tint the election "ft* examined into,
determined, declared mnl promulgate I hv the
rruper AuthoriticH of KAHI Stele, under all the
f inn* of law nml in compliance with the t'on
xtitiition nf the United State*.
lloth report* wort ordered to la- print. 1 and
The H| aUer fluid liefore the House a eom
mnnieatiori front Justice Clifford, the pre*iding
ofticer of tin Kkctoral eornmis ion, stating! that
he dirrcted hv Hint eommiasion to inform
the ItoitAo of Itepri entativr* that it ha* eon
sidried and dcaiifed on the niAtter* submitted
to it touching the electoral vote of 1 lore hi and
*ha* transmitted thi -aid ileciaion to the presi
dent of the Seriate.
Tin- Si mate in a liodv visited the Hons*. and
the decision of the Electoral commission wa
then read. It wn* signed hv eiglit nieintier*. a
majority of the commission.
After the reading of the dociaion the prrsld
ilig otlleer then rose and affiled whettier there
wa-anv obleclions to the decision.
Mr. Field <l>cm.), of New York, roue and
presented objection*, which were thereupon
read by the clerk of the limine, and which net
forth '■ that to count the vote* of Charles H.
I'earce, F. ('. Humphrey*. \V. 11. Hidden and
Thomas \V. I/rng, as elector* for President and
Vioe-Pseaident, would he a violation of the
Constitution of the United State*.
The Senate wittidrew, an that the House
might consider and determine the objections.
A* soon a* the House had come t order,
Mr. Lynde, of Wisconsin, moved that the
Hon*!' take a reii ss frotu Satunlay until ten
n'e'loch Monday.
Th* Itsiillhlleail member* nhlectnd to (hia,
asserting that It was Ihe duty of the lasly to go
II on and si ttle the matter, and an exciting ills
L eUfSloii followed I Mil mg the dlsciis.-mn an
t appi al was mail* fioiu the decision of the
i In, luit tin- Chair was austauind l y a vote of
, 101 lto 7.1, and the Ihiiine hy a Vote of 163 to
HK) votiit !<■ adjourn,
( j Mi I n'lil 11 mm. |, of Ni w York, for the |ur
l ose of hiuiging the I lor ida matter trrforw the
( j ihunie in dm form, Offered the fiilliiwing otder
rir 'iti.f, 'thai tlie eouidliip of tin- sbeloral
n votes from tlie Ktste of I lor ids shall lint ,Jirt>-
IHHIIII conformity with tin di<i*lou of the
I total i lumiasloii, hut that the votes uf
f 4ti sm ■ Tall Yung*. Hilton and ItulliH-k tie
( j • iintod as the voli > frmn the i'tste of I iornla
I foi liesldelit and X'tci Tiesld lit of lite TlilU-d
„ States
if Mr. Hale |llep J, of Maine, moved auaniund
■M nt a- follows s
, fiiil.rof, t hat the CoUlitlllg Of tlie electoral
( votes from the Male of l ioiida sltall proceed
B in >, iifuruut) will, the de* isiuu of the f bsHoral
i ouiuiis. ion.
, Mi Hsh made the point of order against
further ainetiduients that under the I ieeloral
(1 eo'iimis , n lie it was the Uii|u-talive duly of
, t tie tlie end of tlie two lours debate,
b> vote, on thi main i|ueaUun,wlucli was whethi i
, the voti S siioukl l< I Illillll d ill collformity With
tl ihe decision, and ttiat nothing lu fheshsin uf
j; delay, tn whatever form preei ntid, eoulif now
arti st tin wl.eels of Its docialuu.
u The drhali closed after many eXiittlig
, S|H| i'hi Sonlsit li sides, and the House pr-sceil
vd to volenti tlo iiuesirun. The aiiiendinent
( offert I hy Mr Hali was rejected >i-a, V7 ;
iiavs.h and the original irsoluOoaefferixl hy
,1 Mr Fll Id was ado|ltdl I y yeas, In* ; nays, Fill ,
r a parly that Mr. 44hitehoiiw, of
„ N. IV Yolk, voted Willi the Itepuhhcans. It waa
then ordered, oil lie.l. uuf Mr. l i)<l, that ttn.
, clel'k Inform (he In nate of tiic action of Uie
„ 11 'Use, and also that tlie House is tiuw r* ady to
,) liiecl llit Senate ill the hall uf Uie lioUae.
Mi. Adams, rbrk of tin House of llr|iroseu
tatlves. a; la SI I d at tin l>st of t!,e heruil*, and
ammui <1 tin d(M'l-iun of the House that the
d counting of the vote of Flonda shall not jwu
, i-.. tin i-ouforrutty with the decision of the
i- l lei'toral • nlnls ion, and also notihud the
e heuatc that tin House was now ready to inert
, the Senate lu Joint meeting. The senators
then | I -vadid to Ihe hall of Un Uouse, and
took their ) la-us. As soon as order wasre
t stoid, t.',e pitsldmg ofiitvrr, Mr. Ferry, arose
a.i.l ssid
d " l l" j mt meeting of ("ongross rrsuines if
. rvsiuu. IliO lw h'U ga separably have coii
xeb eJ and teti rmiue-t tin- übjcctiun suhn It
d tedhy a rucll b-C of Ur It I the (hcoioi of
to. CO "in.- i t e, the c-r ti dealt- - Inau tie
II Stat* of iivil.da. iin clerk of the tVUite Will
i, 1.1 W read the d.. im II of Uie Sciiate.
,t 1 lie di. of tin M uate liaviug Is* tl read
u I * its e'.erk, atid that of thr liuus hv its cli rk,
.* Uir jr. Sldmg othcer skid .
