The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 22, 1877, Image 4

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CKMKNT FOR GI.AHS, —Take quick
lime, white.- of eggs and old thick var
nish : grind mid temper well lop'thtr,
and it i rt: dy for use.
CORN MUFFINS. —Six ounces flour,
three ounces Indian meal. two tnWWixv in
fain sugar, one tahlesinionful melted hut
tor, one i - one-half pint milk, three
teaapoonfnU 1 iaK ing powder,
MMAHOOKS. Blanch and pound eight
ounces of almonds in rose or orange
flower water; boat the whit< of eight
eggs; then mix with two jnnuids of sugar
aiftsl witii the nhnotnls to n past*'; lav a
sheet of p.i|. Ron a tin and j<nt the mix
ture on with a sp< en.
IOINO. To one jmund of pulverized
sugar add > tumhler of cold water, and
boil till it v.'jM's, lleat the whites ot
three eggs to a stiff froth and stir verv fast
into the boiling water and atigar ; stir till
nearly cold, flavor with lemon, and when
perfectly cold frost the cake
cupful* New Orienu* inohu*sea, vuto vnji
ful melt,\l buiter. two erg*, lw* r*n
favhlespoonful* wsln di-sol*ed in l**t
water, one tablesjH**nfui giuger, a little
salt, and flour sufficient to tx*U .*ut ; Kike
in two s.iuaiv tins; mark with a Knife
half an inch apart en top.
worth of pulxemexl l.*ra\, xbasolrexl
tliorongldy n a pint v*f water. Cleati*'
the head, esjH<eiaHy the parting*, once a
week, alter**ard rinsing with VN>l,l water.
Will keep the In .id very clean. Mki tn
|*iirt ix glossy l.vk to tin" l.air. especially
if each appi cation is followtsl bv a vig-
OMIW brushing.
CBKAXI PI res.—Stir into one-hi*!f junt
bciling v . t. r tmtr ounces t>utt'r ; six
ouniN's flour; stir quite amootit, when
cxxil, add five eggs, well ln*aten, anil one
even teaspo. nfnl of tvvking powvler ; put
in pattypan*, ami bake in a very quick
oven ; wh. n o4*l, cut ojvu tuiiftill with
the cream. For the otwuti—one pint
boiling uiilk, one cupful sugar, tlir**- eggs
w >U Lieut en. half cupful ixmi starch ;
flavor with lemou or vanilla.
WATER KtsiNos TOK ltuxu—Take a
quart pitelu r and a s(*oon. scahl them ;
fid tlie j'it lier half full of lniiliug wat-r ;
W the water cool to the teinjvnxtutv of
govsl, hot d sliwater ; -'.u'sn tl ur to nuke
a lvatter as thick as for jwuioakcs ; avid a
quarter t< i*jH*v>uful of salt and as much
soda ; cover clv'scly,; s't where it
k.x'p qui' war::-, stirring omuiciuilly;
it will rio in fix—or > x hour*. Smie
prefer tin - tv* hoo or brew era* yeast.
HARRISON Prsmxa. —One ami ori**
lialf cupj' i'.s of chopped suet, o:.e cU|-
ful of inohuss.'s, one and one-half oup
fnls of clioj'ptvl rtiisiu>. out* xutjifnl of
nonr milk, one teaspoonfnl of stala, one
teasjK*. ttful of cream tartar, or two tea
sjHK*ufnls of haking jviwder,
Inrongh the flour th.roughly; spice*,
and stir as thick as for jtound coke, an.l
hofl thrxv hour*. made of egg,
sugar and creeim. or any other rich rc
Arru-s IN RlCK, —Scoop out tlie cx>rea
and jxar* v very neatly half a dozen good
siz*\l apples; boil them iu thin, clarified
sugar; let them imbibe the sugar, ami In*
careful t. jr. serve their form. Make a
marmalade with some other aj*ples, add
ing to it apricot marmalade and four
tvuiHvs of rice, previously Kiilexl iu
nutk. with sugar atul butter, ami the
yolk- of t* . r tliree eggs; put them into
a dish for tab! ', surround it with a IHT
der of rice and manualale and lvake it.
Luox PIUS. —Two large fresh lemons;
grate off tlie rind ; if not bitter, reserve
it for the filliug of the pie; pure off
every bit of the white skin of the leim u
ta* it toughens while oookiug>; then cut
tiie letni'U into very thin Alices with sharp
knife, an 1 take out the seeds ; two euj*-
fuls of sugar, threee tablespoonfuls of
water, and two of sifted flour. Pot into
tlie pie a layer of lemou, then one of
sugar, then one of tiie grated rind, and
lastly, of dour, and *•> on till tlie ingre
dients are u*ed ; sjirinkle the water over
all, and cover with upper crust. Be sure
to have the under crust lap over the up
per. an.l pinch it weii, as the syrup will
e *'k all out if care is not taken when
finishing the edge of crush This quantity
x makes one medium sised pie.
ON \\ Urn I.
Mr. W. C. Fish, of (Jnunilago county
X. Y.,givt * t'-..' OomUrjf OgMnhMM th'
following r jsirt of lii* experiments in
s. wing salt on spring wheat. It is evi
dent that his success comes mainly from
tlie jiowcr of the salt to attract ami re
tain the t >isture of tlie atmosphere. He
says : " For over twenty-five years'
farming on soil too hot and dry for
spring wheat to till well (in tlie usual
manner of cultivation), it proved a very
uncertain crop. Becoming nearly d:s
couraged in trying o raise it, I bjgan
four years ago sowing salt. The first
year tlirec buaht Is were scattered on the
grouml, jest as the wheat was fairly up
and the ground was dry. Twenty-five
bushels per acre was the first year's
yield. Tlie second year four bnshels of
salt were sown, and tweuty-uine bushels
of plump wheat were raised to tlie acre.
The thirvl erjH'riment was four bushels
of salt, ami thirty of wheat to the acre.
For tiie past summer in Onondaga
county the thermometer has marked
eighty d-pm** ami upward for thirty
eight days, fifteen of which were over
ninety degrees, and it was a scorching
time for spring grain. For the first
trial I drilled, ou six acres of corn stub
ble gronrnl, one ami three-fourths bush
els of wheat, and sowed six bushels of
salt broadcast to the acre. A strip was
left without any sidt, which was very
light. On this ground the dew off
quicker and tlie wheat headed out two
days later, with the straw darker col
ored and badly crinkled down. Tlie
yield this year was twenty-six bushels
per acre."
For Wonntii.
A correspondent send* the following;
A few weeks since as I was driving in an
open wagon, my horse, took fright and
the bit broke, so I was entirely at the
mercy of circumstance*. I was thrown
from the wagon, my face severely cut
and scratched and my * body sadly
bruised. I insisted on wid king hoino m
as to keep my blood in vigorous circula
tion, and not allow my tall and bniis*-s
to stiffen inc. On my arrival at home I
had the glue jxt jmt on the stove, an.l
after washing my wounds carefully cov
ered them with old linen on which the
glue had leen spread. All pain ceased
from the moment of the application, ami
iu an hour from the time of the accident
I was at my work again. The wounds
healed without any scar, and were not
disturbed in any way. As fast as tliev
got well and the liuen peeled up I cut it
off with scissors. For many years I have
tried tlie virtue of glue in slight abra
sions, but this test of it* value as a heal
ing application I thought worth gixring
to your readers.
Fnrm Note*.
Leached ashes seem to be particularly
favorable to out*. They are beneficial
to most any crop, however, and these
effects are permanent in their nature.
If carefully packed in barrels nnd
headed up, says the llura! Home, ap
ples will keep full as well as any other
way, and, unless decaying very badly,
we question the policy of a**, rting the m
at all until the latter part of the w inter.
We do not approve of assorting apples
in the cellar frequently, unless they are
upon shelves, in single tiers.
Cases of death to cattle from eating
smutty eorn fodder are reported in nn
merous t jwns in the northern part of
Connecticut, and some of the cases in
New Can : in, which were supposed to be
a new cattle disease, are doubtless due
to this cause. The unusual amount of
smut on corn tlie past season is said to
be due to wet weather dnring Bilking
Made Happy.
"Oh. mamma, if I only could have
one of those new style of dresses made
to button down the back from the neck
to the heels."
"Well, my daughter, you can."
" What! I can ?"
" Yes, dear."
" Button clear down ?"
" Certainly, my darling.''
" With smoke pearl buttons ?"
"Yes, pet."
" And galoon trimmings t"
" Yes, dearest."
" Oh, mamma 1"
They hug.
Sttrjirisers Snrprisexl.
A Baltimore paper tsaya ; A* Cluude*
Mules and liir wife wen' in their home,
the d.Mxf was opemxl in answer to a
knock, when in tuslusl pell tnell twenty
tnas,|uernder* in the most gnites.jno and
horrible eostunies possible to imagine,
Mr*. Mid. - was *, ate.l with a child upon
her lap. The little one beeommg fright
enod, arid the met her, who
recognized among the mas*juernler*
many of her most intimate (ri.Tidw, male
and female, vainly t'luleaxor*'*! to .ms. t
it, Mr. Males owns an enormous New
fouudland dog, which at one** bound.-.1
uj> stairs nnd made an attack upon tin*
intruders. There is no r.voi'd of any
frmer ]*anie where the means el egress
were taker. • >.* nt i,;.'.*f m- 1 .'.ptiekly tiiiut
on tlnsvH*easH*u. In two and three .jnatler
aeoxtuds tiie house xxa- clear, and the
str*vt, for two bl.H'ks . itlier way . was
fllh**! with flying figure- of e*er* d. -.-r p
tion. V dexil slipjn.l on the ice as a
harlequin ran oxer him by a
eloxxn. V nee tx crawl. .1 en i s lmnd
an.l kn.s's under the steps . ! an adjoin
tug house, an.l other characters so lit. i.-.l
tu .'T.iry dirivtioit. Mules s.vy* if they
over g* i th..t party t get I . r again he
will be glad t<> see them, ami will chain
up tire " purp."
V Loose Lertl.
Why xfiil u*xf * ime rlt Amen,-an :i '
buy uj> Vis.x ui t Mat*lav me, wW*a.ild
hitiisi'li to tlie .jutsxa for a shilling ? asks
a laindon tvnvsp-ou.lrnt. llris young
man is the eldest a*iti of au earl, un
d*mbtsl heir t • the estate* and title,
handsome, graceful, *ell iiluintiHl and
vxnurg. At the txamlusiou, it is snp
jh'-hnl, of a family tvw, he presented
himself at tlih Hoyal Artillery at \\<-
wa it, and, reeeivuif the que.m*!- -lulling.
'list*\l a* a tNimmoti s.l*lter. When it
.xame t * stating wit ' he was, yon can
imagine the flutter the utealeut **r. ats!.
In the eoitrse of the *lay his father got
wiu.l of it. an I came down to Ivarraeks,
jsxivl "sumrt " money a pound . r t**.'
and g*'t h'* young lorxlsbq* off. The
yxmug man's plea wa* that he x*n* allow
ed but Aid a ** oek loconie, an I a lord
could uot Uxe ou that. The very next
via* ho enitste l again, but again he wa*
turned from hi* purpose by tlie NTU
mamlutg <*ffieer oserxusiug the | ivr, >ga
tive vest>.l iu lnm of refusing any re
cruit he d.sos n.*t dxvui suitable. The
rej*. rt is that the vis.\Nunt has now en
listed iifa ejxvalry rv-gm ent, where, in a.l
dition t-> ether hariialiiii*, he will la
obUgxxl to perform a stableman's duties.
Au Absent Minded Senator.
United States Senator ('.oldtliwa.te,
saxs an exchange, lia* long las'u atlliet**!
with absent miirdedueas. lie lias gr. at
iliffiivtlty iu keeping tnxek of his wearing
apparel, lie constantly lose* hi* coat ■ r
liat. A>ue or two page- are kept running
a g\**xl deal of tlie time to supply the
gentleman's lack of iukelUvt. If lie g>. .*
to tlie llv.use. Lie xx ill take liis hat an.lcl.vik
there, and l>e sure to leave one or both
of them oil a sofa or on sum' luenilfr'*
de*k v He lias often lia 1 to wait for
hours alula {nigo* ami messengers wer>'
hunting up stray garments. He ever
lia* the habit of taking other p.* .pie's
eoata by mistake, pArtienlarly if they
luqqH'ti U> hang near Iris own peg. One
dav a senat 'r missed hi* ftat, i*mtaiuing
about iu money. The >h*ap
lMHraiice was attemlivl bv such JHVU
liixr circumstances that the detectives
called at Senator's 00l itiiwoite * I -us*',
and askc*.l him if he had his own coat.
After searching his closet for a tunx'tliev
retuniol his lost coat, saying: "Tli;s
dv*es quite lxxik like my coat." The lost
money was foutid safe in the pocket.
This story told was by an officer of the
How the Indian* C limb Tree*.
In South America even the weakest
woman uiay If not uncommonly seen
plucking the fruit at the tree tops. If
the Iwrk is so smooth and slippery that
they cannot go up by climbing, they us.
other means. They make a hoop of
wild vine*, and putting their f.x-t inside
they use it us a sujiport iu climbing.
The negro of the west oust of Africa
makes a larger hoop around the tre -.
and gets insivte it, and jerk* it up the
tree with his liauds, a little at a time,
drawiu? tiis legs up niter it. The Talii
tian Ivivs tic their feet t- geth.-r, f-mr ■ r
five inches apart, with a piece of palm
l>ark, and with the aid of this fetter go
up tlie cocoa jialms to gntln r nuts. The
native women of Australia climb the gum
trees after opposutus; where the bark is
rough they chop holes \* ith a liatcliet,
then one throws sKmt tiie tn-e a rope
twice as long as will go around it. puts
her hatchrt on her croiqxsl lieiul, and,
placing her feet against the tree ami
grasping tlie rope with her hands, she
hitcln-s it up by jerks. uii<l pulls hers, il
np the enormous trunk almost as fast a*
a man xrill climb a ladder.
