Tilt: < KNTIiK KKIMIRVK.H. i iUitSDAY FEB 1, . 77. LODGE MEETINGS. rrHT*Wl.M..r.u. - •. I. > iV 1 . mo. t r*rv Saturday'CT#n>?* In tt*# V ;. 1 1 . ,•<*• M -1 j M (iIM MANH. ff' H I* NA\**Y. v o P rouT i.o;vr, No . \ N M n r Ti*.! \\ oi o vrvin. n •*:•! . till ivo- lw • • 041 li-ilov* HtH. It I ;<1 > Ts S< It M ,N t ' IV >.** h* a <**il m n*n. at thru 11*11 j ,i visn LOCAL ITF.MS. r Our friend- will .xb'.go by sending Items of l'Vl in their ■■.Mv. c"' i HI. the fuel* only, and we will put them t-x , -h .pe. also notices •! ts \ early, for pc-iag'xwhn will |•it v !i." i■ : th's redu. >•* the t >-• to one half. a* the sum paid hv t in tor one year'* pixstage " 20 cts The Kofort.r office hix* boon r> - snov .1 end w ill he found nearly ojh • e the itest-otfic.•. v ( Lincoln Putter Powder. make- hut tor swot tar.d hard, nn.i quicker to churn j , Try ft fttaktlWu ( J'OR SaL. A new cuhlen ... two-seated >'> g 1 '. for one or two horn j A .}•'> at tl - offio BplfltHJtr will h-.xo su.. on W odn esday *udSaturdays, m! h. - of the imeot'o i>i " Toe Cm on >• ' evviten • tit brought life "do the Gib Lairim rod company which owes * farm m l' at cour.ty. The >toch i* p..r now. and tlu holde -of it wi - .. *p| * t. ration. Hoi e there ere mUls.-i > m t for them. -V uieelilg w... he h. Jin > , place shortly to org..nixe. Thi.c coverlet cm*, two ■ arpst Unlit., w it aMtebll :.x. t.< a **rpx.\Wx'HV g shop, tor >a •• t '"i > Apply to Will. Kit .• r, Aar. shur* -See a 'v.r: setuio.l *not: er iI" Uirti > K Will t Am. rican r.cw.pnt cf lie p r.er. It is an ii : •• u : *'■ • llH ' corta i - Madi vu..:.-.b >' ' ' x week in to matters per:*u M to I the rrait- The Mls.rliU Ml | • • . the Reporter :> of the Atncth , J o- J % InlioßS in favor of reconstructing ibejj { Tcnr.svallcy charges. wUlagtbreeebßrf j ] cs .'Ut of tw o. Aarcc.;burg, lit. 1 aui - _ ar.d Salens HCM at Ilit * charge ;t- MtN Hail, I'tsion atul I op * charge, -.id] BoaLburg, P n Grove ai d I'ir.e Hal: a charg If ratifi. dby the majority of lb. meuihers the .hatsgo w . t.iit# pa.. J.. i Ist, nest. So i ne—man, woman or child—ev er nii-sed it, or was disappointed, or ru. J it, or got cheated, w Len buying gr. et i - at Scch'.cr Jc Colf you buy tin ra • i ce, yen are so well served that y >u alw ay- . back again. ——AYe have been re.jtie-ted : • announce that an Ac idemic Institute v.ill be opened in this p ace early in April.{next ly Pr f F.rtncy, an espericned educator. Mr. F. rtney is a graduate of lVnn'aC" lege bi.s held the chair of mathematu - m t e Is-titute at Sclinsgrove. a d h:;. been pi lie fa 1 of t • L- f aid II gh >e. at Clearfield. The puces ot tuition ar.J beard will leanr. urcrd by advert -.-mcnt T ram, rtudma from a distance will find i Centre Ha'.! all that could l>edosirod—ea-y of acceas, pleasant, healthy, and tic t ,st j of boarding places. Among the gr. at and wonderful in ven lions of the day arc knitting machines. A pair of slock :igcin be knit eonipiele in fr in - to 10 minute-. The niai unes lake up very iitile r. ni—can b" fastened to any table, and any one can learn to tnitin a very short time. As a gr. at many of our readers visit Bellcfonte, it will be worth their while to go and wit* j ue-s one of these wonderful macbir.es, in operation at Welsh's book store. No 1 Humes' block, where orders for the ma chine or stocking- can be left. The announcement in th" Rep -rler of week before last that theVraek OB j our railroad would reach Paddy tunnel by S iturd.ey af that week, has been veri fed. Look out. the keer- areconfngafli t ah. Kail* are on hand to lay track as fur as Centre Hall The Rev. J. Ilger. Horrell, of "t Matthew's Evr.rg. 'irn' Lutheran Cl.ti-- Brooklyn, died on the 21-t inst. Mr. Burrel! was *. >rn in IVA, near B del" nte. Pa. In ldio he gr idualed fr oi ti !'• r.- Bi. Lutheran college, at G' tly-be.rg. ll was principal ofih-- Aar i -burg Academy a .d the second Co. Superintendent of tl - countr. Sale of Henry Duck. dee d, lab < t Gregg i wp , on ?"eh Elizabeth M'Cii: lie ■ Hurley.wn, March 1. Lydia Dutwei'.-r's - ale, ilaine*, Feb I PUBLIC SALES.—Mr. G-,! r g, K. ct, of Centre Hall, has fir-t cla ; s ability in crying s;,le. If you wi- a g-> id tal- . you must bare a good Au-'tioncer, and f you employ Mr. K • li, l.e v. ';! r dor • utmost satisfaction, and at the np.it rea sonahle charge*. Apply to him early ; you wish to secure him Georg'- i- fully up to the business from pas! experience 18 jan 3m. ' jt *li v H 9Jnuf) 'eJf'-.s qv 1J > ' AUI;3Jt:dS t pinnb yip A'q fjej.