The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 25, 1877, Image 2

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    ventre Reporter.
Cr.sriu: Ham., Fa •'••• '
The removal of the stale lapiDl to
Philadelphia is before Ihe legislature.
nn.Uhe honse committee ha.* rep rted |
favorably. The people wmld havob'
decide the question by t vote. I'oila
delphia offers to furnish the Im- ilm '
ft-oe. Tho Art Gallery is the bin Tug
Ferry lias born re-elected Sena--t
from Michigan; #o be can continue to l .■
president of the senate, and m c.rev■ .
disagreement, President, which
vtvuld suit bint better than to icnv
Hayes into the ebair by vvuuting tiu
vote himsrPf.
Tho women sutftrageiM* a lot of w 1
men who can't darn stockings nor e.
u decent ureal-nre holding tluur <- n*
tention in Washington just no*. am.
will petition eoncre*- to t!' v 0, - ~ f , n t ;|'
right to vote. It were wT '•
hungry Mormon would come and matr>
the w hole bevv and tale them to N
The Camerons Itave prevailed upon
the radical legislature uf this state t
put on the the war paint
tug it to pa>*a set of rvvoht- or. .n r. *
lnlions, endorsing the fraud , : the u
tarning boards. This was to. - >
move to pot IVun-Dxaw.a on t *'
footmg. and to have MM millo-m do •
of the state ftands appropriated r tba:
purpose. The Cameron.* mean Haye*
or a fight—or llaye* if must l-o throi:
a fight, but none of the l outer
will flow, these conspirators wi.l *evp
out of bullet's reach, and attend to fat
contracts and plunder sehenxt *. ** l!l y
did during the late war which I ■ • -d>i
millions into their pt.n-e* xi '■ tb<>
vrcre shrieking for "loyalty ot-d
to rvbe!*" at a safe distance.
What requires warlike preparation*
now? Why these threats? it is a:! a
conspiracy to defeat the expu--d xx..
of the people, and cheat 1 il.lcn cast of
his election as president, Tho Came
ron gang do not 'like to surrender th
offices they have held so Song, they do
sire to continue iu position* w H re they
and their friends can keep on rv l>h: tig
the government. These war-prank- c>f
the Winnebago will n :fr .bun a
tingle democrat in cVntre mty n- i
the state of Pennsylvania. If democrats
believe Tilden fairly .kcled, liny wilt
insist upon hi* isiauftrat.on. util if the
Camorons and their gang xvi-h to hav<
a tight about it the demornay will --co
they are accoottux dated. Our ta.ority
of 250,000 for Tildan is of it*clf enough
to wipe out any army of due* w !h may
lie aiustervd by the Cimet>a . km to de
feat a fair electa -., and we will s:,11 have
a reserve of 4 million votes to draw from
after that.
We repeat, and predict, should the
Cameron* bring about a llgiit not one of
them will be hurt in buttle.
Cameron'* war t ill—rfor 1 nx'.'ion lo'-
lars—was lost in the republican legisla
tive caucus at Llarrisbnrg on 17. There
area few independent senat- rs who can
not be whipped in by the Camerotn
lash—two of these are Jones an 1 Grady,
of Philadelphia.
Here it comes—the Legi-lativc He
Cord, six mtatbers in one bunch—was re
ceived by mail from Ilarrieburg on Hat
urday, just 1"> days behind time—the
legislature having assembled on "J of
January, and the law ami tie contract
with the printer requiring that iish uld
be mailed daily—the proceedings of
each day to go out in the mails on the
day following. This Record fraud has
been carried on in this f.>r years
—rendering it of no service at all ■> far
as any immediate nsg of it is concerned,
for it brings you proceeding* that have
reached yoa weeks before by the daily
journals. The thieving Bcrgnt-rs have
had a fat thing in U.e Record job for a
cjuarter of a century.
They are paid heavily for it out of the
public funds, and thgy should at least be
made to come up fr time in luring it
vent out. They can do it, and get a
princely sum for what they fail to do.
This is an old complaint, and the legisla
ture should strike a reform in the mat
George F. Hoar was elected I'nited
State.* Senator from Mo.-*ai hu-etts. to
take the place of Boutwell, retired. The
chJnge is for the lie tier.
Hon. Jan. W. tjuiggle intends return
ing to the Clinton county bar.
1-ock Haven was startled at the new.*
tlmt President Grant had appointed
Thomas Ilecd as postmaster.
Washington, Jan. 19. —It has notlieen
difiicult to-day to find memliers of Con
gress who were ready to declare thai
they were opposed to the plan of deter
mining the electoral votes reported yes
terday, but it has been almo t imjM>**i
ble to find one who believes that the
measure will be defeated. Most of
them talk and actus though the subject
had been practically taken out of their
hands. Many who yesterday declared
themselves hostile to it have to-day in
dicated thgir intention to vote for it.
There does not secrn to he much reason
to doubt that the hill will be adopted. |
There have becft some significant
manifestations of opinion to-day ou the
bill. Yesterday the lir*t expressions of
opinion were more gem-rally favorabk
to the measure among the Republican*
than among the Democrats. The sober
second thought of to-day lias induced a
number of Democrats to determine to
support the bill who were at tir*t confi
dent that they would oppose if, while
among the Republicans there is evident
ly an increasing doubt and hesitancy as
to whether they can ufjord to support it.
Morton and Kht rnian are reported to
feel somewhat encouraged to believe to
uight that they can defeat the bill in the
Senate, and the are rallying the Sena
tors whom they hope to Induce to vote
against if. Sherman is particularly ac
tive, and evidently thinks ilayesCan
not come in under the bill. He called a
meeting of Ohio and other Republicans
at his residence to night, and is working ,
uj) the opjKsition to the bill.
It is plain that the Hayes coterie in ,
both branches of Congress have taken ,
the alarm and fear that Hayes will be
thrown out L>y this tribunal. Tliey will
yield with the greatest possible reluct- ,
ance the scheme of having tho voles .
counted by the President of the Senate. ,
It was the belief that thU could be ac
complished that has given the extreme i
Republicans so much eontMence. On tlie !
other hand the extreme Ifetuu rats n Iro ,
hare talked in favor of putting Tilden in .
anyhow are nnqucetionably more satis- j
lied with the men sure tlian they were at
first, believing that it is much more
likely to result in .orating Jlr-. Tilden ,
than Mr. Httyes.
Tire bill lias the -TTpport iff all fTfr- '
•nrotlerate men of both parties, and it rs T
only the special friends of Httyes, like I 1
Danfbrd of Ohio, who persist in declar- f
in? themselves una!(erabiy opposed to ,
the bill. The Demoeratic mcml.-ers who
Were disposed to object to the bill en
constitutional grounds have found tlioir J t
objections answered by the members of \
the committeo which prepared it Should
tho passage of the bill be delayed tor
several ilays, oppiifcition to it will prole
ablv increase auiong afrong |>arl)*ans,
tug the manifestations <>f relueiancA -n j
either side to pas* the bill will haw tl>e (|
effect to strengthen it <>n the other, and (
if Mr. Have*'* friend* .-■b.-w .* niueb ae
! vitx en oppi-sing the bill f"i the ccxt j
three iia\* a* tliev have ilotte to-,lay,
the iVn"• erats will probably become J
nearly ttnaninioua for it. (l
t RATS GN Till' Rll I,
Wellington, .lanuarv -I. l't• tnlnenl r
Itetuoerats of the HOUM', while (Vtvonng t
the plan *f the Joint t ommittee * a !
!a* * for the • etth tnent of the cleetora' t
,uc*tin, kix that an ante liiient wil v
e introduced before giving it l<' their
-npport. The sunetnluteui t* In the
direction Of it judicial featme of the -
' 111 - t I
The lVntocratie eattctt to*ttiorrow wl
further consult upon the euhjeet, and •
; prohahlv arrive at a coneluMou a* to the
cv-i's-c tin \ will parsuo I'hcre are I
inanv more nu-rnhoi* • f b >th t>arti>' t
nliodo not give the hill tlieir ntnje.r.hti t
id ap]>r vul tl an there are member* t
wb * uticoudition illv approve it \h
want the subject fully niseiuiseil before c
final aetien "Thegeneral itnprosston i* *
that ls>th h st.*i\* will agree Uj n sonic |
idan for *etthng all iiueaiioiia eonnoetc*! >
w th the electoral vote.
lilt, mall IM XX 11 t *n.S TIIH 111 tI . '
It is ascertained to-day that the Presi
dent lu* *anl it is bt* intention to ngn
the bill providing foreounttng the e.i*
t. rat vote in ease it passtvl both Hc>uc
of t'ougress.
The I'otnmitti i s of the *, natc and
lb-use on I>. say* the l'itt.* I'. *t,
gladdened the country bv the intelli
gence that tlu-y l ail reached an agree
mut in the method to be pursued in
,tt. ting the ekvi ra! vote and dechir
ng the n-*ult. The submitted to rail
House a rejxort atvompaute.l b> a lull for
carrying into effect ibe plan agrevd on.
