Piß*, UAKHKN ASI HOUSEHOLD. 4 Oreliord nnri Nwreen. Puffers AND OATRS Look tfttt Ute faaoes and gates, and SAO that Umj ore e >sod iiprtiriHt stray cattle, which may oostroy young trees, by breaking of Hiuoo, or iu many can AS snapping off the ah. le tree and Uma completely rain it Yonng traea r- t this fall shonld liavc a monril of <artli, a foot or more in height iiawd around the foot of the atom, to steady them daring heavy winds and prevent their being thrown by frost This is less trouble and Ivetter than stntics. Altos AND Rvnnrrs. After mow* si rmn tramp tho wiow firmly arouu.l the U'ti; v., to keep away mice. A strip of tarred paper, a foot or mora wide, t .1 around the base, will prevent troth rabbits and mice from guawing. Rlood sprinkled upon the trunks is the beat to koop ort rabbits on a large scale. Trap or shoot ail rabbits found in the orch ard* i r garden, as they destroy ahruba as well as trees. Penning may be done during spoils of mil.) wed a or, provided the onto arecov e od with a <vvd of paint, melted graft ing wax, or shellac varnish, to protect tho surface from tho weather. Ciows—Cut at any tiuse when the tre< arc not frozen, and store iu aaw tliit-t or aar.d in the cellar. Have evv>ry variety lain-lev! as toon as cut. HEELED JX Tuns. —'Therv> is no dan ger of lo if the earth is properly work ed in around the root* and the air ia ex cluded. If there ia danger of water Settling around the tree* during the wiuler, iuake drains to carry it off. CU an away rubbish, so that no mice can fl.'d a harboring place among them. Peach stones should be buried in a diy place, so as to have the full effects ot the frosts. Put plum and cherry stones in boxes with earth. Koor ORAJTTXO. —Store the stacks in earth tu the eeliar, and daring cold and stormy days graft them, taking care to keep the varies distinct — Agriculturist* Wistvr Oala. Of lato ww have noticed several ar tistsa going the rounds of the agricul tural prv-sn, tho writer* of which speak highly of what are termed " winter ocits." Proui the tone of these Articles, as well as from inquiries received from e : respondents asking for further infor matiou in regard to these oats, we are ill dined to Iwliev* that many persona are mialod into thinking that they are new or distinct varieties from those known to our Northern farmers. But these so-called winter oats receive their name from the common practice of sow ing this grain in the fall in many parts of the Middle and Southern States, in stead of the spring, as is the general practice in colder latitudes. The oat is what may be called a half-hardy animal. At. 1 where the winter is not too severe it m.iy be sown with safety in the fall, and tL plants will come out in spring even m re vigorous than if the sowing was delayed to the latter season. Some of our Southern farmers who have con siderable experience in this matter as sure us that fall sown oats are always in, re certain and far less liable to rust than those sown in spring. Of course, there are different varieties cultivated in the South as well as in the N nth, same being better adapted to the *rd*fe than others; but those originat ing in Vermont may prove after trial to be just as good a winter oat as one pro uuotwl in Georgia. There are no dis tinctive characteristics by which winter oats can be distinguished from spring or summer oats ; but, through repeated trials certain sorts are found to succeed bvrier in the South when sown in the fall than in spring, and to these the above name is applied. tun Warn. KKARTABITI OF WOKK. —The fine W alh T LAS enabled farmers to finish tip th&r fall work, and posh on with thit for spring. It would be well to keep on &s long as the weather remains favorable, for w® know not what spring may bring forth. Work should be done with ri-galarity, and not by " fits and B?arts." At this season the hoars of work may be shortened, and the day's labor lie finished at four o'clock. There is much work that may be done indoors; reading, studying, planning for tho fu ture, which are all equally as necessary to be done as plowing and digging drains. By apportioning the time to difft rent labors cne may often get through more work than in other ways. By-tern is everything in planning work, an I goes a great way in doing it By economizing the rime, there may be five hours tidily set apart for reading. About the house everything should be done to make things snug, and all requi sitions made by the housekeepers at tended to at once. Winter time is an exacting period for housekeepers, and everything thonld be done to relieve their necvArj work of mack of its weight. Fuel should be put under cover, and properly prepared for con venient use. Drains should be made to carry off water ; a place provided for slops and watte, where thoy may be saved for use as fertilisers; the cellar thoroughly cleaned, whitewashed and protected; shelves put up where needed; r porches for protection around the doors y and well should be made, and all these done without considering that any undue calls are made upon the patienoe or the time of the farmer or mechanic. The home should be considered first.— Agriculturist. CMIIIK the t nldrr for Dairy Stork. A correspondent writes that he has been advised to adopt the practice of cooking food for his dairy stock the oomiiig winter. He desires to know "if there are any objections that have b-.en urged against the practice, and if so, what they are." While the oooking of food for stock has been warmly urged by various writers in this country for a number of years past, the practice does not seem to be received with especial favor by farm or at least it has not spread to the extent that we should naturally suppose it would if all the advantages claimed for such feeding can be relied upon. What seems most remarkable in connec tion with this practice is that it has never fonnd general favor in England, where cattle foods ore comparatively dear, and where the economy of feeding is made a study by scientific and practi cal minds. The English feeder prefers to cut his straw and coarse fodder into chaff, mingling with it pulped turnips and allowing the mass to slightly fer ment before feeding. It is stated by English authorities that cooked food is liable to induce various diseases in young stock, heifers being attacked with black leg, black quarter, speed, etc., while other cattle suffer from splenetic apoplexy, sheep from broxy, anl horse t from albuminous nephrites, particularly when cooked food has been given. Ts Kill Cabkase Warm*. Hot water is recommended to be ap plied to cabbages that are infested with the pierin rapec —sprinkled on from a fine rose we taring oan. The water may be l>oiliug hot when put in the can, but it will not be too hot when it reaches the cabbage leaves. The thick fleshy naiur-i of the leaves enables them to withstand considerable beat with very little injury. The sacrifice of a few heads of cabbage will soon teach an cx peri mentor how far he can go with the hot water. A Rural Home correspond ent speaks also from his own experi ence, and says: I heat water to nearly a boiling heat, and put it on with a oommon watering pot, with the sprink ler removed. If it is very hot it will eolor some of the leaves, bnt it does not seem to hurt the cabbage in the least. Ibis will kill the young worms and nearly all the old ones. There will sometime* be a few that do not get with the water. These oan be picked off with a small pair of pincers. If there are not a great many, the last remedy will do. gentleman, on walking out one Snndsy evening, met a young Soot eh peasant girl, w' ose parents lived near Lis he use. " Where are you going, Jenny \" said he. " Looking for a son in-law for my mother, sir." M'MIAKY OF SKITS. 