THK CENTRE REPORTER. TIICttSDAY FEB. 15, 1877. LODGE MEETINGS. CctTKi Hiu ta'tma, N.->, **. I. O. f O. P., meet* _. , , sjine'.a, In lh* iMd Felluwa lt*tt. J il. Itituuw. Sect. It. r A. O, Oi p Pea* bono*. Wo. F. A. M.. mwl' on M cviay Tnln, on or after each 101 l rnooa In the Oil Pel lowa Hall. p. p. ItUU araar. Sect. J A. FtJv;xo. W. M P*ivtn a flaivnr, Pof It, meefn on Satnrrtaj sf ci moon en or allot each fall moon, at their Halt .1 .1- Aatitv. LOG\ L ITEMS. The Millhoim bund gave a concert at Mifdinburg lest Saturday evening. Vabntine- * Co., H. Horntar, manager, keep the latest stylo of goods, a few doora below the post office, Boilc fonte, —Work on the railroad ha* commen ced rgitin.' Ice prevented getting tiea. which caused a abort atop, week before to* l> Mover think* there i coal on hi farm in Sugar valley, lie found some thing black that burns like coal. Hope It's ilie genuine article. We are requested to say that persona —more particularly boy- having no husi ness in the grwve-yard at the Reformed church, are requested not to enter the same, as the trustees will fool obliged to apply lite law to trosspa-sers Mr. Wm llenny, of rear the F> rt 1 moves to Millheim in the spring. and Samuel Kreanur of near Millheim will move upon Mr Ilenny'a farm. Peter Uearick moves from Old Fort to one of Reynolds' farms on Buffalo Run. v / Wm. Kerlin. of Milesburg. has rented Dunc.v. s M 1, at Spring Mills , Mr. Gasman, ptoeni miller, goes to the Stone Mill. The cara run up to Paddy mountain new, within five i la- of this Valley, and the ballasting from Paddy m utttain to Spring Mills * finished and ready for track. —lf you are cut of work send your ad ,1; M |b M. A Young. St. Bowerv, New York. "J. M. S." Send tu your full name and will publish your communication. All printing offices r< quirethis Author names are never made known by us. We direct the attention of our read ers to the advertise., tit of Autnan A I)un kle p'aiu and fancy painters. - wish to drink a nice cup ci tea and sleep and dre >:u pleasantly on it, here - a recipe that we guarantee will work. Takes pint of boiling water then put A tie ordinary quantity ofte* bought k; Secblei'a faiacJ grocery, where iho best and purest .fas are kept, and add sugar and cream to tn.te. R. H. Duncan sold his st. re-bouse at Spring Milts, to Is. Grenoble, at $-1,000. Mr. Grenoble intends removing his store into it. We have received the. first No. o! the ' Pennsylvania College Monthly, Gettysburg. Pa. It is nicely made up, ari Sited with topics of interest to students as well a. others. Prof. Bikle, editor t rice $ 1 per year. T. uc islnu>r.*y. hut health is happi r..-- If you have a bad cold or cough, use Dr. Bull s cough Syrup, it wii! euro yeu. Price, 25 cents. —By advertisement in another col un.n d will bo seen that Prof. Fortney will .pen a preparatory school in this I lace, commencing Apni fib. next. Of Air F< r'.ney's qualification., as a teacher we need not speak, as he has held prominent I.sltlci sin that profession already and rcn .ered the Utmost satisfaction. :?ucb an institution is very desirable here It will be a great convenience and benefit to the , xm - tftk , I 'cality who wish to edu cate their sens and daughters and prepare It ni i 'college- Let ev.ry encourage no .be given to the Fenns Valley Insti ii'n. Business men that do the fair thing in all respects at all limes and who treat a'.', alike, are the ones that should receive the support of the community. Among t . at Bellef. nte who have lived up to t! . rule, is the well known firm of Sech- kr A Co., in the Bush house block at Be'lefonto, who keep one of the best regu lated groceries ia this state This is no meaningless puff, but a fact acknowledged by all who have dealt with them or Wen there. They make it their study to keep a complete line of everything pertaining to thcit branch of trade and the best always. These are point-- worthy to be remember ed when you need groceries. We ask n thing more tban that you give them a trial to find out whether wc hare shot over the mark—we know every honi-a*. man will say that we have r.ot said more than is a faet. You will bc*id-s, find them as pleas ant and accommodating gentlemen to deal with ss can be found anywhere. Almost within a week's time three of the oldest and wealthiest citixen* of Potter township weie called avray by tic messenger of death Mr. Samuel Huston, one of the early inhabitants of this valley, died on 7th. aged 89 yeair. On last bat urday evening the sam - messenger called upon Mr. Wm. Allison, sr., of l'otters M lis, -ged 84. >ears, sni about tbe f mc hour upon Mr. Peter Ruble, aged 74 rear*. Thce men were obi citixen* here ai d highly respected. Wo believe it i not tu re than twelve months since tbe four o*,d-st citixens of P> ter township, Dr Wm. Wilson, 8..r --ny Wagner, Ssm'i Hu-i n and Wm. Alli son. sr., had a social melting;—tbe four Dr. Wilson only remain-, tbe lest 1 ivo gone