The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 08, 1877, Image 4

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Thr Full Text f the Kill ltr|rtr<l h. the
Jniiii CiHßßilnrr l ( nairrw.
The follow ing is the complete text of
the bill agreed upon by the joint oom
m ttei' i ;i counting the electoral vote of
the Unite i State*:
A b 11 to provide for mid ivgulate the
counting of votes for President and
Yic President, and tlie decision of
questions arising thereou, for tlie
term commencing March 4. A. I>.
Ih it ti, h trj, <t,\. That the Senate
and House of Representative* sliall meet
in the le. 1 of the House of Kepreeen
tatives, nt the hour of one o'clock r. m.
on the it.-1 Tliumhiv iii February, A.
IX ! si 77, :v 1 the president of the Senate
simll be ilii'ir presiding offi.*r. Two
tellers shall IH* previoualy appointixl on
the pari <*i the Siaiate and two on the
p t >'t : ■ House of Representatives, to
wl-.i : .1 sli all be hand.vl, as they aix' o|h*u
< .1 by the ppi'si.lent of the Sonato, all
the oori itic.-'te* and jiaja'rs jmrjsirling to
K e itte-U's of chx-tonil votes, which
eertiliea*. • and pajet> shall l*' openitl,
pre-K'nt. .1, end acted upon in the alpha
betical order of the State*, bnajnning
w :h the letter A, aud said teller* having
the • read, the same in the presence iunl
iring •! the two houses, shall make a
lis! of ti. vole* as they shall sjijamr
from the sn.d .. i titi.*at< ,, s. and, the vwttn
i\a\ : . h -u as. t'rtaiiuxl and ixnuited as
in .nis ...< provid\l, the result .if the
s mai shall be delivered to the president
of t! e S.niate, wlni shall tliereiqaui on
noiiuoe the state of the vote and tin
irnes of tlie jversoiis, ti any, ehx*t\l.
w 'iaeh atinonneomesit sliall la* doeuied a
snfiieient declaration of the persons
('. ".-ted President and Yuv-Presi.h ut of
ti., I nit. i Suites, and together with a
list of the \ - shall la* entenxl on the
Jtunials . : tlie pro house*. I'pon
sneh reading of any o-rtificwte or
paper, when there sliall la* only
one return from tlie State, the
pit d "... the Senate shall eall fv.r ob
jo,''. ous, if nuv. Everv objection sliall
be made in writing, ami shall state clear
ly and concisely and without argument
ti r ground thereof, and shall In* signed
bv ;.t lea*t one s* nator and one monila r
of tlie liousi of Representutivi k liefore
tlie k. :.'.e shall Ik> received. When all
objections s • made to any vote or p;q>er
froiu a State shall have wen received and
rv. d, tlie Senate sliall thereuiavu with
driw, and such objectjons sliall be sul*
"tsl to tin Senate for its decision, and
the So. of tlie Hoitsc of Representa
tives sliall in like manner submit suoh
obj.ctioiis to the House of Representa
tives for its dtvisiou, aud no ehctoral
\ or \t< *- from any State from whieh
but one return has been nxxuvixl sliall
b reject .-.I exix'pt by the affirmative vote
of tlie two house*. When the two
houses have vv'ted they sliall uuiuedi.ite
h" again uieet, and the j.residiug officer
si i.ill then aupouutx* the decision of the
qui -tiun subiaittexl.
SEC. 2. That if more tliau one return
or mper purporting to be a return frotu
shall have been mvived by the
pr -alent of tlie Senate, purporting to
b the eertilkwteeof electoral votes given
at the last preceding election for Presi
dent and Y ice- President in sueli State,
unless they shall be duplicates of the
*:uae return, all suoh returns an.l jxijhts
shall IH- ojjenexl by him, in tlie presence
of the two houses, when met as alore
i, and read by tlie tellers, and all
such returns and paj>ers shall thereuj)>>n
be submittixl to the judgment and deei
s to 6 inch i* the true and lawful
eitvt- :-al v t if *uoh State, of a eoiumis
* u v\ui*tiruted as follows, namely:
Ihiring the session of each House ou the
Tn -day next pmvdiug the first Thurs
day in February, 1*77, each Houae slndl
by i -ti it, ■ vote ajqiouit five of its
members, who, with the five associate
os . supreme court of the Uui
t- i Stat s, to be ascertained as herein
after pr vided, shall constitute a ooiu
mis.- nf. r the decision of all questions
upon or in resjieet of sueli double re
turns named in tliis section. On the
T.n s-isy i xt preceding the first Thurs
day of February, A. D. 1877, or as soon
thereafter as tuay lie, the associate jns
t.'.'es of the supreme court of the Uuite.l
State* now assigned to the first, third,
eighth and nintli circuits sliall select, in
such manner as a majority of them shall
det :u fit, anotJier of the associate jus
tices of aoid court, which five jiersons
-hail Ih* member* of tlie said commis
s: n, and the person longest in commis
si u of said five justices sliall Ih* the
pr. sident of said commission. Member*
of said commission shall respectively
take and su boon in* the following oath :
"I, , do solemnly swear (or
affirm, ru> tlie case may be) that I will
impartially examine and consider all
q:i' -turns submitted to the commission
of wjiich 1 am a memlier, and a tme
j' Igment _ ive thereou, agreeably to tin*
C' ustitution and laws, so help me GoL "
Which oatli shall be fik-J with the secre
tary of tin* Senate.
When the commission sliall have been
tlius organized it shall not be in the
power of liither House to dissolve the
same or to witinlraw any of its rarm-
Imts ; but if any such senator or niem
l* r simll die or become physically un
able to jicrfonn the duties required bv
this act, the fact of such death or phvsi
oal inability shall be by said commission,
liefore it sliall proceed further, communi
cated to the Senate or House* of Repre
sentative*. as the case may lie. which
Ikslv shall immediately and without de
bate proceed by rira vor-r vote to fill the
placed so vacated, and tlie {lensm aje
pointed sliall take and subecribr the
oatii hereinl>efore prescribed, an<k be
come a member of said commission.
And, in like manner, if any of said jus
tices of the supreme court shall die or
become physically incapable of {>erform
ing the duties required by tlie act, the
other of said justices, members of the
Said commission, shall immediately ap
point another justice of said court a
member of said conuniHwoy. and in such
ap]*>intmerits regard shall Ih* hud to Uic
impartiality and freedom from Wus
sought by the original appointments to
*..: d commission, who shall thereupon
immediately take and snlacribe to the
oath hereinbefore proscrilied, and le
--coinc a member of said commission to till
the vaoancv so occasionrxL
All the certificates ami }mj>ers purport
ing to !H> certificates of the electoral
votes of each State shall lx opened in
the alphabetical order of the States, as
provided in section one of this act, and
when there shall be more than one such
certificate or pajxr as the certificates or
papers from such State shall IH opened
(excepting duplicates of the same return i,
they shall le read by the tellers, and
thereupon the president of the Senate
shall call for objections, if any. Every
ob cction shall be made in writing, and
shall sta'e elearly and concisely, nnd
without argument, the ground there*jf,
and shall be signed by at least one sen
at >r and one memlM-r of the House of
Representatives before the same shall be
received. When all such objections so
made to any certificate, vote or paper
from a State shall Lave been received and
rend, all such certificates, votes and
p. jters so objected to, ami all papers ac
<• -uipanying the same, together with such
objections, shall Ih> forthwith submitted
t said commission, which shall proceed
h' consider the sume, with the same
I*Avers, if any, now possessed for tluit
purpoee by tlie two houses, acting separ
ably or together, ami by a majority of
votes decide wheth* r any nnd what votes
from such State are the votes provided
•for by the Constitution of the United
States, and how many and what persons
were die. appointed electors in such
State; uu may therein take into view
such petitions, depositions, and other
paper; , if any, as shall by the Constitu
tion and now existing law be competent
and pertinent to such consideration, which
decision shall be made in writing, stating
briefly the ground thereof, and be signed
I>y the members of said commission
agreeing therein. Whereupon the two
houses shall again meet and such decision
shall be read and entered in the journal
,uf each house. And the counting of the
"votes shall proceed in conformity there
with, unless upon objection made thereto
in writing by at least five senators and five
members of the House of Represen
tatives, the two houses shall separately
concur in ordering otherwise; in wliieb
ease sucli concurrent order shall govern.
No votes or papers from any other State
shall be acted upon until the objectiors
previously made to the votes or papers
from any State shall have be- n finally
disposed" of.
Snc. 8. Tlmt while the two htiiiiH'*
shall lie in meeting a* provid*l in thin
act n<> (lob*t? shall lw allowed on. 1 no
question clmM l>o jmt bv the pri*wiiliug
offlivr, I'wpl to either 1 louse iui n mo
tiou to witiulnm ; ntul bo *h#ll have
]Hvor to proHdrvc order.
Six*. 4. Hint when tho two houses
separate to decide ujmii un objivtion thot
may have boon to tho cxiuntiiig of
nny electoral vote or votes from any State,
or upon objection to rejw.rt of aiud com
mission or othor question wising under
tliis not, onoh senator nn.l representative
may sj>o!iK to snolt object iou or qui *tion
for ton mill ill on and not ofloner tlinn
once, but nftor such delvate nlinll hnvo
Inst,si two hours it nlinll tv tho ,lntv of
each Honso to put tho niuin question
w itliont further delude.
Sko. 5. That nt snob joint meeting of
the two houses-eat; nhaU Iv provnhsl
as follows: For tho president of tho
Sonato, tho speaker's ohair ; for tho
speaker, imnusbiitoly it|s>n his loft ; (. r
tii** sonntor*, in tho boils of tho hull.
njHUi tlio ris'ht of tho presiding ntliwr ;
forth, l representative*, in tho lusty of
tho hall not provi.loxl for tho senators ;
for tho tollor*, secretary of tho Sonnt,
iunl olork of tho lloiiso of Keplv-clita
tivos, ut tho olork 'a il> -k ; for tho otlur
officers of tho two houses, oi front of tho
olork's desk mill njs'ii , uoh side of tho
sjioakor's plntforin.
Suoh joint meeting shall not bo .lis
sols ml nnt I tho isiunt of o!,vtonU votos
shall be completed slid tho n *nlt iks
clared; iuk! no nwss shall bo taken mi-
IrsH a question shall hnvo arisen in re
gard ti> the counting of any auoh vol, s or
otherwise uu,lor this not, in whioh ease
it shall le eoiupeteut for either house,
acting separate!* m the manner horein-
Ik'fore provided, to direct a recess of
suoh house, not b, von,l tho next day
iSmiilav, at the hour o! ten
o'clock in tho (ommnm. Ami while any
question is being Considered by aaidxMiu
mtKaioii either house mai piwoi-,1 with
its legislative or Other business.
Si, ti That nothing in tins net shall
be held to impair or aff.vt any right now
ells' nig un,i< r the institution and laws
to question bv pnaveduig in the juiliciiU
eoiirts ,-f the Ut ited Stat, > the r -I t or
title iif the person who shall In' deviated
oleetevl ,ir who shall churn t, be Frvsi
ilout or Yioe-lhvs. it'.' of th, I'u.t <
States, if nuv suoh right exists.
Site. 7. That said cumuiis-siou shall
make its own rules, keep u recorxl of its
proceeding*, and sliall have power to em
ploy suoh persons a* tuny lie necessary
for the transaetion of its business and
the execution of it* power*.
tiiH-s Into Steam boatlntr.
The late Uoiuuiodorx Vanderbilt, with
that forecast of vision, that ossentnd ele
ment of geMU* whieh in every ;nq*>rtant
event of luaawreer never faihsl to assert
itself, sawthat sailboats w, red, stilus! to
lose thews supremacy while he was ml, r
<-ted*in sailing vessels. Kleveu years
h.i,l passed since Fulton's experimental
trqi up the Hudson. Alaunloiiing his
successful business, he accepted the i* sst
of captain of a small steiunlxcit at a sauiry
of 81,(Xk> a year. At that day passengers
t i'hihuU-lphia were e>mveyed by steam
boat from New Y..rk to New DiUliawiok,
where they remainevl idl night, and the
uext morning took the stage for l'miton,
whence they were curried by stage to
Philadelphia. L.r twelve year* he eoin
luiuidtxl the ste:oiiUsit (which was owned
by Mr. (.iiblsinsi running between New
York and New Itruuswiek. The hotel at
New Brunswick when* the passengers
stopjHxl was at the same time giv.u in
charge of his wife, whom he uiarrn-d
w hen only nineteen years of age. She
was the daughter of a neighbor on Staten
Island. Her maiden name was Sophia
Johnson, and thirteen children, nine
,laughters and four sons, were the fruits .
of this marriage. The hotel business
proved more profitable than the steam-
I suit, and why he remained as eaptaiu so
long was for the reason tliat the State of
New York had granted to Fulton and
Livingston the exclusive nght of ruu
niug steamboats in New Y'ork water*.
Believing tliis grant unconstitutional, as
it was afterward declared by the supreme
court, Mr. Giblwms ran hi> lx>at in ,leti
iuiee of it, and thus involved himself in a
fierce contest with the authohti, * "f New
Y'ork. The brunt of the Ivattle fell on
Captain Vanderbilt. For sixty succes
sive days an attempt was made to arrest
him. Leaving his crew, who were also
liable to arrest in New Jersey, lie would
approach the New York wharf, with a
hut at the helm, while he managed the
engine. As s*)ti as the v> .*, 1 w.u* mude
fast he would conceal himself in the
hold. At the moment of starting an ofli
eer, who would be changed every day in
order to avoid recognition, would l>e in
reikhness to arrest hint.
•• Yon are my prisoner," would say the
officer, tapping liitu ,n tlie shoulder.
'• Yon are more like my prisoner,"
would respond the captain, and then or
der: "L,t go the lines. '
Fearing to be carried to N', w- Jersey,
where a retaliatory act threatened him
with the State prison, the oflio r would
jump ashore, or failing in this. l„-g t> be
put ashore, which request was of course
jiolitely gnuitisl. In tins and other
tilings the captain tnanagisl t> evade tlie
laws. He fought the State of New Y'ork
for seven year* until Chief Justice Mar
shall declared New Y'ork wrong and New
Jersey right. Tlie oppoeition tried vain
ly to buy him off. " No," replied the
captain to ail such offers, " I sliall stick
to Mr. Gibbons until he is through his
troubles." And he did stick and he cur
ried his i* ,int.
Mr. (1 lb!x>n* offered to raise his salary
to #.7,000 per year, hut he decline,] the
offer. " I did it on principle," WHS his
reply to the question why he refused n
Compensation that was so manifestly just.
" Ail I ever cared for was to carry my
Continental Money.