The (.iinjsisitioii tl f the Nun.
If we C'tdd apprncli the siui at the
moon's tlistiuiep (roni the earth, say*
lhx.fessor Yoxuig, apjiaretit jet* <>f flame
would ix-aeh us. Could we reach it.s ap
parent h-'riaec, we would find it c> >nx
powd of clouds of fine particles or gll
nlcs of molten metal, tossing and heav
ing, rising and falling. Thousands of
flushes of lightning or of peals of thun
der would lie as nothing to the light and
noise. But the nearer the center should
be approached, the more quiet all xvoiil.l
lx-coiue, ami wc would discover that the
main txaly -of the sun was cuuqioac.l of
molten metal in u sort of gaseous state,
which, lmrwting out here aud there into
eccentric action, produces tii a strange
we so often observe. It i*
estimated that tlie sun is contracting at
the rate of 125 feet i r year. At this
rate, after the lapse of a few million
years, it would lie no longer a ami. Hut
tied has made some law hi regulate this
as well as all the other heavenlv bodies.
What it is, no man can say. We can fol
iow God a little way in His works, but
after all it is onlv a little xx.:y.
Au Auiu*ing Incident.
A rati er amusing incident is fold as
liax-ing occurred recently at a church iu
Connecticut not many miles from Fair
fieliL Tlie clergyman, it would appear,
depired to call the attention of l,is con
gregation to the facttiiat it Iwing the last
Sunday of the month lie would a Iminis
ter the rite of baptism to children. Pre
vious to hi* haxring entered the pulpit lie
had received from one' of his elder*, xvho
by the way wn* quite deaf, a notice to
the e'ffeet that us the children won lei lie
present tiiat I*. M. and lie had the new
Sna.tay-ftcliool l>ook* ready for distribu
tion, he would have tiieui there to sell to
all who desired them. After the sermon
the clergyman Is-gan tlie notice of bap
tismal service, thus : " All of tlio-e linv
ing children and desiring to have ttiem
baptized will bring them this afternoon."
At tlii* jK nt the deaf cider, li'-iuniig tlie
tnei'fion of children, sti|ipo*eii it x*-a
something in refereuoe to hi* l**>ks, and
rising, said ; " All of those having none,
and desiring them, will lie supplied by
me for the sum of twenty-five cents."
The President's Salary.
Tlie United States House committee
on appropriations, in the Legislative
and Executive Appropriation bill, pro
vide S2S,<X)O only for tlie salary of tlie
President, and accompany it with a pro
vision repealing the section of the re
x-isod statutes whicli increased the salary
to $50,000. The Senate failed to pass
over the veto of President Grant tlie
bill restoring the salary to the old figure,
although it passed both houses by a
majority. It is likely that the prox-i
--sioti, as it stands now in the appropria
tion bill, will be agreed to, and the next
President will have to be content xvitb
$25,000 per annum.
Plunket was once engaged in u cuse,
when, toward the end of the afternoon,
it became a question whether the court
should jiroceed or adjourn till the next
day. Plunket expressed his willingness
to go on if the jury would " set." " Sit,
sir, sit," said the presiding judge, "not
'set'; hens set." "I thank you, mv
loid," said Plunket. The ease proceeded,
and presently the judge had occasion to
observe tliat if tiuit were the case he
feared the action would not "lay."
"Lie, my lord, lie," exclaimed the bur
, jrister, " not ' lay'; hens lay."
sri:i it: IUM MI IION.
'lt XAMJJF <t( (•runl-\ I •• l*rr
I t nl. It*itl lint llH ii<l'<l I \-kituiiunblr
lor l.tMol Tritilrr NOIFN.
Hio is tin* men
sage on tlie subj.vt of the t. sumption of
s| *e**i.' paynnnt* ;
l.'i. \i iiufi iitui //..< i.r' /.'- {' ■•
iitiiti' My tlie net of t'ongre**
apprxnNNl January 11. IkTo, " I'oproxide
for the rx'suuiption of specie payment*,"
the tlrst of January, IS7l. is as the
.lute xx hen sueli r.-sumptton is to be; m.
I' may not be ralde to fix an . ,ib. r
date when it shall aeluully be, oiite obh
giit>ry UjM'ii the gx'VenitiH'nt toi'tdeem
its outstanding legal tender notes ut coin
on ptv*ciit*titn, but it is eertuiiily most
.I. >iralde and will pr*ve nuv t ben. tleuxl
toexetx jHH'iiunuy inter. -1 of the exntu
try to hasten the day ** hen tlie jntper
.'nx'ulaUoti l tlie country ami tlx- eidd
e>m shall have equal vain. - Vt a Intel
day if currency and c. n should i. taiu
equal xalu. s it might . Ix .sable
to Kiith.iri/e a ditxvt resumption. I
lie*.• tire time li * enme when b* a situ
J'le net of the legtaiiUl**' biWlM'll i I the
government tin* most d. liable u .nit
can t><* obtaiiHxl, i utu xtreugtheti.xl
in this *i. ** by the eourw trade hi*
taken in the l.isWtwo ycata ami I'* the
st ix ' gtll .if the .'ix .lit o! the I tllt.'vl
Ktat.'s at home ami abroad.
For tlie tlacal x.-ar ending June HG,
1878, the exports oi tire Utuied States
I'Xixxd.xl tlie Hup ii* by 1 .1, IH'J,
but our export* include Kltl,.'>ti , .l,tuH ot
specie and bnliion in ex.* ** of tlie itu
p.'ttsof the-.nuc iX'tnuusiit scs. Forthe
mX month* of the pi.' >ut fiscal year
from July 1. tKTti, t • Jatiu.ity t, lt*77,
tie exc. - of I \]*>rts OXt'l !lu|*>rt*
tuuouttte*! t > 5>107,7'4f,NtU), an.l tl e un
irorta ot up. .-.e ami bullion exeeexie.l the
imjwrUvof heprxvi HIS metal* by tftl.lyj,-
147 ai the same time, L'iie actual .TI*S
of exj*oris over imp- rta f, i tii • six
month*. exelu -.*e of specie atnl bullion,
. mounted to 811 >,7l'7,tHtl, showing for
tlie time I* itrg Lj e ru-'uinulatiou of
spco.c artvi hulls u in tlie country amount
ing to mare than Kb.i*>(*,(*JO, iu a>l.btion
t< the nal Hint product of those tuetais
f*>r the same perusl a total increase of
gold and silver for the six tuoutn* not far
short of or. * a K. t a H. It s exivt.Tit that
tildes- tma great increase of the precious
lu.Ud* euu iv uuh.axi at liiHiu* hi *uch a
way us to make it in aotn •in I.T re
munerative t" holders, It 11111*1 st ok, a
foreign market a* surely us would any
other product v*f the Miil or tu nmiaehiry.
Vu* legislation whieii ** It k. ef. c ill and
lull .mil at home wilt, in my iitvi tnetit,
so. n bring nlsmt jiraetieal resumption
an.l wilt udd the e> an of tile e- intry to
tlie circulating mtslinm, thn* securing a
h. dtliy " iutlat .'it " of a sound currency
to the great advantage if every legiti
mate bti.-dii. --s infer. >i.
The act to prov for the reuui|>tioti. >f
specie paynn nt* unthoriE.*! the sri'-
rx-tary of the treaaury t ra*U" U-uvls of
either of tlie descrt|ib"Us nan ten in the
act ot I' - api>r*'V'd July it. . I*7o,
entitled Au act to antic Tine the re
funding . >f the national debt,** for not hwa
than jatr for gxid. With the jr.: value
of the four an.l one-half I er reut. ItOtuU
in the markets of the xx. rl.t they .*>uld li'
exchange*! at j or for gold, thus - trength
cii ug tin- treaaury to Meet final r> sitmp
t .ui autl to keep the of * .merer
th* demand, pciuling its (M-ruiau. .t tute,
acirculntiug mtxlium at home. Ad that
wouhl further be required would !*■ t • rv
duce the voliuua of legal tender not. * iu
circulation. To a.Toti;ili>ui litis, I would
suggest an act autinirivu: the s.s-rotary
f tiie trcu-sury to i-siie f.-nr p reeni.
IJOU.IS, with forty ye:*rs t* tun before
maturity. t* lw . xchiuigevl for 1. gal teu
der uot en whenever pre-wntixi iu igtm of
S."*l or any multiple th reof, tiie whol.
amount of audi U.uds, however, not to
• \xexl $Us U** >,**•. To iin-r* . t 1 >•
home demand for such 1 would
recommend they be available for .l
!-•- i iii th- I nit-d Stat tre-aHitry f.u
banking purpos*'* under the various pro
visions of the lax* relating t national
1 would auggcst further ti nt national
banks l>e rxxptire*! to r* tain a eerlain
{* r cent of th* - *xiia interest rwceirxi
from the bond* dep*w;U-(i by them vvitfi
th- treasury to secure their cireullUi"u.
1 would also roeomiuend the repeal of the
third section of tlie joint resolution for
tlie is n- of silver coin, approve*! July
'_' J. 1876, limiting tlie sill'-' 1 arv com
and fraeti--nal eurre' i-y t-1 SCitl.tJOil.ti a).
I am sat:-tied that if Con -r- will enact
some stt*'h law it* will atviuiqiiiali the end
suggested they x* 11 gixe a rebef to the
<v.!intry instant in its effect and f- r which
thev will receive the gratitude of the
whole peoph".
I". S. tiIIAST.
Executive Mansion, IVH 3, 1*77.
A We*ter l.y in king ( a-c.
I'hiL Aw*, living m lowa nti tlie
Platte, hart a wife ami a the year-old,
but loved hi* Sister-in-law. The litiie
girl died suddenly ; there a rude
cotudrv funeriil in a bittir cold w in.l
tinder iififles* tri-es, and the lienrtbr'kcu
motlier went Inu-k to her cheerb - tiome
crnahed and d>*paihng. Her husband
lual no woni* for her, but cximw.led hi*
sister-in-law. The neglected wife opened
her heart to a village gossip, and a vitri-
buiceeommithv x-dhxt the house nt mid
night, dragged the faithless husband
fn>m his tsvi, and would have hung him
t<> a tree if his wife hrul not pleaded for
his life. Tliey took tiie rope from his
ueck and set him free. After the neigh
bors ha.l lie took a heavy curb
bridle from the burn ami going up stairs
struck the jsmr woman as she was kneel
ing at jirav. r with a photograph of her
child in her hand. He dragged her to the
head of the stair*, threw her down, nn.l
us.xl the bridle until she was .1- ul. Her
sister now apjvnrcd on the scene ; two
horses were saddled . the sister-in-law
was put on one atul the corpse on the
other; lie le i the ghastly cavnlcndc to
the river, where lie cut a hole in the ice
and dumped the Isslv. A villag. r
him nt his work and liore the ti lings to
the settlement. Armed men startol iu
pursuit and etuno uji with the nmrdercr
and his cotnpiuiiou just at tliev were
in. uniting their horses at the bridiro.
.Shots were exchanged ; the woman fell
.lend ; the murderer's horse xv:is shot
down ; a rope lirouglit forwanl, and
the confession xr.xs wrtuig fr >tn bim Unit
his little .laughter had lieon poison *1 by
her aunt, lb- washnn-'. 1 without delay,
sn.l his l**lv was burned. Such is life
in the breezy West.
Hon to Prevent Colds.
J'upular .NeiYner Monthly gixes good
advice in regar.l to the prevention of
colds. The mistake is often made of
taking great care to put on extra vri|*
and when jireparing for outdoor
ex'-rrise. This is not nt all tiecessnry in
robust lew*.m . HnfTieient heat t . jire
veut all risk of chill is genernt.s! iu the
Isxly bv exen'isc. The care should lie
taken t) retain enflleieiit clothing nfter
• ■xi rcise, and when at r.-st, to prevent the
heat passing out of the body. Indeed,
[lersoiis .very often catch chills from
throwing off cxt.-n clothing after exer
cise, or from sitting about in garments
the material of which is not ad.qitcd t •
gir.-vent the radiation of h'-ut from the
Hl* Patent Nose.
11l the liftttb- of Gettysburg a soldier
received a salwr cut iieross tlio facexvhich
mowed off a section ot his nose. He wa*
taken in hand by a Parisian arti t, who
restored the nose to lifelike prois-rtions.
In the oompositicm of the artificial organ
rnblier and gum were used, and the nose
maker did not think it necessary to cau
tion the nose buyer against a teinpera
tnre of one htin ire I anil cightv-tlvo d< -
gree* Fnhr. The soldier to k a Turkish
bath in Han Francisco, and on looking in
a mirror after a long bake in tiie h"tt'*t
room, discovered that his nose was blis
tered, bulged, puckered, shapeless. It
wn* impossible to detach the artificial
section, aud the poor follow xxill have to
go to Paris to have it repaired.
" Ullo, Fwod! What on earth are
you walking about with that, beastly
sausage under your arm for?" Fwea:
"Well—aw—tlie fact is, tlieothaw day
I saw in the papnws that a fella'd
sent to the workhouse—aw—because he'd
got no visible means of subsistence.
Put me in a regular blue funk, you
know ! Ho I got this sswsagc to protect
tism* ot till, trai Iron. Home nail,
Tin' Rkx'toral U ll>>m full an.l
isanpli'le, nii'l c*>li!.l*t* ef tlir f<>ll<>M~lii|l K'ii
tlellll'll •• ( lift. i.l. Ivtn . 11l 1.1, lt..|.
Miller, ll lv Sti. >ii({, lU j. mill llimllri, I;. ]■
Seiiatma fti.iniil, li.'iu I ilitniiuln, li. g> IT.
