The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 08, 1877, Image 2

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"\* Centre Reporter,
Cf.xtuk Haul, Pa., P?'l ,s < IS". '
(irant recently vetoed tho bill redm -
lug the president's salary down to tho
old anm of $20,000. The present con
press it gain has tho matter in hand, and
wo observe that the llouso Committee i
on Appropriations in the Legt-biuve. •!
F.xecutive Appropriation lull only
vide FJo.OoO for the salary C '
dent, and aeeoutpaoy it nil
repealing the secti a > ! •' 1 •
Statutes •,-hifh in"
I 'v.l' to re-n .WreitU '
S anio t this s ' i'o.
. f
restoring the salary to the t •
and Itl-onph it : t>se 1 l-oth' '• i
majority, it is hmdy .. ■ tie p. J
as it stands now in App:
bill will ho • wed to. ad ' y |
President will have to be . :
ivfi j H >r annual.
Tl'.e republican national oommittn
encaged their kvt ling coun—l •• !l
the electoral Wr. ' l
and K. W. J-no:.- 1 • of New 1W
Stanley Matthews an: ••• ShUh •
of Ohitv. They are author .vu to a>-<
ciate with themselves any other- they
may desire aho are famihor wita '<
Louisiana and Florida cas".
Tho democrats have as oaun-ei !y
--man Trtmtboli, of Illinois; Matt. 11. var-
I enter, of Wisconsin; Jeremiah l<uea,
of Pennsylvania, and Ashabe! vineen, of
New Jersey.
The revenue thieves have not quit
their business yet—prolvil 'v from tin
encouragement aib rded by tl. pardon
of the whisky riugatere. The l> -ton
Journal of 30 ult.. say* treasury agents
have worked up a case which wiii 1 ring
ber'vrv the United States v:i; .ait f.'.o
largest manufacturing companies of the
st t:c. The National Tulh- ■ ik-is char
ged with rveeivinp frout tin* m vernuieut
ov.r SIOO,OOO drawback n exportefl
po -ds on the plea that they were tuanu
factorers of itn|orted iron on which duty
had been pai l, whereas they were man
ufae urers wholly (f American iron.
Suits are to be began at once for the
amounts of the draw back and penalties
which will increase the claim of thegov
ernment to $500,000.
There is a plan on foot to devide Cali
fornia and form a new state. The Pacii'u
coast politicians at Washington -ay that
a project will soon be agitated for divid
ing California and making a new State
Out of the southern portion, togetlu r
with the western part of the Territory of
Ariiona. The boundary line between
the old and the new State would run di
rectly eastward froui Poiut Conception,
and the capital of the latter would pro
bably be I.os Angeles. It is urged in
support of tins project tnat the interest
of Southern California are separate and
diverse from those which center at s.,u
Francisco and Sacramento, and that -
the southern section develop- i
tion and wealth, as it will r.ia
soon as it h.:. r.ill r... i i
w li the K. .it wil! ' ru • .-
pol; i al ex: :u'e.
'. lnaiics like Ciu>ut .!i cftci* .ire r tit I
given to 'ruiu*; n. \ < :i ?!i - |
-* i. i*.;. : \y"c in ;;:i • x!.r. I a luratL* did his best to wrrtk
trait. at Wavericy, on the Lrie Railway
Saturday uight 27 nit. About thrct ■
qij.UTj m'a 10 t-a.i of the twuth t
if- a bridge over .t cnok, ami aw r 7-
furthcr on thore is a switch, lie forced
open the sw itd "y breaking tin* 1 .tk the rails out of place, ami loft
lame spikes -• 'tiding upright. The 1 to
motive, b.iggnge car, smoking car, and
s me of the passenger coaches loft the
truok, bat remained upon the embank
m"ut. which is about ♦> feet high. In
vestigation showed that other obstruc
tions bad been placed upon tbe track
• further along. Five persons were sr
re.-telon suspicion, and an:• ng then,
was a young man named Samuel J.
Bailey, about 19 year old, who ivnfeK—
ed his gailt. He bad lost his rcr on
through religious excitement. He said
that he had been reading about the lat"
P. P. Bliss and the Ashtabula Railroad
calamity, and he hail n groat desire to
witness a similar disastc . To gratif;
himself, therefore be had destroyed the
switch, and placed otlier obstructions
upon the track, and then seated him
self upon a freight car to enjoy the
tsome one has sent us a copy of the
Clarion Republican with the article be
low marked. As some of our readers
have oil interests in Clarion, we copy the
The ftiouthern Oil Belt.—Operators are
now seeking*for the apparently lost oil
belt, traces of which are not at any great
distance from Elk City. Many of the
practical one's think it will be found to
run south of Clarion. Good reasons
exist why the belt runs in that direction
tne principal of which is that all other
directions have been tested, and only
dry holes met with. The southern direc- 1
tio:; remains yet to be tested. If successful,
this belt would open up a large extent ol
new territory, of which our town would '
be the centre. McLaughlin & Co., who 1
drilled the well recently finished near 1
town, are not satisfied, and if the land I
owners hereabouts will give them area- 1
souable show, they w ill have another
well ready to drill by April Ist. The 1
Piuey Coal and Oil Company is compos- I
ed of eastern capitalists, with abundant
means. It is strange that they do not
make some show toward i',-
melit for oil. Their it i
about the centre ol Hit Ltl t •
traced, a ,u tiie indicate •.■*.. ■ [
O ii exi-ts i?i tlia* l*i J i
ter of fmport. 1 . • if, ... • .. • I
their bt t iutcr< ts j■. ti > j , !i . J
should bt promptly lo ked rftet Ti
lit ..e the nee. ...try ie.-t v*ill t •j.
trole, while the i<.-It., that w 1 m-vt
likely follow will b. o; ..-a nj ; v/t 1
tract oi pi* luct . oil territory, E- ~•■
their own enrichment. < i lcra'nte
interest is being ti .ifc ted b> ... i.i
tors, and and * n ' i. r lea: ed in that
direction. It i> not improbable that a '!
large development will tak< j.| :; ~ '.
this southern oil belt duri: g the coinii,
season. We trust the con.j .nj in.l a
ted will make some move to test their j
land, and be among the first to reap the
advantages that it seems are bound to
ensure from the developments that
would follow such a movement. m
_ s<
' M
Well, Washington is a bad place after lP
all—saying nothing about the Babcocks,
Belknaps, Chandlers, and Shepherds, .
we have the report of Mr. GatchcK, the v
new Superintendent of Police who re- ; '.i
ported to the Police Board the other day fjj
that he had found seventeen suspected j" r
gambling houses, seventy-one houses of 5(
iil fame, a hundred and seventy-six' tl
places where liquor is sold without a' J
lice; eand twenty-live assignationhous- ti
e ! ,Uc has expressed liis determination' gt
;o rid the city of these places, and w ill
wmmcni'O movements in this direction
Busted life inaurance companies are
getting to bo the order of the day now, it
seems. Quite a number of these insti
tutions have failed iti the last few years.
Now conies the New Jersey Life, which
Secretary of State Kilsey reports is over
sloo,oooshort and has applied to Chan
cellor Banyan to clone up and appoint a
receiver. Secretary Kil.-cy does not re
cognise the transfer to the Nulional
Capital life insurance company which is
not roeogntrcd in New Jewry, am! will
proct cd understate laws tho same ail
;'h ii. ,r ' 1 not been made.
i ,-i .7/17;
I ,i i .n:.,;i are before the Leg* J
j.op etb., r* i ■ i! , ,'t;,e capital to
| ; .. J, • 'lb.;' n I t is ill
\\ t. I . KUK v.
