The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 15, 1877, Image 4

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UnmcMttc Hints anil Help*.
FKKNOH C*KV. One-half pound bnt
t<-r, two cupful* supir, one cupful milk
tli roe eggs, three cupful* flour, one tea
R|VHuiful baking pow.W.
Acri.r Prnmvo Might tine apple*
grated, about the same quantity ol stall
iitmd, three egg*. one Hiifl one-half pint
milk, MI IR AND cinnamon. Hake oui
hour and eat with ereniu.
Utck W'.rrt.Ks.—One quart milk, one
anil one-half cupful* IKWIOII nee, foe.
eggs. Mix the milk with the rnv, an.
add egc nn.l flour, with a little suet
butter the w a Ale iron well, r ron On TERM 11 VND*. l'<
titr. e ouihvs of melted mutton tailor
a.1.1 one oiuiee of glycerine and two table
siiimfui - of alcohol eaiuphor. stirring
all slowly until it becomes a sm.nt)
Pin I'ISTK. Two cupful* lard, foui
of flour, and add salt; ruh the lard thor
oughly into the flour. mix the >lou;i
with eohl or iee water, into wl tell ail egi:
has in II beaten. Make the dung,
as soft as volt can handle iiud work as lit
tie as possible.
Sr\!Tx>i;nstm;r ItTUKSOTUK. Ilea!
them a little n rolling pin, flour an.l
season, then fry with a slietil onion of a
tine light brown; lay the steaks row a
stowpau and iv'ir as much I wiling water
>ver the .i as will serve for sauce; stow
them very gently half an hour and add a
s]iimful of oats up before serving.
Arcix. M M.WAI.VOK. Take four
p. tfUs of cook. : apples; unrriutJo r.'
them, put them m an enameled saucepan
with about a .ptarl of sw.sU cider and
two pounds of castor sugar. Roil them
until the fruit is quite soft. Squeeze it
through a colander, and then through a
seiw. lh.t away in jars covered with
oiUit paper and uia.le jvrfeetly uir tight.
four rolls; l.Mp in one quart of tepid
milk until dissolved; tlieu place over the
tire until nearly boiliug; take off and
pour it into a K.w 1 eoiitaituug the yolks of
three eggs and one-quarter .if a pound of
sugar, besting rapidly the while; as s.i>n
as quit.- c-11, beat the white.* to a stiff
froth; add t - the mixture v. rv eon fully
a tetusjKn.uful of vanilla; bake in bat
tered cups sUssl in a I waking jwui half
full of b liliug w t. r until on witi.draw
ing a straw it iwmes out free and clean.
I's the ; -w.:ig or. cage sauce : Place
on the tin- in a porcelain saucepan out*
quarter .; a pound of white sugar, .mo
half pint water, juice id one large
orange, and the rind, cut ff exceedingly
tliiu; Iwil live minutes, strain, add one
glass of ros. vrnter.
Smrr PEA Sore.—One quart {WAS.
eight quarts .i hi water, one pound salt
fat ja-rk, two g.wwl sized onions. Wash
peas and put to s ik ovi r night in the
eight quarts of water. In the morning
a.1.1 pork and onions and let all wane
s w]y t-.i boil Stir frequently and
Ivul cMiistantly and slowly to prevent
burning, till it cvt* to the eonsistencT of
tiiin drawn butter. Strum through a
wire sieve and press the sediuieut
through; add pepper and salt to taste.
If not rich enough in flavor add butter
si so of egg. Tvgist stale bread very
brown; cut in small pieces and send to
table in separate dish; or fry slices of
stale bread in K-iUng fat ami out in
pieces. A piece of beef may K added
in Killing if desired to make the soup
more nourishing.
There is a crra: deal of poor liav in
the country which will be fed out be
tw.en tii present time and uevt spring.
And it -is a matter of considerable impor
tance to the owners of the cattle which
are to eat it, that the host possible time
should K ehinsen an.l tlie most ecou.uui
cal method of feeding shonld l<e pur
sued. When all possible advantages of
the situation are taken, the fact still re:
mains that -ding inx-r hay is rather a
Kid job, both for t!. •• man who deals it
out and the cattle which are obliged to
eat the hv. Not that there is any BIXS
cial trouble in making cattle eat it. By
k.x pmg tliem short enough they can l>e
made to eat almost any kind .if hay.
Rut the difficulty i* to make them thrive
iuon this kind of keeping. Tlie good
farmer not only wants to see his cattle
eat their hav. but also wants them to
g..i:i fie-!. .. >1 m. re:.-e in value. , Audio
make them do this while kept rly on
poor ha, is utterly impossible. They
must hav- something from which nour
ishment can be obtained, or else they
will certainly show the effect of poor
keeping. The poor hay is lacking iu nu
tritious elements, and in order to make
cattle do well while fed upon it, some
thing must lie added t > make up the de
ficiency. If tliis is done, pretty poor
hay can be fed with go.xl results to tlie
cattle and profit to their owner. Mv
niethod of disposing of tlie pot >r
hay which grows upon two or three
acres of cold, wet land which I have, is
as follows: Dnring tlie cold days of
early winter I feed my stock in the
morning with plenty of good hay. AKmt
the middle of tin forenoon I feed tliem,
either in the stable or barnyards, with
good, bright cornstalks. After tliey
have had a run in the yard for five or
six hours I cut up a lot of hay by run
ning it through a feed cutter, and put
two bushels of the cut hay into the mau
ger of each cow. I tlien throw on water
enough to moisten it, sprinkle on frum
two to f nr quart* of meal, and mix it
up with a pitchfork. When the feed is
all mixed I let tlie rows in. They eat tlie
hay up clean and neither dry up nor
gr 'W poor while kept in this way. This
is the be- * plan for disposing of poor
hay which I ever tried, and 1 think it
can be safely recommended to tlie atten
tion of all tanners who have this kind of
folder upon their hau Js.
r'rrih .tpplr* ihr Km Ire Vrar.
Dr. Sylv. - ter told the American Fann
er*' club that lie has now in his cellar
apples of 1875 and IK7A standing side by
si le. Apples so kept are within the
reach of almost every family. The pro
cess is as follows:
Let the apples l>e picked on a dry day,
and carefully placed in bins in a cool
outhouse, where they will in two or three
weeks have completed the sweating pro
cess. Then they are carefully assorted
and the first quality placed in larrels,
headed up, and placed in a cool, slunled
position to remain there until the weath
er is a. I cold that there is danger of freez
ing, when the barrel* are removed to a
good celL-r, where a temperature of from
thirty to forty degrees should lie mniu
tained. In tin's manner apples will keep
soundly until the season of ri[>ening ar
rives, when they should be consume L
The King, the Hnblmrdson, tlie Bald
win, the Green lag, the Spy, tlie Spitz
enburg, the the Newton Pippin,
the Roxlnny Russett and the English
Runs will rijxin nearly in the order
indicated by tin ir position in the list,
and will then exhibit their best qualities
and aroma, and the last mentioned will
keep the entire summer if desired. It is
Dr. Sylv.-uter's custom to cease the use
of apples when the small fruits arrive in
their season, keeping up a daily supply
ol fre-h and luscious fruit /or each aisl
every the entire year.
Storing Itoni-.
A piece of ground is to l>e first sclec d
which lias naturally a peifoct bott<Mii
drainage, or else: it should be ilirectly
over a covered drain. Plow a tiro. 1 fur
row by passing the plow several times,
throwing the earth out on each side, and
then clean out the lotjse earth with a
shovel, a nwke thLs shallow trough
even and nootli. The rxits are to be
then pla- iin an even heap, aliout three
feet wide, and as long as will take in all
the roots. They should not be thrown
together carelessly nd pronr'scuously,
but evenly piled, by which nearly double
the amount may be included in a given
space, and the even exterior will admit
of covering better. A little practice will
enable any one to do this piling rapidlv.
There are two important requisites for
success to be observed: One is to put on
plenty of straw, to protect from cold and
to absorb the dampness of the air. The
other is to provide for ventilation at the
top. If the layer of straw is thin, and
tlie mass of earth to cover it is quite
thick, the protection from frost will not
be so perfect, and the amount of moist
ure will have an unfavorable influence.
Ventilation at the top of the ridge per
mits the escape of any damp and heated
air, which, without this provision, would
rise and envelop the upper roots and in
jure them, or cause rotting,
Rood for the Kjo*leht.
They tell an incident m i'liieagi
aKmt mortgaged property and 01.l lxiiq
John Wont worth, who i* considered oiu
of tlie real .-state fatlu r* of (ilneago. A1
:1 " most everv piece of hui.l in tdueago n
utorlgit i Air. Went worth t* a vetu-r
*. able, grand 01.l man. Nouue know* liii
le ngi". Senator l.gan -ay* that Long
t* John fell out mitil i'olnntbiia at Palo*
ie and canto over to Kmeriea in a t'ninm
st.-ain. r nn.l Knight up some .Miner loti
1( . in Chicago befor.' the great Italian itsvi
~ gator set out on hi* tour of .hmMvery
q Howi-ver, I regiuxl this n* an error
which one of the returning KainK shoul.
Ex-Mavor llovite liete a.ivs that tot
' the lust \, ir l>im John Weutworth hie
' lieeu known to stand for li.mra u front
of the piece ground OWIUH! by theg*u
eminent, an.l on which Mr. Mulb-tt luo
1 tried. 11l til.- ltcw pist ofli.*', to build II
youi \mer;.-itn turn to \ie with Kenil
"' worth ea*tle. lb- aay* Mi \\ .-ntwoitli
ha* st.Hsl in front et the lamrd feuee
h Hurrtnmduig this p.nv o( government
£ laud Sad |*-eked wtu.-dly | .-eked
I' thnaigli a knothole into thi* jwt-otfiee
i;.rd for hour* at a time. Mr. Went
worth's action* g.-t to be 101 l invsten
it tms. I'hev K-gUU to excite the L-rsv.
J .Minnieut.s itt the whole city. "Whtl
a .l.-s he mean." they, ••standing
n there, hour after hour, looking through
r tiie kiiollhdes an.l cracks in that j* st
% ofliee fence ?"
a (.hie day tlie truthful, siiv-r luure.l
Mr. Story of the /; < saw Mr. Went
, worth l.H.king, a* usual, through lo> fa
vorue knothole. You know Mr. Story
would not tell a he for all the hatchets
j <u Virginia. Well, after lie hud wutolnwi
, Mr. \V ntw.wth one .lay for alaait thr.s
--( hours, stalwlmg tin re in a drntilmg ram
ai d peering through a . nu-k, he went up
x t.i htm an.l *tud :
•' Mr. Weutworth, I beg your paixlou,
but I .aui't K-ar this suspense any longer.
Tell me what in the mum* of Grant iu id
1 the refcuuiue Kiard are veu hxikiug ut r
'J Wliat "-
' ••(Hi, nothing, Mr. Storv. nothing
but "
1 *• • N.iU. ig but'" That's > pretty
' wy to t.i'ik, Mr. Went wort 1 iter I
ing in iu tin rain fur three hour* witli
k your eyca on that eivwk ! L> siting ut
• uoUiiug but'* L-.kely story, Mr.
! Wentworth. No, sir; then s a mystery
lieiv somewhere. Nvw tell tu< t 11 m*
what you -stv"
•' Well," said Mr. Wentworth, " if you
must know the truth. Mr. Story, the
honest truth. I e.uue out here t.i improve
my eve*. It W> my 01.l ryw g>d, and
has done "em g***l ever since the tire,
to come lo re ami l.s>k through the fen.v
and a of land tit Chicaijo that
ain't mortgagevl"
If any om- doubts thL* storv, and 1 am
virry to KIT that many uhsgunle.l psule
an- ilisjv .aevl to K' always questiomng
the \ eraeitv vi my stories, they can c uue
here to Chicago themselves and see the
| cracks in the feuee ami the knotholes
t an.l the land without any mortgage on it
f that Long Joiut Wentworth looked at.
i —i.Yi t\ rkiii*.
t 11
Take Our Adtice.
r If husbands were alwnvs lovers, savs
' au exchange, life would be pleaaanter
' it is. But they are not. 'They neve*
• were and they never will be.
| Our advice to youug women is like
' that of I'tntch, wheu to Bay sotne
' thing to a eunpie aKmt to we.l—
Don't what !
Well, first and forens- -st, of all tilings,
don't marry a drunkard, lh-ja-ud tqs'u
it, ilyoncunnot keep him s'b. r during
those days of die average WOIUHU'S
strung, st mfltienoe over wayward men,
the season of .sairtslnp, the eliunees will
be against snceee*. txime women have
succeeded in this laK>r of love, but there
f are lO.UtMt failures to one success. It is
a field of missionary laK.r that very few
of the sex are fitted to enter. If John
gets drunk onee a mouth while he is
b lling and cooing, depend upon it he
will require -emi-m. nthly seaaous of
Bacchanalian r.-creation w hen heKxMtnes
aB- nedirt. A man who gets .lrunk is
necessarily a had or f siliKli man when
he is under die influence of liquor, and
is very apt to soon lieeome a bad man
whether drunk or solier. The romantic
idea that a woman who can reform a
drunkard is dt serving of a crown of glory
is all the veriest Is e-h. They would l>e
sluvktxl by the suggestion that a man
who marries a fallen woman and restores
her t> a life of virtue would lo .leserving
the pr.iise of all uiunkimk Hie JatU-r
would lie a mueli easier task than the
former, and more likely to suoceeiL
The deKisenieut in one cat-.- is generally
inonrable, an.l scorn* the mflii. in-e of
kin.bitxw or affection ; while in the other
tlie opportuiiity to escape from a life of
degradation would m hiuat ea-.-* insure
hearty eo-operation with die misaiouary
in such a field.
