THE CENTRE HETORTER. THURSDAY NOV. 80, 187 G. LODGE MEETINGS I'I.STH* II M 1 l/OIXIV.N utitj s>tni4 scenm* in tlie I * , J Vn Tout T,MWII. *. &:. 1A M . ™won nv*nn, ... ..rsftiu es.h full union In the 'W'l FPIIOMI HH, W II uiv nt w 11 0 F IhHI-Al HEK. SIM-t W. 11. UWHW. W M H. inwl. on *•">!* ' ornoonon or ftor each fnll moon, *t their^lUll LOCAL ITEMS. Our friend* will oblige by sending ut I torn* of local new* in their locality, give „S the fact* only, and we will put tVm in shape, aUo notices of tenths ami mmn *Tnv one sending u* the name* of five now Subscribers with the co*A. will be entitled to receive the Rki-ORTXR one year r< The REPORTER being read hv nearly every body on thi* side of the county, where it has a larger circulation than *nv two paper*. will he found the heat medium for advertiainghunncM.aale*. AC. "RFR Subscriber* to theU*RORT*R. T*id- ITLG outside of Centre county, should re mit US 10 cents, yearly, for postage which WE w ILL pav here ; this reduces the poatagr LA one half, a* the sum paid by them for one year's postage was "JO els. Sausages are getting ripa. Sleigh bells will soon be well enough TO be out. The circulation of the Reporter is near PJtXl—advertisers can sec our list Everybody reads the Reporter. The snow last week was white a* be fore. Niwnian *clMl.. i Uape.-l :.t J underwear and gloves in Bellofonte. tt roer.t upon the chopper machine common ly in use M this valley. We had an earnest start of winter 1 ast Friday 24 was cold and the ground froaen. Saturday snow enough to cove: the ground and remained over Sunday with an icy atmosphere all the lime. - let winter conic, who cares now ? IT snowed all day on Monday, but melted as it canie to the ground, lathe evening it lav aln .it one inch in depth. Philip Krydcr, of Peon twp. has A calf which weighed 113 yound* when it was one day old Some calf, that. i; j s , 1U of time now to say "Keep cool"— keep warm is the term now Spigelnivcr's - the place for cheap , GOOD- for ca-LI or produce. New stock. full line of everything. The latest trlcs; of dress gaods Fresh groceries Go and . EO. Take your ca-li and produce along and you will g.< h. me with A bargain Dry-salting MAKES pork bettor and j safer for keeping, with less trouble ami ! salt, than picklir.g. IV. ve tried it five years, and have had others try it. with the same good results. The fellow who can cat the longest j piece ot sausage at one meal, may report at this office, and get the Reporter tree for three months. Newman, at the R.ew Eagle Clothing Store, Belletonte, w iil sell you a winter j suit worth sl* FOR SO. Suit* which sell at other store- for pi" at sl-1. Good suits at $7, and $lO. — On last Wednesday Dr. NEFT* horse took fright this side of the railroad and : started off. The Doctor fall frtm the j wagon and was afterwards picked ttp in j an unconscious state, having struck the ground wilii his head. He was brought home, and was soor, able to bo about, again, though feeling much soreness from the fall. A little son of Adam Thoma was also upon the wagon and thrown out, and was seriously bruised. LECTURE OX AFRICA—Rev. B. B Collins, late missionary to Africa, will -EC ture in the Lutheran church, at Centre Hall, on Thanksgiving evening. Mr Col lins has with him curiosities front Africa, such a* gods, dress, etc. Everybody shou.D hear him. No admission charged. Mr C. will lecture at Farmer's Mills UN ion Church. Nov. 2c. in the evening, and at Georges Valley Church. Nov. 29. in the evening. Do not fail to go. W. K. FISCHER, Pastor. At Lock Haven market, last week, prices were as follows : Butler. 23 cents per lb"; Fggs, 30 cents per do* ; Lard, 15c per lb; Apples, 40 to 50c per bu; Potatoes. $1 per bu; Flour, $l - Chickens, 40 to 50c per pair; Apple butter. 15c per quart; Sweet POTATOES, 50c per peck; Cabbage, 5 cents per head; Cel ery, sto 8C per bunch; Turnips, 40c per bushel; Turkey, 10c per lb. The grain buyers are now paying lull prices for wheat, which makes it nec essary that larmers should make their what clean. Number one wheat is often rated number two for want of proper cleaning. The Lewi-burg Chronicle says: A good deal of bog cholera prevails through out this county. Some people butcher early, fearing their fogs may be attacked prematurely ; but this is a dangerous pro ceeding. as the disease may be lurking in their systems, and the consequences to consumers may be bad. if not dangerous. Better to discard the use of pork a- far A possible for the present, and take to beef Cut this out, and paste it in your shoe. It 5 only every little while we read of acme one who has stuck a rusty nail in hi- j foot or some other part of his person, and j lockjaw has resulted therefrom. All sucl ; wounds can be healed without any fata. ' result* following them. The remedy is j only to smoke such wound, or any wound j or bruise that is inflarr ed, with burning! w.xsl or woolen cloth. Twenty minute- in | the smoke of woo! will take the pain out of j the worst case of inflammation arising j from any wound THK GOI.P ANB SILVER CASK—SABKET ; Ts IIKIK* or Jso W AT sox, Die y.-; Some time since we fully explained this case, which is no doubt yet fresh in the minds of our readers. Last week, by agreement, it was argued before a board of arbitrators, Messrs. Jos. W. Mutter, Jonn. Woifo and Thos. Strawhridge, in Lcwisburg: Mitchell and Van Gezer for Sankey. and Linn & Dill for Watson's heirs. The verdict was in favor of the plaintiff. Sankey. An appeal will be ta ken, we are informed.