. i. w' il n.. ■.iw Ceatrc* Eeporttf. KURTZ iilTul c liIU, Pit., Jru- ••, 1877 ror. x. V. h this issue the CsK-ceK Bki<UKTXR en:, it- 10th volume. In the past nine y.- -we have endeavored lo make the K* vriet one of the best Journals in the c* itv our rapidly incr, .sing list of tar .hers shows that our labors buvo be appreciated hv the people of t'er tre. -..lity, ottr large list —si ond t*v none in ;hi Cl mvty —being the t>c>tevidMuw of th* *!v. i that the BUMITUI m<n.4t with ft- lie puhlis. Tlioaa who huvw hvor ii M iih their support hava out heart (pp mks, hoping they may extend to ys time in U.v tuture aa in U.o pa*.' V ..ewe shall endeavor to make U.I y .in ~t additional intcrort aid •c to all. Nr\% Yrl#ll Ui# it4vU p IS HHTL WHtUri OflN USJ't'kllili. i: o PUtshorg I'lstaxpie^eswurvivw. wl.itv .1 says Uiat Mm t*H*t . he, k v mp. tax is the luasl most i lexing, anJ meanaat of the legal d ent and paper stanij txw, til m nb.: , with this exception, hava beet r ivied. It* aalfimposiJ it.', ive< the infliction of c. :.d snuoyaiivar ni>ou about out M M million of our cintaut. and it ther an "uumitigateil nuisance. 1 t member, Col. Mackey, we trust v ve this reform matter prompt at t, . n.-inddoalliu hi# power to kill t -tame, and obtaiu live thanks , f \ 1( , coiisUlueucy. ' i >u>e cointiiitlvO has louiul u,ut w h - hull-doicrs' iu the southern ► w ere. In another column of the *. we furnish a specimau ol tha e to given before the commiUoe. •c sol negroes give evidence of a !I kind, and the testimony from ; w old nil several issues of the > ,r. Read the sample we pnut i ssite. .> some ult of" th* ScuaU- aleet '.r. Wheeler Vice President if Mr -hould l*o doelaied I'iosident. . suggested as a eouipromise. - nothing to ivmproiuiae in this if Mr. Tilden is fairly elected V . lent, then Hendricks is just as eli in Vice President, and Mr. !er would simply be a usurper in ng the )>oeiiion. If there it auy of houor about Mr. Wheeler, he i corn to lake the Vice Proaiden- Mr. tilden is entitled to the Prcsi , i.air. We detuai.d as much for i vlrieks as we do for Tildea re entitled to the w holo hog or Roth the democratic candidates f.iirly elected and the men who *e i them will kuow how to uiake vi .oo respected. c I- nisiana investigating cOuuuit i • demanded from tho Western telegraph com puny thedispaUl.c Cl.ar.dler, Cam,;on A l*o., to in*l his confederates during the • •ntiitl muddle. '1 he telegraph v iy stoutly refases to deliver these • -. a cleat evidence that there r,ler>* from Washington sent to aspirators in the three soaihern . i > count out Tilden right or t he democratic IcaJers, on the i hand, have expressed a willing t.i have all their despatches shown ii these radical lssders sent orders i.e w ires that are all right ami of I. they are not ashamed, why re e iet them come out to the public These despatches it they are . I.e*t by the power of the house, will •i a new pot of radical iniquity cou rt *v,th the etfort to cheat Mi. Til ut of the preaidenr y .ilea the First was beheaded be lie .iisiegarded the will of thepeo ,.l ..mi carried oat his own arbitrary where he knew Lis sulgeeta disnp .dof hiaacta. Charles waa a king i' -t hiscrowund bawd, What else r;.:.t doing? He attempte to decide . • K-nt.al election by the bayonet, he would hare it, and in disre ' a large of the popular . . l*etorl vote. When told that the no. Court hud decided against his doingthe thing, he replies"datnn ... -tipretue Court," and many of hi# .ovv that he has the suoie regard . !..Constitution ho Hxs for the i- r< u.c* Court, (irant should retnem • :ja; lie is siinply the servant of the V i an people and not their master, that kings have lost their crowns I ... ii their heads for -.nly going half r ' i jhe has gone. DOZSMB Ob THE MEVOLU TIOS. i?7> a :.*et of yankees tried to Lull '■corge the Third, and laid the : ii|x.'ii him in something like the II g style, which wc do not wish ulical reader to suppose is a dig at ( ant: H<- has dissolved representative repeatedly lor oppewing with ■y firmnt-iJH his invasiuos of thc (■* of the people. ii< hn.s created a multitude of new of f , an<J =ent hither sWaims of officers t haras* our people and eat out their t ' -tance. He ha kept among us in times of i .*.' standing armies without the con of our fsrgislatures. fie has affected to render the military . ..'lvpendent of and superior to the civil j.ower. "••r quartering large bodies of armed UHRg us. • For abolishing the free system of i I'li.-h laws in u neighboring province, * tilishing therein an arbitrary gov 'i ent. Grant says he don't care a d—n for <!;<• ( institution, we suppose for the reason that the Constitution damns ah his acts. .Murrat. Duuton a {id KoLespiere—what th.eso Jacobins were to France, during t: " ever memorable revolution of 08, guiity of the greatest crimes against < >od and their fellow citizens and inaugural i::" a devil's reign in Paris, the Came rons, Grants and Chandlers are to'ihe Vi ted States at this time. They have 1 ted revolution—conspired to defeat t clearly spoken will of the people in t . presidential election, they would kindle the tires of civil war and deluge tin land with blood, so they might i 'c and reign as did the Jacobins of I ce. The fate of Robespierre is deserv c i i>y some of our American Jacobins. : February, 1801, when tlifc of 1 presentativea was engaged in the choice of a President, they were in ses sion almost two weeks before Burr gave iu and Jefferson was chosen. The ses t un is recorded under one date, and no recognition of the lapse of time appears o:i the journal. in his latest say seeir.stotiiinktfcflt a n< w election shou.d be held for presi dent, the p-. asident of the senate to net as resident in the mean time. Willi* was the matter spirit iu the tad icnl Louisiana returning hoard to stcsl the electors for Hayta lie hat u little tlaun that he expo ted would 1> paid at his reward fhr the pari he took iu count ing in Hayes. 11 ntlomun thouUi get into the white house Here is the whole secret- Wells admitted that he haJ a *laiuiof S4OOOOO foi piupcitv det troyed during tlie vvai, and that Ins' nephew and nieces had a elaim *-l the situe kind for over f'.*oo,iKiO He taid that alien hv read Mi I'lideii's billet lie tic ught they would have u viiy slim chaiKC to get their claims through H the IVmov rats should mine in. Ik -thought b.ivvcwi, that Mr. Tildcn's letter did uot prevent hitu flolu doing his duty. Now Wi|fouid like to hiatl a st.lieA fioni the I oyrist. vvu ki.i/ulli J other radical ctgaiwt, about TiLlou |iayiu| southern claiuit. A despatch from New Orloaue. ol A3 ult , ajl Tilt IIOUM CL U.TJ.iIUe SSISBCD the aoivonl wi*ek of their lavusUgnilou with splendid results It it almost iiup**ei hie for those ,vta.duUiuv. rel) luge a tl.i disconnected ecrups of testimony nut l.v telegraph to the uewspaparw o lafcc in the full scope and plaa of U.c loin untteu's work, or of the flvesub tvmuul tee* into which it lias becu divided, lliat outaide localities may In met We. I and tiwlimottv uikeii at the wem of the -I liged violence and intimidation, the nS ole ground will be oovr*l hv thv House Commit leas and a thorough in vcsUgatiob made into evert pi act set and puritli thrown out hv Wells' ftar.l Ike story of Etna PisXetou will lv tia.ed to il* origiu, and the gwllt of the iliveuliou