: r W Cexxtr* fitporter. ; .A J. EUKTI .~...8D1T08. | CENTRE IIAI.L, PB., Oct. 5, 1876* 1 SR— l2 per year, in sdtenrf, 2.60 then notpaid in advance. Advertisement* XV rer line for tkrvr ti ertions, and for 6and V 2 months iy spe* ml eenfmrf. s■■'' . . ■ - rein rKKstnxvT: SAMTJF.L J. TILDEN, of New York. PAR TVCR rnxstoiEXT : THOB. A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. (.Congress —LEVI A. MACKEY. ASSKUWt.Y JAMES F. WEAVER, Milosburg. YY. K. ALEXANDER, Penn. ASSOCIATE jrnoxs : JOHN DIVKNS Walker. MAJ. SAM'L FhANK, Miles. JURY COMMISSIONER. JOHN RtSHSL, of Gregg IMPORT AST TO VOTERS. To secure the right to vote in Penn sylvania. all persons must be assessed two months tafore the election and have paid a State or county tax (either will do~ within two years. In case the tax is paid this year, it must be a month before the election. Foreign horn eitixons wishing to vote next November most take out their nat uralixation papers a month before the election. Thcv must a!*o be aw-eased two mouths previous to the day of vot ing, and must have paid a tax as above, j The election w ill tw held on Tuesday j the 7th day of November. Wed'say, September t>, is the last day for being"asaeesed. Thursday, October 5, is tho last day for securing naturalixation paiwrs. Thursday, October 5, is the last day on which tuxes can l>e paid in legal time to vote. , „ The above dates should be carefully remembered and acted ou by all voters. e ♦ • HAYES* TAX RETURNS rut ACCTSATTOJB RIATED BRIEFLY AND IX OXDBB. 1. With a full knowledge of the re quirements of the law, K. B. Hayes has persistently neglected to list his proper ty subject to taxation. 2. lie has for three years made false oath a* to the value of his property above his just debt. 3. He has sworn that in ISTt his pro pertv was worth only |2,5M, when that rvrtion of it Liable to be taxed turned 10,000. 4. He has refused for three vears to list his gallerT of paintings and a dia mond uiat fell to him as a residuary 1 egat eo—s3,oW. o. He never paid any money toward the Fi-rt SteTenson purchase, although he saT? he did. for the purpose of ex plaining the remarkable falling off iu the exhibits of figures from 1873 to 1874. 6. He had in 1874-'7o-.76 about ss>,ooo worth of credit*, in the shape of mort gages. which he did not list, and, more than this, perjured himself by swearing he was not possessed of them. 7. He hail three horses in 1874, and swore he had but one. 3. He had three watches in 1874, and swore he had but one. 9. He has had the use of thirtv odd tbousiind dollars left as bequests bv his ancle, for which he makes no return. 10. He has disregarded the law, and made no return to the Probate Court of Sandt>ky county for the executorship of his ancle's will 11. In short. Rutherford B. Hayes has been ruiity offaiee swearing for the jast three years, and has swindled his coun try and the State of Ohio out of a large share of their just revenues. An official statement shows that the enormous sum of 15,500,595.93 has been lost to the Government since 1809. through the default of officials appointed by President Grant? YVas there ever a ruler in the world whose appointments in a period of seven years turned out BO many rascals? There is not a single one of the thiev ing whisky ring—in jaii or out of it—but what is for Hayes. Every one pardoned by Grant—and he has already let ont several—is a vote made for Hayes. There is enough of significance in this alone to show where the buzxards are and who is to run the administration if Hayes should be the next president. The b?sj thieves, Cameron, Chandler, Kembie, Grant, and all that breed of cats, are running the Hayes campaign just now, and none but a blind fool can help bat see that they would also run the Hayes administration. A WORD TO THE WORKISGMES This campaign is yours. It is for your families, and your action at the polls in November will give evidence of the fact whether or not you care more for your wiTes and children than for mere party. What is your situation now? If you have employment, does the mere pittance you receive for your hard labor suffice to fffrni. h you with the necessaries of life? Are yoa able to raise money enough at the er.d of every month to pay your rent without depriving your children of bread ? Now is the time for action. Let your voices be raised for a change, let your votes be cast for a change. Reform is the watchword, and to effect a reform a change in administration Is the first step. Your condition cannot be ma* ex pectod to believe him anything else. EOT.ITICA I. OLEi).VARGA R ISE During the siege of Paris, the tattler gave out in the great city. A skill ful chemist invented a substitute made by chemical process from the fat of ani mals, and this substitute, called Oleo margarine, was introduced in tho Pari* markets. It was not as uiee a- the gen uine article, but the genuine article was not to be bad on account of the siege, and many persona, thinking Oleomarga rine better than no butter at all, used it extensively, and the manufacturers made money by it. When the siege was rais ed, however, the people of l'aris rvturn [ d to their Normandy gra-s butter. The . manufacturers tried to persuade them ■ iko Oleomargarine was a better article, 1 but they preferred to trust the evidence of their own tongues and noses. The present attitude of the Republl • ian party to the question of Reform, is ' clear instance of what may be Political Oleomargarine, During the Civ I War and during the process of Re construction, a majority of the poople of 1 the country supported the Republican l-sfy as the Parisians ate the Oleomar garine, not because thev liked it, but be i- cause they thought that, under the cir p cumstaucea, they would get no batter. r There were certain momentous i-.