0 IMWSMIai lleaaa Oee Ilea# wad * breed. Judge Bond, of the United State# court, de cided the AaNvis corpus case of the board of Stale canrasner* of South Caaoliua, and dis charged the member* from arreet under the contempt proceedings of the supreme court of the State The report of the Itamoeratic committee who went to has been made. The committee quote from Uie elec tion laws to how that Ute returning board had no jurisdiction over the electoral vote, there being no law a* to who count the vote whatever They asy that Uie law was not complied with as to protest* by anpervteora front the intimidated pariahea. They do not deny that there waa no law lees neea, but they do not admit that Intimidation waa proved. They report that colored men tu Louisiana are not necessarily Republicans. Mew York city revenue ofllcerw oiplured an Illicit distillery which, with its contents, was valued at #45,000 A widow named Collin*, while temporarily Insane, drowned her two Utile daughters la the canal at Brjreou. Can. The body of one of them has been recovered. ... ..Valparaiso suffered from a large confla gration. which burned for two day* and de stroyed a vast am mat of pr\>i<e*iy The naval cmututsntou re;H>rts tu favor of abandon tng the naval eetahltahaianla at h" LJU4.UI, Sew Orleans and Brunswick, lia The Colorado Legislature elected the Hon Usury A. Telkr a* United States Senator for ut years, beginning next March New it atop shires Constitutional <onveut.cn v.itod to abolish the religious test and to held the elec tions In November biennially By the hrtganllue Capt. Sttemao driving .ashore at Hrrrtng Cove, near Hall fat, durtug the recent heavy storm. four persona wrrs drowned F. O. Pruiee. Democratic caud,date for mayor of Boston, waa elected by a majority of t.ioO Congreeeman A. S. Hewitt, chairman of the Democratic national executive committee, has issued tjie following address, by order of tho Cimlttee: To the people ef the United tee The rational lWmocralie committee UUSOUUM M lb© IMUiC of lit* ISMltlfttUtl tlwdiiD held ou the ivTMiUi of Nuroalw, ihc eleouou of Rawuol 3. Tihieu, of Now York, as President, and Thctnas A. Hendricks, of la diana, u Yh>© Prmadcut of the l ulled M>i. We oongretulai© yea ou the victory for re form. It now only remain* for the two lloueee of l\>n*r*©a. in the performance of their duty ou the second Wednesday of February next, to give effect to the will of the people, time expressed in the Constitutional mode by a w jonsy of the electoral to tee, end xx: firmed by • majority of all the Statee, as well ae by an overwhelming majority of all the people of the I'aited Statee. In reply to thir, Z Chandler, chairman of the uational Republican commit tee, hae issued the following An address ha* been iaaued by the Democratic committee. It M the last desperate attempt to prop a tailing cause. Gov Havre haa been fairly elected by a clear majority of the electoral vote*. There no indication that any rightminded ciuieii hae a doubt ae to the reer.lt The address of the Democratic committee is an impudent and audacious attempt to prejudice and permit the public judgment. Hayes and Wheeler are elected, and the will of the American people will be earned oat and maintained. By the breaking of an tcebndg* in the Ohio near Cincinnati a tail -ay bridge was carried off. and a number of coal targes swept away. New York city banks aie endeavoring to have their taxes reduced Intense suffering exists among the poor of New York, and the city misaionanee continually appeal for aid. The Democratic Slate central committee ef New Hampehire adopted resolutions declar ing their belief in the election of Mr. Tilden, and calling on all fair minded men of all par tlee to secure his inauguration In Indiana the Democrats have called for mass meeting* to be held in different parts of the State to consider the political sanation In many of the Western cities one hundred and **!#>- five gun* were fired by the Republicans as a signification of their belief that GOT. Hayes was elected President The United States war steamer Michigan, which has been sta tioned on Lake Erie, has virtually been pot out of eommi'sion—nearly all the office** having been transferred and the crew dis charged Third-elaes Midshipmen Joseph Beal, of Washington, and It. M. Barclay, of Missouri, were dismissed from the Annapolis naval academy for hizing The president of Brooklyn's board of health, after witnessing he cremation of Baron dc Palm, says that he is not convinced of the ' necessity nor adapta bility of the process to pur times and eountry. Fourteen steamer*, which had been laid np in winter quarters at St. Louis, were canght in an ice jam which cqme from above and were crushed, several of tbem being totally wrecked. The loeses amonnt to 9350 000. In an altercation in Albany,* N. Y., 3ft*. Robert McDonald, in defense of herself from an aseanlt by her bnsband, shot him in the bead Reports from Little Rock, Ark., are to the effect that a moat disastrous ootflagr. - tion raged in the city, great damage, and at oce time'Ybreatsned the entire place with dee'rnction The most disastrous fire which has visited Augusta, Me.,- in twelve years is reported. The loesee amount to 920,- 000 Wm. M. Ream, a banker of Somerset, Ohio, was taken from his bod by masked men and foroed to open the bank vault under pen alty of deatn. The men took therefrom 910,- 200 and escaped On the alarm being given, the citizens aooured the eonntry unsuccessfully. Geo. Crook's forces are in camp on the north fork of the B-lle Foarehe, recuperating for future action A 940 000 incendiary fire is rep-orted from Blackville, S. 0.. and another frcm Florence, in the same State By the sinking of the steamer Homar hi the Red river ten deck paaseugets were drowned The vessel and cargo were a total toe* Mayor Wirkham, of New York, was appoint!d by Jndge Brady receiver of the Hecurity life uivuronee oompany, which has failed with liabilities of 93,150,000 and asset* of 91,943.- 000. President Grant, in his letter to the United Statee Senate, replying to the resolution re questing information as to ' whether Uoope of the United States were stationed at the city of Petersburg, in the State of Virginia, on tho seventh of November, 1878," answers: "It msy be that the presence of twenty-four United Statee soldiers, tinder the command of a captain and lieutenant, q Bartered in the custom boose of Petersburg, Vs., oa the seventh of November, at a considerable die tanoe from any polling place, without any in terference on their part whatever, and without going near the polls during eleoUon. may hare secured a di/crani result frvtn rch&jsould have been obtatned if (hey had not 'mm Hurt (to maintain the peace in case of rlot) cm the fate of the returns. Bat if inch is the ease, it is only proof that la this one eongreasiona district in the HUte of Virginia the legal and constitutional voter* have been able to return M elected the candidate* of their choice." The italic* are the l'reeident'a. He also eende to the Senate a communicationfrom General Sherman in which the gnmftl that a detachment of troop* waa necessary at >eter burg to preserve the peace, and they ware sent. The incloeure alac embraces affidavit*, etc , relative to the i eoeaeity for troop* at I'eterabnrg, covering aome thirty page* of inanuacript Wade Hampton we* inaugu rated governor by tlie Demoaatee Legislator® of South Carolina, being aworn m bf tadge T. J. Mackey. The ceremony .aving been ooncluded, be WMattted upon the ehouldeie of the multitude through the etrcete from CarellnaJTtawo jjß Wheeler Houae in the ram* btecki k£faK he delivered hie inangural addra**7la|jßßß|jj* protected against the acta of party and Qov. ChamberiaindH peaoe but eameatnese in all a^H The official return* show (H eratic elector* for the received 103,612 votes; 14,662 vote*. Total vote, 148,164, loot State election of buildlnge were burned in Xiialip^RSCpliany of them oocupied by proms The loaees amount to 620 000. The original fire ie enpjjj^Hpilnrve been incendiary ,-Tbe loeeefjHßKjUuie Book fire aggregate #l4O 000, dKjK Ineor too* #60.000. There fa not * flri*E bote! left in the city. en altegHjhnn a ateamboat at New Orleans, two djßHHietei; we shot by a white deck hMMggKgg tempting to return to the • teamer g put off Aprowd of colored men jaHHSpd as the police were taking tfcaptfiß9Hp%* station house, they were and their prisoner taken (ma them White tueu then recaptured the (.rieoner, and oti • reen forced body of the police attempting to re more hint to the centre) station, they were eel tt|Htn by the Infuriated mob of col< red men with stones end pistole, when the police re turned the Are. Twenty colored men end four white men were injured ... Inspectoi Ositeral Jea. A. Ilardte died in Washington An et curaion Irani consisting of en engine end one coach was thrown from Uie (rack near lA favette, Ind., by a broken wheel. and the coach waa demohnlied after rolling down a thirty foot etubenkmcul. Half e doieu of tho occn l>euia were eerioualy injured, atuoug them sereral newspaper inen.. The New Hamp ah ire Constitutional oouveitltou adopted amendments providing that n niovals fr. in office shall not be made for political reasons, and that public money shall ucl be appro priated for sretattan ech^da l'he gvivi rc.meiii fuices of Colombia, Mouth America, bare defeated Die lusurgruls after several d< operate battle* ... t>wing to the dulUnsa of work four bundled rmp.oyesa if the goTerumeul printing bureau lu Waah ingtou Lave been discharged. Two .birds of thetu were women. ... the schooner Henry KI hot I, of Thoiuseton, Me., we: t aaluire u ar tUnntieOock tight, l.oi g Island. in the recent severegele, and Die ca| lain, Lie wife and niue year Lt chhd were awe t overt .aid and drowned Two satlore wore Jiowned while at letuptiog to escape from the stop it. utroee, ashore near Mnmauk Toiut. Numerous other disasters a:e recordist of the violeuoe of the siottu, which prevailed over the enure country. n.ere are grave fears of a general famine in the Madits district, li d:a .. News from Mexico Muiiniu the informal.eti of the cap ture of Prrsdteut Lrrdo. I'lr refuse.! to pro claim the \ resiliency of Iglesias unless he was to be allowed t~ name four members of the cabinet, which being refused, he proclaimed himself provisional president. The two rivals will now contend attaiust each other It is stated on good authority at Alexandria that the khedive of Egypt is dnsatiadsd with hi* Aturtican military officers, and has uotided l hem that their coutracts w U not be renewed The Charter Oik lusnrauce company of Hartford, Conn., purchased twenty five build ing e in the luaiufes poitiuu of New Yurk from Edward Matthews, paying the sum of |i TV? - 000 therefor It. 11 A 11 Ki.lght A Co. s Ueachmg and kier houses at Poutiao, lb 1., were destroyed by fire, l.oss from 91N.i MO to 9200,000 . ijroige 11. Friend A Oo.'s paper mult at Can oil ton, thio, were burned, inflict ing a lore of f-0,000 or ♦VO.COO .... The trunk hue managers agreed that there should be no diserim.unou in favor of lUiltmore ai d 1 bils delphia against New York etc.