FARM, OAR BO A!ID HOUSEHOLD.! Sm-onnble Kara Many farmers are unaware that corn may bo husked by machinery, ami where a large crop is to be handled, will lie found a great help. Otlior helps for smaller growers will lie found in some greatly improved husking glove* that are now made. They are a protection against cold, and effective. In many places, in the Middle ana Southern States for instance, a winter pasture is very convenient, if not neces sary. Rye is generally sown for this purpose on fields intended for a spring crop, or the crop is left to grow after having been pastured. Three bushels of seed should be sown, and the earlier the better- Winter oats are coming into favor in Sout hern States, ami are being tested in the Middle States. It furnishes fall and winter pasture, or a heavier crop of grain than soring oats. Two bushel* j>er acre should bo sown. The earlier it 18 sown the better. Rye is the first crop that can be used iu the spring for soiling purposes. Those farmers or dairymen who intend to soil any of their stock, oau lieet begin now by sowing a piece of rye for early green feed. The ground is cleared iu tiaie for oats and peas mixed, or fodder corn. To make soiling crops pay they must be richly mabnred, a much labor is iu volved in this rnathod of ftxxliug stge. The Evangelical Union in Scotland is composed of eighty-three churches that do not admit liquor dealers to member ship. Anion IT the Indian*. A Standing Rook letter says: An In dian arrived from the hoetile eanip* with a message from seveu of the hostile chiefs. Ho is kuown to have left thin agency about ttiree weeks ago for the hoetile carapn. While he dtx-* not claim to have been with Sitting Bull, lie says he was with another muni larger camp, where the Uxlgs and Indiana covered all the prairie, lie re|xirta tbeee Indiana aa abundantly supplied with freeli meat, buffalo and antelope Ix-ing in great abundance. They art> alao reported to have more armn and ammunition than they know what to do with. They daily watch the men who are cu gaged in building the new pit oil Tongue river, and sav at one time they could have destroyed am>ther Ixxly of tnxip* aa they did the lamented! Glister and Ilia band, but they thought they were going home, ami for that reaaou did uot care to disturb them. Thia ia •nii)Nmml to have Ixx-n tleueral Miles and hi* regiment when they atarted taok for the Yellowstone They are anxious to treat tor peace, and do not care to tight the aoldiers if tliev are let aloue, but if they are not, wili tight for yearn if neoemary. The writer says aeveral of the lauula refused to l>e counted, ami ratioua wei* accord ingly withheld from them. One chief who submitted to the oouut refusxl to receive lua rationa, atid scattered them ou the ground. It ia claimed that the count, though not completed, will not aliow more than half the utiml>er of In duuia which the agent claimed to have t>een issuing to. Though the uew supplies have not ar rived, full rations of dour, ami half ra tioua of augwr, coffee, tolawvo aud twvoou were issued. The correspondent claims the ludiana received full aa much under thia issue as they had formerly received for double the number of lodgca. Cap tain Collins has lxen detailed to assist Lieutenant Roach in the count of refrac tory lodges. Advices received from Fort Pierre, and subsequently continued, rrt that a jwuty of five men were killed by In dian.n neai the Wakpa Sicw. on their way to the Iliac k Hills. The massacre t*x>k plaoe near the head of the Hica, and it is thonght thai some of the party must have got awa> and peuetraUxl the foot hills as far as Crook City, from which place a force of fifty miners came out to open the road to the Missouri. It is re ported that these were attacked and sur rounded, and held corralled ou a hill for a whole day, when a messenger escaped and went to toe hills for re-enforce ments. Twenty others came out to the assistance of the besieged men, but be fore beiug able to co-operate with them they were attacked and overpowered by the Indians, and all massacred. This is the last report, which has not yet bee® confirmed, but it seems probable, as the Indians have recently appeared in large numbers from the hostile camps in the neighborhood of the Black Hills, and eveu at the Cheyenne river agency. The troops having been withdrawn fWm Fort Pierre, the miners are no longer detained till sufficiently large companies are formed for protection, but proceed to the hills in small parties, and thus fall an easy prey to the savages. General Custer's Remington lirie and a black horse he used to ride at Lincoln have boeu captured by some Black Hili ers from a young warrior killed ou the rente to the Black Hills. He'd Suffered Enough. Capt. Bob Shaftoe concluded to run for Congress. He bad been in the wars —he bad fought and bled—and his reo ord as a soldier was of the very best, i Of course, having consented to run, he had to take the stump. Rob could be eloquent upon occasion, especially when picturing battles scenes; and lie in dulged rather freely in this style, for he knew more-abont war than he did about politics. His opponent was a politician, and not a soldier. One day Bob addressed an assembled multitude in front of a cross-road grocery. He told the story of his hard ships in the field eloquently and touch ingly. He told how he had* led a forlorn hope ; how* he had been stricken down under the very muzzle of the enemy's battery ; and how he hail lain two nights and one day suffering where he fell be fore succor came. And other things be told ueqally as thrilling. When he had ooncluded, one of the sovereigns approached him with sym patbv in every look. " flap'n Bob, was all that true yon told US f" " True as gospel, my friend." "And you raiily fit right up to the mouth of the enemy's cannon i" " Yes." "And got knocked over*" "Yes." " And oorae nigh dyin—two whole nights in misery 1" "Yes, my friend, it ia all true as I have told you. I was wounded four tine s after that f" " Well," said the interrogator, with | visible emotion. "I'm blamed if yon haint suffered enough for the country. I don't see why we should send you out among them Congress fellows. They're a hard lot. T'other man is younger 'n yon, and aint of cinch account any way. I say, let him suffer awhile ; so I guess I'll vote for him "* Poisoned by bating Toadstool*. Mr. Flint, of Louisville, Ky., gather- * ed what he thought was a fine lot of mushrooms, and ordered them cooked for dinner. They were placed ou the table at dinner, hot and steaming, Mr. Flint, his