The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 21, 1876, Image 2

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    • I ■ ■ !
. Centra Reporter.
v .TRK llai.l, PA., Dec. -1. l s "^ ;
I tifi MS —sUp*r year, in advance, 2,60
token not paid in advance.
{ lrerti\e nents 2IV >cr line for three i-t
--rrii'oui, and far 6atiu 12 months by awr
a I contract.
The democratic members of the
House held a caucus on 11. Among the
principal speakers were Messrs. Randal!
Wood, liunton, Caulficld and Carr. A
determined spirit was manifested to
maintain all constitutional rights of the
house and to give effect to what is claim
ed by the democratic members to be the
expressed will of the people in the re
cent elections. With a view to this end
it was agreed on motion of Mr. Hunton,
of Virginia, to procure the passage by
the house of a resolution directing the
judiciary committee to inquire and re
port what course the house should pur
sue in reference to the counting and de
claration of the electoral votes and a.-
wluit arc the respective rights and du
ties of the two houses of congress,
separately or jointly, in regard to tin
entire subject of tho presidential elec
tion. .
Several members, including, it is said.
Messrs. Randall, Walter-son and Kiev,
having had interviews with Governor
Tilden recently, are understood to have
Communicated to the caucus the view
i v re.—vd by him to the effect that no
iction except of the preliminary chat
or above indicated should be taken
icerning the existing or possible f u
un polituvl com plication until after the
turn from tho south of the house in
vestigation committees.
this morning's publication of tlie
-(.dements made by the President :n an
interview yesterday was the subject oi
i -..-iderable earnest comment of an un
uv rale nature, and several members
asserted that the views then expressed
I \ the Pn - ii'.eut indicated a settled pur
i hi> part to perpetuate the power
f;h,■ republiear party irrespective o:
.political constquences.
When Grant t .is informed, ore da>
List week,, that the democrats of tin
South tarviliut legislature had a consti
tutional quorum :i the House, and wen
re. guised by the supreme court as tin
!..w :ul n, hi- reply was tha
ue'\hd not aire a damn for thesuprem.
.i; :.. wdta ion" ofSwft CtaoMna
1..e pu-t actions .•!" the great bull-doxet
in tin- white-house proves what estimatt
1 act - upon courts and constitution.-
.!e !. - ihe bayonet to enforce his wil
. here courts and constitutions do no
. him—he is a rebel against both,am
- aouid be impeached.
Postmaster Fairman, of Phil&uelphi.
and a good otiioer with whom the bu.-i
nass men of ali parties in that city wer>
6uti-fied, has Uen removed by Presidct
Grant, to please the Camerous. Fair
man would not obey Cameron dictatioi
in the National Convention and favore<
Blaine's nomination for {.resident. Gran
pardones the revenue thieves and put
out of office the honest men of the part,
and controls elections by the bayonet t
keep his pet rascals in power.
Grant is bent upon mischief. Besidt
his warlike preparations at Washingto.
he is doing the same thing at New York
He has ordered Hancock off to Sai
Francisco and Gen. Sheridan to Nt-v
York withabsolutepowers. He intend
to bulldoze New York, and has sever
iron clads in readiness for some outmgv
A gentleman of New York city says:
"I have been informed,"said he ye#
terday, "by a former member of Grant',
staff, that the President told him recent
ly that if Congress . brought in article
or impeachment he would shut tha
body up in Fortress Monroe; and forth
ermore, that if any Northern Deim
cratic Governors took action or made i
protest against this course Le would up
set them."
Robertson, the outgoing U. S. Senate
from South Carolina, and a republican
has written a letter declining to be
candidate for re-election by the Chan
her lain legislature, because he consid
; .t an illegal t -ly, pronounced so by
tli< -upreme court, and all its action?
null and void.
The "Times" is the best Philadelphi;
daily, and keeps growing in the confi
dence of the people. Its correspondent.-
give the most accurate and impartia.
version of important events, and this is
particularly true oftheir recent account
o! affairs in the three disputed southern
Gf-inre W. Bruce met a grizzly beai
r. ar Santa Cruz, California, and a figh
fc gan promptly. The man stabbed au.
e t the tear, th< bear broke the tnan'-
rii - by squctwin; hiin, and then boll
re'reated, apparently satisfied to escap
without a victory.
Sensible chaps, both, they can enjoy
the fun over agait now. Here, howevei
i- an thcr bulging and shooting affaii
that did not end like the above —l>u
this one had no grizzly in it:
Joiiu Staub wa- engaged to Mary Fin
n New Orleans, llts busiues.-
required hi- absence from the city foi
tiiree mouth-, ami lie delegated to hi
intimate friend, William Wibley, thi
>1 ;ty of attending on Miss Davis duriiq
that time. The understanding was tha
t substitute should take the girl to en
tcriain merits, and to church, and t.
li ive general supervision of her; but lo
went further than that by falling in lov
with her. And she fell in love wit I
him. .Staub returned, learned what hai
come to pass, and killed Wibley with i
pistol shot.
Away out in Oregon the hand of Sam
nel J. Tilden was shown in an attempt t
prevent the electors from tasting then
votes for Hayes.— Willianuport Built
Oh my how thin, and what a little sir.
compared with th£ radical hand that
stole 19 electors from Tilden in South
Carolina, Florida and Louisiana, and
the theft backed up by Grant's bayo
The democrats on 12 carried Bostoi
by 2500 majority, for the first time foi
many years. No returning board can
count out the democratic mayor elect.
The rascally Louisiana returning hoard
refuses to show its work to the congres
sional investigating committee, now
down there to look into their damnable
Acts, by authority congress. These
scamps place tlu-mselves above courts'
juries and congress, and responsible to
nobody for their doings. Pretty gov
ernment we're having. Refusing to show
their hands, proves guilt. Congress
Will make these scamps show up, never
'l# ♦ *
Senator Wallace paid a visit to hi
famiiy, says the Clearfield Republican
arriving home on Saturday night and
left for Washington on Monday morn
iiig. He says everything looks bright
for tt** Democrats, although the Radi
cal? kicking up cousiderubli dust
-t uow. That Tilden lias been elected
.- < i-ded by all fa r minded Rej übli
,ji-. id he' will be inaugurated too
without any difficulty. 1
A special from Washington to the
i World, on 12, aays there is a good deal
of quiet cogitation going on here among
the more far-sighted men of both pat
j ties as to the altitude and intentions of
two personages who bid fair to play a
much larger pari in the political drama
now unfolding than has been hitherto
susjHviod. These are Senator Sherman
I of Ohio, an-1 lus brother, the General
Comniaiider-ln-Cliiefofthe Army. Sena
. tor Sherman, i- uow hard at work to
cure the displacement of Senator I crry
and liisown selection as President of the
* If Sherman is made President
of the Senate he will Utke pains to pr.
vent any official declaration of the elec
tion either of Hayes or Tilden, an.l lie
will di> this in the interest ot nRod\
but himself ami his brother. Neither
Senator Htiertnsii tl>r General Sherman
has any respect or liking for Ptc-ideiU
Grant. In fact it is notorious that they
' both dc-pi-e hi in. Ifno regular
' lion of a President is made, *-r ti tvv.
Presidents are declared, Senator >hei
man at uoon on the At li of March will
claim to Ik*, as Prv-tdcnt of the Senate,
vc Inch is a continuing body, acting
President of the I nited S:a'c - Hi'
brother w ill be, by for. a of -aw and o'
hUf position, the highest officer r ti v
■ Failed States army Gn the last -u k<
of the clock Grant will K im a pi'Vatv
citizen, with r.o in- :e legal authority
over anv o£.x*r or soldier o! tin* army
than the hall-boy -i the W ! ite 1!