Bnt the drunkard, a* i* generally the
ease, may lie addicted to a number of
other vices, each one of which ought to
K* considere.l as repulsive that of
■ lrinkinu'. Still we fiu.i pure, virtuous,
n fined and delicate women risking their
lives and happiness in the delusive hope
of reselling and restoring them. In
stances of die terrible failure in this
missionary fi.-ld are to IK* found iu every
street and lane of a great city, mroni
paniiuent of scorta of the .lisaoliite
widows and orphans of tlmse who have
staggered into .lrunkanl's graves. Still
the exjieriment is triisl by new votaries,
who foolishly think they can succeed
where others fid!. It is a terrible de
lusion. Love aud devotion are power
less on a drunkard. Nothing but an
iron will iuid firmness that few women
pohaemcan oh.s-k tlie career of a man
who has one** taken hold of strung drink.
He must become subject to her will, and
IK> restrained from Lis evil course by a
iKiwer stronger tlnui love or kin.ljieaa.
Thepj are enough men who become
■ ilriuiziuvls after marriage for all reason
• able j)urjs>s-H of exjieriinent, without
• taking tliem fully trained in a career of
• vice and debauchery. Therefore we say:
"Girls, don't do it."
Nothing Lost by Charity,
The Detroit Fr<> Pre** savs: One of
I th's>e U 1 hardened, tnie hearted chajis
often raul of in romance made his ap
pearance on the Campus Marti us nnd
his sympathies were at once aroused by
the sight of three or four uld men stand
ing around with their bucksaws and
waiting for work.
" f'il K: hanged if it isn't tough," ha
replied, when they tol.l hiin that tliey
hadn't luul any work for amouth. " How
would you like some oysters ?"
They smacked their lips byway of re
ply. and he gathered up a crowd of
eight, marched them to a restaurant iuid
ordered oyster stews for each one.
" It jllst does mv soul gissl to si-e tliem
eat!" h<- said to the owner of the place
as th.* ei<dit got to work.
" Yes; it's a beautiful Bight," was the
• '• Ji makes mo feel good in lmro," con
tinned the stranger, laying his hand on
his heart.
j "A good deed brings its own re
ward," was the soft answer of tlie r*s
taurateur, as he eal'minted hi* profits.
" I can't re?t hero. I must do further
I good," said the big hearted stranger, nnd
t he rushed out and bought in three men,
r a chimney sweep, two boys nnd an 01.l
woman, and ordered more oysters.
, The fifteen people went for oyster
I soup in u manner to amaze, and their
i guardian nudged the restaurateur in the
i ribs aud said:
i "See the gentle lambs! Oh, that 1
■ conld feral the poor of all America !"
[ "You tire a good man, and Heaven
i will reward you," replied the proprietor,
, ns ho filled the dishes up again.
The stranger said lie wanted to bring
i in just five more, so ns to say that he
t had fed an even score, and he rushed out
I after them, wliile the restaurateur sent
after more oysters and oraekor*. The
• stranger didn't return. He was last seen
i climbing into a farmer's sleigh and guid
l ing his team to tlie west. The fifteen in
: the restaurant licked their plates clean
■ and departed in joyful procession, and
I • the last one had passed out before the
■ man who furnished tlie soup had got
: through waiting for the return of (lie
- big hearted stranger. There were watch
words and expressions, delivered iu tlie
. purest of English, bnt what mattered it
I to the fifteen soup devourers who drew
[ up in the line opposite and
"Resolved, That them oysters just
I touched the spot."
pi :
I' (•rnnl*a <lr> nl Ihr • Ict-lornl
Hill •• Kvprcmrd f lh<- Vrnnlr.
I l\i tln .VCRIOFR >■< tin I'mteii :
I follow the example heretofore IHVW
r stonally pre*entsl ol iMinmuuieaUug in
ls tin* M.vle HI. approiul of tin* net to pro
vide for aud regulate the counting of the
" vote for I'rrM.lont an.l N iee I'r.
ion! the il.-i'iHioii of .pieslion* ariHing
i s thfiiMii, Kvau*.* of ni\ npprecutlioti of
j. the iiiiluiueiit peril to the iiiMitntion. of
> the country, from which, in inv ju.lg
r ment. the is-t provide* a wis.- and cotmti
( j tuUomU 111. -en* of ew.qi. For the first
time in the hiNtorv ot our country under
, r the <N>ti*tltlltioil a* it now l*. a .li*pnte
exiHla with li'gio.l to the i-.--~.iilt of th.'
,1 election of th. Chief MllJ.;i*tiat' of til.
nation. It I* uh.lerat.HHl that upon the
i* dl*JHwition of diapute* touching the
„ . l.vtonil v.ite* .-.iJ-t at the late election by
J one or more of the State* .1.-|H-IBIH th<*
|, .lUe*tio|i whether olie or the otllcl of
~ tlie eiuididatc* for the I'lVMilejiey i* tin
lawful chief Ma-I*tln- I'll. 11II|M>1
i tali.*- of hu\ mg dearly ae*s-rtiuusl by a
pr.Hi-.lure r.-gulatnl by law which of
the two citizen* ha* b.i n elected, and of
, huMHg the right of tin* high otli.v n*- an.l .dui-rfiilly agi.i.l in by all
I the |KMple of the republic, eaiiuot lie
over,, and lead* me to -\pr.-*-
I, i > IVutgr. ** and to the nation my■ gr. at
satiafaetioa at the adoption of a tti.-iumre
that atl ml* an onh-rly mean* of division
q ola gravely <-veiling qmnlion.
NN'lnle tlie history of our iiuitttry iu
it* earlier p. ml *!iiw* that tin pie*i
, dent >•' the Senate ha* the \ot< >
N .nd their standing, uiir whole
history HIIOWM that in no instance of
, doubt or dispute ha* he tin
n power of de.*i.liug, and that the two
|, liouaea ot C--ugre*a hate .b*(**Mil of all
Mich don 1* and .liapnt.-*, although in
no instance hitherto hate tliey Kim
*ueh that tiieir >hsou-*ioti could . w'li-
I ttally have affected tho result, lor the
first time tlieu the government of the I'ni
t. d St.-.t. i :* now brought to meet the
J. .IU.HUOU I.i one vital to the result, iuid
tin* uu.l.r iimditions not the K-st
V IMICOUI.II to produce an agret-tuent.
or to m.lini' calm feeling iu the several
brwiielie* of the government or among
t tlie people of the country. In a coot)
where ns now the r.**ult i*, it i*
. tie- highest .hitv of the law-makiug
i power to provide in lulvau.i- a .v-ntitu
itonal, onlerly, ami ju*t methtKl of -xe
i eating the Constitution in Uii* inoat tn
teresting and of ii PIMV IMOU*.
~ The doing so, fur fnm lieiug a eompro
l inie of right, l* an eniorivm. iit of right
and on ex.vntion of jnweis conferred bv
. the Constitution in Cngr*> 1 tiunk
t that this orderly ha* K*en s.*- l-y tlie lull, which, appealing to
, the Constitution mid the law a* tin
■ guide in .ascertaining right, provide* a
. m.-iUi* of .hvi.luig que-UoU* of single
returns through tlie dirvvt action at
. Congress, an.l in r. *p.i-t to double
. returns by a tribunal of inquiry,
t wh.vK- .lii*i-i. -n aliidl stand uiJea*
K>tli holt*.** of Oongre** lutll .MUCUT
in determining otherwise, thus mvuring a
definite disposition of all questions of
.K-pute iu whatever luqiifl they mat Willi or without tin* law, a* all
of the Stat. * have, and n a t>•- vote
is inqtossible, it must lie that one of the
two candidates has IHI*II elected, ;ui.l it
would be deplontbto to witness an irregu
lar c.intn>ver*y tu> t> which of the two
should nivive or which should f -iitinue
t.i hold tiie <>ffioe.
In all jvriuls of Inst.ay contr-versH**
have ariiK*u asK.. tlie sinve—i-m or choice
of tli chief* of Suite*, and ii" party or
citizen loving the country and it* tree in
stitulions can sacrifice t.*i inucli of mere
feeling in pre*erviug through the upright
.Miirwe of law their country from the
-ntallcst .lunger to it* JK-IKI* on such ait
.K-casiou. An.l it emuiot K: inqurewKil
t. KJ firmly in the heart* of all the people true lilierty ami real }irogre*s can
exist only tlirough u cheerful adherence
to constitutional lav. The lull pur]K>rt*
t> provide only for the aettlemeut of qu.t
ti.'ii* arisiiig from tlie reo-nt elect l-m.
The fact that such qitestions can oris.'
demonstrate* theu.iiMsity, which I canuut
.kwibt will before K* -uppht .l, of
{K-nuanent general legislation t<> meet
.it.-*-* which have not IK*, u
in the Constitution or laws of the'eouutry.
The bill may not IK* perfect and its
pu.visiou* may not IK* su.-h u* would K
|. -*t applicable t.i all future on M*l oua.
bnt it is calculated to meet the preweut
condition of tiie ijuestiou* iuid of the
country. The n.uutry is It
lie.ils aid, it d.*ir.** |<e:a*e and quiet and
harmouy between all parties atid all m*-
ti- lis. Its industries an*, lnlur, capital idle, aud enterprise by reoaou of tin* d .übt and
anxiety attending the uncertainty of a
double claim to the Chief Mttgliffney of
tlie nation. It wonts to K- assure! that
the result of the election will be
without resistium* from the Mtppirtera
of the lat.*, iuid that
it* highest ofliecr shall not hold his place
with n questioiie.l title of right.
Believing that the bill will secure the*,*
cud*. I give it my signature.
Exi*utive Mansion. Jan. 'JSt, 1H77.
The t nfortninth- Chinese.
The Son FnuM'iMu J/fn says: We re
gret ttiehrniiele theontrages nnd inward
ly assault* made upon the uuoffeuding
Chinanlen daily in our public streets,
the publi.-atiou of which pla*es our
municipal government nnd jieople in no
enviable light either at home or abroad.
We ask, ill the name of justice, why it is
that these people are Iteaten and tual
tr- .-il at lugh noon on our streets, and
"no arrest*" invariably riinr.hil ? On
New Year's .lay these people were as and Kuten in different localities,
on crowded stre.-ts, in this Christinn
city, ami we have n.>t heard of an arrest.
We give n sample : A Chinese K>y, not
over fourteen years of age, was
by u gang of street Arabs and ]H-lt.ii
with broken brieks, one striking him in
the mouth and cutting liini terribly. He
WHS knocked down and beaten iu a most
cruel manner. To add to tlie outrage, a
crowd of men gnthenil an.l urged on the
hoodlums. A well known citizen, pass
ing in a carriage, stopped and went to
the assistance of the Chinaman, when lie
was ordered to stand hack and not inter
fere. "No arrests." On Third street a
Chinaman was *. t ti)K>n by drunken
hisslluiiis and kins-kill down nn.l beat.-n,
but got away from tliem and refuge
in a saloon, but was ejected by the pro
prietor. A large crowd collected, mid
when the Chinaman came out he o>n
chnhil to show fight, and went for one
of his assailants firmed with ad.sir rug,
which he laid over tin- scoundrel's
shoulders until he beat a retreat. "No
' arrest*." On Kearney street one of the
large plate gins* windows of Ching Lee's
i store was demolished by a rook weighing
ten pounds, which went crashing through
the beautiful chiliaware exhibited in the
window. "No arrests." Another Cinna
mon was kii'M'ke.i down and In aten on
Pucific str.i-t at twelve M. " No arrests.'
Ini|Hirtant lUiina) Ih*ei*ioit.
On the sixteenth day of August, IH7O,
Henry Peek, desiring in company with
hi* wife and daughter to visit Cape Ann,
I MUM., purchased at the office of the Dela
ware, L-ickawaimn nnd Wi-it. rii railroad,
I at Norwich, three tickets for Albany via
Utiea, receiving the ticket* of the Central
• nn.l Hudson River railroad company at
Albany, for which he paid the usual fare.
s Mr. Peek started to board the train which
stood iu tin- depot, .'at WHH told that he
would have b> find seats in the forward
cars, inasmuch as those in the ri-nr were
already filled. Acting on tho informa
tion, lie went forward with liis family,
and finding no unoccupied scats in the
■ coaches, wont into a drawing-room car
• and t<H)k jMissession of tln-ee chad*.
By-and-bye the conductor of the train
•ppeared. took their tickets anil passed
• on. Boon after the special conductor of
the pnhice car came in, and demanded
seventy-five cents extra for each chair us
palace car fare. Peck refused to pay it,
claiming that he had paid full fare to
Albany. At the next stopping place
Peck, still refusing the demand, was
ejected from the train, liia wife nn.l
daughter following voluntarily. Peek
brought suit against the corporation in
: the Chemung -ouuty courts to recover
damages. In .wo courts tlie juries ren
dered a verdict in liis favor. The rail
road company carried the case to the
court of appeals, and the trial resulted in
a verdict of $3,000 for the plaintiff.
1 I rial aml latlrrt-at traiaii lloiitr nual Mo.ool.
\ la.lli i . ipt.-rioii .atvillln| ill the lag. i ln
l.ra aa. ii ..| tlail.l llaaa nt lliilTalo, killing Hue
laiua lla>a, and II la ft-anal (bI.hIIv a, aiding
, llermaun llaaa, Udb aoiie of the bicwer. Tim
bullallng maa ilaniaca-al nU.ut fl,ia*o Mag
> liaia luaiii'lacHaa, tip. HI lit aetiitlii* ya 'an. > lu
itMhllary, baa beam aellicli.. .1 I.a inipi laonatia lit
, for aa-1 tall yraum 111 lite |nai.Ba-nliara (Vmii
; 10. i.'ial ititeia. in -a- U llaieem and I'hiua
I ia ala "land.till m pmpKaaiui-ii.-p nf a hlna mi*
filleting lb. obja.ta.f * I ole-lalt a\|l. >1 llig a I
IMahllnit aaltla ll llaa lea n It, lat'a'tlllg (111 I 'lllll. e
•'"'dale Villa I'l'lka ..111 111 lilta HbttWlblU
i*.dllt'l a. lieai lloltou, Fliglan.l, aaliila- Ilia- Ula-li
[ a ia< at moi k. and IKb aII mini i . i. known lo
baa. Or rial i tail Vila 1., e from Malta., etab
llaat I I Vel.l. 11l lha* | IIOM 111 |.e-a-—loll of 111.,
ellllla lapllbll I'XaVptillg I lii.tlo.v alial i'bllril*
lata I'lMx'a adlulnl*lru -ii i- c.mibiclaat miili
pi 11. 1. ikv and wiaakuu ; (In iiople inuipUiu
only of i-a.v- -la.-lAVatiou Fa-Piv tdolil I eralo
hue euilMukoal f.*l bin Flan, lea o Iglealaa an.)
a'ebtiia I ao at Macallan awaiting aaeiita. I'bt-ri'
i In tie* ii anxlila I. know w bat nutraeUo ('luteal
Walo will take in la-gaol lo Mealte. y i*
(a ll la otutant al Fold ItailiUll thai a Ham ol
Ilftai-u Magoiie an-1 iMa ula , . u aaa r. . ptlllaal
la. a.utly, alaiut on. biui ti..| miler w, ,l of lb.