sister, and his three children, two boys and one girl, eating of them, Mr. Flint and his daughter eating more heartily than the other members of the : family. Not long after dinner all five were taken with violent vomiting and other signs of poisoning, and a physician was summoned, when it was ascertained t that the supposed mushrooms were toad stools. The proper remedies aud res to ratives were used, and in an hour or two all were out of danger. The father anil daughter, who ate more freely than the others, were more serionsly affected. When Men are at their Best. Dr. Beard states that from an analysis of the lives of a thousand representative men in all the great branches of the human family, be made the discovery that the golden decade was between forty and fifty; the brazen Is-Iween twenty and thirty; the iron between fifty and sixty. The superiority of youth and middle life over old age in original work appear* all the greater when we consider the fact that all the poeitious of honor an I prestige —professorships and pnblic stations— are in the hands of the old. Reputation, like money and posi tion, is mainly confined to the old. Men are not widely known until long after they have done the work that gave them their fame. Portraits of great men are delusions ; statues are lies ! Tbey are taken when men have become famous, which, on the average, is at least twenty five years after they did the work which gave them their fame. Original work requires enthusiasm. If all the original work done by men under forty-five was annihilated, they would be reduced to barbarism. Men are at their best at that time when enthusiasm and experi ence are almost evenly balanced. This period, on the average, is from thirty eight to forty. After this the law "is that experience increases, but enthusi asm decreases. A Painter's Whim. The house in which Turner, the painter, lived was so dirty and disorder ly that it was known as "Turner's den." He was very untidy, and in this dwelling his peculiarity had full sway. The windows were never clowned, and bad in them breaches patched with paper; the door was black and blistered; the iron palisades were rusty for lack of paint. If a would-be visitor knocked or rung, it was long before the summons was replied to by a wizened, meager old man, who would unfasten the chain suf ficiently to see who knocked or rung, and the almost invariable answer was : " You cau't come in." It was here that he kept for many years the greater part of his store of pictures, shrewdly cal culating upon the time when they should be worth thousands of pounds. The Fearful Little Maid. She eland* within the deleted field, A little maiden all atone ; And tMinding down he lakes a flower. And pluck# Ite one l>y one " He loves me well ; he does not love" ; Treuilltng, weeping, now Is she. " Ah, does ho lote ? or love# he uot ? 1 oennol Uy I 1 date uot see !" Her tieait ia heating loud and faet. Her blinding tests aie like a pall She does uot heer the eeger step, She doe# not see the shadow fall The flower is taken from her hand. Swiftly the petals he removes. " Ite loves loves not he loves loves not. See, darling ' (is the laet he loves!" A SPECIAL CONSTABLE. Two women, sinters, kept the toll l>er t a village in Yorkshire. It sUxxl apart from the village, slid they often (ell uneasy at night, iwiug lone women. One day they received a considerable sum of money, bequeathed thetu by a relation, and that set the simple souls all in a flutter. They had a friend iu the village, the blacksmith's wife; eo they went ami told her their fears. She admitted that theirs was a lonesome place, and she would uot live there, for oue, without a man. Her discourse sent them home downright miserable. The blacksmith's wife told her bus band all about it when he came tu for his dinner. •• The fix>ls 1" said he; " how is any- Ixxly to know they have got brass in the ! house I" " Well," said the wife, " they made uo seervt atxmt it to me; you uaed uot go for to tell it to all liio towu—poor soul* I" '• Not 1," said the man; " but they will publish it, never fear; leave women folks aloue for uiakiug their own trouble with their tongues." There the subject dropped, as man and wife have things to talk about besides their neighbors. The old women at the toll latr, what with their owu fears and their Job's comforter, began to shiver with appre hension as right came ou. However, at sunset the carrier passed through Un gate, and at the sight of his friendly face they brightened up. They told him their care, and begged him to sleep in the house that uight. " Why, how can 1f" said he. "1 am due at ; but 1 will leave you my dog." The dog was a powerful mastiff. The wouieu looked at each other ex Erwwively. "He won't hort as, will o!" sighed one of them, t&intly. " Not he," said the carrier, cheerfully. Then he called the dog into the house, and told them to lock the door, and went away whistl tig. The women were left contemplating the dog with that tender interest appre hension is sure to excite. At first he seemed staggered at this off baud pro ceeding of his master; it confused him, then he snuffed at the door; theu, as the wheels retreated, he began to see plainly that he was au abandoned dog; he delivered a fearful howl and flew at the door, scratching and barking furi ously. The old women fled the apartment, and were next **-eu at an upper window screaming to the carrier : "Come back ! come back, Johu ! He fx tearing the house down I" " Drat the varmint 1" Raul John, ami iime lck. On the road ho thought whut was Iwst to tn> done. Tho good uatnred fellow took hia greatcoat out of tho cart ami laid it down on tho floor. Tho mastiff instantly laid himself ou it. "Now," said John, sternly, "let us have no more nouscuse; you take charge of that till I come back, and don't ye let nobody st*al that there, nor yet t' wives' brass. There now," saul he kindly to the women, "I r-hall be Kick this way breakfast time, and he won't budge tail then." " And he won't hurt as, John I" " Lord, no I Bless your heart, he is as sensible as any Christian; only. Lord sake, woman! don't ye go to take the coat from him, or you'll be wanting a new gown yourself, and maybe a petti coat and all." He retired, &iul tlie old women kept at a respectful distance fronr their pro tec tor. lie never molested them; and, in deed. when they spoke eajohugly to him he even wagged bis tail in a dubious way; but still, as they moved at>ont, he squinted at tlieni oat of his bloodshot eye in away that checked all des*re on their part to