Poll. Mill li. I'll' . VII ..|l, llt 111 III!
11. 1.1, Ke| l| lisp , limit.>ll. lam IV v tie.
In in. Ml et (lie ahoxo nr.. Umt.iii.uv|i| Mi.
I'si ne, win., 1 lien iu It tmiiu-1 to ih. bar, t prop
et I) a eapltii list
V.'nttu, I■.uk of .Millionth. 1 hlti. . autil,
I 'ana.lit, kill. >1 I latsi. t ■ the I'l. I.lelll
cut a e..uiluUlii.'Ktl|i t l ii£|, . Hiking lie
ptl ■ Ifte .( a I 'til to a|.|'l o|l lal. £ in.IHKI iii.'Bl 1x
on th. e\]'< l lllleIII" oil It i| alel t<. I it VV ..I. i
\ let at s, nal, an.l n.slan < . the Vh( al nla th •
aler as lli.ll.'nltlik oui lack of ] lop ill. • of
troll li .1* ut lit mil has t:ii. ii an UII.MU
IIiUHIMI |* n> John Mi IK .... <t. of whistr
fian.t iioloihli .smliiHsl in th. Missouri
teutiarr The x.'k'ano on Vrlex Islan.l, at
Ilie enti ale . to V. to l-a., Jngmli wlli.ii Is
licneraJly in siuokl. iUi|f .s.n.tlUott, U in an
aelne erupiiou It I .as t ecu . itaim .1
thai there or.. I,'JOH hst],'. . of h. ill. 11). hails
II . I.r I II.'I 1|..1 SO ell.-alius.t th. V.ll.nx
stone, als.iit f. rtx mil. S fi- 111 ii. it Miles' |s.s|
It is iirtjs.ssil'l*. foi a eaiu) .ign to I earned on
SUIII Ih. 111, hot*, i. r, osilli; I** the s. >. ■ ity of
tl M. at: .< ii. 11. Il- ■-k is ]s '. s.ttaliv tn
HI ellUstl fit. ii.ll. 11l halls to .'all. oil
the nal lal. vxhtflt the. ."all do so tun.'li
Is tt r than i... olai, lie U Iti&rtittg
uith c>ssl el.v. , and ho]* to MUi.l Up til.
Indian 1 > in this i .nie i V puhhe
mxttng Mas held i i N.'i* V>iU to . qt> - a*in
; alliv M 'th th. t l.rl-tian T .oiaiis **h> al'
n ii ls'iti< .'t.iM.l.d 1 . th. ..all I \ tie M.j.aiit
ii...tan links the Vnieri. .11 atiiji l*ak. -ta, N. . it. !< ana foi ljiii|> ! a alruek I i
Ici.ln.u, and ) lllli.tL Thi'l. <v Mil. i. nd
tn o I.*iman has k.
l ite 11list - mi rili'l ItX' eJo|. Ma- s.ess ssttillx
IIOUMSI, arid .hi t nf I,*i t<Mi> of tint
US', from trl*e I , -lilt. . . Ilidia. ihlfh. 1 his
kaxe is* upat.uii to ',S*H| u. U, I.dJU Is.ys,
horsi-a an.l fits-. mht at. am . .i„..'i> - . Au
. itrllsll. | 1 1 ', f th. I 'hard. sl> Mil Ma.s. I Skat,
ill Is 'U s n;. ts t.. la. ak jail Mrs di-t all,l
frit strati .1 I!.. conaMW • Jur* .n.r the
vii'tiina of the Hruoklvii Tin at. r tire has Jn.-t
found a >. r.llof 111 uhleh the. tin I no isirtjeular
fault with the theater hilildli.t the js.h e
ufth ft in eoiui.iaiid at th* time is,. isitr*sl f..i not
i> dlatrlhntn.]; Ins men as to aid the .s.a] < of
the u.tfortii.iata-. , tiiat the Ui. . i.oaleU (eau
..1..-• i'f th. dro). avww e .initio m "ontSet with
the Is later light ami that "the .nl tii' gained
In a.lwray and tail. 1 to ts- txltunlUlied 1 > eaiis.
of the in. aouani !e uegh et vf tin* mating, mud
of oal.l theater. J. l n fair 11, a Ne,* Yolk
des|s>raelo only fouiU.ii al - old, a
hrutal assault iigsm a little gul of M Jen-,
and when Uw. ehll t a fathel wlit te> JiWies.*Ue,
IH ailsnl to her ele - f" hel(>, lie- JSMUIg
-MUiidrel staldrd Inn* in the met* New
Jers. tr felitrai railway sl.s khold. i > are eal l
n to take ■ 'wm of Certut *nt*s to sve Uie* thi I* .tf,niio*erucli of llrvS* j \ II
llKMtig st• I,"It oil ao.setilt . t lie .I Magry i llig
.Tit down, thnr }'l..e s ..ere tl:!s| with ttoeli
fraen N w tiuk >it,. 'l!,. Ilr - !via m.u at the lals i. r-fr loi.rtl err .T it rtery
otn*.rtunit *. aid ku.ul" r wen injured. The
inleiferoins of the pod Mas nee. ss*iy to j,re
lent ut. .isrve red me The M, arcan ( u*-
ernnmnt has • itrary to th. . \is late t . f
.cay . 00, oaitl t! ■ -t o.siaitnwut of *.s 'aor
dm tins po.vjo!. lit lutder the vndkl rta it.s
e- tuliilssi, u. . i tie rnhal'it atUs of . all, Colom
-I.a s. Ut); Am i a. ha*Ui.' retells d Of lli.-l
tjie ljU-rals, w, re .>*. r| M.r,l and three fitur
,l>. I of the tli-'irg. lit* . .t down. The t .wn
wl> then sos-ktsl I y the Tlehw* Mho c .luunttoil
luse.f outrage- ...the kausta la'gislsture
ejected < . ■ rlumb to the I'mt. d States -m iiat..
, Die li, iv - nal* r - a irint.r I < In!., atul fiM>
UMTljr JMthllslusl the btupona \<
Tww nn tuber, of a hind uf tr#m wrtder
have lus'll arr -t. i ui Mi*o'.iri. 'i'irerr pjon
Has to Iht a a tram ft n the tri k and i '
the Ji*s.engcr during the eoi.s, , aent atrite
illrrit J. T. Hill. U, aaur. i of the iv ds*rd
and ltna:.oho railvtar, ha* .lnaggnarrd from
Norfolk, \'a., ai ,t is ta.p*rt ,1 t he a default, i
to a large auenrul. ... lh* oilier** of tnc de 6s* ll'* life! t■.. f N VY. ;. M< r.
uxflrh t tv ill grain! ) m ami arrest. .1 f. i
einhenlei ditmi i perjury N.! .ttlotaml
uig tin del ~. -of the ttuie- ll .auii tal !•!
! leiN" "• Vwh for tl.t lau.' UtrbWili, ■
at! I, dI . in uuiirausv thr. n, of fad. m..h'<
sX'lety (. )d dre,*s-d m great .I. galioe, The
Tie* 1.-eigt Wen! .ill fl" '
. . Patii-k Ik.harg r.siduig will. In -later
and .notln rm ar I>. :t>. Slateu IsUml. while ut
if i s right rnlTwl, lain*! hi* moth*, with a club
and N at tils i-ter 111 a ah * ! e;g luaiiiu r
The khai. of Khiva Ufa applied for the t mtal
comg late hns.rg ra". ui of ins t rrilory into the
Kti-siaii dug,ire V terrible -u • :,!• i re
]*>rted from lev fro -< Wi-., u:.,re a young
woiuau r mi'tned m th. .- "inty jail took a live
tool from too lire and d< h! ■ u ly w ttUetoher
el, thing. I- ::ig a*, frightfully I nn. 1 a-toeaUse
loath a few 1. ;ir- r llui sof
th. men :r th *t< nier M.el./tiim,
sedceil at -.** hy tire I that.lnvr uia*h: a r*s'hi
tnatmu l.js n lie N*wr*gu*n i - .ermmnt f. r
damages • :i the ground that if V- aragua had
In> t gl Oil the t. a! r ||, ("IMI Sli' W. .lid
have fallen uitothe uoiula of a njvoiuah gun! al
' and the ururd.-ra av, rt*st. fl.....vvners ~f tt.e
cargo put ui lit. tune j lea i r damages Th.
Imbue d> lit atat. merit for Irtiory i-t "
the total indebtadu. - to Is f i.'i. i,j7d,s7l'.'J w
,MUI in treasury, f **',47". '- v n : decrease of
debt during Jsnu .l*, tl,UfJ,Clj'.l.7l,
Itv a coll;-:on I- I sees n the Mu i--rp]'i steain
nn> i'harh a Morgan as I Aggn . two . f the lat
t. rb passetrg.-is were kill. *1 and a third . u-iv
iUJtrrvd <i..v, Jtrr'r* ..rv, of Kentucky, h .*
nvMgnir. I Nicholls as governor of 1.-.|Uaiana
by lsstiiin a u; on htm for th. return
to Keutn hy of Mauriee V. Hehwah, arT> -te*l ui
Si* w Orl. ..lit for all. fr.-.nS .* "e l in
IsouieviU. Three flirt-uoii-ha< Nam ap
pointed jr *titctal g.o.rn r- hy the ITirki-h
ports f ■ •inptroller Kelly r* g i ted to the Stat.
S. .te that N wr \.-rk cil* - del t<- tIKII'f,-
&a7.7, M,l th, -inking funk i 179, H>l7 '
The Sionx and Arrapahoa Indian a*,i:b
Who f light f r the g . rnuietrt dunuu tin la I
Indian eantp-ign ha*, r.evivcd thnr |* and
l*eu discharged. 1 he* w. r> M. II jd. as. d Willi
their trcauneut. and lia*c I- • n . eoncif id
that krywlt* " |'s*> better than hewuhty.
A ship . art* tug ,r* hnmlre.l unminroitt* aih I
frotu Sicw kori, for N> rb nth VYai, !■, r>|Ti a
Cwlony uml -r tire autl. r.ty of tin Au-I dian
g.iv.rimuiil. The colonials, • .. .-t of > ..sham
an.l lals.r.ra nut of work .. ,J„!a I . fbain
b* rlaiu, lb n tcl gambler of N< >* York, h
gone uito haiikrugvf y with mm ene hol-ihtn
sti.l thtliug t . Ih-nr* gg- .r. a New
Y ra in*, l.ant residing in Jtr-** V'ity. eolii-
U'ltt*d anmd. bv ohoottii; liitu-. If in the right
temple ob account td 'nbarraa-m. nt-.
A project is on f.s.i to inaugurate a line of
steam-higw Is tn.- ii N'< * \.,rk an I itraail
M.irun a rafe , tahh-hiiuiit 111 New ! ■ rk was
dainagtsl ■fs'l.e Ihy tire. At. uxpli"U of gas
in the cellar s v. rviy iujunsl nv. l.r.nien
Minnie ami Annie Stirl. y and N> ' i> \ 'rhuse,
aged rive, t iglit and ten y. .ira. w. re drowned at
bal. in Stass,. by breaking through the i.. ...
The Ti'imessee Mipretnr' r. ' ha- decided rail
road pr.ip. rty to be aul j . to Mate. <omrty
and niuii|.Tpa! taxation lain. - blood, of
New York, who had I cell - parat*-! fi.iln 1 i -
wife for r, ir-. kept rl.-e natch f h*r and
I. of her intimacy with a German stor.--
k. egier. On. morning n , outjy, ausgss-Ung sh.
**a- in the (ierman - eiecping cpartm. Nt, In
goiinsl a<vcs to the d.s,r, w hicfi ne oHemphsl
t<> fnree. The woman mstinetiv. lv knew who
tin- intruder - and putting on a skirt ran out
into the str. et. The liu band h. ord her, and
rushed after her bv a different pa--agi'. The
woman ran t > th. of a house o|<|H,s|t.,,
franti"all* scr*-aiuini* "<>JVII tin- door." A
ah. reached tli.j at-. !uw hu duui.l caught tig,
with her am! plmigr I a lour, oharii •:*•! Jti-tru
ment Into h-r hreaf. tn the ftp. I.t of the
neighliors w!m lia.! ISSTI call.*! to tin irwmdowa
l.y the woman's scream*. Mr*. Horn! liv. I but
a few hour*. The murderer , s.-agHd A
large boilduig 111 TrentoU. N. J., lies! as a sin 1
t< r for rolling *Ug"k, **a .!-trove,i I *lire, with
eight locomotiv*,* and thr.. ear* Icionging I*,
the I'tMilisylvaiiia railway. 1.,—. • i.* I .<*>!'.
Train wr. ek. rs threw a train from tb> trarlc of
the West. ru Mnrylaml read mar Cain town.
Md.. l.nt no one **a iujunsl.
Tin steamship George Washin t n, of the
Cromwell line, running from N> w York to St.
Johns. V li., t* i.'hlug at Halifax, -ailed from
the latter gv,rt Jaouarv lailr, and thrve day
afterwai l went aalion on vintaki n I',nut, t'a|
I tare. Tin vesel went to |,|.ees, and it I< su|>-
] -. ,J tl. . ntir. crew. conai-Ung of tw-nty
thr.s* per-oii . with the t*t> | as-.Ttig. f*. 011
ltoard. | erisln-d. Fourteen lssii, * ha*e already
washed i,shore llic \V.vlniigton wa* a w.sxl. n
*er> * .steamer "f on** thousand torn., an.l Urn'
cargo ,*iii it.d of aiindri. The George Crotn
w.ll, of the nine line, ha- loci missing for
over a iimiith, and fen . are .Titertnin. <1 for In r
safety Midliat I'asha ha- lon dismissed
from tit* oftic, of grand vl/i,r of Turkey ....
