The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 05, 1876, Image 1

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    WijiMf l'ostns.
Cp through many a atony
Paap the Uny blade of grae.
Breathing out a benediction
Oil the traveler, that pas..
Oarslsss feat may tread them a'ider ,
To their meeea** ne'er give heed .
Only 'yea that are anointed
Oan the hidden goepel read.
Gvea a weed may tall tha story
Of a love in heaven that spring..
Far above our oompretienwon.
Reaching down to common thing*
And th* heart, whoee larger garden
Early met with storm and blight,
Gather, up three wayside poem*.
And interpret* them aright.
The Fair Tambourluut.
With feet half naked and bare
And dree, all tattered and lorn;
With a penny here and a mockery there.
And floods of denaion aud acorn.
She wanders the street, wherever her feet.
Weary or willing, are borne,
With an eye as bright and cheek as fair
As Uie earliest bltiah of the mom.
Wandering up and down.
And driven from door to door,
A jeet for every idle down
And a butt for every boor.
While Uie velvet slippered, in satin and laoe.
Go rnatliug by hi r aide.
With a chilling look and averted face,
Aud a lip all.curled with pride
So beautiful—yet eo frail;
So willing, and yet eo weak.
Oh, what if the heart should fail
And a heavenly purpoee break.
And the dene and keur.ale of vice
Another poor victim ehou'd hold *
A eeleeual epsrk be quenched in the dark
And an angel be bartered for gold ?
No wonder the heart should fail
And a heavenly purpoee fade;
The ye grow dim, and the cheek grow pale.
When none etand ready to aid'
No wonder the lane and cradlee of aui
So many poor victims should hold.
While the good are content to worship their
And the rich to worship their gold.
Move patient y on, oh, earth
"Till mercy s wondering dove
Shall fly to the rosy realm of its b'rth.
And reel in the bosom of love.
Move patiently on 'ull the Cractfled
Shall gather Hi* radiant crown
From Uie lowly flowers and bleeding hearts
That the world has trampled down 1
Reforming the Household.
" Jiut what I have been expecting for
aboi t seven veers, "said Miss Pauline
Worth ing too, 1 Hiking up from an open
letter in bcr hand with a frowning
"Is not Tour letter from Herbert,
Lina i" questioned Mr*. Wurthingtou. a
tiny, ailvt r haired old lady, wth a gentle
expr- ssion.
" Yes, mother, Essie is very ill with
low, nerv. n* fever, and they want me to
come and stay till she is better. The car
riage will be s nt t three o'clock, moth
er." Then, more emphatically: " I
think it is about time Bert's tyranny
over that little martyr was ended. He is
killing her."
" Lina ! Ho is your brother."
" I can see his faults if he is."
" I never heard Essie complain."
" She never would. But look at her.
Nine years ago, when she married, ahe
was a living sunbeam, so bright and
pretty. Now, pale, quiet and reserved,
her voice is seldom heard, her smile sel
dom seen. A wintry shadow of her for
mer summer brightness ! Now 6he has
broken doau. You haw never seen her
at home, bat snrely when she is here
you see the change I"
" Yes, dear, she has changed; but
family cares "
" Has Louie changed so ? She has
been twelve years married."
M-s. WortLington was silent. Louie
was her oldest child, and presided over
the Lome in which her mother had l>een
a crippled prisoner for fifteen years.
She took alt the household cares, aud
had five children, and yet Louie had
gmii)'-i in beauty, and certainly in
chee.fol happiness, since her marriage,
even if the merriment of girlhood was
" Henry appreciates Louie I" said
Lina; "there lies the difference be
tween her happiness and Essie's dejec
tion. If there is any domestic trouble
Henry and Louie share it, while Herbert
shifts it all upon Essie. He is an ha
bitusl fault finder."
" Perhaps dear, Essie is not so good
a h'u*ekeepr a Lnie. Herbert may
have ranse to find fault "
" Oaoe in ten time* he r.ay. I never
saw * faultier* house or housekeeper;
but Essie and hi r house ure the nearest
app each to perfection I ever did see."
"Yon never spoke •> before, Lina."
" Because Louie and I thought it bet
ter nvt to worry yon with a trouble be
yond your help. I intend to give him a
less n. I do, indeed. That is, if you
can spare me to go?"
"Yon must go, dear. I shall g*t
along nioely."
Ho when Herbert Wortbington sent
his carriage, Lina was quite ready for
the fourteen mile drive to her brother's
hon-e. It was most unlike a .house
wherein any evil spirit of repining or
fanlt finding ah mid have found an
abode. Hpacion-, handsomely furnish
ed, with well trained servants, and all
oom'orta wealth could furnish, it seemed
a perfect paradise on earth to visitors.
But very demon lurked there to;>oison
all, and this demon Lina had come t >
F-r the first fortnight took all
her time and care, the gentle spirit hov
ering very near the portals of the eternal
home. There was a haby, toe, six
moii!lis old, and its wants filled all the
spare moments. Herbert snarled and
fretted over domestic shortcomings, but i
Lina peremptorily forbade all mention 1
of these in the sick-room, having the
doctor's authority for saying the pa
tient's v< ry life depended upon qniet.
But when convalescence beguu Lina
sent Essie and the baby to viit old Mrs.
Worthington, and took control of Her
bert, the two older children and the
household, determined to show her
brother how fir h* carried his habit of
absurd fault finding. With all her se
venty, she did believe he was himself
unaware of the frequency of his querul
ous complaint* and the exaggeration of
his fretful statements.
The first dinner saw the beginning of
the lesson Lina meant to teacti. Her
bert entered the dining-room, his hand
some face disfigured bv its habitual
frown. Harry and Louie were reated.
" -Soup," said Herbert, lifting the
tureen oover; " perfect dish water!"
" Susan," said Liua, sharply, to the
servant, before Herbert could lift the
ladle; " take that tureen to tbo kitchen
and tell Jane the soup is not fit to eat."
Susan promptly obeyed. Herbert
looked rather ruefnlly at the vanishing
dish. He was especially fond of soap,
and the savory fumes of the really deli
cious dish were tantalizing. All dinner
time Lina kept up a ding-dong at Susan
about that abominable soup, till Her
bert wished he had said rlothing about
it. But his imagination detecting a
burnt flavor in the pudding, he could
not refrain from mentioning it, and be
fore he could remonstrate, that dish had
followed the sonp,
" I'll get this house in some sort of
order before I leave it," said Lina, em
" Before you leave it," said Herbert,
sharply. "Do you suppose you are a
better "housekeeper than Essie I Why,
I have not a friend who does not envy
me the exquisite order of my house and
my dinner table."
" Herbert, you surprise me. Only
v. yesterday I heard yon say you did wiih
there was ever anything flt to eat on tne
" One doesn't expect every word to
be taken literally," said Herbert, rather
sulkily. But not an hoar later, finding
a streak of dust in the sitting-room, he
declared emphatically it was not flt for
K'KKTX KUHTZ, Kditor ami Proprietor.
• pig to live in. What was UI mw
qnenoef Cooing into it the uoxt morn
ing, ho found the curtains toru down,
the carpets taken up, the floor littered
with pails, soap and brushes, and Liua
in a dismal dress, her hair tied up in a
towel, directing two women, who were
aoxubbing vigorously.
*• tkiod gracious, lnua !"• he cried,
*' wliat are you doing ?"
" downing this room."
" Why, Essie hail the whole house
cleaned only the utber day," ho added,
" Well," said Linw, slowly, •• I
thought this room w marvel of ueatucss
myself, but whtn you said it was not
flt for tlio pig* 1 supposed you wwntoil
it clowned.
