The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 21, 1876, Image 4

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    The President's Message.
F xiiXTATTVKS ; In submitting ray eighth ami
last annual auM*i> to Congress, it www
propet- that I hould refer to and in aorac
oegiv recapitulate the event* and official
i a.-taof eight year*. It waa my
fortune, or my misfortune, to he called to
the office of Chief Executive without any
ptvwfotis political training. From the age
f of see. ni en 1 had newr even witnessed
t£~ the excitement attending a Presidential
| campaign bit wire antecedent to mv own
? candidacy, and at but one waa I eligible a*
a voter. Tudor Mich circumstances it ia
but res - -nablc to rappont that error* of
jndgmMt must have occurred. Even had
they not, difference* of opinion hot ween the
F.\ci utivc, bound bv an oath to the strict
performance of hi* duties, and writer* and
debater* must have arisen. It is not necc*-
aarily evidence of Munder on the part of
the Executive because there are these differ
ence* of view*.
as all can see and 1 admit, but it necm* to
me oftencr in the selections made of tiic a*
datant* appointed to aid in carrying out
the various duties of administering the
government. In nearly ever* ease srkvtad
without a personal acquaintance with the
appointee. but upon recooiiaendstfon* of
the representative* chosen directly by the
people, it i* impossible where no many
trusts are to be allotted that the right
parties should be rhunn in every instance.
History show- that no Administration since
the time of Washington to the present has
been five from these mistake*, but I leave
ccunp*rimus to history, claiming only that
I have acted in every instance Trow a con
scientious desire to do what * right, con-
Stittr.: >tsal within the law, and for the very
bi -t Interests of the whole people. Fail
ure* have be n errors ot judgment, not of
flmr.aißoad, lots at a most critical and'diffi- j
cult tin:.. life-.* than four years before- the
country had emerged from a conflict *uoh
as no other nation had ever survived.
Nearly one-half of the State* had revolted
against the government, and of those re
maining faithful to the Union a large per
centage oi the population sympathized
with the rdglUw, and made an "enemy
in the rear n almost a* daugerois* a* the
more honorable enemy in the front. The
latter committed error* ot judgment, but
tfcvv maintained them openly and courage
ously. The former received the protection
oi the government they would see destroyed,
and reaped all the pecuniary advantage to
he gained out c 4 the then existing state of
affair*, many of them by obtaining contract*
j and by
"svrisnuKu THE movers MKXT
" in the delivery of their good*. Immediate
ly on the cessation of fowtilitie# the ths-a
nobio President, who had carried the coun-
Uy o far through it* i>eril*. fell a martyr
to hispntri trim at the hand* of an a**a*-
*ii}. The intervening time to my tir*i in- j
. anguratiou was filled up with wrangling*
between Congress and the new Executive I
as to the best mode id " reconstruction," or,
' .to speak plainly, as to whether the control
of the government should be thrown imme
iliatelv into the hands of those who had so
recently and persistently tried to destroy it,
or whether the victor* should continue to
have an equal voice with them in thi*
as Anally agreed upon, mean* this, and only
this, except that the late slave was enfran
chised, giving an increase, as waa supposed,
to the Union-hiving and Union-supporting
vote*. If free in the full sense of the word
they would not disappoint this expecta
tion ; hence, at the beginning of my first
administration, the work of reconstruction,
much embarrassed bv the- long delay, vir
tually commenced. Is was of the
legislative branch of the government. My
province wa< wholly in approving their
acL*, which I did moat heartily,durging the
legislature- of State* that had nut yet done
s< > to ratify the fifteenth amendment to tlie
The conntrv was laboring under an en
ormous del* contracted in the suppression
oi rebeltiin, and taxation wa *o oppressive
a* to discourage production.
also threatened us—a foreign war. The
laM difficulty had t<> be adjusted, and was |
adjn ted without a war. ana in m manner
highly honorable to all parties concerned.
Taxation ha* been reduced, within the lart
seven years, nearly $300,000,000.
has been reduced in the same time over four
hundred an.! thirty-five millions of dollars
by refunding the six per gent, bonded debt
for bonds bearing five and four and or.e
hali per cent, interest respectively. The
annual interest ha* been reduced from over
one hundred and thirty millions of dollar*
in 1860 to but little over one hundred mil
lions of dollars iu 1376. The balance of
trade has been changed, from over one hun
dred and thirty million* against the United
.States in 1869, to more than one hundred
and twenty millions of dollars in our favor
in 1876. ft is confidently believed that the
balance of trade in favor of the Inited
States will increase, not diminish, and that
the pledge of Congress, to resume apecie
payments in 1879, will be easily accomplish
es!, even in the absence of much desired
further legislation on the subject. A policy
has been adapted toward
inhabiting a iarge portion of the territory
|g of the United State", which ha* been hu
mane, and ha* sulwtant tally ended Indian
hoetiiiti - in the whole land except in a
portion of Nebraska and Dakota, \\ vorning
and Montana Territories, the Black Hill*
region and approaches thereto. Hostilities
there- hare grown out of the avarice of the
white mas, who has violated our treaty
stipulation!- in hi* search for gold. The
question might be asked, why the govern
ment has not enforced obedience to the
terms of the treaty prohibiting the occupa
tion of the Black Hills region by the
white-? The answer is simple. The first
immigrants to the Black Hills were re
moved by troop, but rumors of rich dis
coveric- of gold took into that region in
creased number*. Gold has actually lieen
{burnt in paying quantity, and an eflort to
I remove the miners would only result in the
descetion of the bulk of the troop that
might be sent to remove them. All diffi
culty tn this matter has, however, (wen re
moved, subject to the approval of Congress,
by a treaty ceding the Black ILilis and sp
it' preaches to settlement by citizens. The
subject ni Indian policy and treatment is
so fully net forth by the secretary of the
f interior and the commissioner of Indian
a flairs, and my views so fully expressed
therein, that I refer to their report* and rec
ommendations aa my own. The relations
E&.iS; of the
continue oa a friendly footing. (Questions
have arisen from time"to time in the foreign
relations of the government, but the United
States have been happily free during the
|gy past year from the complications and em-
S barraasnier.ts which have surrounded some
of the foreign powers. The diplomatic
I correspondence submitted herewith con
tains information as to certain of the mat
ters which have occupied the government.
The cordiality which attends our relations
with the powers of the earth has been plain
*•-" --"" ly shown by the general participation of
foreign nations in the Exhibition which has
just closed, and by the exertions made by
distant powers to show their interest in, and
friendiy feeling toward, the United State*
in the commemoration of the centennial of
the nation. The government and people of
the United State* have not only tally ap
preciated this exhibition of kindly feeling,
out it may be justly and fairly expected
no small benefit* will result both to
ourselves and other nations from a better
appreciation of our mutual advantages and
mutual want". Congress, at it* last session,
saw fit to reduce the amount usually ap
propriated for foreign intercourse, by with
holding appropriations for representatives
of the United States in certain foreign
countries and for certain consular officers,
and by reducing the amount usually appro
priated for certain other diplomatic posts,
and thus necessitating change in the grade
of the representatives. For these reasons,
immediately upon the passage of the bill
making appropriations for the
for the fiscal year, instructions were issued
to the representatives of the United States
at Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia, and to
the consular officers for whom no appropri
ation had been made, to close their re
spective legations and consulates, and
cease from the performance of their du
ties, and, in like manner, steps were im
mediately taken to substitute charges
d'affaires for ministers resident in Portugal,
Denmark, Greece,, Switzerland and Para
guay. While thorouglily impressed with
the wisdom of sound economy in the for
eign service as iu other branches of the
government, 1 cannot escape the conclusion
at in some instances the withholding of
'uh* 1 &£ V"-'. .. ; ' . ' '• ' .
appropriation* will prove an e*|Nnrivf
economy. and that thx small retrenchment
scoured by a change n( grade in certain
diplomatic port* is not an adequate con
sideration for the loss of influence and im
portance which will attend our foreign
rpproacntatirea under thi* reduction. lam
of the opinion that a re-examination of the
subject will cause a change in aome in
stance* in the conclusion* cached on theac
subject# at the !a*t session of IVHtgiw*.
of \labania claims, whore- functions were
continued bv an act of the la*i re-*-ion of
t ongreres until the first dav of January,
1877, ha* carried on it* labor* with dili
gence ami general satisfaction. By a re--1
port from tin- clerk of Ute court, transmit
ted herewith, bearing date November 14,
1376, it appear* that within the time now
allowed hv law the court will have di>
pore d of all the claims praaented for adjudi
cation. This ie|Hrt also contains a state
ment of the general reault of the labor* of
the court to date thereof. It is cause of
satisfaction to know that the method
adopted for the satisfaction of the claw.-*-*
of claim* submitted to which are
of long at and in* and justly entitled to
early consideration, should have proved
sucixwsful and acceptable. It i with satis
faction that 1 am enabled to state that the
work of the joint commission for determi
ning the boundary line let*ecu the Uni
ted States and British |*wewiisi<, from the
northwest angle of the lake of the w>khl* to
the Kocky mountain*, commenced iu 1872, '
ha# U-en completed. The final agreements
of the couiaiiwdouer*. with the ma)**, have
been duly signed, and the work of the com
missi oners is complete. The fixing of the
HOt STARY rr-OX THE I" Alt Hi li*T
by the protocol of March 10,1575, pursuant
to the aware! ot the emperor of (terut any bv
nruele XXXIV, of the treaty of Washing
ton, with the termination of the work of
this eomaii*ioo, adju*ts and fixes the en
tire boundary Wtwtan the United Stan*
and the British possession*, except the jor
lioii of territory i-edt-d by Ku*.m& to the
I'nited Statew under the treaty of 1X67. The
work intrusted to tin- commissioner* and
the officara of Uie army attached to the com
mission has lieeti well and satisfactorily
performed. The original of the final
agreement of the commissioners, signed up
on the twenty-ninth of May, 1876, with the
original "n-i of astronomical stalti ns ob
aervesl,'* the eriginal official "list of monu
ment* marking the international boundary
line," and the uiaj-s, rvcord# and general
rejwirts relating to the commission, have
bsvn deposited in the dej-aruuent of Stale.