Thomas It. Agnes, ft well-known N, ** York
groeer. Im* I < iJe -lare.l n l.aukrupt *>n hi*
own |. tition. Jhe In.hilitles are nut at Jtwt,.
notl; oosets, ♦4V1,H)0.... The liritinh iron
steamship Ambassador ei.lli.led with the Am. ri
en.l s i|> George I'. Malison, off tin* l'.a-t
Indian eoasl, tiiiilsitiik in coiis*-qo. n-e,enrryiug
down twiTitv two of tin crivv. Tin Maiison
wa* dry doeked nt ltotirbay for repnir*
Koineoneof the patient- in the insane asylum at
Nortliaui|.tou, n.o killed a keegs r named
I>. li. IGrret. Tlie .lirer-tors >,f the great
lull:., between New York and Knsiklyu nre
Inlying the ground on th" N< ** York side for an
apl roach to the structnr.
A Fall.
A iiiixnl ..flier of Jn-r luaj.'sty'e sliiji
It ival Adelni.lo hml n inunt tinomnfotl
ttblu berth at Shuxeli'Mtoe, i'.iittl'tnd, on
Ja I man 8. A i)lico mr, - cut nnd tw.
cor.staMes Haw him open a window < n
tliirrl fl, or 'taily in lite m. niingr, gyet out
on tl <9 till in hia tiightdresH, nnd thru
ib'op out of thr window, holding on by
his lniiida. One of the officer* riiiienvor
rd to rider the liottHo, while, the others
ntafioneil thrmsrlvr* under the window
to break the man'* fall. He held on
for three minutes nnd 1 lien fell, turning
over in b' B ileneent rft'.il coining down
lieadforoni'>*t on tl pergeant. 'Tliere
xva* a eluali of bkul!*, and lioth men
were thrown oil the iiavenient and badly
bruined. The naval officer was u *om
The world would be a dreadful Htli-nl
pliwe if people talked as little a* they
i'ltn < tail tut*) l>rftr the S inl 11 rM tall
ied* . r I 11 • 1. •'!* ' 'ed 1 HUtt i
m unlot fiiim tU Uthi i f U
N Oil 1 flAMtl Mnroll l, l Kt' :HI ** •'
and Mi lUvittd lii'iil.l, f iLhrniie,
IMI . ulttd fta I-niul.. uff. If* ii. 1U HmiU
hill >, U* <* d I JII|H| - lliltnr fr|| tlwi
Huti >f I l*\%ui. fi-i #ti \nmfrwii Miucli 4,
i .
A i*TK<* tlUltltaruf JrUU**l |l
lv \Aitoiin wiiiiti'lK, flfinnl 1-4 limit - nad tclnnta
result-Hi* -t tin diftan lit h!lt, * UiiK Ili**
adoption tf a i\t nth aim m|iii<ul to iho i < n
atltllti-'ii of tit I ill 1 Mtil' fi> hl'ltii.f th
Stat*, fit Mil ill f i |t • i* o|* fcetMiUld
of i all of wlili-h 44. i< vh Hi 4 |.i ihc- iu
mittr*' MI pi it ti i • * ami t'h< umi
Mi. llaittiii! i ftap. I, if Matin . at tlr p|ilt*-t
uf * 4rial <iiatni*, Mtl>uilUd n rt wdtilluii di
rtH'Uiig thrioiiimitt< on rulra t tmpitn ttlial,
f i<. 1 ikl • I . i pf't f- i the alnta
mi 'ii of tmratfM tu tin i 'aptti'l ih ii; 11' thi- .-ii:
\ . . . ! (.. t • f l'l l-'.i" l ttn i \ r
PlfM.l. lit of thi 1 lilt' 2 Bt*t< ■. and thai tht
iMOiulltee la dil* tod lo i|ifri with llw i • ui
uuth n >ti rtih i of I lit Hi HI i of iujm >. uu*
II 4 1 V*IHH| to.
Ml .t -.p l In-11l \ d IVuiti ii*Si , IMt Mlitnl
(Wo .id<uUttU d tht Hon ilmrfiitd,
• liHitnl t'iilUd Mat MJIUUOT from the >UU of
\\. ! to Ml til- 4 a 111 ..*ll - d I 4 U.r
death id Iho Ho,. A U*ll I I .i| U It.
1 hot hail 1 lid hid'i Ino bv nati the i.dto-
Ual td John It. Mdlui ■ ii, It U-*t I'lilted
Stat* Miiatoi frm N # JnwV f. r all Vi-ura
from March 4, 1H77.
Th {tti tliliut fnt /' laid tin S'iiatO
* i:.*uuil)lticiti<tll fnn.i justice"
<>f |Tk itplilft ■ 111 ' -luting lllal tlll-V llU'i w
K. li .I linn. J.•. I'. 11l "die) t■ 11 a nirUllvl of
Ui. Fbs'Uir*) Cinuuit- uui.
lal tim |n till nt i ic ]lt* ai-ntml IU lnvor ul
tin luisatof tin tan it 11 j . lave* on )uiloug
(-"pital nail (h jSislt*, n 1 of W2U*'ii Wilt refilled
to iflf t- uimtiii. on di. 0.,..
Ml. lUlln ttoOU I !.*!. I, ot fotilU .iioltim,
I'rciciiti 1 it ailufli ftilii|>tiil 1 i a In..'ltl!>' of
|4r rtlut." ftilil . •( ! (111. ii* i f iMtllli I .il'O
till*, wlilcli it t rl'l at llartittaJl iUrt lIOIJ i
on Jamiarx i'. an.l a*l i 1 tlmt tli > I>< 11 ml an l
iwfrmil to t!i. i- i.mitt. ' on • !1, l
plrottoiia. I:i if 1 ...I.; i ■ 'iititn ii(N (I I'ltl 'li.
KAFUMT i U|i.'. i F I 'alifoitii.l, DTT'UF-
Uifi Ulo) 11. ID tint 1 rc -!**-tful Uitgtt**'!'. HIP
fc-uiti>i fix mi Soiiih trolin nil ri.|iiiioil to
olfii tin r. >o!utloU, mi 1 thi-v iirld tiirll frail
and iiltfrot. lln irj.ill ait ! -itli tin* roaiama
win I initio nil. ... I'llltilol St tin* tttlld Ui'llUlilinl
voto.l for .!( 11 nin| t. II 1r i iiti-runi.
Mi. Wliuloin It*-]* '. • t Main. *ot, rUn| II|I
tin HUUM' t ill ! ir> |TitiUi- "MI.IMXI f i (iu
ri!(ft of tin I 'lati lot of (oh mil. la, *it.l it *
ji(o..i .1 (ia*. 111 t_V-ti( ■ li:.(*, UII.I- Ml --la.
Mi rn, lva ti , ( • .'orll, llit. ln -K,
Mi'i'it i-rj, Min v, I! .- oi bo ! Witliorti M tii ,:
til t!• uph ill.. .
Mi. Im:. 11* tll>]i 1, of Kan*- *, I itnaltn*. ! *
I'lll U t in.i . Indian* t i l*om ritiat n of Uir
t'nllt.l lt*tp*, a;..l it n * t< timj to tin. coiu
. uJJt. < on lu.likit aflnir*.
'ln.- SrimU aft. i r il •!-* i |•.(*< .1 •
bill rojiurtod b* tiw e MUitifl p on tiiuuioo iplat
:• a to pal l' no. u!it., mil Ii |>iotlib >li t !l
i'l*tlil tin t llod ht-it** * wli.. Ii lliti ft,--
.'oUiitniK ofttn r f ibr ir> aury, it tbo 1.. b
of ii( .{ejntrtnit-ni ot I ... an ar< nutli. ti/i Sto
exftinine t. 1 do.-td<-, #b!l t*- biurrpd nun **> prr-
Miitod Wttllto nit. ti ■: frt'iu li:.< Hun tin *a hp
acoi iirj,
llmi cwd. ntia!* of ll.iinr (• liati . ri- t-10. U-.l
I'. it. ! Ktt. - itiat. i fioin 44. t V llr:miii I i
>iv w-iri from 1, l.xli. m >1 of Vlfiii
Saittidirii, i-lv :>-l t" at. d*> u*tnr limn
N.-lir'k f. ; i-iv an Mmrii 4. 1*77, to
•tl.-irid Mr. lliU'luuc);, •!< t re*< itp.l
Mr. liuntin K<}". .of Miuiip, from tin cm
milt.x on I* t Ottn.* * *ll d i oat Iliad*, rrjairtrd
fat oral !y u tlir tvmUt 1.. 1 to anntul * i-oii
. o-ht of' tilt t'oot-. Hi-i \{>]ri j matuM t ill for
tb j par e: dum J imp :■ •, ItfJ, to i. /urd to t!.<
,• ita]a tiaat:. >n of t. tinaatpra of tin* fourth
eta**, to ** h tlx to r iMiu|*-iia*to u tif*'U 110
1 a*ta I'f etali; '■ Pa . i od. mat, ad l-f rtaUJ} a
odd. I'U.d on tlu ,-ali n l-r.
Tlip lbi • i* '.l tlu- Ull tj<pr\>iintU>iS
filo-'l tola- J (ft id 1.1 Jam. * a 1.-ol fot to<
imilimltm of j. tti- ,< t .it tin wth of tiu-
Mr. t iVm. I, of NP* 4 ork. cliainnan of
thr pvniiwtb* on ib* t;o!i fraud- tii Nt 4rk
imulp a rc|- rt in roiitio tlun tih ttir alh>.< )
, i* iov Pith tb- -pi tin Nt 1 rk i->t
(Vtji* . <-a iu<raUii|f l'oal:ua-trr Jam., and to*
, oiliocilt!.,iU fr . i at ui •,ion . f fii.uj or
tainia mif; aitii tin- *id mail*. Vdopf- 1.
i ... v.Aot laid Kf-Si I! .. |1
ftl bailout till- lawrd I'f 1 ' lUUola-. ilit-r - of IflP
nn tro; bun i line of tb. li;*trio* .ft Uiml u
I lit .jii >lt u tta* |oi". " Mull tin bid ) ( •.,
I mdwitbai..: duijj tb. J*r -tiltul a v,.u ; and it
dp i b<l iu i'IP atllrumtivp van, 1 .'*;
naIN 7S.
I'lu KJaClkrr ma* laid Ik-fore tin lb u*. *
, nicaaep fr> ui tlip P|i -I Si-Ilk *avuig that tin
potnnii - n aj (a.uiti 1 to i. ritaim-- tb artuv
, liad r. j rti 1 that IV aa < mt at thi* tsiiir |*e
i nut. tt i anbdiit a plan for UIP reopjtauirati.m.
lb f. t r.d.
lb. K; - il i r laid U fori- Uw llt 'iwi a onif
r fn.M f!" four **nciatr Jaati.x>
I d. djtiiaft d 1 y the Ti. 'oral l :!l a i . ml* i* of
I tin- judicial branrb >f the oiu-im, an
j ti..tltacntl| tl.. t:ln v bad a.' led Jndina J."*-]*h
I". Bnotb > a* tlie t.flii miiulwr of tb.- judicial
1 ranch of tbc pnuinii-inii.
, Aft. r <b u**ioti. tb. Mjedtj r. - dull d.--
. lai'.iij.' that'i iad i a Mate and tliai Mr.
f lbif. ni i* . nt. . i t l id* *pat iii tb. H ii*.
•a• adopted. Mr. lb .ford mb* then auorn m.
Mr* Co Ik i. .of?o Vork. i . •! tip tl.p
pa|<pr* hi tin- K1 i i . ii. ;, Ui-.*■ and tl.. titb ■
of Hie ](ai * I r\ad aa (ulli'it "An
auUiMitn-atcd i tiif an act t di* Una ainl
• dai,': li tin t] . ■ :itm*nt !)'■ tl. Ktate of I. T.
1 da of rbv<or*for 1Y idcldaud 4i< l'ri-.b til.
1 and " 44'iUttimm fall of. Rptinat t'lisik* IL
' itutfiv •* o . lb 1114 of ; roc-odini** in On
' nat •• of a . >■■■!' n.'o. Mr l 'Upcr llb jVi,
f M ui|(au, ol>j< - tel. and Uip Kj.. ak>.r tkm
1 |i!no.d tin* liaik-t* 111 tin pttiXmu lnu
Mr. V. u! I>. 1. .. . f Nee Vor'a. ii.trwln.-ml a
' hill r>; k-.-Jiii): all lav in t uank cajvital. llc
ft rrtxl.
Mr. I'o*:ii I lipfi. I. i f (ihio, it (- '. t" ai and
1 t! • In itiative \j" io}inpliuii 1:11 br mnkuip
.mt id the tr d tsuii the |iaraftr>| b Uirb
1 ti VP tl c-cij" laittut) of apoatora at 4l..'**!,
■ 'HIP aiii-iulnn-'.t a* ajrt.*l to |:U to 31.
Vft r an arpuni. .t it bl.i amcddi a lit *: ■ titad.
' ill tb It' n - f. r alar: • t*f niPtnber* . f tb
i II <M*..
1 1 11- -*i* liar lvr l l- f r. the llunai nii'-our
froni ti.e I*n idrnt on tlie luiam d .jiii *Uu:i.
' MtiH-h a.* r. f. t > Hi •'.■ntiiutlrp on ra;'
and mean*. It rcvHiitnctwl* Ibat u • urb' i dab
" -ball I- flv.d tban tlial n<* j-rovidtvl for l.r
' law f. r the rt -unij tloli of tw* n> j-attin-nt*. but
that t ui i. •* -ball | ( . a mil ntrUl ri.lttv the
! i tat ■ i of four j* r rent. Imd-. to run fort*
(tara t f rc n .turitr, t>. b PV. banptvl f i
f K'gal tprnl. r n-d. . tl. • whole amount of "aid
la.ud* not to • d trloO.nod.'**!.
