THR CENTRE REPORTER. TIIU USD A V FEB. 22, 1877. LODGE MEETINGS. C NTH* IUM t.-Mxis. No J jP:."'' V ul i vnrj NutiinUj .-renin* In MraOOT ' , . , j M lin.i n S*n*t H \ • wwi \ '<: K. T Ko <-. F. * M . *?••" M ,„,W> vnin, m *n *ft*r eoh full *n O.M l>Uor* „ xr i Y lin,u. HK, So.t .1 \.n.WiM. w * Papain *w On**•*. r of 11. 1 tmoonon or aftvr **•. full nuv■. *1 ~ LOCAL ITEMS. The Clinton Democrat wjn tb searches made in Porter twp. after .OH are creating a strong conviction in that cinity that a fine vein of nicklo i 4 to > the upshot of thi 4 matter. About noon Tuesday I'- I y I r ville, the house of Miehae! Brr-Dor vva discovered to he on fire, ami in about t hours it ami contents were in ashi* noth ing wa saves! of any value. The fir originates! trom a stove pise runnini through the rs>of. Kmamtol Bresslor oc cupies! the house ; there was no insurant< en his goods nssr the house. Letter writing ran be carries! or for fun now, it has got to be so el. "ap >•' .< note paper has been put down to 8 s< . per qu re, as si envelopes to C cent- p< per pack, it Welch's bookstore. mu sloorto Ist Bank. See his advs r:.-, ment. Representative Alexander h.;s ou thanks for school dec s sent. Wo regret to learn the sudden death of George B. Uarpster, at his home, *! t'-darvi.e. 111., an.! form, -!y of Centre Hal". Mr. lfarps.s r had been complain ing of illness for some two weeks' suffer ing from dropsy of the heart- On the 15 inst., be thought ho was improving, an 1 after retiring to bed, he rose again and sought re-t in a chair . at al out 10 oV.s>. k bis wife hsard him fill ftvtu the chair, and hastens ,• to him from her bed, drew a few breaths and was no mora. He *' 58 > ears of age He removed to Si-me 4 years ago. First cla- s groceries sold at Seshls-r > by first-class, tip-top fellows, whom yen will bo pleases! with as we.l as with lha go sJs they sell you. Try 'em,- try Vm. sail of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup the > ther day, for a tingle bottle cured toy child of a west s.'reaslful cough. Dr. Alexander dated down strsct, on Tuesday, te the Into residence of h rc. Alexander. Mote F : hard, wood-worker in the foundry at this p! ice, was Ss> unfortu nate on last Monday as to have the fore finger on -re of bis hands, caught by on shaper, near y severing it close to the second joint. Farmers, don't forget that Hofiftr A Kline's headquarters for you when yc>u ns d goods. ? T he'd at Spang'er's howl, at Centre Ha l. fssr the first time, on last Tuesday. Ktoc* tions heretofore were held at the Old Fort ' hote!>*'it Mr. Odenkirk relu-ed to furnish roo:u any longs-r for that purpose, a- he coc-idcr* the pay inadequate. \1 o think this will leas! to the creation of another presc net ;-i the township—with one pull ing place at C. 'litre llall, and the oe' er o n't he ether side the valley. Potter is a very large township and a division into ( t. i polling places we think advi-ahle It will make it more convenient for the Totem of the two sides f the tow:-hip to attend election®, thus insuring a fui.erj rote. • Did jroa ever go to see for yourself, ar.J satisfy yourself that the great reputa t n that has been earned by S. ohler .V Co , as having tbebc-l kept and most com piste grocery in the central part of the state, is a weil-earned and deservd repu la:i i ? You always get fresh goods of t! :u, and the best in the market—any . tlii g yiu want belonging to their line. Ti tir prices are reasonable at.d pretits small, depending upon largo sales and si. all profits for their ga.n. Jos. K. Shirk, formerly of this io cslity, now of Milroy, intends nio. ing to Texas this spring, Aaron Bishel. of Centre Iliil. and O P. i Ilea rich, of Putters Mills, intend mo Ting to Mi-seuri. Success to tfcein. The Kaglo Clothing store, of J. Newman, jr. will go ahead of anything ever known before in Centre county, in a new stock of spring Clothing in a very short time. Newman is preparing for it and is selling offhl* winter goads for about co*t in crier :o make rootnfor the new s'.ock coming soon. Take the hint reader, and gel a cheap suit, you'll miss it sure—f r Newman is the King Clothier of Centre county. We rrgretto "earn that our friend. Gen. Buchanan, of Pcnn Hull, is prostra ted from a paralytic stroke. Mrs. Krape, wife of George Krape, of near Farmers Mills, is lying low from a stroke of palsy. —Many a lift* might be prolonged, many a spell of sickness saved by a liule forethought. "A stitch in time saves nine,' says an oid proverb and it every family was provided with Green's Liver Pills thre might be lest work for the Un deruker. These pills are so well known! ti - u&hont the country that no recom mendation of ours is necessary, but a word may not be amiss. The demand for them being very great attempts have made to counterfeit tbem an 1 persons using them should be particular t-> examine each box before purchasing, as the genuine are al ways anj only put up in rpund box.