The notable Continental money of the
l'nite.l States was issued in the follow
ing quantities: 83,334 bills of eight
dollars each ; 88,833 bills of seven dol
lars each ; 83,333 bills of six dollars
each ; 83,333 bills of five dollar* each ;
83,333 bills of four dollars each ; 83,333
bills of three dollars each ; 83,333 lulls
of two dollars each ; 83,333 bills of one
dollar each. The Continental money,
when received for taxeH by the colonies,
was to le canceled by "taking care to
cut by a circular punch of an inch diame
ter an hole in each bill, and to cross
the same" thereby to render them im
passable, though tlx- sum or value' is to
remain fairly legible."
Massachusetts' Finances.
The annua! rcjmrt of the Massachu
setts' Htut" auditor has been submitted
to the Legislature, and is in substance as
follows: Estimated expenditures for
1877, £4,771.300; revenue, £4,008,241;
deficit, 8763,059. Of the funded debt,
£850,000 will fall due in 1877. There
must therefore la* a State tax of from
$1,200,000 to §1,400,000, which is the
smallest Stab* tax since 1861; that of
1865 was 84,700,000. The funded debt
of the State is £53,550,0*10, a reduction
of 833*1,000 from the previous year. The
lief cost of the ILximm: tunnel and Troy
and Greenfield rail run. 1 has been 817,-
200,079, of which $2,0<>0,000 was added
during the past year.
A Smart Wife.
Concord, N. if., boasts of s clergy
man's wrife who is exceedingly smart, as
attested by her record for the year, as
follows: Gentlemen entertained, fifty
three ; guests at tea, sixty-nine ; at
breakfast, thirty-eight ; at dinner, forty
seven ; lodged, thirty-nine ; number of
calls made, -184 ; received, 565 ; letters
received, 494; written, 610, covering
1,287f pages. She hss read ninety books
and written 116 newspaper articles.
'fTliis is in addition to doing her own
sewing, attending to her marketing and
parish matters, keeping only one ser
INKY—Report lias it tliat a river of
genuine ink haa been discovered in Al
geria. It is formed by tlie union of two
streams, one coming from a region of
ferruginous soil,tlie other draining n pent
swamp. The water of tlie former is
strongly impregnated with iron, that of
the latter with gallic acid. When the
tyo waters mingle tlie ncid of one unites
with the iron of the other, forming a true
Ilrma al litlrrrM from Ilium- nmt thr.ia.l,
Tli.. irronue cutt. i (iallxtm iv .-in .1 the or. w
*'f |U.' I.'.' I*.lll i.l sell.HHl.'l li. l' I'tmllUU, .if
Mnlilt. will!.' .IT the Mr.-sn.AIU-ett - inel.
\\ feilliit. the fi. 1 mill Imiuli. .if tin- ere.,
lis.l lsirt .iik II finiii the fr>.*t, nti.l the* were 111
a iiioM jiitmi.le |<hght 1 Kj.uty Hii|k imteii
drill MiH'all'* iv|h>H -h.nn.llhit ih. .'lll . i > .-f
Un sH'urity life in-iiian.e Coiupauv • (
\.>tk i ltx ha.l eoHinull.*l . \t. nni.e fraud* ami
iv|<aletl |H-rJuiiei.. an.l thai the m .t were 1. .
than tin* get .wilt, of tin hat'lhll.-a V .1 -
jsiteh flout t'aj* I'.mn, Aftiea. -a. that a aim
tug in haa I—li iwatnvl Ztlhi lain!
lln /'ilia King l . 11. wava i. fu > > In |nnut th.
i*s'tt|<aii.'y hv lit ill—h 11 c'j** of ih.* l. nil. i*
..lin n i- ill .hqiilt. Ik ti..- n him If and Ih.
Tranavaal rviHildie, lie I.aa i. turned mu.kk nod
a I. tt.-i a* nt liim hv 111. lit tli-h envoy, and haa
a— S.IHHi wail iota in 111. diqnit. d It m
tory I'he ingle iinoii. an eatile, laid in
MR, ha-11.1 n i rukan rvoManxll *■ •>
ln-tailift kill.-l and -. Holla), tnjni-od !•>
liriiig nlriiek In a l.K\aii.dll•• whlh eiearliig
• now friHtl the traek n< *1 Ihtltalo, N \ Iho
lv|-wl of Ma--a.' audit.u |iUe. - the
Slate dot. tat ♦&'' n.iam a rvaln.-ti n.t r ' ie.
IHXI fix mi tho |<to.loua yeai Tli. in t . I .if
the lit- -ae tlliiiit I an.l lie. and (ii.-titlrhl la put at #t T. JiXi.o.
Ottrilig the . or.uier - in.pie-t u|k.ii t'.- .i>
tlina of the i-lltatiuta 111i.1.' dl-a-tel. K V
IWUmI, ehtef engineer **f tlie Cant, u litdse
coinpaii.. t* -lltled that hi had evai-.iu< I the i
wie, K.kl tmdge an I fouinl th. Iwae. w.r. ,
attached to the angle l-i.-'Xa in i n un-afi (nan
Her, an.l that -..tne of thein ha.l shpjH-l out of I
1 lace. lie found some ..f the t ra. i with the i
I nd-allptioil awav to fciexuniuistat. the ti naloti
l.xU, r.xluclug tin It aira of action, tl el* h. i
tlllfiatllUg to MUIK . at lilt) t i |Ml
foitit th. it dutiea ; he thought Uii t. \Hrl ma .
t.rial injury to tho •Uuctiir. it. - \S. .
l. It. ha- lcu lo < h-'t.-l l" lilt. -1 State. ..ator
fiviu Michigan Jam.'. (I, UL.ii.e WW ■ <- t-l
.eiiator I-, th. Maine la-gi-iaturw * i It hort
terur ending t.< vt, and for th. lon t.nn
ending 111 1-vi Wiu Wtudwn a. i.-looted
.. nator from MlUUeaOta Hie Vl .lioa
l.glolature e'ct.-l A II Qftfll all t Um
- k\'- --or of t'owelt i lay ton in th. -. . -t.
Si-- ft out v . -t : ■ 1 .a ■ .ing
fail.-1 to .1 t a C"iupi i .• with Igle-t. e. |
ll!i Ani hi- enemy at i.uauaiiiat. . c •in .indevi I
hy lieu. iuUh-ni, ami I ta.l deflated him.
Igle-ia.- ha- a.lod to le allow. 1 to let i. to i
pu.ate Uf. Uiu has lima d:-i * of th. U.t i
of hi- opponents for tho pte-idrucy ihi
the eighto. nth .f IV lulef till. 4.. mi e- of
the Eighth Infantry, under Lie it. Fislik 1.
italdwm, •Intel. Sitting ltutt • canip 111 the lhd
water, and defeat.-t tutu with th. '. a of all the
pixij* rtv m the eatup an I -ivt * um . - and
i-mte- l'he Indian- eo.-apci with 1.; t
•iJt— what they had on their |MT U> . An
. arth.inaXe otx urevi tn South, in Cahf.ama
Ml-. Mmiile tUaeer, of lh.leli, h... ill owned
he: Kifan 1 lufant child while iiuauofr* • I purr
leiai 1 lie uieicaulho age. • -f
I' .it. Harlow At, ill th. 11 Jaimai. iei - it.
gt.e the t-'tal uumLr of fa;liirw in th I nIU-l
stall- f.u the .ear lsTh a- '.'.fdJ, w:rt: a I .. •
tie- amouiititig to fI'.U.UT.Tv'.. In 1-T5 the
failure- imtulv-rtsl 7,7-to. with liatahlie- ainnuiit
mg to ♦ lu the IXmumon of Canada
the faliure. lu 1*76 wet. 1,72*. with ln-dwhtiO'
amotiuUiig to 4'iA.617,'.e'1. lu l*7t the failure,
in the lXniutuou w.-re I.'.A-s, with ♦JS,s4H.t*i7
Ualllltleo. In tlie I'lUted State-there a<o < to
ire.' |s- j le tu l u-i ie-, and lu the iHuuiniou of
Cana-la. M.JSi
l'h. N. > llami'-iure IH r. • it. ■ . !i* nil I
uorniuatevl Itannl Mare, f i govern . Ih.
It— 'lilt Lol- tlenoillk'e the "tsilliipU'a.y organ
ic d at Wa.hiugt- n to tliwait th- cleativ rv-
Jir. --< d Will .if tile people through the a. .11 u f
illegally con.titaud and ikwtui th trv.ll d
r. turtuug Invar.!*, aa rv. oluinwnry an.l troaaon
al le ut purj-me atvl .Set, luai-luurh a. It
•tnkeal at tin very life of th. ilcli.t fra.u'hu-e,
whieh U the hasi* and vital piunipie of tin*
government deprecate the um of military
I>t l*reaidt ut Grant m South l'ar*iliua an.l Vtr
gmia ; call U|khi the reprv -. ntati*. -of lailh
hod- of lougr.-. to unit, in aet'uriuc a
p acful Bvdntiuii of tlie vllSiculty in whk hThe
country I- iuvol.evl ; d.vlare tin duty of t
grv-a relating to the lYe-id. ntial .pi.--t: n. and
cl - thus " believing tiiat Ml. Tlktell r*—
ceiv.d a majority of th. whole liuintsr . f < Sc
lera! votee, we pledge lulu our hewrt. and tin
luahsi.-l .tljip rt u. tin full ex. r. t-t . f tun ail
lln rity ui .K>nfoniuty with the Conatilut: a ami
law* of the laud.... N> w York'* Stat agri
cultural M.nety elected l'atri- l. Harry , of M i
--i. eouuty, pr. -ident for the . u.tu g y. >r.
Ih. Kat Indian government will 1 t:W.-
je ikvi f. r the r*u.-f of the famine lri. keii
m Ma.lra- and Bomlavy, aci- tiling to the
r. jmrt of the h.*ne goveruim tit . lU-ar
IMltl Jo.< ph Smith, of tin mi.. n t.u I u-l.
dual lu Wa.luiigtou. aged eighty--* v.-n ton. . f puwrder in a null at lroy. N. Y'..
. vp:.a1..l with a deafening round, roiunSet. 'y
sl.ui' li.huig thrc hilikliugw, hut ( rtuuately
not dewtroyuig auy life. Tin ■ - amount to
A -hower of living -uaki -, eaeh
frrun twelve to eighteen inch. - m h ugtii, t r*-
|w>rt.d to have hcciirreil in Memphi*. I. mi.,
during a nut heavy ram Ihe Pole. ar>
greatly excited over the |>roliahillly of 111! —ia
being ■ ngaged in war. and tin r> i- a proba
l llity of a hlowr U :ng .LrUek f r fr.a-1 u wlh U
Hu.-ia lexxmie. ui.-tlvcl dh 'lurk..
A plausible, gnitlemanlv aii( aruig man i. : • •
-. tited luuiM-If to a Wah street Ni w York
lruki r a eow.ct.d with th. N. Y.I if. 1.- I
ami after a uiunlwr of luterviiw*, dejvcwit.d
a.a rtin. d elw. k for again.t th:.'. I
tutlou, for whi.Si lie part gold and
lialan . hlU*. Hie eheck turned mil !•■ 1.
eh ver forgery, win h tlie r of th* I'nmu
lYut t'o. hail certified a being gi.l tic -ig
ualuri being wo perfctiv counterfeited tn
Mr. Mody's last night in Chicago, lu. • all 1 *
funds to carry . u the good work die* out a
.-oilevtion of fi;<l.
I'nd. r the arrangement for the -. uienient of
tlie < icttou diftii'itity. Die grand cotuuuttne u>
to cui-i-t of live memU rw of tin s, nate and
five. d the each part, ohoo-iug its ■wn
inetnls r. ui caucus, and, I e-ide- the- , of four
member, of the stiprxm. Is-uch. aeh.-t. I from
ti . wbob liuiulier a.xxirditig t" gi >gra|vhical
ihvi.ioti* of the comitry. Aevordu .!. it is !--
h- . - - 1 the Judgi - - f th. first, third, uglith a: 1
ninth circuits have la-en aged n|wi. th. e
temg Ju -tic s ( uffonh Miller. Sto tu; ai. 1 Kn Id.
Th. four are to - let a tiflh, T<> th. . immt
t. of tifts .i> meuiU rs, thus mnipwid, are to
Is- referred the <|U' it)uu* rvlatmg to the .h
luttd Mat.-, winch ar. uuder-ti-d to 1
rl nda. Is uiaiaita and Oregon. Tin c niuiil
l.r, eooipKul of members of both Imu— . and
• Xpert-, as many other committee, tiavt* Iss-n
foniHd, notably the -ih.r oinmi-.i n. will
r. jsirt it- couclu-iims to the two h''Use-, an.l its
r. isirt will tan l mill • ts-th htM - unite tu
n jocting it. Finally, tlx- measure will cine
into oj ration a- m-ui a- it i- pa-- .1 and signed
ler tlx lYesident, and tlx count of the . -t- will
not therefore wait until th. tt-iud tinx-. tlx
f nrt.v'tith of February, but wilt pror.-d at
one-. Tliua th. country will Is tlx -is.ner r>-
Ixved of it- anxnty. (ha. Augur, cm mai i
der i t the I *e|rtm> nt of tlx < itiif, .■ :.t to to v.
l'ackar.h of New Orleans, a cwuuiutueaUon
< hargi.'ig the latter with misrepr.-. nting tlx
-tate of affair-there. to n. Augur il. Nx a that
hi ha- mad. any n-jn< -t • f . illierelaiiuatd, but
-avs he .lid send mends r- of his -t*ff to •• m
<pure " of U>th if it w. I. not js'-sihle for them
to make -ome arrangement whieh would result
ui the dU|T*W!i I" their boim-w of the arnx -1
nx ti on both siJes. This could not !• c n.trixd
a- interiixsld ing with the |w>litics of the Stat..
"It wa- -imply a.ugge-liou. aaysOeti. Augur,
"tn the interest, a-I thought, of peace, and to
give a moment s .pin t to the cituens of this n
■ it.d city."
riiirnp an election in tlx Canadian town of
I* I.i-It. a free tight occurred letwcn the
I reix'U aud English roughs, in wbx h the towu
hall was completely -acked ....'Hie N, lira ska
legislature after many baliota elected exdto*.
Saunders I'tut.-1 States wnator ... Dante]
l*nce. a C''kirt-1 man. was hanged in Warren
ton. Mo., for the . fa eolored man in
July last. Tho dootiiMl man died protesting
his intKA-encr. .. The Turkish grand .-oiuieii,
after a spiriteddelwte, lejeet. d tlx- last pro|-
t it;<. of the Enrojiean powers, amidst great ex
eibiix nt and cries "f "Death 1-cfnro dishonor."
