THE CENTRE REPORTER THURSDAY NOV.®, 1870. LODGE MEETIHGS. "T J M Otl.Lll.iSl>. Sort Hr S\**T. a <■"> KORT U>r*. No. ML K. • ™*7'* ,JJ" M n lfir vntn. m or*ft*r Mfb full moon l O.M I • !!<• Hall. „ . v . r \v \i (M ■ * \1 i\,*i . n „ ~ ~u,vr.rf H. moot, on ♦* • .. „v. n ,n or nflvr ou.ti full •->... < thojt^Ull LOCAL ITEMS. Our friends will "Mia". l \ v M \": ,in *. ,,x Item- .if local BOW* ill their local'tv. six < u- the facts oniv, and wo will i>ut I n ' in *!, also notices of deaths and marri "*\nv one -ending u* tho names of five now Subscriber*. with the ra-V will he c- -titled to moivotlio HaroRTKR onc.vear troll b '' r ' ,u " a ' lO T' r. .lium for advertising business, mui--. A. 'o"Soht week -warm and smoky! like. _ Excursion rat. * 1" Philadelphia j tr n Milroy, only $3.50-trains lt\ ot Wednesday morning!* That was neat x a- good a bargain a. V"B got at Sec 1 .. < r - grocery. By reading Newman'* notice*, it, will he >een that ho i- still lull -i.g d " pr c.' in Clothing If he keep* on. he will soon g'xe C othing away, forlto i. al tro-t doit £ it now. T Salt :iv r . xeur* - al t) w\n ord r * nee the Centennial has c!oed T.uuk* ate behut I eked nod Hvl| I p .rat n sag „• on for the voyage W< knew s uieb. ,ly would have to go thi time. ■ five S.vh'.i r a an i sc.. ho fi::>' grocery store. He keep* the bot goods In the market. Mr. II r.i. J. Alexander, ef Sprit g , Mi s. who is praei:. .1 guide;.er, has tent us the following specimen* of hi*j surer"; A mangel wurizcl measuring 2t i inc us in length ; some Sine arge onn is.'. Nea B> c. rai.ed ftuw the -red, aau ; beavy buneb of dwarf white celery, rhese . vegetal' <- :r* m mcJs frvu, B fc. Bliss, N. Y. \V m. W ii g. J* go Jikr 1■ t pi tat >es. lie hti the most *p!cndid stock in •• .v. , Valuable farm of I'hilip Grarnly, ( dec d, in Mile-, is d v ertised in tho Ke , pcrter. Al-o several valuable farm* ol Thoma* Huslen, dec .i ; aiso lanu it John j S Korster. A .so public sae sale o: r. M. Euiugt-r. 1 ;i ltcp**r .r is read more .*x- ; t.usixe yin Centre e> unty than any other . p. per, hence it the tl.e best medium lor auTeriuing sales or anything else. j, Newman i sell you bai for Toe. . that will Cost \ u jl.tW al other stores. ; Try Newman and to convinced teat he . : se Is th. aper than anybody else in th< . county. j' Mr. J. M. ITurkholder, of Miami 1 County, Ohio, wriirsu-. Oct., 31: "Me have qui.e warm weather at prewnt; a heavy : der gust on ds. with seuie rain; i grain Se ds mostly lot's, we.l, alihougn in some localities it seems the fly orotber in sects destroy some fields altogether. Hud . plei.ty ofapples. Tiie h g cuolera i? rag j ing thrcugil the greater part of out cuua j ty, seme losing uli their bogs. CV'TO crop j goo ■. t. ~rr s-i i- out >■: ltie .1 •>'. I 11 •'■ I - - pic- 2) : • COc.; Uog- tat 4 to 4.75; beet V : Sygiosv j xh election is ver and *o:ne will rejoice bs-cause ihey were tin the winning si ie. You call be on the side tt ut J all the t'm e. if you get your groceries ot Seedier .t Co., head.; larters for every- t t i: gin that line. ; ——Mr. James t'orrie, Detitist, in Balti more write* . "1 have uitj I)r. 15ul .- * C-.Uih Syrup personally an! in my family " for two or three year.-, aid aui prepared I. • ' say that there is nothing to compare to it ' as a remedy for Cough", Cold*, eic." Newman, at the new Eagle Clothing 1 St '•, Be let nte, will se'i y.-u a winter suit worth $0 lor $6. Suit* which sell at ot.-ior store" lor SiT at s!■. Good suit* at S7, J8 and $lO. tf Mr JaC.'b Dinges, of this place, ba tolJ b:s farm lying about 1 mile south oi >!; h-im. c nlainu.g 112 i-t rt-s. to Win Wert, for S1 I.OiO. Mr. Michael Splcber, 'f near th s place, who ha* been biind lor stuie tw< yoars, proceed.-d t<> Ptiiladelriiia, a w eks ago to submit to treatment in Pen tia h .-(ilal In a letter received by Dr. Smith last week, Mr. Spicher says. tl. >' through ib skillful treatment which he has re. cived, he i* enabled to see quit, well from one eye, and expects to have th> same favorable result w hen operation h been performed upon bis other eye. He is pleased with bis quartets an i trralroei.l at ibe hospital, iiope he may soon return with sight perlectly re-lcred We have a report from J. B Kia mer. Sec'y >.f a iargei nd enthusiastic dim ocrat c meeting held at Mndisonburg or Monday mgi.'. of la"t week which reached us to > la'e for publication la-t week, aid the election being over, omit it now. The Young Americas of Centr. Hall, had t*o nights for hollow e'en. On. night to turn things Bp-side down, w tl next mght to turn them to r'ght* again a liti'e doc .ment from the squire caue< a tog C" run ot n among the boys. I T STRAY.