The official re-port of the >x>mmisiiHiers on
Ute part of the United State*, with the re
, port of Ute chief astronomer of the United
State*, will besubmitted to Uoiigre-s* within
a short time.
1 reserve for a separate communication
to Congress a statement of the condition of
the question* which lately arose with tirwat
Britain, respecting the surrender of fugitive
criminal* under the treaty of IXI2.
The tHtoman government gave notice
under date of January 15, 1874, of iu de
sire- to terminate the treaty of 1X62 con
cerning commerce and navigation, pursu
ant to the pro virion* of the twenty-second
article thereof. Under thi* notice the
treaty terminated upon the fifth day of
June, 1*76. That government ha* invited i
negotiations toward the eonelusiou of a n*-w i
treaty. By the act of Uongre-> of March ,
-U 1874, the President was authorized,.
when he should receive satisfactory infor
mation that the Ottoman goverium nt or '
that of Egypt had organixeil ih-w tribunals
likely to secure to citizens of the Unite*! ■
State* tin- same iinpartial justice en
joyed under the exercise of judicial
tunctions by diplomatic and cuusular
officer* of the United States, to auuiendnbc
o(<eration of the act of June 22. 1860,
and to for citiaens of the United
States the jurireiitXion of the new tribunal*. !
Satisfactory information having been re
ceived of tlie organization of su-h newr tri
bunal* in Egypt, I caused a proclamation
to be isuued on the twenty-seventh of March j
last, tiu'spending the o|>eratioii of the act of!
June 22, I>6o. in hgypt, according to the
provision!, of the act. A copy of tin- pro
ciatnatioti accompanies this message. The
United States ha* united with the other j
power* in the organization of these courts.
It i* honeil that the jurisdictional quest ion* 1
which have arisen may he reauilv ad
justed, and that thi* advance in judicial re
form may la- hindered by no obstacle*.
The necessary legislation to carry into
effect-the convention reepectiiq; commercial
reciprocity concluded with the
in 1x75 having been had, the proclamation
to carry into effect the convention, a* pro
vided by the act approved August 15,
1876, wa* duly issued upon the 9th day of
September la*L A copy thereof accom
panies this tnemage. Tlie wmmotion*
which have been prevalent in Mexico for
some time past, and which, unhappily,
seem to be not yet wholly quieted, have
led to complaint* of citizens of the United
! State* of injuries by jierson* in authority.
It is honed, however, that these will ulti
mately be adjusted to the satisfaction of
both government*. The
in that quarter ha*n<>tbeeu exempt from
act# of violence by citizen* of one re-public
on those of the other. The frequence of
these is supposed to Ire- increased, and tlieir
adjustment made more difficult, by the
considerable change* in the course of the .
lower part of the Rio Grande river, which
river is a part of the Ixmndary between the
two countries. These change* have placed
on either side of that river portions of land
which, by existing conventions, belong to
the jurisdiction of the government on the
opposite side of the river. The subject of
adjustment of this cause of difficulty is
under consideration between the two repub
The government of the United State* of
Colombia has paid the award in the case of
the steamer Monlijos, seized by the authori- i
ties of that government some vear* since,
and the amount has been trans/erred to the
It is with satisfaction that I am able to
announce that the joint commission for the
adjustment of claims between the United
States and Mexico, under tlie convention of
1868, the duration of which has been several
times extended, ha* brought its labors to a
From the report of the agent sf the
I'nited States, which accompanies the pa
per* transmitted herewith, it will 1* seen
that within the time limited by the coin -
mix-ion one thousand and seventeen claims
on the part of citizens of the United State*
against Mexico were referred to the com
Of these claim* 831 were dismissed or !
disallowed, and in 186 cases awards were
made in favor of the claimants against the
Mexican republic, amounting in the ag
gregste to $4,125,622.20. Within the same
(■eriod 998 claims on the part or citizens of
the Mexican republic against the United :
States were referred to the commissien. Of
these claims 831 were dismissed or disal
lowed, and in 167 eases awards were made
in favor of the claimants against the United
States, amounting in tlie aggregate to
Monthly payment* of a very small part
of the amount due by the government of
Venezuela to citiaens of the United States
on account of claims of the latter against
that government continue to Is- made with
reasonable punctuality.
In former messages 1 have called the
attention of Congress to the necessity of leg
islation with regard to fraudulent natural
ization, and to the subject of expatriation
and the election of nationality. The num
bers of person* of foreign birth seeking a
kaine in the United State*, the ease nnd
facility with which the honest immigrant
may, after the lapse of a reasonable time,
become possessed of all the privilege* of
citizenship of the United State*, ana the
frequent occasions which induce such -
adopted citizen* to return to tlie country of
their birth, render the subject of naturali
zation and the safeguards which exjierience
has proved necessary for the protection of
the honest naturalized citizen of paramount .
importance. The very simplicity in the re
quirements of law on this question afford
opportunity for fraud, and the want of uni
formity in the proceedings and records of
the various courts, and in the forms of the
certificates of naturalization issued, afford a
constant source of difficulty. I suggest no
additional requirement* to the acquisition
of citizenship beyond those now existing,
but I invite the earnest attention of Congress
to the necessity and wisdom of some pro
vision regarding uniformitv in the records ;
and certificates, and providing against the
frauds which frequently take place, and for
the vacating of a record of naturalization
obtained in fraud. These provisions are
needed in aid and for the protection of the
honest citizen of foreign birth, and for
the want of which he is made lo suffer not
infrequently. The United States has insisted
upon the right of expatriation, and ha*
obtained, after a long struggle, an adtuis
aion of tire* principle contended for hv ac
quiescence therein on the part of many
foreign power*, and by the conclusion of
treaties on that subject. It is, however,
but justice to the government to which
such naturalised citire-n* have formerly
owed allegiance, a* well t to the United
State-, that certain fixed aiul definite lule*
should l<c adopted governing such case*,
and providing how expatriation uia\ l<e
accomplished. White ittiitiimrtstila in large
nuui tiers becoui* ciliaena of the United
Stales, it i- also true that |K>r#oit* both na
tive Unit and naturalised once citi*eu*of
the United States, either by formal aot* or
a* the c(leel ot a relies <if facts and eiivuui
ttancea, abtiuihui their ciirintship and
ivare to lie entitled to the protection of the
I nited States, but continue, on convenient
invasion*, to assart a claim to pMtcetion in
the absence of provision on these questions.
statin or * m win' a s noMnat,
And in this connection 1 again invite
your attention to the noevredty of legislation
concerning the uiarriagwi ot American eitl
ten# coutraeted ahroad, and concerning the
statu* of American women who in am
foreigner*, and of children born of \mert
can parents in a foreign country. The
delicate aud complicated question* Con*
anually oeeurriug with rcie rvnee lo natur
aliaation, expati tatioii, and the statu* of
such person* a* I have above referred to,
induce me to earnestly direct your atten
tion again to these subject*.
In like manner 1 rejieat my n-oommctuU
lion mat some mean* be pro\ide<l for the
hearing and determination of the ju*t and
suleistmg vlaiui* of alien* upon the govern
ment ot the United St.iti* nitidis a reason
able limitation, ami of such as may here
after atise. While, by existing provision*
oi law, the court of claims may in certain
, a*e* lv retorted to bv an alien claimant,
the absenca of any general provisions
governing ail such cares, and the want id a
tribunal skilled in Ute ili*(io*iuoti of attch
case* ujioii recognized, fixed aud settled -
principles, either provide* no remedy in
uiary dcrerv ing cases, or conn*-!* a consi
deration oi such claims by Congress or the
executive department* of the government.
It is believed that other government* are iu
advance of the United State* upon thi*
question, and that the practice now adopted
i* entirely unsatisfactory.