— Mifflinburg Tele graph. $2 REW ARD.—Lost, on April 8, be tween Centre Ilall and Penn Hall, a mink fur muff. The finder will obtain above reward by leaving it at this office. 23nvf>t Newman at the new Clothing Store, Bellefonte. sells fine Chinchilla cloth bound OvercoaU. worth $lB for $12.50, Chinchilla Overcoats, worth sls for sll. Best black beaver Overcoats at sl3 50. Overcoats at $3 25 and upwards. lf is bound to sell cheaper than anybody cbe in the county and bo will do it. tf FARMS TO LEASE.— The undersigned wishes to lease 320 acres of land in lowa far a term of years for improvement. 10 acres af winch to be put under the plow next summer. These Unds are among the beat wheat lands of the state. For particular* inquire of J. S. BARN HART. 16 nov 6m Bellefonte, Pa. —We have been informed by persons In whom We place implicit confidence, that the instruments manufactured by Mr D. F. Beatty of tins BE ATT Y PIANO and Bonity's Golden Tongue Parlor Organ no toriety, at Washington, N. J-. are con structed bv a corps of skillful workmen, who have been in his employ for years, and interest they take in promoting and maintaining the already enviable reputation of his Instrument*. JLs advertisements appear in this usu" *'( pur paper, it would lie well for person- in-' Berested to examine them. I" 1 [A GOOD AND HANDSOME PROP ERTY, in Millheitu, is offered lor sale at MM than aetual value. For further par ticulars address S V SWARTZ, Centre Hill, Pa. ' JJfoct 2m. k When you go to tewa, remember fewoua l fiawoM 11 #ewnM 111 tf j The new Grain Kb valor lately butl by Messrs. Shortlnlge A Co., on thci i coal yard in Bellefoiite, ha- caused grca activity among the buyers of that place ! as shown by the advance in the price o * j wheat in that market, during last week Ever since Messrs. Shortlnlge A Co. em J harked in the grain traue, the old conibi i nation has been compelled to pay the mar i ket pricoof grain, which ot course has hoot to the benefit of the farmers. At thai time Messrs. Shortlidgc A Co could only take grain as they could get cars--now they are'prepared to lake wheat, corn, rj< , and oats at all time-, lor which they pay t the highest price* in cash and can unload ■ wagons quicker than any other buyer in ( town. There are no grain dealers in Bellefoiite who deserve the patronage -t ■ the tanner* so much a- Short lid go A Co. And if farmers wish to keep up active competition u is their interest to patron* : j i*e tho who make it The competition I ] among the merchants of Bellefonte was j never so great as it is now, prices being , hewed to the line and we suggest that our reader* wi.l e.-n-ult their own interest* by a careful perusal of our Bellefonte adver . iicnienu belore purchasing of ether par tie-. But first of all, do not forget to call on Siiortlidgc A Co before -ellltig your grain, The publisher of "The Nursery has issued a list of premiums tor obtaining subscribers to hi* popular magacinc. The list comprises article* use ful and ornamental, including books, games, knives, skates, arid toys of all kinds. Here i< a chance for boys and girls to obtain a nice holt Jay gift for thiiu aelvcs or a friend, by making a little healthful exertion "The Nursery" t-n --ters Upon its eleventh year in January, I?*TT, at d is as full ot life and animation a ever. The see ret ot success is found be ta en its cover- every month. The price is $1 (30 a year It i* published by John 1. Sh rev. N Brat u .ic! 1 St . Boston, who will send a sample with the premium list for ten cents. Some republican has played an un kind trick upon the Flemings In much d;itns they sent w.rd List wee* that as they were nb, ut cu harking for Sail river they f -utid their boat wa- stolen by some follower of Babcock and Cameron We would gladly permit them to stay down with the Democrat- and see how! :i ce'y they will carry on affair.-, but since! ; thev "fought, b'ed and died for Have-, ! they ium-i have the ful penalty and now foot f up vc Salt We ate -. rrv for them, W are clever in . r respect*. vOto Jay last week, as a son of Mr George Brurugard, of Miles twp, was on liis return from M:ffiinburg, with a six I horse team, having taken a oad of grain to market, he was stopped by three men :n the Narrows, who came out of the woe.Js One ol the men t> ok holj of the i ead. a second of the -addle horse, ar.d a third of voung Brutngard, and demanded ; his nn . ey. Young Brutugmrd told the :et!ow that he wanted a little lime to con sider the matter, and draw-it g u revolver ■% gave the villains to understand that he | would put a hall through the first fellow t that made an attack ut>on him. This wa> more -punk than the scamps had expected - : and they fled Pity he did not give the cowards a taste of cold lead anyway. So I many similar attacks having occurred of | late in our mountain passes, persons trav j ellirg through them should always be j prepared and show pluck like Brumgard. I It never pays to purchase an inferi j or article, whether it be clothing or food, i The best is the cheapest, according to all experience. Know ::ig this to be a correct principle, and de-iring that the communi j ty in general should have the benefits of d. tbose well-knewn business men, ar.d leaders in ail that pertains to the line of groceries, Messrs Sechler A Co., make it their aim to keep none but first class goods. This all Lave seen who examined their -tore, in the Bush house block, or who bave purchased of them. They keep' the best ot everything, and offer goods at the lowest possible figures. Mothers do not let your darlings suffer w itb the Whooping Cougb, if you have a remedy so near at hand. Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, ar.d the litlle suffer ers will soon find relict. Price. 25 cents. >Ve have noticed for the last few weeks a flock of English sparrows on the ground* near this office. These birds are great destroyers of insects and should not be molested- They are stranger* in this section, and cages put in trees may keep tliein here. We bave received.from L. A God ey, a charming chromo, entitled "The Mother's Joy." It is a beautiful picture and a oopy of it will be presented to every subscriber to Godey'a Lady's Book, for ; 1877. People of Haines, Penn and Miles will find cheap g— J* at Buyer's, Aaron*- burg and a fir*! rate set of fellows r AUCTION !-AUCTION will continue t every afternoon aid evening, of this week, . by Mr. Parker, in Lemont, Pa. 5 All kinds of Si re goods sold at the best j of bargains. It LIST OF TRAVERSE JURORS DRAWN FoK Jr.u U KKK oK NOV TEUM OF COU RT. CoM M KNt'l N(. MONDAY. TllK 4th DAY OF DE CEMBKR. Roggs—Michael II >; it on. Gregg—Philip Snook. Spring—S Heverly. Huston—o Wilson. Rush—J C Naron. Boggs—Jahn Fetxer. Potter—Geo Stover Union— D Campbel'. Snow Shoe—John Gtin,alius. Benncr—H Amnsgu-t Bellefonte—Thos Burn tide. Walker—D Dunkie. Potter—Peter Ureon. Mlies—S Hoover. Walker —J Shaffer. Miles—Uriah Shaffer. Gregg—Samuel Artie. Phiiipsburg—ocar Adams. I'er.n—A Alexander Phiiipsburg—Sani'l Fleck. College—Thu* Williams. Perm—T DKenn. Bellefonte—J H Mitchell. Spring—John Lutls. College—J Kreamer. Halfmoon—Jer Way. fi-'erguson —Roht Meek. Milesburg—Jm Thomas. Haines—L It Stover. Harris—Martin Grove.— E H Wiiitmer. Bagga— C Curlin. Gregg—John ltishel. Patlori—P A. Sellers. Snow Shoe—J tf lfolt. Rush—Julius Mart* LIST <>F J U MORS DRAWN FOR 3rd WEEK OF NOVEMBER COURT, BEGINNING ON THK 2nd MON DAY THE 11th DAY OF DECEM BER. Gregg—J P Grove. Roggs—Jai Lingle. ITnionville—Daniel Hall. Haines—Samuel M Moats. Milesburg—D H Parson. Taylor—D Henderson. Ferguson—Sain'l Go w, Haines—D II Rote. Miles—Ad Shaffer, Jr. Ferguson—Jas Waite. College—Christ Houts. Howard b—J Glossner. Rush—Wm Buris. Walker—J Garbrick. Boggs—Geo Taslor, College—Em Mussuf. Bellefonte—O W Curtin, Harris—David Span. Snow Shoo —RJ Haines. Spring—Henry Beck. Ferguson—Win Munn. College—Henry Kennedy. Bellefonte—B F Foster. Snow Shoe—J S Suinmerviile. Miles—Hen Corman. Gregg— Jac Hainan, {ioilagp—Jonathan Stover. Harria—Henry Gingrigh. Liberty—D B Baui7igar4net. College—Frank Taylor. Spring—T N Bumliart. College—Nelson Williams. liainps—ThosJ. Mingle. Gregg- Samuel J Heiring. Be lef'onte—Jfihn Hotfpr, Newman will sell you a hat for 75 that will cost you SI.OO at other store Try Newman arid be convinced that 1 sells cheaper than anybody else in tl fiouuty, tf It - The prolific brain of >oms "local,' ir who run slterl of items, enabled hint If it rake out tho following; In speaking ol •.'money some describe it as "sponduli*. if;some as "sugar," some at " rhino," sotur . ► "the ready," some a "spoons." otheri i-'n "brads." The French call it 'M'argonl,' i- the English, "the needful," the Mexicans, -]"c*ttng ' In tho South it is "rocks," In n lite Kast, "tin," In the West, rage, in it t'anada it goes by the name of "spelt*! ." v Call it just what you will, you can get • more groceries for it at Sechler tlun ,< oliewhere. V Court con\cited on Monday, Judge '1 Orvis presiding Monda.t and Tuesday 'i were ttustly occupied with lArceiiy and 'i assault and battery case, I'apt Jno. A. 1 Hunter was appointed foreman of the 1 grand jury. The case ot'Herlachor against e Durst w as settled • ■•Jefferson Dat is arrived In Now ' York fr. tit Europe on Saturday. • IMir Buv the Lincoln Butter Powder at - Win Wolf* store, it makes butter harder, r sweeter and much quicker. Try it. TH K EAST 17. DI.AN HORROR. ' Islands Sulmtcroed liy the Storm Wave—Fearful Destruction of Life and Property. Over SlHl.lHHl I'cojdc IVriali. s London, Nov 2t> A dispatch to the finies, fr rn Calcutta, say* three largo is land*, namely, llattiah Sundeep and Dakhin, Mild nuuterou* j smaller islands included included in the Backrrgungc, Nookhc'. t at Ch.ttag.t there were no sign ofdaug.-r, but be fore midnight a wave swept over the country to a depth, in many places, of twei ty feet, surprising people in their bed*. l)eiie grov< I cocoannt hi I palm trees around the village- enabled many to save themselves by climbing among the branch- Ji-s, and some took reuige on the roofs f • their hi u-es, hut the water burst the i houses asunder and swept them out t ■ sea. > ■ e were carried thus across tho chaniu 1 Uen mi V- to the Chittagong district, but a i vast majority > never heatd of again. I flit- country is perfectly flat, and ev ery otto per ii bed who failed to roach the trees. There is scarcely a hou>hold in the island and oil the adjacent coat but lost many members. The cattle were ail drownded The boats are swept away and incui s. f communication with other districts i destroyed. There is much di tr,,-- among the survivors, which