-.to j ALL KINDS OF LUMBER at p- ' sale and a! greatly reducd prii • - Win. Colyer, of Potter p , has f. rsnh 0 .w • ed rails ; I'Jf.SI elu - • Ut W -' - : J lit I i itnd 12ft. bug; 'XvO It. hi-', w plnnk for wagon umk r- and fr-'in 1. I in.; scantling and axle; 1C(' wi'iit board.- jto 5 in. ; a !"t of poplar and •ii boards 8 x 1 in.; 0000 wagon spokes, wi.iN oak, all sizes ; a lot of sled runii'-r- : 20tl0 feet of dry < b. sttiut hoards. All i t reduced i.rice# f..r ch-1I OI | any kind of grain, beef or pork. Also a span of mule*. S years old, boti lead'-rs, perfectly safe; new gears ; new r 2-lnirse wagon :a V horse piHtfurm i ■ wagon ; hay ladders, hnrr< v.e. eultii it •- corn plows, 2-lior-e sled, N'o. 1 doiib'. sleds. All at private sale. Coine en and go' bargains, a* Mr. Colyirintendagoji g w< - in the spirng. 14d e 2m. FARMS TO LEASE The undersigned wishes to le.i-e 32b acres of land in lowa for a t'-rm of yei.r for improvement. l'O acres of which to be out under the plow n'-xt summer. Th>e lands are among the best w heat lands >•; the state. For particular- inquire of J. .S. BAR Nil ART. IG nov Cm Bullcfoiite, Pa THE ROSTRUM.— Dunit! F. It- attv, of AYashington, M. J., by his j r*eve raacc and well directed eftbrts. has nt 'in ed the rostrum, so far as meritorious Pi anos and Organ* are concerned. and with the ancient philosopher, can with confi dence proclaim the much abused word '"Eureka;" his insrutncnts give unmistak able evidence of it; the Press applaud them, atjd those who have thoroughly tested them express their entire satisfac tion in the most happy manner. lie wish es good substantial agents in proper vicin ities. You who contemplate purchasing an instrument, or desire an agency, write for particulars. !m Fob Sale.— 35 acres of good fawn land near Ceutrg Hall, im from railroad Payments easy. Apply at this office Fre-li tub oysters, always on hand, % and spld by the quart, stew, or otherwise. under Hiller'a drug store, by Ud. L Mil ler, where the bestand freshet are to lie • had. 2t. Appleton Muslin, 9ic per yard at Bayer*, Aaronsburg, Pa. 3t j.. i, . ■ m r-r '"• ' 1" . it .otii.l'd Chip . • v • . makingprogres* ititheris't direction; at a lute no .th g the \V. Fusquehenttß clai# rceomteended the it ciiitMut'cn of tin Ho* I*burg sr i Aaronsburg. hargM-■< *to jf,-m a third charge with i c.ntre it tVn tell. tin M ' 1 y - ■ 1 !1 ' take : olion on the roc. mm ' d itioti • ! o'li i.-, a Ibvaui at . \ tea ■ !>:• I the act,, n recotamonde 1 To t .ciii icth - u ;i.'!i li • v .It. S : . • •raker tendered Sit* i<-gnuti-n, but t! • c nslt> iyby it unat nous \->to r. ,u •1 -• accept it It i* fondly hoped t' at the othei ■ • 1 . I the v al'ct will d-o movo at onco in lhi matter and take vimitar act on so that the matter w ill go in'n •lie.! I>\ the time -p.villi d the 1-t •! Juno next ■ consummation of thi- action g ■ nin "st 1 an theb'wi-rc l.tk tell Iw 'll it tut in ist.T in it* midst, ai d will Inn' service* every .Sunday with tlu b< i f ot a week > \\ n< BoaUbU ii charge wi I no d thle the sort ce and attention thex now h t \. The t'oiun ttce -f tTa-*i, 1 avi ; the matter .f r ( construction in bird pt-p . rcc'tntuci ding at an c: >!a> the r •• n -t.-Uct of 'greg i I* i: N. t v \ ley. V of pi I !.-> X' lI . '■ I to it llw t 'WI. , in Pet n ti xv ship, can •• 1 ;h ': ix g a tr-igic o. c;i 'ci.. A. :• ■■ :p . xto a wedding lia.i It* d:-Cor,iiit i xti driw cd b.x the roatu 2 I • t -i gun Mr d .%• b lv •. i ..' ; .•. or , taken aw . fe, a bal dt men and b, x t:o cceslxd to Jacob's domic.l and Maw born* and rai g bed*, and p'unded on tin k !- tie* and *fl -tied:. 'iVi .1 UlUC'.i to t'. di*p'ca*ur* . f the g 0.-m, xx o nii.de hi* appearance and told ti c *rov. d to de.t. and begone, orlic'd t-. lie m up xnth a shotgun. The warning w - i t htciied, thought, over tio head* ft'i crowd, but the K-aden pellets landed half-spent in a party a lift distil". tl". won- iivg "seven birds." Gi'od .hot--', -w that charge c* .1.1 5. ' c nd*- to tell n a fi. . k of l- - Oi - at I! : t ' i'o Si X i"l . i the serenade:* were -truck by -' t r- *rly speut, >. li e sr. t. e t.-xee, -, .n : o ue •* and oil ers i i t: >ar u it " o were harmed enough, xve b-.-l ve, to need ap ply for ati -.ot Nxx tir Ker , n't mean tv hurl, only to -care, but he lmd better let the shot in bis pouch when thing* :i-e meant In fan. Hew - arrested r*xt day sad taken be:' t. ,v 1. o ! e gave bail .'or L - • . ."arc at court. Better - ule be mat: r at.d k p iut t court. rest a.iuted that tie a. ,ve grain market during tl*.. *e* >n in Be vfot.'e i due to tlO efforts -'f S rl' U" A Co., ul. ae bought a large n nount 't gra;i at full market price* in.: ; .1 c.i-li. We are '.it tliorired to -ay that the.x cc. t'nue to buy all kii. Jsof tna'k table .