— J A heifer li years old. will sli in right ear. dark-red hrindle color came to the promises of the under-igned Ti- owner is requested t-> coo,a nd pr >v. ptopertv, pa. c -t". nl remove the same JAMES GRAMI.EY nov '2 Hubler-burg Elegant Ilair is woman's {crowning beauty When it fides, -he fade* us well While it is kept bright, her personal at truciioas are still maintained. By pre serving the fresh and vigorous > youthful appearance is continued tlirougl many years. Those who grieve over the: fad og hair turning gray too early shouh know that Ayer's Hair Vigor prevent it and re-:o:es gray hair to its natural color It is a clear and healthful preparation, cot - taining neither oil, dye, nor anything de leterious, and imparts to the sculp whn. is most needed—a sense of pleio ant and delightful freedom from scurf o. dundruff—New Berne (N. C.) Times. We have been informed by person in whom we place implicit confidence, tha the instruments manufactured by Mr. D- Beattyofthe BEATTY PIANO an, Beatty's Golden Tongue Parlor Organ m torlety, at Washington, N. J., are con structed by r* corns of skillful workmen who have been in his employ foryears, un<: are toted for the great interest they tak in promoting and maintaining the airead.i enviable r-q illation of hi, instrument.-. His advertisements appear in this issue ol our paper, it wmuld he well for persons in terested to examine them. 1m A GOOD AND HANDSOME PROP EKTY, in Millheim, is offered for saie a le-s than icual vulue. For further pat titulars address S. W. SWARTZ, Centr Hi I, Pa. 19oct 2tn. FOE SALE.—First class brict kept on hand for sale at Zerbc' Ilall brick yards. These brick ar> so low that it will pay persons at a > to come here for them, ding to continue in the manufac brick they will be kept constant y i. and fair inducements offered t> irrs. f. D. W. ZERBE. UILLER, Fashionable Tailor, At - g, iUo|> few Uoors west oi Dr, '• in W . - —— Haines, N majority for TilJon. | Bpigelniyer, of the cash store, i BO' :in the city and w ill -mi arrive with "lock of n'W good s. I —Ksvttu aft tbi mw Ckthlitg BtMi j Belief, nte, sella, fine Chinehiila clot botli d Ovcreoals, worth JIS for Chinchilla Overcoats, worth sls for sll flcsr black be-xver Overcoat" at $1 '■ <* Overcoat* at j 'and upward*, lie i bound to xt ll cheaper than anybody el in the county and he will do it. t Hugh I.arrimcr of Centre Hill, ha sold hit toi eto Michael Stroll in. Hugi w- a g.h>d and cle\ or merchant, atid dii the fair thing with cus.ouiers, lie wil OxintiliUe 111 thr old -fall, a b mellth and give customers the best bargains in lh< county. Jas. Odctikirk has Income a ment lor el" the firm of Cook aid Kratucra Lento; t, which wil! hers-after do biisiuo*. a* Cook, Kramer A Co. Mrs liutehinson, wiie of A Boy.: ; Hutchinson, Esq., id.lighter of Henry j Keller, of 8.-aisbutg dud at the heme i parent*. Her funeral took place or ! Wednesday 1 "Newman ly on Tuesday if .l gr..>- headed octogenarians wore carried to th. poll* and voted tor l ilden and re form, : I'heso aged p.trivg* were anxious to do tiieir country the !*"t good -. r\ ,ce in tlu-ir ; -wr. Ail u to p lie caus. . ,'h gar -u, . Jti tn ; crlaiuiy | he a good one. Klccitoi day was a tine one. The before there w considerable rain. When you go to tow , remember I Newman Ncwtuaii ! ' Newman 1! ! tt ——A bold attempt at murder and rob bery w a* commuted on do u.t., upon JaUl - N. . 1 , it soil ■ t Lafayette Net! or lea. tins piate, us he was on bis return font Milroy. w better he bad g'tie w ,;u a ioa.l of g. r .. . A- ha readied the j .10- 1 . n , ' ...0 r> , i :i o n VI ler's -aw uuii w i.h tel pike,he observed < mall with a baton, t ai the edge ol the w o.i, backing u tree anl a few rod* lurttier another man who a aed to rule Ig. \ .tlig N.t! Usa' d w . .. he Would Hive to be taken Wllell the - ranger drew :i ; . a:ni fired, the ba.'l going through hi* e .at collar on hi* led arm and through hi* left sleeve. His h. r-es ti c tened un 1 ran ash :t distance. A* Iu reached the t polllies I: ania'i, anolbei stranger approached and taking hold of! tie wag,in look-d in without uttering * word. The.-e tell. s Weto :. doubt eon- j federate* and intended to r.b Pertoti traveling the Seven inounutna mu aid g-e armed. Slack Trakk IX Atsua The slave tr.lo- -tilt pro-per* in Africa. Lieut. Cameron say* t at the whole of Airiea is n,>w one vast hrs field The .-'avo trade is increasing a: d whole districts are deso lated by it. 11 thinks that by opening up Use c, uutry u commercial enterprise, and pacing ateauie s on ibe Congo river much cs n be done tow ard destroying the inhu n an trat!!. ; a: . Mr. Y., who recently explored Lsk,- Nya-sa, ,-ays there are at least 20,000 -'aves a year carried tf from the shores of the lake. The population on the south a:.d wc-t were employed by the Arabs to make war with tie tribes inland l the west and th -c that were captured were taken as slave*. Geo. William* aged twenty • ne, w s shot and killed at Louis on Sund v by si unknown man. who t. • k tflv; -* at s 'me remarks made ab >ut a horse he wa driving. A M AIL PACKAGE CAST ON IBK WATERS Fori: YEARS AGO. Over four years ago a package valued at S3O was mailed at I.'