Mr. Illtat 'l>oa.). if S. \ork. |>r. arutml a
, inntnorial of many nniinput ■ Irona of Itrooklvn
aaktng for an a)<|irui>nati. f. r a immtinit nt
over tin- remain- <d tim victims of Hiltlali crn
| . lit on I ■ ard Ui" pri-on in N. w 4uik
bxrlmr dtiritie tb* Homhtlimin war.
i'iie anu tidtiii nt to tb. Legialative IlnaiiP*
r bill fixing the mlirf of M iiaiora at s.Vlk"', waa
f arr<pd to, a* una ilk" aiiicndn . ul* in len vrd to
, tlie alvr of irtrttl)--r * of the H0t1... Tli"
I anipudnn nt - in'-rc. ung tbo compenaat i m of
Uiu l'rti.b lit tt. tf.Vl.tato . tlpfoat.vl vra .
♦7 ; nay*. 120. Th- A]iiiro|iriati ti Nil waa tlun
I ' rwit JOtJCT PoVVEVTfo*.
1 "Ibr joint ctilivpntioli "f tin Senate and Hotlae
■ tin t in tbo lion*. cl:nilT on bi bnian lat to
I catiTaas the cli v ti ral v ti-. The j r " ""bait of
the tie chair, having tlie Sjioal.. r
• 'ii hi Uft.and tlicii, ".n n tl- " lalor* md
• HMubrr* nureab atcd. tLc l*p' dent 'if flic
I SlMti I It, and, IJ. tile (jr. ..I t> I nfi r. e
■ nli i and nib tioe, tod : '*Tioj -ittivtntßii'ii
' orthi) tw" bur .* .d i ongrr • prmntlnjf tli
• trot. < for I'l- id.nt and 4 |PI I'lp-ul. Nt will now
' <*i UIP to or.b r."
I UIPII. vtlnlti p. tfwt -lb in'- rtiirut l ill the
i'b|iilT, th" j rp idrad of tb S.'Viti aid
I ''ln olodtence Willi the t onati'nti "il. Un
• S nat. and ff• -'*P of Heprpapntativo# have mot
tol- ]r>-< nt at tin* oit.-i:ng of tiie rpititicutr
f and tbe oonntingud dotianng of tin-rwnlla <d
. tile lin torsi vol.* forth' oil.-' of IVI "i.iPllt
mid Vv. I'ri i.iilc'iit of tin rnitivl Stale-, for tin
term of ft>ur year*, oimiineoeiiifton 11 • foiittliof
March i ■ xt. In uii|diaiir. with tin law. tlie
Jirnaiib nt of the S. cite now |.r.iccr"l-. m tlu
' |4i -• nc of tbo two lion*, .to o|" n all of the
a rtui.-atcwof tht * uui Stat-i ud In tin ir
afohabttical orib r, bpginnifig with tlm State rtf
Ala' nia. Tin .nvii-*ing by Slate-in
al| bal*th .l oidot. Alitmma 1* nor ftraf. No
' objoi fioti wii i.. -ib to the iltelaratinii of the
vote of tbi* Stat' for'l ddeii and H. iidricke.
' Arkat .is ilitl i: • ahf-uniA," and 44'lici ier.
C<i! t;nln dittoi Pelawiin . l ildt n and licntlriek*.
Then Klorida nn reach'd. Tbe reading of
Hie ti rut c ilitb'.ato allowed tbe fmn \otca of
■ Klorida for Hayi • and Whet l. r. Tlu ti tb"
i n-, i litu: . ■ I'-pr banded to tbo teller another
e. rtiti' tao ri-cotved front tin sine Slt<-. whu'li,
' mi bt inc read by Mr. Stone, show.-i! the fntir
votaaof Klnntb, fot Tiklen and Handrick lb.
former r"rti.flrate tra* authmiticaled bvio.v.
1 SI. true : tlie latter bv Attorn. y-<lcln ral t'.H'ke.
A thirdcerliltcate w:i an autlicnticatioii of tlu
a-t of elector* who voted for Tildcu and llen
dricka, ami i* made by <lov. Drew.
1 Tb. up-: iding utile, r a-U.-d win tlu r there
wem objection* to otuiiiting thu vote of the
, State . f Florida.
Mr. i'leld (I bHI. I, of New 4 otk. M , and .'nt
to tlie clerk'* d' h n wr:tt. tt oiijtwtutii to tlu
tir.d ci rii'i '.tl. - f"i llay. ■■ and 4V!u •li r i-I netl
1 l y Senator* .loinC"o|ier and MoD-n 1.1, .nil
"iy Ihjiresentative* l ield. Tucker, .link* and
i 110 pm*idiug officer Are there further ob
jectiima to th c .iiiding of tlu Tot.-a of the of Florida? fAftera |>ause.4 If there!*-
lionn tbe eertll'ii id. " and j :-.0. I*. together with
other rmj* r* aceompanylng the aine. na well a*
the ohjiadinuk | ro <nti.i, will now 1*- triin*-
ndtted to tbe Kie.hual ot'lbgc commission f. r
judgiot ot nd di. iai 'ii. The Senate will now
wttlidiawt it* oh. ml* rvo Hist the House may
• ipamteiy ib tonninc tlu> objections.
Ttip Klermrnl Trthmml.
The 7'leetoral tribunal ctrntnicnced il* nro
ce. ilinga witii the nuprr from the ]r< *iiling
jiulicM : " 4Vhat it tbi-caseV He would take
tlie liberty of saying Hint tt ennsiated of three
certificate* from the State of Florida, which
the joint crfhvi ntion of the Senate and House
of Itri'i esentativ c, Is iug utialle t" utile bad
sent I* fore flint tribunal, lie laid
rules of jiroc.'iliin in nianagitig Ibcea c and
Mr. Dwtrid Dudley Held nut tMopening ap
peal for Tilileii. lie snid the election in Klorida
on tbe seventh of November In i wim iiunt
and orderly, and the re nit t.f the election
was n majority of 'votes in favor of the
Tiltleii t lectors. NuvcrthelessacertiflcalecotncH
to the tribunal in favor of ltaye*. He |imposed
to show bow this teas nccoinpliahod. In bis
' arguinent lie reateit the whole eaao upon the
I retuma from linl.ei- county, and pnijioaed
that the coiiiiiii-ftiiiu "bnul.l pvaintip. into tbe
fiu la i nn. 'niliic tin tbrowlug mil of Hie pre- j
i tueta there. Mr. Tucker, who followed Mr. I
1 I.>li| on the "Bine aid", argued Ibat tbo Judi
cial t..f I i , I.t I■ , ,l it ui i*•• •ft part |
of the !.-( at Hit* i.e. it fat d. t< rmtlilli|; Hi" P
--aiilt ef r'ictioiia, nd that their ai licit niiat
the t.-fci# I e uK.-n Into art uitnl. >
lli two ap. •. In • for the li. i.ubllcan* were
UiK.b I i Mr. 1(*,..n and Mi Ms rir*. Mr.
bitft'-on "Hid that the arguitiouU of the lS'tiue
ctnt., raised litu o ipie.tion* I ml, u the c..|u
mt • u a Ktiit tftl i-ouvaiuiiiig l">rd lorrcaiiva" t
tlu' Vote of I iurida? K,*-..lid, u II a national
court of apj" al from the l"ird of Slate can
(■-•< i. / i lot d, I" it a judicial coin iof apfMial
from tlie Htati .sunt" of l loil.taln <I>VI
i * |*i ...blift The 1 k-llnft-r"ta bad **>- |
;i .1 ... nß.lAlltlV l Mau.-t t" all the* IjUOH ha- oil maintained that tbo .oiu
mlaaioii lia.t no p-.w.i to iliiplirc bow the |*-
plp bad mtol in any Mat. . it 1- not popular
vote* but . I."'total vol. Iliat foiigrt sa baa
p w.i to 'iint H ll li"iild be hel l, however,
thai the COllllailudlHl could tuieatigatp the
countt eaina and the toting ill tiln |WeeincU,
1.1 ((. 111.1 I* plcpan 1 to pro., tl 111 tbe
tutu, t of tin I itileU elector* of 110 gionoeM
nr . rtpli .ii He 1' tc i*ii i>(i a number of
i lUitn * which , mill I * broil it II j> to oft act
ibe aiUgte oi.e r„ lecti d bv Mr. t irlii, Mr.
MclTary folio*cl up tht aigiuiirnl against tbe
IHI >r of i ''ii(.ti 11" |-I I* bind tin ictiuua,
tiling nutli 'iiti - I all- * tlial lb> pi *cs<liuifa
nil a Hilt • f irr.mfo 110 not intalldatc lite
act* of a public , tu.-r l done Itefofe the ,'aae 1"
d( t f 11. Ilu il.
Al llueiita wei" Init.l t' Me—r*. IM'niior,
Mel 1., ll I dHI 1.1 in Itefudf of file Democrat-,
aud St*uh < Matthew* and Mr. ShlUghtua in
Ifttiatfof tbe l. 'pii' l. olis, on the i|Ut atloti of
going I* tl,.- Florida . eltlßeate-, and ad
mtUiiig oinlei. 'lt.e iical notalilc argil
lie ut Wile tl -> f Mr. Mellr, k •In) Judge
Matt ."((►.
Mi. M.i, oi behalf of tb. Ileum, ralir
, liilael. la llilxlout ttiattb. Ie were two |irr']o- •
ill; ii* with ie pet to going I* biinl a ilnly ati
t! to al<.l n. .. I>f ft Slab Om was Itiat
tl, l. ! d ■ •(. ii i.e ■it i il.l tin nli. Isle tbe
i. *-.iru. oi iu nihi i w 'rib icj.. I a vote on it*
OWtl liudloli, without the 001.-elil of the
St' t. Ito ap. d plot-"Utloii Wft* altogether
■ Itftei ■ -nt. Il u that a elate llaelf may under
tab. j , to' tb. , ertiticato of
ti. , irrtmr. n. i a sutr. of it- own will,
has in.l clod tb. g.oettiot - I'ertlArate, the
t ederal goveCUUlent nis( go la-btlid It. 1 bla
t.. , ..... -t had hewn domi aMm, of I'ton
da. wlier. tb. si te b.d •! no everything m her
issdii to overturn tb. Hays i * rtiflcati-, and
In,a made it tb. dull .d the coiiiuili"U to com- '
pi, ti that work. M. M, ruck , laimci that the |
imwer ot tsiiuitilig votes, glanted by the i oil- ]
atdution, earn. *t! i ei t di termiue wliat |
;.1 vote*. Wlftd that till- dctel uniifttloll la lbs ,
til t duty of tb. ■ iouus-i. II
CktriM Of ob an .ft. rI > I I.aij., 1
evnb n U folo tic eoiuuilOalou, but tbla waa <
• Ito bv Mr. Finite |
Jtld Mai tin w ; i in* remark* I. . lew. d the '
-eri.-of acts by which elector* ar*. appointed, i
•aegrtlng that the final .1. cWaUon by tbo re- .
turnili.- Iv.ard Is hi tlie PoliiplrU'iL of the '
ajn* niteu ,t. That aj<i!iutuipnt eompieied. I
cal l.ot IHI r. t ftailli . ■V.• pt iu lie Interval of
til " betw. ittiel nil t of aju*ilUliliPUl and
tlie dai I*l w . ii, nnl r Hi" law. tin '!•*-! >r*
perfoitu tb. u't i. iy aatiug their v.dea.
Tile - .tbonti of t .. Stat.- (, r the electoral
Vote clow -, be ni l win a tbe elector- hive
(oi.- ! 4\li*'- (ii .- d. with tbe i ti . after
that t In. ,s li .iw u. t. cord, lux- with tin Federal
Cotutitii'.loii and 1■ ,i al tan. iu rp-|ct to
lltllg tin ( tea tb< -J r>l- II la Ii- t wboaliall
could them I :l 1. , rhaU tbcv 1p iMutited.
'llo cutumi—l ill a cei-tatn dia*Tiiuuiatiou,
! it itniu-t lw rorrf .tl not to undertake a jndl
oi*l eVan.'lmtn o *n li la i.e I in i J ill ll y ing a
writ 111 , . irvirr n. which invulvi a goUlg to
tie very 1 11 ■mi a.. 1 ' ••-rlaUiUig the nuiuljef
of legal vot' • . isL If tb. court attrmpu-d to
alft the fatts . . .rcriiitif* the States -nt.ln,tied
to tie in to tin very bolt'Mu. bo* long i time
won'..! I* reputed He declared that Ibl*
jvowtT w -in ! c nf, ire,! ttjsiu I 'nbf rpv* 'HIP
Pi lie t, ll I 1 tin i mliUwi ti to detenuiue
(i.,*. who wen to ■ /< ■ i ... tora in Florida
oli thr alvlh day • f last Iter* lubt-i.
Mr. s tig!.', n apoke for half an hour, fob <
iov ing Mr. Mailt .a. and il<* lared tbat tivc
KiiwiJa i. inruiiig ! sn.l waa tb. Anal autliurity
ewtahhilind by loruhtanaf I'lmda to d<-
fiare who wen til. c.ct.l,. and the tribunal
bod tm |iow t t f 1* land the appointment by
tl. Slati a* di- its** il by tb- p: oi is . i.s of Slate
law. Ibe c llini was ap|s lilted to cmniit
ti . '. ral v *!• -. and led t*i ixvuiit tlii v..lea by
wlncb clecl'ir* wrr. ruct- l.