"the room wws well enough," was
the curt re .y. " For mercy's sake
d.'u't turn w y more of the house upside
At breakfast w tiuv tear in Louie's
apron caught her father's eye, and, ty
hm own angry statement, " she never
had a decent stitch of clothes, and he
did wish somebody would see to her."
Two days after a formidable lit on
draper's bill was sent to him, and Liua
explained it in this wise :
" You said, Herbert, that Louie
hailu't a detent stitch, and you wished
somebody would see to her, so I bought
hor a i*mplote outfit. I could not see
any fault myself, but of course I got
more expensive articles, as yon did not
like those already provided. lam glad
you called my attention to the poor
neglected child."
" Foor neglected child!" echoed as
tonished Herbert. " Why, Ltna, Essie
fairly slaves her life out over those
children. I am sure I never see any
better dressed or neater."
Lina merely shrugged her shoulders.
A mouth passed. Essie gained strength
in the genial atmosphere surrounding
Louie and her mother, while Lina ruled
Herbert's house with a rod of iron.
Herbert begun to experience a sick long
ing for Essie gentle presence. Lma
took him so very literally in all he said,
and yet he could not rebuke her for
doing exactly what he openly wished.
An arm chair with a tiuy spot of dirt
being declared absolutely filthy, wu*
upholatered and varnished at a cost of
ten dollars. A dozen new shirts, Essie's
last lalor of love, being said to "set
like meal bags," were bestownl upon
the gardener, and a new set obtained
Every window was opened after a pet
tish declaration that the " room was as
hot as an oven," and an hoar later the
grate vi< tired up to smothering heat
because ho declared it " cold enough to
freeze a polar bear."
In short, with apparently an energetic
attempt to correct all shortcomings, and
put the housekeeping* upon a perfect
basi, Lina in one month nearly doubled
her brother's expenses, and drove him
to the verge of distraction.
But Essie, well and strong again, was
coming home. On the Jay of her ex- j
peeled arrival Lina, with a solemn face,
invited her brother into the sitting room
for a few moments of private converse
"Herbert," she said, very gravely,
" I have a proposition to make to you.
You are niy only brother, and 1 need not
tell you I love you very dearly. It has
really grieved me to the heart to see bow
much there is to find fanlt with in your
beautiful home." Herbert twisted him
self uneasily in his chair, bnt Lina oon
" Y'ou know that mother is very do
pendent upon me, Louie having tin
house and children to care for, bat 1
think she would sacrifice her own com
fort for yours. So if you wish, Her
bert, I will come here permanently, U
keep things in order for you."
Here Liua was obliged to panse and
strangle a laugh at Herbert's expression
of utter horror and dismay.
" Yon are very kind," he faltered, the
instincts of a gentleman battling with
the strong desire to tell Lina she would
certainly drive him into a lunatic asylum
by six months more of her model house
" Not at all. A man who has made
an nnfortuaate marriage certainly needs
all the aid and sympathy his family can
give him."
The last straw was laid upon the
oamel's back. Herbert spoke hotly :
" You are entirely mistaken, Lina. 1
have not m ule an unfortunate marriage.
If ever a man was blessed in a wife, 1
am that man."
" Y'ou amaze me, Herbert!" Lina
cried, in well feigned astonishment
" I don't see why yon should be sur
prised. Es-ue is gentle, loving, orderly,
a model mother and a perfect liomt
augel—God bless h r I"
" Herbert, is that true f"
" Certainly it is true."
" I cannot believe it I" was the slow
" Cannot believe it! Why f"
"Because"—and Lina dwelt impres
sively upon every word—" during th
nine years of your married life, though
visiting here frequently, I have never
heard you speak one word of encourage |
ment or praise to Essie. I never saw
one look of approbation or appreciation
of any effort she made for your comfort
upon your face. Continual fault find
ing, constant blame, have changed her
from a happy girl to a pale, careworn j
woman. Even her last illness was lint
the uuppoken despair of a heart crushed
under a load of daily censure and con
stant striving for the approbation never
given. And you tell me now she has
never failed in her duty to you. There
is a grave error somewhere, Herbert."
The sadly earnest tone, the face of
thoughtful gravity, sent every word
home to the young man's heart. He '
spoke no word of self defense as Lina
slowly left the room. Iu the profound t
silence that followed conscience review- j
ed the past, and he knew that his sister
had spoken only the truth.
"God help me," he whispered, "to
conquer this fault. E*sie shall hear nr.
more fault finding, and if I see her
drooping. I will send her to mother, and
have Liua here to keep house. '
Never had wife and mother warmer
welcome than greeted Essie. The chil
dren were unchecked in their loudest de
monstrations of delight But Lina had
to rush into the ball to hide her merry
eyes when Herbert, kissing Essie, said :
" We must let mother have Liua now,
dear. Hhe has been very kind aud
worked hard for my oomfort; but there
is no home fairy like my Essie."
The quick, glad look in his wife's soft
eyes told Herbert one step had been
taken in the right direction. As the
days glided by, and Essie found ap
preciation meeting every effort to add to
home oomfort, a word of praise for every
littie triumph of cookery or needlework,
her pale face grew bright with happi
ness, and Herbert found his own heart
lightened by the cheerful voice, the
sunny smile, the bright eyes of tho
Essie he had wooed years before.
And Lina, making a visit Bix months
later, told her mother on her return :!
" Herbert learned his lesson by hart,
mother. He appreciates Essie now at her
value, and lets her know it."
THX CEWTKKKIATE— The value of the
Centennial bnildinga is put at $5,949 -
000, and of their oontente, $104,820,340.
A large portion of the exhibits, which
are not taken into account, are not of
intrinsic value, though probably they
oould not be purchased for all that the
reet of the Exhibition is worth.
11. a.4—ValaaaT *••• Aal
lu.l. I'rr.ral—l all.alil,, I. a# Mvra.
Of all the international gatherings,
conventions and congresses, ex
hihiUona and aide shows of this oenten
ui*l year, Ute moat curious is the dog ;
show opeu at llie live stock exhibition
grouuds at the Centennial, on Belmont'
avenue. For the accommodation of the
oaniuc wonder* nine long sheds with
double rows of stalls are provided.
These stalls differ only from those ordi
narily used for the exhibition of cattle
at State or county fairs, in haviug their
floors placed two or three feel alnive the
ground. The dogs, singly, in pairs or
families, are chained or tied in their
plaoea, aud supplied with straw Iwsls
an 1 pleuty of biscuit and water. There
are about ail hundred of them here, of
all kinds, from the rough bulldog and
the eoiumou rat terrier to the thorough
bred Euglish or Irish setter, and the
alight and graceful Italian greyhound;
and of all siaes, from the diminutive
toy black and tan terrier to the massive
Siberian bulldog and the mild eyed
Long tiefore the visitor reaches the
show be is greeted with such a medley
of Jog vote* as he haa assuredly never
hoard before From the decu hay of
the fox houuJ to the sharp yelp of the
terrier, from the full tone of the English
mastiff to the uncertain squeak of the
poodle, there are numerous gradations,
with variations for each mooJ of the Jog
miuJ. The whiuiug of some of the
petted lap Jog* exposed to the cool
win J, as well as homesick, ami |Hrliaj'
hungering for the Jaiuty food to which
their fair owners have accustomed them,
is really pitiful.
Setters are more largely represented
than any other variety of the Jog race,
an J there are many fine, highly bred
animals. There are some excellent red
Irish setters, including a few that are
valued at 'JOO guineas apiece, ami some
black and tan Gordon setters so fluelv
marked that they would form fine sub
jects for the animal paiuter. Many
English setters are eihihited, and some
of them not only show the |H>iut* of good
Jogs, but have peJigrves of remarkable
extent. Mi*t noticeable amoag the
latter are two Jogs recently imported
from Euglaud, late the property of EJ
warJ Laverack, of Shropshire. They
are descended from stock which Mr.