the g. v. eminent is reUevu g The Government Gacette says wherever the storm wave passed it is believed not a third of the pop ulation survived. The islands have bare ly one fourth of their former inhabitants. The stench from the putrifying bodie- is insufferable, and a general outbreak of cholera is fi-urly expected. Tho Time* ;correspondent says this tear is, happily, rn t reatixed, except in Nookholly, where the diseaselia- appeared. News trom the famine threatened district* of Madras i -omewhat better, llain has come in time to do some good. In Bombay the pro peels are still gloomy. Actual famine in two or three districts seems probable, and great distress in four or five tuoro. WHAT PAYS. IT PAYS every manufacturer, mr ch int. mechanic, inventor, farmer, or professional man, lu keep informed on all the improvements and discoveries of the "fir- It pays the head of every family to in troduce into his household newspaper that is instructive, one that fosters a taste fot investigati >n, and promote* thought (and encourage* discu*sion among the members. rptlE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN J. which ha* been publishrd weekly tor the last thirty one years, doe* this. t> an extent beyond that of any othi-rpublica lion ; in fact it i- the only weekly paper publithed in the United Slates, devoted to manufactures, mechanics. Inventions and New Discoveries in the arts and Sciences Every number is profusely illustrated and its contents embrace the latest and most interesting information pertaining to : the industrial, mechanical, and Scientific • Progress of the world ; descriptions, with beautiful engraving* of new inventions, 1 new implements, n> w processes* and im ' proved industries of ail kinds: useful re >;cipe, suggestions and advice bv prnetieal writers, for workmen and employers, in ail the various arts, forming a complete • repertory ot new inventions and discover • ies ; containing a weekly record, not only , of the progress of the industrial arts in our own country, but also of all new discover r ies and inventions in every branch of en- ! r gineering. mechanics arid science abroad. The Scientific American has been the foremost of ail industrial publications for • the past thirty one year*. It u the oldest . larg--st, cheapest at.J best weekly illustra ted paper d- voted to er.gin ering, mechan ics, Chemistry, new inventions, science and industrial progress, published in the world. The practical recipes ar-- well w- • rlh ten • times the subscription price, and for the shop and house w ill save many times the co*t of subscription. Merchants, farmers, mechanics, cngi- Sneers, chemists, lovers of science and ptaipie of professions, • w ill find the Scientific American useful t< I- them. It should have u place in every j family, library, study, office and counting room ; in every reading room, college and !sch"ot. A new volume commence* Jan- uary Ist, 1877 A year's numbers contain 8 '2 pages and Several Hundred Engraving* 1 housands of volumes are preserved for binding and reference. Terms $3,20 n year by mail including postage. Discount to Clubs. Special circulars giving Club rate*, sent free. Single i-opie mailed on receipt of 10 cent-. May be had < f ail Newt Deal er*. I}ATfiNTB. In connection with tho 1 Scientific American, M"-*srs. Murin ic Co are Solicitors of American and For eign l'alent* and have lb- largest estab lishment in the world. More thnn fifty thousand applications have been made fer patents through their agency. Patent- are obtained on tho best terms, Models of Nw Inventions and Skctchei examined and advice free. A special no tice is mad'-in the Scientific American of all Inventions Patented through this! A get cy. with the name and residence of the Patentee Patents are often sold in part or whole to person* attracted to the invention by such noti< et A Pamphlet, containing lull directions for obtaining Patents sent free The Scientific Ameri can Reference Book, a volume bound in cloth and gilt containing the Patent Census ot the U S., and 112 Engravings |of mechanical movements. Price '25 cents. Address for the Paper or concerning 1 Patent*. Munti A Co ,37 Park Row. New I York. Branch Office, Cor. F & 7th Sts , ! Washington, D. C. j DMIN ISTKATOB S NOTlCli.*- Leturs of administration on the estate of Henry Duck, late of Gregg township, dee'd, having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing thi mselve* to bo indebted to mUI decedent are request ed to make immediate payment, and per sons having claims against the estate will | present them duly authenticated for sett le mept JAS DUCK, Mil 11 DUCK, If. K". DUCK. 30 nov 6t Adiii'fs. ■VTOTICE.- Tq The undersigned hereby no tifies the public that lie ha* disposed of his interest in the Penn* Valley Banking Co. -to Wiq Wolf, who, with the other part jners yrill rarrjr oi| the boring * of the firm jas heretofore. J. D. SHUGKRT. A RARE CHANCE For a .Sewing Mitchlne. You can huvc your choice of the follow ing fir-t class, sewing machines : New American, St. Joliu Domestic Dauice, Sinjjcr, Uetuifjgton, Howe, und Vnevl. At the Hewing Machine store of Bunnell J Aiken, East Market street, Lewiatown, Also parts, attachments and needles fo all machines. Great inducements for cash. Don't fai to see the kit. John, something entiiel; ?. new. c Old Machines taken in part payment fo new ones. Send 50cts to the above part; 16 and you will get by return mail, 1 doz. as ticedks for any machine. 