THE CENTRE REPORTER. THURSDAY OCT. 12, 1876. "LODOEMEETIKGS." o*WT** H ALT. 1#o!x*. O. >fO. V . . Sw 1' I*. A. U :v\at v*ntng t on or fcftei etch fnll OK on in U • ou<*. iun. % %> _ %| C nm. toet. W. W. Min-u.n. .>l PtOiiMOftAXO)l.Fn( R. ohm-u on Saturday af turn on on or *ft*r eioh full moon. M tholr Hall. \,. #?- IHNH LOCAL ITEMS~. v Our friends will oblige by sending us Item* of local now* in thoir locality, s>y< us the fact# only, ar.J wo will put them in shape, also notices of death* and roarri- Any ono sending us the name* of five now Subscribers, with the e.A, will be entitled to revive the Kr.rv VTKR one year free. - ■■■ The REPORTER being read by nearly K every body on this tide of the county, where it has a larger circulation than A any two paper*, will be found the be*t A medium for adverliain*business,sales. fco. ;1 a EEL p#~Sub*criber* to the Ktroarar., redd ing outside of Centre county, abould ro mit us 10 eenu, yearly, for postage which ■ no w ill pay here ; this reduce, the postage to one half, as the sum paid by them tor on# year's postage w as "A' cts. —Mingle & Brisbin, butchers opened Kg the sausage season last week. —Heavy frosts on 8, f, and ICth. —Mr. Frod Arnold, of Centre Hi'.', has a mulberry tree which gained : n length 9 feet this summ-t. This is a sure sign of large gains for Tilden, Lsubcr's restaurant in tbo Centen nial grounds was destroyed by fire the other day. No matter how tight titties are there is always a chance to save a little you can do it juat now by making your purchase-! o: grooo'.o- at Sechler .V Co s, in tho Bush- j house block. The Centre Co. Fair last week, like a good many tairs this year, was not a j \ great success. Ours was r*ir.-*lruck. and a good many didn't care about it because they had been to the Centennial The ar ticles on exhibition were not ntar as num erous as at previous fairs. The balloon went up Wednesday and Thursday. Firs: " \ time it landed a little outside f Bellefontc 1 \ and on Thursday came down near Curtin's Vav.h* -. few miles front Bcllefonte. • Potatoes are selling at $1 per bush el here. Apples at 25cts, and chestnuts at , $4 per bushel. On last Saturday we bad strong prognostications of winter in the shape of { attempts to snow. v Milroy, ha.-, d Lis family to this place. ] o Glad he has fixed himself here—he i a , c tip- top 1a..0r, and knows how to give yoti t "fits.'* t A great many of our exchanges are 0 publishing Hallow-ay's medical advertise- *- ment. Have any of them received their 1 pay? Let's hear. f Mr. Samuel WingarJ, cf th, Loop, on last Friday, 6, while sawing lath a: Meyer's mill, in that neighborhood, acei- : dently brought hb rigfct hard in contact jc with the circular saw, causing bis thumb ( to be cut off a; the second joint, and other- ! r wise badly lacerating his hand. N\ e have since learned that three of his fingers had to be amputated. Mr. W. D. Kershnerand Air. H. Lengle r ofKliw. 3, 111., bctb formerly of Fetter ; twp., are here on a visit and called to see Joscpr. K. Moyer has been appoint- j ell vsi-maaterat Centre Miila Congratu late you, friend Joe. A good appoint rani. I 'Deer Bill: Doant kuni to seo roe! j enny rooar tor a while ecny way. Fathe- j ha- got awfully steered about burglars I a i be sets up every nigot till lait with a dubfcle-barrelld sbot-gunn, watching the j ' backyard. He put moren a p->und uv led i into Smith's big nufoundiand dog wich i f was kutumin over the fens after a bono t last cite. ' ! t The roe is red ; the violet's blue, i a I wouldn't kum now if I was you." This spoiled Viliiams calculations, ho j tbo't next time be'd pop the question, and ; - had already made arrangements at Secb- I leralor a big lot cf their good and cheap a groceries. f COAL.—Mr. Bond Valentine, of the firm of Short:idge A Co., visited Wilkes- t barre last week, where he purchased their t stock of coal, since which time, the larg- 1 est consignments of the season, have been arriving at their yard, of the very best! anthracite coal. They have established j \ the following low price* for October : Chestnut, $1.75 ; Stove and small stovo. $C 25 ; Egg and large egg. SS.CO ; Lump 1 1 £>.'-0 per ton. These are their yard prices ; ' per net tin, Cash, for clean coal; cu-tomers buying by the car load will be furnished Mine Weight (gros3 tons) at the same ton ; but the coal must be taken from the cars. When customers wish to c ub together to purchase by the Cxrload, ' - t iecoid will be weighed for them free of charge, which places those who buy le-s than cur loads on an equal footing with toee who do. This principle of doing business is commendable; it is a living ex ample of equal and exact justice to all. This firm Lave long enjoyed the reputa tion of being fair dealers and the above method of selling coal, still adds to their good name. Tbeir yard being centrally located and covered with commodious sheds, where teams and drivets are pro tected during stormy weather while load ing, makes it the most desirable place for those especially who Laul their own coal. They charge cartage in addi tion to the above prices, according to the distance hauled, and we bespeak for tberr. the largest coal trade during the ensuing w inter. t A new arid elegantly finished Bradbury Piano, co-ting s€Oo at the manufactory, Cm be bought for SBIO at Welsch's Book s'oie next door to Ist Nat. Bank Bellefontc This instrument is in excellent order ami warranted. A better bargain can not be hatf by any one wishing a first class, standard instrument. soct 4t. School books, all kinds, full and complete assortment, the largest stock in the county, at reduced prices, together with genera! assortment of books, station ery, fancy articles, Ac., Ac , at "Welsch's book store, next door to Ist, Nat. Bank Bellefonte, where packages of new good* , - are received each day. Go and see AVelsch's large and handsome store. It is the place to gel the best bargains in books, stationery and fa ncy articles. 