Ifhc prreuuiea to exerc; v any a itleriy
General Sherman will de.V. with him a>
remerselesslv a- ho won ! with a drunk
en drummer or a ri. tc c.s cabuian. Any
-'Leer or soldier iti the army who vcti
tures to obey an order emanating from
1 anybody hut acting Vice-President Sher
man, through General Sherman w ill l>e
dealt with in like manner. The fcrun
of law will all he with the Mieriuans,
and the expectation ,who shall say the
unreasonable i xpeetatlou" of tt.e'.r
1 friends is that the alarmed eouaetvativi
! sentiment of the country will rally to
' ;i:eir supjwrt instantly and orerwln .m
--' ingly.
• w ♦
Fatimatee by reliable and w ell infbnu
r il persons put the number of unem
ployed workmen in New York at 45,h7e
Of this number S.OOO are common la
• rersand the remainder skilled me-
The Cincinnati Enquirer say
hev may take a notion to go down t.
Washington to see Tilden inaugurated
i.Me thing is certain the recruiting ser
vants of the party that has brought tin
uutry to its present terrible*. . i
wiii not meet with a very favorable rc
.-option from these hungry and idlemon.
i ticy have had enough ofGrantism.
Grunt say-"he don't tare a u—n tor
Uc Constitution. His acta ns showed
.hut long ago, w.'.h out his qualifying i:
•villi his profanity now. The sense of the
~vople as given at the election show
fiat they don't care for Grant, ami w.
rust there is pluck enough left to uiak. i
inn understand it, if he attempts t<-
bull-doze" Tilden out of a fair elec
The House of Representatives, pre
•■aratory tocouDting llie electoral vott
in February, has scut a committee to thi
t'sree southern states of Florida, 1 u:-
-iana and >outh Carolina, to investigat
toe work of the returning boards win
fixed up the*returns of those stales
.'his committee is composed of men o
tonor aud integrity, uml if upon a fair
uvestigalion by them it turns out that
tie returning boards, at the command o.
irant, Cameron and Chandler, acted tin
uscal, —of wtiich there seems to he no
ioubt—and falsely counted out Tilden
>vho had a large majority upon the fan
o! the returns, then the House will re
sist the counting of those 19 electors
tolen from Tilden to whom they riglit
ully belong. There let the Housi
-e.and, like l.'ither, an.Ufall the demons
n pondenioniuxn rise up at Grants's
all to bull-doze the House. The demo
racy of the country, will stand by them
md see them through for they have a
opular majority of t' i. .("*), and that is
'iiiething. If Tilden has l< en fairly
lected—he mu-t te the Jpre-i- <n' —the
ume if it is Hayes.
Col. Markey, our member in thr
House, i- hereby notified that the demo
racy of his district are in earnest, and
desire him not to yield an inch in this
matter. We believe the Colonel w ill be
found tully up to the sentiments of his
party in this district.
The desperation of the Democr-ata is
■Uowii in their efforts to huv a Hayes
- lector in New Orleans for one hundred
thousand dollars to vote for Tilden.—
It dhmrujHjrt Bulletin.
That the above is a lie, is self-evident,
from the fact that the whole puck of re
publican agents is a set of thieves and
bribe takers, and ifthe i 100,000 had been
jffered, it would have been accepted of
course, and Hayes left out in tbe cold
Tilden don't need to resort to such
means when the masses—a majority ol
ViOCKK)—are for him.
What A Pity!— Col. Jim Milh'ken,
•viio ordered his Itlair County Regiment
ut a few days after the election for the
.nrj-.-e of bull-dozing somebody, lm
k-<-ii cashiered by Governor Hartranft.
- • says the Altoona Tribune. Well, tl
.is Excellency did not know it before,
>e must now he aware that Jim is a
fool. We are too charitable to tay that
ite is a knave.
In California, Wigginton, Democrat,is
found to be elected to congress by one
najoritv. This spoils 3 republican's cal
ulatiou who had been reported elect
The remnants of a balloon were late
y discovered on the coast of Roland,
•eetions of a human skeleton were in
he basket, aud also a pocketliook, with
•apers blurred by the action of vvatei
ml incomprehensible. It is thought
hat the skeleton is that of Prince, one
if the three ballooniMs who left Part
luring the siege, of whom no report has
•ver been received.
Konora is one of the richest mining
-tates in Mexico. If the mines wen
horoughly developed, they would excel
he bonanzas of Nevada. Mining in a
•rimitive way is lieing carried on by the
latives, and a few foreigners are work
tig mines owned hy them. Capitalists
n f-an Francisco have lately purchased
•ne of the principal mines in the State
or $250,000 Binaloa is also a very rich
•ection, but unworked because of the
requent revolutionary raids.
Galignani state* thut a few days ago sev
-ral lads were seen to enter the main sew
•r on the left bank ot the Seine at l'sri*,
by one of the barred outlets to the river.
A policeman, curious le know what they
were about to do, followed thorn, and
found them seated hy the edge of the tur
bid current, fishing fur ruts with a strong
line and hook, the latter baited with n
morsel of bacon partially fried. When ta
ken to the Commissary of Police they ex- i
plained that they sold the skins of water
ruts at 20c. to 30c. each, according to size, 1
f t-manufacturing into "kid" gloves for
a-Jies. One of them, who was not fishing, .
! when questioned us to hi# meant of earning i
■ 1 ivclihold, stated that he was "tin fh.t" t
■a wave)—thut n lossy, in the evening, at
.t oof the theatres, he pased back and y
-i.i ward beneath capvavs painted in shades
of blue, to imitate the motion of w : v- at j
ca ; but the "flicinl detained him f. r vg.
•tiondage, considering the calling in que&> f j
lion too vague to give a living. i i
THAT i ST i-:ii 17 fit ni:rwi:i:s i
[Spc. ittl I'ifpatch to tin* Balliinore Ga
zette 1
Washington, Dcccnilw-t - The Rc- "
puhliciiti ica.tcra arc vci v much gratili- .
c.l at the apparent determination of the
l'reaidfiit to carry thing- with a lugli
hand in South Carolina. They gleoful- J
Iv tell ol the rough manner mi which,
tliev S.iy. he received Me I- Hewitt (
ami Randolph la-t W v dm-sdav evenitq- ,
tniouc otl.i-r expre-siotia of Grant'-
which the> quote with nun h e.iit>> i
one in regard to the Supremo l oins of ,
South t itoUna Senat. i Randolph, uf
tor making known the eouteiita ot the
IIH-i-lgv* In* llavl le elVe.l Itoln Made
Hauiptou, apoke of the fact that the ,
liighost legal tribunal .-t South t'aiolina
had tie. Lan d Mm key. Speaker ol l'hain- '
lu ilain'# rump 1 . gi-latiu wu* a j
private person, and then -i. lidno (
right to retain the election retiirua for j
Govenor At thi-part Grant, with gnat
emphasis, sav- the Repuhlnaii gossip. v
r\. laitned : * I don't care a damn fin the
Supreme I'ontt."
The stories ol tin* inU tvicw Retweiil |
Messrs Hewitt, Randolph and the Pr, si
dent came from Re i.Lln.iu-. and are
■riven oil the authority of t'uineroti.
l liev are told evrrv vv I te anil Repuhll
, aits mem to enjoy thein very n u. t.