30uovi, II O.XT in: I XTEIIVIKtt .0 ,J WHAT MI;. II K TOI U A MN , llANU'"'*> BKPOITTXH. Young Mr. I.irk, old Mi . I lik'H Mill, doo* not HA A rule beam with genial radi ance U|HVII tin 4 average RCTMTRTEI. One of those gentlemen visited liini tin' other '• dny and wui soundly snubbed. llevon " lured to say something t*l i-, lnt the majority, I fear, mo too wI!1 to .. tho pu-t uiul my father's bequests to v form a useful fragment of ll o body poll I tie of the country. I have due n-vei etice for grav lour*, Mr. ami a-a whole I rosjH'rt tlio pioneer*, but datum mo if am ' going to Mtatnl all their nonsense," "I an t you give tut 4 any information regarding! vour interviews with tlio trustees, Mr . Lick ?" aaill tlio rojiortor t autioush fed ing his wav. Mr. Ink looked at linn sternly, ami answered with asperity, "1 j t cannot, for 1 havo liail no interview i willi tlirm. My lift*, nine# I canto to tliin ooaxt, baa boon a bunion to mo les OAUHO I would not l>o intrrviowod. \\ but ( do they w ant mo to drivo out to tho t lit! Ilouso for, and see tho wain? I saw 1 tlioin twontv yoara a no, and I don't care if 1 novor mo a m*ul again. I hoy wain to interview nio in a carriage wlioii I can't got out, ami if I tried to they would drivo on and up-et mo break my nock ' (icrhajw," added Mr. l.ick, bitterly, m that would bo tho ca-ie-t olutiou of ad this ditliculty. 1 have made up ny mind as to w hat I intend to do, and an tho lawyers and pioneers and repornra ' that over lived could not change my re solve." "t'ortaiuly,certainly, Mr l ick i wo all givo you credit for groat limine-- of character. Vour father was a very positive man, and carried out his con victions to the letter. Will you visit the Mte ofthe observatory, sir'.' ' inquired the rejKirter, politely. Mr. l.ick drew a 1 long breath and glanced ominously to ward a hickory stick that stood in tin corner. "Young tiiau," heeaid, "1 don't want to give you my opinions of <-lser vatories in general, and this one in pur ticular. If 1 did, you might not like to hear them. If 1 wer> to tell you what I think ul>out telescopes 1 do not think you would print it in your paper. If I was to talk to you about tbo a. adetnv of sciences, and you were to hand a literal re|H>rt of the same into vo ir | roprietor office, 1 think they would di charge you and if 1 sboiihl candidly > xplaiu to >"U uiy convictions regarding yourself, 1 do : not think you would remain ten si mud; in this room." Regarding this a- a gen tle hint to reliie, the reporter gracefully , w itlulrvw UOW PRESIDENT TILDEN I 1-1 President elect Tilden, in cut recent ii - tervu-w with him, unpriced u- w.'.l: In* great good seme, hi* perfect ft '.-- in tin tin at triumph cflho rig!.!. Id* coi.Cd in the honesty nd patrutom of the great b Jy of the | eople DmiairnU a* d ltopu' ; a; who, he says, will ever ral.y t the I i ion when it it in real danger, and must f* vorably with lii* quiet st.J perfect com mand over himself, and hi* ev-J :it devo j l ticn to hit country and the hot iiit>r>-i* of it? whole people. N\ e budget*! re [ - '. . for and confidence in our candidate M>- have yet higher admiration lur ir l'r. i dent elect. In our Cor *eraliefi with him he *i not only in fine spirit- a* to the :u --ture, laughing at the idea that the men • : character in the Republican l* r '> the North would couutena* ce the iff rt of tho rebel leader* to count to rhetors! vole* of three* state* for the minority can didate under the pretense of fraud. when _ the elections in all three State* w ere c tl ducti d under Radical as. h , ing all the Coiumitioner* of Elect:- :i an J , the possession of the poll*, urroundi-d, t " a* they were, by the military where they desired it. "It will C *:ue all r.ght, said the calm and confident President r.ect. 1 Our people may run to eitreti.i * f-r a j time in moment* of eici;ero#nt, but t ey are alway* tight in the end, and y u iv. .\ ret assured they will never *ulain any ■ •uch attempt a* i* now being made bv lawle** men t.i dctiroy the R '.iubl - Richmond Whig. Nov. 1"0 TWEED EXoNKItATKS TILDEN. , New York, November 20 A Herald reporter ent, yeaterday, a card t<* Tweed ' inquiring if be had any ttalomenl t-> make reflecting on Tilden. Tweed ei . re'ed , the question with a Jeep blue pencil : mark and over it w r *t> in trd, "None " FKOM TII x PorraviLLß Cuaojui .*. L**t evening a* Mr J It Re>> r i>f J! i- i r.erville. a member of the Wi • i t' -ugre gational Cliarch of that place. . * ad dreeling the congregati n he fell dead He am about bo renr* of age. Private Sale. A Choice Farm ami HOUSE AMI Lot. The following described property. < f John Kmniert, dee d, situate in 11-irris twp Cratrwcounty, one FARM,contain ' ing one hundred and thirty three acre* ■Otpor !■-. bounded bv jf H Kv : ,riiart. dee'd. JHIIII'S Ob-nti M' barlen. I Sr. Henderson, tie, .! u.d otio>r- .• .-i!.