Congress, by an act approved the third
day of March, 1875, authorised the inhabi
tant* of the Territory of (. olurado to form a
State government, with the name of the
State of Colorado, and therein provided for
the admission of said State, when formed,
inui the I nion iijioii an equal footing with
the original State*. A constitution having
been adapted ami ratified by the people oi
that Hflr. ond the a. ling governor having
eertifuaTUi me the fact# a* provided by aaid
act, together with a copy of stieh constitu
lion and ordinance* as pro\ ided for in the
said act, and the provision* ot Uie said act
of Congrca* having leeu duly complied
with, 1 issuisl a proclamation upon the first
ut August, 1876. a copy of which i* hereto
show* that the army ha* been actively em
ployed during the year in subduing, at the
request oi the Indian bureau, certain wild
bands of the Sfoux Indian nation, and in
preserving the i>eaee at the South during
the election, 'lhc eommission constituted
under the act of Julr 24, 1-76. to consider
ami report on the wliole subject of re-form
ami reorganisation of the whole army in ,
August last, ha* collected a large niu-. of
statistic* ami opinion* bearing on the sub
ject befiirt it. These are now under consid
eration and their rejiort i* |>rngn-siiig. In
accordance with the resolution* of August
15, 1876, the army regulations prepared
under lite act of March 1, 1877, have not
been promulgated, but arc held until alter
the report of the alsjve mentioned tommU
sioii shall have Iwcn rrewivetl and acted on.
I iuvik- your sjiecial attention to the fol
lowing recommendation* of tin- *ei retarv of
war. First, that the claim* urn for the act
oiJulv 4,1864, for supplies taken by tiie
army during the war U-reuiovtsl froiii th.
offices of the quartermaster and i-ouimi—are
general* ami transferred to the Snthern
claims i-ommi-eion. There- claim* are- of
precisely similar nature to thuwe now Iwfore
the Southern claim* coinnii—o n and the
war department bureau*. Have not the
clerical force for their examination no
nre-.-r maehiuerv for investigating the
loyalty of the claimants* Second—That
Fongrea* sanction the scheme of an anuuitv
liiml for the lienelit of the families of Ue
i-eared officers, and that it al*o provide for
tlie |*-rmnnenl organisation of
loth of which were recommended in mv
last annual message. Third —That the
iiianufactiiring Operations of tin- ordnance
department 1* concentrated at three arsen
al* and an armory, and that the remaining
arsenals besold and tlie proceed* applied to
thi* object by the ordnance department.
The appropriation* for river and harbor
improvement* for the current y*ar were five
milliou and fifteen thousand dollar*. With
nty approval, the secretary of war dire-cted
that o! this amount two million dollar*
should be exjiended, and no new work
should be U-guu and none pnree< uied which
were not of national importance. Subse
quently thi* amount was increased to
f-2,237,600, and lh w rk* are now progress
ing on this bssi*. The improvement of the
south pa*# of the Mississippi river, under
Jaime 11. Kada and his associate*, is pro
greasing favorably. At the present time
there is a channel of twenty aud three
tenth* feet iu depth between the jet lie* at
the mouth of the pass, and eighteen and
one-half feet at the head of the pass.
Neither channel, however, ha* the width
required Iwfore payments can tv made by
the I nited States. A commission of en
gineer officers is now examining there
works, and their reports will be presented
as soon a* re- eived
The report of the secretary of the navv
•how* that branch of the service to lie in
condition as effective as it is |>oih!e to
keep it with the means and .-luthorily
given the department. It is, of course, not
possible to rival the costly and progressive
establishment* of great Kurojieaii jiowor*
with the old material of our navy, to which
no increase has been authorized since the
war, except the eight small cruiscm built
to supply the place of others which had
gone to decay. Yet tlie most ha* leen
done that was possible with the mean* at
command, and by siihstanti&lly rebuilding
some of our old ships with durable ma
terial, and completely repairing our moni
tor fleet, the navy has been gradually so
brought up that, though it does not main
tain its relative position among the pro
gressive navies of the world, it is now iu a
condition more powerful and effective than
it ever has heen in time of peace. Tiie
complete repair* of our five heavy iron
clads are only delayed on account of the
inadequacy of the appropriations made last
year lor the working bureau* of the de
partment, which were actually less in
amount than those made before the war,
notwithstanding the greatly enhanced price
of labor and materials and the increase
in the cost of the naval service growing out
of the universal use and groat expense of
steam machinery. The money necessary
for these repair* should be provided at
once, that they may Iw completed without
further unnecessary delay and expense.
When this is done all the strength that
there is in our navy will lie devehqicd and
useful to its full capacity, nnd it will le
powerful for purposes of defense and also
tor offensive action, should the necessity
for that arise within a reasonable distance
from our shore*. The fact that our navy i
not more modern and jiowerful than it i
ha* been made a catme of complaint against
the secretary of tlie navy by persons who at
the sametime criticise and complain of his
endeavors to bring the navy that we have
to it* best ami most efficient condition, but
the good serife of the country w ill under
stand that it is really due to Ilia practical
action that we have at thia time any effec
tive navy force at command.
The report of the jifistmaster-general
shows the excess of expenditures* excluding
expenditure* on account of previous years,
over receipt* for the fiscal year ended June
30, 1876, to be $4,151,88(5.66. Estimated
expenditures for the year ending June 30,
1878, are $36,723,432.43. Estimated reve
nue for the same period is $30,645,165,
leaving an estimated excess of expenditure
to be appropriated a* a deficiency of $3,-
078,267.43. The postmaster-general, like
his predecessors, ia convinced that a change
in the basis of adjusting the salaries of
postmasters of the fourth class is necessary
for the good of the service as well as for the
interest of the government, and urgently
recommends that the compensation of the
class of postmasters above mentioned be
based upon the business of their respective
offices, as ascertained from the sworn returns
to the auditor of stamps canceled.
A few |Miiint, ra iivthe Southern Mtntiw
have expreesctl great of their
*itfrty on arcount of their connection with
the |HMtnl service, and have *|Mcinllv re
quested that their rciHirts id apprehended
lianger should not lie uisde public lest it
should result In the loss of their lives. Hut
HO |Hwitivc tc-tiiuoiiy of Intcrfereiice has
lieen Milooitlfd cxivpt in the CNMI of a mail
IIICFDS'IIGER at Spartanburg, in South I'ara-
IHL.I. Who re|mrlrd that lie had been vio
lently driven away while in charge OF the
luaiUmi account ot hi* |<oliti> ml alliliations
A aoaistaiit su)ierlntendent of the railway
mail service. Investigated the case, and
lE|H>rted I HOT THE iiiesM-ugcr had di**p|iear
lL from IN* post, leaving hi* work to L>E
|rfortued bv a .tiUtituie. The IMSTMA*
icr general thinks this caw is sufficiently
suggestive to justify him in recommending
llmt a imuv seien punishment should 1*
provided (or the offciiae of assaulting anv
| •erectt iu charge of ihe mails, or id retard
lug or other* T*T< ohstructiug thciu hy
threats of JVIW-UAL injury , A Very gratify
ing lesult I* ptveeaUal IU the fact that the
ilrticiencv iu this departluent during the
last TIIWAI year was reduced to 94,081,7110.18
a against #6,1d9,038.5M of the jirvceding
• EOI, lhe difference con he traced to the
large increase in its ordinary receipt*
(which greatly exceeded the rati ma tea
therefor I and a slight dr.'fvs*R in il*e|s*n
diturrs. 'L'he ordinary rwvijils of the |S.sit
office department for the LAt ncVcli year*
have increased at an average of over right
L>er cent, JS-R annum, while the Increase of
expenditures tor the auie jieriod has L>een
aiwuit filly-five per cent, JWR annum, and
the decrease of deficiency in the revenue*
ho* been at the rate ul nearly two per cent.
|wr annum.
The rejwirt of the conimiseioner of agri
culture accompanying tins message will L
FOUND one of great interest, marking, as it
does, the great progrv** td tiie LAT century
in the variety of pnsluct* of the toil, in
creased kiiowhwlgi and skill in ihe labor
ot pDwlucing, saving AND manipulating lite
*aiue to prepare litem for the useof man, in
the improvements in machinery to aid the
agriculturist iu hia (alters, and in a knowl
edge of those scientific subjects necessary to
a thorough system of economy in tgricul
tuial production, namely, chemistrv, (to
tally, entomology, etc. A study of tlii* re-
LWRT by thoae interetted IN agriculture, ami
thriving their (runt TL will find it
of value. In JW.intiug out those articles
which are raised in greater quaulitv than
the need, of tiie world require, ami luual
sell, therefore, for lore thau the cost of pro
duction, and those which command a profit
over COST oi production IVEAUSO there U not
an over production, 1 call *JWT ial attention
to the need oi the th-purtiueul for a new
GALLON lor tiie reception of the cxhthiu re
turned from the ( eiiteiuiial Kxhihition, in
cluding the I xhil>ita donated hy very many
foreign nations, ami to the recoinuicinla
lion* of tiis couimisaioner of sgricultUD
generally. The report* of the dutrict com
miaMomrs and the twisrd of lu-altii are just
received — too late LO|.-ad them and to make
rxeoiuiutiul.lL l n* thereon — ami ore here
with bubmitled.