Laverack obtained in 1825, and which it
was supposed ha>l bceu pure for thirty
five years. He lias kept a continuous
strain of pure blood muoe that time. The
pedigree of the dogs for niue genera
tious is shown, aud the minuter of
names in it is adapted to give a person
an enlarged idea of the dimensions of
the graveyard which might contain the
trues of his ancestors. Some wag has
burlesqued the pedigree mongers by
issuing the prospectus of the full pedi
gree of a Jog, giving its descent irom
one of the Biblical Jogs that linked
Lazarus' sores. There are comjtarative
ly few pointers, but some are good ani
mals. Some Irish terriers ure shown of
a very high strain of blood, us may Is
judged from the price, 200 guineas in
gold, asked fur one or two of the best.
Very curious in appcaranoo are the Irish
water spaniels, witn long curly topknots
and shaggy ears. There are quite a
number of dachshunds, a medium sized
dog with singular crooked forelegs.
Among the other canines are English fox
terriers, used to uuearth the fox when
the hounds Lave run him into his bur
row; mauv Skyo terriers, S -etch t rriers,
black aud-tai. terriers, JHSXIICS and lap
dogs. Spitz dogs, Siberian bloodhounds,
a fine English inasliiT, English and
Italian greyhoun Is, Cbesaj*oako bay
duck dogs, vicious looking bull terriers,
English pug dogs, sheep dogs, aud two
queer hairless Mexican hounds.
This is the first extensive dog show
ever held iu this oonntry. Such shows
have, however, been of pretty regular
annual occurrence in England and
France for some time past.
The Explosion at Hell Hate.
General Newton has recently stated
that the great explosion at Hell Gate
will take | iaoe dhoitlj. The excavations
have been complete for some time past,
bnt del ys iu passing the appropriation
bill by Congress checked further oj>er
tion", atul fur thin reason the blow-rip
did nut ixscar ou the fourth of July, a
for a long period was contemplated.
Those who oijx'ct to witness a gigantic
column hurled hundreds of feet into the
air, or look forward with some trepida
tion to the effects of fearful concussion
on adjacent bail lings, will hardly tind
their anticipations realized. Tba mine
will lie flooded previous to the explo
aion ; and with the possible exception
of jets forced through seams in the rocks
there is no rea'-ou to IWieve that any
very remarkable exhibition of the tre
raendous force of the explosives will be
manifest. From a scientific point o!
view the occasion will lie of considerable
interest, as the earth in 'be vicinity will
lie shaken by tb" communicated vibra
tions, which are likely to travel over s
long distance. An opportunity will
thus tie afforded for measuring the ve
locity of sound waves through earth,
and preparations are living made by
scientific men to observe t ie same at
points at distances two hundred and
three hundred miles away.
The arrangements to guard against
any possible danger are being perfected,
in utter disregard of the desires both
of threw wlm hope to se the great blast,
and those who aspire to profit (iccnuiarily
through the popular carifwity. Htearn
boats and other craft will lie warned
awny, so that a view from the river will
oe out of the question ; the authorities
have lieen requested not to grunt |>aseH
to would-be spectators on Ward's island,
the lrtst p<iiut of observation ; and a
bluff of earth ami the buildings near the
works prevent seeing the operation from
the rear, so that the expectant populaoc
will probably have to satisfy themselves
with a distent view from tne high land
on the New York shore.
llow mnch powder, etc., will be burnt
ia not yet definitely stated. An approxi
mate idea of the qnantity may be
gathered from the fact that there about
4,000 drill holoe, each three inches in
diameter, and varying from aevon to
thirteen feet in depth. Each will be
charged with a separate canister of dyna
mite, vnloan aud rendrock powder, and
the simultaneous explosion will lie
effected by the current from a buttery
of 800 cells. About two pounds of
powder aie used to one of dynamite,
uu<4 the charged are inserted in the 172
piers of rock and in the roof supported
thereby. It ia estimated that 30,000
cubic feet of broken rock will bo left
nnder water, and this will have to be
removed by dredging ao as to neenre a
channel tweDty-aix feet in depth. The
total length of tuunela, galb-riee, etc.,
excavated, ia 7,425.67 feet. The amonnt
than far expended ia 81,686,841.45.
Scientific American
ADAM DXTINED A Sootchman, being
examined by bin minister, waa asked :
" What kind of a man waa Adam ?"
" Oh, jiat like ither folk." The minis
ter insisted on having a more special
description of the first man, and pressed
for more explanation. " Weel," said
the catechumen, "he waa jist like Joe
Simpson, the horse cooper." "How
Bo'r asked the minister. " Weel, rae
body got oay thing by him, and many
The Copulation of Turkey.
The war 11. Turkey has had the effect
of discovering to tlie majority of new*
paj>er reader* their iguurauoe of its geo
gruphy, history and imputation. I *|k>
molly with regard to the races subject to
the sultan and tlie iuliabilont* of tribu
tary stated included in maps as parts of
the couiitrv does a general ignorance
prevail. ft may uot, therefore, l>e pre
sumptuous in ua to present on this nub
joct some recent and authentic informs
liou. The population of Euro|>e*n Tur
key, exclusive of tributary states, i
8,480,000. Adding to these tlis numtier
of lnlmbitsuta in Servia, 1,340,000;
Montenegro, 133,000; and ltoumania,
4,500,000, the total population is 14,896,-
000, of whom alsmt forty two per cent,
ore Mohammedan. The Greeks, Alban
ians and ltoumauians are of the Greoo-
Laltli race; and the Servians, Bulgarians
and HusaiaiiN, of the Sclavonic. Beanies
these are repreeeuted in smaller uum
bera Armenians, Jews, Gynpien, Circa*
slant, Alalia, Magyar* and foreigners;
the Circassians, who are the most nu
merous of this group, only numlx-ring
144,000. It is calculated that of the
Greco Ist tin race in Turkey the Oreeks
number 1,137,000; tho Albanians, 1,011,-
000, and the Houmauiaiia, 300,000; and
of the Sclavs, the Serviaus, 1,383,000;
the Bulgarians, 3.877,500, aud the ltus
aians, 10,000.
To localise these numerous jxwple* ia
a work of considerable difficulty; but
roughly it may IHI said the Turks are
the majority iu Constantinople, ami iu
the sanjaks of Serayvo, I'risrend, Divru,
Herat, 1 >rama Has'chuk, Tuloha and
Varna. The Greeks, of whom many are
thought to be nothing but Orecited
Sclavs, are stronger iu the Epiruv,
Theasaly, Macedonia, Thrace, and along
the shores of the Black sea. The Al
banians, a fiue, warlike race, live prin
cipally between the Epirus and Monte
negro; 733,000 of tliem are Moham
medans, 300,000 Human Catholic* and
88,000 belong to the Greek church. The
ltoumauians ore of the bulk of the popu
lation of Wallacliia and Moldavia. Most
of the Servians are member* of the
Greek church, but a large number hav
ing turned Mohammedan to save their
lands from confiscation, there are now
about 403,000 Servian followeis of the
prophet. Over 60,000 are Human Catho
lics. The Montenegrin* anJ Heraego
viuians are Sclavs.
The Prevention of Crime.