- not ovkij and have the signature of F. P. Green areund each box. Price, No. 1, 2 o cts. No. 2, 50 cts- tient by mail on re ceipt of price, by F. Potts Green, Belle fonte. Pa. Sale of Ilenrv Duck, dei'd. late of Gregg twp., on Feb. 23 Elizabeth M'Ciintic'ssale, Karlevst'-wn, March 1. Hugh's 'ale, Centre Hill, March 2. 8"a!c, real estr.te, of J. Buyer, dee'd, Potter two, .March 3. U. Stain's Sale, mar B-:Jsburg, on 7th March, fa.... stock. „ Wat. K lienncy * sale, tear Old Fort, March 8 Jo-. K. Br:irk' sale, M ilroy, March 11.. ' C C. Keller's sale, Centre Hall, March 14. Judge Love, "dee'd, sale, near Chutchviiie, March 15. March 15. Sam'i Hess, jr. •sale, near Pine Grove, farm stock, March 15. __ W'tn. Colyeps. snip, in tho Loop, March 17. PUBLIC SALK.S.— Mr. George Koch, of Centre Ila'l, has first class ability in crying sales. If you wish n good sale, you must have a good Auctioneer, and it you employ Mr. Koch, he will render the utmost satisfaction, and ut the nmst rea sonable charges. Apply to him early if you wish to secure him George is fully up to the business from past experience. 18 jan 3m. "' \ RNOFC.KOKTIK N HARPSJ-KU, Fr.n NP Kr M7 On \V. dncsday, 14th ins"., in stepping fr-on the train ntU p. m. a notion was handed no- announcing the u <1 nth of l> v a- oo da tViun bavhood, Georgo B. llarp ter, and ti, doubt hi. m many friend* who are readers of your valuable paper will be r,- much shocked ' a' rooeix ing the sad intelligence a 1 xva* Gorge we* borti in t'ontre county. Pen n:t. Kb 10, If S . grew i.p . l'oni \ tiles where Ik> lived until Janttary, IfT.l, when ho moved to Lena. 11l . wlu-re he lived • and worked al his trade (except one year, 1 J up till October, ISTtI, when he went to - C' darv.lle, 111 , and worked for John 0 item . y X Co , tit he wa- forced to quit work two weeks hot" re hi- death ft nt lite effects of heart dismiss, which seemed to „ he of a dropsical nature . though not be , ing able to work at the anvil, he was aide , to attend to bu- daj hesituied more tLon 'isually liveij and jovial ; attc- calit'g a !calt\ UPP" he walked out t' e p -t-cfllce, w . ere I spent the even -gwithli - a -ociates, ciia ing heme at .-dock After "'ami's worship he prepared for a iigat's rest in hi> arm chair where he had been compell ed to s!eep< for several uigh.s. 11 - w if. retiii: ~ when about 11 < clock she *■ ar\>u-ed by a noise caused by his falling ftvta hi- el.air ;ou hurrying to hi* ;dc ►he t>und him in the ibroe- of death, it piring in a few moments. He ws foil. - ed to the cemetery on Thursday 1-J ry a larpe c- t.cours of p .opdc ti o -er uion being p-reaebd by lte\ , from the text : "Prepare to mert thy lied. ' lL* ago was 3G years and 5 day*. S • - l':ie Kock 1-laud Paiiv I:■ :t, of 11 in.-t., notices two simultan.H-us deaths in one family. Mis-'e the one >ub. ct, i st, . in ,f the Unglo's li* ngftn ar Centre 1 11*11. The I'nion says: It beeome* our sad duty t ■ record the i dee;'-, of Mis- Mary I-ing'e, nged 63years. | and Jennie lli.iier, aged 7; yeats, daugh ter of Capt. and Mrs. D. llillier, in the ' same household, at tlia -ante nu luetu, i 10,-46 a. m Saturday morning On j hearing of th- Fit.. -- f Capt. llillier's I children,£-ur weeks ago, si e hastened t-- i the stricken h>ueli-!i aid when urged ! -ot t' Stay b\" M>- Hilli. r. her me- who knew iht nnxietr >'f nur- : g a family thrv>ugh scarl.-t fever w-> ild he to tax her streng'h to > nt ich- -aid she must stay, and little Jennie whose bright young lit. closed the same moment us hers. -a il. ; "•Why, mamma, y. u a :a- it" y u did i : want Aunt M rj hire, and Ai:-t Mary suid. ft l r God had ordained that these two j' so widely set orated in years—but s- , warmly attached to each --t tr, should to- , gether maki the journey ; the;. Heaven- j , ly Home. Next day Jennie was *. th, n w th - *r"-! fever —from which two of the children 1 | were already suffering and ber ra-c baf fled all medical -k W h-*r Aunt Mary was inf-emed of tha probable termination -•f the case, she was deeply grieve i and ihoug,! apip arentlv in perfect health, w.a- ' taken with a p.ara yticsir>ke, from which -he never rnllied, though she lived ju-t seventy two hour-, and piassed peacefully i awav at the v.-rv -aine mom nt as her lit tle friend, fir whose dear ,-ake -he saort heed her }i:e. DEATHS. At li-'ilefonte, on 10. Mr- Corn; .- , w re J of Daniel Corman, formerly >f tow nship. O . I<7. at Pine Grove Mill*. Mr; Mary I Long, re'ict of J .uii - L >ng, aged 74 years. Mr- L ':g w highly re-piected and she J will be greatly mis-ed* 1 > KCEIPTS A KXPENDITI'KES OF , 1\ t MRE COUNTY fr :n Jan. Ist, 187tt 'Ja-: 1-I I**77. I 1). A. ML'r>>EK. Treasurer of Cer '.re county. 