-r --ed at private sab- The farm i w- .1 i. 1 tere I. a never tailing trrnu of water run -9 ning through the farm and within thirty 9 vards of the barn also, a weli of lie* er failing water at the luiu-i-, with g >"1 * pump IN THE improrcment- are A • large FRAME HOUSE, t" -lorn- lug! iltno.t new ; a frame bank burn. f-*rty 0 live hv eighty feet and all other necc-a --y ry outbuilding- This i* one of the best ( producing farm* in this section for all tl kind* of grain ;is nil liniu*lone | arid A large ORCH AKD vf choice fruit . n t.:e premises ' ' Fr particular* inquire > f \Vm Wert* on the farm. AUo one House an I b>t Situated in Beal.burg, Centre < , Use house is two stones high, with kitchen at tached to it. and a'l nece**t| cure. Hundred* of reference l ; can find space for two : Onshore, Sullivan ro . I'a Dear Sir : Enclosed pleae fir. S I CLI-HRKTI 1 tiol FEN TONGUE Parlor Or gans, W Mshington. N J , is certainly A ' \ t-ry reasonable and generous man Its trans act business with. lie makes this very !ir nronotitii n to aiiv who may favor h in 'BIT T" I*T wis* 4 ' " ' with AN order, U* follow. "It the in.tru neiit IB I . I.- L pro* .atl.faitory AF.rr I est trial I ! five lis: - after rroei* ing it IT. purchase MONEY will be refunded upon TH •turn of the instrument, ami lie will pa; 'Veight charges both way* I til* i cer aiiii> an exceeding, generous, and .(' manner in which to transact business will tiin He warrants hi* instrument* for *N years. See hi* advertisement. July 20 J MARRIAGES. At the RE-idei. f the bride # parent* Mdro> . Nov. to, HV Kev I. F Smith la II Close, of Armagh twp, and Mis M Blanche AB vandef, OL M ilroy. for uiurly of Centre 11*11. • ♦ • DEATHS. On 21 in Potter twp, lienjamiu Jacobs aged about CO years Ot cor - I ll| lion, II'AR M iidisolifcurg, Mr John 11 v or. JP ICN Y. *r. In I. GUI.JVBLE, C nt n . unty, on tin ill of October, Daniel \N -e, ag D TL 1 years, 2 niunths, and B days. NI R.r LLIV-'ieville, Clinton Co., Mr Dl<- vid ScLrack, SR . died Nov. ID, aged 02 years, 2 months, 3 day* N V U, Mr. Daniel Frank, AGE I .'.-I years. In 11. i.f nte. N V 1. Will, Gill, K-.J at the extreme age of -*1 J'-I" Mr. (.ill was a -oldicr of ti e war of IHI2. • ♦ • TLl.l.ll.l'l'Ntx Mittiiki- reported by > lorllidge X < n W bite \V beat. { 1 2'. Red Wheat, FT 20. live, K'IR. Corn, OLD, 4 V new, 4TV'. OAT*. 2->O Cloyerseed. choice, V"U! Potatoes, retail, jl U> Buckwheat, 60c. .. F our, pur barret, WHOLESALE, 81..1, retail, s''- BO Nova Scotia p' ■ -r, greui. I rll 60. Pr ton Cayuga, $' Mtt-aov Maaaitt PCPOKT Oct. IT, by .WAIIIPII- A. At- N ILT W neat, whit'' JT 12. Wheal, red. TL UP. Corn, . -*J, OaU, ~ LT.'C, .66 T'lovursoed, P' , ''U (•round Alum >...1, O-J. Butter, 22. to ■£> lh - JX\KCUTTU S PIUVATK SALE Lho undersigi.l d. F. iccuters . F the !A*T WI ! all 1 te.-taujent I 1 TIN-ma* Ilus'.on, la'C ot Walker township, Centre EO.. PA . de ceased, offer the PRI perty known as the "Junction," al private tale I IN* property is situated in W alkerlwp. at the intersection f the Millheim and ItaM Ksgle turnpike w 'lh the pubsu- road LRRI .iir.g fr. in BRL'.ef-nto ! 1 L -< k Haven, about midway between LL.O two ptai e* : Containing about NE R <*'f land with a targe DW'KI LlNti HOUSE. STORK ROOM, and TLM M O-"ry outbuildings, all in go wi order and repair ; there is sle a fine young Orchard of choice fruit in good bearing condition >n the premises This property i* suitable for* private resi dence, I'R as a place of public business and common resort ha# no equal inthecounty A tract of land, adjoining the Junction tract, containing ABOUT 10 ACRES, web located and de.irable tor a small home I al 4 - offered f r sale, together with FOUR FIN!: FARMS, one of them now occupied VY Samuel SLIOWI'S, containing about 267 ACRES I one occupied by M --loner At I Ctinloc, ntaining nt >ut IKI ACRES ONE occu pied by James Huston, containing about t 4 '- ACRES all situated c .S T • the pr.- party first dccnl ed in Walker twp , ,tid LI. other > .1 1 BV MI hai . C -r --man, containing SM ACRCB. and TPATEL es. neat measure, near the village of Jack sonvdie, in Marion twp Thce farm* are limestone !*• D ol the fini t quality, ANJ M a GE -d *'. ate of culli vati"n, well supplied silii liuihur, water, AND fruit, with G-NWL buildings erected ON each The farm* occupied by Showers, McClintoe and 11 IF L :I. ALO-O ; ; N Iron Ore ofthe Finest Quality, in ; ayieg quatitilh - a 4 ein being now profitably worked by MCr* Irwin & M eCoy of tins eotitily. on ONE of them. Tho premise* above mentioned wilt bi • .'.J as de*ianatod,or in such trnct* N* MV suit tho wants of purchasers, where the to cation is such as TO warrant a division o the same. Person* desir-'IIS of purchasing any I THE above J. scribed premise*, will pleas apply to either of the undersigned, win will take PLEASURE in showing them th -amp, when term* and Condition* wi'L B made known. JAMES HUSTHN. Nitlanv. L'a JAMES 1\ I'UBUHN. Aar. N-BT-r* •npt 2S 'TIN Kx#cutr. ALWAYS AHEAD ! ! Our roi'ILARITY For Low Prices Is Daily On The Increase. Having purchased the largest Stock ofhooffls in our line ever brought to Bellefonte* we are offering extra inducements to buyers. w MEN'S WITS FOR 85 AND UP. MEN'S OVERCOATS. $3 50 UP. MUSLINS FROM s< A YARD UP. LADIES' HOSE, 5c A PAIR UP. LADIES' COATS, SHAWLS. TRIMMINGS. HATS, AND FANCY GOODS IN (IREAT VARIETY AND AT THE VERY BOTTOM PRICES. MEN'S ROOTS AT 82 A PAIR. LAD ES' FINE SHOES 81 A PAIR MEN'S IIATS AS LOW AS 75 CENTS. A FULL SUIT OF UNDERWEAR FOR 50c. AND ALL OTHER GOODS AT PROPORTIONATE PRICES. IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK. is iii minioiiiii BOUGHT AT ALL TIMES. GIVE US AJO ALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE i GIVSUU A CiALL mm) /OH Y D YNgPUMK —THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND OF Apr 2 S. dt A. LOEB. I. l ■issws us „ _ II as. ——s—smmmma——rasf— Jf" -wHmmwwmm. t-** -a.ww-wi w-ie, jpBDTFABE AN? STOVES!! HARDWARE AND BTOV B8 {! OOMi'LICTE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF^IIARDWARC. 