! V!k 11 • .i. .< tit i yl" '
jo': re II bill, by a vote ot
IVN to .V-.
M;. Mi.ihellbas introduced a bill ii.
it ho h ..Mature to prevent changes in'
-chool books more t! in om e in -x
v No i:u .-or- Ot ■ '.iol WI
isl w. h m 're at -ft mth>n a law t
t -k, d there ! •< en gr. d abuse
and iuij vi.-.tion upon the people in tf c
f:e , ici-.t changes of ht>ok-. which is j
money t. elessly taken out of the |ho- i
•i,v , ckets,aiivi a matteroi'spev 'tL.tion ■
Willi Los pub'us'..ers.
1 tie h . i-lative exi'vuse, lou- year will
he about fIoO.UOO leas than last owing to
t!io i • t tl. i the r.i >ii will not be . x
teiv'.e.l b.yvnd 1-J day-, the ftoraey
eiu ..lio'i mat mrmbeis are uot
entitled tv' v \tra juy havine n •'.e aj r -
traded ae—ion impr-dvable.
K, • re- ut.itivv'Sherw .wl.ot N. i thum
be riant! iOt;i: y, hi lut- .it: -• i a bill in •
tho b. u-e reducing the compensation ot
meniVi-of tho legislature fl,ts
t.. -TtVL The ' i! aha makes reiiuoti 'tis
in the .-alariesof emnl iyces .u t!i>><- os i
tho chi feUrk-. ? - k ' ami resident cleik.
■ v .i. True- 'r: : f g elesk- are allowed j
• In the biii .m l pariera and folder-1
llhode Island gvn - in f> rmiaturo. The
~iuse eif representatives rejwahil the
clause of the general statutes prohibiting
he inter-marriage of whites ami blacks.
When the roll was called there were So
yeas and 30 nays. The sjwakcr voted it; j
the athrmative.
Alexander H. Stevens i getting bet
Puring the recess of the electoral tri
bunal a request was sent to the bouse
Florida committee for tifly copiesoftheir
report and testimony in the Florida caae.
The inference Is that the commission in
tends to go behind the returns aud ex
amine into the whole Florida case, lhc
democrats regard this as favorable for
The President has sent in a special
message in favor of specie resumption.
The state legislature has not yet pass
ed a single bill. A resolution to adjourn
March l' passed. Since they are to have
no extra pay for long sessions they kuow
how to m.,ke them short.
ii the i'.'i page we print the full text
of'. ■ ' ' ;■;<!.
TU r tt 7r -/• -V ti'iti'Li.r/;.
\ i'u! i ia -i . todv :d
pitted c! ral votes wa- com
nl '• 1 on 31. ine House aid Sen
vacei tl.e vaiicii- t.otniuaiio:.- t
no } .rtivs. and the lour r- • n-u
. ■ . Sew Jersey, M Use fifth Jodg .
,no Cvtuaii—to: .. -taul- a
Pre -toftl.eC mnrission.— Nathan
I ( : ***•
i a J. Field, < alif >rnin.
j s *:.uel F. Miller. lowa,
i William Strong. Pennsylvania.
Joseph P. Bradley, New Jersey.
George F. i'dniun i-, B> ;•, Yt-rwou'
O.ivt r P. Morton, Rep., Indiana.
F.-T. Freliughuyscu, llcp ,N. ,t.
A. G. Thurnian, Dem., Ohio.
Thos. F. Bayard, Dcm., Delaware.
Exrrgar.viai i vis.
I Henry B. Payne, Item., Ohio.
Fpja Hunton, IVui., Virginia.
Jo.-iah <. Abbot'., Hem., Mass.
James A. Gai field, Itep.. Ohio.
George F. Hoar, Rep, Mass.
I Th -e names arc all tolerably well
I to the people. Justice Clifford,
the I'.e*. ieat of the Commi.-ion, i the
Only Judge on it app> int'ii bv a Lletno
• ..tic Pn-aidcnt. Judges Miller and
Field were appointed by .Mr. Lincoln
and Judges .Strong and Bradli v h;
President Grunt. Judge Bradley, tjelect
dr- the iiha n; r -ontatiro of the Su
preme O rt, Is u native of New York,
cxtv-four years of age and all his life
i iv.-iileii*. :>!:o irom HMO until his cle
v "ion to the Bench in IS7O,
>u !in;! . .ycrof Newark, New Jersey
Of the political opinions or sympathies
>t the ju Igt.s there are many surmises,
out nothing positively is known. Th.
><*r.atofs.on the Commission are familiar
ialns, and nothing need be said of
hem. CM' the Representatives, Mr.
Payne i- a large manufacturer of Cleve
land. and a inun i f sterling worth and
abilities. Mr. liunto.i.of Virginia repre
sents the north district of that State, em
bracing the northern counties nor Wash
ington; he has achieved eminence as a
lawyer during his Congressional service.
Judge Abbott is a Boston lawyer of high
standing. Messrs. Hoar and Garfield,
the Republican representatives, are well
Tbe Senate elecled its Commissioners
by a unanimous vote, every member
but seven being present. In'the House
there was some "cutting," the vote
standing Payne 2t>3, Hunton 2-M, Ah
bott 262, Garfield 235, Hoar 2GI, with a
lew scattering votes by members who
refused to accent Garfield. The Commas
sion is generally acceptable to all parties
the only objections being to Garfield ami
Morton, who were loud in their denun
ciation of the law under which they are
to act, as unconstitutional. Just how
they can reconcile it with their bitter
partisanship, to act in good fnith, has
not been discovered. The oath or affir
mation required to be taken by each
member ot the Commission is as fol
lows :
I do solemnly swear 'or affirm asthe
...e may liet that I will impartially ex
r ai! questions sub
i ■ .on ol w liich Ia in
judgment give
' ' ■ .• t>> ' ••• t'• nstitmioti
la..c, • , helf n.c God.
Ibel '• c'. Ju first elc t I
' • * • 1 1 fifth J dge • &
\rbitralion < o&imi-ston, and <>i: hi -
:n leptory de ligation, choi- Jr. <•
- ♦ ♦
T.'io Kan-a Leg. larure eleHed Colo
i. I i'iiimb to tiie I . ited s-t; i i Senate
for t* ; x year.-, from tin* fourth of March
text, to take the place of Governor
Harvey. Plumb i no! I - own to faun
■ast of the Mi.-.-i.- , pi. He is a i iintei
m<l formerly published the Cmporia
Kansas) News.
Prof. Fa vvcctt, the brilliant hlitid man
ti Parliament, appears to he the po-.-e--
or of thorough good sense. In a clever
pcccU the other day lie said : '■What
8 the picture that India exhibited last
veek? ,U Delhi, wasteful extravagance
iseless glitter, uieretricious show; at the
■arue time, in two of the greatest pro
dnoea of India, huodroda and tiicus
aidsof people EUliering alt the horrors of '
'amine,.anil in another part of India
130,000 people ilia single hour drowned I >
n their he.lsat night, and the homes of. i
•00,000 people and everything which
hey poiset&ed in the world, swept away.'
.Veil, it seems to me thi: was not the '.'
itne when England should liave taiif"j !
ioned a ccstlv and useless extrava-''
;ariQe," ' \
l"U>t'i:i l>lN;s OF CONtilvpss IN
JOISI ,v|-s>t,is or Tilt: *l V ITI VMI llat -K
Washington, February I. The gal
leries and corridors >f the senate and
the other approach*# to the eapitol are
thronged. t<> day with persons, who I e
ing unpttividevl with tickets, are iinabh
to gain admittance to the southern end
of the building. \ targe nunib'ci of dis
tinguished personages are < ii the floor
of the house to witners the piov eedllig
iii legurd to counting the rtectoivd
Two minute* pa-i out thespeak i an
' nouneed the arrival ot the senate. Pin
-n ideiit of the senate then made a
'•ornivl ..nmumi-itu-nt of the -tibjevl
matter in ham).