-ues at stake, which the majority refused to coniuiilt to the charge of the Deuiocraln s party. So long as these w ere unsettled the majority declined to look upon Re form as a paramount issue. But all these questions ha> e been set tled, and Reform alone is to-day ilie issue. The siege is over, and the people are at liberty to leave off eating anim.. butter, and return to grass butter ; bui the Republican party has got rich on tlu manufacture of its oleomargarine pole tics, and is not willing to have that source of profit cut off. Accordingly, it j is pursuing a course made upofalternatc attempts to frighten, coece, deceive and cajole the people into still taking its oleo margarine Reform, and refusing to take the genuine article of the Democratic party. Its bloody shirt outcry means no more than a denial, in the face of fact and reason, that the state of siege is over. Its use of the army at the poll is simply an attempt to prevent Democratic Reform from coming in, by violence and main force ;but only Mr.Carl Sciiurx, we believe, has had the temerity and assur ance to claim that the spurious oleomar garine Reform of the Republican liiug masters is a more genuine, more whole ' some and better flavored article than I that of the Democracy. Other cham pions of Republicanism have despaired to combat the evidences of taste and smell; but Mr. £churs is one of those happy idealists who strain out the evi dence of the senses in the filter of pure reason, and get a residuum according to their wishes of convenient inconse quence and profitable time-service. There have been men like him before. The Vicar of Bray was one. .4 WORD TO THE WORKISGMES What party has controlled the affairs of the nation for the past 16 years ? The Republican party. YVho has levied and collected enormous taxes, given away millions of acres of our public lands, plundered the National treasury, squan dered our revenues, paralyzed our in dustries, closed our mines, rolling mill*, furnaces, forges and workshops, and brought our people to starvation, bank ruptcy, and ruin; thrown thousands of honest men out of work and banished them from their homes to "tramp" upon every thoroughfare and highway iu the land in pursuit of employment? Is it not the Republican party that is respon sible for all this stagnation in busi ness ; for all this misery and woe? Shall we give this party which has been guilty of these crimes of this out rageous career, a new lease of power? Shall we rote for Hayes and Wheeler and thus perpetuate the reign of Grant ism ? Shall we be drawn into a decoy movement and cajoled into the farce of voting for Cooper and Carey, who can not possibly obtain a single electoral vote, and thereby aid in continuing the Republican party in party ? Or shall we act the part of sensible men, and vote in a manner that our ballots will count in the great battle for reform which will I come off in November. Is it not folly, ia it not madness iu us, who have suffer ed auch deep wrongs at tbe hands of tho Republican party to waste our strength upon this PeterCoopermovemerit, which can bring us no relief. Shall we not act like wise men and vote with the army of reform that is now marching on under the leadership of those fearless, gallant and honest leaders Tilden and Hendricks? There is hut one escape from our difficulty; there is but one road which will lead us out of our fearful condition, but one course left for us to pursue, and that is to vote for Tilden and Hendricks. Busi ness and workinf men, shall we not do this, and achieve a victory decisive and complete? In the event ofthe election of Tilden and Hendricks, a new era will dawn upon us, which will revive trade, set the industries of the nation in motion, giv ing employment to laborers, mechanics and artisans in every vocation and call ing. Vote for Tilden, Hendricks ami a restoration of our crippled industries and a general revival of business. Atlanta, Ga. Sept. 27. —A negro tramp who was put off a freight train 011 the State road, near Tilton, shot and killed the colored hrakeman. Another capital reason what the Grant -Cameron dynasty should send soldiers south to carry the election for Hayes. From a speech of Senator Bayard, in Brooklyn, bept. 21 : "The reform that is wanted to-day is the reform that little children learn at their mother's knee of honest and hu mane dealings in human affaire. There is nothing intricate in this, and yet the Republicans have never learned it. Look and tell uic what Republican office-hol der ever raised his hand against a thief in his own party and remained in office long afterward himself? I won't ask you how many rogues remain who never were disturbed." Moody and Sanky have opened fire on wicked Chicago. There is a warm contest going on in Indiana and Ohio, with a favorable out look for the democrats. Indiana is con sidered safe beyond a doubt by know* ing democrats, and leading radicals think it is lost for them. All the ablest speakers have been sent to those states, and meetings are all the go. 1 James Lick, the California millionaire, died 011 lßtillKt, he south caroi.isa r IATANN What is tine of North Carolina, in true f ovorv southern state if the people a re let alone and Grant-Cuuierou lutyo- ■) iota are kept out the negroes will oi argely v< te democratic. Awritci from w Vilmington, (X. C.i say* the carpct-bag n cadcl* of tbc Kadh al parh fearing the vault of tire coming Presidential ulec- *■ ion, are doing everything in their pow- " •r to set the outrage mill in full opera- ( | ion. Here, in Wilmington, a few l lights*!nee a negro meeting was held, < iresided ov< rby aw lute man, where a J •osolution was unanimously passed to [*unish in the most severe (even to the -stent of killing and summary manner my negro voting the Democratic tieket. ' l'he stut< inent is made on the allidav it if a respectable and responsible gentle man resident here. A Bother outrage h perpetrated is the feet that an Ohio car pet-bagger named lleaton, w ho is Coun ty Clerk and Jadge of the I'robate Court, and who has been sentenced to three years imprisonment for inciting an elec tion riot in is?!, bnt who has taken an t appeal to the Supreme