1 Jan 1, 1877. DR. ] d To amount outstand ing taxes, January j Ist 1870. s37,Wi'> M To anieunt taxes as- 1 i se-sfd for 187t..._ •> ',0!o 111 To amount from j j Commissioners of Centre county—... ld.uJG ol I To amount received frn> Un seated . Lands 3,780 25 T-> amourit received from Ke-leiuptinn i of Unseated Lands I,'JIW 12 To amount transfer red f'ri>m Military y Fund- 71 7 > To amount in hatius \ of Attorney 4 f r collection prior to i 1871 37541 T<> amount balance j due Treasurer at settlement 4.7'. 1 " 5-5 s'>i,2ll 00 Jan. 1-t 1877. CK By amountouUtaad- :ng Taxes Jan 1 -1877 sl2 128 GO By amount w ;irant paid. 50,071 32 i By aw >unt evonera li--ns and Com- I mi-sions allowed Collectors 1,704 C 8 Isy amour.", 8 Pit ion eiy for Tre=ur* ] era Office..— 10 CO By amount Trra-ur eF* Salary 2,'** i (W—2l4 00 By balance duo Treasurer- $4,700 53 D. A. MUSSER. Treasurer in account with the C'-mnionwi - ft of Penn-ylvania. January Ist, 1877. l'R. T > balance received of T-easurer 1 Mitchell Sl.lGobS To amount nut-land ir:g Taxes. Janua ry Ist 187' i 5,618 l-'l To amount Taxes a - sr. -. d for 1870 .... 3,788 7C—510,607 721 CK. J„nuary Ist le"7. By atnuunlou'.stand mg Tiixe- Janua ry 1, 1877 $'5,501 5G By amount aialc Treasurer's re eeipu 3,570 81 By amouut Exoner ations anj Corn ini--ion al'- Collectors 2C179 By amount Treas- , ureris COMMISSION 7'l 21 By HI INL M hands of Treasurer at settlement 204 ".2—510,50i 72 . To filial i c at settle meat due stale $264 12 MILITIA FUND. January l*t 1877. DR. To amount ou ts'an J ing Taxes January 1-'. 1876 181 8 $134 w CK. By amount cut stundiirg Ta..s January 1-t 1877... $59 88 By amount Tn-a^r er's Commission... 3 77 By amount transfer red to county ac- tunt. 71 7.J — $134,88 We, the undersigned Auditor* of Gen trecountv do hereby certify that wo have •'Xttmiiu-'i the above account* of I). A Musser, Treasurer of Centre county, and find them correct. Witness our hand* and reals this 19th day of January, A. 1). 18*7 W M McFAKL AN" E, [8 . a 1 ] ) A. J. OREIST, (.Seal.) Auditors. J. M. GI LLILAND, [Seal.]) EXPENDITURES. Cotnmiicionaw Pay, A C ilinton on ac count balance due, §llO-17 Samuel Oram ley on account balance . due...... 327 16 J N iial), services... 401 91 Andrew Gregg Tr vices , too 87 it A Mingle services 088 09- $l,B'J6 99 Commissioners Clerk. J S Barnhrat, bal ance due 1875 S4B 89 J S Bunihart ser vice - 967 47 11,000 36 Jury Commissioner* M Grove tor ser vice*, 1876..; S2O 20 County Auditors. A J Griest for ser vice- „ S3OOO Jos Gillilmd orser vicc?j 3 i 00 Wrr "'Parlace tot 0 ti."t \ i> - i >"'o w Jiv F Winti r for ' orviom lum lerk... aooo- siamv Improvcu < ;.t at J Repairs. " Agnew M r> work .1 ; i i 1 a per eon . i r.: 2,248 77 r (.on I'.ite architect I ml I*7 oa T K Lyman nn pipe nii.l mining... 71 20 . Jacob Gordon pin-* tor iit it 2* 75 tl G \VilUmitHp int -1 inland papering.. bulk) i !> tv lit i>o re( itr \ tug liiibtnig rod* Hi jail 43 00 I I'm Co lumber for jail 48 26 Jno Mtllort tdack* smith work tti talk I'J ■* II T Twtimiro tin* rung hi jtl 51 iVI Cha- !■ i! m t ret it i at range jail 4 00 lioo W. IVI ! ItHU tl-g range lit jail - 1 U) S II itcil repair* l jail ........ Sill Juan > lll' > Fi ung lurttav at jail I jO lleiirv W -,r t r> politer work S A lINW jail re* |m j M 3 10 It It ffuiau rrtrS tor \ otk m , i 5J7- 2.606 84 Ortlintry Kiprimt. Nora U'talllater wa*hing for pris- ~ 127 50 Hubert Me Knight gas for court lie Uso Hint jail ~ ... 435 tW J II A C T A! \*i • dor coh! for c.urt house ml j*'l 417 41' J 11 l>obbin tiled I * oal servics 1875... . 3500 J 11 IKtbbin-and vat service* 1870 100,00 II Gaibrailh n -or* v ice* h* janitor and t! • SCSOO It GaUratlh ourt I'rir 10*00 L) S Keller for agri cultural Siw'ietv... 10000 \\ tern p-nitei tin* rv keeping roil* vleU ~ 37*90 Insane hospital l'aliville for lit* sane - 1.400 65 Juror* pay v . 5,260 85 A--e--or- for a-o*s ing am! KegislWf* < |n....... .. ... 1.001 00 Ho , | v■, ■■) * srio • ! Election .-ipcii* ■•*... 1.758 87 lie fin diii* t -vn. Ed | u; .d. I,4** Kodemptbn in- at rd smlt... 1,081 11 KelunJing ta*e* overpaid ■ 18i> j< Cot -lib . pay ... 4.19 Ml Tlptlave pay.. 360 44 J 11 Vctburg court reporter....— 610 CO Insurance on public building* .... 55 00 Bridge view* and ettKnicer- pay at iiriviges, 170 47 J L> Spvrmg on oo bridge hi Curtin'* 1.76600 it 1> Tw| *a co bridge it Julian.. 008 90 M \\ Cowdri. on brnltre at Penns ] Cre ii. 400 (W Premium* on collec tion..... 50 * jj Cemaiioi' tien note* 9,? x 13 1 Inter, -t on notes and llor.d* 2,46850 Commission on . Lunacy 15 Com mo ti wealth c.-t- i lid 2.988 53 Scalp premium* 644 29 'l'.acher* l'-Htaie. 187 86 li iue-l. n dead b -d , ie* <72 , Ko-d dnmagea paid. 25000 , B F Shaffer *u:n- , stoning jury Jan , lu 1878 56 30 , L \V M unon on ac count ~ 2,CU)(M J B Mitchell bal ance due a* treas urer —• 2,166 CW C M Bower com at torney 7500 i II Y S'.i ' r its', ion* cry bill* 107 18 Jno 11 Morrison for _ , hit office. .. ...... 26 00 ( Jno M Dermot re pairs Ht jail and court bom* 35 00 i I> W >dnng cban ditirr at jail 2062 F McCutn ey bill for plastering 3 50 J L SpHngUr paper ing iflice 8 20 LJL ti.trman horse 1 ire 1b75-~.