The old man." said a protn t R>
puhlieau t> - lav, "has g.-t I , !. k
uovv and tn< an- bust Hi He n '
are a daunt for the . i . e
thet'onstilutioit of S ut!. (kmlitW tod I
t 'H'fore long lu* will 111. l.e v. v I.
Wa.lo Hampton and h - i t'.e ,11-
Tlie sadder part oi'.iii ti the < v I.
relish with which g- ate t.d.l
bv men Who • lailtl to he-tat, • tin i at 1 1
patriots al-o. There i- tn i t w. td of *
li-appi ov.vl, even regret, imp! < >! in the
•ne of voice with w hieh th.-y t. . ut
■he President's half drunk, n iß.l.uu
Tin: SAM i: KCI.K F<>l: AI I i
N. Y. Fvenittg Po-t (Bp I'e ' 7.
Yestervluy tivivernor Grow -. ■: tre
g>ii, gave a certificate of elect i -n a- el>-. -
tor to 1- A.iTontna vteu< ratie ..nidi
date for that olt'n e. on the grout..! :! t
one of the republican candidates, the
late Post master Watt- w ir.el ;i
--ble. • * * *
Whatever differing tin ri,-- corn, n
ing thai ducisinu ttt-.v b entertained,
this much is plain Tin* siitw it., rv
must he applied to all ea*, - It vvill nt
do to make various law- * i v.ui us
sta'e# If it be held that when the vc'es
-imc to be counted in Washington the
ertilieate- may bo inquired into further
than is necessary to ascertain their gen
uineness. that rule must be impartially
ipplied. If, as we have inclined to be
icve tho appointment of electors a
■ urely state matter, and if there is no
power to go behind the an"' <• -e •:.
fieates of state otlieers, th-it ru!-- must be
impartially applieil. If the deuiocra'a
insist ii|sm inquiring into the tm ~ .1-
ings of the l.i-uisiana returning loard i
"liev ennuot prevent the repuMiean
froni inquiring into the t roeeeding ol
the Oregon governor. On the other
hand, if the republicans in-i-t that the j
authentic action of the Mate >- conclu
sive in laiuisiana. they uimt admit (
I it is conclusive in Oregon.
T> THE si" PR EM F taH'RT
' AMI XoW -t \ VTOK -VI, : : 'X OK! IU- *>-
Washington, D, end •r 1 The ,tte.--
tion of how the electoral vote shall be
■ unte 1 received a partial solution in a 1
negative w-iiy in t'ongn -s today- that
is to -ay, tie mate voted down Mr
Kltnun<i-'s proposed constitutional
• niieudment f r the reference <>f the
questions of law and fad to the Tinted
-tates Supreme Court. tne 14 Senator
,-oting for it and 31 against it. Messrs
Mlison Anthony. Blaine. Buruside,
Conk ling, F Jtiiuuds, Ferry. Frelinghnv
m'u, Hamlin Hitehei.ek. Key Morrill,
West and M'riglit ,-on-titutti.g the athr
mat ive. The objection-taken against it j
were bused on the fat t that tf the amend- i
ment were ratified it would perpetuate I
the imperfections of the present electo
ral system and give the Supreme Court '
additional jurisdiction <f j►.> 1 iti■ nI om-s-1
lions. It was also doubted if it could be
ratified by tbe t-t.ites in time to solve
the existing dispute over thi- electoral'
vote, an-1 it may !■ stated that t!.,
does not appear to be one word >■•' trip;
in the story that the Judgt tl . -:- (
praam Court have held a conference I
protest agein-t the -f th
imendnient. They have t. ,ei u .
tion whatever, deeming it t ' i!v ut.
he omitig in them t> do . hut • yi
ing, aa is well known, th>* u r.--- :
virtuallv, thr.. ;g!i it ; law-, reterring .
political questions to the ' .t. every
The next step in the Bet.ate pi, !
to be the consideration of M i u'- ! ili
for e ■ inting the electoral v li.
propc-is a law in lieu of joint 1 1;. ■ :.t ■'
constitutional amendtuents He < .11* !
it up just before the >i nate rt , i
It provid- s that the Senate -b I tm ,'
in joint convention, and tt.e \i < --Pr. -i
--deut shall be the presiding < ffi.-.-r; that
the electoral votes shall be <•; etu-.l by j
him and submitted to one teller for the
Senate and two for the House, who
-hall read them. If any question arise
on the count, the Senate withdraws and
it-is submitted for deei-ion and the
House pursues a like course, an.l no
electoral vote to which obji lion- have
been made shall he rejected except hy
the affirmative action of the two houses
The joint rules only require! the llotise
to dissent to throw out a vote M there
be more than one return from the .-aim-
State they are to be opened t v the Vice-
President in the presence of the two
houses, who shall decide which is the
true return. The joint ses-ion shall not
be dissolved till the vote is counted
though a recess may be taken.
The l'all Mall Gazette calls attention
to Mr. Lvun -'s work on Bosnia and Ihe
Herzegovina, and deniv - that the torture
by flic# is peculiar to the Mahometan
rent collectors. The < i.izctte < all.- atten
tion to Mr. Yatnhcry'.- history of Bok
hara, and shows that the Kluni of Bok
hara, up to the time of the occupation
of his territory by the Russians, kept an
■>l>t-n pit furnished with the bodies ol
•lead sheep, into which were thrown
criminals and personal enemies, who
were gradually stung to death by the
insects bred in Hit* decomposing ' areas
-os. It further proves that tin- torture
hy liies is largely praeft-ed in Moldavia,
and relates the follow ing, on authority
of a captain commanding one of the
Danube steamers: "One night, in a vil
lage on the Moldavian shore, piercing
shrieks were heard, which grew fainter '
and fainter, till tlii-y died awav in about •
three hours. During the darkness he ,
was not permitted to hind on that shore;
lint next morning, he inquired about it
and was told : '•< Hi it was nothing. M'o '
were keeping a feast-day, and u man 1
who was drunk thought if lie stripped '
bis wife naked and tied her to a tree >
close by, all the mosquitoes would go to :
her and not annoy him so much."' t
Within the last ten years nine theatres '
have been destroyed hy lire in New 1
York alone. This puts "the average at 9
about one a year. Among the theatres I
thus lost, the most important were Bar- -
num's Niblo's, the Academy of Music, t
and the Fifth A venue. Meantime in the ,
other cities of tbe country, twenty-eight
theatres and concert halls w ere hurried,
including such leading ones as the Bos- '
ton Glot>e Theatre, the Philadelphia •
Ar< h Mrcct and American. Pike's Tin- t
,-itiniiti Opera House, the Baltinioi, j
Uolliday Street, and the New Oilcai
Varieties. These facts suggi -t Row
great the risks the-o structure- run an
atiil the need there isof their belter pn |
tertion against fire. t
In "Lackey Star," a play enacted R t
Chicago, a stag hunt is reprcM tiled with
real deer, horses, and dogs. One of the
deer jumped from the stage anion" lh<
musicians, sticking a leg through ; 1
drum, and smashing a fiddle. That
seared the horses, and two riders wcte 1
thrown. The people were well enter- q
M'e'll bet that was fun, better than
what was on the programme. H
~ *~~ *„h
Tbe child of a poor woman was
frozen in its mother's arms, in the streets of
N w York on the night of the 16. i. 1®
.1 LITTLE mm, urn MOTHER,
t.OOk THItOI i.'ll THE
M'i'Ut it uioiilli nuo Joint I l .mini, ho
w iii .util his htth- ilimghiir, Maty, mine
to Philadelphia front Mryn Muwr, w bore'
tliOV lt\cl to eco ho|iu IriiMiila. 'I'll! 11l lj
night lillh Mttry get loci, ami wa> luck
i>l tip in I lie I'u tniioih tlialritl station
hoi.n Tito next mornitin Lieutenant
t'tvighton, failing to lltiil any of hot
rvlativt •>. gave the i Inhl money to n tin n
to Pry it Mtiwr I'lte i hihl, however,
i'OIIIiI not tlii*l thei|i-pot, ami nan pick
••l Up ill tll' Mlt't'l illiil token to the
\lui'lioiim'. Thst-unie nigl.tlhul Mary
u as taken to tho Altti-Jiou-o het luotliei
wu- fotllttl in the bti t i t drunk. it lii 1 *hc
wuenuliu the nil otvnpieti by het
ilttti iiti r the hefnro, in the 'l'melf
ueth district
morning as -he said that elm hint no!