faelelied ou tome of the Utldi val Si alls wag# about the vUkti'Ui hwuae No one here is to bold at to elaiiu that it is anything hut a falsehood froiu be ginning to eud, for which the wench Ms,a weil paid. Among the testimony •In ited bv the suh com mitt eon at Baton Rouge, tvbrevsport, Natchitoctns* and other potutt, will t>v important stnts mivnta by army officers aud aoidicrs showing the pea. cable charactoi of the iwuvaan aud oleetion, uudsailietantiating the fact that large numbers of uogrock voted for Tilden and Nichola. this point,however, hat been placed hevoud dispute by evideuce given to the com* unlive hue. by Democratic m-arois who cauvMMd the Wtate. particularly among their own race, for Tilden and Nichols. Air. Morrison's Committee baa forced the utemhwr* of the Returning Board, bv tlicir stubborn silanct* when urraici.e.l to tacitlv aeknuwiedgo their odious, frauds and compelled tl.em to show, uf tcr ample opportunity for lucid ds&si u ktmtion, their utter inability to present one single lagal or real pretext for their rejection of more than thirteen thoutund Hemocrattc votes. Tbe, total number of voles cast at the lata elaclion was 9.443.315. or about isxi.riuv) inore than in lsiTj?, and this shows about thu voting strength of the State*. For every one hundred voters that went to the polls in 1372tn*ru were out this year 131, for every 100 tiraul voter* then there were but IIS Hayes men, but wherever 100 citirens voted for ii reels v aud O'Conor, 150 caruo out for Tilden." Almost 1,UX,000 Voteawere inunsJ by the IWmoeraey. in but hve of tho thirty-eight States did the Republic cans increase tbuir majorities. A most aignifi,wnt showing is incidentally made - that the change of one vote in every 150 cast in California, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oregon and South Carolina, would have added tw electors to Tildcn'sfou.es. And in view of thu infamous outrages attempted by tho Radical leaders and thvir Southern Re turning Boards, if an election was held to-morrow, Tilden would carry thirty eight States and get at least votes if Iluye* We-rehis onponunt In deed prettv much everybody would vote for Tilden except the llVryst) ctjjte boldeniand their immediate fnondsand relations EXIT ELIZA. ca.VIIMiS BOWItTI Ut C*'T KEMEVT USE. New Orleans, l*ec. —Tho senate eommittoe devoted tile entire day in beating rebutting tesliuiouy iuregaid to Ouachita parish, iu reference to the Linkstou cusv witnesses, white and col ored, testiiicd UJ hci fjaiorit-usly bad conduct, baiug charged with infanticide, and leaving another child in a fence corner to die, also that she had been dis * barged from two planiatiuiis because all the colored women refused to stay unless she was sent away; that she was a notorious prostitute scJ unworthy of belief. Chairman Howe said he Ltd long since come to the cenritisiou tbwt nothing Eliza >*id was to Lo believed, merely because she said so, therefore there was no use iu attempting lo strengthen that opinion by such evi dence. • COUNTINCTIHE VOTE. s ALL THE IRECEDENTS ! THE RADICAL PLAN. • MODEBATE BEFVBUCJISS INIRIIXII THE • strcaTiox. Hpeeial to the S V- Herald j Washington, Dec. 2i.—There gfs con stantly increasing evidences that the un* f fair and intolerant spirit of the extreme f partisan republicans here causes a grow - ing discontent in the party in both houses.. Pretty much all the republican - members and senators came here at the beginning of the session firmlyjbelieving • that Governor Hayes was fairly ejsUed,* : and very properly determined to have ; him inaugurated. When the 7 were told 1 that the democrats would resist thissnd 1 that to make it sure it was necessary that the Vice President should count the vote, they very readiiy acquiesced in this also, because they were led to rs garil that uotas a constitutional but as ♦ imply a party question. Gradually, however, many in both houses have been led to entertain doubts whether . Governor Hayes did really carry the three disputed states, und as they are honest men, this causes them to wait for further facta. Meantime tkey have been led to investigate the precedents concerning the count of the electoral votes, and here again they ais stagger ed by tLe discovery that it boa been al ways held, und by the most distinguish ed men <Jf both houses, from Chief Jus tice Marshall down to Clay, be ward. Douglass and many others, and by the whoks republican party in three electo ral counts, that the bouses are to "ex amine" the votes, and that, with the ex ception of less tluiii half a dozen men, no one bas ever asserted that the Vice President had the rigid to count and de termine it. Under these cireuiustniices a considerable number of r. paUicai s are waiting to sec what Hie southern committees shall report what debate shall show to bo method of detcimiupg the rotfwTfc-v would like to sec thdCpuwltdaU-hfaugu rated, but they wuntjoib# cjSain ihut he is ejected, and ftAsdly com-erwition with leading dtcuoflKi bffSS convinced them that these, too, unjy 4e>irP fitif play and an honest count and tiiat then is no such factious spirit us they looked for when they eamohure. Ciraut is anxious that protber-in-Jow Casey shall be sent to the Senate from Louisiana, and John A. Logan from Illi. riois. These arc some of tiic legacies that Grant wants to leave the country at the close of his own term of of. uce. tecato?lJlainc- ha been selected a* tbc orator at the nctt commencement of the Lewiiburg University. In a moment of temporary forgctt ulaess or insanity George himself at Benezet, Elk cotinty, lost week. THE Hhl'l IU k'l.V l\hjl II ) SI u A I>EMO< A n ui 111 M.no to mi HI *i a urn in ANS New TH leant, IH< 'J'J MI. MOIIIX N committee this uuuning examined \\ in Williams (colored t, who W> IO that IN was heateu AMI SHOT AT *•* v I I .• i tim* HO I All nouming hit intention t VOTE tin iVtuiocialie ticket. lie *••> li.iviil**** D with death ami |iieveiiie.t II.IN VVIU , Neil, It 1 iiOgilll.lt Colored till Ho I 'I WRIT Feliciana "lettitied lliat lie IM* thieauued with death it IN I• lid tin I VIIK * lutii ttiket Ihe | -II IKH h* I nid HAD I V en I n lest * IT will* T an.U m I Inev < more ILUIN a v I AI 11- LOII' I It I IN u >•" I and no n win stole n in In111 ijuantttii r'loin hoth w litle ulld colon linnu i - \ kill let V Was lot tlll'il 111 W hlli ,i 1 1 11 * I.Old nun li ( I* sunt tin >o thelit- and | nni-li the perra-uator# I lw- mi. iu weie wtllppvu ft Unci* Uia iu alßdaVlt nl these la. It IU t1.% I oti m 11. on Wilin, the) liad bo t 'it* • ' hiaiing Hi w.i prevented lioui iuu.ttng hit stlida* it •*I tei u lit.l lean written > ut l> tin • di eiult Ho eiu It pi luted low <*> .