try on the carrier's coat. Thus protected, they went to bed earlier than usual; they did not undress; they were too much afraid of everything, es pecialW their protector. The night wore on, and presently their sharpened sense* let them know that the dog was getting rest leas; he snuffed and then he growl ed, and then he got tip and pattered aliont, muttering to himself. Straight way with furniture they barricaded the door tlmmgh which their protector must pass to devour them. But, by aud bye, listening acutely, they heard a scraping and a grating out side the window of the room where the dog was and he continued growling low. This was enough; they nlippi-dout at the back door, and left their money to save their lives; they got into the vil lage. It wan pitch dork, aud all the houses black but two; one was the pub lic house, casting a triangular gleam across the road a loug way off, and the other was the blacksmith's house. Here was a piece of fortuue for the terrified women. They burst into their friend's house. "Oh I Jane, the thieves have come !" and they told her in a few words all that had happened. " Nay, Jane, wo heard the scraping outside tho window. Oh, woman, call yonr man, and let him go with ns." ** My man—he is not here." " Where is he then f" •• I suppose he is where other work ingwomen's husband's are, at the public house," she said, rather bitterly, for she bad her rxjierience. The old womcu wanted to go to the public bouse for him ; but the black smith's wife was .1 courageous woman, and, Is'sides, she thought it was most likely a false alarm. " Nnv, nay," said she, " last time I went in for him there I got a fine affront. " I'll come with you," said she. "I'll take the poker, and we have got our tongues to raise the town with, 1 suppose." Bo they marched to the toll-bar. When they got near it, they saw something that staggered this heroine. There was ac tually a man half in and half out of the window. This brought the blacksmith's wife to a standstill, and the timid pair implored her to go back to the village. " Nay," said see, " what for ! I see but one—and—hark !" it is my belief that the dog is holding of him." However, she thonght it safe t to tie on the same side with the dog, lest the man might turn on her. Hhe made her way into the kitchen, followed by the other two, and there a sight met bor eyes that changed all her feelings, both toward the robber and toward < aeh other. The great mastiff had pinned a man by the throat, and was pulling at him. to draw him through the window, with fierce but muffled snarls. The man's weight alone prevented it. The window was like s picture frame, and in that frame there glared, with lolling tongnn and starting eyes, the white faoe of the village blacksmith, their conrageons friend's villainons bus tinnd. Hhe uttered au appalling scream and flew upon the dog and choked him with her two hands. Lie held, and growled, and tore until lie was all but throttled himself, then he let go and the man fell. Hut what struck the ground outside, like a lnmp of lead, was, in truth, a lump of elny; the man was quite dead, and fearfully torn aboutthe throat. So did a comedy end in n appalling and most piteous tragedy; not that the scoundrel himself deserved any pity, but his poor, brave, honest wife, to whom he had not dared confide the vil [ lainv he had meditated. The outlines of this true story were in several journals. I have put the dis jointed particulars together as well as I could. I have tried hard to learn the j name of the village, and what became of this poor widow, but have failed b'therto. Should these lines meet the ( JOI any one who can tell me, I hope ho will, and without delay. Tho Fatal I'rtic Fight. In the following article the f'Arinfirin ■dWaiter is the spokcmuiui for the great er i>*rt of the nation: At a prise tight, near Philadelphia, one of the pugilmta died on the Itcld. Wln-n the master of coreuHitnca called "tune " there waa one who did liot respond for the am pie roaaou that lie had dons with "tune" and was paining over the aulemu river. The next scene was that of carrying the body home to the father. Ami what a lH>dy it waa ! The fnx> that bud once Ixveli a nweet child's face, that had cheer ed the fathi more liiimihuting it would aeem to the whole length and breadth of flu land. The poor little fellow who died in the contest waa so humble in projx-rly tiiat when he put lip ten dollars that lie would wiu he put up all the property he had in the world. I'lllla he allowed the condition of a simple idler, of a man willingly |HH>r. Had he staked what common a use or uobleueaa he jx-am m ed, the ahowiug would have been small er still. To hail HUCII a hero came a crowd of dcvila from all the purlieus of vice. These howled around the rope, and the harder the blown the more el (luiaitt their delight. The presence of lluvM- rendered the act-no mote infernal. 11l the duttaut-o appeared a few poller men representing the United .States aite (.'hriHtnuiity and the tvuteunial ycard and having uttered a childish shout, rail, tiack to a place of safety. This cast a blush of shamt- over the affair, t.-celling as it did the weakness of the great re public m dealing with criminals. There has btwm uo event for a long while iu which might be found so many painful and aickemug particulars. Such an exhibition could not occur among savages, for tu those tritx-a blows pa*- ouly letwt-eu angry eut-tnit-s, not le twt-eu friends; such a spectacle never occurred at the old Homau auiphiUn-a tern, for tlicre tlie pngihvts fought un der compulsion. It would at llmt thought netin that a law ahoulil Is- passed making such sport punishable iu a most severe manner, and including iu the jx-iiaitv ail who even acted an spectators; but thin longing for a law la only the result of a simple muulodiiee* that forgets how powerless our ustion in to enforce what criminal law it han already placed on its statute book*. Any one who morkn the utter woakuena of the State an to swindlers, thieves, and murderers, will flud hi* d sire for a stringent law agamnt fighting very much weakened. The dally press views a legal remedy as hopeli ->n and iu the case under uotu-e lias lx-eii compel! oil t<> find a little nattsfactiou in the fact that oue of the brutal men died, and m the wish that the other had done like Wise. A Hi nay to Health. Let it be remembered that the b> -t ecokery of the best viands in the world is comparatively thrown away, in it* health giving and uouri-dmig qualities, if the food be swallowed hastily ai d in lumps. From