5 net Bt. ASTRAY HOG, black with white spots on the sides, of the Poland Cbin-i ' - breed, came to the premises of the under signed in Fenn twp., about middle of last July. On payment of costs the owner can remove same. DAMEL HOSTERMAJT. 2t. "WM. SPRIGGS, FASHIONABLE BAR BER AND 11 Al it DRESSER, respecttully an nounces to this community that he has opened a room two doors below the post 'office, Centre Hall, where he is prepaied to do all work in the best style, sept 14lf. BRICK FOR SALE.—First class brick will be kept on hand for sale at Zerbc's Centre Hall brick yards. These brick are offered so low that it will pay persons at a distance to come here for them. Intending to continue in the manufac ture of brick they will be kept con-tantly on hand, and fair inducements offered to purchasers. 17 aug tf. D. AY. ZERBE. Ohio Stoneware, all shapes and siz es, wholesale to merchants, and at retail, at Secblei's in the Bush house block. AVe have tried Bower's Mead at Zeller's Drugstore and it is just as good us they say it is—just the thing for a warm day—cooling and delightful. 4t. J. S. MILLER, Fashionable Tailor, Av ronsburg. Shop few doors west or Dr. Musser's 4inay tl k Tho word ''Golden Tongue" but ■wly expresses the richness of tone which nates from the interioryfa beautiful or- upon which is inscribed the name Hie I F. Beatty, AYashiogton, New Je> 18. | AMERICAN MADE CARTRIDGE FOR TIIK TURKS. New Haven, Conn., October S.—Tl British steamer John Hratuall cleared this port yesterday for Constanlinopl , with a cargo of fifteen million eartridgi , for the Turkish Government. Baltimore, October ft.—Mile* I'hilbur Rgod AJyears, was burned to death in small framo building nt Locust Point ll> morning, • • ELECTIONS. Connecticut Pvinooiatic Gniua. Hartford, October * - Return* tint* fa fr. tn our town elections of yueterday sltov that forty e : ght town* l ave gone denu cratlc and thirty-one republican, being i democratic gain of six towns over last Oc< tobnr, with decided democratic gain* ir tho popular vote. Democratic linina in Delaware. AVilmington, Del.. October S —At the inspector*' election to-day tho republican carried AVilmington by 'A majority, a loss of 1,000 since the municipal election in September. Newcastle couttly goe* dem ocratic by a small majority. Return* from tho state indicate a democratic majority of nearly 'J,tW. Senator Bc.vard * compli ments to Woodford. TRAGEDY IN KSNTUCKEY. Ciacinnati, Oct 4 —AN tlitam Ueary Har rison. grandson cf lite tortner President of the Untied State*, yesterday entered the residence of John A. Moore, iu Bocut county, Kentucky, made a proposal 0-' marriage to Yi-s. Mary, the eldest da.igl t or of Mr. Moore, and upon be ng rejected •tabbed her nit e titues in the tweasi ar.J ! face, causing injuries which, it is thought, will prove fatal, liarrisvn, who i* about forty years of age, had lost bi wife about* Vear ago, and of iatebsd been visiting Alis Moore frequently, but had received no en couragemeut cn account of his dissipated habits. BLAINE CAUGHT AT IT AGAIN, [From the St. Loui* Times ) Jint Blaine ha. charged tLat the Con federate Congress' placed at the the Committee on Commerce "a little rebel" named Hereford from AN est A tr ginisu and it turn* out that Hereford* was fighting in the Union army, while Blaine *:* tending a substitute and drawing divi dends or. his Spencer rifle contract. Tho simplest remedy for worms in cat tle, sheep and hogs is turpentine mixed j with a little feed, or given in linseed oil| or grue'; tw o ounces for a cow or ox, and one-fourth or less lor smaller animals, ac-j cording tosue. C'ater give* the following to auuit boviac. Licsetd oil, one pint; turpentine two ounces; infusion of quisoa.' ono half pint. The symptoms of the worm being present are.- General weakness and inaction, falling off of fle*h, capricious ap petite and appearing "hidebound. j Scienrfic Farmer. Four whiskey stids have been seized i and thirteen distiller* arrested in Newton, county, Arkansas, under tho direction oi Collector Cooper. The location is a noto*; rious one. It is said that out of every one hundred girls who have taken music lesson* in this i country during the past ten year*, not more than on* or two are capable of put-; ling their 1 anting to any practical use. i The Chattanooga Times says Mr*. Jame- K. Folk ha* y.elded to the solicitations of Philadelphia frier.ds, and will vi*it the centennial the latter part ot this month. Huxley * visit to this country wa* as much of a financial as a social success, llis lectures netted him $5,0*1 No wonder he was tickled. Mr. Devil water is a jalooniit of Lvani-j ton, Ind. Gcdcy, The October number is a beauti-' ful volume. The steel er.graving is a' beauty, the fashion plate is exquisite and; the reading matter is excellent. Godey is always a welcome gue.