The International Kxhihition held in
Philadelphia titi* veer in commemoration
of the one hundred anniversary of Ameri
can iiidejwrmience. ha* proven a great sue
oe*. and will, no doubt, he of enduring ad
vantage to the country. It ha* shown the
great ptvgrvs- in the arts, sciences, and me
chanical skill made in a -ingle century,
ami dcuiouftlrated that we are but little TlE
hunt older nations in any one branch,
while iu *OME we scarcely have a rival.
It ha* served, too, n<<t only to bring jwojih*
and prxxluct* of skill ami labor from all
part* of the worhi together, but in bringing
together jwoplc frM all sections of our
own count nr. which muot prove a great be
nefit in the information imparled and pride
of country engendered. It has been sug
gested by scientist* interested in and con
nected with the Smilb-oitian In-titution in
a communication herewith that the govern
ment exiiibil he removed to the > apital, and
a suitable building be erected or purchased
for its accommodation as a jsrrmoiienl ex
hibit. I earnestly recommend this, ami be
lieving that Cougress would second tin
view. 1 directed that all exhi
bits at the Centennial Exhibition should re
main where they are, except tucb a* might
be injured by remaining in a building nut
intended a* a protection in inclement wea
ther, or such as may be wanted by the de
partment furnishing ihem. until the ques
tion of a jwrnuauent exhibition is acted
on. Although the money* appropriate.)
by Comma* to enable tbe parti. I|>alion of
the several executive department* in the
international Exhibition of 1K76 were not
sufficient 'o carry out tiie undertaking to
the full extent at first contemplated, it
gi ve me JILCA-urv to refer to the wry effi
cient and creditable manner in which lite
board apjwiinL-D from the* -.-vera] depart
ment- to provide an exhibition on the part
of the government have discharged their
duties with tiie fund* placed at their com
mand without a precedent to guide tiiem
in the prvp*ration of such a display. The
success of their labor* was amply attMUwi
by the sustained attention which the con
teiiUof the govrniniaiil building sttracL-d
during the J<erioxl of the Exhibition from
both foreign and native visitor*. lam
strongly impressed WITLI the value of the
collection made hv th<- government for the
purjwiee of tiie I'lxhibilion, illustrating, A*
it does, tiie mineral reajuree* of the coun
try, the statistical and {•ractical evidence*
of our growth as a nation, and the uw* of
the mechanical arts, and the ajiplicatiuns
of applied science iu the administration of
the AIRAIRW < f government. Many nations
have voluntarily contributed their exhibits
to the I nited State* to inrreaeo the interest
in any permanent exhibition Congress may
jirovide for. For this act of generoeity
they should receive the thank*, of the JWO
(>!e, and 1 rvsjw'ctfully suggest that a re-so
ul ion of Congress to that effect L>E adopted.
The attention of Cotiffcw* cannot L>e too
earnestly called to the neevwsity of throwing
some greater safeguard over the method of
choosing ami declaring the election of a
President • Under the present system there
seems to he no provided remedy for contest
ing theclection of any one Stale. The remedy
is jiartially, no doubt, in the enlightenment
of electors. The compulsory sujijwjrt of the
free schiwil, ami the disfranchisement of all
who canno' read and write the English lan
guage after a fixed probation, would meet my
hearty approval. 1 would not make this
apply, however, to those already voters, but
I would to all becoming so after the expi
ration of the jirohation fixed UJXM. For
eigners coming to the country to ho
comc citizens, who arc educate*! in their
own language, would acquire the re
quisite knowledge of ours during the
necessarv residence to obtain naturaliza
tion. IF they did not take interest enough
in our language to acquire sufficient knowl
edge of it to enable them tostudvthe institu
tions ami laws of the country intelligently,
I wouhl not confer tt|n them the right to
make such laws, nor select those who do. I
append to this message, for convenient
reference, a synoposia of administrative
events, and of all recommendations made
by me during the last seven years. Time
niav show some of these recommendations
not to have been wisely conceived, but I
believe the larger part will lie no discredit
to the administration. < >ne of these recom
mendations inet with the united opjmaition
of one jtolitical party in the Senate and
with a strong opjiooition from the other
member*—the treaty for the annexation of
to the United States—to which I shall
sjiecially refer, maintaining as I do tiiat if
my views had been concurred in the coun
try wouhl IKS in a more pmsjierous condi
tion to-day,both politically and financially.
Santo rtouiingo is fertile, and ujwin its soil
may he grown just those tropical products
of which the United States use so much, and
which are produced or prepared for market
now by slave lalior almost exclusively,
namely, sugar, coffee, dye-woods, ma
hogany, tropical fruits, tobacco, elr. A Unit
seventy-five per cent, of the exports of
Cuba are consumed in the United States.
A large percentage of the exports
of lirazil also find the same innrket.
There are paid for almost exclusively iu
coin. legislation, particularly in Cuba,
being unfavorable to a mutual exchange
of the products of each country, flour
shipped from the Mississippi river to Hav
ana can pass hy the very entrance to T he
city on its way to a jiort in Spain, then
pays a duty fixed ujion articles to lie re-ex
iHirted, transferred to a Spanish vessel, and
brought back almost to tne jioint of start
ing, jiaying a second dutv. and still leaves
a profit over what woufd lie received by
direct shipment. All that is produced in
Cuba could lie produced in st. Domingo.
Deing a part of the United States, com
merce lietwcen the island and mainland
would lie free ; there would lie noexjxirt
duties on her shipments nor imjiort duties
on those coming here. There would be ne
import duties upon the supplies, machinery,
etc., going from the States. The effect that
would have been produced upon Cuban
commerce, with these advantages to a
rival, it observable at * glatuv, The
Cuban question would LMV IK*I settled
long BgO
ix rivoa f "mint erA."
Hundred* ul Amerioan ven*cls wouhl
IH>W be advantageously uwil ill transport
ing the valuable woods nml ullirr jirotiucts
of the toil of tin- inland |o a market aud in
carrying wiiptilU• and immigrant* to it.
'lite iaiatnl l out sparsely settled, while it
IINN an area sufficient for the }>rotit al>i* em
ployment of several million* of people;
llio soil would have UKIII fallen into the
hatnliiiif I lilted Mate* i n|>itwli MlM. ami the
produi i* are an valuahle in commerce that
immigration wotiltl have lawn i-in our aged.
I lie rnianei|iateil ran' of the South Wotihl
have (iiuiiil there a congenial home, where
their civil rights would not have lami din*
puled, ami where their lal*ir wouhl lie ao
much sought after, that the poorest among
them oould have foiuiil the mean* to go.
Thu*, in CMit ot great upprvsnhui ami
cruelty, atlch an lot* licrti practiced
UJKIU them in many places within
the lat eleven year*, whole cuiu
ittuuilic* Mould have aoiight refuge in Mil
IVimingo. I au|i|Mw the whole rai-e
would have gone, nor tail dtwirsbl* that they
hould go Their lalmr i* desirable, indis
|icuable almost, where they are imw. lint
the possession of (hi* territory would have left
tlie negro " master of the *ituatiuii," hy en
abling him to demand Ida right* at home,
on pain of finding them elsewhere. I do
not preaent these view* m-w a* a recom
mendation for a renewal of the subject of
Riinexatioii. Hut Ido rdi i to it to vindi
cate my previou* action in regard t<> it.
With the present t (digress my official life
terminate* it i* not prohahle that public
affair* will ever sgatn receive attention
from tue further than at a citiien of tha
republic, always taking a deep inn real in
the honor, integrity and pro*|ieritv of the
whole land. I'.S. tiIiANT.
Executive Mansion, Hoctuhrr 6, 1f76.
The United State* Nat y.
The report of tiro secretary of the
uavy of the United Btatoa shows that
there are belong tug to the navy 14(] vw
mis of 150,157 tons imuiNUreuieut. Mi
cluaivo of howitz-rs ttud (i.ittiug guns
they carry 1,142 guns. Of those, 123,
imrrvmp 013 guns, with a measurement
:of 120,898 tons, have steam power, and
twenty*three, carrying nominally 22'.*
guns, are sailing \i s*els. In 1869 there
were 'JOB Yeast-is. Of these, there have
I been sold forty-six; brokt-u up,eighteen;
lost at sea, five ; makiuu sixty nine ve*
seU, thus reducing the number to 1.34
venae Is. To which add new vessels, ten;
purchased vessels, two. Thus making
the whole uumtwr on the register at the
present time 140 vessels. Of our pres
ent force of every class, forty are built
of iron, uamely: Five double t arreted
I ironclads, flftecu single-turretod moni
tors ; two torpedo boats, and eighteen
steamers of various classi s. Of the re
mainder, sixty-five are of live oak,
namely : one ironclad, five steamers of
the first rate, twenty steamers of the
rroond rate, nineteen eteameis of the
third rate, and twenty sailing vessels.
The remaining forty-one are white oak
ships of almost every class.