Mleaouit Hail, Mlill. oil Ilia II waa nlll of (In
itlaa k HiUa, and thai lot a man .-. aped 110
acaljdiig ki.ila The Indian tlinl biouglit Ibi
new • e ; ,\i H.-it I no Ihd *. r 1-aiul .1 ituUUHa-.i
(be oltiraga ami (bat the Hani la* long id to
Vollll A I'opluau, of Vankl
Holland e.ill u,i| p. imp ana fm tbri unikuia
Hon of faith- from (b-nuauy 011 a.iiannt of Ihe
pit-aaieisia of lha llllib lja ai I'll* tiealib of
lha 1' .|II la pra > allotle iiuabtuala 11-fua**
ta. aid <a' I -V lb-a ill aa Mi rln, .1 \i.*i*gu#.
J 1111 l 11. M.'Phetr ,1 baa laa-ll a!' lad I'V (In
Na-w Jalaati 1 eglaiat.lle la. All (be ofti.e ~f
( uiU-1 Nlala ■e, naUir in pi., a-ad Mr. litilbg
hilar, II . Ilia atiieUii of ilto Ua aaitia
i-atn .1 (be Iblrta ilglalhriUj f-i loala mpllull f
'* -- le.ude.r Iw". Maa and N lb.
call la fair it1,1*,14, of whk'h V.W.aa n,-
11'U|1>I| laaHula a *.l,UOil,lßal l. gtel. l. d le.lnle.
The truai. fib. ri.i i.-Urf fuuii. Nraa
York a-ti*.l IV- a i b.vk l I tl./xio to |*.ill,,
luaii John M lknmell fair to u-r. in arri atiug
a lie-la. rate burglar Nrw Vi*rk canall* a!
uaanicra are t-Uabiavorilag I" aaa--lire lower canal
lata - ill. \, , i lk .b lurtl a lit of tlo,
iitaild Alluy - f Ilie lta-pul ; 10. t 111 ailliU .1 an
UalU|mia Ul. MltU (..111 dt'la gate a
Mir. H F 11, Tav! r and Mr*. M.-11. Kinr.
Mile- ..f plantera, waia mmd.ia.l ut laaabtra*
SalHa.lna'lll. Alk., by al.-pel . 1 -a > who alibi- t
the llouaa* wht la tha Ualla e ataaTe eta v lug. for Hit-
aaf raibbr.iv I'a-pavUUaßu tt|a<u
Ibe I. u> IrmlM fnnu tlir Mexican l .adti are
r.'t- riaxl Hi* atcam l.m i d. uilat, fri4U
Hull f i N. w I ik, in. a fill, day# a.atrdue,
le glaett Ut* a ' .at llllc li i .dla-l ami lift)
IhoUßvts! t.uia . f aiial Mel. 'd at au.-tioo ii.
VrM York, ill. Jal .Cat. I a aliCa ai ia Uiallat tbaU
illOaa Of lii* |4VMOII* llHlllth.
Seliaior 11.nil 11. Lan Via aaae la al. Italia
tlae Lcgnlatiiie . f W. -i Virginia t r till- ~ ng
una. Slid Mr., n..a of lb. lower
llouae. ela.u lf• .i Ibe abort l.iui
1 hrrc lurii rir a>x. rwbelm. 1 ami caiiiael dan
ibe lis Mint aiu near ibe CViiU-i . ■ .] ii 10., Wv.MU
ug Terr rt. wy, bv a miom rli.l* j our . f ilmtii,
Ihoiuaa H - tge. ii. of II Hand Miob.. being
kilbil. liu a a alan.-hi wit- ait in m.4ion !-a
the abac bail-, af B blaet in a J voaJacUug bade.
.. IlaMi li. iIJ. H. Hill ha Iwrti eln-ted by
tin- (i- gu iMgi-latuie t<> r*| re- ut that Stat,
in ihe Sc..*ie. Mi. Hill waa a member t-f ihr
lact tl.'BM .. 'ill. M> tru]!i!a!i Fit.- lu-tir
ala-t'olupaiiy I NrW \ >tk By haa lacii put
Ul Ibe ban 1- of a raiwixir the aaeei* leaving
d> jfa Via t.-al to uch au rxta taa to n*i amlat.
Uie acti u. Tbr otliawm cbxnut'iat nil liabibtae
will he ~il!. 1 and lie only !•- fait .m tl„
al ekkb '. l. i - .. the aclna-m : Marv I. 111-,
wa* ml drawn by tb,. 1. . lu tla. North mat,
anal attnk itt a lew minutee. Op,- ,if tl en-w
** droMita-l V lire Mb. :ig the biiaiii.-a
ho | >J liiu, Y Y I. l.e )r<l Ff**,'*
w.gdh of i*ojwita Mr*, fVouch, r, - ding
mar busk, tt Hail r. N Y wla, .mi ,-f l.r
mind, J.ut br! iMMlyr-I.MH child v. a and
burutaai It to alcatll. Ibi bu-t.o ll| h*d dcieTtail
her af. * ka*, and -b- 'ol n!7. rw.l
inatiy pmatloua m cona*a|iiei>ce The ketr.a ma
ad! work* >-f I. Ik F. Jetura . in Ii- -*. n.. xpl.aiad
frnmamna tuik- .nci.ue an 1 lb. rutuww.,sk
were deal!- aeb Im— r"o,t* Seaerwl |a a*
trie were iuj-irxaL alad iMji- tuan Bri; If a, -eal I. Uave
-veil burned tr> death., tf. >■ httig.
asl lu All-auy, I *regiMi, Ng muni r.
Slati-lic- . ( 'I. •: . -t. :
Yla- -.. fr u li, |o tb. ,re :.! a .oat -1. .
ill tblt pi t-1 Jl'l VBKrl a ■lat y I.' "",
luxe 1 ecu r..i I. ;:ij I.NVJ mi U Wait loai,
Tba year - 1-7 1 and I*7ll aa.ra lb. tm>a4 ab-o
tror.e. . Harri- Ii Twin, r -1* t and killed
Atialer*4Ri Ki.lun -id nt Ci- dr. . t'., and afl.r-
MOid ocunitlcd anionic, tan., in ml*
I.X-t blt f Jll-tl lglawdae, •(*> w t himaelf up
larx-abted of Maa m oiipr>aiu, n ta> lord
and ha- aincc laas n tlharu liotn tb>* cuUtttra ! a
Ular. ha* arrtael at Han Fuiana. wttb hi-
Ml". Ha' i* aUp(a*d to la oil ill.- XII to dexaa
ta* era*— n* th. part .Il ..f iletlw. tab:. !i alii!
aup|aarta Ilia claliu . V -tat ala- of lUalaTt
Iturna taae unatnUd m Hla .gow. Scotland, on
tlaa aituier.ara of tb- ]-.t . Ittrlbdaa. Tli<-
d.ay wa.- lall* a.!-raed l at!. Sradllab
K<n-tre on ti.,- -i.le tlir At'aial . T..0 da
l-alalia atn tup!* have reeently i-. n made to d.-
atnwtba* botaditag apparaiti • • f Um -hafta ..f lb*
Virgiiita nun. smb. Had aaUM-r atn
•wen itcxi~lu7 tbe 10-- of ife would hftai-
U-awi baaxy. Tb* i-tf.r7a.ata be beard to liaac
latin tnatla Ul that Idlrla -'e "I t-a L Hjll'UUt *.
.Kba-rilf Manning, who -h t and kitbd l apt.
Harte*, In- wife'* j4u-an nr. in Mi—i**ipi !. a
f. M w' sice, lii- Illalla.ll I T J 'hU
Frv tweil, a it Utile ,-f Mr-. Manmiag Juntsw
Da aid l'aai-, of lb. I'uil.-I Hat- attpreme
a- trl. line li.ia . 'tided bv Is i...a rat* in tlu*
I iliiia.ta 1., gi-Uture to 'in- • I V|r. I.yaii a*
w nat.-r.
Jam.-* >! a and John (' ltitiuighttll *.f..
(alalia injured at Uw ginc niuw-a *t Franklin,
N. J.. t>y a .piaulity of fr. .i. • arth raving in
upon tip" Merriuaati'a l l.*i iti Rartford.
t aXllll.. aa.a- d. -troa.d ba au I'.n'a ivharj inc.
('/gi'.Oiai i auraisc. ?U4.2'aO . .Th*
aa adelnv ..f lnu-ic at 1 lib\'irp>li-, Im]., aaa.
detrvaed bv cimrtagratioti aabirb Uppcal tip
Bexvral ooutigtsxia *torv-. Tidal I.—. #125,(K* 1
parUaliy inatind . 11* tb.* 1 tuiung uf I*. lul
bouae in Si. liaaic. a'anvd*. In* '.lira" chil<br*i
weru aufl.v ala d la, .la atll Tin N. w 'm - ■
Mulual Jua. Co. af Ta. Wata. In'.a rClltalir.el ll*
Jadicie- iu tl. Naliotval <'a: :lal Inf. , f Wadl
lUgton. and h.n pia-. 1 out of a xi-tenai-
CJiarle* V. Hand i. raabl—d of ♦J.'.<*"u in
j. wel., badonging to a friend, while iiagie
Haling I i tb.-ir -ale in New York J. 11.
Ford .V Co.. Mr. llaccbor * obi pti! liabera, ara>
again in bankruptcy. . In n-.auctic r-f the
witbilnanal ..f r*itr d facililr. ■ lix* the N. Y.
Midland i.aJ, four of therm . n*.- tanhame* at
Kllenxilla. lis.. I* a-n at ipj* Iby tb<* owner*.. .
\ |iildl< r called at tb. r.--i b-n e of S. S tlial
f*nt. near Tb >in\ille. ttliio, an.l obtaunil jar*
mitaaion to bilge over night. I'untig Un- mgbt
be applnd chtemfortn t. tla* entire family Bird
aearrbedtbe ha- iw, carrviug o!l fltid 111 money
and F.TS.Onat in draft-.
The on. littßalrcl and f.vrti. 'b birthday of
Tboma- him, tie free thinker an.l writ.-r,
wa* celol ral.d ,n N. u York by .juite a large
immli r of In* diaa'ipl. a t'ltlxeli* of I'lleii
ville, N. Y.. at a public .iting. *ul -rilnl
tl.tjon of tin S*l,4oi t xea which the
difficult* witii and *top|>age of tbe ruuniiu* t f
tbu Midland road, and train* will ran ,-n tinui .
In tin* future Igla—iaa till hope* to g*in
tin jareiidency of M< lie. The town of Sonora
ha* (la clareal In hi* favor. l'.v the cap-t/mg
of a *ki(T al Ixuiiiville. Ky., Tonng tnen
were waatuil oxer tbe fal • anal two of their
mind* r. Tito*, l'ota r u and Patrick Brophy,
were drowned .. .Two herd, r fought n dtict
on a rail- he i**r Cbeyeuna, W. T.. tstev. n
•hot* final: one of the contc-taill* twang
tnick In the nawk, face and ctrmiach and fit* 1-
Iv injured, and tin- other -erioii-iv injured in
the hip and arm .. A night watchman oil tin
F.rie railway discovered two j-iw ..f bawvy
tinil-r chained aero** th tr* •!>* near Wav.-rly,
N. \\, and hvl hitt jo-t tun, to idgn*l an <-x
--pre* train running at a *[■• I of thirty mile*
liThonr.toavoiUatcrribb -Inn-tor. A little
further along a -witch wa* found turned. Mi
creanta had evidently emit stored ti wrick tlie
train for tin* purjiiae of tilnn-h-r.
THE Cl'MntoitlHE KI.E, roRAI, nil.l-
Mr. Conkhug natd iu ciiu'iii-iou lit* lu li.-v.-d
the lti jibli.*an iHuiiiin*' Im 1 li>.ui clio*. n the
chief inngi-tratc of tin* country, ami he a*keti
him to take a tilia lo hi* n*-< t office that no one
could tin. 4mn. If tlii* bill H* a c.uoproniiw
uf truth, "f law or of right, lie waa again*!
II : but be denied tbat it un :ny ootnpnilin e,
and. al-.xc nil. it did not c.>ijipronit*o right
pnncipl. or tb.- t'.iiiHtituHon. i'o conte-t w
,'lnim un* not to coinproini-e it. To in-i*t
nimii nil boiH**t, fmr coitnling of tin elactor
a( vote* wa* ii. t n oompronii*e. A I'rc*iib'n
tial (il.-cti.ui bad uci'iined. and Utile** tin re
wa* a lie aoni'-l,ly bad lain ch,>*eu. To
eatabliah tlint (net un* no ■<,inproini*i. The
I ill NUrrcllda I'll 111. light* of Ii .lie, but n**, llnl
nml maititaimil tb.- right ot nil. II *ubniitt.'d
to law (ill nut hoi in tb. *oluli ui of the i* niliiig
quentioti. The bill might I>• alenouncail Ivp .r
--11*4114 on one aide or tlie other. It mignt U
dcri.b <1 by the Ivenlui-i * and tin- thought
le . It might not for tic ore out r. eelve tin
approbation . ( even lie- tlioiiglitful or jwitri- i
otic, but In- would vi ta N rit li-cati a ha> In
lit wd it ad riant age.,in and within the (aiii-lilil
ti,.n. It would I*' li na-lii iid to the pi --jl of
nil Ibe Htab iiiclitding tliat groat State nli.-w
ilitereat ntul wbona holian w dear to liim.