-t with the ladie*. On Sunday night Ist, a fine pot-hor*e was stolen from the stable of John Mc- Dowell, r.enr Milroy, with saddle, bridle and baiter. A reward of SICO has been of fered fog the horc and thief. Lock Hnveu, Pa.. October 4 —The planing mill of Hippie A AA ilson wa* to tally destroyed by fire this afternoon. ] Loss, S'JO.OOO; insured for SIO,OOO. HARPEK'S, for October as usual, is full; of popular articles and illustrations, timely in their subjects and entertaining in style. The place which thi* magazine fills can never be usurped by any other It is em phatically the people'* monthly. As an instructor of youth and an educator of public sentiment it is fulfilling a tiob'e| mission. It is suited to and welcomed by all classes. Harper A Bros.. N. Y. LI-T OF TRAVS9BV JUBO*B] DRANVN FOR THE ADJOURNED COU RT. to be hold on the Brd Monday t of Oct., 1876. Ferguson—Samufl Munson. Snow Shoe—Rob AN atsur,. Rush—J C Alport. Bellefontc —Cna* Smith. Potter—John Dauber man. Bellefontc —J A Lane. Spring—Solomon Ballot. " ALram Stine. Boggs—Jas Krider. Haifrnoon —Ja Chambers- Gregg—David Barlges. Spring Harvey Poormai. Howard—AVm A'earick. Rush—J R McKinney. Bellefunto—Jas Harris. AValker—Geo Aauffmau. Bellefonte—J 11 McCiure. AValker—David Hartberger. M ties—J no Delong. Fenn—Daniel Gray. Burnside— Barnhart Ve'deffer. Miles—Eman'l Hartcr. Milesburg—AVm Bafri. Houston—Geo Rowen. AVorth—J B AViHiams. Ferguson—David Dennis. Alileburg E H C'arr. AValker—John A SWHOZ. Haines—AViri A Stover. Ferguson— Hcnrv Krep*. Bogg*—M organ Lucas. Potter—J d Sankey. AValker—AVm Snavely. Potter—AVm Stover. Curtin—J A Daily. Miletburg—J F Shope. • rpiAX NOTICE —Notice is hereby giv- J_ e:i that the duplicate for School tax for Potter township ha* been placed in the bands of the undersigned for collec tion. AH taxes paid on or before Decern ber Ist. next, will have a deduction of I per cent, and all taxes paid from Doc. 1 to Dec. 81, there will be no deduction, and on all taxes remaining unpaid after Jan. I, 1877, there will be an addition of 6 pci cent, as prescribed by law. AV. J. THOMPSON. 12 oct. Collector. J(TOTICE7^ Having this day, 7th of Oct., purchased all the personal property of C E. I'i-ck, ol Centre Hall, at Sheriffs sale, I will leavi the same in hi* possession at my pleasure. All persons arethcreforo cautioned againsi meddling with the same, in any rnunnei whatever. JOHN IIARKINS. 12 Oct 8t •jl po JOJ JHH poof * 'O9 ft JO I )OOi9AQ pooff V *|it Opj 'Ttunoo oqt ut A'poqjfu* uuq) JOMO •)UOD IOD 91 O) oi ui'oqjs|[O*OH 'psiqx -seotid qsvo tsosso oqi )ti tqffnoq pus MOU [[ o'is spooff SIJJ -A'tunoo oq' ut 3(00)8 )*offi[ oq) sdoo*( a]} 'puooag -eiuojo||eg ut UJOI9 *u -qi°lO Jinffoi T[UO oq) sdeoif ajp ')SitJ : suosvoi jiunos auiMujjo oq) JOJ 'io;q)o|F) ffutvj (||)* si 'B)uqjojjof ')aoi)s Xuoqffouv uo au !m°ID t aq) jo jo)oudoid "il 'avuiMayj -f I^STRAAtS. —Two bend of cattle hav jt been on tho premises of the un . uersigned in little Sugar Valley, sine spring. The one is a large steer, mixe< roan, hind legs white to near the knees The ether is a heifer about 2year* old, of dun color with tsmall white spots on th 1 rump. Thuse£cattle were placed in th ■ care of Andrew C'ormaii, about thre 3 mi es east of the Old Fort, where theowne .a requested to call, prove properly, pa. ' cost* ami return the seme. *6 oct til fc WMiWi US !?•': I ION PROCLAMATION.— \V hetoas. bv an Act of the General Ai he .scmbly of the Commonwealth of Feuns.v at vnma onlitlod ' An Act to regulate ih | p IGeti-ral Election wit hut this Cot,.mot ' wealth," il M enjoined Upon the Sherifl > M , of tho ever*l counties to give public no tice oi .uioh election, t'-e placet a bore t - be held, and the . be elect -d. "> Therel' I. L. AV MUN'MON, lligl a Sheriffc Centre county, do hereby giv ,; t Public Notice t<> the county of Centre that a geneml election will bo held m TUKBDAY b'llowing tbe I ll' T MON 1' tl OF NOVKMBEE [being the 7(1 day of the month t, at lb" -. vera etectioi dlstru U in said county, at which i mc am I place the qualified voter* will \ de Fur ixvct ty-nibe electors ft>r President ani IR Ace President; w For one per n to ru |>)i i"it the countiet of Clearfield, Clinton, Kit. M:lUmCen i trenndUnton. (being the XXth l>istrict in the Congress of the United Slates •'* For i-ne person to r<-pr*entj the counties n cf Clearfield, Ccntie and Chilton, tthe XXXIVth District In the SwttU ot il - Com monwealth. For two person* for Assembly, to rcpre* e setit the county ol t'< litre, in the Huti-x cf Ke|irtsentaUVes Itbis Commonwealth. For two persons to set \ o in the capacity > ! ' Associate sludges of Centre county for n five years. . F*r cue person to servo as Jurv t'emmis soner ol Centre - ounty I. r three . ■ ir. I *lo hereby umkr known and g.vo no 'f tic* tha. the p'aciiof bo . ug the store . said cotton in the several Bor .igl s and Township- within the county of Centre are as follows, to wit : For the twp, of Haines, nt the Public llcu-o of David M v> r. Aarontburg. Ki-r the twp, of UalfkMoai, ut UwTßnho -I C House in Stcrtu-t. wn For the twp, of lay lor, at the louse ? i erected for the purpasc on the property of - Leonard Mcrryinan t j For the twp, of Mdcs, in tlio school hcuso in the town of lief, r-burg I Forth# twp, of Potter at tho hou-o .f *;J> i n Ode iktrk t>ld Fort 11. Tel I F'or the twp, of Gregg attbc put ic house o! Ed by J. B. Fihr. 'j For the twp, of Ferguson in the school {house at Fine Otovc M Fcr the twp, of Harris, in the school i Louse at B. alsburg . For tne twp, of ration, at tho house of j F*'ter Murray. For the b trough u! Bcllefonte and the I towu.-bips of Spring and Uetiner, at the jCv urt llou.