As an outgoing train stopjs d at a .To-sing
in Chicago's city limits, thrc masked men en
tered the express ear and overpowering the
mc-seiiger aixl baggageman broke oik-ii the
-afe. which contained fZo.lXkl wortli of valua- ,
Me-, lu their haste, however, tlx. cctir<-d
but A143 in easli ant some drafts, with which
the. cacaped.. . 'Hie rej'rt of N.-w Y'ork
city - superintendent of buildings slum* that ,
m l*7r. jilans were ciibiiiittiKl for 1,379 new
leul'liiign, lsiug twenty.nine le—than in IK7.Y i
The amount Otjieitiled fur new building* and
alterations aggregat.*l f19,.Vf1,71K. against
t21.149.:t'i:i tle previous year Duimg
1876 there nrrivxl in Castle liardem N. w York.
75,'75 immigrants, against st.rfoO m 1*75,
140.041 m 1*74. an I over 2(Si.(si eaeli year
biv'k t" IsOC. Detective* have arresle.l
Horace K. Brown, the adroit forger wlm pa-sol
the *ht.*'oo • lie !. in New York eil. .. (•<*'.
AA el!*, one of Annapolis t Md.) nm-t iew|***ted
eituena, turi.s out t" have Is-en a defaulter in
the sum of <ssi from tlx- I oil T of Ahich he
wax president.
The rammiH-ioiiet (if internal revenue e-ti
mates that till, it -thlsand tlx- fraudulent tnaun
fartnre and sale of tot acco in the moiintam 'lis
districts of tlx- Southern Stat- - annually de
fraixl the government out of t i.000.0d0 duty.
11" hax railed for aixl will receive aid from tlx
army m aupjires-ing this state of affairs ....
England lia* prohibit.-.] tlx lllllsirtatioli of
< attle, sheep and goats from fieniiatiy, France
ami I'x-lginm, on scount of the prevalenee of
the rmderp.- tin tlio-e couiitrics. "J'ln- disease
is spreading over E'lrop.- Canadian new*
is to the effect that five hundred fnmiln s of
Sioux Indians recently at war with tlx ITdtcd
state* have crow ed the border into Canada to
take up their abode. They are peacefully in
elilied Win. Heath's lint factory ill lirook
lyn. N. Y., was destroyed by lire, with two ad
joining buildings. IXJSS, #lfkt.OtMl The tier
uiaii l'rot. -taut orphan asylum near St. Louis
was liurtie.l and one child jx-rished. Loss
heavy ; insurance, A15.000... . The 51asea. hu
si tt- Legislature, after many ballots, elected
slr. Hoar United States senator. The strongest
ojipoiicnt was Mr. Bontwell, James E.
Ilailev na* elected senator for the short terinbv
the Tenuc—ee Legislature A sudden break
up iif the ice in the Potomac cause.) many ves
sels and barges to sink or lie crushed, and did
considerable damage to wharves at Washington
and Georgetown .. Funeral services were
held over nineteen unidentified Isslies from the
Ashtabula disaster.
American bonds are in demand in Europe.
Since the arrest of Miles Ogle at Pitts
burgh for counterfeiting, the secret service offi
cers have unearthed and seized 110 different
plates for counterfeit printing 1* longing to the
prisoner, who has giown wealthy in the busi
ness David Cranston and Frederick IJord.
while crossing a railroad track in a wagon at
Troy, N. were struck and killed by a loco
motive Recent advices from 4'hiua state
that travel on the railway between (Shanghai
mill had In ii KKiAhM by native I
llllltw, ttlltl tile 11 I*' k Atlll ft MM* lilted I
1110 workmen the Chinese l*> nil Mu l
pr>*l llU'llt" Wa* lll*' 1-ftllM' *>( (III' dtxturl>aiii-o. I
1111 .il dlxtre-x fiom fftiiiiui' |>rtivmU In tlir s
northern li|-<>*in<V* 111 t hlllll. A gre at trill. mi' t
I'lii .illin! ml i.J. ami lln go* * i linn iit liml f
l j|i il (■■ Ja|*au tor >■ i t in.' I .it?lit young t
IIMMI residing 111 liivk Mtlli. s took ft lllltl I
tied woman from In i tut nl night. mill ntli i I
t.* 1 111 if; mill fcathriliig lor. UK tn'i 111 tin* li
Alton, where Uii' wax ilucn* t I e*l li_\ xiinto neigh '■
I' i ■ mill ii <i in A dangcrnu* condition. *
>1 M II lit (111 I lllfl ltx,*l|| Ii lllf; HI I* * till, I'lftUtl* it
tin' woman'* tuoial-1 were mi i-mt tin'* wished to
iltiii' lift Itmu llto iH-igblxirll**Hl. Thr nil- |
limit's fitrud* ili ..* tin lintli of tin *o allcga- |
Ii ■i thief I ligllit * r (otllllx, "f till' Uki' ~
Shore liitl, re'luuiittcd xillilit* b* shooting ,j
\llVlot* 11 .nnh'g 111' V-htal'lllw dlnaxb I ill .
mu r I In., iiiiint mu! linn to imagine linn \t
ill tin i nil" of tin' liinkt-11 hildg< tin f
revolution In l.iimli'i, South \inuiin, Ul* ,
|'lte<l |o Inn. I* in put lion li li* tin ftlltiioii ~
til X tin I.jtlloiix. ol I'Alt 111. mill t'ol (1
II III* 11. I I All in. \ II . H <k tln> I I l'\ ft „|
111 All s x!' togt-lh* i Mill* tlx l at*, oil' ll> mnt
lA'llllft It:* 1,.0A In I .tllllfttOit flilln 4'.t,lH*l to J,
ft, *mo V Itii At l*m .I*l, VitmiiAi'ii A ('ii. x ,
glue wink- at Philadelphia called * 1" of
ftlxiitt fill, WO, which la j aitlfttlv **o** I***! to In
lint toilet in liiiittljix A It***, i. x shingle fa*' 11
ti r* at Ink I imih, o\|il"*l< .1 can-uig the death 11
. t (lito* linn a i i*t limit;* toiiol* in) mint; x* * crml*
Oltw I • A I>!*,. (All Of It,. t .'llcl , III* hilling
It *1 •('. na-jll. ■" nn*> i a! roil a tin illicit a forwwl, I'
ClllUt- *1 " i In. . twelve filch** Ml itlaUH'b r. '
N\ hit* .INI alt.*!', i.ialili't of llto At nit: 14
t >n National 1 auk * t II .-.1. n, *i*o < Aliliti llllli'i*
Ilia I*..Uilfjlit, belonging to tin hail *
li.l* atolt'll ft'oln lltlll, Th, Tillkloil govilU- "
111* lit ha* jn.t li t, I shipped t" Uioin I** tin- Win
r Vim* * *', of N. ll**i i imit a cargo
of ,1 tiiAt* nftl * ftltlc* I al *!..'■ ' i m, i'iitt.*lntti't;
of Ti'.iiixi MA! tint llrlif* rifle- nitti lift*''lifts,
1,060 \\ in, !" -ti l ftttltft, 10,000,000 MrifU|M|
1&,000,000 Martiut rafUa, 16,000,000 MMiim f
, . i UOOgiiu nail*. Infotninllon frulu Cng
taiul *Vx 111* IP l 111' longer itoul'l that the 11
Anim. in oliii i. tiruMi " K*at mill all "
'iltlmftl.l 111* \\ lif;lott t '*'. *ii. liar. l.e* n 4
-' '.tfi'l ill I t all'l Will all*, el' I t'tlliilOallolt
V 111 ** *i 111 . sll*il 11.- hull ill- " lid 111 til, "
imiii "al N. ntin * (in t, M*** thr*. of lit* ''
gill- of \xt !IA 1.. 1 1 I i lal I**l' J'lltcll* <h! 4l
t*> itu|*itaouini- it foi t* ruin .1 thirt*-tl*e, twenty ■
aiul right*-* n *< ,*r- ii |j-* tt*il* lowa i> b>
oigaui . a tiati ual guard ll.* Nr.* York !
* In.-: At* x'l.m r* ** t AAil fit the
l*nt * ear anil ,\|*-tnlod 626,345.32. I
IM I i ll M l l i s I OMiIiESS.
- U
nrnalr. .1
llu hall Iti.l I*f. i* the S, nat* ft letter from '
li. i'. l'alnii r, a*, i< tfti * >t tin Democratic con
vection, In' !at I'olmi.l'iia, Ulii* on the eighth
of January, incStwiitg a copy of the r a* ilutltMia 1
All* .|'till I ) tin- *td iva*i utloii in I* cud t*. tin '
li. -.nt IN* aid* ntlal dlAtcultiia. 1.. fined to "
tin ai-ivlal *. liillultie *.f an* ii.
All aliirlitlli'i lit t** tl. Ilill l ruh .to iIKJIJa l
the atU ii.lai'.'* of al*a* nl aeuatora ** ti* lie* * r It ■
-hall I* A~ oilaiinxl liml a*ju niut* n*>( oipaeiit,
a .*.* lai'l over.
Mr. l'att. m:i li* n. of N<uth i aroliua, |ir*
** lit- d a| til. n"f I 1 II t hftiiitcrlaiii, lh 11. '
tir*a**S I I- I'anlo.-a and otli* r, of South
I AiohiiA. netting f'rtb that man* *.f the alat* - '
nieiita tu t!> labtk'H *.f Wa*h Halnj tou and a
other*. rwwiiUy j**#* nte*l t> th* S*:ial<, ate '
untrue, ■ tin r- an cal- niat t to tnialaad th*
S*-uAte, and uuj ortai.t facta ar*- oiuitt**!. Tt*e *
(at.!: una tin U l*l* w at ,*t length tin
Ci'taliUon *f atTair- ui South ( arolina, and
*-!aiin that the* . r. 1* gall* U-!.d t - tlu-lr J
*aiton* ofh Ordered (*rntlid. Mr. I'attor
►on auhuultrd a rra luti> 'U •tn taring that the 1
Mate g '*l ruin* Id n < eMating tliSoftUl'l an>- (
itur*, and ref*rt a* uta*t I*l' It i hamlarlain, n
tin lawful go* ■•rmu. nl of aaid Slat.' . that it la 1
rrj.iiMii aii in form, and < i* aaaialaiK-* >houUl '
U gl*. u t.' II h) th* l' SlaU , lo Um *nd .
liiat the laoa ma* lm faithful!* • leculcil. lu
f* 11* *1 to the conumttn *>U } 11*1 leg* 9 all'l ' leO
-11"! '. V
Mr. Sh* rnian li.* j*. A. of Ohio, fr.nn the cxan
nutl*e tin ttuanov, r* )a>rt**l hack th* Houe* t*rl! '
autlioruarig th* .xHliillg of tin a!andard ailvrr ,
dollar and n *l ting it. U gal teuder character.
t'tacul *m the ''al, udar
Mr. Witheia Ik-lii , I'f VugiuiA, .-ailed ttf
the meaaagr ■( ill* lVnaid* nl in regard lo tlir
mvii|*ati'4i *'f I 't*rabtlr.-. Ya.. I*> tin mihtfti*
uN .* 7, and Mii'.uithd i - ltioii relfttii* ,
to th* OWl.tni troil of th*- la*t - touehlng th* a
rl**-li * lrfttH'hie promulgated tu gemral
old* r lo th- atl* rn* *-g. u* rat. ami for an (
* *vmuiatlou **f th* .van** t■ > th* * **rnitnltee on
the judl.'Ut *. lieft'luUun agree.) to. J
Mr. Morton .-ailed up th* I'reaj.lnita
me—aft* in regard to tin t<rvU|*n.-}r *f I'etera
t<urg, Ya.. hv tr*a*|*a on rUeti* ii .lav, and rej lied
Hglh !■* th* I*' rk *f M<-:- John- t.m '
and Withrra. of Virginia. Il<- *l* f* n*t*d tlie ac- ,
lion of the l"r. i*l* nt, and argneat that, und* r
tin Uw. th* Trend* nt ha*l I lie right to and "
tr***|*- to tl • pulla ui iiv state f**r the purj**
of k.e'JHllg the (a-ao* Mr. Johtiatotl lktu.l,
of Virguiu. ltl that if h* nfta **allaltr*l j
. iilra, <•- h.-.d he* it eiamnlttrd in l'e!*r*l>ur|; he ,
***■'. li.l lr a* *ttll<*k lo dtll*tlli*-e Ihelti ax tlie aeti
al* r from liul au . lilt li* d*Ule*l thai *i'*lni* <
Mad in that *itv. aid a> M|M ' * Mi. j
Morion. The matter after further *lia*-uain '
•> laid ftxi.J*'. j
Ih* memt*er* * f th* -[ *•- nl * riiuiitl*-*- of
•even ft|>| • ;nl*J to *l< *IX nuaiufiu a aalnfae- j
tor* count of the riwi. ra! * t. * enter*- 1 th*
S. iiate *l.j ml r. Mr. 1 dinund* Itep. •( Y.r
it" ul, lite chairman of that commute* . xaid
1 am ilu*> '.-* 1. Mr, Tre-nh nl, I.* the *~ le*ct ,
corumitte* raiid uiuh-r th* maduth'ti of the (
s*-nate oi* th 'ill')* tof couutiiift tile elertoral (
v.*t* . t.* awhanH a reix.rt m anting, ailh ana*- ,
ccwnpanyuig hill. The n-|**rt t> aigmd, I Van *
ha|*p* to *a*. I.J all the treuihorx of tadh O'Ul
niitt** x, with <>!i< rinptain ; an*l ail that I *: h
to -a* on I in- uei inn after •elating that
c d' lr* to tak* It up at th * ariiext |x'*x;tle |
■ lay, ixiexiM* on Saturdav. hut certmnlv on ,
Monday, to |-i< it to aih tftftminatlon lit aotue
If i -1* **l) from that da* f. rth la that tin .
* inmitt x .re of o{*ituon that the mraaurw * ,
r* -omiueiiJ ix not what i ralhd a c*mipr*ui.iK j
m any mu**-* f tin t* rtn. I*nt i a meaattr* mail
of th. eiei-i-* **f ronxtiti'.t* ■J* g*o rnimefit,
and that in no iw-imw-of tlie term will anylad*
ha*e a Ju-t r.ght t<> •* that aiotxit* xi | iuiuoa |
or *l* w ha** I- eu en* id* ml m any MiUlaii
tial H"]x*t. It !■ i:> t a meaxtir* f poh.-y or
contnvauee, Int a uu axur* of <-.*lir*titutional j
jilxtn-, for the prewrration r*f the |*ao- and
ord* r <*f th- g*i*. rnnicnt.