- at full pric * Signer B1 :z d . d . t Phi':.-i ; ha on Lit S .b. a'.U • mo Better ar..' che-tp. r can- ',! and dri ed fruit*, than j. u can put up your*e!ves, ' \Yi know 1 -to I at a'. : y xx 1 convinced of it by a . gle trial. You can - ive all the I- -üb'e fni g.. dry -.g fruit in summer it you wi.h, an 1 ...vc some money bioide-if y u take this hint. A BEAK Fiuut T'ne Wit m*p.-rt Bul'etin A c'rr >poi dent writ r. • --m p. • \ ley or, the l"th in-t.. -y- Fir x g nen from William-p rt • ,• •• 1 re v. -t> r day morning to vi-.: Mil '-rd Wai*i camp and have a hunt. They waited un til to-day, when they di* cove red b>*r track* and set . s. - :n pur-tiit of the "var mil.'. Mr W u - ' ■ i* rt c: f the top of the moußt.iio, and on hi* w.v came upon ' ruin. Ihe b :r tri d t > g< away, but the hunter wn* too qul'k t r him, aid gave him two shits, which, however, did not appear to iuiri 'uim inuch. When the hunter came :;> t':. bear turn ed ar.J -howed fight Wa'-on met hiin with clubbed gun. Tvx • inor*'of the party came along about thic tin >*, but, on seeii g lite bear, they w-rr.- quick {•> vacate the p -it'o.i. Wa'.-ill *!- ic ''ill b.-.if, but the ere Jure caught the g i and sent man and gun both d >wn the le of the moun tain in a burrv. The bold hunter quickly i returned to the charge, mid ■ >n beat hi* ! foo into a:te of submirsii r, and wa- at 1 xvork shart>nirg hi* kniP-, apparently ; with the ii !- nlior. of skinning the animal. though it m -till aiiv- when he w i , joined by the rcma-rder < f the huntcis. ■ The nc'We->me--having a l l gun* or | dispatched th'* I- ir, which when dressed, I wsiglwd 668 poußd*. Wataoa efatlsu and i is award J the honor of killing -the prize j Young an x ho would run away osder the circumstances ah -cin de*crlbc 1, should Dot vet;'ere wi -re there v. llbeaf-y i occa-ion f- rI ic exercise of c -ir ;c. Mr Wat* in i- a former r. Is nt • i W: ilntii - port and ;• n wg. ".ii g out th - i- - t • . The correspondent writes under a later date that >Vat*on wa* pretty badly hurt by being kns .keJ down t'o mountain. llcsn.it u box- b d 'ayed way . • would have I.J the belr skinned before it | waked. Court com:, n -d pring .1 I, Lnrrim'-i Fr W -. er. Harris—Fcrgu* P-:ter. j Trial list for Jm uary term o| j iri county court f ( mini.n P • , mctciiig .Yonday, January 22 : F"- Ootid Week. ; Geo Fnrst x LliI; I. ki. ret at , A C M-.i-re x- Ji nil. I, jr ; Corn of Peni ix- II lir ,k. , || 1* 1r xx • A'lmr v- II IP km!, ' I Adam Gfi-inil.il. vs L t V -CKK ■ • Iknwcs Mt-Elarnj x- John I l •... soli Par aa KB Company vs fli \i B li L Siiirk vi* Wn ii n.l Harrison Sih vs John i! . r ger John C Motz ACo x W A M. M , gal .lob \\ ill in ri. - x Samuel Jil .*r •. Kctinedv Bio. d x •- >. ru I Brume .rd Kennedy Blood x- John Wolf N'oye-, Bridget - A Co \- M o* 'l', , ~r Jiiiues A Fri enuui x - S .- Wo T* Adim C'l Fry In rgi-r x- Tl •■. M A .-i Philip A Munnet a' Dm,! ,x|„.. ( , Wm II lv. erett \- J 'li: ■IJ Vx ~!( Michael Carney v h p. k ,\* ('. Edgar K<. .1 x*K P. -A i Tcrreiice McLaughlin u- ('has Mh'm! forty Eiias ilumer v* Wm 1J .. lii A Imr Klia* Ilumer vs Jacob Spring i l ox John M Wagner A Co x Geo |) .J, |,n son Daniel Ri-1-I'* Admr \ G,., W sin.l et I.X Michael Pai ker v:. Jns L N'clf luck Haven National Bu.l. v F u 1' Biair S Si!knitter v*.) A Cryd.-r A ltodgers v* Lhiill-, Tb>* *V Y On-ai.ova v* Utigli Adam* et a) IK Hire and fall f. r Dr. Bull I Cough By flip, ifyoti are t'ouhlcd with s bad cough or cold. It will give you relief For tale by every rc-pcctablc I)riig 2 i-I One bottle 2-j cent*; fix e bottles f • ®" 'Si \V I-., i.• r.. .n . for I ob: ou. y n t; dei . I -idy' - ib !' d xi li the • w -I . . . - . ■ ( cludmg as a pr. mlum. in i- .-giu! x i-.mi > i ont I,"'• M .* ,1 -x A . j I, \ Gody . P : aI. h ' i Kk.XP i .1* St : t.iivts >it* Sop. I x ' l'ia> 1 t! . o . ill. •r* I .. r.-c i.lly pai. ' bou. luw-.u-e - ' ait a .-id. ul ii-x.il'. 1 fi tuncgll.t of d-ltx Th" ■>■urrcd P Dt-lawar- if-ii* y \ V UIl rtiX 'ii' li tion of tlu |>ul ic high" >y, causing d. : \ * : 1 imposition ol it tim ! x the .mill. In t - A-* liH' the ii xti.ngi > xx :i I not 1 . ti illug 1 111 ill.; tl . Cling u: th t . co irity A, tU-u tui .1 S o'.x xx a i. d t , „rt li. u*o o< M-i.l ix ex nc ed for the • i -mi * x.-ir Preside: t, .loht | A llun'i r, Hall Mo n twp. H i I M V 'j P. tXxp t . tr. 11 .P*> ,B jao l J v ' W ti N V P > ; .11 ,P i . i' *> * .1. ! 