~..... ISSO Comnni-ioners pen-e s to exatning bridges. 25 00 Commissioners ,-s --pen *cs delivering e'ection t*pers duplicates Ac 137 75 Wm tialbraith pluml'iug 9 25 \V S Wolf repiir to pipe - 90 Wm ' tiler St- vo ami pipe 8 8.5 J S Ma.'i ry repair* \auli dlH>r_ ....... 100 J M I,;ib white* washing jnil 6 60 \\ in Mann mr pen* 4 25 " duplicate* 41 25 " B"ok reg i-ler* office 25 00 Wm Mnnn indict ment doc-Wot 7 00 77 50 Henry Hoffman do*. nnd tool 850 Jno Boal wood lor jnil 7 00 Rolhnx I; wood for jail 2 00 Jno Lutz vrod for jail 2 00 M.rn* Furev wood f r jail 6 00 Wm Spear wood for jail 2 00 J 1> Sliugcrt woo l for jail 39 00 Geo lly wood for jail 2 00 Will I. Spicor word (or jail 2 00 Wnt L Spict r wood for jail 150 Jas O'Brian bali t b.'xe* 4 00 A William* book* and stationery 74 05 Adam- Espre. Brian repairs to furniture 1 00 A Su-iman gras* **e | fir yard 75 John J Tower hand- ( cuff* f T iail 32 35 1) Bolinger chair* for conimissirineri office 8 50 1 W A Tob as lock for recorder's of* * fice 1 00 .1 A J ILirr.s hard- 1 ware bill 13 26 I Guggenheimer clothing for pris oners 11 03 I B L Thotna* for pen* 250 Cleaning office. 2 09 G W Foote paper ( and advertiseing... 4 50 The Dcicltner rc- ( pairs to I amlcuffs Ac 6 b6 t II Hoffman Carpen ter wi rk at jail. ._ 1 50 John T Johnson t stamps rnd box rent .... 27 94 Writ Ualbraitli re pair* to wall paper 9 0J l W Twitnr.iro repairs 1 to stove Ac ... ...„ 6&0 Jacob Shrom bind* .1 ir.g malting 1 60 .1 Joseph bro* bill re- .] pairs court r00m... 2 85 1 Jno iirnekbill re pair* to chair* 6 00 I I)oak and Lionbur- . .1 ger bill printing C I H 13 75 I Jno Koto horse biro 2 00 I E A Smith tinning t at court home t roof 3 21 ' N A Lucas ico for 1 court room 150 I II M Glenn ice 60 J Bart ara Smith car# of insane pauper... 10 60 1 J 8 Mallory repair* ' 1 ing lochs at jail 100 J L Woods kind! ng I iv iod cuur! hoi *e. 2.00 W Porter cliopi jng wood court boute.. 2 0) Pen nil It co fro ght I onrart;e. 0 70 JS; ng e & Poster • borr ' re SOt. -1) A >1 u-m r treasur er* x on ' mntoil Unjt., till' AiUit'lislng treasur er's snles of land bought by county 390 W W A Tolna- hooka fur Recorder'* ol flee 34 00 W A Tobias cliat tot mortgage do* loll) \V I' Heinle \ • i k I on commonwealth docket 6 00 \V Hoi brook run- ♦ * iiimc county 1in0...H 00 J N 11 nil nil ripninl of Mirveyera coun ty tin- .! '0 til \\ II Wilkinson. . lttll) V I tun Up rt ti> Jo* 1>,.!itin 3600 H \V Hull rook. HU Win P Mitchell... A) 00 Jno Copenhaver, hoar.l of ur veyor* 66 29220 29 Ko-icr .V Slovennn Klectlon Uw 1 26 S|>* ,'l. r V Fe-ter horse liirr 1! (At T J M iCoßi'Ugh horse hire........... 1 60 II Hartman carpen ter work court hou*o 1 84 Jno Kel ley load it wood for jail 300 Den'l Garuian boarding Juror*.., 0 Oil Joseph bros ticking for jail 7 60 lUn'l Dorr cm fix tures 4 60 Order of serif* of 1876 paid . . 692 40 54J, *.160 03 Order road !und* un seated larult 4,243 83 Order of poor fund* unseated land* 2,41.3 55 50,712 38 Printing Hills. P tiray M.-ek on ac count bill render ed .... - M 0 40 K T Tuten on ae i count bill render j e l .... 107 80 Fred Kurtz on ac count bill rendered 20.'00- 51,207 20 Tola expenditure* J60.071 33 I. W MI'NSON Sheriff, in account | with Centre county : Jan 4. 1877. DR (Te caih pa account $2,000 ft) |To fine received of j Galbraith 6U) ;To two gre-* pen* .. 226 I To amount cost* and I fine- collected 218 20 jTo balance 1,330 11- $1,656 Ml Jan 4, 1-77 CR. By bill common wealth cni ... ... 201 61 By boarding prison ers _ 1,816 tl) lly publithing court proclamation* 81 20 iiy publishing elec tion proclamation* W 20 By taking prisoner* to penitentiary ... Gi'l Ql> By desk. bed* etc. ( fur jail 38 05 By taking :nane per tan* to aay lum OrtOO By borough order 22 60 By summoning ju ror* S7C 00 Bv watching prison j W92 n ght* 184 lit- $3,656 66 Balance due Sheriff M unton at settle merit $l,3JO U. STAT*or P*. i Centre co. i 5\ e. the undrrtign- \ ed Auditor* of t'entre county do hereby - ! insaaMof an act ef the a---mblv cntit 11 1 "an act relating to c, ..n' t * a* t township* and county and township office- we met a the commit- 5 -loner- offi ... U< • I'onlo on the £rt Mon day ill J .ti iarv 1-:;. and did audit and tile ai 3 adjust the sever*; account* let forth in the foregoing statement. In WiUMM whereof we have hereunto'' net our hands at d seal* tbis nineteenth dav of January. A.!>., 1877. \\ N. FA HI.ANK. [Seal ) y .'! J'A't"?*. s *'* • Auditor*. J M GILLI LAND (Sea ) i CENTRE t'. f .STY. SS We. the undersigned C" tu rn ■■ of Gel '.re county, do hereby* certify that the foregoing i a true and correct statement i : the receipt* -ai ei pentliturea of laid c unty from the firat 'day >f January 1-76 to the fir*', day of 'January 1877. Attest, J NKWLIN HALL. II Hi v ANDREW GREGG, Clerk. 11 A MINGLE, Cummiaaionert. , Ol'T-TANDING TAXES DUE BY COLLECTOR.'-, Jan. 1, 1877. 