the ledhetical side of the question, too, H grave mistake is tln haetc and imperfect mastication. If t< eat Lie a necessity, and if the satisfac tion of this necessity ho pleasant, as na ture intends it to be; if a sensitive pal ate la* given us to embrace our pleasure, and to enable us to enjoy the good* tin gods provide —why, in the name of ali that is rational, should there l>e any thing grosser iu enjoying the tine flavor of a well cooked di*h than iu enjoying the scent of a full blown rose, jvartieu lsrly wheu the former iu some *hs)-e is a u-ooMuty. while the latb r is merely r. luxury. Therefore, philo-ophtoaLlr, it is a grave error and au ungrateful dead (o swallow well cooked, palatable food at such a pace as prevents your getting the full amount of pl< UMIIC out of the act of eating and which renders you in different to your cook's skill. Then- sre *ome who condemn epii tir ism as something horrible and as likely to lead to murder, jw-tit larceny ami other objecti nablo crimes; but they cft**u confound refinement and ,licriuii nation in fecdiug with gluttony, and, in their desire to avoid this and '• t a high example of indifference to the flesh, adopt a scornful di-regnrd of what ami how they ea- ami drink, and, pretend ing to he above such mundane consid erations, bring themselves to a chronic state of lil health, which it take* years of strict regimen to recover from. No; yon must finger over the taste <>f your food as you finger over the swell of a flower. Nature demands of yon this c inoossiou to health, and th< t> can In nothing mors sinful m indulging the SCIISe of taste 11X4X11 the SCUM* of S'Ul lL Having swallowed your dinner ir- lump*, th- usual custom is to cudew- rto coun teract the discomfort piodticl by wash ing it down, and rendering it soluble by huge draughts of flnid. Thi* is merely ad.hug insult hi the injury you have doiM your stomnch, and is reM-nted ac cordingly. Gopiou* draught* are just as injurious as large, quickly devouml monttifnls, and drink should L taken as cuntiou-Uy and slowly as foaaa Heme n>4 Abrwad. Tim Democratic Nlata ecnvaiitlon reaaaem tlixl at Haraloga tu nominate a candidate for governor, left vacant by llie deellualiou of Horatio Heymour. l.uolua ltohlnaon. piosptil controller of llie Hlaie, waa nominal o-l on Uio Oral ballot, and the nomination waa lboreii|M-n tuado uiianiuiooa. lion, John Kelly lualalnd upou lua name being withdrawn from liie sir* total ticket, that bolior might to euufarred upou ItoraUo Hoyuiour, which waa doue l.uolua Uohinaoii, llie candidate of the New Yolk Democracy for governor, waa born lit OOUlily, in that Htate, IU 1810, arid (Ui aiMvlug at maturity, puraued tha profession of law aniveasfully Afler aervlug aa diaillot alloruey of iua ualive oouuly for a iiuuil-ei of veara, be waa appointed couitutaalouei o j.'hau cery of .Now Yolk oily, holding liie • -ftl -e from 1*4.1 to 1846 Mi. ItoUuaon distinguished hituarlf aa a member of Uie Assembly U> 1859 and 1*73. In I*6l he w a nominated fur Son- It. tier bv the Ttiloii Democratic-Hepublloan pally, and waa elected by llie uu|-aralteled majority of 109,000 He waa tonoiuiualed and elected for a ar-oond trim lu 1803 by liie llulon Republican party. In I*os lie waa nominated ft a third term by llie Democrats, but waa defeated. lu 1*75 ho waa again elected ooti troller ou the Democratic ticket. Nouiuadoua lo Ouugroee New Jaieey, eet oiul dtalrict, Dr J. Howard l'ugh, Hep.. I'ouu ■ylvauia, twelfth, Heudrtck 11 Wright, lem , New Yotk, twenty-aevauth, Kldri.tge t). Lap bam Hep , Maaaachuaetta, utulh. W. W tUce. ltep. ,ae veu lli, Itenj T, liultor, Hep... The tlopuhhcana of Delaware, Ui convention at Dover, uouiiualod i'rvatdeiiUai eloctoia and adopted a platform tociUug the claluia of the doiuluant party for ooultuuauce In jxiwer. and point wllh pride to the tooent liuloraemenla in \ cimonl and Matue. demand that all ae-o lananlaw ahall be abullabed from pubtie aohoole , declare that the Demucrata are ai-tuated by jiartv deeiree rather than the true inlerrats of the ooitutry The Maryland Dcm.s-raUo ooiivcnUoii to nominate I'reatJeu- Hal e'eotora aloplod a platform favoring apt do |>aymenle . ptaialug the last Itouae for iu efforts toward retrenchment; opjjoaea sec tarian interference with i uhllc achoola . and deiuHinoee federal interjstaiUun with eieotiou* The Nee York jatiioe have tx>eu vigor ously (aiding llie wrailhy gainhllug aaloona of late . An insurrectionary movement la biewli g iu the llasque pro.inco of Hpaiu The laJand of Meesina, off Italy, has been shaken by an earthquake, and conaldeiable damage done to buildings lu tbe town of ltcg glo. . The llotlandiae government auppioasel a fair at Amalerdam. whcreuj*'ii tha inhabi tants became ao notoua as to ueceaallate action by the military. Hue of the notcra was killed and fourteen wounded Tie principal European powers have suggested a caseation of tho fureo-Xornan war, and liie I'orle jirotn lira to consider tha situation.... The report la enrrent In Aleiandrta that tlie war between I pt and Abyaaluia la to be renewed, the 1 ce negotiations having failed . Yellow '. ver Is on the luerease in Savannah The rae I'elrarch won the famous M. larger r takes over nine cum pell tors, beating the favorites. The international rifla match hetwarti the tcarna of Ireland, Hoo'.iand, t'ana-la, Australia and liie t'uitod Hta'es was shot a' i Vt-cslm.s-r, near New Yoik CUT. My the terms of the match, the lesmr, of eight men rach, were to shoot at right huudie.l, nine bundled and oue thousand yards range, the tame lo he repeatvd each day . the team aeoilug Uie highest aggre gate for the two days to take the chain-,u nship trophy At the cuoclustua of liio eight han died yard shooting, the Americana had scored 550 js,mis out of a p-e*.b> a I hundred . the .-vvtch an 1 Irish each 535 . the Australians 531 and the Oauadlana 521. At the t tue hnn dred yard trial the Hootch scored 5J*, tha Irish and Australian* each 334. tha American* 513. and llie (anadians 478. Ilia score of (he one thoueand-yard range ebowed thai the Hootrh counUd 533, the Irishmen making the -une. the Aoisn.ana 5c9 Uie Auatral.ana 190, and the Canadians 493. The total aeuee for U>o dav stood Scotch, 1.586 , Irtah, 1.52 American, 1,577, AnaUalian. 1 545 Cana dian 1 49'. The hneal tudlvtdaaJ ehootn g was by Johveua. of the Irish team, he mak.-.g fifteen rotteecnUve ball ■ eyes ai eight hun dred yards, an.! c, uuttng a full a. re ..f sex u ly-flve At the one thousand-yard rat ge, Mitchell, of the HcoU-bmen. serartsl seven:y three . til of a p -aaiUe aevanty-drr With f .ir !