In thO Scuato Mr. Fdmuud* of Vermont
ami iu the 11 is*e, Mr. l'ayr.e of Ohio
announced they xxi-uld pre*.* tl e t-ill !
4decisive vote a* **> on .i* pravtix-al-le. It
was announced the rejmrt and bill had
>eeit concurred iu L) ail the meuil-er*
• line two Ci-uuuittec* u..,: sciuU t
Morton. In this eounect.on it t* jK-rti
icnt to reprint the t'ouwuiltec*.
jknah senator* Falttnmd.*, Morton,
• inkbag. Freltnghuvseit, Republican*.
i..ii ITitiruuut, Ikix tnl at.,l Rau.-.-ui,
. Vtuoc rat*.
H -.. Ri pt -.'iitiillu-i r.iyi.e, llexi
,t;. Huntoii, i'ltu mat*, and
Mci'rary, Hoar, ami Wdlard, Repttbh*
In tlie first place, there is a. e -aipietc
.ib.indoniui-nt of any claim that the
l'lcsivletitof the senate ha* e -nti >1 over
the electoral count. 11 * duty i* merely
taut of opening tho eertitieatcs and ..*k
n g if there IS objection to the iMUlit ol
the vote* relumed. In case any electo
ral vote i* objected to, a iMneurrciit voti
. f lxth Iwusc.* is rcqtiin-d for its rejec
tn n. tiu* to meet lite ca*i -id iueiigi
ole electors. Hut where Utere are txio
r more set. of returns, a*J :ti 1 ! rula,
i i.-iana, Gri'g.iii, [* -*i y s utii
• i 'ar >'ina, and thetxv • houses fail! • agree
xvhieh one shall be counted, the hill re
■ or:cd by the t'otumiitee j-rovide* for a
■ luiuiissnui of five Supreme t'ourt
Judge*, live Senators and live Repre*eu
t.itivi•*, wtio art to be sworn to itu
par.uliy examine anil consider all que*
lions therein,x- . Iv to the |i i>ntitu
' tout and law *."> i'iiiscutnui:*.*ion is in
voked with the same powers our tin
. count now po.-.-esx dby the two hot **.*
, ot't'ougre*.*,.a-tingseparatelyurtogether,
fury are to decide whether any or what
• x ti- from Stated with double returns
are the v.-tcs pr-vided f r by the l ot
s.itutiou of tin United Stattv* and what
, p :son* arc appointed electors. The de*
tsiou of the i' mniissiou must stand uu- j
le.-s rt-jeeted by tlie eoneurfer.t vote of;
. botli hottacs. The state - - ivre trx ti |
eoUDted its aiphabcti. il ordrr, jtwl after;
one State is taken up, no protgst or
•>ther papers from anotrier State are to
t !e acted on until the objection* to the
tirst State shall have been finally d:*
piwed of.
The Commnation is to be constituted
by the election of five Senators and five
Representatives, by the viva \ >ee v.-te
of ea h house. The Supreme Judges
named gr t - the Judges for the first,
third, eighth and ninth district-; which j
we believe include Judges Clifford of
Maine, Field of California. Nilicr of Io |
- wa and Strong of Pennsylvania. Judgt
f Clifford is a Democrat, Field an Inde-1
, pendent,.ntd Strong and Miller lb-nub-!
..::d. These Judgea are to select from '
' their associate* ou the keneh a fifth!
f Judge. They will have Judge* Davi*i
. swayno llradlcy and Huut to chose '
from. Tins plan to secure a tiftli mem
ber was adopted in lieu of the lottery
' feature. Judge Clifford, as the oldest
• Judge in commission, is to bo President
of the Coicmisj-ioti.
Those are the striking feature* iff the
bill rep rtc I, and which we hay® little
d-atbt, judging by it strength in tin
Committees, will become a law. It ln
_ volves no compromise or surrender of
convictions, and suggests what seems to
ns as near an impartial and fairly con
stituted tribunal as it i* possible to ob
tain in tbi* country at this time. There
will Ik- five Democrats and five Republi* j
cans in the Congressional |>;irt of the
Commission, while tho polities of ttie
Supreme Judges are or should Ik- a tra
■ lition rather than a fact. We defer
. further comment for the present.
I '>/•''7b.
j The w hole subject of Kxecutivo iutor
j fen-nce with tin- atlair* of a State is re
i ptignant to public opinion, to the feeling
(oftliuso who, from their official rapat i
■ ty, innst be used in such inter|>ositiou.
j and to hint or ih *e wii.i tints! dirt-el.
. j I nli--. dm).- clearly on the side of laxx.
j such interposition is a crime; with the
j law to support t, i* condemned with
i out a hearing. I .n-irc. therefore, that
all necessity for Kxecutive direction in
local affair* shall become unnecessary
ami oltsolete. I invito the attention,
not only ofCongn -s, but of the people
of the I'itited States, to the causes and
j effects of these qti retinue.
I resident Grants Mi*s.-agi* Dceentljer
EE H.I. F.
Washington corresjKindence Rich*
mond Dispatch, laist session the Demo
crats voted with reluctance for the hill
authorizing an increa-e of the army, *
it was suspected the soldiers would lo
used to influence the elections in the
-South. After the adjournincnt of Con
gress, when troops were ordered to sur
round the ballot boxes in South Caro
lina and Louisiana, Mr. Reiily, of Penn
sylvania, who is a member of the com
mittee on military affairs, and hail ac
tively urged the passage of the bill,
called ou the Secretary ol War and pro
tested against the breach of faith by the
government. The Secretary, not pre
lending to justify the use oftro|iiu the
South on any ollter ground, coolly re- |
pliel: "Well, nir, we're going to carry
those States if -it is possible to get ■
them.- 1
New Orleans, January Iff,—There
seems to be no doubt that tlie Paekari!
government is dying of inanition. The 1
forces with which Packard pretends to ■
maintaiii his authority are rediued to i
fifty miiitiary men and about L'oo Me- f
tro]M)litnn policemen. The policeud-ti
are on the verge of revolt on neeoiint of
deficiency of pay. Great efforts have ,
Wen made to raise money, and the sum '
of $12") was promised to each man to- '
day, but where the money is to eomc
from nobody can eotijecture. Kveu tlie
Kellogg t:ix eollectors refuse to turn (
Over the funds in their hands to the pre
tended government. It is expected to- v
day that sevorai uicinbers ol tlie par k- '
ard House are about to comu over, but v
Hii* liss been for sonic days nnlieijwteij, .1
and it is no doui.l true Hint at least u
twelve arc ready to secede from Pack*
:inl as sooa as they Find that they can
not elect WarmoUj to Ihe Senate. "
——l.tttmtr Mill* P. 0., iu Clhrtrrn etnpi, tl
15' ha been changed to Mnekny.vtlle. Klk '
crtHnty-n this district tfn>rald also lrtmj ir- ll
ftthrieclrangTal and ire callnl MaekCy, iu ti
honnr of our diFtingnirbed t-ongrussnifrri
?<Jr whtnn it cost an iilm-r t tinsniuiiin* ;
vote.- , if
Tlio Warn'n damsels (jsvo determined n
to give the cold shoulder to yotirfg men si
who frequent billiard room* and saloons. a
l.tuiiUxut orti'sjKiitib r.i - Prom Pin
■ ilswc receive sad inlelligi ltce in te
litril to ttie iKH'r l inpp •• •• l lint lotte. Dr .
libit kalis, xx no ha> been at the head ii vluins fur tuatxx Jjyimi -, and
tlirougii xx liom- jttilii ions n .niiigimeiil
ibrxusamls have been ixcd li.-m mental j
death, pronounces the Finpte*.* t'hat j
lotto ineutable Her tolly is stranye
She retiise* to liflieve in the ivistem e
of those around bet, xxlolst, on tlir
other baud, she imagine* a xiotld ol hi i
own, with xx hieh she ltx i talkr and en
|ox s ) ersell. Ivi those eitu.illx *nr-.
rounding her she never speak*, sin-at i
tends to lu-r oxx ii toilet, dii s- x * bet * xx u t
hair tn old-fashiotuwl putts, ami 9i;-aia
te* In r-i If, as it were, tti>m all i--titact
with huuianitv. Hi r nieno-ry lu t.t -
: lin tiling* ts. however, W xu-detful She ;
rdctsbt'i dimtersiu witting, and ifanv
, liatige tu- made, or u lilsh in-t to lu i
taste, she notiiv.* it at once, and wuti*
I>.vr reproaches, which sin- ilcj-i**.!* in
•ne place, w here she expect* to ti ml an
.insw t r next day . Hie uii.i.-u i - lu-r*i It
latipnvsMi xico, and MsxituHi.iti >*
to lot mind, at cut only t--r a slnrij Hit lit- altli is gw-'d, a dln i beiiii
it uuginx i tul In tl.i* strange, tun atnral
traiupnltiv of tutnd. 1 xetyihing is
dotti-Ui conliiin this, even to having a
t-.igle example of the tiotha Altnaino
put-.nd'vd ier her. in w bleb the impel tul j
i *rut of Mexico holds it* place, quite a*
thiuigh exerx llung bad Is-rii going in
happily tor lier since lsiil!
