The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 08, 1877, Image 3
TH K UKNTRK RKPOR VKR. r ir ".<n v v h, is::. (MM MEETINGS. (It*TH* HU. 1/stv.R. V.v #v~rv sn,nt. ovsnfiui In IVisOM •'• , J M T.LL L-LL-HKL*. SLK-T, H. P. !'. „ PORT UW K. F A M M i,l* oioninit, on or xflsr o. h fnll > n (Mil FrihnHill. K , O l IIKHI o H>. Bwl. W M Miv.n. I'nOi'nm*, I'ol 11, meet* on S, ,', U 7! M *' P ■ .. , in ot nor oii h foil mo n. *1 " LOCAL ITEMS. Our friends will oblige by sending n- Item* of loon) now* in their ocal'ly. S !V ' ll* the fart* only, and we w <" ) >ut them m shape. A'* o notice* f deaths and marrt \llV one sending u< the name* of fiv. now Suborlber*, with the en.*'i, wn he entitled to receive the HvroRTKK one year The Rki-oRTKU being re Oil hv rear y rvcrv bod v on this *ide of the county, where il ha- a larger oitvuUtmn than any two paper*. will be fount! the hei medium fttr advertising hu*ine.MM*, AC A c. „ i Suh-vriher- to the UapotlTKß, re-itl ine outsi te oi Centre county. li mit U* 10 com*, yearly. fi>r poattg* • AO will pav here ; this reduce* lb* poilny. to one half, a* the sum pa d by them lor on* year's potage wMct* The Reporter office ha* been re- j moved And will he found nearly opi - -'. , the post-office. I Lincoln Uutter Powtler. make* hut ; tor sweet anil hard, ami quicker to .bur Try it—for -!<' *1 \Yn> Woil'* *ioie. Kor Sail- A new ou-hmncd. j'o ah. for CI C or two fcflNW j Apply at this thoe. Three coverlet loom*, two carpet | looms with n achil es an I fixing*be'or C>' S j to a carpet*, axing shop. for sale cheap Apply to Wtn, Kttingor, Aaronsburg. The subscription price per year • : the Reporter >s $2 00 hat of tie Amen ! tan Agricultural -i $1 *'* per \.*r ; hut will lurnish the two, one tear, f r $' UVf pos.Hge pr paid, to anv addr.- .Send mJ your wmi**- The new iron bridge aero- the n- . er at l.ew -town i- nearly c mt> •est. Hie new iron bridge across Venn - Creek at Kerstetie- - (n ■' C-*buri. is a!- nra-lj completed and ere* ted by the county. T'te •e;enc* . f young Kir.Uel, of V Iter -Mi tor pa 'ig forge I 'filer* on i parties at Millheim. -U years in the pen itentiary. A The Red Mil! las b. • by H. Br - -n. he ian make flout J corn no a only, as the eh ipper* are out of repair but , will be fixed n* soon as possible. , Dedication . The new Rei.-rmed churcb-at Jacksonville this county, will : be dedicated to the service of the Triune | God en Sunday the l>th, ot 1 etruary. i There vr. Ibe rel.g .•- service- dur • £ the even ngs of the w< e's pre> us, >v. ■ • ■ K < on Tuesday evening Several ministers ifctu abroad wul .e t prc-ent en the occasion- There will he setTioe* en S, morning at 10o'clock. in the German la i £ 'age. Sh maker wi l preach the dedication serine n, cn Sunday morning at 1 10 o'cl'sek. , | ' T:-'- Ciiri>ti:.n public are invi-1 ted. Conlribuiions toward the liquidation of the debt resting on the church will be gratefully received. 1 aster. j Twenty nine !>'reign nations have pre-ontctl their Centennial fxhi'. iti W the United States in honor of the fact tiial : , Sc.-iter A Co.. sell the cheapest and best groceries. ] A sale or business advert.sid in the . Keio it-r i- equivalent to sending out i nearly lift biils or notices weekly. Hugh Larimer will move to Ne braska in itic spring C. C Kc or move* to V rginia, and And. Gregg and -I*-. C- B >ai move to Centre llaii John Sc U '* a r d Harkins wiii move to \ irginia, and , Samuel Bi.rm. of Penn towns ito M .chi- | gan. And Aarotsburg las given - Mis-. u ian fiber liinb of the aw. H? we fiml trum the Versailles Gazelle, 11 snys . During the term of C-rcuit Couri last weei., Mr Uoraee G. Stover was licensed to practice a 1 an att >rney at !*w \S u un dersland that Mr S: .ver pa--eU a mora j usutlly creditable examination Durirtg iiis stay among-t us. by hi* courte ous manner and gentleman iy conduct, he has made quite a large number of friend- Mr. Stover will practice his in the aw office of Stover and Neilson, and as lie is thoroughly c nver-ant with the German a* well a-with tiie Kiig'i-h lan gnage. w have no doubt ho will rt-ceiv his share oi the practice. As an cxatnpleof what m*y h ■ .1 no by attention to business, energy and lair j d alir.g, wo would refer to the la'ge ar.d flourishing Drug and Medicine h t-e ot F, P. :u Gr en. hwat- d in the Bush II u-e blot K near the depot, in Bt ilef'iite. About twenty four year* ago he purchased the sir.* I Drug Store awoed t>v Ge. I. Mi C-. and from year year a- he became known and his trade increased he added hi- pr >;- il- to hi- I u-mes until <■ w b- ha- one of j the argesl nn<i fioe-l I'r.ig Stores in Cen tral Penny. v.tnia, and we would say anv one n need of medicine-, chemicals. ' to .-l rrnai- or any of the various rt'ch • k it in first class Drug Stor s, you car.not do better than call m at Green'-; his mot tee* are. '"first class srticies" and "ioivest I t • re prices f"r cam. TVe have bsen requested to announce : that an Academic ln-ti ute wiil be opened in this t ace ur v in Apri .