(<•■ hull a-cyaa and an " inner ' The ah -t --ing at the v.ght hanlrsd-var.l range on the second .lay i. suite 1 tu llie N and Ann n ran* thing al 325. the Au-U ana 522 Vlf 1 rial . si' 2. and the Canadiane 4>2 On the n.tio hundred-yard tang* lyv Amoticvns did beder aliootmg than the cthsr teams and scored 515, tua AuatradsM 494 Irish 483. He tch 44-2 an 1 Uie Canadians 4f>s Tha en thusiasm in the crowd of visitor* uian.fraud itself a' en tt waa announced that the Amen car-* led .llie total score by forty-four point* over the Scotch who led the Irtah hot four points who in tnrn led the Australians by eigl t , i v Canadians being practically col of the match. 1 lie aborning at tha one lii urat.d yard rang* waa carried on tinder the most in tense ei.-itement, (he crowd btiraUng into cheer* of aj probatlu ■ u ihalr respective champions mini- "hull*.' Thaw-ore aboard that tha Iri*h hail mula lb* Ana aoora of MS , tho An.i-1 irana SOU, Australian* 601. Kcolcli 4*v. aid tt.o - aiiadiaua t~C . maAiug lb# ag , raia'.c .la* • ahuoUug Amancana. l.f-41 . Inali, 1 6ii . a.-olcli. I.4TC. Aualraliaua, 1.617. t 'anaakiu and llenry Fulton. The funeral of n (lav. Henry A. Wiee waa atlendail in liinlimoud, Va., hy au immeneo aonc >ur*e of |ieoplo of all uatioualinee, aa well a* military and civic eoctetice ....Advices from .Natal. South America, tre to the effect (bt Hie natives are defeating the Hoe re at all |*itiil*. and that the preei.leut of the Trauavaal republic liaa bven re.pu*te.l ki ak F.ogland to acci pt the country a* a province In order that tho )*<>|iie may he protected ~.. While Ilaniel Bourne, a diwupa ed belcher, of New Tork city, waa beatlii In* wile, hi* sister-in-law, Mrs. Peabonrgh, interfered ta protect the wo man, when Dante picked up ast ick of wood and beat Mr*. Bsabonrgh about the head unt-I *he died. He wa* secured. .Congressional nomination*: Connecticut, Aral district, Joseph H. Hawley, Rep.; Tennereee, eighth, J. |\ 0. Atkins, Dem.; Arat, L. McF*rland, Dcm.. Two maaked men boarded liie cxprccn car on the Utah Central railroad a few mllra west of Halt lAke City, and binding the Wells Fargo A Co.'s messenger, took #15,C00 from the safe and escaped A man died in a New York hospital in terrible agocy from hydrophobia, baring been l-itten by a pet spitz dog a few weeks previotig Jty a oolliaion on the I.ohigh road, near White Karen, I'a , three 1 locomotives and fourteen cars were wrecked. Ttie train hands saved themselves by jnmptng. The Rhode Island blelohery and dye works at Providence were destroyed by flre.iuvolriiig a loan of #IOO,OOO ...,An elevator loaded with gooda, under the charge of three man, In a Ht. bonis shoe store, broke and fell four storie* instantly killing one man and eerionaly injuring the others ....Terrific hurricanes here visited many of the West India islands, doing much damage ... Itoatnn°a " Old Roulh " church has been aold for #400,000. to be need as a historical museum The report of the ootton crop for the year just passed shows there were 4,<509,233 bales raised in this coun try, of which 3,252.094 bales were exported, 1,350,503 were used in mannf'c'uriMi in thia country, of which the North rn mills took 1,211,593 bales and the Southern mills 145.000. Congteeaional nominations : New York, twenty-sooond district, Oeo. W Smith, I>em.; Ohio, sixth, K. B. Hall, Ureenbtck , AMwma, fourth, James T. Rapier (col ), Rep . Gen. Terry's command has broken up and *ll the troops are on their way borne the excep tion of two rogi ' enls, which will winter at the mouth of Tongue river The Turkish government ordered a ten dayi' , armistice to talk over tea teis re sting to the | troubles in her colonies, ... Oeu. Crooksj command has had an engagement with the i Indians. A large village wee surprised by 1 Col. Mills, wllh a delai-hmsiit of one hundred ■ml fifty men, uiil entirely destroyed. Ona ler a l.lttle Nig Horn guidon ru recaptured, wllh valuable stores of robaa, |*>mea and plunder It waa a complete Indian dafaal, uiany braves and squaw* being killed and rap lurad and I lie balance of Ilia band scattered. The IriMip* mat wllh considerable lues, a nutu l>ar being killed or wounded. l.istil. Von l.anlwlta waa abut In tba knee and auilara an. pulalioti of tho log. The huugiy and way worn liov| are to bo supplied wllh food from the lilac* Hills where a oounoll of war la lo bo held aa to further u|raUous lieu liber man will preside at the oontoll . New Vol* city sent teu physicians, a cargo of ice, and a cargo of tar acids lo havannah . Henry Hruith, froiu HI. IAJUIS, arid otto companion and a pack train, left Vmua for Due Angeloe, and wandered four days on the Colorado deeert without water. Hruith opened veins of hla arm and drank (lie blood, which clotted In Ida throat He then cut hla windpl| to re move it and died a few hours after Hla mm panton reached llie station in the laal stage of athauntioir Tho equinoctial gale wlikh ettended along Die Atlantic coaal and fur some Into the Ulterior waa vary severo and did muofi damage On the nineteenth of Hepieuibar the Jews throughout the world luaugutaltd the New Year, 6637, with great solemnity ... The typographical union of 1 hlladelphla has agreed to a reduc tion of (eu per ceut., lo lake effect on and after October 'J. 1 hla applies lo book aa wall as to newspaper work A dispatch from Madrid says Vi ill,am M Twcod and William Hunt, who was arraslod with hint, were embarked at Curuuua for Cuba as prisooers uu the twenty first of Hop tern be r .. lleef la now aant from the l ulled Stales to England on the ■ learners in houses prepared for the purpose and packed a lib tee. Ibe cattle are slaughter ad ui Jersey Oily the day tho steamer sails. The number of grand lodges of Odd fellows in the I'intol mates, aa abuau by the last re port, Is furly-clgUt. subordinate lodges. 0 395. grand ourauiptucuts, thirty -nine , subordinate encampments 1.754, lodge lUiltaUoua, fib,o43. lodge member*. 