Tbe bill might be divided now, but time, nt <
who*.- gra nt nltar all pa* ion and prejudi- • ■ 1
miiat lull, would nt I-' -t vindicalai the bill and
thou, who it.
Mr. Morton (lb p. I, a-f Irnhnnn. pi. -antral, and
read a nuinlr aif U tegratna from tin iw-iiie of
Indian* again-t the pa**age of tho Mil. nod I
*nid tbat he had rooriveal more than 200 i
of tin in from hie own anal otiiaw Ftatei. Ha*
declared tbat loaaliliK Rrpubbcaua pati-r* Wera i
again*! i'. lu ra.ply to Ibi- Atr. McDonald
(Item.). of Indiana. *nid (but lie vvaa nt Indinii
njiib* tin. ilnv* before and bnd heard l ilt one
cpinion ruin live to the bill nnd tlint wa* in
favor of it.
Mr. Ilayard (Da.m.), of Delaware, spoke for
two hour OB the bill nnd in It* favor.
Sir. 4'hriidiattcy (Ua-jv.), of Michigan, al*o
*|>ka in favor of the lall. cloring with a Hlrotig
proteit again, t tbe charge that (be judge, will
disregard their oatha and decide ea r,,riling to i
their |N>litical predilection*, lie . aid that the
party which aliould reja-ct tbi* bill without j J
otTa ring one equally fair would ueceawarily for
feit tlie sujaport of the people.
Mr. Da warn (Hep.), of Ma**achu*a,H . wauled
the wo pa* of tlie lull defined ao that t laa- com- ;
iniwaion should not claim tbe right (o invade :
the Htale of Mas*ncbu*eH and lake from the
governor and council the power of determining
who Hie Htute had appointed a* licr elector*. '
Mr. 'i'hurumu (Dent.), of Ohio, sjKike in favor -
Of Hie bill, tie tnalnfaliieal Hie eo|i*lllntiouall
tv of Hie iuea*ura, aud argmil Dial Hie qui *
lion aaa* of *ucli uup.rtaiice llixl lb, p iii-lullr
of Hie uallou depnded ll|ii|| lis nilntlon.
lln to level wa* glcalei reanoii Ibnn now iu
vllU'tllUle *ll. Il a Iribuual an the bill |Mo|aimi|,
li'iieath which iu impairl awe all oiler* aunt
mi.i lioogulllcau,, \* imi mil lof Ibe joint
.-oiuuiiHi* le would .it, l>. moorst a* lie wa*,
Hint le W.'111.l 1* Willing to hlliililll tile .bi-inloll
of He >pe Hon to the euacutttaw Hn'lf, for le
f< It in (be a(iua.plirc wbi -li *urr>>iiudail (be
, B|m'lat (Huiiiiutt.thai when (ba* alav of (rial
cane- men uml.l tl*o atmvc patty and iiilortu
then duty.
, Al . vela o. bi-k iu the iiaoriuiig, alter a
I night *,- tou, Ilie t.ltl jta-mil He- K. tint, by a
! Vol. of I, v, n |o 17 linv >. I lie Vol. (t,| aud
ugslli*! Ibe lull (114 44 t How* AHi 1111 ax 11 v a
Alai I ii, Alle-oli, Hep IL.iieoe Dele ,
I tyard, Ivm.. Ikigy, 1 nun i; ■ 11,. led
I .lUlMell, be). |llirii-lde, Hop I'balTee. IU |>
a 'ln i-tiaJte v. IU p i iktlll, Ih-ni ( "■d.ltaig,
lop '.Hi|wr. l'.io I'laglu. l(cp ; Havi*
I'i-lii . Davie*, I Up., I g laut*. IN-ui Fdllkalud*,
IU-p 11, lllg buv ell, lie)., lioldlliwalb 1 Mil.
lb.idoe, I, in lliiun, licp. Jobiiaoii, Ik-ui.;
Joi.e., of Nrv Hep Joniof Fla Item i
hcllv, Ik,a. h.i.iae, lta-ni. M. i ra.rv, IMit..
M. lk.uald, I'ei.i M. Mlllali, Hep.; Maxtay,
I'ete Men oil-,u, l'.m., M. mil, llep., J*lli<e,
Dale I. eb ;i■ 1. IViii.), I>. 1.i,, Hole
rrtnou, I•- t Ksit!-lunv, Dem., NJiaroii, lU p,,
Men I*.-.i I. in l'< Her, Hep 1 lon nißii, I'eia.,
Mails,, Dtalll., Whale, I'ein \\ netolll, Hep.;
\N libel -., Itit., YVt ight, llep.
N, ativi 1.1ai0., IU p Hill- . Itefki
iaw run, .•( I'a .lu ).,. a run, >.f Wla , Hop,.
a lav bug 1,. p, a - ta.iv el, Ha j Damy, Hop.
Halnlln, Hap. I igall- lu| Falaiu, 1 >eiii
HauuUou, Hep Mil.belt, hep Morion, Hep.;
Patter-.-U, Hep.. F..rgeul, 11. p HbaWluan,
Ha j'. West, Hell.
Joseph ( Hall. >, elected t'uiiri! Htsles Helia
loi fiiwu I'eiiut-d.... I-, Oil He* vacancy caused
by ilie ,1. .<lb of Andrew Jobunuu, prawvulnl
bIIUM II and l.i'k the of ofiice.
It. - alitUon* va, t, pi * *,ul, .1 and iliwiuusvl
raatallv. to tbe gule i ualoa tsl uueatiuo Ut iauuUi
i'ai.ibnx, lull no a. Hon wa tak< u on liiciii.
1 lie Sctialc dl*. ildie.l ibe lull raq*<l'ted bv the
Jlidniai v ~-intuitto. I.i amend the I'aclfl. rail
i- .el .l a lo provide a *Utking fund
Hie lg|Ul.lalloii of tlir Hub 14. .lie *e die tbu
gvav.llnie ill bv *sid roaetß.
Mr. Wrigid (Hop. I, of lowa, up the
n anhitioii in t, garvl 1.. reln-Ung fiv. Meuatora to
nerve un tlie cuiuiui-aluti by th.
Khchwal t'olllll bill.
Mr. t ragui lU p. I, of New Hampshire, nomi
nated a* lleiulild uf Hie t-omiUldSlon, liinge
i i bum. i- nf Vermont Oh *r P, Wartoß, at
Indiana, anil IV.da-rick T. Frehughuvi-cu, of
New Jefwey.
Mi Su-v, nominal. 1 Alli.i 11. lbtuinatg
of tSuu, and'Hi na- F. Hayarvl, of Iklawsri,
Slid said In J.tilled with th. EM! from N. w
Uanpdblre ill .xptrdsiug lh<: litqi' that lb. <
w,old receive th. uiiammoUd vote of He Kaliatr
Tb. v .in. uuautuiou-lv
THE . OKI 11..V41U. tu, toKXI HBO.
liiiuto-iiat. iv aftei the ojwiitug of the House,
the Till, which hs.l 1- en raii-ived from the
Kauai.- for i. mtuiri... w t. the
urOßcf axiUiliilHaw and almost lustaiiUv re j*.flail
!ue-I , a*v - idliig to arf*<lie-lit, to allow of i). ■
Mr. M.-t'rary , Ih-p.Y, of lowa, of the joint
a Uitmttt, uji-uaad the <tet<ate bv dtatlng tliat
after au earnest MteilmliM UN MMBBdttM
had reached tbe conclusion that tiie lull ought
to pa*--. 1!:. .-.untry was tu the prr-cuce ,fa
vm gnat and very dangerous etie rgency The
jitM id v. Hi crii t'i nati iai affair* va lai b
He father - ~f the r i tibial bad foreseen Ui
I**!, stal which at various period* lii tlir na
1. -u iitst.-rv gi.-at stab vimn bad f.-ien-ii and
bad drnadeil 11 uiigbt I* that if the I4tl were
ik feale.l, ami I Vuagre*4 fatlcxl tojsxsaanv us a.-
ut. ou th< sul joct. ,-ne of the ether of tlie par -
to - |4ja. eftiUy slit Übt to a at, ct*iou
which th.) Uillcvt-l to Iw without law or ati
(ht'iiß, but he .--uf, --- 1 to vary groat doubts
and fears tliat such . uld Hot tl the case. Ill*
'i'; :<1 J Mar-hall and t'au,! M.1,1, i to
| I VI It.. •titutiof.ahty of th. liUl. and d •
claml bis intention to aid its |aa*agwwilii v.ui*
and vole.
Mr. It union .Item.), of Virglim adv Catail
tlu uiea.tli. Hr *J--t. ,-f l le-idrlitis) (Wv
le us as il } in our history, and
.v- us. TV# Ukvly Uiau au* ,dh. i cause to rack
the #hlp . f elite . <!e, lan:,g that all pron-dnag
trovihle* of that character sunk into t *.-hn.
Uisigmn ancr at na,:jrt4 with tlaose that now
-tared t'ongi.sss aa. i the CottUtT) ill the fa. e>.
li. I-'.lev awl (hat lo Uislwo housea of Coiagra sw, I. t t*< the pi. lidclif of Uie Sriialr.heiotigail
tiie p -war to c.-uut tlie Volev , but as an oiajwi
sill ths lnur aas 1.1 kl bv Inany. he Uimtgbt a
- uiicoiiiis.- advt** ... anal the prv,isiofis ui
t -lit v ; i.b-1 for tl.a < IBIV: g, ucv.
Mf (avs-le (Dvitl. s of Vlfj'liUa, gav. great
credit t.• the committee jn-sentmg Uits till,
and gave it Lis am., s''p)svrt. He etaum
arate-1 cirrvmistaiices, tneUiding Pi.-nbut
liraul s a--, iti u that Mr. Have, was <i.-bd.
tie stationing of tr-iqas ta the South, the mani
-1 lists- :i of v. In t I SvrcUrv (liaiadler. rt>'.,
v' ti ka -*.-1 t i*lratevl tt.e extstei s fa
v al, sjaicwvl and dang, rtvtis con-iatracr to al -
tctnpt tie ItiauguraUou ,-f Haves. It. ewprcso
cla tin.. I- li. f tliat ihe leading Pcj üblicaf.
dad HOI at- 1 , f.-r tlir BMMgI • f Dm lit!, ha
' i- fi ''• .1 llaera aaoU ,1 ba no *< ttteaur-fit. and
lb,- H<-ui. after alicU q! a Pn-abat woitld
I.ave nim-tithr igii.,iii'jii<.u*ly >.r fight. If
bis Hcpiibiiran f: ends ware out pra-aiared
t :<ht, thai, be ap) steil to Uieiu. i.v a'l tlae
memories of the past aud al! Uie hojisof tbe
future, to pu-e I* f.r, the) enternl .n a siratg
g'c. tl* end of winch no man ,-nM f,,reset.
Mr 11-41 tltop. , Ma—achuectts '-aid Ihi-t
the dangeioiis j,:. -1 which statesmen bad
f< rw-een in Am.rlfan htstory'liad arrived, lu
fsthiiatlllg (be dai.gci be was not affected by
fear uf civil war Uur SI.V 1. ' .iu- of b,-
btacc. I tut tho avai of civil war w not gicab r
than tie evil ,f )e !dillc awe- jot of lawful
authority. N-thu.g couhl is mot* injurious to
the whole republic tl r.n f! si s nun houl.l lw
I'll! in Ibe IV*siJfTttlal offki- wham at ia-asl our
l air of tla.- Viiiera-ii'i |i->j>!o would regard as a
iisnrjiT. lie con!,! ! t conceive thai tlie
fmiiri. ~f ti# (Yii*tHul!'*n ever fhenght of
yi.-ldli - l.a tlie l4V**idr: t of the Senate tba- vast
js.wer of a-..'luHng tbe elect,wa! v.4e*. '1 bat
)i.wer vvj in tlu- two house* of t otagTi *.
Mr. il-'unae Kaq,. i, of OliMg expressed ahi p
r- . rel that he cmki at v-te for*lh<-IllL. Ota
,-f in- tun was tbat a*, in* de
pnviil tb- Va- President of all power to
bdn aad AMMB the lawful ehotcwsl v..t.. IH
<l. nie-l that Confer. -* ha.lth<- right to give away
that jaowi r of tb- Yi.-e Pra .i-le .l to allT othv I
Mr. raMvi.ll ilkm. i, of Tciim **.-■, opuncd
Ibe I VI mug, *a * 1 >ll by favotllig tlu biU, l llc7-
ing a- b. did that)* so and (iTo'in-nty would
f-uduW in lb. wek, of 11.
Air. St. v. .nun Hep i. of Illinois, and Mr.
('aqMcld (Da tn.), "f illittni*, at-o favorn] Ibe
bill in abort Bjwerhe*.
Jli. Snrinp-r I'snv.A, uf lllliau-. also adv.w tbi- bill, declaring that the inevitable n
-ull of tin fatlnrv lo )4 it would Iw that Air.
Tild'-n would Ii- lin i ia. im d 1 Te-I.ielil in <uie
wing of tic- 4 aj.itol. and All. liaywaiu HicoUMT.
Af. , Hale i|U | i. f Alsi <. #aid this lall
'taiti, il him b) the bold a -uuiptioii nf the
l*nverof Camp, - to n-gulate aiul ooutrul the
election of I'm avldtit, which i*iwer, in lu- jildg
im nt, had nev.r In', lodguxl ui the two lb Use*
by Ih, turner* of tho (* institution.
Mr. Hewitt i I>ein I, of Naw Y'ork, stateil ht
leliaf m the lawful election of Mr. Tilden. and
hi* firm oonxi. ti-ui that it was the determina
tion rt tin- pr.-cnt adtnbii-tmtina tofnam urst.