11 •• The two housi s not concurring in ordering
othrrwiat tin dii isil n"f the txiiululssloli will
I- stand nnrcvvrs iL 1 lie countmg will itoa
y 1 r . . 1 ill Mint' ailll'tkr ilaciW<|i of tlie
.. c. raiutssiou. The tellers wdl annouiusi Uie
,i Vote of 1 1 rid*.
e hi nati f Allison, otic I.f the tellers, tlieri
d UJsui alilielllKvd that the State uf lioiida liad
1 given four vol.. for Jt. li Havrs, of Ohm, as
y Fii Mdrnt, and fr nr votes fur 44i!ham A.
441irelif. of Ni 4eik a, 4 ire lies dent,
f 11. 4i e ii. ... ..! u,m |l"CCtilni lo . jn
d lis Ci-tliti. all's ai.d ai'l, unee Ur votes
Georgia, ticvrn v.les for Jiklru. Illin u,
h Iwenty-o: I ('tis for Hayes, liniiana. llftecli
votes f i iXltlen ; low*. • o wu voles for Hayes;
i- Kansas, tne voles for Haves, and Kentucky,
d lws .e v li* foi Tli lell.
d 1 hen cainr Un tcrtil cat* from the State of
1 . (lis.ana. shewing eight voti# fot llayea and
t 44 Ltrli r, tha jiri*.!. g "ff s-r aJitouis".i.g that
the i-rivn.iatr liad U-eii reis-ived hy mall, and
e that mi i.<rrrs)s I.ding one had la-en itiriml
hy niessi-ngef. The tnrssengrr aj'poiiitvd for
o thatpul |- - was Tl Unas I Anders il, of the
r- r. tuining hoard. This wa* authenticated t,y
0 K< ll.igg as g. vcruol, he hotng hltusrlf one of
k Uie c lectors
r The Cirlincate having htsti read, the presnl
h.g ofh. r handid t" the tellers another rvrtlfi
,- cat* 'lorn the same Stale, with * coriisjs.odiiig
• rem. Ibv ft...1, rh' WUlg ergbt Votes for
ii I'lUliand Ucndricka. i ins was authanacatcsl
hy McTinry as gevtm rof the Mate Still a
1 l - rvJ le-lilh ate was ojs-ned and read, goorr*-
i ]udc.g one having U-ru focrived by mail,with
Votes for Hayes and V4hr ler, autiivntrcaled ly
v I'eaionde, secretary of Stab .
u A;., ihi r ierti3iati a ! tilhs- t ue, every name
;n .1 hrmg that of John Smith, was read, aca
■ ting aiibuH'l and indignation,
1 Aeuator Mclkuuaid l>ern.), of Indiana, ram
ai.d sal nutted an oljevtMKi tothellavi.- and
t 44 Ir. ~r corU:,rap a ihe ot j<vfi"ii wa* l and
un th. gl.'und Uiat thi Hayes rliv-t.t> had not
I h- . u duly vleet.d, and that their ihrtion had
hi en cellifird hy 44 tUiam F. Kilkagg, who
.i*i. Ito Is, lut tn fact waa not, govwrnor if
the Male of liouisiaua, that the reluming
Is .aid of said State wi.- wltomt jurtsdictl. i,
for the reason the law* *if laKusmiia con
ferred no p wer i ll tl,a sa d I ward to canvaax
iWCv ul|o the votes fur elm-tors; that the said
U.ard e li.ututi-d hut f. ;ir of the five ps*Bo:ia
re.jUtre.l ! y law that th. -e I at were of Uie
seme | lilies! twrly. and that U.eie was a va
can. T m aaid l-ord whi h th. four IM sls-rs
had refused to fill that the four mrinter, ot
the lemming hoard had full kluiwJedgthat a
tr.ia ci u-j tiauoii uf Use votes wi uld liavi
a-', wi, thst tin 1 iliieii , ee> rs had l<en duly
• lertrd, that aaid iiuard had offered for mouev
to seil the nli of 1 amisuna. and that A. it
lev lsee and tt ]| llr. wsl*r of the He put umn
elector* had he d TJsre of trust under ti.*
govern!!**.! id ti.o t'uiUvl states at the tin*
! their *p)t|iiiuwtil aa • kctiw*.
1 i.e i ! jtctKvu is sijfned ty Senators Milkm
aid Ind. Stev. MOO Kv. i, Salilsl ury ln-l •,
and liogv i,Mo . *n,l Joq tewroUtm s Jinks
i ... i. (dl cti lit . Tuck, r 4 a.). Levy (1-a. i.
In.. 11 j. , and Morrison lILX
Mr (iil-'n Ik-tu. of liiuinxna. alw. M-nt
up objrv li ns t. thr lliua and \4heeb r ctrlill
. slcs. I" ai;>s First, ti.. G lernincnt of IA-UI-
Siana was m l r.) noin-an in seevind, no
caniaea wa* made on which the ortl' catea of
• ■ turn were i- tied third, anyai.if ul can
vass of the vote* was an act of u>ur|ratron.
fraudulent and v. i.l . fourth. sw of tie elec
tor* wi rt> i tn-1 g tide ly the laws of laiiuaiaita,
a 1 wen- dl~jUsh: *d from Isdlig akctitt as ,
holding Mat* oilier*, Kellogg Icing acting d>
/ govrnnvf . Jrffri 11. siijsrvis. rut rvgotra-
Uon for the parish of P.ilril (\m|ie ; Marks,
district att'imey , and Jturrh, a meir.lwT of Uie
Male .-seriate, * u.i-nitsr of the 1-I*rd of mi
ll ■ i-f the Man penilentiary . an aifnunistralor
f the d*vf and dtsmh asylum aiid treasurer of
the Si-his•! I - ard "f l ast Jlatoti llouge ; fifth,
becvattw Jcffrion waa |>e.-iilly dlNfualiffed hy
the tliirto i.tJi section ..f the art of |h. 1 a-gtsiai- ,
lure, fleased July 1*74. which j rviide* that
ti > stlpi rvisiir nt rvg-.strstiiiu aliall tie eligible
t - any .d:, at i h - tion . and t-ecwu -o itff
rion wa* at Un la*t tiieij. n gupcrviaur of rig- i
Ulratiou for the jartsb of I', ml Oouj*-*.