Court of the ' state, now holds the appointment of i register of votera for one of the wards of { ibis place. Many otheis of liko charao i ter might be cited (such, for Instance, as ' the refusal of the Mayoi to allow a I'll- 1 den and Iloudricka tlag ts be put up ( where it will not be in the way unless it i te taken down by November s , but I I think the above will sutlioe to show the spirit of the party. There are at least 7.00 negroes in this city who desire to vote the lVinoerutie tieket, vet it is feared 1 their own race will prevent Uicm. To give an idea character of the White Radicals iu tins State 1 will men- ! tiou the fact that in traveling leisurely from the Virginia line here, 1 have met with but live- two were sheriffs of Re publican counties, one a postmaster, one lau employe of the Custom House here and the fifth abrotherofan office-holder, several of them ex-Confederate soldiers, lit the State campaign both parties are vigorously pushingthe rrvsidenlial cam paign also, and among all well-inforim d men there is but one opinion, and that is the overw helming success of both Na tioual and State (lK'inoeratic) tickets in this State; the only fear that is felt is that tin. authorities at Washington may interfere to prevent a fair vices tion. I. A. MACKEY. The democratic congressional confer ence of tit is ( 20. district, met at tare* Haven, on 2* ult. Every county in the district was represented. Union county presented the name of Hon. John W alls j for congress; Centre the name of P. t. Duali; Mittlin the name of Andrew | Reed, and Clinton that of Hon. 1. A. Mackwy. Before proceeding to ballot j the names of all the above named gen tlemen, excepting Col. Mackey V, w ere withdrawn, when a motion was made to nominate Hon. 1.. A. Mackcy by acclama tion, w bicb w as carried, and Col. Mackey is the nominee for a second term in con gress. Every democrat in the district, every honest republican, will rejoice at the re nomination of our faithful representa tive in congress, I.evi A. Mackcy. Faith ful to his constituents, faithful to the best interests of the country, Mr. Mack ey richly deserved this Battering testi monial of his worth, at the hands of the democracy of the 20th district. Many things were prophesied of him two years ago, by his enemies—time lias leveled the slanders bred in jealousy and Mr Mackey has a term in congress to jH>int to which is freighted with credit to him self, honor to the people who, with so magnificent a majority confided their interests to his care, and full of single ness of purpose to do only that which may tend to the good of the couutry. The fact is, Col. Mackey's election should lie like his nomination—unani mous. He deserves it. Many of the re publican papers in this district have borne testimony of his upright bearing and unwearied endeavors to shape legis lation for the general good. The repub licans should not make a nomination against the Colonel, but fall in to liis support, as a good and faithful ser vant. We predict that Col. Mackcy's maj ority will be larger than his splendid majority two years ago. The state of New York is now entire ly secure for Tilden and Hendricks. Gov. Tilden himself the other day ex pressed the belief that it will give an im mense democratic majority. Connecti cut ami New Jersey arc equally safe for the democracy. These three states, with the electoral votes of the southern state* aresufficient elect the president. Should ludiaua and Ohio, or either of them, vote democratic Tuesday week, Hayes will not carry six states all told. Should they both vote republican the contest will be close but with the chances still in favor of the democracy. OSE OF HA YES VICTIMS. WNAT A LEADING OHIO rROIUBITIOXIMT THINKS OF THINGS. , T they were going through their annual . folly of putting up a ticket." In Ohio and Pennsylvania the Prohibition voters were indeed very foolish in casting their ! votes the way they did at the last Octo ber election. Then it was they had it , in their power to have defeated Hayes in Ohio and Ilartranft in Pennsylvania, 1 and forever wiped the Republican party • with its unutterable corruption, out of . existence, and as a great national I'ro , hibition party, in this Centennial year of our national independence, in u single handed contest writh the Democratic i party, have inaugurated the second cen i tury of our national independence by the election of a Prohibition President and N ice President of the United Mates, and not have this glorious achievement i post|>oncd four years longer by the elec- ; tion ofTilden and Hendricks in Novem ber next. The 7,408 Prohibition votes (of the 10,0111 cast fur Stewart, the Pro hibition candidate for Governor of Ohio in 1873 ; i hail they been cast forOdel!,the Prohibition candidate for Governor in 1875, would have elected Allen (who was beaten only by 6,544 votes) by 1,804 majority, and defeated Hayes, the most J consumatc temperance hypocrite in the < Htnte, and thereby left him out of sight \ of the Republican party as a reform : ( within the party) candidate fur l'rcsi- . •lent; and the 13,244 votes cast for Browne, the Prohibition candidate for c Governor of Pennsylvania, in 1875 would have elected Pershing by 1,214 majority, and defeated Ilartranft, the "addition, ( division ami silence" candidate of the most corrupt Republican ring of any Mate in the Union, and left liini out of sight, as also a reform candidate for J President before the Cincinnati Con veil- 1 tion. The election of Tilden and Hen- e dricks and the extinction of the Repub lican party in 1870, will liberate enough . voters, now of the Republican and Demo cratic parties, from their party bondage, 11 who will join the Prohibition party in 1880, in the election of a President and n Vice President and Congress of the Uni- r < ted .States, who will abolish the slavery of intemperance as effectually as 1111 anti slavery President and an anti-slavery {■_ Congress abolished African slavery in the United States, after the old pro- jj slavery Whig party gave up the ghost. $1 011k Ui iUKU' ViUUM, 5 h .4 r>j MIUAOXHOJ I.AJtSI'ERcH. Now York i*a fortunate Within , ' r i very abort time lu r tax baa been re* ' 1 I need one half. The tux payer* the "" it her iltl) were again gladdened hv ii velcontt-, hut short nic.