Mr. ilaye* by declaring the right of the Vire
i*rvidaut to count the vote . Of c,.ur*e the
Hoinc would not remain pa*-ive, and the rtx
*nlt would I*- civil war. Tu avert tin* duastcr
lie Flip-ported this bill.
I Mr. v\ dlard Hcj>. 1, of Michigan, favored the
hill, and 'ireetl that m. re j-arti-.xii cot add- ra
tion- *>. .ul.l Ik -t -ight of and a. I artale in
favor , -f Dae i tthlie iti(< ro-t*.
Mr. Suntli (Rep.Y. of l'enusvlvrariia. opposed
tba- 1:1 and expra---ed liim*i*lf a favoring Ibe
eoiintlng of the vol. - by tin praaid ut of the
Air. (kirliel.l (Ihqx I, of Ohio, Bald that while
boa.lmitH.l Ha- bid bad grv*t merit* and wo*
inta n,tail to tide over a possibly gri st public
danger, h< coinl.l. red it unconstitutional, lie
then advocated the nglil of tlie ) ra-mb nt of
tb, Hmiate to count ami announce the electoral
'l b. 'ton*,- wa . addr. - 4in favor of Ihe lull
bv M,'*-rs. HtNika-r [Dem. |, of Ms--a. ini-. tt* ;
llartr.dgc ami I. Iton |Dwu.|. of (i.sargi i ; t.a
luar [Th-m.J, of Ali-abv-ip|i ; YYatb-iwoil |Detu.L
of Iv ntii.-kv . Hdl It'tam ], of (..orgua, I'svis
I Daiu. |. of North f rolim. : lllaml llh-m. J. of
Sli*w>uri : Soulbaid ||Nui. I. of Oh: >: Foster
f It* fk|, of Olfio : JjmiJ.'l* litem.], of Indiana
Harileuburgli |l'em.|. "f N'.-w .l.r*cy: A'aitn
|ii iu.|, of Ninth Carolina : O liiien (li*m,|, of
Maryland • navne and Walker |Deng), of Vir
ginia; lull j Dem. |, of N. n York ; Hrowii
IDi'lU.I, of K.'litil.'kr ; (aibnou | I'a 111. |, of Isaui
*iaua : and l'ayuc IDcm.j, of Ohio.
And in o|,]*.sltnni to it by M* -*r*. Alill*
ll>ciii.|, of Tent* : linker fIU-j ■.J, ..f Indiana ;
Hiirll'itt |lS*qi.]. of Illinois : Singleton [lk in.),
i.f Mi-*i*ippi; I.aj.baiu lli.jx), <>f Na .v York,
Yanca |Di'in.), of Ohio; Town-nd |H<p.). of
Now York :'b |l?aq> |.of Mimi* ipj-i : Knott
ll'i'm.). , f Kiutnckv. Can |]►t-in.|, of Indiana :
I'uniioll |!:••)>.J. of iliniM'sota ; Pratt (I** p.), of
Indiana; latw-renc, [IU-p.). of Ohio : Itlncltburn
||], of Ka-utuaiky: and .lon,-* [Dora.], of
Tin v. b- wa* tb- ,i taken, and the Compro
mise laill wa* )**< 1 lay a hallo', of t'.'l yea* to
KC nay*. Tin following 1* the vol.- in detail,
tb.- name* of Republican* being in ittiln a;
Y'i as 'The Sp< aker., t'/rtm*. Aili*-
ivorlb. Anderson, Ashe, Atkiu*, Ragl v, I.
/ v. John 11. Ilagley, Panning. Ilaid e. Ilell,
liland, P!i*-. Hl,.mil IV*.no, Itrci'llry, Hugh:,
111 ,Wit, Ky., Hii.'kn. i, Ifiuvlnird. YVi*.. loivl.itjh,
CalU'tl, ( aldnell, Tetiti., CaiuiAxill, Candler.
Caiilfl. ld, l linpin, t'liith niUii, Clark, Kjr„ ( Prk,
Mo., Clvmrr, Cochrane, I'aiok, Cowan. Cox.
', Cutler. liarrall. I'avi*, /sir,/,
!>• P*lt# I'd-re 11, Lion glue, I'nrand, Felon. I'.llis,
Faulki er. Folbm, li. 1.1. Finloy, /Vgv/rr. Frank
liig Fuller.(ianßc.'tlibsoß, filover, th*le, tl<*Kl
in, (iunta r. Hamilton, I rial , Hamilton, N. J.,
Han,Kick, Mar,lent* igli. //on i*. Mas*.. Harris.
<4a., Ilarri-. V.,., Hani-on, H rtn lp , Hart*,ll,
Hatcb. r, 11.i11.■ >n. Hi.rmond, Henklo. llei-o
ford, Hewitt, N. Y'.. Ilewitt, Ala.. Hill, Hoar,
Holmnii, Hooker, Hopkins. Uorkinr, House,
Hunipbr, v, //toi/er, llunton, Jenks, June*, N.
11., Kehr, h'rllry, I.amnr, Ignidet*, Ind.,
landers, Conn.. Dane, /**rncrivr/A, le Movne. 1
l."vv, lewis, l.littrcll, I.vnde, Atackey, Alai*li,
MclknignlL, Mr C ran/, MrlHll, McFarland,
McMahon. Meade, M.-tcalfi', MUirr, Money,
Morgan. Morrison, Atntcliler, Neat, New, A or- '
ton, 4' Itri, ii, utirrr, Payne, I'help*, Phillip*,
Mo., Pirrr* *•, Piper, Plait, Potter, Powell, l(a,
Reagan, John Kcilly, J. IJ. Reilly, Rice. Riddle.
RolibinH, N. Itobbins, I'a., Roberta. Itoaa,
N. J., .Vrnipjaori, Savage, Savler, Sa-ale*,
Hchla iclu'r, Nv/y<, Sheakley, Southard. Spark*, i
Hpringer, Hlautoii, Strait, Stengel, Slephens.m,
SUmc. Svviiuii, TarlHix, Teeae, Terry, Tliomp
-oti, Tlioniaa, Throckmorton, Toirnf U't, Pa.,
I u I" ; Tttrnay, Vance, N. a, Waitdell, AValk
i r, N. Y'., Walker, Va., Walling, Walsh, Ward,
Warner, Warren, Watteron, Well*. Mo„ Wtlh, i i
Mia., Wlalb Inula,, Wblttlnaruai, Wyke, ll ib
Utril, A H \\ 1111 aam aa, Mlib,, \\ llllalna. Is 1.,
II II II i nil,aa, Mich., Wlllia, Wtltablre, Wlb
mati, W Va., II llmm, lowa, W.aul, N. V.,
Va-alee, Young Itll.
Nava littirt, Ittd., /itlirf, N. IT., /ttlflam,
/!.iiAa, lllackburtl, W/inr, llialfoid, llnnm,
Kan . binifun.l, 111 , llutti, l nldiaell, Ala.,
I tiiiMttii. I an, I oat, L I'all-, f'.taityrr, ( ivono*-,
/lin/tcil, /a. Ill*to. /K-VIIMJ, Ihinttfii, litirbam,
f rilaia. /..100 a, /Vya-, l-'onacy, f'.rf, /', ~ 1...1 M,
/ .*, f.'.uTir -.f, ihil,, ll'tmltm, f/,,1'1.*, //....l,f
*i, f/.-a, ilulMi, lliil.l, f/ur/fsil, //./ limn,
JiMn a, Ki,, J,., , ( A'laaam. Aaoi'aiff, Ku.dl,
/alia/lain., /nan.iii, /yio/l, Wllipaaaa, MlllikuU,
Mill., If \<iah <i iff, /'<*lv,
f'f.itafasf, I'opplt tun, /'ruff, /'aacro.iM, ffnuo-y,
ffu/iliieoM, fioai, HliigletoU, So oil. K*> 'aa.HU-Ui.'lla,
>IOO *, Pa Smitb, <ia . .Stoierif, Thorn
f.ui- //., foiroaao.f, N. V., Tuft*, IUK I or/war*
I uaoar, tlbto, li.ii/, Uufifttoi, iiuffasr, H. t\.
It .iff.i. a. Pa it fill., II /iifroy, itl/!au., S Y ,
II i/huoia, W ta,, Wllliamia, Ala , 11--af, I'a.,
liaeaf'-.u'K, lllaafiporff, *w.
Mr. lUniiiug i l*riii, I, of tiliiu, intra ad ucvaat a
till ploal'lllac lli*t till, rtral aaaaaii,|i of atari
t'aiUgl. -a el.all loglu oil the fourth of Marvli,
Mi Hubl* II I 11. p. I, of Mli-blgan, llitrodticaad
a bill tliaitoitug a fielgbt rallroa.! company Inlr aanli-r on lb. Atlantl.' to the Mlaaolin
Tim Holleo coUalda |ral tbe letil aillborl/lllg tlie
arvyotary of tbe 11 aatit ato pav Jan.. alt Eada,
(HMlelmcfaW of tbe Jrtllea al ilia' si..nth of tb.
Mi*ii|.pi rtier, ♦,**,una*, tbe |* ndmg . t uca*tioii
laing on tb* ami ii.liaeut olfniMj by Mr. Ituck
l|. i (I'l 111. I, ..f Ml-naatirl, duea'Uug tla* naa
m< ot t* IH mail* lit I nita-.l Hlalaa l-.-tida, tbe
aail.etll ute *a* lepvltd p aa, fait, net a, IhS.
Ml. I'ainc i lit 111. I, of tlbto, uffrltail a l**a> tl
lloiltbal till Holla* ii. IM procc. .1 to till- eioctio i
"f lliaa lit. mi-tnba-ra i-f (baa . <-t.iiulaasaii on tlae
I'M eiib ntial elaa loral wuut. A.l .| t. |
Ml. Ijuuai litem. ), llf Mlaalaalppi. 1..* aiall
put lu u..iiiiuati.>ii M* -aia. Payne, of (tin.. Hun
ton. of Virginia, Aid- tt ot Maasai'liiiaette, (iai
field til ill iI, and ll>uu of Maeaa. btiaa tta. Tbe
lob H4- tek. II and tbe apiajtubiielit ot Moeara.
J'aytie-, Huiit-.u. Abtadt, (iartlcld and Hoar ra
P1..l a large fnajority of the vaatea, alad were
davlareil a-lactid lo a. t f..r tbe llotiai
I In* king of |liihuiury\ Atuiiraiiiaa.
A tsirrcMji. uulciil of tin- 1,. uplon Stand
a. d, u riling alsiltt the pli'|>aJ'utl.>u* of
tin- kiitg i'l iJnllollli-l to la-eiMl |ln- Urii
isli tr.aopia in tin* event of n war fur tin*
lllMSnttlotl of (lie Kiiro|M*ntl cijdiiea lit
Whsibili, e.ii*:
Nltmiiwhllc tiie king ta hv NO ÜB-IUIN
Ihslice, of tfisjpn are lusxt'liilijilig ut
till- X arnattra b-wiis, while .it Kialin t!ia<
whole tlowa-r of tin* D.aJiotuait luiuv is
lu'ing lari'iiglit together. Ibai.l* are
laetllg Ilia,it' U|an tieighiaoring tow tla tu
the lIO|M* of ohtMiiiing at iv atorew of jaiw
ala ror ruin w hia'li may Im there. He
enles this, when a few ainx'cssful !.♦-
1.1-nts .tjs.ti helpla-1* vitiligo-* have laes-ti
linaie, tin- l>a!i<iinuli warriors will lw so
fllleal Witli glory tlillt they will rush atn
t> certain aleuth uuth r their eiciteineut,
Tra>|j< have lw. u known to "charge" a
thicket of uew--ia >, pru-klv jwars, iibw*
ami sinulur thorny shruiaw when under
this fri-iizy, O'lumg out on the other side
hruuaed and lain ding and often inaitiieai
f'r life. Tills tlla'V Will do to allow their
"love'' for the king, and there ia no
doubt that under till' Ultflleiirw of victorv
and tra-le rum they would make n deta
jwrat*' rt-si shti nv. Still, tiieir is
but of au evantiweut nature, and it re
i|itimi but a very few well austwiiieii,
sternly volleys frota our ndaw to put to
flight, or at h-ast to cover, nerioua odils
of dusky warrior*.
Ait., the fighting j towers of tlae Atlta
aoiis, there enn le no doubt tliat they
will lie equal to, if m>t aurjicu*', tlem of
tho inen. At tie' attack on AhookeuUi
the ditch will tlllail with their Iwadiea, as
they fought like site devils, for |wrh(itaS
of ail objects au uueexed woman ia tlie
most horrible of any. 'file "uutaide "
and "uistde" rival a-aoh other in llieir
iii >\Ls of bravery, atul many an AitusSae
matt cslmeaii c.r*,i the whit<*liaii
skulla of tiivaia who have fnll.ii before
her arms, exctUtig till' CUTT Mill jeahutsy
of lit r lean, bartnimtc outside warria>rs. if
a struggle does oijnc off, in which our
men ore pitted agwinst thaw far famed
w.atn r.*H. *, it i* to lw hojwsl (list they
will reiucn.lwr that bulbts allot (Hit aif
giui* winNe triggers have Ikwo pnlleil
lay tlict-e " Misters of the lion " kill just
ta* -iirely a* Hi,.** tirnl by their sta-rner
i!) brethren. Even tlie lYahauiuiua ■**-
kua'wiailge tlint tlli-ir Ravage, fleudiali
sets ma in a fight inmost cause a nhudder
iu tbrinirlvtw, MM) if they should ever
IHXIIUM' j.ilt. d Sguiuet white tr.sqw
their ftriuv will carry ttieni to suiv
lengths. l*-t tha-tn, Uieri'fore, u.'t lw
treitaxl as mere ornamental mljuncts to
tin eottrt "fa sav.ape king, but rather as
tlte corias who are the " Oh) Guwrxlof
the I ha'iofnru army .
Intone the Alligalurs.