Thi* ohjectioii is sigms) hy*>r- Sauls- i
hury. Meli nald and Keriian. and bv lU )ires*n- i
tain** Jenks. Tucker, (libado, FklJ, Lew and
Mr 44..,1 (IVni. . of New York, anlanitt.-d
further objactlons to the Have* and Wlnekr
CV runeates, on the gruui..! that the ebvtors
wet.' not elected aa provided 1* the I.>-p 1-la
Mr. Ilone 1 ften.\ of WiwCoiiain, auhnuitod > b
jwtiona to the Tilden and Hendricks c*etiik-at<-.
on the rt> und that there m no evidence that
tin ■ dot - had lus-ii appointed ill such manner
a* the i* f islatur* directed, w bile thars waanrt
d< n.-e Voachtaive in law that mother of them
had leu ao apjauntod ; also ou tile ground
thai there w_ - no evidence that M !.uery waa
govern"* of litmiaiaua in tbe rear 1476, while
there wa- conclusive evidence that Kellogg wan.
during the Jt ar l*7f. and for several veal * prior
thereto."governor . f that State, and that h< waa
r*- -gnired a* such by the judicial ami legisla
tive department* of lami*iana. and by all the
departments of the govt rumont of the L"titled
The presiding otli.-er " Are there furtlier ob
jection* to tin- State f Iniriana? (After a
p*u~e.) There Iteiug no further objection ail
of the et rtitlcatea fr mi that State, with tbe
paper* n.xximpanyiugtire same, together with
the objection-, will 1.- now übnilttetl to the
bit* (oral <•■ inmi<si on for juilgnn nt and de
cision. The Senate will now withdraw to its
Ihe Senate thereupon withdrew.
Tltr Kleetornl Tribunal,
Aft. r a MK-f t #" it>n the doors wore thrown
open. The following i* s copy of the minute
on the <dt!< ml record of the Commission:
tin motion of Mr. Ju-ti-e Millrr.
Ordered, That no evidence will Ik" received or
consider.-.! by the commission which waa not
submitted t" th. J. mt convention of the two
house* by the president Ibe Senate, will)
the diff< rent certillcate*, tic. pt snch a* rrlatt a
to the 1 hgihility >.f F. t. Humphrey*, one of
tin-1 ieefor*.
I he rote ws* os follow* :
tro r.rad!' v. Fdirmnds, Trelinghnysen,
Garth-Id. llosr, Slilh r. Morton turd Strong f.
Nms Alitsilt. V.iyard, Clifford. Field, Hun
ton, I'syne and Tliurmnn 7.
(•11 motion of Mr. Abbott :
*.Jcof, That in tin c.isc of Florida thi*
conmnasion will ri 1 ive Ihe evidence slating to
the eligibility of Frederick C. Humphreys,
one of the persona named in certillcate number
one a* elector.
Yrn* Ablxrtt, llaeard, Ilradlry, ( liffned,
Fk Id, llunlon. Favne and Thunnan H.
Nil* I 1-iumi*. Freltnglmysen, Garfield,
II -ar. Miller. Morton and Wrong 7.
The sc-refary of theerwnmtsMon wa* insfruct
cd to inform the cuns. 1 on the respective aides
that the commission n.* im (-nnsl tohesr argu
mcnt on tin <pn tiouof th<- eligibility of Frcl
eriek ('. Humphrey** tor.
Mr. Hiitnnnreya is one <>f tin Kepublican
1 lector*, ai d the <|i|esti..n rsi-ed as to hi* eltgi
bility 1* that he wn, at the date of hi* election,
a I'nitcl St*t * shipping onuiusnoner, which
ia nll< g< <1 to Is. auch an oltlcc of tin*! and pn.'it
as to dia<|Ualifv him fn m acting n elector, but
which ofln-c, it is a ert< <! by the lh-pti! lieana,
he re-igm 1 1 eforv the < lection.
The c .inniission by their decision have before
theni ill tin- Florida case three set* of papers,
namely I ir-t, the certificate 1 f the llayea
electors ; recond, tliat of the Tilden elector*,
and third, the paper containing the record of
the circuit court of Florida on the ijtm trnr
raulo ami the *uh eipient action of the legisla
ture of that State.
The arguments on the qiieation of eligibility I
on the Democratic side were made by Judge
Hundley, of Ohio, Judge Ashtxd Orren, of New j
Jersey." and Richard T. Merrick, of Washing- !
lon. Judge Hoadlcv insisted that tl-e question
of Humphrey*' eligibility turn* upon the nccep- 1
t nice of Id* resigns! ion by Judge Wood* of the
United State- circuit court for the district of j
Florida. Humphrey* assert* that he resigned
on the tlftli of October, and that Judge Woods
accepted hi* resignation, aud designated the ,
collector of the port of reniaoola a* the proper
person to fulfill the duties of the office until |
lit* snnervsaor should 1 ap|suubsl. At th*
time Huiiiphri'ys' resignation waa scut to Judge
44'IMMIB, the <att*r waa tli Newark, Ohio, glut
from that |srtut wrote to Humphrey*, ac
knowledging the nsi'tpl of hi* reatgiiatiou and
traiiauiitUng to htm hr* acceptation uf Urn
same. The I mint Inada by lieroocratie MUU
sel t* Uiat the aii|miuUneiit uf alii|iplug rom
uUssioner la luaan hy the circuit court t that
Judge 4Vigi<la la not the circuit court | that U
court la nut lt<-ti| In Newark, Ohio , that (he
matter of resignation and tho XNS'|'tati'Ui Uwwe
of liaa iinvi I le. n )ir<-a<l ll|4>ll the reoird of
the court, ami Uiat the successor of Humphrey*
has never Is .II apimUitod lyr the court. Th*
■ ■Un r i'imtisi I on the same aide discussed gen
erallv the value ga evidence of Ui- throe dlf
feri-nt cei l titrates made hy the Itrptlhllcan and
l'Mnorratle electors, and dwelt at some UwigUr
iijsiu Uie dcislou of Ui* aii|ireiuß court of that
Hiati on Ihe inainlsinus easa 1.1 ought hy !>rw
against Mearns. and also tim ./vm mirmntn pro
j is eituigs instituted hy th* lii in.- ratic *hs'tor.