to that bourn fiotn whence no traveller returns. -—One ot the neatest and most useful articles we know of is "C coa Campho rine," it cures chapped hands, sore lips tetter Ac, can be earned in the ve-t pocket and only c>sts 25 cts. It is manufactured by F. Potts Green, Bcllefonte Pa. and will be sent by mail to any address on receipt of price. Every merchant in our county should be supplied with it. Sale of Henry Duck, dee-'J, late of Gregg twp., on Feb. 23. Elizabeth M'Clintic'ssale, Earleyf'. ran, March 1. Hugh Larrim r's sale, Centre Hill March 2. J5. Stain's sa!. near Bueisburg, on 7th March, farm stock. Wm. R. llenney's sale, near Old Fort. Mnrch l^. C C. Keller's sale, Centre 11a! March 14. Saiu'l llcss, jr., sale, near Pine Grove, farm stock, Murch 15. Wm. Colyer's. sale, in the Loop, March 17. PI-BLIC SALKS.—Mr. GEORGE Koch. of Centre Hall, has firrt clats ability in crying SMICS. If yoa wish U good sale, you niu.-t have a good Auctioneer, and it you employ Mr. Koch, he will render the utmost satisfaction, and at the most rea sonable-charges. Apply to him curly if you wish t < secure him George is fully up to the business from past experience. 18jan 3m. J1 -nr. Geary of Recoh Creek who with Dr. Tibbensand w fe occupied a ho iti W lies', re 4, SI.;M. Barley, ho. Com,. -to , Oat*. to 2S, Rye, .55. Cloversoed, $8.25. i Ground Alum >ait, $1 fa . Butter, 25 I Egg*. 80. | Lard 09 PENIfS VALLEY INSTITUTE. n Tba Irat aaaal ■ of tf-• PManlaiy Vklioolwi I ..pen >t CENTRE HALL, on 'Tn K LAST THURSDAY. t In April, I>T7. and e. ntiuue ten week. Students • : both -est- will bo prepared for College, reaching and Bu- ne- Tuition from $5 to per term. Board per week, $2 30 to 2.75. Address. U. W. KORTMKY. , l.'o,hSsh# Howard, Pa. HROPOSAL- Scaled proposals for the building of a school-house in "Plum Grove" ; \\ cdnesday, Fob 28, t I o'clock, p. tu., for the purpose of receiv ing and acting on <*l i proposals can be vanded a- vef the Directors, or aont by nail to the S-crotary By order ot Board of Direo or-, WM. A. K KHit. Secretary. jpi* BLIC SALE.-! The undersigrcd will offer at his res;- near O.J Fort, On Thursday, March Bth, 1877. 1 GOOD DRIVING MARK, 4 years old, li year old colt, 2 cows, 2 year old bull,- bead young cattle, 1 new spring wagon. Keeper A Mower, Corns, rat or, plows. Harrows, Cultivators, Hakes, Forks, Chains. Harness, Plow-gears and other gears. Lard roller, and many other arti cles too numerous to mention . Sale tu com menca at 1 o ciook. w hen term* ill be u,*de known. WM. R. lIENN'KY, j TJUBLIC SALE.— I The ur. lersigni-d w ill offer at public *a!o at his residence in Centre Hall, Wednesday, March 14. at one o'clock, p. m., the following per -1 sons I properly, to wit - 1 YEARLING COLT, TWO COWS one of which will be fresh, tbe other is; part Alderny. 1 BREEDING SOW, 7 SHOATS. 1 family sled, I scU double harness, 1 >etl : -ingle harne-s, 1 cutting bench, largcchop bo\, and other farming utensi.s Household Furniture. 1 coal stove, No. 9 cook stove, 1 radiant! light, self feeder. Tables, chairs, bedsteads ; secretary, carpets, tub- nr.d meal vessels. | f e b 16 " C. C. KELLER, i RECEIPTS a EXPENDITURES OF l". NTKK COUNTY from Jan. Ist, j 1870 to Jan. Ist 1877. ' 1). A. MUSSER, Treasurer of Centre j county. Jan 1. 1877. I>R ] To amount outstand- I ing un-., January i*ri; $37,906 9o j To amount taxes as sessed for 187'* 86,015 49 To amount from Commissioners of Centre county 13,030 61 To amount received from Unseated Lands- 5,780 25 To amount received i from Redemption 1 of Unseated ! Lands 1,200 12 j To amount transfer red from Military Fund 71 73 ! To amount in bands j of Attorneys for i collection r"tt to 1874 .. i - 376 41 To amount balance due Treasurer at settlement 4,700 63—596,214 001 Jan. Ist 1877. CK By arni'Untou island ing Taxes Jan 1 la;: $42,428 CO By amount wat rants paid 60.071 32 By amount exonera tions and Com missions allowed Collectors 1,704 08 By an.- unt Station eiy l<>r Treasur er's OtSce ... 10 00 i By amount Treasur -1 er s Salary 2,OiW 00-$0,214 00 115 v balance duo Treasurer $4,79063 I). A. MUSSER, Treasurer in account \. th the C<'mnionealtii of Pennsylvania. January Ist, JS77. DR. Tobilunce received of Treasurer Mitchell $1,160 83 T> i . ur.t a..-, tand- ing Taxc, Janua ry Ist 1876 5,618 13 i To amount Taxes as sn--cd for 1876 -.. 3,788 76—510,607 72 CK. J anunry Ist 1877. By am' untouisland ing Tai'* Janua ry 1, 1877 $6,391 66 B.v amount Stale Treasurer's re ceipts...- 8,570 84 By amount Exoner ation* and Com illusion allowed Collectors 264 79 By amount Treas urer's Commission 76 21 By mount in hands ot Treasurer at settlement 264 32—$10,Mf 72 To ba'ai ce at settle ment due state $264 32 MILITIA FUND. I January Ist 1877. DR. To a mo unt outstand ing Taxes Jahuarv 1-t J876 134 48- $134 88 CK. • By nrriount out standing Taxes I i January Ist 1877... $69 38 By amount Treasur er's Commission... 