(next by Pr. f Fortriey, an exj>eriened edurator. Mr F< rtrey is a graduate of Penn'a College. ' has held the chair of mathematics in the Institute at Selin-grove, s-.d b- been principal of the Lear.ard High School at Clearfield. The pi ices ol tuition and j board will be announced by advertisement j soon, student- from a distance will find i Centre Hall all that could bed wired—easy of access, pleasant, healthy, and the best of boarding places. Sale of Henry Duck, dee d late of Gregg twp .on F> b. 13 Elizabeth M'Clifitic'ssale, Farley t-wn, March 1. Hugh Larrini r's sale, Centre Hill. March 2. Wm. R. Uenney's sale, near Old ' Fort, March 8. C. C. Keller's sale, Centre Hall, Marc! 14. Lydia Dutwe iier's sale, Haines, Feb 13. PUBLIC SALKS Mr. George Koch. of Centre Hall, has first glass ability in crying sales. wish a good sale, you tnu-t have a good Auctioneer, and if you employ Mr. Koch, he will render the utmost satisfaction, and at the ne st rea sonable charge*. Apply t<> him early it yu wish to secure him George is fully up to the busyness from past experience. 18jan 3m. J1 ""J '|P'H witinf) 'a-ioiis qsito s.j -iuiioaids 5* IJMib oqj .vq rJojKA"() F.\vs TO LEASK The und rsiaiied wishes to lease 3"J acre-of land in lowa for a term of ye*r for improvement. FO seres of which to l < put under the plow next huiiino-r. The-, land-arc among tli' best win at anils * the .-tale, i' or partieuiiir inquire of J. 8. BABNHABT, 1(> nov Cm iiellefonte. Pa TUE ROSTRUM.— DanieI F. B. atty • ot *Witthii gton N*. J., by his per-ev. raaf' and well din cted efiorts, IIH* attain ed the rostrum, so far as meritorious P anos and Organ* are concerned, and wi: the ancient philosopher, can with conli dence pro luim the much ul u-ed won '"Eureka;" his insruments give unmi.-iuk able evidence of it; the Press applu< them, and those who have thoroughly te •.i them express their entire satis tin - ti min the mo-t happy manner, lie wist - o g >od substantial agents in proper vii ir a it oi. y. ; u who contemplate purthasi/.g • R'i i'struinenl. or desire fin agency, v. rte for particulars. ]m Fou SALK.—3S acres of good farm la 1 eiirGcntre Hall, im from railroad. Payments easy, Apply at this office. —-—We h vo a remarkable eireumstane > ' In hair ology !e n'ate, which may he a* no v to ethers a- it wit* to u. and, il a fact, wi'l be eon- il. re I a* valuable knowledg > I hv a!! w ho prize a leek of hair from a dear re'ative or (Viend. Mr. Win T. Mayes, and 'adv ea'ted at the 1! porter office i few morning* ago. with their little rosy chirk ed daughter ng< d between five and sx year- Tlue> year* agthe hair of t i-g :1 \v:i* out; bv our mea-urement th other day we find it 21 inehes in |i ngih, and :n gr, at profusion, which i* an •xtrßordmary growth in that period of lime, S years. Ilut the leniarkahle part is, the parents inform u- that when their daughter s hair wa , if, three year* ago. ihe mother put a -mall poit.on of it, about one inch in length into a mm 1 vial, which had contained cinnamon drop-, hut which had been previou- \ c cunsc.l In this via the little hunch ,t" ! air Wa- placed, corked ami put into* chest, and forgotten, until two ye at - ■ k , w I • :i fii'il ng it ace id on tally Mr* M ,\ i - w >- a - .on -i e.l t ■ ee the \i * I nearly full, the iiair having grown * I th timsMiil now the h tile is. nil I and some I a I !. ten h*i - have found th"ir way out be tween the cork and g'u-- From the cur - in the hottl* we jiolge tln-y *ar>< the same length a- ihe hair upon the !i tie girl's head it this time, and of the exact color. The | bottle we are told h i- never been uncork I ed since the hair wa* fir-t put into ii. and I ;he parents !e r to open it c-t an entratio. of tre-fi air might disturb its further I *r viwth. TI is \ ial Ia- been left at cur ot ■ tice lor a short t me, wi ere anv one is -ee vt M Ma v ami id v\ < odi i,T ti i j cerr ctn. . f the fact at iwe have no rva-oi: tu doubt their story ! We . jov. 1 about a week of char I spring) ko w eaiher, which put an i d to -leigh nf. Since M ndav ihere ha- beet i change to v '.l .td ih .dy. with (res. jy o; fv>r mow A fyr V! Kcr! aia- I icip rv, njb* lor the Man axe facti rv, near Lew- I u'.-w i;, and i- H ll i". |b( So.i'h Stop in at Scchler's and *e thei^ handsome store, their complete line or j groceries, the he-t the market can afford | and at a mete hv mg pr, fi; above co-d, Mr- J ncs. how is your health thi met nog ' T ink you. mi 1 itn. much no- ! proved 1 h :g t a bo 'ot Dr. Bud • j Cough Syrup last night, and after the first ; do.-e my cough w.i- checked 1 • ept wel. aid have not cv ught d v toe this morn-j ine. KKVD nt- Sut-gavis i.- Super visor.- wc-uhl do well to be on their guard. One af these officers has recently paid ib s-.yn) b ... ■ ~j" an acc lent rcsult froiu neglect t i duty, liii- occur red in Delaware county. Any- unlawful c uidi tion of tha public highways, causing de lay, it jury .1 1 ss. may r.-u'.; in the re covery of damage*, to say nothing of the j imposition of a fine by the court. In the event of a cider.:.-, rc-ulti g in the loss of life, the damages would n : be trifling. ing it—the proof t! ..t you get the best gro ccrioi at S.chYr - i- in buying there. Mrs. Funk, wife of John Fur.k, of I'enn twp. on Friday la--, fell upon the ice, breaking one of her !gs. AUDITORS NOTlt E. LUCAS BRCS ) In the c unt of c mmon is l''cas olt'ei tr.- c > No 111 DAVID KrTS 1 Nov. term 1877. "the inJersigried aving been a-pe -o.ed ar. auditor by -aid Court to distribute the money in the band- of the 8' tr fl arising from the sale of defendants Real E-tate to j and atn ng those legally entitled thereto *i; i meet the I art • - inert -ted on Tu- -day Feb. 27th 1877 t bis offi.