* -pc. i men Reluming huti.l sflhtavii Hi .Ii milllind it a tiilti and a ti>i„*tiv an. l t.id thai he never uitde it, tlld lliat II tlejui'iit ait utterly nntim tin i ominiltce then tn>h U|i 1'..11 Flovesih hard. New Oileen* i \.lmli I iu the Returning board's connl I >* ** t* t**|*ottaihli' sitiinaiui. Mmv i-iaunii* .1 who a w oic ttial the election Ihcic w true, fall and pnueablc i 111- f dvv i escludid ou the protest ol A Vt K< mp ton and A Uillkvv, tupuhluwii kil|iivi si ts y aj.u Uuiki- 11 ■ i-p (tiled thr Stand, shuwotl s lelegisin Ir. in tin- Mayor ol litlvttlon llccUllllg I.rii.pt,-II to l*e a IVigilive fioui jUkii,i lu'iutialvi ton, W bail ha Was Umlei thtie lltdii l uiviits ft>t pt ut I i uwk Ihe foi uial in duluteulk wi-lu than klioWu to the i - in si u ti'. A not ha i iudii'iin* i.i I• i p', li t puking tgaii.kt Hurey was then slmwn 3 kf Harding ttsiliiicil that hviiiptou aud Hursay ptrjuitd Ihemst lvo* wht-ti they proleated against this poll lilackhuru't cuiuiuiltee tvaiuiiitd thoroughly thu case of l'angi|uihua, a pail of whose vote vvae rejected by iht tavsnj They found the ihargf prefer id wgtiuil this parish by the Ik-turn ing noard ailttrly and without foundation, alter examining a iiuiobri of rii>on*iblu witueksea from boti. tide* Judge Nt'W'i committee ut lirtb.n Kouge, baa examined lending Uenubli cans, * hoae testimony is ov iwhelming n* to the freeneas and fullne~ of lln: election iu the two Baton Kougca and two Kelictauas Tin y haw cv.uiiiiu <1 lOvtl Ittileit vf both (juilii- aii.l hive failed to fiud a tingle aw of uitimidu tiou. 11 cad t s committee examined iev ml witnuwen in i mddo parish > owlet Jay anil Uiade arrangement* I'd,a lull inii-Migd tion lk Mahou' ooiniuitlic will h;. u from Monroe to uiiirow A dpecial sent !o tlie I'lin a.il li. u. baton Kouge tavs il.o Hou Mil. . m- ID it tic waa at Work ihcio to .lay lln uiott iui|xirtaiit wit n i-I.* examined wa it. VI 1 ange J . Kej>ublii m ll< testified that he hail inuvi-M'l tin parish for the Kepublieans. that then wa no iiitimidation of colored Ke|>ul-li cam during the whole time of the regi* nation ur at the election or at any other time; thut iu no iuatancc were tin- trou blew in tho parish during the |asl yciu attributable to jm. lilies. Aii attempt w.ta made by Jack Archibald, a iv>lored lie publican, to raise a row. Archibald mini he acted under instructions ill doing Archibald left the poll and . .une I . • > with Lieut. Lrerduh, who mcLavoicJ i pclSUddc Sltliiss that hi aas IliltUil.iul id, am! wanted him to eh -eh: - poll Hi\V I'MJotimii N|.;i;oi- WLHK AsSAI I II I' AM' IMIMb DAI 1 D IN >Ol 111 LA |d >l.l N \ Charleston, I'ec. - tin-11 n i U.I lice arrived heteoli Wedllt rday .csuiihty heard the *kkeniug story •• JaUiis Grant. a negro of "-'i Ainhi ■ pariah, who went to the polUul ut win riae anil iaat a Democratic I allot it> was engaged in diatubutiug tic ki Is u In i au exiiled throng uji-iouihtd him shouting, and finding that they no .in Liu. to l e t}n*if victim, he ran. lut w cheeked by nun.lips of t|ui I! 1 thirsty blacks, who were bun from tl.e opposite jKiinl of tin- i. a.l Both crowds, by spreading, f nned . ring, runml v\ hich he nu iu ami india vor to find a joint through wlu< h In could break. Solomon Lyon, a negro struck hint twice on the ci wn ..f the head with a green gnui club, and In fell but jumped un and was again kn-.ked down. l)n Mir.igault callol up a ll.t mob to "kill lnm because be w.. Deuux rat," ar.d struck Liar t<• 11.< >.l s ti• Lyon shouted. "Kill Lim ' kill him ' b< lll{.,uSt dtr_d 11 .tt ' doll'l lyt him liv< and struck him on the head Ctnntr.ui to a mill dam, and clinging to tin- gra fro wing onStnurdiCi got acTos* the j • n I le asked Bel e<< a Bi MM tt. a Degress. 11 save hiru. She cast her aims about him pressed him to the gi unJ and ...mm I bun with her clothing When the u>< I . am. Up she ki (-1 tin in at bay, but .111 arm and leg protruding from the 1 ov 1- ing of her dress were horridly la. . ra ted with razors, knives, and bayonets and bruised with clubs, ihe |>tr ne gro was so badly injured that l.e has only recently left a hospital, und can not undertake to labor before six month*. < jrunl's testimony was rendered listr. ingtoallg.y tfip" pitiable e-orrohorat 1 m given to every wofd I.v ).is )ia;f-he.il< I wounds. Other witnesses testified to a like rial, of facts. THE JOIST COMMITTEE OS* Tit I ELECTORAL WHE. The Joint Committee of C'ongie-s to repoyt without delay anv measure to . - curp a coppt of fr.c j-.f. cloral vote in harfnony with tjio copstitptionuj j.;<>vi sion on the subject, was completed on 22 ult, by the announcement of the House Committee by Speaker Randall. The Joint Committee is as follows: Huust— Men*!*. Pay no of Ohio, Hunton of Virginia, Hewitt of New York, Springer of Illinois— Democrats and McL'renry of lowa, Hoar of Mnsa-> cbusgtts gp J WHIM yf Wisconsin Republi£uns. Stuatf.— Messrs. Edmund* of Ver. rnont, Morton of Indiana, I.ogun of I Hi nois, Frelioghuysen of New Jersey -Re publicans, und Thurmati of Ohio, Ba yard of Delaware, and Ran*, m <-t V.-rih Carolina—I Vmocrats. The Committees ure rompo .1 ofsoim of tLo ahlpsl {{ppnbljcanß and Demo, j crats In Congress, and they ). 111.1 liavi a God speed in their duties from every patriotic citizen. We d<> not see how they ran fail to agree on 11 measure thai will carry out the spirit of the Const it 11 tion and accord with the precedent* <>i the past eighty years of our histo ry- ASTOSISIIiJEN J <>E < II I SOL E7T TV '<>■ Washington, Pectin he* till. i'.ijii fni.s aioiier Davenport's testimony before the New York Committee yesterday that (here had la-en n full and fair election in New York City, and thai the Demo cratic increase had la-en leinforced from the Bepnbliran ranks, lias simply as tonished Zach ('handier, Hah- ami other extremists The Republican mi mhers OB the floor or the HotMf to-lay, in . pp versation spoke of it with great Mirpiise and in some instances were forced to ad nut that the same reasons would apply 10 the disputed Mates AltOgathi I With the pews from FJoridn np(l the advices from South Carolina that Hampton would probably be acknowledged Gov ernor by tbc Republicans, it hasbc. 11 .1 gloomy season for the llnycs people in Washington to-day A few month* sgo an dig .r.ll > di 1 woman, H>a n >fo i.f i- ficji men-hunt. W.i- so drunk in 11 ilullicioro tired liiut el., could not stand, an i policeman arr i- J her. Hu i.utbai.J secured her rdca*c and the incident war made nt .ciut Mhc niumiztij pvver t> lin.l. it.ioxic.iiii.e liquor ugniii Lauiy lio ri.„ f-qjnd Ivina drunk in a gutter and tl.i tl.llo 11.0 tin bund would do nothing to b:Jc her sliinr.. She was publicly flood in a police coini and (Jiscjirdv'J by fcer I'niuiiy A BftUlfiioic pojmtipißji I'oyrnJ ,1 family in an awful pligl l. Evcri mvMib.r hi. l been stricken with scarlet fever, and rlir.-c children bad died, not of the di-rnsc-, but of sCarrsfiori There wm rot.. ir.orst 1 of food in the g irrct iin.J (tytrv I.v.limbic i --tiele of furrnturo or cloibiiij bud fore been pawned. The wife was abed, linconcious, nod busbund hud stretched bimtelf op the floor to die. This case has incited an organized effort to succor the destitute persons of that city. I I.ORID V 111 i: \<> IJ RI iAN YAK i l lull w I'll IAIM 11 III• II D It \ 111 I I I I I p.i I \ l;|i V I Tt'l. M Y 1.1 ' i t i • i I ' til \ I M 1.111 . *t U till;, t 1,1 I I 111 II IN 111 l|li| I I.tvt tl II I H .1 • I 1,1 \ ill. .1.1 . ill \II li . V | lit to 1., l < . . I . I,ilh.hu . . li. Ihivml ,il., I.ii i IP Hl.Hill V -1,, 111 I ! , k. Iliad, I, 111 I. V .1-1 of ll,e Vole 11. I mil ~ 11. 11 oil.. I 11. > 11. I■ I 111, I ~1 I. 11,-. ,| t. . , 11 • I I I I 111 .1. II '• I 111.1p'1,1, I I.i . 1.l i , , 1,1, ,1 111 the < l.'lk . 111, t' 111 I.-<li> I . 1., lilt Hill, I ~I I .111 I tiii 11 11 i e>4i i. piljh . is iiv.it t-r I 111 k IV Mil ll V V I ' u1.,1 plci.tli |l,e .-llk i 1.,. n.l ,i .1 Do S. ,1.1 * I, . 