3 77 . By amount transfer i red to county ac count 71,73 $134,88 ' We, the undersigned Auditors of Cen tre county do hereby certify that we have e examined the above accounts of I). A. . Mu.-ser, Treasurer of Centre county, and . find them correct Witness our hands and teals this 19'.b f dav of January, A. I). 1877. WM. McFAHLAN'E, [Seal.ll A. J. (iHEIST, [Seal. 1 • Auditor* o J. M. GILLILAND, [Seal.] j EXPENDITURES. fj Comniissioncrs Pay. "s A C II in ton on uc e count balance due. $11C47 e Samuel Gruinley on >' account balance due 327 15- J N Hull, services.,, 4tti VI Andrew Gregg or- Ir vices 000 87 11 A Mingle services 38s 69 $1,896 Oi ,J ComniLsioncts Clerk. I J 8 BnrnhrHt, bal , pnee due 1875„ S4B 89 " J 8 Barnhart set- vices 967 47 $1,016 3< Jury Commissioners. M Grove for ser- vices, 1876..p20 U IC . County Auditors, h- A J Griest for ser if vice 5.,....—.... SBOOO "K Jos Gilliland forser ]iP rices. 3O 00 Wm reFgrTsro for •orv ice* HOIXI t Jn- F Wruver for -or\itos it * l l or k... HO lk)— $ 120 Ot* Improvement and Repairs, Ac new Moore work Jail as per con- I traet 2,243 77 I Geo Tate arohitret at .1 nit 187 08 T K Lyman tin pipe an.l tinning 71 20 1 Jacob Gordon pl . termg 2S 76 II ti \\ illiams paint ing and papering.. 86 tk) , H U Geive rt-|mir ing lighting rods ' at jail 43 Ik) Car Co lumber for jail 48 28 ( ,lm> Mallerv black smith work at jail. 12 88 1 II T Twitmiro litt * rung at jail 64 00 > Cbas Garner i epairs at range jai1......... 8 00 Geo SVeaVt'i'■h-mling i range t • jail IfO I S B Bet! repairs at Jail ® 60 James llaley F ting tin itu. e at jail ...... 1 0 Henry NX alker car penter work... 14 98 S A Brew jail re pairs - 3 10 11 Hoffman earuen tor w. rk at jail... . 5 37 $2,805 84 Ordinary Expenses. Nora M Callister washing for pris oners 1I 60 Robert McKi.ight gas tor court house and latl 436 Ik) J It A C l Ale van dt*r IHIRI Ipf court house and jail 417 43 J 11 Dobbins medl ial servif- l(-o*>,.._, 36 ik) J 11 Dobbin-on '■ - l services I>7B 100,00 15 Galbraith on ser vices as janitor and bat 306 U) B Galbraith eourl Cri -r - 108 U) D S lv. or .or agi l cullurnl Society .. UOlb Western penitciitii rv keeping con victs 578 90 In-ane hospital Danviile for In Jur.-r- ;>y ■ 6,236 86 Asse-- ; - for ing and Kegi-ter ing - 1,664 00 Road view-. - 5t'4>35 Slcction expe:s.. 1.7 8 87 \ Refunds. < unsealed lands. - 1,401 62 Redi . tion uiiseo'. rd lauds 1,08111 Refundli g taXca overpaid. ......M-—•• 186 36 Cot -tab' - pay ... 4.>9 80 I Tlr-tave pay 560 41 J 11 \ osburg court i rej o .1 - 61000 insurat... ■ < R put-.:c j ] buildups - 66 tk) Bridge view* a: 1 ] engineers pay at Bridge-, 170 47 1 J D Spt-ring "i. co bridge at Curlin's 1,766 00 j 11 D Y • sgt r co bridge at Julian- 998 9$ j M NY cu bridge at Pent.s I Creek - 400 00 I Premium- in lions - 60 00 t Caniniissieuer- net. - paid 9,TJB 15 j Inter.-t i n notes and Bonds.. 2,4. - .' Commission on iy Lunacy....... 15 00 Commo nwe •11 h costs paid 2.988 63 0 Scalp pr> m .urn* 844 29 c Teachers D>t tute.. 187 80 „ Inquest on dead bod- c ies„ 62 Tkj ~ Rod damages paid. 2SOUO , B F StiatTer sum- 0 moiling jury Jan , Ist 1876....- - 5830 f , L NY Mun-n on ac count - 2,(kW 00 s , J 11 M nehell bal- ! j ance due as trcas- \ urer............ 2,160 08 j C M Bower com a'.- j torney- 75 a> (. II Y S.itger -'.ai ii— ery bills ll)T 18 u Jno II Morrison for _ e his office • - ......... 25 9) £ Jno M Dermot re pairs at jail and ,1 courthouse - 85(A) ij D Wo.'dririg clian dilier at jail 1A) 62 F McCuinsty bill for plastering 5 If) J L Spangler | ■ ; < r ing i thee - S 2k) D Garmaa horse (j hire 1b76..„. l3 60 Coinm:--ioncr- ex peii< - to examing bridges..... 26 Ik) J Commissioners ex pense* delivering J election papers _ _ 1 duplicate- Ac..... . 13T 26 N Wm tialbrailh plumbing - 9 25 NV S Wolf repairs to pipe - 90 J Wm A eliler Btove I and pipe 8 86 J J S MalNry repafr vault d00r... 1 ft) J 31 Licb white- Y washing jail 6 60 Wm Mann tor |>ei:s 4 25 " duplicate- 41 2o 'I " 11 oks reg ister's office 2500 J Wm Mann indict ment docket 7 00 77 60 Henry H-ffman ,1 deK and stool 8 50 I Jno Boal wood lor jail - 7 00 J Kcthn i k wo. d for jail - 2 00 Jno Lulz wood fir jail 2 00 M irr Kurey w< d r 5 (*) 1 Win 8i ear wood for jail - 2 00 .1 1) Shugert wood fur j ul - 39 00 Ge It. v- v.. i : r jai1..... 2 ft) NN m L Spicer w. d to/jail 2 00 Wm L Sp.eer wood for j i I , 1 60 Jns O Brian ballot box-- 4 tlO A Williams books and stationery "4 05 Adams Express co charges on books Ac 1 00 Wilson A Hicks Hardware Ac 4 40 T A links A bro hardware 7 70 Holler A Kline clothing for pris oner- - 10 10 Ju-O Brian repairs to furnituru - 1 00 A Sussman grass seed for yard 75 John J Tower hand cuff'- fir iail 32 35 I) Bolinger chairs for commissioners etli ■■ 8 60 NV A Tcbins lot k fur recorder's of fice 10Q .1 A J LUrr* hard ware bid - 13 26 I Guggcribeimer clothing for pris oners 11 03 II L Thomas for pen- 2 60 Cleaning office - 2 00 O NV Foole paper j and advertiseing... 