home, alio *ib sent to the IIOUM< of Cor
teetion, 1.0.t night John t'auliii, the
hettil of tho family, huh locked up for
tliuukenut in tho canto t 01l that he
will ilti.l datigliti f had occupied I . ;,.ji
hi 111 7Vi'i<Z, 16,
For the Ih.crtvr.*
Ito t|t'it'ti .■. 11 i-l i■ ul hiiligt'llr sal vat ion
l.ulh Hp, ' to nil men, 1. aching 1.4,
it itll \e g ungodliness untl worldly
!, tt a should lita •oberly, righteously
0 '■ t, in lit la pre.cnl world ; looking
toe it- I ltti| <• hiii' the glorious tip
*ot the grant (in,l ami oyr IXV lout
' it.. trove It tin> If for u>, that I
i leto . in from nil iniquity, and!
1 i • lino il n peculiar p • 'pie,
ttti'U .1 I'.-rka, Tit 211-11
Not it f :
I I'-ie g : fi J U> the grave ol
• t 1 •'a i i t e Lord .1 <•■! Ch ri*t or the
ti'-pel I' I* gr i ' ! God brlugelli -•!
tut •, | t.r.ure nntl eternal. The]
1'• I tlutti >;>|..-ared Tito i;:nr
M' : h.- 'ippiareJ unto nil lt|ol|. The i
ti |l L: ~ In miration bath
.j'l . .If. I in to h I n.ei,,
II I !n> re j il-em-uts of tho grace ot
tied It tenetier Ul :
1 I tie.'tv (avoid) Ullgojlillcr* uttd
II All woik, w rds and
in Ug it?, i ulr iry to tho Tatilo ol the
Di-t'u 'goo
2 \N ' : til- 1 :•! Ail tli 'filer r p -
<ioiis h' .1 t lolnitoiti of the ten i utintri.i
Ino lit*. Wo mtllt avoid the 'Auie of
t< rldly g-> :- ■ tlei; v his: -y to slaii
IG.tthev hence.
2. it> it. soberly, righteously and gnd
> in tins pr-sent worn!. Ttij are the
! g < Wi) r. i u ■ • stii,
1 'h: .el t li.i U-rui indicate* the du
' t .tr to euro .ti" Ttieso require
I ui ily ot heart and mind, inttdoral too tn
rating and drinking, in e. p
ng and dre.sing, in alt our dctiris
through words and actions
Righteousness By Righlooutt.e,->
I'aUl means Mt'.ll. 7 12. Ah tilings what
. -Oeter >'u Would that lutiu should do to
iuu, do ye t veu so to them, I. e., the du
lses wo owe to others We must r."t
>.-re the person wife, child or proi.erty'o!
Xgl r NYe Mint lovet'ur fellow
:nn itnpartial y
J I ■ oil U new*. t,, dullest exj re-re- tlie
sulies Wis live to ti"' 1. mt abridged
fttra. Wu ulu l.i love t>"U MiplL'Uo.
[ OtldlillM •'• Itrlsts ol two I l gs. '•
C ■ fitlfi.i" I'!:at aid lit. hrail may
.. pe in God, hull.i upon his grace If tin
, .earl !••• unte evtng, there will bo nothing
hut ungodliness in ail our thoughts and
luesirts t'ur works may C .no, those i f
s situ.-, i lit lliry t, iim t \ the | , .tut ..!
2 In aw. ingness to he and do wiiat
ti'sl wants. Hence l*aut soi-i Loru
at w .t : ii .teiui l"l ' r-" .' '.v.
High ■ -r .■ - and t. .Hi. --- iro i •: t
tlieS and it utittersa V practiced w i
' . over: this had world! into a paradise.
111 The ttf.e.s of the g arc .-I lied.
j 1 1 lie l-ardeii ot silt I'tlis is tlie I.
last; ii o! all cbrist :.U bte.nngs and the
source t.f i tcrnal t mufort.
2 Patiein o in atHn tion and suffeting
.1 oh Was full Oi this spirit t. hen he >a.d :
i i.e Lord hath given and the J.uid halts
tikeu awat , h.o 'CU I C ! of 1
. Lord.
3. Courage a: i l'ortituJo to the t ..ntL.:
. ! life, eg , With indwelling #in, the
w ' r.d and Sat:, r
L A iivil g lion, u; death Anchored
in J tus Christ, the Redeemer oi -infu.
nd ! men.
o A glorious imraortality. When the
Lord Jesus saail at p. ar, we sha.
he like 11 ins, 1 John 32. lie shall charge
this vile body and fti.hion it like unto hi
glorious body, I'tiii. 3 V'l. This corruptible
snust put on .In orrup.ion, i.d this iitorta.
mu-t put on inim riaiity, 1 Cor 100 3
The great ct.J of Christ's Rle ption -tus
to ruing us lo holine-s an l happiness, but!,
heie ulid hereafter And this grnd end
u attained in the justiSralion, s.inetifica
tion and gl it ali. ii i f the tru 'be ■ Tt-r
A hall v i' i in us to itl: w 1.. . if the
Lord J. .• Cbr si J F ,
U Al*.
. Pr. J. A. Shade, Ly 1..-
u i .-law, C. A. llccte.
The H t of Shace Hurt
,' gdon i t t t sc< reol * fearful
lr..g< . atternoon lost, the
2d .' w *' the cotumuniiy
■a::di of ret esgatal aicll—at. The
t g vt .- t: vit g murder of one i f
i..0 . .oi mid most widely-known and
high y . ileennd ciliceni of tho village,
I .J A si ud t y In- son-in-law, C. A.
lie : i iii . • m. The parliculars of
thi i rri'.H.* affair are given belnw
1' loin tin- Ml. I ni n Times Extra of
The causi t leading to the tragedy lied
thei' < rigir. in the nnhappv di-tiicstic rela-
I iior.s of Re- e and hit wife. Some five
tear ;t g. - R.'i-e married the only datigh
tor of P: shauo, against the writhes of
j s-tti'. and the ri-alt Wis an unhappy
marriage and t: nl y h separation and the
daughter returned to the house of hir
parents. Tho unhappy wife applied for
and obtained a divorce from her busbar d
arid they were thus legally and apparent
ly forever separated. But about a year
ago the parties got together again, nnd
were re married. It was then thought
that old grievances and differences had
been satisfactorily settled and arranged,
a' <1 ti.utters seemed to go on well enough
for a while with the re-united pair. But
n- is generally the eato the armistice was
only temporary. The spirit of discord wa
only allnyi '. r.- t pcrmanenllysquclched .
and the old feuds unhappily revived
with fit toer power for evil, as the result
proved. The wife again, for causes best
known t" her i If, forsook her twice mar
ried hu-bnnd and ri turned to her father's
house for shelter.