1! Ml. 1" . P. . . .. •' I'- • . i John T. Job B eP. t) 1\- - i - \ ■ gg txxp. - g M - V "■ J . St- x * put, - M. M Vx xx U gV. O . .■ . 1] -cf I' 14X .1 CXI." g 1' l. N ... • ney Gen. l .ar write* ■ - Ftbmtrv . ' --v.su-c th ro xx, 11 ■ ■ ' j ccr* tlicwsfit-r elected, to the hr*t Moti - ■ ' wise i voire. >t *i .e ed . : N umblT '.*.•> Olid XX .... 1 ..x I- I it tinned :xt ' th© xio.V after tliU uU .UOO} ' 10, la! x h.ul Q '. b. •-: t'.t--i i. But tfint ■ net extend* th ' • 'he frst V xndty in Ajxri 1, IS7S, The jcime net ji xl '.e*, iu tl.i .*.tiitc • • ' - ' i l*',-r* *honld laytvß'ue' wliieli w.'l be X ' V: ! - ' - • : i F-b- nirv net' '' 1 op thei >< • I pamphlet law> of 1 <7C*. t.igc B. The of i.coiif - c -or* a ill not be \actio: until ■ ' x!i . Hon txx fill it ntu t be oa the third Tilt- Lv iti Kbruary next frcxeding . :>. half after :hev tire elected, in*t< 0.l . : ltine 1i..-lit HA a* at | *i I'M 'X I:u I . xteu led five- n: tit:.*, tn .kii g vet; teen ton :ha i -.teud 'twelve. But! ho-: iH-en done. We are indit> H.* ]'•: -h-l r- • "1 on Alniii-.o ." Fh i* . very v.x!- ■ - can |>urcho*ed from the agent fxxr a j gisia!! stun. In-' estate .-Hate llr. IV. .V n:r- - i dn- ed n bill authorizing the president Bi.d directors uf any tttrnj ke or | ' ink ro> ! company in thi- < utßOnxvealth t-j ..' . • b-ti tl x xx h |. r' .-f-' h road. I . r>. Sciiat t W ii.- e, i : gr. -man Mai key, At:-d .y >\- ' te-tilled that be t -• ■ i *• • i - : upp' - I : nrJx . f the 1 e •> g. i ' and they were -horter !by p'- i- g x i the lug* or b •!>>■'. 1 I' then put up, bat it inr. < it. 'y set'...: down to almo't a straight line. It w.i • then ra-ed up and the sbin • x*<-re put n, which ler>g*hex-ed the u •r c! ! t' -ee . and one half inches. The bridge wn again let down by In "g <-ut I wedges slowly, hit sit w .. •! • ' h- it its own weight. A second ' -v - t •.! • i up and new wedges put in, -x- 1 this time ■ it ; tod firm and strong - Mr Melb.na' i. a W b "g. A "eg' -- v < ir.ty, r •-' x- < . b ' x ■ ' y ■ • I '■ • girl.. Tl y - r r'y 1 -o-i •.- • ■ u'.e. after 1 rth. two 1 -.ed !" -• ho .- ■ 1 -. a cm' min> - Tie attending phy-.iun ■ ; vi • : e j quadruplet* do not occur ui th in on. The burning gi- x*t! tie 1! id ri oil district attract- tl. Itwa - • :ek O.' '• r Mi, flt a depth . f ?<:•> et, t •" Villa- e <•! gn* sudd*" ly- a - --.ding ' • ould be done The ji. i- i vv i ,rric• ,x • 1 ■ two 2-i-ol ■ ' "thug belc!"'- : -1 -i w • ,cii : force r.a to r rider ordinary convcrsati- a i- I'ble at a li ' • -- fa q-ar:. rof a mile from the t • i reduced by il eupe." It can be heard five tni'o* away ' i from th--well. To .i* i bur-ed - t proceeds from ti, • pipes sending up a ma* !of ll.tma t-t th< height of 2< t ft • t xvi'b ' j all- it "O it tens a- to n nk" linn r j wen'her i-i id it -vi nity. Ti •• gn : Ij, warm n-'d g-u- 1- growing within n radiu j"f !"° fx The - 't f ie tlv bril J liant to et: i d ipi rson to rt-i.il a m xx*p > ! per by it when i.nlf a mile v.ay at J n and Itri-1 .v,'. i-1 xx d. r strikes u*. have no list*.- <. i ffi>- -Itx ,n mU --■ did*lll e-cape MeDofii'd or l! Wil-on. TH B KKROSEN K LA M P Chat! am, II ■ January 27. M !b i■- ley xv i- burn, d to death here last flight and lie In. ba; d badlx burre d b\ the n -ef lug fa C"! oil lump. THREE CHILDREN i.IRN'F.i) 1• • DF. VIII F' Oetuv. >, • COVer the bod i. . II The Ri..-*ian Court uivilml Dr Aye. and bis family to Ihe Arelidnkc' weddii it in tbo Royal Palace. 'I j i, distinction v. - ' award oil li iin not only bet nu*e lie was . n a American, but also because hi* mime a* a if. physician l.ud become favorably known ' a R'.Ksiaon its passage round tto world lebln (Pol.l People. I i" \V I'M'; ' ''ill ' • . I'll dent -tvi' . th< i ilul | i It !i ifllntipiu 11 i Packard n.i Ilu I'. 'iH l.ogUI dim ' S|..aktim ot r.nh. i.r. ■•••...if linn ■' liio I'lirii *joiutU'iH t-.ii il l- 1 •1111111.n i i 'lil n mil at i i .u fit . li;t Vt> l"< i entirely m !. <'li i' a! iis ■ Milili' H i ■ : !>li >1 I, I till l;l \-- l'V lilt' HH'tlilMTfi n( Pnekiird'st Eegitdature, |*olii e, negroe* Irmn Hit' i i'lititi \ anil li vi i tv' > li.im t' II |H'lllli ill II ■ a.! f!f'|'iii|* iliti.'in No im.' in liiivt' In oil adopted t > ilt .in-' tin' build ui).', .Dili il II HOW 111 kiII vr Willi It II 11. \ t i l.iii> limir I till. \ null! llit* aill tiiii'ii ■if a party of i iii/oiiH w.in allr.n t *• 1 lo .t "I'll il w .u'Hii .1 rt \ rii tip In (In* Si .ii * II ii'i' Alt w iiiiiitili'i l il'i wli.il ;i) lart'ij to he three 1111 ii i.i 11 I h til it "i writ rough! mil and pill in llif wago it. Ho it \ii ■ tliiit it 11... i i!y liutl It. ii . "muni . .I in tin' building, mill that llii*iiiilhoi itM' attempting to ltiilit thfir < rinit* 11 it- Hi i ll> ft'lliiw.'l tin- w.'