Judge Mhellahargcr and Mi. Kvart* followed
for the luipuUn-ans, and Mr. Merrick closed
for Ihe Itemorrata. Judgu Hhcltahargcr ol
scrved Dial the •'lortora *i*rciawl an art of
government which nec*eaarUy terminated on
I the day wlit u Uiey caat their vutra. Mr. Kvarta
dlsctissid the ehgihilltv .juration *nd the i|Un>
lion i.f validity lu the Tiideii returns.
lire Florida (sue was formally decided hy U#
F.lect.oal ooniiulasiori after au ail day deiwle
aicmg Uicrnsidves. \ resoinUoU |iri>|sHang U at
lh* 1 >. luorratie rhetors l declared i lected wga
. lad down hva va|| of a lo 7. and t rwanlUtkMi
declaring the Hayes elnrtors legally elected waa
jiasanl hy the same vote of Hie) the tuemhers
voting In each rase le-lug Uie same a. on th.
previous day. After a lesxsa of an hour tlar
decision was rea<l ami signed bjr the eight tnran-
Isvrs wiio Voted in lis favor. The derision
lifli fly si ts forth
I list 'That the commhadon cauuot entertain
evidence . ntsiili of tin. rt-l lineal* of tlie gov
ernor as fotnidsd upuu thi ilet. i rnraialioii of
tli* ls*rd of SUU canvasser*.
Hoosiud That the action of a State hy its
legislature or court, taken after the elector*
had cast thru votes, cannot 1 considered as
determining who wur appotnud rhetors.
Thud 'l'll* evidence |.reo< ulrsj does not
show Uiat Humphreys waa a I idled htslea ship
ping Cotuutiasiuuer on the seventh of Novem
The A-hlnhul slaughter.
('lurries- I'mnc, g'ciicrnl *ujM)rinUiii(lHit
of the lakc Hlnire ratiil Micingiati H<rtith
crti rwilwuy c- .tnjmiiy, ItMUtitx) : Me iiw*
n list of tlpex suj.jxrti.-j to have U-*n
oti the wreckrwl I nun ut the Aht*buia
briilge ; some of wlioui were ut lirwt re
|>ort-il us im*-llig JnvVrJ 1 irM-li UMvertAlliml
not to hu4<- been n tlie Uuili ; aotne were luiatakeu uiul wolue were fruu.lti
lently re. rejs>rtl ; the liat oontwinu tli*
lmin.-a of seventy-two u.lttlt* fUid eight
children Mlj.p.M'l to Ire lost UU.) alxtv
iiinc nuv rvi , some are marked lioubtful ;
this bat includes (lie luuncw uf all ktiowil
to liuve IH I !) on the truiU, both puwrrtti
gera un 1 einjiloves a. tuiuiy of W hotn liuve
Jiot IHV'H id.'Utified bv utlV urtielew found
umonj.' the reiuuui* ; have no mrauia of
knowing hoar niaiiv were on the tram ex
cept bv ootidncU.r rv rejert ; he rejrortw
I'Jw nl11!t paxMsengeru, MI train bauds,
five sleeping ear hands, three exprugg
men, two bagptin- man, ami one uewg
boy ; eotiOi ruing the rnmored orders
iil.nt th. UIM* of water on tlie Are, he did
not iweue any kucli order*, and know* of
no BUrli urtlen. having Uvn iggued "by
any ollim-m <>f tlieoompauy ; Mr. tolling
never expreaeed any ilmU tint of (lie safety
of tlie bridge to hitu, and, on the oon
iritry, s.iitl to Jinn tliat ita only fault
in liia opinion WAS ita great surplus of
Ih.wn in a (oal Mine.
The diffienHy of obtaining ooal at
greater dejitlig than those now reached
is more foruii'lable thsn is commonly
supjxoacd. ll is weil known that at a
•leptli of fifty feet below the surface of
the earth Kngtiwh geologtstw mark a KC
of esjusl>le temi>eriiture t thc tliermometcr
tJiere showing fifty degree*. Oirgerva
tum shows, too, that thi* temjierature
lnrrerxse* at the uniform rate of one de
gree for every flfty-tlve feet; no tiuat at
the depth of 1,700 feet tire tempers tare
.• gb-iut se verity-eight ilegree*. One
mine in Knglaud, 1,040 feet deep, is, it
is arud, already worked to great disad
vantage, owing to the inability of tlie
miners to endure the wteady heat. In
the colliery the siiaft is 2,376 feet deep,
and the temperature is ninety-eight de
grees, or bloiwl heat, and there pro
longed labor is nnj wu-,ble. The limit
..f profitable mining, tlierefore, nv ixo
heveil to lie about 1,700 feet, and at
> I,OGU additional feet mining i* miprwcti
-wble. At the depth of 4,000 feet Uie
tenijmt .ire would, acurdiug to Uiis,
l e not has than 122 degree*, and at 10,-
(llJll feet it would be at the baling jsant,
if net higher.
lii* .tutfieritj•
" Now," Ivegttua lawyer, riaing slowly ami-tig hi* jirvifewMonal brethren,
and looking very jeafonud, " now, are
you |ir-|.areil to swear Uiat thi* mare
wa* three year* old?" Swear!" ro
ttirnrxl tin - Btiibh'inan in the I vox, "yea,
I'll *wear *he was.'* "And pray, *ir, ujM.n
what snUiohty are v.m j.repsrwd t*> swear
it?" "What authority?" eclnsvl the wit
ness. "Ye,*ir.u|*n what aatbontT? X'oti
are to give me an answer, and n>it rejieat
my (jue*tion." " 1 don't see a* a man
can lw exjverbsl to answer a question l>e
fore lie has hail time to turn it over."