460 The Deschner re pair- to I luincuifs A< 7 6 8$ 1 H II Carpen ter work at jail.... 1 6Q , John T Johnson tamp- and box rent .. 27 94 Win ya! bra it li re tniirs to wall paper 900 N\ Twilmire repairs to stove Ac C 50 Jacob Shroni bind ing m illing 1 60 Joseph bros bill re pairs court rn itn... 2 86 Jno Brackbill re pairs to cbuirc C 09 Doak and 1 ion bar- --9 g. r biii printing (J II :. 13 76 Jno Rote horse hire 200 ,1, E A iSiuiih tinning at court liouse root 3 21 N A L leas ice for c Utt room i IsfJ D M'G eiin ice 60 Barbara Smith care of insane pauper..7 10 5P J S Mai lory repair ing locks at jai1..... j 00 I< kindling J> wood court house. 2 00 W Porter chopping wood court house. 2 00 Pennßß co freight on range ............. 6 ID • "pnngler A Forter } I- 1 ■ fi n 1> A M u--cr triMur* I ors ad vcrthiug un • seated land* 000 i Ailvi>rtiaing trfMur* | or's sale* of laud j bought by county 890 00 \V A I'ohia* book* I'.r Recorder's ol lice 81 00 \\ A Tohx** clmt |k| tnortgsge in dex 10 00 \V (' Heinle work on commonwealth deckel 6 00 \\ Kotluvck mo nine county line. .8 00 .1 \ Hall nil ex pen Ml of urx eyer coun ty line "0 00 \\ il Wllkinxon 18 00 A Dunlap 800 ,1. - I lev ling 86 00 \\ \V It.-throe I, 800 Win 1' Mitchell. . 'JOOO Jito t'opcnlin*er, board of sur veyors 66 29 MO If J Ko-ter A Steven-..>ti Election la* 1 25 Spangle r A Foster bursa hire '2 00 T J M> Colli unh horse hire... 1 60 II llariuiati carpen ter work court house .. I 81 Jno Kolle v 11*ix11 ot | Wood for jail "JUI Dan 1 Garman boarding Jurors... 0 00 Joseph bros ticking for jail 7 66 Dan'l Derr g fix tures 4 50 llrder of scries ol IS., paid .. 692 40 it I .', 966 6.1 Order road lunda un sealed lands 4,2411 S3 Order of poor funds un.-eated lauds.... . 2.4'°>B 56 $6.71J 38 Printing Dills, | P liray Meek on ac ! Count hilt render i ed ... 060 40 K T Tuieti on ac count hill render- I el 107 8U ! Fred Kurt', on ac count b: 1 render. I 209C0- $1,267 'JO Total expenditures $50,071 82 I \V MI'NSON Sheriff, in account with Centra county : Jan 4. 1877. DH Po cah , n acci int $2,000 00 To fine rocrivt-d of Ga1braiih............ 610 To two gross pens ... 2 26 To :iua ,;t t e -t a' I fines collected 218 2l To 1,830 11— $3.66666 Jan 4, ls-77 t'K. By bill comtn> n wealth coil* 201 61 Uv t.i-arii rgpri> n •i- .. 1,816 00 By publishing court praclanialiotts.. ... 81 JO By publishing elec tion proclamations 66 20 By taking prisoners to penitentiary ... 6WI 00 By desk, beds etc. 1 for jail 380 Uj j? By taking insane 1 pert*nt to asylum OCtD By bureugh order 22 50 By summoning Ju ror* 871' i" 44y watching prison e er* 92 nights. 181 U>- $3.666 66 j Balance due Shi '.ff M un> i at >i Ula ment $1,330 11. r . Static or Pa. j ; J Uentkk <*>. j * We, the undersign- n ed Auditors of Centre county do hereby | tl at in |> ir-uance of an act ef the as-.tnblv cnlilied an act relating to cuunt • an 1 : vi nships an t county and ' ; wn-' .p -•- 'we met at the connuis- 7 sinners' ®ce. it- clonic on the first Mon day in January 1877, and did audit and t settle :.d a u-f the tetrera accounts set j forth in the foreg ug statement- In wit lie-x w rt-f we have hereunto set our hand *i d seals tins ninclventh •' day of Jnnumrv. A. 14., 1877. * \V. NcFAKI.'ANK, [Seal . ) A.' GRKIST Sea!.' Auditors. . ,1 M UILLILAND [Seal I > L'estkk Cof.xiT. SS h We. the undersigned cm- f ml- i ■:. r f Centre county, do hereby j Mfttfy that the fortniag is a true and; correct-lal'-men! •' the receipts aad si- r penditure-of i 1 . -unty from the first f Jay ef J iary 1 *"7 C to the flrat day of ( January lf>77. , Alt. t. J NEWI.IN HALL, 11 lit K \NDRKW GREGG, * Clerk 11. A MINGLE, h Commissioner*. „ OUTSTANDING TAX KS DUE BY . COLLECTORS, Jan. I, IM7. }, 1871. II Carton, Bellefonto S'J.C 28 7 A J llassmger Ben- i ncr 141 88 r Jno -haffer Walker 130 29 SI7S 96 t 1872 1 W Kiddles Philips- : burg 63 GO t Thus Marshall Ben- r ner ........ 18 96 >l J Ward ilalfmat n- 26t"> 97 t David KobbLiberty 14 62 it J nines Gates Snow I ."-hoc 824 79 $676 92 > 1878. |i Charles Brown . i Bellefonto 860 76 < I> it Ma lane It. ggs 186 91 I LC Ucarick Mar- It ion 26007 > Jo K-.-s Spring 162 U7 1 W Kiddle Philips- i burg 104 08-sl,ols 89 i 1874 I Mit had Shaffer Walker 106*8 < Jos Foi Bellefonto 973 11 ~ W Kiddles I'bilips- ' ] hurg 967 64 K 11 Carr Milesburg 267 45 David L.dtr Benricr 4u> 5 F Carson Iturnsidc. 37 34 F Ks-rchotr t'urtin.. 123 28 S It W il..n li!rr i . "JIU 18 V\ Leathers How ard.... 2.t3 22 \\ W SpangUr Lib urty 102 35 W Cros* H i fni >.m 872 K"bt McCortnick Potter 376 95 II It Wi cox lUish_ 668 11 I) 11 Yeager Snow • 5h0e...... ..... ... 165 tt9 ,I> Boss Spring 338 79 —$4,860 27 ! 1875. ;C llrown l!ellefnte. 1,4.78 06 ; A J Grahatn Phil ' ip-burg 453 34 1.) P Shnpe Miles | hurg 2=41 86 | WAI limn jr. How ard 122 94 il L Barn hart It.-ggs ('•*. 98 ;J It Newcomer Burnside 4'"> (** id T Ltica- Curtin.... 9" 74 11 > Krchs Fi-rguon_ 347 73 Michael He-* Harris 3tk> 27 '.I M Kline Howard.. 