Mr. I cat* : sit* a lengthy argument, the
id. t.-.:,. < -t ct. hWM a- Mowwi Tlie vdilv
ei , • I. : tb. , no'.; -: ,t- .. ii nl.r I- that
which goc* to tlie ba-i<f fact and |.< rd' ii
which tbi j <ncrm r curt I nk S f.dlli.led. the
dec; t>n of lb" State iwnias-. r*. I'*yi#id tiu
it in.. 'gi for U tbi> U intdary of final de
ten . id Mjg- adi'iii le ]*>vs.*l, there i IS
iiunt to tl" Uiloat-igati n until It 1- amv-rtalned
how i hi, man (uk*l. if tin govertvor'a cvrfui
caU i> a f- igit y. < t if It nrrtifia* to a faiaeLi**!.
tl;p i. is" . can go back - f 11 to Hit- fact to
1m- certified . that fft< tie tb<- Ulnliug of the law
ful . :,av**iug autiiol:t< . ibr Stat* - own re
• i lof tb- r- .It of H rloctlon la cnucltwivc ;
Uierv <s .1 rvnd tm b ijut< power Uj go l*-
i !i' t!.t w ni l not at Hf*-*Dty 1* juda-ia!
i in H* nature, and ' plenary jivdi.ial |*iw<v>
bavc I* <ii owiferred by law ttpoti any tribunal
t int. r r t t ie aiipn-m- , >urt: the
p*m;e..inaioii i iid a cft'iirt, and baa iio jmwpT to
.. pt t "th'*la of trial for detem-miug the
riglita of imhvkdiula . a ipio tenmin'o |ToPiPcd
itig uivohi • a trial b( Jury, and the common
law ml rpoac* a !an IT to the o< ninilnuoii
assuming to g into su it an tour ; aa to thr al
ii-. 1 ltn-tigiu. t. ..t Humi'hnca, one of tbe
Ii 11-1* •icCtof, that 1;.. ise-llb-k'd into by
tb- Mat, .*'.(* n e Issirvl. winch baa rx
■ anuni 'l bini under uatii and found liim to be
Iplebti' d . there la tin art of < * ugr*- for aen-T
--tal'.lllg whether XII I lector i .ju*l:!i<d OT Sot ;
t' igii-s ,• nb Ham i|Oi na of proof;
if a di-spuUthed e.'.-t.-r [awn the ol■•* rvation
f tin \ tent Mid tin-guatd-of tin State law,
| ii- ("t. Banal sU. ,1 nm-halletigrablr . If the
ecrtificntr sbi -lid -bow that the elector* were
( s- uatora or re|ire*-ntativi** iu I "tigr*-**, thrir
Vop . would I- Ml -ted, !*sraU"- Ho idrnietit of
• vir ion* proof Wotiid Is 111* ded. lult the
] lii-pial i atmii w utd 1* a matter of ocular
and pet ami i"g** : tlie instituting of
| c tmiafii prooft.iing* IU a State court
while dull ap| .;it<! cbx t.-ra are jw-rfonmiig
their il nt • - • aimot nffrvi the legality of their
action; no power .ant. u !i. art est or rei <-r*e
lh ;r vi'tr after it i- "*led up and out for
waid. Ito l-'tto of lh< aritetu of <darting a
p Fre ;d< lit I- that the wii e bu-.neoa a ball go
forward with ut dciay, and UP - thee ta l.tiod
at tin app -mti*! tuue. If e(err atcp n tin.
pro ■ -r*:i l-b.iclcrelby judhialiiruceedinga.
tin- . HIT . ty <1 the ;*■ i'ie vrii! 1*- *U|i|"Tt."l
( by a g,.(■■: : •'nt i ' judge*, and tin i* will la
i 1-- rt t Itl a' li tin hi. in nof Iktacl
li- .1 t '|iray for a king,
Mr. c'ba. til . n.-r followed Mr. Kvart*. in
I - übafanca a* follow • ;
1 , b ll of . ' gn s< bla full power to ill
v ic-tlgat" tbe facts a* to what waa the actual
, vote of Florida : tt may inwfitutr any infjuiry
, rt.i *ary lo as.-ertam what tbe result of Ibo
• loctiou was ; tbi llou*" of It* prem illative* is
lb" sole Judge of whether a lYoideut h* been
elected, and tb" Hcnkte of wbetlnr a TlßW
l*rksidenl li*' I**ll cln> ti; tbe omimitoa I*
pi w.ftscd of all tin i*'weriti tbe matter invest
< d in ('• :it:rvs-. and i.-av pi a* far in it* inqui
ries a- it think" pr.iwi i 'get st tin- tnitli ; l*v
, **y that it i- pr. hided from lu-aiiug evtdcaow
I y lack of time :- to set up the ai'gumcnt of
' •* nvmii noe t" - n*n fraud, ati argniiM-nt
' w: ' if valid here, would I*' cjually valid to
preveol court* of justice from acting in .Jim
terrn-ilr.'" c.i . ; tbe ronum-smil call fix tbe
limits to the ln-pury, extending tin ill
i only far iu m h to HVIIIV the ends
f of jn-tii*'; there i* no legal or oou
r "tiltili ual barrier lo it" power* iu
I tb:* direction. It i ■ projowd to tuove by rvi
• ilenc that thr Horids canvassing loard did not
act within il anthoritv ; that tinle** I'neidi'ii
i tp lel. ctnr* !*■ held to i* State officer* the loard
( had Tin right to doei witli tin- returns at all, and
tin only evidence iff tin ir election is tie county
canva- era letti-;, . that if It Ie admitted that
they ar> St officer then miller the Florida law
,11MS Dwrd's act;..ll 1- subject to correction liy
the floiu t-of the Stat<. and the 71 <o tcrrrixiift'o
pna eding" annulled it* authority: therefore
th. time arrived vvh. n tho action of the Florida
C. 11! 1 take . !T.'t . tlx tr lack of title
was aacortainc 1 slid their unlawful pcrformaimc
mid not hi "arn, d forward after it* invalidity
. ■ twbli 1...1, He cloned by aaydnff Uiwtftwn
• • not ]i .n in Hit* countrv, with the
faculty of blushing who could look an honest in tlie to and ~iv that the Hayea elector*
were fairly clr -i n m Florida.
Mil) They lit* Happy.
There is nothing; more ile)>rewing or
niiu'M vill .< to h vottnif nuut than lo lm
jilte.l by ii girl. His iiironv seetn* anen
ilnmble wh n 'ho not only tlirows hnn
overbonni hut nl *i ships a rival. His
ease tnuy b< -nine ih'sjwrHte if, nftT she
liti* nntno'l (lie hnppy liny, ami lie hus
bought tlie i- n -. seen roil fittiniT we-M nif
raiment ami emrj;sl the ) arson, rhe
gives Uitn lie- dip anil marries another
fellow. S line men think of tin arms or
eolil ]oi on nitiler ntirh eireuniHtnimes,
but not so i St lcmis voting gentleman
name I Hi klatnl. 4fis* .lenmngw hml
ponsent' 11 < marry him. The itny was
fix il. wns near nt hand, the viand*
cooked, the vveiblitlg! dli'ss I omplete, and
the run ter notified. But the very day
beh ve tlm (|H eted wedd tttf AlisaJrn
nni - went out at i veiling, married a Air.
(cither, iitul by nt' >' t the couple were
npiveiliug awnv on lii. ii' bridal journey.
Did Mr. HiekUuid de.sjvon 1 and grow
d operate ? 11 ■ t >ld the paraoo to be oa
linn 1 it.-1 the nine, forthwith jnoeeeded
f i the house of hid affianced, asked in
marr'nHe the hand of Mi** Haywood,
there te ioin", was aixvepted, told the eld
people t> 1 rp the vinndt* hot, fetched
the pav ui. and, while Mr. and Mm fa
ther wt i e Im d ii fawnv, ft merry company
wit fit ed (lie wedding of Mr. Hiekland
and Mi; Hnvwood. The attpper wns
the most ele/nnt which had been lately
serve lin nil tlint resfi ,,n . n, d love olnspa
liin hands in joy over two wedded pairs
irn-1< id of one. Mr. Hieklund is u phil
osopher, May lie find his bride live long
aud be happy.
A Philadelphia policeman, convicted of
murder, is to have a new trial bocanoe nt
the time of the deed, in the hmgtiuge of
the judge, " his rcusou had been torn uji
by the risits and judgment jostled from
i her throne,"
livening Hong.
IsH.k off. dear love, acrooa the aalleW -ami-.
And mark yon Hireling ef the "tin ami r,
Hew long they kiaa In "Igbt ef all tbe land*,
Ab ! longer, lengwr, we.
New lit the sea * red vintage melt* tlm awn,
A* Kgypt'a |* art diaaelved in reay wine,
And t lee)intra ulglit drink* all. "fi* item ,
lew, lay thine hand in turn*,
funic forth, sweet alar*, and eullifert Imavrn'a
lioart ;
(illminer, ye wave-, round el*e uuligbted
üb, ■ tight ' divorce oui -iiii and *ky apart
Never uur It]'—, ear baiul*.
44 .-lister ami Jenny Idiitl.
Jenny Hind gave a concert Ht Wivah
illgbw during the Si-amuli of (' mgreaa,
and nan mark of her r.-eje-et, mid with a
view to the n lut, eent politw mv itntiona
b> the President, Mr. Fillmore, the nietn-
Imra of the cabinet, Mr. ('lay and uuuiT
other diatinguiahoil nieinbir* of both
tioiiwe* of (totigrewa. It IIMJJMMI'S| UI that
day •everid lueinlwra of the cabinet and
Senate w.-r dining with Mr. Bollwro,
thr ItuneiMi tiuuisb-r. His g.Mwl dinner
hml kept the jairty ao late thai Ike con
cert was tienrly over when M'elwter, flnyr
Mid I 'ritU'lideii uid othera eaiue ill ;
whether from the hurrv in which they
(Mine, or from tlie ln-at of tlie room, their
face* were a little fitialn-d, and tji-yr
li*>ksl somewhat flurried. After tlie
upplniifte with which tliere gentlemen
were recwivtsl ha*l atlhalde.l, and alienee
was rwUirwl, the Mvotid part of the cvui
rert was ojiened by Jenny Lull with
" Hail Columbia." Tin*look place dur
ing the height of deltate Mid eaeitement
ou the elavery ijiieation and the compro
mise resoluttona of Mr. Clay, and tin*
air a* a part of the progi'Mitme was con
sidered peculiarly appropriate for a con
cert where the ltea i ol tlie government
ami u large number of both bnun-he* of
the leg'ftliitive depttitUlCUt were prewent.
At tlie eloi*e of tlie flint verse 44 t-btei'
piitriotinm boiled over, he cotild ait On
longer, ami rising like Olympian Jove,
lie added hi* deep, Motioroith voice to the
ehom*, and, ] venture to say, never in
the whole fours* of her career, did he
rvttf hear or receive one-half of tlie ap
platiKe us tliat with winch her muig and
Webster'a ehorn* were gre*ted. Mr*.
Webster, wlto sat immediately liehind
linn, kept tugging at Inacoattiul to make
him sit down or st- p Miugutg, Wit it wan
no earthly use, ami at tlie rlome of ea*'h
veriw 4Veb*ter joined HI, and it wu hnrd
to *ay whether Jenny Lend, 44'elter or
the uinlieltee was the most delighted. I
have *-en Hitbtni, Lalalwhe and the
two Oris *on the *t.ige at one time, but
Mich n happy eonimiction in the national
ir of •• il mi Columbia ' a* Jenny Liud'*
tenor and llautel 44'i-boler'a hius we shall
llVVit or see a.'altl. At tlie clone of
the uir Mr. 44' i lsU-r rose w th hi* hat in
lo* hand and made *ueb a bow as Clies
terfiehi Would have deetnevl a fortune for
las son, and which *c!iied 1)'( Irsny'a
In-st. Jetuiy Liml, blushing at the <hs
tinguiahed honor, conrteaied W> tiie flmir,
tin- audience applauded to tho very echo.
WcUter. iletcmnued not to 1 outdone
in jKihteness, Istwcd again, M s* Liml
reomrtesie-l, the hoiiae leapplallded, and
this wa* rejs-ftUsl nine time*.
Luttrell wnii once nuked whether a cer
tain acjuamtanee of hi* was not always
very ilnwignfttlilc. "Well," said he,
" lie ia alwava oa disngrecablo na the cir
rumoUnre* will jerniit. M
American Standard Sh<t <f sujierjar
riuaii. *!". lea 1 ]l]s- and *hc-t lead. -namilae
tund L'j tin* C-.lw il Jx-adCo., ru< <va<ir to the
V 1.. ad i ., 63 Centra .trwt, New Vurk.
♦•Old Kellablc."
There ar* many ngiutnl n-intJk f< >r that
*rry |m valant diaeaae, chronic nihil uMnk.
Int ituur * hitji Inn guru general uUßftctiau
and bee-lac aekiu.wl edged standard
tHiut, If. Sage • Catarrh Itemed*. It
continue* h> enjot all till]vreeadtfited isqiularl!v.
Una reputation ha* tv-u earned through the
permanent cure. wloch it baa wrought, having
proved it*. It a *j.ecißc in tin worat (arm* of
tlir dlwetne. JVroe • Is* krt memorandum
are pieu away to drug aturwo.
From ( botif ti. I'uker. at (hi.ida, X. V.
•• Kr w w-ral yeara I waa t'ouMed with an
afl't-Ui n of Uh luii); anil throat. *<Tfoai|>amal
by a aevi-rr cough, which tilreati tied t"-ri"u. in
toad. uj*u uiy constitution. wlmi I a> in
duevd to tnaio u#i of Jiu. Wurna a lUi>aw or
WILD < H rut To tha astonishment of mywlf
and tuy friend. leu entirely cured. 1 clieer
fully r<-commend the Hueiv to the |>uhhc a* a
safi, mr and reliable nnshcmc for all disease*
of the throat, cheat an J lungs. cullg ha. Colds,
90 ci tit* ami (la!utile. Hold by all druggist*.
( otieha and (old-.