" Nothing can lw Mtuph r than tlie ques
tion put to you. Upon w hat aulhontr,
1 re J wat, do you sw.-nr to Uus nntinai's
age?" "On very gv**l authority."
"Then why Una evai.ii? Why not
state it at imoe?" "Well, if y<) must
have it" " Must liave it!" inter
rujibxl the man of law, "I will have it,"
" Well, then, if you must and will have
it," Mud the itler, with d.vhberab l
gravity, " I ha<l it from the mare's own
IHviw in ( liildren.
Chicago is suflfi'nng severely from
scarlet fever and diphthena. At a meet
ing of physician* to consider the epi
denue and it* projver treatment a resolu
tion was . ffernl the purport < f which
was that no metlieine* which could lw ad
ministered would prevent diphtheria,
and that the continued administration of
them for any great length of time would
lw injurious. l>r. lto< law dcelarcs that
that thi* WIK aimrxl at hi* recommenda
tion of HuljihocarlMihtte of soda, which,
lie hold a, will destroy the genus of diph-
Uierin, the blood and tissue* Iwing ius
infected. He think* that the remedy
lias fulfilled all rx]wotation*: and some
of hi* brethren, it apjwrir*, think oUier
wi*c. Wiio *hall decide when even Chi
cago doctors disagree ?
The annual report of the iuehrint#
asylum nt Ringhampton, N. Y., atatea
that from May 1, 18(57, to Deoamber 31,
187*7, 2,(XV patient* wore treated. More
than one-half of these were pennoncntly
cured. The receipts during the year, in
cluaive of cash on band, amounting to
nlwrut 87.0t¥4. were $43,711.55; the ex
jvenditurc*. $38,319.03 ; cash on hand,
18,395.22. ______
Our reader* who may vi~it New York
•>n business or pleasure will find the Treiuont
House, MIS l'.r .a.lway, letso-n 111. *ekcr and
Amity str ■ t*. plea utly and o.'ntrxlly liawteil.
rend acted on the Enrnj>*rm plan ; good roan*
at 75 cents and Fl p-r day. A firai-elaaa res
taurant, with ury reduced price*. The pro- J
)>ri.'tors and clerk- ac atti iitive and obliging,
and any ono going from tins section will do
well to give them a call.
Nothing Like It ! It Stand* Alone!
Such i the verdict of (lie medical world and j
the public on //.i - Hon eg of Jiorrbrmnd <inti
Tor. Toughs, colds, iuffueniu, all irritations
of the organ* of *)veech and respiration vanish ,
under its influenc.', like fogs ts-f rc the aun
liaht. Sold by all druggists.
Fike's T.s.tliache Iro"s cure in one minute. I
We undendoiul that the whooping
cough i- quite prevalent in the town* around
ii ; but that no ca ■ - liave proved fatal. Some
families use nothing tut J< Anson'* An/dyne
/.Hitmen/. (nr doctor, however, *av* a little
ipicac, to pnsluce vointting. would "l-e an ad
There nro more than one thousand dif
ferent kinds of pill* in the United State*. Some
of them aic worthies* and injurious, other* are
good and benefieial. did Pr. Parson* invented
the best anti-hilirm* pilt we ever *.iw or heard
of. They are row sold under the name of
/'arsons' I'unjat&r ffllf.
Is there one reader of this paper suf
fering from rheumatism? If so, write t
Helpnrnstin* A Ben! Icy. druggist* Washing
ton P. t'.. for a circular of Parang's lihcu
matic llcinedv. Thi* medicine i* taken inter
nally, and will positively cure any ease of
rheumatism on the face of the grien eartii.
Price one dollar a bottle.
San ford's Radical Cure for Catarrh is n
local and constitutional remedy, *nd i* prepared
by dist'llntiou. Not a pwrticle of woody fiber
or enustic ebt mical* enter* into its composition.
It thu- differs from other remedies.
Vegetable Pulmonary Balaam, the great New
England cure for oongh*,oold* and consump
tion. Ostler Bros. 4 Co. a, Boston, only genuine.
• The IJonjH'l of Merit.
j Where there i* an itnieh riralr* aa in f.h
niainifaetiire nf familr mxlit'ltiea, lie aim tronkl
j autvrxU tnurt *ftve |nnaiUve anil rtinvlnein* preeif
„ nf merii ThU l an a *( nf injnnr. wofla
take nnlhlnu fur rrar.lAl They mnat kn<>* the
. | "trftty.t ate I ir/x-rr/twrr ' U fnre ackrto* ledgintt
t the itn<ii,irlt uf uite art tile otet amither.