• ♦ *
lturliugtoii Hawkeyc A .otiple of
trauipa waylaid a wealthy farmer n
L xuisa I'ounty last week, and springing
out itjMiu hint demanded In* money or
bis life, lie show e.I them .t clean pail
of heel*, and they went at it. Th< x
eluisetl litui halt a nine iltiwn llir.-ugli
the roughest lane they ever Mumbled:
uxir. then the wliufe crowd dasltni
thn-ugh a hriar hedge and weut panting'
ai. -I sweating art -- all old i r afield,
then the . base strut k ! r li.i xt ds ..ud
weut xii u/ing up ;t steep hill, n bile tbr
tramp* prc*-ed hard . Iter loin with'
bloodshot eve* and sbortenid bieatb
then the retreatii.g fattni t dashed -acr>-*
i 11 • fen creek, and the tram|i* follow itig
Itroke thrx-:gh, but go*. .ut u: d cbi*i-il,
tlie* fugitive through a blaikberry pati h
a,-0.-- a: r! v-a> re stttl-ble It • i>l, ox ir. n
o;her bill, down ravine, airo.--
stump-field, and finally tin y overhauled ■
him in the load, searched htm, am.
f.mtiil that hi- iliii't hale a iitcke I tint ..
-olitary red cent. Ami it tin y xmioi ;
the utaddest tramp*!
t-M.VLI -IN>\ IN l.i N 1 '< N
lon ! >n. Jan. V.. rltng tl-<
Ucgi*tiai -tlam's return, li t death
:: -111 sltulil ! \ l i-M* last Wi.l.
igainst 7- the previoii xxiik. I i
Mi-trop.-Ptan hospital.* i oitt.iitii d -
small-js-x i>a!:-i.t* on **'i:rd.iy -i
against S'Jd the previous Saturday
11 tout !>* ca.-i* were refiisi-.l ,duiis-.oi
during the week, all available 1-e -1* being
Ai c -untsfr ttt tbi 14'a11. II ? .i ;
eate that there will Ik- extreme distjti;
tiin auiong the gold huntx r.* tin* w niter
ami very likely, - use ea-e* f act
starvation. A few nun liaxe i. uh
lucky hits, and brought away g.-i i .f
mtttilff* valtti. but ibcM nave Iwn
l-XCeptlOUal litre*, for the Ilia. tit.V i
those whi went into that pea >tiext-e.l
tng to find nuggets at every turn have
faded utterly in their MptdltloM, and
are now unable either to buy to d or •
getaway. How t.'u .*• are toine tiro a
the w inter i*a itiy*tery, tor the ••i.t*- , t
f->r mining i* ovi r and not one in nfty o!
theiu dii g:eutployiiient, eteit wt.e:
thev are tiling to w"'k b-r only their
1- -ard. The middle of last ut- ;.:h pi x
s.on* were soiling at extravagant prm .-
flour being worth f !t |*-r hundred, ba
\>u thtrty*five cents |ir |- uud, an-:
other thing* in proportion. I'he i an
j trv t* overrun wtilt nun w.. - are id
! sulely iK-ntjiless, and whose only It ; c
! for relief 1• * Mi gettii g tt. -m y It
i their friends at home.
Mr. foiwell, the eminent Fcgh-?
aeronaut, emlor*i s the i>pni*.-ti that tl.i
Nortii Pole may i e re.tcheii I v bala -i -
under favorable circumstance* ;n d dm
iug comparatively mild weather.
Beecher and Tilton rotle togetlu r in .*
i-alace car on the New Ai rk t cittri.
Railroad. N • other pa*-engcrs xvere i:
| the car, vet they did not avail tht-insel
1 ve* of tin* first-class opjiortuuity ti
| fight a duel.
V dispatch from New York states thai
'the notable event of the day on the
street is that the bank average of gol
in the weekly statement t.* U'*
] higher than the greenback average,
i Such a thing has in t happened sinct
tho Oiigiiiul is.vuo of greenbacks in
I SitS.
The members of the Louisiana lie
trirning Hoard are to be brought to tio
l-ar of the House, and ia>mpeiled to an
swer for contempt. Ihe Republican
brethren are shocked to think of ttcli a
violation of State right*. J hex have no
hesitation ah..ut violating' *tte riglit* t
do a wrong, but they i oiinid.. t! forms
ol law sacred w hen they protect fraud.
A ( aliftxriiia well caved in on nt ali
1 fornia digger, and He xv.i* under thedirt
for three day*. He asked Dr fried < gg*
wheo taken out, and then inquired il
Tilden had yet hi en txvorn in. It seem
edas though ho had been buried tw<
We notice that our Senator, lion, s
It. I Yale, has l>octi placed on the follow
ing ini|irtant t'otiiinitti i-, \t/ I i deral
Relations, Judiciary Lra-al, and t'anab
and Inland Navigation.
A young lady in this place mail*
her bashful lover n very nppiopiiatc
Christmas present. It was n mottc
worke d on hristol board, and tend* n*
follow* • "I in i tl tiu e i xi i v hour." ' >1
course she doe* , ami ii the hucldul ami
indolent object of hi r a fleet it-u d.-er
not take the hint, he si < uld he cow
A< igt" iti'iJacob Simniitl, vvl.c
had hem o|t trial several day* at Hue
bury for the killing of Jl.h-.ard Hkiv
crton, nt Heaver Dale, on Saturday.
L?ec< ruber 10, was aeijuited. Skiver
too aud Flemnting attaeki d Simmitt'*
house, and the latter shot Skivcrton in
the Ktontftch, inflicting a falal wound
A trump was struck by a locomo
tive of a passenger train t Spruce
Creek on Saturday Dec. 30th, and in*
staiitlv killed. He was in search ol
work and was in company with a com
rade. He had S6OO in money and a
bunk book showing deposit* of money
in his possession w lieu searched.
Now York, Jan. 17. — Dr. I'liolps,
the witness In the Miiy-Hsnnett duel,
was before the grand jury to day, ami
refused Ui answer all questions on tlx '
ground that hi- nuzwiTS would crim-;
inate bim in tliisor other stales, and
was db-clinrgcd until to-morrow worn
The fire which broke out in Lykim
valley Mines en Jaiiuary 1t i- gradually
diiiiii.iliirie, it itt now hi-iievi it tlial the
dsmngi: will not be a* great :u ut tlr-1
fi-n red.
The t) oil well in Ihitler county i- the
11ui■•-, Waugli A Porter well, on the;
flunks farm tt i d -ing K> barrel* in ,4i
• ID*lon, Jin 8 —At hull pu*i onn o<-
• lock on Sunday morning, thirty miles ol'
(Ype May. the ►teiinu-r Seiiiinnlo collided
with the Montgomery, sinking the latter
in '-ix minutes. Four jxasn-ngers, nil that, l
were ou board, and nine of the crew went! I
down with the ill fot ur* craft, ami ninc-len|
uf tho crew were saved hy the
and landed in this city thl- svcniirg. The
night xrti* dark ami foggy. Neither stenm
nr wiTs een hy the other until the moment ,
tho CH.qjh cq/ni-. The Montgouif-iy was -
ioi funtr> tin Ntw Yrk Bo Hm nnu, tind
lireKcitiiimle xvis* making Ir.-r nqjunrr tri|>' |
from Nu Valuta h Co ltOsliAi. j,
Tluirgx lvAk xcarlikein Eunqn*. Ruesia t
fnd Turktfy asw ncikirg mililnry pretir.- |
nrtiunr, Turkey has rejected thefropo* i
iitions tWidered hy other powers frr the' o
idjustment of difficulties.