-e in Be'.b fonte. at I ti'c! -ck ti m. of s, id day where all ' partirs interested m.iy alter d if they see ; d. S BAKMIART. Feb. 8. Auditor 1 > KCEiPTS A EXPENDITURES of 1\ C. NT HE COIN 1 Y fro.n Jan. 1-t, IJtTo Jan 1-i I ""7! 1 A. MUSSKK, Treasurer of Centre c J*n 1.1877. DK T" amount <>u'*iand ing t**i -. - • gg T" aniauiit tn\i . n se--cd for 1876...- 3-7,0!u 49 To amount from Com miss tone s of Centre county 13,080 61 To amount received frwm Unseated Lands 3,7t0 25 To amount r< e-ived from Ked-mpiieti tif U iiseated Lund* 1,206 12 To i*mui>t tran-Ur ryd from Military Fund- - 71 73 To amount in hands f Attorneys f.r collection prior to 1874 37541 To am unt balance due Treasurer at -i f . merit 4.790 53 —$90,214 00 Jan. l.t 1877 CK By amount ut-tand i! g Taxes Jan 1 1877 $42.428 CO Bv amount warrants p.. id 60,07132 By amount exonera tt r;a and Corn mi-sion* allowed Cii'it'i 1,7U4 08 Bv amour,t r-t;.t - eiy fir Treasur ers Office lOlX) By amount Treasur er s Salary 2,1* 0 00—$:'>,214 00 By balance dun Treasurer. $4,790 53 I). A. MUSSkIt, Treusur'-r in account •villi tl • Common wen'in of Pennsylvaniu. January 1-t. 1877 DR. T,' balance receive 1 ol Treasurer Mitchell. $l,lOO 83 To amount out-turid mg Tax* s, Janua ry 1-t 1870 5,618 13 To amount Taxes os ses-ed for 1876 .... 3,7-8 76—510,507 7- CK. January 1-t 1877. j .y amount' Ui-tand j ing Taxes Janua ry 1, 1877 $0,391 56 |By amount State Treasurer's re ceipts 3,570 81 By amount Exoner ations and Com mission alU'Wid Collector! 2C4 79 By amount Treas iir 'a Commission 70 21 By ni.o unt in hands of Treasurer at .-'■ttlen '-nt 204 32—510,66 i" 72 To balai t e at settle ment duo state.. $261 32 MILITIA FUND. January I-t 1877. DR. f" amount outstand ing Taxes January 1-1 1876 134 88— $134 88 CB. By amount out standing Taxes Janu.rv 1-t 1877... $59 38 By amount Treasur er's Commission... 3 77 By amount transfer • red to county ac count 7! 73 $134,88 We, the j'oiertigned Auditors of Cen ire colli tv do heii-tiv certify tfiat we Imv. XHiioncd the above accounts of I), A Mu*er, Treasurer of Centre county, nnrt lirol I hem correct. W itiiesß our hands Bod Mala this 19 I day of January, A. i>. 1877. U M. McFAKLANK, [Deal.]) A. J. OREIST, iSnal, ; Aud'tor* I M GILLILAND, [iseal.jj EXPENDITURES Commissioners Pay. A C Hinlon an ac count hulunce due. sllO 47 •Samuel Gramley on account bal'a ice due 327 13 I N Hall, service*... 4fi' 01 Andrew Gregg ser , vice* 600 87 II A Mingleservii <■* 38* 69 sl,BisW* Coinmissioneis Cierk. J fi Biirnhrat, bal ance du 187 < s4k r9 J t> Bar.,bar* v 'ces 957 47-$1,0(6 3. Jury Commissioners. M Grovo lor ser vices, 1870 Jvfj $ County Auditors. A J Gries for -er* vi.-es .....,a..., '3SOJ Jo Gi liliu dfo ser- '' MNMMI—I 3J 00 Wm McFarlace ;or ,erv ee- ... 90 00 Ja K Weaver fivr ,'Tvie* -a* clerk... 30 00— $120( 1 uvprv.v entanl and Repair*. \ rnr* Mui'ri work i Jail a* per eon '• tract 2.248 77 i Geo file arch Meet at Jail 197 03 T K hi man tin pip" and tinning 71 20 I Jacob Gordon plus* t tcrmg 29 75 ~ II ti Wll ham- paint injf and papering . S,i Oil 1 D !\ Geise repair- I ing lighting rods at jail 43 00 Cur Co lumber for ' jail 48 26 ■ Ji o Mallerv hlai k l Mtiiih work at 12 59 , II T Twitmire tin ning at jail . 61 Ik) Clih- ti a i ner re; airs 1 at range jail 300 i Geo 4\ . iV < < ! auln g rall.e t.i jail ....... lit) S B Belt lepair* al jail 3 50 J aim - llaie v 1 ' xing lul l,a,'e t jail I !4) 11. i: • v W vBl • r ia r - Pent. work 14 98 " S A Br, w jail re pairs - 3 10 . 11 Hoffman caixtn* v. , a! 5 <7— $2.84 V r , Onlu irv f xpensiw. N , Nl'C ii-ler washing tor pro oners 127 :*) K ' : Mv km.,fit gas tor • turt houo 435 lO J I, .1 t' I A fi* tier i i for c art fi an-, .nd jail 447 43 J II Dobf lit* llledl eal s. rv ic 18"7.. Uilt) J H l)obhiu> in, vt cat set v lees 1871> lUO.OO , B G ohratth on -■ r* \ a'i - a* janitor at d bal 8(2)00 : B Galbrauh court J t'n-r 108 O0 pjvl) > keiUr tor agri- I cultural Svtciety... lUH*) ! W , >t,-f n penil i t a- A/ \ v k< . ; .lig i > It / v",.s 378 90 ill;-.lie hospital Pauvilio i t lu ,ntie ),4t*i 65 Juror- pay 5,236 65 A--- r lor asses : and Regis;, r ! ing• 1.1.54 00 ! U. ad VIe.VS ,**• o ; Kiev:.- •; . Si'" 1.738 >7 . Ktu!.,! g ..'.scaled lr. is„ 1,401 52 i Redeinptl <!i unseat ~l and! I.OMU j Ralunding tax.-* 9 [ overpaid. —•• 19..86 i Cvtl >tb ,' pay 439 80 I'ipstav e piv 860 41 J 11 Ye-: urg comt reporter 510 00 Insurance on public building 55 00 Bridge views a:.d engineers pay at Bridges 170 47 J i> 8 per ing on > bridge al Curtin's 1.766 tV 11 D Yeager on o br.dge at Julian.. 999 99 M W Cow i< ic on bridge at Penes Cr k. 4tk) IV Pr- IIIIUID) on collec tions - 60 00 Cetttnii-si' : er- tu tcs paid 9,726 15 Interest en notes a:,d Bonds 2,452 69 Comm -iio.-i on Lunacy 15 00 Coniuio n w ea 11 h i •'.* paid 2.0 S 8 53 Scalp pr, II uin* 844 29 ren in - I'si tute_ 187 8! I ■ quest. ;; d>-nd b, d - ie, 62 90 Ko.d dan; ,gc- | a.,;. 2501*3 1 B F Snaff, r sum moning jury Jan ! 1-c 1676. - 68 30 ! L W Munseri on ac c. unt 2,000 00 J B Mile! Im ance due a* treas urer 2.166 09 C M B"Wer com at torney II Y S:I;,T -tatioi - ery (nils 107 18 Jn. H Morris u : r h -oth o 25 (X) Ji • M Derro i: re pair- at jail and c urt house . ..... 35 (X) D W'- dring , I a:i --.1 r*tj all 20 62 K MeCuin-ey bill !>>•' l> 8 IX) J L Spang . r paper ing fit e - 8 20 L> Garman hor.e hire 187') 13 50 C'ommi—ioner- ex pen'.'