.ndcnvElo to a po-t office in Pennsylvania, and a- means of s curity bad it registered; but somewhere on it* passage it disappeared and cou'd not be found. Theca*o was investigated by special . fficers, and everythingpet-sible d-'iie to find the lost package, but without avail. Lind- nville is a country t>ost office and from there tho mail is carried to Wil ! an .-field, a railroad "tatie.n, by a route sgent, and in all cases r-'gutorevl mail mat ter ha* to be receipted for before he t-vkos i awav. In this case the Lindenville post master had a receipt from tho agent, but as the agent had none from the Williams field po'tuiniter the package- could betrac ed no furtl -r. After a vigilant search the tackage was given up f, r lost, and the r uto ager.t wss compelled to par the loss The matter w* almost forgotten, until a few days ago the packago turned up. and i' had been all tho-e years lying within an arm's length of the Wi'iiirun-fi-id post master's desk. It had been received from h>' r.-ufe ag.-nt in a small p'.uch, tog. tfier with about forty letters, and a* the pouch -as an extra one, only occai -nally used, i' w-, by n.istske hung upon a h> k near the desk, and there ! tivli.g hrtn no use f .r it since, it h id be.rn there all the-e year, 'hue day lust week the pouch wu- tak, n down for u-e, and its content* found in tact —Cleveland Herald. Governor Hartrantt has isued a pt.vla nation uppedmingThursday, the So;h o? November, a day of thanksgiving. The Repub'ican County Convention n' N'. w York city ri rniri-.t. .1 a straight tick- I with General Dix f r Mayotv bitting Bu In.- again sent w..rd that he coming in and means to bo friendly, but .ersi-:s in hi* demand for ammunition. rVARM FoK SALE The under.igned offer* at privato sale *5 acresof land nerUi mountain, in the ,J'h <-f P .fer iwt> . 75 acre* are . lear ["hereon c-'i t.-.l a House, washhouse barn ..rt crib, and other outbiiildings An (rchard of choice fruit on the premises It is one of the f-est fruit furms, and has untjii'g water thereon. AND. JORDAN. 'J nov. St. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S~NOTIck~ Le;rer >,f administration on tlie etni< f Sam Ksller, lateof PoUar •iving 11 p granted to the andaraignud II p-r-ons knowing lhernelve, u> ho ire ■eh'.ed t" -aid decedent are req,!■•;, 1 t neke immediate payment, ami per- • mvii'f claim* against the estate will pr. >eot them authenticat. d 1,-r -'-it em nt ELIZABETH KELLER, 9 nov tit A dm'r A VALUABLE VAKM FOB SALE I wo mile* east of Rcber.burg Mib-s tw| 'entre county, being the eiut* of i'liiiij Granily, deceased, containing 282 A< KES, •note or less ;of which 110 acres conit ol be finest quality of" white oak, white pine, lemlock and chestnut limber, Tho bul ince i* in excellent cultivation. The farm • well watered by Elk creek, arid a eer •in Gup Run, the Utter affording nn ex cellent water power for saw ana shingle 11 ills. The buildings on the place consi-t •I a large double Three Btory House Bank barn, 54 ft. by 132 ft. and all other •lecexsary outbuildings. There is on thr ilace a good youpg orchard of choice fruit. Also a separate tract of 218 Acres of Timberlaod, ■ djoining said larm, well timbered with .inc ana hemlock. If deired the farm ■ould be subdivided to rait purchaser*. For particular* addrcsq either S GRAMLY, Reberst'urg. I'M , 01 R KREAMER, 9 nov 6t II WOLF, Wolfs Store, I'M P ÜBLICSALE Will be sold at, theresidence of tb< undersigned At AARON "BURG, ON SATUR DA Y NOVEMBER IH, at one o'clock, rabies, Ci.air*, Bedsteads, 1 Ten plaL Stove. Parlor stove. 2 Coal-Hove*, Wood ebest, Sink, Tubs, Meat vessels, Scalding trough. I on-ketlle, TWO SPRING "WAGONS, Truck SIoJ, F inily Sl.igli, Weavinj looms. Pilotoes By The Buahvl, au I many other articles. Terms will I tn Ido fcuwWU OU 4ay of sale. Im, 3 i a, xi'imusjr. J VICTORY! *' Tilrlcii Rlerlfd!! C, J This is tin- rooster tluit pronounce* the triumph of Til-len an.! Reform, titt.l . that the plunderer* have be en Licked v jout, never to i L.u a 1 ..un. (Culrci o. Klcc lion is; (5. r!d tVutre ■ > uttid lni-elf nobly, jWo have r dletl up a inoreasitl ' majority Thanks t. the democracy thanks to such honest republicans as . were tire-l of tnisrule and plunder, , ami voted f.-r honesty and reform, y The following are return* ot the eleetion on Tuesdavdb* r*r a* n-ceived President. Assembly. i-M Ha > j: is ? BO KOl'tills jr * V ft- x. r 2 8 5 5" * AND ? ? S" T fr j a TWI'S j I f a z: 1 W W t* l 0" 00 ' h) u) l *' L. s W **' trc' OH I**l t*i lk> r y \\ tv*i iti i**i iki txti Ui :: j Milutburg b. (tl u> iti iti u 1 l*i iou* 1 ieb (tl (tf i*' iti (tl u' . ilowurd b. (tl (t> (tl Iti (tl (tl 1 t'hilipsburg.. (tl (ti 00 (ttl (t tt* !t -cr- "ti (tti u*i Uti Oi*) Ot* t| Bel,liar (f (ttl (*l (*tl !