-pi cu fre ght* designed for local consumption .... General Wm F. Uartiell died at IMlrfield, Mass, after a lingering il leas Dr. l.iwin Eidrtdge, the philanthropic golds nan who gave the handsome park to Eiuura, Sew York , died IU (hat city of congestion of the lurgs Eleven buildings, including the United States land office, were destroyed by Are at Fargo. Dak.ta Territory It ia believed l.i Berlin that war in Eastern Europe is inevitable. 1. may be kept off nntil spring, but the best German an thortuos say it la rare to oorue .... West Vir ginia's official vote gives Titden 50 505 . Havre, 41,396, and Cooper, 1,387. Governor Hampton, of South Carolina, wrote a polite note to Governor Chamberlain, in forming the Utter that he (Hampton) had qualified as governor, and requested that the great seal of 8: at# be delivered. Governor Chamberlain politely replied that he did uot recognize in Gov. H any right to make such a demand, and he should not comply with the request. The correspondence wa directed to D. U . Chamberlain, Esq., and to Wade llamp ton, Esq. It is anticipated In at the fiist clash or c inflict between the two governors will pro bally originate with the county officials ap pointed by the respective governors. The till to pie vest and punish any person or persons for selling up a government in opposition to the leg.tiuatc government, pasted to lis thud reading in the Republican Uoiwe and was aant to the Seuate. It eels forth that if any psriou or persons ebail set up, or attempt to set up, or uanUtu or attempt to matntaiu a govern ernment for the ii.au of flouth Carouua, with in the limits of the said Stale, iu oppoa.Uon to the legitimate and lawful government thereof, he or they ahall be deemed guilty of felony, and on conviction thereof ahall be punish sd by imprisonment In the penitentiary for a term of not less than ten nor more than forty year*, or pay a fine of not lees than #lO 000 nor more thsu 9100,000, me or both, vr.tlun the discre tion of the court. Four children of R. Mclnuee were bnrned to death in his bouse at Heoond Conaeeuon. Cau. The father was terribly burned iu the eu lessor to rescue them The N'atioual paper com pany lost their warehouse at H-dyoke, Mas* , by Are. Lies, 934,00): in nuance. 912,000 A frightful colliery explosion took place in the pit of the Bouth Wales company near Newport. Seventeen bodies were recovered and many uuneis taken out seriously injured. The merchants of Savannah, Ga , are prospecting with good success for a line of steam-hips between that port and Liverpool. | ..... Eight persons were killed end fifteen | wounded by a railway collision in Belgium .... ' The legislator* of Denmark are at loggerhead* with the king, and the situation looks senous. Minuter Washbuyie has presented Presi dent Grant's apologies to the Dnke Deoazes, minister of foreign affairs, for the am at at Philadelphia of Capt. Aufrye, naval attache to the French legation at Washingt u, and delegate French commissioner to tlie Centen nial Exhibition at Philadelphia, at the in stance of on© of the Exhibition policemen Another deett active fire broke out in the dis trict left sninjnred from the recent conflagra tion in Little Rock. Ark., and considerable) property was destroyed. As before, the water supply was limited The governor of Ala bama has arranged with the national hank of the State of New York t pay the January in terest on the new Alabama bonds no us t p ex change for the old ones in order to adjust tbo debt In the inquest before the Brooklyn coroner, it transpired that when the theater was burned within which so many lives wore lost, the fire extinguishing spparatns on the stage was covered by heavy scenery Gen. Miles has again dofeated hitting Bull, and two hundred lodges came in and enrrcodeied.. .. The auotion sale of John Taylor Johnston's art collection In New York rea'ized 9138,000 tho first nignt. The Uighrnt price paid was ♦II.OOO for Mstasnmar'a " S ildiors at Cards.'" fho collection ffaa the finest in the ootintry. Gen. Orook'a annual report says that miners iu the Black Iliila did not violate the Sioux treaty until long after the Indiana had oeaaed to regard it. He eot-m* to think that the government has treated the Sioox nation with nnparaheled liberality, which they have repaid by rajfctlong the border of the reser vations, limited only by the power of the en durance of their ponies The steamer Montana, i tinning ont of Bau Prancisoo to ports on the Pacific, was burnod to the water's edge with her valuable cargo. The passengers aud ere * escaped.... Anarchy reigns iu Lower California, and the new governor has levied on the people for 934 000 to pay his govern ment. I What Will They Do! According to n statement of the president of tho Now York Wnrkiug ' men's Assembly there were 45,375 work gagmen in that city out of employment, ■fis workingmon themselves declare that [MpN is no hope for work thin winter. do not see a chance to earn their UMkad in that city or anywhere else. The Hn ia stated when it in said that those ; trades which teed the clothing basilicas hire pretty lively, knt in all the skilled ■>or connected with building there is ■thing doing. The mechanics are now ■ bard pressed that there are tbonsauds Bf their families now on the verge of destitution, with the hard, idle winter before them. The situation ia becom ing desperate, A young man in Bridgeport, Ooua., pulled back so hard, when his compan ions hauled him up to-the bar to drink, that one of his arms waa broken. Tho truth of the story ia vouched for by the Bridgeport newspapers. The figures of-the Massachusetts State census justify the theory that the for eign born population of that State is more prolific than the native. The average number ef children of the native mothers is 3.52, while of the foreign born it is 4.91. The rule ia probably general, in New England at least, if not in the oountry. v ' rwrrKD NTATKS conuhkss. Rmmi*. Pha resolution of Mr. Ilayaid (Dam.), of Oalawars, directing the attorney general to oowmuntrato to the Noli ate the tiilal linuibwr of doputy luarwhal* employed throughout the Pulled Kialow, in oounwcUou with Uie elooUon of Novwru' er 7 lawt, the iiiimlwr ao em|>luywtl Ut each Hlato. and each voting prooluot ro •iwcuvwly, and Uie length of Utuoeo euiployod, la> adonloil. Mr. Kdmunda submitted an amendment to the hill pievidtng that the aiiprwuie court of Uie Putted Statee count the electoral vole, making the meastue applicable to Uie present Presidential contest, lu c**e li tw istilled by three foui tha of Ihe State*, etc . an a* to pro vi le that the tvtiu shall 111 a day nut later than Kebiuaiy 10, 1*77, for the count, and |irn ceed with it (mm day lo day 11 la dla|Mieed of. Agreed to ™ Numeft'ti* petition* of religion* and tem )K>iai-.co urgaiiltauoiut Itiroughout the country wete I'lnei 010 i by veilotu seuatoiw praying iVuigftsa lo take aio|ie to pndiiblt Uw uiauu fs.'luie ai d sale of alcoho l* b.jurrs as a t-ev oisgc iu tlw I>;strict uf Columbia aud the Ter ril ties of the k'tilled Males, all uf which Were referred Uw Jo. Nt resolution pi op, wing an auioud nwut to Uie i oiistltutt. n a.i a* to have llie electoral vole cotiulod hv the eiiprome court waa ducum-d at * uie 1 iiglti, hading mom beta taking p*i 1 lull M It >gy (Hem ). uf Mieacuit, said that lu the present .aijileat if tho court nllotll I J(S-|.|o 111 fav, r of l'lldeu It would be deiioiinced. and It 11 should decide in favor of tlavee it would likewise be de nounced. I'lu counting .f Uw vole waa not a fuuctiuu which belonged to the judicial de lauluieiit of l e goverumeut, ll was a func tion which I'lOJwn ly l>eluge.l lo tlio legislative dej aiituei >. Ihe vote was then taken and Uie joiul resolution was rejected, ytas four teen, uayv Uiuty-.no. a* fullowa \** Meesra. Allison, Anlboiy Mine. ltun Bide, Conkluig bdmuuds, l'erry, Preliiig huyweu, llsiulm, llih-hcock, kov, Moirtll, West, aud Wright fuUlleeu Nriß Mevai*. Atcoru. ltayard, lb.gr, lkwvth, ltrt.ee, t'anu mi Pa. i, Chaffee, Clay 1011, Con over, laaes. 