This la-t separation occurred but recent
ly. Last week Itceso was in Mount Union
, inquiring for his wife, but sho was not
here- He followed her to Huntingdon,
win re she was stopping, sought an inter
view with ltvr, hut she refused lo see him.
'in returned home on Friday, and on Sat
urday went up from Orbitonia to .Shade
Gup with murder in his heart, as hi* sub
sequent diabolical net shows, lie call
ed at the residence of Dr. Flinde, and
vnet bis father-in-law in his office, whenntf
altercation ensued. Our information i
'lint Reese assaulted the Dr . striking him
n blow in the face which staggered him
and nearly knocked hitn down. Mrs
Shade eainu to the assistance of her hus
band, and struck Reese with a stick. Reese
then drew a six sho'er revolver and fired
two shots at tho Doctor, one of whicli
struck him in the temple and the other
lodged in his shoulder. Ho then fired a
• hot at Mrs. Shade, which just graced her
head, cutting a scar above the en' arid in
flicting u scalp wound. The Doctor had
fallen and via:- crawling to tho door on hi
hands arid knees, when Reese turned upon
him and lired the remaining three balls in
tr his head shooting out both his eyes anil
leaving him dead on the spot, while he
i n ked away and took the road towards
h his ; i.i on foot.
Tlie •hunting attracted tho attention of
neigh i or- ami hrouht a number to the
scone. As -non it - the fearful character of
the tcrrib e tragedy which had been en
t.'loil in their midst was fully realised,
and the bewildered citizens could recover
their breath and their •eiiscs, the arrest of
iho murderer was suggested. Kx-Shoriff
D R I*. Neeley, who happened to bo in
Sl*i do Dap. volunteered to lead in the
r u it, u I procuring a couple of horses,
ai d n i i iiipi.ii "ti st rted after Reese.
1 i was nv i rhauled n couple of miles from
i. . iii. -e, on tin: Orbisof in road, and on
eeipg Lis pursuers started to run. Tho
•veii ng of a p Mol in the steady hand of i
ox .Sheriff Neeley caused htm lo halt. and'.
j tie was secured ami Inken buek to Shade
'lap No outraged Were the people of the!
quiet village at In- dastardly crime that it
'.Was with cotisidelahlo difllcully some of i
. shcni i ul,I bo rati rained from taking sum- t
maty vengeance Threats of shooting ■
slid I Bilging were freely indulged in. Ho i
ns, however, protoiliJ from mob tie 1
• eiis'e, ulid wus brought d"W nlo this place l
>ti the regular afternoon Last Broad Top i
train, in chargi of Mt. Neeley, ami taken i
to Huntingdon on the five o'clock, p. nr.,
'.r.ilu at .1 ,i. A . dg, lin jail, where wo
trust ho 11. . y be securely kept until a Jury '
..I inn abiding citi. . lis -hall mete out to 1
aim the late he so richly dcseive*. '
Di John Allreil Shade, as already ta- 1
I I, tin <• o! lb, - .1 m!, ii. -l prun.mailt
nid> known citizen* of his neigh
borhood, Ho usi aged about fitly-live 1
vai. Was u, of the neighboring '
■■ vt lily ol Fulton, studied In '
Chambersburg, and -ettlrii in the practice 1
' hi- pr ->i nat Shade Gap about tblr- '
1 ty yr at ago. '
.Sol' I'll CAROLINA - likALGoVLK-
Nolt IN At iil'lht'l KD
. luiniei r CioWil in Alteii.laiin 1
\\ iide llaui|itiMi Cart icil to lit-*
Hotel in Tiiumph.
I'., unit i. December tl The innugu
ration <! \\ .. lo IL.mi ton took place in
I! front HI a r.d ii u Ha! I tliiv afternoon The
squirt ii, troi i of the hall Was densely
I a. ked w lib persons of both raees and the
I house tups were covered With spectator*.
At half past three o'clock this atternoon
Hauifiton was escorted to the tlatid am.J
, d etiionslrut -n* i f great enthusiasm. The
in tin c is.! the gt; rial assembly ...cupi
'.d the ipoco InnandlaUljr iarnMdl(| ti.e!
, stand, with the c.r iwd lu 11.0 Gener
al 11 it in plssi. delivered hi* inaugural. At
II tho els <>e of the uddtes* tile oallt of office
wui administrated by T:iul Justice Mar
,hal to 11 unplon u> lioveriior, and W lb
Sunpson liculaiiant gov crtiur, thccrowd
standing will, heads uncovered while the
..lemony was being performed. The
iair in which General Hampton was'
senled wt.-then wrapped in the national.
Color* and he was borne o 1 lliti shoulder-j
1 :ti tiui. ii itic-ii lo hi* hotel . -corltoi L> the
. el lire t I I. 1.
c Several p ominenl g.nllaoien addree-ed
1 lb.- in ii I tude fr. tn tlie front ol the hots-..
The c ngr. -.-i. iiali inmiltee were oca u
ping is prsiiuinent|on on one of tlie,
bg'.i . tiia*. altar which the crowd quietly
dlsps'a tttr
L t tie K ck, Di > inner 10 -A Garetti
!: li. lb i .!< .1 gives particular^
of a tar . 1 .-vp --i m In a -mill
i.i .r that plaOt ye-i-rday Xm men
were killed Two c. lured men, tiamec
' Custer and Johnson, were dangerously
' wound, d.
'i be uiil theory of the fouuiiatiou ol
, coal i- t'.tat it wu- formed from vege
a tatiou 1 bce foruiz of vegetation
. grew ..a vast fresh water hog* ami
marshes, and on !• w hilly Hi ai d
urouod thoae tnanhe*. lu coure of
c : turis - the ii foliage, trunk- and
WaiK'iu u. 'uitiulaicil beneath thetu
to a great .icj'th l_v a auheidcace of
the laml the watet j rcvinltd over ail
tlie regi u ut which this vigelation
grew, and eauda, clay* a:id gravele
w ere sic j- sited up. n it, and thus it
was t iverttl uud j u-servid.
Again the lati i apj-aud, and
i !uti<•!< •. ViTt i satiate' a* hehuv,
■ utid in pr. tea* of litue materials accu
mu'atcl for another cual-hcd Again
. the lands were subtiutgcd, und thus
submergence utid eutngence, each of
long Cotiliuuauce, messicdcd each
utiier as mativ time* as there arc c* ai
heils iu auy region.
A crri-iMiudeiit of the New Vork
i Kvetting I'ot sav* that this theory i*
* all wrong, and that Coal is from th*
gas produced by the .icconij, sitiou of
the dimt iilary lime rock.
The ■ xygeu and hydrogen Couijkmi
tng water uniting with the carbon uf
thi liti:< give the ooniponent
part* of pc.roUum (hydrocarbon,)
intumti . a-phaltutu ai d coa .
gnnses, filtering up through the diller
mt kind.* of sandstone, more or lets
*st ngy under Various pri'Ssiiroe leave
' a residuum f carbon and hydrogen
behind, united, in the tdialea dneetly
y under the sand rock, in the various
\ proportion* to form the substance*
named above.