Tlie r* |*-it ..f the oommittee and the aocom- J
l*armuft Ini *•* then read h* tlie rliirf clerk, ;
.*ll.l it wa r*l* ml that tin * print**!. Tin ,
rej>rt i algind hy (**x*rge !>. 1 jlmilli'la, Trixl
, rick Ih I'M hiifthny ~* n. Ilnxr**. ('"iillliijt, A. <. {
nuirmnti. 1. 1 1 lay aid and M \V. liau~rtn *!. '
tin- part . f the s. uate. Mr. Altwt**n being tin
only one who declintd to xign it. Hnthe part j
of tin ll' iix* f liepn enlati*' it wa -igne-l
hy the xeven meiiilxTx. namely 11. It. I'ayne, .
Tpj*a Hn don. A. s. 11. witt, \V. VI. Spring* r.
<t*x*rg* W. Mc n* ry. tioorge F. Iloar and j
(oxirge Millard After tkl i ;-*it had 1-reii (
r *d, the I'lii *• an r*ad a xe*-*>id tune by title t
au*l placed on the calendar. (
In a dii'Uftaioti on the Imuiniana fjne-tion
Vlr. llogy I'i'in. . of At.—url, mailr charge
again at <I"V. I'arkard whir)- re ap|>lau l*xl 1 *
the galieri* x. and thoee **er. t once rloae*! by
tin- xergi-ant-at-anii-. Mr. Sherman (It*-|*. ), "f
Ohio, and M.-it- n liep.i, of In liana, utain*d
(Kjv. Packard.
In th. Senate, l d^iiiiid- . liep., Vu), made th* 1
Oix-uing x|xx.-h on the hill for counting the
* bvtoral vote, or. ax it ix no** known, the Toin
nroiiiiiu hill. Th- gailcri. -of tin s- tuth) rhani
!■' r wer. ci'.wdtxl and . *• rye. nator in Ws-li
ingt*>ii wax pr.— nt ui liix m at. Tin- ipi-eeli *>ax
Uxt. inxl to with xtri. l attention. Tlie *|* vker
entered ti|>*n an eiplmmtion of the aeveral j*rrv
nidotiH of tin bill, d* -cribiiig thern at
* •me I'Uftth. lb- maile an on* t againl th"*
allegation "f the right "f fl" pneddent of tlie
Si-nate toeaercim' judicial power Inthe ennnt
mg of tin vote, and lux denuD'-iation "f tl
wlio alleged thia right wax atmng. lli point
again*! th"ie who declare the bill niieoiintitu
ti"i m I wax tin* Tliftt th- rc ix not a xiugb metl'in
of the Conxtitution. .a*, one. which haa n
--forrc'l itx* If without CT*iigrcxxional legixlation.
Th" * aceptixl aection i* the "ne which recog
lilZ'xl xla*e axproiwrty. and in a notable cam-,
cited by tin xpraluT, tliix coiixtitutional pro
vixion wax d'*-idid by- the xuprem*' r..urt
|to allow a maater to n>e<'**r n xlave
* projx-rty whore* < r In could And him.
A* t" tu* matter of pttx *<h nt. th<* m-tiator do*
Clar.xl that in |X'int "f fact the vet* * had Ix-en
; counted by tiller • at the clerk'* de*k after each
Pro*id ntul election f"i a |rerii*l of forty ynara.
No xiicli criie ax tliix ha*l * *er nrixen t" lircowxi
tat*'the action of ( "iigix x- m the matter, and
I tin- Coiigr. > wax now called on to in reixe a
right which had merely laid donn.iut. H*
nrg* 1 xonat"r- neither to xtimnlato ibmlifx in
i their own mindx icr to let their wixliex outrun
, tlieir 'b lu nt* lndgim iitx. and oxhorbx! the
| chainlx r. m l~ half "f the couiitrv, not to 1* a*"
it in danger "f foaxing anarchy, r* *. inblmg
uiotintaiiw t .ambling evynnore into x* ax w ithout
| a whore.
Mr. Morban i liep.l, "f Indiana, followed Mr.
Kdmuii'l • in Ih- di • uxxioii. Mr. Morton waa
; the "ill* in-mix r of the t'onferi'iic*- comiiiittee
• that did not -ign the n |x>rl and he did not
make a nun irity rejmrt. II" ajxike in opjx.xj
tf. il to the t ill He knew that tlu re wax gn at
j uneioimxx in the couiitrv and appiehan-ionx
i nr*' f* It of * lob uce. The lull, lie declared, l*
pii *. nb d for the reaaon that nu mlx r* of the
two I" I • m I> ln vil that <lang* r threateue*! th*'
. "Hiltl V. ll*' did not l*e!i' *' ill the reality of
tin- danger. Th n-al danger t<> b. apprc-
Iti-iidol waa in not xtanding up and doing our
whole ilul* . Tor "lie l wax not afraid tlint if
thix vote xliould be counted ax it wax for the
tirxt i'ov nty-two yenrx in the hixtory of our
gov* iiiiu* nt tlure will Ik* any revolution lb*
Ixvlieved that any one who alb inntx It will be
utb il* de*tr"*"l. II" regard, d tl" bill ax a
coinproniixe, "and that it ahoulij take ita jilaec
aluligaide th" notable ixmiproßllxex in the Ilia
-1 | b>rv of the country the eoinprotnix*- of lHgo
and the eomproiuixe of IHjO. tie behoved that
j Hutherford It. Hayea wax fairly elected
1 I Pro-ident, anil if count* I in he wrould l*o
inangnrated without viulencx- and there
would l no revolution. H" rloxeil abruptly
aftor holding the floor only fifty minute*. Mr.
Morton maintained that in the Blwence *.f legi--
lalion the prexiilent of the Si'iiate iniixl count
I the votex lo prevent a deadlock, lb- did not
1 hold that I 111- power xh"iil*l Ix- elOMiOfd in op
-1 poaition to the will of the two hottae*, hill it*
exerciae he held to lie no m to of a usurpation
than had la-. ;i committed in every count down
to the adoption of the twentr-xecond Joint rule.
Hi* chief objection to the hill wax that it give*
the oommixxion power to go behind the re
, turn* aud a*oertain what elector* were duly ap
pointed, which he held to he unconstitutional,
and regarded liexidea a* a ehttlige of the exit
ing statu* in favor of the Democrat*. Mr. Fre
linghuyaeu (Hep.), of New .lerxey, followed Mr.
Morton in a written *|*eeeh in favor of the hill.
He deni -I that it gave the commission power
i to go back of the paper* submitted to it to see 1
how returning l**ordx lawfolinixl tlieir dtilicx.
Here wwe two *tlverae ilepubiicati I 'lltlll''llX at
the out a* t ax to the luoxt iui|*ortant feature <*f
the meaaure. Mr. fain* roll I Ib'p, I, "f I'eliii
xvlraula, made a ll*e nitiiut* •* xpexx'h agaiuxt
(lie hill, (li'llollll'ing II n- a U* unal all.' all all,
frame*! I.v time ur tiiur llepublieaiix lo gratify
tlieir political "('(Xilu'lltx. it cieate*t, In xald, a
IXIIIIII AI ".lilt, t" cheat 'Hi" pail* >*r the "tli'-r,
l*v trick or lot. Mi Kdiuuiula iltep.V, uf \.i
iiioiit, ili cUn d that prompt u-tion wax in* *-
xnty, and that I" xfnitild | nil matt* I * to a
* nte.
Mi Willlain Hlb'll, pr*-"lent of tl" W i xt* ill
t in* *ii let- c rapli 'X'lnpany, Hl* l*f.-i. ll"
lloiixe liit'let will. Mi Hit.*n itlo'lalliix an*
inlenlKUial dlxtrxiax-f to li e cuiniulttixi or to
the lloiix*. and d'-lai.x hi* ii adttuxx t** ftp
p ar I *'foie (bat ***111"' llt•- on tlx letnm to
\\axlongton aiel gi*e lo- t*--tni*n* full* and
fnx l* It*' thcrcf' ie a-kx to I* dlx*'hatge*l
fI * >iti I'lixtixl*. lb wax liilixl"b-.|t" tie I'ale
"ftlu aelgcalil at aim*. Mr. t kianu I Deln .
of Tt'iuiayliaula, inti" tu*..t a rea<*liiUM in
Xtructmg (tie isouiulll.x on the judndaiv b* lu
'(illie wht ll" I and what cniii exxloiix and IH I*l
- x hei*'t**f"ii giantiit b* 1 oiigl* **a and now
i lijo**xl to tin- NV*.X!*'lli I i 101 l tel* '! j|'l' . in
pun* ale ie*"kabl I * * "llgiexx and if ■- .I*l
ix.uiuaiu*- aliall determine MI. h con*-* xioux
at**l privitegex ale I. *okal le, tbell ftirtlo i 1 •
111.(1111 e into the ev(x In u-y of I* | ■ King a bill
Ir*"king tlie aatcc and le|*t-allug tl.e acta "f
i aigivaa itiidci which the* wet* > >'i*l< tml, and
that l*a*e la- grant* 1 to oaid committee lo i*
(x'll at any time D* l* *t. .1 **.* x, bit , uaya,
liglltyti*' lint t>* oUlllvtn voting Ul tlie
alio luatlvc.
Mr. Ilxlchcr I Den. .of, UNl*.| to
xtt-.(.* :I*t the rule- :*ll*t |,-*xx the tall 11 LLJR 11-llet
of toba**co grow* ! * It pru*l*te* that t**l*a*X-o
grow em xlivll ha*e THE light t" xell leaf toh."**o
free from tax, 111" *I "the! I' llictlolia L I
feat*'*! veaa, liri uaix, ninety nine , late
Ihn.txiiot Voting ulbruiali**' '*.
Mr. fattltii'ld 111*111 *.F llliitoia, IUOM-I to
xu*|a*U*L th* rule** aiul pace a bill that It LA un
lawful to ki <p I nor* than - UC regiment of infan
try, one eouipali* of artilleiy, aiul *>ue coinpnii*
of cavalry M \\ axhington dining flu x* - TOUA of
I'fiigrex*. IFRVP *I yea*, ;C . nays, !17.
LLU Hot! e *v>li-ldi r* I the bill authorlrilig the
apjaiilltiueut **f "lUIUIix-lol" 1- to all* ".I an LLl
t'TuaUonal <>. 11* eiitl. 11 t*. ll"|illle nib. tlx f *-*-
TI*E vatu. of gold and xlivr r, and It wax tabled,
yeax, 1 J I , uaix. Int.
li* A * <>te of ItOt 7U. the Hollxe ilHllllllttlx Oil
tlie pi I* ling e ami dull! - of the ■ lection wax ul
tow **l to -it during lb* of the lloiix* .
'HI. Hollar con-idi I**l tin r* Aoliitlou r. |x.rl*-*l
by tiie judiciary OOllillllttec'W UH rcfeielice ("the
aiu—LOFTL" IX'tilxiana 1. turning LXIAI*T. Aft. 1
"Hixiiterable dlxCUSxioti TIU vote wax tab* U, and
l'O res lilt": I f T till AT" ' I tl" M ML" IF of
lb* I-ouixiaiia R* turning boaiit AIT*I tluir ( (*-
.In (ion Iwfore tin bar of tin Hou-E tu au-wtT
FOR contempt wax ADOPTED by a -arid |*arty vol*
of ti* yea- to *1 na**.
V gixxt deal of tunc wax occupn 1 111 de-ldtug
tin >JU<-lion a* t<> whether tlu- Uoum- should
| r*x'< *xl T' llu- c O-NL. ration of the lex*lullous
re(x.rte*l from the • oiumitlw MI the jsrivtl* 'ex
and *tu(.EX of the Hollo* Ul counting tlie UV
t. ral vertex, or to that of a oumpronuae plan,
the Itcpul Ll* an* favored lb* Utt* R and the
IVLU'x-ratx the former. The I I 'll - dccl'lexl, I'*
A **4* of HI to *l, to ploerxd with the r* xoltl
tioiix I',x' the louinutt** <ll privilege*,
which ai< a- T. Uow -
First lliat the I o!ixlttutl*'U dix - not Confer
ili the | 'l' aide nt of the S* oate |*o**er t *x
ai .11*1 and ax", rtalil tl.e y.-U * to le * ant a
electoral *ot> -.
S *Hid That tin "IILY J*.w.l which tin ton*
-tltuti.'U TBXX wafer . o tiu pren* but * f ti**-
S* nate M tiu* niAtt* r I- t ■ I*-.*-,** the * J1-1
lixt traiixuuttixl to him by th* xt 'rral *! t- ral
*• -LL.-gex, k< |) the xaiiH" xafi L*, and **(x N all - Rl
ttlieaiew (*>r thoo* purpoiting to U xinh) in the
pr*-a* IH-* "f TL*<- two liiXiM-k,
fluid Thatt:. Y %. TAT: 1; U 1- - if* R ST*
the S* nat* aiul lion*** of LU-prtex-I.tatiyi * th.
|*'W.r to rift! unit- aiul a vrtaiu the Votea to Ix
cvHluUat AX eltvtoral "I*-.
b iirlls I hat ui lite * loruUoti of auch |*ower
tin 11 ix* of lU-[V< xx ntaty** - i at leaxt <-|uai
with tile S* oate ; al.d
Fifth That 110 voir can !X count* t again-L
tin judgii" >1 aii.L deterinu.ali nof U*< LB-ux.
**f lb |Hewelltatl* CO*.
Mt Knott. (Drui. 1, of Kentucky, chairman of
the 'limn!l"- a.tdr.-xxsl tiu lloiixe 111 Mtj |- ft
* t TLU- principle- Cl.uneiat' l m tin I* xulutb-iia,
*• 'ucludmg with then* word*
llrhnvmg that the HOUSE ha* a high P *r
and a arlemn *lut* t<* JWRFORM UI r*-gard 1"
COUNT tug the ciect.*rwl * "TC for L'ssi *b-TIL and
Vn-* Tr* -idrnt. in nn huu ,l4*- JIKLGTIU-ut. any
all* Jll] t "II tin (*.*RT T any 11 .u * r I-1 * fUu
ruvutue, Irgixlativt or mitunt* rnU. T<* *-*>* F'V
thix ll.'Un*' to. Ul! a *. !< which TU LT judg
ment IV lu'ahd * r '"1-1, * r to R*W T - thix ibei-e
!• thr •< out a vol* which, M ita judgment ix
hgal and valid, '-r T> tntrffiT* LU any manner
whatrvv-r with the |X a rfu! >hx* barge of RTA
canstitiiti* al functtoua UI thix high regard,
wi ttkl LX an utt* r xutoer-R ti of I itr (vmatitu
tfiial govcrturicut, ami If accomjiauird TY
aruu-1 ami <<rgaiar*>l for**, would lx TR-cax. nto
th I'rutcl Slat. X"f AT.ienca
Mr. Itur* hard. .Ih p -f Ith; a in* h.t- r
f th* * omuuttex-, !Titi-t <>u tehalf < f th* f* ir
lh(ut .an i mtxrxof tl n. P.t.- th* I
lowing ax a xuletitute fot the r*x*.*uti tola llu
lif -1 that it T* tlu* {x.wrr arid duty * f the
LB tlx* C*W;F imahly with tin S* rial* . L* J*r*"lJ*
by law *>r oilier nxtarutioiia! turth *l. a nuxle
F r fairly and truly ax*vKamtng ami |aro(xt!y
Counting the <L4-t>ra! vote *if each Stat*, W A
I*, give • (1.-I-t |U the rh*A V of IDL Mate 1U TLIE
ele-tu-u . I Tr.-I B n! ami V, .-Pre- hnt
SI - *|>*L That In tl • a! "-etc - of |*gi>7ati*<
plviviaioO the atlbjixi <*i authoritative dir. * -
tHHi from TL, Senate J 'd IT- --* - f LBPR -*-U!a
--tiv* *■ tin- prvxl*b-nt of th* Senate, ttp**U **|>eiuiig'
LB* . iTtlft* ate* d* - '.r* and : *! IS" * IT* b*T*i
*.-l- F.* pre-*. l* nl ami \l*X" Pre -. I* nt of llu
Tinted statew*.