't ■. .11,1 - 1 11 . i.di Hoard 1.., tni ho. . . i i, ti,, iAi i i,,.0il 11... hav, |,i l , on, In Ir.i tl,, II t'.Ui \ .ft* al I lim \ t v' 1A i ll |t < v , |i) . j lit l\ ut . RIM! ll.c * Silt 1,,1 t. \|. I,i 11, i •., it. r, I i.i id I ij i 1, I ( I V If. ! U.I I I>l I } . < Ol>l\H'.\. 11,, ' >l| ll 11.. I'..lilt ~| ll- I 0.tr.l • t.i Ii - lull,in ll*1(1 (I, . I 111- I tie 1,1 W t l**t ! i " Lite l .l* 111. ' !.,!• i .„n| judiH mill .... id, I hi* I <<tlll will fulloW 11., 41 .oljti li, alioti 11,, , oi,..|i n, to,i, yiv.utou ftatut. ut tl,. I i thi liightn' judicial till,lilc,l , ! : ' I:,I. i ~r 1,i1..1it., ii; II 11,< .. .i: , t ml.. I ut, .| - t.,t, • tl . test 11, I 10. .. lilt Will toll l* Ihcll idjll.Kciltl. I, 101 l 1.1.III! think dilfl-n title. lie divi-litr p, I, tnplollli . lie I .(Iltte . p itivriP tl.c 101 lto ,l,i ly. 11l id 'III- I ill" l latld 1,1 111, I','IIHM I .l! IC -11.1 l , i .veil in..i. tuiplpdu 'I .1 n't cmi i 11 us is Ii tin* ; ttjii i ine i ottrl" i'f South (71t.d11.i1. He lilt, I III.' priiirijd. 1n,,.|.11l i- Wi 11,,- .ill, f i ill , i . of low 11. 11l IS hit, , but , j . , otllv 111 re ■ •lit.l to Hi. , 111 l • oljli 11l 11101 l tl,, •ilttlrlii* iii I.i ,ot oi i! i rd.li II i li, t. i ul llitlli|iloti'i . It. lion ,i. | oi tl,,- , I, , - (101 l 111 llll" I'l Ito cl llic I , l-l (III*, 11, "ilou't ..lie I ,1:4 lilt, I do, ■ till llriyadti r 1., i.t ri. 1;,... i N itl ~ t jKirol ut the ,io I~| tli< I < pit 111 ,• w 1... p.". Oil till* > l'< till ,tl ltd ,P.I. 10.l I 1011-, . I lio llil , . : ,!. I . -I; Hid cot*" lot M.iti pi I i d cle t.iw- I 11. tub , .11..1 ..111 I* u : Imt -. II ■ il'.illV ,1, lee, ll nit, li.i. n. . ..•, , ollletiipt 111 lIY othel i oml ~| , .iiij.i" 1 4 lit pit i I .el toti I t.,1 . I 1. i,d vii . Hit ba, L.l 101 l I, ■ r.d .i. t th, bt ieado ry.c i.! . nnL tl.,- • i pre an 1 ouil Itl . t' titt'ii i h i ...Men,; t c Mi. t It., i • . , i, fraudulent i tat. , in n- i.d ,li . liatgi Hit 1.1. t■ fi. h,: , . . f 110 toe 1.l '.I inil in . ml, nipt f! I • .1 It . 11.l li.lt til \V 1 I -lei. I' n ion It KIM HI If V \ IKI i A I i i- • . 11, it. In - Y\ tti . i*. i >1 1*..n0. Put ( Lit ■ I 11, Ri tell > t (' UI , - \\ a.l.i, . t ..i I). . f- It 1 I Colli," k lie iv l> lore to i.li , In, ll,| It t>| the llou-c Judo <>>. I' in not'.- th.t 110 lll.poll ,nt p liti"* >1 ,|e-ii!it. I ■ <■ :,t .Ikin ( 4 by th. I N ~1„ ph ( piil.y I . t1... i, t t1... | i. ,i.| fel,(il . ,I.J ti. - . it , t I, i ,l,y willing t..^,i, llrrio t lie n,\ • . ,;,t . Cellol.ltt,.-- it v. ilt.l I 1...| 0.-il- , |f, latt, I lailoflht. flat, I.iel.t |l,. ||j>h , n. titc fr. in i, ... t • in U i,,*!,P I >. d. ul Iltll, lUt that tl. P . . .110. i'l. , imotd f. n the nun. 11*1' Mist J* 11 thv , tslablbhed I'on, . the noitiag.-t , t th* . . .. . who ba* kt'in plkOU under ail est "ill I 4 lir, Ujlit I'd i. t' I roi D>, 11. u •< \\ idl.s.dl. . St 110 t It. ill* Ie , 1101,11 tC.I onU-S hi table I pu'k bitw-ell Colli ...t ( II V II . < ■ it. I judge I, la ii> - 1 Ut, Ulbv I ( • i the 1> 1., let. V ll , • t nteh .1 | .1 ,n ■*'. ..flic. .1 the ulefci aph i.tiipmy *• *(al, l Ik ti ~i I I th- I, pi- d. ' 1. Ili K \ I'll • "I "I Ml I 1.l >l.l V Wat"- i I .ii.| in I i a., 1 1. All. Hide I'l !11 i "•> I iltll id-, ('..1u1l f' I*>e . t.i, J i !*, I d Ma, k. V .I ' . oil. f . . - ~ L. , the i,..r. .i u hit.., i, hi, i.. cat \V -ft Halo| I 'ot II ,\ I it a i fotb.w* . Kim i ii, M ism : (Olivil. Is, I' I. r M-7", My D: *h ' tr. I 1... . Do-1, i. t. I'l, •• i. | ■! I, ." t ! ■ el. etr .1 (.c ! • • lb (paroli! 1 vlaw of t>r. Mill ,vi-n!" 1 tl.c ill. i, •ancti. n givt'tt t> kf • n.orep;. iilali. i , . I'thi ,•(> put| -it', i -j. i.tv - the g" Ip. .pi . ' ll.i- i laf.l. u.i.lth | deem it proper to ,t. iai tl t p.-I* ui.l t'Sac," pn " ui' li.i on.'l ul th, .-tut. thai 1 the ectiro- of jjUi-ikl pri * ceding* i • *l■ itnicli-! by u re '.0.a 1 n -I ril.-.ru thi rcol, bi d that Do i*>vs i ,' In, pr„ic. tic I, of th> llil.'si t ill li tl . r I yl.l |,ol -01., |.|, p. 11V 1..1, -li i| .r,I .o . enforced in our eourl* While the pi • pi. ~f this Slide are n.-l.v, atdir.g . iti.er in th, > spiiil > i the no ans t" DiMiUlain 11st ir riyhli of i iti~> n-l.ip agaii -t th i.-uip, I | w> i vsliiih to** ihfovi 110 u(>r, no jndi... autborlly ih d'a' , tb v bus • • tilth in th,- Jurlic' id (loir c.'ilP Dial they pr.ip.oc I- leave it •* indication t> the pi. per li K*l IribunaJ*. appi-iling at the ritnn tune to the patri.-tKin at.d puldi, nti nient of the whole Country The iidUn. tindery tilt' run. , - ~fa | ortif.n *.f the pul lir pro*.- render il, ptrlu.p' let innpp : tune for pu- N* nit t ■ Med. ' Ith >u ht! • * > pit* of S, nth I'm linn u , with pi''"' concern Ihc pre-ml -rit. d * >t.jun tin. in tl,.- affhirr ol'our < . ui.lry, whi, h tiireat cna to tul-ject t. i,n evfrctii. t, t the r, • publican •ytti'iu fd govrrnmrnt ,1 -If, it i" their firm and deliberate purp >*" t > c n deirili utiV * diiti-Hi of ■ *i ting p liti, ! problem* tl.'.t it.volw flu- cvlnhiti.e. armed loi. c oi ll.a' on .. * ti,rough *..* other i 1nn,i,,1 than tin pri > rile I f.uni ■ i the Constitution, . r the p, 11.. ful ngei. ot law. Trusting that a -olutn ri may be hud wlule, iiiaiiitiiitiing the peace of the coun tr ,-. -I all do fio * id. he, to the 4*,n lit II lioiihl ■ afeguard* "f p pillar right* and w ill tend till more lirndv t>i uiiitc li e people ..r nil the Slate in all rami I idV,irt to pre serve tliu pom <- im,l u?tsi|i the i,,**- ut,o tfie t'onsliluti -ii I am, vi r* r, pn ttnliy. * • in obedient oi vant, ( lylil I W 4 111 II *MI 10-C. Gov, it.oi of South Carolina Hi- Kx, • 111 In v I! I! II vc- (i .veir. i of Ohio f S A- li e •cllleini 1,1 I the * . Mil political ■|ue-liot.* which ti.,*v ugitnlc lie public miud lit net ullimalely depend * oil I-C if, I.r > oi, i ill-t llicui-lr I i • 'II. pet 11. 1 |. I th" J'l, -j I! cn - . 1 have :ddli#ili i, lelti r -in.i ur to thi* lo IL- I •, ell, n, , j Govi rii„r TiliK ti YN ui*. (Sl!tcfi) W'ADK II AVIfToN All linineioe otiDlde pl,-sur.| \v hiouithl on tie f'loiid.i Uuturuing 1t.,.-,i v( 1 , w ll aiho c iiinl J.untoK.ul"! V\ illn.m wire i.t 111 I. I It, ♦. i e I ino tiling ih i ilomdoi lie I.i* jn' c not., e it v • .■ i c iivft- li; *1 'I. I hiir-di,,, i.fp i Wit limn* in ii* ' il llo* oi ,1,. i vv.e, i. notice wii- giv, n a motion w,.ul I>■ n. . I to aet iiftdc th- i iiindanin- hijt ail, i \t torncy Gcuoial f , k,? c. i> o.< i v. d hi, van v it**, '* ditaiv and nloi.e. Ih H,. - - ile- up ii iv i hanged and , on. ml I I . in o . a *hov. 'I c<>ii,|di . i.i • *4: ll I lie ord . In. (,'oljrt the '2> U in.j. i;iv I'd Hi, v. * *v •ccur.'t! i.y tl.u * ii.,t • ; turns I ■• I ti* kI r uiid (ijv Colli,lit Hppi'oVi.lhy tin Court, -ut,-muting I r the fortnt r a ir.iud ulcnt it>-(i throw trig out Clay . tir.ly alt, poll. - Thc lo i.im f oitiiiilic ot vvhi. 1. Mr. Thoiupk.-it, of M i-i-*t|.pi, t Ben llu(- loc'a (ccccMor) ia Cbairruan, will let in flood of daylight in litis Florida buti peM. VICTORY! i . i'/ I 111 ! I >ll !' ' Il> I • Vit <> *ll HI MUIJ* 101 l I'l,l MtiEVr Til.l. ti U'MfKVI li.tv, iir.i.i I'M I „ p, | M 1,711* s.,,in, |o,oV atlt.iii.. -..'11 lll,liti lhll ll iMr "'Of,-47ft (illicit Our All I (.MS? \l l<i ,t ,|ii I ii I. i upii - lin li linn . .1,1 I. t till ill,' til, I I ilhtk H.'lil i*ill t ■■ 4 : i Tildett or nd fou&t --.,i hit I: i >• N „ .