A box containing the rsrlilkwln wa
.lieu liMiight the | nsnU-nt of the
„■ V •, ok tin Ii '| Ul till ev I fit u
n>m tba state of Alabama, and krnde
• , 11 ' V i!r|- . Who l< All II . ! < X!<
:cll elect iai v. e-fi lnthi ovte 11 T\ -
i n i ivevt hv in.-il -h i Id l>> pi i ,
i . the'Other teller, w ho should
' !o-k over U w hilu the original on. wa
Ihein g re...! 1 in- picsnlin• I!. •i I tin
~id: \re tln-ri-any elton- h> i!
ecrliti- ate from tl < slate < f Vlah.una
Alter a pause.] I'he eliaii hear-u n.
,I he vote- 'f the -t ;'e of Alabama will I.
u'.iti ! Cue of the teliei will a:i
' aonocw the Vi'te so tiiut th< iv will i
mistake." Theu-ull wn-antiotimed ly
Mr. C k. >f to ' hi, Tl e .-utiie eer
monial was ob , rveil in ref< retire to the
.. \ t state, frkituu, s l\ votes bring
by that s;. ; t,- It ■ rildsn and. Hen*
i dricks.
Smtes were then eounted in the l<d
low ui- order- talifornia, Haves n:
\V!:eeler, <•, Cob-: do. Hayes ami Wheel
er, Connecticut, Tilden and llemlrn k-.
;, Delaware, Tilden and Hendrick-, d.
Florida was than reached. i'A l '
•rtihi ate, signed by tiovernor Menrns
•avc Hayes and Wheeler -J votes. The
acxt signed by Attorney tieneral Covke,
; \ Tibleti ami Heaut k- -I, vote*.and
,till am ther, signed b> (love; nor I'rew
lUtlientii-atevl the count of the elect r
i who voted for Tilden and Hendricks.
, Half SU hour was spent in leading tin
ft -rempsmir e papetVi when it vm reed
hat the reading be regaided as , 'tu
ple ted. The presiding oth > r then put
the question aa to whether there were
ohjecttont to counting the v te ef 11 ri
i da. Written obiectior.s to the certificate
|of Aiovernor Si-atns were signed by
Senator" Join - Florida . Cooper and
Mi Donald and by Kepre-entativ r- I n-1
j I'mker, Jt nk- ami Springer lake ob-
I jection* to the second rgrtilicates were
made l>y Senator* Sargent, Conover,
Sherman ami Teller, and Kepre-enta
lives Woodburn, Ka-sun, Dunnell ami
; McCrarv. The objections were referred
to the electoral commission.
After tho Several objections to count
ing the vote of Florida had been made
the presiding officer said- "Are there
any further objections to Counting the
voies of the state of Florida?" After a
tianse —'"If there be none the other pa
; per* accomjwinying the same, as well as
; the objections pren nted, will he now
transmitted to the elect- -ml c> iauiisMon
| for judgement nnd decision. The senate
will now withdraw to its chamber so
j that the house may separately determine
the objections."
A buz* of dissent as to the closing i ..rt
lof the sentence pervaded the chamber
but the presiding officer made no
, The senate retired from ttie house at
1 2:<V> and resumed its legislative bu.-i
--i ness.
; The pleas of the two parties t fore the
Arbitration Commission tell the whole
story. On one side it is that the form*
of law legalize and sanctify fraud, and
on tbeotherthat a thing, such as the he
' turning Hoard'* certificate, *huh i - * ib
i fully false, is utterly Void and g<s>.l fir
' nothing. These are the naked point*
that Mr. Kvarts and Mr. (I'Ceiiar wrc*
iled with on Monilay. Never before in
i h ; * ■ uutry. >nid Jml>.o Bl.u k, •*• opt
in lie broad s.d contt<>vrf> in New
! Jer y,w 1 the buckshot wr..r i * IN ::n
--': \ iva ji, Las anybody "cur I; d t!
: por ' luioii* Moi'-ideuci t • oi'er a fraud
. t v ,;.,1 iti -11 hat fra • ! . all
be required into bev-'i' u for. "Oth
o.iuto wrapjietl in the forms of 1.,w "
i his is w L.<: the Have* party 1 ti
ei. luetit lawyers th-y huvc sui. t .
eirUWHUKS ere trying to do—to
' make black white —alio the truth.
I i:i.\Y.
W -I.' vt 3, F.d - i'V 1 T u •
i the EVct -rnl Cotumir* :. IndJ- iU thi'i
Uiiy f* -ion. N ■ i t .* now hope# f<>
1 decision upr the main iue ef the clec
* t rai v. te of Florida h-f.iro Friday * lh-.
. a eel . and it not he betorc i-nturd.ay.
1 cd the d. luy s .-r#r suhtidiary questions
i already been lUfßcicntfy numcron*
:iv give i i.o to apprehension tbr.t n Jeciii. n
' til! not be rcacl cd dutirg th.o current
-1 ***•
1 T/.7. V- THE (jl '> nox or
New York. Jannurv 20 —At a mcf 'ing
f the Methodist ministers to-dny. the
. question "Is there any can so to havt
. evangelists among us?" was diseuwod at
great length, manv powerful addresx s
,! being made. The room was crowded w ilh
. anxious listeners.
„ Pr. Kittell argued there was no nc
cessitv for either revivals cr evangelists,
, and that they <liil ni"r<' harm than good.
The idea of sudden santifuution he re
garded as absurd. I>r. bctnlder held
r similar views. I>r. Crooks thought
< evangelism hsd done mncli for Christi
anity, ami its principles are good.
Dr. Curry said evangelists and mission-
I aries are almost similar. The great
. work lias been done by them for the
. church, but a pastor should be an evnii
. gelist. Many evangelists do good
, abroad who could work no good at home
owing to their character. Weening, sing
, ing, aiid mesmeric evangelists he deplor
ed. They pass over districts like fire
i ver prairies and leave uothing but ruin
Alexander Stephens sat up in his bed
on the afternoon of 29 nit., in Washing
ton, with the bright, clear eves of a con
valescent, and listened while his clerk
rend a column ami a half obituary of
himself in# Baltimore paper. "Well,"
said the old man, as he rubbed his
emaciated chin with his bony hand nnd
his eyes twinkled merrily as he spoke,
"they've written worse than that about
me when I was living."
The supreme court ofthe United States
decided, Monday, in the case of some
town officers in Illinois, whose resigna
tion hud been accepted, but whose suc
cessors had not been ap|Hiinted nnd
qualified, that they had not ceased to he
siirh officers, and were therefore com
pelled to audit n certain judgement.
.Some interest was felt in this case, as it
was believed to have u bearing on that
Watts, the Oregon post mush r ami
i lector.
Mi • fu in II>-ld. a duuglit* r ol
I Anthony Klcckner, on visit fr*t . ,
' niih: ;'<\ O'.i \ to her frietidi and r i
' •< , it. S *,ii Yitbry, died #udd n'v . t
dm. i iy u...ining i.t ll o ri-idtnce of I. t
' r, in I. \ i:!^. .it r. <cor. >.
\■*.■Ac.i sell• !r II tlK'd it < brifsUt -t
ticM ..yin o w.i i r\ iln < . fnl tjii i'l n
!y s!.. took fi'< k aid was corpre by ' j
•cl -u. .■!."• was about 32 yaars old, add
, . \ \o ci.i.drtHer remain# wtil
nterred it. ti > Gttiiuili Kcionne>l um
Lu'.S. ran graveyard nt L" illc.
i m ■
It Eii K It.k ifU KG A VIC7NIT Y.