, Anuitiß lltn few |>re|mratit>lt that h< atnd
„ I lie teal, tluiae iiiannfarltirnt try It. V. IVroe,
. M. If , nf the World a I'it>ei"ar, litiffahi,
f N. Y , hat a tot many year, been f .r. inoat,
. The truth <>f any lUlrnail made ennrtrutn*
r them ran ha i-aailv tavrlilnnl, fur I>r. Haee'a
. i'a;*rrh Itetmaly and br.llare* aiiuldeu Meoleal
IXaow) a* Nt nUiad ty i j hyi
j ciana in rttritig ahatilMM eaaea of rtUnli aitd
l, lm i|,ie. I eMiiitii|iUnti. Tin l>taeutary haa no
I iM|tutl in nirtnif euu*iiia, .I.lila, hrmn lu.l aitd
, iinrmiu afrt-eunii- It allata all urilethni i f
, llm minima ntariilirai.e, anl. %ntimi, and
alien mxul with lr. I'lenea I'leaaant I'nrif*-
I lite l'i lit ta reaihlv uvorti'inea farpi't Seer- and
j I r.>na(l|*tl<n. wtiifr Ihe I'arnril* l*iaarri|4ln
_ ha* no rival tu Lha field uf |irei>are<t runtiinii a
f in rurUiK dint earn |ieeuhar h< fionak a. if yen
„ wiah h> '" l,nor lUyarif" jtji -iire a i-uj y rtf "lit#
. l'eo|ila'a I ntntiimi Hen a. Adclaer," an
iliuatratad Ue.k of nearly l/ekt , adt|itcd
hi the wanla uf I'terytxeiy. Fin*, fl.t ,
„ a*;e prejiaid. Addrraa the aulliar, it. V. I'irree,
c lluffalo, M. Y.
a (Frutil J. U Jarkwbi, of Ceuhrti, N. Y. |
i ' Ale-ill ell yeare ainru injr wife aat attacked
alth 4 illflti-ultr of |he luuga anil afum/rh, ejdt
■ Un of hkeid. ■4r., MttHiij allied hy pr at eortx
n uea., and wae linuglil hy ail hi l<e tti a diliKif
• ima rviitdiUufl Hhc wa under lira ear* of a
- akiilfnl |'hrid<-ikti fur inure than a year, and
i aflarwanl trail tnariv uf Itie mnat j>ujmlnr
cutigh raaindiu.., hul alia ranr-lvad no prrmauenl
i relief until Wieraa' lUieaw waa uactl, a few
■ huttlea of wlileh r. ' lrr to Iter tiauaj
' healtli. 1 would a.ld that thla liataacn ha* lem
ux d hy oilier in> tnhata uf my family, and 1 on
> truly any that I know uf lm uther O'tlflii I Monty
• in ahu li I hate x> niii<-h ruuSdenee. 1 would
• [teriuxitd WiaiaA'a lUfAa* ur Wifji I"ifKuny
tu ail in a*r<| ufa aafa and raluhlc cure fur
t ootijrh. r..lj, ur any other diaeax-a of the
** Liiruat and lung..
bli eta. end t) a hutlle. *>>ld hy aJi dixgifiete,
Cuutnidruiu fit Hi- Valrutuic a day ;
W ST. Vaijwnsa
j A VaaataM Maack?
i The Market*.
' waw rows.
k Ikwf 'alU~Vali,e . (4b* '.*
Teaaa and Cucrakaa (d ,w I*4
Milcb Cuam , .. 60 o (4* nti
■ Uuga-1-" u*b4 Ml*
tlrwn it ... 6s II ,
* 4 * < * # *
(VKUHl—iilddllbf U\t* 1114
I irtuai- bMl.ia-ui4 la CkO<* . T at. 14 •40
•Mele-texd to Clxeix 4 6 (
Wheal—Red * ....... lb i, Ihi
Ko. 3 Milaauka* ....... I M ti I I*
' Uye—kuMe a> ta ,W
' lurle) Male. Tiki# M
iwii* Mfn._ i * —i as
. harkaWl rl'-.a lIC
. <laU-M 4 Wcabra. . H II
I Cora- Miaul Winters .'4 a K
f Hay, |xr eat 71 14
Kiraw, |xi rat T8 (4 *0
Hope T4W IT ,#-jU Tsb t r (4 1*
Fork-llra U (U xlf Cib
Lard—CYtj Ilhi# lib
Flab—Mackerel, K.i, I, new., 1* it) ta>, (o
" ha, 3. new.. U (ki Mill CW
I>rj Cud, Jar rut t STb<# db
Hrrrma, S sled, |xr bci. 14 t, Jl'
• Fi-troleum - < :ud*. I , t#)<lur-t,. j .. C%
I W aul—klailf.-rata Flaaru M (w F,
f Tea •# • , a *
lwinllu " i ,a 1
lluttar— Hi air a <4
j Waatrrti -<"bu:iv ... kl (# n -<k>o4 to Frusa it M >*
Wmtrfs—Firkina II M 1*
Cbeeee-Alale Faabory • a 1# IJ
HUia WUmaiad (A (# (T
M Valero (lb M UX
■ Rtya—Stale and fwmyltislt. ... 31 * 23
Foar T 00 4110 U3
ttbaal—So. 1 Ma wank— .1011 4l
C-.-s Mii)
t (>• !V4 <1 .
■ k.ia Wlitb
I Itartry 6} M <3
, Bftrtey Mall J66 (# 1 10
1 h-M Catlla—Eitra M'-.i* r\
! -iiar)J. u I# OTb
H ipa—Hrraxcd (P.VM <X
V aur Extra C 03 m 4 taj
tk .nai-JtrJ VtraUru 1 (0 (4 i 40
. Il>a tl i U
(Xrw ■ Vabaa Mb 14 it j
Mi> 1 &,<#&£
• (ML Mlltsi ST (4 ft?
IV trutw—Crude ift'abkUX Rrficad... 34k !
vniiMva, waa#.
I— t t'xitka peer tc Cb< ue 4 T i 4 0 so
' KkatA. 3TS (# 4 a
lAtahe 3 7* m * J*
vir.t Hmcrif\TibM akd QOCT,
Thia popular and merpefWHYe reme
dy ncrom|iltabes tin SANK rkm'i.TS
l coftlt Sclphvr HATHS, since it
sad iltiirratkins uf the Skin.