Philadelphia Jah e 111 ||| Unit),l
State- l il. tlit ( lirl to dil.V ill llli> IIIIIU. r
~<( the dl-tribulh tt iifllu inn.| in tin. hand*
•'I I I o I'l't! (I'll ll in) 8- II I tl . ff, II ll I I'll It
.lii If" iit.l if un it- a the stale ..I Si.
j.ii'iM j. I i S.eietatx tifSiHi. II C K.
t Iril'iHi ii . I tint lilt, tkl .mi .1 Im- fli i h|.t
A!■.' i' i.■. -u.. .1 11 -tillvi .' 1.11 lln
:In ntlm ttii K itii'i lit which i ,) liii.l 111 o
tl Ili ll I>. 111.. 11 f. Hit g ! Mil llliit Itlut ...
ih.lit.Klti .1111,1**1 .lift. - ii c, nUii-tiUI
-l-'l i fctlitl a-', Ilg .i BX C 111 hi It ililillt'tl ll'
It tU'lI Intnl. t ll .1 . j.t Ivi I g I'm ■ cdftig
; i 1 li i' i:I •>! ',l . . | In 1 tt. . i., nt I
jiiii l ti.> mi . it . ,f|. i il it.**. i t
i it nl !* I lt<t t .* t'l l tt fHi
! In'm Hin tii •-< ii.i i gi,.ul_y in
lUli-lcd 111 lilt- -lull II il 111 I lit- I lit %it
-!iij ul-war GcUx>burg, in u
X.'Vttge jYulu K.lVul 111 I ilhttllwtl, ills
. IIVI 11 il nil I 111 nil I T till nl ll I l.'li < iitinl
An ' .'iit iio niiit, N. ain I
i-'pgiludc 11 dig miii. \Y I'util
llln* .tin . VI I \ t'l tllf Gcl<\ -llUrg till
'ex nil in I It! tii If, I lull) 111 VtT 111 111
nip lit !, Tin r t f lias lii iii th r
..ugliix .vir Vt 11 il, ami I lit) iifpiT t-hrn
•lull* (Ii it til t!i hoitt) Illld vnluul'lf
.i :i k mi l! Nt highly riia-'d ty tin
world tf lii-hit ii in n i ngi>, will Im*
i found in iiniiiei -e ipuii.tiiii n. Tin iiner
tin li nt (tun fi i ii i ii'rl mi value, ly
w i ijjl.i. that nl pure gwi.l .cling at
• rnin 5f lit (i t" jt i rti in *.-.
swiii'i away uy nit: n v.
rut i a 11: with u tivi uioi-u a
I.A Itl iKMI ARK t'l I'll IS
lit Ktj h Wi \1 1 11
N ii'* ii ml Hxi t'. a)
llutjp* 1 H'strovetl, tiiv.ijvi.if a
1a -- 8 i.000.000
SI si ml llt I nti li. th \V. r il ,
' I" tub I'' January H lll.n ..I tin
i{rrlnt li.M'tiTi ll ut fi i-i I-. Id! ( ..- i, \. r
| lutDtiti-t.f this. . ity I il|n lu-.l t!. s morn
•i i i A $ H •
; V.' tffll fV, ill' ' .Jill I.' >•< ill.' 1!.*% ..I J
• '. • .1 |t v 11. M i Mi; , . .
vis (tv r-> in ij •1. t i. ■r. ■ r
I .'••• t ■ • 1., Hi 1 I Mil l lit. n (•
, -i.t Hi 1 'J *• r| - I lie
vv' tin tivi r. whire tiiy w.*u I again
.inking tbem 'I hi* itnii i • tiiti-> .i| it .
,• ! il. 1 m . .11. ' i. .. * • -
, J * 'i.'iß. i-' ntj'ig I In- wharf ami dsnng
j jj.iiiliu ino dntlll-l?". S lite i xly ilmlllitfi
hit - al ll i | trt, nt..! l ad tl ex not had
i ■ earn up and boon fully prep-rd for (I
,!i ii, u'.. i it . ! i . Am!
( nitif-l. aim r-vi. ri-tr ken i. j aid total >
•••'. •*! k! • ft tat iity im re dam i<. 1 l • i
, If* .x . A ut f. ur hum
! dri.l f, ttl hM ami l arR) - -rts wl.o'lj
il. i: .Aid lii- * .i'l aitl hsrjt •! .v
. .iroyinl |.y runn.ic over tin- tlsm* <1 tl.i
l! 11l v <ro lad.'l Hid lli '.. .if iM:il i •
V . The r* ! .1 sr.. the fhieflait:
! It. Nt l, if the llr rn>v ills I'a. We
.A' iujtanv !■ Li-it. llir t" *r't y llrown
tt .Han, Mi '• r. the It. i, !. aJ. • *V\
•J'l.r. th,. Jit)' Uronra and t)M A'n W
'M I nfer The I K-. . sr.- ♦)!'!.
' !s 'M- ai ll . *' I) a M 11
", : i; a A Co. i Wallai
•n'lXlf' l <) No- A f . ?'•!'• M
A C->, .1 1' h.-li-r A'f , fill'
■\ Fa*, lit A I 1 , J \V. C '
A ('o f!(*M*o, .1 li Snoathitn & C
CO T - ii eiu-if* :m. o he .t
hsrgr. coal t J.; a. lithi-r |ar
. i* il in iugii fi- ni f U'.UiOls
.!' 'l':.' i'hi.-i.> now hravi'y gatgli ! •
S I w tin . '.v nri lil i fc- d that the de
! t - ii-llon of t-roi'. rlr a ill he en at a! low. The Im- of life *ra m ill onli
three or .. ur fstn iiii i hi inj; rrp ■)!• V h..
.there w< re n-at y inirac id. u . a|.#> Tl"
. ii. i-j nluj' Iwi Cty aid tl.irtv |r-t >i
. I'V-•. The A.ißh.riy tii*ir did n.
i hfi ul. u|'. a i ir. u'i.t!uiit thai ael luil
" lion* of property and many liver, ar holt
fivtf-j, rjtinß A * -'. i! I hnii Mih
nn r*r! !(:.■ jorli.-r of l*iu*h<uj- ai
\ Allegheny.
|r.!i-wiu-rc mi ill*: i llii.i.
.j Ciminiiali. il . J nuary 11 The inovi
lit menl of the ice in !i. tlhio Hivi-r bar h-.
.1 alni't £et . ral fr tu I'lllrhurg l > Cain
" entni' '• if 1 ~si t li-.'f. t-hieflr upon tin .ntf i. il l> iU and >. A de
| i! h !r. i. North H Hi!, ttti.lve mi!i-i ho
, low hi i. ,r. r '" " hui dfi 1 • a
harge-t | a> -in o th in tho ico t't-dv
1' - . ♦ •
Till HKCK.tT I'l 1.1.
Anolln-r Aii'otmt lav mi I v- \\ it
ih i— —May i'ul>• the r bul
Mi-n-- I ire. When It-11-
". m tt Mercifully
Spurt* Ui-
A l.ife.
N.-w Y"rh. January It" The 1 rib .
• public!*?* the Srt neriirntp r.nrrtive <
1 the I'enTi.-t• May duel. I: - the terv •
1 an eve w i'.nem who - The ti ret rlio
" fill t-> May. The arrangement* liavinj
* ibeen ft miiltteil tho prineit>nU took tin i
po.ltior.t. ai a dirtance .f h lit twi-lv
'' vard.r :u ait, The |>.-tols were h-adeil at .
* ; liaiuleil to lliem. and the n-condr retir. i
- to one *ide. Then < nine the que-lion
"'Are you ready' ' Immediately and l-e
( fore the "one" Oiild I"' given Mr Mai
rair. l hii|o-tiil, took a lia-ty aim, nni
pulled the trigger, but tin- weapon inirm .
tire. On receiving the intimation llliit i
war hi* turn, Mr ltennet raite.l hi- t-;.t>■
|and t-rii d, scornfully, "I could kill * i
now, if 1 w isln-d," and pointing it int.. tl i
'air, final <|uickly.
The ducthU then raluted ot:c another,
w'hi-n suddenly ovcrcouio by hame and
■ I mortification, to the utmost nmazeinent oi
.jail pn-M id, Frederick May turned mid
i harried sway, unable lon t r to fare I i*
, .li grace. No word* passe.l between the
! principal* at any time during the meeting
except Mr. Hennet'* remark wbon lie fir
j ed lii* pistol in the air.
As soon ns the retreating duelist w as out
of sight, the rest of the party returned to
tho railroad station Mr. May betrayed
Ineryounea strangely at variance vriih
his reputation as a coal and ncurate mark. •
; man.
klr. Benn)tt on the other hand, allow i.d
* no signs of trepidation, either hi speech or
manner, and ivoin the nrsl sermed to look
upon the meeting rather us a disagreeable
than dangerous occurrence.
K .S Doty, Km|., of Mitllintown sen
each poor family of that town a s•"> bill ns
(.'li rot nun gift.
Mr. Daniel F I lenity, inanufiirtu rer and
proprietor of the Itentty l'latio uiul Uonl
(y'a celebrated (iol eri Toftgue T'arlor tp
! gnu*. Washington, N. J , is certainly ii
verv re a so' able and generous man to trans
j net business w ills. lie make* this very
fair proposition to any who may favor bun
with an order, us follows :"ll tho instru
j menl dors not prove satisfactory after a
■••st trial of live >iay after re, eiuing it the
purehnao money w HI be rcfui.doii upon the
return of the instrument, and be will pay
freight charges both way*.'' This is cer
tainly an exceeding, generous, and sul'r
mabiier in which to transact business with
hiui lie wnrrunts bis instruments for six
years. Soa hi# advertisement. July"')}
In flic- matter oftlio distribution of tbt
money it' the bund? of tin- ndininistiuturs
of the estate of linn. S. S. Wolf, det'd.