Die ichootiiY Ann H. Carll, of North
port, has lieon wrecked on Istrgvi Key,
- • ith coast of t'uliit. ("apt. Tyh r, her
vxiiumnmler, says thev w. re making a
very witick J.IXN-- -re, w!.en A hurricane
struck Uie v> F-K'l. She was driven t its
mercy for four tlnvs, and un the fifth
w. Nt waliore on this Key, a small deso
liite sand island, tir.-iat IHIIIIIKII wf alli
g.dors swarmed nroiiud during Uie
tirat night, un.l nun* near derounng the
crew , la-mg kept off by s tire. The BIII|>-
pilig of thvir huge jivvrs were hesril on
every side. Tiie Key n slaiut sixty
mil."s from the mainland, and out of the
nmwl tmek of v.-iels. Soon after the
('aril hud thus w rw'aail. hi-r crew
were the fortunate means of saving n
Spanish rand an Kttgln-h crew, whose ves
sels had gone to p asxw. Mid ("apt. Tyler,
finding tliat he must alivide hi* aeauitr
store of provisions with these brot)irs itt
misfortune there lacing HCM-IV Uiirty
flvo jwr/aoiis ou Uie islMid -4Utd tlist star
xution must so<>n end them, sent his
mate ami one sciuuiui in it laoat ba Oien
fnegvis. nlaoiit one hundred miles abs
tant, wiUi instnirtions to oak :u-aistance.
The S|HUiisit gov. ratnent as s< >n #. jaas
siblc rnuit a gunlaont with provisions for
Ute relief a>f tha- shipwnwkail cri'wa, what
were found in an almost faußshiNl condi
tion. < 'apt. Tyler shot with his rirte
three alligators that were skiumil sinl
bating vs. Drinking.
If you would keep front drinking so
grant a quantity of arilcnt spirits, eat
mora*. Hat nutritious f.sil. Eat soiue
thing whenever you take n drink. Tlie
dntnk, in all cases, comes from the
stontach full of whisky and no f.-od.
There is a fact yet to be 1 earned by
many, and tliat is, they do not eat
enough of rnd blood, bone, nerve ami
tissue making food. Yon mnv half
starve to death on salt tish, ja.tatoei,
cabbage, turnips, friaxl liver, stewed kid
ney. and a score of other dishes Uiat
phase the taste, but add little or noth
ing to tlu- 1"sly fors>. Eggs, the l>a>st
of HIIVKU, mutton and bra-ad are what
one retjnires f. r ttrengtJi. It is Utis nn
conseioii'., half st.irvaxl condition which
causes s-a much of the craving for a
teinjs.rnry increase of strength, and that
is quickest gained through a glass of
whisky; that gives, for a few momenta, a
spasmodic unpulse to the wheels of life,
sending them whi7.zing aud spinning
around for a few moments; Uten comes
reaction, and they turn more sluggish
than ever. The bt t sjiirita in the world
reside in good bhssl. and worst in bail.
It is that which sends false imaginings,
suspicions and despondencies to tlie
" If y, u don't stojv vottr coughing,
sir," sail it teatv and irritable judge,
"I'll tint you S>riOo." " I'll give your
h'rdsltip ?i,<NKI if you enn stop it for
me," was tin- ready reply. The judge
ought to have sent him out of the
(TIKI jmrifles the soul very much ns
vvf air our nanus. He throws ojmn nil
tin- windows the windows of feeling, of
impulse, of imagination, of purpose
and sends a strong current of vitalizing
gTnee swi-i ping through them, until
every element of our nature is rooxy
genic. <1 nnd made healthy and bracing.
Retrench men!, Reduction, Reform.
These three wottl* MMRI prevalent in the |>ub
lic initial nt the pre < nt tinto. We can n*> i*t the
traveling pnhlia- by informing them of the fact
tliat the tirauil Central Hotel, New Y'ork. ha*
reduced price* from Ft to t'2.50 and F.'1.00 per
day. This i* lower than any other first-elm*
hotel in the city. 4
Cut tliia notice out and bring it with
yon. We are authorized to refund tha- cash to
any person or person* Who *liall buy and u*e
/'arson* J'unjatire PilU and fail of riht'f and
Vegetable Ptthnenary Balsarn, the great Now
F.ngland euro for cough*, colds and MMMp- j
Uou. Cutler Bros. A Co.'*, Boston, only genuine. '
t loud Hntiuer* of the A l|^.
Among the moat axqitiattc a no* whirh de
light Um eve of tin F.uro|aa<au traveler arc
those row colored <'li•ii<| laaiaiaera, floating from
Ilia il|Ulir ell If a. Hail il i oiilt In llaa sunlight
Dial laatiim lianga <'Ut lliMrtimiiiUfiil tulariv.
Ho It la Oill* 111 the glow of lii tllli Ilia- BttllUghl
of our llilu'l liclng tliat uatum raaa ala tlaow
lalaa alaal rloUil laauiiara, llai " roaf rha cla ' ami
I'lii-ny lip," to praUa win- la ata-rv |*-1 of Uw
■ artli liaa invoked tin muaa lo aiil liim. Hut
they ara aa rara- a thai rrnu-al IIIMMI ,-otacelvril
4'hiiataau I'liatilt til la-. Woman, eager to re
tain Hal■ charm, raort to Krtuaali ait aunt
roil.a 'ilia effort la nlinilar to tliat lil' li
aaoulii !• produced bjr auliatituUiiK aiirttoiiai ra
flagi foi il., I|i In ali. glowing I'loual hauliers of
liar Alll a. if woman aouM aial liatllp lliatnaai
, of ad<a|4liig art, Would < < k liaaltli instead of
aatnlv trying to maak disease, alia aaould not
onla alii tla- gnwlo.t aliarru of M aonatthuud
laoalU, Imt alia- Mould aaarl much uaimwy la,tla
ftiM lia-rarlf and otiaara. I'i. llama'* i aaortta
l'rri'ii|iti..ii lua ra*-el vcd tlir highest j-rsiae
f■ ran t lii ill aa lid a of |>alii, ill-11l atr, suffering
Motion. ( lite In it t 11. of tarn alf olds ulorar radar f
ll,all molitka of tiaaUiia-iit In caustics and olhel
tiiaxlli'liia■. it I- ha malum 111 4UV aaolidlttofl of
tin aa ataun, and tla liar often rt inter* tin
mial> at luaalld exeoi|4 from the moat trvtitK of
otiioaia a 11<* inai ■ ■ maultattori MIUI a physi
• lau it la tlu dirt* of row* Moiuari to lawoam
familial Mitli tla* causes alad svni|4,Mn of lha
■ liana dlaa kaa-a to which hrt |swl'lf orgaillZS
tli "it ri-inii r a Imr liable, and il*i ta> Irarn tin
nru]-r inoatia of |*cn eiiliug liirar maladies
Thai 1 'fa').|i- r Maalirai Adais. r taaitaliaa an astcu
atru treatise iita-n " Woman and bar Ir.warn.
Ibai autlior alio ad a la (Viau ara of d'NUcalM'
111 atuaaaut, win, h at til often rendu tlir amna
••I a |-ti)M- lati litmoinaaarl. Faery woman
alaould rrad 11. A nijia i f tlir Adaartisrr rati
irr obtaliual lay aaidirssijig tin auUiot. lr. H. V.
IVm at llaiffaio, V V. I'm*. tl.Ul , i*<at*gt
I>|| (raid I. Karurilt l*macjl|atiit la sold by all
Fit Alk LknMBS l'uH Uk MoffTHLV
liaa taki ii rank aa tbr largest, moat liberally
lllusti sled, and rlica|*-st faintly niagaaiijsi uf
gaiuersl i.-adtug Il* |<agea are large. t|>,
graphs IwauUfiil ami < tear. • ii| r rai lap hrst
adana, an-1 It* tarirsr ta tattbtn tbr fear), of ali
I'laaaea. We baae In tbe February number
arocplahla arte !• from liaa |*-na of tb*
atilral mil il a, uirUtaliiig tin- follow lug aub
jerl*, all fully illustrated " Kl>|fbab Interest
in tbr Kaatun Question "bp tlaa- Nile.
"A Visit to Hotter-dam ; "Tlir t.adira of
Ataatriit lU tna. "Hoar lilaaa ta Madr." lu
l'/a U-auliful paga*. 10U illuatraUauia and ablr
contributions furn -lard for lunula OMiU, give
il tin largest events Ua an of any monthly |aub
!lM in Amerti-a. Those of our rnadrra tabu
rratilr at a distance from laaikataarea and UOtta
draltTa, Mill do vail to wad fI.M, tiir aub
atrtl4iob |iru-f, or ta • IJtT a-i-nta fur uiink- oojair,
to Faaka l.our. USI l'rarl atrwt, Nvta Vorit.
Tlir ||itilaiity of Mrwra. Jaitttw H. Kirk A
t'o. a •(, iiianufaaturrd 111 < bu-ajfo, ta abotrn
by Iba- Ul||>| an-rnli litril aala tabta-b Iht-tr (faroda
Itaa rrt arbad duntif." Ilw year 1 H7fi. TUia Ly far
la tbe larpvl *oa|> maiuifki tunnjf r IHVIII in
tlir I lilted Stabe, |4a>luiUi|; and aarlllUK in all
oarla of tin ritunlrv. from tbe Knl rtrer aif tbr
S.artb to Na-ta Ortasaua, and from I'ortland, Mr.,
■o Hati Franrraaxa, |a,urada auuealjy.
No ao-called (inau a ruler mti> Uirat aoapa
Only |aurr rrtimal tallow aud rt<£4jaldi- otla ara
Uaeal, coiitatntU|i lao adtilliiratkJU Fair and
iUare aett;bt aluaya rrbal.l.-. Tina n why
tlaeu aauajaa are ao |ui)iu ar utth all good and
aacotionaical boiiaa-kroftara.
(outrba and I old*.
Fruaa J| aar Knuth. llaj.. FrraidtWli of tba- Mom*
Cat. ltauk, Momatown, N. J.
"Hatuag uw<l lis. Wmtkita lUum ur
WiLn t'lttnnr fur alwut tifteen yeara, and
bating realized it* IrurHrial inaulta in my
family, " afforda mr great jlraaur>- in reo
otiuttrtadtug it to tba public a* a a alliable
rcUirdy in caaaaa of weak lunga, coldk, etc.. and
a twin da- taliK-b I ootiatdw to be entirely intxr
frtit. and may la Ukru wttb |-crfect aafety by
tbr tuuat drllratr lit bc-altii.
Vt cetita and tla ladtir. Hold by all drug
Ihcrc I* liuhit iii liilrad.
And tbr lar of Abii a Ilalaama. or llaim of ,
(ailwni Tree, oml iiHiii with Hout-y arid tlae
I'ktract 1-f 11.unbound, in tlae form of Hah- a
Honey of liorehouiid and "Jar. t tbr tnoal
]4rtit letunly for raoida, cmtuba. bokmcluiaa
and lufturiiaa raw tdt. tniat. r.i in tbia or any
olbrr natiuiry. NJd by all druggtat>>.
I'lkt 'o I.a tbsu ba llrojaa cure in one minute. '
It ia now (feurndlT miuiitUw] hv hituwl
tbraitcuua tlikt wbaui otior tbr cm)nm|4iutl I*
fairly faata nrd upon tla- lunga. no liuiuau |aower
can mr t.u pntk-nt fn da-alb. llae* alo
aay tbat ilrut fifty per cent- of tboae wbo tbr
from tin- iliaar can trace tbi rtttie to a
ueglrcti d < ut;li a.r cold, wbicb migbt liavt lean
curad by a nnill I.itlla aif l.i jUiil Op-lrldo*.
i rubat la tbr aattk- tiling, JiJiHtvn t taaodytar
Since ittir liaet iwiir we him- iu-aril al
wtrral iwraoua who bate naed lhiraiag - Kbcu
mali. iLruiady for rbeutnatiani ; and all |<ro
noiiuce it a BUi-ccta*. It ciatna-a to our market
big lyne-mttt-njid and aa it i tb. only le-
Ual-le rvnaidy now in tur, it mil baae a
aale. It ta taken lutrrua'l*. Tiler, *1 ; talk
little, e5. '
CtiilinH* V.altmc I'lnfU'rw are tuat ft
ijnack noalrum. tut a remedul agent of great
a aim-. lYialialdy net in*rataarut of i'. cwnta in
nnabcinea iill 1* fouud t a lekl ucla y rati-ful
rein f fr. ni (tain and auffenng aa plaaltta.
The Market*.
ar TOt.a.
Dref Cailli - Nalia-c iNt4 IJ
Ti-aaa and Chetwkea... i* ~a (Wll i
MnchOota liw cat 71 00 i
U. ~a ; 07 a* (rt
iJrt aaa.l oe,ae *r *,
efieati. 11l .ta o&' %
ll'i a a
i V4bni—MiddUiag .. ll'iitf IS
Flour—Weatrrii - laocaat to a'bawcr.. 7 ti <4 000
Klat*—4totd to Ch0ice....... 4OS 4 flO
Wtirkt ltr! Wiatrrn I M ta 1
No. S Milwaukee I i% <•> 1 4
ttya—Walt- •( taa H
Barley—Mtal* it e I"
Barley Malt II aa 1 vA
Iturkwhavit e ia 1 0
Oat* M led W.wteraa W ta M
i crn— Wawtcm..... al aa J
Itay. par cwt i 0 i BO
Slrau, pet cwt ... 70 g MS
Hopa 7f'a-W 7Ja 10 ta IS
Pork -Mr*. 17 St i f l7Si
lard -City 81-atn 11',<4 lis
ri*b Markeret, No. 1. new 10 00 t3O 00
No. . new IM#> aamoo
Dry Cod, jtw rut. STO an till
Hr; ring. Scaled, gaaw hot. 17 ia IB
Petrolrtiiii -Craidr 1 .al® N Ib-ftunl h l ,
Wool—Calaliirtila Flrrc*.,.... . ... Ift ta St
Teaaa I* ta 17
Allaire! lata •*SSi l
Butter Stale 70 ut i7
W twiern —Choice 17 ik So
7Vrl*rt - ttiwad to Frt i * 0 aa -jg
wranrti Firklna.. ........ 11 aa 17
Cherar—Stair Fact0ry............ IM m 11
State Sktwnird OS ta 07
Wawtrna... I* aa Ilk
K-g—Stata and Pi-unrylaauia...... SS <4 SB
■rrrtiA 700 agIPOO
Wltrat No. 1 Milwaukee 151 SIM
(Vm- M aid -M |4 SSJt
i lata i A3
Hyr 10 ia tw .