Mr. Angell. of Boston, *poke before
the Social Science Association on "The
Prevention of Crime." Mr. Angell l**-
gnu by giving some luntumv* and statis
tics showing the rapid increase in tlie
uumlier of criminal*, and said there
could be no doubt that the remedy for
many financial and moral crime* may
be found in European habits of econo
my, a knowledge of domestic industry,
and a reformed public opinion which
aha! 1 make it more respectable to be
married and live iu a small house than
to renisiu single aud board iu a large
one. Coming down to tlie practical de
tail* of the question : " How shall we
stop crimet" Mr. Angell said: The
.lr*t step, in my judgment, is to or
gauize societies for the purpose. Let
each of those iu our cities establish an
office, and put into that office an oner
getic, clear headed, pra"ical man, with
such aa*istaueo a* he may need, who**-
duty it shall lie first to aid, protect and
aJvi*e the poor, and gather and publish
information ami promote plan* colcu
lated to benefit them; second, to see
thst prop* r laws for th protection of
the ptibiio health and the security of
property aud life are not only enact .1
but enforced. Fu tho present relief of
th<> poor there should be :u our cities
and larger towns " temporary industrial
homes," when- any one can obtain n
bowl of sonp am! a cl< an bed, payiug
the value in money or labor, and where
fuel can be honght in small quantities at
low price*. For the |>criu*nent relief
of poverty and prevention of crime two
thing* are needed : First, constant re
munerative lab- r; second, places whore
the poor and the unemployed, and the
inebriate* who are trying to reform, can
pa** their evenings. He would have
day or evening schools where the poor
of both sexes can lie taught various
trade* and branches of industry to mak
them self-supporting. He wonld have
farms where yonng men can Im> taught
agriculture, and place* where young
women can !• taught sewing and do
mastic industry, ami bow to nurse the
sick aud how to prevent sickness by ob
serving sanitary laws. In answer to
tlie question of how to provide lat>or for
the nnemployed, he urged their coloni
zation n|cn the cheap and fertile lands
of the West.
Simian Sagacity.
The sagacious monkey, who, according
to tli time honored story, used the
reluctant paw of a cat to withdraw hot
chestnuts from the fire, is outdone by
the performance of another memler of
histrilM', whichi* roonnted by a French
resident of South Africa, in a letter to
Lr K Moruirs. Th< writer is the |Ksseii
sor of a large coffee plantation, and his
cropn have Buffered severely from the
ravages of large species of baboon,
which greedily devour* tho frnit of a
small tree which gnws among the
hashes. The beat Fafegard' againat tho
depredation* are the wasps which make
their ueata in the lower part of theae
tris-s, for, of tho fierce attack and paiu
fnl atinga of these inaecta, the baboon*
have a wholesome fear. One morning,
a hideous chorus of yells and howla was
heard from a portion of the plantation
where tho wasps had most thickly con
gregated, anil where the fruit tree* con
sequently were heavily laden. On
searching for the oanse, the writer saw
from afar a venerable and ancient balxion
busily engaged in throwing infaut raon
keys at tho trees. Those living projec
tiles thus knocked down tho nests and of
course were objects of the keen atten
tions of the infuriate occupants. Mean
while tho baboon qnietly made his wny
to tho upper branches, gorges! himself,
and then added insnlt to injury to tho
tmdly stung monkeys by pelting them
with tho rinds and pit* of his repast.
Cotton Gunpowder.
One of the most reoent important dis
coveries is that of n new explosive,
known a* cotton gunpowder. The first
process of it* manufacture, which is
carried on at Oare, in England, is to
steep cotton in a mixture of nitric and
sulphnrio acid. After the acid has l>een
preened out, tho cotton is dried aud
triturated (reduced to powder), and
mixed with certain ether chemicals. To
show how safe it is, not to explode with
fire or pressure, the following experi
ment* were lately made. Two barrel*
of the powder were placed in the mid
dle of a roaring bonfire. The barrels
were consumed, and the powder blazed
away without exploding. Then an iron
pile driver, woighing half a ton, was al
lowed to fall fifteen feet on a box con
taining ten | minds of the powder. The
box was simply crushed, and the pow
der scattered about. Exploded with a
fuse, the cotton gunpowder broke four
steel ingots, woighing neveral hundred
weight, in pieoes; and when under wa
ter, sent ipa column of water two hun
dred feet high. It was also made to ex
plode when wet with twenty j>er cent,
of water.
Four quarts of milk are required to
make osa pound of ekeee*.
A t'wee of Female Roguery.
Celia Logan tells the following story
of romance in a letter to the Sau Fran
cisoo Call : An instance of female du
plicity haa lately coma to my knowledge
which greatly resembles the New Msg
dalru story, with the advantage of br
ing true. A man—Wilkin* we'll call
him—of wealth and influence had a
brother who immigrated to the West
when young, and whom he had never
seen afterward. He (the brother) died,
and also all hia family, with the excep
tion of a daughter, who came to New
York to seek a home with her uncle.
She waa armed with facta of family his
tory, letters, and every credential te
prove her identity, which was not dis
puted. She was young, l>eautiful, ami
able, and soon made herself beloved by
the Wilkin* family. She was surround
ed by every luxury, introduced into
society, and soon married well—a rich
society m*n, by whom nhe has now two
children. Her character is irreproach
able, and her manner* good. She is
not, however, quite as well educated as
her uncle could wish, but she plead* as
her excuse that her father wa* |*>or aud
kept her working ou a bit of a farm
when nhe should have been at school.
Aud now, after four year* of happiness,
another woman appears in the U ilkins'
household, asserting that she u> the
veritable niece, aud the other is an im
poster, Lydia, the new corner, tell* •
strange ntory. She say* that when her
|>areute died, she took what little money
the farm wan sold for and set out to find
her rich unole iu New York : that in a
village on the road *h* wa* taken seri
ously sick and won carried to a hospital.
The yonng woman—the lhred nurse of
that institution—waa much above her
statiou in life, was Kind, attentive aud
sympathetic. Naturally she confided
hr history to her, also her letters, pho
tographs and money to be taken care of
nutil her recovery. She recovered her
health |rtially,bnt her mind waa found
to be so unhinged that she wa* re
moved to an insane asylum, where she
had been all this time. At length she
was discharged, cured. The hospital
uurse ha.l disappeared, along with all
the effects intrusted to her care. The
wronged woman managed to get to New
York, only to find that her j lace had
IHM n usurped by the treacheron* attend
The first woman takes the matter very
coolly, alleging that she waa the one
who 'fell sick on the read ; thst the other
is the uurse, who got possession of her
history, and is now trying to make
capital out of it. The uncle unhesitat
ingly Ix-lievc* in the firei woman, but
the husband ia much dilurl>ed iu uiiud,
each story being so plausible aud so
well sustained that he cruuot decide
which is Wilkins' niece, aud which is
uot; but his wife says : " What doe*
it matter, anyhow, whose niece 1 ami I
am your wife, that's certain, aud the
mother of your children."
If an impostor, she has fixed herself
very comfortably in life, while the de
frauded worn-n wamleis about almost in
lieggary, for the Wilkin* utterly refuse
to countenauce her. She has, however,
iqqmaled to several of their aristocratic
friends, ami so the story got out.
After Sixteen Year*.
Iu the year 18(10, says su exchange,
Mr. Joseph Evarts carried on the btiiu
lies* of a butcher in the towu of Guil
ford, Connecticut. It was a sucoeaeful
business and earned for him a wide
reputation. One morning during the
summer of the year referred to Mr.
Evarte was making hut usual round with
a meat cart, when, on approaching a
citizen's residence, he wwa attacked by a
savage dog of the mastiff specie*. ) Mir
ing the encounter the dog bit Mr. j
t . arts iu the left It g, inflicting a serious
flesh wonnd. Soon after the attending
surgeon* learned that their patient had
been iu contact with au animal aufft-ruig
from the worst form of hydrophobia.