• ♦ ♦
The eue <>f David Keller, ofHarr s
. township against the railroad company f. r
f land damages was tried at Ue lcfonto, last
week occupying ab'Ut two days,
f Beaver ar.-l Keller for Keller
and G I Miller ar.d Ed Blanch'-
j ard for railroad company. Th t
. WHS nn appeal from an award of £>'
~ daniagss alb wed by vicner* somo tw<>
. yers Mg" Ti ej ry lr.-*. mek awarded
,f Mr Keller sTot)dainage*, w liicli will haw
v to bo paid by crlixen* of Potter township
—in wliich the farm lies—and wlij guar
r anti-ed tbe rigl t "1- ay in tl.. ir town-hip
r We ui dr r- i'id that Mr Miller will carry
,1 the ease to tho supreme court
' IV
I. For 1877.
To all near subscribers and to all pre*-
u r-nt subscriber* renew ing tlreir nib-crip
i tion*. • •
"i\ ill lie sent at tho following rates :
1 copy, 1 year, poiUrge prepaid $7 Ob
"j 2 copies, in club " " 120 l,
!t A " " " " 27 !t>' :
.Dl 2 " " " fs* ia
1 copy tlur'trg session of tho Legi-la-;
turo. 2 00
* 1 cony, "!ie venr. and ono copy. <>ni
year, of either Harper's Monthly or Har
per* Bnxar, postage paid on both, .♦ 20.
>t will be sent nt the following mtcs :
i_il copy, 1 year, postage jrrc|iaid $2 00
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r 25 copies. 1 year, postage prepaid,
and 1 copy to getter up of club 22.50
I copy, 1 year, and one copy, one year, of
* either Harper's Monthly or llarpor* lln-
J .'.ar. pottage prepaid on both 4 60
t . The subscription priee of Harper'*
Monthly and Harper's Bazar i
' each, .bus securing tlie subscriber a copy
n of the weekly Patriot for 50 cent* in ad
n t" ii hat ho would have to |>ay for
either of Harper'* publication*.
All or.lcr-must bo accompanied by the
cash, either by check or po*l office order
* Now i the lime to subscribe, tietnll the
j news and the best of reading matter Ht
le-s cost than any whore else by sending
1 your subscription* to tho Daily and
r Patriot Addrea*
r Harris burg. Pa
$20,000 In Gold.
i given to those who
1 Tho Cincinnati Weekly Time* publish
. Ed for "3 years, ha* a National character
and influence, with patron* in every Male :
and Territory in tha Union, and of all
shinies and politic* It' new department,
■ In the South nnd Far West, will he inval- '
I liable to all looking out for new places ol *
Every patron of the Time* is presented,
free of charge, with an Illustrated Year-
Book of valuable information, for 1877,
alone wotlh the price of the paper.
Enterprising men wanted everywhere,
to solicit subscriber*, and secure our
Gold and other valuable premiums. A
•ample copy ot thu Times, our Illustrated
List of Premium* to bo given to Agents,
and other documents, will be sent free on 1
applioation to
21 dec lm (52 W. Third St. Cincinnati, 0
Ai opted I r..H tin" u.isi-n* of fsshlon. Sand fur circa- .
Jr. E. IVI.NS, No. r.c; Narlb iUUi St., t'*, ;
P*. *1 Uva dta* 1
In IfnrUog'* Valley, *very family Is
stricken with siuall-pui Entire familu *
are pr.wlraUJ, five person* in ane family
are down with the di*ea*e. The epidemic
spread rapidly by the communication of
neighbor* with the first infected families,
llcrt'ig* Valley 1* about fifteen mile*
ft out Reading It i a small but ferti'e'
valley, ab..ut two mile, in length by one
mile idts
• ♦ •
About one o'clock, >n the morning cl
14 William Ream'* hank in Eanctville,
''hi", wa* *nU r*d by f.iur maikod men
und rob Led .l $10,'.18 Thay fir.t entered
the *!*ciii.g |.itment of Mr and Mr*
R.aiu, which i* directly over Die bunk
White one of the masked men remained
in the room, with a draw* revolver, in
order t" k..p Mif R.-am fromcrying ouf,
the olbet three to >k Mr. K. *i out of bed
and gagged b.m Y/ith a drawn ravel*, r
they toak him to the safe in (he bank and
compe l, d him to epeu the tale and Je
lls i r up the coiiient*.
11. di u.oi mis of Baltimore flr.-J 'JH
gin ui Saturday evcnieg. in honor of the
!' I*' t' "U 'f Til den and llcttdri. ks
For the Reporter.
1. The w erk
1 1 Itey should open unj close ichool
w.lti tinging ,ii.l prayer.
2. 'i l.ey should classify the scholar*,
.t. 1 hey should select the lonelier*
4 1 lit v should oversee the school. In
the erection f any public building, it is
iioporta: l to lisic* g.i.<d overseer. '
thought that tils ey. see* us. qliickuii* U
.ll our work So alto m the the Sunday
Si hoot, the idea of a v.gilant superintend
rnt !. dt quicken each and all to duty.
5. They should visit the datte*.
1. To M e that the teacher* do their duly
-have the leik.ins aro regular, dilligcnt
2. That the scholar* d" their duty—re
cite well, obey and are orderly,
j 0 1 hey should attend liihla 1 last or
j teacher* meeting regularly. They ought
Iny all mean* to know the lesson, and a>
ti.e-e n .-ating* are a kind ot Normal
jhchool, -itpt'iiiitendenu a* well a* teach
j pr* I '.ubl alteml them
7 'l'hcy -hould l'iflueiu'e other* to at
*.i-' 1 IT:,""! and vigorously fupport It by
nil tip in. ns (ioj has p'a.e-l lu then
' j*i v <*r.
The qiiallfi*'.! .ens
Tlii'V sfiotild he :
1 piou* men—men full of faith, love
land lieilMOSf.
2 !••• me!. They should he bo ke.i
up I | rticularly in the word of tiod.
t Lnderstanding men—-have tbe facul
ty of applying their knowledge to good I
. purpose.
4 Common seme men. They should
havu the faculty of toeing things a* they
.*r. t'oiiito. ri sense 1* the exercise ot r-a
--011 uninfluenced by patsiob or predjudicc
U includes ju Igment, discrimination
Hi.d pr pi.cty A Sunday Si hOOI tuper
intrt 1' n'. should have much of this quali
5 I tiligent—he. t> at their work.
t Faithful- E1 act w ;lh respect to duly
and punctual as lo lime.
7 Earnest and persevering. An cart.-
."t man u.igt.s a ten and Pertcvi raiitia
\ ircil omnia bos revived and reconstruct
ed many a defunct and demoralized cun
■ lay School lit -liort a Sunday Kchte.
Supci iiileiidiint should b a /it . a. t a Jen ;
mam J. T ,
s Aarontburg
Net a dye , make* harsh hair soft and
• ilky ; cleanses the scalp from all impure
r4a iu- ' g the nasr to grow where it has
j fallen off or become thin.
Car. b# applied by the hand a* a doe
i stain tin Ik in M*4 the lineal linen.
A . H..:r Dr. .s.og itis the ti.osl jierfect
ll.e world has ever piaiducod. The hair i
renovated and strrnglhcneJ, and rialura
color restored w thotl the application ot
mineral substances.
h.nop the luclion of this truly val
uable preparation into this country, it has
been the u tuier and admiration of all
'cla" . ns it has piovrj to be the only ar
tic"- llial will absolutely with, ui decep
tion. restore gray hair lo it*original color,
hea ill Soilness, iu-fc and beauty, and
produce hair on balJ bead* of Hz original
gr wth and color.