."ii inn' win iiili'll surprised to mi- it ti' iw lip in ■.in! i ilii- SiuitU-l'i'X I! "i('ital. iwn in llji wi ii earned into llif 1m.1,1- iii: When it Iwiauio known in tin* : i I t.' hi pi ilt* w Willi liavi* taken place hut in- rim .1 with muskets l.ept the iwil ... .it tin- ; in! .- I tin- ' y 1 111 \ i II si \ ill . . - : ■ :. i ; .i. •• ■ - ■ . ' . - \ lull 'erm Senatoi* will becou i.n in! 1 !.' lions li.ii i' taken t hit* t j tpplv til.".' i;i, i if- in !1 ti.. Stall" | \ Mum:.',, Illinois, Win \ .Mini. ! I ' ill lw> made prol aMv within a few . ■ I ultlfiil; iti 1\ .ill-it till' 111 I'll! !ii * wil •If. t, ,u. 1 til liforv. tii'itl w,-t Vitiiii : lif [hull'tTrtl.l. 11l I..Hi' H and south i''ar na there v-i! ho i! ::naut. (r Un ami ' v i' im ■* - I-'-, 11 .■ -hor! - on i •'. .t from - I'.ith t'uroh.i.s and n : > !oh, t"\* Republican* W' lild -till have wo tn. -t'v ill a full -''ii.'Uf. Two ,'.ir ■ 'v '•ho X! Villi < ;.'r, •- - the Senate will almost certainly bo IViu.'cr.',! •, utih"< tlo party should •n<-. t with til ' 'kf.i'!"! I ar- :n the me. mime. NO I It ll' R OCCASION" l' 11 ii 1 . . I.', i n , of the W - .ft . ! ' -d r. i'tl •'alios sis oil or parts t ft! e Muatry ioßid ,f tin m to Fori re • Monro., and .he v.ii. where their sort •e* May be The Kri '..liiiian Si i ate • am.'U* sciecSesl . .' 1 f ' I : Morn >• ! i i i i c ' ■■ .i-.ttrd 't, \|r ti .i- -ne • ion tb*'- . M A UK I'Ts Fill 1. \ DKLPII 1 \ l*J .ito i bis. ,1 Ulnar' Vi Wheat i ■ IV; r ■ • .11l ClllCAtiil • •. s'ii'v Wheal .iiiVr • . 1 \\ ' MiMl.-i F." ry i. , '■v S Jt t" '. Wh !' w 1 at. I I' Tn. *he'' (5 . i oi. r. ..1-•to ; ,i •pr •'! poun . . .■ i As 1 hraoi! c• ■ 1 Milrov Makks T l!i r tn Jan Ihv '•A " \ " \\ ■ ■ '• (. sitv i r ■ ('ed, - - ( , r , ,! ,\! ' •'■!>! ltutte-r. 'S. Keg*. l.ard ir.i V" !< K N ■ .' A •• *1 . |.| 'on : b Ti ! "hv ■ 1 • ! . ' . • I hv the undersign, d !"jisi at -am l run: m;. Private Sale. A ( iioice Farm aud llouee iiUil Lot, i • fnlbnvif.tr ri" i 1 ;• p riy, of ■ p< i■ i ■ ■ , i'.\ uM i .1,1.,ir. •- !■ . i "i* n i;., • ■ >■• .1 i 'in i • M. Fnrli' ' ' ■ . . • '•' u ■ ■ . . . , . live hv , ijf! !\ "I nh "thi ■ Si. ~ I■" , I ' ■ 1. t!.e farm • \ • li e i j .TimtC'l in 1!" .! litua. Ci'iiirn < , the ' ■ W !" I tai'ln . t,i i'. aml a . iiiu. • try ntitlmiUl ■ lf.lT' iit> u IT" d klithlo, u nt'Vt r lulling I . . /Vl-.i two aer< - iini 12.! pi -1.,-- . ' . .it lined rltureh is. lli.iil.hurr wittiin lv. • . ' ; ' 1.1 Illl'tv e . .' ■IumAII NKKI Kv Utor f.l Kus ::• hoi Urn t \a hi ar. hi: ; aum f>ksai.i ! I <■ i 1 "!• • •y. Ii }||' . 'tutu el l'liilip (iiaiiily, 1. . SIM-I, . 11l '. i inng ml AI liLS, 'li..: I.r i( -- ; vt . >• i lin i.-re . .him t ol s ii fine-! . er I r saw '.nil t-bingie iniii-. The hsiidiiiiiT-on the pl.ii'O eoiisift ••i 'i lugis d"ll'.ie I'l.ri . .'.toi l Hnu-e. lilt,ill bnin, 54 11. by Pi'J P. ill .1 nil • lb' s iii e-iiary en!building- Thorn i- ■ n |1 e | p'aeo ii (rii d yoillig orchard of choice I"' uit. Al.-o a m pernip trnct of '2lB Acres of Tituhcrlatnl, „ :i I r withb' lding the s p t II I Wat lllttih' clear oil fmlli lav, h the i xaiuinatiuii ol one of their niittibet Kens.. I ; II •' 'lunititeo I David I).id ley C told K.nn.r tc-lilled h I wist .-I*, i,' i bad been for ti mo year 1 ' th.it ! . eb .t. i a ID turning It iarde in Is:*.', and think* he hold* the • tli. > I !te IP \v w 1 the ol I'.liiuyl Vttiiia likf iUvti toil ttrruiiit U lr wit* Kfiur. in-. Hoard, * ! ui ar|iitfc* •oouudrvH, \t till |t r|cluit! I dvU*riuiii* u I li'ii• will ti Supivui 1* tjrl I dt 1 i■* ti ♦ %|*|** I *t l*t titU ,' Horn ih- r ctiMiit. \\ , Ki-ii ,i - i ' \ -iitii in if < *• S uiiilitN , wa * Miltohltwl utili llm ni i. ti.. fi to \ • rlt■ it piri I, w hi, Ii It I jilentilii.d * itusilig been pa.n-il atid tlt J >leri d ns ail right by hititself at the o>. I • l | * l e.l I I'it I lr i to i ! t T. 1 i. 1 u b - t. sr.-, P. "i. pi i alter 1 a lie tinj.ri • st- .. g-' - it'" v- ' tie t trull . e i tin acb -. I * 11. . II ft 'I V I ■ i t'l St til sign if I' . g gl Kcnilel wa. obliged til I lifer* I 1 L'-iiiitiiT,• . .' alteration wu o |mt >. that . . ■ had b n - a-urev of t' . eg ti- .' : llay. • The . Si.' Hi sitiort w interrupted at |li* p. lnt, in order tha The New A ork llerald av thi* exatuiit ,! 