--.igc from Alhn ty, vhlrh read- aa follow*; "Albany, Bf|>. 27. ("otoptfollei lb-bin n is |>tcj>riwg to sen.l out the UHUaI | mtiers, of the |N>rUt the people of C arroll p county yesterday. \ iiutguiiicent streit.w parade, and live hands tilling the air >'i with Uinsie. I ive thousand people lia-jd letted to t'ol. J. M. ' luinpitt, of Illinois, i l ' w ho entertained the vast assembly spell*) bound for two hour*. I'be three o'clock j train brought from the l ast i x-tiovertioi X. 11. Curiiu of lVuusylvauia, aho eame \ forward amidst shouts from a sea of up turned faces, and in an address of an ~ hour, the cause of reform rang in the ears of tlie people, many of whom de- i elare.l that a change was tie t -ictrv and " will vote for Tilden and Hendricks |l' Thi* w .is the l iovi-rnoT* tir-t s|H ech <>! the campaign. His tall form,gray tiea.l ]] and eagle eve command universal res-;,) [wet, and w ill add hundreds to the army j of reform in this State He was greeted v with three cheers when introduced, ami J heartily applauded during the delivery . of his great KpMcll, v • . AN ACUTE t'A-K OK I'AUAI.I.K 1 ' CoLl MNS. I F..* U IBS X V I I X V ' -I''• twiH.a hn Ii t'bo f..le income re 111 JudgeSianot'.'s , turn of Sutnuel J. latter it i a?erl-d i Tilden, some iteint tl.sl the luledo una t ..f tho true tat.*- Wabash Railroad luettt. Company never w# ; a client of Mr. Til- i Fees during the d.-tt, and that mother year from the ,ti lhC'.' nor at any , Toledo A \Va- other time did he re bath lialiros.l ceive any feet from IV sl6,U ab-ut a; trantaclion which never took jdnee ? j ' This is the way the Germans . f New ; York are lb . king to the standard of i Tilden and llcmlricks, according to the I Sun : At a meeting of the Gentian- Atner .-an Ventral Cauij-aigu Organiza | tion at Son Court street, Brooklyn, last j night, Charles S. S.hlier j n siding a coaituuutcatiou dated in llreslau, L. 1 signed hv Charlea lltnwl), war read, re citing that it liayes and \N heelt t civil-, conip seJ of T>i members on Monday night lost La.l resolved tosujvpe..rt lildeni ! and llendrieka au.l asking admittance ' to the Central Organization of the hide ' jicodv-nt Genuan-Aim ti. ana, who ate supporting tho reform ticket. Mr. John Schauer, of the twelfth ward of J-rOok lyu, who repr.icutcd a foruier Hayes and Wheeler club of the same ward, re ported to the meeting that tho club had turned over to Tilden and llendrieka suj.jH.rt, He, too, applied for admiaaion. l.udwig Segurt,, president of a reform club tn the Twenty-first ward, whose members are almost ull republicans, rv , ported that this evening, at I'JO Thorjt avenue, they exj-ected to declare f.,r Tilden and Hendricks. Mr. I red Ruhr bach, front tho Twenty-fifth ward, re ported that the Turner society of South Uroklyu comj>o.-cdof republicans, vrt-re about to organise a liidenaud Hendricks club." Hero's another air of intimidation in the South! The President of the Have* and Wheeler Club at Hertford, N. C., has been indicted for larceny and j>ut in jail. Thousands of fraudulent aaacaamenU, to help Hayeg, have been discovered in Philadelphia. The democrats are after them in dead earnest and will scotch these mire between the ceilings whole sale. Grant accuses llriatow of lying, and llriatow is rejH>rted as saving that he "considered the source," and saw no ne cessity of replying. The Graphic calls upon tho liejiuhli can leaders to "charge along the w liolo line,"and the Worcester Press says: "That'sjust what they are doing—charg ing 2 j>er cent." (ion. M'Clellan sjicaks in Ohio for Til den. PENNSYLVANIA DAY. __ OVKK A QUAKTKKOKA MILLION PEOPLE AT THE CENTENNIAL GROUNDS. A Day of Receptions, Orations and I Humiliation. Philadelphia, September 28—The ox orrises of I*enn*ylvania Day at the exhibi tion were begun in tho judges' hall at elev en o'clock a. in. with music and sddri'Hiv, I) crowded attendance Iming jiresmit. The , Pennsylvania building WHS elaborately), decorHted both inside nnd out, the struct-h uro being covered with flags. (iov. Hurt- , ranfi was cscortod by the veteran corpn ef | the First regiment. At the governor's re- | ception it WHS e-timated that during the , first bour 3.600 guests were received andi, about i>O.UU iM'ople pa-ned through lie- , building during the day. The oraton WH* delivered by B. 11. a Brewster, and addresses by (en. Hawley, , I'r.sident Welsh, Governor ilnrtranfl, ex- ] Governors Biglsr and Pollock, tioiiator Simon Cameron, ex-Jsenatot Scott, Ju.lgo r Strong and others. Tliero was also a re- t ception by the municipHl Hiilhoritios. All ( purls of the grounds and all the building , were crowded In the evening there was j a grand illumination of tho grounds by j j means of magnesium lights and colored L fires. A griind display of firo works thiM( evening on George's hill, an eininenco to ~ the northwest of the exhibition encloiure, L closed the reunion exorcises. The total cash admissions were as follows : |. hO cent admissions 217,C7h!t 2o cent admissions, children fid.TK. I To live stock show 6.h',£'.j t A DANK PKKSIDKNT HELD FOlt ' EMBEZZLEMENT. u PotUville, Sept. 27.—Jacob Huntxinger, ' President of tho defunct Miners' Trust ,j Company llnnk hud a hearing this morn- r ing charged with embezzlement and ttinlt- d ing Iraudulent hank statements. Ho was J] held in 5162,000 bail for his apjiearance in c court h HUNTZINGEIUN JAIL. 11 n Charges of Fraud aud Embezzles meut Preferred Against Htm. u Pottsville, Pa., Hepl."29.—This evening Jacob Huntzinger, lata president of Into w Miners'trust comjiauy hank was rearrest- h d on five charges.