- to examii g bridges 25 00 C*.|iiniis*ioner* cx (H-iise* delivering a ectmn papers Jup.i, ".t< - 4>' 137 25 W in ualbraiih idumhing 0 25 \V * Wolf rep lira to pipe SO Wm thi. rS: -vo and pipe..... 8 85 | J S" Mailery repair v>iul' do,>r 1 00 'j M I.ieb wlnte ; w .htng jail 660 Win MHI.II lor pens 4 25 " duplicate- 41 25 j " B ok- reg •*t r - office 2500 Win M ,nn indict ment do.k-1 7 (K) 77 50 llcnrr II- ffinun dc-i- and stool 8 50 Ji, B 1 w ,d lor j ~1 7 00 Koihrock w. 1 for jail - 2 00 Jn LutZ w d f r ja-;i 2 oo Merri- Furev i"i I f r jail 500 I W in Spear wood lur | j-il 200 J 1) Shugert wi d for jail 39 00 <ieo HnVS wood for jai1...." 2 00 Win I. Spii.'cr Wood tor jml 2 O) Wm 1. Sptcer wood 150 Ja? O'Brian ballet be V ** 4 (X) A Nt ■ 1 iiix ll - hooks nr J stnlmuory 74 05 Adam* Kxpre-s ro charges on books Ac 1 CO Wii-on A Hicks Hardware dec 4 40 T A link* A bro hardware 7 70 lj offer A K'ino clothing fo- pris tine:- 10 40 Jn* O' Brian repairs to furniture 1 00 A Su--iiian grass seed fi r yard 75 •loll! J Tow er linnd cufl'-firiail 32 35 I) Bolinger chairs for < inmiissioners office 8 50 W A Tobias lock for recorder's of flee 100 J A J Harris hard ware bill 13 26 I Guggetiheiiiier clothing for pris oners ~ 11 63 B L Thomas for pens 2 50 Cleaning office 209 G W Foo'.e paper and nilveriiseiiig... 4 50 The Dcschner re- I air* to I undent!'* Ac t 6 £5 II Hoffman Carpen ter work at j■ iI „ |SO John T Johnson stamps and !>• x rpnt 2; 94 Win Gulbrititli re jmir* to wall paper 9 0) W Twitmire ri paii! to stove Ac ... C 5) Jacob Shr in bind ing matt ng 1 60 Joseph bro* bill re pair* court r0..Hi... 2 85 Jno Brink bill re pairs to cliiiir* 6 00 Doak and : ion bur ger bill ; rioting C Jno Ji .le or.-" hirp 20 - )* E A Smith tinning at court lioii-e roof 3I N A L.l . * ice for court r. in 1 50 D M G i'iin ice 60 Bar bar. .Smith cai of ins me pauper. „ ;0 70 J 8 M ■ I lory repair ing lock* at jail 100 L W i ls kindling woo i court house 2 00 W P i ter chopping wo H! court house.. 2 00 Pan | Kit co fiv g it en range 6 70 Fpang er & 1 .. cr hone hir- 1) A Mu*er treasur ers advertising un -00 sealed 1and*....,.... 600 Advertising treasur rt'i sales of land Imufhl l>jr county 390 00 W A Vokiitt books fur Rororitrr'i ol- II oo 34 lO \\ A Tobias chat tel mortgage in* dex 10 00 W I' lioinlo work on rommnw ealth docket 6 lO W Itothrock run ning county HneD 00 J N Hull anexpense of surveyera coun ty 11ii - "0 (*i \\ II Wilkinson. 18 00 A Dnnlap 6 00 I )<> *ll nai 3ft tkl \V \V Rot brock 800 \\ oi 1 M ilrliell.... 20 00 Jno t'openhaver, board of aur* y ever* 66 29 23fl 29 Fo*ler V Stevenson Election law I 25 **l>anglar .V Fester horse line 2 00 r .1 Mcl'olKugli lure 1 60 II llartiiinu i arpen* tor work court house . 1 Si Jno Kelley load ol 81 wood lor Jail 200 i Dan 1 German hoarding Juror*. . 6 IX) Joseph brot ticking for jail 7 66 Dm 1 Derr g.u fix* tires 4 fit) Order ol mriri id 1>75 i>n i. 1 592 40- s4'.', 966 6 Order road lunds un seat ml lands 4.'.'4.1 8.1 Order of jioor fond* u*.. rated lands 2.4t>865 $6.712 38 Printing llill*. P Gray Meek on ac count bill render* . ! ~ 960 40 K T Tuten on ae* count bill render ed ... 107 Ki Fred Kurtz on *e. i > tut toll rendered , _V.CO $1,267 'A Total expenditure* $60,071 31 1. \\ MI'NSON Sheriff, in accoun * uh Centre county Jan 4, 1 ST7 DK fo .ash , n acroUtit S2,(XXI 00 To tine received of (jalbriitlt 6(6 l'o two groa* pen*.... 2 25 To amount cost* and line* collected 21S 20 To balance 1.330 IJ $!,665 W Jan 4, 1577 C'K. Hv bill common* wealth eot* 201 61 Hv boarding priton er 1,816 10 liy publishing court proclamation*.. ... 81 20 liy publishing elec tion proclamation* 66 20 liy taking prisoner* to penitentiary.... C'.'l By desk, bed* etc. for jail 380 05 liy taxing intana pertent to atylutn 96tXI By borough order 22 60 By summoning ju* "ror* 370 00 11 v w etching | r;en "cr* 92 nights 184 00- $3.666 66 Balance due Mieriff M union at settle ment $1,330 11. Si AT* or l\v. I CKNTRK CO. We. the undersign ed Auditor* of Centre county do hereby certify that in pursuance of an act of the assembly entitled "an act relating to counties and township* and county and townafcip tflna* 1 we met at the commit tinner*' office, HrUefoniw on the first Mon day in January |S77, and did audit and settle and adjust ihc several accounts set forth in the foregoing statement- In whereof we have hereunto s.-t our bands ai d seals this nineteenth dav f Janusrv, A. I)., 1577. W N FA BLANK. [Seel ') A J GRKIST. ;Sea!. Auditor*. J M Gil.LI LAND [Seal,] j CtM r.c Cot* n tr. SS \N e. the undersigned cm mir*ior:er of Centre county, do hereby certilv t! at tbe f< regoing is a true and corre. : statement of the receipt* -nd ex - per diture* of snid county from the first day.of January 1876 to the firit day of 'January 1877 \J. NBWLIN HALL, 11 Bt K ANDKKW GRKGU, Clerk 11 A MINGLE. Com m .winner*. OI'TSTAN DI~T AX KS DUE BY COLLECTORS. Jan. 1, 1877. 1871. II Garten. ({• lb-font* S2U7 28 A J IL-ssmger lien ner 141 38 Jno <;ilTsr Walker 130 29 s47B 96 1872 W lli id' s Philips bun* t>3 69 Th * Marshall Ben ner ...„ 16 96 .1 \\ rd Halfmoi n.. 26' 97 Dav.d ltotl. Liberty 14 62 Jam Gat'-s Snow i Shoe 324 79 $676 92 1873. Charter Brown Bell.