All that skill and medicine eoald do was
brought into requisition to drive the
poisoned virus from Mr. Evarts' system,
lie ultimately recovered, declared he
felt no inconvenience from the bite and
went on attending to his business n*
usual. A few years later he removed to
Mranford ami engaged in the meat busi
ness, where ho haa been ever since. The
adventure with the dog was forgotten
and never alluded to. from the fact that
the condition of his body and mind were
so uniformly natural until about MX
weeks ago, during the bested term, wben
hi* friends noticed peculiarities in hi*
actions. He would suddenly spjcar agi
tated and moan a* if suffering bodily
pain. Again he would growl and s lap
like a surly dispositional dog and run
wildly about ■* dog* do when first over
taken with rabies. These manifestations
lasted a half hour or so. whentbey passed
off. and Mr. Evarts would be himself
again. But they iucreoNi din violence
with each repetition, and ere long hi*
friends were oorapelled to accept the
terrible reality that Mr. Evarts wa* a
raving maniac. He grew worse and
worse an i soon had to bo tied to hi* l>ed
to prevent his biting those in attend
ance. Even then he wonld break loose,
so great was the muscular power which
the disease enabled him to exert, and at
time* the united strength of six men
wse insufficient to hold him. During a
spasm he wonld tear the bedclothes and
gnaw the ltedsteod in a manner frightful
to behold. The affliction is undoubtedly
the result of tlie bite sixteen years ago,
and the attendant physicians are of the
opinion that it is a coeo of fully devel
oped hydrophobia. The unfortunate
man is thirty-five year* of age, mi mar
ried, and iu iiis sane moment* speaks of
his wretched physical oondition, gives
directions as to his personal affairs and
expresses Lim*elf a* conscious that th*
end of all thing*, for liim, draws near.
Weighing a lleam of Light.
Mr. Crook®*' apparatus for weighing
the lxvini of light is AU exhausted gins*
ohaml>er in the form of A horizontal
cross, with arms of circular cross sec
tion. Inside tho larger arm is a glaas
fil>er maintained in a uniform state of
tension by a spiral spring at one end,
aud by a glass stopper at the other end,
which stopper is capable of rotation.
The shorter arm of the cross contain*
in a like manner a stouter fiber beam of
glass secured at the point of crossing to
tho longitudinal or torsion fiber, and
having at one extremity a pith surface
of two square inches area, and at the
other end a little enp. I naide the cham
ber is n 1< ose particle o( iron weighing
1-100 of a grain, and outside the stop
per is a counter recording the number
of torsions or turns the glass fiber
makes. The method of prooeduro is as
follows : The position of a dot of light
from the little mirror placed at tho in
tersection of the two glass fillers having
been noted, the little iron weight is
lifted by moans of a magnet, and plaood
in the cup, which, when thus weighed,
descend*. Torsion is then applied to the
glaa* fiber cntil the lieam is lifted, and
the dot of li((ht returns to it* former
position. Thi* may be called the zero
of tho machine. Thin exact amount of
torsion having been determined and it*
eqnivolent in weight Moertained, the
torsion in removed, and the ray of light
ia then made to fall on the diso, which
causes a depression of the glass beam.
The calculation of the atmolnte pressure
of the sun's radiation on a square foot
of the earth, when carried out to the
aquarn mile, gives a foro® of fifty-seven
Haw Maaa TMJ Arrl4 la I aba.
A Herald rtqstrter, lutovrliuutug that
a merchant of Now York city, well
kuowu in tho Cuban trade, had ro
oeived letters (rout Will lata M. Tweed,
paid him a visit. When questioned tho
merchant admitted that ho hat! roooivod
a lot tor (rum John Becor, that Seoor
wao Tweed, and that th lottor had
boon written iu Cuba uudor promise
that hia uamo wuuld not be divulged.
Tho gentleman gave tho following in
terestmg and graphic details uf Tweed's
movements in Culm :
Tweed was lauded on a rooky promon
tory about ton miles from Santiago do
Cuba, by a boat which took him ashore
from an American yacht. 1 have alao
heard that the veaael which landed htm
on the Culian coast was bound for Ja
maica. This, however, is immaterial.
Here, much fatigued and exhausted,
Tweed waa discovered by a fisherman,
who volunteered to conduct him to
Santiago do Cuba, and they marched
along over the rocky paths leading to j
the city. Tweed was accompanied by a
man named lluut, who, if 1 mistake
not, was a coachman for a long time in
the service of Tweed, and was noted for
his fidelity and honesty. Well, Tweed,
owing to his heavy weight, had much j
difficulty in walking to the city of San
tiago. lie was terribly sunburnt, his
face bemg as browu as s berry and
very much blistered, The fisherman
who accompanied them received a gold
" ounce " for his trouble, and led the
wandering pair, not to a hotel, but to ;
police headquarters. llad Tweed and
ins follower l>een discovered by the
Spanish troops on the beach they would
undoubtedly have beeu shot, after s
drumhead court martial, as Ainrruwu
filibusters just lauded from Jamaica en
rt/tifr for "Cuba Libre."
I cannot tell you what date this was,
as my letter does not give it. The po
lice authorities uot l-iug satisfied with
the fisherman's explanation, or Tweed's
statement, naturally made in English,
that he was an American citiaeu, sent
hita and Hunt on board the Spanish
man of war stationed in the harbor as
prisoners. Tweed and Hunt were ae
ourdiiigly marched off to the veaael and
there detained. While ou board Tweed
sent for the United States consul at
Santiago de Cuba, Mr. Young, and de
manded the protection due to an Amen- '
can citiaeu. Mr. Young, who is a very
fine fellow, instantly interested himself
in the case, and took into hia counsel
Mr. llaiusden, the British consul.
Tweed's paas]>ort was found to be in or
der as "John Seoor," likewise that of
his oompamon in exile, " Hunt." Their
rvleaae waa formally deiuaudod and
granted, and Tweed took up his resi
dence at the Hotel de Shy, kept by
Madame A delta, under pohoe surveil
lance. Here ha lived verv quietly.
Meanwhile Consul General Hall enter
tained a suspicion that there was some
thing wrung about " Seoor," in spite of
hia passport being en regie. Telegrams
passed frequently between liim and
United States Consul General Hall at
Havana. Tweed feeling that he was
looked upon with suspicion waa restless
to be off, and engaged s passage in the
bark Carmen, bound for Vigo and Bar
Tweed, through not having his pans
port vUrd by the Spanish authorities on
the twenty-second of July, caused the
Carmen to be detained till the twenty-
Hixth, he paying demurrage for the de
ls*. The night before his departure
Mr. Young telegraphed to Consul Gen
eral Hall at Havana that it was William
M. Tweed who was using the name of
"Seoor," but the dispatch arrived too
late at lis van a Mr. Hail immediately
took a carriage and went out of town
for a distance f eight miles to find
Captain General Jove liar to ask him to
send an order to detain Tweed, alia*
Seoor. The dispatch was sent but ar
rived too late, the Carmen having sail
od. The authorities, however, both at
Santiago de Cuba and Havana were
made acquainted the facts in the
case and the news was consequently
telegraphed oTer to Madrid. The rest
you know.
A Rle from the Grate.