The beautiful snow nil over below*.
Our .Saw Mills are ill full blast
An curly 'pring looked for. The Comi
f tilcd to see his shadow hrneo he ditl not '
-U'tain scare.
Geo. Weaver jr. lc.itbis b<ot ficr.'e a few P
days ago while inking grain to rnnrkct. w
There are #;tid to he n<> lINs than three I
dead hornes lying along the rond fnon be- it
low the narrows to l.ewlsburg. $
TheKv. Prottacid meeting is still in ft
progress and tie alter of snoroy is smgbt #c
b\ many. Thus fur well on to fourty souls d<
were born into the kingdom of Light, ut d si
tbo prospects nre that many more will set kb
lh< fountain |>r|nr-l for utieleatinesa. i'|
Valentine day is at hand, Friends
pl<>ae 11 member "How Mor."
A shooting iiiHtch came off a week or so
*CO lint kvii S Strollrokor (ho cow. Mnny
stray shot* worn made 1 hat day
\V ill in iii Hack mini of k i eatiiervillr
caught a raccoon (ho other <Uv while
in tin not of chaining hint llio "critter" In
Isaac Klcckner know llmt ho has tooth, in .
a* much thnt ho hit olio of hit lingers nearly
I off
Will. Kronuiot It up ami doing, Wo
*>'' tt'nil l" too linn out again
Samuel llni'kuinii h*t told hit property
| Hi k realm rv 11 to to John ('rouse Willi u
\ io of settling at tho I'oik* tooth of M ill
( llilin
We viei a sorry to learn that A K. \\ oil
lost lua |• ttl o Willi no lota 111o■ i olio hun
,d i d iind fitly dollart In it The one who
it kind enough to return the tamo will ho
- h:tndtol..i'!> it warded. II aw Mon
I I'llO Wol Iti'o New Il It •olio ttirrcojitii)-1
tic lit |!HO UI I lee 11111 I'll tllleuf t lit- tlwltr -
; t i I'.o k..iil .ill.l lilo lingils I ejisiat ure
r H|Wtkill| "I Pi's Mute HoMt"
llio t tirn s|t.uiileiil says the building It
•hi its s.uiii.ii \ uir.tiigciiicnlM luivc IH-CII
ot, i.cult, ti.l mot it* tt nit) 11 it in j
• . riL'h' tti think 111 It has heeli ut vU-
I'.td r tin ht the nieiiilwro i
■ I • I ore, j In e, tU'groi ■
t • t ;. 1 levee-, who li t r
hc II penned I!i .11 II eating, drinking
1 i iej "u therein. No incaxirw
| • ' i' • I •.i in- .• i.. build
i: iw ■■ It v Uiiig \\ ith tilth, ,\l
i . I to li.'.ii lit I. y night the attention 1
I. i iM i iti/eno wan attraotetl to n 1
I I ;t.u w .• n tlri\en it] tithe State
ti use. A few iiiinuteo later wluit up* .
t-u i . hi titan 1' .In wen
brought out and put mtho wuguii. lie
• nog th. ' i ti e.'.'tiy had lecn coiuiuit ■
It ... the building, am! that the authors
wt te attemjiting to hide ttielr crime the
c;. - ..Is ft howe t It.e wagon and Were
s much Mti jirioed to aee it draw up in
fio.U of the Small-Fox Hospital. Two
negrot -and one white man, hick with
"tuallsj x, were carried into the builds
- mg. \\ hen it beeauio known in the
s House among the negroes that
I small jo* ha.l broke.)out In the build
t tog, the tieuo t i-ggnra description. A
s .impede would have taken place hut
i men armed with musket* kept the
tovvil i:t ut the point of the bavouet.
I lie Somite now contists, wliert ail ith
, • ii are tided, of heventy*rix Senator..
fin the -Ith of Mart ti. the heats ..f twen-j
t\ -six lull term Senators will become'
1 *ae.iiit. Kleeliotih have taken plat e to!
-upply tin-e tat an, ics in nil the State*!
x< t |'lGeorgia, Illinois, West Virginia
ami Kansas, ami in tin ey States aclioi e
t will It iiiatje probably within u few'
| tlays, l'he result in Illinois is verv I
doubtful; in Kansas the ltt |iulilicatlf> will
i elect, ami in Georgia and West Virginia
j the Democrat*. In laruiaiana and South
t , Gartdiiia there will be claimant* from
* eat h State for the vacancy, and In Louis.'
' iana also two claimants for the short
\ term expiring in IH7U. Excluding these
j eoutcsted seats, the next Senate will
staml Republicans, 39; 1 h-niovrate, 33,
, with one doubtful from Illinois, one
contested seat from So it; h Carolina and,
* two contested from Louisiana If the
* ( IVmocnts should gain these four Sena*
' tors, the Republicans would still have
two majority in a full Senate. Two
year* hence with Hie XLVlth Congress
tin* Senate will almost certainly be
IVmooratlo, unlcM the perty aliouM
meet with nnloikfil f*>r rcviTM'* in the
Educational Kccoinmcuiiit lions.
The report of Hen J 1' Wuker-hnin,
Superinl* nJent ol Public Instruction m
ceiupat ving th< Governor tie i
mainly J* voted to n account of I'rnn
>ylvania > educational cxhit .t at the IV n
ten : •!, ■: J summary .'fjfa, 1- concerning
, tlie eduralioi a! sy-lrm and policy of for
eign nati'-t.f From ll.r>e the Superin
ten lie til leathers a variety of si'ggt tioi,
a.) he t' ink* Dial l*e a|| nil with hen
.n • 11 • • lotto .eh y item f IVnn.
rlvaoia. 'l' • 1 rr arc
1. T! .t t'.. • in i h paw, r In tho
j : ... f -1 ! . ird*
i - \i-.
rr v f.f ?! -j i ci;c
'* : u *\ % 'hT <ll#% !
.. ' jucordoti him ur
; > . . .;porl s ru!
A ' "il't sad riobrr" course of
ft'. !y is: elder ;.try i.oo what- v. rlhal
0 Ac 1 * *upcrvii. n, from - me on
• a hori'y. n* in Kurope
7. Gr-atcr encouragement# to High
' .. aderi > and Seminaries.
Tv A sifti-m of technical inelutrirti
' school#.
V. The establishment at Harrisburg or
Philadelphia "of a State Pedagogi
es' Museum," for exhibition ol school ma
It will be observed that the State Su
j perintrndent map# out a tremendous pro
gramme, one point of which is to central
ir.•• greater power in the hands of the
si hool officer# at Harrisburg, and llieoih
"i to provide ii.ore amply of the luxuri
< f edt atici. in other words the biglie
braru h< • —lor the benefit of the well tail
nnd rich, iheu ry poor, deficient in the
priiunry branches, arc left to take cere of
themselves. That is the tendency of our
educational cystem. Free riarsica! in
s'.ruction lor the wealthy, with our back
alleys alive with little ones as ignorant as
Hotl' ntots.
School Statistics.
Thee are mare interesting than figures!
usually are. The State expended during
the school year ending June 1, $9,624,458
for common, normal and Soldiers' Or-J
pban Schools. The estimated value of the,
school proper in the state is over $26,000,.
IXIO The number of schools is 17,497 ; pu
pils enrolled, 902,345 ; average number at
tending 578,718; nrage cost of tuition per 1
month, 90 cents. The hard times has cut
down teachers' salaries a trifle during the'
year. The male teachers now average
$39 86 per month, and the female $33 60.