* First and second counts—By fraudulent C( lividends declared July last and July, pi 1876, he and his family drew $3,440. P 1 Third arid Fourth counts—An embezzle nent of §60,100 from gheriffnnd of funds ru emaining in hank when doors closed. to Fifth. That ho received under false j.'; iretcnse for n solvant bank over $114,(*10 t | l rom several dejiositors. •„ Hail was n-keil in tho sum of $238,0<*). j n lis two sons entered bail in the sum of JJ ;8,000 and iu default of the balance ho was VJU Id jkth Th I if© of Mr liunUingcr, the ut A resident of the broken savings hank at,J, 'ottsv ille, is full of trouble. Ilis appear ! tl| nee in public is the signal lor Indignity [m tul opprobrium heajied U|>on him ti 4lnto 1 f G. i.lleiueii of the t'onvelitloii Aieejit si my lhaliks lor the boner eon furred Ynfl n liave met to nominate eleetors, whosedu •' ;v it will be, if your choice be confirmed * |ly a majority oi lhe legal voters of N. w I' Jersey, to i sst the eleit-iral Vole of ll,- t st-iti for President and ice President id u the 1"i ited Slate? t'nder our system of MV art n ant the psopli DO io-t vote dlrscf n lv for those officers, hut men are chosen w ho, in the Electoral College, vote for the 1 i-andiitales lor President ami Vice l'resi- w Jelll who have 10-i-n nominated by the par 6 tv to which such chosen electors belong n II will be for the deim ■ ru- y and tk'iuer- r vnlivo j.eoplo of New Jursey lo detcnnine ii if the gentlemen whom we this day noiu'i- < nate, w ill have the opjvortuiilty to tllfCharge I I thai duly. t! Candidates for the Presidency hav been u named by the respective parties t Tearing to pie-ent tho record of then i. patty t juaridy and boldly t- the country, r the IT publican t'onventioii thrust aside t prominent and able leader*, and nominal- * ed a gentleman who, while wedded tothe ultra dogmas of his party. and approvin c - all the iniquitous aits of the Federal Ad nonislraiion, is still comparatively ob-< ure ■ ll i true he served in the armv, hut where i when alid how did he distinguish himself: i ll is true he MTV J in congress, but what great uit'u-ure did he originate or even ad- t vocale in -ueh away as to attract t attention When he Wat nominated not i one in leu thousand of his own partv knew that ho had been in the army or In eon- i gross U lib such field- tor dislitietiolt a I I man fit for the Presidency would bavi I done - ittn thing to rose him above the lev < el ef mediocrity. Should ho tie elected i tl i re is no doubt that the men who control i the present administration will remain all powerful, and that the country would i have a continuation of the present policy and methods. The candidate of the Democracy, oh th<- contrary is a man 11 tne highest order "l j talent Ho is thoroughly v.rsed in the! ; principles of governmental science, and is ' who jH>ssi-?ed of eotisunimate exifutivi-l ability. That he has the learning and :experience to vtiable lum to rescue the g.ivoriiini-nl tr.iu the perils by whii h it i , onVironed cauuot be doubled, and Is no', j denied. But opposition j-ajurs which wi re for nerly filled with praioee of our candidate' jhave, since liis nomination, opened the v i- S!S of SIUM- and are now daily publishing; lihe most maliciou- slanders aga.nsl his, j private character. Tins is tii>l the ocea-j - . ii to u to i in detail tho falsity of these J charges. Time will not permit, ltissuf . ficietil for me now to say that they relate' t i a jieri d of time long anterior to his can- - r lidaey for thetloverui'rship of New X''rk. lilt : aracli r, private and public, was) ■hen dis usred for months through iul the Einpira Male, where he had j>atsrd lot , whole life ami was beat known, and the re suit was lls at Samuel J T lldi'b Was e ecUtJ Governor by 60.U) majority over then tl' popular man in the licpubliran j artv. Th;t ' verdict of hi* neighbors was an emj.batic denial of the base slanders at tbst lime, audit w ill he found that the people of the country will re gard the record of that v, r > .. el bs til >' victs.agv, (ops .ussVe a.- (O his private character. A- the lawyers say, ,' the result of Its sst elcun Mr . Tilden ts well understood. '1 he rn rd of the radical party, which the Cincinnati Convention indorsed and ajiprovcd, will I col bear the t, si uf •(am jlialion. The pec , ulatioii, fraud amltorrupl.-u of many high officials, if fully preMpled. w-uM astound * the country. The extravagance pureed . ing a.I department*, the ariitrary act* of . the admitiislratioti, Its protection of fav.r ites from the c ijMMurc and j>ttnishti ontdue rascality, its disregard for constitutional guarantees scs manifested in lsoldiug under military rule the jo jdo ef an ent r<- no -1 lion lor jsolitical purj>ose, exf- scd ibor ■ oughly in every public print and on cv. ry platform, should and would arou- the people to herculean eih-rls to throw off 1 the incubus of such government lL nce r the attempt to divert attention from the real is-ue l,\ raising side issues of a per sonal nature They oven say that Mr. TilJn was .i *- , loyal. To disprove this charg.- may be cited, among other thing-, the fact that through his influence Gen. Mwtbip r- .juires but to dissolve the Federal bond between j the Mai.-a, to dis member ur • ountry. who i ever else consents, we will not No! nev er ! r.evcr ! ' To the same effect is tbi ovidor < e of Judge Caton. late Chief J udg<- of the Slate of 11 tin- it, who had repealed: conversations with Mr. Tildrn on the sub ' ject of the war, and found him ardent nt.d ramest in lu support. During tho month ol June, local, 1 had the jib Hsiire of til'-etii g M r. Tilden. and in a conversation which lasted *ever*l hours, the duty of citizens, especially of Demo crat, in reference to tho war and it* jiro -cullon so fully and freely dicu*-ej He was decided in his conviction* > f dt.tv and outspoken in their cxprcsi. n. lit said in substance that without regard log error* of administration it was tho duty of every man to sustain tho government in its efforts to suppress the rebellion, ai d that. ' these error* should be corrected atthe hat-' dot-box. He fully ajiprovcd my course a? Governor ill raising men and money t - Hid iin prosoculing the War vigorously, lie-; was for tho restoraiion v( pcaoo only on the basis of the Union. 