Tho auditvi MpTeiinlcd by the Or
pbifii'f Cnuft of Ceiilrt* imunfy, to dfstri
hlite (he inoncy in tlui bauds <J thp iei
rniliistrulor- as -liovvu by tlreir acVJOXjni
lileil (o and Kni'Oig rliovn. legally entitled
to roc' ive tbesariie, wil' rnvct the parties!
intcre-'ctJ al bis oflice in Bellefonte, I
un Monday, the 'JI-t of February, 1b77, at
lOo'cloik, wlirn and where all parties in*
tore'ted can utten i if they proper.
c;i: Ii I NCi TH K THin il otT
\\ KI.Ls,
111 li)l S NuT K Nt\V OF A HINDI.K
111 lit Throw* out ]!t,Oth) TiMeii
\t Wni l ingt' M i n 'A*, J. Mud'ioli
iN t I I'll all tit t l ill* l.oUliiulll! Kit
(till; it* lt.'u r.l, in." rt Hill Iliad hi Mi.
Fit li!
Mi I u-'d ttil.iil (hi- n ilties* to stain
w i . iii i 11.1 iei < - i,| ha rvtused to pr. dui
shown', th. wlude nuuibet ol xale* i t )u
I.on >ia rh , I' . kili.i-ti rrp'led ).
i '.I ii I > ■• ha bad ii I t hatg< dI. Is
' nipliwry with It.
' i,' Is" vou gis ati v i uiul. r itiiUTn
A 1 have 1... recollect 101 l
i Ir w I'D. ss hurtug spoken u! intiiidda
I tii-ii to pn vi nt lU-publicaiia ft. IB v. lin*
as hr. i. 1. i thr. ssing ml v,hn uu-
I l-k',l by -Ml -A 11-1 if iwh.thil he knew of)
■ single v. ter hasiiig bucn prevented Iron
i Tolii.g by liititni'lati' a 11 aiiswoud hi'
i lied nona in bis tu iiul.
l,' Do n-u ki. w of n siiigla man win
. T.-led l onlmrr I his w i-tm be. ituse o)
■ intimidetioii ?
A 1I U lotli , wl I one
vi-:m i hkkci. TO evkky one
111 no S'thel Will nil ~ t'urtoll get back
so It. go i'l 11 f..r a l'I I life lfio(o V. *
to i- x pen Jil in lewrning w hat to do, wlin
and hi to it ii otlivr word', to hat e bis
brnim hlp 1.1 hands llvru is one ssh)
1., d • I* • I li >inall "*s ii g ..r le- thai
half a cant a stay, ar thro# ssals a *o i
Slid I'SfW I'lo Ufa a large, beautiful, -hrar
J. Un a l , ler all a[ I*> 77. fl.rndidlv Jdut
-1 (nitsii, wil li over M*i t■ t wrigliial bi gr -,v-
IV ai d over a Thmis u dColuinn* oflhe
s.-'i If-', (.in II | . Irtiatw ortb.v in
f.. Rio :it it.M al.e-.t tl" eXI-rv llaT in-door
ai d . ot d- of st. ii. at ! . oaif it ••! s-vaiv
! * is., in t UU' ti X Xll::gr ar d i i! '1 : ,
n'.'Oiiu'i nisi"-'. ) t*-|. .red by im-ro . til -
t klia.butb) a larga force of intalligent
working men and w men, vs ho km w xvln t
tl v w lite all..ut. md (hay ar. as-i-ted hy
0 n> .t'l--, who liirni-li informali (i
!• ■ " tl. -tr a*wn praetii e and oloervstint
H < if >is ( h. \ll,i i, Ay d
tut i i.l I,alii,-it to-rai;. • •tailed Aft
ve.r- •j; ■ as a rurl Journal, hut iiue
' .re It • n'arri I and improved to anil the
.- ' wat't- o , vrrx Hiss. Mtoman an*!
child m city, country and villag. (o.
• I 111 . ■ ltd l.u- |e! . r tho Men 1 ■ lit
M md Mecl an . th* Profit sal Man i
r d. "ll It i',ll 1* paeli.-.l full Of u.e
■ ■ X* •x. , I NS ought to
t X. il V hi .. ' lliti :ilid suggestions
will repay mora than a wbula year'* coat
'. ■ I■i ■ r It- rigll al engraved pla> a
1' or hut!.hugs li d "HI '..van,Di li, w lib de
j 'al o| e! tic , i i.,| ion loon iII> di
j-. i lit.i ate * tiii far more than a majot
tv <1 the .io. \ works . n architecture
• nr. '! I'll- * I xerel-i li !a ha V e •'Vi ry Ito
- |is|-. ' i eim 1- *• li* i instant, |>i-r
1 i t.', .lid ft- i i I Xpotule „f n Inulliludl
of Iluiiihiigs and • w indies, are a "lit
v, '. laf 111 re II .11 iii I list, and has siV
u • 1 1 If* leader, -i dto the Coutltrv
- '• fd.> i- t' at would have gone
!.nds sharper* The Depart
% j. . t !> t 11. ui keeper* and Children arc
v. t v .* ul ai ! c 'ertaimng In *h. M
x. An to-an Agri. uituralisl n lull o
v - • 1 ikiiigs, and o-..ght i . be in every
i- .n Ih* la' .1 I iia cir. u'ali. nis s.
1 arg f r.t the Publisher* can Mlpply It a
' •' ■' v e the clot ' f "the printing pape
flv . vet.*, .nt post paid ; or f. J
• i- e- jo 40 1 -ke our advice and irni
v • r u -. i '.' n tor Ite" v d .in t<
J i l ( oiupanv, '.'to br.'S-Ua)
N 1 ■"i .. V J kill ilk i'l |.v ill
1- I".\ W,:
i 1 psn 1 Aim-to -in Agt. uilu
" •'v'. Ji st |h i i- w j
I'.-i rti-r it '.'•. bt.i wiii send (ho TWt
papi r to >"v .dJr.sS, (lie voir, p.slug
; pal.!, f- r $3.10
F r thr ttep"rt T
' the7 inst. by I'. v Klinet gi.t. Mi
:• J . ri 1 * uty. o( Poller l* --v hship, (Vitr
' - i.- i . Pa, IA• • a Ka'gk la Ir ■■
near Orange* ille Stef-hettsi-n county, II
Now Jiui, you must n wbotber you
, n! s. la u t or not, a* n.orttir.g
.... i 1.,. o is aw.. i • -in
I i tho.g . with this game \Vt.( ti th
hands a* they are dra'.i out as Some nia
sti nl card* and r j lot kt ow it, now m-k
, r your taint bruh g.-i ar <und in give ia ,
• v t-. VPU may have -I ma oaiSets befoi
jo g an 1 no fa*h on the '.able. Ant a yi
to -i : ( and think that y. j are not i
i„ th. tiiilitirr shop handling tibVart an
otjiaies but Ul.: ft and pans Is y ir K
11 .■ 1 ungs basa our beat wishes ahapp
st. .1 pro pcrouv life n w .thesl for the it
b. H '--o than s fur a pi- -e# uf the we ddit
| eakr ' K Y % J.
XV. w odd "itirm it an ,spei.*i fa
if ' ICV p;..,! 111.,' lie J I ler wo., i
•i iv. (lis : tllio *f al Ji-a-t one subscribe!
, - :ti the C!i -for three month*. f*i rents
vix i . oilbs, and one year Head
or, won't >■ . try and d. us ihi- little It.
" r. a- 1 w ill repay you by improving lb
' Reporter Send u-the t.amei ~f ij* nf'
s- j v docribars, with the ('a* I a'd w i si!
•and you the Reporter . na ver free
MP. It! UNIiA M. THE REV I V Al.lS'l
H > I"ir>l Ktiriitig Sernu.n IWt>re i
t New \ nrk Audience.
At ti .. BttralsnU Btml Mstkedk
I Church, Rev K. Burnham. the Hp
b ngland e*anec i-t. look lor tin- sill .jo,
of Ids digi otir- "Vision* ' Tlia Bible,
■aid tin -pi nker. " pr. sent- to tt* tw
kind* f \ iii ' • v tl .i n win nti
■, ' *e- -•■ n rtnal and tho-a een in
r tri,nie The first suggestion of the visioi
i- ilmt bumnnity h the need nf some
"f 'hmg above it*ell -.•mi-thing to do good
ol Suppose a great scholar bail been on th
J.hnrii nf Bellllebem. he Could not bav<
K told what was seen hy the simple shep
,r ■ rd-; ' ry.ta profound reu-oner, f-.r i
II would have been beyond bun ; hut yet al
tl uitffvl catno t<> till* ilip|>h9rdl, mii.l ho ha<
. >o socitx r deliver. .1 bis ine*agii than tin
heavens tang with Angel* Wen
"• present, and sung while Jrtut was burn
e- and they will ung one# more. 1 don'
1V kiuiii how many limes more, but anrr
•u elv You know when that will he
Winn 1 look- into the luaven* I tonic
d tin.e-ee virion* and then 1 feel like tin
it I little boy that said.-'Mother I mother I
; W lint R beautiful place heaven must he
.?iit look at it- light shining through ihi
gimlet huh- An angel rant com*
■ here but that humanity t- nfrau] of it. Lei
Ime a-I. you, Would you like to meet at
ah gel ' No, probably not. I wouldn't
i have hei n glad once, but now 1 long to ilc
d -o. Love make* the change. Don't feat
■ lln nngelt. bVlien the devil work* then
I is iiiiisi; for fear, fi is the valuo when
pen pie. nations or ro'er* work ; bul when
an angel ol (J. il wotas it is all right. Tin
'• viion always vugge*l love. I heard an
echo this morning that is. in my fmaginn
lion 'What on earth is this? said l a
pi-ih -lal for the manifestation of pride, sin
anil corruption.' What lia God to .*)• to
it tlii- ! Behold I I bring you good tidings.'