Of the whole number, seventy live
ore in actual service and fonr are pre
paring for sea; sixteen may lie consid
ered as entirely unfit for future service,
and the remainder are at the various
1 uavy yards, some requiring slight, and
others extensive repairs, but most of
them could be made ready for any
! special service in a fhort time. Seven
-1 teen of our steamers have been furumbed
with compound engines and boiler* of
the best class, and with tho latest im
provements, and nearly all our other
steamers hare, during the last eight
years, been supplied with new boilers,
and their machinery extensively re
paired. There is also on hand, stottsl
at the various navy yards, live oak tim
ber sufficient fur thirty five new ships
of-war, besides a large quantity other
valuable timber and naval material of
every kind.
As a remedy for the reduction of the
force of our fleet from 8,500 to 7,500
men, and for the purpose of maintaining
a trained clans of ta< u, skilled in Uw ir
duties and devoted to their flag, the
secretary repeats hia recommendation of
lost year, that Oongrcas shall give nccea
sary" authority to enlist auunally 750
lioya for the uavy. Audi r existing laws
but in addition to the number of men
now allowed. The system of thus train
ing boys has been swccrviiful. Tha
secretary also urge* that enlisted men of
the uavy may be allowed an outfit of
clothing and a tanking system for the
navy such as now prevails iu the army.
The secretary renews the recommen
dation made in bis naootneivc annual re
l>orta in reference to our navy yards and
stations, ana to urge that their reeourots
may be increaiivl and that nfficiont ap
propriations may be made to keep them
in thorough repair ami ready for any
emergency which may arise.
On the first of July, 1875, the amount
of the appropriations applicable to tho
fiscal year ending June 30, 1876, was
818,301,731 27. The actual expendi
tures of these appropriations during
that period, namely, from July 1, 1875,
to June 30, 1876, was 817,937,354.72,
or about $<164,376.55 lees than the wholo
amount. The appropiiations available
for the present year, In ginning Jttiv 1,
1876, are, iu the aggregate, $12,961,fc)0.
The wholo amount of these appropria
tions, drawn np to the first of the cur
rent month, was $7,879,758.19. From
this may be deducted tho amount iu the
1 lands of paymasters and agents of the
government, and the amount refunded
during tho period alsive mention**!,
which will reduce tho amount of
tin S3 appropriations actually expended
since the commencement of the fiscal
vear and during the working months to
less than 87,000,000. The estimates for
the general maintenance of the uavy for
the next year are 818,646.012. Theam'onut
estimated for new buildings and the re
pairs and improvements ueoofsary at
the various nnvy yards, stations and
hospitals is 82,908,596. There in also
submitted ty the bureau of orduauoc
an estimate for the sum of $775,500,
which is deemed necessary to provide
the proper Amount for onr large iron
clads amf other ships now being fitted
for sea. This shows au aggregate sum
of about 8300,000 less thau tho amount
which was asked for last year for like
In regard to the pay of offioers of the
navy, the secretary says that after care
ful consideration of this subject he is
convinced Congress, when they fuliy
understand it, will have no dosire to
withhold from any branch of the service
tho pay which would accrue to it under
the ordinary o|x ration of the laws and
customs goveruiug the action of tho de
partment, and will not wish to deprive
well deserving officers whose lives arc
oonsecrntEl to their conn try'a service,
and to whom no personal fault is im
puted, of the means for the proper sup- j
Eort and education of their families, lie
as, law id os the ordinary estimates for
the next fiscal vcar, submitted an addi
tional one for tuo sum of $1,550,000 to
supply the inevitable deficiency in tho
" pay appropriation," and to enable the
department to rescind its order placing
All unemployed offiaors on furlough pay,
and to make np to those who have lieeu
or may ho so reduced without fault on
their part the amount of pay which they
would otherwise have received. Con
gress will lie earnestly pressed to muke
this provision, and if it do so, the de
partment will have great gratification in
carrying it out, otherwise tho service
and the department will have no alterna
tive but to submit to tho deficiency nud
the reduction which it entails.
MOTIIRUB IN-LAW.— Bayard Taylor be
lieves in mothers-in-law, but bo prob
ably never had ona to sing out to him
in tho blue mnrkiness of the night:
" Htop haugiu' on that gate."
THU < INEAT PAVA' UV.— ln this Reason
of rheumatism, chilblains, frostbites,
etc., nothing la tter can bo kopt iu tho
housn than Merchant's celebrated Garg
ling Oil. It is peculiarly aduutcd to
family use, yet it answers equally well
for horses and other animals. It ia free
from stain, and at the satno time very
efficacious in all instances whore n lini
ment is required.— Rochester (JV. F.)
Daily I 'axon and A dwir titer.
At our request Oragin & Go., of Phil
adelphia, Fa., have promised to aend
any of our readers, gratis (on roooipt of
fifteen cents to pay postage,) a sample
of Dobbins' Klootrio Soap to try. Bend
at ouoe.
' "Tnr Ktsa or Au. f*raueATii>s Issued
ma Titr. Yurao <* Etrsaa Uina or M At-
LAKTI- ."--tkmOuxmptdn (Knyiand) Ohmrver.
Tlio third vuluaoe ot thia iuootuparsbls
Magazine U now completed. With IU oigbt
hundred royal ootavo pages. "d tta aix hun
dred illustrations, tta splendid aerials, it*
•hotter stories, pocaua, and akMohea, etc., ate,.
Iu its beautiful limiting of red Mid gold, it Is
tho most splendid gift-book for hoy* eud girls
over issued from the press. Prioe, ft, iu full
■ gilt, 95.
" fcT. Ni- ti> a.** it full of th* ctuuorM thing*.
I JV (INUINITIU* It, In nU rrspttrtt, the he*t of
i i lt km L it's Aims nsasr y t torn a numtnr
Uutt isn >M4 fnrfiruimjlg good."—The Charuh
' men, Hartford, Uouu.
WT. Nlt'llUl.AM tar IMII,
I whteti opens with November, IK7A, begin*
A Bu<<ur asp Yea* ErrasTiiaiao Haain.
m a tun l-'armii. "Tax Kiauixm or Tut
CI at Mi*," * brum Ai>*i*ren TO rue la*s*-
aiviso AuoUier *erui of obsmbuig
lutereet to boys,
"1118 OWN MAHTEU,"
lty J. T. TaowuaiMJß,
author of the '' J ark n<uor<t Htorie*,' begins
n the CH*I*IM*H lluiiiai Ncasta.
lk-oidut *nn*i storice, CUristaus stories,
1 lively sketches, pismis and pictures for the
holidays, and some sslonUhliig tUustratious of
Urliit*i sports with drawings hy Huuness
•rusts, THK ( UIUKTU** liuunav Ncxbaa OT
1 MT MD'uulas, ui>srbly iUustrslsd, oontaius a
very iuuuesUng paper,
1 •' The Hume Hotel," a hvsiy arth la, hy
A. Uarusrd. cplondidly lUostratsdi "Tbe Clo.-k
in the Kay," by lhchtrd A. Pruotor; " A Chr o:
uias t'lsy for 11 times or Httuday-sobools,'" by
l)r. Kjgisstou; "The I'oterktn*' OtirUtmas
'lYee." by Laereiia K. Hale; " Postry and
Carols of Winter." by l.ucy Laroniu, with pic
1 ttuea.
Daring the year there will be interrstinp
papers for boys, by Wiixum Cixutu Baraxr,
Jous O. WMttuira. Tsusu Hl'oui. Wiixu*
1 Howrrr, Da. H<<u.tii Osoao*. Mm !><.* y
i B*JIIMIUI B HIM, Kuasa It Kruiarus, a..d
There will bo stories, sketches, and po-ms,
of *|>ocial interest togiila, by Ilajuoar Tuas
ioit Ktiirroan, braax I'u>umi, haiuu V IN
T*a Kiu/km, kutmr* HIC*BT I uauw,
I AtM>rr, Lcitltu I'. Hour, Cku*
Tmnu, lltAi knit DOIMIK, and tj*u>
others. There will be aiao
By I'aorr.xNOß Paoeroa, the Astronomar,
wall map*, showing "The Stars of Each
Mouth," which will b* likaiy to sarpaes iu iu
terast any sent * oa popular eaieuoe rsoeotly
given to tbe public.
Am -mm axn lasTari vioa, with FI N axd
Yi • *,l \Yu imj Wm', will ho Mingled
as hcietofore, and Sr. Kb aias will oaotinas
to •lehght the young and give pleasure to tbe
" Thrr e u wo •n.i /arts' for Ih* young thai
Oftn * (id to ffual lliidtiwv product in* of
R> HIBSAS * press. All thr arftrhw, WAETARR in
/ rv.v or rhyme, arr ihroUAng xrith e taHty. •
1 * * Th* libra'sr ostf artutle iLWrortowr
I art 'lOlAi tuprrti."
' The L-imSon Daily News says "KV trith
j tor rv#ti <d fxunt oul U tyftl is osr scw peokxli
ml i 1 towluri,
To meet the demand for a cheaper Br.
. ] Ntcuuuu Otfi lixik, the prioe of vale. I and
11 bar been reduced to §3 each. The three
•air. in us. in an alrgant l.brary case, are sold
for 91J (m fullgi t, f 15), m that all nay give
their children a ooai|>l*ts set Those volamoc
contain mere attractive material than fifty dol
lar*' worth of the ordinary children's book*.