1 have never before publicly mentioned this in - j tcrviow, but as thecjuestion has been rai.-j ed 1 deem it my duty tosav what I have! and w hat 1 kniiw on this subject. The assumption of tbe Republicans that ( they conqunrod tho rebels and aeved the) Union, and thuiefuro sliouhl be continued) : iii jiowor, would ho auuisiiig wore it not; provoking. With finami-il derangement < II tul business emhurra- smont resulting from j, their maladministration, with real estate IliejiresseJ, with trade jiarali/ed, wi'.h fac-u : lories closed, and labor unemployed, with men begging for work and clamoring for I breed—lu this sad condition of things, I■ brought about by their policy and exirav-j' Hgane*, tli wy have the a-.-urance to usk tor * j a new lea-" of power, hccau*" they say thev saved tho Union. If holding all the* Federal offices during tho war, depleting the treasury and pocketing the contracts was saving tho Union, the Itepubllcan lenders tnav well claim the title of "Union Severe." But if carrying n tnusket in the ranks, if enduring trial and privation in the ramp and on the field, if storming the Imminent deadly breach had anything to do with saving tho Union, then Democrat ic soldiers did their full sham. Suppose Democrats had not onlcrod tho army, where would the arrogant claimants ofall the loyality now bo T That question oras asked a pluin, blunt man, and hit answor ( was, "had it not been for Democratic sol diers, the places that now know the Re publican officeholder* would not J have o-i o that inch allegation* would not find e credenco even among tho most ignorant, 1 but nicti professing inlc-lligencc repeat c these absurdities. The youngest child ci now living will not see the day when the n South will have a controlling influence in d .he government The iSouthern people tv understand this and do not ask nor expert ii t That section does not contain one third if the population of tho oountry, and time tvill probably iniiko the |>o|iu!ation less, p 1* it for a moment supj>c>eci that a single to Northern or Western member of Congress d< >f any party could he found who would lonxnil political Miieido by favoring the I layinent of the confederate debt if such a ■ imposition should eycr be made -and vilhout Northern or western rotes it could lot ho done. Tho extravagance and cor option of tho party in power have orea en enough debt without seeking to add to t. The men who hold up this bug bear to Tj rigliteu mid deceive, know lull well hat such a proposition would uevor bo en- q.g urtnined by II Democratic Congress, and, • n fac-tj could not be considered even ifthe isposition existed. ' Tilt) i'wurilt tisaifU vi Uv A'vmUwUi ii tinondrneat to the Constitution of tlm' )tul. d f-'ates provides thai "neither the nitcd Mates nor any Ktatn shall assume 1 >r jiav any detit <>r obligation Incurred in' nil of i II- tirrnotion or rebellion against the I'nlted Mlates. er any claim for the loss or) •mall! ipalion ef any, but all such dobu. ibligali-ms arid ■ laimsshall be halil Illegal ind void." Neither that nor any other of! In- rtCi-nl auiendiiiants will ever he re ,imilelish t J, have ceased to direct its fortunes and , its j r • ent leader* care nothing about the 1 , moral aspect of any question involved, but! run the party only for ucce* ; their chietj übitw t bt mg to hold on to the office*. Item - the policy of the Republican par-' J ty low aid tha South since the cloau of the war Turning a deaf -ar to the exorla j tion* of Mr. Lincoln, who In his last days I counselled Charity and tho exercise ola Christian spirit, they lor years held lha white people of aw hole section in bondage under military power, and they are even now transferring troop* for that object— ami el this without ri.-oc, but sole.y for I p .l:ial effect. |J The policy of tho Republican parly to-1 ward the South since the war has no pat-1, alltl tsr henrtlusiuess and cruelly. Pos '.erity will regard it with horror ami dis gust. and hisU ry w ill stigmatize It as the , great political crime of tho century. The scheme of bayonet rule was devisod for party purpose* without regard to the wel fare of the j>eonle. North or South—it wi* - j pressivo to '.lie South and ruinoui to the N r:t A change it now urgr,t!y demanded ijt, t only in the atlmiuistralion but in ptar ty supremacy. The party in power under which the at-usoe originated cannot reform : those abuses. Let '.be Democracy olNew Jersey con ' tribute toward that change, o mu< h need < J and * much desired, by electing the ticket lliit day to be nominated ty this convention, composed of men who will t.ast the vote of lb slate !->r those true re formers, Tilden and llendrick4- 1.1 tE, UROWTII, HE A VIY. | LONDONIIAIUCOLOR IleMorer. LONDON lIAIHEOLOH Restorer. Noi * dye ; makes harsh hair soft and ■ silky , cleanses the scalp from all tmpuri. . tic*, causing the hair to grow where it has f.T,\.\, •!' .-r become thin. _____ Can be applied by the hanJ a* it does r not slain the -kin or soil the fintst linen. As a lla.i Dressing it it the most perfect tiie world ha* <-vcr produced. The hair i* ( renovated and strengthened, and natural • 'color restored without tho aj,plication 01, > mineral subsUnct-s. Bin- o the Introduction of thi* truly val - uabli preparation into this country, it has i eon Itic wonder and admiration of all '- C lasses, a* it has juoved lo be the only ar> • tide that will absolutely without deeep tion, restore gray hair to tltonginal Color, health s dim -*, lustre and ar.d ' produce hair on bald hcxdi of iu original : growth and Color ■ Tois beautiful and fragrantly j-erfunted article it complete within itaeif, no wash ing or prejiaralton before or after it* use, , or atv'otnpaiiiuient of any kind being re-) quired l.t obtain these desirable result*- HEME IS THE I'KOOF i or IT* £;££;{#]]BUS; Iti-a l this Home Certificate, lesULeJ to ! by Kiwaid U Garriguc*ouc of the most, t.