Sudden change. of weather are aunrra* of
pulmonary and twonchiai *<Trti< u. Take at
olio* " /inirn i /inWiiai Trxehllet the
cough, cold or irnlali n of the throat le ever *o
alight. ________
A Vai.f (itrr—'To < t ry reader .f
this paper who i i -k, or liaa a i invalid frn nd.
will \w furnished foe. he mail, a bunk which
will explain how scrofula, humor*. aorvou* and
utliei chronic disease* may be peruiain ntly
Cttrwd bv a mui] 1c pnaw of nature. Addrv O
r. t. box IC2T. IWwtou. Ma—
We notice in one of <>ttr xeliungea
tin* week Ibe'etatenieiit of 1 *ea.|.lolui H-slgkins.
of Koiith Jefferwotx, Me., wh -M SOU a> cured
of iticija. Nt oonumj>tion by the u of Jolut
■ ,'i .lnoivnr hntnwwl. tV* referfothiaat thi*
tune a* tending t corroborate the statement
we mailt laat week in relation to lh;> hiument
aa applied to con*uni|<tion.
If (VrngrrM ha<l employed n* much
scientific skill in the arrangement of it> "re
cwiitiwtion p.lie* at the close. aa tlie War
de)>artm< lit did in the lvginmng of the war,
in arranging for the mamtfactwr. of what i
dtlinl >fi' ndn'l ' iitviiry Condi's w /'iKdiri
fir the ilm' of the cavalry horse*. no doubt the
t'nion wonld have been restored long ago.—
The itch which commonly prevail*
among people of unclean hal it* and impure
blood, and usually drti. * the ordinary \pedi
i nt* for it* removal, can l-c quickly rtpdlnl by
a few ablution* with Oi.asv a httTMri Star.
Sold everywhere. Ih]w>l, Crittenton'o, 7 Sixln
avi inn . New York.
Hill'* 11 an A Wliiaker lye. I ixek or litown. Mc.
Is then* one render of tliis pnjier suf
fering from rheumatism' If so. write to
IhlplienMinc A Hunt bv. dniggivt* Washing
ton 1. for a circular of Parang'* llheu
matic lvctiielv. Tin* nnslicine la taken inter
nally. and will positively cure any case of
rheumatism tlie fai-e of the green earth.
lYiee one dollar a bottle.
Vegetable Pulmonary llalsatn. the great New
Fug land cure for coughs, cold" and consump
tion. Cutler Pros. A Co. a. ftosbm. only genutno.
Patentees and inventors shntild rend 1-
vrrtisement of Kdam Una, in another column.
>tr\i< w t to it in \ o tot it i. it K.ti %\v \
Wat sll ... o. 1 w .s . w-t.. i -1 RrwonaM JtlVv,
I f' 1 Fit!** \Va*hincl "i !< *'
The Market.
Beet Cattle— Xatt.r . OTV,.a tj
TriMtud CbMtik. OtS<* WV|
M is *?o oo
liog- I ivr
1i wmtsl oJ'|i4 (4S
Sbwv aa. ....•••• a a 06 <4 0T
UmU -• i 4
Cotfoti—-Mtfldlseg. IS
Klour-Wtiiicrti tiiod U> rhM<re . 6 *> (4 800
R't*-<*ood to Choice .... ft P (4 f 80
K*.t W. a-trrti 1 53 k*i 1 !V3
No. '2 MilmnuktM- 1 41 c* I 4S
lUrliv SUtr WOI TS
I M I 1 SO <4 1 0
II tick wiirvat 1-5 |4 ST
OtR-Mltrd WnWn .I** i 4 M
Corn- Mucd Wt*lrrn •" 4 62
Hay, )*rc*t "5 4 io
Straw, jor v*t 75 <4 R5
Hop* 76W20 75V 10 * 15
t irk Mm H in m
I.ant—CilT Ktmtn 11 Sal 11^
Fi#b—Mackerel, No. 1, i><*w 19 10 (4?n tut
90.i, UPW 10 <kl (410 00
4>r> Ctwl, rwt A (0 (4 090
lit rrIMK. S-AICH!, N>*. IS <4 Ift
Mrolmffi-Crudr. 12 <*l?S Rt ftnrd
Wool—CillloruU Flv 18 <4 31
Trw " 21 <4 28
AuvirMlian M 31 (4 41
Dnt(r—S i# SO *4 2ft
Wfitcro—Fhotoi 24 f4 SB
WiMtrm -Good lo Prima.. 18 (4 24
W fanltrrn— Firklim ... 12 84 17
(ibtif-Rtitf Factory 8 (4 II
NUtr Skimmed Oft (4 07
Wckfrn <4 141%
Iftgi—St4(4tod Ivniiaylnnit. ... 2S (4 28
Flour 7 00 (410 07
W'hoat —No 1 Mtlwiukor 1 00 44 1 60
Qua Hud fti 14 MM
(kite 42 (4 42
n>r 9i <4 90
lUrloy 65 (4 M
lUrlcy Mlt I 00 (4 1 10
lWrf Oitllo—Eitrm 00S <4 <7
BIM ff OM4 H
llo({a—DrtWd o*\(4
Flour- lVuurylrttite Kztra . ... 70(4 750
ttd Wwitcru 1 45 (4 I en
Ryr '' <4 78
Cocu-Y'' lot ... Tfi (4 fS
Miirtl . ... . ft ft* ftft
Oath Miuptl .0 (4 42
Prtrolrum--Crudr 11 ft|loV|
Ik-cf Cattle—Poor to Uhoi.w 4 75 C 4 8 50
Bbeop 2 76 (4 0 2ft
l*Uil 2 75 v* • 25
" ilituwilviitiou," llu> httlr Ity tlionglit
it win*. It iNitlimit him. rajHxnitll* M
HI h* it ami# vi*rr oftn. Ani no
In* n-ikisl liim Minuiitv aclum! timrhrr. 'Hie
won I tiinwvi nut to In* pari f Oir
Imi*: " tilorv, lioimr siul wlvHtiou. But
the* In.l Mid hi* ninlusl tlu*v wnitlil *III|( it
I KBTaSTI.IT rrtlevr* end ptrmanaatly ear** una
I luatbauoi* dteraaa In oil IU varying ataga*. It poo
araar* (!>• BOuthlbg Ollli healing propoftlOO of ptOAM,
b< i )>• wt birki In tlielr raaculUl form, froo from inrj
fibit-u* t (-nlantlualloii. and la UUo reaped dlfera from
every other known rrmedy. la oaaAbort /oar Ufca*
brand It* way from (I.* Atlantic lo tb* Farlfie COOM,
and aherrrrr known liulmcuoi tboMutdard rota*4/
fur lb* lirotoietit of Catarrh. Tba proprietor* bar*
boon * our d upon t.j gentleman of aatloaal ropatatloa
who bote been cured bj tbi* remod/, aad who bate,
at cuarlderoblo cipruo* and paraoaal Iroobl#, opread
U'O good new* throughout tbo circle* la which lb*/
■note. %t i.en ;ou bear a wealthy grnllomaa of laUV
llgvtce and refinement ea/ " I ova m/ Ufa to fianfordY
liadleal • ore." J ..a ii.ay frel aaaured Ibal It la aa art!-
rlo of great taloe, and vurin/ to ha claaaad among
tba ataadard medical epocUea of tba da/.
•• Til' l e .cii I dcilte from luHaily aaa U le Dl la
IIP. Mi* W KIJJf, cr Wcua, Paaoo * Co.
•• ti I.m -tired ate aflar iwaivayaara of unlalorrvptad
üB. ilia "
Ka -b package contain* In fiaatord'a I m pro rod In
ball a i rl! direction, fur aaa la all caao*.
IS no I . per pack age Tor aale b / all wkalaaala
and retail diueei"* tba fulled Ptatoa.
wi Kb- A!*• it'll 11, General Agent* aad Wbolaoala
llmriotl. 1t.e(.11.
4 K Electro-Galvanic bauery, eooiblaad vllb tbo
,'\ eetel.rai.d Medicaid I'ttroua Plantar. farming
Uie grand--*: curative a. din tba vorid uf amdlrlae,
and utt. il* eurpaawiig all other Planters haralofor*
In uae. Tun a...-is11.!lor. muro la on* vera inar mo
I I I'laa'i r* la a oliuU tear Tbo/ do out palliate,
Uir/ el aa, lonian! relief aHurdt-d la
Itliminiallam. Neuralgia. Paralysis. Cramps,
St. \ tut*' IMiue, bcfatlm, Hip t uniplaiui*.
S|.ln .1 A (T-.tle.iia, beriooa Pal a a and Irrt
taikma. 1./lleptr or Pile prueeadlag from
hbtak* l.< lite Srrtoua by ate in, Kanluiea
and Mralna, Fraeture-a, Uralses, Cvutu
oluae, Weak Mum-lea and Jo lata, Nartoai
and l eeUe M uaeular Action. Una! bor
lieu and I'ain lu an/ Part of lite Mod/,
\V .-ak and Painful K id to > a, tirood Tender
new of tlte Kldae/a, and Weak aud lams
Stack, rained b/ Chronic Inflarnmatlna uf
llio KlUiuy*.
(to ronflder ! are the proprietor* la tba great vale*
ofltilal'iaai.r utrr all otacr Piaster* tnat (Ley do nut
beeitate lu X It to i-oaaea* greater far grader,
ciiailte properti** I baa all other* combined, wblla
U.o prtrai f each, tu • & .-rata, la wlthtalhe react
uf every atitfrrer In tbe land, 1 unlet. tberefore, aims
hat .tigwbal/ua call lur. "*.
KilJeter/wbero. < ut by mall, carefully M%/d
and varrauu-d. oa rec. tpt of price, Siccato lirnt
f; Sfi.raia. cr MJ6 for tvalro, by VULKXa * PUT*, Proprietor*. Buatob.
PotfU Colds, ItltKii, Ecartraatt. DiSralt
Brrathisr. aad a!] Afsctioat of tba Throat,
Bisachial Tuboa, as Lttpt, losdisf
to Costs eptioh.
Ti:i infallil 'e rrrnctly it composed of ihe
HOXKY of itic plant Horeliound, in (hemic*!
union with TAR-B.M-M, extracted from the
I.! re I'atNCtriA of the forest tree A bits
Baiuuii, of Balm of Gtlcad.
The II iey >f MorchoonJ POOTHKS AM
fCATtpAS all irritation* and inflammation*, and
the Tar liilw Cl-tassi S AXD HbAIA the ihroal
an 1 air passages lca>ling to the lung*. Fivi
additional ingrrdirm* keep the oigana cool,
m< .st. am) in he.xlthfu! action, let no pre
judice keep von flora tryirg thi* great itiedi
rine of a lamrma doctor t* ho ha* laved ihou
*an-it of live* try it *r hi* large piivate practice.
N K.— 1 !>c rar-Balm 1-u no tAU IASTI: or
,ft:n to v; *■ AND $I RR* POM*.
i-ra mim'-k lo Way large hie.
"Pike's TiKitharhp iirii'i*" t'tir*
in 1 Mlitttlo.
iliiXvXi ii * * .a .I N- . ll* N "gthht , Plium
A!! hlb'ti' ta S ul, I "tm*h Rwa.'orrw. fVnlocU, U
•ml uiw-ar* fd.- al ni:,r K KAKHr.R,
* Kh-bce w >.*ti iU L'U-pt ih j-MT
3 BMttUih, fx f-nt- A l4rt *
J K IIV DSUX. Tonu, K 4XtK.
Has fjuirk.jr lalir bifb l'Uto vn<Kt| ifnru'ianJ
• 1 T'iAmm* We h cn4(Wibl it
•m -n* ttr l*p* t of •> rtch*nM..A4 a •rc*rlljr rn urt—n
Utiif of Um Wi fbmr Phtra t>ur
K-' MM* fnaOtl* abaui*l feol Much |*rulMin tbo < h*r
*f*-1 iipr -Uf vofth <4 thMr Mat/* Hneulturhi
- A /. .vmr* J'b'aal W • crod't
it * .t n b* ,n* cm# *-f U*a bort 4 uor WwUn
ci.Hutai pit UhUgmtk Syir.t <J Timea. Xe* York.
All with *n Mp, nror Mid fair mitit!ad
tn t lia !M*VI pIMUM** of .VruUkra Ke|>uhlicft*
total. cttW read tY*
■he landing aad rei*v*rclat.r* Itepubbcaa prareal of
Uie Smith
llall* l otnaarrcial. (till per r*ar. Nik <wnl* por
ax-olh Tr> H tee m.-ntb
W rrklr ( amMi rrlal, neeilf ciaarl/
pnntait. carefully edited a capital famili Mnnimr.
patT |r rea*. Ml '<* * nuuil'-.a In 1 labs at In.
fit I .fill each, per year . flutia of tarn or mors. I .AO
iine ccp> of ether edition aent free. ioat paid, to any
\a Agent wanted in erety neighliorbnad. to wboan wu
pj! fh per Cent e".unun...n, ic a handmme aad
tuluable premium bend for Sperial thrcttlar tu Ageota
llrat Advrrtiulng llrdiam In the **Mlb
Rates and quaatlta and >.f < rvuiaUon ecmaid
er.< Rate card and ouplea n< fie.-
Addi.A. 11. Jll <IKKIKO,
Manager IWMKScIaA. I onia, lllc. la ..
The Pecplo Will Not Be Deceived.