-e in lit cfonte For the low i.ship t t A\ alkr, in the school hou*e at Huhlersburg. For the borough and twp of Howard at the school b cue in said borough. For the twp, of Rush nt the C Id Stream school house. For the tw p, ol Snow Shoe, at the fchool ho ts* near Samuel Akry. For the twp, of Marion, at tie 1 ou*o of Joel Kline, iti Javk-ctiviiie. For th* bore of M: e-burg, at lite new school house in Mi esd-urg For the twp, if 15. _;g-, at the the t.ew school house in OlStlal Ci'.y • For toe tw i , of Lluston, at tho house of John Reed. i For the tv, u, of Fenn, at the house ol AV L Musscr. For the twp, *f Liberty, in the school ; hout* at Eag! eville i For the twp, of AA'orth, at the school house in Port Alaitlda. For tho two of Bu;nide, at the house j late of J. lv Boak For the twp, tf Cuitin, at the school > house near K->b't Ma: :is. For the borough of Uniotiville and Un | ion twp, at tho r.ew school hou-ein Union j j For the bo re, of Fliilipsburg. at thepub- Ihe school house in -aid borough IAIaU elections hori aft< r heid under th" laws of this commonwea lit the polls shall jbe ope: >'d at scVi-n o'cloca a in., and ;c!ieu at seven o'clock p. m. i No'. ce t* hereby given. "That .\crv [person, excepting the utice of the peace, ! who shall hold any office nppointinent of ■pre lit or tru-t* under the government of the United States, or tun .--tale, or of any city or incorporated district, whether a !commissioned officer or ortherwise, or agent, who i* or shall be employed under .the legislative, executive, or jt.die v dc- | | partment of thi- *-: ate. or t the i'nito.i States, or ot any Ut. :-d States, or of any city or incorporate-district, and a *o that every member of the States Legislature, i and of tho select orcotntnon c. unc. of anv j t city, or commissioners of any ".tv.or com- j lmis*ione-efany incorporated district, is by law incapable "f holding or ex-rciaing. at the same time, the office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of anv e'ec i Itiun cf this t'ommonwcalth ; sr.d p nt r..: I inspector, judge or other officer ol an such election, shall he eligihlo to any office t > . jbe then voted for." ; Tho inspectors and judges of the dec-, ( lions -hull meet atthe respective place* ap ' jsointed for h-dd:ng the election in the dis 'irict to which they respectively b-long j before seven <>'ckca in she morning, and 'each of said inspectors shall mppoir t one j clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of! ofsuth district. At tha opening . f the polls il shall be j the duly of the judge* of election fortheir. : respective districts to designate out of the : inspectors, whose duty it shall be to have |in custody the registry of voters, and to make tho entries therein required by law. ■ and it shall be tho duly ot the other of said inspectors t ■ roc-iv- and number the • ballots presented at said election • si<- I.—Bo it enacted, Ac., That the' iquatifiad voter* of this Comtnen walth, at all genera), township, borough and special | elections, are hereby hereafter authorized and required u> v by tu ke's. printed, or: . writtan, or part v printed and partly rit- j [ten, severally i lassifi. das f llow- One embrace tho names of all judges of courts voted for. and P> be labelled, out- i side, "judiciary ;" one ticket shall em- j brace th# name* iff nil state • ffioer* \ led i for. and be labelled, "state; ' one ticket shall embrace the names of a. i c > inty offi cers voted for, including cflice of s< :,at re"urn judges ; and the rote a* so comput n ed and certified, shall be made a matter of record in said court.* 'The decisions of thf j, said court are open to the public. * ' g • •, • • • • And the oth er of said triplicate returns shall be placed )i in the box and sealed up with thiAal -1 lots. •••••••! Whenever a place has been or shall bt provided by the authorities of any city, i- county, township, or borough, for the uf> keeping of tbo ballot boxes, the judge and JI minority inspector shall, after the eloclior ' shall be finished, and tho ballot box oi j, boxes containing the ticket.), list of voters a and other paper*, have been aecurclj ;! bound with tape and sealed, and the sig natures ol tiie judge and inspectors affix ed thereto, forthwith dcliverjlho same,(to gather with the remaining ooxes, to thi Mayor and Recorder of such city, or it " counties, townships, or boroughs, to sucl d P® raon or persons as tho Court of Comtnoi , g Pleas of the proper county may designut • at the place provided, us aforesaid, win H shaii then d( posit thr said box< * and kec , 4 the same to answer the call ol any court o tribunal authorized to try tho merits o j', such el t ciion, ,j Given under my hand, at my office ii jSeUtfeatti U-u first dnjr #10tobr, A. L ! 1879, Mid iii tho one Itutulri ill >. r of tl jindependence of the United ! in'-t n L. W. 51UNNON d- Bhorlff. U| wukki: TO SIT MII.K o■ There U no doubt that immtnit qusnt 1 ' tie* if |*,r butter tire miuU frotn milk ,|, n improper pines*. The kiu-hsn pantry ?,< t e living room; nti I tho collar un I t >' (tors "■geinblrs nnd other family ■ ipp'ie will Impart peculiar taint* to the milk tin I, cream, In inch a degree *• to be detruet 'ii ive to flavor, even though the butter he i d other respect* akiliAilly handled Pair room* o tiluated a* t-> catch the ojo from the p g *tv, the ce-- |>ool, orotherdo • computing tilth, cannot be u*d for mk 1 'ng good butti-r, There ahcuid be a fr. o dom fneii tilth and ieipuritloVof every do '> *cription about tho milk house, and llu e milk thould be delivered by the milker * in ati ante-room, or onie point outride thi * milk r> ur, and from theme c> nveyed u e the place inhere it is to bo set for cream lu llite Hey the fumes and litter from tlx ! table may be kept from the milk rouru.