434 ts'J , encampment in em bora, 87,45*1 . total relief, #1,(198 888 9U ; total revenur, #4,714,941 70. The report of the grand secretary shows tba total amount el l-ended for relief, for the period embracing the years l*Su to December >l, 1875, to be #93,273,386 (4. and the total receipts tor the same time, #Bo,uSs. 9j< 52 The official returns of the H.ate eleeUou in Mains givs a total vote of 156,4'~ Connor, 75,710 , Talbot,' 08,251, scattering, 529. ton nor a majority over Talbot is 15 459 1 hla la the largest vols ever polled in the Hlsto by about five thou rand Uu* hundred and twenty lie publican reprracn tali tee and twenty nine Democrats are elected (Several bauds of Hloux hare surrendered at tba mililary stations and tba Indians say they arc tired of flghUug At the Hot Hprings, Ya, a young married couple arrived from Cincinnati, the bus baud suffering from disease of the heart. After remalutug two days the husband died suddenly Hla l-ecame a maniac ou the spot Neither husband nor wife wore mure than twenty two years of age The ■'earner Canadian, from Montreal for England, grounded on the coast of Ireland and is a total iuas. No hies were lost ...During the late gale many vessels a PI E wrecked ON lbs Atlantic and gulf coasts Au Upturn Eater Reformed. Mr. Peter llanta, a ship joiner, fifty one years of age, living in lirooklyn, N. Y., received a compound fracture of the leg July Sd, lst'-O. The leg is au inch and a quarter short. The day of the injury he took one ounce of elixir of opium to stop the intense pam. He gradually increased the dose Uil he took three ounces a day. After the leg wan will he continued it for alarat three years and a half, wheu be commenced taking sulphate of morphine, twenty six grains a hundred and eighty grains a week, or six hundred grains a month. Has taken twenty grain* at a duac, and frequently '*.<* a day. Eight year* ngo heatn-n., to reform, and stopjv-.l it* use, which made him so delirious tKit hi* physicians and friends feared he would die if he continued to do without it lie then renewed the habit, with occasional seasons of partial reformation, which were uniformly fob lowed by great distres*, delirium, and such dung- r~iu indications thst In- soon relsjiweii into his old bahit When the *l* rial religious arrviOMl Were held st the Hippodrome, in New Y'ork, la*i March, be attend- d, and went into the inquiry room, where he was urged to diavinliblK the habit and bcoom*- a Christian. Was made the subject of prayer, and gnat w hcimde was mans fi*l-9, under Lee in 1861, for the Mexicans at the close of the civil war, with a little Italian skirmishing in T xas; served in t'ue Argentine republic, where he became a oolouel; was in the Crtan rebellion; served iu Oreeei' i,gainst the brigands; got captured while filibustering in Cuba, but escaped; went to Egypt where he had a cavalry command; came back to fight tinder Faidhcrlx* against the Ger mans. and next turned up iu Parts as a Communard; last of all, went to the Heixegovina as correspondent for the //our, aud .volunteered as a leader of Hi-rvian irregular*. A Noted ('amity. Israel Washburn, who died in Liver more, Me., in tho r i- <-tr second v. a* of his age, was born in Uayubam, Mass.. November 18. 17K1. In 1812 bo mar ried Martha R njaaiin, of Livermore, eleven children being born --I the union. Of these the following nine still sur vive: Ex-Governor Washburn, oi Poit land; Minister Washburn, of Pans; Cadwalader C. Washburn, ex governor of Wisconsin; Charles Waslitiurn, late minister to Paraguay; William I). Washburn, of Minnesota; Algernon 8. Washburn, of Hallowed ; Captain Bam nel B. Washburn, of Livermore; Mrs. Mattim Htephenaon, of Galena, and Mrs. Caroline A. Holmes, of Minne apolis. Preaenee of Mind. At a fire in a provincial town the goods in the burning sh< p ha t to be cost into the street, and as a matter of course, the night being dark, the arti cles were disappearing rapidly. A police man, obaerviug a mati iu the act of pick iug up a fine ch-e-e, mad- his way through the crowd aud stationed him self behind so as to prevent any esca)>e. The man rose with the cheese in his hands and was preparing to decamp, hnt on beholding the policeman be suddenly changed his mind, and placed the cheese in the polioemau'a arms, remark ing, as did so : " Tb re, you bar! better take care of that, or some one will be walking off with it." It was the wife of a ragged bummer who said, at midnight : " It is never too late to mend." They Are Hlant*. Thorn in now on exhibition perhaps tho moat remarkable oouple in the world—a innii and woman who *re giants in xUturc. They *rn Mr. *nd Sirs. M. V. IUUWI, whoso homo M now Hi .Seville, Medina county, Ohio. 'l'hey arc i mil seven Iot oleven *ml ouo ha. I tncln s iii height, tho husbkud weighing 47N pound*, while tho wife weiglur |M>nly her dislike of the life *he is load ing, and her lodging to return to her home in Ohio. Their home, by the way, wan one built and furnished especially for them. The ceilings are twelve and one half feet high, and no doorway la less than eight and oue half feet high. Ol course they Hud the hotel accommodation* unsuitable to them wherever they go. aa the doorwaya are so low and the beds so short. Ouo of tiic etraupnat facta alvout tbnir iuntory 18 that they were the children of (vumuiou peooie. Mm. itwice' father was otily five lout four 1 lichee iu height, while her mother waa orly a oomrnou nixed wuoiau. Her brothers ami aistera aro of uo remark*)de height. Capt. iiaitvn' father waa nix feet two iuchra lb height—a tall man, hut a dwarf, oum pared with bin aou. liaU-n u uow tweuty tiiue year* of age. He in au* live of Letcher oouuly, Keutucky. Lite wif is a Nova SooUaii, tweuty nevou t earn of age. They were married iu Loudou, Etigiaud, while traveling iu that oouutry ou exliibitiou. MUM by < auuibaJa. Tan schooner Dancing Wavo trrired at Sydney, Australia, (ruin the Solomon group, July 4, with the news of a mas Hx-rr that had been jH-rjK-trated by the South m-a natives, Capt. llarrMou and all hands. excepting ous, on board the Dancing Wave, having been murdered. On the twenty third of April last tbr Dancing Wave called at Fiort.ia inland to obtain native labor for Homeraet. Na Uvea were engaged and brought on board, and there were alao others who had received tomahawks and other arti clew from the captain in barter. With out warning, the natives ruse upon the crew, attacking them with tomahawks. Capt. Harrison wan almost instantly killed, together with some of hi* crew, while the chief officer and steward, after being wounded, reached the cabin, where they shot themselves. A seaman naiued ltroad (or Hoard) jumped overboard and got to riayau, forty miles off, in a boat, wheu the vessel was recovered by the crew of the liark Sydney, and it was thcL found that the natives had plundered her. It is said that the natives took two heads and one body ashore, broad, he fore oscaping. shot neveral of his assail ants, and several natives from another island, engaged on txiard, were also killed. Btibaequcnt to the receipt of this iu telligence Commodore H-whins received a communication