*• (tl , Burn.ide (R ft" (*• 00 '• >0 t'uriin . . .. 00 (tl (tl (ti (tl 00 ifsrftiwA....- 00 000 (ti iiti I*l (tt> IjGr. gg '-. li 21*7 70 01 jti* ne- .'.. ".iv lit (t Hti hi (tti ,|Ha t" 00 ti m M ' ~ l.l Vtl (*tl (ttl (ttl (t*l 1 11 .ward ... CO CO (O (tl (tl (tl ■ ! Hu-lun (* (tl 00 (*•* (O (tl ,j Liberty 09 00 (0 tti (tl ttl Ma-ion 00 (ti 00 iti (t) (r ' Mile- (RI 'tt' 2 7 5i 52 I Patton (tl (tl (tl Iti (tl I*l ! Perm 385 I! 2,V( 54 81 I Potter 11 1-7 " ' 137 107 1 Ru,!i ttl (ti 10 (ti (*i do (Snow' Sliie... (f (ti (tl (JO (O 00 1 Sp: ng . ... (ttl (t" (tM (t*> U*i Utl fa v lor tti (t> (ti 'At iti (•> Union (ti (ti (Ri (t (W iti Walker It) COO *R (tf 00 tXf 1 Worth 00 CA' 00 00 10 (Ri T„ul _(tf t*Af OCOO lt*M (Rtf (Atti Congress— Mile". Mael cy 2M ; Lincoln 51. Penn, Mackey2>2; Lincoln 31. Sena: Mi..--, P. . •2"-'. Thomp-.-n ■ Penn, I'ea'.o 279 : Ft mp> ;i ■ Jury Cerntii. M Ui.-hel 296 ; Keller v. Per.:;, . .vellero- Judge—-Miles, Ditin* 277. Frank 2V B .ker 41, Odcn - irk 5o President Gr-gg, Til n 2v5; Hayt-s I j®". Philadelphia al- ul 1 ',OOO f,>r Hayes, ami the Republican candidate for Sher iff defeated. Poller, Gregg, Penn, Haines and j Miles did well. IYnu has the largest j majority. Ceutre county g es Democratic bv almut l'tf niaj. rity, and the whole | county ticket elected. Republicans make •onxidcrable gains ! iu I'-oggs arnl Spring. This is the gallant little chick that, crows over H h -0 maj ,rity f-r l'ilden in J ("entre county, an.l can knock the feaths on* off of any Have- chicken between , Philipsburg and Wo.*dward. j Triumph off he Peo ple !! ! Thieves to make j.iaco for honest 1 mou. • The result indicates a glorious triumph l of the democracy,—the victory of the r Amricau people sin-e the surrender of Lord Cornwall!* Yorlctown. N, w Y'.rk v. v give* T I t'n Tl,£d :.,a r joritv. an J tbc -'ate ■- doin*cratic. r |* All tl south.-* late* have gone for I Ti dn except 8 'Uih Carolina which it , Jcubtful. Indiana for Tilden by OfO. New Jersey and C nnei tii ut for ToJen. Ohio about 8000 for Hayes. ~ r Illinois for nyet. Pennsylvania clo*e and probably for Have" Tildcn ha" enough to elect bias and New York t- - spare. Tilden ha already over 'Jf elector*, and • is elected by a Urge majority. Old Br rk- - ear 701 • dr m. mJorilr. This is the gun*tliat held the Fort on Tuesday, and whose shot knocked down Grantism, Cameronism.and Kelknapistn and scattered the plnnilercrs. n j I- This is the hat that Don f'ameron saitl he'd tear up if Hayes was elected by his bayonet order. It is the hat his dad !• wore when lie won the high title of I I chief of tha Winnebagocs. His address . is now Salt river. f t r r • b ; \ " * This is a sample of the instruments used by Grant, Cameron, and John J. 1 Patterson to force southern stales to vote for Hayes. "Bayonets is played out." U - ; . -a-" • * Si. V V '*■ ' c> I^STRAY.— A hoi for came on th prem i.B of ¥ 1". J:;mi , 11 111 Grogg tap übou tho middle of September. P i abou', 2 years old, ot" a red color, witb gma I while spots. Tiie owner i rcquet e ed t ■ call prove property pay cost* and tliq suUiC. J to RUNKLE, Jvwu Ulrk ot Gregg twfi p l ien the Indiana t tlx* trailing rpjoioe iviul congratulate each othc there in mi cml of llelknpiy tint polling of jo*l-lia.lorhijM. by with li tin red man nml the white Settler on tin frontier nan robbed nml plundered. Tlis is our ioitriiuouier, whom weltuvi employed to varrh all u\er creation ami the rext of mmikiml, for Haven' ittujoi, li.- lie reports euttt lath ll.iVi gMiagexpiclt. I)JitiISTER s NOTICES. \ Ihe following account, havo been ex amitieJ mid passed ty me nml remain filed el record in tin* oOeo, Jnr the inspection of heirs, legatee-, creditors m il nil oilier in nilv way interested nml will he pro-en! e.l : > the Orphan's t'.-urt of I < vtr- . :■ \ on Wi.iin lav. the 2Sth tlav -i Noveio I tier, A l>., 1876, for continual n ami at-: l> w unco. I* o ai < t of J re-eph t'u a lmoin tralor of nil and -fhgular the ge, 1> ami ; .• alt e* rig's!* a:: J , reji!-,1 (I, roi fat in. late of Pot er twp. dee'd | The necou .t of D M Wagner, guardian of (■ eo \ Thompson, a minor it i d of i W til A 1 iioiut luP' It : tr .;t V, deed. The tirt puftin' account J„ ~h ftuw r, admin it*. rat or of etc • f l>a\ . i I' irillnll •ate of Hainc- twp, dee'd the account of A K ( Imi - idniin >oi (intra. Into of Pi-rgUsoll lap lit d 1 The account of A. K t ictus.>n. c sr.sat Lyd I Kny, minor cl.i.d > f DaVut Kay. tale of Ferg..