105 78 D W Kline Huston- IT4*4 C A Courier Liberty 312 63 . Perry Condo Mar* j ion 473 63 I W Trcsilcr Paiton.. 81 00 11 W Wilcox ltush- "•'< "4 James Watson Snow shoo 219 69 J Sweeny Spring...- 699 33 S Hoover Tay lor 102 68 JSwurtz Walk er 477 GO A.l Tate Bcnncr...- 'J'3 32 $0 667 17 187'b J H Morrison It.- lefonte 3,3.75 80 T M Hall M lie-burg 210 8$ (< JdcCutcheon l'hilipsburg 772 69 Conrad Diibl How ard 210 08 S A Martin Union Vills* 133 02 A Garbrick Bonner 1,885 17 W S L >.v ltiirn*ido 192 42 .1 (' Walker It.-gga 860 01 Win Thon>|iaon sr. College 1,974 03 Win Mann Curtin... 291 07 H C Campbell Fer guson 2,705 76 .1 tvriimrine Gregg.. 2,571 88 .1 Ketner Haines 1,702 *5 .1 T Stewart Harris.. 1,644 37 P W Burket Half M . on ; g'iß 76 14 W K line Huston. 88 •I M Kline Howards 02b 2ft .1 A Stover Liberty. 704 02 I> Hurler Marion... 1,24097 D Kreamer Miles... 1,70049 W .1 Fursl Patton— 706 02 \V Weiser Penn... 1,426 17 GW K. cli Potter... 3,799 94 K 11 Da!" t',i • h r>7B 4? J Null Spring 2,148 00 J ThompiOn Snow • shoe I so 2 14 W Miller Taylor,., 270 88 Win Spojlt yniop. 232^7 J H Beck Walker... 1,800 97 'I Denning Worth. 282 92—586,293 8' $48,880 6 In bnndsof attorney! fbr collection and 1 included in J 'yalfrt . 8 FINANCIAL KXIIIIUT OF CENTI COUNTY. Jan 1 1877. I>K To notes and bonds I due sundry per* | sons S4B 803 09 To balance duo D A M usser at 5et...... 4.790 63 To balalico duo L \V Munson 1,390 11 To balance due A Gregg commis sioner 1 13 To ba'ance duU N Hall commis sioner 06 09 To balance duo 11 A Mingle 4 81 lly baianeo P Gray Meek printing... 18400 By ballanco duo F Kurtz, .e..- 3100 By balanen duo It Galbrailb 276 t!) By balance due A Williams prolhon otary costs 114 09 To balance due 11 D Y eager on bridge contract..... 101 By balance due B Liggett Jury eotn mitsioner. 87 68 By an ount common wealth costs duo sundry persons... 406 76 Balance 470 10—$oh'ol8 i January 1, 1877 t- 41. By amount out statiding taxes.... JtH.Hfkl&t By amount out standing taxes un seated lands 4,ltt)oU By notes held by j (Commissioners... 1,678 04 | By amount in hands alloriieys for col lection 943 34 By amount due from estates boroughs and townships for keeping insane in asylum as bclew Pasterago estate 70 11) ltush township 193 '.k Itellefonle b0r0"219 >4 I Harris twp 133 26 l'hilipsburg her I*9 81 / Patton twp.... 78 Huston twp 70 86 $1,121 68—566,618 f Balance to credit of county $476 10. feb 8 I Billkfoktb Mai* its.— January 11 by Shortlidge AC'. 1 White wheat, t 36. Bed " 136 ! Bye. 65. Corn, shelled, 45 1 Corn, cob, 40 Hats, 30. Barley, rye weight, 56 Cloverse Is9tos9 26 per 64 poinds. Potatoes retail, 1 00 Flt ur per barrel, wholesale, f'i 76. retail, $7 00 Ni>ya Scotia plaster, ground, 11 50. Cayuga " $960. Anthracite cal Chestnut tcr ton at yard, s.>oo. Small stove, " I* Stove, " j5 26. Kiit. " 6o 00. Broken. " $6 00. MAHRI AGES. On Jan 23. by Dr H. Zeigler, Johi llshne of Kelinsgrove, and Mrs. Maggx Smith of M ifflinburg. and a daughter o liaa< Stover, of Anronsburg. DEATHS. On the Ist., at Wtsodaard, Harry, sot of Kalp;. and Laura Spigelmyer, aged 1 year. In L k Haven, on the 'JGth of Janua ry, Mrs Ar.r te McClintic, wifeof Charlsi McC'liiitic, aged 26 ycrrs. In New York citv. Jan 29. of pneumo nia. James Trace Hale, Jr. son of the laU Hon James T. Hale, ef t'ellefonte. tin the evening of the 10 inst , at Pot ters Mills Wm. Allison, sr., aged H years. Go the evening of the 10 inst-, in Poltei twp.. Peter Buble age "3 Tears, 4 months snd 25 days. Near Farmer's M.lls, Imar.uel Taylor, son f Jehn Taylor, aged 17 years, I mo., ai d 20 days, died 6th. lmmanuel Taylor was an exemplary young man I vattchixed him and took him into connection with the Luiheran Church at Farmer s Mills, last spring. Before he died he requested his sister U read the 24, 25 and 261h Psalms—Ftalmi full of the crying* of a soul resting on Christ. Ills disease was neuralgic rheu matism. During all his sufferings, which were very acute in the last days of bis life, he b< wed the resignation and fortitude o! an old *oldier of the cross. b. K F. On 3rd inst, near Freeport. 111., Jans D . wife of John J Lamb, aged 04 years, 2 months and 5 days. Ttu. ail ther old settler has passed away. The subject of the above notice was born in Centre county. Pa., I where her broth ers and sisters still reside,) there she wai married and moved to .Stephenson county. 111., in the fall of IM6. Settling five mite* north e*l of Freeport, on the wild, unbroken prairie, where like all frontiers men they suffered many privations and inconvenience# for the first few years, but through industry and economy they ac quired a pleasant heme, where they iived happy in the enjovmenl of the tame until she w'a* attacked'with typhoid pneumo nia, from which she suffered for ten days w hen death came to her relief oa .Satur day, dying in the triumphs ef a living faith in her Lord and Master. She was a devoted christian and affectionate wife anJ a kn.d neighbor, all of which seemed t b- appreciated by the community, for not withstanding the bad condition of thx roads her remains were followed to thr cemetery by a large concourse of friendt and neighbors, there being about sixty conveyances at the church, where retj appropriate addrc*es were delivered bj Itevs M ilchell and Gtffen. "• We will start you in a busines PIU you ran mk* | ATENT M DESK SLATES. Cembining in one 4t SLATE. DBA WIN?