-it. J Una • ■•ir I I' ,1 t • f1.1.l ll V S Hi. .J( i, | • I I, Li I II |III I 111 1',i.111 'IIt t I I I' ..In t , i ll| | ,1 II |' 11 II IK* I* ■* |,| | I ',lll' ' , ' I I ' ■> * I' I 11.1 l III,! 1.1 .liliiut tof-dd ti> *li il Hill,I 111 ■ i in, il . ii ;• l tin ii tuiiiiiip hoard, o( ■ iltll. ■' t.i . ill 11.1 l• • llollly t •i. in... iii .- •ii. r * .ii til r \ Uil.iN \ C I I I), r. : ' U . • Say tit, VI Ii i tit..l 1 .muM'li** li tii i-i-- ~ I -. • I 111 111 it 14 I . I . I I,'ti ,1 llll'il i ti, Im i 1., ai ii (■ ,iI i■ iii ii tun , lnnai. ,1 tiv. the stale P> Hoy < ! |V .■ ■ ■ i t-> ill 7'"' in.,i Hit , kilt . 11 i. 11l ■ • II Hint 'til rlltlfO ill 111 ICttlllf *i.i, 11, t. ■t • • .1 I, v u iiiuvli Uti:r iii.-i 11. , . 1,.,., 'ii. •• 11,1.V • I t I l.*ll. I t .. I.i l . j ii I a*l uiamiiu-■ t„. . .1 14 ill | •* ..III;, iit 1 i W arli |..,/< ii . I, Miiil.t •. IIIK Will. 1-1 > lf It-;:' i ... v u -i i it i iJ.iii . 4 .i •, .i I Wml iv ant I- t a,, i .i I .| •■ I .1.1 l.ial , . wwyi I ■ I , I i.i.l ilar |t •ui y,i i, I .i. , i •i.i firm a. 11It in II ~ i til i: lr. , . t-an*i ,nr. I t ■ maim ii it tr , , ' .lucid t the I . ' . t (, ito.lll. !m 1.1.1 Ht I V 11. 1.1 Kill i( 111 ail II •,I ■-I ■ . - - Hi 111. . ..lUll.llltV Itithi-u i. ..i -I 1 i I.ln >1 i | il.n l - .■( rchgluui I.i?. r. • • I! \ i I 1 In- tr it I • .ir ■ t I! ii.it t i' 4i.-, ul *ll k.nd- t. ii,. 1.. 1,, ti inn vd I-* til.- . i , . K i-.l mi i in. v*t . i ~.1, 'I iat tlrutif'i being yivru t, I in- . In i'tl I ;i. iiii iai, t* - *1 I ,i i ; I" l<it*,.' 1 i .. It. lo ik I 1 i i f {irt V i. *. I ..I tin.- I'l.ii. , ' Stale f Il K. . ui' - ! lllu-trntik) i t ' ' l,tl 1 • -1!..1* |< ' ll i V\ . iti i .■, J Ai.ai, \ at •i It -co 1..1. : . . M. . ' I' ' *. I t* ,l w * 1'11.1.i.*l i.,1 Kiml. 11 ..111.tl mi la til j i.ui, I . . 1 j. , 1.-1,1. , i4l fr-.lv ( < I aIJ I ' ! I. j • -i ' i.i : ■ • • • . 1.. N.-w-ai I li i. * by a i.i. I II . t .i . . 1.1 mil ,1 . . ti tiiv • ! atii i.i. i. 111 it..- turret, 1 I'm., : ill ■ i>' t.i. i. il - fct. i i 11,. I ( .il ■ i. I \(.III- I . I-,,1 veil . I iu ol ii ii.ii mi., I I art 1 i.t i,,! Alt I. • u|> niiriv luhjer! I : . • . . , , ... I 11 1.1.il J I W: i **ll I i i i < 1 iii ll* tlovUfifc} kti ' i i i .ii,' '(iii -I. it wil :i i 1., U ' ! vl , wow an in |> itiv tli-irMiiic Mimivi • , t Itl|> { 1 f> 1 *'• • i . ill I ,i I ti1,.l ..I.' i ti. ( i i at-ilcm ,ii i,lt | HI ■( .ill.lit- I, ■ liiniUitK-lii i.| . . Il : | nt.l. :.l |M i Kin tn tin iI v i ... I K .'.urn ~ ■ : i 11 'i tg iitt t. t t ..it. ii- f li ■ U--< t ( i | t ti VV tuli II I,- IdlMiri 1 i . iWe prist t|in* 4*4 I.mi* tin' tiimi.|rh ui ~;i part) r. iltcjlng ui I, .i , , I| i 1..1-. <tIK lim lii -r | übl.i . , ■i. I - * I MlloMi n ;!'• bit Mi I) t-d t 1 the kit >1 . |.| , pally I t aIIV i-tnpm It ti i a,.4*• ■ tie pib > V nliift, ..' t ~t i 4 it!, raai. <ttl • pr.i- it, I' \! ■ 4 a eI m.i ir k i|i -f. t-1 •11 i. rl.ii j- wfi-iat i.tlt t , #i.,t. ai.J inuo pal ||. v una. ulr Ii n ..i in cubit i tum&fmt iup m • uyiani t n. •Ip n- ■ I ■ur ) lilii * .y|iin*- ll . i.li • iu i t:. i* all per 1 ..1n.,. i.ft.i,.t- tlitian , hi. unulUn. , it ■ ..-t tut ni I th* In , r, rn., ui •• ll !• -litv to til* 4p.til * v, all a- 11 • Pit 1 Ui !•' ir.ii a lc*p • ii,, ..ihinu g all lit gr. -ui - ; i i: ai l lleliglcuc Lilierty It i. i i i. t a-, t *n I t i t > cf.t tpi t1... i iii in-, p. rablo fr ni I'attv t i\ . : .t. . .: it, • FIM i. in.try lo ptuMll g | ninl imt ill ft rliitjt Hiii.i g nur talluxi , it, ■i I, tat' ,I. .si- nil I i ■ .In! i, all <>r , ~ ... . ~t.. .I • *i. I |.i 1.1,11., i lint I ijx , pi. |t- ninl l-.V ' • i v iiiijiln ti,i ~i a. t 1;... n i,i.i) i•( K. ..v.r prr>ju I, ~ i,i..l | inn nil i.ttr piililu- aetior ii. I ii. tl." ill ■ iiii."ii • I all pultlie affairs It uill ill. jinti,nl *>'ln tl.u bud O t biliti.t all mi ii atul t'all fl*-a. oi . in.'. .it * ill re 'iti.., !' ri'> i mie ui g.'u tii .iaU, public inlcr and the l*vv ; it tail •i.ilusvpr, in n wort), |ii ins I. e it* t Alututi< 11, i r,r t,. i vtl |.itv Binl a pr*'-i '■ them ,1,1-i 1(1. V l l, Sor ant A i •• "iit'it inranwi.i'i tin ,! .t.,1 1 t!tit.'ilr it. i • 1 tin i 1 .■ u p't'.. i i-i eatorUinntMt Tin? Worli will li'.pi' re.uk't* inftiritieil •) all tlia >- aimiait p ni H. II n i.i all that i - iii.uiiurit i.s iii 11.. in n i ii.enlr ..I > . irly aiiU wtl i hi t ■ .tl.n tr, üblo nor ■ •pi i,-c t ■ pn> prniiile them with ii curled, aniiiialed m ui ii ule pieturw.f Ibo times iii which < ' My ft I CRMS Pontage Pit|iuid. Iu11V nml SltlulnV I II" > cat 0 , lliontlia, y.'i ; llir- hi,Hith. $- ,'AI. Daily with, ui h'unitac , one year. J* i\ titi'iilh 4 , j I.'- - three ninntnr, flSii |.-< tlini tin. i inoiith", - I n niulith. Tl.e .''..iiii \V **ili It World iTuerdsvi aiil Kridnv Tw.' dnllurc a year. T. I'luhA enp An cMiii ..pi for club u t; i, the tiailv 1 iuh • I Its yi.lv -live. Iv. Willi Vi rhl Wi luu-dayi Uiu ,i I hit .vi", i i : uh agent--An ln ,pv fot . Int. .1 leu: thoSioni ivechlv foi . luh ..f tin i.t i tli" Daily fur el ub el tl ft y , v 'l ■•■ il.ieo i.i.inher nil on application T. rum Cu-h, invartbly in advaiu e. All • i.i iiiii ii ii niioiif r lion Id he addr.-c I II to TIIK YYiiRMi ,or I'm I K ~ iii I It. i-km iii 'treel, N'cii Yi.il |> I DM I I'• N I N I'Rlt'K ! I'M All" T AND liK'JT I DAI Li AND W Oil hi VATKIot K-.r 1 *-77. i nil in: .v -nl cither* nod I.i nil pr.o „lit -oi-. till, i ■ i I.eiving their subscrip llmk iII I- lit 11. Y I' YTUIOT I 11 I II I I I, I I I 111111 l Will l>< -i 1.1 .1 ilto Mlowiuir rale*: I i (•*. I if ii, i iuf prcpat I ■ i:: :: ,12 •' ' " 00 <' , • • i dui tig of tht Lutiiln lure 2 00 | Ir,, \ ■ \ imi .iii.l i.iii' iM|>y, one •. .i i ■ ii. .II ii(•• i • Monthly or Unt il ■ I;. ir i ■ 1... -pn id on Ii ith, 0 2*> i itK V. IEK f-Y PATRIOT ill I nl l iln: I- 11, irg nit. s . I ■ ■ i '. I j ' .ii |. |>i'?p.tiil S2-00 : I i |.ii' " " OHo 110 " '• " 10 mi ! 111.1 oil . .>!•', I, I lie colter up of i:l U1: 10.00 I • 'i■ i Ii: i (. '-iH/o |,iri,uld, lit, I I i i" i.i ~ tii-r up of club 22 60 i 1 < ■ \ I • lit. I -po < opy. oni year, ol itli. r 11 ii r 11, i - I nul.ly >i Harpers i)n 'in | <t,<£i fii t, ml nil linth I .)0 I' t.li-i pi:e. nl Harper's Monilily Htm llr(ji'r" Bazar is 3*4 0(1 . mi, lin -.'i i pit a ihe mb'Cribi r copy ! I tin: Miikly I'litrl .1 lot M touts ill ml lili ,n i i i\|ii I , vouli| Imve p> pay fir ' if,, . . i 11 af pi i - piiblinaiiwu.- All ordiM - imusi hi* accompanied by thu .•.mil, i .ilii r • t liot koi pot oifiou order. N.nv i-tin* lime to subscribe (it-tall tliu neusaui ii ,' In-l ol rcuding mutter at less e -I if ,ii hi yvtlit'io t i*a t.y *tndinc your suli-e. .ptiotpi JO the Dully and Weekly Patriots " t Address PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO., Urrisbur|, P#, II V K 111 NI'HKD 1.l VI toy I l ive I lloiisMli I IloUsl * Hill lied ,i| I. k io, Jap *it. S,iii l'.al.clrco D, , einhi r 'Jli Advl.e --i, ,1. , 111. I He. kill* In 1,1 Asia, say thai .. IK, in 1 .1 i l*| an. N \, ml., i ' > S e, I t .VslHil*, ,|.4t10y.l >441 I I y. I I,tojred live* *4, I |. -1 I b.r h, sd j t t i • • .l I I .1 )l" >' ioi It,, ' ( dcii i li, V u-ltiali mini.let wat t till,* dMI I ill at I 110 I 1.111'.1 14,1 (va lion- - ,I. r n.i, I .ly .