from Gouaul Layard, at N ouniott, dated June 17, to the effect that he had just heard from Cant. Liud, owner of the Laura Land, that he fell in with the Ib-v. Mr. lnglia, in the mission ary vessel Dayspring, who report ! that au Kugliali vessel from Q.i _ aiu had run ashore at Tanua, at a place called Vagoos; that the crew tired at the ra tires, who attacked them iu turn, burned the vrawl, then killod and ale the crew, t apt. Liud had liwu iu Port ItaeulnUuu, and he says that all the natives win came in agreed as to the destruction of the veaaei and her crew. Tbe Eastern Wir 15'Uj the Turks an J the Servians, save the Now York Sun, have- displayed lm mouse vigor, during the pr m nt war, ii. kit pine tif-wajtajwr oorretx>{uitit- away from their armies Both aidea liave fi.led tbi- worlm Constanliuoplc mid Belgrade have become the laughing ai.k of man kind. Though marked with the official nlsrup in both they an- universal ly discredited. If they Had grren feeili tiei to impartial oormqxuideut*, instead of excluding them from their lines, we should tiavc the truth about the progress of the war, which thus far we have been unable to obtain. So DM. Dobbe (who is s jolly old bachelor! and s bright voting lady acquaintance were liantering each other about mar riage. "Oh," wud she, "you'll get married ouo of these days, I know ; and you'd have mn now if i would wait for you." "You'd have to wait until mj M xnnl childhood, then," said Dobba. " Well, I shouldn't have lonfc to wait," was the quick repartee from the lady. At our reqnet Oagin -i 00., of Phil adelphia, Pit., have promised to send any of our readers, gratis (on receipt of fifteen cents to ]>ay postage, j a sample of Dobbins' Electric boap to try. Send at once. • Chapped hands, fat*, ptmplea, ring worm. aaltrbenin, sml oilier cntansom. i3c lion* cured, and rough akin mate sof! and smooth, by using Jrxirra Tax Hoar. |Ool to tbotr n mteuitn.t, ioii.iK<>i>to bta doiongod toaion by Wig na.uiai tonic (laments of tbo I'oinrlon rtyrup. H Id by oil druggist* " Wo have oftnn wondered whether there M o parson In tho country bo dooa not know ond o|>prootoU Uio rain of Johnmtn't Atn>tynr I.mitnrnl oa o fnmiiy uodlotno / It lo adapted to moat oil |>iirp sag, ond la Uio boot |iotn dootroyor that cm lo uood. * Hoc relTnlin u.t i.< JSQIO* Diurir. • •Ml or IIIHI MOUNT Y, Aat ot )M rse.sed aoidlora. * ooo*. < blldree. IV iWI rlto Una at tattle. esreuael el tore at# milwt aeudmg Wv u OOi. I. AM 0 (XI , iUarwp IM < Wait. Faisal. I a tid HUM. Waabiagtoa. D. 0. she Harkl. aoo nu. ltecf (jetlV-Frth eto kill-* !!ljtAi| (*% g I Con.mlL to I'-*4 ■ a, Murb (.toes M Mi Tli *• Hog* U. W Draa*.t dl*W tH •toast, 4 it* UoU M 4 Cotton M. '.i. .. Mil U U Flour -lltr* Variant I U din mot* . tto .. t u 4 ica #•( -lied kotwc .. I Hi I 11 *O.l Mpring I U> 0 I tl h>r Mato.■< 4 M Mai.rj (Mala • g, j (y Maria-) Mail J | |}| Oato- Milod tfattreb.. . . it 0 Cork—-Mlirel Wwleris . ta 4 Oa May, par cot to * ft #lra, gar cot. , t 4 If. Mop" *fV-1 *'* "• lfl 4 yj K-rk-Maae It it 411*0 Lord || *Mt- Bachrrai. Mo. 1, n00... ... It 00 wit uu '* He. i. i n 1 M 4 1 ( Dry Obd. JOT cot t 110 4 tto Ltorrlug, ftojod. pat tel. IJ 4 y> PatrvJritui—Ornc*. . 11 la 4 t hohlsed. M •aa -Oilllorau il.t || 4 y Tale. " It 4 IT ioetrailafa " M 4 at ÜbUf- . it 4 (| Wealeru Ireiry M • || •aaiaa laUs ... JJ 4 g) Wardens'rrdtbki y It 4 It Ohaaoa - hula fanary <• 4 IJX kata Ut 4 01 Wkglerb (f 4 U* Mitt M ken-AAA. t it tut *bl-So. la, rlug ...... 1 1 • 4 i oa Opfß MlSud. }.4 (| *• : 0 u Barley _ 4 _ tkiunaum. ted omia-ltui . M 4 Uffc y—f . -* it 4 tt Mug* 1 • reared............. ... tat,# (•% rtour -Fcoaey tratua Kltra ....... ti 4 • it trtaaai Mad Waatarn I 15 4 | Ik y i> 4 m Oatb *V-d tt Z U Oata—lfiiod Mm 4 tt fwntdua-OraJa ~ it 41 MaOuai M fa a Oat U Acta kaoula baa 11 titan, "IwkaaMi )?2(M y izzL lioTJ-. tCr*. A I lr>T. --a .--J. lodna Haa bo. I J.>MaOMtTOo..4.Laota L llt. Ol TUT KMBK. Haaa Okaao. ta Wm. 9bt' lata OOlXiWk A OO . f Ota baa t*Uaa Jt T Ln.nai, —— - 1 ,,,,, • 1 baadroda kan aaabad it H lonu.Ma!>t I 11 "• tafbyiaan a- ail CbaaoM A Moawt. •71 If Ualaba?maTaMaatOa JitHaaaaakAjl V $56 to $77 ASTHMA. TSLK^.* A I.UNT" H la aallaat yiatana la A °apt aad tt up Muua* la * Far 1 alan t t i.Mgtl'tD tCO.I Aaoad.yiM WnUPV " t "> MaaaO aad MaflMaak "lIMI ri n ;a^rx # ir; f>|T I?< -Area, rMtt/aad M| HE tattler. A I Id he. oaot FREE J oata ao haasbbt wadl ktbolbobl' > W I I'TMAM 113 Sao broadaai.b V TUTrewi rear Mg by AgaarW aatttag aoi LUODGV r*R *. -aa*v/a*lt J I * Haewa At o .iAaalaaatl.O tpilE MPUMTaffAN. TaH. Fbaid bp.reia.Agr. ha wil 'tg artlalat to use band Oaa aawpta tret UOfl/V lit - J X V Rtttlhreo-VisrerJTMlab AM ÜBNTfI W ANTED..-Twaaty Mill a.caug GR$? • w WATI HE*. A Oiaak ■obowl-sa. .11, j , 2* ■< WmuX aad (saf/r fttt as itre . Hader (bar treJd Addfaw A OOULTa •> AtH < CLI-agr. Wa -tl! Plan . THE ' Ohaagar kg Mall ul bttd rarrere. DOLl.!l ire paid, tkaa •fbtatl Fio 1 M 11-KIIV. , (blre* by Eiyrare . A AMiftlNV, t lagroa. Da, 1 AMPAIUN !l-ITIM.;t IKllre. MM 4| I Uaaatreaa of lluri aed M ktrltr, ot T|l. VF dt-a and llrebdrtrha VD ret Add rare R 1. ADAMN A HOX.I Ca ,R, Y (bftr A A >IONTII -Ai.EKTh WARTKH aaaryahaib Eaalorea honoaabta aad Ulial/V kraareiaat Ps-O. olart knrr nt* Ad drtat WIFETH 1 0< 1. HI tvreM. Mb w- WW f\ n v"iaa*t rerta* brearolaare dire Wm Vwl V ll T 144 Way BEittMiriM VeiaeEt Wet |#r, Set.! frrnm jj I SVBN W **• S 1 A ft PITS HIILi 11 I Q later waiea. free AA;G^?GAGBSH ndn!nu3tm.F4ii-i^ 4 s#< Nwfta,Ctwh,MU TYBM ywri wt i Mi I Vft ►(kkwT-lew.mwrih $o kgw! iwtMl4 §• US • j. h M m>u>n stmt . siiU INC. 1 11*4 11111 A" %% •*. l'F'*'''r • *Mfk. or S.HNI MfWn Ke* 4oi*i U4. ct>rw*,tiUonwT iwcUr p*Sfy^m Bpwclßi ißTtri flm lo afoato vrlorlU* RfrtM. wlti c44UKk(n4. ml fr*Mi. 4S$ karat W4ml Rul4 w MC. WMI a* prwlam R R TXftmil. I I Pwf MfOmt* Kww Tort A NOVELTY. & O,, ¥MSKr I art 1 a, 000 lain log a toast abas held lo Iba light ll daetrokV earn poat paid for CA easts:! precis l sure re • I Ha .sUsst oard arm ire boo Use tt m. Agaau wasi lad oatki Ida Oard Prior re. look Hot D, AsbUad. Mare. TPWWWWTO IKI.THHPKTIM.toSftp.nrI Fkl.T • 111 iSI.K for ruufuE In olwcw of Kt®4lr. HI T ROOr iSt' w*4 NIDI >(L Kt Jwwy f\ AGENTS WANTED FOR HISTORY IENTENI EXHIBITION II aa.'lt fatter (baa toy tuber hook. 000 Agrst Bold IE a- pa la two day* hnd tarn aar as Ira latma le Agaalb KAIUSIIAL PTkUmigk i<> , Philadelphia,l*a A BOOK for the MILLION. MEDICAL ADVICE Catarrh. K . .