1 -.is, Kaion, lioldihaaile, llamil.ou, lUr.ey, , .ga Is, Jones (P.a.), Ker uan, I.tig an, Mcirenry, Matey. Mortuu, Nor wood, Patterson, Pel r bauJo'ph. Hsrgenl, I'llui ma i, Wallace, Whyte, and W'l'.hors Umiy-onr lu dtecuasiug the j.oliUcal .juration, Mr. tihormau IU pI, of Ohio, rant the vule uf Klonda auu Lounuoua wa* in dispute. A* to Oiegou. he did n.4 think that case would rise to the dlgi Hy ufa dispute. lie lieheved Ihe 11.modal - candidate himself wuulj scorn to bold Uie . fti.-o of Presidout lu | nrsuai.ee of such a fraud. A* lu i> nth I'amhna, be tie heved that it a a* conceded by all that the oloc loial vote -ias for Haves and Wl ester. Mr**ra. llaiubilph (Utiu. >. uf New Jersey, and Wither* iDani t, of Virginia, dewed lUat there • any *uch uuueeaeiou. The Satiate | aaci-J the Hiiiiw bill to pay the i'tasideubal electoral iumm : ger* at Uio rata of iwtuty-fire null j*r mile, Mr. ought (Hep), of lowa, gave unties '.bat be a u'd call up 'be bill reported from Uie committee ott Civil ictvice and retrench ment rodomug ibe salary of the I'reeidrut of liie Uu.lcxt Slates from fiti 01X1 to f i:S,dUO per autiUtu. Ihe pay of w uitaaee before c muutlee* an flitil at r J |ei day and llvo cents pat mile traveling fare. i'eliU lie in favor of leguUt.uii to prohibit Lt e manufacture and rale of alcoholic liquors a- a beverage lu the d.atuct of Columb.a and lrrritoriee of (he I'u.Ud Matte are pieeenled da.y. Mr. Wt ghl i Hep 1, of luwa, introduesd a hill to eetaohah a cour. for the trial of couteat cd electtona in the t ihcra of I'reaidet.t and Vice-l'roaidtnt of tiio l'i lte-l Stales. Mr. E Im.u.d- Hep. 1, of V#rmont, ra ted up the resolution auouuitcd by mm. r< for ring the nie**ago of tbr lloUae of Hapreaamativos on the sul-jecl of the i'reaideiitial electiou to a anted euumnttee of wnii acnalora. to act with the Uuuae coti.mil.te in prcpuuig a meaauie beet caictUalad lo aocouipliah iLo lawful count lug uf Iho altCUiral votes, and the beet dlapo eilion of ah queenou* connected iherewuh ; and ll waa uuan uijualy agrted lo without dia- OUaalOtt Mr. Wright Hep i, of lowa, called up the bill reducing the salary uf the Urendt ul of the L'ulCed Slalew flum fbU.WW Lo txVOOO |w>( annum, which paecd btuh Ho,nice of t'uugreee at Uie lee; r.uveiou and wan vetoed by tl.a Hiesideut. Ihe i)uce'.lou being, ahall tlie bill pas* notwiihatautjiu the objection* of the t rtaidcut. It wae lejecietl by a Vt tv of tweut) - hve yean lo nineteen uaya not the ueceaaaiy lao-Unrde Toung tu the affirmative. lhe vole was aa follows : . Vm -Ueware. Alcorn, Bogy, flay ton. fock reil. t'onkuug. Ciagiu. Davis. Dawes, balm, Kerry, Goldlhwai'.e. Haivey, lliichoock, Jotiue i in. Ktuuau, Key, Mcfreeiy, Matty, Murvld. Motion, I'lice, Sl< inao, Thurman, Whvlo, Wright—twenty Ova. Nil* M i—xt. Anthony, Itanium, llayaril, H Is u:L, Ilouivnii, Ouri.iU.is, Cameron P , Chaffee. Doner, IJmaudv, IlamLu. ln galla. Jouoi il'.il, Mitchell. N >rwood. IV.- Uock, Wiudutn Wiihors DluolSctt. Mr. iuga:i* i Hep.), i f Kauca, tuhm.tled a coucurreo: resulaitun accepting the vlatuos of hamuol Aili.u.- aiul John Wiutlirup, (irMH>ulsd to ttio I i.l J -lal4m by M wiolman, and rvturiuuc tho thanks tf CongrMa lo the (Male cf MwucliOKlia Agraad to. 11 Ml MS, Mr. mair(Hep), of New Ilviapehlre, Iniro dcccd a eHiu'.uUiHtal amendment forbidding tha manafaciore and sale cf distill*l IKpiom as a bav.-ia.se after the year I*.*). tn-ferrd. The rsp cwki-r In 1 tivfern iba llmue the re signatHSi of .Htr.llli Ely. Jr., aa rt-j>resentalive fiom the S ate of Hew Vorfc. The r appointee, a- ire <• ucmittee to li <|Utre at whether fracda have t-eeo iirec tireJ in tue elecuon in New York. Booth n, Jnrey Oty and Philadelphia, Mown. Cox i,l>. wVof Nt-w Yivk, Mi- (Dem ), of lhio, tVa Well (lh u ). cf North Caioiir.a, McDongel. (liep ), of New York, and Well* (Hep), of Ml tawpfu 1 he bill lo ullhco the predo-la cf gold and aiirer nuiu a was diacuaoed at some teegib, Mr. Bland (Dem.), of Mu urt, cliwu.g the de oato. and then the veto waa taken, and the aiilwtunte to i; o F it waa agreed lo without a division. The t ill tha* iffltndvit waa naaaed yeae IC7, na s fifty-three. It it aa follow* : A bid a.u'.unksi g the co ning of a standard silver dollar, and rvetortng na legal tender character. 'Dial there sliall be, fr ra time to Luna, coin ed at tho miiite of the I'iuUhl .Males silver dol- Urw of the weight of 41'JI grams of •tandard •ilver to t ie duller, as pruviifed for in the art of Jan. 18. 1-17 ; and thai said dollar ahall be a legal t*nd>r ft* a'l debts, public and pri iate, except where the [ aymcut of go d c da U rttjiured by law. Mr. Koott hem ). of Kentaoky. chairman of the Jn 1 c-.ary committee, reported the fol lowing roeolnUon : ltftoier.l Tb' a committee of seven mem bers be appoint. Iby ibe Hpeakcr of the H< use to ascertain andrrport what are the privileges, powers and doner of the II ..ue of lleprt aen talivew In coniuing tho vo'.a for President and Vios-President of (he United Mates, and lhat said committee have leave to report at any time. The resolution waa adopted without di vision. A resolution waa also adepied appoint ing a committee of eeyou mt-ml>eni to act in conjunction with any similar ccmmiilee that mav be appointed by tho Henate lo prepare aid report without delay such a measure, either loKirlativo or constitutional, as may in their Judgment be best rvlc-uUled to accom plish the desired end. That said committee havo leave to report at any lime. The bill maku g appropriations to meet the expenses of investigating committees was passed as reported from the committoe on ap propriations. The Hones Inertaaed the i'ost-offloa appro priation bill so a# to provide for faal mall ser vice. I'i the Mouse the hißhest testimonial* were I "Aid to tlio memory of Ihe ls!o Hpctker Ken ny miiiy of the ox nibero. A discussion ocenrred on A tolegrkjihlo eom uianira'ion from Mr. Morrison, < hsirmsn of the Loaisisna investigating c rumittee. osllioK the etteutio:i of the House to tho refusal of rreetdeut Ort .n to surrender all the tele graphic dispalrliM sent by the national Re publican t-xocutive committee during the I'iosi dential mmpaign. The oom-uNtiication was referred to the eoinmittee on the judiciary. Mr. Knott < Di<m I, of Kentucky, chairman of the jadieiary o<unaiilUc, iiilrodnood a hill prescribing the method of cou- tioir tho elec toral rote- for I'reeident and Vioo-l'residsnt. Ilcrferred to tho select oommitlce on tho sub- Joct. MR Hunter (Rep.V of Indiana, moved to •nspend ttu> ruled ami adopt the reolation|m utructiiig Uie judiciary coiiim.tlec to report on thn acuondmuut to theCenaOloUoa prohiMtinn tho payment of war o!airu to disloyal person*. Carriid—yaa-. 150; tidv*, sixty-three. The resolution to adjourn over tho holidaya wan adopted - yean, 121 ; nata. i2 The Foitiflcatioo Appropriation till was padieit. It appropriated fIPO.OOO for tho pro toctioo, prom rration and repair of fortifica tion* : f 100,000 for tho armament of aea ooaat fortihcitu ti*, and fid.ooo for torpodoe*. Total, §350 Pr O To IBstliigiiUh t'<dton from Wool. Ravel out tho suspected cotton fllier from Ibo wool and apply flume. Tho cotton will burn with a flush, tho wool will ctirl np, carbonise, and omit a burnt, disagreeable smell. Even to tho nuked eye tho ootton i* noticeably different, from tlio filament" of wool, nud nnder the magnifier this difference comta out atrongly. The cotton is n flattened, more or lean twisted baud, having a very striking resemblance to Jiair, which, ID reality, it is; since in the condition of elongated cells, it linos the inner sur face of the pod. The wool may be rec ognize*! at once by the zigzag transverse markings on its fibers. The snrfsoe of wool is covered with these fui rowed and twisted fine cross linen, ot which there nre 2,000 to 4,000 in an inch. On this structure depends its felting property. Finally, a simple and very striking chcmioal test may be applied. The mixed goods are unraveled, a little of the cotton fiber put into one dish and the woolen in another, and a drop of strong nitric acid added. Tho cotton will be little or not at all affected; the wool, on the contrary, will be changed to a bright yellow. The color is due to the development of a picrate. Looking it the Wreck. •• Oath" write* to tho (fraphie of the Brooklyn tiro : All that I eoulJ mw, iih I liK>kel in tho hollow theater from lk(i exjHiaod stage roar ou the rtrwt, was it rectangle of brick walla, on throe union unbroken, at niyyviul fallen in. The op ponito gable, a high, clean piece of brick ; work, retained the stain or print of the itaira which led to tho fatal gallery, fur up the lofty iuterior. Thoae who fell from the gallery itself fell protwhly fifty feet into the cellar, on the bed of cm ; dors and burning ooala already prepared there. They fell into the depth of the block, one hundred foot from any atreet but tile aide alley, where nobody walk <hl. They fell like a man in the interior of a i riaou, iuto an uublietf* or den ol