'i of At .er a- pi te h dramatic aft ii h!,d ti tli tno ! I A* jren I .nged had a dim ra fitn; indu e ■ ii .. K - :he t 'i.tniitee ' ] ! o lKn:-e en .Sat rj*y to anwer for coo * it -j.: ft I'. r j y U wi*- -.'*■ . ! I i ■ . .u s sr .* Uher. ti Friday, they had no ASevsis r 11. Mi'ph< si* is dying ol pel iC i iiaS lie ruff, r great pain MA RUI AGKS Dt I !. 1 I T '■ \\ K. Fie .r, Al K. \! s . :N! A - 1! mar: boll Fesgu.i'ti tap. On the 'Jo at the lh-form i F..r>"Ssage ,s A . ' Vt .! ! V . f IVus tap ,to M. KJi* A" th Uailv ' IVnti llall. \ ' -it - - • jsgsawaor*. —'sos.i-rfs/'kKW.'vi DEATHS. Lin l'i ul„ in li, rkf c intv, J hi. 1 eb ' o! c r K- s .'. .K >1 r-. On Wednetdav morn g, near tbi- ptaci i . • . In A ' a ' t Ke c a Jan, : H f r'i ed , v > • •!, i s "f it- Hi"-'. IV. s„ • „d \ ■ I •, 4 unto me, let ;,g inso iti" t. IM . I the I. rd She ne and eamectne** .*■ the . uc , f t'hrut I> ATI M liK K 1, VTh , C* •" . i '■'Sl.AT''. Di.VWINt. -I'KFAIK A Will 11X < ■ DESK. .ens. ■ MDTroK- MOTTOB-- I'lt'Tl*UK FRAMti ls tiv f.\ ft*. 25 .'i-nti by at .A cent* Sby 111 nt ! ' cent* It) by iJ a' -Kl cent MOTTO FKAM! -v >FLINTS FOR FRAMES. ■ 11.KO-1 dI'K VIEW S. B's Al dVs tl/ "i'ili.DMO: PI a' v rot.U \i'il> Lu': iiUAWIND a new ard conipltte invc.ition yrhit ii al ■ W ! l.< U (MIF.AP lbu iK 'IA 1 dN iu\ a vauikta -tori:. OS , :• N 1 u mi. I! i.. Bt'llefonle ALWAYS AHEAD ! ! Our POPIPARITY For Low Prices Is Daily On The Increase. purchased the largest Stock of(*oo -I'ITS ion - . AND CP. MEN'S OVERCOATS. Art IT. Ml-i.IV FIIoM -• A YAK!) IT. LA IMPS' HOSE. 5e A PAIR TP. I.ADir.s' (OA is. SHAWLS, TRIMMINGS. HATS, AXI) FANCY GOODS IN OKI!A r VARIETY AND AT THE VICKY BOTTOM PRICES MICN -1.00 -AT 'A PAIK. LAD' ICS' FINK SIIOKS&1 A PAIK. M!: N"s IIA I- as LOW AS To CENTS. A FELL St* IT OF FN PEP WEAR lOR AOe. AND ALL O I IIICR GOODS AT PROPORTIONATE PRICKS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK. HI ISI 1 11111 lij I!OI:GIIT:AFALLTIMES, GIVE USA;CALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE QJ V£ UL A VAIL yV|J£T) YDU C'OW£ Y-DTOWW—PL;VJ£; 1 —THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND OF A|.r 27; I' I I S. A: A. I.OFR ! i. IjAmnVAIIK AMI STOVKS !! JJARDWARE AND S*'DV vs :! in COMPLKTJ: LINE OF ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE. sI'KARS, ANIK LINKKU, SILVER MOON, FARLOR STOVES, THE REST IN TliE MAR 'FT ** ■ IK I s * NOTHING \ > EOF AL IT IN SERVICE OH REALTY. Price red u it lit th t.mcs. y 1 SLKcjt EH ANNA LOOK HTOVES IMPROVED, AM H LINKER, GRATE ANI) REVERSIBLE TOP PLATES. Wunanlcd t'. t wiPi nek ft> I water in Bath Room, very liltle higher than ortlioorj Cook am! in tl hnkcM. Wc ah" hisve lull lim "f cheap .ti.d r ■ ium price PA III.OR ST(iVL*'. I'ricea to suit the ttadc. vl ' r> 10 ♦II THOMAS A. HICKS BROTHER, Ucllcfmtc, Pa . . - ar i tt+m m * *- - *mmmhmmmmmpwmnbbmmhmmr HMM—hi IM nut i tßLflfiiMai V ■■ —* BREONS* HOTEL. MILKOY. PA The het table and bar, nnd excellent ttn'i in „• fir borne* A IM> a fine re.irl Mr '*Utnlur bn ider*. ltius lu dep t, and ,| , , i tag, -t" Centre • ur.tv. < 'b-Kge* ... , M ' , . GEO ltl'.i:< N. l'l' p'r Sample 6c Mcl Mitt. •- MILRoY, PA. pay 'r,)z >JJ GHS'j-r MAKK KTiMUCK EOll All Kimlsol'Uraiii.'. f ALSO. A ,> - sh nd and at lower pn • Jhan 'COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. J Farmer* 0 f Centra mind tha place, t Wolfs Old Stand. AT ;\7 U£ii;;i£ '.ALL, M n[!',i'.'Dl ftiivlt i.f I','.! au.l \\ io j tcr (iuwf. frh-jLt>v; ppics i POLITE ATTENTION ! Ilav.ng ut r.-turnei! from the Et, andj : ... .1.,.' er '. ..iti e. r be! re My ta k DtiY GOOi)S, GU< K'F'TrA Nll riONS HOSIERY, HAT- A LAI'S, lit(1 - .(• -HOES, RL'UBKU ROOT-, SANDALS, *J-c., Ac. E ! ■! i katl' I'tiderwcar n *jkv '• ialitv. r A t.AIP.i: ST.k'K OF READY - MADE CLOTHING eomtanth' < n hapd. i C !■'• nci'trtl! find the s-tork com pi. te, .(nd ti call if wli that i* rc.juired to ar-.jre you that this is the bet p!nct"i:i tha valley to buy your goods. lie if nber, uc hart but our ] riV. fur NY m. NVolf. ~A HA RBWANCiB For a Sewing Machine. Y" •cat ha*i y ■. r choice of tha felt"** :ig b -lclai tewing machine : L Ntw American, St. John D imc-l.c, • Dan ire, Singer. . Remington, Howe, nnd Weed. , \" ' -eit.r.' Ma 'line it Te f Bunnell A A \i-n. Had Market street, Ie*r|stown. A • pari*, attacbiuenl* and needle* far' ; aII inacliir.t'. ndueement* f rca-h. Iloo't fai: . to #e the St. John, i"mtitblug entirely j j lit' W . 