} HUBFACE A WBITINO DKSK. 60 cents 19. Undoubtedly the most instructive ihiof ever invented for the youthful mind MOTTOES i MOTTOES i 6 Each 6 Each. PICTUKE FRAMES I Fine Rustic Frames, varnished, withglasi end black complete. Note the remark ably low prices : 44 by ti4 at 25 cents. C by 8 at 30 cents Bbylo at 33 tents. 10 by 12 at 40 cents. All other sites low in proportion. MOTTO FRAMES, with Urge gill bead, varnished, with glass I and Back. I 86 Cents. 86 cents. SPLINTS FOB FRAMES, All Colors and sizes. BTKBOSCOPIC VIEWS, in great variety BEAUTIFUL CHBoMOS. f--r |cents each. " I'LAN'TOGKAI'HS FOB DRAWING. new ai d complete invention which all '"visitors to tho Centennial must have torn use. Only 26 cents. WELCH'S CHEAP BOOK. STATION- KKY A VARIETY STOKE, ®-2&jan 4t No. 1 Humes' Block. Bellefonle. ') : •Wolfs Old Stand. s.l * AT VAT oii4T2 BALL, TMngoificcnt Stuck of Fall aad Win ter Qooda. Y:O7I*PRJCAI LTW PRKU I k! "j POLITE ATTENTION ! J IS ■ n : i- Having just returned from the East, and v. bought at panic prices, 1 am now prepared ' xo sell cheaper than ever before. My xlock ' consists in part of ,f DRY GOODS, , r GROCKRILS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, ( r ;j HATS A CAPS, BCX)TS & SHOES, 3 RUBBER BOOTS, SANDALS, Ac., Ac. ;• Ladies' and Genu* Underwear a spec lalily. Ji A I.ARQR STOCK OF : READY - MADE CLOTHIM6 -c.constantly on hand. • 1* j.| Customers will fiud the atock com ■J pleto. and a call is all that i* requirad - to assure you that thi* ia the het J* place in tha valley to buy your goods * Kcmember, ice have but on* pric* for i u everyone. 1 Wm. Wolf. CENTRE HALL " DRUG STORE. J.C.MILLER. 1,1 (Successor to JK. Miller A Son.) re * Dealer in Pure Drugs and Medicines Dye stuffx, aud Druggist's sundries. I, PIIIE WISE AND LIQUORS U For medicinal purposes- The best brands of - CIGARS AND TOBACCO always in stock. Prescriptions carefully Compounded. J.C MILLER ' IRA T. COTTLE. Fashionable Tailor. C'enlre Hall. Having opened rooiii* on the 2nd flooi „ of Gift A rlory's building be is proper rd to manufacture ail kinds of men's and boy's garments, according to the latest ( ktyles, and upon shortest notice, and at s work warratited to render satisfaction. Cutting and -epairing done. 7sept j Jas. Harris iV Co. * | NO. 5, BROCK ERHOFF ROW. IRON, NAILS, iFalnts OILS, mc.,. JAS. HARRIS A CO. Bcilefbnle. STOKE. NEW GOODS AND J Panic p rices. H. A. LARRIMKR. | at the old Centre Hill stand. > I Just opening a Stock of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICKS! A large variety of Ladies Drew Goods ] Great Bargains in Muslins and Calicoes. Ready-made Clothing Warranted to Suit. ! lli* Cloths and Caasimers, Cant be excelled His Crocery Department. Astonishes every one in assortmentand low i prices. Syrup, Sugar, Tea Coffee. Canned fruits, Domestic and Foreign Fruits, Cheese, and every other article belong ing to the Grocery Depart m* n L Jtoc- Farmer*. Mechanic* and Laborers llook to your interesL One dollar saTed is 'a dollar In pocket. Then call and see at what astonishingly low prices. p9~No trouble to show Goods "VKs • j Also tha choicest Family Flock al ways on hand. Apr. 16, y. ■ j\Eß.e. wmnr Dentist, MUlheim. Oltn tto |ratM-ul ertiw uUs uablic. lis to pr*t>*rd to esrtvrn *U c>v*r*U > U*o I, Hs toaev foilrpr*p*r*d lo sstrsrt tssibslto-!tot} stlbesl (1b _ iwrTU W F. REBKR. Atlorner-at Law. VT s IVrtßpt xltnll--n l,*o to *ll traiai so 'iraatod to hto raf* la l'toar**Mor ( tain coaatz. Of Sc. •llti l" r l ortato. \\T M 1' WII. - 1 1 N J; Bellefonle Fa Office in Mrs. Ben ( ner's Building. Bellelonle Pa. ' T 01IN~h\T()f fEltT\ ttorney-at y|J Law. Itoilx-Uaa* emmpUf madataad *iweU: ftltAtUoa fflran to iboo* hating Uada ot propot-tv fnt a !