oblivion. From burning zenith to burning hell. From shrieking to chim ney tope and frightened birds and noth ing more but the intimidated stars, they fell hi a rcoating pit amuugat the rata of the newer* ami cellars, and not a round they made for mercy or death, relief or identification, reached the outer world. There the flame* were roaring, the en giuea whiatling, hella and vulvea and e|x>aking trum|>eta were making mid night din. The nearest apectator—the only cognizant port of nature that |>eep ed 111 woa the hky, which allowed ita pale face in place of the fallen roof. Piled together in Muff icati.iu, the dying ond dead ueatled down together, grow aig bluck ami c< ins umiug hi atumpa of human forma. There, within a hundred feet, wan a lightning prena, and never HU*ptieted that there waa eueh uewa hi tell. All the New York paper* the next day announced that the audience got off aafely, and etill three hundred buried form* were in that cellar, charred and otill. It wna in the focua of Brooklyn, yet |>eop)e were aayiug houra after want that nobody waa hurt. The amoke that blew above the rui'i looked innocent to all, aa if it merely bore away the odor* and ashen of old proportion anil ace no*, lienchea ami fiddlea, but it waa pregnant with the bloom of jouth, the strength of human hair, the lime of atroug arms, the remainder of recently bounding heart.*. They died in the midat of the oily, like the pioneer* of Mon tana'* meadows, murdered ou the desert. They died lonely, aa the heroen of an an aI at aia, yet beanie everybody. 1 looked into thoae hollow walla where a few men were digging like muttered pigmies on the charcoal littered floor. There were the foundation of the rear main entrance, the three brick archea through which the audience walked, and under my eye tho atone* that aupported the stage. It waa clean aa a ruined church standing ont in an old field. They were no floor*, and little or no tlrbri* remained. If the bushes had grown np while 1 gazed npou the hoi low waste all would have aeetued natural enough. Straugv Freak* of the lnnaur. A lady was one evening oittiug iu her drawing room alone, when tii# only other inmate of the hoose, a brother, who for a tune had be<-u tx treyirfg a ten dency to uuaoandneee of mind, entered with a carving knife in hi* hand, and, abutting the door, came up to her and aot.l: " Margaret, an odd 'idea ha* oe carrwd to me. 1 wtnh to i<aint the head of John the Baptist, and 1 think your* might make an excellent atu.iy for it. So, if you piemir, 1 will cut off your head." The lady looked at her brother'* eye, and seeing iu it no token of jeM, ouncinded that he cieaut to do what be hoid. There woe on open window and a balcony by her aide, with a street in front; lint ■ moment oatiafi.xl her that safety did not lie in that way. 80, put ting uu a smiling countenance, she oai.l: "That is a strange idea, George; but would it not be a pity to sjoil this pretty new lace tippet 1 have gotf 111 just step to my room to put it off an.lt"* with you again in half a minnte." Without giving him time tocouaidcr, she stepped lightly acroaa the floor and pwaned out. In another moment she waa aJoue iu lu t own room, whence she easily gave the alarm, and the madman was aactreJ. The story of the gentleman cximmand ed by insane persons to jump from the top of a tower m tin ir aeyiaui, and who eaaat* d by telling tlu m he would rather jump from the bottom to the top, and ran down stairs as if to execute bis intention, iswcll known; but the following anecdote of a similar sitna tiou will be news to most readers. A gentleman accompanying a party to tu •q>cct an asylum, chancv-U to lie !• ft l>e Inuh in tlio kitchen with a number of the inmates who acted as cook l and Hculhona to the eatabliahmeut. There was a huge caldron of boiling wahr on the fire, into which the tna Itncu d< clarivl they must | nt him in order to boil Ltm for broth. They would faui hav as iiihtod him into tho large jmt; and, as they were laying hold of him, he re flected that in a personal struggle be would have no chance with them—all be conld do waa to gain time. Ho he said "Very well, gent <m< n, I am sure I should make good broth, if you do not spoil it by boiling my clot Lie* with it." " Take off your clothe#,*' they cried out; and he began to take off his clothes very slowly, crying ontloudly the while : " Now, gentlemen, my coat is off—l will aooß be stripped. There goes my waist- Ooat—l shall soon be remlv;" and #o <>n, till Dotliing remaiuotl but his shirt For tunately, the keeper, attracted by his loud speaking, hurried in jnst in time to save hun. luntnirtlng the lVitmavtcr. There were vigoron# inquiries at the Detroit poet office for the cbiw clerk, and when the captain'# face appeared at the window the inquirer naked : " flu a rro##-eyed woman been here tuiking for letters addrrwwd to mef" The oaptaiu hadn't #ct-n her. "Well, ahe'll be here thi# forenoon. She'# my wife, and she'# a lectio weak in the head. She'# got tho notion that I get love letter# from a woman in Can* da, and abc-'U be here to ak for my mail." "Well t" " Well, I don't get any *ueb letter#, of course, but you mustn't givt her my mail. Hho might get one with a draft in, and not know it* value. Ju*t #ay to her that you never know of my receiving a letter here, and that yon had repeatedly heard mo #ay that I had the b-gt wifo in town." " But I don't know yon." "Never mind that. In dealing with an insane woman it'# !*<#t to bo *oft a i l *lick and amooth. Ju*t shake band* with her, praise her small feet, and tell her she ought to bo proud of such a hus band a* I am." The Sliver Bill The Silver bill was passed by the United States Hon ■•-<>, after two hours' discussion. The bill passed is tho sub stitute offered by Mr. Bland, and is em braced in nine printed lines. It pro vides for the coining of silver dollars at mints of the United States of the weight of 1121 grains standard silver, ami declares that Raid dollar shall tie a legal tender for all debt* public and private, except when* payment* of gold coin in required l y law. The vote on tho passage of the bill wa IG7 to 68. Of those voting iu the negative eighteen wore Democrat*. The negative vote was made up from tha following Htate* ; Now York, fourteen; Massachusetts, seven; Pennsylvania, six; Maine, five; New Hampshire and Louisiana, unoli three; Michigan, Ohio and Rhode Island, each two; and Alabama, Con necticut, lowa, (ieorgia, Mississippi, Missouri, Maryland, New Jersey ami Vermont, each one. Gelling Ihe LadirH Interekteff. A rather funny devioe won reoeutly introduoetl intu a neighboring church eooial which promisee to beoomo very popular. A prize of ten dollars was offered to the gentleman bringing tho largest number of young ladies, and their enthusiasm was so great that oven mothers-in-law and old maids were de lighted ami astonished by polite invita tions to attend the evening's entertain ment. It is Uintod, however, that the young man winning thlfprize consider ed the money more than earned. Tux IMPORTANCE or ONB VOTB.— Tlie returns in the oflloe of tho secretary of State give Pacheco, Republican, for Con gress in tho fourth district of California, a majority of one vote. SCRIRNER'S MONTHLY. As I rl> ilrl Illustrated N|Mlar. Wlxm HraiSMca luttad lie fatnvu* MMs ma in, r Holiday Numlxi In July, a frlend'y critic aal>l of II "We aro net cure tail that Hi-ainNau ha* l-nMul lugh water laark. We tie net ar<> what world* are lft tell to conquer." Hut tho publi*hr* de uet ceiiaider thai they hkve irk.li. 1 the ul tima tliulo uf exra licit.** llioy IwltrVo " llittre aie ether wurtila tu conquer, aud they propose te euni|ttr them." The |u-oivlu fur Itie new volume give* Die Sill aef morn than fitly, |.prrs, mostly llius tratsd, by writera of the highest uu.nl TiMer Uiv head uf *' POUKKiN TUA VKI-," we lure • A Winter on the NU," by lien. Mr. Oi.au i* , •• Sauntering* About ( insUliln.— pie." by l Haai aa fit'MJt Waaaaa , "Out Of My Wiuilow al M-yv, ' by Keusaa S-iirnau ( " All Amu: ill in TurkuUJi, etc. Three wind <tei lea are aullounred "MtIIOI.AM MINT! H\.* u im. ueujian, iw ai'irea, wlmae atory uf " tSrvtiuiaks " gave the highest sattstarlloi. le the n-a.bra ef the Monthly. The e.'elie of till* latest Ruul Ik luil un the bank* uf the Hudson. The htm u a Voting man who baa l - 11 alwav* " tied lea woman a apioil string*, but whu, by Uw death ef hi* mollier, la li ft alone in the wetld te drift en the current uf life - with a fortune, but without a |*ir]*-ae. Anether arriAl, "til* Inheritance," by Mia* Tsirms, mil l-gin uu the cnmpletiuu uf *' That lae u' I-owris a, by Mra. ll..i*.