Prof. Nixon had advertised in t barles-
Um, S. C., that he would allow himself
to be placed ill a coffin, screwed down,
aud buried in a grave six feet deep. He
waa to remain there for one hour and a
half, and then rise from the grave
through the anil. The grave was dug in
Belvidere, and he said that if he failed
be hoped the crowd would be large
enough to iuaure a respectable legacy to
hia wife and children. Upon approach
ing the grave NIK si was seen on a plat
form performing juggling tricks. He
waa dressed in a bright yellow coat, pink
trousers (short), and sismt eleven hro
gans. Mr. Nixon claims to bean Egyp- j
tian. If the Egyptians ordinarily dress
in that oostnnie, Moses was justified in
getting out of tho country at all hazard*.
An Egyptian taskmaster with a hrogan
like Nixon's timet have been able to ad
minister a fearful kick. Nixon soon ap
proached the grave, and made earnest
appeals to the crowd to get away from
it. Tho coffin was brought forward,
and a committee was selected to see
that there was no deception. Nixon
now pulled off his shoes, and stood on
the coffin, holding in each hand a vial.
Hie voice assumed unnatural solemnity.
He said that he wanted sileucr for a
while; that this was a life and death :
matter ; hia voice became hnsky, and
perspiration liegao to start upon hi*
brow. He paused a moment. A look
of grave determination settled upon bis
face, and with a tremulous sigh be haati
ly swallowed the couteuta of the vial.
Tn a few minutes his faoe assumed a
deathly pallor, aud dark rims appeared 1
beneath his eyes, Tho spectators 1
thought lie waa going to die. He lay
in tlie coffin and the lid was screwed (
down. The coffin was rapidly lowered
into the grave, and the earth shoveled
in. The excitement increased as the
time for which the professor was to re
main under ground (thirty minutes)
luuvod. At twenty-eight minutes the
excitement conimunic(.ted itself to the
judges, aud they issued orders for the
horn to be blown, which was to summon
the buried man forth. As the first note 1
of the instmmentrnng out the assembly
ttecumo frantic. So >n a scream rose as
the earth began to crack, and Nixon
came up into sight with a load of dirt on
hia head. Then a howl was caused by
the discovery that the professor's *p
pearauce had been made through a neat
ly covered chamlter, which was divided
only by a thin partition from the head
of tho grave. He had burst the head
out of the coffin, crept into tho shaft,
and emerged from it at the sound of the
horn. He bowed his thanks and with
Servians Mutilating themselves
A special dispatch from Belgrade to
the London Time* says: Before the
publication of the order rendering sol
diers u utilating themselves, to escape
service in the army, liable to the penalty
of death or imprisonment for life, many
Servians had already been executed for
that offense. On one occasion as many
as forty in a batch were executed. I
have >eeu told that there are hospitals
in which mors than half tbs pa Hoots Ore
of this class
TKRMB; u Year, in Advance.
The Bottom of the He*.
Professor Huxley, speaking at a din
ner iu Edinburgh of the result of the
Challenger expedition, sent out to ob
tain more accurate information of the
physical characteristics of the aes aud
of the auimal life in it, gave the follow
ing interesting facts as examples of what
lias l<eou discovered:
Some of the discoveries which have
ttenu made by the Challenger ore an
doubtedly etich as to make us all form
new ideas of the operation of natural
onuses in the sea. Pake, for example,
the very remarkable foot that at great
depths the temperatareof the sea always
dinks down pretty much to that u( frees
ing fresh water. This is a very strange
fact in iter If—a fact which ooald uot
lisve beeu anticipated a jprturi. Take,
again, the marvelous discovery that over
large areas of the sea the teg torn L cov
ered with a kind of chalk, a substance
mode up entirely of the shells of minute
creatures. The "fact haa been known for
a long time, aud we were greatly pox
tied to luiuw how these things got to be
there. But the researches of the Chal
lenger have proved beyond question, as
far us f can see, that the remains in
question sre the shells of organisms
which live at the surface and uot at the
bottom, aud that this deposit, which is
of the same nature as the ancient chalk,
differing in aome minor respect*, bat
essentially the aome, is absolutely form
ed by a rain of skeletons. These crea
tures ail live within one hundred fath
oms of the surface, and, being subject
to the fate of all living things, they
sooner or later die. and when they die
their skeletons are rained down in one
continual shower, falling through a
mile or oouple of miles of sea water.
How lung Lhey Lake about it imagination
fails one in supposing, but at least they
get to the bottom, aud there, piled up,
they form a great stratum of a substance
which, if upheaved, would be exactly
like chalk. Here we have a possible
mode of construction of the rocks which
compose the earth of which we had pre
viously no conception. But this is by
no means the moat wonderful thing.
When they got to depths of 3.000 and
4,000 fathoms, and to 4,400 fathoms, or
abont five milea, which waa the greatest
depth at which the Glial ledger fished
any thing from the bottom, they found
that, while the surface of the water
might be full of those calcareous organ
isms, the bottom ww not. There they
found red clsy. This red clsy is s great
ptisxle, s great mystery; how it oomes
there, what it artaes from, whether it is,
ss the director has suggested, the ash of
foraminifera; whether it is decomposed
pumice stone, vomited out by volcanoes
and scattered over the surface; or
whether, lastly, it has something to do
with that meteoric dust which is being
continually rained upon us trom the
spaces of the universe. Which of these
ceases may be at the bottom of the phe
nomenon it is very bsrtl to say; it is one
of those points on which we shall have
information by-and bye.
The Kaohloua.
Brown, slate, dork blue and cardinal
red are the moid fashionable colors m
the new hosiery. When stripes appear
they ore formed by the ribbing only, or
in hair lines of contrasting color.
The new French coiffure, consisting
of puff* of hair on the back of the head,
and a w.tter wave held in a ootogsn loop
by s silk braid net which covers all the
puffs and the loop, is to be seen.
Ball and evening dresses ai cut low
in the front sod bock, and given a square
effect by brood shoulder straps, which
do duty on sleeves, coming high on the
shoulder, and hanging like su epaulette
ov<-r the upper part of the arm.
The new pockets on |>olot>*ise are
placed low down and far back on either
■ode according to the caprice of the
nearer, aud they are of all sorts of fan
ciful shapes: funnel and fan formed,
halberd shaped, square, triangular and
Elegant and reaoonable priced opera,
Saratoga and Newport shawls are shown
in atrqies of rrpped silk, alternating
with raw ailk natle. They come in all
colors and pure white. They look
Oriental, but ate French.
In America and England the right
hand is no longer useful to ladies, it be
ing required to hold np their dresses.
In Paris this is thought economical, and
therefore base, and the train is allowed
to sweep the street like a broom.
American women refuse to follow
Freuch style* in the arrangement of the
hair. In Ports a great deal of false
hair is necessary in the composition of
the present stvle of coiffure. Here the
neat, comiwct but severe fashion of the
French twist prevails for this moment.
The range of fancy in bowery is
greater this season than ever. Some of
these fa.icy silk stocking* are literally
covered with vine*, leaves, butterflies,
flowers, lwes, trnelovcrs' knots, and
other device* in oolored embroidery
that extend all over tho stocking, from
the rise of the instep lo the knee; other*
have tlie naudal straps and hand* aronnd
the ankle defined in tl>wer* and vines,
while other* are embroidered in self or
contrasting color of any kind, on
grounds of black, white, and all shade*
of every color of the rainbow. And *ll
these are imitated morveloasly I* the
cotton and raw silk hosieries.
An Accomodating Mnn.
8 ime carpenter* who were repairing
a building in Detroit colled npon * pe
destrian to help hoist a long pole which
was to form a scaffold rapport. When
it waa up he wa* asked to steady the
pole, and, unknown to him, it wa* made
fast at the top with a rope. The carpen
ter* went out on the other side of the
btrildiug, going to dinner, and said
nothing to tho accommodating man in
front. He thought they were a good
while gettiug ready, but he kept his
braoe against the pole for a long half
hour, fearing each moment that it would
overpower him and fall across the street.