0 il Machlnr* taken in partpaymmt fos 1 w i•: e. Send -Wis to the above party nnd you will gi-t by return mail, 1 do*, a*- -nrtej needle* for any machino 30novlyi l__j_ .i i m,,' fPHUVV ai I CENTRI H ♦ Ul* DRUG STORE J.L. MILLER. (Su. ce**or to J. K. MHlr rAS >n ) Don er in Dfup- m* . M> i?s . I'VJtK WISP AXUJJ'/l'OH.s For loedirirtut purp - *. The bpit l/rand* i! CIGARS AND TOBACCO al way* la * lock. Prescriptions caref !y t." ui| lud J. J.C. MILLER IRA T. COTTLE. Fashionable Tailor. (enlrr lit*!!. Having opened ro<. . ? : 2i i floor! •f tiift A Flory's b bit}- i prepar*!' "d to manufacture all t. nd-• : n n'- andj 'boy's garmenti, aceot litig i • f e lMtt-fsj • tyles, and u|in sh' -U-l t t. I al i n..rk warranled tn r> .4, r ili-fi 'ion j [Cutting and repairing d ne. 7sept j J Jfts. Harris \ Co NO fi, BKOCKEUHOFF ROW. I IMiIL IRON, NAILS, Paints OILS, ETC., ... JAS I! A RKl* i ( O. RiUffunto •\v i uj;. u \M Panic x 5 rices. !. \. I. liticin I IS. vt th. old Centre III!! ,far. J. ' NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED /RlLj's J A large \ arii-jy , € Lad: - Dr. •(i xcellcd His Crocery Department. A-'.'U e* every*: i . " n . ilnv MP MM Sy "up s U gßf. Tea ' ) fait*, • !>oim -iii and Fur. gn F- . hee -c. an.'every ether r-...!. i !.-ig tug to the Grocery V part tn en t. Farmer*. Mecha: • ni Laborer* look to your interest Os.i- d '.lar ii\ed i* a dollar in pocket. Then call asil see a* a ha! a!iir.!*b'ngly l. wr prii Ctr No trouble to howtii J Ui- Alo tk choicest PaMILT Flovk a!-; ways on hand. Apr. 15, v. nil > G. til TK .li s, Dentist, Mlllheiiu. (Hlrnblf ft i tie j .i' He l * W'lind to perform *ll upctAE ttt mi . d, :.t*J pit. He u new faH* j rrjigreJ rifr*cl irrtltlti!flle|) without }t*in T2tl \\ T F. RERI'.R. An. iir It-Law. * w • tt alr*l t'hta in I tegrfirMurt ..-a m Of ♦io#Willi J> 1 I utinff. lie*l itc \\ T M PWI !.S< • N \ . ! " If B- P . ii' 1 Mr- 1! i ni*r' Building. 11,-1 !,•!<• nte Pa. JOHN F. POTTER. Au : .t- Kr Ioi itlicttMß ■ m ■ y ' ■* - Attention gDeal** thuwe hating; UmU * t tr >rr:\ 1 r WAtr Will ! • #l. a .-alrlfe,! | * Morten#**. Jrr • sent free lo all. A ii. • I.- ■ , l>r O Phcip. Brown, 21 ti.'.ir.'i '! l ■ .Jer*ey City, N. J, or may he n.-iti ol .1 k. Miller it bon, Lfraggisi*, Centra llall. Pa. jantly. it Attn i ,t ii xiiL'i.rnr j nurivtu JUHS HOI fll, I'M 1 11 lluri-I K. PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO. CKNTRK IIALL. PA. REt KIVF. DEPOSITS, and allowlnter:) • '*• Diosunt Note* ; Buy and (l ifernmeiit Securities, Gold and Coupon*. Pktkk H -rrK*. Wm. B. Mikglk, Proa't. Cashier ■ 0. T. All XAVpgn. C. M. Bowkk. A EEXANDEK A ROWER, At 1 k. to,*. Hwilelaata a,icl.lM*ixi,ioa !€."*■! u ' ' ' rjwwa, orvlu.,' fuo.s i-t ti.. Mj !•.. m.jlinJla O.rwuu. tad t r.*li*a eMfco la , i -n?. ma ;# m ' Fxo ♦? Tior CeDient -1 ' * •* *-a*W Ui4Uhia*lUD c Prli. jr*nt' MKYKH 'W • ' All.' Gtvr#, I I 'JD'E PEOPLE'S DRUG STORK RE-OPENED! A NJEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE. The lb U f.intapn. ■ and the people of! "< , ijtry generally will be pleased to! i ui.m, that the old and well established DRUG STORE, ■ ipvrty of Jame* C. William*, t "i gi i y etri i't, tn xt door to IHckt. hardware emporium, ha* leen ro opi-ntd for hustnes. and it be* is-g s pidly rr-tUelied and * t ii .th the be*', and mist popular DRUCS AND MEDICINES. PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS. : : r 1 v Agent D. F. LUSE, 1> \ I YTL'D 1 ' NTRK , I i\L> Ilih, HAt.L. lA. |J ■fieri h * crvices to th-r citizeus ol j 1 (.'. litre county iu ' lloiiaf, icn aud Ornamcutal I'aiutiuK, - 'I )g, orne men Ling and gilding, tirait.itg "AK, WALNUT, j 1 CURsTNUT. Ktc, I P Fi.iiry Pane* hanging. Order* rt-piiifi ly - licitnd. Terms reasonable. ' "JO apr if I li. A J < I.N DtKF" : J DENTIST. I .il ! f*lM ln*r Mftlr n rov prr G4< il til lttt Ite Ihf UdUM ul pUrM l I t!lklhOt" , iv J Tt;Arr*n> kirp4 Brrvlcr in Ei* Lo*. In tb l.**l ui W tlnaiMf mm) ol re*.*(.all r%t< in I rt; n* i . f* ©• attm t Mod# o Toolll r* . tnw* Hh bin. SI >m t$ j' BEATTY J^±££M Grand, Square and Upright. 1 r ■ give it a g m "J ■ lt> i v Piano received (five ct.tir ! t: Agent* wanted. Send fo Mai, Address 1) F. BRATTY, Waahinet.-n. New AUDITOR'S NOTICE - in the in Uit oftlni'V in the hand- of the administrator* •■f tin-e-tat.i of Hon. S. S. Wolf, dee'd The au.i I t appointed by the Or* ban's Court of Centre county, to distri bute tin- money in the hands of the ad nitustr-tors as shown bv their account riled to and aiming those legally entitled ■ roc..-., the same, wrill meet the partie ' inter. : i,t hi* offlce in Bellefonte. on M qui ty, the'2l •of February, IST", at 10 o'clock, when arm where all parties in :i-re-t J can attend if tbev see proper. J. L M'AXOLKK. I Auditor. THE (11KAT CAt'SIE HUMAN MISERY. •lust Published in a scaled envelope, price six cents. \ 1 tf< . n !h* nuturr, itMtarhl and Rt!lcl j onre of ?