-fonte 360 76 I) B Mwlwne It eg* 136 91 I.C Beariok Mar ion 230 07 Jo* 110-, Spring 162 07 W Kiddle Philip*- burg 104 08—$1,018 89 1874 Michael Shaffer \\ alki-r 106 bo Jos Fox Uellefonte 973 11 W Biddies Philips burg 937 34 K 11 Carr Miles burg 26.* 43 David Lohr Bonner 400 35 F Carson Burnside. 37 84 F KierchotT Curtin.. 123 28 S B Wilson Harris.. 210 18 W Leathers How ard 233 22 W \V Spangler Lib erty 102 36 W Cross llaffmoon 872 lloht McCormick l'otter 376 9.3 Ii 11 Wi cox Bush- 668 11 D II Yeager Snow* sboe ltift 99 Jo* Boss Spring 3-18 79—54,860 27 : 1875. . C Brown Bellefonte. 1,438 08 A J Graham l'hil ipsburg 453 34 .1 1* Shope 31 ilei* burg .... 231 85 W Allison jr. How ard 122 94 II L Bartihart Hoggs 688 98 J U Newcomer Burnside „ 46 08 J T Lucas Curtin.... 90 71 I) Krebt Fergu*on„ 347 73 Michael lie-* Ham* 306 27 ;.I M K line Howard.. 103 78 | I) W Kline Huston- 179 00 j0 A Courier Liberty 312 63 ; Perry Condo Mar* i ion 473 63 i W Tressler Pulton.. 81 00 II W Wilcox Bush.. 76 74 j James Watson Snow I shoe.... 219 69 j J Sweeny Spring...- 699 33 iS Hoover Taylor 102 68 j Jesse Swart/. Walk er 477 66 A J Tate Benncr '203 32- $6 367 1' 1876. J H Morrison Beilefontn 3,3*>5 80 T M Hall M lie-burg 210 86 (J McCutcheon i'hilipshurg 772 69 Conrad LI it li 1 How ard 210 68 S A Martin Union viile 138 02 | A Garbriek lb oner 1,386 17 W S Loy Burnside 192 42 J ( WiUkor Itogg* 856 01 Wrn Thompson sr. College 1,974 ft 3 Wm Mann Curtin... 29107 11 C Campbell Fer guson 2,703 76 .1 tvrurnrine Gregg., 2,571 88 T Keiner Iluim.-t 1,762 86 J T Stewart Harris.. 1,514 37 P W Burket Half Moon 698 75 D W Kline Huston. 435 88 .1 M Kline Howard.. 628 25 J A Stove Liberty. "04 02 l> Harter Marion... 1,240 97 I) Kreamer Miles... 1,760 49 W J Kursl Patlon... "06 02 vV Weiaer l'enn... 1,425 17 GAV Koch Potter... 3,71*9 94 F Ii Dale Bush 678 47 J Null Spring 2,148 (X) J Thompson Snow shoe 3C2 11 W Miner Taylor... 276 88 Wm Spotta Union... 232 37 J U Beck Waller... 1,860 97 H Denning Worth. 282 92—536,298 8< $48,880 6i In hands of attorneys for collec on and t t included in relist 943 3t riNAMiA..Kxi.mvvresNVßK HARDWARE AND STOVES!! HARDWARE AND STOVES!! Jan 1 1877. DR. To note* and bonds duo sundry per- >"du.-D"A 148 ** I COMPLETE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE. M ussar at set 4,790 63 __ _ To balance dua L * ToVumTdu'.'A 1,880 " HP EARS, ANTI-CLINKER, SILVER MOON, PARLOR STOVES, THE BEST IN THE MAL rr THT RIC IS NOTHING TO 1 lm"!£ , c .°!!! ln1 !* ill EQUAL IT IN SERVICE OR BEAUTY. Price reduced to suit the lime. To ba'anco due'J o N Hall cominls* To balance duo ha " SUSQUEHANNA COOK STOVES IMPROVED, ANTI-CLINKER, GRATE AND RES lit. IDLE TOP. I'LATES. W.rntoUd Ike Mmgta - 431 bcirl baker in the ntaikct. , By balance 1* Gray ~ Meek printing...... 18460 O " . ''Jvuru"" U ' 8 ai '° h si to SOVEREIGN PORTABLE RANGE*?, can atucL a weL r-Uck f-.r heatinp wnter in Balk Room, tery little higher tbftn ordinary Ccck jßy balance Ji#* ii Slovea ami good bakers. We also hTC a full line of cheap medium price I'AIILOH STOVES. Pricee to auit the trade. Galbrailb 276 00 ' " By balance due A WBIi ams proition utary costs 114 09 To balance duo 11 D Y eager on bildgo Z THOMAS A. IIICKS 4: BROTHER, missioner °i By an ••unl common Wi 11 J* • Wi Bellefonte, Fa sundry persons... 4( ,e - V ~ By amount out- -landing taxes SIB,BBO o4 By amount out* .landing taxes un seated land* 4,00000 jßy notes held by Commissioner* 1,073 04 y By amount in bands attorney* for col lection 943 34 By amount due from estates boroughs and townships for keeping insane in asylum as blw Pa-terago estate 70 U) Bush township 193 Bellefonte boru2l9 "4 Ham* twp 133 - • Philipsburg hr 18*' fc l Patlon twp.... 23)178 Huston iw,. 76 85 $1,131 68—536,51$ i llalancelo credit of j. county $1.5 10. feb 8- lit: in mi M xKWi.i*. -January 11 by Shortlidge <k Co. It White w heat. I 35. lied " I 35 Bye. 63 Corn, shelled, 43 ' Corn. cob. 40 Hats. 30. Barley, rve weight, 36 Clover*ecd $9 to $9 26 per 64 pounds. P. tatoes retail, 1 "0 - Flour per barrel, wholesale. $6 75. * " retail, $7 (*1 Nova Bell* plaster, ground, 11 50. Cayuga " $9 50. Anthracite C<'al : Chestnut per ton at vsrd, sooo Small stove, " $5 -o. Stove, " fv'r* *' v; "I Broken. * >>. MARRIAGES At the Lutheran parsonage, Aug 28;j 1876. hv Kev M.J Firry, Mr J O A Kennedy, of Lemont, Pa , and Mis* Marj Glenn, of Benuvo. On the 21st, ult . at the residence o bride s father by the Be*. W M Lsndi* Mr Jacob Bne nl ILionville. to Mis* Emma K, Kister of Logansvihe,, ' At Centre Hall Feb 6, by ltev. G \\ Bouse. John A. Hoover to Susan h Foorman. bvilh of Bennsr township. DEATHS. On the 11th. ult. of Consumption. Mrs Catharine Moyer of Sugar \ al'ov. Clin 1 , ton co, aged 61 years, 11 month, 11 days On the 251h. ult- in Tylersville. Sugai Va'lev. of apoplexy Mrt. Mary Degarme ' age i 63 years. 2 months, 2"9 days Clinton Co. papers please copy.) On 2. rear Farmers Mills. Calhsrine • wife f Jacob lUvmsn, aged '25 years 11 i month*, and —da>. Jan *29s Susan, wife of Wm. Scott Alli son. of Lamar, aged C 3 years, 2 monthi tnd 29 days. She had been sick 14 years; wa* a consis tent christian. At Spring Mills, on the 24th ult-, Mrs 1 Msrgar.t F ier, in her 71st vear, relict ol Capl. John Foster, late of M Ifimburg r |>ATENT DESK SLATES. Cembining in one SLATK DBA WING SURFACE A WRITING DESK. 60 cents Undoubtedly tbe no-st in-iructive thing ever invented for the youthful mind > MOTTOES I MOTTOES! 