Subscription price, |3 a year. The three
' bound volumes and a subscription far this
year, only 112. Rubecnbo with the Hearts'
1 rewsdeoler, or tend money in check, or !'. O
I money trder, or in registered letter, to
tVniiiNza A Co., 7i3 Broadway, N. Y.
Sunt 11. Mi-Ntut-r ixia DDLRMU oruttx*
wiilch pr<em*iM to be even more entertaining
lhau the "lory of " Hevenoaka." The hero Is
II aycong man who hat l-eeu always "(M to n
to mau t npron drinjr,' and svervbody is cu
noaa to aee " tohalho u. I do nrri f
New *ub crth'tw may lw, in the Mauxr
rii i .vr Mr - IKWES Huuiui Ntunaa ((Ac
, -if ni-i.brr of any iingoutm eorr inuod),
00-toinitig the o(>.*ning chapters of another
sp>lnu<U'l serial, " fair Laiw o' hivutV by
Mrs. Hodgson Burnstt, and so get fifteen nam
bori for 91, ending wi'h October, 1877.
K ttiuNi.s * Mosrur r i* the beet of ail the
<n*-ari!e. having finer 1 lice:ration* ai d a
greater variety in iu costenta. 8 : beenU.
note, with the nearest bookseller (fit n year),
or send check or I*. O. order to
PCIURXRH A Co.. 743 Broadway, N. *.
i'ubllr Lands.
THE report of tho nccrotary of tho in
terior of the Utiltcxi Htoteo says : Dur
ing tbe ytar ending Juno 30, 1876, pub
lic lauds in the UNITED BtaU>* were dis
posed of as follows :
(Mali salt* 640.691.87
Military warrant 100. tin* 137.fit0.fi0
Homestead entnc*. .. 3,875.909 67
Timlwr eoltnro outrua 607 954 87
Agrioeltural onllsge scrip locauo. * 'J.X2it.(<o
Approval to Kt*!** aa *wampa... 1.rfi5.005.53
Certified to railroads 1,001.778 31
Certified for agricultural oaliege*.. 12 000.09
Certified for c emeu 1 achools 127.036 15
Certified for uuivsrsitiee t.460.44
Cert fled for public buildings 3 113.84
Approved to Ktatos for Internal im
provement* fl 331 56
Smut halfbreed scrip location*.. . I.KvTI
Chippewa halfbreed ecrip locations 19 tSS 27
Total 6 524,336.36
! a quantity LEM by 545,944.93 acres than
that disposed of tho PRECEDING year.
The cuah receipts were 81,747,215.85: a
sum loss by $12,400.42 than that re
: oeived tho previous year. During the
i yea. 21,806,517.25 acres were surveyeii,
making, with the quat tity previously
surveyed, 702,069,611.47 aerea, and leav
ing yet to be surveyed 1,132,665.244.53
acres. The quantity of land taken up
under tho Homestead and Timber-cul
ture acts is 661,966.68 acres greater than
that reported last yoar. |AA theee entries
are generally by actual settlers, tbe in
crease is at once gratifying aud en
Origin or the Polka.
About 1830 a jioasaut girl, being iu
rerriou in a tradesman's family at Elbe
steinitz, in Bohemia, beguiled herself
one Buuday afternoon in her kitchen BV
end* nvoring to invent a now step, which
she tried to adapt to a village song.
While thus disporting herself, she was
surprised by her employer, who, quite
interested, made her repeat tho ex|>eri
mout tho name evening in tho parlor,
where Joseph Nernda, an emiueut mu
sician, hopponed to bo present, who
noted the air ami step. Not long after
ward the new dnuoe was.danced at a
citizen's ball in tho town, and in 1835
camo into fsshiou at Prague, where, iu
oonseqnence of the half STEP which oc
cttra in it, it wan called the pulka, which
means in Tcheqne, half. Four years
later a band bf Prague musicians
brought the dan. e to Vienna, where it
had a great success, aud, in 1840, a
dancing master of Prague, named llaab,
ilanotnl it for the first time in Paris.
Tho entire ooffee crop of the world in
1875 was 900,1X10,000 pounds, of which
the United States imported a full third
part. _
"A Drowning Man will Catch at a
SI raw."
If ho catch it, it will do him no good. Thou
sands of people, ho hsve neglected colds and
ONghfi until llioy have become dangerous, will
rush to almost every nostrum for relief. Tbis
is why ao mat y expoiitnouta are tried by the
im(forera. <)o to your druggist, luy a bottle
of Wistsr's Halooni of Wild Cherry, and cse it
with confidence. It wilt benefit st once and
ultimately onto It is no straw —it is s cable
well tried—hold on to it *nd be saved. 50 cents
and 91 a bottlo. Bold by all druggiste.
lliifus Chapman, of Liberty, Me., bad
s stiff leg. bout at the kneo, limbered and
strengthened by the nse of Johnson's Anodyne
BIIRNBTT'S COCOAIW* allays irritation,
removes dandruff and invigorates tbe action
of the capillaries in the higheet degree.
Otwr Forty Miles of Plpo
0 Were laid iu fitting up the tirand Centra
N Hotel, Broadway, New York. This mMunott
bouse has gained a popularity with tha travel
lug publlo second to none on this continent
Its management, caisloe and neatness eonno
fell to be sppiceioted, i>arttculerly sisee prioei
have been reduoed from 94 to 98.30 and 91
per day.
A New Cereal,
Amoug the uovaltiea eibihiUel in Agrieui
oral Hall, Itiiladalphia Eapoaition, was a new
< arust. weighing slaty pounds to tha bushel,
1, as easily grown a* corn, and more prcductive,
t eaeeltent for table use. for stock aud fowls
It Is of KouOi American origin, hat has Imet
six'Umsted iu the Kioto of Mxthigau sinoe 1873
* where it i<rodimed fnuu seveuiy-flve to 15t
bushels an sere, and wilt ripen where corn will
ripen. Ite *taik and leave* reaamh'o oorfi, II
le planted three or four feet apart, alt to etghl
kernele iu a hill, grow* neveu or eight feet
1 high tbe kornsle being iu e cluster, seven 01
t eight iudies long, at ths eud of the stalk,
•blob ourie ovei and haugs down like (he toj
of • seed onion. The kernel is a little target
i aud rounder than nee, which it muah rsnsm
hiss, it appear* le b* * very deslrah's edditlot
to the eer*.s of the North, and is to be sold
only ia small packages, with eat of grata no
ooch package, aud sett I hy mall, to prevent
f im[>o*lliot:. I lie called
i-aurae <<s rmanu ai< *.
0. B. K teas, of Jsekseu. Mich , grower and
' sole prjpri4or, will send, post'paid, to say ad
* dreas, sufficient to prod am on* bushel lot
t fifty eeuts. or three packages for one dollar.
e . . ,
* TUR VOI TH'S COMPAKIOX, of lloetou,
' is a thoroughly wide awake paper, having
amoug ite contributors ueh writers as J. T.
Trowbridge, Edwtrd Eggleetou, Edward Ever
eU Hal*, Jame* T. Kietda, J.U. Wutuier, 0. A,
n hto phono, Louie* M. A loot t, Uobeeoa Hardtng
It Davis, Julia Waid Howe, Mrs. A H. Lean
. owaus, Louise Chandler Moulton. No writer*
more attractive iu the eouatry, aud no pobU
* oauoa for young people mare enterprising aud
i useful
Jit-aveu Designed the Juice
g (if the horehound t'lant, the tar of the bairn of
(itlead tree, sisd healing honey, for the relief
of irntated lungs. These thro* opeeifies ate
H omnhiued in Hale'a Honey of Horohottud and
Tar, and will cure a cough or oold, however
riolent. with nnerriug eartiiuty. Hold by all
druggtrU. Pike's Tooihaeh* Drop* cure in
oue miuiits.
Tlio editor taken pleasuru in oailiog the
i t atteuiion ot sufferer* from rheumstism, uout,
ueuraisia and lumbago to Duraug'e lihea
matic livmedy. It h* beea bs for# Ui* ioMic
for three years, and. it is said, has never failed
iu a single case. 1: U taAen Uitsruaily, and
1 cures at once. Bold by wholsstle and retail
druggiete everywhere. Price, 91 00 a bottle.
Cottsuuiptiou ( sred.
An old physician retired from active proc
ure, having had placed in his hards lij an
East India missionary the formula of a simple
■ vegetable remedy, for the speedy end pur
mam nl car* of cuusnmpttoa, .nchilis,
I catarrb, aaUima. and eU throat and long affee
; lion*, also a positive and radteal on re for
nervous debility and all litreou* eomplainta,
sfter Laving thorougly tswled Us wonderful
curative powers ui thousands of cssea, feels u
hi* duty to make it anown to hie suffering
felloes. Actual*d by this m Hive, and a oon
xaeutioaa desire In relieve human suffering,
; be will ttnd (free of cltarxe) to all who desire
it, this recipe, with full directions for prepar
ing and tivceoafuily using Kent by return
mail by addressing, ebb flams, taming tin*
! paper. Dr. W. C. Mcvens, 136 Powers' Slock,
| Uoehoeter, N. Y.