- Fraclical Kariner. ' I e length of the Ira. K of the L'hila !c ! - I hi.i and Reading Railroad, Iticludit g * 'eased line* and sidings, is 1552. The . main lino of the road s only VJ mile* long. The second annual reunion of tho i so- I eiati >n of the t'.'th regiment, Pennsy'vania volunteer* hiII bo held in Huntingdon on \ 1 uv-Jay, N >v. 14 \\ in. M Daniel, of Wei-sp rt, carried a revolve'in his pistol pocket and while do. ,• .tending i ladder, on Wednesday last, from some unknown cause the pistol *> d.sciiarge i, shooting a unfotluna'e own* or through the head and killing him in* -tautly. i yiPHAN'S COl il l SALK Will he eo!d . n the prrmls , li mile* east of (.Vetre Hall, <>\ SATURDAY. NOV. 1\ at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following described teal e-tato belonging to the estate ol Jacob Mac**, Joc'd, a lot of ground in tho toiiiiilup of Potter, containing Two Acriß ami 9d jrerches of tho very be-t land and in the highest stste of cultivation. There,.n ere. ted a> good two stoob Mover and public road, and west by Hen. ry Shadow, containing 4 ACHES, and 91 perches, theren a LOG Hoi "-E. ! FRAME STABLE, fc'KUITAND HI N • NI N't. WAI'hK TERMS One half of parol .-> 1.. • y on coniirmalion of -ale, thebn an. in one year with iatertt t• be securni by t ;.d and mortgage on the premise FELIX STIFFLER. li'Ct Adm r. •ptXK UTOR S Pirn ATE 811 E I The undersigned, Executor* of the last will and testament cl Thoma* Ilur' late ot Walker township. Centre ■ ■■■.. Pa . n on the premise* ' Thi* property is suitable fora private r>--'.- deuce, or a a place of pubi.e business and common re.- rt has n > equal in then unty A tract of land, adjomi'igt • Junct ion trect, containing ..bout 1" At RES, we I ■ located and .iesiriib'a tor a sii.nll i. in i also offered for sale, togetner w .th FOUR FINE FARMS, tone of tbcm now occupi- 1 by r-amt.elj Showers, containing about '267 A* RES; one occupied by Mortimer, containing at.ut 1. ACRES ; One i ecu piedbvj*ine Hu.'.on, containing about ACHES, all situated o m coast s the ' property first described in W ..iker twp , land tho th. r occupied by Michael C<>r n an, '.ail ing 210 ACHES, and 9per, . I e, neat meaur<\ near the village of Jack. ; nor.villa, in .Marion twp. These farms are limestone !M d of tho finest quality, and in a good stale of cull;, ration, well supplied with timber, walur, and fruit, with go d building, e'ecte.l ~n ench. The farms occupied by Showers, McClintoe, and Huston, abound in Iron Ore of the Finest t^uality, I in paying quantities a vein being now J p ofltably work- d by >'.• r* Irwin X I McCoy of this county, on one of them * The premises above mentioned will be I told as de-.igr.aled,or in such Iracls n. may suit tho wauu of purchasers, where the 1 1 cation i* such as to warrant r. div .i>>n of the same. Persons desirous < f purch: ing any of the above described premises, will plea-e | apply to lithcr of tins undersigr.i 1, who I will take plc-fisure in sbowir ■ them the i same, when terms and condition* will be made known. JAMES lII'STON Nnlanr, l'.i. JAMES P. CUBI UN. \n i burg. I sept S :tm Executors. TJOI'SK* LOTS AT PUBLIC SALE 1 By virtue of tn Order of the Grphgn's ' fourt of Centre county, there will bo of ' I to red at public sale, at Aa-.-nsburg, on ' Saturday Oct. 14, UK Iba following de. ' scribed real estate of Davi,f Acker, dec 1 r nnm™ly, two Square*, "iluato in tho town > of Afcrcnsburg, the one marked on the plan of *aid town as square 4H. the lots t,f 1 which are numbered 'Ju2, 203. 204, and 'JLIu. 1 fhe other square adjoining tho last above 1 mentioned, the lot* of which are number ' ed in the general plan of said town with No's. 206, 207, t>B and 209. Also u dw, 11 * ing house ar.d twc. lot..situate in the town ; ' aforesaid, hounded east by Chestnut it, * south by Vine; west by lot No. 212 anri north by Blackberry alley, and marked ' with tbo number* 210 and 211 < n the plan ' of said town Also a tract of Woodland, ** -iluato partly in Haines and partly in * Mile* townships, hounded by land, of * Emanuel Etlingcr, Win. Stover, S Hole, John b'orster and Grau heir*, containing 10 acres, neat measure * Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. m., r when terms will be mnde known n FRED KURTZ. * 21 sept Administrator A Farm For Sale. Will be exposed to public sale, on l'ri e day, Oct, 13, the following described j property, lit the lain residence of (ioorgr * Frederick, deceased, situate in Gregg twp * Centre county, Penna. A FARM CONTAINING 100 ACHES, C more or less ; bounded by lands of Daniel e Kline, dee'd, John Tibbons' hi iis, Mich 1 ael Armagast. and others. The (arm i WELL WATERED; beside, a nevn * failing stream running licur lha buildings - water is brougiit to the house in pipes ; al ii so a two story DWELLING HOUSE e BARN, and other outbuildings ; also uf d ficient OHCHAHD OK APPI.F. AM 1 Kl7 IT' THEKS. Sale to com f menco at 1 o'clock, p. m., ol said day > wiien terms will be made known. sopi. 14. SAMUKLUKAMLY. 'f sepl | Administiator of Geo. fc'redcri "k d MALE. * IN COLLEGE TWP., CENTRE CO., PA. on toe lino of the Lewiaburg, Centre <5 Spruce Creek Railroad. A Valuable Farm ir containing 110 acres, more or less. Ther is also Ton acres of valuable Timbei y which the purchaser could have if desired r. Th farm is well fenced and well watered t Cedar creek running through tho pln'cc ). Tho buildings on the place consist of le largo Two-Story Stone Houee, barn and nil other ncccssar outbuildings. There is on the placo a io Nico Lot of Fine Fruit Trees. j' Hoar the place arc sevirnl manufact, ries, and shops ufall kindsconvunient. I is expected that thedepot will be locatedo lands adjoining, in For particulaifi, address D. J| 0. JFOSTIiB. *ll ftUg.Ui HwJkburf. Vuotlicr aoldiciM and Miilora' political ilomonntration in to br made nt Albany on the I'.Hii by those who am "in favor ofiiefutm in llu< national adiiiinistrn j lion.