T is beau It fu! ar.d fragrantly perfumed
article I* complete within itself, no wash
ing or preparation before or ahler its u-e,
or accompaniment of any kind being re
quired lo obtain these desirable results
or itb
H.'i I tins Home Certificate, leslltied lc
by Edward B Garrigue*one of tbe most
competent Druggist* and Cbemitl* of
l*t. 1 adelphi.4, a man whose veracity none
car. doubt.
I am bappv t" add my testimony to the
great value "f the "London Hair Colot
Restor. r,'' which restored my hair to its
original Color, and the huo appears to b>-
permnnent. lam *tified thai thi* prep
aration is nothing like a dye but operate
up -ii the secretions. It is also a beautiful
hair dressing and promotes the growth. 1
purchased the fir-l b 'ltle from Edward 15
Girngurs, Jruggi-t. Tenth and Coate* St.,
who can aio testify that my hair was
quite gray w hen 1 commenced its u-e
hi RS. MILLER, 730 North y-t. l'hila
Dr. S-. :yi,r .( S -n, Respected friend* :
1 have tho p en-ure to inform you that a
lidyolmy so qua in lance, Mr*. Miller, 1-
dc. ghted with the success of vour "L Tl
don 11n 1r C" .>r Restorer," Her hair wa rapidly, and quite gray. Thecul
•t liu- been restored, the falling off entire
ly -tipped, and n new growth of hair is thi
result. E. B tiARRIGI K. s ,
Drucgi-t. 1 r. Tenth -V Coal. *, l'hi!
L 'lid 'ii llair 1 'olor Re-torer A Dressing
Has completely re-t .red my hair to it
' original c>> -r and youthful beauty, and
oaused a rapid and luxuriant growth.
No. 61'. North Seventh St. l'hila
Dr. Dalton "f I'hiladelpbio, say* of it
The L ndon Hair Color Restorer is used
very extensively among my patient* and
friends, H well a- by myself. 1 therefore
-p.-ak from experience
Address order* to 1)r SWAI NL 4V
1 SON, .;u North Sixth Street. l'Liladcl-
I phia, I'.T.II'H . - le Proprietor*.
tar SOI.D HY A 1.1. DRVGOIsTSrytA
Dlt. Swatkk— Dear Sir : 1 feel it I.) be
due to you and suffering humanity, to give
the following testimony respecting th.
wonderful curative powers of y >ur "C< • M ■
PILLS" 1 was ntllicte.l with a violent
cough, pains in tlie side and breast, night
-went-, -ore throat; my bowels w ere cos
tive, appetite nearly gone, and my stom
ach so very weak tiial my physician wax
at n lus- lo know what to do for tne, a
everything I used in the shape of medi
cine was rejected ; spit different time* a
pint of blood 1 remained for mi nth* in
this awful condition, and gave up all hopes
of ever recovering. At this time you re
commended the u-e of your Syrup and
Pills, which immediately began to soothe
C.Hll fort and allay the cough, strengthen
ed and healed my lungs | in short, It has
made a perfect cure of tne. Any person
douh'ing the truth of the above statement,
will please call, or address me at the fac
tory. or at 11* v residence
No 1533 Germanlown Road Philadel
phia, Korutnati at (t".rg Sweeney's Pot
tery. Ridge Road, below Wallace, Phila
delphia. Be vary particular to ask for
mi® (BNSSW,
Tha most effectual remedy known for tho
Throat, Breast and Lungs.
This valuable Medicine is prepared only
by Dr. SB AY XK *1 MEN,
330 North Sixth St. PHILADELPHIA.
M-SOLD BY ALL druggists.-**
II May. y.e o.w. '
New FIRM Enterprise—
IsaaoD. Boy©r
(si!ccK-B<>RTon. v, rniLirs.)
W* havaJust r*tamod froa. h latura CiliM, h#ra *• purahaW al CASH
PRlCBrt. a fuU liaa.f
WILIzfiW Willi,
and • funeral variat?af>loKCHANDlbK
1A *go not Uani it nocMsary to *rata price* tori, but invila you la soma and •* *•
and v* will.. nvlncn yua that w* Lav* a* In* a lot uf gouds and avll oa ths-ap *
housa ia Centra aounly. >•
llavv • reeled a new tj U AIN KLZ \.*l' )5 on f hair Co*l Yard and ara guying grair
in cafa on dalivory, for
- in Tl
The only dealers io Ct-utre County who aell the
; NVi 1 Li K E S 15 A Ri R E Ci Oi Ai 1
from the 4ild Baltimore mines. Also
f Anthracite Coal dryly housed ciprcsaiy (or housa use. attha lowest price*
which is always told nl low price*, and warnxslyd tq ba as good a J
other piaster. '' nj
OK,EVOJ*Ti:. pa.
i * *
We would ftiMw it an e#pecial ft
' ur if averjr friend f th Reporter would
-end u.lhe name of at !ct one nittiteribrr,
with tb Ca-h—for three months. 50c-nt>;
ii month* fcl.un, ri( j one year I to* ti
er, won l you try and dy> u* this little fa
vor. and w ill repay you l r y improving the
i Reporter >*:. 1 t antes of six new
. subscriber*, the Cash, and we will
-end you tli* Reporter n yettr free
No 6 Brockerhoff Row . Bdlcfonlt ,I'a
1 Ikaienilu Draft,! krnirtit
I'crfliarr), 1 •itcj Ac.
Puro Wines and Liquor* for medic*
nuri> • kept una* *t 72-
I) rug St or t\
M Apt 22 _ ______
Hating opened rooms opposite thb K
. formeti paron*g* building he it prepared
to manufacture ail kind- of men's and
boy'* garment*, according to lha latest
atylea, and upon shortest and all
k work warranted to rer.dr a*'i-faelioH.
. Culling and repairing done. lCnotlm.
! Report Of Prices
l i ?. fi. /fiAMCISCUS,
Turpentine, 40 cts.
Linseed Oil, 62 cU.
White Lead, $10.50,
Nai s, $2.25 per keg.
Bar Iron. 21 ct*.
COOK INO BTOVES, 7 in , sl6 00;
8 in , $21.00 ; in., $25.00.
* 10 in.. SIO.OO ; 11 in., $12.00 ; 12 in., I
sls 000
' 310 00.
Galvanized Coal Buckets, 50 ct*. j
t Galvanised Coal Shovels, 10 cts
1 Fire Briek, 75 cla.
Coal Grates, SI.OO.
Always for sale the heat and Cheap-1
* est Cooking and Room Stores in the
i Lewislown, Sept. 20. 187 G. sept 28.
if The undersigned hereby no.
titie* the ymblie that he has disposed of hi*
interest in ihe l'enns Valley Banking Co.
to Win. Wolf, who, with ihe other part
ner* will carry on the busine-nof the tirni
a* heretofore. J D. SHUGERT
qpAX NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby gir-
J_ en that the duplicate for Schools
tax fr Potter township ha* been pluced
in lha hand* of the undersigned for collec
tion. All taxes paid on str before Decern- jl
her Ist, next, will have a deduction of U
per cent , and all taxes paid from Dec- M
u> Dec. 31, there will he no deduction, anlfl
on all tuxes remaining unpaid after Jaofl
I, 1877, tl ere will ho an addition of 5 pefl
cent, a* utuaori'oed by law... J|
W: J
' 12 ovt- tWdrtfJß
Hoatj H-emluurt.