• Will Armm mp nd have orknowr 1 Kigr*>4 lWod Morlgftfrs Af OS ie in til* dIAUOI'!, oorlk Mdf of fXkm ooort baooss. Boilolottto octSSiW.f. BREONS HOTEL, MILKOY. PA i The bet table and bar, and excellen stabling 6-r horses. Also a fine resort fo summer hoarder*. Buss to depot, ant daily stages to Centre county. Charge ree.ur.eble GEO BREON. Prop'r A RAKECHANCE Fur a Bowing Machine. •• You can have your choice of the follow ing first rlass sewing machines ■ New American, St. John Domestic Daniee, Singer, Remington, Howe, and Weed. At the Hewing Macbins store of Bunnell A Aiken, Ea* Market street, Lewistown. Also parts, aiUchments and needles fei all machines Great inducements for cash. Don't fai| to see the St. John, something entirely new. Old Machines taken in part payment foi e new ones Send Mel* to the abox-e party and you will get by return mail, 1 dos. as sorted needles fur any mar-htne ftOnovly • OF A THOUSAND. d llavtog discovered, in a manner almost [[ providential, a positive cure for Consump '! tion and all Long Complaints, 1 feet it my 1 duty to make known in a practical tnannei J by furnishing a sample buttle, free ol charge, to all sufferers, my only hope ol remuneration being that the medicipe will perform *1 I claim for il. The ingredi ents are of the choicest herbal products and perfectly safe ; will b>- sent free to all. Address at ->nce, Dr. O. Phelps Brown, 21 Grvnd .Street, Jersey City, N. J., or may be had of J. K. Miller A Son, Druggists, Centre iiall. Fa jan 4 ly. C T. Alkxskpek. C M How ii ALEXANDER a BOWER, AI toniyxst Law. Wattotwato -| —it s'lraltna lira to C-.U*vU./.a aad ">' uaan brMUe. I*S b# ceeselit lb ( >rau sua Kaitot> ((Aas to 'j*itasa . taulOUie. ik/W ~i It. Excelsior Cement • RtdmlfflPiJ isdV • ininiH Wgy. ' "*.s uwains. St tos sua*, aaar CXm CWS Mill*, ia Hum h. Tats mm La* aitwadf LaM uw* is .artr put.M u|- U>* 1. C. k *TC. UK . aad baa Laws fuwad aaualaMan WBae all H- wLars il La* l>awa a**(l. aad a* auaal to aa* aww utoautafUwwd tor aaa ta Clotaraa, v Star Pn.os ar s '!-> a food uaalM. wf > Is—| u ten I w * Tautoa.sul Uas siroad, lon tout far aad ' wide, aad rendered t>„ uimhw* aalMfartioa Perauaa. Utewfoee euatorttotoam r totonto, lasta Ktto lltte So , will Sad it iw taeir sbaslrst ta lot * Uu* ia talad and slao thai kowarraau Uw aruri* aa nut aaaud Jo HUVkST sKfiH Aaroadbwig.Pw. r |HIE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE IRE-OPENED! A NEW THING IN | AN OLD PLACE. The Bellefonle public *nd the people ol the country generally will be piewsed to know that the old end well established ' DRUG STORE, late the property of James C. Williams, on Allegheny street, next door to Hicks', hardware emporium, has been re opened for business and is be j ir.g rapidly re-stocked and; filled out with the best and must popular DRUGS AHO MEDICINES. PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, and everything usually kept in a first-class f Drug More • PHESI HIPTIO>N( AHEFrLr ly compounded at nil boom ol the day or night, and particular and prompt attention given to the wants of Isrmers nn-L others who live in the country. More never closod to those who want medicines or anything in the drug line. • The undersigned hopes, by strict attention r to busing**, to merit and receive the pub , lie patonage. H X KEEEISOTOK, Caprly. Agent D. F.LUSE, : PAINTER,S™. offers hia services to the citizeoa of . Centre county in Hon*e, Msn und Ornamental . I'aiiiting. . Striping, ornamenting and gilding, 1 Graining OAK, WALNUT, CHESTNUT. Etc. 1 Plain and Fancy Paper banging. Orders i respectfully solicited. Term* reasonable. I UOaprtf. i T\U. A. J. OBNDOKF. ' DENTIST. ts UU located el I'tae drove Mill, and M now pr pared la Intel lo lie borne, of patient. el . dllrt.en. end readei an} dealred errrice In bi* lu. la lb* beat man nor. of beat gullli and al rMeiubb ralaa In •artoo of new dentures mad* a specialty. Teeth ax loaned without pain. II JmTS A CDITOR S NOTICE.— > Ttx ihe matter of the distribution of the ! money in the hand* f the administrators , f the estate of lion. S. S. Woif. dee'd. The auditor appointed by the Or phan s Court ol Centre county, to distri bute the money in the hand, of the ad- , ininislrators as shown by their account , filed lo and among those legally entitled to receive the same, will meet the parties interested at his office in lleliefonte, on Monday, the 21*1 of February, 1877, at . 10 o'clock, when and a here all parlies in- I terested can attend if thee see proper. St J. L SPANGLKB. Auditor. ~ HI E GREAT CAUSE or HUMAN MISERY. Just Published in a sealed envelope, price six cent*. A lecture on lbs n.tnrr. Ire.imt-nl and Radical k' ror ol >rratn*l VVplidw, or #4 by Soil Aim*. Involuntary I* Tnt-*ton* lriH>Uicy. Nrrvou# l>rM!ity. and Impediment* to Iltrna|* ftD raUf . t ounujui-ttun. KptVonj, and • lt, nod riiralcal lnaiwirii/, Ac .- B* holwrt J. Calrrnrell, M !.. author ol thn "tirwo Ilook," Ac. Tb irorld author. In thia *>lmtrabU Lec tor*, tlauly j-roTc* from hti own r*inri#nca that tbr awful conMajurnoo* of S#lf-Aba** my U cfftn-lualb nntiotod wit ut tntdiclnw, and without Aawffwrou* • ■itileal opwnUioaa, bouftt*. toatrumwau, m cordial*. t\ iHsintina -it a iiiodt* ol cur# at oner errMln and effect ual. !•: which rvsry smflercr. wo tnaurr what hla eon dltiou may l>, may cure hiiwaolf ahoa;%if. it h ately and radically. Tuia lecture will prow* a boon to t nouaand* nod thou ■and*. h#ut under Mai. In a plain envelope. lo any addrw (Mat ivaid. on receipt of aU conta or two pott tUK Addrwaa the run n lvkrwell, mkdical co Oct 41 An.j York; I'.at t>cw Boi.ia* ' J. ZELLER & SON } DRUGGISTS | Noti Urockcrli(iH'Ro\v,Bt*llefonte,Pa Uenlera in Ih-uest, riieuiicate I*erl\iuiery. I nuc) i.ood Ac. Ac. Pure Wines and Liquors for medics h1 war* kett THAT Si 72. Henry Heinhart. WOOUWAItD * UNDERTAKER. 