-. i. twp. liee'd The acci oht of J S lUuirman. xee utor of the tail will nnd testamert of John ' Datiberman, late of Potter tvrp, d,- • ' The partial account of J -cph Roller , an.l E icah' th Holler. >\>. u: • : etc of John Holler, late ol llennertwp, dr. d. The account oi Adam It v, exet it- ofi, etc. of \\ 1, (J. \\ iliiam*, 'a e 1 the hi - ouch of Itellefonte. deccnird. l'ne aecaunt °f Robert Kei 5, ', s • xr disn of ttje minor children of Daniel liar ne- lato of llarrit tvep, del .1 The accoi nt of St Miller, admini-lra lor of tc. oi Theodore Miller, 'ate ,-! thai, borough of Howard, dee'd The account of Nathan J Miti • I, a i mitiislrulor • f the c-'.uto of S.nuu, • Leath ers, late of Howard borough, iL c'd. Treat' utit • f.l arm - Martin, nJiiiin - tr.v. rof etc of John M irt • , late f the ho 'Ugh of Bellcfonte, dee d. The account ot Absalom 1. pi guar- < .lian of Henrv Hoy, minor son ot lie ry Hoy, late of Maruin twp. dec d. The to co .ntoft'l a-. Uibgc, guur.i in f Mary Kroti!, i. 'W Mrs. Alfred lr go . f Gr, gg twp. Theme, .nt of II 11 "V :r ly ,\ t mentary trustee under the will of 11. nry Validie, dec d, of \a iy i.e now deceased. The second partial a-c Hit of Pel r Hoffer ai .i Carrie E Wolf, adm of etc of Simon S. Wolf, late i ! Potter twp, dee'd. R. fister'' Mffico, | W. E. Bt R nm Bellefontc. October lis, IS7O. j Register. N'OTICF. —X tiee i hereby g veti that the account • f Adam 11 y ami A. li. Curlin.Jr . assign fSci . i. r. c Worth X Co . I a been Co '. in it ■ c at'. . f Common Pleas of C nlr .. .-'. i, ! will he presented for c r.firmation al Nov. Ipinii, m xt A. WILLI \Mr>. Pr t'ry. / y :pli Ax* s co r r.T s A i.k Will be rold or, the pretuis 11 mi '• cat of Centre Hall, OS SA IT' RUAY. NOV. is at I o'clock.; t) ro., thti following de.crihtd fcftt • -tale nelonging to the estate of Jai >b 1I"|IS, dtv 'd, a lot of ground in tho township of Potter, containing Two Acres and 00 perches of the very host land and in tho bigbest state of cultivation. Thereon erected a good lno 'tore HOT'SK, STABLE m l BLACKSMITH SHOP, and a . ry outbuilding*, • novor fadinc -pring of water and choice fruit TKKM> One half of the purcl ey to be paid at confirmation ot -ale the balance in one year thereafter, to he n cured bv h nd and mortgage, r> th- | rem ise. JOHN SHANNON. octl'jJ Adm'r pi'BLIC SALE.— Will be - >!d on the pr. mi •• I' lt> tp, on SATUROA V. NO\ . lit . n! 1 o'l loek, the ladlorfiiig real "-t ite, ot P' ter St idler, deed. A tract f lai'd. *itue: in silt ' h. unded north hv land of J . oh N| >i r. cast by HaVid Swab, and ruth hv Jacob M"vr and public e,.,.|_ ;l ;. jw, by 11.-n --ry Shadow, c°"tainine -I ACRES, an 101 perches, theren a LOO Hol'SK, FHA M K -TABLE, FHCIT AN l> HI N N1 N(i WATER TERMS One half of pure' *se m ■ on conHrmation of sale, tin* ba am mom eoar with Interest to be <, ur d h> b ml and mortgage on tho premise- FE LI X SIT FFLKH, 12oct Adm'r. PRIVATE SA LK The undcrsigt ed, Executors of the lust will it nd testament i I Thomas H uston. lat" of Walker township. Centre 0.. Pa , de i-a-ed, otfer tin- property known M the "Junctioi .' al |irivat" sale. T his property i-situated m W ilkertwp. it the intersection of the Millheim n d Batil Eagle turnpike vv'th the put. io r id leading Bellcfonte to L " I. Haven, shout midway between the two plio • s : Conluinttitr about A" acres ~f Inn.i with n large DWELLING HOl'sK. STORK ROOM, and tho nc ' -nry cult, , i i,ling all in good order and repair : there i- ah- > line young Orchard cf Id i,-, fruit in good hearing condition on the premises. This properly i- -uitablo f >ra private resi dence, < ra a pliicen! public liusiio*-. and common resort has no equal in the county A tract of land, ndjoinitig the Junction tract, containing about 10 ACRES, well located Htid desirable for a small homo i • abut offered fir sale, together with FOUR FINE FARMS, ,>no of them now occupied by Samuel Showers, , m.taming about k'h7 At RF> ; one occupied by Mortimer M, Clint,,, , containing about liA) ACRES ; tin occu pied by .I nines Huston, containing about lb*> ACRES, all situated contig , i- to the property first described in Walker twp, and the other occupied bv Michnel Cor man, containing 210 ACRES, and 'Jperch, es, neat measure, near the village of Jack sonville, in Marion twp. Thee farms are limestone land of the finest quality, and in a good state of culti vation, well supplied with timber, water, and fruit, with good building- erected "ii eacll. The farms occupied by -bowers, McClintoc, and Huston, abound in Iron Ore of the Finest Quality, in paying quantities a vein being now profitably worked by Alesiri. Irwin A McCoy of this county, on one of them. The premises above mentioned will be sold as designated,or in such tracts as iirn suit the wants of purchaser*, w here the lo cation is such us to warrant a div ision <>l tho sutuc. Persons desirous of purchasing r.ny of the above described premises, will pi'eaae apply to either of the undersigned, who will lake pleasure in showing them the same, when terms and condition* will be inadu known. JAMES HTTSTON. Xittnnv, Pa. JAMES I'. COBUItN, •var ui-butJ . topi '2B Creators. 