There are 20.192 teachers in the State, an!,
increase ol 312 over lust year. During the',
year the cost of tuition in the public j,
schools was $4,836,888, and of school j
houses $1,635,148. This last item has ful- |
len off $300,000 this year, and the cost of |
tuition has increased SIOO,OOO. I
These are the material figures of the to- |
port. On the whole tho educational (
grow th of the State has bean gratifying ,
Professor Wickeraliani concludes bis re i
port with a glowing recommendation in (
favor of a grand high commission to re- (
vife our public education. r
Soldiers' Orphans' Schools. '
Tho education of soldiers' Orphan's if
TO- of the brightest chatter# in the hi-to
vof the State From thecoiiimeiicemeiit
f the schools in 1865, nearly 6,000 chil
r n have left litem to enter upon the ar
i . du'.h f life. They ate found in
■. ary par of the State, and enguged in al
-1 , \kind fhit - inc-s. The rttiiie ~
i f j.ll, .1 i i in - .lutioii on 8, p •
• ;■ ,11 2 ' 11, <1"' ease of I ftj
i from i. | do J ear ; 944 wre ,
di-eh ;rg t J during the year, but tho num
ber of adinii"ti nearly equalled lh e| s
number of di-< barge*. Tliiscircuui-iance |
•v.-is mainly occasioned by tbo act pro i
vidin;: lo' 'h ndin ion into tho •chool* (
of chil.lre;, b.-rn the Ist of Jaftmry. _
ai I the ■I. dr. n of .-ilk and <1 'i- ()
,! das well a* of de e . ed soldier*. Dur
ing the year scventv three young ladies ,
l'r in the Orphnn -School# have been at the |(
Btale Normal Schools, lilting theiuselvef t|
fr tenchr. r j
By l iw the Soldiers' Orphan School# are ~
to be closed of the first of June, 1879, ; a
when this department will cease to exist. f c
Tho whole co>t of the ystem, since
it went into operation in 1865, has been
8,2k0,&65, and tbo probable amount of
future appropriations require to enrry the
f hool* to 1879 w ill not exceed a million of
lollars. Number of orphan# admittedly,
ince tho system went into operatiof>*ha#l ff
men 8,580. 'P
The Louisiana Investigation —Fx ton
inntioit of lVkett and
WH-liington, D C. January SI the
committee #n the power", piivilrget ami
Jut it • of llt t% Ileus I in counting tlt a o'ec
total vole tailed Col Jotin I*. l'it Kelt to*
to day , who produced the lollow lug lell. t
Ni Ofleallt, l a., NeVeUitier 'JO To
J II Mltdtlftl, New Grins ll#, Lt t/y
I'far No Vu lully understand the situ
tlioii. ('an you not advUe with inr in ie
.allot) thereto? Very truly,
J Militants Wat t s
Thewitne t eoiauieneed nm rating to
ireutnttsncea under which hj receive
he Utter, hut lie wu* interrupted i>n ■
undthst he w*• reeiling w tint had 1-
.hi to him by oilier parlies.
Mi Maddux was called, slot ideiilU.'"
he letter a* tlllV tllg be fill written bj (i <v.
Wi'tU id lis lute dto htm in N tw t>r let .
1,-bad known Gov Wcllsnd Genera'
A .1. Ron f> : twenty live jtni Tilt
princi pal coiiv' i-stions he had with Go*
I Well* Were before lie ruelVed tie
til - The Governor said lie hud eoiiti
■ in ll.e v. tries*, niel, therefore, in
-li ut It Jhi in what to do. The wiUiess,
il'.t' an sh.-eiiee front New Orleans, re
urned thither on the ?Jth of November,
tlld remnined there tiil the Clh of Jsnua
y. While in New Orleans he had fre
ju tit interviews with Governor We Is,
nd he s!o had conversations with Gen
•rl Andemin. He had conversed with
Governor Wells in this city on the luk
ject uialler, but declined to tell what that
Severn! papers were shown to the wil
nes, which lie rt eognieeU genuine, ill
eluding correspondente t n his part, ami
the following memorandum was read ;
For sl,Cot),out.i tho v. to of Louisiana car.
he secured for Tilden and Hendricks
I the manipulation must be done by me.
I it.d far as j Visible • • protect the mem
j ' t-rs of the returning hoard w lio may fa-
Ivor such a result, ll may he necessary to
, eject two or three members of the bo ml
tto teach what we want, the details t be
! igreed upon. Money t• be paid in instal
ments ; one r.t#ber resigns nd another
elet teil in his place, and one fourth win n
tnother resigns with spottier elected ill
!.i. place, and the balance of one fourth
i* he paid when the certificates are given
(juration by Mr Field. Wat that th
proposition thai Governor Wells wanted
you to carry out ? A 1 decline t® a"s
aer- Mr. Field showed witners n tele
gram, signed by J. T Pickett, and ad
dressed to John Hancock, meaning Mad
dux, as follows .
"Telegraphed as desired Damn toy in
terest. Think of the interests of 40 000,-
jOOO of people "
(j In the answer which came to you
.V 1 decline to answer.
Mr. Marsh. Had you an interview will
the Secretary of war? A. 1 decline It
The Witness having hem asked whelhe
he would now answer the tjuesliont pro
pounded, replied that he would not
Mr Sparks. Lo you know the cuius
quenct-s of your not answering ? A. Ido
Mi. Marsh suggested that thewitnes
. have ot.e I . ur to consider whether h
. would MIISW t-r the que.t<ons.
The witness said it was useless to wall
C liuie, as he wouid dtclino to answer at lb
. epd of the hour.
Jh-s wanes was informed he would b
required to answer at that lime. He >ai<
though tie would not answer, ha would re
. turn to the room.
Col. Picketl'a Testimony—llewit
Kcluscn to Buy Louisiana.
In ('• 1 Fiikell'a examination in Iri
• ■- ..t- '.rfti:o tli" C--Intuitu** h® s.*l< t -*ia
lit t :11 lo Ny AI tk aTti sut'Ri " ll
I: •; -slit-n from Wells O'D the I t::- .NO
• iK mrnir.g It. ,trJ. in which they pr ; r,
" to declar® lit® vole of Lt Uisi on " r
turn of nii'Bry, to Jtfwill and othei
leading democrats. Ilvwitt decut 1 ab
solutely lomtctlain it, reporting him thai
■ it ■ ! v. as the third offer they had received
ll That Gov Til den at.J other friendabc i,-v
•-.1 that he had carried the slate of I. >uir
• .una and they would not pay one dollar l<
influence the result. This tact Picke'.t
h communicated to the parlies by telegraph
Tbi* ended the examination.