1 Collins of nil styles mi.le on shortost n •tico. Undertiking striotly 11 Charges reasnnabla 17 au* v —-The R:-orter moved and will be found nearly opposite ('the post-offlce, Lincoln Bp"— "•nvrdor. mikes bat twr awnm a* v --*. * in'*' -hnm Tryi' " ..., GRAHAM & SON y Have the exclusive tale in Bellefonle Edwin C. Hurts' J CELEBRATED FINE SHOES. 8 WIDTHS, fbe I 2*i Sheas 5n th% VJtrh J. >f| WHOLBAU a KSTXIL PHLSR* I* "Calfskins, la t L , SOLE LEATHER. I SHOE FINDINGS, Ae r. I LI A U Kiuds of Custom Work Made To 1- i Order. J Bishop Street, BELLEPONTE. Pa. • Al may If - mA jm\oMF va ß&Miig m , PENNSVALLE Y BANKING CO. - CENTRE HALL. PA. JJ RECEIVE DEPOSITS, ud allow Inter^ • est; Discount Note* ; Buy and • Sail Governmentbecurities, Id Gold and Coupons. . PlT** Horrita Wm B. MIXOLI, i| Cashier r I RFATTV'O Gold EDlllAl 1 I Drogue Par lor Otgmns. Factory Established inXIS&6. From the Presa. From G. D. White. Editor HscketU lown.N. J. Herald. I "The organ hat a rich, deep and sonl stirnng V® ne J could not Uy in the house without it. It help* wonderfully to drive away the thoughts of hard times " The Lebanon Pa. Daily News, eays : . "We are in receipt of one of those fire octave Parlor Organs, manufactured by D. F. Beatty, Wellington, N. J. This organ is a fine, solid black walnut case, and in tona it cannot be surpassed by any instrument of iu kind." From the Lowell Neb. Register. , I "We received this week, direct from ■ the manufacturer, D F. Beauy. Wash ington, N. J., bis justly celebrated organ, elegant in appeerance, and handsomely furnished unexcelled in richness and pow t er of tona We are more than pleased 1 with it. and heartily recommend it to any loneI one contemplating of purchasing an or- Xn." Best offer given. Honey refunded upon {return of organ and freight charges paid i by me (D. F. Beatty) both- ways tf unsat isfactory, after a test trial of five days. , Organ warranted for six Vears. , Agents wanted everywhere, male or fe male, to can vans for this superior instru ment Address D. F. BKATTY, r Washington, New Jersey 3 CENT ITE HALL COACH SHOP, LEVI 91RBAT, 1 at his establishment el Centre Hall, keep ' on hand, and for sale at the most reasona ble rates. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, PLAIKAKD FAJKT*' and vehicles of every description made to ,f order, and warranted to be made of the best seasoned material, and by the most skilled and competent workmen. Bodies 1 for buggies and spring-wagons Ac., of the most inprove.l patterns made to order,also Gearing Of all kinds made to order. All I kinds of repairing done promptly and at | the lowest possible rates. Persons wanting anything in his line are requested to call and examine bis work, they will find it not to be excelled for dur ability end wear. may Stf. BEATTY pIA ■° ! Grand. Square and Upright. From Geo. E. Letcher, firm of ffm. H. Letcher A Bro., Bankers, Fayette, Ohio. "We received the piano and tbmk ft a very fine-toned one out here. Waited a short time to give it a good test. If you wish a word in favor of it we will cheer fully give it." James R. Brown, Esq., Edwardsville 111 s ys : "Tt i Beatty Piano received give enlir satisin ion." Agents wanted. Bend fo oatalc •i e. Address D. F. BEATTT, Washington. New Jersev A Great Reduction in Prices of GUNS, ""St™"* Prices reduced from 20 to 80 per cent. Write for Illustrated Catalogue, with re duced prices for 1877. Address, GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, 91 Smitbfield Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. iATTY™? Grand, Square and Upright. From Rufus Snyder, of the firm of Sny der A Hendricks, Carriage Manufacturers, of the city of Allentown, Pa: "I must confess I hardly know how to express my gratification on receiving the Beatty Piano you shipped me. It is at least all 1 could ask, wish or expect One ■ of our most eminent musicians tried it and , spoke in the most favorable terms, after thoroughly testing it." Best offer ever given. Money refunded upon return of Piano and freight charges paid by me (I). F. Beatty) both wsvs if unsatisfactory, after a test trial of five day. Pianos warranted for six years. Address. D. F. BEATTY, ttiul v Washington. New Jersey. V 47 M I*. it'll AN US, Attorney at-lnw vT beiietonie. Pa. Office with Jas McManus. esq tf " BROCKE-HOFF HOUSE. - , BKLLKFONTE, PA. , D. JOHNSON & SONX This well known hotel, .Haste tn the baslnr.j : tto< ot Uie lowa. he. been thoroughly renamed n- m tod sad furnished uew. It will be the aim of th ■ r. rle ' loin to mske it a pleasant Home for thoec ww.u -r is .or them with patronage. A free carrla.-" i. run to the depot, and the beet .tables in town are connect - ed with the House £Sapr i • sT ; 7BfaiiiT, raiur^i - WK V-' - igrngg, gv'