- . Opiawllabb. be-(tXtfT FEEX aa rrvmpl M stamp Addrrre, - Dr. Banr Dhgaawiy Mb UH EkkU4.Leaik.Ma IMb I I".NTS aad a 3 aaot ataasp lot AO fl Wtrtia Mrbtol Vlaltiag Card* Prtalad I ■ by • at* proorea. No is lore ooao aaar aaaa. Priost oaaar bafor* nawad I Arc tat Tbrtaty arary shown All oibai kloda r -rrreapoDdltsgl, lea Clr.-olata, 3 cam atawp. lodooa mania tiatre Ma* adored bs agaoU Tart it.-ry faat t>4injr lalmd W ft CANNON. BS CT4. Baakoo, Maaa. HO, FOR IOWA!! Fknoer*. rgnlere end hired man of Amgrioa! A choice I row I,TOO 000 aaiai of Iha baal loads la In* a on R. K lamt. ai (It and RU pai acre, haod a initial card lor oar ma* aud pamphlet, or call on iba l'-wa W, R land 00. HI Rtndi.iph SI, Chlcag*. -r i War Rapldt, l*a a JtsilM H I'tLH-TH. ire*d 1 .as'r , g babaliful White OtOM, o antalnad lo baaatlful pre* BUrlfi Tg" Ml an dark haokgroond. lo wWypjl g -v.-IE FrenchnUooiarellxUlochre il "I '"T TltfiiTr and tha Koeton an kpag* family More napat. Kr*|VM f r three monlho Ibrorao RBUFWi BtVlnaß and papal* maliad pionipUy. ImES4vIMMK9BBre-V Tba beet olfar out Addiaw till INK PUB. iXTTiSN Washington BL.Baalon.Maa* HITTKKM. lxDiokariOH u rellared I with one daa* nTarrrßia.OoxkTtPaTloa.HKan irn. JarHPiCK and Hiuioraxaak cured la a short time NEbTOPk lmttTtniiJTT. KuPKaTlklt. KIUHkT and Ltvik OOMPLAIHTk anted In a few day*. On ret Pnjtß, KRTRtrki.iß. HTkorrLA.l'LCiai. BOILII Ki d all Bai lirßKaagk b tsuHfylng Uio Blood. Thay will no! Int—ileal*, hoi eUI cor* ahnormal thirot lis.- strong drink. Try I bam ! M 8. JAMKB, M. D. Proprietor, Breoklvit N. Y For B*l* by Dragglat* Prior fI.OII If you wiuit to do your • own printlag, Wffk J lawww wbbkb wawg. wed •>* a Builki. If jre t*i • 0 spw - Tygw 4b. owl lbi ee areola. *• M 4 k4k mk Street. Ohiaago. Illinois. A rttKHlJCnt KXTSMIAI. kTBCtPIC AITO MKAU ' iniK OT TUB 4MB LLENN*B BUL}'HUR SOAP. At Arm tdy for DitiAiit, B*, (t C" AUE.) 00c. and $1.30. R.B.IW* Ik nuikftb bajrtkf Malargk akkaa Hill'a Hair aad Whlaker Dye*' lllack or Brtwt, 60 Ceato C. S. CtiTTt.VTIS, fwf'r, 7 Sim i. IT ' ureal qua tan m latitat laak Vaatal ROOFS. Whgmm aaaka gmm m—f* Ma •It fit at. tmd aaaa iba wail kan at a tta real tMI la at U yaan A tat ta Ata. If (at a> Mala Edal. Earl.: aal tmtf ream Iba aEaoU at at at aat at. 4 uit i bit If rare trmm Ptaa IRON Room. riirtiot yewnr .HuiMins* N "***s Folart. obieh tTftgi. • t U aatT toak'aa laatA M-tt. aal ItWf iia t a (baa are. .blaartaa akbw iba uaiai, St ret/renl bba aat. at naatigkat ' Attiak"* .Atagl t H tba a* iba Httlaa aat (tank, aat apaoa a aa autre tt >iat real, (bat laata fat yaatm • arlref at aat* 4 ablagaa tt b lkt It (batf litiwre aat baa, iba (Area Tbla aai-. t re(t(ire are baaWnt. !• ai-i iad abb a Uraab aat >arr . waaaaaMal 4lk ■ i il|i. aatat abf AtW aeetot.bat ii tagre ta a aattaoa alaia aalat. aal blagl aat kaqiaaai tlib . Ok TIM OR IROM ROOM. tba tak at bre la Uta bare gnat la Iba nrtt f * tarebim# !i baa a baaty bab, k aretti apglMd. uyaab by baa', tuHntb t>t aatt mat abta aad aarar araata rear aaabt. Uaa aaai mub t at kby attar IT RE-PROOF MEW ROOFS Irreuiknre, taab rtaa aad daaUlaga a.y .tolaby Maare ait i laitibre tat a are. ataagur Aal Saafat babbr Haakaa turn bat abaat W/ tt- p-haa at iaabtagt.Bg Far Pmata btattt barest .ad batidiaaa at ati dtaarlli • autre n b tar tajrertar to •> re barreH-kag la tba ret r d a*aaiaaat. dataai.y*. a gta-graad a-ul IM at am mi •rea -kard lAt M N.T-r trl.rtltl I -tl. 'Haa la aaar whltg lag laabt abd tnataly la rmatm at HIUJ4>." a lOogaga book. Irag. W ma J Maw York tlkta Rooftng C-. Limited. Brektf tVibMifs t Cadar EL, E.T. Htc LQVERS'^S^^: Rii. Af 7 A N F. HUHNHAM S .r 1414 TwUm A WATER WHEEL Haa Alaglart-g t ill tutl ad albar aalf gtaglarag. rtagklre faaa hr. AUAVHAM. Vogg. ra. Patton's America Pespie! Tba Eraaa aalb It lSa baal" -S. I* abara flam "''ab. taaatai >1 rants - haaa aa tbaaoa : I llbi gagat. Ittaa- Übibsaa. tkwngbs. Maga. Chare*. k*c mm tare. A 's Mtai r.|-t.tu ana ol Maw real Are Hall, uaaiaaatal Hiy Stan a. ylaaa bo talam litre s. CA S V ans bite aaaksd aa lAbarai tanb* J. B. rtIBII * I js Ma Varfe akd tXlfkn. ■ —TrfTJIBIT-iTI t Tba Meal Traaa adbcat dftre"—: ■. T Matal Sgrtoga area sat aas i flft StOo/ C . B• baotbtg akaba at tares vMU°' -I s. —P radtabi re-r. bat agtsanataa V "tbjrr at a c al aiabbt • oara, abd WMmur kgistlkkia Ft rrlil lab. tat aad yta* 1.11 grit-re Cat ell aat bad Agss*. aad tj I II aitalbg . i hroola Ebra —"— and >'aralg't AAaoUona Praa trow Aire t, guiotna. and ail Wlbrttm drag*. WHAT FHTIICIAH4 RAT OF IT. Wa. iba aod.rabtnad PbyMidaaa, ba*a tasoan twli. 'i Oram Mt-a .labs Ratsorabw Mao. tia Brat tnuodac-i a MS Iba public, yaan ataca-bava oaad ll ta oat pcacti a aad lawUic baaa haaa ay aitoaww. aa w*. ol i } aftcacy lolh.cor.ol Ihoa.daaaa-a which Isafora k d baffiad rawadskl bgaarlat. bad da haratw hare wiUi laMtaauy to .11 thai la al-lwat for It tbroogh cortlil cat at or gtworal adreu-Uoawbnia i O. W. Ntohob. M. D. EL A-bana. Vt.. B. R. hharwa ■. M. D, Sb Alhaaa. Vi.kk Day. L ALaas. Vl il. (.1. Mar latC M D.. (-re.rata. Vl: Abu fl 'Ol. M. D . 8l Atbaoa. VL ; D J. MattU., 4. D.. bbbalaw V..; It. ta. t-iaassay. H D.H relpa ft, \i. O W Brts.l.. l ammldc.. Vl: L J Dhua. St U. M .treo. Si; Is. KaliohUd . M. D., Jbbusa. VL . A U. Broth, M. D . Itlrlu. VL i Caarlw Chut, ■*. D.. Wrearruia, V . i i aariaa F Susrtb, Wusackki. VL . R L. tikes. M. I>- ( awoilOgc. VL . R. P. iuasr. M. D , OaoiglaTVL Far oarukaaiaa, ow olrcolara. Bold hy all Duggit s. Whobaolo Waotara Agaau. H. A.HURLBUT & CO., 15 bba 11 Kbbtlalpo Hi reel, Iblcstge. I t. " EUPEON! A Pooltivb Victory over RUeumatiun •nil Neurolicin, Hondnche, Burn*. Brniseii Eto. ruuor AM TO .Nhl U ALU IA. CkbMk July L IICS-H Unaitci.lall ralrerad the pinaytm of gala; rt.rel are auaaat iisaiaulaLereaa itao. L Ltamooa.Uf blalc Biratt. rhicAfo, Jon S, IHT6 •—1 HUM ImiioiUlo mltot Mr*. M. 5. KekDul.i*. 4bH Itomua i ihcinonU, Me It, 15A5. —Kupwoa I* BAt wooln l4 ln>eCj t lO wy out.wa. lot lUeuUi.lalli Rtod 04ttr- KIB kssB.-iSwt laßPfr. Pfvp URbOF JT'-ffAkAAf •n >4 JtrMk/aefwcrf 1 g4*A*r. llttAlttßßU. Jul* 8. IfffS—l bßmby : hBo toy 1 hAf iiuwrto kBOE-Jaha U- Bruit?, .0 n - Fuur.b titrwwt. . . , ... UiuciuußU. Jaty S. bAt® fctuod 11 *P aiEditu aad pwoißhwii rwlißi. —uto. A omitu. dam Mrrel Railroad. . I aloagc J oil IS. LKt -My *l(a haa oaad It for naorsl gla lathe haad wtui |>.rUaily a.Ualactory faamiia- J ansa. F. Btaraok, Vl rerk BuaaL . . 47 .*-! Hull - tatUbtod to yon and year hoot-on for my core of oaaralgla.-L.uii W. Draar. 1A h Third Mtt^ PttOOK AM TO SHKIMATISJI. Chicago, Jair t, tWt-Oo appHc aioa ca*od Jbe pm!w \ 0 omr,mo, ana It b*B uvt tiuom UJiibißd bm. M B. °ow