>* lltUNkrr. Mii liuriK tt a atoiy, U-guu tu Au gnat, haa a [latlioa and dramatic |uwet winch have lawn a eurjuiac tu Uw public. Theft la tu be a aerie auf erigtual and et qui.it. I . illuatiateit papu* uf " Popular Set cue by Ura. HkaiU< a. eai h |>*per euuipWte h. kiflt 'Pliant Me |r> tie, froiu variou* |>ena, paper* on 1IO.Ill: I.IFR AMI THAVIU.." Aha>, profit- al aiiggeatieiu a> tu tuwu and cuuu try Ufa, village UnjiTuvomenta, etc., by Wuh k i iM'li s*s -'I ' H.t*. Mr. lUliaafcil a Altirlr* un varioUl UlduatnuA of (.real Jlritam, include the history of " Some Kl|vritM*U lu 11> eprratlou," "A Scottish i oaf 1a- lory in Uie November number, and i.iad laiie, IL-hJale, 'hi Hec-miber. Other ra are, "The Britloh Wurkingmau* Home," "A Nation of Hhopkeejiera," "Ha'penny a Wixk for the llnld. etc. A r. lily Illuatratvd aerlea wdl be given on " Vn.< rii an hja-rta by 11 k! and ire hi, ' by va i. . .. writer*, and each on a different theme. The a -lt j. -t of "HOI M.1101.0 wad HOME DEt'OMATION" w.tlhae a imminent | i*re. whilat the latest pi -lu- l. in* ef Aiix-rv-au huiuunal* will appear tr hi iu ith to month. The liat of shorter ► ! r.. - I . raj l.lcal aud "Uwr akctchwa. ate., I* a long one. It.i c.lil rial drjiartment wUI wmUuiie h> ci v tl - ablral jw-ua buUi at huuia and .1. there will be a a*Tiea ef irtlera - n lib t-n.iv : -i.tl.ra, from l-mbri. by Mr. Wsnruan. I i.c , .• of the magazine mil be open, aa !. ftlof. re. i ■ far a* ltmlU-d ajwee mil jwrinit, 1., tin lu oa.iu of all Uietut-a ajfccUug Uw i. .-. 1 and rel.gi >u* Ufe uf Uw world, aud *J>e cially toll- ftuahrat thought ef the t hnatlan Uiudu-ra and arhelara uf this country. Tin j 'uMi.hcra aay they mean tu make the mags. . • wi'ic-ter and |irer. higher and oot'kw, r.. 11 g< al a: I >•<*..,-reus ui all tla utieraticr* and uilbiet. - a.i-l a lie-re wthxwne vintor tii ii. 1! >iu m hoiuia uf rviintiuc-nl and culture. HITI KN VtllNTlla for •. S- an waa for Ibomitirr, now rtady. and whifh tain* the ojening cli|>tcr* of "Nieh •• ha M.uturu," will be nail with eager ctinoaity and iritrlwL 1"• rhapa no mure readable num !<t of Un niagauiw lias u t Uunwuol. The (hr< uuti.Ur* of K ut iru for Augiut. Kip. teinl*-. a:el lrt !*r. centaimng Uw o|-tuug ch*j-".t-r of " ihrl !*• o' Ixivrnea," will lw , 11 n lo en rr new ntlwiller (whu mjamkltX at d -* Mil *il| turn begin* wiUr the pftwent v- ne ;. t . with the November number. Kuh nj-m prvw, M a year—SS cent* a ■limber. S|mal b-nus un t>>und volume*. Su' -nl w l'i the neari '-t !• h oeUcf, or wend a cheek or P. O. ne.ney irder U< > . ti can A l t.. 743 JUuadwav, N. V. lb.' Sew York Clerk. Y'otiug men in the country imagi m that if they oould only manage to get a clerkship in New York, or some other largo city, their fortunes would be made. 'the New York clerk does not have mo feat try a bed to he in as many imagine. A correspondent writ ing on the subject says. Take, for in stance, the dry goods clerks on Broad way. Some of the establishment* like Stewart'#. Lord k Taylor'#, J affray's, etc., hue as many a# two bnndrtd cb-rk# in their employ. They are es [sx-ted to dress well, to keep up with the fashions, so aa to be in keeping with the general stylo of thing# about tbem. They mnvt be at business promptly at eight in the morning, a strict account being kept of any failure to do 80, which i* r< ported by the head of the de partment to the general manager. All the day long they arc kept on tin ir feet, under watchful < ye#, and with a multi '.tide of detaila to attend to; and at noon they must harry out for a hasty lunch ami lie liack a* soon as possible, (lying the day through uutil seven or eight ! o'clock at night. In the busy season they are liable to be worked until eleven or twelve o'clock at night; and in the dnll seaaous which oomc on the city often enough, they are just as liable to Ive discharged at a week's notice, even though they have been year# in the house, and been faithful in every way, and all this for from $8 to fls per week. Tho head bookkee|>er of a prominent Broadway house get# a salary of thir teen thousand dollars, while under him are no has than six men, having the brunt of the work to do, who are paid three dollars a day. There are men in other houses who enjoy prinoely in come*, because they have drawn one of the prises of trade; they have a trade of their own which brings in large stun# to their employer; they are paid for their work with unstinted hand. Bnt all uronnd them are men without this spe cial advantage, though competent, who are barely getting a living. A large tea house tliat employs sixty clerks has only live who receive over $lO per week. Uow city clerks live ! —considering the meager condition of the salary mar ' ket. Liviug .any way, in New York, is expensive, as living in a great city al ways is. Ten, fifteen, twenty dollars a week in some place# gives a man all the comforts of modest expectation; nay, often gives one a trifle for the saving j fund, or the luxurious. Not so here. Decent board will range np to ten and fifteen dollars; decent board—which moans n narrow, close room, clean food —very plain—and nothing more. And then yon come down peg by peg to the horrors stid misery and slack and dis comfort of New York boarding house life—the cheapest and meanest being Ave and six dollars a week. Clerks pack themselves away in these holes, making them just sleeping and eating places, cast out from all amnse meutaud society npon tho town; or else they hire lodgings in some obscure quarter, and " livo by the card" of cheap eating houses. Tiiev make all sorts of shifts to kiop stylishly clothed. A prophetic iteniiser remarks; Pales tine is to have a railroad, and the cry will soon be: *' All aboard for Jerusalem. Passengers for Moab and the Dead sea will please remain iu the forward car." Tho Mason A Ilamlin Orgau Co. re- ' ceived from London, a few days since, a single order for 250 of their organs which arc beooniiug nearly as celebrated in Europe a* they are in Amnrica. They have just oomplctod to order an orgau for tho celebrated Dr. Franz Liszt, Pei-tb, Hungary, for use in his concerts. —N. rhil. Journal. Whether for use on man or boost, Merchant's (Wsrling Oil will bo found an invaluable liniment, and worthy of use by every resident in the land. *We j know of no proprietory medicine or ! article uow used in the United Htates ; which shares tho good will of the people 1 to a greater degree than this. Yellow wrapper for animal, and white for human flesh — N. Y. Independent. At our request Cragin St Co., of Phila delphia, Pa., have promised to send any of our readers, gratis (on reoeipt of fifteen cents to pay postage), a sample of Dobbius' Electric Soap to try. Seud at once. Last April a pair of young horses ran away in tlrcen, 11. 1., with the neck yoke luuiging between them. No ons could find them. The other daw their skeletons were found in a wood seven miles from where they started. The 1 Mines, harness and nook yoke showed that they were caught fast in the brush, aud had starved after eating everything within their roach, Tbc (treat Vltled. Nufaody doubts Uiat danger larks behind a cough or oold. How to euro three forerunners of ouiwuuipuou ha* bean the only (|uesUou. it la a qn aUou no longer. It Is triamphauUy answered every day end every hour, by the heneflcisl aud aatonMhliig elfocu of Hale's Honey of llurebonud and Tar Take In Ume This preparation la a specific for every disease of Uie luuga lending In a fatal laaue. * Hold by all druggists. Pike * Toothache Hropa cure in one minute 1) u rang * ltheumatic llemmly will moat posit vely cure any oaea of rbeurmatlam, gout, neuralg a or lumbago on the face of the earth, no tu*Uer of how l ing standing it la taken internally, the only way the disease can he rearhod, and cures quickly and permanently. Pftoo, one duller a buttle. For eats by wholesale and retail druggists everywhere. FOB A HOLIDAY FitKHKNT notb tug would give aled f so tnwa as.lsfaction as a sol of PAKIbIAN HIAMdNUS. They ero worn by the HUr of New York kty, end oeunot be told from the real gesn Handsomely set In eighteen -carat gold, after ho leieat Pans aiyiea. i rryaroaul 1 at Aguro** j low that every .me can puichaee a eel for k holidty j rresnl Hend lo lltitaphrof'a, 77 itruadway, New York, for samj.le* cf dtamund* aud catalogue of prtoee. There can tie no una lake kUiut it. " Matcblees " plug tubaeoo Lakes Uie lead. Old Que cut chew era say it glvee t .oiler satisfaction and la cheaper than due out. Yuu cannot he im posed upon, as each plug ha* the winds "Match P T. Co." on a wouden tag. Try It onra and you mil always chew it Manufaclurod hy the Piuueer Tobacco Company, New Yurk A I nlterwoJ Kraitdj. " brown * bronchial Troches " for ooughs, colds and bronchial affreturns ataud ffrat in pubhc favor and conftdence; this result haa been acquired by a 'est of many years If jour hornt) • laxue, aore or you *buuld una Job: son'* Anudyuo T - trZTbl Waah the part with caeUte soap aud warm water, rub dry with a clean elo'h. than apply the liniment; rub lu well with the hand. Have tho readers of tiii* paper ever used auy of Parouu's Purgative Puis ? If not. why not? Tf-*y aro the heat fanny phyate. bewide* being the groaUat auU-bl luu* romedy there la in this oountry. Ht LP rott Hakh Timkn —liaad the Alvorusemoul alaewbero on this subject. You oaniiot eipond a email auu just now hatter than to get tha help there offered. INTFVTORH, PFNHION AND BO I'NTT I Haiiasals. stkualc snu Oat X HibuksM A Oa, 1 tar's (us' - Palouls, Land Unas, Viilliwl.s. t>. C A Islsablr tstfl. Mr an wfU|iuM vrilk (he I utilisan, n ill M r.d *> i nalwiut inn lwnas a •sjßi-.r Casks** uf 1 rseslM Hslow (res .