Coffin* of ,! styles made on tlioiUt! n
,tCe, Uodei taking .lncl!j allaaded K> ®-
Charge* i#e*eneb:. 17 >mp *
A~ LECTIi it K.
T O VOUSC hi *a. u
Just Published ib a seaW envelope, | nfl
til cent*.
A!.*• mrt ra IU Baser*. nwl ml B* I
"tT "*" **' • HlllV. <M ■
r* 31 > *t' *ii>h..U >*->*-* '■•■•• i
i t --•* •- ■'■ r _ bJlji ■
Mll* ■ mmwm>**, >W, MHfgrt M
mV/: *33 1
. ft* "rW IM >4 L> itt xitmHa )H
*'/* /'** '••••' *" ► ifn "ay-OMM Bti H
• !ul roaMuoooui *j Isalf *.*•- t r+m- H
t. 3.' b4 l<r.l awlktM. " vTVai *w ■
•urgKßl p!u<a>. U <w**a. * eT2 •"■
pointing out • bi4* •? mm M MO* % BWn^H
*> >B)rk ••* tufiM. m *>tr- Av Mk~l
dittos m*j I*. m> cr* htauoif cb**(fl.
rs.'.i, llj " H
TBI* lactam Bill pro** • Wooa to Uonaaads and t H
Sect und*r*Ml. t>icltlt> ntilM.. I* ... ,
post pant. en MMtm *f nil MOW *r tso m< dim ■
ArtJrtMtb# * ■
Ml <> Ann bl . A*. Tort; Co. ub- Kv ■
JL. SPANtLKR, AUorsir-i . I
Belief onte, Pa. OAc*
Uufh A Tocum. Consultation in k nt ■
and ftcrmea. Collection* promptly
** . fU-i
1877. iNKW YORK. 1877.
The different ed .out ut The Sunjdurin
the next year will t> the tarn* m durii
the yenr that bar ust pasted. Tb i *
edition will on w.ik day* b a shed
four page*. and on Sundae* a sheet
eight pacer, or s*l bn ad column*; *t
the weakly edition will he a sheet of
page* of the same dimension* and chafi
tcr that are already familiar to
The Sun will continue to lAho strenu-j.
ot:* advocate of reform and r®h<
and of the substitution oj yfr,*tr%,p.
wisdom. and integrity f'A" hollow prttencv
imbecility, and iraud f a the adminulra
tion < f public affair* it m contend fo.
the government of tfcc |(eo p|„ by Uio peo
ple and lor the people, l() v .
ernmeut by fraud* in th* ballot box and
in the counting ~f votea, enforced by mili
tary violence It win endeavor to auni
it* repd6r*-a body now not far frJ,. .
million ot aonla—with the mc*t caref '
complete, and truttworthy accounU
current event*, and will employ for t
purpo*e a nunierout and carefully teb
cd rtafl of reporter* ar.d corre*ponden
I.* rciairt* !rem W axhing'.on, <*j>ecial
wi.l be ful, accurate, aud fearlew ; ar.d '
wi.l Aiuutei coniinuo lq titnTveunO
joy the hatred of tho*e who thrih
plundering the Treasury or by umrpln
what the law dinr. not gi*o them, while
will endearor to merit the confdene a
the pub he by defeading the riV'. c
the people agAinst tho ancroachLc'. s
unju-t;fied iKiwer. -1 V
Jho prico of the dally Sun will bi £ -
cent* a month or fii fiOa year, pot paid *
or with the .Sunday edition )Mf ar. ,
The Sunday edition alona, eight page*
fbJO a year, po*t paid f
The wocklv Sun, eight pacei of6C broac
columns, will be furnished during IbTT H
$1 a year, pot paid. *
Tho benefit of this large reduction from I
the previou* rate for Tho Weekhi
can be enjoyed by individual subscriber
without the neccrsilr of making up club*
At the Mine lime, if ary ot our friem '
| choofo to aid iii extending our circtUa" :
we ahull he grateful to them, and e*i a
such person who sends us ten or ma '
subicrib-n from <no place will betntk) , i
to one copy of the paper for himself wit
out charge At one dollar a year po,.*
paid, the expense* of paper and pri, . '
are barely repaid : and considering tl j
sir.e of the sheet and the quality of iJ 1
"TYi r.r^ 0 Iha pnopH " ' 1
consider the Weekly S un the c h. *
newspaper published in the world sic -•
trust Imi one of tlie very best. Add'*. Wl
THE t>UN, Jiaw York city 2* T
n 4
a UOTIf,. M
l.eturs of adminiftratioi, 01 , t j,e
f "'nry l>uclc. late Ol Oregg Uw t 'l
dec d. haying been granted to the ■*,
S.gnod, nil iit rsrn* knowing thamse \ "
be indebted to said decedent are r. I
ed to make immediate payment, ami "
sons having claim* against the etalV'
present them duly authenticated fors
m,bt - J AS. DUCK,
m ~o„ L I>UCK.
•ATI. Maakp "*^*
te ttJO 2
;,?HMiu Me$T
soouataftga aasqitr.
iraiin ifflr witfKOTtif
5 to
•S?*w4sr 12223 hHSS&.T
* *l|' A £J Puki|ii|Ujg U>Hg ii 11 <" {'' tf r •'■ ifc*# Air n I
Wfi /j?®55S &r'• .
IM n flgera M
■ uti> Miu. 35, ma*, J f.
k A IfD bMIiU
Du agiuEuaaattir:
yjM| AAA— A. OOli 1.1 £1 AOO*fcaa■
AN TED fta SAI £S6r~
MI u* JtU^iTil
ft) I
Cr MimCnrt tx.,. iWu. ocaa_
all 23ESSK3Sf5£SK
•iJ 11 * 1 ' **' **• Arl la K dJ. IS AAV
■■Wm. Inuiti itp* . Addraaa.
*■ Uikiron, CMaagaa.
trj. fil ili^*!N*il.'<lii^.ii'>n
-111 |■■ SUIT Ujr*JU> AT HUM A.
9 Wmi^S£u&JXi
mmtmrnm. k a.
' wttSaTSSIlir 1 mm,
AsSa*! tc3" auTfea T.
"'■ l * ife **T * . uuuiite MI - < MNA
■_fcn M
I \ totai. roar srt
11 XtH 1D t zSflSXS£'^
t-MT a ♦ >.
!A €1 ~*V ■*■*•'■ <a to. —r- lapiii a -
-J£ itr.rSSd * - ',T.t? **""" 11 *
*wJS. 4S v-wmTTST ? o. taim.
10K for the MILLION.
>S' i Mj|lH. AsaaL- li nn M
i m&%7£&
. * Stlw
MAY •.. SWttS^B
ajajpSr'at* timmS ara
' I?A A**a praaar..
j a. Ma. "M -f •■• -■ a~a. aaA
irs]l? rti S3SSBW
' #weplKZiasS mm6*i
r 2 jHß&fih
$25. SSO. SIOO 7 S2OO.
's American Monthl? J
' Imli'w. V
Ml far Cat M aoytaa W . a £, ■
mmmw. ■
d&n'&ZLi !gfo;
SgSI r-,v A? a£2s
wlil m
i Ul^aJ
| run AUKNTa-THC ~ *
ennial Exposition ■
i Hi'fc '"> * /■•', and i'-J W
.ItW A—;U • Aaaau
f A' 1 JH
~~ f
m tw Rteneel %Jt |l
'.b, Bora, or a^
aI EupAoa- It
a Himiar* A CAIS
liu .
i, AHAPtA lor tbA
disw wnxcox
B :