5 Each 6 Each. PICTURE FRAMES! Fin Rustic, varnished, with glass and black complete N otc the remark- Still V low pri(Ml *1 bv 6J at 25 cents. 6 by 8 at 30 cents. Bbvlo at 33 cents 10 by 12 at 40 cent*. 1 All other sue.* low in proportion. MOTTO FRAMES, with large gilt bead, varnished, with g!a and Back. 35 Cents- 35 cents. SPLINTS FOR FRAMES. All Color* and sizes ) ST K KOSCI) PIC VIK WS. iin gr<-*t variety. BEAUTIFUL CH HOMOS, for 5 renu onch. PLANTOGRAPHS FOR DRAWING, a new and complete Invention which a! visitor* to the Centennial mult have seer use. Only 25 cents. WELCH'S CHEAP BOOK. STATION KBY A VARIETY STORE. "25jati 4t No, 1 Humes' Block, Bellefonte ALWAYS AHEAD ! ! Our POPULARITY For Low Prices Is Daily On The Increase. Having purchased the largest Stock of Goods in our line ever brought to Bellefonte, we are offering extra inducements to bujers. MEN'S SUITS FOR $5 AND UP. MEN'S OVERCOATS. $3.50 UP. MUBLINB FROM 5e A YARD UP. LADIES' HOSE, fio A PAIR UP. LADIES'COATS, SHAWLS, TRIMMINGS. HATS. AND FANCY GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AND AT THE VERY BOTTOM PRICES, MEN'S BOOTS AT 82 A PAIR. LADIES' FINE SHOES $1 A PAIR. MEN'S HATS AS LOW AS 75 CENTS. A FULL SUIT OF UNDERWEAR FOR 50,. AND ALL OTHER GOODS AT PROPORTIONATE PRICES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK.i BOUGHT;AT ALL TIMES. GIVE USA;< ALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE Gil V£ US A Dial wwm YOU COM2 70 70 VJrb-ittMmSZa —THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND OF Apr27i i ; S. &A. LOEB. j II VALUABLE FARM FoItSALE. I WO miles east of Rebersburg. Miles twp Cent re county, being the estate of l'hili liramlv, deceased, containing 282 AG RES moie or less *, of which 110 acre* consist o the finest quality of while oak, white pine hemlock and biwtnut timber. The ha! ance is in rice!lent > univalent. The farn Is well watered bj Elk creek, and acer lain Gap Bun, Ilia latter atf-rding an ex cellenl water power fr saw atiu sbingt mills. The buildings on the place const* ola large double Three Story House Bank barn, 64 ft. by 132 ft. and all otbe necessary outbuildings There is on th place a good young orchard of choic fruit. Also a xeperaie tract of 50 218 Acres of Timbflrlind, adjoining said larm, well timbered wit! 4' pine and hemlock. If desired tbe farn: could be suhtln ided to suit purchaser*. 19, For particular* address, either S GRAMLT. Rber*6urg, Pa., oi B KHEAMKH, v nov 12t H WOLF Wolfs Store, Pa Sample Sl McNitt. MII.KOV FA. PAI 'f£ >BQH23*r MARKET PRICE FOR All Kindsof Grain. M ALSO, y Always on band and at lower prices than elsewhere, , COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. ! Farmers Q f c er ,i re mind the place. 21 sept If. VolPs Old Stand. I. AT IT J ;Vf BALL, Magnificeut Stock of Fall and Win ter Gooda. ;; OnsPHc* 1 Lew i POLITE ATTENTION ! if Having just returned from tbe East, and bought at panic price*, 1 am now prepared to sell choai-er than ever before. My stock consist* in part of DRY GQODB, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, HATS A G'APS, H(K >1 > A SHOES, KUiIBKR BOOT-, BANDALS, £c., &c. I.adiea' and Genu' Underwear a spec iality. * A LARGE STOCK OF READY - MADE CLOTHING constantly on hand. Customers will find the slock com i, plete. and a call is all that is requires! n m assure you that this is the hot place in th* valley to buy your goods. Remember, uv have but one price for „ rtrryone. WM. WOLF. CENTRE HALL t DRUG STORE. of J.C.MILLER. 'j (Successor to J. K. Miller A Son.) Dealer in Pure Drugs and Medicine*, Dye stutfs, and Druggist'* tundrie*. le tIKE WISE ASD LIQUORS ,l For medicinal purpose*. Tbe best brands of CIGARS AND TOBACCO alway* in itock. Prescription* carefully Compounded. h J. C. MILLER " IRA T.COTTLE. Fashionable Tailor. Outre Hall. 1 Having opened rooms on tbe 2nd floor . of Gift A rlory'* building be i* prepar ed to manufacture all kinds ~f men's and Hoy's garments, according to the latest style*, and upon shortest notice, and all work warranted to render satisfaction J'uttti g and -epainng done. 7*ept y Jan. Harris *Sf Co. 'I NO 5, BROCKETsHOFF ROW. 1 ROlf NAILS, I 1 Paints 1 OILS. i;TC., J AS. HARRIS A CO. i Bellefonte. i jUlWim| Wi soooa AND Panic p rioes. 11. A. L4RKIVER. k at tbe old Centre II .11 stand. I Just opening a Slock of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICES! j A large variety of Ladies Drcns Goods 1 Great Bargains in Muslins and Calicoes. • Ready-made Clothing Warranted to Suit. His Cloth* and Cauimert, Cant be excelled His Crocery Department. ' Astonishes every onein assortmentaLdlow | price*. Syrup, Sugar, Te C- fl-e. Canned fruiU, Domestic and Foreign FruiU. Cheese, and every other article belong* ing to the Grocery Depart in en L , Farmer*. Mechanic* and Laborer* JfH.k to your interest One dollar aved is a dollar in pocket Then call and see at I what astonishingly low price*. *#*N'.i trouble to show Good*."*-5 Alo the choicest FAMILY PLOCR a!- ' I war* on hand. Apr. 15. y. • ■ rjR. 8. G. OUTELIUB, Dentist. Mlllheim. 1 Dim hit pmfsstleal aanrh es to lhs rablk !!• !• to p+rlorm U opmtloaa la the <S*eUl pro , I H I* utm fttlix S*NS{MLRXD Uj • a TRACT . . wttbout pain my* TRf W F. REBER. A Uorner-al Law. * v • rrvnii tlrm to ÜbdSlßf>ss *n rb*Ud (o hu c%r* in Cl*ai.