0 SPEARS ANTI CLINKER, MOON, PARLOR STOVES, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. TTT Rn 18 NOTHING TO Kl/UAL IT IN SERVICE OK BEAUTY, i'rlce reduootl to auit tho timtw. 0 SUSQUEHANNA COOK STOVES IMPROVED, ANTI CLINKER, GRATE AND REVERSIBLE TOP PLATEa WarranUd jbr 1 beat baker in (ha market. O SOVEREIGN PORTABLE RANGES, can attach a water-back fur beating water in Bulb Room, Tory little higher than ordinary Cook Stove*, ami good baker*. Wo lo have a full line of cheap and medium price PARLOR STOVES. Price, to auit (he trade. * THOMAS A. HICKS A BROTHER, Jfelle/onte, Pa ... | BREONS' HOTEL, MILROY. L'A. r- The bust table and bar, and excellent fo stabling FOR horses Also a fine resort fur ,ti summer boarders. Buss to dep"T, and IS daily stage* to Contra county. Charge* v reasonable. GEO. BRKON. Prop'r Sample 6c McNitt. MILKOY. PA " MY TNK >ll f j /I £2T MARKET PR ICE FOLL All Kindsof Grain.; ALSO, A ways ON hand and at lower prices that COAL? PLASTER AND SALT. j Farmer T 0 F Cenfe mind the place. 21 sept tf j Wolfs Old Stand. • T AT 0£I'BR;I£ KALL, I Maguificcut Stock of Full *T LIMO B'LH* I-Ultir**. LI J* an 1 gull .an r-arn LY nUI; "WI VFH M FI:#N Thil vho ee thl* V-*UE# ma; W lid LHHI kddrav, AND teal TBV UAATNOM vc nak* I* NNPAFALTEM offer T • H a* ir* TT.'L **ll ULTL ' Fl' d mt> tll TSMID on# dallai l* |S*| for the tn übl* of "FIT 1 • $ F ULL 4*U;.'RA VML trtvg] *J*4 LAR* te MBHMNTE A.MK on. AND • (WT ; of LLMAF AND ' F ireiida, ojianf LHA large*! and Lrsl LLLU*trildl Pbll 01 cvl oft*. *ll M1 trmo hf mat: KEX Wr if vanf IWFTIAHLA WORK, IDDRNA* ITLVORHL N !*!<% Aat . V rtUnd MATOA ir| IT- I L. SPAN (I I-E R Atlornev-at-Law, 11-P Bellelonte, Pa. TXHRE wilt It .h .V Yocum. Consuitwtion in Knglis! r.R D Uerman. Collections promptly attend - d to. fsHH tf CENTRE HALL . DRUG STORE. I J.C. MILLER. (Succestui to J. K. Miller A Bon ) Dealer in Pure Drug* and Medicines, Dye stuff*, and Druggnt's sundri. s J'UKK WISE ASD I.IQVOKS For iiiudicinal purpose*' The best brand* of , ! CIGARS AND TOBACCO i always in stock. Prescription* carefully Compounded. J. C. MILLER IRA T.COTTLE. Fashionable Tailor. Onlrc Hull. Having opened rooms on the 2nd floor of Lift X Fiofy's building h<- i* prepar r.i t " in an u !st I uru kind* of in < i. 't and boy'* garment*, according to the latest •lylus, and upon hortet notice, and all work warranted to render satisfaction. Cutting and repairing done. Tsept y J. uV J. HARRIS. NO. 6, BIIOCKERHOFF ROW. IRON, NAILS, Paints OILS, ETC., J A J HAltßlts. Itullefonbe. V"K\V STORE, NEW GOODS AND Panic prices. 11. 1. I.IHKIIfER. at the old Centre Ilill stand. J u*t opening a Stock of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICES! A large variety of Ladies Dre** Goods Great Bargains in Muslius and Calicoes. Ready-made Clothing Warranted to Suit Hi* Cloths and Cauitncrt, Cant be ex celled His Crocery Department, \ lon it he* every one in afiortmcnt ar.J low ; price*. Syrup. Sugar. Te* Coffc Canni-d fruit*. Domctic and Foreign Fruiu, Cheese, and every other article belong ing to the Grocery Depart in en t. FFV-F armer*. Mechanic* and Ijabcrers ■ look to your interest One dollar 4 avcd i | a dollar in pocket. Then call and eeal ! what astonishingly low prices, fV"Ni>lroubi to show GtMvJs -tltt Also the choicest FAMILY FI.OVI; al wav* on hand. Apr. 16, y. |yt. S. G. GUTKLIUS, Dentist, Millheim. T iffrra BTO T*RO^4FIGI MRUM te TK* Mbite II• W :rr;*Arv4 to at! tn (i. doaUl |fo lm— fcr®. Df t* tc fully fr*psr*d to titmt tvrf L gbarJatel; vtfhout wjtWm] \\' F. UEBER, Alt Law ' ' • .•!< altestie'i firm t alllvtinM* #t ' trv*lvd •* feu eaurv n < <*e t ortw rwvnnijr. Of f R FWUITVU \\ T M V WILSON Attorn* VQLUW 1 It I'-. ' i font c l'a * 1 11. ■<■ M: > He; jner's Building. Bellelonte Pa. TO UN F. ROTTER, Attoru^yTt , LAV CwnrttteY P\ lui'tlf N AND IPRTLIL '' fab TBO* 4 # hitiiwt Isntfl IR rtrutvilj TO# HIU *JR# Hl* AND KCKT-TTE FW-MD* •RIGKGO* AC. OFFIR# In ib# DIAMV'K*4. NCVIB lA# <-f | U.# ouurt UUM. IUllfv4tl (WTUFFETF PDH LUI, BOOT & SHOE MAKER I DIPLOMA Awarded to John Power* for the ; be*t fine Boots exhibited al Can- I tre County Fair for the jeer 1875. dJ >\ J-] u r >\ D Y 0 ;i 7 OPP'MITE Bush House, JJELLKFONTE, PA. He keeps cuoetantly ou baud a full line of It Oo r SA\ Ik SHOE K. £ J ii £ S >UO £ 3 for ladie*, kept constantly on hand. WE DEFY COMPETITION ! j Boot* and Shoe* for inen and women, oil alt styles, quality and prices, from the - most costly to the cheapest, constantly kept on hand. ap2l II uNit v it o o 1.1: it. MiaalaUnir ot U* Ito A lot U "II A li N ESS, r SADDLES, BRIDLES. 4c„ CEKTSE HALL, FA : pairing of all kind* executed at short notice. ISsjunCm. TL All Kin, J L> SUUOFHFR J T.tKXVn Jci II A HMIIID it* Genua UD ITF L.