*' Tho result will bo that ufter the l ' | Democrat* ihall have Uujti their beat, lt ' ; tlie ItepublicnpK will coiuo after them, v - ttu the Di -inorra did in Indiana, and ! Wont them out of right. 1 DKATIIS. >t in* On 6th, in Putter twp, Samuel Keller, aged 46 years, 4 months, and 19 day*. • . ■■ ■- -™. MARRIAGES. *. On a, int, by Kn W. 11. Groh .lack ~ Hhone, esq , of I'ine (trove and 51u fc.. . Kale fc ye, ffuut Hoar the Siime place i t . On 6, at the residence of th* bride's pa r> rent* by .loliii Shannon, Mr. Win l> Sto ver au Met Ellen Koch, all of llenner ,r twp. ,u m t , ~ i M ti.HOT MAKKKT Itcroar.— Sept 26, by , Saiup'o A MeN it Wheat, red, fit. o2. Corn old, .40. Outs, aile, 'S>, " black, .22. Rye, .50. * UKLLKKONTR MARKETS. iVbita Wheat $1 *' Rt ! Ht R Pork per pound tk lutter'2o. Kgg -15 I'la.tcr pert oi * " ; 14 Tallow 8 Baeei lO linm 15 i .ard tier pound 8 cents linck*hea I' It., F.our per retail 7,00... Nova S otia planter ,V). Cayugn n nlnster $9,50 per 200U lb*. Shelled corn 42 . to 60 . " A CARD. a Trt all fb ATM fratto lh< au l lujta r* ! a,t s 4th. f • e*l tl ♦# war .) a*, t • I ■ ' luaaiaKM, le J will * r** i|* ilia' iU rum >ij < '1 ijuige I Lta ft ant rttoi.rli m cLm> imml b) * 1 '! .•) in "MM.III Aiuwrt'-a h-uAI n"!! addrvaa 1 riivri t" A lie* Jttofi; !| I Ituui, Mdtbui D , Hltfcle h' tiir, .Near \ yo aj.j anv who may favor h in ' with an order, a* follows :"lt the instru i lent does not prove satisfactory after a lest trial of five da> - ufter rccC'i ing it the I urchaae money will be refunded up, si the return of the instrument, and lie will pays fre:*bt charges both ways." Thi- is cer-' : unly -in exceeding, gener . , and -afe' I manner in which to transact business with urn. He warrant* his instruments for six i.vear*. See his advertisement. JulyUUy Sample l£~Hie>l2rj' MARKET PRICE FOR All Kiiidsof Grain. A I -SO, Alwavs en hand and at lower ; ri.e, than elsewhere. COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. fcartner, of Cetitre mind the place. Hmttf _ , MARKET Report Of Prices OF r. a. ysAiiciscuj, LEWI3TOWN.PA.', FO 11 CIS 11. Turpeuiine, 40 cl*. Linseed Oil, G2 cU. W bite Lend, 810.50. Niti , 8 5.2"> j>cr kc/. Bar Iron, 21 cl*. , < (>OK ING MTOVES, Tin , SIOOO : ' b ;■ , $21.00 ; 9 in., < uu. ROOM BTOYE>. Bi:>T ANTI- , CLINKERS,PATENT FLI EB, iO in.. $10.00; 1! in., $12.00 ; 12 in $15,000. ROOM COAL STOVES, $4 to' SIO.OO. I Gtlvtuiir l Coal Buckets, 50 ct.-. (i.ilranirod Ci>ni Shovels, 10 cts. Fire Brick, 75 cl*. Con I (iraii, $ 1 MM), Always for-ale tho Inst indCbeap ■Al Cooking and Room Stove* in the' Market. F. G. KR AKG ISC US. Lew-istown, Sevt 20. MM, ! * .1 $ ' 3 j EXTRAORDINARY Inducements to Cash Buyers: ( • %i LI °i , | •'I I 1 n 1 We wish to sa v to the people of Perni* A alley, that we " have just opened aud ure low oflrriaj fall lines of all that we deal in at such prices that even deft/com niovU or competition. ), IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK. I h. J' OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is full of Bur- Boots and SIIOG3, f. gaius, at i'roui Five tiullars for a lull Suit of Meu'sCloth ing up to the iiucst Ready Made good* in town. Ladiea'Shoes at 1 dollar per pair. Mioses' Shoes at It. 75 cents pur pair. Men's Plow Shoes at $1.25. Men"* Brogaus at $1.25. In tho DRY GOODS NOTION DEPARTMENT - At such prices as will astonish you, Calicoes at $ cent*. Wc have Ladies' Hose at 5 cents. Ladies' Hose at 10c J: Muslin at G, 7 and 8 cents. Dress goods in all tin Men's ilose at 5 cent*. Ladies' handkerchiefs at 5c newest styles from 10 cent* per yard up to the,best 1 Kid Gloves at 50 cents. Clark's O.N. T., Cotton. 6c, grades ol tSilk. jand all other goods in proportions i, d. d. o. "am ft fiftLL VHDStS YOU SOJUS to TOVt-9tSMlt92£ft tJti Piftoy; rl —TUK OLD EST All LI,SUED STAND OF A , ir ,• (t OU S. 4 A LOM HARDW ARE AND STOVES!! HARDWARE AND STOVES!! r COMPLETE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE. 1 SPEARS, ANTI ('LINKER, SILVER MOO*', PARLOR STOVES, THE REST IN THE MAI. '**'\ THERE IS NOTHIRU TO EQUA LIT IN SERVICE OR BEAUTY, Price ittluccd to ntit the time*. Ell ANNA COOK STOVES IMPROVED, ANTI-CLINKER, GRATE AND REVERSIBLE TOP PLATES. WarraaUd tkt bert baker in the market. • O SOVEREIGN PORTABLE It A NOES, eau attach a wntnr bacL. ft heating water in B*tli Room, verjr little higher than ordinary Cook Sloven, ami Rood baker*. We Uo have a full liuo of cheap und BiOdium price PARLOR STOVES, Prieca to euit ibe trade. THOMAS A. lIICKS & BROTnER, Bellefonte, Pa. New s'ork Bun.- "You cannot set I duck on g■>,'* egg* and batch anytbir J " but goslitig*. No amount of shouting, < of entreaty, or of eulogies on the duck w alter the re-ult." You cannot set a Hay it on the egg, uf Grant;,m and produce an; • thing but a brood ef corruption ; and it ' ,110 u,e try ing.'' . I The Cincinnati < run ercial, an u and out" Hayes paper, H, everyboii knows, publishes Judge Binnot's letti I with this expressive beading "Govern* 1 1 ilden- A Complete answer to the in com Tax Charges—The item* in the New Yor , ( Times' Statement Demolished Seriatim . The Commercial ihould keep a har 'okoulor if mny be read out of the party The production of oil in the Clarion re gkm fell off 400 barrel, tier Jay durini 1 September. Tho prohibitionist* are having enthusi aitie meeting* in Indiana CO. But it i* i .had year for tide itsues. , lion. Charlton Burnett has been re. otn mated a* the democratic candidate for lb< senate in the Tncnty-aecood dotriit bj acclamation. A plate gins* manufactory is about to b< startr 1 in Huntingdon county. The work will cover several acre*, and forcigseri will furnish the