1871. II Carton, Qellrfonte J'JC 28 I A J Hastinger Brn ncr 141 38 Ji ■ > Shaffer Walker 1 O 20— 5478 95 1872 W Kiddles Philip*- burg 63 0!) Tho* -Marshall B. fi ner 16 95 J Ward Hal fin-son- 250 97 lJavid Robb Liberty 14 62 James Gate* Snow : Shoe 324 79 SWU3 j 1873. i Charles Brown Bellefoate 860 70 I> B Malene Biggs 1.16 91 I.C Kcarick M nr . ion _ 25007 .1 o- K - Spring 162 07 W Kiddle Philips burg 10109—51,013 89 1874 Michael Shaffer ' ! Walker 106 88 Joe Pox Beliefonto 973 11 I W Hiddii s Philips hurg fs.7 M I' KII Carr Milesburg 207 4.6 David Isohr llenner 40086 it F ("arson Hurnnde- 37 34 F Kierchoff Curtin.. 123 28 ( 8 B WiltOß Harris.. 210 18 I W Leathers Ilow ! ard 233 22 1 j W W Spangler Lib , en v 102 35 W Cross Halfinoon 872 Kobt McCorrnick i Putter 376 I>s ■ H B Wi co* Bush.. 568 11 D H Ycagct Snuw . shoe ... 166 liO ■Jos Ross Spring 338 79—54,800 271 j 1875, ill Brown Bcllefunte. 1,438 06 I A J Grnharn l'hil ipsburg 453 84 J P .-hope Milri . burg 231 85 W Allison Jr. How ard 122 04 II L Burn hart Hogg* 68896 J B N ifw comer Burniide 46 08 J T Lucas Curtin.... '.D 74 I) Krel s Ferguson.. 347 73 Michae l lie-- Harris 306 27 J M Kline Howard- 105 78 I> W Kline Huston- 179 00 C A Courier Liberty 312 53 Perry Cundu .Mar ion 473 53 W Trtwalcr Patton- 81 00 11 W Wilcox Rush,, 70 74 J times Watson huow shut) 210 69 J Sweeny Spring...- 699 33 S Hoover Tnj lor 102 68 .lease SwurU Walk er 477 C 6 A J Tate Bonner 203 32 $6 667 17 J H Morrison Beliefonto 3,856 80 i M Hull Mile-hlirg 210 80 (I McCutcheon Philipsburg 7T2 69 Conrad Diilil How ard 210 08 S A Martin Union V'lle 138 02 A Garbrick limner 1,386 17 W ,S Loy liurn-ide 1'.12 42 J (1 Walker Hogg* 860 01 Wm Thompson sr. College 1,974 03 Win Mann Curtin... 291 07 | H C Campbell Per -1 guson 2,706 76 ■I Kriitnrine Gregg.. 2,671 88 (.1 Ketner Haines 1,702 86 J T Stewart Harris.. 1,644 37 P W Burket Haif Moon 698 76 I) W Kline Huston. 455 88 J M Kline Howard- 628 26 J A Stover Liberty. 704 02 D Darter Marian... 1,24097 I) Krenmer Miles... 1,760 49 W J Furst Patton-. 70002 >V Weiser l'enn... 1,426 )7 ( W Koch Potter... 3,799 94 F 11 Dalu Rush 078 47 J Null Spring 2,148 00 J Thompson Snow - 1 shoe 302 14 W Miller Taylor... 270 88 Wm S| ott* Union... 202 37 J 11 Beck Walker... 1,800 97 •I Denning Worth. 282 ?2-$35,#W 34 $48,880 64 In hands of attorney* for co!'ec. : on and :-X included in i.luVO list 943 31 FINANCIAL EXHIBIT or CENTRE COUNTY. .Inn I 1877. Wt. ,To note* mid buiidi Jua sundry per ■n* f4B HW (W To balance dun D A Muturit tel. 4.IWM ITo balance dun 1. W M untiiii 1.330 11 I'.) balance dun A OrnKK commit* sioner 1 13 T< ba'atic* dun'J N 11*11 commii-' sioner 63 To balance dun II A M 11g1e..., 3 31 By balance p (Iriy Meek printing... 184 60 y hallatice dun F Kuri/. 81 (W IIV balance dun It (ialbraith 275 00 Itv balance dun A Williams nroihon nUrv ruth 114CW To balance dun II 1) Yeager on budge contract 101 lly balance dun II Liggett Jury com* misstciicr 37 68 lly an ount common wealth cosU due sundry persons... 403 76 Balance. 473 Kb- 136 318 50 January 1, 1817 CK. lly amount out standing taies 548,880 34 lly amount out* •landm(s lairs Ull ttvttltd lands 4.0WU0 By n B*\en. " $6 00. Minor Market ll*ro*T.—Jan. 31. by Sample A 84f Nitt Wheat, red, $1.35. Barley, 35. Corn, 45 . Oats, to 28. K.'e, .35. Clovers eed, $8.23. (iround Alum Salt, $1 M. Butter, 26 Eggs. 30. Lard 02 PHI LA DELHI! I A. Penna es $6 §7i(w? 25 Wheat while,; 15P cl 60; wheat Penna red 1 30. R* Penna track 73 Clover seed 13 50(416 30| C<--n yellow 5" Vi. Oats western nuaed 36(4,37; western white 40(442, ■ ■ . ..... Llnooln Uutter Puwder, makes bul t<*r sweet and hard, and quick or o churn Try it —for sale at Win Wolf • stole. Paper W En At C.KEATLY REDUCED TRICKS at Welch't Cheap and Siationery Store No. 1 llumes' Block. KNIT S : 7*7*74! 7* / •/ coo dejd —i-i—3 t* f *r ?7 7*3 C*7 z. — a rrrr rc KWM Ut X Vs 23 25 - - - e> >v e ►- ® "a-."—"a, ° n n c.-i i-S _ Ji C Sf o ft "* -• S ■ tt3 •2 C C -" J* S-f. (- £** --25 ; v * tz 5 W c > € 2 > h h r< X Paper*!.Sj* Envelopes. 22ftb 6t L J Jtl c%n !*• > vMl* IB lhr* wwottih# b Bay \ 111 OMi ffHlMf l, la h; (ait of lh* f ' I | f i ttfltrt hn U lttlAf t wiodk lly at tb* that •• fur lah p*r w**k In ftmi own Un Yoa *od ot **• away Imm boma ot*r nvaht Ya ma gtv* your th 1 UK* isi Ik* work, r only > tar jsarw aoatnU llrtaUn dklny to try th* Nilnw Tef and $1 Outnt flee Addrwwa at OBC* II lihllftt M C*, Tortland. I'ortUml. Mala* *1 f*l> f ALWAYS AHEAD ! ! Our POPULARITY For Low Prices Is Daily On The Increase. Having purchased the largest Stock of Goods in our line ever brought to Bellefonfe, we .ire offering extra inducements to buyers. MEN'S SUITS FOR 15 ANI) UP. MEN'S OVERCOATS. $3.50 UP. MUSLINS FROM 5c A YARD UP. LADIES' HOSE. 5r A PAIR UP. LADIES' COATS, fill AWLS, TRIMMINGS. HATH. AND FANCY GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AND AT THE VERY BOTTOM PRICES, MEN'S BOOTS AT $2 A PAIR. LADIES' FINE SHOES $1 A PAIR. MEN'S II ATS AS LOW AS 75 CEN~S. A FULL SUIT OF UNDERWEAR FOR 50c. AND ALL OTHER GOODS AT PROPORTIONATE PRICES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK. BOUGHT:AT.'ALLTIMES. US BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE S3 YS m j\ haul vmrn vm mm ?