A Cough, Cold or Sore Throat
He.j aire* immediate attention and should he
checked. It allowed to oonUuee, iriitation of
] the laoga, a pwmsneti throat *3action, or
I on incurshio long disease, is often the result,
llaowx Be o uiat. Tio- MCS havmg a direct
teffaenes ou the porta, give itaaiediai* robot.
For brcnehitia, oath ma, catarrh, ooiwumpuve
and throat (L>esee. Ts< an* ore need always
i with good saootca.
Th • pn.prietors of Jolmaon's Anodyne
Iduiment. I'oreon*' Puigoute PlUe and Khn.
dan s Osralry Condition Powder* have pub
lished a readable and ins luotiv* jamphlet,
• Uicii may be bal free by mad.
fistosdia * . sorehie*. x*s V• • *isrtM. Xss
Yiu'auwU litUfM, MY* Vsr*s sisstr,
' KM tw'i c. as cam*. MAS Vsu'A RINWA, MM
V Ml'* fiOii, Kas Vfh clnso li.Uu U, Mas
I Vati'i h;.n*li li Was Taat'* (aahix • KM Vmil sit
Xaa Vaar'a f -a! 1 "'*< osd .> bar ht UCay sosl
• Ua, mot lots IHa iljr ff-m* ui ( iiillanu. u
* t tea *t>lao4id Uolal*/ Jasssu nsisMu aI l>ism—W
a *awaa>a.. 3d **■**, lU trmr. raarii gj, with
j • T>LAADW t roslus l) SAL lal TU tea lit* .(osswy
esiseaa. vl'b U>r*a Ih-MUIsI Mt-lsos ai.4 tr.laMa at!
unreussa, s..r;H raososl UFA TUA >M( OF lA*
saJr.— v. JBSBISO* li&nus;. II X Iihm. .M V
U.. *' 4ti la, baa U S-i-i in —( I-.Cl4m> (blrtaaa
S * IWN-A* illui'M. Uaaas-. JACA-I vstar jrrrwl. eas4
.. c; —m. arw—. nwrriui, ii:r, aoras. pal Has-1.
, MCLU D— a-. a*4 srsppat. SLTI. u.tuzt las* *a4 4s;arip
. 1 lloss I'rlca Ids* par Ml rural I. aa A"4raa* MMK
OksOtU-KT. 17 K 11 ih, M. Y. ItciC u oii To}
u*rm or *1 Www. Owwswl'i ir-W arafyatasrs
r . (ivssd "paair Sof SSIL-TS* 'T t OJ. I-L SOD bMStllal
wlstur oil-. IB PDOA*l*a. L-RJU-.. JLNUI, ofanOlrts,
R a(S , A Baa da 'I r— •, H*R. *! J I-aa VI, Ktoast.
R I irosdoa, K. A. sad 17 It 14lb M, H V. Aqmalsi
1 j ararrwbsrs (Vniacnisl Assrd tut * S:iafs* saw stl
R osupftn a— S baa Islau aatslawaa ssd -paasdld OhrW*
OS ssd KM Yaw** aamb*** SI inmmrttCt VaaOOp.
The Mfirttefa,
1 j no vaem
c : Bead nattia rvtmeto Kztra Betlockb 47 • II
, i Oaououe be OeodTessas...— <H Uh
MUcb Oca*... - ... (K n IK
uoe*-'-"' ws oeg
Dress*d. - Ot 0 elk
Rhsl> Ok*
tamo*. <* 0 MJ
OoUim-KA.N,;< ISH# Da
rieur—Eitr* W-stara,..—. tTi ff •to
RLtc Esfr*,.„.. 13 0 1 0.
tfhe*t-Hid W*srtera. 1 H 0 I ft
' j c.Bjwlng I ft.** 1 U*
■ Mru—ftui* It 0 *
Barley -StuU- ' • 0 fl
Kar.-y-M.'i O | I K
Data-- Mixed Western K> 0 |' M
'.VW-B— Mixed Wrwtarc . It ( II
!I*y. per cvi........................ H 0 •
Ktrsw.per cert—..— it <4 li
Hope... TbWbO OX* TS> 16 0 I.
Port—Mr*. IT W SIT e;
Lard - IthS t
Pub-Macl*rei *'. l Stw HOO #lB 0 K
Jle. A new s ,■< 0 *(m
Pry Ood. per owl I .1 (* I "*
Hcrrtt*, ttcsied, yr box. IS ** M
i'ctralecic—Orada........ lS-. oltH K-floed, KK
Wool- 'Taillertia ruece 13 (k >t
iwia* " 18 0 M
Australian " 81 0 (8
Baitar—Kiair Ki 4 M
-WMtr.-e Dairy SJ 0 M
Western Yelk *.B 0 80
Wsrtarn OvJfna.-j It 0 18
(%*ee* —suo> Factory - t* 0 Ith
mote PJ0mmed............ 11 e 01
We*tarn ,8 0 Hl*
ftoer 8 5* 0 9 T8
Wbtet—Ke. 1 Byring I si 1 ti
Cora-Tilted (Ti* § J
uau - - K 0 18
Hy*..... —.... 87 (B TO
Bsr)*Y. 9l A K*.
Beef Oatli*—Kxtre S <Mh
Sbsep Ot,l# 0V
Regs—Drtsaed t-tl (m\
*Ymb—Peßn*ylv*u'x Kxtre 8 ',IKB 8 90
Wheat—TV (Wtarc HAD 1 Ti 1N
Rr-.—. —re -are 7* 0 78
Oora—Yellow ..MM f8 0 18
Hired ""HM TM
Oet* Mtxed .. ....? 10 it
Petreis'tre—Orrca.. IS OM X tot. Ml*
WXTSXTOW*, sua*.
Barf o*l ti*—Poor to Ohclee I (8 0 T TI
Hirr;< t *0 (I tft
I,xn>t* 1 Id 0 48J
TUB Pcßl.lo
wondrous rapidity all Lcal Disease*
nad Irritation of the Bkm, remedies
and prevents Rheumatism and (bnit,
removes Dandruff, Prevents the lli 'r
fnitn Falling Out and Turning Gray,
Hud Is the best possible protection
against diseases communicated by con
MANENTLY RKMOVKO by its use, and it
-1 KSCK upon the fact', ucck, arm.", i.n J,
indeed, ujon the entire cuticle, which
it endows with REMARKABLE PURITY,
It thoroughly disinfect* contami
nated clothing and linen.
PER BOX, (3 CAKES,) COC. and |1.20.
N B By purcbodug th* Lrg cake* at M null
you BT triple tbe I|uantlty.
" Hill's Hair find Whisker Dye,
Hlack or Brown, 56c.
11. Climim PrvpV, 7 Sutk if. L7.
'■ Sneezing Catarrh, Chronlo Ca
. tarrh, Ulcerative Catarrh,
„ permanently cured by
*• furresb't ILbWat. Cm m CATANNB h >mA
. rrruip.aad paratasaat cur* for Catarrh ul srsry for*
m aad W tW. must MM re medy eftr (Is tlsrd. U j
. l urvly • *d*utila (UaUilatlou, and is applied locall
M IsiaMalTos. ud eoeMtiuUonallr b/ittter.,t *f
MJ Ji.irili(iu,ri. luiaally affiled rt/trflntt-iMln—til
(i It aoeibr*, l.rala. and rlcaiM#* Uta heaal pastace*
~ t. ry f,cllityc of hearluss., obatroetiom dalntwa. a
" di■ aaaa. t onatltatimtally ddiaUtMcrsd It rsuoratt
it Ihe blood, purlna# it oftha acid poison wfUl which]
,< b alvay* obarired tot;M*rrti,*tln,utMea ilia si '.mart
" liter and ktdtrar*. ;•> rf.rts dt*'.".or, make* itai
,r blood, and perrolU Ac Perm alloc
I Uasna, aad Aeallf ebMlw cuatpMa oenim ortr ih
dbaadc. Tfcc rental ksl4* ruralire (towers, wfeaa ai
I reti.rllc# aiterly fall, ftThs* roan's H.i ic.
W I 1 SB, arc Attested by Aaaa Hide who piMklly tn
Crwiashd It to feb a stiftt ... rr Me tlifiwtl baud
rrtfardtnii it that rainiollra ai-.hstanliatsd bytUawsOf
~ reap, cud* aad reliable rcfarcoeaa. It b a treat a*
a B<eid Hiadtcina. and wot thy all eou&dcaaa. in
II packana > biaipa a Treatiaa an t'atarrb aad Drßai
11 it* u hfaffeaaaa. ' * diraeuoea £
f . srusv's lUbiotL Cvas U aald brat! vfanlaaal
is.T"4yt'tarf^a.aa. ,u "
'' rpaKT centals lb gnat oaratlea aletaaaU tUK
'■ 1 TtMCITT# ooxpblnsd with Ut Boost eutnpoMtd a
I- tadbdaal pirnta tear BBttad tofatbar. It Uiarsfep
j aacata intpoaeifels for ibexe to Ml la affording protap
rallaf fur all pain* aad acbaa.
f j *—**.■ W*nu * bd*. ftmiiaa, -rtaaaa mm
. in* eti ' VOLTAIC fusei Baa. daadbr rsrteri
JTaMTtL Vab * frnmr. Oaaticawa. -nam a am
, aaaanatber < ocuac VOLTAIO fusarca. jßrul tbew
H " be an fieri lent I'laatcr, - tba beat tbal I bare erai
£ t am sorr, teat U. drußß-a.