*!ld or CwiUf cuaaly. Of ,Acstlbl> Y Kssrlnar tUllrlijulo irrii p WILsSOK, v- i ▼? Be lie Ton le Pa. Office in Mr* Ben rolN F. rOTTEK, Attorney-at r U* tollsv-tlona prompltj tuade' ai(1 prl4bl alUtian t**o to thc** ha rtnt Uoda <>s foff uis Will draw oi> tad hits ackaoalftlead iWda ! M.'ftgsggv Ac Dffira in lb* diaaioad. anrlti aid* of . , tkaoMirl lirma*. Klta(ftnl or US Plf, BRLONS' HOTEL, MILKOY. PA. The best übi# and bar, arid excellent •tabling f r horse*. A l*o a fine retort foi •ummer boarder*. But* to depot, and daily stage* to Centre county. Charge* reasonable. GEO. BKION, Prop " A RA RE CiIANCK For a Sewing Machine. You carsbave your choice of tbe follow "ig llr*tcla sewing macbinct: New American, Bt. John Domestic, Dauice, Kinger, Hemingion, Howe, and Weed. At the Sewing Ma. bin# ttore of Bunnell A Aiken, Eat Market itreet, Lewittown. Alto paru, attachment* and need let fer all machine*. Great inducement* for cash. Don't fail to tee the 8L John, something entirely new. Old Machine* taken in part payment for new one* Send 6Uclt to the above party and you will get by return mail, 1 dot. at torted needle* for any machine. Xtanvly OF A THOUSAND. Having discovered, in a manner eJtuott l-rovideutial. a pot itive cure for Contump (ion and ail Lung Complaint*, 1 it my duty to make known in a practical manner by furnirhing a tarnidc bottle, free of charge, to all sufferers, my only hope 01 remuneration being that the medicine will perform a!) I claim for it. The tngredi vnti are of the choicett herbal product* and perfectly *afe ; will be tent free to all Address at -mce. Dr. O Phelps Brown, 21 Grand Street, Jersey City, N. J., or may be had of J K.. Miller A Son, Druggists, Centre Hall, Pa. jan 4 ly. iC. T. Air x *> I'tK C. M. Bow til. ALEXANDERS BOWER. At ; 2m. < ■>■.<-). ai !. lisUsfonl*. Ni-*< Atuauua tnea to I ..iWolm, tad On l.imi (,rt lmclto* r (• .-ntoiud ia tad is# list* "a,, n, oimut'i buMlti, nja 11 U. 1 Excelsior Cement Tfct tad*idi.<.il aa muih. sr#s I hlh i W u rutodal a #mervr <jaij, t hit kilos. Dear Ha., jCrcwl Mill., is 11..8.. (at, This nam bat tlrtttlj ' !ITU® " u '** yitaautie. upon is. !. c * n , j |UK tad bat !• fttUbd til#U, aaualarov) fu all l , J lJ ba whwrs II baa baas tin*, ej .. auual Ui as, sua maaalariarad lur us. ut < laMrn*. Walar riu. m j fbalav.r |.ur|wM a fad quaiit, of I lainl a ilaaha ! jbla Til. Cames i bu alraadj lan, uwUtd lai aad •Ida. aud rradarad iba Htaraal aaUalaeUua I era.®. eeMCrucUa# ClaU-ra. Una# tt alar blt-a j ■l f ■ till bad If is than .ItatUt. le 1.. i u.,® is ; nuad aad alas Ihal b* aariauu u.a aru. lea. <~nn I MS**. JO MI VV k, I :oar*l U AaTOB-'eir- lL /JpHE PEOPLE'S DRI STORE RE-OPENED! A NEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE. Tne Be'ilefonle public and the people of I the country generally will be pleated to know thai tbe old and well eilablitbed DRUG STORE, • late the property of Jame* C. William*, on Allegheny tlrcet, next door to liick* hardware emporium, hat been re opened for business and it he j ing rapidly re-stork od and * ( filed out with tiie bott and mo*t popular DRUGS AND MEDICINES. PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, and everything utually kept in efirft-daa* Drug More P.cFSt UIPI K\S( AHF.FI'L lycouipoiiudetl MI all Itonnt of the day or night, and particular andj prompt attention given to the want* of j farmer* and othert who live in the country. Store never 1 cletod to ihote who want medicine* or! nny thing in the drug line. The undersigned hope*, by *trict attention' to buiinctt, to merit and receive tbe pub lic palonage. H. X HERRIHGTO*. 6 aiir ly. Agent D. F.LUSE. PAINTER, &STA. offer* bis services to the citizens of j Centre county in lion*?, Mgu and OrnniuvulMl Painting. i Striping, ornamenting and gilding, i Graining OAK, WALNUT, CD EST NUT. Etc. Plain and Fancy Paper hanging. Order© 1 respectfully solicited. Term* reasonable 'JO apr tf. ! K. A. J. ORNDOKF. DENTIST. ! I* itill ltvAtvsJ •( Pint (iiw MUkn inXi* now pw I l*r#d to IrmtiU to tho b<>m of pAitenuTi n li^ao# •nd rwndft any dowml crtl<t la bo How, to lb* bed manner, of beet quality end at rwuovhin re tee In- I *rUon of nen drniarre made e ei*cleHf Teftb et frected e It bout pain SI Jen 7i A UDITOE'S NOTICE.- " In the matter oftbc di.-tribution of the money in the handtof ihft administrator* of the etiato of lion. 8. 8. Wolf, dee'd. The auditor appointed by the Or phan'* Court of Centre county, to distri bute! the money in the hand* of tbe ad ministrators a* thown bv their account filed to and aiming ihote legally entitled to receive the ianio, will meet the parties interested at hi* office in Bellefonte, j >n Monday, the lltt of February, 187 T. a' 110 o'clock, when and where all parties in- I terorted can attend if thev tee proper, jot J. L rANGLER. TH K GIiKAT ("Tl SK HUMAN MISERY. ; lutt Publikbed ii i oaU J envelope, pn. tix cent*. 1 V tician- .i.i •', n.Oirr, tr,ta ui and Radical j. in ol NruitMi r*kar .r S| ormtont<. indoc 4b> S*lf-Abus*. Irvl- isri l-iuWin<. fVSIIHy. and lntDMUmnnu u MarrU# #rn •rnii) k unsntM'tUm. and t It*. Mental *d I'UYtticnl Inonimcltf. Ac. B/ l-fbnrt J. Cuivnmnll, Ml*. ior ot the •*fir*No liook." Ac. Tl - •orllrt oov i , *d nuthor. In U*to admlmbln Lnc tttw.tkwh I'Wtw Iroin hiiuvn •iprrlonct that the awful roMMwrscfl ol Self Aboae majr be effet tonlly it ttu red witu-at tnedlciiiv. and •uicual operaUxHtn. buucina. InMrumenU, 8* cordials, IholntiPjf unt a tiiode of cure at once certain and etJevt uml. by wbteb every ao*rrr. no matter what hi* eon dlikin utajr |>e. iu> cure hLtuiwlf cheapdj, privatobrand ratlloall). 