~ And the echo a' swered, "llood tidings!
good tidings I' 'But,* said I, 'do you cull
• Ihi- g .od tidings!' and the ache answered,
I' "Good tiding-" Oh, blessed is (rod, for
. lie is ]j"ve Have you a heart to treat
II mi w ii li conti inpt ?
' Tile vision i- of divine condescension
Imagine the founderofa new religion lying
r in a manger Yet that is where bn was
, found, ns though heaven would say, 'Go
~ uplo go down; bo obscuro In rise; he
bumblu if you would reign over worlds,'
i lie great mountain mass begins in the
molecule God ileal* in partieh s' It was
the little babe in the manger that brought
the shepherds from thr tie'd and (ha men
of science from their studies. The vision
i- of ilii mo faithfulness. Will God *"lur
-1 time pick up nil that belongs to li im in bis
- world I Yes. The heaven* may fall Un
law* of nature may full, but G. d's truth
i cannot be changed. Everything be lui
done should ho looked a! The great a
well as the small. Tho hairs of your
' head, the .-lollies oil your hark *>r the
shoes on your feet Faithfulness implies
i u!vation—salvation all along tlio route
- We nit the work of solvation into lyo or
• three part*, when G"<l was born, when he
was mi the cress and by and by. The
first step of -a I vat ion is the salvation, of a
man's mind from sUipidlty. ll also
reaches after the vain arid profligate ; it
reaches into every pliuse ot society. As
long as (hero isiyj! in u ;nnr, thL wurk
ci,nn-I benefit LI in. When a man can
say. 'I hate evil,' he is on a fair rxntd to
falvation. What I not until then 7 Cer
tainly not I As though sin could go into
piiilnersliili with Jer'US : as though hell
could go in!o partnership with heaven,
as though (In devil could go into partner
ship with God Almighty! The iiicrinetit
a mail niyy. 11 wopl on uml wholly fit;
God,' lie is Oil the roft-J to rulfi. Truly
the redeemed men shall sny to death .-
Mi hera tatl y allag and to tho grave.
I' Wlmro is thy victory ?' Everyday when
I .t '".no 1 go to the eoinotery and
lean over the tablet erected to tho tnejno*
ry ol my boy. Dn tho top 1 caryed;.
"Dear Fred," and on tho bottom, "Be isl
with Jesus." "i
111 in the speaker paused (<t wipe the
(■ar* from Ids eyes while ißany of the con
gregation rpt audibly |u a luomant he
contiuuad , "t)b my dear friend*, 1 can
easily balicve that he who can care fur the
; budy can i ara for the aoul."
k K K I'l Mi 'Jill; HA nil Al 11 IDLY.
Iter. I>r Taylor'* Scrumii*- lis
Sabliutli ('oininittcc.
Ksv m M Taylor, DD, in tlia Tab
jernaele, by invitation nflhs Hklihalh ('..m
--n. illcr. • n "ih# Hal hatl. Tho Hei tetary
lot Iha c.'ion.'ltve, Mr Allerbtir* remJ a 1 I
*talauielil about the * rk that this l oin- I
r llllllec wsio eligaagcil in. Il <*a* coluj .as
, ed of twenly g.-ntleiio n frani difierent re
ligi.'U* argani/atuias and Iruin I u-lncss,
alol nl' i snlitod a large I Ui*tilUClicy alio
- 'll - Il .! that till' Hahtialll should bn it I till
at well *- a religo us holiday. Tw.iily
( X ear* ago tiling* weir m a vary had way as
* atnerving Sunday was conei rticil. 1 ,
nlol i( km Isai that >"Uo thing Hiatal bo
done to i tire the avil So lliirtx eight]
geiilli luei. signed all address, i ailing a'
meeting to consider thr mutter. Tho
incrlilig aril- very largely attended, and
iiiiolUr. of twenty welr appointed, one
half who*# n . intern still sen * Th#
i."d' •I a. lio|i adopted n- to dire* t pub
-11l iii!t-fitii.n to the evil by iiu-atia of tho
ul|'il and ihe pret* Thus il was shown
baton Sunday there were 'Jh per i enl
nolo arrest* for drunkcniic-s tt.uii on
Weekday*. E'r, in IMI7 Pi IhTU thera w n *
•at r i ell \ intoned Sunday fCw, tu.d the
Sunday urro-ti f. il of! frmu U'. p.-r cent
abut •• the . rk Jay arerog- lo If par cent
'iwlow Mr AtU-rhury taid that the cloa
ing of the Celt ton mat on Fundav urn
mainly dua to their cflTuri*. After aby tun I
had hern tuhg. Dr. laxlor praai lied
tie to x In* lri fr oil Si Murk, ii , 'de
During Chiia'.'*mini-try h. bad to rn
, • used .! break ng the Habbalh. H bad
replied pi these aci u-utians in tw-i ways
kl'-t, by llu right of divine being. Til"
>ahl.alb wo* oriiatiied f*>r the gomj i.f ii an
. siol it i- our dull p. , xerl oil thai or ant
•liier dav .-ur whole ei , tgy to help a fel
ow lea in di-tr.The prost, in the
lemp'i- piofaned tha Snl.batli and were
. 1 i.Uii . Ir.- i). , alol a -ei sloiulil bo
r 'e ! and we should pull out of tha fit (lie
-hrep (hat bad fallen Into it. Thi* wi.
, be * (hi r war In. answered tlieaceu'at "r -
. It- i igl.t ai d il is . ur duty to do good on
[ Mix day Ihe S .hl.atk Is ameuli* and not "
tjan end 111-a .lit ina in-titulioii wiib.ut
r natural b. umfar.. s : ij# r,,.y different from
, otbi r days in fait, tle i ijbl wouhl **-* m
obe tie natural lesimg tuna of the day
'lie. hkljge- ill the II ,„,ii are * isibt# to the
, luo-l t.r.-!e-s .'h-eix. r ; frism tbi-s# c-otoe
• the divi-i. n <•! in il - j from the apparent
motion • i ilie tun i .one the divisions ol
I > ears ai d . i , 101 l with thr week j.
i othe'W'-e ; Ih le it i. |h , r i) ~t Couldlf
I I*' ■ • .cue-led it l im ii Hull dins j
ll Is 101110 l Hlliio g ill" Kgvpti.m*, the
, Rotoa' • the Asiatic- ll . ame fro-u pri- •
U lion. u.|, ri-ve looi frm C.ial lo Aoioiigifi-Jews, (be >atibiith was
.ox I r 1 With bur lift • oli.c lestrii MoliS. but
• when ( MIS', i .in.- 1,0 threw them off, and
-jilt'.ood forth -n it- nncii-! ' footing a* a
.gift- fG.ol lonian II w designed ns a
t.arri'-r lo k cp mm. from self destruetiou
In too n.u h duveliun lo bilsiiiess or to
i-1 pleasure, ai d a- sueli w..s given rather as
a LI til f i .- than ns a capriee lie who
i-icoiui s I, me tired and dispirited on S'alur
■ olay night, after aSunday welltp. Nt, starts
■of on Monday with low strength (if all
. i las*. - w • rkmg i*-l thaii'd keep tli Sab
• Ihath hM N > IhMMM government ha*
! the Hgbl- to . - iiip< i a strut i brrrvam eof
i- this dai lix fines and pun kment, but e*-
•r> eit'tei. ha-the right to demand that
■f, lie should tut be disturbed in bis obterv
y ance of u It would l.c well if the law
mil should, on purely civil reasons, order Um|
kt! . ••*,atlon of bus'tu -* as on popular lioli
r a>- There CJ tar ... x lola'ion •<!
it ma-. ■ iu.erty iii tbt- And there wc should
id Gave it,
S Lin:. (,'UU WTll, 1! LAITY.
I.OMKIN 11A1K (OLOH IU-nlorcr.
Not a dya . ii mho harsh hair .>R and
Isilky , i ieati-e- the ca'p from ail unpuii
'lie (mu-■ ng the hair to grow where ll has
' fallen off or bee one thin.
,r j I'au be applied by the hajid a* ii dims
rr not slain the -km or soil the finest linen.
Vs u U.i t Dr> - he st | i : ;
the world has ever pr.-Juced. Th# hair is
il i —Jh~. -- i i.
it ri in i Bled and s!ret:g;hci,..!, a:.d tinlural
jCidur lislorid WAh Ut the appiicalioti Ol
miller ll tubslMllCes.