; •-- 1
[Virginia [No* J Enterprise]
lie eras a middle aged roan when in IKSI
he settled near where I'ortland, Or., now
it. He had tried citilixation am:
una weary with it. He had tulJ hit lilt)
property ir. the Katl, and with a feu
hone#, cows and dogs had threaded th
dangerous way from the Missouri Kivet
tn Oregon, and there, under the shadow c'l
the Cascades and beside the beautiful
Williametle, paused at la't and said In
himself: "1 shall have no more trouble ;
I can stay here with my dogs, my rifle
and my soul f*r company, and none will
molest me." For awhile ho was entire
ly happy, but at length one stranger aftei
another made hit appearance, and one
s morning the man who had journied to far
to be alone woke up to find that a town
was being laid out near his cabin. He
'j called his dogs, and remembering a beau*
I tlful spot that he passed over on hisjour
' ney West he retraced hit steps, threaded
' the mighty canyon of the Columbia, and
\ huilt another cabin where The Dallas now
• is. Here he tell secure. The disturbers
who broke up hi* home on the William*
, etlc had reached him from the sea. He
-.aid now to himself: "It will beyearsand
years before they find me here." For a
good many year# he enjoyed his dream
Game was plenty, the scenery glorious,
the soil was rich, and the man, now grow n
old, was happy. Hut on# morning as he
sal in his hut a strange found broke the
stillness, and going to the door, lot in the
greal river a steamboat was puffing against
the cut rent, and in a few day a another
town was in course of construction around
him. Again he moved, and this time did
not pause until ho reached the Umprjua
country. This was an utter wilderness,
and lie told his dogs that at last they were
jsafe. He huilt another cabin and settled
.down for life. For a year or two he was
undisturbed, but one day toinc strangi
men, with itrange instruments, crossed Ills
ground, stopping every few rods looking
through their instruments and taking
notes. It disturbed the old man a little,
but at last lie said they word hut Govern
ment surveyors— lie should see them no
more for years. Hut before many weeks
gang of workmen came right across his
favorite field ; they threw up an evenly
grided road, and within a fortnight a lo
comotive cnnia 'creaming by. Then tin
old man g .ve up His dogs, too, seemed
lo understand that there was no mote us<
trying. One after the other died ; the
game wa driven away, end one morning
. the cabin dor of the dd man was
nished open he was found dead, m.d on
the sii nky wall, written with charcoal,
MI- found this s.'iitn .o : "They < rowdi-,1
me t<> death." Tliirwwt i- full , f the e
men. They tried at iir-t the l.ciy compos ,
titions of business and failed, and then
turning to nature as their only friend, tried
to hide from mankind. Wo presume
that all new lunds are full of such histo
ries of gentle, kindly livo, which, weary
ing of and ck aflng at the attrition of civil
ised life, at last stole away, to live alone
for awhile and then go to sleep.
New York, January 80.— A Lond >n dls* (
patch says : Fayal advice; il Jar nary 17 a
report that the brig Hed wig landed at Oat /
place the ctcw of tho Anlerlfan ihip Tw 1
kotah. Captain !>*p. Irom New Orleans,
December 1? for Liverpool,
The Dakota!) was struck by lightning,!
January 7, during a thunder storm, when
, 4t*J miles from the Axoret, *n<i was soon in
' (Tames,
All hands, including the captain, wifu
and two children, look lo flics boats Nev
eral of the lib era ami crew burned their
hands badly while hut ering the huaU. The
party nuinhered twenty-six in all They
„ were well supphetl with protisiona. After
I being ill tbe b uts three days they were
picked up by the Hedwig The ship's pa
. peri w. re suv. d. Tbe Dekota was of 1,870
N K A HI. Y DID > W Nil) AT tIAPTtsM
Almost u lcrriblc Aotitietil in the
Sclitivlkill Rivar.
(Heading Eagle,]
Five Convert* were baptised In the
Stdiuv kill near Gre. i Tie, <. i, N'. rri
to>n, t.y Jtev Jn oh G 'twa's. Iu• aid
tu : i.trr ut ti • G'Sen ' t' W- • ,
the . ren ny wis j eif cris-J tl <-in it
in t:.i 'iv er rtit.- msrui i i had
h .ii t rrued The wntt w,t .
. cold, and there cme • ei- h. ' g t u , j
accident. The Donkar.l •• >-i i Jjf.
fers in ft-rne re t e •> f- in it.. |t ß p.
t The convert enteri a comi a'a'iv*-
Iv shallow por tit of (in- water at. ! k'csls
d .wn They aredippn t three t'nvea, ui
nierrdt.nce in the i nine el ih. I .ther. i
, erne in the name ot the Son and en. e in'
• the name of the lioly Gnosi Delwern!
, each immersion th convert is givc-n lime
-to recover hroalli. One of the no v.tiitea n |
- this case was a stout laJy. W nt-ii she eu
, lered tlie water tl.e !• at balance Mr
GulwuU i- not very strong, and was pret
i ty thor. nghly i liilled and when he caught.
. her lie too was canie J away. A thrill ■>!
t horror ran through tbe crowd a* the pastor
and the ladv were about t - be swrpl swift.
■ Iv under tho solid ice. The gentlemen on
the hank plunged boldly in, caught tliem
1 and tavc-t thrin from their peril. An*
: oilier lady, u ben the bred emerged from
the w 'er came near (aiming from told
and exposure The ceremony would not
have been performed until wanner wratn
. er, but the converts were not willing to
-! wail.
ll i reported a! \\ a.liiiigton that < n tl •
arrival of lglctias, the r i nasi of tin
' Mexican prt - de. cv, u, this sde of the
K ky M'ut tains st-vera American offi
t err ul pr iiiinente fn the late war siaiitt
' .readv to lender him the r service., end
prt mise to recruit for t..its it no fl'e n
thou-and men lo dispute with Diax the
icjue.ii nof ttie Mexican gov
' erruneiit.
Mr. Daniel F lteatty, manufacturer and
- j proprietor of the ttealty I'lallO and Meat-'
. jty celebrated Goloen Tongue l'arlor Or
igans. Washington. N.J, it certainly a
very reasonable and genersms man lo trans-!
net busme.s with. Ho makes this Very!
~ i fair pr.'p.'-nion to any who may favor hiiu
, with an order, as follow* :"!( the inslru
uienl Joes not prove satufactory a
I lest trial of five days after receiving it the
? purchase money will be refunded upon the
j return of the llisiruilielil. slid he wilt pay
; freight charges hoth ways." This is Ct-r
- uly an < xtt-t-diiig. getiemus, and saf
maniier in which to transact business with
him. He warrants bis instruments for six
(years. (*ee his advertisement JulyJuy
I ———
IP ! Not a tlve ; makes ha--h hair s :.i. :
silky , t lemnses the scalp lrom all itnpun
te t'sus.i.g the hair : grow where it hai
ie (alien off or become linn.
>c : Can l<e applied by the liand as it doc
u j not stain the skin or soil the linest linen
e A* a Hair Dressing it is the most perfect
the world has ever produced. The hair u
i|jrenovated and strengthei.etl, and natura
color restored without the i.|ip ; iticn o!
snineral sub-taccos,
i-; •
' Since the .r-tr. ...ito n : v vai<
n uabl" pr-'parati >rt int-v?' y : uu.
been the w nc. r an-, ad .. ■ if i
. t lasses, a* it has pi ov e1 ! I, t: y a<
tic'" thnt will et.soiute'v .v " . J. c-p
a tiun, restore gray hair to its..: ginai t ok.
, r health softness, lustra sad i .iy. ami
' pr.-ducv be>r on hsld head* ut its Tigiaa
gr wtb and color,
it Ti beautiful and fragrantly perfusate
1. article is cotuulet within itte.f, no wa*h
..ling or preparation btfore or atu-i its ufc.
or accompar.iincc.l of nny k nd l- rig re
quired to obtain the--d<-.-able r. -uits.
it' or it*
Read ibis Hotna Certificate, testified 1
by Edward H Garrigues <ne of the most
competent Druggists and Cn .u: t <f
Philadelphia, a tuati whose racily none
I ,-ar. doubt.
s 1 an> happy to add my testiui my to the
" - great vame of the "London Hair Color
Restorer," which restored u.y hair to it
o original Odor, and the hue appears to b<
] permanent lam satisfied that ibis prep
aration is nothing like a dye but operate.