Itat ley MS ia 5 '
Barley Malt ICO ta I 10
Bret Cattle— Fatra. lVl 07
Sheep 04 Via l\
Hog*— I>ra aai-l <r , a WV
Flotar u\3vani Katr* 7 cat ia "IS
Wheal tin! tVi-alrra ISS |4 IS
Rye 77 <a 7ft '
Corn—T'lliaw SB va S7
M teal M ,4 M
liata—Mlaed SB i 4 47
tVtrvvleaini—Prattle. .... - lV lleflueil „36\ ;
waTUTOww, aim.
Ilref Cattl.i PiMtr to Choice 17* ia BSO
Sheep. t;i Hi <%
I-nulla ?75 ta BSt '
And How to Lead ior all Kinds o! Game.
,4f* <if " • /.irtifpt•, nmA Witi*
< V-SHFI.I , ri A LUMX,
AO(i tlrMiiwns Nrw lurk.
mam UILUX>& * MM
t * at in. ij Only tnaehlM
pnidyclng 'ilr \f 1/ Am matte
NvrTivrn &>■ " -' ll Tcan'iwi and
liriulu Indicator.
Traka Mid ta baaa \djNW rt eeerr anrktna.
Bt td Po*Ul Card for Illnatrated Prlc JJt, Ac J
Willcox GlLbs 8. M. Co.,
Klcr. Bond Si ) BSD Itroadmay, Nraa York ,
Music Books j
Fcr Schools. Academies and Seminaries.
I B I , "r Mil per atna 1 ia already • " prove,l and pntrd "
link in a mitlltliidr iif Hrhivila. and h*a Sutag* an S. 1 and
4 parte, by KMUUION A TlUagß. 1
Kpaally good areth. elder HOI It OF SINHINIH ]
yi t. Kaarna..* A TIIJIKN lilOltJi TIIOS
(■I , Fr thrwagk K*tyiml4b Voicm. bjr W 8. TIIJ>KN, WW *
ciar* in l!*li*n I
7A% *U .NF 97.A0 P*R DOA.K TO ACEKMFNI M A Aincinc
BCH'TE| IH A!IM A isracUcaltjr MR*D claaa book for
(AO el*.). It W. O Pmaixa (anther of "Cioldan
RMiin N ), S lilKn! with gonial. il*Auig .s*nga for Coin
luon SchiM'lN. . |
Bilk I. 3A ct . Biv'k 11, .VI rla. IlK.k Ut, AO otn. an r
ril tnado (>rado I Nolo Ka tdora, by CMSJMOM A TI
ta 11 I
At oollr( lions of choorf i! S\rrrd 8onr, soch as now J'
•titer B i irr.ta-ofuUy into IVIMKI LWV, wr command thrw '
IMMIWH of unocttimon boaulr, OUR B*btsth School Song fa
It ' ki, OF IJUfK (!W ct L HIHNINtI L
L.Uitr book i.iAilnl. ptl IrtHi, for Rotail Prioa.
OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. 1
V. 11. OITMINi al- *
711 llrnndwny. New k ork.
J. K. UITHON al CO.. . _ „ ]
Sucwwaora t<> Xju; A W AhaEK, Phlla. 1
Special Notice to Our Readers !
To mil tb* Mew Mmt Improved EYE Cl'iH,
OiUlrontmH In he the M jxtfing haefato nfmrtJ to
A pente Of any ffouev. An MM and
jiiauanaf eatpirywisnf.
The nlw of lit* MlntiriiMt new Imp—d
E jr ('•(• for lb* rMtuWlwi of eight breaks not and
UUM bi Iba evidences of over Q,QOO genuine tes
timonials of ram, and r wyinl try more thai)
1 .OOQ '* ■* ***"* < phyalclana In Ibetr practice.
The J'a'atil Eye Cuts arc a antoutlfl* and physio,
lufhnl discovery, ami aa ALU, K. Ww, M. I> .
•nd Wm. liaai i.m, M. P.. wrlle, lUrj arc iwltkluly
Uw greatest Invention of tua a(.
Head Iba futiualuf lerrUßcktaa j
faaotaoa Hi alto*. LJfui Co., K/„>
4 una Mb, Ml). /
Da. i. 11*1.1. A Co., Oculists:
tfrntlmrn Vuur Relent By* Oapa In. la my
Judgment, the moat inland Id triumph winch optical
erlems baa rtw achieved, tail, Ilea all atnl and
liuportaul trulba, la Uda or In an* olbar branch of
•Tirana and philosophy. bar* much lo mtlnU with
froiu Iba ignorance and prejudice of a 100 alnraal
public ■ l/Ut truth U uiifbt j, and It will prevail, and
It I* only a question uf lima aa rcgu da thatr gaatsal
aneruUnm and Indorsement by alt I bar* in my
bah da nrlliralm of |atwii| testifying lu ttnequir.
oral loruta to Itorir merits. Tba moat prominent
pbyetrtkoa of Biy TOO nt r recommend your Ky
llj* ' '. rtofftotfufljr, J. A. lo HO)EH.
*iuit llatTIU. M. 11., Haitian, My., urilaa:
"Tbenle 10 you for the yr< stoat of all Inrwillona.
My eight la fully restored 17 tba *■ uf your Relrai
Eya Cuta, afiar being almual anliraly blind fur
Imtlyali years."
Anal. K. *nta. M. P., Itdiiaan y., writes
"After total 1 of my left rya far four >—r,
by (Mtralyala to the optic nrve, to IB) utter
labme-.t your Relent Eye Cup* r. e>rt d my eyesight
(■eftnaueoiiy In tbiaa minute-.**
Ha r. H. W. fauirati >a, Minister Of M E.
Gburwti, writes ; " Tour I'atetit Kya t'upe bare re
rlorad my am hi, for aba b I am mum thankful to
tba Eatber of Meralee. Hy your adrantaamaatt I
•a* at a g'er.iw that your luealunbla Kya Ou|M Rer
foitned their murk patfertly In auotdanrs with
physiological lav; that they Illegally fed the ej.a
that were alamo* tor ntUrUiua. May <*ud greatly
Ueaa you, and may y out name ha enahrimed la Iba
sffartiobale aaaraorlaa of multiplied iheauui. aa
Oba uf the baarladm of yaur klaJ ."
Ituaju a 11. bl'aaar, M. p., aay> t •• I aata, and
rlatad future as lea kknlly. Tba Patau; Kya
1 Upa. they will mata money, and tnaba It leal, km ;
no urn all. oatrb-ymany affair, but a abpert, number
one, Up-top hnMaaaa, prolanm, aa faraa I can mm,
to ha hfe-hm*.*
Mayor PL C. Ella wrote na. latmihrr lAtb,
IBM; " 1 bare teated tba Patail Ivory Kya Cape,
ant I am mOafftol Uu are good. 1 am pleased
•b tbein. TUry are multiply Uw yraihal tavern
UfiQ of Lb i|* "
Hon. Hnaiat Oiaut, late editor of tba Hew
Tort 7*-tbee, w>uu: •'l>H. 4. Mann, uf our My,
la a roue imuoita and rwtowlUt man, who la la
oat* Lta of Intentional d*cv|4koa or ImpaalUuu"
hut W. Maaam-a wrliaa; "Truly. lam (rata,
ful to your no hie invention. My fbl la raatoeed
by your patent Eye t'upa. May llaareu biaaa and
ptearrvajou. 1 kara tmelt ualug specie- lea twenty
yaate, I am aeranty-onv tear* ok I do all my
• riling without atiaaaa, a ad 1 Uaaa tba taeatator uf
l<* P-tent bye cpa every tlma I take up my old
ileal pen."
utaH-ru Vtotama, M. P., phyHiWaa to Emparor
K.l* I' rl, w iota, after harm* Via aiqfiii raatoeed try
lot i airnt bye Cap) -Hub (traUlude lo trod,
and tbankfuiheas to the inieathrra. PH. 4. Bat 1. A
Co., I b retry rnuotuturud the trial of tba Xy* t'upa
(In full faith) to alt and every one thai baa any Im
paired ej eatrht, baUevtnf aa I da, that auma tba aa
penmeut with thia wonderful diaowwry baa proved
awaaaaaful on urn, at my adeaaoad period of Ufa—
ninety yea re of a*e -I halt eve tbey wtll imlota the
vial an to any Individual If they are property
OWmnnetreafrA a* AfaaaaeAuarMa, Cmr, aa.
Juae kin, la?*, [emaa.l r a|>pearad Adolph Ittom.
bri, made oatn to tba following arrtlboei*, and by
bun aatwcribed ano a worn urfare am
loruiri Cm, Maaa ,4aue:b, I*ll.
He, the under-l£Ued, MtUf prrauHally known
Dr. Adulpb Hi->ruhety for year*. Wkrt a bun to be
an huueet, moral man, Hue!worthy, and tu truth
and tMWJt) un|*ed. Ilia rbarwetor la without
rrpraacb. M. BUNb'Kt, Ea-Mayor,
*i. B. Hf. PAY Id, b> Major,
UEtllltlE H. V ILK HI LI.. K M..
Krv. W. P. Jowmnaw, M. p.,rf ChiiJtootbe, Mo.,
who baa oaed, and area other partira aae our Eya
( ■IM, wrllaa: -To tboae wboaafe lay adrire about
your /Ulrnf f> Cop* 1 am happy to a late that I
believe turn, to ha of great advantage lu many ota*.
and abTUhl be tried by all and ungiertod by nam*,
rbta la my booc*l ooovteUon." .
Header, tbaaa era a few oartiftcatoe out of Ibou
Banda we rnmtra, and to the aged we will guarantee
your old and dwwead eyw can be made new; your
hnpalrwd atgbl, dlmuewa of twwe, and overwmrkad
ey own be restored; weak, wwtery and aura ejew
cured ; the blind may are ; epectoctaa be dtaearded;
eight restored ami *Wloo prwaereod. MpccUdsa
and aurglra. oprraitona Waal as*.
llaaae wand your addrvsa lo ua, and wc wtll aectd
you our book, A OEM WOliTll KKkDISU!
Mesa year Eyr* sad Jbsm year tttfhf!
Tkrvj A sup pour ."protor.'ts.'
By reading our IT ostretsd Ebywiology and Anato
my of the b vreigbt, uf 100 pagea, telle bos to rsatorr
Impaired rtalou and overworked ryee - bow to cure
weak, watery, interned and near-aighted rvea, and
all caber dlerems of the eyre. Haals no mote money
by ad j anting huge glwaare 00 your boar and dlaftg
urtng your taoH Book mailad frws to any paraon.
Send on your addruaa.
To well the Beirut Kya Cupa to Urn hundreds of
pmyb with Imsaad eyaa and tua]Mired aigbl tn
your oouuty. Any m-r-oa can ad aa our Agent.
To gentlemen or ladles, |A to ESO * day guar
at.teed. Full particular* aeut fP. WrtU \ m mlva
nri. J. PAT 111 CFC 00.,
(r.O. JV i WT). BE*" TOHK CITT, X. T.
Po Hot mtaatb* opportunity of being brat in C"
bntd. Do not delay. Write by ftrwt mall. O'wfc
induovtnacta and large profile offered to frnxera
during tba wtou r moniba, and to any person who
want a a fina-ciam paying buasnesa.
tw TM 1-aUocaT cx>UMtsMOW ktiOW*. TO
Wilson Sewing MacMne Ql CMoaga,
Of * Ut U-ASTAT. Srr TsrL c? Xrw Crtatai U.
Twenty-Ninth Annual Report
or rmt
Peon Mutual Life Insurance Co.
onuti-iril t'lu-al nut SI reel.
irnti January I. POt (LXHAMJI .
Pipsaiaia rwoeiiUa .f1.1W0m.44
Interval meet red. kIAMk M
IWerrrd laynnn IM.IHi.It I
twerame in value ef vtiwba eke lett.7M.ttk
A. i-road internet M.SC M j
Total. R.WTJ tuM |
l/v—. and andoaiamta paid. .... fTfrHb
Pivwlarni- to policy bolder* flkHLil I
hurmn.ier—it poltclaa IMJRk.I4
Heinvaran.e. et- b.MII
(VnntHxu. Salane. Mr IhJMM
T—. advartratag. SUVQtt
A testa Pt.wm.Hlk r
fluted blatea flee and an per cant bonda
■ *!. .ade!|U,ia aad stty loasa tevas yae east,
mortgage, railroad Insida bank and ckbar
A*k. *LMK?I i
Margatei. nil brat Itaoa on properly, vnlnad
freooutn n lea. *vur*4 by p01irtaa.........., ISUMJB j
loan. eollalarwla sle MfjNKM i
Agaut* - balanea* aeearad by bonda Hill at
frnmtnmann indtewa not reported. Bat ffffkk j
Deferred t-ijm—U due tn ISn. net kAJUT Jt
Internet doe and nearttad OS loana agIDH
t'aah b-nd and in It net oottipemea UURH !
Heal Ratal— owned by tba oompnny SttjHi *
Fwrnlturv at bonModlcaa and agatKMs IkJtkM
Totol fiJtoMWS.*:
Death loaaaa. eke., not vat dee. . fteI.BHWO
Rem.nranee raeerrv. 4 s per <w>t
Actwary'a table, ete t.katbSl 14
•Snrpln- for p>rliey holder. 4H per —— ,
rant baata MMPUi
Xttntber of poln-nw in foror In *4l
Amoont of na) MAkIRM
•The fenn ha. Ih. 1 • r,-s ratio of .nrplua to Itabdltim '
of any Mutual tale t 'omp.ny tu the ewntiy
SAMfF.I. C. HURT. Pr—tdent
Ytre Preatdent. M Y'ten PnwadeM.