•- v Since the lion of this truly x al
ke uiibie preparation into thi* country, it has
, been lb# wonder and admiration of all
(f . . !rs> i. as .1 bas jiiuxe.l to be the only ar
tic'.c that will al.Hilutely Willi ul deccp
"u in n. r.Mtofi gra) hair t>> iUrtrio| hr
in heailh - it..- li-'.- , u bn.i.ily. and
■ I pr hair "ii bald h. sJt of its ongitia
4 gr wil. ami cdor.
T is beautiful and ft graiitly perfumed
I'J *nicle i* i mplete xitbin itself, no wash
iu. ing or preparat • n bef .rc or afier iu u-e,
( >r acc.-mpanimenl of any kind being re
•| tired l flitfolli tSi Tctull*-
or IT*
u jDpbFJOr EA ii bJi blili
-r, U' . 1 ll' - llouie Certificate, lolificd to
hy Edward R Garrigue* one of the most
d- • 'mpiteiit Diuggial* at.J Chemist* of
a- I'l-liadelphia, a man whose veracity none
bari .at, doubt.
■w- lam happy In add my (e-tiniony p. the
ill groat value of the "London Hair Colot
j Its- >r. r." which ri-lorM my hair to it
•riginal Color, and the hue appear* to be
pirn menl. 1 am-luted tbntlbi* prep
iratiou i- i. .thing like a dye but operate.
T. Ip :i the - cr.-ti. ii It i-a!-o a beautiful
-air dressing and |.ri>niot<-a the grovib. 1
n :■ f' 1 11 '•■ h.-i b-.ttlc tr..mFeiward B
'tarrigiies. druggist. Tenth and CaU-*St..
who ian al- testify that my hair wt
(>2its- gray win n 1 e .iniiu need its u-e
MR- MII.LEK. T < N. rib >: I'hila
Or. S. - v -,r A.v i; -peeled frs. nd
I have the pleasure to inform j.-u that aj
lady of my acquaintance, Mr*. Mill. r. ic
( . delighted \x illi the -uci ix- of your "Lon-i
H -lon Hair Color Ke-torer ' IL-r !..-iirwa-|
! I"I'11-. jj laj.ully, an,* quite gray Thecol
,. j or ha* boon restored, the fniling off entire- j
1 vst pped, and a now growth ol liairi* llu i
• nit. I-. it. GA&KIGUEB.
Druggist, i or. Tenth *V Coates, J'hil
- 'London Mmr Color Restorer V Dres-mg ''
jj lias completely restored u>>* hair lo it
in .rigmal rotor and youthtul beauty, and
• sun .i a rapid and lux uria',l growth.
r ,,| No tilC North Seventh St. I'hila
[( Dr Dalton of I'luladeipliia, sax* of it :
• jjTbe London Hair Color Restorer i* unxl
~ i very . xlensively'among my pnlietit* and
~' tr lends, a* well u- hy myself. 1 therefore
. I-peak from i-xnerieiu e.
,i Add .-- - - | U. -WAYNKA North Sixth Street. I'L'ladel
, 'l'hia, I'enn'a . -ob- Proprietor*.
, Stir SOU* HY M.I. Mil GGlsTS:**
" e
e I
, I
„ - -
1 Saved His Life.
ON E< Ir Til K MtisF UKM A liK ABLE
j] Dn. Sw avnk—Dear Sir : 1 feel it to he'
duo to you and -nib-ring humanity, logivt i<
the following testimony n.-pecling the!)
! wonderful curative powers ol your "Ct >M •
I'll.Lb ' 1 was aitliefed xx ith a violotil
cough, pains in (lie side and brea-t, night ,
sweat*, sore throat ; my bow el* were cos- '
livo, appetite nearly gone, and my *toni-j
I at-h so very weak tiial mv pbyait-iati xxn* ;
ut a lo- to know uh'ut l>> ilii for me, tis|
' everything I u*ed in the shape of incdi-j
1 cine wii* n-ji-eli-d ; spit different tune* a!
k pint of blood I remained for rot!:!! I ill
k llii* uwful, and gave up all hope*
of ever rucovering. Al th!* time you re
eoiiimemled the u-e of your Syrup and
P*ila. which immediately begun to soothe t
comfort and allay the cough, strengthen-] \
. ed and healed my lungs ; in short, it has; '
made a perfect curt of me. Any person
doubling the truth of the nboyo s.aiepieiit, I
w ill piea*ti call, or aJdi'A'* hid lit the fac
tory. or ul mv residence
No. IKift Germantown Road Philadel
. phia, kHreiiiali at George Sweeney'* Pot
tery. Kklfi' Road, he-low Wallace, Phila
delphia. Ist* very particular •,< foy i
nn. S)\J\:\ES
WILD ewsaay. ' I
The (mat effectual remedy known lor the di
Throat, Breast and Lungs.
This valunblo Medicine is prepnrpd oplv '
hy llr. SW AYXi' A NOW,
380 North Sixth Kt. PHILADELPHIA. -
II May. y.e o w.
Valentines iy Co's New Stare !
Valciilincs it Co. s
skro;j£.5 k ro;j£.
Iliiinrs" Nfw ftlock
ki:Ii.I:FO.\TI * IM.
N rw Store,
New (ioo)U,
T,nicest Stolk,
Jlcat ArsoUruent,
lcWcat l'iiter.
Fair I>culiti£,
Dry (i.Muls,
Kaiit-y (iool,
Jioolr, Hhoee,
( lidliil.^,
Call and SIT ns. We sliidv to please.
New FIRM—New Enterprise—
IsaacD. Boyer
We have jut relumed tfnin th • K.tcrn t'ilfo, where we pur-ha*. <1 at CASH
I'JllC'Kfi, • full lti.e of
O ROCK It IKS. 11 A Rl> WAK E.
and a gener. variety of M Kit (JllA NDISK. Ml 4mm it MtMU) t" 'tat* | lu re, hut ilfill y>u t>> MAM nl MM u
mid w w ill convince you thai v •( at fit. ■ lot ol good* and tell at cheap > any
houte ii. Centre c .unty. nov I6y
I l ll
Have erected a new 0K AIK LLL\ ATOR onChair Coal Yard and ar bu/ing/rain
in cal ou Juiinry, for
I'n load it if if tli ip i or. entity wad more promptly than anv other place in town
which maLe- the N KW ELEVATOR tin- moi desirable place to t ell gram.
The only dealers in Centre County who sell the
from the old Baltimore mine* Also
' !
of Anlbracitc Coal dryly housed r*pr ly lor Lout, the lowest prices
which it a) wiiyn told at low price* and warranted to be as good a fertiliser a* an !
other piaster.
II F.I Kltl.M F. |.%.
Report Of Prices
FO li C
Turpgiiline, JO ck.
Liiu-tH'<i Oil, 62 eta.
While Lead, $10.50.
Naile, $0,25 per keg.
liar Iron, 2j ct*.
COOK 1 N(J -STOYI S, 7 m , sl6 OQ;
Bin , 121.00 ;!! in.. $25.00
ROOM sn'\ i:y, He:>T ANTI
10 in., $10.00; 11 io., sl2 00 ; 12 in.,
Galvanized l\al Hut-lets, 50 els.
Galvanised Coal 8hovel, 10 cts.
Eire Ilrick, 75 eta.
C'ual Gralee, SI.OO.
Alwaya fur nale the beat andChcnp
ertCoukuig and UoomSloves in the
Mn rlcel,
Lew itwn, Sept. "A. 1876. aept 28. |
BRICK FOR oALE -First claft brick
,vill In- kept 'nn hand for sale hy J. ().
Di-ininger ut Zerhe's Centre Halt
nick yard*. These brick ro
iffored su low that it will pay pwrsaix* tt a
listanco te come here for lUetn.
lnl)-n<ling to Mntinuo in tho nianafgc
ore nf brick they tvill bo kept eondantly
ui hunt), and fair inducements offorod to
7 i H E ZFBRE.
Wooden and
Glut# noil
All •M"W iiil tU-firnlilc goods at price* i
below you nre in the
liabit of paying. Wo
have one price, ucr
ci misrepresent
makego i.l
goods u njieox
iality; it will prove
to your advantage to
satisfy yourselves by person
al iorpectiou that the above '
>lat tin nt contains nothing but facts. j
Counlr) Produce taken in trade at j
foil itiarkcl value. •
VALENTIN KB St ( 'Of, I'iup'ii,
It 11 K K3k! AM, Mil.};, i IKjaii
1877- NEW YORK. 1877
The ditfiTcut ediCimu of The SunViurin*
the nest year will be the tame nu'dunn*
the year that has ju>t l'ed. The dbllv
• dilion will on week .isj> be a khoet ol
four pages, ai d on Su-iday* a kheet of
eight page#, or M broad cvluiunt ; while
the weakly tdilion uili be n kheet uf eight
> pages ol'the sauic dimension* and charac
ter that are already iamil'iar to our
The Sun w ill continue to be the strenu
ous ad\oca te of reform and retrenchment,
and of the substitution of slat, mat-ship'
wisdom, and integrity for hollow pretence
imbecility, and traud ut the nJiuini.tra
tion of public alfairk. it will contend for
ihe gi venimeat of the people by the peo
ple and for the poop e. a* opposed to gov
ernment by fiwuds in the ballot box and
in the counting of votes, enforced by mili
ir\ \ iolencc It will endeavor to supply
its readers—a bi dy now not far fp iu a
million o| souls—with the u,,n,i carcfhl
complete, and trustworthy accounts of
eurrent evef,l, ah'l will employ for this
purpose* Pl|nitrous a-d carefully select
ed thit of reporters and correspondents
li> if|KTt> from \\ asii cipccittlly,
Wi 1 i-e full, aivurnle, and fearless ; and it
ill doutitles* continue to dctcrw'and en
ji>\ the hatred of those who thrive by'
plundering the Treasury or by usurping!
what the In * does not give them, while ll
will endeavor to merit the confidence of!
to- i y..uo by defending tho right# of!
the people i gainst the encroachments of
uiijublittctu powor.