© pimi -THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND Q? App2 7 S. & A. LOEB. HARDWARE AND STOVES!! HARDWARE AND STOV* COMPLETE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE. SPEARS, ANTI CLINKER, SILVER MOON, PARLOR BTOVEB, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. TI.. IS NOTHING TO EQUAL IT IN SERVICE OR BEAUTY. Price reduced lo suit the time.. SUSQUEHANNA COOK STOVES IMPROVED, ANTI-CLINKER, ORATE AND REVERSIBLE TOP. PLATES. the beet baker in the market. O SOVEREIGN PORTABLE RANGES, can attach a water-back for heating water in P.ath Room, very little higher than ordinary Cook Sloven, and good baker*. We aUo have a full line of cheap and medium price PARLOR STOVES. Price* to liiit the trade. THOMAS A. HICKS & BROTHER, Bellefonte, Pa Three coverlet Uni, two carpet kemi eilk michlnei and flxingt t>etorikir>ir to a carpet weaving shop, for tale cheap Apply to VS in. Kttinger, Aarontburg. BRICK POK BALK Firtt clatt brick will be kept on hand for tale by J <) Deiningc-r at Zcrbe't Centre Hall brick yardt Tbwee brick are offered to u.w that it will pay periont at a distance to come here for them. Intending to continue in the manufac ture of brick they will be kept constantly on hand, and fair inducetu*r.u offered to purchatart. XUK tf II K ZKHHK. I If you with to grow Vegetable! fori U I tale, read Gardening for Profit! I If you with t<> become a Commercial Kierikt, read Practical Floriculture I ■ If you with te (iarden for Hutne uta • nlv, read OAIDEIIXU FOR PLKAaUKX' All be Peter Hendereon. ■ Price f1.2*3 each, pottpaid, by mail. Our f\ T L O 17 For I Combined V- A A O U IVi, 11TT. ETERYTIUNtt For the GARDEN Numbering 176 pagea, with 1 colored plate, tent FREE! to all our cuttoraert of patt yean, or to tho# elit have purchato : any of the above bookt ; to otbcrt on re ceipt 0f'.26 cenlt. 1 tain Plant or Seed Catalogue! j withixit p'ale. free to ell applican't. | II PETER HENDERSON & Co. I I Witnoi, Marltt Gardtncri $ Floral , S6 Cortlandt Sit, New Trk. f. b 123 lm ■ Wolfs Old Stand. AT AY CZSWIIS HALL, Magnificent Slock of Fall ami Win- i ter Good*. H Qua Prlcfc 1 I<>yi Pric* Ij" POLITE ATTENTION I Having jutt returned from the East and;' buht at panic price#, I am now prepared to tell cheaper than ever before. My stock I c<>nitu in part of DRY GOODS, 1 GROCERIES, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, HATS A CAPS, BOOTS A- SHOES, RUBBER BOOTS, \\ SANDALS, Ac., Ac.; Ladies' and Genu' Underwear a spec-^ iality. J A LA ROE BTOCK OP READY - MADE CLOTHING constantly on hand. V Customer* will find the ftock com . plete, and a call is all that ia required to assure you that this is the bc-l ' place in tha taller to buy your goods. Remember, ice hare but one price for J everyone. Wm. WOLP. ' ,t CINTRI II ALL ' DRUG STORE. I J.C.MILLER. ej (Successor to J. K. Miller A Son.) n ■ i Heeler in Pure Drugs end Medicine*, l iDyiituft, end Druggist'* autidriee. > i I'LRE WlttE AND LIQUOR# For medicinal purpose*. The best brand* of CIGARS AND TOBACCO alway* in stork. I Prescription* carefully Compounded. J. C. MILLER — IKA T. COTTLK. Fashionable Tailor. Centre Hall. J Having opened rooms on the 2nd floor jofOift & rlory's building he is prepar ed to manufacture all kinds of men'* end ■ boy's garment*, according to the latest jvtylee, end upon shortest notice, end ell work warranted to render .eliifarlion. j Cutting end -epairing done. 7ept y Jas. Harris Co. NO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. IROCnails, Paints | OILS.ETC.. I Bcllrfonte. ST )RE. NEW GOODS AND Panic p rices. H. A. LAKRIMER. at the old Centre Hill stand. Justopening e Stock of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICES! A large veriety of Ladies Dress Good* Greet Bargain* in Muslins and Calicoes. Ready-made Clothing Warranted to Suit. His Cloth* end Cettiraert, Cant be excelled His Crocery Department, i Vstonisbe* cverronein astortmentend low Suger, Tee. Coffee. Canned fruit*. Domestic end Foreign Fruit*, Cheese, end every other erticle belong* ing to the Grocery Depart- Dint .