Actuary Beenkaty.
IIK W HY t BItHHTX. A.a*t Jw-rrwtory.
Weekly Times.
Weekly In the Earners A'lilsw.
nfty-Ma t olnmn. filled with the f IIOH KST
Tnr Pttlt iMl.rmt Wrral.l Tiwra.
• hnet of nftr-aat onlumwa, wtll be laaued ow Saturday.
Mar. ha and every Saturday tharwalter. eonUtnmg
am-vt esmplelt* dlKi-wt nl'tbe rurTent npwa t
tie week pnllileul, etarlnl. literary, flnas
mil, eonttnrrelnl and general t Iter lean edl-
Inrlalv on the pabllr laeui a and artsra sf lbs
<lur l nperlal rsrreepoaileore ftrnt all csntsrw of
mi. re.t throughout theomntry. the gulden glean-
Inge tram the li-adtnu pttbllr Jouraala sf all
pitrllmt ar.l the Inteet Bin, by trlrgrapb from
all anartera of iba glol-s. down to the hour of p.-tnting.
A apeeinl feat ureot Tar Wrxai r Ttuita will be orlg.
Inn I rotttrlbilllnnefroin the moat eminent.tai—men.
eohlterv andaeholarvof thecnonwy. among which will be
a aene. ol artiele. r innmg through the brat ynar. In
ciery number, giving rbaptrrw sf the suwriltrg
bieton of our rfyll year, from leading artora on aidee, ia the thrilling cirtl and military atrugglaaof
that aangutnary atr.fn. H will be in every reaped aa
1--mplete a neyrnpapsr fur lbs tastily, the knar
new and prof.— t -na! reader, ami for all clans aa who de
aire a thorough. e|.arkling. independent Journal aa pan
bo publi.bsd anrwbetw on the eonttnent.
S.ngle ooptea. p.tage prepaid S f.OO
E"ire c.|ia. " ' a.OQ
T.ncopiea. " 10.UQ
Twenty oupiwe, fo.UU
And e.t the aame rats Itl.S per copy per annum < for any
add te-n-i numtier sewrtwenty. Suhacrtbarm at diSorwat
poatvdh ik can join in a club.
Ctr An extra e|i> ecnt free lo any person vending
a club of ten.
In pnblialied avwry morn n* ih inday* eacentodh and de-
I ..-rod by rarr.erv at If .ent per week. Mail aula
8.-ril-ers itiei.jr free', Pi.1 41 |KT ann-tm. or HI rente per
mnid.i TutfiXElSanpatei Prnting Kytal.liabment
ta the nml c .inpVt-. in the united St dm. and haa the
fust machinery that the world can f urniah, cajvable ftf
print at* one thousand coptsa of the daily edition per
min.itc. and in the very best atyleof the art, and tie fa- .
f for new* are unrurpaaurl by any journal in the
TI.tIKH tar cxcrctl* that of A 1.1. ,
Iho other I'hilndrlpliln .Ylorning
I'aprrw A'O.tlHlNEll), rxcrnt one.
Roin'tl ncc oliould be made by draft or post-offioe order
Tiuirn llnlldlng, PhUiydrlpbla, I
BRAtmnBB or TUB u>
Ah • remedy for DURABRH, BoBSB,
8if; j a doaiiotyuT, tUAmftclanl, nnd
■id An* of prcrenUnf Rod curing
iu.rumetiguj Mid Goat j bod u HP
A iJjUBCT Off THB Toujffr sod TBR
HATH. "GIJOOI'b Bum-bur BOAI-" is
ltd nnirnuTibljr the beat artkie CYST
offt-red lo lite Araemna pobUc.
l ire (<MffifkX4S la not only freed
frotu I'tMi-jui Hxtotcrrb TAB, Frbd
hiw, and nil t*Jmt tueskkbas, by it*
UN, lit." BeiqietSß B TRAJMPARBRT
PEMf.At'T ant fmowrt mmmm
ILiourL ibe bbJ emoiUeot
Tlie pot.trH.tacn of obnaxbmß dis
raana u pre?-uvea Bad Uw cotap-eie
ilpibfeciiofi Ok cioUiinc worn by per
o* nit afßided with JBAiBdirH
i lukuml by it /AMU.ibb tad TBAT
BUCKe prarided with thta Bdminbie
KMtob 1-a.X Off A BREW Off BslpAsr
lialJuL Lfbwirufr it naond, Uw
tnir rruiatd, ssd grsynffM reUntod
ty ft
I*MA Box, (SCARBBJSOc. Bad $1 SO.
t$A Tusre le 11 ay tu kwytkg Ms Iwrge egkeb
" HHPs Hair sad WUsker
Hvotk sr Srm, M Coals.
€lCi!*rim.rNf'r,7 Biithif.U
() hi iniTnNt.tM.uuih..- fV .
Agrv.l. w.ut—l be Ufain NgHi Vtswvaf Itslisla.-
bs4 I f I tofUn W <: PurH. I Fultos o ""
H ABE Boohs. MMW stamp Mr askalogqs t'gwmal
£>n Avian, Iff H Tib Bk. HMaYlghia. ffaos
t7t • ask ReekbmekOslAka Thsheak.
' 3 Asmpiasfrw. Hmiwl PmWeililljCsMkahasa'Aß
125 ZEL'tWMm%Bf<eaggt
nr ifni urHiimtiui.iimha m os /~.
nLf UL f LII Wgkrxkw C tut Wohu. CMsgffwJff^
Stf& to $77
5125 > ' L A igMWS fS* gff
M Ilk X M REM. Catahsra* aad Nasiplii fttk
>* <! YUXtTIISt DO.. ) |ft llgmww IH . Kew Tocw
Pntr-narra H.,ktass to sscwiwm*. **w4wa w* sua
•s. agweyawaeicr *wi-lWag-wvs H* 4 CH, fWH*.. r*
ktTRMA tklfll, t euruaa • ot. kMHNH,H.
A 9TH M A r '" N| f •*** rwassdy Tnal mmtu>
Miflßl /Oml uSSmSSSr.nitit, Id,f.
S5 SKTfM!!?-, fflMSSSb iSftf
M( ) XEY t vJStoMfftor'
111 A AXTHt aSf.rr ... Iftb I attos Bh.KssTwek
ASH T. SeKrgan. AMy . ftw ■ Phria Jw.
AA U ATtinßM. A Ovaak Ita.glw - )•
X Walsh an : DutlH frw. to tosn listter Una
VV Islf. Ad lTwea k i Dl'l.TkK A X> . t -sag-.
•MA A Nagtk. Agsuu aiaM SB haal aatt
% <h|| tag aettoKw ta P. . t>< Dec uuejkc (ma
#VVU kLnaJU KB4IN -ON. Peteaw. Itiak.
Ufllffl Ml 1.1.m tis Pwaat-mg and K owning Me
If Iftll ciimery AdUrwsa TIiBSfAPO HTSib
*1 IIIKI Mia.tXt.Kuto.X V
SIOS2S ci;r7^£rs^xrsr=:
PI "SMT C> JNL V i **•&. f W+l sssal, bMI UarpPSML
rifTifirrvc t 4 ** •&**■*** >• ur*fi~
vuinll JL ID 1 Send ** fnr FtfYttlar r!li isa C
*- ' ***** ■—f iMlapiw TM lit. . rtlslL _I^L
BBaBBMBBBB* -i. kaa.
ft KM IIKATKM. 11-ak. Milk. Wans DnnkA 4 ,
IT yawktj, la the mght, ee when fie. . out Newt
I rrt for oeste AtiE.VTs WAXTk.X>. Addrvwa
. 11. JI VYIVCe, Deep Hirer, (waa.
Qfiflfl A Tear nsd Kiyraar. tugnod Aorwyw
~ she >T wasked imryeosrw in a ... J
aaa.tatrn-i rsra.i^gK. 1 -
Adinwa BAXTER .< <I . Bankw. IT Rait r v
IP Yflll Will ag— to lukui aamsag aes wwww
|p. . . .7 hn. wr ,u; eel j-a a ( brsass •
■ I I.til I-rase, aad a It-pag* h.elimu < utntet
j pvpae Irew |.w 3 m.-nthe lo.ks- IU c eA t .y
pi SI age jpmkauM Kurt bat. >lVi.l|.g..r Ms.
1 flTlffC H'atgvk, male asd <
n YjrCall A O , naptsy tweet, t u w U eawahs
ft and pleaaam l.aaf r-wtery, < 'sum —set. na
ar-w, aa ; *.apeseew |u4 t-r 1 - D ljr*i:
.Hwssisctsri'-s f's.. rw ttoaii O e%
CORETIIIM: N FY), -ladrea. why pea roarCa*.
I* erhto the tenebie era be ehetaked by w.i,ai far w tt'E*" Kkh-rrXKRS- Heal by mail apt* re
opt of 711 eea<a 4rw4 ■ waaaed
liF. *PAKROW B- to 17, w-raeter. Misa
*m.r AGENTS, Tad' rttra
tans, cat the -Ve flhemd It •i. t tk. I—eg - .at
• oVisiuVrMf.o Fifth Er£r:*,k
AUCAtTO lotoSktsMs the msrnouf The Diaa
AatlV I o
IST The Uissbmiu-a I t lltt. ewesm pwrpit 11 anytiiug
MrakAngtaaUel Tswn —t Ire A i.trwew.
I MAJ). CLI Cir A l 4 l 4 W Twn_b-. .Vsw Ywk
mTn wta mree Bw toeca <e p. the a aad baarr
A-A to tke amadheg to <w tkewl .ejare) la t
AB d.L . men rwar. er taewey rtwwHwk* to
•MwaltntoC TWtiUffi.Oetoe Rastora Agsai. X™
tt Astor Hcnea. New Tagk.
r, i)v i>t J r. fww>e , |toi.Hfi:lpß
And Eruptions on tho Face,
ft osnsME sod m mmrUfyom tn iwrsmu nf n W mx
gniAfr toly carj. hsnng the tola fktr waj
CARL UKXDRICKS. M D„ Arorwra. Mini
Electricity .a 1.1 fc.
r*Sk Tt ffi
Neer-re p..macs.
fr to- P J WHITK.
*7 ltutd Struct. New Tort.
Htlta'a L'wtvereaJ Dnwgk Hrrwp haw h 1 tuaai' iw> g
the leading >agh rianedia. ta nur trade We ham
known WSM-. where it haa given relief, e ere our bed
Wtodartae. hare-tailed We warrail.t 11 is cvvey caae aa I
•re aalaahed thai it is na* of the t—t i.-edtcism of p*
kind BIIAKO.N. SWtffT A til
Htortingrtile. N' V
lAllftlTFT) mi and MR m
Mf IN * kmAJ Int.rwakat-le.w Eureka
■■ G|*aa Lamp Chttaneyx. M -n t--r Hafetj
bo'vmatu. Kiktngwidiera. l.rmt- tenia wlc-
St.xtK) a year, hotel aad tramline .iinuei puj a
f—el men No lieeidliag. Nu nek. Beet toiling gaud
m ih* Amrwßit wiHtH.
11. 11. ROHII A CO.. < !St INXATH. OHIO.
y I|||4FP lbs tuatchlues sterr nn-t
T Allß tt Ikb etch l'a T Fwlicfenlsn-ir
I VHVlwmm ing. mirth ie-r ktus wad uawiwl
saw a sanw g twattwr fILMI - ).ar. .1 emu
D I lllk I • topy of NewadweW. .Wd 111
DLMIt i * ,
aaiy. No. 111 North Nth Sleaat. Si. Lauta. Mo.
Yonity America Pm Co., Pa
ric.|e-at m-4 brit'bund and ttfejl *ito"
seir-iuklag printing jarvawea.
-. to- -a.' tobsas .-a ail -*ak—J , a Lad —to aaa-a g
R • adl a fdyraa fe T* ■* I ->LLbA.<, to j •
ff* -i*Ld, W 4 -a-m. fto. A- fg I • L ■teCr""*-- ■%.'#
MUii A irUNUii a qav rscstsr
Ofctlb-ifax. IpKiaia2~ief Trpt. CeU.fc.its costi.
Yhr Brto Trwaa vrl'h-itk
Jto < hunSw'claim -1
YaJ™ 1 aaWto tain radical sure, but a guar.
lßLßiuaMy antes of a oomfurtaM-.
V cure ami aatiafacbiry .-ur-ii.
H .ytoto- anor lack and
to to nay full price for all that do not au t.
Price, single,like -at. *1; for both sidca. Stt. Sent by
mail, post-paid, on receipt of price N ft.—Thi, Tmaa
wiu. crux more Ruptures than any of those for which
extravagant claims are made. Circulars free
POMKKOY TRUSS CO.. 74U Broadway. New Yak.
It crmuln# 330 n n*T*Tityro of bnUdinjr* and
•conos in th Grrbul K*hibitic>n. Andio thv onljr Authon* u*
and compbrto hMon pabpohod. It t-rat® of thr xraui
buiklmc®, srcmdorfttl FiiiibiU. conopitie® ftrwat t*enr *
cl Vfiy cho®p and *U® at *Wc >ll. Alnn Ayunr nold 4$
c<>pioa m ooa day. Send for our ostra to Agsnls
ami a full dweripti"!* of thi work Adirv® 4
pHiiaADriraiA. PA.
r A TFTTn'Rr worthUHi* U*>k 05
LAU A JL VF la e th® R&hibitktn arnt •kixurcircHlatdMi
]V not be dscTsd Ssr that fhs Umk JNU buy onUiri
t ®d 830 fin rrucrvin®-.
No. 41 Park Row, NEW YORK,
desiring to ua ether of tba Liets (not
publtabod in thoir twn city raty ooramunic it 4
hereafter paa* through their hau l*.
A. J. AIKKN's, I'rculilrnt
A Jg*gkH NcwHgHfftor Union.
W. Y-S- f- Ms. ff.
zLriT&r&zz " u ih -