• up I Pv,oi.pt and ,I i I U* c It.,'. „at rhk i a'o-1 'tw - .tl. i ■•* l >■• I ci Lil, u I.y th y .itim ;t j Ito burnt re*i it u I tng i*, . tiy i lotdl wnli 110- intr .luction ot great improve'l ii < lit At • i, Vf b I III' UN Kit 1 1.l •. i, I'ela I, I'd (-It M uti• f',i. i l.*t n.gLl i.t k 4 110 i.i npetw. ,of ll, c i0,.|,l l a'* I .o- *1 *. ai < lit ,g' p wh, 1,1 . on *nl i,..ti ..1 n U.ing uni,-oaf All Li,- ..ii.iaiiuit * vr*ik .ii Lk-f, *t t weiif y not. a-ol i c# it,r *t, r , I 11. ti . '- At: ll,hi . kMI-,I I lyai ■i- *'- s ,|* V t.,1 yr 11 s*i s.t II a . I.nft.k kaj idyt IlitoT k itl, llioiik li> a.il, nt tbkir i 11, i It at. in ,al ioi ii,. Ireariginatad 1 > *.. i tbu it a Jit. m m f it* gl.t I, .r 0, ll.s t,,, . i it :to • t ' *o* pk L c t . D*, Isiby -K.VK4, t"l N U Xlib lit; 11 'A sly! i I u- * .tl* by ,Ibe ras *. A? At Au ..ia A* . realm Jay . . ki si vuitg I, •i. f r> i4f Ib- pa 41 ,v- i... w : I i." * IL. I'. Br. ■ le If , d > sli, til.** a • to * <7 ~1 -Mi l. . Ml' ( l>. AUS • KIZ-1 ED. New \ ik. liv tie,,-rttiiicnt niß I.i i to l(t eflrin, . ir '*l ',4*o 'leoagtld S tat* .1, !A I .a 11*11 idr.et. I ' • a gt* '■!.,• f ■ , gat, ii.ad, *1 tin- p it f r ma, * reer llei- i o.a iiurti lot ma I" hr tit in, t. .1. Kb d. I *: 1 • l, ,| the 1.-ring tin., must ,' *tih in tv I. ut-, (hrei pi tto '(O 11. Ma* 1• . ! lid Kind i-g 4,f 1, h . ...oi bind I,g ut ai *t four i*l* leg k-' logs and S( eft •• icy- 11,- ■ ■ | ••. I -gtki -a* ell) i dterre my kill. tb< W, a n.uil la paid t ci.l !., #ii tors h, 11. * in*' A• cl -us . Shi ~1 v •! li ,J|i,g taken 1 Ih. t p -,.|* I D UtoOhg -n i lay K, v a )livi a I , d*ti • Pin ' . ? I ; 4 . a - I it. it s 1., I, I ik. 4> ■ *S i L'*l. ic I k N.a.tl) i.an.iotc and p: ~1 ~ ! r uf tlof b (ll i I'tol. . and li, at- I a!" Ik> .4" • # gli I'kl I' ' . VY'k-blogtun. .S J . 4 kit... .i'. a very ,- % >t,a) *'. I s.-tiaruu- u* .nt. ! f. ot tfU-iliQa- *it'l ST. lu|ln* tin- v■ i % fan pMpogitlnn toiaV who may favor bis w,th en nt,)r, a- foil..** "it the in-tru ■o 'd U • t p.' if -at,-fa. ,-r a l tr.ai -f It* •!*>• afYai r- nr. t.g it tlx |"ir< a ui ,a> a ill I.* ikfjc id u; , t)**- •. tin ii ~f it siren., et. and he u,!l pay r freight charge* 1. .ill way, Thi* i-.ei ta,n'v an <4.eeddig g.acr,.u*, si,.l safe ; maiiio i oi •hub Lo tren-nil bn .tie-- with hitn 11, wnrrwt.u lot inslrutiionl f.r -ii ye#i- ' rein.- edveiti-rmeiit July'Aly ' f he Liiupy, COXSUMPTIOX! j 11.l- ll til-,..,* Hi.d J at. jC. ;, 1|- . m plaii.t and lit p. - monitory -vmptoiu-, i,,y 1 ] o • t.-1 • ntgb night *e*u borvAi - ' ivsstr.g if -.1, icrei —permanently . urc.il.v Dr 4 ,vi.c * C .mp uii.d * tup ii\Y . , ■ |Chert. HUffNfUITi • i pr. -ioi.it- r of i* u l ni list v t.\i -,iis*|(tt ui, iifbirirtcrir, I by 'jcslarrb >i ii)lwn|io> i>f fhe si •i --hr*c, t ll.c" ul, pw.,g • • 111 *nd i rsi ** t .ri(l*n b-il P. ,*tl. I, eft.... * - ) em* "I tl tie I So ail 0. loal at ti , i tl.r. at ty- t * - ■ Hr. Nm tl) Hi '* l'i,l|||',lU'd Sj I lip uf V lid ( It'o l I li a > . v erogft I. oo d \ li.o ii,* i , iff* j < 111 •J, mav i i ~d ftutti tl.. laryn--, its.lot bron •bia - lung- nil* # lioiii vaii-ru, , .*"• a- ut lic (hy-ital yr.rtiui. pie 11. r, or fide sol It- *(• .! a, at | lung*. ovcrAtStrong of th- v. i.. , (..ppresi . ltd c, acuaiton. . list iuiii on Ithe *pl i> -r i in, c. X Or Sw .tj lip's I iHs|u iod syi u|r ul° W i l<l (fiilTj ( set Ih# I : i • i j iuiit* it g , tl.< t U. i. i- - r tug t •tl V r en-i Unit.i \ - to I. . It.* a. . ,| o.v . t a til th. net- V ...| •) id. tu Tt.e'onl* tk'claid i."lonly for l.t'C'of mge hti-nch.wt end all t-ulmouary com olkintl i. oi u.opln'4,- ot the .- piedi* poecd to s.'ik lung-, th ul Ino l.cl t, u-, llli*gl.ti( v,"el*h>. Jy I 11* twerreli m puwer,t i> .•.. r cea 'Uiupt'on. 1c..t,..ei svs.y chror.n: di-<a-.- .. I- I, ll 4 - . StiV . I . I. . I i 1N..,#; ik. u- th. ■s It i- l™.n,-l. !t , 1.l 1.l ,*,••; t.m.,1 l.ed, tl. - Iirt suh ■ idi* the pulse returns '• < it, nwlutel -land 1 itj. Ih slots*. I. is ioipr...il in iD y.owct io digest an t wsiiniilaU the f i -I. and ore jrr organ ha* t purer and hctier <4u• A• ty of Id- d supplied to it, out of which rccree tire and p'atlic materiel i- m* Jo. I'repa" • .1 • t.i) hp HU S\v AY Nt \ >N. Not Ih "-1 tli ii\.i, I'l. .1:olel phi* >l.l I V alt I'l. inn.l I I Din 11-O ITCHING PILF*s! IMI.KS, FILKS, HVIIING FILE-, r>ilivi'v 'irini I.y thi? u* of SWAIWK'S OINTMENT. II ttnp Teslitsoiiy. 1 soiely afflicted with otic of the ' ut,. t ,11 11, ii.g ot all disc*-. ft tint us 01 I'ruiigu, • r more .. nuuonly I iivvn *. 1 Itching I'tlee I'he il"liing *; It;;!,"* to. itt... t 1 lolf.ulilg, ii* ;ei"i'J by •vi-ii. h ing. and not unfre.pi, nily b. conn ore I bought a box ol "Psrayi,o> lliutiner.t . it-tl *va ijuicb teltel, end ill .1 -hell time mad" a pet feet cure. I -n now sleep uuditlinb. d, and I w. nil advue all who an, utlvting with tin, di-lre-inr 1 complaint lo procure " Nvavne - Hiiii nient at oncv . 1 had tried p. criptlo: almost innumcrwl.le, without fiuiii any permanviit uln-f - \V. t lllii' I, (K'DH ul Rv'ejel A Chri-O liooi mid Sjh Hou'e, fl-H N-.rth .' v t d St, I'biladi'lpi.i . SKIN DISEASES Hwayne' s All-bealinc (liniment i.- al*o a spe<-1 He for Tetter. Itch, Salt Kh.iitn, -Scald Head, hry<ipelhs, llarh.-i It. 1,, Blotches, all .'-ealy, Crurty, ('utancou Kruptiou I'erfectly -at" an.l hat ml, .vii on tliu most tender infant Pi ice, at cent-. .Sent by luall to any a.ldr, .0, | r. Cljijll ol |U i- e 4Ly Mil t till.* I'll—oils Prepared only by Dr. Stvsi) in- iY Son, 32(1 NORi II SIXTH SI RI El. I*h 1 lailcl 1 ()• itt. I Dot. I'r.'pl I" t, 0 Mild Mill.III:.. (11l els Ml I ISI ' l ASACI I jt'uiiibr.lied all Over 11..- Wo|;l.< n- re innrknbl, ut.r 1 .-1 . l,iU, M; 1 111 i.,l and S.y | Inl-to Chmplr.il.t .-n.l ill cu - •(,... dyphililie * ir;i .■! th.- parent, < ,iu .1 vttlc.i,nient if .Syphilf 1- ur Sctofhla ill th, .1, ill nothing bus evm piov.d O.IK. tu,, 111 coitiplel, I.y . radicating Vciy -lite ■>j Do'.', dallgcicu* * Jll.pl .lilt-, nl, 1 lii d! scarf ari-ing from i it,|ys litV of I lo RI I D. -v,i.h" symptoms in nil , oioouttiii..-j lion,, n.l tiddler* lillci- t-- Dr. Sw.l yr. 1 A. S V ,|. Pl.iladclplilH N'■ CI nr" (~; .11 vice. Sent bv expeef* toany 11 Idi, ** jj rZj liavhf, L(.iNI)ON A Si'iiitiific Yugt-leb'c HAIR COLOR Frepamtinu J IRare i'l Ml; I.R. Inotcili. ul • ' Cdltivulc voir halt f ' K'toloii Gluv-y, I.iixu- llaii Kertoi.-i j. ,tsd in Hun Keloid 1. nii.'ii iint Hair i* one Hair Rcstorci j, onion Ilaii Ku*tori?r I, .ml ■l. of the crcatest Hair Koalorci i.otiiion Huir Restorer London of nil person.,l lluir Kc-ton.i bnndotr Hair Restorer Lor.'ion Cbaruta. Hair llcrlcrcr All liml ml can accomplish in beautify 'in.', strengthening, lhi< keti|n ur.U adorn tik tlii* hair is eip-'cud oy using ' London Un r Color Kcstorcr '' It itimlilatc* and .repy :i growth ; ii gray rcstoros i-s nalu rui color and rend-r- it lilky und beauti ful ; cures d.,notoil , keeps the scalpclcan cool and healthy I'iivo 75 cer.ls. All druggi-ts anddt-aicis till it. l'rintipal depot lor the United Sutes, odO North Sixth street, above Vine, Phil adelpbta. New HUM —New Enterprise— NEW (iOUI)S. IsaacD. Boyer I CI. MMi lO Ji. I' PHILIPS.) A AttONSBURG, PA. 11. i ■. . . I .1. out I, . Ml I .1 tliti fill.-■, Whet so puI cLuted at CAHfI fit 11 h toll linn of DItY OtXiDf * SHOES Nu'iPiN . tiIULNMW ARE, i.t ni bit 11 11 . It! •\\ a It K WILI-DW V vUK ai d ■ i nl ni. %"I 1 UI'CII Ai. DISK 4 1 f 1 . I .