-N OFTCA T* UARTUAU # Uuldib. U tf. Excelsior Cement L fta uadmigtsfid GV inAltetefturaa I U f#cL#d #iocked and fitted out with the best and moat popular i DRUGS AND MEDICINES. .! PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, slid everything usually kept in Drug More PKLST ITLPTIO.YSCARKFCL- Ij roni(roundest ill ull hour** ol the day or night, and particular and prompt attention given to the want* of ta. mers and other* who live in the country. Stoie never clutod to tho*e who want medicine* oi anything in the drug line. The undt-r*igned hopes, by strict attention to bUMiios*, to merit and receive the pub iiC palonage. H M HERRINGTOK. uaprly. Agent- D. F. LUSE. PAINTER, u i :S R A, - lit-m his services to the cilizeus ol Centre county in tfoii<>, Mgn and OrnnweaUtl I'uiuiing. I >tripin(f, ornamenting end gilding. Graining OAK, WALNUT, CHESTNUT, Etc. : Piain Fancy Fapcr hanging. Orders | respectfully solicited. Ternu reasonable JU apr If. ! ETA. J. OttNDOUF. DENTIST. I> tUil: Intel to U(t UotDM of pat beat* at a duUan i **4 reu.Ur draj-rd Mfttr* to hl line. In tb* b#* ruanuar. of bo*l tiualit# .t ith ilock of BADDLEBY '•.<* t.firred al the aid aland Dmifa •M|Ktllf fat | in# people and the SLIPS, FLASH AID FAXCT of every description . All vehicles manufactured by him are warranted to render satisfaction, and at equal to any work done elsewhere. He uses none but the best material, and employs tho most skillfUl workmen. Hence tney tlatter themselves that their work can not be excelled for durability and finish. Orders from a distance'promptly attend ed to. C'oino slid examine my work before contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, All kimlpof Repuring done. BE ATT Y P,AKO ' - Grand, Square and Upright. From Geo. E. Letcher, firm of Wm. 11. I,etchor J# ltra., Hankers, Fayette, Ohio, fj "We roceived tho piano and think it a .very tine-toned one out here. Waited a | short time to give it a good test. If you I wish a word in favor of it wo will cheer- | fully give it." I dames U. Brown, Esq , Edwardsville I" 111 Ti: "ir Beatty Piano received give entir satisli > Ion." Agen' c wanted. Send fo catul c> • t>. A idi . n P prvi-TY, < GRAHAM & SOW, Have exclusive sale in ltellefonu Edwin ('. Burls' CELEBRATED FINE SHOEB. 8 WIDTHS the iibzl thebi jjj -Jj.b V7ut3i3. WUOLESALS A KKTAII. •XMAAIV Calf Skins,* SOLE LEATHER, SHOE J IM'JNO, Ac AH Kind* of Cost< tn Work Made To Order. Biihop Street, BfcLLKFuSTE, Pa. Jb may tf. BEATTY'S'.™"" lor Organs. Factory Established in*Jß66. From the Pre**. From G. V. White, Editor Uacketl*- kown, S. J. Herald. "The organ ha* a rich, deep and soul stirring tone : could not *tay in the house • iUiout it It help* woDdurfb'ly to dtire awav the thoughts of hard lime*." The Lebanon Fa. Daily Near, says : "We are in receipt of ona of those five ?T U l' . r ""' ,o r Drganx, manufactured by D. F. Bcatty, Washington, N J. This jrgan is a fine, solid black waicut case, ana in tone it cannot be surpa-ted by any instrument ot its kind." From the Lowell Neb. Register. • "We received this week, uirect from the manufacturer, D. F. Beany. Wash ington, S. J., his justly celebrated organ, elegant in appearance, and haudtomaly furnished unexcelled in richness and pow er of. tone We are more t .an pleased with it. and heartily recommc:>u it to aay one contemplating of purchasing as or gan." Best offer given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid by me (D. F. Bcatty) both way* if tsntai istactory. after a test trial or five days. Organ warranted for six year*. Agent* wanted everywhere, male or to male, to canvats for this superior instru ment. Address D. F. BaATTY, Washington. >'* Jersey CENTRE ITi L L COACH SHOP, LEVI IRKA\. at his establishment at Owe i:all. keep on band, and tor sale, at the K■-command them at strictly fir*l class is Tone, Me chanism and durability. Warranted fer six years. Moat Elegant and Latest Improved Have been awarded the Highest Premi ums in competition with other* for sim pi i ay, Durability,, and Fiaat like action. Pure, sweet, and evenly balanced ton*, orchestral effects, and instantaneous ae ces* which may be had to the roedi. Send for Price List. Addross, DANIEL F BEATTY, Washington, New Jorse/, OBSTACLE* HA PPT RKLIKP te Ton* Mm , n from the llaUol Kti-ra sad Abnaa. - . _i. to Wlr Ilto Muhml iMKmS. la M ARKI AGE pbdtmmto to litrrtoer nnaerea. Hee mstbutl of imlßMt N.w and nairt tbh madia Honks tad cimaton aot tn In am M 'nrnlopns. Ad draw HOVAAII Akkh IATIH*. 4IS S Mnth M PhUn daJuhto. IV. An Is-tu.two baring . ieb itwiubs lor bunorniu. conduct andprofasatnna 1 UIU. U jul. BEATTY WAgot Grand, Square and Upright From Hufus Snyder, of the firm ofSny der A Hendricks. Carriage Mrmfacturar. of the city of AUeutown, P^ "Lmust confess I hardly know how I express my gratification on receiving th Beatty Piano you shipped nut, It ti at least all I could ask, wish or expect. One ' of our most eminent musicians tried it and spoke in the most favorable terms, aflai thoroughly testing it." Best offer ever given. Money refund*' i upon return of Piano and fr<-ght charge i paid by me (D. F. Beatty) ■ oth ways fc unsatisfactory, after a test Hal of fivt , day. Pianoa warranted for sit years. . Address, D. F. BEATTY, r ' BROCKET HO*T ELOUBE. BELLE FO >TKI A. D. JOHNhON ct iONS. This w#ll known hotel, -t'uotb \a ti >a*in#nc port' of tb town, h* bnon iiit r. c , at#d, rej !al and furni*bed new. It will bo kite UL >i the propr tor* to make It I plo*a*ct U no for ' h--ae who tuaf . tor thrra with their pauvuafc.' fi carriajre Ls r.. to th# depot, and the heel fttaUlM in www am coo newt ed with the Mouae TWAPEHISKEPTCMFIIS JiT THE OFFICE OP> . msfiim m ■■ 733 Suits St, P.I.T4DRPHIA, -•- rfwr ~-A err" i sad vriU '■ -•*- - SB tH+Smr ,S -