CoMrLKXtoNAL ni.LMisni are al
vr-iys übvia! 1J by its use. and it ren
ders the cuticle wondrously fair and
am *>lh.
SOUKS. Spraina Bunssa, SCALDS,
Burns and Cuts are SPEEDILY keaijad
hy it, and it prevents and remedies
li'out and Rheumatism.
- the mols of the Hair, and pr, terves
luyuiiihfulcolor A* a DISINFECTANT
* of i iolhini; and Liuen used in the aick
rotun, and u- a PROTECTION against
t-iNrAtiiouf DISEASE* R is unequaied.
Phyaicians emphatically esdone iL i
Per ik-x, (%Caeks,) 00C and $1 30
K. B, Tbff la cooooay ta 1-oytof tbr larfT aUw.
Sold by At! DrntcxU.
" nm*s H*ir ud wblbker Dye,"
R!ck or Brown, 50c,
(\ I. CUTWRW. Fnp'r. 7 Sdtt At 17
Tbr Krat Trwaa n r -ut i
bar Ivnui aarn inrwtad
SS> Vx Tft dJ c No buuAus claua >4 • car-
VYbSdF 1 >\\jm LIB radical cura, but a coat
art— of ■ cooafcrtaMa. aa- 1
¥" rare aod aat day.** ajnli .
aaca. VTi* a ili Lkc luu k &ad
pay fall Jrhr tat all Ural A" a * MV
Prioa. riualo. bka cot. 04 i 4a R4b uJ *MI Sent fcj
ATI who wih an M*. M*V and (air-nsindad ppr.
rwpr*axntina tba Iwwt phaaee of honUbarn Rf;atlcan-
IP,-* oald n*ad lb*
lha and repraaentaUre Kapnblican journal of !
tha Snolh.
Dull) •mmrrrinl, StO par jraar, canU par
tDinth Tt7 tl no* m<nth.
\\ rrhly Onmrrrkal. naatly arrancad, elaarif
pnnlad. oarafally aditod a oapital Imh .;* n>w|apMr.
per jrmar. 91 for u month* la t lair* of W
1 .lO Mkch. pat jaar . Clob* of tan or more 9 | .^O
t n* copy of atlbar adiUon aant fraa. poat paid, to any
An A ran I waatad in nnwry naafbhorhond. ta whom wo
pay 2(1 par ronl c**h ownnituMtw.w a haaKlaama aod 1
talual'i* iwwmium S*nd f\r h|*actal 1 ircalar to A*tt*
Ural AdvrrtUiac Medium l I be* Soul h
lU|a*. nd quant ly and quality nf otrcuULon c wtid*
*ral Rat* card and oojww of Jp*r fna,
Addraw. A. 11. MKi.KKIEU, j
Manaoar I'ottttfcKciAh, l,*u>RiiHr, WLp*
Newspaper Reporter
Published Weekly.
Haa A larpa *uhikmi>tit>n li*t a metis pr ntar*.
( Main* weakly rapnrta nf lha ,hlihmant of naw :
naw*p-ner*. mißpenwitin*, con* ', on*. anbrEcmanla, }
and taniri*\amant-R
1* reliad 01*41 by aslrort *nf **.' no** and all othat* !
whmw Ixtwtnaa* intara*t* raqmra thena to kaop inf>rmal i
ujvn newßpApor chanxaa.
AdYail:*ar* wh wiah to tnako (imp*a , | tn pulU*hani j
<d!*r.n auma tw*k r other Artirla in a*chaiqr** f-T i
will d wall t*> maka a tnal of it* advert i*. .
iria: t •vi'tn.i.R
Tihwr wtshinf tu embark in ymmkliam, *ithar hy tha
j purchna* 4f *n wtihlktM pnjwr, or t!ir xelecti. n o| M j
locßth'D. will coma in direct communication, j
tha RElMliTKlt. with rrtirsnir publtßuar* 4ir comiunnitias
r*jrrr to hara a home ppr in thair mi hf.
ruhliAliar* rrtinn* from active husuia-M fitid no medi
um aqtial to tha UnxtlTKß in nso*tm* tham to find a
pnrchaaer fowqhahr ofHca* and printing material.
J Rrwnr printer look* to it fr advarti-ement* of " Bar- •
(rsin*, and nt P. COPY i aant out that (I f* cot con* tin
. aomathing c hoioa in that Una.
Twriiti-flvf re nin n linr, rnrb ftnwrrtlon.
One pniir fa rouittrd a* iwo hundrrd linen,
nnd runts §SO rack Insertion.
Subscriftion Price—s4.oo Per Year.
Geo. P. Rowell & Co.,
Advertising Agents,
41 Pnrk Row, NEW YORK.
$5A| $77
i 5 to S2O i^ifrr^jgttgfcg
$25 t LtHkiM i.*fTftx?fof w i i'TJ-i erf
Brum urD l^*"*^
HtWULfCHwumgoim Won, CM—*.*
$5 asTF-a©
4 V V -• 1 '. li-ll 1 Ml Ml 11001. MH)K
WH T( llf. A Qm SIIBMIIiii
Wuc* twliK.Ul l—t.. Aam.ui IWUflliw
9 CM4. ASd—x A i ot'ITRK A 00. CfcHMP>-
rLnJIUnJ jxMA4IUa 'l atraoUr
(m. T HcMitiiu, in* fW
• Ann A MMlIk i|u MM M M (Mi
{350 yfe^xagfc^r
m■ /i v *m ,w
urn—lvx .itxnxx j.iit l* Aim Mim _
11. 1.. BOIiKKK 4 l.. Dhmmum*. OHM.
aiiikii 4 vnrMi w*
Bimfw i u •* *
i£fxjrA rsra. £srsn ,r -
CHIMNEYS MiuMii't'Kit. -thtMb
wuli t lLwr (aw. Til A*— At. rbila.. pa.