Mr. Hunte r ILFM. of Yirgyuia, fnmi the
Jndictary C.mnntte., r* ;x'RT-*l a rwaolutmn <li
* liargmg Mm. Ortou, pt*xi*lent *-f the M. xte-ni
I'm :i teh grajh coni)*a]i*. from the cnbxly *ef
the e rgvaiit al-eum*. Ad 'J !*xl.
Mr. Till* I sin , of t j.wu-*ana. i Iter* 1 a
r* -'lute*n calling on th* l're-id* tit for informa
tion m regard h* the rival goviTtimciita ui
lamixiain. ilefentsl.
Two of tl • uu u.t r of the |x>m*.aiia rctuni
mg t-*ar*t. J. Madlxon M* lla and Tl* 'inax ('.
Vmbrvoii. w.r* hrvmglit lxf**r* the t*ar * f tlie
11■ -use I** anxw.r t- tin- rliarg. *f e*.iteui|iC
1 lie** waked for and were grantex! tunc.
M* **r*. M'tlli- and l arl*t ei|*r> *.-d their
li -tlhty bitlu Klc!**ral Till, and Mr. Tlutteii
deii, f New b rk. folb'Wext with a x(xx-.-h In tt
detail**-. 11l tlu i* uir-e f hi* r*mark* lu xai*l
that lu- had a-- * rtaim*! thai the ll*m*e* con
!*iik*l onlv iimet*-**n< ninuUl* *li<> wer* not
!a.'y*r*. lie wa*- he xanl. one- of tlu' ninetywii*
a layman aud wlitle he had gTvat r*-xjrt for
tlu- < oiixtitutlon. ami hxte-m <1 u-ually with
great inter*-*! t* tlu dicu* uu **f **-r* nic* and
tin* T oiixtitiitcual |xntx by the eniinont b-gal
ta,* lit **f tin- iluuxe. tu tin* i-axe he wax a nier.
layman, having the lot* i*--l* and pr**x]x nly <>f
llu- tv.iuitni at heart, wi lung to x<-*- oouftd* u*-*
and pn*p* rity n -t"r*d, and gr< *t calamilu *
averted : Ix-ggied than* not ! dwell t.x* long on
tlioxe rex-unalte moetic* of Is * ill which they
naturally delighted, but t*. - : the rt*imtry at
eae*e by pa**ing the Kb-ctoral bill.
A Wiuvliiiigte'ti letter any* : Just n<*w
the favorite' mdutinn of the Pnwiilciitial
cotuplieution i* t" hohl H now olecfieui
tioxt fnll. itn.l t*> allow tlie i>rcwi*lent *>f
the Se'Uate*, wins vur lie limy l*e iifle-r the
fourth of March, b> mlniuiisteT the oflh-e'
rid iutrrim. This iw t.> lee* liMiight
ul M ml, accorvlinjf to the gossip of tlie
lobvhiox* uiitl elonk-rooms at tlie enpitol,
by tlie Dmnoernta in tlie* Semite liehMin#
tin' qtestiuw nrisinK in tiio propnwa of
the <Nunt until the el**'k striken the
hour of iiin on Mureh -1, wlion it is
rlfuiurvl the whole <i]H rutio!i of omuitiiiff
the Vote-a IlisN'iwuirilv OeiueOH. T'liell the
Suiuite is to proooeel at <<nei> t avvenr iti
itee now nie'inlwrn aiul ol*ot n pn - iliiig
offieor. Ily the timo this is iu'*'>'inplialusl
a ine-xAage will lu l reee'ivetl from tlio HOO
roteiry of Stnto ftunoiineing that tlioro m
a vacnncy in the off! I'n <iih'tit of the-
I'uiteil States. The newly ohvt*-*l pr*Ki
ili'Ut of the Sennte- will tnke the oath **f
otljee U'for* the chief.just ee', vvlm will,
of ootinto, lm in waiting "ith hi* ffoim
on, ami lie will flu n jtimp into a car
riage, ilrive to the White' House', anil set
the wheels of government m motion.
'l'he feasiliility of this method of set
tlumeiit is asserted by the I ti-iinxTiits,
who say tlmt unless the Republicans
should upon set up the abandoned
claim of the riprltt of Ute president of
the' Senate* to count the vote's there' is no
way in which a declaration of the elevtion
of HIITCS can be arrived nt against their
opposition. The Semate' lias no rules to
limit debate', aiul now tlmt the joint
rules are abrognteil, then' would Is* noth
ing, they think, to keep them from Inlk
ing day and night to kill time und pre
sep-.t tile) Completion of the eoutd.
Sallowiusr a Cent.
A physician, while on a railroad train,
was eoiiHulteel by one if the employees
on the train in relation to his little i*>y,
wlu> had that morning swallowed a emit,
" What have you done' for him ?" askesl
the' doctor. " We- gave him a elose e*l
e'usteir oil," was the* reply. "(haul
I) notice so fur; as se>ou as you teuu'li
leeme, give' him the' whites of three raw
eggs elnily; le*t his diet be- breiul and
milk and nothing nour." The elim'tioiin
w-ero followed faithfully, the 1 whites of
the e>ggs repinited every day, nnd the*
elose' of oil at night, and on the fourth
day the e-e'til wn.s discharged. It was one
of the new copper coins, and consider
ably eorrmled by the action of the gas
tric juices. Since fated re>siilts often fed
low the swallowing of n ooprwr coin, the
judicious treatment advised in thiH in
stance sheittld be reme'inbereil Jy all
who have tliei care' of children. The es
sential point* to be borne in mind are
simply these : Albumen or the whites of
eggs.'u bland diet, free from acids, and
castor oil.
Vegetable Pulmonary Balaam, tlio great New
England cure for coughs, cold* aud consump
tion. Cutler Bros. A Co.'s, Boston, only genuine.
TealliHHiiv 111 the Xolm I 11111.1.1 —lxnrl
k nil* I'l" till x*n|*rl leir l I'eeri'laH Will. lux.
M. I doiiald I an.' IVrret, Hwix* ruiiiiulx
xioii.'t to tl.e Centennial I'.alitbilloii, and IIH ii.
lixr of tlie* int. inational jury oil **at* b x, tiax
given Hi. icxiilta of lux oluuuialloll on Allien
. in watehiuaklug In a public* a* at Chant
||. Toildx ljs l. UII.I N> 11. tial. 1. jte llig I.llu If
a laign wal.'ll lliallllfae-tltrvl, hlx xteet* 111. iitx
made a |Hofoun.| illiprexiiotl lu H*iteu-itaint,
and will l lead mill th" llvelleat inter, xt |u
(tils . .liuitry, Afte-i -ki tilling the growtti of
wal. hluakliig lu Ik aainsin, l.y wlet. h ll.t. Tiro li
luaiket for wat. be* wax 1.m.1 to hwltae-itaint, lie
K|xik> xlilexlaiitlall* ax foltowx
I .>r a long tun. Am* ii.-a ha* tx. n tlir piun'i
pal mark, t for oiu wal. hra. To.ta* w. muat
eamrxtiv prepar. to xtruggle Willi the Attnsi
. Jlix on tl.*- ttrldx wln-re tiltln it*. *. have Ix. I.
tin- e Mi. Ih-itulaoli, ttee- father of
Aioerli-an walet.making, tlilough the
eaiitoii of N. udiat* 1, xtudyiiig our ll"xte- of
luaiiufu< taring, wrking to uifueui hioiae lf <>f
.-vrrytiiilig, ami rar. futly iiotlog tlir wreik
|x'intx in ..ui tmluatry. \ft-i tiia return In the
K* *1 State-, in I'M, I*, found**! a factor) Hit
Iktxt.m " 11.*. Ik .xt* in Mateh Company Th.
• a(tiul xelixly waa aiitwrtlieil by
. xpltallxtx mod- tlisli l- prae-tn-al txixinrw IIMNI.
In tl I-. .■ i ui , the . inpati* turne t ..til only
Ih. roiigli fAi liioveiiieut, and att.-l.ib*! 1..
tin lim-hlng all othrr paitx, xiicli a* trallia,
balanrrx, j. w.!, *te , wne liup.nlrel from gwit
r< rials), l ittle l y li"tie-, howrvrr, ttir fretorv
rVlrnd. d Itx *•{ j-i atlolix and pl.xtlli-esl olle. I
|-itx. But i.x tl" |H >tita were mi.alt, Un- capl
tali-tx abainkmcsl K and it failed in lSnel.
Anutbei Atu. rirxti, Mr. tt*>l>hiiix, eutrei a
g.xxi x|s nlatloi: and Ixiught lilt faetory and
t-• f..r t7s,(h*i. A new com|utuy "Tlir
Alill'l ' .ol Mal.'ii <'"li',ali* wax formes). With
a capital of '-' Sl.Oai, whieh nan iiur<bnra) to
*aix .( Ml 1 rf I. thr w:.r, which J-Ut *-U fixet a
mii'.l ui of not tlrland se *'-iv one w Jiites) a
watch, th'-re wan great auiiuatlon in ttirwat.-li
bllxlilrxx. At thin juiieiurt, whl' ti might have
Ixeu a luck* our f. i our HidUntry, **■ fail.-t to
couiprrli. uJ our li at iiitueatx. liixtca*) ot
n*-tiding g'-"! Wat. In n t*i tlir AtIVTVAIIA, tin
**s -t tcaxll wax xent. 'Tie. Atlerri* alia, how rVer,
We nt to W"ik on au v l.itl* ditfrr* ut plan. Th.
r.Hii|*auy in.-r. an*sl their |4aul and turned out
a U-tle-r ordintry wat.-h than th>-Nwim watch.
Kl tl.. i i. 1 of M *rat yraix tin- Anicficaii watcli a g.xxl r< J'Utati u, wtub uura were di -
<*■ udltes) every ahen . lu lsegi the capital wa*
llecrt a*, d t>> and the Operatioua of tin
*s*tu( -- ny gr< ** to imuieun* (a* j xx tii .ux. 'Hie
Walthall' Company give# employ tie. lit to !<UU, and uiai< almut 166 movemeate* jx r
day. Tin y have again incieaaed tlieir capita)
till It aiiiouiilx to ¥l.Vaj.taal, I. .nte- xgxi.lxxl
a> ai. ■' r*. fund. Thia watch fae"b rv in • teal
Jxoeer f/r. in *s*r .itr il lie Aveeoy*-. M.
ia*r -nil it in all tlx drlaltx, and w<- have ad
mired Itx nplriulid orgJliuxtiou.
1 .axl May. "It tin .*< f til* Exhibition, w*
•till ne • lut*d Ueaele-i x of the Mtuatioii. One
event, bow.*, r, dealt UH a mortal blow. 'Jin
Wxlthan. Company announce*) a r.slu.-ti'.n f
tr* : i forty t" nft* |xr . ■ nl. *.u pri.s x ah. xdy
lower than their tivaix, ih* l*s)u*-tioix t* dal*-
la kin January I. ln"<*. It l* unnecrxaar* ta
UII you. gentlemen, how **ry detrimental thix
wax to tl.r Swiaa watfth. hlltl aiH*t)e*t and more
liu|xirta..t explain* tl.e growing (Toxpexr-
Ity of tl.e C->m|xuiy. 'i' th
* <rk wo r.gtilarly that all part* of ll.e walrh
may l lutrrrhauged k* a order Mb a
ixi-tal card without u**rt—Haling the forward
lug of thr adjoining piese.
ihr .(in xtioi: ha* often tweii aokr-l. ran UM
Au.erW atiß auttk i. ntty xuj ply tin- demand *-f
Unit maikelx'r Yea, they can; wear*- dtt'eu
• •ut of tl.e Amen l* market*. In lsSo tlx
Ann-ncau < onipaiuex | i.-lined only 15,' xxi
watcln;. To-day they l'txxlilee which
can he eaally duuhled. We M-at p. the Tmtext
Slat. x, m I*7'J. snCAak 1 wrt.!.a. In ls7h w.
xi.all I -at. lr xe nd them 7" ,I**l watch*-*. Tin
Americana have air*lid* tx guii to ex led Ihtli
manufacture to Kut.ipe In KngUrid they M-11
ani.uall* from iU.IIUU to 3o,tai watch*--. 'Jin
Atneftcar* watch *vrturneii*e* !*• drvvr frvxiu tlie
Tnghxli market th* Swi- watcti u*t r**n th*-
)l)*ghx)i watch, th. Ann Meanx t*-guu J.v ere
xtilig a demand fur ll.'tl g. - six in Un- flidlrx
aud m Auxfraha. and th. n lhanka ta MIUU
la.werful UU|x iting hoUacw thev invaded
land At M<— w and KI Petcnixun they have
air* ad* * -!ai-i;xh*st UoJ-itant tcanch "fli*r.
Tlietr aim tx to drive u> firt out of Itietr own
cotuitry. and then to cuiix te with ux on isir
owu w -.1. 1 aUKwrely rveitW that 1 twraoualiv
halt d übt'd thai i!ip*lilnm. lint now I
tiav* -. -.I I ha*. f> .t it and lam territi**) bv
It" dang't t*> win i our mduxlry ix ex|x.-<-d.
Ih -.dr., I un n "I th* "iily one ta thmk wo ; tin
--nt' lM'Tcatil.lialr liav. sent a del'gate to
itiake UxjUltlox and lux n jxirt Jxrfrctly jpus-x
with uunr. Cp U> thix * tr* day we tiave le
ileeist ViiM-nca to I - d (- inh-u! tij-n 1 lisp
We hat" Ixeu ml-!okru. 'The Amrncanx will
xen.l tlx thcu pr.shirt- six*- wr cuuiot aeud
tiiiiu iiir own Ilieir hnpurtatkm ta not c*u
--lirw-1 t>. wavhrx tkna Already A'txricaliax
■ muKii-sd to-> i"l cotton gixnlx t.. England,
winch hitli.Ko m.U'OJxdl/pd thai arln lt lli tin
mark, tx of tlie w.>rtd.