capital. CENTENNIAL At CiEiIYiHS >JALL, XT Wolf's Old Stand. Magnificent Stem k ofSpring ami Sum GOCH'B. O/JBPriC&i i POLITE ATTENTION ! Hn\ ing jui-t rcturne.l from the East, and ought at panic prii<, lam now prepared ;> <'i cheaper that, evi r bift-tc. Myttocl cor.s.s'ut in part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, HATS A CAi*S, ROOTS A SHOES, RUBBER ROOTS, SANDALS, etc., Ac. La ii's' and Geul*' Uuderwcttr a spec iality. A LARUE STOCK OF REA&Y - MADE CLOTHING constantly ou hand. I*ook at the fig ure* : (road Casrimere SuiLt, SIO.OO 'to ' I Casimrr( C\>aU, $5.00 Customers will find the *ti ck com plete, and a call i* all that il required to a*-ure you that thi* is the bei place in tho Taller to buy your goods Remember, tee have but one price foi > very one. WM. WOLF. "IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS 1 I .1 -s.gned i- now prrq U> •!! Brick a tis* kilns at Centre Hall te suit purchasers :f *-onable rates, also to fortich or con '.met Brickwork. S. S. FAKNER 7 oct y | 'ill N f ALKXANM.;: M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Respectfully offers his professional er vice* to the cilixen* of C'.-ntre Ha,i an vi. -iiv Cons ltation in E"g'isb or (Jer man lias a full lire of in-trument* to i. xtraci. ,g teeth. Office and residence i jtbe Lulb. parsonage. 27feb If ' * CENTRE HALL 3 DRUG STOKE. y ' J.C.MILLER. it's, (Successor to J. K. Miller A Bon) •fc Dealer in Fur.,- Drugs and Medicine*, iiy Dye fluffs, and Druggist.'* tundrie*. er URL W ISE ASD LJQVOHH or, fc'or medicinal purpose*. n( ,' The best brand*of rk CIGARS AND TOBACCO alway* in stock, fp; Ft etcripvioii* carefully Compounded. y. J. C. MiLLEK IRA T. C(JTTLE. s Fashionable Tailor. , (ehtre Hull. ' Having opened room- on the 2nd f >or l- of (iift A Klory'* building he is prepar iC '-d to nianufaeture al! kinds of men's and July's garments, according to the latest Uuyies, and upon ahortest notice, and ail wurk aarrarited l< render s*lifae!ion. and -epairing done. 7-ept v .1. X .). HARRIS, NO. 5, BItOCKERHOFF ROW. .1 RONT¥AILS, Paint s on^ETC., J. X J. HARRIS Beilefonte. i V tw NEW GOODS AN!' k Panic Prices. 11. i. LARIMMER. at tho old Centre Uill stand. Just opening a Slock of NEWGOODS, OLD FASHIONED FRICESI A large variety ef Ladies Dret-s Goode Great Bargains in Muslins and Calicoes Readv-made Clothing Warranted to Suit, j His Cloths and Ca-simer.% Cant be excelled His Croccry Department. Astonishes every one in aMorUaentand low! I .Syrup, Sugar. Tea, Coffee. Canned fruit*. Domestic and Foreift KruiU. Cheese, i and every other article belong . ing to the Grocery Depart m en t J Farmers, Mochaaics r.nd Laborer* touk to your interest One duilar nvcd i* '■ a dollar in pocket. Then call and fee at j what as;.>ni-hif gly low prir. r-#" No trouble to show Gvod* t Aiso the choicest fc'aMtLt fc't-ot k al war* on band. Apr. 15, y. 5 - i f TjH. S. (. GUTELIUS, Dentist, Millheim. Offrrltia rv7rMtotb zmbil**- Rt la * K pfrfona til npml.mii t tht dmul pre* ft if (MM bOO. f | He U oo fnllj jirftttrYd U> dtrat l twlii-hae i iclt II •Rj'Nti i-fh my* ::f \\ r P. RKBKK Aiuwr a;-Law. • IV : pi WOBM n*lrrnl#*Mk * .*"' * ma*.r-1 u t < Id cotrVj. Ol WITH I> F FIETUFFJI, IIRUR*( .*••* 11 *"5 l. F. WILSttN, Attorn v-st.HW t I It. lletonto Fa Office in Mr*. Ben i er's B i idiiig. lt< llatonic Fa I<>i4N K. POTTER. Atr rn v-a; [lf i-a* i 'llffcUow proibpllj madu URI pp*rUl 'JY a*. i*tot*>r riven Lt Is, •%*. hr| latub or I>r prrtl JT ;. *i* 'O r tond a lvu *-1 Mor%a*- - . tn if dir.mood, ©ortJ> *kW * J 'lAa coad bouar, BaUafuoto. ocl£ N II O i; m. f ] /i £ z >J 0 £ a for hil ie, k|l cafiuuti¥ on htsd. WE DEFY oumPeuuon t Boots and filitx > for men and wo oen, ol al: *t 11", quality and price*, from ti.< ('uJtly to lh clitfupftft, r Cu itiAOlll kepi cn hand. " i.p;y K if* KY BOOET; 117 M.ttuf*, turer of **4 Ua'rM le II A R N E S S', SADDLES, BRIDLES. Ac , CEHTBE HALL. PA ,'irll pairing of l kinds executed at eh. rt nonce. ti juo 6m. UAUKta. "j dTbhcunat. JdTnSSvl* Jons HOKfIU;. PKTAK UOffEk PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO. CENTRE HALL. PA. LKC'KIVK DEPOSITS, and allow Inter est; Discount Mote*; Boy and Sal I Government Securities, Gold and Coupon*. 1 etkk Uorraa. W*. B. MINGLE, Pre*'l. I.'aehiet. |G. T7 ALEX andek. ■ "" C M. BOWES* A LEXANDER A BOWERS, At ' a T/!*^ HeUefoel* Mwu tllTSUin. fi T. ' eUerttoa* .. Miy.u • ( ...rt uwuc I Ma* b* ceaealM .a (ami! cad Eaetafc Irftr* i • arittia UeUoiaa. uoSstStS. iisaiadal i qaaut, at u tilaa. au h*. . * " ™•* Maine* twp Thie airmtH jkMaaawl tn Unfa ■ja.i.tll.e. .ipor. the I. t #ft 1 Ji' •••.ad ate*i> aain'aiUa; utwa ali a!.r..„ b.,! wn ,4.J-l M ,uJt7 .ry n!f. !ur 1M la ( ulfflu. a tl I'ipm , . •■••> 1 * -etrent 1. IC * •<•> .KI La. aimed, l.**a lawt it* mn-i i*T n', U, atmo.l aatuterttos IW. 'T ui * , Mlt i3*aU| lu btrr thli It mutd*ad .leo thai bteuiuu u>* utc ... . nm- SSTd J nvKtt. ***** * Pa, "JpilE PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE RE-OPENED! A NEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE. TTV Ik'llrfoste )u.Uv i 4 the yaiyTrrr - jUiO country generally will be p .**(d*tc ""(iu that the old and well established DRUG STORE, etc 1 '.e property of James C. "Williams, i j on Allegheny nex , 4 00r Uicke' hardu are emporium, has been ro--~ opened for business and u T>v~g ' ' , .ng rapidly rc-etocked and —" 1 : tied out with the bc>t ar.d most popular DRUCS AND MEDICINES PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, .1 '. everything uiua'.ly kepi SnaCrt-cla 1 Drug Store. PItIIStRIBTIOMICAUEFrie . Ij t'oniiKntodi d at ail hourti j.'tthe day t.r night, and partien'ar and I rompt attention given to the wants of tanuvrs and othirs who live in the country. Store r.crer Icioeod to who want medicines oi j nnytlung in the drug iine. ! tie U'.derfigned hopi. by tricl rtlenlio ju> bU'iiKvs, tu merit and receive the pub l.c paiounae. E M HESBITOTOK. j baprly. Agent D. F. LUSE. PAINTER, HAL™!. j.