* upon ifie accretions. It i- also a beautiful
hair drcs.-mg and promotes the growth. I
,' purchased the first b<>ttlo from hdw *rd H
j-lGarrigues, druggist. Tenth and Coalrs M..
i who >sn also testify that tnv hair Wa
■ quite gray when i commenced its use
0 MRS. MILLER. T.AiNortb Pst Phils
Dr. N..-a>iir j- ,Voi. Respected friends :
' 1 have lint plea-ure to iniorm you that a
' lady of my acquaintance. Mrs Miller, is
ll| delighted with the success of your "Lon*
.. dn Hair Color Restorer " Her hair was
t ; filling rapidly, and quite gray. The col*
or has been restored, the falling off entire
* ly stopped, and a new growth of hair is the
r result. E. B. GAKKIGUKS.
Druggist, cor. Tenth V Coales, Phil
I 'London Hair Color Restorer A Dressing."
r . Has completely resto. .d my hair to U
-original color and youthlul beauty, and
.(caused a rapid and luxuriant growth
No. Clti North Seventh St. Phila.
'( I)r. Dalton "f Philadelphia, says of it :
1 i The London Hair Color Restorer is used
,1 very extensively among my patients and
trionds, as well • by myself. 1 therefore
speak from experience
I Address orders to Dr SWAYVK A
j SON. ;klO North Sixth Street. Philadel
phia, Penn'a., sole Proprietor*.
.- ■ j
Saved His Life.
ON K Or TH K Mo.- I" REM \ 11 K A BLF
lilt. SWAVXK—Dear Sir I feel it tobr|
due to you and suffering humanity. togiv,
ttie following testimony respecting the'
wonderful curative powers of vur "COM
I'll.l-S" 1 was a til > c ted with a violent
cough, pains in tile side and breast, night
sweats, sore throat ; my bowels were cos
tive, appetite nearly gone, and my stoin
uch so very weak that my phyiician was
at a loss to know what to do for me, as
everything 1 used in the shape of medi
cine was rejected ; spit dillf-uM times a
pint of blood I reloaded for months in
: his aw lul i oroiition, and vav. up <li -pes
of ever re, ov i tig. At tin- t in you re
commended the u-e of your Sytup and
Pills, which iinnii began to soothe
eoinfort and allay the rough, slreng hon
••d and h< iled luy lungs; in -ho.i, it br.r
miole a perfect cure of me. Any person
loub'ing tLu truth ol i " stioriis c n nt,
i ill please >l, I in lit tin- fuc*
•r\. or at mv le-idence.
No. ICr'Hi ti i t iltanlon p It lot Philiidel
• phia, !■ man at Geo -A.. . Pot*
eiy. Role,. Road, bo lon Wiillni Phila
delphia. He very parti, d I a-k lor
Wtkß i
The most effectual remedy known for tho c]
Throat, Breast and Lungs.
Thii valuable Medicine i- prepared only
by Dr. NWAY.N'E (S NOlf,
880 North Sixth St. PHILADELPHIA.
II Mtfy. y.e o w.
Valentine# (Sf Co * New Store!
Valentines A Co. s
11 nines* Nnv Block
N t w Store,
New Guuils,
Largest Stock,
lies! AstStJi intent,
1. W ■ - I'l it c.
l-'uir 1 leu 11 *s sf,
Dr v G'vwls,
Fancy Goods,
Boots, Sit. es,
(all and sec us. \\ e shut v(o jdcase.
New FIRM —New Enterprise—
IsaacD. Boy er
We hsve Just returned from the K.stern Citie-, where we purchased at CASH
I'Hlt ES. a full tine of
and a general variety of 11EKCU AN DISK.
t-do rmt deem it nect-s ry to f'.nie price, here, but invite you to *ome and se u
and we w ill convince you that we have as fine a lot ot goods and sell as et, t -ap at am
house in Centre oounty. DOV
-iiiiih mm
u *
H,,r ■ r... Git MX KLK V AT.Ut ontbarCMt Y.rd ,n.1... buying *r.l.
in ra.h on delivery, for
it v E.
I. l*nl".d!t g I-done n , ti iS nd more pron.ptlv than any t-ther place in towi
. which makes the N KVS KLKVAtOU I ie most dt-irabie place I ml! era n
. . ,'isi.wKii grain,
The only dealer* in Centre County who sell the
W I L K Ei Si B A R! It E C O A L
from the old Bnltimore mine* Also
of Anthracite Coal dryly housed expressly lor house use. at tie iowo*l prices
which i* alw ays sold at low prices, and warranted to he as good a fertiliser at an
other plaster.
AttD 7/UJD
I % l
Report Of Prices
?. g,
Turjieutiue, 40 eta.
Linseed Oil, 62 eta.
While Ix-aJ,510.50.
Nai a, $0.25 per keg.
Bar Iron. 21 eta.
COOK ING STOVE?, 7 in , sl6 00 ;
>S in , $21.00 ; 9 in.. $25.00.
10 in.. SIO.OO ; 11 in., $12.00 ; 12 in-,
$lO 00.
Galvanized Coal Buckets, 50 cts.
Galvanised Coal shuvela, 10 cts.
Fire Brick, 75 eta.
(Va 1 Grates, SI.OO.
Aiwuv* f>r sale the lust and Cheap
.'A :nd KootnStove# in the
f,ewiatown. Sept. 790 Ix7o. "ept *JB.
BRICK FOR fiALE -First class brick
willjbe kept on band lor sale by J. O.
Deiningcr at Zerbe's Centre Hall
brick yards. These brick are
offered to low that it will pay personi at a 1
distance to come hero for them. J
Intending to contlnuo in the manuflte |
ture of brick thtiv will bo kept co utantly i
on hand, and fair inducements oflbred to
ir-u-'f 11. E. ZTfKIfF.
Wood*!! and
(tiara and
All new ninl desirable good* at priori
bolow what you are in the
habit of p'lying. We
have one price, nov
el misrepresent
good* a *pet*%
iality; it will prove
to your mi vantage to
ratiefy yourselves by person
al inspection that the above
ataterntnt contains uothing but facta.
Country Produce taken in trade at
full market value.
11. HERMAN, litimjcr. Ibj ■ n
It (Mvl VS
I) r u g Star e,
\er -a
Fashionable Tailor.
A aronsbu kg.
Having ro.rni* opposite the Re
j formed par-onago building he i* prepared
to manufacture nil kinds of men's and
hoy's gsmc-nts. according to the latest
styles, and upon shortest notice, and all
work warranted to tender satisfaction.
Cutting and repairing done. ltinov lot.
Henry Reinliart.
Coffins of all styles made on shnrtest no
tice. Undertaking spicily aliunde Ito
Charges rsHS'ittHhls 17 an. V
The ecimtific world is greatly in
wrested in the statement the United
Stales ship 01-war Gettysburg, in it
Voyage Iroiu Faval to Gibraltar, di(
covered an intmeuse coral reef, locale !
in latitude 3l> dcg. 30 rain, N. mid
longitude U deg. 28 min W. Uuiil
the discovery ot the Gettysburg the
existence of of the reef had never luen
suspected. The reef hag bo n*
ougitiy surveyed, and the despatch*
show that the delicate and valuable
pink coral so highly prised by the
world of fushion in all* ages, w : i|| he!
found in immense quantities. The finer
shades of this coral excel tu value, by
weight, that of pure gold—selling at
from sls to $-10 per ounce.
A young lady in this place made
her basbtul lover a very appropriate
Christmas present. It was a motto
worked on bristoi bmrd, aud reads as!
loilows : "I need thee every hour." Of
course she does ; and if the bashful and
indolent object of her affectiou does
uot take the hint, he should be cow*
BEATTY -----
Pnun J*. F. Regan, Arm Regan A
i Carter. pw ibrrs Daily ami Weekly Tri
'•una, JaCt. in City, Mo., after receiving
n f ,<W mat) t.jieii!, ray* :
"Piano reached u in good rendition. I
am well pleased with it It it all v ..u rrp
ratent it to b."