Can t)>e Americana mamtaili tlnn jans x.'
1. x. th * cau. fl* if tin y obtain a g*x) jwxitit on
tin ir W)n<r otiahty g.xxls. they can afford to
Is- aMi h.x) with a xmailrr profit oU tin- low. r
gr I.x .t wat'ln x. In America * very thing i
: x,i n luuel* . tn:. *l. Iliak* "**TTthlufr
I r liaiuL In Switzirlaud aloiit id.iaai *. ikunn
make, on au a*, rag*-, each forty wab hex jx-r
annum. In Un- I int-s) Stat. tlie avi-rag* ia
alx.ut 150 watctn-a. Thmfarv the tuachus ry
prxlntwe three and a half Ui four tiiin- more the Workmen.
Ila.l thr philadelp)..a p.vtul ition tak. n fdace
five vear* later, wr -liotild tiavr tx-en t.-tally an
mtiiiah I wit!" ".! knowing whence nor how w.
red I'.sl tt t*rn'.lr t i .w, W< have ti tle*.si
tmrM-lv.a 111 axil rw of th* xiliuUon. wtieu we
r.ftll* tiavr Ie ti .-ii a *"I.-auix And. to-day.
wr muat actnallv xlrugg!*- if w. do not want to
e.xs'tuitei. in all Ihr loark.tx. ttiat mat manu
facture. For a long time Wi- have tiojx-d that
the euxtoma *lutn . ainonnUug •> jxrcv-nU,
might Is* rest need. We cannot count mii ih
Aiiu-ri in- I- all hr r* ■■•iir*v. and win tlicr
Ik tux-rat- < r lU-] t- tu jx.wer. wr can
not hojx for a r.-ln. tion of ini| K duti. . W.
nnixt. tin reforc, makr tij. *iu- mind to l.xwr tl.*'
American market. It haa Ixx-n cumplacentty
xanl that tin- Americana do !n*t make till entire
watch, but are drix iub nt npon Kwitrertan.t fur
-. *. ral pare- of tin-watch Thia ia a iuitakr.
Tlie W'altham t'<ni|*ny makrxUi*- entire watch
from tin- tirxt ~-t. * to tin- caw and diah It
would < **n lx- difficult for them to u-< our |r.x
diicta, so gn at ix tin* regtiiarilv, ao nuiiute tin
(T*s-i-ioU with wlucti tlietr machim x work.
They arrive at the legnlatlou of the natch* a
NO to aay without having seen It- W'h<uttie
watcti t- giwti to tin- adjn-t* r. the foreman de
ll** r t" him tin- cs.m-xjsliding hair-x]ruig.
and tin natch i- regulated. |Semail"n among
the audience.) 11.-re ii what 1 have xocn. gen
tle- • ' I asked from tin- director of the
. Wa , ii *'<wn|uy a wuich of the fifth grade.
, A large safe was oiicucd ta fore- mi . -it random
I to.'k a watch mti of it and fastened it lo my
.-ham. The dires-tor having me to let
him lia*r tin- watcti for two or tlirr* day s. n a*
to observe itx motion. I anxw.-red ; "On the
r contrary. I |* ri-t in wearing it Jnxt ax it n to
[ ol.t-im an eiart idea of wour manufacture At
Pan- I set my **at*-h by a regulator on the
Ikiillevard. ami on 111" -ivtli day I ol.xerv. d that
1 it had varied 3'J acoomls! Ami this watch ix of
I the fiftli American grad* ; it rest frane.-
imovtment wittiont ea* ■ On my arn*al at
t Ixx'te I xliowisl the watcli to on* 1 of our fir-t
adjuxt. rs. *vli.i asked |w nnissjon to take it
down that i. t> take it to pi.x-cai I, bow. \er,
' wished first to obs* rve it ; and here is the n-xiilt
- which 1 noted . Hanging, daily variation, one
i and one-half wssuds ; variation in different
, jx.xitiiuix. from four to light ar-cand* ; in the
licated resins the variation wax *erv xlight.
' Having tlius ot>M rvist it, I handed the watch
I over to the adjuster, wlmt.xik it down. After
, a f. w day- In- came to me, and said, word for
I word: "lam comp/ef ly orejorJ* Imni ; Ihr c."
null i. iNrmtilifi .- ''if tnmitil til fire/ one
ifittfrh omo'i i .fifty (Aoiuwin.f of our inimti/ms
' tun Tins watcli, g. utl* lueu, I rc|x-at to
* on, I t.sik at lia/ard out of a heap, a- we aay.
- Noii understand from tin* example that the
Ymerienn watcli may Is- pre f. rre*t to the Kwia*.
t have, g* ntl<rnen, and 1 have told yon
. of thing - siieli ax I ba*e h*x-II ttmiu. It remain*
' f..r u* to profit from thi* sad experience, and to
I improve our manufacture.
An Extended Popularity.
Each year finds "Brown'* Bronchial Troches'
I in hew localities in various part" of the world.
Tor relieving cough*, cold* and threat di-eaac*
. tin- troche* have txs-u proved reliable. Obtain
- only " Brown'* Bronchia) Troche*," and do not
take an*' of the wortlih * imitation* that may
ls' off. red. Held everywhere.
There can be no niiptnke about it,
, " Mat. tile** " plug tobacco take* the toad.
. Old line rut cliewer* *ay it give* twtt. r ati
facliiin and i clieaper ttian fine cut. You can
' not Is- imposi-l upon, a* each plug ha* the
• winds " Matchles* P. T. To." on a WIMSI. II
I tag. Try it once and von will alway* use it.
t Manufactures! by the Pioneer Tol>acco Coni
j {.any. New York.
' It banlmm'ii customary iu<l<l eommuni
■ tie* to *UK|K'tid piece* of stick sulphur around
tlu- neck* of children a* a protection against oon
' tsgi .u iu epMaadeo. A thorougli wa-lung
f willi (ii r\*e Sri.t'iirß Soar ha* been found a
much ts'tt* r pre ventive. Sold crerywln-re.
D' )xit, ('rittcntop s. No. 7 Sixth avenue, N. X.
Hilt * Hair A \Vhi*ker Dye, tdack or t>rown. s(c.
IliiruiiK's RlieuniHtic Remedy will
most j*aitively cure any ca-c of rlieiiinati*m,
gont, neuralgia nr lnntgoon tlie face of the
earth, no matter of how long standing. Iti*
taken internally, the only way tlie disease can
tic reached, ain't cure * quickly and permanent
ly. Price, one dollar a bottle. For sale hy
wholesale and retail dniggi*t* everywhere.
! ('apt. Charles Sager, who keeps a
aueprb stock of livery horse* in Portland, Me.,
informed n* reoeiittv ttiat he use* Shn-iilnn't
Camhry Condition I'meArs regularly in lii*
t stable*, and that the oxpenae i* more Uian off
- set l.y the diminished amount of grain necessary
1 to keep hi hor J alway* in good order.
Mill Abend !
The only first via** )tot'-l iu New Y .irk where
tlie trnvi IT can atop for 6'J.Mi and a day
l* tlm tltaml Central, Broadway. It* l*-ati<ai i*
euiiV'-iiieiit t*. tlie principal store ami place* >.f
atiiUMiiieut It* table and att. ndan. * siicti Uiat
• .ry on* stopptng there feet* a* though limy
lout got the worth uf tin u money.
'Hie Prodigal.
lid., nt I **( wealth are jirovcrtdaUy
•I eu*lt In if (■ 11.. gold* ii ol*- I* dug fnmi Un- !
mini reniH 'l aud coined by thr lalsr of other
liniul* and tlie wi at "f otter brew*, lake "till- ■
•lieu playing with au **|*,oi.i toy, they raw j
form no ju-t eatiinat* ol it- *a)in Win u tin. !
donof sktgb'sl It, Ih- east Int.. tl.. txtlnlu-/ BO
many days of um* milling and fatlgnliig ("It, a*. '
many aluluua and *l<s-pl** night*, *o IIIIH II |
SI II ill mat. all'l *o llitieh can- jiut tlie llllu-Kt- 1
or Into Iti* bwlance threw a ouly |.l<-a*ure. Ihe ,
■ ■li. value* It l>v *l".| it eoat bun ; tin- otlmi for I
what It Will pill' lu.w, lakettie pt'silgal lu Uie
h*rt|'tme I *i able, be tiielightl* s*)y r>|*ud* It i
togratit* tin i a|ii<r and craving* of hia ua
tiiie. ilieu i .mi's tl.e last si'u* the uit*#ry,
til* retimr** . ami tin- long ai**l neatleoine jolU"-
I.* > I.** I. b. ttir home "I ft uga! industry. But
tlieie are other prodigal*. On ber fa* oi ila* our
bouub'-Ua [tarrlit i.atttn , liaa ta*tah*l her
rich.*! treasure- health. But U>< preshgal
vatu. - it hgiillv, lor it eo-t lulu uaugh . ami
rocHcWy xxjiiaudara it uirtauti* U*iixg. I'ie*-
*ut I'le-axuix uliM'urn futiiii want. f****u (be i
*■ ilitalu I isi , on lm last oertie, Wr aee him
l.eii'lt- luij-.vrn-l" it |jj* " l.e-t treasure* of
l-xiy uihl IUIIKI all lost .n misery and <t* span.
l(*HMWx*-fill . "i-rirl"* bolls ii(. to bin* the
i< rr >of I nam iy. In to* own re-> kiesx folly
lie (X Ml ill X th. ' ails, "f I,ls pi*-rut psim lb
re- !*< - t<> return, 11,. j "irm t u long and
I*dtoua, I t if be urrxi vertngly follow* Um
light load, be UI at I ngth • UH- hav*-U of
hlx hopes in Uh- dixtanee, and nature-, reriug
h*r in*all'l child rfai off, wilt ivane out to uimi
luui, and rni r him ba* l wiUi I<<e )ai) l,hw*-
ii,g. lo nnd tl.e right ruad limuHird, the
auffrrtiq( pindl- al shotud read "'il* P*<pte's
) . luiuoii Keiixs Mi di* al Ad* Ir,' ib.rein it
re ouniidel* ly luapixx) out, it* iaudmarkaaii u
•lli-alod au-1 iu luilexbama all nuuilx-r*J. licad
I! Pn*-e ,Vi (|a,xlage piepaldl. Addre-ws
tl"- auUmr and puhluiu-r, 1!. V. Phi- . , M. !.,
Buffalo. N. Y. ______
Horn <is,r, N. Y., Feb. tt, 1061.
/ Sola, thr*< yeajxaii,., 1 w a*, after
a limg reiheitatioii, lodiind l y *„iirM;eut, Mr.
t)a*ix, ta try a |*ottl. f your M iaiaa *
.•r WiUi Tut nn, win n leipured no tittle ix-r
--xua-inii ii hi* putt, a* 1 had already tried ai
re i very |nl. ut iu'-Ihiih on tlie whole list,
within the last ten y. . re. hut all to no avail. 1
hare lor Ui* (xi twenty year* Ixx-u troubled
Willi a ,-onsiiiiipti*e *otigli, am) had txs-ane wo
much todu "Inld l unable b> *lt tip, and had
full* given up ever rinding anything ta help lue,
a* my case waa Conrexhxi by all lo lx- a sctlbx)
. a-* of cou*um|itiou, and Uirrefore darned be
! II) liu ural i< In that situation i o.uiiim med
th* iiis' of tl,* inn <'Meruit, front win. h 1 **xm
I* gan b> find soiii*' t o< t, and j*r*eered ui
itx tlx* until 1 had ta!" R soine three u foul
I - 'tt" - 1" n m* health ••* aim -t fully re
stored and for the |ut two *<-ar* J In** eu
joyed lx tt* r 1, a Ith tliali 1 ha* e Itfurr in tWeU'V
*< ar*. and fwl tlmt 1 am alum indebted to the
Eire- *m to, my inviuTV ; am) 1 thmk 1 liaaard
flu that I ore my pi r* .* < nxt
eii>< t" it. and tint it ix the I *1 iimslh-IIH- I ha*e
ever known f*a <vnxiuu|gi*e ciMigh. aixl old*.
l(a>lug known "f Itw like U nci, ml * ffecta m
"lint '*-*- than mv own, I would n,o*t eheer
f ill* r> OUIUK IHI ita u to all tln:*.alt)icU*d.
Y'.ry r< xjxx-tfully your*. Mm*. M-on. Aniwrr.
1 li* r by iwrtifv hat 1 liave re-ad tlie fore
going ictbr of Mr*. Abbot, aud having lived
adjoining the farm < f Mr*. Attn! over twenty
y*ar>, know the atone -tat, ment contained
therein to I- tru*. 1 woui.i also state tliat I
l,a*< us d lm. vsi-lii - Bri.-m *.r Who*
Taaaai luy* if ami in my family, and believe
it to Is th. H-wt remedy for o.uglia and cold* 1
have I *tr kle wu. Jh s]iee:fuliy.
film. H Bai'Xiiaoa.
liIWHoKtMI-oWr, N. v., Pel.. 26, IH6I.
Ma. K. W F. wUL Boston
/." >"•. \u*. 1 send yon nrtilkate of
Mrs. Mo**-* AlJx.t, wtio, 1 may *av. wa* re-cued
flora tlie grave b* the u-e of Wiui < ii tat*
PaLsiH, which reKlficah you are at litxrty lo
us* a* you ma* desire. Your* truly,
A Wi. llr*ia
HATPU'h I'MVI 10-vb Cret .iH SVKTI* has
Ixx ti ui us !ift*xii y**ts. and has alway* t*x-u
I warranted 1-. cure, and i now ~ld bv over
6.t**i druggist*, wbo say th*y S* have a
■ l*>ttl* returned. Men* f th* In! {JiiMcrans
in the cotiutry jwextiil*- it as th*- 1- t remedy
tor cough*, reiki* and CI 4 i ailliiu tiierrkuowl
<<lge. Pleasant to take, sure to cure- and should
lx sold I y ail druggists. It sbwuld le in • very
fanuly. extx-ciali* those with croupy children.
1 Try it and you ail) always keen it. two sire*
50 cent* a-id ?I.'*'. Put up hy ). W. Hatch
■ A Co., Jamestown, N. Y.