• Wf-aknr***. or !<)Hr?u*lorrhcMM. tndoc Hi Nc \l i>. InvuluTttr> I mi'siem, . * ? - - |ii Hilly, *nd to Urn rtk v ,i , t •ttiiipttofi. jxnti { It*, M*tit| uod ;I s . i .1 IncApMliy, Ar,—o> i oiwrt J. Cuhfruch, o;chcter> uufforer. no matter what hiacon !c on may be, may euro hlmaelf cheaply, iriratc)y and ,dt< ally ; i itia lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thou >.*t nnd.n -eal. in a |da;n t*nr*lo|m. to any addmaa on id, hi receipt of til centa or two pool hUmro. J AddrcF* 'lie il'IIKl i LV KB WELI, MEDICAL CO ... I tl Ann *1 \"w York : Vital OlMtn Bm.AS*' - -T\ ild esteem it an especial fa v- if i v ' n! of the Keporter would -end at least one subscriber, wit.'i tl • >r three months, 60 cents; *' "■> .I one year $2 Head r il do us this little fu a\ rim by improving th f.'i u* '.he names of six new -uh with the Cash, and we wil ■ send \"ii the K' peiter >m y*-ar free J. ZELLEK d* SON DRUGGISTS No <• Brockerhofl'Row,Bt'!lfontc,Pi 1 Dealers in Drug*.f lioiuioals IVrfiiiiiory, Fancy COxuU dr. >Ac. ' Pure Wines and Liquors for incdier j l'uriioses always Wept mar 11 72 Huntingdon county citizens advi-i jiise notice that tb-v willapph to t! ilrgis'aMi'' rv •> 'ql *1 ' • av, i i \ GRAHAM 6 SON I ' l .t j, ■■ ja l <2® j 11 J:- j iL TrS -*% r$ ? ■■■ \I . i i r ' i> / ij ' -V " V: ' ' ( .U,®' - A .iK // V . .-■ '.Jo :i =3R^—...O ' Hare the < xciti.firo tale ir. Bellefonio Edwin ('. Hurts' CELEBBATJ I) FINE SHOES. 8 WIDTIJ.--. the 'Cho-jZ '..1 iait WUOJ • X E 4 KKTAa OK4LEE* I* Calf Skins, SOLI- LEATHER, SliOE FINDINGS, Ac All Kd> yft'uet nt \\\ rk Made To Order. Bit!. > St! • rt, BLLLEFONTE, Pa. JO may if. BEAUTS-SUV lor Organs. Factory 3..tab t-.lied in*tss6. From the Fret*. From G li While. Edit r Beckett*. ,low*., >. J. Herald. "Too rgan ba> a rich, deep end totil- • ►lining tone; could rot day in the boute tlboui ii It he'p wonderfully to drive th<* ' of hard lime*." i tie L< ! ..nun l'a. l>tily Sew*, uvi: "Wo are m re Y. h ally. \V-h --i ;9ft(iii, S. ,h > juftly c <•' hrated organ, nl 'i s|pt > r a n< e, and handtomeiy Jan nti unexcelled in richneM and pow er ol losi We are more than pitvet! iWilh i'., and heartily recommend it to any • •he content plain g of purrhating an ©r '. ran.'* Ilcl oft-r j:\ ea. Money refunded upon ;e'.urn of o.tran and freight csargea paid iby nit t If. F lie illy both- way* if un*at tided ry. after a trial of five dv*. Orga-i r x year*. Ag<: w it.Ur: everywhere, mole or fe male. t unv-- 'or t rur-eyior inrtru men. A idre,- D. F. liEATTY. Wa mgtoa, New Jewry. C Ki T R i II ALL COACH SHOP, LEVI KIRRAY, at bi* e-üb!uhme..t at Centre liall. keen on band, ar.d I r >•.' a; the mol reasona ble rate*. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, Puis ASD Faxcr* and vehii !< - of every description made to order, end w arrant* J to be made of the bed M-.f on J material, and by the moat ►killed and competent workmen. Bodiea for bug.- - a-d -pri' r-wag n* dec., of the mod in; * ,-d pattern* made to order,alao Gearing al' kind* made to order. Ail kind* of 11 pairing done promptly and at the low*-;. {H -cible rate*. Hereon• v. .Tintti.g anything in hi* line are to call and examine hi* work, they will* J it :.ct ;o be excelled for dur al'i.iiT n; .1 wear. mav Stf. REATTYS^PARLOS l iniii SKI " Elegsnt stylo, 'h valuable improve-. menu. New and Beautiful Solo Stops. . Over ore thousand Organists and Musi cians indorse th -e orgies and recommend thein a* strictly Cr-t cla in Tone, Me* j chanism and c'urat ty. Warranted for | six years. Most i:i gant and Latest Improved Have I -r. awarded the Highest Premi* e urns in competition with others for simplic* - ily, l)s ral ility, Proinpimss, and Piano I. like action. * Pure, sweet, and evcnlv balanced tone, orchestral effects, and instantaneous ac - ce*s which may be had to the roedi. t Send for Price Li*t. Address, DANIEL F BE ATT Y. Wn*hington, New Jersey, A Ureal Reduction in Prices of GUNS, Price- re . iced fr'm 2J to 30 per cent, rite I r Illustrated Catal. guo. with re* duced prices for 18T7. Address. (i HEAT WK-TEUN (U N WORKS, '•'! Me'ih.'i.'id .Street, l'itt-burgh. Pa. JREATTYHtSB :,'i Grand. Square and Upright. 1 rom Kufus Snyiler, ofthofirm ofSny* J dcr . iietonte, l'a. Office with Jas w UcManus. e*q 28jul tf HOFF HOUSEr BELLEFONTE, PA. [ I). JOHNSON r!h<.c w1,,. f A I '• KEPTOH FiUE , " AT THE OFFICC C?, r • MWiWRSr' - I wkmiv ojf TiMi - N r