< 2aaal tcsn-f f. - ** **• Thar sr* logklr ejuset. InawUfwl. sed MS. j U*in!*rr*d n. u) suss n- lau'sn as. acu* Uw uMni noaanrui tninuaw A**ess waeind. J U PATTkA A OU . 11l If WiUiata Mas. Ms* Turk A PEICKI.KMI EX TEAM Ah urBTIPIC AND BEAC iIFIEA OP Tin KtS. • 1 TLKNN'B Sulphur Soap. A* a fco.<3dj for DoutAZEs, Sosaa, Abramoxi and Koi'oiimb* of the bEIK; aa a dersJeriaer, <U*%nf*eUint , and mean* of preventing and curing e Hbeumeliam and Qoul; and aa an Awrxcr of toe Toilet and tue Bath, "Guint't Bcuvrr* 'AOAF" h tMcotniiarably the beet article ever offered to the American public. The Complexion is not onlj freed from it lea. and all other blemishes by it* uar, but acquires a teaks sheet DELICACT ail.l VELVET! f .FTVMS through the clarifying and - tsoliient action of this wholesome beacti- FOtE. The contraction of obnoxious die eases ia prevented. and the complete disinfection of clothing worn by per sons afflicted with muadiu* it insured by it Families and I'm t ELERS provided with this admit able purifier DAVE AT HASD THE MAIM i p.s. FtrtAL or A SERIES or Sulphur Bathe. Dandruff u removed, the hair tcuincd, and groyne** retarded try it 'MEDICAL MKX ADVOCATE ITS cam. Pticrjt. 25 Ann 50 CENTS PER CASE, I'EK Box.(l CAKEa,iat)c. and #1.30. N.B. TXn Is Kmmmmj ta bajtas ths tars* oakaa. " Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye," Black er Brown, GO Cents llCWtßM,hir,ltokki.U IJard TNOMM One ETKI, or J Quart of WHUS^ litre or 3 Pints of CORN, or 2 Quarts of ti22 POT AIDES, or 1 r.UUIAOF, or S Pints Mil JLor 1 j Ounce BUTTER, Ilsrd T.w or 2 feet of WOOD, or £ IK of liar ! iitnaa 1 Hard TW SUOAR, or * Ounoo TEA. or one liITl tSU P. O. STAMP, AS rod or produced L&SJW UNCI: A WEEK Hard Tun— lUrd Twos* WIIJ. DO IT. ItwaTlßm gigs Beautiful Valuable, - • ■ Cbeap. Hard Tta— 1 lumtS: For City, Village, Hard Tut*— and Country. Ilud T.ows * ; Doe ol tHe Best Helps far tliese Hard Tun— r ' •* _ _ __ _ Eg Hard Times i'wl ta to Exrudi Hard Tun— Half a Cent a Day ltar.l TIBSM Hsrrt Tlmos TO® TBS RST, PtSIU. PILSCTUSI. tS- Hsrd "> unoo rrnunoi, saovisu tow rr> otr sou Hard **"* o*a's wroaa. TM> bow TO Sill Htrd VtmZ i MimT or si' lurcstrr*. 51-1T ,m ~ RowtMTt olss ran an* now sowars. si so n>rd ins— Hard Tim— uttJ* r*l many r—iljr prhrbcala—ful Hsrd Timo. tnnu sod •nsswoOcsis so arcs i>uoD is Hsrd maxsTjos. )ot tbaso Mows. so ia ItsjJ Tim., tost moi rslasMo Msemsiso. tho AMUSl ttsrd Tims! ' t rt-aisT. that nsmsd bo llud TISM muo firwd atsrtod. 8b rsart sf. ss s rsrsi IIIjTVI"" Jjoanwl. bui aowr grwsUr ooisnfod sod Hsrd Tinas wtspiod K miI awl lb* wrsots of Hsr.tT.nM* jrirrf FAMILY, oworr MAS. WOMAN [jjj* I' m — sod >lllljr. is isrd Tir.,s < ITY.TII.I.AIiR. sad (Ot NTS V. lard Tim— Isrd tSI • Prso nuratwr snouias 4 4 ts*s doabls tsr l Tins -ctst-o pscs. f all >4 ths host orunsl fh !srd Tlmss 'V SEI.ISBIA sod Isnt T.nips rscSTWoaniT pmiMmd b, s isrfp foms IsH Tvmst '' rrset'esi. wnrtmc • snd Isrd Tours W'Wnsn, who Snow whst l!s( writs shoot tsrd Tinir, EVtMRMr s fosr srs a]Madod lospstbsr- Isrd T.mos ,a * an ' l l"^l r ">S Js th Aiod of mfnr Isrd T.tnss 'notion Ihsl sssrj ,w amts SOU i" TOO lord ! fins! J sisrolsd I'naraw Ins*, flsssins •arti i mi— . . , lartl l im— mn <* inatrurU—. a— gin in aacb rrJaxa#, Jsrd Tmiss win, mors thsn s Thtvoasod I oinmnt of td Tinso nssT asra onsinsl rssdns *m tho Isrd T,u,s 11 OUST hold, for ths YiUsso or ftl| liud Tinin r ®"'' ,or ths t.nrdrn, for lbs Faras, HstdTimss f ths Mrrhsnir. for *bo Mrrrsa, [lsrj IJ mrs ill* or I'rolrsslonsl msn hartac ths Hsrd Timor . , . ... 6, r.l T.tnss SOMIIOSI plot of (ronod. or if hs hss ooao. srd T.mss ! f,n his fsaiilr. insloillns ths IstUs Pooplo, srd Ttmas llsrdTimoft An tonosnso Clrsnlsiioo so dlridss tho !£;! oost of ssthonns usoful inforrastion, of {lord Tliss oosrswwer. ■** . Ahst tho Ihsbhshsrs aaa *J srd T'mss tupplr this MUST TsLt'ssiA roi'AwsL for Hsrd T.mss 41 W S rssr. post psld. or four copiss for Ilsrd T.mos fit to, or ion oopios for llt Smsls nom- Hsrd Timss ****' " MU ssrh. Yolums 36 is just isrd T.mss bostnmns Isrd Timo You wul 111 It wrlll PAY ws*ll. Isrd T.mos It will holp oat tho hsrd tunes. Tho east Isrd Tlmos " '*** thlul " UL * A C *" T 1 DAT ' * B ' ltri Isrd Tlmos htf work, produesd or ssrsd, will ps.r lord Tlmos for it. so srtjj o sosrt of Whoot s wisk.sr Isrd Timss • puns of Corn, or I nasrts of or I isrd Timss 1 flstihiso, or I pints of Milk, or U4 Ilsrd T.issw "unrtu of Bntlor, or I loot of Wand, or If Ilsrd Tlmos lb. of Hufsr, or H oans* of TVs, <* IP. Q. y *rd Tlmos Ittsmp. s work Hsrd T.m.w Hsr.l Times Msko oirs of Ihsss sstsll sswinei or llsld liSHs " , ' rl> fwod notions, sad snppb jroCTUsIf Hsrd T.mos snd fsmihr *>th Yol. 66 of AMtßtcsa Hsrtl Timss Asuril.TTßisT It will psT. Tsr IT. iu"! T!m2 ottl * ll ® * **** ln u,rAnML T|m~ ORANf-E JI DII CO., Publishers. HIMWI Vunaa. f45 linxiuiwajr, New YoriL "mcsmdaimaw °* A ■MnMna ca— r>nt*mirvic ranom Knutlif and IjUVVttTjvwt for ATsL nWlllOoMFLAanrt; th rtraa a— swrtoibr ianUfle. and in full aceonl with Uio fbrtnui— AITN PRACTICE of tho nu*t omlnont and *uc mmful phrtiatina of Kuronn and Amra, accon>ponwl bjr a ne&l Uiok d—cri)in FTMAUR OoWtAIMTI OULf, •a—fully and dotailina* ynipiom b* ah.ah each dm— ma/ dtatmi'Ujr be rocoirniMMl. with full and axpliclt dSrectuma for Ihe u— of the nropar remodi— hidieated, eo ayat—niMtl and aimpliMd that n— oan fail to underwt.'tnd For airrujar oait IIIU.k full paction lara. addre— oreaj) l>n J iIKNSIsKK K\K, |||sH ►' Awnna Brnuklm K. D s"ew York. CATARRH SORELY AFFLIOTED. J. ft Jfanrora 4 Q.. Jr, <JW. OenlleMbea, Frt>pie,s br 1 i.ciutf for ttut eAleted ,Hh i etetrh I wtei. to .|<l ml trslliuoiiy In behalf vf bee. roan's luiMGot. <OM boa Lareßaa 1 tin's (m eomly nftt.l'l with Ui fearful disease for fb'years, BBS l.l'tl iJ trwjr kn no remedy without stall. Bftlll Ibmitrbte botllxof lli* Bb'Uie Ct'Bß from > 'U, Milch save me almost I net wit reUsf It be ins s GOV MiteUonai s* wall u * torsi rrmaciyl balleealt to ail that Is claims* for It. s lUdicai Cure for Catarrh. Vary truly youre. 111. AMKtTvZT i>aaraa, Sept. ft, iwi. With Jsaaoa. Film AC*. GREATLY AFFLICTED. Meter, J. O. JBCWnrlh 4 (Jr.. fimMf f llwlhsw. I Uk* clssstirslß rrr ..mmeudlagha m.an * Itiproei. < t'HB aB < *rBHU t > SM eh<> iraaAlcted Wltb WW disssss. I*aa n reatl r sfltlr trd trlik it for s lo tUss, Slid raced It wHb two l.uillae of lbs Share eras. A boat s tew after, ei !• I wa* Sf tin taken With Ca tarrh <iuitee.tr ersly. ami immediate iy earn foe aaother buttle, which flird roe all rleht.atriagms reMafkwea the Brat does. Lan roaSdrnt IBM this remedy will Bo all that la rlaimed for It. sad more too. Wlehlnf yos eucesas la lis iatrodurUoh, 1 an. t mbw, literal Oct t. IfTS *" of/mllk AOoU. TRIED EVERYTHIHO. Jfaaere. J. 0 ftowrd 4 OK. Anwar. CM.' Penile men. - I bees used ii'iinu'i Kn>ieaL fcas row Cat aaaa. sad It has fleas penert eatnfaetlea. I haea triad alnuel rrrrftbloa. aad II la the only thlßf that has fteaa ma relief. I therefore labs ell BBS re la ret ,i!.iuadia Iu use to all adllrtad with Catarrh of , kU,d - Oawemß.rttcl. wit Each par ban* roatalea Saafnrd'a Impraead lahollaf Tola, with ftTl dirceaioua for a*' la all raaae. Prloa. (i a) par pa--tan r TOT sale bv all Wholesale aad Jan tali UIUTTMT Itroocfcoai lbs Lolled plains. WEEK* a puTrril. tnsasrei Aftnu aad Whoiaaaia Druggists, COLLINS* VOLTAIC PLASTERS, Afford tho mot grateful relief in ill Affections of the Chest and Lungs. CHRONIC PLEURISY CURED/ Messrs Wart ■ A PoTPBB; •neniiemra list ine lot it.any months past saffarad with a eery fameatda.railed by aty pbymelaa CkraaM Plaariay. caaatd by a former ttjury aad strata, aabiaf which I need u.any praecripuoaa sod liu weu. as wall a li t so called rbuamerie caraa, wltteel Ut Mm be;.rSt. my pi jelc.w. .•. < mtitmdt d e*e of yoar Cote ' '-*•• 1 -" a T ir —1 btilrh It nif eisal taimlai. raiteeed iho pals aad aoreuaaa eiibuat Immediate;/, aad I haea hero able w aiaea4 to my bo see Bold at fatrt etrr alaco with prifr. i ease soil romfan. whora- PMM before the spam alloc of j .