#•" Farmer*. Mechanic* end Leborer* l.ook to your interest. One duller saved i a dollar In pocket. Then cell end eee et ! what astonishingly low pricee. troub to how Good*. ""V-X | AUo the cboicett FAMILY FLOCK el-j |wer* on hend. Apr. 16, y. |pit. S, G. GUTKLIUB, Dentist, Mlllheim. hu pn.f.Mliw.l awrrww to tba mabltc Hi I* pi""* K pwrtorm all o*miki la lbs drato! gee H. u BOW raltr ptoparwd to .atract tooth shootout, without pata mr* T*i W F. REBER. Attorner-at-Law. " • Prompt attention || to all boslDM m trostod to bU car# la I or A oatr* cm I*. Of tcmwilh D I' fortnuc. WM. P. WILSON, Attornev-at*Law. Bellefonte Pa. Office in ilr*. Ban ner's Building. Ballelonle Pe. IO H N F I'OTTER, Attorney-*! ♦ ' low CollorUono prooipUr n>a4*'and opoctal attowUoo alooa to ISooo hsstna load, or pmporu tor •sto Win draw of aod haro aehoowtodeod Doodr Morteaeo*. AC (Kites tr. Lb dtatnoad. north aid* at ihs ooort b.iwse. Hallotoata ocIHSMf. BREONS' HOTEL, MILKOY. PA. The bit table and bar, and excellent stabling f< see the Bl John, something enliralj new. Old Machine* taken in part payment for new one* Bond fiOctt to the above party and you will get by return mail, 1 dot as* sorted needle* for any machine. JSOonviy OP A THOUSAND. Having dlscoveied, in a manner alinoat providential, a pouitive cure for Consump tion and all Lung Complaints, 1 feel it my duty to make known in a practical manßer bv furnishing a sample bottle, free of charge, to all lutferer*. my only hope oi remuneration being tbat the medicine will perform ail 1 claim fur it. The ingredi ents are of the choicest herbal product* and perfectly safe ; will b tent free to all. Address at ..nee, Dr O. Phelps Brown, 21 Grand Street, Jersey City, S. J., or may he bad of J K. Miller & Son, Druggists, Centre Hall. Pa. jaol ly. C. T. Aim am.kk C. M. Bowta A LEXANDERA BOWER, At XX. TORT>P*T L*v. BvlWfavtv. SPVCIVI iOmUoc ** 1 < iiK UotAi. Utd Ori'bAM * Mil mcUM t ootMlud >• (itmui Atd Kailttfe OAM Is '•trmui i L uiitUAA, mfM 74 it Excelsior Cement ' wUiii| MW cuilkisim i vanl Wsr easiit,. as uu Silas, Mar Pim ■ awak HUS la HUM i.ji Tbit wani Ms Ume Ml a u>|. ouuiuu a|M u> L. ... a a I MR WAD has BMD IWOMD to*tD ML.afarinn upog ALL JCI • £*RW IT LUU Ismm UFTAD. and aw AUNAI UU Aa* AUW tar UAW IN CUI#rM. VaUr Pitsaa or • HABMR PTIRPCAE A FOUD AVAIL' , of Uvml U doaira W* Thli•moot Ui glrwau, bvov laatad la, and • id# AVD retsdwrod IB Minfartua F WIYII S yortetora ********* * LIMN, Ujfeg W|r Pipma AC ,jrlJ AND it U UTWU ADVAAIAA* to BWI U>n tr mind avd alaa lLat L varraau TFCA artcriw U rvprv , J.u MK VKK warts £ AuwUw,. i'a. 'JMIE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE RE-OPENED! A NEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE. ■ I The Bellcfonte public end tbe people of the country generally will be pleased to know that tb® old and well established DRUG STORE, Isle the property oT James C. Williams, on AI legheny street, n-xt door to Hicks', hardware emporium, baa been re opened for business and is be ing rapidly re-stocked and fitted out with tbe best and most popular DRUGS AND MEDICINES. PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, and everything usually kept in a first-class Drug More PKESt HIPTIONKC AREFI L ly compounded at all hours of the day or night, and particular and prompt attention given to the wants of farmers and others who live in the country. Store never closed to those who want medicines or anything in tbe drug line. The undersigned hopes, by strict attention , to business, to merit and receive tbe pub- , lie patoaage. H V HEREIKGTOR. 6 apr ly. A rent. D. F. LUSE. PAINTER, ffiEH. viffere his services to the citizens of Centre county in Houmc, Men and Ornamental Pointing. Striping, ornamenting and gilding, Graining OAK, WALNUT, CHESTNUT, Etc. I lain and Fancy Paper banging. Orders respectfully solicited. Terms reasonable. JO apr tf. JJRTA. J. ORKDORF. DENTIST. Is Mill 1 oratod at Piaa (.ran Milk sad I* sm prv porod la trav.l u> Ik kam of patloata ala lauan and rndt an, dMlrad wrtio. la hi. Una la U boat muwr ol baal qaallt* and al rx*a.™l.W rata* I. •ortsoa al o dnwiw wad# A specials?- TaaO as l meted wsthoatpala SI >aa TS THE GREAT CAUSE HUMAN MISERY. Just Published in a sealed envelops, price six cents. A laciira on Ik aatara, Inataaat aad Radical rare of Maitaal Waakaaaa. at hp rmatorrhaea . ladoc "1 b? half Al.oaa, Involutar, i ImtxSasci. Xerroaa liebilttj. and Imp-dirt.onla to Marrta*a (aw aralljr . I'.-oaampMna. fcpilaiw,. and lit. JSmUaI and I hm. al I nr. pull?. Ac Hi i i.bart J. lulrerweU, M I)., a a thm nf the "Urate Book." Ac. The wot Id t0o nad aulhur. la thla ad I. Irabl* Lac tor., cloarl, praam Irani bkvwn aiparleaoa that the awful cxina.oa.ncwa of Naif Abam wial bo rflevtoallj '.niavod with .al madklaa. and •It hoot daa*wrowa -or*teal oparaUona. booeloa. ln.tram.nU. or cordlala; .■violins nala mod. of car. al ooca certain and rdoct aal. br which wary auSorrr. no mallat what hkens .111 km mar ba. ma, cum btiaaaU chmplr. prlraloU and i adlcall, Thia lactam will pram a boea to "--mini* and than aaads Neat oadwr, la . nlaln anralop.. to an, addrwaa p lh. r * c * * tl c *°' * •**■>*- NIK CHLVBKWBLL MEDICAL CO wwt. *1 Aeo Www York foal OAc* Haa.Aiaa J. ZELLER A SON DRUGGISTS No 6 Brockerhoff Row,BeHefoDte,Pa UeiilerNin Drug*. f'bouiienlH Perltiniery, Fancy Gomli Ac. Ac. Pure Wines and Liquors for mod ice ■ •uriioaaia alwavs kont mav XI 72 Henry Reinhart. WOODWARD UNDERTAKER. Cofllns of all style* made on shortest no ['ire. Underuking strictly attended to Chariraa raainnakl* 17 uv*v *■ nUOPOSALS.