From K K. Bald ridge, Bennington Fur
nace IV. after receiving a S7OO pi, no.
" Ba Uy" received 4th I rot . all O. K.,
and come* lully up to your representation,
and exceed* our expectation,. While 1
* Ih> a Judge ill Ibe matter,
Mfi. 11. ci"6t, prunuuAren it of trry
.woet tone j and is rtfj much pleased with
U.*t inducemanU aver offered Money
re LU ruled UJMIM morn of Piano and freight
charge, ennl by rr.o (D. P. Br ally) both
way, tl unsatisfactory, after a test trial of
Ave day. Piano* warranted lor *is year*.
Agent, wanted. Send or r,ia ogue Ad
<tre. I) p Bit A i TY,
Washington, New Jer*ey,
Hardware Store.
A new, coinpicU- Hardware Store ba
-en uatoaed by the under,.go. d in C'en
r<- Hall, where be i* pr-pered to tell at
.iud, of Building and House Furnishing
lardware, Naii*. dee.
Circular and Hand Haw*, Tenron Saw,,
•Vehb Saw,. Clothes Rack*, a full assort
.ent of Gias, and Mirror pi Picture
r nines. Spokes, Felloes, and Hubs, table
uli-ry, Sbuttli, Spades ad Forks.
..ocks, Hinges, Screws, Hash Spring*,
lor-e Shoes, Nail,, Norway Rods, Gils,
>' Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn
- her.
Picture, framed in the finest stylo.
Anything not on band, ordered upon
shortest nolle*.
:■ <r lien.ember, all oodt offered cheap
er than elsewhere
B&tti & Zhou
Would most respectfully inform the eit
sen* of thia v k-inity, that he ha* started a
new H■ i and Shoe Shop, and would bo
thankful tor a share of the public patron
age. Bout* and Shoe, made to order and
according to style, and warrant* his work
-to equal any made elsewhere. AH kinds
•f repairing done, and charges reasonable,
•lis, hint a •■all * feb IK I*
Furniture Hooius'
respectfully inlorm, the citizen* of Centr
ounty, that he has bough t out the old
•tand of J. 0. Deininger. and has rrducet 1
the pricsM Tbey have constantly on hand
*nd make to order
TABLES. Ac., Ac.
Their stock of ready-made Furniture!*
arge and warranted of good work tows ship
and is all made under their own itemed -
ate supervision, and it offered at rates than elsewhere.
Call and see our stock before purchasing
elsewhere. 5 feb. ly
OF FORTNEY, Attorney at Uw
Bellefonte. Pa. Office over Key
|nw M, hank mar 14'fcO
Belief*ate. PA
ISAAC MILLKK. Proprietor.
TWcsaaian Hmh aa ttisia v- ami, a eaa at
lOa tlaaaaao- iVuiU batata la lb# l-aa ll baa lha
Imat uu.. la tba ( •<• ba, aa Um, at.
larti-daa* amy aiiat-tsua atU ba l-a". (oub Ma
IMta, til W aan* ta a,S- Ha plnutl as* aim
at. fi'i'aa I-,'- far It-a potato H nasOtW I* ta
<t, aa aasfc. sad rata* rbsiga* aili always tie taaad
!*_•' lew* 1*
HK tT BMoCKKKUorr, J. 1 UlltCkT
President, C'nahier.
(Late Miliiken, Hoover A Co.)
Aud Allow interest,
Discount Nnirs,
Buy *r J /*•!!.
jCovernment ilio.GoM A
I oyfton*
Kiegant Hyl<--, with valuable improve
lie i t*. New and Kcautifuf Sol Stops.
Over our thousand Organist* and Moti
le an. indorse Ihto-orm i and isoawisad
It' tn as strictlj first clsss h> Mr>
i.-Nanism rod durability. Warranted tor
I six \ Cars.
M M LI jant and Latest Improved
. Have been awarded the Higb.-l Frrrnt*
-ai in co. with cUiert f<* • *pi ic
ily. Durability. I'romptn . and Piano
jlikr ac turn
Pur*. tweet. and evenly balanced u>n,
orchestral effects. and iaaiantanrous ac
cess which may be bad to the reed*.
Send for Price List Adtlrr*..
Washington, Xr Jersey,
Harness. Saddles. &c
* Til. wJmant ntMiilwd S* a.n tn MtUr
Hsmsad f<w lower (new. ieuU) calls th sites
turn ot Ihr raWc la tSMa.I at
swotmdit tkloM ttwl IVtogn <c*r < Itis far
Um people ad the Owes. IS. l.rraal sag matt varied
sod cawplala untanl l Middles. Hsrwess. (WUii.
Smlla. tarfi|iU<a u4 mM; . Wet*, sad
la fart .wyOUor > vswwplets • am aiass satsbtMh
■oral. ha now oCwm st wn.wc which will mil th* Oram.
___ JtOOB UtNOhS II sli.
Chas H Held.
('look. WHlchinak.T A Jrwclri
Mitlheim. (Vntr.- <V, I'm
At kiod. of docks. Wsicha. sag Jewelry of the
Isteal solas ss sis.- Ota Msresville l ibs' Calender
' flocks, fonrM with s cnmplata Index ot tha month
an<tdtr of the Month and wot oa Us fsaa. which la
wsrrsnted ss s par!el Una kaapa*.
I larks Wairhas snd.tewelrr repelead aw shoal oa
aw i*d warm ntwl
Adopted hss'j tha qoMas o fashion. hand fur rlrcw
Isr r. It !.-K, Ko aw: north Filth St.. rhiUdalwhu
I Vs. dec dm
1 L. SPANGLRR, Attorney -at-
fl Bellefnnla. Pa. Office with
Bu-h A ocuni. Consuilalion in Knglish
and German. Collection* promptly attend
j ed to. febA-tr
€2& For Scrofula, and all
JML scrofulousdiseases.Ery
.ft. sipclas. Rose or St. An
vJßn T-si thony's Fire, Eruptions
SlMra awl Eruptive diseases
BKF ; i| of the skin. Ulcerations
ygy n of the Liver, Stomach,
jreffi £S Kidneva, Lungs, Pim
/|S|: ISaftples, Pustules. Boils,
Kjp Blotches. Tumors, Tct
tcr. Salt Rheum, Scald
I lead, Ringworm, Ulcers, Sores,
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain iu tho
Bones, Side and Ileatl,Female Weak
ness, Sterility, Leueorrhun, arising
from iutanraf ulceration, and uterine
disease. Syphilitic and Mercurial dis
. cases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emacia
tion, General Debility, and for Puri
fylug the Blood.
* This Sarsaparilla is a combination of
vegetable alteratives-Stillingia .Man
drake, Yellow Dock—with the lodides
! of Potassium and Iron, and is tho
most efficacious medicine vet known
for the diseases it is intended to cure.
Its ingredients arc so skilfully
combined that the full alterative
effect of each is assured, and while
it is so mild as to he harmless even
to children, it is still so^effectual as
to purge out from the system those
impurities and corruptions which
develop into loathsome disease.
The reputation it enjoys is derived
i from its cures, and the confidence
' which prominent physicians all over
; the country repose iu it proven their
experience of its usefulness.
Certificates attesting its virtues
have accumulated, and are con
stantly being received, and as many
of these cases are publicly known,
they furnish convincing evidence of
the superiority of this Sarsaparilla
over every other alterative medicine.
; So generally is its superiority to any
• other medicine known that we need
' do no more than to assure the public
j that the best qualities it has ever
I possessed are strictly maintained.
Dr. J. C. AYER A CO., Lowell, Mass..
Practical and Analytical Chcmlttc.