Manv jKMple, {*rti*-nlarly r!iil*lreu,
suffer with th . ara. l.r ; and for Uh tx iiefit ot
such ww gl*> a sure lut -.tuple remedy. Put in
two or thn-c dre.p* uf •/"/•**"•* a .4xolvs. hw
"a/. stop the ear wiUi undressed wxd, lialhe
Uie frs t In warm wabr leforr g.'ii.g to bed,
and k*x p the head w*rm at tught.
Patent* . - aiul uivi-tib'l> sliotild nml inl
veriiM-uH-nt of 1 !sou Bros., iu another colttaui.
The Market**.
HKV roe*.
fleet Taltle-Nall.e 11
1* ia* wu*l Tberokxr us-. 09*t
v. . t.. w. *. ... M7U uo
II of*— live tft
luewsrei u .<4 OT
, *Ne<; fx" ~a UT.
I> 1 an. 1 * >4
. 4lon-kI tiiin* lJVft tl',
Atowl lo CllOJOf . " 6 $ 0
Nfktr -4 mi to TluUrt 6 IH 4* ' 0
\\b<+t 1 Su m ! .vj
No. 2 Milwtukw 11l t* 1 t<
IHfk- w.r fl 16 W
lLarl*} -Mite .. &.% <4 '0
liarlrjr MaH M (4 1
lliKkbrl ti (4 IB
lUU-M Ifffl Hfrfrrt) 43 4 i7
< "rn Murl Wtwtem.•••••.•••••• M 4 f4
liljr, |rr f*t k' <4 1 10
Ktrit, )iflrct (A (4 Kft
!L>j* WW 10 44 is
Krl M-m. ft ro ffti: TS •
f OTOI UM 1\ \
hut—Mi.kwi. N-. 1. ficw. is* i-o 4y ui
No. Jt, or* 10 M
ITV 4 !*•, J-rf ftt ft 111 4* ft CO
Hmitig, }<rr bot, 2ft <4 l#
Ivtroloim ; , ru4t' 17 a* 17 llo&mmlft\
Wool ' rai l' 4 ftl
T<) •• ir. 4* n
AiiflrnliJitY *• ."i* 41
llaftrr- S'at*- <4 33
Wirra—....... * m JW
V>!rrti ikxxi \o 3ft (4 3S
\\ r'wtrru—Kitkitj* 24 44 2ft
Kadorj 0 ■ IS
S'.Alr s*k.m ; fet............ oft 14 l7
Western US ,*
Vug*—SUtr ifiil lVoniYlritßA. S3 Y4 54
Pcmr S 55 (4 9 7ft
V 1 J *V 44 1 .V
IVfiii M:io\
• ' hiU.. Sft 44 sft
Hjrr sft 44 KS
2uSrv 7 i id yi
Iltrlr) Malt 1 lU (4 1 10
Cattlr Film . OfiSjtA
■ofi DraM I 9$ o* Kvv
Kk>ur—l'f iniffTUanla Extra .. t"A 44 9ts
Whrat-li'J Wilr in 1 :> (-% 2 AO
| !*>■ . . 7y t-j
I Oom j"* <4 f
Milftl M (4 61;
<>su-Miied a: 44 37
' 2Vtit>lruru Om.Jr 2 UpOdM... .Sfi\
IT ATM*row*. 11 AMI,
llotf ralllr- -I'iN . to " 23 <4 ft SS
1 ShrMMp 223 <4 ft S3
r I.arnti 2 -ft 4 ft Sft
II \lj 1 * S
, Ceugbr, C"ld, InSnxnta, Hoartrtixsi, Bitßcnlt
a Brr*tl:ing, sad all ASscti:nt of th Threat,
Bronchial Tohe>, and Lurri, leading
to Coat caption. •
Th!* in (nth hie remedy is composed of the
' 11• --F v of the plant Horchouml, in cliemical
union with TAr.-BAt.M, extracted from the
IJII: pKtxctri.r. of the forest lice Abkis
lUISAMK*. or llalm of Gitcad.
Tlie Honey of Horehound IOOTHES ANT*
SCA 11 us .ill irritations and inflammations, nnd
■the Tai Cl.f \NSFS AND H'*lS the throat
and nir p.resages lcadinj; to the lungs. FIVE ingredient* keep the organ* cool,
- moist, nr,'. iu healthful action. I art no pre
d jnd ice kcrt* you from trying this gicat mcdi
" cine of .1 famous doctor who has saved thou
-8 sands of lives bv it in his t-irge private practice.
" N. P.—The Tar-Balm ha* no PAD TASTE or
• Great **ving to buy Urge ore
' 4 Pike's Toothache !>riips** Curt*
in I Miuittc.
h Sold hy alt Druggists
! C. N. CRITTENTON, Prop., N.Y.
AWatEM it \lt If CT'HED AT IIO.IlT:.
lErEKIM N.v |* T,111" short T.-rmx mod
WI iWIrl , 1,000
, ! aartba vw "H ' ! -■■ Mich
' IfllllfFF l tix lusU-tilrx- Mlorv nnd
YANK r ff" Pw r Fulloi
H ■ PQlvlmkkf K. mirth )kin#: Mini UM4lu!
k mater •
nI ARC D itnT. ii jf'i''ii<r 10
KI iffllSp J r J>r 3 .inj'U • Pi*s. JUNK%
I M BMni# mm • 4 00., 4 LibertjiSq .bv*U>n.Mm4.
•inn W
THKI I RIOsITY BOX. Aneww.aderl Wed.
ei'A ..... |fl,INK* ... .. . - ef ■*•! bample hi
mad. p-t pvid. |(|.< 3 for 4.) .Ire Agetpa WUIel.
Addle** tit/>ll k II —a Chi. If AM r idwar. Mew Verb.
ar I I II .hirer It— form of the linear
1 ;... Nt d Tire, buhl frvun i tcVO
#)' tic PdfU T*' Ut ftotld MHt fi
1 |M' A *({ •" fl t lit* BMAd, Bttil • ff I'iWJT,
iKrttldUt /tiim* Alt'! M.'H Ftftanis.
I'rtrs IM *l Hstcbffn (ws
f!s I INK O
11 tig m MTt?H HAi.FcmiKM ti *•**#•' •! *>n u>
A| X AmdU liktoru .*r UtUwiuhinir Kai-wiui
bW WW 111 Art ] e>k til |l M'lfl Iff RM)
NuiU.rc Ani'WMltß F iIdDK lidhira, IdWiti UfiuAi. rtr
II | fi >rnr, M-l MJ |*ut U
*...] urn Vll ;irttllll|f a No fA. IkMl bUiI4
Tlie I*ll It I I'liek,
ith At HLAYIMir t'ARIM,
|p ( Ni r .H<f I c c aft uriltnir/ |*fL tmt m>
\ mgf) hivfbih 4l| 5 AHfitßiUMl'
yfsT, .re I turm .V# *f *® P*'** ■ml
J V lI.HI Inc kul dlftkii'<¥>• fBt Ui M>|
# kl'lrtt nit rts |if i.f irfiij rt*. Ad'i
y I- AfileK AMIM A W* drßtl*i*dH Mm,
P. O, It'll 4,X2'J, !I| VuM Cm,
TTb nnlv f(n/ f<r ri#A I 9 ittufmi—t f# firff# fwni jIQ
Udhrwß, Ail Trwildlft Lha •n4ro .ru/
ta.*BOrf u 1 ritilbflß, eurHuutto*. #to. Inl<df4M>d
Icy Iti4'rtfc.i*lx b4i I , AB ' UlAi tiu<!We 1 m 4
ttnU. B|i|r n(tlifßnrrrM. < s ,INIO tonnto
' r4. I 1 lull |Hio>Lfc btil-b <|ttiekty < ni'ENißb
Had > 1 %'A *kat.*n N. , PtuU Pa .A KarUmfyA, Mm
CAUTION :i\tfeasr*x
Popular Monthly
Tkr I liapal MHd Ml I lltrifiiißlui >|R4E.
Einr la ilr %% arid.
ttH UNI UiußUAt***. VO MftU MMlthlr
" KiaßUlidf'a It. i.BU V lu|ltf " I'l A II tiirimLM.
Ibe lid!:, I.JI Idk'UknJ KwL Afid "TWi lA 4ti
M.m ' a fhEfWltif •(.<if| "I<ai
1 M I '' 1 l"* M*af e M luii L.I e*dJl*ic( M rf.*.
f.t,. 1 ic'aFiailiaa hmtut 04)
<*u(a . rl 4Nk l,k>Uh. NB Vurg, MBtiftal a f 'W
nßurii itiail
Wilson Sewing Macfame Co.. Ctogo,
Wlta MSA2VAT. Vnr TtrL ct daw CrJekti U
—Tbe Hewt Trnaa ehbtretl
Mvtaj hpruaa atsw u eutad
LE Fialilt)/®/ J X-. i.*u>hg claim •* a is*
' tre.l. ra>l*rel r^tureicii
4 are and **n*t*ci.*> afgdi
V Y*' are— W. w.n lake bar* and
a# pay full price M all Uiet dn Out Ml
Pile* ingle, like rut, •< I f'W Udb aide* (Ml. Keel by
n*ai: J*ret pe>d. am ut fmere X -Tie Tre—
|U i ■ kt mute Ha|t una lhan any uf lima* fur whreA
•kir„reM claitek are mad* I 'trvulam ft—
fs/MFiujk TkL'bb tX> . 74 l bruadway. Sew Yrak
I,*s*v tilth xklrt Xupporter and
Hrll. kdjuallng Pnde.
Sg*J beenrcre litti Tg uad ('■ apt>nvof
■ J Halt with Gaai aand Hakt rr of
aj? s > Fuiin Thra-r trarnietita la ut>.
Lm —X k Approved by Ai! i byeinaire.
l] AlilSTk H tNTr.I),
<£ tjki Nate pir* by muU. la Count, fi;
IfWiWYx II X To Areata M
I i/Jtl \I * f, '® u lr **- or <*f RM l®
K . fV J lb' h " n*llr thua walal u.uu
' | aute over Uw druaa.
tliiitmOA Turn Brot 783 Brokdway.K.T.
} I All lahH it* Sail (tUMto. urvw*. Product*. Ut
I ; Bfitl .ufrWtri *•*• tan* K %NkAn FAKMKR,
, ! * |(l|**r Wwk j.lii :U )t*r F Ue (Mud.
3 stAMUlb*. fur H) mu Addrv*
J k IfrunuS, Torou, &*Nta.
Hm qurkl) tsksa * hifh (dsfw mk MrnndUrmi
K>ur*Ak X r frt+m b# W. Nm anoidßrsj m
saftfif the tawi uf our piibfciifxt, tad * Ttii) rupMBM
UUM of u>* WML -/*wfiitti /Www. Pbii's „..(kr
Kti tii frwndt sttoaid (•) Bi'jch (mdsui tisa tLu
tkcU*r and afßrliEf *t*th <4 tW M*l#> tcnouit uru p*{
A.>'lwmf i-iif X.*i /'**" will Wt ihlllßfttHl (SBdll
' it ntb libKii om of th# bout Nd-ixd of our WMU*m *->
j i uHurxi *ck*ajM* .xf*r./ 44/ cfto Abs#*, JS# York __
* NEW wiixuux a cuma
La d marbin*
1 I love.g , lllyfl />§ / "izr"
- prri-Fdas x *|Kr \/ \f a a*, -tskutte
Ten* on wad
Ts4e lUlt torn to—MT**
, bttd PoaUl Card for li'nauulej Price Idat, Ac.
WiHrox & Gilibs 8. M. Co.,
I <KI Ik ; • oa ttauudvrwT, Mew York
Ato _- *■ * jj
[Eatabllthcd iM !
UrAttlolyoro, Vt.
BrSend l ir Illnstratod Catalosmp.
Mo. 41 Park Row. NEW YORK,
AdrwrtißMrs tiwsinnit U hmx ■ thr of th# tit* (not
iwtilikliinl m lhr oxrn ii) m*> txtoounittla
VfriMirx UK MreN A WUSTKR iliißxt. M *ll ardor* o.U
;ii> tlir nuf i tbr.r hMkd*
Awrrlru >rw*mnH-r l uion.
W illsorV <ml I.Urr fill ■<! Llmr. I'rrtt—
I 1 who ha*4 twn tskLac <od Urn atol wxll tw *;*•! t
Ixxrn that 1H- WilburhM attrcwßdod. Imm dirosii-Mi* of
*>v*ra) ix.fßbbj.inal ct-:it le*nxn. in . mlints IMr |mt
oti and 11mo ta aoch a manner iUbI it a iktNuant U th
Uute and t t* in laatf c maplaAnU arv tmlj rmdej
fsi Vnrj mxfijr shw cmm wr rmnaoatHwd
h molutoa aad who had UImM ttoo ciwar ml foe a
tim- without markx 1 *RkI, harr Up#m ewfwd b#
1 uuni thi* r><* t* an * fft Ihr rfWiniß*.
* Man uf art am, I tmij hf A. B WgLBOB,UIwmN* Boatoo.
i Sold h| UI dnOMlt
f.w a *u > e'ufiil *taH in lk.imB* hfp al |- IKT.W %>
( OI.I.MtICt PaagkkrrHr, >. V. Thr iJy liwir
! ntb*n i n tr. ta Montry iWwtod li Ua jMM-ialfjr. and that
. wim* an Acttial Raatma* lYactsoa. t urmnrv and nam
i h*nr!ir aw>l hivo a mal valtm Farh day a tran*.
11,>n• l.gwv-,1 i n qucUtadi of Now York rnarkota l*>w
I ratMß t*rA'luato* aa*itod to oili\atin- A(%phratwiß
! rtvwimd am wwii da? Rof*r to Palnma and Ursfliwlßi
in nraj j ptisry "•*> •<* twn. AdtUwaa for ian*caUr
nnd Ctskn*N ;t.tNNi 4 *r**loaloaiK Himmhrm.
H (i I iSTMANriX P. Pouwiftrtli 2f. T.
I.SADOia RANCPACTI'MaiB and .uher* who
haw bvUnl It t-mphrelirully pnwuim it. In all ru
epwta. Ibe BKBT BELT KASTKNINU la oar.
I wU
re \
This rut a onrrnrt jilaa of Iho manner of
ndjuatinc thow llmiks. It will be oborrvtol that the
mtatanUil IXU'IU.KRFAUINftof each Uook pro®
I cludoa the pinsiUlity of iU •* learuxg out,"
Par aal# If U;® TMAiIK. A - .i i |mk intua* ,i i
I'niUKl Ibli Knds maiUM t :i mp;;it <•! |t ivnt* pubtecp
B(*tik|>k Addrwaa, Cli AMPIoN liKI.T IhKiK U.,
N7 leibntly Str,v,.t. \. Y,.rk.