I he prico of the daily Sun will be 65
cents a month or S.CO a year, post paid,
orwiihihe suroiin edition $7.70 voar.
I he Sunday edition alone, eight >ae>
$1 JO a year, post paid.
The weekly Sun, eight pages of6Gbroad
i v-'femn, will ho furnished during 1877 al
: $ I n year, post paid.
I Ihe beuclil o! this large reduction from
the previous rate . for The Weekly
Can be enjoyed by individual subscriber#
I w iil-out the RiH'vskitv of making up clubs,
j Alike sumo time, if my ol our friends
I choose to aid in extending our circulation,
i we shall he griitelui to them, and every
such person who sends us ten or more
I subscribers from one place will beentitled
to one copy of the paper for himself with
out charge. At one dollar a year postage
pai I. the expense* of paper and printing
nre barely repaid ; and considering the
sige .-f the sheet and the quality of its con
tents, wo are confident the people will • the Weekly f*uu the cheapest
newspaper published in the world, and wo
trust also one of the very best. Address.
THE SUN. New York city, N. Y
14dec Ot
Pan Salk.—73 acres of good farm
In ml m-ar Centre Hall, Jm from railroad.
P.. i i.nts easy. Apply nt this office.
From Jos P. Regan, Arm Regan A?
Carter. put ihert Daily and Weekly Tri
! loin a. Jafic. Ml City, Mo., after receiving
n f7<si Instrument, rays :
' "Piano ranched u* in good condition. 1
am well |ilea*i<l with it It i# at] you rep
resent it to be."
Kmm K. It. nldridge, Ilennington Fur
naee Pa., after r.coiving a STOU piano.
"Ileatty" received 4th inl., ail O. K
and cornoa lully up to your representation,
and esreods our expectations. While 1
dun t profess to be a Judge in the matter.
Mrs. H. does, and pronounces it of very
tweet tone; end isvrry much phased with
Rest inducements ever offered Money
refunded upon return of Piano and freight
charges paid by me (D. P. Ileatty) both
ways if unsatisfactory, after a test trial of
Ave days. Pianos warranted for sis years.
Agent* wanted. Hend tr* cata ogue Ad
dress D P BEAITV,
Washington, New Jersey,
Hardware Store.
A now, complete Hardware Store ha
been iniened by the undersigned In Ct-n
ire Hsll, where he is prepared to sell al
kind* or Building ana Rouse Furnishing
Hardware, Nells, Ac.
Circular ami Rand Saws, Tension Saws,
Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, a full assort
ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture
Prnmea, Hpokes, Felloes, and Huh*, table
Cutlery, .Shovels, Spades and Porks,
Locks, Hinges, Hcrews, Bash Springs..
Horse Mhoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils,
Tea Bells, Csrpcnler Tools, Paint, Varn
Pictures framed In the finest style.
Anything not on hand, ordered upon
shortest notice.
gdr Remember, all nods offered cheap
er than elsewhere -
litui & Zhtb jdrfukai*.,
4JENTRE II 4 LI.. 1* 4.
Would most respectfully inform the eit
sens oftbia vicinity, that be has starred a
new Boot end Shoe Shop, and would be
thankful fur a share of the public pslron
age. Hoots and Shoes made to order and
according to style, and warrants bit work
(to equal any made elsewhere. Ail kinds
of repairing done, and charges reasonable.
Give him a call. fab IS ly
Furniture Rooms 1
EZBI liftl VfKINK.
respectfully inlortus the ritisens of Cenlr
county, that he has bough l out the old
stand of J. O. Deininger, and has reduced
the prices. They have constantly on hand
sml make to order
TABLES. Ac.. Ac.
Their stock of ready-made Furniture it
targe and warranted of good workmanship
and is all made under their own immed -
ale supervision, and ia offered at rales
cheaper than elsewhere.
Call and see our stock before purchasing
elsewhere. 26 feb. Iy
UP. FOKTNKY, Attorney at Law
Belli fonte, Pa. Office over Uey
|.uM bank ax tt'i.o
: L 1j
ZeWefeste. PA.
ISAAC MILLER. Proprietor.
j TUs Cunuri liottM. OS BlaSoa e—i. u mm ml
, tha rWaulf i loratfM! taMsls Is Itt ten It ku tkm
SiWeuilS. |4sce. ha* u ntsllMl II>i al
lathed aaS mj alltMtUoß will ha (Aid (wM Ka
|.aia* v lln H arad 1— a..kt a a vWaaaat and una
:ah la *,, tens t'laae tar Iha pobike RauSiis b* tha
darota. k.aadraua cb*i*eS aUt atwara ha fun ad.
"O >aa Jaaa I*.
| UEklt BROCKtkllurr, J. It. (Bt OIKT
President, Cashier.
(Late Milliter. Hoover A Co.)
'And Allow interest,
Discount Notes,
Boy acJ Sell.
• Government Seen- ities,G'.i<* <fc
: apifi'f.etf Ccutxaa
• ia his New Rooms, Spring tr<*.
j Beilwfonte.
Hst on hand a splendid assortment o
HOUSE FURNITURE from the con
monektto lbs utpti elegant.
and anything wanted in the line of his
business— homemade and city work Al
so, has made a speciality and keeps 01
hand, the largest and finest stock of
Goods sold at reasonable rates, whole**
and retail Give him a call before pur
| chasing elsewhere. febC-ly
Harness. Saddles. &c
The an ifitewwrd. drimaiawd U BKI lbs papntmr
•lrmsod Ni Ixwer pneev ec*icl/uLh toll, Ika ,ua
Uua ul U.f |Uu b> hit Mock et
iiow offered al the old rtud IWIn •r* |-re ill* Kr
j Us.SWSh J he Uai*. Ik* lanrwM and moat taHed
aad MtefhO aaanrbteml a/ haddiea. Haraaaa. Collar,
Brtellea. of enter itMUll'li ated qaalSCr ■ Whktea. and
, in lart rierrthlM ko naajilete a tent ctaaa eatablkah
■tent, be bum offanak arteaa ohtah wvUsteM the Uaiaa
JAI\R DIM.Kb Camlet Mall
Chas. H. Held,
iClock. Wnlrhmakerd Jcneln
Millheim. Centre Co., Pa.
I At kind* of docks. Watehaa and Jewtein of tha
, latest sl> lea a* alaa Dm Marannlle Pakral Calender
I Clock*, fteovidod with a complete Index ml the maoth
aod da> of the month and wwek oa Ma lame, tehlch to
! arr*Q(cl ** a perfect time koeprt
< i.tek* W.Uhwote Jewalrs eeteatrad ate ahort no
| CMI snl wkirvnlM.l
Adoflod Sl>: the qorenaof faehtoa. Bead tor rlrro
■Ut k l\ .<(. Ko. SM North Ktfth St.. Phtladelww.
I r M da* Ska
JL. SPANGLKR. Attornev-at-Law
Bel let on te. Pa. Office with
j Bush A Yocum. Consultation in English
land German. Collection* promptly attend-
I -d to.
Hair Vigor,
For restoring Gray Hair to
its natural Vitality and Color.
original color, with the gloss and
freshness of youth. Thiu hair is
thickened, foiling hair checked, and
baldness often, though not always,
cured by its use. Nothing can re
store the hair where the follicles are
destroyed, or the glands atrophied
and decayed. But such as remain
can be saved for usefulness by this
application. Instead of fouling the
hair with a pasty sediment, it will
keep it clean and
occasional use will prevent the hair
from turning gray or falling off,
and consequently prevent baldness.
Free from those deleterious snFj
stances which make some prepara
tions dangerous and injurious to
the hair, the Vigor can only benefit
but not harm it. If wanted merely
for a
nothing else can be found so desir
able. Containing neither oil nor
dye, it docs not soil white cam
bric, and yet lasts long on the hair,
giving it a rich glossy lustre and a
gratefol pcrftxme.
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
fmrtifol ofl Analytical Cheat tete.
sovs by AXJh MMftKUSTft EVKKrwnKita.