-^ , . . Bcaloi proposals for iho hmiuiag of a school-houso in "Plum Grove" sub-district, Potter twji., will be r- ceivd hy the board of Directors, on or before Wednesday. Feb. t!S. For specifl -ot,oi>o i> i inquire of Jnoob Dinges. The of Diraotors, reserve the right tore jeotany andall bids, and will meet nt Centre Hall, 011 Wednesday, Feb. 28. t 1 o clock, p. m , for the purpose of receiv ing and acting on said proposals can be handed to any of tho Directors, or lent by mail lo the Secretary. By order of Board of Direc.ors WM.A. KEKH. Secretary. NO We wi " T r, u in a fcu-inpfs nv yon r-nn ' *SO - • .. ; k MONFY ' • • '. h - A'JU 'e, , . . _ „ w . GRAHAM & SON Have the exclusive sale in ReHefoola Edwin C. Burts' CELEBRATED FINE SHOES. 8 WIDTHS, the &•©? She©* jtj M© WUOLUALI 4 KIT AIL fclALKt* If Calf Skins, SOLI LEATHER. SHOE FINDINGS, Ac All Kioda of Custom Work Made To Order. Bishap Street, BELLEFONTE, Pa. may tf. PENNSVALLF Y BANKING CO. CENTRE HALL. PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and allow later; ml; Discount Noim; Buy and Sell Ot-vernineni Securities, Gold and Coupon*. Paraa Horraa, ffa. B. M ixqle, Pres't. Cashier BEViTTV'O Go,d Dli A ill OT o-gue Par lor Organs. Factory Established in^iSM. F rom the Pre**. from G D. White, Editor Hacketts town, N. J. Herald. "The organ be* a rich, deep and soul -urnng tone ; could not suy in the house without it It help* wonderfully to drive .ewav the thought* of herd time*." The Lebanon Pa. Daily Stmt, my* : "We are in receipt of tine of tboee fire Parlor Oryans, manufactured by D. F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. Thu organ it a Hue, solid black walnut caw, •nd in tone it cannot be surpassed by any instalment ol iu kind." From the Lowell IJeb. Register. "We received this week, direct from the manufacturer, D. F. Beatty. Wash ington, Jf. J., hit justly celebrated organ, elegant in appearance, and handsomely furnished unexcelled in richness and pow er of tone. We are more than pleased i with it. and heartily recommend it to any one contemplating of purchasing an or gan." Beat offer given. Money refunded upon return n( uigan and freight charges paid by me (D. F. Beatty) both ways if unsat isfactory. alter a teal trial of five day*. Organ warranted for six years. Agents wanted everywhere, male or fe male, to canvas* for this superior instru ment. Address D. F. BEATTY, Washington, Hew Jersey CENT RE HALL COACH SHOP, LEVI MIRK AY, at his establishment at Centre Hall, keep on hand, and tor tale, at the most rca*ona> ble rates. Carriages, Buggies, dt Spring Wagons, Plaikakd Fakct' and vehicles of every description made to order, and warranted to be made of the bestseasoned material, and bj the most skilled and competent workmen. Bodies for buggies and spring-wagons Ac., of the most inprovwd pattern* made to order,also Gearing of all kinds made to order- All kinds of repairing dune promptly and at the lowest possible rates. Persons wanting anything in bis line are requestedto call and examine bis work, they will find it not to be excelled for dur ability and wear. may Btf. BEATTY3JA^ Grand, Square and Upright. From Geo. E. Letcher, Brtn of Wm. H, Letcher A Bro.. Bankers, Fayette, Ohio. "We received the piano and think It a very fine-toned one out here. Waited a short time to give it a good test. If you wish a word in favor of it we will cheer fully give it." James R. Brown, Esq., Edwardsvllle 111 t ys: "11> Beatty Piano received give entir •atisiii iom" Agent* wanted. Bend fo *al, ~e. Address. D F. BEATTY, Washington. New Jet-tee / A Great Reduction in Prices of GUNS, kkvo £ vkks - Prices reduced from 20 to 80 per cent. Write for illustrated Catalogue, with re duced prices (or 1877. Address. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, 91 Smithfield Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. BEATTY*?*™ Grand, Square and Upright. From Rufus Snyder, of the firm of Sny der A Hendricks, Carriage Manufacturers, of the city of Allentowri, Pa : "I most confers I hardly know how to express my gratification on receiving the Beatty Piano you shipped me. It is at least all I could ask, wish or expect' One of our mo.t eminent musicians tried it and t-poke in the muet favorabls terms, after thoroughly testing it." Best offer ever given. Money reAinded upon return of Piano and freight charge.* paid by mo (D F. Beatty) both ways if unsatisfactory, after a test trial of five .7; "lanos warranted for six years. Adores*. D. K. BEATTY. 111 r W aahingtnn. New Jersey. AX7 •H- P. jtt'kAfi US, Attorney at-Uw ' Jbeiieionie, Fa. Office with Jas ' a'c.Manus. esq 23),, I v f : BROCKEHOFF HOUSE. " BKLLKFONTErFA. D. JOHNbON i- SON ■. i TTi' ' t v OW u boM l-1° ths business fivtloa Jn.ftniJuSla** I r ® no *"d. rei an i. .1 ' * furnished new. It will be the elm of tb. pruurie- L i . , 'Wf Pftrons** A free carrlaae i run : with stablee in m.a sr. cenne ; W&ni^WiUßELrai^ 1 Whs nr trr ; i>rnnff wis WtX+mKl. . t , v . "ryri - J*-- •