BatAAi/WAT.O, July, ML mmumm.
eou BT AuTuKroaiitT*.
, file*. It emb. beat by p. all, carafitflr ersiaeiLoa
, reieipt of a critic for II a for en. or tUTn!
il bj WUCAb * Cvrflli. JProprW.>2aiC
flQO Aam laVdaya. Uwt
2V Jfl A Aartirie# hanipiaa free. A idrcas.
WWW"* C. a. JiMkbTOl.(Abaca.
U yoa kar* Hhwimatiam, IVotirai^lr
: FTmdach>. a Bum, or a BruUo, proctin
a bottle of Dapoon. It will give tuatrm
h reUet aa thouaaiida can testify Fci
; aala by all Druggist*. H. A. HCTRIsBuI
* CO, 75 sod 77 RaudoJpb Bticel
u for tbe Propriatora
TV* BpUn4,i Palatum for IVnnb.
• The World of Song!
'' rrlea la Bosrf., KM. b'latk, *AUU.
ir UUt, ( UO.
L Hatair baearra lasttad a baab of aoaa loeludtna aaoi
a tsdtti of raaUt Pt.i ctaat acd I'ftlsi V rs Mtt a
tko ueaas, fail >ti t Mule t, M t% \ y eearty atjrtj
t dtSarost aiwamtire, aad ctaoaa tbe eoataratibtw a<<
aaaay teak ,ai u "Oat ta ate Ifcwli," " tittSm
e itoaba era ißaar," "Mr Iteart't tami Irtsa," *lM'a i
Bear, KbaS a PiU." aad MUI era's " Wblf tiauiaUi."
We pabSab ataelase reluhie aoiiaa<Jeaa, oaUam
aaaa tbe " WttrLU " aad "I. rata * bead (r Osluaia
of ■' Uomi NNI.IL UlsßskT." and aeteot one jr taae.
e utlu 1 stubs far UMNau
A Qiteyidairw b fAr/aaaave " o*maM. attar f
WB.BO la Bawrd.. 3.U0 Clatb, ll.OOtiUt
Tba "t.KMt or Braeraa" bad a aoadarfal aaaaaai
a end Ibb &e wart mlait tU eqaai. aad eeatatu ab.
. fillnMl " " ptaos, ead tesnr urban bf Uana',
e I eat at he. Reeer. Oa*e. / .SB. end elber atletst ran
a Bosatm. *e ae*a. lull Mtear Maat* aiae, teail Blted will
t Wei* aaa. lira,., felkee. U aaditOn, etc
' Knbar beak mailed, pee' free, lor Resell Price
2C. it. DITMO.H A Pfl,
111 Rreeftray, >rw Verb.
' J. B. DITMOM A fO-
Heueeaaurs to Isaa A Waltar, Pblla .
b Maatiaa rhta pe|n ta ordartap.
I One Dollar.
One Dollar.
THE IEDGER ia • large 48-cc.lumo
paper, ably edited, handsomely pi In ted
i containing every week choice complete fl
atoriea. an in.taUmont of aa intere-ting
| Uluatrated aerial and general reading 40l
old and yotnig.
( j Send yoor name and addieaa, plainly
written, inclosing ONE DOLLAR, with
fifteen oenta for postage, and we will
' send thb paper to yon for one year.
!; What It Does!
It nstno. qntckb , Orar Hair ta IN abMu Xitan!
! anlur. It hu tba affacl <il Kawurtfid Il. llalr ta ptwba.
turftyß ti (tsanasaa MadruS, Hunan ostd
all Krunronafc. -.i __ m _ lb Soslr- Il , t
Tfusi* IrHiaiion, ■■ ■ ■■■ li. Uiax aad Sc.-.!t
Diyinat of tb* II Q EII Sfctn. It fUst. .m
(adad. dry. hamb II U 111 sod fsbtna list
It rrorwsutneaas, Br ■ Q ■B V an ft ens aad e'es
tumrl ihe jfr >*lh 11 ■ 111 nf tba H-S' tl
| aaaatPblaiitcsw.uaU ■.■ ■■■ tWrnrd aSacts tr
I a final tint* Mutt ■ 9 ■9 99 any Kaatannr*
Ctrtw m.dc slant ■■ Hall lestinr tb* hau
aoft limit snd 9lt 991 9 .boar, whatliat
itsnd * a iVassM.* ugsat lha naUttal rsif nc tt.sA Ut*
' hair In aa v.nbaaßby cnttdtttaa; thu, Mr tba
i tRd aad Yost,, an arliciu of iu*i*tM scuwsaa. So
mftanatsaa orrtl to tba public aarrducos such sew Wr
! fal tsuttlts. Try tt! Try u:: dtU fur "Wood'a ia>
pronad!" as tl contains M tnjsnbiu qtuklbL
It tmt omrtcslly tntmdtioad B pan aaa by Pts>f fy, J.
W -f-d, but lbs rsornt chansr* of Inarm! ten's In UA, ■
! ti l" Is twokinq a dnpsn.l Mr It In all purls of iba tiu .lsd
'• NttWs, Utttuui and furatrn twulPta
I Tba Brest radical impruTs>raat Intmducad in this sr.
[ ttclu bns tt.dttetsl us >n tskr Ihe acswry utd adwatteaita
rirtuss b< th* vorid Itsefleeto tsa ll'Atnntlirsarr whs'
baa boon lax smiaht lor mid wanted lor many years, pe
ine* decided n _ D - nam and satiafaclpTy
than hi*aver I* || H I|B furs beep altala
ied No ITrpaplst |S ■ LXB ta ihe ut.:>d
I knoss its cmi.c jjj 3 H Rl| anion, sad car.m-t
make II: Umrslom II 9 9lf when put call lor
' It. "Wood's in. || | ||V wrtni." do ntd
let any anprinot. 9 9 9 99 pie: dealer con
tlnoe too that WHS EB 11 nass Keatnrstir*
or oa 9 9 I 111 Bood. t* sn*
thins similar, u 99a 99 9 9 titer Is poo like
! H! Tnstst npon harlna " Wood's ltnpn>r.eland tike
no other, fm yrutr trill pel te b-np bf lorn nil
dealets ... erystuera vdl Itste tt. If you should Istl lo
| ttnd It. yon eon send flip lo us by nt.stl tar a bolt la. or
*'■ ■" for sis Irdilaa, aad wasrtll ssnd It te you.prepaid.
to any Riprraa Staiion desired, _
Asldrtss r. A. OtHtlC A C 0..( hlmmp.tha
Mc Vu< tt* fbr tlir 1 tillrcl StAtMMM < -
i'!n,who ulll Hit nil ortftrrunnd pply
ttie Tr.tdr n Mn nnfteclurrn' Pviccm
J. U kiMDAUU FropHHor.
IflWd n Ngw York by J. F. Honry, Garrftfl A Oft. ;
fHfon. \Sfcki A PoifMT• .Johnston, Hoi
lowoji A Co., and by hoknai DrucgifitA YoerUy.
. ioi * ;" j 1
T t a?M.M
■: ; ' :^SBin9
a fflr'' I ''
a i
Stßsf SH
; howM
i issfjT
w ft r-.. *
R. AW—Jp fir t jj|
' '"Y'lytl A*9 ("0
*• mrimmt
• 7t ß , , V; i
Mb S©re-f|lA 1." |M|H
!m rFOblpl cf |fl|
V ftftftM Itffti )M'ai .; j
TO) |
!• raftdy f*r
btst 1
4 iu t •
( mmtmm dl 1
t : zk l ims WAffTEO FDR HTSTORY
fka* Ami said
fee sets eataa bsrwa M
i -rajf
a dcui. r **'**-' Don't BSM MM baad tbb sat
i 1 1 tm flftftt 9. • ' UhiWfiH. O
mmmm • rax.!br and kitwd mas of Atnsryca
mmL | ff''woiwifb.MtbMiu
a 'd- kas J.tant h m, <
i; ■ W \
" r ' Pot!CM
■ fl
' 1877. ■
i —• ■ i
A (ttyUl I
_ I no* Is tIH
Saad tor
l ears ta
i Kites v, Ptsi^^^H
arbat ntllb^B
DR. wB
■ SI
""he dirndl H
bull and i ..t" :|l|
maker is ' '£
on Uta lnta^H
and A. C ■
its* ems
and better H
m'siths t.
HOT urrnH
of Urn
lesson belp^B
Tba moat
so low a pri^H
mil" ■ in Aaa wax aad aeaiwt^mm|
M ■ U
**■** allDroiSnflH
Telia I
flflßHEßßlik *•
ti su^|
Ta rttoij