Music Books
s For Schools, Academies and Seminaries.
t <J* I * r fkll i*fr da )* alrwadjr a " prnrwd and prtawd "
kxNik in n multitude of Srhovd*. and haa >nt,S and
51 4 part*, by Kmuhmon A TUJDSN.
* Riiually ir wd arr thK fddar IIOI'K OF HIN€*IN€3
. Ml .b> fwr.nsN d Tildin t 11011 I TltlOs
(■ j). f.r thrxw Pvtealc Voice** by W. S. Tiumln. and
lißK.'ll'Fi NOLFKOOI (7ocU.). which haa exer
oivs in Itelian atylw
(75 eta., or ST.AO per doa.l, an aucctwaful a* a Singing
Schuul t-*.k, ia al*u a practurelly good clam book fur
High Sohoola.
5 (5(1 eta.), b* W. t>. I'kkkinh iauthor of "ttoldea
Kkkbin"), is li Had with eonial, plnaamc Stn fur Com
mon Schuula.
Book I. ;t*> eta.; B>k 11. 5(1 eta , Book 111, At) eta., am
> w'll mads tiraded Note Keaders, by KMCRAOM A
'• Aa cnlloctiona of cheerful Hacrad Sun#*, such aa now
1- mii'; iMt gracefully mtu Schuul LITM, WO cuminend throe
x iMMika of uncommon bonutjr.our Sabbath Scboul RfiU
lbrekre IUVKK UK I.IV'K iSlta cU.I. NlllMNXl
Kit lilt 1 35 ut*. >. tIOOII NEWN (So eta.).
Kithor book mailod, post froo, for Retail Price.
. OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston.
'! C. 11. DITXON & CO.,
Til ISroadway, New \ ork.
i 3. K. IHTXON & CO., •
i buccevaorivo Le£ i WkLUk, Pklla,
IHBTAJfTLT nlMtm and iMrmuwtty Nm tbtv
loathaotnv dtaaaae la *llll* i ary lag ***. H p,m
i itrt lb* aootblug Md bratlng propertlau of plant*,
berl* and bark* la Utalr eaaanttai form. fa>u frout e-vtry
throw roaltunlnallon, and lbUit* dltara flare
avary otbur kaovb ramedy. la oaa abort jraar II baa
found Ila war !>• 'ba Atlantic la tba Pacllc aoaat.
and wbaravar known baa baaaaaa tba alaadard tmmmdj
for Iba iraatataal of Catarrh. Tba proprfutoru bav*
baan wallad a poo by ftnUetaaa of national rapataltaa
who hava baaa cmrad by Iblereaaedr.aad who baa*,
al eooaldarabla aipaaaa and paraoaal trouble,apraad
tt a pood aawa throughout tba ctralaa la which thar
wora Wbaa yoa boar a wealthy gwaticmaa of label
llganca aad radaafaaalaaj " Inwayoy llfaloßuaforiri
Uadlcal Cora.** yoa nay foal aaaorcd that It la aa artl
cla of groat value, aad worthy to ba elaaaad aukottg
tba alaadard amdMal apacldca of tba day.
Th. baaadt I darlva float Ha dally aaa la to aM •-
ta/aabla ' U£J{BI . WKUJ | iOt WatLm. faaOo* Co.
"It !>aeruraduiaaftar twalvayeaaaof salalarraptad
*a**r!r-g OEO w nnCCSTOS. Wat-TWaa.
Each backagv cootalna Dr. ban ford'• Improved In
halloa Tub*. with fall dlractloaa for act all fa* ju
DruffMa. limit/^n.
AV Elcctro-Gal raalc Battery. eontblared with lha
r rtcUratrj Medicated Porooa Hattar. formlad
B.< wraadcct ruratlva a*rot It tba world <'twatllrl'e,
and uUrriy atirpaaain* ait other Kariew beeutofuea
tome. Tif uai|ilm more tn oaa wock rhao iba
old riaatera la a wboU year. Titer do not pal 11 ai a.
Uwycesa. loaiaat relief aflwrd. dla
Khaumatlam, Neuralgia. I'arwtyala. Cram pa,
M. Vlliac* !*■•-. hrireiK*. Illp Cooiplalnta,
X,.lttrel AAwdiavaa, Fntnu Mad Irrt-
Uvtkma. Kellapar or Fit# prowadtny trma
kliiebt to lha rfwrvtma k) dam. llupturra
■toil hirwJfia, rmctufwo, 'umlara.jßoatu
akrtia. tt rath Muarlwa *t<l Jolula. Navreoa#
and rarbla Mawalar AdMeo. lirwml Boj*-
urta and l*aln la any Fart of th* Body.
Weak nod Falnful Kldorya. firm* Trader
nraa of the Kfciovya. aad Wawk aad Unw
limb. and by Chronic lnflammatlt.a of
Uw> kldurja.
bo eonadent ara the proprteywa la Iba giwat vnloo
of u,ie Hour over all other Planteiu that tkvy do not
hmilela laa.irtrr It to i-mmimater. t-r ara.t'-*.
■ r 1.1 all.a propertloa lhaa ail otbera eomblood, ath
ZaanaaofdMh. vta U root*, la wlthta tba reach
..I every aufcrvr la u.<- i*s. InLet. u.vrrfora, apoa
hr mall, carefully wrapped
and wairuoia4,an rvwipt of S"• JrV.'k ? *"wrf'
|i jJfocaU.or bh for Iwatva. by WEEKa * rOT
TKK, Froprlator*.Boaton.
4 I.KXTB waled. < aalaryr inmiaimUnm- lfew bun
J\ WW Addrwaa J 8 Meaact 4Co . lit Uvu *•>
&])• day at immmm ten* wanted. Owrtb aoe
'7l . lew* Tkl'K IDO.. A acute. Mine
575 * "re* laeonl aad KafladOwhi Thabo*
•'"I m|.M trwa At— !•., K
. > "l I 1| tlfl MM) K a -at. hanb aad aaap flaw
. .X..i i Ar .U" '
I V K I? V TKIJH.IUroY Kaa Manaal,fA*
Itli 1111 t Her. PtlCbli" Sn
$66 - 3!waa
ss to S2O r:
0.>"; t I'll T— 2* aw
<?—> lalai.w. I.r>I.KTVIIIiB:I I 1..& <
),e < n *77 a wi la A*r.. lUjapU. kmkr
'□ ID 91 I P V!. K\Ey Aacoia. Maho
,) V NKTV bOI KLTIKa far lOeevMa.pwlj.wd.
Iddna. M>va.rV '> X t a.vw e f V
1 IMHLR ntni.tu C X IMKTtLi lUi H
■ •• —4 tar JSOo A A Xi.w.M*,fW Iwa.b T'^
oruni urn* • "" n <- - -
Uf ULV Cn I arrav 1.1-a Wrwua.ft Ifi.Pb
traa T. McMrcaacu Alt. . Tin haaauaWL., Pbtlc.Pa.
tdd B iITBIb liaa VaaaHta Mowbcua. WW
>i;'lHT*V Mfc 4* ratadl; wttb Bin ißoad Kaf ChaaA
tAfl&in Tfll.l.a f> Taomnc and R-rer. Ac Ma
.Be |?V|| er.iae-r. Adtr—. T >MX AOOWUIh
TW IRU HI! . I • X \
\f < k V f V f-oaltr w.ade with oar Maacvl aad
1 U.lFj I KeyCbeeh Oath. Oreaiar. tw
I 1 A Aarwi a Hramihti. IOA Fahoa ht .AcwTorh
MB ATITIKH. A Ovaat Imili'i baavpla
Watcb aad ikatft trm be Ac—Va Mlar Ibcc
lidd. Addraea A iXWLTEh A uk.ihiaaoa
pn I Maatb. Acaaaa waated M bad aaU
r\l I ne m tbe wand tloe . aaipla fraa.
VW tllr—Jtk UUIIXMIX. Demc. Mwb
! .ad pMaauia arut ir. Fat tall parueoreiv atldnai with
I' * JIIIIIK nuaawalaa. >. J.
flhy"\nTFfl •h"" kaa.dMM ntdrt. Pw ear v—d:
Jlilli I bUporaiac, at emptor oaeati r-d
!! f 1
ww Cailoai Indwaar.tal R'erta ' a*,o.
}lO $25 =rarar=:
Jl¥ WfcV +± m mXf fcbr <Mkc. ftM
J. WAfck
j tdir—. BAlTrrt A IXJ. Bukera. IT Wall fd . * T
■ P Yflll acrveu- datnbate aume of our area
Ifc lUU Ura. we wul wmd yoa a I kraaae la
II bill Knatr, uf > bywv.ltwlraa.imalnM
Mi— Irrr l-e 3 atuatba IncM IlleaU ta |M|
puatacr dprau ..ut KKl>* 1 A Ihk . AeO-a ttaaa
a nwvQ u ••* !r - - 1 ■
Q UIiD i U rn.'v>arl. hwae bomhle
fl and pieaaar. k.aod Valan, lemnaaaa "O
at bo. aild '.tyeawv paid by tba KIUPXE
Haaalcftori-.c l a.. Omiymi. Ol
H 1 T F U V t< *M> ixt i xnitf' .
■ I1I M KtU !■ I#v FW
IWAUobbam. CiiftiUfi.J
" aire Map.. aneWaelnal rant
f the f .nam la their ewa eaanr— IKOane ahowat. aa
: an coed, failtnuet 1-a. J. IVnem. tt- te-o^Mo.
AXT PPJINUX at ordatera intelhcac. 'ou earn a li*.
I ir- by . for the liiaatrated WaaAlf Ktton
l -e w not r—ear. -the rely b.en a. la al.
i •orcamful baameo.. mdaatry eu.l eaerwr ba... fee par
| iraatara lhaa. ITara- A I •„ I iVurw VjfT
a 8100. REWARD. 5100.
Taw MOCITICO* ,eW—lac >—<t fas.
A A Apl tr tW mm ml tht. ki> Kai.ia ai-hoa
, m ar aid IWVwI (M* bail -
a. A apt aaevaer at era... he Ihrar V t-mmm
A !. - anil). !. . •>. 1..
. "TV Blorr etf .4meiVa h her Waoea. -
\v A V'rL'lh -AliiaTX U all ay wt
A.t L r-ilt. rTbvdblmk,"D.
r—< f rt. .We. 4 A Ana chaaea for brat alaw n . n.ebine K mredreewrth aptevwlMl aa.'
lt - KV bakii. PabhabarTßuattaa. Maca
®llll IB B1BTT!
1 Caiy lav I aap. -I Can 1 Qw k Ttaw>Baad bw
I irealarv to I' flXliUWi.Uwaie Eaetan Acvot. Xo.
| 1 Aaue Hoaeu. Mew York.
I Ble •• Ir I. .a LMh
AvaupalKai I y Urlla.
nt;* PaJXh.arraKhcamralam.l'r. air*-
A lfc*g!jjwas>a J iok. l*eb- .1 r. cod all thimn.
at.o Vevi-r I'l.'aara.
W®BKUi lS ' , r* ' Ifvalarufree. P.J.WHfTK.
— codlßwct. Kcw Tort.
iQh .real Metla Ma etc - , . |
tJzSj h aoly t—paretwe. ear pacaayc d akere
WW# w<U <— It" '"are ra erv. te t , k aad heave
AjU ™ the wo-rdhere f Mm lailh-ret 1., urr re ft
dUoA d"" '" every cme. er areaey cheartaUr re-
MXilCfar on farurcviv i-oca.
Pv'W Da J. r. f 1 Ti.aa. belnr twora. aaya: I yrad
eream. mkM.heunl re— 1— iere a—el • reea
—Haivhty B 1> i—f tthßi. I <• hod Lrhoa tXmrnmmm
I fMfhhlai ML Fitlltl tiIVCB ATTC KkklPl Idacf Chri h. a* t
if mm PUA BBaiaß Chare —oho NhhkMl M>
MB* to BAiNd AMHO ML ma&
Bmaß B—hb aoerema toi. I Bill A M<t*:bwb
flg. I'dSa Rot*ura. (kptnm SWT
di --
And Eruptions on the Face,
; . —rem .n aad an mnrtifyiae to gwmn of either aaz,
i drtly and lenwikvity cured, leaving the akin fair and
iati. Ad'tr—.,h -timn,
1 r 111' HKXnHiI-Ka. M. P.. Amnra. Malar.
¥ AXT \l KEK every onr rend abiti the
Surtcc < ommlaclonrr .M. Knrrc-Pcrrrt
bad to nay nboul tntrriran IVnlrhra. Thin
wrrh rvrrv onr nbnuld aend for oar Ikrarrtp
llvr I'rlrr.l.ini of VYulthnm Wutrhra, which
l ral Irrr to nil render* of Ibla paper.
HOWAKII A CO . Na. FUlh Avenoe,
Xew \ ork. __
I Youny; America Prett Co., Ck .
aah.-|M-at nml beat h.kiid read
aelf-fahlna prlntlnc prvaaea.
few —mm mimi ■ wco eaho alodowJ IkatadCNt aMo fr" WrirF *.
* e M a . y | —a yearn ft 1 *0 !•■ 'LI-AJL\ e.| ,
no'l iav"- 'JrLiA j.T^a'iT'ratai.xT.
Cnilin frvj. Cyetlßta Bc:l ef Trpy. Citt. it. Us saata.
It ocnuina 330 fine —rrarinra of bulldUwr. mad
acenre in lha Ornal Kihibition. and ta tba onlyr autbantu
and complete hiatonr publiahed. It treata of the icrand
builditura. wonderful ekh.b.ta, cnr.oaitiea araat avaote.
etc Very cheap and eella at MCllt. tine Acvnl —ld 4 H
m one day Semi for our vitra teruia to Agents
and a full description "f the work Addr. at
I'Hii-Apn.rn: v. Pa.
n a TTrprrtltT Unreliable and worthlaas hooka on
tAUIIU". tlie Kahibilkm are being circulated
Do not be deoeired. See that the book you buy contains
874 page* and 3HO 800 engravings.
W'ovHll during tbene HARD TIMES nod the
HOI. lIIAVM to February I *l, dinpone; r I (Ml
PIAXOX A OKHA.NH, new nnd aecond-bacd,
>/Bro**rmnu mnkem. including W ATEK.x', nt
lawr. prices lor rasli, <w*, J ban
ever btTore ollrrrd i* New \ ork. Vl ATF.RS'
the BKXT -NAllE.'witrritnicd for XIX rrerr.
At!ENTX WANTED. Illuetrnled I'ntHlognea
Mniled. A librrnl dieeounl to rwi—, kois—
l-kmrrhm, ScAoals. /.—ljr.
Ini Hirer* nnd Denleru, 40Eul 14lhXt.,L T nti>u
! QtlW. N. 1.
if. Y.N. I. .No. 4.
o plenno any tbnt niMwlkt udvertlae.
1 mml In tkln paper.