1" OST.— On April 8, lß7n, betwetm ('• n JLJ tre Hull and P- nn Hull, u mink Fin a> utj Thp (full be suital/Jy rmvard :|4 ut vUia vUivv. euUg i\ la San Flancisco, )it i',l John II Iml ir to day filed in the probate court a pctitioi ,1 to the uppointeil adlliiulstrater of the OI ~ late of hi* father, the late James Lick . This is the first definite iiifermation of In de - igns. MARRIAGES. ; (hi 2. uit ,by Rev. KlsiTiel, Mr fbom asAuinanot I', on Had, and MUs'Sural ; Sander oh of M illlieim j Ou 12, nil ,bv Rex J M I'rice, Mr. R t" lleihi ami Miss Sallio \lotr 11 uug 111oi • f Samuel Mote, both of Woodw rd. tin 7.1, at tlie l.utli Pars-'iiage in H.. blerburg, Mr. tie.i. \\ Council ti Misi I iln I Villi a, both of Howard. | tin 8, Mi Fi ink lit! Lot/., .1 Logan Mills, to Mi-* Porle Hvlpman of Villi Hall. DEATHS. ihi 27, in li otovilie, 5.,!,,!,,-! \V'.,if, sou -■! Henry and Cliristia \V olf, .ig i V years, 7 iimnths aiid 2*J day, 11 is death i* one that Will n 11 ,ui be for. - 'Hon bv In- little friends, Ou Monday, d, he -at vvitii hi* school uiates to learn ; ni the evening on fits way going home he hung on a wagon with hi* school mates. I I lie wng.ui was leaded with corn fodder. Hi* hfd giving way he was thrown un der the wheels slid run ever; lie was hail, ly bmi-t d It is supi'. ied tlic wheel, ran over hi, bedv and head. He suffered toui days nf the injurh, before li> was called t ■ eternity. Sunday before he filled hn place among hi* school mate* in Sabbatli School, an J ill is Sabbath he was carried tc the grave yard asleep in j ai e. J P C, MARKKTS. Itxi.l KK.IS I K MAHI.II*, riq irted T y Shorliidge A Whit- Wheat $1 10. Jxtai \\ liCat, a 1 10. Rye, O a . Cera, o.d, 40c. ' new, 40c. Oats, 25c t loversccd, choice, $8 txi. l',, retail, t>l 20. H.iekwheat, 60c. j F our, per barru!, wholesale, $5 60. ti tsil, uo. | Neva Bc, tin j!aster, ground, sll 50, per Cayuga, suso. ,v M vitKr.r Rgr uti Oct. 17, bv SAMPT A M N ;• heat, white si 12. Wheat, red, fl 08. Corn, .45 , Oat*. 22 to, 28 Re. .65 Clover- .-J, ?0. ' • MARKET Kcport 01' Prices OF r. Q, RHAIL'JLTOUT, LKIVISTUIVN. PA.. Ft) II ('.IS 11. furp. lit: .o. i> t Lii)seed ()tl, (52 ots. Wlnlc I.i nd. N.ii $ ;.2". jo r ke_-. Liar Iron, 21 ctr. COOK INt i STOV I S, 7 in , sl6 C0 : 8 in . 821.00 : 9 in . 00. ROOM STOVES, BEST ANTI CLINKERS, PATENT FH ES, 10 in.. 810.00 ; 11 in . #12.00 ;12 in., #15.000. ROOM COAL STOVES, $1 t • #lO tK) (i tivoalxad Coal Baokata, .">0 ci*. (Jalvai.i/i-d C u! shovel*, 10 cts. Eire Brick, 7-"i cts. ('ual < i rati s, # 1 00. AI wax - for -ah the le *t and Cheap* e*t Cook Mi i It .inStov in the Market. F. G. FRA NCISCUS. L-tvi- wn, s, t 'jo. I*7l sept *2B * vttik ALWAYS AHEAD ! ! Our POPULARITY For Prices Is Daily (In The j Increase. Having purchased the largest Stuck ofUoods in our line ever brought to Hellefoute. we are ottering extra inducements to buyers. * MEN'S Si'ITS Foil s•"> AND Cl*. M EN'S OVERCOATS. 13 ">0 UF. MUSLINS FROM ~)C A YARD UP. LADIES' HOSE. 5r A PAIR UP. LADIES' COATS, SHAWLS. TRIMMINGS. HATS, AND FANCY GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AND AT THE VERY BOTTOM PRICES. M EN'SI UK ITS AT ?2 APAI R. I.A IVES' FINE SHOES Si A PAIR. MEN'S ITATSAS LOW AS 7.1 CENTS. A FULL SUIT OF UNDERWEAR FOR 50 - AND ALL OTHER GOODS AT PROPORTIONATE PRICES. i IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK. BOUGHT AT ALL TIMES. GIVE US A'CALL BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE,| I* ' SJV2.O2 A CALL WM2UYOO DOii)2 'f OT©WM—B2M£ja'32fl THSIPLACi I —THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND OF Apr 2 ; p ■ S. d: A. LOBB. li i'|[ARDWAIIK AND AiTOVES!! HARDWARE AND STOVES 1! COMPLETE LINK OF ALL KINDS OF.HARDWARE. O BPEAKK, ANTK LINKER. SILVER MOON, PARLOR STOVES, THE BEST IN THE MAI tET. THFRE W NOTHtNO TO EQUAL IT IN 'hEKVICE OR BEAUTY, Price reduced to suit the times. : ! <> SUSQI'EIiANNA COOK STOVES IMPROVED, ANTI (.'LINKER, GRATE AND REVERSIBLE TOP PLATES. W*rrnaUd tbe tx-Sl linker in the market. SOVEREIGN PORTABLE RANGES, can utacb a water hack fur liestinß wnler io Rnfh Room, very little higher than ©fcTir, *jr Cook Siovt -, und good bakers. Wo also Lave a lull line vi wl.cnp and tin diuiii price 1 AiiLOR S1 ON 1 £>, l'riocs to suit the trade, THOMAS A. HICKS 4 BROTHER, Belief ante, Pa. BREONS' HOTEL, n Ml I.ROY, I'A. ir The be-t table mid bar, and cxci-Ilei . stabling f.'r berei *. Al> a fliu- rasort (•< -umnier boarder*. Bus* to depot, an is daily rtsgm to Centre count v. Charge h rew-.uiabie, GKt). BRh'iN, Prop'r. Sample 6c McNitt. MILItOY. FA. v P;\V T>J£ }Jja})£3T MARKET PRICE FUR All KinAiof Grain. A'.ii' ivi on hand lower price, than elsewhere. COAL. FLATTER AND SALT. Farmers of Centre mind the place. 