Fvery family re.ju.Ti-- - \u*' relir Hiatney of tbo
•ail. It.* cNß*<ltl * p!tianx! bufci* Ihi op*atn
at lA* Fltr MI-I tv-i-s • ' R) iMMMIftt
Art t I*hwibtTii|*hr. f" •r% nn*! I>rnhtMm to
*.. aWilh t rt u)p ilJootrMUiinik, rto-rj *.n- o
whM*h *r r:"< * f'r tfti* < rk T*-.t i th
rat*;* Ktpl.rr . ,r'Wl. v.. rll.l lt| it *T nlj llt l|Pl> tA* l.ltt*
tratfMi* A . *tn|* "t • iMtr*trAn% of |h
fmMM it nt * hj i trtirw of met it* lif
M lthm tt*<* f - • Art K*htbW inn'mKbc
b| HMt< r*.|i- U* <>• r i*iA Aii <4.nunioa b>
r**m|M4nto4i MiN 1 p xwintn
*b*riu t*T Akr-. br * t p t !!• in Uct rh •
p* rtfutuTP e c >m l.i rv*rW a prrfptl of
ijfbrßJtrhoaof KiluVst -tt.
Ewrjr um cio aam ** S*, o lrnpghcta of
—or THK—
Centennial Exposition!
IntotlnnUril; Ptim** a dwirrlo ivvw-o-m it—tbo tooorot of
th* hhhy** <f r Aiwib, to ho uairorMJtr
tl tlm :**.L t* n*'| thrc f'kr handtod.
JMIb 3t> Ami oYt> dtj rr rr|ru frA*tn
•KHMtoto of Virr-nt"* TIP b•* k r*titjin ;OS
PAg..r pnl t . I.MJ O* frtA jkdiirP". n4 wottld ti'A/i'.er
uch !* k !• am* f%mv.mrni t pnunni%l Itirtarioo.
9ru.,#Wpi> ur i j.i.Mlo I hgrni itrA c.ner n^ur
foi-o oqul t* t.l fli <h ;.v j*ac * In loci, oar work
i oqual SN NR t throo ATO. book** * f flft |>p-,iUi tA) fall
l*o iilatrati< n-* in ooch. on i pnntoai jjf\ thrwo
Lm<* tho topitht on*t oL u"i b '*"l t# ocioro book&
Addrvu for price. trrw nad IrmYxy,
Frank Leslie's Publishing Honse
437 IVnrl Street. New York •
Music Books!
Earb llook mn> be aafel* rreelaedao mining
the very beat,
First-rloM t'hurcli Music Book.
THE ENCORE. l7Jrtl; £nt:U
llrat-claaa Singingechool Rook.
WORLD OF SONG. s ?,XW.u? 3
Unrivaled L'ollaotkm of Song*
GEMS t °,!V DANCE. "
The Moat RrilHant Piano Music.
PERKINS' Anthem Book.y'i?i.^Sd)
An oAAjr Anthom for f*ch Sunday in th© Your.
Perkins' Glee and Chorus Book.
Suporh l olloction. (SI.2V 913 per dot).
Male Voice Glee Book. P™™*..
Brief, New, Spiriteil l.ieen in abunthuir©.
Emerson's Chorus Book.
'Hi© licwt Sacroii anil Si*cular Chorus©*.
Kith©r lUkik maileJ, po*t-frw, for Ilotaii Price.
C. 11. IIITSON A C 0.,
711 llrondwnv, New York.
MuaDVMora lu lak A Mfal.aKP. **h<tal
$65 Z $77 * &2£££r
A fWYA THAI TA Kick, Dry Ptairte. near to raiin-ed
4,UUU|ltettk)p*ra<e** J A.ltl(\r
\nR4I|NIA PAlMfa. he r.renlara addrvw.
• I I* wfWPllil.l> i <O, Bf Hraaalw-I N \
$66 T^r u n; stj^
Drum urß* , ' bo,M "*<^<
nCVULVLllwtarai.xii ■ Wum.Onue,. 11l
$25 A^-i^fCftt.*W..% I s rf
Ato U g.VT* waatwd. on aalary •■* eawwa Xaw bwri
tram Addraaa J b Maaaar IDo.b 1.-7. 3?,
$5 to S2O KL^rMfiTdc-S-^^aSf
uI il Made Fa•! aad Ki*a. I ... aaranlea at 1
'7 111 tail t-art c -I.l*l we! i-wl p. t I HO , nt.
Aildraw WHrTVKY' RMITH. H■ IIO.Ta .r * V.
%m§ m Uffn k in !! to Mawbanu fill
toto to WM ■ tot ■■ a mraita and traveling
Wf Nil I Iw&f paid tiara Mfg < •' -kt
fCMAK IIKMKS A—atkug that nay aaada.
J rra nart.ruUr, aand two tnrae C*M ttamiM to
H. JONaS A CO., Ila* not. tlallkaa, MM.
MON EY tt&riKff'zzzrk?
HI A iamt'BSrareoap. lO* Puium nt . bee v. .1
MWATCIIttt. a OHM* anllna. Aampt.
Wibi aad OulSt fra. to Agyala H—*m taan
(iwld Addtww A IXIUI.TRK i tXj, Cbteggu
• AAA A Plwnlh. Aganta aaatad M kol aeU
(aaa. T Mi Mn Mat I, Aug . 7 It; ftauwou M- i la.. a I',
$lO to SIOOO BSSSSC* ?***"
kddna* RAXTKH t< Bankara. IT Wall M. X V
4/* Ail A Year and F. ape aaraio good Autm.
15'lUtl aka *>• wanted wver/wlwc* IP a ttrtctly
a I 'inula aad u.eaaaal luminal Panirulan Iree.
d'a J ■ VtUIITII A CO., m. ln.aU. Ma.
Nnilllfl HAIIIT ( I Met! AT IIOMF..
ante a. Tb f A MATOiH. Ou neTtobdi
V l * v***aa mil aa, -a*l a epV ta t*4a .
TTSSSrwSae. I tt atfWmifiialia. •■•* u***
Iff VAH will agraato CqnkMaaatW ear rata
lb IUU M giti nM yog a C araav In
II C.ill I rawr, aad a p. pace. Maa,.: a, ■ . I
p.par I err t<a- Aa. -Mb. In- la. 111. .u t... t
aw*aaa ipMi IT.a*ad ggggll. g tin. AOaa *4aaa
HOOK and A firVVC (aad < ieajrmenl wrlta.f-w
niHI.C AUJCgR lot ,rrl-r ant ratrn
lawiea en tba " Van ttlaaaaud AM* r— 'A. I eeeg " ill* a
•aa plan) lata** aa.aua.iim, -ad PiwaataaM
U w t.KAY A AON IO X filth At . PniLauevwaw.
■m Mr mada ratedly east aaaltig.
Money?r7 f Hr£* s:
JAM. T. U llJJ**faoC< laclVaath'obla
W K CilVli Till •* IAI. I|a|Tt:i.
Inrpeat and Real m-wy papar in ttw. r -entry. 3 M alba
(IO tea!, and I Pan KlagaUt taeid I'ialel he.. R Il a.,
I la Sled, and l ading Reli-e, lw }&aU Ad 3;e a
vimrusuu.iu aim Rot-* *...
Agnate.7 11 <i •u,Waabiggt.Mi.l> C Kalab w i*a l
aftnr aikawanaa Cheaal*r-d diwi.. a* —< ae
|W| AHIHI BXC I It a|n s Tit KKW!
Italy Ta. I'l-.agaa *4 < 'an ' Tun* 1 band (or
ihrcaUr* P, 1 I Mil.! M., tiKkUil EultU
Augar.Xe 0 AaWrHi-.av Xaw Y ,
y "7 Van aOtVTa' a* mtad aa taaeu ha
4 if Ml *y tea aaa af bean Sanaa tut , aitaaal
Q YAllwi. ,a taai na Vnalr aun
LAjtoJ amam aaa. art t aaaia. Iw tSnw U nana
a I. aWivn i
AXT Iyjtnux uf antiaar. lataliqan.. naaaaraaba _
r- by canaaaaiag lor tba ISuUttel Woakit ki/aY *
-•* na-eaaary Uia imly raqajaOe se.aia all
uceaaafal t-iaueeaa mdaatry an.l aaavgy k..,lwpw
' -iara I baa. < liraa A C'Oe 14 warn V XT
N3b . rr<> ' BaTa Magic raaapaaaA
la tsaaady pacaeg>g -Uc*
Wtolf a ill 'am* ttw baart ■* geaw na.4 aad liaavy
*g(A oa Urn Meacdhawt the. ta.tpwal Uyery Ila 0
JKQK *•/# la war, caaa. m wiaavy el .•"_).> r*
faageg. a* aaa ear rarkaga. peatpaali ta
|IVW t* ereta M W JufCtTa Aakfaad Mam
D. W. Herat AOa I here aatd year Uotaamal
t\ragfc Syrup nearly tbraa yaara It givaa g-d aataaCae
una. aad 1 here aa kianma ta imnmimmid ng a at
eoael if ut aapanar ta atai'm i item eCito clam _
VoUateaty. A. W. BI'LU* K M D
P. Rel baaa aatd man Uataaraal Caagk Syue than
art) id bar cwagb remedy _ _ A■ IT
MiMMb. Wa—amßk L4anwl Mow •■**
toHWM.n r*i*i uunuw tnttfjMNmll
iancav. <a4ae. Rapt are. Opiaai Hntnl. ate .bit XT
HJUC, i4 oaniji A-Idiom Ir Haste" Uiapeu
** Xn IT XurUi nth f*t root, hi Urn. M.i
|Mf ■ M|TfT*TV bAI.KXMT.v t- iravai an - -
aflfif H Hi LU UealeraeerUaUraakibieor Buraka
"Rlllilm leny Cbimnaya. Mao tor Safety
-uraara AalmnaUc F. Lata a liand., etc
St.TOO a year, had and tvava.iag.i|me, paid *■
nwd man >a peddling. Xu rtak lie.! w,Uag gm-d.
4 th" AQWfaßtii nitfkvL
nih auim A _r n - oixciocnatx. omo.
Oeaatpa I'ellaa Yastta Xteintr*. alaa for Renp> or (col
lar. I 4 aad TtV each, ar 0 I .."HI m*d MB a dim Xcn*
i/ ma.l o.i receipt 111, or Dealer, ' Sand cord ' " ml*
Jogiia. J. Si tKM.KH. lai-mw el Mu.,, .1 Inrre
—-< and ibiMi IQfltaaaikvranb.pvtrtaak,
- STmlbbat*//^ j
f'bmlKH IMtoN trt bw* Md *E2rS
•p|f-ftikiac fn-ioll Fic |rror. MML*^
*HM awp aaM gaba m a*a a4aJ*ml aAm Lad goap mm. JT 1, ■■.; .SjaJfgjr' .. t
*•••*•■• LrlJll •*•* a W
M-vaOo* -** a- amd aA-rn, vtlMßbn A*a fa I ' i ■|Ar~' ■ '|Blil.JW
mui/ ifrakwu flkeiMi rtikcxT
CircsJirs fraa. Csac^aa^Sti tf Typa. Cat:. Ai- tm r*sts.
FKNTK ; O fkfi oowl by Hh| Atthort
f M in tkwtoMpv*tor farm ft* 6 ftl". )•*<s
A ■ trh ywiitf R i •*
m a leuthf.l
W alary of Amaru i lu'a. ear ri
.Ad dram, jPB* tX^
Wilson Sewin {Macinc? Co.. CMcaa
tr a ta
n renteim 3SO fine engravbtc* af balldtaaa and
a—tie* ta the Oreat Kanitxtaim. and la th* -at J aaUumtn
aod complete hiM-ty paldialted It treaU of the grand
''Hading, wimderfi ! ,ih:b.u. eerwai-.taa. gnat event.,
etc Very . heap an.l ad!* at eight ttit* Agent aald 4X
nipte. ta ana day Sand far oar e*tr tirat to Aganta
aad a fall daamj-t tm cf the work Ad-lna,
ruuimnu, PA.
n a lI'I'TAV UanH.dAa and a -rthlem b,-k- rat
LAU 1 iUil. tna Rihtfut -n u-liM icoaUted
tV- Rt* be (leered S-e that th* book wt buy auoterag
T t t'Wwa and 330 fie* Mtrr.rnri
!*> * W\r *f AM WMIB
SLKJL* *-ga-
Repolla. IwLcgiof.
Traa. Ma-V la bam W avavy n.rat.a
Su.d Pootal Card tor Illuatrated Price LUt, Ac.
Wtllrox A Gibbfl 8. M. Co.,
Ocr Bend bl 1 A&X Broadwaty. New York
Wilbur** f od lelvrr Oil tad l.imr. lVrxohx
who h*ro tNM*n txkin* Cod leirer Oil will b© jaUxtord 10.
It*am that I>r Wilbur b** succßrhl, from dirrci.uo *>f
•hpv**ri t*rof©*tonal g*uil*turn. in oomlnntn* t l *© pari*
wil and limr in such * manner thai it m iiVsHsat luths
teiNt*. ami its tpfferU In 1 an* cx*mpia;tits an* tiuiy
ful. Very many panm whua© CMPS w©r© pmawmewj
ho|i*>*©B and to ho had txktsu th© claar H( fur a I
tim* without markwi pfltct, him broj fnlmlj c::rwd t.y
u*n| thta ptrpirilHW. Bo h*k> and ri lh fim.iincL
Mxnnfact irrd cn!y by A. B. wTLOOli,Cheaii t, Bjotun,
Bold by all dru***ftl*.
No. 41 Park Row, NEW YORK,
Adrartiacra d©irin* to aa© r.ther of th© Li*h (not
pablixb©d in th4r own cttr* raxy cmumu.iic ltd wlrs
xffiYsn REALM A FOSTER direct, as all orders wiii
hurra fig* r paas t hr ti*h thrir h tn-K
A. J. AIKENS, I'roMidrut
American .Nrwupaper Culau.
J.ESTEY & 00.
BrAttloboro, XT*.
for Illustrated Catalogue
w. TJH. If. Na. g.
Rlaaaa any that yaa aaw tba advartle.—
meat la CbU pajir.