At length a boy came along, saw how
thing* were aud cried out:
" You can't steal that pole unless you
untie the rope at the top."
The accommodating man stepped
Iwek. realixed hi* position, and the way
he kicked * bunch of shingle* to piece*
forced the boy to exclaim :
" Well, now, I've seen a good many
men get mad, but I never saw * mad
man'B teeth hang out a* hia do."
Novel Treatment of Obesity.
Tho Pari* Medirale discusses the treat
ment of obewity by the administration of
nca water combined with a residence at
the seaside. Sea water, taken internally,
act* like a diuretic and purgative salt*, a
remarkable fact being that the diaretio
effect increases when the purgative di
minishes. The water should be ob
tained, when possible, from aome depth,
and far from the shore. It ia then to be
left to settle for from six tc twelve hours
aud filtered. It ia to be taken three
time* a day in doses of a small tumbler
ful, or in half that quantity at a time,
with fresh water or milk. It is stated as
a fact that sea water thus used facilitates
tho oxygenation of the blood, and that
it hastens the elimination of effete ma
terials. In combination with this treat
ment sea water bath* are to be taken,
free exercise is to be oarried out, and at
the same time fattening foods are to be
avoided. It is said that oases which
have resisted other measures have bees
known to yield to this treatment.
The Caw of Dr. IlelmbeM.
Dr. Helmbold, tbe once fans on* bnohu
man, escaped from the insane asylum at
Philadelphia to Mew York, where old
friend* took him in charge, under the
tmlief that he was not insane. " Tbe
first idea that the public should have of
this affair," said Judge Curtis*, his
counsel, to a Mm r-|*<rU-r, " is that Dr.
Helmbold has been kept in a madhouse
that somebody eiae might enjoy his es
tate. About five years ago he was doing
a very large drug and chemical business.
He encountered financial embarrass
ments, and went to Europe with hia
family, returning in 1876. He wished
to resume charge of his own buttnees,
but was put off with a fair speech about
his health. Thirty six hours afterward,
in Philadelphia, hi- was arrested, accused
of being drunk and disorderly. Instead
of being given a hearing before a magis
trate, he was taken to tbe Kirk bridge
asylum for the insane, the authority be
ing two physicians' certificate* that he
was insane. One waa a young physician,
scarcely graduated, and the other hid
never aeeu Dr. Helmbold. They were
Mid generous fern. Friends freed Dr.
Helmbold with a writ of AuAeos corpus.
He went to Ixing Branch, but was re
captured and taken back to the Kirk
bridge asylum. Then his wife procured
hia release legally. He aarne to Mow
York, fearing to remain in Philadelphia,
bat be was arrested here as e lunatic
and committed to the Bioomiugdale
asylum. He tried to recover kts free
dom by appealing to the supreme court,
but that tribunal held that, as the com
mitment was regular, it ootdd not go tie
hind it"
" I had no counsel," interposed Dr.
Helm bold, who had all along aided
Judge Cortum' memory, " to nrga my
" A whorl time after thi* ineffectual ef
fort to regain liberty," resumed Mr.
Curtisa, " the superintendent of the
Bloomingdahi asylum, l>r. Brown, one
of the foremuat authorities in the world,
and the directum lib 1 ted in giving Dr.
Helm bold a certificate of perfect aanity,
and discharged him. He went to Phila
delphia to join hia family, and wu ar
rested on the original certificate of the
two Philadelphia physicians, and taken
back to the Kirkbridge asylum. Oonn
sel got him before Jndg" Briggs on a
writ of Aa btmt corpw. His honor said
that, althoogh individually satisfied at
the aanity of Dr. Helm bold, he would
not take the responsibility of discharg
ing him. but would send him before a
jury. From the jury, we chum, a for
diet was irregularly secured. Dr. Halm
bold was imprisoned in the Kirkbridge
asylum. In July last he escaped, ami
went to Long Branch, where he was
seized, beaten, gagged and dragged
several hundred yards to a conveyance."
" Here are the marks of their ruffianly
treatment," said Dr. Helmbald,showing
the little finger of hia rigi: hand,
scarred, misshapen, and a deep, livid
cicatrice below his left elbow.
" Dr. Helm bold," continued Judge
Ourtiaa, "m* again immured in tne
Kirkbridge asylum. lie made his es
cape and oame here. He proj>oaca to
live here, and begin at once legal pro
ceedings to get poftstosion of hia prop
erty. He cannot be taken back to the
asylum, in my opinion, by process of
law, and he shall not be by force. Hia
fneink here intend to guard him well."
"My brother," said Dr. Helmbo!d,
" knows that I am ae fane as any man
that walks. I have certificates of my
sanity from emin< nt physicians of New
York city, and can produce before any
court the evidence of those who knew
me almost throughout my business ca
reer. I confess that I have been eccen
tric; lamof a lively temperament If
I had not been, could I have built up so
quickly a great trade I 1 was barbarous
ly treated in the Kirkbridge asylum.
They used me even as an advertisement
The intention is to keep me in a private
madhouse until 1 become mad indeed."
The Agv of the Earth.
Sir Charles Lrell *i inclined to as
Rign the glacial period of the earth'#
history to a date one milium of yean
ago. 'Remarking upon this, Mr. Jamee
Croll say#: If the beginning of the
glacial epoch be carried back a million
rears, then it in probable, as Sir Charles
Lyel! concludes, the beginning of
the Cambrian period Ui require to be
plaoed 240,00u,000 of yean .back. Bat
it is very probable that the length of
time embraced by the pre Cambrian
nge# of history may be as
great as that which has elapsed since the
oloae of the Cambrian period, and if
thia be so, then we shall be com pal led to
admit that nearly 500,000,000 yean have
passed away since the beginning of the
earth's geological history. Bat we have
evidence of a physical nature which
proves that it i# absolutely impossible
that the existing order of things, as re
gard* our globe, aau date so far back aa
an. thing like 500,000,000 years. The
arguments to which I tefer we thoa*
which have been advanced by Professor
Sir William Thomson at vanuQ# % timee.
Thane argument* arc well known, and to
all who have raaiiy given doe attention
to them must be be conclusive. It
would be superfluous to state them here.
I shall, however, for reasons which will
presently appear, refer briefly to one of
them, and that one which seems to be
the most conclusive of all, vis.: the ar
gument derived from the limit to the
age of the snn's heat.
A Sign af the Tinea.
A recent report fiom the department
of buildings, of the city of New York,
shows that the estimated oost of new
hnildings erected iu this city in 1870
was, in round number*, thirty-eight
million six hundred thousand dollars; in
1871, thirty-seven million five hundred
thousand dollars, and in 1876, only eight
een million two hundred thonaand dol
lar*. This is a good illustration of the
depressed condition of business, and ex
plains the scarcity of labor. Twexfiy
million dollars mure were expended on
labor and materials in 1870 and in 1871
than in 1875. Ileal estate has been so
haavhy loaded with taxation and so
paralysed by the shrinkageoi values and
the general depression that it has been
impossible to take advantage of the de
creased cost of bililding. Yet the city
taxation wdl be as heavy next year as
it is this year.—.Vrtr York I/rrald.
Ilow She Put Them Up.
" What exqnisite preserves, Mrs.