21 set* tf. Wolfs Old Stand. AT At hsi'J'f ft£ J-IvML, ■ Majfiiitietnt Stock of Full and Wiu ter Goods. Ohb Pr)Lb I LDvy Ppjcs I POLITE ATTENTION ! H:i* iiigju-i returned from the East, an i b.'Uiitil lit palm price,, 1 am fl' W j.rfpareU Is soil cheaper tsss ttsi before. My ttock . on-iit, in part of IJKY GOODS, GUOCFRIES, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, HATS A CAPS, BOOTS{- SHOES, RUBBER BOOTS, SANDALS. Ac, Ac.j L:.ti.i and Gents' Underwear a ipeo itality. A I.AttOE STOCK OF READY - MADE CLOTHING constantly on hand. Customers will find the stock com plete, and a call i all that is required to assure you that this is the bc.-ti place iu tha valley to buy your good- I\rmember , uv have but one price for everyone. WM. WOLF. 1 !a * ' v b' i* #y ftrftf t f f ? t I-* Tli k WoHkis.. Ci u . We arc rmw gy*^. nli*a si ,S> , Ja rtoi en.c<.j a.n nam., la. ... ih.tim, la, iai, , n> i-iul-eM .ml |Vr - I'll l.iaulmill Ir- :u fci rmn'm In #4 !•<• i-r-n—rllatnl Mrm ty d-molln. t •>—, ■- tin*. (.< in, 1-uilr.iM |lar .ad ( |H, rn i.. >na< l „ men V h,l ,fi aba we thi* n -u, *( * ' Ibalr .n-l leal In, l-aetnou ae make Itile anirstkllrlMt ~J„ T. iKbuurnelarUHl* , 1 an allleeod " e i1.11.rt., |,.j f„, ity iroabte ol •- Ito, I u.l ewliculam ua,ler a.aU, mrerai dot U..1.. 4 -.nin,n aorX .a end * coin ~1 en,l nneuf tty Urarel ,t..1 1-el lltaelr.lad . .ll eenl fm ty oll Hwaler. (I Jia *.IU iTr',"".*;'™. ' l - - O ed-lrre, I'l ulb *rt.MO.\ i 0,. Fnnisad M. ne I L. SI'AN'tiLKR. Atturncv-at-Law, _ Bcllclonte, Pa. Other with b • \\ • rum. CuMultaticn in Engl,* 'a' I Gi-rinan. Cidlcctions promptly attend j 'd to. "febft-tf ■■Sl* I ' I S 1 " . CENTRE HALL lmtlti STORK. Id J.c. MILLER. (SurcMtor to J K. Miller & tian ) * De. ii in 1' D ~ and M lii-irie* jllye stuff-, and Druggut's tundrit,. m nr H /.V/; ASD UUCOHS > i For'medicinal purjm-i - Tin- be,t brand, of i CIGARS AND TOBACCO * •4 alwayr in stock. Prescriptions catefully Compounded. J.C MILLER 1 H A T OOTTUt Fashionable Tailor. (Viilrc Hall. Having open*-1 r<. m- ,11 th<-2nd floor of (jift Jt Ftory's b aiding br I- nrepsr <-J to msnu'acturr all t ind, of men'* and { tmy's garment*, according t the latr-t; •tyle*. and upon sborte.i noli- r, and n>l| work warranted t- render satufacuon. I j (Jutting ami repairing done. 7,cr>t v d. cV J. HARRIS, i NO 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. IKON. NAILS. Paints ODS/ETC., 1 J. A J. HAHRI\ Builefonte. , IvEW > ruKK, XRW GOODS AN lt i Panic Prices. 11. %. MICUIHI.It. ' it the old Centre Hilt stand. J u-t opening a Mock of NEWGODDH, OLI) FASHIONED PRICES! , A large \ ariety i f I>adics Drei-* Good* Great Bargain* in Muslins and Calicoes Ready -made Clothing Warranted to Suit id is Cloths and Cassimert, t'nnt be excelled His Crocery Department. VU'nihe every one in a- *ortmentandlow ;nrice. Syrup, Sugar, Tea . Cann' i fruit* Domestic and Foreign Fruit-. Cbee*e, | and every other article belong* ling to the Grocery Dcpart tn en L &tr- Farmer,. Meehanii * and laborer* \ laik to your interest One dollar *av*d t* i dollar in i-,-rket Then call and nc al I what a-tonishingly low prices. No trouble to si -,w ti-,,.1, -ty* Also the choicest FAMILY FU>NT al ways on hand. Apr. 15, y. JAR. S G Ul'TKLll'S, Dentist. Millheim. (Iflm hti I srvkM to ih pel UP. ll# It * t*rr|Mrd l* ixwTtm# *U oj mali-.b* m li e |ro* r 'faston Ha u no ftSij la film! terih Hs■ ■ Bhum 72R \\ J I RERER A Hon er 11. i ▼ ▼ 9 r.... , Imalcd Io Ms i srn to I iwhrhl ort rr.Lrr cattttlr. U AoewtttsU 1 I HoiiHtrtt 'W'M P W!Ls Bet oar s Building. Itellefonte Pa. fi'HN K POTTER, A tr• ri* v-'t* , " l-, l <-llarll . • . ,1. ,n.l •pari •Mfiitß hFHfti Io Ihosa Umts or t-r|ifrif |i*i • • Jr Will tlrmv up m 1 !,• ■ V Ar ♦ to lh# dUhmunal. r.trJt kJ* -- litiowri ItoiiM. Ballaloola orl£|M( JOII4 CO II I HS. BOOT A' SII O E M A K EH I DIPLOMA I j Awarded to John Powers for the [ 1 ! -t fir,i- Ho. Us exhibited at fen- f I trc County Fair for lb* yr 18711. j iJ i) yrAo7 oft 7 Hush llotii HKLLErO.NTE, FA. He keep* constantly on hand a fuli line of II J> O T N 4 I h II < E M. r J f J £ j rJ 0 £ 3 jfor ladies, kept coruutniy on band U E DEFY I'OMPEIIIION ! I Bool* an J Shoo for man and women, ol a]* let, 'juahty tud |>ricoi t from tin Juij*t rosily u> the cheapest, .constantly on band. 111.4 111 BOOZCItr ( Munfwurw of tt.d Uol ta II A R iY LI S S,| SADDLES. BitIDLKS, due. CL-T&E HALL. PA. ,2®- Iti pairing of alt Linda executed at frhoit i4<'tico, • iSi juo Cm. 11 JOH* V " PENNbVALLe Y BANKING CO. CK.VTKK 11 ALL, PA. jKEI BIV K DKI'OSI !>>, and allow Inter, eat; Discount Njlr. • Hkiue. ip YfcSa < rrmetxi lit. Urwli ■trn iin (1 1 ~o.nulls. (*■• ike L I . 