18 PBBTIUi3,7S£~iSBS
m Vt?.*ur £mS.mjSß
WAMTCn ■* a*"** f*— *— wr €"*■;
An LUpifiwm W|AI mwiti *"■
■alary titfiif l—tbf ■ n|#ay.
!■*■ lu4ixi.ti **. ... <i.Mit. q.
Hx—La, Km tart.Uualadcm of MawJaH tan)-
<U HJlxrk Tali* fU—trmlad t Ul.x I l-t —l
- Vnil "DM <* 4xart.ui mom* at am MT*
|E IUU w vili Ml r • I WMM l
II 1.11 l t'rwaav.aada l*paw,44uu.a.ili..4r-ai-<l
Ih*m Irrt tar A WIU JIM...— IOMk ta •
MMC U WmmuA Kiamti. < (Su ,B*.MM
"nitn r AGENTS ;^J3TT3 7 Mint
titf ou Mm"Jrx. to •.■! ft w. t .k l.ay "(•
M ar* xa4 rauMll, rata vwaatwf .
Money g^ag*
I .•.T. HII 1.1 l < .at laaall. Ofci*
93*. rial, tfall'a Ma|lr .aml
la tlx a*f aiiaMw. aaw fxr-kay* X aSa
■*jf will tare* (V kan aa a—• ta ..I lata
Ajd <ka aan iv# fcx taitla— iitfaaa) la C
JKI* 4*fa .* * aa. a—, rt—rtaC, ta-
TU* few iMStaatf ~
tr Tha i.iailaaali a tar tbu aaainri 1 rr-pan
!,.m..|ur* auaaiiM Itnat aaaH t AAilrwax
CUA&. CLUCAbA 00. 14 Wama Ac. UamtaA.
I a.M auM aataa 4MMI <4 Hart'a raintw! Oatak
Nyr*. tar Ux |H>t jaaat llun I h.r* na 44 <Jt a aawi
-..■*.• ux <lurww tlx aaaa Wnytii <4 twau I baaa <aa mj
ifculauu UarixMt Mtna r—n a.M tin i. c u>iaaa
la-xt 4 Ma—r t 1.1- ;. . la If. ■ aawxtcm.
1.4.8 V I*
taaaa MUM. Jet C)a.. K- T-
<axr lUplaa*. t>*Huaa Habit, lb, (UT
fKEk aatSA at Ammm, AddraM br. Macau' Uufua
•MJ, Ko. ItJ'au Mtb Suaat. M. Lotua. Ma.
AMJ m Mum I>Ml> utnalaalarfM
MS IMI JCaJLI Il.abaioar Vaktaaakable* fcuaia
■ MIM utM Lnut Cb.awaaa M—aur fcilaa
anran, iuvuaaut l.tbitrn—Law* • .-ob. ata.
I. KNI a year, taaal aal Mw.iii wyata p"4 k
|"4ai <
a UM A MTK4A maiiuA
li. M. milUI 4b I O. < IKCtKKATI. OHIO.
I# A UVrPl™ mMrhb— Vl.r. aa4
TBBBPPIMkaIrb l'.|— ra:..!alaUa
I nnilkib I M. auu tuonaua aal a*Mi
BLADE I|K£ftrsffisg
TO TATT AH fit TW Amrrirmm
IU XiIIJUVIJCLO. ftlroftrw, <A< m h*
-■ mf G+mu' fiiAr piri h*!"~t txm r+mAj ft
, fmmtm-vt. (Mr iog Chrowt PWa# * 11
Kurr** ■ *l*4 > I TmA Pint* \4 i |ur ), P4-
tnM *d UtAior 4iAr%*ai4 - OHi **ptodar*oa
i**tr ! Mtbkkil Vfl# jioUrnH* nlo OuAitor
'\ kt* n, SIUIO. t.r 111 |—t.
42.0(1. JXO J MITV UKU. I'uUMtMr
I* U Hai 3ftSo< Broadwi. Nnr fat
-3 New Books
I. " Ilbraaru at Putrftrt, lx u car Iba
I •" Vrvta la law I Brrriiuc," >at*h
a "Tbr liiar faal •> tlx Ptt. <a(ba Ipa "
Wilk aufiM futliMfv '"U'txs'UM* la ftilura. 1 Itiaa
.I*l*l Cifmhu* of lb* s'**b. *atf ml mj tb- Hiab.
•aaa aat) I arbla* lUtatlt r:t rut I—is ta Ux
uvtrM . axUx* fur £rt uxaana Kit.xr K-' It *aaL. aa<t
j Ut h jllfta by Oao. t. Bftnttnu.Malwa. Man.
Y obb< Aaariea Pi aaa C*., Ov >
a* Mcmr Br. x*w yore. syk ~y
rb. .|H uni V.l k.tonl M 4 .
s££r"; •'
>,t:-juz d Zrpt. Jut. 4i. its Wlli.
Tbr r 4HMKKV ( MON. kobtafcai . t ttiaar.
nrlt>, HilfH a iannt WbaM ir.l
Sku-b i.vtu lfcl.-vx, uf Ux Nartktn—l rut— atx
■—urn or tt mtxln* wart, aaa ■ .h X. bar.—a
awtutt ut Ux >! \iiif* tad tlx ImaUfai
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t.,jxa I* tux : a T.:m. >3f.l j aar ,w,Bu
U—li.a, HI.IO. Trxll > Tbiaa M. Mr. 4|) rxr.ta
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Htnarat <4H. Ml*a. f Wxrthai pajaa it u
b, lx " fkati" tu is l';a KuUbxualk.
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