*r UealaaMa elan i r was er,iraly able to d-, anything. I coasidcr them • Ltttlmai.U aasahai alts pis astern rt-reauenad theio UI IBs etttclcd. V our* I oaprrl.'uUy. Mrs PMA.SbCh AaAKULAF. OiLaBL. Me.. April Si. IfU. There It a# uadlral OR J.mtnrtlee araiiaaar thai wuiprareaofratnfoi aad elfecuve U TlWU>iOoaaML Irntattoa aud horeaoee .f ibe Cbaet aad l.uana ballets lham capable of pn tn.ue ear to as diseases of I baas or* ana. Pile*, H tSLU. bold by ail drtinaisei. e.iio oa raatdiH . f price, * ream FU oea. jl L f,, aliToTll n OFFICIAL HISTORY Of THE El UNTEN'L EXHIBITION h sella faatar than ear eUw baafc. Own Banal aoM SB supine ll uaa day Tt.n la lbs uoiy ealhaolir aad mm.plnu ueoi puidtaand bead Bartmraima teems Be Am ate heriuaai Kaiaaaiino On. Plelebulßliii. Fa. A LUCRATIVE BUBINESB. •W Wt WANT 800 MONK FIftAT-CLASS • CWINC MACHINE ACCNTI, ANO 800 MENOFENEKCV AND ADIUTV TO LEARN THE BUBINEEEOF BELLINC BEWINC MA CHI NIB. COMPENSATION LIBERAL, BUT V ARVINC ACCOROINC TO ABIUTV, CHAR ACTER AND QUAUFICATIONB OF THE ACENT. FOR PARTICULARS. AOOREBB Wilson SefiD£ Waohiiip Co., CtaL W A ta Ua.TiT.ltr Trt. trlrt grtaatt U. DU. W ARNER*? lE.4LTH CORSET. A ttfc Mklrt Mamwlar ul fim Nrlf- A djaaa ta Fait. ■ *J Secwa llulti and CoirroitT of KJ Body wtfh (rurtUKl Bbal-tt af ** Tltrra trammta in com. ~ A Approrrd tyr u i b|M<Mtia. ; v* aiikntn wanted, valUflE.iiaA Nui:p>Ml>F mU. la t'RRtII.SI; 1 /VBTViT 11 . To Afmu at / >l* i A VI * r "" u i***- Ofdrr aiin two I I 'fte/ I '>* Mnallw thno run bwb urr ortr He drew. :f tifNf Im. 7*3 BfM4Rvr,N.T *-*•' i *— iii in ii imiß rod > BORRENTO ABB IRUIO BBC For AaMMtrt.kt ArtbarllM #m A A piMttsd BRUsfJ <f v-rUi^W MM. I tnrtoat. PnlNtux. lak \wn Inaattfal t'ntMni vtaru, (R9BRTw "<*• •*' prtaacif Look. TPo- VBPdftrf (ullrkaaad la aiaatMi FOrkla ! rarolpt of mSL!* SB J. >M!I wKkWBU*. PabNNor. Ulnk.it. CMP GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO A6EN B. NEW WILUV A A UIBM AUTOMATIC InhM - 3: IJYV^s Ttb*' Maik to bast l • mmCtl SILIINT SEWING MACIeNE. Bet/ Vaaul Card for HlsttrUad Prica I*l uX. Willcox & Gilibs S. tCbr. Bond BL I CM Kr.mdway. Hp Vara. P E SYRUP U V I A N Y-'rotn a I*hyJ<ton. Norm HIM r.ne.tt . Feb MM lt . MCTH W PUWLK k ftONS.tantau. MM : UwiUrtara-Yon maj perbapa i—h'tUtai I wroan pow narnrml iU • rntnrd ta tb una af tha Put run Btmrr tar my vita, who nr ntfannw from fwrnl datnbty. tba aaoaaoen of Typhoid Dottac* 1 had triad Um moat Mad pbln ia thi Wad*. u4 ttao ta Canada, without IwlMf At ywwmandrliw aha (oamoMd tta uaa at tb* Apt Bam tour MHa mad* bat bula itnpt*mi ai. bat rb takin UM ftflfc Mm bwpat> to hnpww rapidly. aad so* altar name Ml of Lba dollar liottlro ab* roaauaad br aaoctb aad m able ta do moat of U wort about Urn bona aad I fal that I can mo apart too fetchl* ta pram*. Fwrta* Itncr I bar* praarnbad it to amoral. my patwata, aad baa* procured UM aala of aorwal dmna of it horo. You ear maka any of th* lattor thafoo mar aaa ftt. # Yoaia ran truly. < BRLUKK. V. IX THE PERDM STROP Drtpapc.a. Lirar Comjaint. Dropny. Chronic Dutrrhra. Boil*. Harray Affection*. ChiUf and Fewt, Humor Low of Oonyfcru liotutl Vigor. Dioswo of lha Kidaay* and Biaddtir, Fatal# Complaint*. AND A I*l * ID IS EASES ORIC.IXJ'CfU Of A Bad State f the Blood, UK A<C*JTAJLTT> T Density, or a Lor State ol tbe Systan mu W. R CHISHCIM. M D. of Now Radford. -1 ha** aropl.ijrwd UM*tutma ftTnrr tooc vafaQy ta aaaaa of nyapapaaa. C 1""" IHarrbaa, Nai ■ ia. DniiUi. tr. JtauraUna, Krywpala I l < and diaaaaaa ct tf. Skin, alao Chiuroan. Irnoor>r*. Cw.' sKti in Fkanaia ( Vwnplainla aairal.r. At an altoratitf icniy th: Sfrup oapbt ta ba uat br clansman, rditora, aaahiart, alarka. lawyara, and ot>* who ua* tbalr braina mora than t hair m uarlaa, aa rll aa oparaurm, printer*, tailor*, aboatnakart, aaaaatrar*. and all thoa* wtancw ooenpa lion oonflnaa thmt i ill ranUlatad and oaar-hr-i*d ronma. who ara Uabla I anlfar mora or 1M from Stiooi Oability '* P E SFRUP U V I A N MIRIDEN CUTLERY CO. deceived the HICHEBT CENTENNIAL PRIZE. ■■ "PATBXT ITOBT" HINDU TABLE Brae*MHMUBLE CUTLERY. mil guitar* M the.TT ARPJtty HKK ll.^DLg. TrdMrk '"MI-|m>KNCl7TUtfeY^DO. ,, <>nthe blede. Werrwrtgd ead eold&y iffl Dnehrifa Ci.aTAl Ui the MKJUDKK CI TI.EH V CO., 4 Ckusken btreeu Newlurk. ■mowraanm. ea, Smwa be mamsatri. Aaaemtne By eeS r m. aaeate ii laliii, laßbeami* Ml tm, Wfta.fa AGENTS mWft&KZXJZI? * "• l o s~es to <2O sl2 $5 sgnvaHft .jaw HEVOLVERS $2,5 m, v. rr avijßtftcinc. w.w. aaas AGENTS S3SQ MH AT< net. A finm Maaeaiimt Sampt. 5 T McffS AAA A MOfTlfc haßaiaadtrweahaa ajptjteaa 580 WAR A MWFA Una la sail ta Marrhaata *ft> WAWTED AAA Al* l' hy one Atreut la day. M now laa. hamploe free. Addreee. W WOT C. ■. UHMTOI. t hlrafa. riRM MtAJWL Bead oa eat lamp Baete sal \T ehitaan IbebMl,Ma,feabii f.rral fea mea. all a.pi si biw PfOba < aui.m fra. Oown atatai. (Jftuieo VA.TT! Saaana htmai. Kan Tkl n Wa will Mast pan la a binlanm ytm aab " ' kW, wahsuborn sapehU. la Mo^garCTTSiT^ I MKKIi UirT VOU TJIK IIOUUk)n! fhili itipitee Luk In llh For ir,(l arftam S^KftL'Attatra-fiK! $lO i 25 rLXir^r,^ JB.LjT..ASf U i BUMS; ss3wa. *esT* tiaita. UabbaF'a leewai Maak af aad IWiwatuwie Bo the Wortuoa A _ n a Oambbaw wMbart a Mbf Secrets! f I \kt. AtFirrH"* FAJkILV PSSYMHEAA. I PiF.iiffiS{SEsKs j *a £bow-Eoom MUGffMC t*ou*j**L %it—itdti iKuiM tmk mtf hummmm , 4mturn II W,aMiDi4 it IW. r -,C4..-. .. wM •R—'l m—mi* I*l*4** Ttrroi# mm! ..nulir. ?jn a. t Tf>D4HT t€XJ . Ta * , WrtU. FLORIDA SMWWERIBPW PILDMGNT ATB I.ihi fab tW iWu << inaa • <|<ucfe TW faadhi ffi—V ?'• G —***^*^* > * r * ** mn '- ■•■ I6ENTS m. Tim m >inli ■"* Jaa mwi ana aai m aar*L i tsSaa*JSCCK" A &i* w*? ♦. MSk JtotWKL MaW Ca M M| flDfc Si"^aiE? i aag s fauimirjW/brMfMMrNMceaMi 5?52 sgiraffi WSS6 MRBHJRiMfcLsrL'.tUiLS.V'iti rJI °MT'' IHi i—i vkaaaliataar ■•;*' iTT-*- : * 11 Alb rtreelara arat frre ooaa> A BOOK tar the MILLION. MEDICAL ADVICE Lfrr. 1 ?-"..-'- T o I* *-;> "Mb fkiaai.. tat Lou*. Ml WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN OOUD t Tba K;,jn tUoBMr Ki tana -j .abnr Nnrtiaa nita -• Oil Lamp* nHmll Itlr Tiwt r*ao 4 M dtode. CUM tw a.. I tuV Lamina wtaHAeO* ;a.ki r- if Jimrxkl. banian or am*! Patriot U>|M fw. Niied to net addmaa h* JH) nam, id all U. A too Aamita. ■•)• and faauW. osntael ' £>Vls£K MANCT ACTVEWG CX>. Cfmoo-tt-O hmw BOOK,GREAT CENTENNIAL W&HSgfSSfc Iw QOM or* IIOiMKMlO) ..> irntH •khdvi;-.. t> pw, MMMMtifai AfeoM or *. ,-uir, irn-m# iofwi Mtw ■Bfrnngv * .4fNAMi sCnirtMwlpMSifrfc - y r>TRT.C iu.i"w. ',4 Liin. ane •rll-InLIBc f. tlilinc jnure. fD3fiaEfff . Sls SHOT GUN A taot . • taml r* war frnni antua laaia VIIMM •VOUM tt Nmli. Ml a r*nt akaotar a* uu 1U Flut I L'l m 4 At 1W far fit. tan ta ml C.O t ant* pm .lap* t* ranati*' Wf.w* mnu hit] Kaad aMmpfar AniMriaF 1 roWitLL * aOV.CmoMmmSTo. The Itraß Tnaa at bdaß ■WrTTNrJBX Until flaiWM* aaar tanmLad S. n .fi)sl il *• banOHM aUua of a oar a. vN lata ra.iaaTram, bat a roar aataa of • amf"ttiiib. an. cat* and aAMaeWr aaah .. J *- WaarUJtaMahaaTSSl %# MF fall ffire for all that du m ana. Ava,iaß.L/j hrhakaA. . ntati. laaa pant, oa eataaal of prira Jf B -Th Traaa wtu. rraa nam K upturn, tbaa anv of ta a* far atuab Mtraanta tHtlirf* *~ twfi '>malaia fan roitBOTTEVM OSTrUI braadov. SoarTaat :•> .OT FOR *tiEM*-THB Exposition iti>rßißni AND ILI.I MTRATED. A (rai- 1 i- prrj fur* of rta btaMT. craad baihltaa*. ntdofti .i .it ita. i aiaalftiia, ami ca/a. ate I*TO *arl. 11 ja.alrd. tbnrencii i ;-polar, and . or. ;W. n. If arlloj -mawo-nlj S.tHJO It an ntM janimlara Ttda u thn rhaarr af 100 oar *R? Seaajn fit , Phila.t. Pa . and taprtacOrld. Maaa n A ITTI nK Bant*dawned bvptotaMarahooka v/* U A AUIA aa - tr.ittt la bo .=ciaV ao! ML *n a WiE hiwan n Aaaaaa and farplt labrr. THE BEST PAPER —B THB— ngai m a ranr. and lAr far poWot*. wfll aamna Best Star and Finutf Paper itJSS'jsr-teYR.a sains Kurd UM mmat Addraar THE LEDGER, Chicago, Illinois. 3STIUW SUNDAY MAGAZINE, HOWHHIIBNI BT TIL REV. DR. DEEMS. lfombM 1 of Una naw pnhbe.Uon few January, 1*77. ia furl uaoad. It ia dewurnad u- faraiaK to tho a -n-ral raadar articlaa written with ahibty. and of an tmtaUuk ablf taluram. tana, upon all aubjeeta aad tepea of hioaan talawi Rabracms Hirtary. Pbdoanpbr. Art. Bairwo*. B "art ofay. M inucTt'i.t . r and arao '.ua tt. Bibla. a* it a Ri rwtlad Word of tk>d. our Hajcari s ftthor. .hall tu> tb* foundabou atone upon which tap M X bar Mao - tot reeta. PUarty ftaa from anything enroling of MK-taruiitrin, and rrcuguiting ttic t,ro*d"t human,tjr, whiterer • aula ta Um rlaratxm at tb. Brother!: -•1 of Man. wdl • .wna •rithia tlir aoopa of IU columna; and, in Una as pact cf IM .mataut. tbafamilr and tbr bravida .ball bo the obfoot of M LESLIE'S SWT MMUK 111 eoaduricti BF th® HT. Dr. IWir?*. of THF Church OT IB® StftMin AN ahlr n OAPWRTENCRD C I.tor. AND A IYBUNBUI UntlU?'llflh*l >OT htS CHA-LTI-AU TIRTUO®, UD for HIT I INFLUENCE in both ®TXAL aiut R®^ W T.IIS eircl®*. TH® intention I to PRODUCE a puriovtlcs) IVMIEH thull b® "Worth Much and Cost Littlo." It ia profusely i'loatratwd bj tlroienara ami art:.l. of tb* biwnaat swdrr of mont, and will ba publiabod on tba ft rat ol aran month ai th" "leaollnjrlr low nrtro of S2.lK> P<* annum It eoot.ms lv! 8 puroa of onw-a* itnea ana cloaalr printed matter. Aak po :r newadealar for it, or aand 3fU ce.Ua for aaauplo copy. Addrear Frank Leslie's Publishing Ho.se, 831 Pcurl fitrarl, N'•/ e or AATXTB WJLXTEP Srtrm Tenia TO Ctuoiiu i ASP TtatCIUCKS. ~N7Y.N. I. N.I. si. WHBft WIITim T® AOYKKTINKRw, pint** rat tbn: www MW th" adirribe, aan) Is* 'tb ••
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