4 a . , ". Ba '• '**•> reutut biai.l. ([K* ,1, | tel.. l.t r II ku trr& ueet ,ad . .Jul I. .„. ... I MXeeMiM fur use it, n.i., la .leer r.uaa. u •*%, |HW|Ma a toad Matit) of i emm u CMST* i? naiUu *lra*4, Uwu ut.iaC t u >B <11 *W. and nadarvd ih t.i„..( u . l lnou erf tro MJrtwiUj Mem*. .; W.tar e !{w . I • T , tif ftiltuUi* If boat iu Lb I U, 't d *** -trrauu 1.. *rttrl * MUM 2K\, J.<; MKVtk | A*r.nlMir*. I . j r PEOPLES DRUG STOREI RE-OPENED! A NEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE. i ,e lb lefonta public and the people ol tie < generally will be |>ieae-d tc itioar that the ojd and well established DRUG STORE, •tie tlie property of Jitne. C. WiilumN i <-n A cgheny street, ni xi door to luck* I hardware < inn-inuro. bat been re i |>eneNi fit; tiuatneaa and ia be- i inK rapidly re-eitxiked and i fitted out with the best and moat popular jORUGS AND MEDICINES. perfumeries, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS. nd • uiually kept in a fint-chus Di u* More PatK*l ItIPTIOISC AKEFIL , ly compoußdrd siuJl litr* ' 'I the t'.ay or i iirhu and particular anc j prompt niteotion given to the wanu of tanner* and other* * nhi> live in the country. Store never 1 |ti)oMid to t.i.ise who want medicine* 01 anything in the drug line 1 ! J le u:.d< rigned hot,. . by alrict atlentioi • • bUe;nes to merit and receive the pub itc paU>uage. H M HEHKIKGTOX. ! " a >' r lv Agent D. F. LUSE. PAINTER, BAui".. OO uaonta and n IU lac*?, v.U*h u ttrranM • • jwrfttci time keep* r. r. T.m ."V;''"t'" Kl • l *"* tl ' 3 oa abort o-> C. PECK'S T 11* undersigned has opened tins •* abiiahnietit, at his new shop*, foi th lanufactuie of Carriages, Uugglos, DINGS, Ac -VII Kiudt ofCuslnm Work Made To Order. Bishop Street, BKLLEFONTE, Pa. •JO tn*y tf. BEATTY'S'J"^- lor Orgmna. Factory EsUbliihotl in.le €. From the Pre**. From (i. D. While, Editor Uackett*- !:own. S. J. Herwfd. 'The organ ha* a rich, deep snd aonl -Lrring tone : could not *tej i* ,e bouse ! without it It helps wondertuu.i to drive , away the thought* of hard time"- " The Lebanon P*. Daily Xt , says ; We are in receipt of me of io*e ive mtave Parlor Organs, mam - lured by D. F. Bentty, Washington. 1 J. Tht* ■rgan is a fine, solid black w ut case, snd in tone it cannot lw* urj -,j d by any nstmment ol it* kind." From the Lowell Neb K*-g.ter. "Ale received tbi* week. a. ect from the manufacturer, D F. B u y. Wash mgton, N.J, hi* justly ctlti/i' d urgis, elegant in appeeranee, and hu idaomely furnishi-d unexcelled in rkkat xnd pow er ot tone We are more • pleased w-th it, and heartily reccftiaser. it to any •n contemplating of purck *;<; an or gan." Uet offer given. Money refer-led upon return - •• improve. merit*. New and Beautiful if-do Blips. ' vcr one thousand Organist nnd Musi. 'an* indorse these organs aio eomtnand tiem a> strictly firn cl* it; Tone. Me chartism nnd durability. VYa.-tamed for six year*. Mjst Elegant and Latest Iniprovod. Have been awarded the Ilij. -st Premi uin* in cmi petition with o!>tr.-1 rsitnplie iy. Durability, PrompU) a*, -nd Piano like action Pure, sweet, and evenlv ba!*>*.eed tone, ■rcbestral effects, and insta*usneous ac cess which may be had to the cods. Bend for l'ric* List. Addr*s-, DA N IKL ¥BF .TTT, V\ ashingtop, N w Jersey, OBSTACLES HAPPY rklu rtu Toub Mm TO I™ lis sffssts ot tr; u.-s sixl Abaaar wsnor *or lB ?" lj ta '*- if*" "■" Sar *< l I" piHlimsoti to Msril, woTed. Km aalludof trMtasot. Nsv tad restr Usraasdlss Huukssr i ,-lrvuUrs sxnl lrs 1U v> r*luis Ad .MM HOWABV Assovi \Tiox. 4tS K. Nt tb Bt. Phlla Sstphl*. P - An tnslituUuß h*iu.* . ;0 rvautsttaa lor Buaorabl, cundurt snd prulxs*.. .hi 13 fair. , BEATTY®- I ®® Grand, Square and Upright. From Rufus Saydor. of tne t.rm ofSny ler A Hendricks, Carriage 11. ufacturero, •f the city of Allentown, Pa : "I must confess 1 hardly I- ow how to xpress my gratification ou receiving tho ffeatty Piano you shipped tr.. It is at K tist all I could ask, wib or t * poet One ■it our most eminent musician < tried it anrt • poke in the most favorable firms, after •horoughly testing it." Best offer over given. Mot.' yre fun dec upon return of Piano and fr. ght charges paid by me (D F. Beatty) I. ith ways if unsatisfactory, after a test "ial of five lay. Pianoa warranted for vears. \•!dress, D. K. Bk ATTY, v W'ashinirtoL Vew Jerses ■ Wil. P. M MAN US. Alt, rney at-la Bellefonte, Pa. Of owith Jas Mi Manua. esq 23jul if E OUSET BELLKFONTE >' V. D. JOBNbON d- s 0 N 8. This well kaown hotal. tn tl. \ oslncw portk of the tt>wn, bu been thtußtkl> n ited. repainte - vud furauhed new. It will be th*- '• f the propri to make IK a pleasant Heine tor . d with l he I louft-t 'jva, |ijisf^o\tsKEPTc;:niE " AT THE OFFICf. C, JO®!? 733 Smsox St, PHIUtuUPHIA, UTm are ou* aaikci Jtedl cce aad svfH tjgVi'fisV . • A 4 •- - ■*> r i *.**. -sf '