Smoothly: bow do you have such splen
did luck with everything you put up f"
complimented one of the ladies at the
tea table. " What are they, by the
way f" Mrs. Smoothly is taken by sur
prise, but receivers herself and calls the
servant. " I have not tasted them yet,"
she said, "and have really forgotten
what I ordered the girl to put on for
you. Bridget, what are these preserves f"
" Thim, ma'am f Thirty-five cents a
can; sora the nickle lee* wud the grocer
take, and thim big green things in the
dish beyant is fifty cents fur a little
glass jar." Tableau of silenoe, and a
good hearted, honest girl out of a job
two hours later.
A nephew of Mr. Bagges, in explain
ing the mysteries of a teakettle, de
scribes the benefits of the application
of steam to useful purposes. " For all
of which," remarked Mr. Bagges, " we
have principally to thank—what was his
name?" "Watt was his name, I be
lieve, uacle," replied the boy.
A Tern kj Whlttler.
WUHW Met this little vwwelto
•ntogruph collector ill England :
t • ' miam* *m mrauuro.
Thlikir itiiir nlir In —* ~"*
TKromk immlm of Mary,
On Imm Wood has Sowed, end still
We share with yoe the good eed IU,
The shadow esd the fiery.
Items f Interest.
The heok deposits in California exceed
•117,000,000, end the capital Is OTOT
It ie determined by ictus! count tbet
Philedeiphie bee 125,000 rooms to led to
Ontenntel visitor*.
A society bee been formed in Eftglsnd
for "united prayer for the protrotion oI
enimele from eraeltj."
Deepite the tioww, the official returns
whoer a decrease of pauperism in Eng
land and Wales the present year, a* com
pared with 1875.
Hones employed in baying on the
marshes near Hantiaford, Wis., wear
wooden shoes made of plank six by
eight inches screwed to the hoof.
Maoon, Ga., expects to reoeive daring
the coming season 76,000 hales of cotton,
against 54,000 last year, and Columbus
will have 65.000, against 52,000.
English correspondent* criticise the
American teste which permits s young
lady at a boat race to chat with a young
man who has only a breech cloth on.
" Madam, a good many person* were
very much disturbed at the concert lest
night by tbe crying of your baby."
"Well, I do wonder anch people will go
to concerts !"
U vm George D. Prentice who de
clined to disease tbe question of women
suffrage because be hed considered
woman, from tbe creation, aa a aide
An old bachelor having been laughed
at bye party of pretty giria, told them :
" You are small potato.-* 1" "We may
be small potatoes," said oqe of them
*' bat we are sweet ones !"
A lawyer at the her waa held to be in
contempt for simply mekiiig a motion in
oourt. It wee ssoertaixed, however,
that be made a motion to throw an ink
stand at tbe bead of the court.
A Chicago Chinaman says that he
looks around "alia time" and nev.r
pots his money into a back that ban
marble desks <r dashing young officers
with diamond pint.
A French doetoroiaima that life during
the act of drowning remains longest in
the iutastines, and that by heroic tmd
meet they may be so stimulated that the
heart will resume it action.
About 12,000 inhabitants of the city
and suburbs of Damascus were carried
off by cholera in three months. Moat
of them r*t Mohammedans, only about
500 being Jews and Christiana.
In a little Breton church the beadle
takes up the collection with a plate in
one hand and a snuff box in the other,
from which be gives a pmob to every
one who contributes to the poor fond.
Much dissatisfaction has been created
at the Chatham dockyard by the British
admiralty having resolved to break up
the useless vessel i of war, which are
now rotting there, by the labor of oon
Since the beginning of the year 1,220
wiu of railroad have been constructed
in the United States. This is more than
twice tbe mileage reported in 1875, and
a third more than in the corresponding
portion of 1874.
A Lille court has decided that a per
son divorced in a country where divorce
m allowed cannot enter into a matrimon
ial engagement in France during the
lifetime of the person from whom he or
she has been divorced.
Tbe <star at Rossis, recently address
mg the ofltoerso? the Paukrwsky guards,
said he bad been able hitherto to spare
the blood of his soldiers, but the time
might soon oome when he should have
to call upon their loyalty and valor.
A Pai is letter says: False hair will
be a drug in the market when frost
cornea. Short curb and natural hair,
such as the picturea of Mmr Beeamier
and Queen Hortenws have made familiar
to everybody, will be all the fashion.
William 8. Mercer, a prisoner in the
Nebraska State prison, has succeeded in
getting for that institution the best
librsrv in tbe Stole. Maay well known
writers hava at hia argent request sent
complete set* of their works and the
principal publishing bouses have made
| generous donation?.
A Chicago schoolgirl, of tetder years,
! thus writes to her bosom friend : " Dear
l S.ime, I shan't attend school agin until
1 i Get some knew caffs, koUers and Jew
, (dry-—dear rv"" 1 * agieea with me that
It u my Duty to take the shine out of
Up-tart Mammv Jones, and I'll do
it if i never learn nothing."
Not long ago a man was tried for
murder in the usual course. In the
usual course he was found guilty and
condemned, and in the usual coarse the
jurors were applied to to sign the peti
tion for a commutation of his sentence.
One wiser than his fellows did so with
the postscript: "On condition that he
hangs tntaaeff."
Young Foediek was a member of a
wealthy Cincinnati family. When drank
in a street car he insulted Miss Qoahorn,
and her brother, whose family is not
wealthr, boxed his ears. Fosdick stag
gered out to the platform, fell off, and
the wheel killed him by pasaing over
his neck. Qoahorn was arrested and
accused of niling Fosdick, but finally
A *n*". one eighth colored, married a
white girl at Newport, having convinced
her that h was a Spaniard. Upon learn
ing of the deception, she wished to be
freed. A Rhode laland law declares the
marriage of a white person to a " negro
or mulatto " void, and upon that ground
a lawyer is trying to have this bond of
wedlock broken. The husband, how
ever, answers that he is not a mulatto,
but an octoroon.
A woman got into a Baltimore street
ear, took M at, and carefully examined
a loaded revolver which she took from
her pocket. Then she told the conduc
tor to let her out at John Nevins' house.
A friend of Nevins' heard the remark,
and, getting out of the oar ahead of
her, ran into the endangered man's resi
dence and warned him to fly. The
woman was erasy, and she intended to
kill Nevins, against whom she had a
In Spain the heat has been so great
this summer that the thermometer rose
to 166 degrees in the sun at Cadiz,
Tallow candles melted and became use
t*m at night, hundreds of people
dropped dead in the streets, and field
laborers refused to work in the scorch
ing sun. Owing to the recent disband -
ment of 200,000 soldiers, the labor
market was so glutted that many work
men could only obtain about fifteen
i cents daily for twelve hours' work.
Meteors in Sweden.
A fall of meteorites took place on the
twenty-eighth of June, between eleven
nnd twelve a. M., near Stalldalen. Sev
eral fell on the ground and some into a
lake. Two were found, one .about the
size of the fist and weighing four and
one-half pounds, the other smaller.
Eye-witnesses say that a loud whistling
was first heard in the air from west to
east, and a light was plainly distinguish
able, although the sky was clear and
oloudiess; thereafter two very sharp re
ports were heard, the second succeeding
the first after a momentary interval, fol
lowed by several others less sharp, re
sembling thunder, after which the fall
ing stones were observed by eight or
ten persons; and, finally, there was seen
in the air a whirling smoke, not very
high up. A meteor was observed sim
ultaneously at Stockholm and at other
PxjuaußiJrs.—Vicar (to old lady who
is returning from a funeral) : " Well,
Martha, I'm afraid you've had a sad
afternoon; it has been a long walk, too,
for you." Martha; " Barely 'tis, sir !
Ah, sir, 'taint much pleasure now for
me to go to funerals. Ibe too old and
full o' rheumati*. It was very different
when wa wan young, that *twe>!"