-Tere b s services, to the ciDZeus of jCentre couoU iu ; Hoaxe, Mgn tint! Ornamental fainting. ; Mrtpiag, or::aiiienJng and gliding, Gramiug OAK, WALNUT. . , CHESTNUT, Etc. 1 lain and Fancy Paper Orders i respectfully solicited. Terms reasonable, j "Al apr If. ! jyi A7j. ORNDOUFf DENTIST. MBIa *n.l '• now fare < ft*cl t-. ii Ibr I j.p* ■ ; w*. <1 < and trudM rj dmmt mttimld tm km*, in the twaft s| b#a| *o• pcriU* foi Ii ib |H< >pl* And th Um, |L and o.wl irlr ata tew. a* aia (U Stlsuant ulc *..:< ut l AlMtkr ' l ?T 1, rw*dd wl b a com|4t tnde a o* the monib and orjrof Ibo n.t*a and Jw*ln or abort no ©• and wM-fvtml Manhood : How LcisT, How Restored ! Juat pttb:iabod a new edition of Dr. > •Mornieo Kwi/ u*n tU i*iitcai cor n .tij-mt modi • nr .if o;matvrTlivsv?a s-usinal U?4- uatety Hotoi tai ln.jKu>iu* Mattuiaad Fhral .••1 iLvAjva t*jr, lotpoaimcnta to Marria. #tc : alao, .vnsuini'iiPtt. Kpi.. ,aj and Kin, indacod Ih acJf4cdni tcnoa or M>aAal oauavaja.tcc. ' U*. l ? t al* c>na. Th cWUratod aat>:>r. in thu admi abla Kat; • i" ti> dnm**tiattat€, frs*n a tdiirtjr jontt* anroowadni pract-ioo.thnt tßaaUmzlnc cunaoqoaooaa ,f aeD-abua? Im radio* Ily enrod * ill tool the dang, roua uao oi a tuirt:.,. mtdkiM or Ui apphv aUtm o Lba knifa. IHsintiitii out a moda uf rurr at um uiLplc. rertalß. u.l otfat luai. jj nwai nf nUtob rrwy iniforrr, no imatirr a hat hia ctmultivio tuajr ba, uuu ciru himwili c bOopil. prtvalolr, and radieatQr. I Ilia Isccture RIMUM IK? IU the hands o! averr Twuth and averjr luan in taa laotl. •N. nl 1in.1.-r .oil. It,, plain iur*lop*. to auj t.Urru. I !'i° rrti c ® nU l " <■*•> 1 t iUiap*. Au'lrrp* tho Pub. 1 all era. F. HKUGM AN A SON, , 13 jary. 41 Ann St., Sew York; Post OStoo t C. 1 E 0 K ' S ihe undersigned opened nIH *v* es lablifhineiil, at iii new siiop*, for th manufaciuio of '• Carriages. Buggies, & Spring Wagons bLKicuis an IJ SLICKS, PLAIN AND FANCT of every description . £ All vehicles manufactured by bin ■* are wurmnled to render satisfai tiou, nn.l u. I equal to any work dono elsewhere. | tie uses none but the bem material 7 land employs tho most skillful workmen Hloncethey flutter themselves thai thev ; work can not be excolled for durabilii Inii4 tinish. Ordt'-.iioci u di-iaucc promt ily attend, cd to. C >me and examine my w >rk befors jconlra' elsewhere. 1 PRICES REASON A 11TR AU kiadiof fivpariog doae, - * -^*rTsr i GHAHAM & SON, Have ;he exciusite wile i n ReHefoate Edwin C. Burt#' CELEBRATED FIVE SHOES. 8 WIDTHS, thu Brn hhbbi \n waoLttALE a aarxiL dkaLEKA ur Calf Skins, SOLE LEATHESJ SHOE KI>DINGS, Ac. All Kinds of Custom Y'ork i!tdTo Order. Bhhop Street, B£LLEF s.sVw a. ■ J r* —nmn. 115 mra mora ttnn pleased hb it. and heaitily rvcotnmand it to any •no contemplating of purchasing an or ties t offer given. Money ref rnded upon • elurn of orcan ai d frsaght cnarges paid •y me ;D. F. Bcatty) lota w*s if utisat* •factory, after a test trial of fire deys. Jrren w*rtouted lor ix years. Agint* wanted "v ry where, male or fe ma e, to can*. **> ,r tuptnor instru ment, Address D. F. BKATTY, New Jersey CENTRE HALL COACH SIIOP, LEVI MTRRIT," st kit establishment rt Centre llali. keet on band, and tor sale, at the most reason* Hie rate*. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wngons, Plaikaao FAKCT and vehicle* of every detri. non made tt •rder, and warranted to be n.sde of tfc* Hel seasoned material, and by the moat •killed and component workm* a. Bodies tor b tggicf- nd spring-vagou* Ac., of the most inprvved la'.terns made to order.also -oariug of all kinds saado b< order. All ads y. repairing done pr, "vptiy and at he lowest possible- rates. Persons wanting anything in his line ar requested to cali and examiu* his work they will find it not to be exccl'ed for dur ability and we.-.r. may Btf. Sandalwood rnm+- * • nock ww te wtSorlac tr • . ./ iat tb* mwa- u:tlu*ta.> -lta*r < or t npiutv. ti n-**r un-toc*. ttelOM crrtala aaS mput 'j It. iti Mtoa. It M fan mup*. •reina Man otlur m*Ai. Put* ripniw cm* la a, •r rtitvi 40l No ottk r V4lclo .. a lo tbl* li>.rk S (V •* (soft (VauaaLw taiUlatlit O. ;>f aoto w*r nros HWa**. Auk tar #t or ot.J w A E **: otxvct, S. T. te* oar BEATTYS"PARLOR - ~ Klegant styles, w!*h improvaa nienu. New and Beautiful Solo Stops. ' tivcr one tba*TlOK.4t9 N Ninth St Phila delphia. Pa.—-An icktitnthm hic r htcn reuntatma lor lx-numbie conduct and proleeato:...lehilL Itjal }. . T L. SPANGLEH, Attorney-at-liw, ;J Ueileicntc. Pa Office with . Bush A Yocurn. Consultation in Englitk ' aiid German. Collectiomipromptly attexd • -d to. feb&-tf ' BEATTY PIANO s. Grand, Square and Upright. From Rufus Snyder, of tue firm of Sn der & Hendricks, Catriage Manufacturer of the city of Allcntown, Pa ; "I must confess I hardly tnow how express my gratification on receiving Beatty Piano you ekippod me. It is , least all Ico .i: k, wih or expect, t , of our most eminent musicians tried it - spoke in the inoet terms, a . thoroughly testing it" Best offer ever given. Honey renin upon return of Piano and freight char. i paid by me (D. F. Bmittr) both way- t. : unsatisfactory, after u ttit trial of .ft day. Fianos warranted for six years Address, D. K. BEATTY, v Waehingtoc. New Jer - [ii W M. P. M' M Al* Ui>, A' tomey at-k u ... Bellefonte, Pa. Office with J.. McManus. Esq. 23jult !: T^^WOOD -^ :|^PMP3% •e I