|> , .i. it i., i#'iry t t*t, pi, <• t> r< hut tr.f.Ui f ,u tn Jon.u an J It* us * i.d w, is. ll •)n s it., i it.wi ti.* lair s I.h ui goods ip 4 mil II cheap aa any! hose iii Cantm ■ ut.fy au? lfly till! WITH *WOI£TLII>GE<fc CO, r--- - * Rbl.i bKON l K. PA. O—— 11* k uiau'trd a 11. Ati 11A I N HLBVATfiIt. ll,ir C.,*l Tard and ar buying grata AT TIE HIGHEflrr PRICES, trt f a*!, it lialp'ttiy, i r WII RAT, CHUN, RYK, OATS, (irOVKIt SKKD &C., I 1,1 ad.iig I* .t- I.e i. > I.- 4-, I 'd li.crk 11 iniHly than any (Hbar piac* In town Aho b Ihtl e# .* KVY KT.KV A t>'li the 111 .l lo.Hi.blu p|*. oto still giain ANTIIRACitK ( OAL.i The ..gi? iliwlrr? ui ( v-nlre Cnuiitr sshu rlj thn \Y I I. K i: SP. AR R E CIOI AIL Iron, th .Id iluilln. miftu. Also sIIAMOkIS AMI nruril GUADKS of A libra., let nl dryly to I tprerly |,.r linn us* at tU |ut,| miruc and BLASTING POWDER. PIRi: RRIt K ANDOROUNO KIRK CLAY. DKALKItS IN ('. AYU U A GROUND BLASTER al.id. p y.' I t i . , ii..- and warrai.ted to ba at good a fertiiiaar aa aa Oiftc£ Ji.jL> rAUIt >EAK SOU f H ENO BE. VALLEY R. B OEROT. nn.i:r\n. Ia. \\ - - --. i- 1 - -t, it wii crpt i*i la v ril l very l,„ >, 1 ih. r< . rter would ♦cud ur tit*" nam lof at l-*-l I.s" rul-cctbi r, • nt, Do 4 I 11, .1 1,. .."P. Nl cent*; ~ iio-r.th- ?! 4H a., t n. \4-ai lo *d i „i - *n, l-u th.- suit, la . • *nl k.tlreps y. nby iinpiovii.g the K -p .it. i viol 4i* 11.0 natiK - • 1 tit low -it.-c, itto, - Willi 11.. t'Hrh, kl.-. .< v.lll 1v• •. tue IN 4 lei ■n** • r fist J. ZF.LLI7R 4 SON I) RUE GISTS No 6 lit. < ki ili IN w F lii loiilc.Fa llswbrti* Ilißii* tAcaiialt iVHa< r}. i gtut'i uaids t <•. Ac. I'ure Winer and l.bp- , fol toedi, r em * ■*••' *l* a* * t i' n*t l "9 BUY YOUrt DHUGS PROM It i YhlVk II I I! H S i or MZXt DiXtU ro IUK ntst UNKH t.CN ftoitr Eltu s il Y\ ti I' II EA 1> a i • r* .1 - MILLEB Fibhiutl>]p Tftilttp. ) \ j,OS': I'l!KO Having pent' i lo m ,pp-il4" the lle- I (to. d pal <•**(, lollldiltg he I- | 1,-pkK.i I i iiidiufa. Hi, .) hin.l* -l men', and boi ■ pawsau*cfotdian la th. uiist style*, kt.d ii|'-n li-cu-,t 10-ti snd all - ork srairnnt. J to i. od--, eati-faCti-"|l Cutting and rcpatung ,1 -m Pinny I in. MARKET KtMiori <H Prices OF f. £l, LEWCoIoWN. V '. FOU C JSII, rnrjchtiiiv, 40 ct# i iii-ct il Oil, l''.! cts. liito SIO.f)O t s't.2 p i i.rg. Isi Iron, *.M < COOK IN*; : i (>\ I S, , in , £lO (HI; Hin , #21.00 ;1 iu., $2i.00. ROOM sroVKS, AJh'i'i rUKkKliKl'ATK>iT FLUKS, 10 in., gliMio II in., SI2OO ;12 in., £l/.lkk> ROOM ( OAI, STOVES, £4 to £lO 00 (<klvMni.' il (nil Rui'ket:*, .>0 ( *mlvuiiir• •! ('on! !" i. .. U, to cU lin in i' 4 (-1 <i> Oo|t Olitti-, $1.(10. Ali* i\s t. i .-le ilo' • , s i un.lClienp *t Conking mil R. no. Stoves in the | Market K. G. FKANGISCUS. I<u ltU v aiopt. A'- 18M- 2t Li-tui*. ..f uJi<iiiiitiHii.>ii on the estate i It .nr> l> ul . I..i< ol (ii. if t wi.-lnp, ■l. . .1, 1... .111, I Ii L. I ntif.'.l (.1 i 11.,' UliliT-l -Ijjne.l all I . ol Oltf ill. |;i>tlv ;-a t>* i L- iii i. t .i J 1.. ~ i i tii request . I I i..k. mill., lial. |M>ni. IU, ui.il pcr i : l.„v ii.jj i Inii.i-it|rainn il.. . Mate will nrian'iit thet.i July Mithentimied for . ttlo* nt ' JAS DCCK Mil U. DUCK 11 K DVUR. 30 not ut • A<l in'i - BRICK FOR 6AIT —Fii.-t .la- hiiik v. ill Li kept on hand ! >r i.te hi J- 11. nt Zfh> - Utiilli- ilall bi ick miiis Tlii'sd brick nie offered f.> low iliai it will p. } p.jr*>.r.a at n distancu to come kci" fur liitia. lfiterdinc to contimi in the umnufsc turn f llt rv Witt 1 I. p COpOH' t'V on n. . 1 i 4.. Nt- •! ■ -\ 10 purchu..u. l?ugO. U.K. ZiwUt. Henry Reinhart. WOODYVAKD. UNIIERTAKiSR. i br ..f B )| fijrlca made (in abcrteatn i HriMl; nUaiadtJ Ui 0 * fifcl i4k IT luff ( ~ AT.KCTUM I O YOOMO MEN. l u.i i'ublutiol in a trainj cMclupa price iix ituu. X I • Ima ui Iha nature. tiuiuM and D ■ to e lu!2 l ßslL W i* t 2S * Mud ♦fl L> NiJ * I'UtMl lfa>4nli||il| ffatMlM. laMMIf 'i: 4. liauliii tlij ldt.ilu.ii.ute Btiirtaai tn ;**"> ' ,-MSH*a. l>Ucn. and > to IwU: and , u V' k *• V ►•'•art J. CdnreS I it ii aiaitua . i |„.a ' rl.i ildi.u. anad auttaor. la uu .4 ... ■ tare, rinarty (*' mat Ira. hta on trvrrlaare liat tufui i.iMna. at Salt ALua. mtj ta dhatailh I. —tad nitre! Krdtnna and attWt Tnaai.7 atosttal I.tautre. r- red are. I imi are tn. I" out ati 4c vf tan t omi curtate nd r #^i> * Uhl I.) wt KL c*| Mal. t ci, bo - ttltr wbat |ui *u& ' 4 pn< ttaijruxl Oju Irctan mil ittiff a treiu tuttn Urea Sti.it.. it; ,t, i u tU.il. uarereni. u> an; addreat ' Idi". 1 " U < **^ B *"** *tia lIIFi*i .{.VBRWKLL MEDICAL CO t.ti illaah <* Twt ri Ottt B • 1.. 51' A NOLK It, Atttrcer-at-L*w *' _ H< itfcfoiite, Pa uflct wiib Boh A Yt cuiit (. tnaulution in Kagliafc • .■! German Collcticiri*|>rcn>PTLJATTCD •A ,n ftibi-if THE SUN] 1>77. NEW YORK. ~ 1877 1 lie illllrlvlil < Jill lilt ttCTie >UlyluriO|f II i ii iv t "ll Iw I lie tame to 4min| It VT> tribal lint juri l-natt J lie Jailv i Jin. ii a illon ek ilan fed & a beet of lur and 03 Muudavt a thirel of <igb| pagft or ou bmil rotumne; while tl.< weakly tdilion will be a beet of eight |.ngi-f of lie tame Jrnentiona and cbarwc- I r thai a-e altered; lannliar to out Iriei.dl I li€ .Vim * lit N*ikWtiu td U tb ►ireiiu .,i *dincai* of reform and retrenchment, I'll -*f the üb*tkuilo!. of ktat*uan*hip. mid integrity fur h.Hlow pretence imbecility, and fraud ' >U aJminirtra. tin# ofpvd pp aobirk ft wilt contend foi tU*< mrnwctl of thi' people by ibe peo |.i* and foi tbn people, a* .pposed to pov . Fninent i.y fmu.H in the ballot bos mad in the counting of vol.*. enforced by tu ill tary vilrace it will endeavor to supply it. it-adir —a body Sua not fkr from a n illl-m . i .unit—with thy mom csraful. . mplete. and trutiwonky account* of J current svstitt. end will employ for thi* ' , rpotc a numerous and carefully .elect J > i -tatr ut reporter* anil correspondent* i I t r<-| rt* from Wail.ingt. il, especially, A .tl h< lull, accural*, and fi-arlns* ; mj it ail! Ji.utsllta . oullnue *.. deserve end oc jy the hatred <>f those who thrive by I'iundeiiag the Trua.ury or by usurping | a hat the la* doe* uot give them, while It Villi. nd. avor to merit the confidence ol the public by defending the right* ol the people ,<gaint the cncroachnier.U Of unjti<tifled power. t be pricn of the daily iiua will be 66 . irt? a 11, 11, ~ ad a year, post paid, ■ H i under edition $7.70* year. t hp I ciub.y edition alone, eight page*, j t Jll a year, p>*t paid The weekly Sun. eight page* of GO broad column*, will be furnished during 1877 at SI a year, port paid. Ih. I rsrll ol thi* large i. duCAlon from M 1.,, previous rato (ox The Weekly • an be . t.i.vypu k.t individual subscriber* v it I ,..'it; ifce i.n iKiiiv of making up club*. ! \t the sanir time, if ary of our friend. • I.- -o t* aid lit exlen.tilia ,ur circulation, v.. b <ll to grateful to ll.iui, and e>.iy • 1., b i -i.ni, who *t ud u int. e* taoye -ol -c. ibet* from cna plupa a liib* entitled to . copy" > f tho (piyer for himself with. ...it chttigvi At oi.c d' liar ,i year postagv | ii.(, H-o PApeit*#. id pnpoc and urinting ~• lurt-ly tepaid ; and tontidering the -to m in.- si eel and the qunlity of its eon teat*. 