-iupt:-lit Druggists and Cist mists of/ I'tiiladclphia, a man whose Veracity none' ) cat. doubt. , I atn happy lo add my testimony I*) the! great value of the "London llai'r Color] Rest r-r." which restored my hair to it*) -riginal Color, and the huo appears to be j jiortnanonk lam nitisfird thatlhit prep-j tralktii I* nothing like a dye but ope rates) ujton the sccri-Uon*. It is aLo a beautiful hair dri-*ing and promotes the growth. I! purchased tha first bottle from K 1 ward 1). tiarrigue*, druggist. Tenth and Coates St.,, who can *!o ltstify that my hair was: •mite gray when I t ominenccj its use MRS. MILLER. 730 North fist l'hila. ftr. .Vscitync .f" X 11, ItespccUHl friends : —I • 1 have tho pleasure to inform you that a . tadyofiny acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, ir-j* delighted with the success of your "Lon don Hair Color Restorer." ifcr hair was . filling rapidly, and quite gray. The col or has been restored, the failing off entire ly .l->|ij!i-d, tend a now growth of hair it the i result. E. p. GAjtKIUUEB, Druggist, cor. Tenth jfc Coates, I'hil. • 'L>ndon Hair Color Restorer A Dressing.' j Ha* ooaptataty rcttirctl my hair lo it* i : original color and youthful bcautv, and caused a rapid and luxuriant growth. " MILS. ANNIE MORRIS. No. Gli, North Seventh St. I'bila. t Dr. Dalton of l'hiladeljthia, says of it : Tho London IJair Color Restorer is used very extensively among my patient* and friend*, a* weli at by myself. I therefore speak from experience. 76 CENTS I'EK DOTTLE. Address orders to Dr. SW'AYNE Jfc SON, TiO North Sixth Street, l'hiladel jthia, l'enn'a . sole I'roprietor*. WSOLI> HV ALL l>l:CVu'lSTS.~LD DY ALL DRUUUiSlij.'*^ -i+IYIETHODS M POINTS h METHODS OF BUSINESS-n-POINTS OF ADVANTAGE i-w-IN THE PURCHASE OF-t-w- OLOTHma -AT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, Ti> hkk m In vita 0, lauret't* AHaatlon t*4 Cart lul tcrafla, ef THE PURCHASING PUBLIC MCTHODL: POFFLTS T liaietiuti, i - . - fur All ■— J*rie means ul neeaarity the Tow \A7 ,£ rvcwlvtj i —lt i a>a-c-ul fiota At. A - AU!J saves expense of roltecUons and '' lo— lien bad dabu. UTH. alio a 'juaraitloe j.rvlocUiuJ AU— ' t/uarsßtee pnCwta lite buyer who . . ... A nuxy nottw a Judge of good* Uft Ret tarn Muttrjr whru we cann t suit Alt - lire rrly rm Imtn/ nsa aoietend are ast- VV l-f t-1 W illi a very smalt percent- Wg buy iur g U at fital hat. . la of pruU. „ ~,,,, .. „ t Jul bit use tjuiti.llU. ?. ent at l:.u - 1 w< t pn.i-s n r tasii.— _ t T ittasy to boy c,f tax, since >T* e iII tiualsd w• If k f; 15 ti is;. v-• Wi. tn|oHt eirry jur.l c.f a—3s U.at 1 xlt KFJUNG and ticlexe are d.xxe awsy goat liini our garment* YJ by iw.evervbotljf get*our Iwetwith- t ol having to ask for it- WE (>ul a ticket CO tl -ry ftsrmrut 1 show tug plainly lu.jtuduy ai 1 C"\l .. large txpertf.'-e rapttal and farfl- — VZ ilita Wu use for the. Jseogiea IteweiU In toweling prloa* Xl/g rut off evt ry ll?£]s£ AMD 7ABD NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY B.R. OEPOT, BELE l O.VTE, PA. J Wc would elwm it an eipccia! f .1 wor if every frimd of ihe Reporter wonTS f j ten J u the naiuc uf at INII one u t>>- .ribcr, j| with lite Cub-fur Ihree months, oOo*nt; !iix month* f!,00, and one year fl' KaJ ~'er, won't you try and do ut tbii little fa , *or, and will rri.ay you by improving the ,1 Reporter. Sena us the names of six new t subscribers, with the t'ash, and sre will tend vou the Reporter one year free. BR EONS' HOTEL, I MILROY. PA. ' The best table and bar, and excellent itabling for hortes. Also a tine resort fcr | summer boarders. Duu to depot, and (daily stages to Centre county. Charges ' reasonable. tiKO. UItKON. l'ru|i'r. J. ZELLER &SON DRUGGISTS NoG Ilrockcrhoti\ftow,Bel]efonte,Pa I><*Hlerwiu DrtiK*,('hrmlral Perftamery, Fancy (oola Ac. AT. Puro Wines and Liquors for medicr PurnosM always Want. mav SI. 7H. Ayer's Hair V, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. vrwitml >', r, tcith fA aiid freshness of youth. Thiu hair ia thickened, fulling hair cheeked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can re store the hair where the follicles aro destroyed, or the glands atrophied nud decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefttlness by litis application. Instead of fouling the bair with a pasty sediment, it will keep It clean nnd vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, nnd consequently prevent baldness. Free ft-om those deleterious sub stances which moke some prepara tions dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desir able. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cam bric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grutefUl perfume. rnxrARED BY Dr. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. KK 5 £ press* NEW YORK i BRANCH STORE, 1 7 McCiain's Block, Directly Opp. Bu*b Rouse, : Bellefonte, P*. 11. lIEBJMAX A CO., Prop'rs. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA i CES, NOTIONS & FAN CY GOODS, STRICTLY FI B S T-C LAS I OOODB Below the Usual Prices. No, 12 tf j Centennial Store. At Potters Mills. L. B. McENTIRE ha* just returned from Philadelphia with a large andjwoll selected stock of Cheap Gooda, which lie offer, CHEAP FOR CASH or country Produce, also a large stock of , LADIE'S, GENT'S, and CHILDREN'S ' Shoo*, Gaiters as low a* $1.25 per pair, j and all other goods in proportion. Dry . Goods, Hosiery. Linens, Embroideries, White Goods, Laces, Notions and FAN CY GOODS, strictly first-class goods be low the usual prices. His Grocery De partment consists of the Cheapest and Best Quality of Groce- \ ries ; n Pcnns Valley. Sugars, Teas, Coffee*, 1 Syrups, Spices, Canned Fruits, Ciackers, Cheese, and Dried Fruits etc. Queens ware, Hardware Wood and Willow ware and Oilcloths ot every description. Hats, i cap*, Drugs, Oil and Paints, also Cigars, Tobacco and Confectioneries. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods, also highest price paid. s t Also —Ladies will find a fall line [ of millinery goode, comprising the , latest styles. I thank the people of Penas Valley for ( their liberal patronage. 18 my 6m c Henry Reinhart. * WOODWARD. J UNDERTAKER ; Coffins of all stylesmade on shortest no tice. Undertaking =t icQy attendeAto |J >BEATTY.AL A 2£L GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT, From Jm. F. Regan, Arm Reran At Carter. publisher* Dal Ij and Weekly Trl buna, Jaffureon Oily, Xo„ afteOreeeiving a instrument, *ay* : ''Piano reached u* in good condition. I era well pleated with it it is all via* ran rn**nl it to be." From K. R. Be'dridge, Bennington Fur* kace Pa., after receiving a 5700 piano. "Boatty" received 4th Intl., all O. K , find root a* (ally up lo your representation! and mooed* our expectation. While I don't profess to bo a judge in tba matter, Mr*. B. dM, and pronounce* it of Tory • wool tone ; an of undertaking attended to in all hranche*. Kupeclfully aolicit* a chare public petrnnege. 9 *ept y * 'W. A.CURRY, Scot £ She* Stoker, r CEXTRE MALI,. PA. Would most respectfully inform thecit of thi* vicinity, that ha huctarted a new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a tbare of tba public patron age. Bool* and Shoe* made to oraer and according to ctyla, and warrant* hi* work ito equal any made -Lewhere. All kinda of repairing done, and charge* reasonable- Give him a call fah IS lv i BEATTY Grand, Square and Upright. v. From Gao. K. Letcher, firm of Wm. H. Letcher A Bro.. Banker*. Fayette, Ohio. "We received tba piano and think it a very fine-toned one out here. Waited a tli or? Ume to give it a good test. If you , with a word in favor of it we will cheer fully give it_'* • Jan.n* li Brown, Esq., Edward* villa,. " HI T: Bcatty Piano received giro entir satis ion." Agent* wanted. Send fo calal e. Addru* D. F. BEATTY. Washington. New J*K*r r OKNTREHALL Furniture Rooms' I.ZKi RBIHBI.TE, reipectfuliy inform* the citizen* of Centr county, that he ha* bough t out the old stand of J.O. Dcininger, and ha* reduced the price*. They have constantly on hand +■ . and make to order ' BEDSTEADS, i* BUREAUS sinks; WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUPBOARDS TABLES. Ac.. Ac. Their *tock of ready-mad o Furniture i* • large and warranted of good workmanship •nd i* all made under tbeir own immed • ate supervision, and i* offered at rate* cheaper than elsewhere. Call and tee our clock before purchacing eUcwhere. 26 fch. ly DF. FOKTN EY, Attorney at Law* Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Rey nold* bank mav lf'Vt y UM M I .Mi S HO U 6 BtlUfont# PA ISAAC MILLER. Proprietor. I Tb Cummiura Hn, * Btkhxp Mna. u on* af j tha |,l*.hU lU*tk hutot* ta to* town. U bu Lb. | brat rtablm la to* |IM. ha* u> anllM tn-r, *t. m toehwd od •••, tttoafem Witt h* I.U nw,. N I pain* wUI b* >j.n4 k m*W It a ; .Maul gad agraa- I ahfe ao*|*N iW. lor tea pnhßc kwC** by lira I d*J at vaak. aai rata* charged will ri-ui tw found rrar law. jug. U BROCKERHOFF HOUSE. , bkllefomteTTa * j D. JOHNSON ta "rt,b pawmaga A fnwearrtoga la m to the d*p..i ud the t-aa: atat Ira ta town am eonaaeh b -d with thw Houaa UA.NET BBOCKKEHOrr, J. p. IHCIitKT "V . President, Carhier. OHNTRE COUNTY BANKING tO l-j (Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, ! And Allow interest, Disconnt Notes, '*! BUT aci ;?lL CoTcrnmcut Secuiities.GoLl <§■ l apltrobtf Coupon* BUY YOUR DRU6S FROM RANKIWS i.jD rug Store, (BEZI 8008 TO THE BEBCHHEB COM STORE.) FBESH AND CIIEIP, ' [ Apr. Zt M 1 To the Working Clan.—We can furnish TOU rmi'tajrmrot at whkoh yoa can m*k arr laraa uaj. In your own kwatlUra. without twine away from horn* orar AganU wanted to .-wry tow a and ooanlytotake MharHbar* for Tha Cwntaanial Roa ont. the laraaat iruhtoaUue to tha t'nltod Ntate.—V* nagoa, M coluutna, hlagantiy Uiuatratad. Term* onto ♦ I t>ar year Tha ltacurd la darotad to nhatarar to .>f tatoraat coanevtod with the l eateantal >oar Tha Ureal KxhihtUon at ThUadeliihu M fuUy Ula.tr*tod to detail. Erwtybodr waaU Ik. The hole people feel great tntereat to their Country'• ('antenatal'birthday, and want to know all about It. An elegant palrtolM .aayon drawing (wamlam pie tare la pnaaatod free to -ach autocHbar. It U enuUed. "In naambraace of 'heUne HaodrwdWi Anatooraarr of the Indepandence of the I niled Mam ' hton. S1 SO tochaa Any una °an hoootoe a auccenaful agent, tot but ahow tha paper and picture and hnndreda of euhaenbara ara onaito oh tained etarywhere. Therwla no buatneaa that will nar . Ilka that el praeoat. We hawa atony agenU who are making aa hiali aa ta) per da* and opwarda. Now u toe time don*t delay Kamenibar It coata nothing to e glre tha haatoeaa a trial, hand lor our elecoUra. m lenna. and aaatple copy of paper, which ara aent free to - 1 aUwboapply.de M today Complete outAt fraa to tooaa wlw decide to engage farmer* and mechanic*. *nd thru *ona and daogfiters make the rery beat of agon la. Add rem, TLIK CKNTKN'N'IAL. RKCORO, lun tm Porttond. Maine. FURNITURE. JOHN lIRECIIiIILL, in his elegant Now Roomy, Spring street Bellefonte. Has on hand a splendid- assortment o HOUSE FURNITURE from tho coo. monestto tho most elegant. CHAMBER SETS. PARLOR SETS, SOFAS, CHAIRS, BEDSTEADS, WOOL MATTRESSES. HAIR MAT TRESSES, and anything wanted in the line of his business—homemade and city work. Ai so, has made a speciality and keeps or hand, the largest and finest stock of WALL PAPER. J Goods sold at reasonable rates, wbolcss j and retail. Give him a call before pur- —A chasing elsewhere. feb6-ly JH IN THE COURT of COMMON PLEAS of CENTRE CO.—SUBPOENA IN Di- M VOKCE * JACOB BEDELL ) vs. > No. 51 Aug. Term, 1876 MART A. BELL. ) The undersigned haring been appointed commissioner to tako testimony in the above case by said Court, will meet parties interested at bis office in Bellefont/7 on Saturday the 14th day *f Oct. A. D, ' M ' w ' F ' BSaM ' Com '