1 hla ledum will prove a I toon to thouaanda aad thou aandt Sart under aeal. In a plain envelope, to any addreas ? A4& ° n pl •** omU or •* ro t 4o * l tapn. TiIKCIfLvERWELL, MEDICAL CO _"• > 41 Ann SI . Nw York : |-ot Oftr. Rot.*.** ——We would esteem it *n especial fa vor if evcrv fricn.l of the Reporter would send ii- the name ol'al least ono subscriber, with the Cash—for three months. 50cents; six month* #I,OO, and ono year #2. Read ier, won't you try and do us this little fa- I vor. and will repay you by improving thf 1 Reporter Send us the name* of six new subscriber*, with the Cash, and we will tend you the Reporter ono year free. J. ZELLER 6r SON DRUGGISTS jNo G Brockcrhoff Row,Bellefonte,Pt ; Dealer* in Drue*, (hem lea I* Perfttmery, Faiiey Gd* dfb. ;*le. J Pure Wine* and I.iciuort for tocdicr oiuniAts. slwui. keot miiT 11 72 I Huntingdon county citizens adver jtise notice that |h v .viliaprdv i > thi f iejfin'a: or--• 'law ... j* GRAHAM & SON j' ' j f r wtle in Bellefonte Edwin C. Hurts' [ CELEBRATED FINE SHOES. 8 WIDTHS, the fi&rl ILit \Vbr3t3. i WaoLMtLI A BKTO.IL OKALXM tv Oalf Skins, % SOLE LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, Ac AJI Kinds of Cuetom Work Made To Order. I Bitbep Street, BELLKFONTK, Pa. JO may tf. PENNSVALLfY BANKING CO. ;[ CEXTKK HALL, p A . i! RICEIV'B DEPOSITS, and allow Inter* ij Mt; Discount Note*; Buy and Bell GovernmentSecuritiec, i Gold aod Oouinmm, PgTXb non-go, Wm. B. It ioule, ij Prtt*'L Cashier. IIEATTT&rx lor Orpins, I ■ • • iuiablithcd in^lßs6. Fvm the Pre** From G. D White, Editor Uacketu , town. N. J. Herald. "The organ ha* a rich, deep and toul (Urring tone ; could not *tay in the hou*e without it It help* wonderfully to drive •way the thought* of bard time*." 1 he Lebanon Pa. Daily Newt, toys : ( "We are in receipt of one of lho* five > Parlor Organ*,.manufactured by ;D. F. BcUy, ■Washington, N. J. Tteu organ i* a fine, solid black walnut case, j and in tone it cannot be *urpat*ed by any I instrument ot iu kind." From the Lowell Neb. Register. ! "We received this week, direct from jUie manufacturer, D. F. Bcatty. Wtth ington, X. J., bit justly celebrated organ, (elegant in appeerance, and handsomely ' furnished unexcelled in richness and pow er of tone. W# are more than pleated with it, and heartily recommend it to any , one contemplating of purcha*ing an ©r '(gmn." Be*t offer given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid by me (D. F. Bealty) both - way* if untat ittactory, after a te*l trial of five days. Organ warranted for atx 'year*. Agent* wantcd'everyw here, male or fe male, to car.van for thi* superior instru ment. Address D. F. BEATTY, Watbiegton, New Jersey C ENT R E HA L L COACH SHOP, LEVI Mllt HAY. at hi* establishment at Centre Hall, keep on hand, and tor sale, at the most reasona ble rale*. Carriages, Buggies, 6c Spring Wagons, Puis AND FANCY* and vehicles of every description made to [order, and warranted to be made of the j best seasoned material, and by tbe most j skilled and competent workmen. Bodies for buggies and spring-wagons Ac., of tbe most mproved patterns made to order,also Gearing of all kind* made to order. All kind* of repairing done promptly and at the lowest possible rates. Person* wanting anything in his line are l requested to call and examine his work, they will find it not to be excelled for dur 'abilityand wear. may 3tL BE A TTY~ P 1A w ° ! (. Grand, Square and Upright. "l From Geo. E. Letcher, firm of Wm. H. Lotohcr A Bro.. Bankers, Fayette, Ohio. "We received tbe piano and think it a very fine-toned one out here. Waited a short time to give it a good test. If you wish * word in favor of it we will cheer fully give it." - .j' an ' es Brown, Esq., Edvrardsville . 11l m y*; "II Bealty Piano received give enlir . *atisl*( ion." Agents wanted. Send fo [ -alalr. ie. Addre.- D. F. BEATTY. Waahington. New.tersev A Great Reduction in Prices of : GUNS, "n?*" 8 ' i Pi. re lwd from 'JO to SO per cent. " 11 hi strated Catalogue, with re •:' *r ; 5 77. A<fdi '&*, ! GREAI U E-IKRNGUN WORKS, ; Sttevi. Pittsburgh, l'a ; BEATTY^Moi , Grand, Square and Upright. i. a Fl^ 1 " Ru / u .* Snyder, of the firm ofSny * Inh , WW*" 1 -* Maoufactur. fs, rof the-city of Allentown, Pa: * I must confe.g I hardly know how to I - o* P rf M £P v C-fbcation on receiving the d Beattjr Piano you .hipped me. It i* at least all I could ask, wish or expect Ono i- of our most eminent mu-ician* tried it and a spoke in the nn>-t favorable terms, after thoroughly testing it," , Best offer ever given. Money refundod , upon return of Piano aD d frc ghl charge - paid by me (D F. Scatty) ho:h way?lf i- unsatisfactory, after a te.-t trial of'five day. 1 iano* warranted for six "years "• d , rcs,< D. F. BEATTY. * v Wasliing'on. New.Te;-*ey. i* ■ A*'AIANUti, Attorney ut-T.w e Vl 'v Dciieionte, i'a. Office with .la* a M( M:a ' us - <'"< V:'.ji,i t f " brockerhoff house7 ♦BELLEFONTE, PA D. JOHKSOK &s O ° T A. l *T , * n k ? ow '' situate to the • •. F?- twen tiioruuKlil) lenovami ' •ad luroUhed new. It wIU tSlioiSoof & l, ' D £* ?j b ' • uu '• ■ T^fAP^ISKEFVOMFIL;, ' I" •; 733SiS S",>Nam,.T'- ••'V10..-. ,lj[ T "i|.