't trt c.u.flJcnt the people wilt i -i.ier the \N.eKly Sun the cbespert ii w-tpaper tublished in the world, ntid we trurt il-o .me of the very best. Addreti. Tllb SUN, New York dir. N Y lcc Ct $20,000 In Gold. \Nh ItTHKU YAI.UABLK PREMI UMS, giv. n tr> those who WORK FOR THE TIMER. J he Cincinnati Weekly Times publith ed fur U.l years, lias a Nulional character and influence, with patron* in every State and Territoi y in tbu Union, and of all •hide* and i>olitii * lu new department. PEOPLE 1 n the South an J Fay W est, will bo in val u.'ible to all I 'oUing e U f for new places ol r-idenee Kvery patron ol the Times i* presented, free of charge, w lih nn Illustrated Vesr- Book of valuable infoi mntion, for 1877. alone wnttii the price ofthe paper. ti icipiisixig inert wanted everywhere to solicit sul foriber*. ard secure our t.oid *rj'i other valuable premium*. A fi.uip'.c copy j>f the Time*, our Illuitrated List of premiums t > be given to Agents, a!, i oilier documents, will be sent free oa ftp; I e.;iionto CINCINNATI TIMES CO.. 21 dec lm S3 W- ThW Citeiami, y BEATTY GRANT (UAHI AND UPRIGHT Fret* j. F. Rs*n, Arm Ronn * tarter, p..' ♦bar* Wnlr and Waakly Tri *o , *ft rtcaWfa* * ?jP lr ' fc, t... •*. *av* : •Plmo ttached it* In good conditio#. i *ll well pleated with it. It ball you rep retani 11 to he " From K K Batdrtdge, Bennington Fur nace la., after reeeivrng a S7OO piano ' Brally received 4th ipat , all O K.. and coma* fully up to yoorrerreeentatton, and exceed* our expectation* Wkii i fw'l pnfM to be a Judge in tba matter, Mr*, li doe*, and proaouacu it of very tweet ton# ; and b vtry mucb pleated with Be*l Inducement* tear offered Money refunded upon return of Pbno and fralgbt charges paid br mo (D. F Bcatfyj both way> ifur satitkctory, altar a teal trial of flee day*. Ptanoa warranted lor six year. , Agent, wan tod. Band for eaU'ogue Ad dra* D. F BEATTY, Washington, Now Jemy, " CENTRE" HALL Hardware Store. J. O. DEININGMB A new, complete Hardware Store bae Ueen m>*ned by tba undaraigned la Co# - tra Hall, wbare he b prepared to cell al I kind* or Building and House Kurnbhing Hardware, Mali, a Circular and liand Maw*, Tetiacn Saw*, Webb Saw*, Clothe* Back*, a full attoil manl of bias* and Mirror Plat# Picture Framot, Spobaa, Felloe*, and Hub*, tahl.- Cotlery, Shovels, Spade* aad rot#*. Lock*, Hinge* Screw*, Stub Spring*. Horeo-Hhue*, Nail*, Norway Hod*, Oil*, Tea BelU, Carpenter Tool*, Paint, Yarn ttbai. Picture* framed in tba ftaaet *ly la Anything not on band, ordered upon •bortaet notice .Aff~Kc member, all nod* offered chuap #f than I sew her* W. A. CURRY, beet &Siiee Uleker, CftIRTTKK Ifl ALL, PA. Would moat respectfully Inform tba ctt ten* of tbb Vicinity, that be ha* started a ■new Boot and Sboa Shop, and would be thankful for n ibaro of lb* public natron - age. Boot* and Bkoaa made to oraar and according to style, and warrant* bb work (U equal any made abewhera. All kind* of repairing dona and charge* reasonable """* Give bime call. fab If IT PHtfMBilL urniture Rooms' EES A MBVIBIIE, respectfully inlor.a* the citizen* of Cantr count:-, that be baa bough t out the old stand of J 0. Deiningar, and ha* reduced the price*. They bare constantly on band and make to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS SINKS. WASHSTANDS. OOBNKR CDVBoAKiM TABLES. Ac, Ac. Tkair alock of ready-ut ad a Furniture it area and warranted of good workmanship and b all made under their own imined - ate supervision, and b offered at ratee cheaper than elMwbar*. ~v Call and tea oar clock beforPpmrrbesia r alaawhere. 24ejj.. l V DP FORTJfKt, Attorney at Xiw^ Bellafonte. Pa Ofllaa otar Rey nolds hank at* I4'no Q Ti II M 1 N(i 8 HOUB£ foUtteltt Pi ISAAC MILLER, Proprietor. I,Cwii>hi( Hwaat. am l.iO. i *wi. <•> mi taeatt* fcatate la a, urn. II ka. iLa mfgilla ta i*a alam. eat aa tioiitti hw, at laUudli., ,an anaatlaa vIU pa! 4 rtaat*. k aao> * Ma arena t* waka a • lUaaaacl *i I fi* - ou—H ' aba *a* ma yaeai *<t*h< air tar nr no sat rata* itu|it tk alea*t ha fall aqlw |st Is Btvar atocsKaaopr, t. i>. ancoitai Preaident, Cubitr. 01NTRB COUNTY BANKING CO (Late Miliiken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow intern!, Discount Note*, Bur ecJ Sell. Government Seen:ities,Gild A tpHfOßlf Coop*** FURNITURE. JOHN BBECHBIIX, in bb elegant New Room*. Spring street , Bcilefonta. Ha* on band n tpiaedxd aeaortment u . HOUSE FURNITURE from tba com i mpnettto tba moeteiegaat. : CHAM BEE SETS, PARLOR SETS. SOFAS, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS. WOOL MATTKRSSES HAIR MAT TRESSES, and scything wacted la U lis* of hu business—homemade and city work. AJ so, hat mad* a spet telrty and keeps or band, tie largo** atd Inert dock of WALL PAPER. Goods aold at naienablt rata*, wkelwa and retail. Give bits a call before pur ckaaisg elsewhere. fbfl-iy WM SPRIGGB. FaaniowaaiK Baa ■BE AID Rata OEEMBE, retpectluHy an nounces to thi* community that La ha* opened a room two doora below tba post office, Centra Ball. Where ha ia prepaied to do all work in the beet style. ept Utf HarnMt, Saddles, Ac. Thm a aSwatgaei. ttumiM* to meet I*l pc paler Zsvftgjsstfsr.sEr""' SSttDLCRY ta t rru.iaa to whn a a> class cwsbtto* *• — ttsss VBtm SiSfiF- Chas. H. Held, Clock. Watckaaakerdfc Jeweler Miilbeim, Ceatra Co., Pa Otocfca. iwrtii* \* a ia>hl. Mw of l* a,..0U. ultool U taoaia u* week oa l*a tea*. ■*** b •imoMdui pHalUai >l toper CkacU. WclcWsadJcwain auln ea (hart a* M ,J nmiirri IYINS PATENT HAIR CKIMFEKS * *■>, lad he all Ss eaeem at laaStoa Sandtorctna tor * IMAS.K* SB* Jiorto EMU M PaiUdvtpbia K *i iiTcra Ayer's Sarsaparilla For Scrofula, and all scrofulouadiaeases.Ery sipelas, Rose or St. Ati |2KQE| thony's Fire, Eruptions. and Eruptive diseases of the skin, Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, ■ Kidneys, Lungs, Pim- AnßflkA| ulea, Pustules, Boils, Blotches, Tumor*, Tet %SSSillWr ter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Ulcers, Sores, Rhcumatisiu, Neuralgia, Pain in tho Bone*. Side and Head, Female Weak ness, Sterility, Leuconhcea. arising front iuterual ulceration, and uterine disease, Syphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emacia tion, General Debility, and for Puri fying the Blood. This Sarsaparilla is a combination of vegetable alteratives-Stiliingia, Man drake,!' el low Dock—with the lodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the uiost edicacious medicine yet known for the diseases it is intended to cure. Its ingredients are 60 skilfully ; combined that the full alterative effect of each is assured, and whilo it is so mild as to bo harmless even to children, it is still so effectual as to purge out from the system those impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. Tho reputation it enioya is derived from its cures, aud the confidence which prominent physicians all ever the country repose in it proves their experience of its usefulness. Certificates attesting its virtues have accumulated, and are con stantly being received, and as many Ot those pises are publicly known, they fnrntsh convincing evidence of the superiority of this Sarsaparilla over every other alterative wetneiuo. So generally is its luperiority to any other medicine known that we need do no moro than to assure the public that the best qualities it has ever possessed are strictly maintained. FSSPABSD ST Or. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass..- nfnf _4l wwlyfikiMil tofM. a a* ** WWW *FW**K f* : JVC*?.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers