The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 28, 1876, Image 3

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( NTIU lUa No ft*s.l. O, of O. K.. m*ei
•*■) Nilnrdii) in tbo Oild Follow* lUII.
Ji. M I.ICL4I.AXr>, Soct. Hr SAHKET, A. t.
Oi l' EORT lOIMit, No &*', F. A M . moot* o
Jd n 1\ ovcntnc, on or oftor oorh fnll moon in to
LMil E o)Exn* Hall. ..
V I H RLA. Hrn, Hoct W H Mixat.r, V N
iri-rn O|IAE>IR. V ivf H. moot# on Saturday t
or ill tor woch lull rooon, at thrir Hall.
,1 ,|. AnxrY.
L ocaL i femS.
Our friends will obiigo bv sot ding m
It, tis of local now* in their OOR tv, giv.
us the fuels only, and we wdl nut them t
shapo, also notice* of deaths ami mat to
Any one sending ns the nantes of fix
now Subscribers, with the r.-isA, will b,
entitled to receive the Rgrorrxn onoycat
I no REPORTER being read by nearly
every body on this ude of the county,
where it has a larger circulation than
anv two payers, will bo found the bo.*',
medium for advertising business, sales, A.-
~ if"-Subscribers to the REPORTER, rosid
in*outside ol Oentie county, should re
mil us 10 cents, yearly, for postage which
wo will psv here : thi* reduces Hie postage
t. one half, as the sum paid by them for
one year'* postage was 2u els.
Kcmomber that if your taxe are n< t
paid thirty days before election, that you
loose your v>ite.
Tie Lea i-bur* Chronicle say*
*'Rails are still v >urit * up the valley for
the extension to Spring Mills."
. Iu some counties of this state a very
fatal disease has I ok,n out amo ig the
—Union county sells its cider at $2,-*'
per barrel with apples thrown in to maht
butter. Centre county ,los the same thing
for about $2.0 >
Philip Kreider sold his farm ir
Tenn township to a Mr llarter for s>.-
Lewis Mensch, of Haines twp.,
b vasts of a cornstalk which measures 14 ft.
and S inches.
The high winds and heavy rains last caused the uatopped corn to assume
a longitudinal posture.
~ Store aaay plenty of apples and
p aches this fall. Next year they will be
Apple cutting parties are all the go
Cel. Fh&cn Jarrett. of Lock Haven,
died in that city on Friday ..turning last,
of congestion of the brain, aged OS > cars.
Hold the forks !
Ilio knives are canting,
Spoons are or. the way ;
Siait the dishes on the table.
And pass the Hash this way.
ami g > to Sochlcrs for the best gntcerisi*.
Our schools are'about to open. |
During the school term many teachers i
have, of late years, been in the habit of
flooding thenewspaper offices with "month
ly repe is for publication. M e like to
do anything to advance the school system
ar.J the cause of education, but these re
ports are dry acd uninteresting tor
people generally, and take upagreat deal
of room in the newspapers that could be
tilled with matter more acceptable to sub
scribers. We should prefer to see the
publicati. nof these reports die oil'. Dit
to long obituaries.
The crew ot Bellefonte youngsters
who were sent to the penitentiary some
time ago have returned home, and now
t at town is happy again—at least the mam
mas of the young gents are. Hope a
wh lesome and lasting lemon may be the
result. Crime was checked at least for a
While by the weeding out of this crop, and
Bellefonte IT joyed quiet since their con.
Yiciicn and absence.
of iur county fa : i, Oct. 8, 4, and sth, the
managers have arranged for two grand
balloon ascensions by Miss Lizzie Ihiir.g
(niece of Prof. Wise, under whose super
vis on the ascensions will be be made) of
Philadelphia, one on Wednesday, 4, and
another on Thursday oth of October ; and
also an address before the Society by Hon.
Clic.on Lloyd, cf Williamsport, on Thurs
day oth.
- The Lycoming and Clinton county
foir will he hela at Jersey Shore, Sept. 27,
2S, 2* and 50 Thanks of the Reporter ed
itor and lady foe a complimentary ticket.
The CenLe coui.y doctors held a
c r.vention at Beilefonte a shoit lime ago.
Among some of their doings was the adop
tion o. a lee bill, according to which the
chsrgea of country physicians willbcsome
what raised. Well, just keep vr<U and
you will get ahead of the doctois.
The side walks in town should be re
plied before winter sets in. If resi
dent would spare a li.tle time, and pa cb
up the walks in '~ont of his OWB doo.s,
the work wou'd toon be finished, Remem
ber this, and don't wait on your neighbor
to make the sis L
The Centennial is a big thing. We
went— we saw—we returned. You can see
a* much there in tb'ee days as at Centre
Hall in one—fact We found the boss and
asked what he'd ,ake for the whole show
he said three dollars and 15 cents. We
said it was steep, and offered him $2,17-
Said heed just loose the actual p.ofit at
those Cgge-s, and finaiiv ng eed to rplit
the difference and take s3.t >. Told him
he was too tough for these , : mes and we
went iff. No doubt the boss now fee's
sorry be didn't Lite when a good customer
xva* on hand. Will see him again about it
in October and expect he will be glad to
jump at a hook baited with $2.1), and then
we'll bring the show along and the excur
sion business will be reversed and Phil*
deiphians be charged "so much" the round
trip lh : s way. "Board and lodging here."
chase some of the choicest real estate in
Centre county, we direct them Jo the ad
vertisement of Jas. P. Coburn and James
Huston, in the Reporter, who are offering
the farms of Thomas Huston, dee'd at pri
vate sale.
The real estate of 1. Acker, dee'd, at
Aaronsburg, is adverliced for sale in the
Reporter; also the Frederick farm in
Gregg twp., also the Ernmort farm in
Harris twp, also the farm of J. S. Forster
in Harris twp.
The Reporter being read all over
county a id outside, it is the best medium
Jus advertising real estate, &c.
DEDICATION: —The new Riforrnrd
church, at Hublersburg, this county, will
be dedicated to the service of the Triune
God on Sunday, Oct. Ist- The dedicatory
sermon will be preached in the morning at
10 o'clock. Religious services wsll be held
during the evenings of the week previous,
commencing on Wednesday evening. A
German sermon will be preached on Sat
urday morning at 10 o'clock. Several
ministers from abroad are expected to be
present. The Christian public are cordial
ly invited. GEORGE P. HARTZELL,
# Pastor.
BER AND HAIR DRESSER, respectfully an
nounces to this community that he has
opened a room two doors below the post
office, Centre Hall, where he is prepaied
to do nil work in the best stylo, sept 14tf.
BRICK FOR SALE —First class brick
will be kept ©n hand for sale at Zerbe's
Centre llail brie* yards. These brick are
offered so low that it will pny persons at a
distance to come here for them.
Intending to continue in the manufac
ture of bripk they will be kept eoptUr.tiy
on hand, and fair inducements offered to
17Aug tf. D. W. ZERBE.
Ohio Stoneware, all shapes and siz
es, wholesale to merchants, and at retail,
at Secblei's in the Bush house block.
We have tried Bower's Mead at
Zuiler'6 Drug Store and it is just as good as
they say it is—just the thing for a Warm
day—cooling and delightful. 4t.
J. S. MILLER, Fushionable Tailor, Aa
rensbure. Shop few doors west 01 Dr.
tlusser:e • " 4">ay U
Ma. —New recommendations freighted
with praise and entire satisfaction, are con
stantly being tendered to Daniel F. Beatty
Esq., proprietor and manafacturer of in-
N-struments pf rare merit, known as the Beat
ty piano, and Beatty's Golden XoDgue Or
gm AiwUiWW lnk
- Weil llt ex may be b> at nliWle at U*
I no OH" believed it for a long time , but
j mav be true tint th< display of giooerir
I at the Centennial beat* SuhK. - d'spla,
in il.o Bush hi use 1 ivk a lilt la, but tin
* Scolder tciii much cheapn, you know,am
that is the in.t ort*tit thing.
Mr. Anioa Alexander,of Millhein
011 last Monday morning again bocanii
suddenly indisposed, f . ui an affootioi
of the lungs tid live. The attack i
. more serious than tlio previous ones.
- —Mr. J. Newman. Jr., the Kim
Clothier of Bellefonte, has Just returns,
from Pl il; lelp'i.i and V V it>, an
opened tl e largest stock ot Writer Cloth
ing ever seen in Bellefonte ami it 1* aston
ithing hoiv low lie sell* them. Go ■ I t'vor
eosts from 5 <1 up, I'Nter -ui:- tXV A
number one wool ha at IXV. a:ul every
thing else in proportion If you want t.
save nton \v esll on him Allegheny street
Sand's Building. 2t
D F. F-irtney 1 is gone and go:
married. Right he's been courting for
the last ten y ears w th suece.-.- at tb.e t>ar
lie courted in the parlor, perhaps net -.
long, but ha* won ht< e*-o nevortheh s-,
for we saw it hanging at his arm at the
Centennial 1., day last wi ek, lie pay* .1
cost* at.d - ef 1: 0 latter . ..I'. and
well he may tor the pr e lie \\ -i Mr > •
Mr* FtrtM) will accept tie Ropotlir *
eet.gralulali.'tis. May aU : g ...J h*pp. v
life bo tin its.
, J. V. liej.lati a .1 a., ■1 t . ...": i.nk
for the "cotuplitneiilnriev'
Corn, heavy > . 1.
Rain, every other day.
V,r due, Henry M< >er, Sr , l',t 5.
Poaches, One dollar a bushel.
Up again atol doing, J e Bier'y.
A hort time since, Ed Spang'er and la
dy returned from lllino -on a x i>o. \Y t
are pleases! to find him as in Jays of. ore ~
thai is a jolly fellow.
Air. J. Koush, our landlord hit- ~Vtii
the S? i read Eagle u re:!!. g Thetav
oru makes r.ovv a very fine appearance
W, uh! that more w uIJ J'-' \v ii.i. w.-e
1 example.
0 Our neighbors ft: K >r\ .!!? must
mean bu?ine?s. There uro throe dwelling
1 h aio to , iup I ;> fall yo. Wo must
p acknowledge that tiu y have advantages
there which do n>t enj v lioro.
) The other Jay when Mrs Rub! .? at
ten.pti: :g t, knook - one p. achi - :r.-m a
tree she aecklentnlly fell oil' the fence,
' : which she had cliuibod, and broke her
' : arm.
j The military company which we made'
j mot.lion of a few w.-eki ago, wo are sorry
I to say, has gone to stick*
| Jonathan K.r. utter i .*: a x-. ry cue cov
! the other a ook.
I At.J at last Ale Lukcnbaeh has return
ed t > hi- native valley. \\ e hope ho w
i meet with tetter si., cess t. an what to did
years ago.
The and brick work e-f the Luth
eran churi h is draw ii.g last toward com
pletk n. Tha edifice is a very hands >tue
one and is a end it t ■ k •- community.
Brushvaltey seems u> b* atir.oyed con
siderably by thieves. The etnor we
somebody stole about a hundred lbs. of
iard, some eggs and a lot of butter from,
\\ m. Kr.sjtrr. The -hiet accidentally
drepped a lino roil of butler in the mud
as he left the collar. Mr. K reamer also
lost one of Lis best horse? The horse had
hung himself partly with the baiter strap ,
and in a few days he died from the etieeU
of the same.
On the night of the I£J,-on. ot.e tealth
ily ft tercd the bedro ivi t llenry Meyer.
Sr., and stole his poeket book out*wf .he ■
pocket of his trowsers i'ne purse contain? ;
Lng somewhere between $25 and stso, and
some valuable papers. This is the fourthi •
or tifth act of a similar character commit- '
ted during the last year in our immediate*'
neighborhood, aud why do not the ag- :
grieved ones seek redress through justice ■
and have the guilty ones punished.
Wo seller "lidderlieh" kenig Dyonysius
sei Lard gonuggetyrrannaist g'habt hot,
hot sei Yolk ihn abg'setxt un fortg'jogd ;
er is dernoch in Ita leu gegange un hot g'-
scbulmesterd ; c deiLcher Poet sagt von
ihm :
"Als Lionys aufherte cin Tyrann ru
Ward er ein Dorfshulmeisterlcin."
weiter : wo em jidisl. hocbo Rath in Jeru
saleni sei Attorney General Paulus—ge
ge die Christc genung gcdobt g'habt hot,
is er en Apo?.e! Un e Prediger worrc. Die
sent "Metamorphosis" aecmd now hei sei
lem Fuhrmann do zu sei, because er weisd
sieh in seim lelsbte BriefalsShulmes'. r un
JVodiger—als ShulmcUer s gar in
Branches, in Orthography un Logic. Als
l'rediger awer scbeint er do- dignity v n
seim Ami noch net darcti nn d.vch zu
fihlc, weil er am Sinus* von sein Brief
nocli so en klene Fobrmann-chlikser
griegt hot, viz : telle Fetze.
Weiter shweixt er in seim Brief votn
"Einfluss" oder "influence" .wi-- sell iu
English Lehso soil. Was i- Einfluss ?
Sbaum is e- der im Wind verfliegt, beit
kreishese': "Ualleluya" un morje .-/'Krei-'
zigt ihn," un so umgedreht. Um Eii.fluss
zu kriege, brauchts viel Sbrilt, um ihn zu
verlierc just en ; Einfluss bring*. Truwel
ut Difficulty* un wer Einfluss sucht, but
unsaubcre r.weck. leh hub en Mann go?
kennt, er is now e Jubr un e halb dod. der
hot rcehuhaffe g'kbt un i? sein grade Weg
gegucge ; er hot ken F.influss g'sucht un
ach ken gcklehml; hot besells dass sei
Pflseht als Citisen geduh ; hot am poblic
Lcwe wenig oddrgar ke Ifchl genomtne :
er is cow dod nn steht im e shenere An
denke L. i nil Mcashe d'u ihn gekennt hen,
als enigtr cinflussreicher Mann in der
Nochbcrsbaft, un zudem kommt noch die
Question nei, wcrtnehner wabre Satis.'ac
lion VOID Lcwe ghabt In !, seller still,
rechtslialTene Mann odcr e recht einfluss
rcichcr Groaskopp ? Des is now all ws'
ich noch zu sage hnb.
For the Reporter.
From you dear parent* one was railed,
A daughter who was always kind ;
i T > parents, brothers, sisters dear,
i Who yet are left to mourn behind.
Children, weep not for voursister,
She is going home u> rest;
Though her body lies beneath you,
' Yet her soul in heafb-n is blest.
Husband, your loved one now is taken,
l Called to'heaven froni earth away ;
j There her soul is sweetly resting.
In the light of endless day.
v You had hoped to live together,
Long upon this earth In love,
1 But our Father deemed it better
? To call her to his home above.
Early she from you departed,
In the very bloom of life :
Left behind all her companions,
In this weary world of strife.
Now at God's right hand shesilteth,
No more anxious to return ;
There she's waiting for you loved ones,
I All to meet her at the throne.
There no trouble o'er con enter,
; And no Sorrow then: is known ;
s And nil who are there assembled,
e Love that sweet repose of home.
# "O think of yonder realms of light,
Dwell flu- raptured saint* above :
" I Far beyond on* f< eb'e "h*
F Happy In IIIH-M'-UPI'S love."
"This world is but a fleeting show,
For man's illusion given ;
The smiles of earth, the tears of woo ;
Deceitful shine, deceitful flow,
l t There's nothing true but heaven."
Are not our hearts lost in sadness when
sitting beside the death-bed of those wi
II love. O, it weakens our very bodies and
IS our eyes are burried in tears. But i itnol
n more sorrowful when all the family collect
ed together behold the death o r u da'.ghter
i- who ulways proved a faithful child in the
r. sight of her purenls • a sister who wus ever
kind, and a wife who was hlways true.
The death ofSarah Ellen Wolf caused sad
ness to prevail in many hearts. The esteem
in which the was held was shown by th(
f, long precession which paid her the lut( sad
honor in quietly following her to hei
, earthly rest. She left her parents, five
brothers and four sisters her husband and
r * any friends to mourn ner loss.
' - * fafifj
QBE . in* >1 M HIBVX A QBE 1*
ile Sat; i.-. - An la 1 an t itnnNuiii
bet im; Hetwecn 'J ntid a ll In luttf
tu'd Kills Kvriy one ot litem.
Si. ux City. Sept ml 1 1 I'- I'ho to! ow
ing haajust bwn reoeivi'sl from lortSu ,
I{\ x bring wa* '■ r■ I, ti the \er ten
' mile* below hero la't I'm lay, o I irent
'lvin C eil re lion ot th Hineh H- , '
- no explanation 01 it RIV> n till S ■ t r
dax \h '.. ' n d"X ■> ' !> , "11
; Blinding at Cf ex i" -o river agency, sen
• loot# acouta out to Gen Terry who Wlw
l, reach him but were attaeki'd bv D ,1 an*
' and one wounded in to houi.t r . !.■
turning thoy eauio to i 1 re mtiitn y
'.rail w ieb lrs>v dto b Gene: .d i t -
' OR the way the aeouta aavt n eat P el
thirty to ig near Sun Butte* north ot
Hartley'* pi sk, ntnl ieit t'roo . n i-ov*"-
tahoa,-ceut* informed b iu. an l turning
b*ek ins eavalry, hy a rapid march,
Crook .irpr ed n k .. \, i le, o
tin *'< dtol 110 I 1 \ • 11 tw > 1 .11 died
and three lint .1 1 b : N 1 one
To-dav ti nor . B.i ta > a - ■ 1
all tlu- t'ndi 1 lot. 1 I w to niorr ,
disarm atul d,utoiint tllenl 1' 1 Xpe tea
tho Indians w i try t • it, bit <
eral Bueli is I :tn a' I w. I e o y , at '
order- to tho letter.
Kill Surrett.tet-
Chicag •, September !•' T:-.e f lowi ;
' nus 11 eeiv e,l at military 1 e t ■
| Ilea Quarters For. 1. , 1 , . >\ a S;
lIS Gen U C Drun Chii.... • i ■ tol
, lowing dispatch ha* just beet, received
j: .-tix 0 Dep 1 ■ o■ tot H i t ■
A'arltn iepsrU t ial K E'gaud Little
\N 0... d, with 14a | i 11 i- ir art •
pomes, Mrreslerel t > him at staniling
ronderust, all ol wh, .11 * re '<l the fight l 1
the Little B.g IK-
I Signed] 1' H SHERIMAN, I
Lieut General
tilt: t'l't.KlHlt V t ".Slsttt t"s 1 N lii't. !
lieport of the (.'i inaii
I The report of Mr. B.v :-g. r.-t rv < i
,ltho British leg!!';- • at C oop'e, <n
1 {the atrocities . -mmiltt',l hv ilui Turks in
Hi 'garia I- at la-i published.
! 1[ i, iiivouipau.o*l hv -v ' -t!* tr * - Sit
.Ill.G KU.-lt t ■ I. >rd D. r! ,i inwl ,'. tl
I British embassador acknowledges that
'• M". tlaro •- r, '. e ; , , fib! In - :
> fact that cruelties have boen perpetrated
j sufficient to iu*' 'fv the I i..;:iatto:i w Inch
'they h*V'- > Hv ' ! - !*
' letter IK'ifl M S 1 - yier . trii: g the
1 str-H-itif<.
The re pert > acc.-mpai .1 1> a
• programme •:t ie llu .: in i -ur^-:
which tha 1-■ - - ..mnn .1 Mr. i : :
, lieves to be autl eutic
This programme provided fr >* g.-t.-ral
and simultaneous r. ;ng
arc usUjs-1, -. ero ' . rai.nav
were to be dcjtf yc i
The governii.cnt '. r- t ■ I • se.
Ed ; sdl Mussulmai s who resist! 1 were t >
be killed and ait Bulgvriatis wh • r<-:*u-e-!
into the risiiii- ..ft ue n.surg
I'rigbtful L'ut:o|'u- > A,,diii4t i.m
nud I'rojvcrty.
lin the Sand tak of I'ln lip pop .* IJ, X'. • 11..
' gaiians :ii d t?*' Mu- uuuei. w•: kill- i
and flftv-tvv o v .Hag- • bur. 1.
I The Bulgarians burned fie so. .1! Tur
{ ki>h Village-.
WhoKiale Blauolitcr a J Ji blnry.
! The rep :t give? a Cir. mstanltul a* ,
count of the deetraeti -n of each town. It j
states that the most fearful trag-Jy -t tccj
whole insurrection occurred at Bata.. i
Hearing that prepara: !or >• v-dt worv
j going o:t h re Achuict Agha w.i* 1:
to attac.. it. H ' uturn.-tie 1 tl..- i..1.:i!-
Rants to give ut> their arm?, but. d..-tru-t
--jiughis intent., os, they refused :■> obey
A desultory light sut.-**di - !•'. ng tao j
days. On the'.'in > ! May the inhabitants ;
had a parley with Ahi ' - >Kmu!v
swore that it" they up tio ir arms no!
a hair ot their head? w> .id I touched
The villager- thrreapon surrei . red their
arms. fi.c:i all tin U- :.- v iti t.u> pia-e
was demanded, i:t--r s.csr.: g which tin
ha!hi baZoU. set Up?.* U.u j. 1c anu
slaughtered iheui iikc sheep. A! -;ut 1-
ott) to k refuge iti th. ■ : .iri w :.;. 1. i-.ii
flej all the mpts to In fr ■I e<
Side. The bashi bat 1.'.al .. < imbed
to the roof, tore oil tin? tiles a:.d threw
I burning pieces of w > 1 ai. i iag>-i:pp- l ii.
petroleum among the tbn ..iy pack- 1 mu
of bumaii beings be - At •ot '. J> r
was forc- d open ai d t! ■ uumou i ui
pleted. ihe inside of ti.e c.'.orcn vv.i
The only surviv- r fthi- slaughter t be
[found was an old woman, -ho alone re
riiaiuing a live of a family of seven
Sir. Baring c :.tii.Lv : 1 • i t' -
' pla on the 1-t f.'u y. Il ird ya • ■<
had been buried In the ~tr> t, :.t ev rv
step lay human remains rottingand swel
tering in the sun. T lie stench wa< ovcr
' powering.
Five thousand in all were killed hero
and about eighty gi-l- were am 1 otT.
The surviving inhabitant live in wood
en hutsoutsidothe, in great misery.
To Aclimc-t Aghua- 1 his men heh iig the
distinction of i avl g - immift !, i rhap-,
the nie-t hi ■us crime that a- ?t :ied
the history cf the | - *nt century. Nov
'ertheless. ho ha* I en decorated by 1 .
government, ns have also several other
leaders in these cr .cities.
The report conclude.- .* " There v. a* un
doubtedly a revoliti"n which had to be
crushed by arnie-i force : but the g ivern
; mcnt is t-> blame : r calling out the bashi
bazouks. f >r had it -- lit regular troop- - ar
lier the bashi bazouk* would have been
un ec--ury. The manner in which the
rising was ipprcvcd wa- inhuman to t
: !at degree, fifty innocent | 1 •
dor every guilty one."
A Train Hurled Info u Swamp —One
I MM Killed— OUMlS Bldij Injur
The B ten train, on th<> !*• n:i
svlvania Railroad, which let J■ •: -• y City
at 6 o'clock yesterday morning, IT, insl.,
I with a heavy load ol pn-i ngers, WH*
thrown from the track bv a broken rail,
at Bear Swamp beta > en Lawn-nc • ?tntl n
and Trunt'in, at ten miiiut* a past seven,
I while going at the rale <T thirty live mile?
an hour. The lo> m live turned over,
and, followed by four car?, plunged into
the swamp. The baggage ear telese ped
ion the tender, and two l'uilman palace
cars ovorturnud. Tin* embankniciit wa?
about ten feet high Th*'engine sank six
I teet deep in the mud. Engineer Bender
j was severely btirt, but, it i- thought, not
dangercu?ly. lie was .-ntbonie. Wilson
Creed, the fireman, w-u instantly killed.
He was a young man. the only support of
a blind sister, and wa- making his
first trip on the rotd after being - ut ofein
| ploynient for some tint '. Hi* b"dy ■<
■ tak-n to Trenton by the Coroner. Neii
Yan Sciver, the baggage ma?tr, was bad
jly injured, though it.? though: n--t fatal
ly. lie was in the forward end of the
baggage car, which telese. ped on the ten
der, and was burned by tho escap
ing ileum from tho cngie . He vva- sent
'to hi* home, at Filth street, Jersey
City. Ilis face was burm d bleck, and his
i hands a ere terribly scalded. II" thought
that he was not iniurcd internally, but a
I largo splinter, had torn bis hack, and
i his left ankle wa? either ha-Hy praiin d or
! broken. He was bruised all over, and all
I tho exposed part- of hi? body wi m scalded
nnd burned. He know nothing about the
cause of the accident, n >r w iuit damage
was done.
The only other person injuti 1 was a la
dy pa-ftnger, wlio win -i nton to I'hi adel
phia. Her nainu was not ascertained. A
number of tho passengers were bruised by
splinters and cut by the broken gin** from
the car windows, hut none wore seriously
hurt except tho-e mentioned. The new
paper train pned over the trick n few
minutes before the in cident, and it is sup
posed that a stone had g t ":i the track, li
ft was reported all safe by the track walk
er a few minutes before train pa-?i J. Till
passengers were senuto Philadelphia in un
extra train, nrcl in two hour the wreck
had been c'-car#t and t,..v w l was re
James Harvey, ol Houtzdalc, wai
drunk, and went up -tuirs and fell out o:
kho window, nnd died at oncc. Tliis oc
|curreJ on tho Tth of the pre out month
and tnhiaoWii house, or, perhaps we
properly say, out of it, as probably In
would not have died ft ho had stayed in.—
Bcllcfonto Re-publican.
♦ ♦
d 2CG New Casot In One Day In Sa
ft vannali.
r New York, September 19.—At th
e Chamber of (loh.ineico u aispatoli wit
r read from Hunter A Uninblo, of Savan
s. hah, repbrting two hundred and sixty-si:
I- new ensea of yellow fever in one day, am
n saying that llio daily expenses were sl,
ie U .
d The Chamber of Commerce, in a specia
■r mooting to day, appointed n Committee c
e twentv-flve to f.-iko nece-sary mea?ures t
d ra ; e fund* for the suffering people in Su
Iva-juuh. Twenty-two hundred dvlipi
|| V bvu " '
I \ ■ mi i: , .if it \ i )bOf (
; in. ! .(In st \ U.I > I Iby 15 V.
\ Kill. . i •!* .!■• travi-K
' I -s. V, , ~, ~1. r_Y A hire
' ■ deliv. red, si>. Adult baptUm*. -1, i
f-.t-t V : Coni'u ination* Fnmilic*i
iti-.1, IV.. It nil' thus bo seen that M
' Kot 'ln s :| Wi king 11 .n utor, and tl
M tii will nco *m.V utitn him, W <ll don
good ami faithful servant, ontor thou inl
(I o kingdom ol tin l I >rd.
I I tVi tcnniiil - I • *'
With i lit 11> 11*111 r l.u IV iat u 1"
I oo tin* gn ni uliuw, niul about 'A* mot
1 1 xpeil to go ; nnd s.ums have ma Is tlmi
■ : 1 viiul already ll every town
! . v in tlio I S is repie etitrd there i
[ proportion to . urn with so largo a numbe
tl. i ipi ii .. inn nil bo paid, and mono
fit to bo paid bach (• tlio I t it Oil State
G< i nimont.
Ai j. j.untiiv of rain ip to Tuedu.
iiHf wli li it ha* been blustery am
ll . inudo n i-ru.i i ofloiuo, bv n. t <
A o iib .t.i itii-hableby fnn nnd inipro
; iii> nt. t • toardiiwn or dotaca hafidKlll
i r t oiler* put up in public plncci lor lb
information *• r beiiciit l thonoo, b', or ti
tin nt rest f any individual. Still than
i] • to t ima i amtuig noun* boy
n our i ,n'. to f lo* tlio inUtil i'.. no
| I .;! ni , buiint'i*
Kiif K 1 MM V 111' Nt;
l.i. , 15 i : K. At Fort Smith to
i r Indian* note t \<vut. il for crimoi
a tt. . t In 'I torrilory A
li.: ge '. ut orderly er w.l vin prrsonl to wil>
i i t'io oi< cution.
I'll I' fill KTof COM M i N PLK X s
I ofOl- NTU} t■) Sri os v js Dp
i OttCV
.lii B Brpu.i, X
N • 65 X * T.rri;, IS7.
Xi > A Brit I
lu. 1. .• i:> I boon appoint !
i. .■ j- r to t ik". t" -tin n> in the
lib vo ■ .-< by Ml ivl t' >nrt. wi'l mo-1 all
int rested at hi*office in Bellefonte.
>n Saturdav tha 14th da* of Bopt A. D.
ls;r.. -,t r M \V. F'. KEUKK, Com.
n l\
I'f.o ..:idcn>igncd, hvocui-rs <l tho In,:
- will ,-.d testament .1 Thomas Hu.mb, late
t UV.k- . Centre ~ , P , <Io
•j t-e I, > r <T the ;r. p rlv known us the!
'• i "'.ln notion. Nt jr vt -nfo
i f 1 •i. ;.■ v - : .1' i W " ,-rtwp.
1 ; .t it- iiil< rn-clion • f tho Miliheiin and
> It*' i K..*le tur- i<tk. > th the pubi-,- rsd
•ding I! I,H I■: l t • Look Htm,
.li.iur tnitlwnv bftwora the two places
• Cotiiaimiu nI• :17 acrs-suf Intt<l with *
KlltlM, itiiii tho mvi -iarv outbuilding*,
in o >1 order and repair: there ia
it las. > it 1 .4 Orchard -f ch.-.-e fruit in,
i "o,vd b-'uring condition on the premises 1
'l ias |>r. ju rtv suitable f.ra private rri>
dotii o, or ns u i ace i f public business anJ
I s,..'., r v tft ha-" I • ,tI in thC<untj,.
A tract of lat-J, Ij thin* C o Junction
tr. r. . stait c about 10 ACRES w, !',
| 1 I i in! ir irable Era (mall homo i
la!- rn! fur sale. I. getber w.ih
I one -f ti.biit aow .... L--J bjf Samuel I
SI wtT' C*f\i:'£ nt it Itk* ACKKS ;
t*V M • .-r McCI:,\UK
, -n'ntiing v ut If.' ACRES ; One - eu
' [ I I'', .l-tMli - Hits'. !:, C 'litaini: * ah, ut
: IMi ACRES, a'l •ituiite.l comic list - the
proj artj Bral .!• scribed in Walk.-.- .
;-t i . th. r . .1 hv Mi. ..•.•! •' t- ,
j . ntaimng !M' Al'RK>. a: 11perch.
es, f. • at ni. a-tire, in ar the village of J aek-
Isonsillc, In Marion twp.
The- farm* are limestone land oi tho ;
fits. -I ; .ia' !V. a' 1 in a c- -l • f culli
i rati i , noli -uppli.-l with timber, water,
I and frit.!, wi'.h go, it building- erected on
!<--tih. l ite farms occupied by . v howors,
; Met c, r.i! 11 : t., a! ,-und ;;i
Iron Ore of the Finest Quality,
; in p*> " * quantities a vein being now
| prut. abi> worked by M. of; Irwin A'
Mel y ef this County, n one of then:
! Th|.r. 'iiis.iaboe me'.'i .ne.l sill be
i • •!.! * Jealgna: -.!, -r in tgeh tract* a* may tl. v,a;.'.* of purcba-er*, where t K>-
I Cati. i- ••Lus to warrant a tliviaiou of
tho i boye described premises, will pieasc
apply t > either the underaignt-tl, wtiu
i will take pleasure in allowing them the
i -aie, when term* und condition* will le
JAMES 11l ST'iN. Nittanv, Pa
JA.MI.S P. CO BURN Am : burg
sept Uf Jin Executor*.
XT' H -K A I.'TS AT IT lif.lCSAI.i: '
|.y of an Order of liie Orphan *
! Court of Centro courty, there will be of
ier.- i i.t j.tihli at Aaron*burg, on
Satu-dny 0.-t. H, th'" following de
I icribod n . --' ■ ! D*rid A*k*r, Ut. i
t namely, twoSquar I at* ia the town '
of A*r nshurg, th one mark, 1 un the J
, p'an of said town a-"jusre the lot* ot .
it Inch are Humbert- 1 "J'J, '.Mi. "_Mt. and UAi.
Tl e tin r square a.ij oiung tho last above
mention. J, the lots of which are nuinbrr
e.l in the g.-n ral plan <>f aid town with ,
No's. t> - . '.''T, 'J" and AN a dwell '
i.g heu, and two lots, situat in the t wn
slf r- -Bid. bounded east by CllcilliUt s". . )
i j'h by i:i,- ; west by lot N,>. 'did and
| nort . l y B'u kberry allev. and markeJ
with the numbam SOaasi 'ill on the plan
;, ; -... i tow;. Also a true', of Wood!*:,;!.
' -itunl-.' partly in Haines and partly in
j Mil township., bounded by lands „f
Emanuel Etliiiger, Win Stover, S Hot#,
| John Pursier at. 1 GraU heirs, containing i
10 . re-, i.i ~t measure
i 'Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. tu ,
i when term* will be made known
. 'dl sept Administrator.
, win be espoM l iut lie tale, Sept. Kb
•■ext. the following .! scribed property, *t
the late residence of John Xmtaert, ura,
-.tuate in Harris township. Centre county.
■ ; E'AKM, containing one hundred hh.l
thiriy-lhre# aere* more or let*, hounded
j by lunds of It. Everhart, dee d. Jamas
(Conn. McFnrlen, Mr. llcnilcron, dee d,
and The farm is well watered.
1 a never failing stream of water running
through the farm and within thirty yards'
of the b*rs , air", a well of nevertaiiing wa- j
' tor at the house, with 1 pump in in.
i I li- iiiijirovetnciits are a large FRAME
1I<1 Si. ta-- tori high, almost new
,i frame bank barn, forty Eve by eightyl
feet and nil other -aary outbuildings
' This ia oM of tba beat produchu Arm* inl
th i- section t. r all k iud* of grain ; it is all,
limes', >ne lai.J. A large OKCIIAKD of
choice fruit on the pretnUw.
j- K'-r p irtieulai impiiro of Wm. Wertl
on the farm.
Alio one House and lot itual< d in
lbi I'.si'urg. Centre < otinty, the liou-eis two
trie- high, with k ehen attached to it,
and nil nece sarv outbuihling* alto it good
stable, a never tailing well of water with
* good pump. The lot is well set with fruit
trees of best quality.
* sV!- ' two acres nnd 1 -12 j>erchea of excel
lent latui-ituate m ar tha tierniaii Uoform
<-d church in ibialshurg within two squares
fuh Ve hoil-e. Sale 111 10 o'clock, 11. 111.
JOSIAII NEFK, Executor of J. Kin.
~ rnerl. doe'si. Saiig
; A Farm For Sale.
Wi' 1 be • xpo-ed t > public -ale. on Fri
" slisv, <s t, M. Its"'!, tlie following ds-ss ribdi
'* nreperly, at the lists- residencss sf (js-sirge
i-'ii ieris-k, doOi' i-esl, situate in Gregg twp,
Centre county, Penna.
f mora -.r Is ia , E tundad by land* <>( Itaniel
" K line, ds-e'd, Jobn Tibbens' h- irs, Mich
v ss-l Armugu-t, "inl sillier*. The lurin i-
WELL WATERED; besides a n-ver
*' failing klream running near lb# building#.
'* water is brsnighl t" tbe liouse in pipes ; ut.
|s s> a two st-iry 1) W K t,LING iIOFSE,
BA KN, ana nils■ r outbuildings : al*-i suf
-1 i.-nt ORCHARD OF Al't'EE NI)
n oliiEß Kill 'T 'l'JiEfeo- bills- to cs>ni
" m-iico at I Ws buh, p. m , ot said day,
when ts-rma w ill be masle known,
-ept. 14. SA M U K L tilt A M LY.
cpl I Admini '.rntor of Geo. Ercdori^k.
'r A VALuASL££a£u\£
In Twp., Cestui-: Co., Pa.,
on the line <>f the Lssvvisburg, Cs-ntre sk
Spruce Creek Knilroaii.
A Valuable Farm
containing 110 acre*, more or less. There
is also Ten acre# of valuable Timber,
which the purchaser could have if desired.
Th# farm is well fenced ansl well watered,
ls (.h ilar crei k running through the piacs-
The buildings on the place r 0 ( „
ut Two-Story hlonc House,
[i spring-house, burn and all other necessary
• * outbuildings. There is on the place a
Nice Lot of Fine Fruit Trce.
Near the place are several inanu acto
al ri'-s, and sliops of all kinds convenient, ll
of isexpccti'dthat thodepitwill bolocntidot
to land- adjoining,
u- for purlieu!.-.. 5, address *
it j.a.fUo.E t.
■r- Sunday night. Sept 17,tw0 Height liu n
y col'oloil ut It o ! villc, five mile* nbove tliL
, ii y, cuuin.i ndm i r noil vii lire Between!
lUr ,ii..l in I iii'ki 11 I 'd w t i oil iind thai
enrs on vrhicli thoy wi ro loaded war*
in- burnod, n well n a home and burn in the
neighborhood. X* the oil in tlio different
'* re.erveir* wn t roil tin rn to r loud re
" porta. The light reflected by tha burning
lie nil wet vUlblo lor n I snjr distance.
10 •
I.ait week' . I .nek llnveu luniket ipioti j
,i|l Hotter, Mile por lb ; Kgg Itle por do*,
I.aril, Hi per 11", Aplilot, ; I t.i -pie
" 1 till . I'otatoei, V<k" per nil ; Flour, fl hi, j
re Cliieliont, -t ■ to .<k- por pair; Applo butter, I
1... per quart Sweet l'otat i P' p rpi |
Cabbage, 6 to He per lira I
in Mil HOI Manual Hi e. Ki . pt. "A ,by |
Sample .X; M< Nitt
XX'boa'., '• o<l, fbt'd I
Corn > !il, li'
(lat, while, 'J'I.
" blank, VSJ. i
11 lt-O, f' l c
Phlladalphk. Sept. 111, Flour ft v.> .
XV'.eat, anibar I 2b I I if', wbaal I'a. reilM
. | OVt-v I Ikt. Ky e 7i-1 7-H ("loirer taad lO
1(1 Corn lulled o. 1 i*J, Corn yellow tVK.i,
116, tint" western mixed if new",
~ l.ard 10i<<y 11 . Itultor N Y ex. |S4
j. Hutter drat) iilV.ii il.
C Hit? AGO.
Flour i "iiimon t.• bolee j>l v'6(-v • to.
MXVI "a! (I ~"b r 1 Oli I 1 ialt *. . N..i 1P .1
\\ heat. U. . . r I Clt i 1 not • i ->ov 10,.
Coin si-! Get tt| "rl Nov 4uj; Oat* |l
S*pt .ii<, OiU Mlltr Oct HO. Hye fl
HwrleynelS. pt
it K 1.1, KFG NTK MAIt K KTH.
t\'lilts XX hewt }1 A 1 Ited I'A'... Ityu 76
' i'on owrt Id, 4." Uwti.i.i Hwrley W
X 70 . ...I'luhirrrii! o ' I'otwtor*
l.ard pr pound 8 Porkinr pound;
liutteiVli Kgg-I.T l'la-t.-r perto
j>!4 Twllow S Jlweoi. 10 If inn 16
! Lwrd pur pound 8 cunt* Uiu k w liei
sui rt , F.our per bar rel retwil 7,00.
N iw Seoliw planter sll 60. Cwvue
plantwr i'.i.htl per AWI) It s tShelK J Cufn d
to 60
. r ill )u> *i* mtfortai fp io III* -rr. r o4 ttidl*
criilluai of tuuth hwrfuu* wwlitii> I* h*
• f ik] Ax- .1 ill •"■*•!• ip' iiuit iil tur*)i'.
fr* ;f !u*| Tl'.U ftewl re oitli ••• tltK- *Trt I
* IUIMI lt*l) In hi.dlh Attica K iVml • •< If bddr*M
<-*1 •*• lai rt ■ lit J .t ph T Inutth, SuiUtit 1
it a*r. M Votknii lu *}> i tun
• •
' Mr. l>wnie! F, in inufwcturer and
proprie: rof the Heulty I'iano and Heal
i > eelebrwtrd Go! en Tongue I'srh r Or
un. XX ahipiriori, N ,1 , i- renin: !>■
very re,,ii iihb!e ,m) j,i-niniu. n.wn to trinn
ut with. lie make. thU very
:wir pr.'position to any who may favor him
with an order, as follow. ;"lt the instru
ment doe* not prove sati.fact.iry a
; a ! of five da> after r. . e.\ ,ng it the
purehaxe money will be refunded upon the
return of the instrument, and be w ill pay
freight charge* both way-." ThU u uer
taiuiy an e.c. .".liiig. generou- anil iafe
nianiier in which t tranunt huiimw. with
him. He warrant, hi. inttruuiunU t r fix
year- Se>e hi* advertisement JulySOy
Sample & McNitt.
M [l.!tlV. PA.
PAY •ri'li~>JlCsH23-f
All KiiKlsofGrain.
Always i n b .iid and at kiwcr than
Farmers of Centre m.mi the place,
Report Of Prices
F(J ll ~C\IS/1.
Turpentiue, 40 cle.
Linseed Oil, 62 cts.
Wliitu lycad, $10.50.
Nai s, j>er keg.
Bar Iron, 21 ib.
COOKING STOVES. 7 in , $lO 00;
8 io , ;in., $25.00.
10 in., $10.00; 11 in., $12.00 ; 12 in.,
Galvaniied Coal Buckets, 50 cU.
Galvanized Coal Shovels, 10 els.
Fire Brick, 75 cts.
Coal Graies, 81.00.
Always for -ale the bfst and Cheap
irt Choking and R t in St ves in the
Lew blown, Sept. 20. 187 C. sept V3v
EXTRAORDINARY Inducements to Cash Buyers.
We wish to say to the people of iYun* Valley, thatwe
have just opened and are uow ofleriug full lines of all
that we deal in at such prices that even defy com
ment, or competition.
Mi I TIE niutn.
gains, at from Five dollars for a lull Suit ot Men h Cloth
ing u[> to the iiuest licady Made goods in town. Ladies' Shoes at 1 dollai per pair. Misses' Shoes at
75 cents per pair. Men's I'Jow Shoes at 91.25. Men'c
Krogans at 91.25. In the
At such prices us will astonish you, Calicoes at 5 cents. We have Ladies' Hose at 5 cents. Ladies' Hose at 10c
J Muslin at t>, 7 and 8 cents. Dress goods in all the Men's Hose at 5 cents. Ladies' handkerchiefs at sc.
newest styles from 10 cents jar yard up to the best Kid Gloves at 50 cents. Clark's O.N. T., Cotton. 6c
grades of Bilk. and all other goods in projxirtion.
S. 4 A. LOEB.
(Bucrtor to WILSON & IIICKS,)
xvill soil HAIinWAItK, STOMvS, Saddlery, Coach-makettr MuLrlal, Huild
ers I lard ware, of all kinds, Paints, Oils, &c. Nails, Iron and Glass a spe
cially,a( (lie LOW IvST CASH PItICKS. Chi Id reus' 1 Carriages, Shovel Plows,
Culling Hoxes, etc. We have (lie hesl COOK STOVES and RANGES in
(lie Market, and warrant them (o he good. We keep all repairs for same,
and will sell lower than elsewhere. Any one in this county, building, or
dealing in (his Hue ot goods, will pay them (o come and see us.
Belief on tf* Pa.
In .Saiaunah there are Vi**) yellow fovi
ca>e. reported. On 22 iii.t there wero '
death* by thedi.eate.
0, ' Come heme, John, a rolling. lone gall
m or. no num." "No 1 won't, mother, a e
pCping hen iiever grow > fat.
jn . The tramp crop promUea to be a got
Join- for nil winter purpoce*.
Cider i* telling at Eve cent* per gallo
raiin Clie.lcr county.
'the idea of prolonging the I'hiladoi
_ phia Lxhibilion boyutni November ly j
under.tood to be abandoned.
Chri.tlaii K Koi* ba* .pent tlxty tbou
"j.-atul d.illar. hunlir g lor hi. .on Charlie.
• ltepubiican pott master* are -end m
' pi vi i t-on their salaries to raise a fund
to help elect Hayes and Wheel -r.
tin bti lay lu.t, h-pp-mber 16, IN7P, at
. in* li. ine in Colcville near Bullef.inte, Pe
j ler It.ile, Es>) , aged 76 years, lit montbi
and "I.- day. Mr Ketc was born March
, 14. ISOI
At the reidance ot IX XX W'oodring,
, F..| . mi rii.n.ip .ireei, in Hetlefonte, on
l, September 10, ISTo, by Kev M
N I rneiiu*, .>t Ait.oiiia, luvid K For
ney. K.i| . to Mis* Sarah E. liuey, both ol
— -
AT V£d'r;i2 TJALk, !
Wolfs Old Stand.
Magnificent Stock of Spring nad Sum
mer Goods.
0/js Pr'itb 1 Lt/V; P/Ags i
Having ju.l rclurnevl from the East, and;
! •-unlit a. panic prin a, 1 am now iirepar-d )
; • vt-li eh.-nper tha . e\cr before. My it >ck.
:con.i*U m part of
SANDALS, Ac., Ac.\
Ladies' mid GeuUt' Undcrucar a spec
A I. A iter, BTOCK or
cou-itantly on hand. I/ook at the fig
ures :
(rood Cottimerc Suilf, SIO.OO
'rood ('(Ufimere Coal*, s">.oo
Ctutomers will find the etock com
plete, and a call i* all that is required
to aaniire you that this i* the bc*t ;
place in tha valley to buy your good*.
• It em ember, ue hate but one price for
WM. Wouf.
lersigned i now prepared to sell ltrick at
til' kilns a! Centre Hall to -uil purchasers,
nt reasonable rates, also to furm-hor con
tract Hnckwork. S. S. PAKNKR
7 oat v
Physician and Surgeon,
Respectfully offer* hit professional ser
vices to the citixen* of Centre Hal! and
jvic -itv. Cor sultntion in Hnglish or Ger
man Has a full line of instrument* for
~ xtract, ig teeth, Office and residence in
ithe I,utli. parsonage. 27feb tf
cd (Succnasor to J. K Miller A Son )
Dealer in Pure Drugs aud Medicines
"'Dye stuffs, and Druggist'* sundries.
For medicinal purpose*.
'* The best brand* of
(aiway* in stock.
Prescription* carefully Compounded,
Fashionable Tailor.
Centre Hull.
* ——-
b Having opened room* on the 2uu floor
of Gift A Klory • building he is prepar
ed to manufacture all kind* of men's and
boy * griHuetiUj, according vo the latest
styles, aud upon shortest notice, and nil
. work warranted t render satisfaction,
i Gutting and repairing done. 7sept y
,j7cN J. Harris,
Paint s
Bcllcfonte. j
Panic Prices.
!at the old Centre Hill tland.
Just opening a Stock of
j A laritc variety of
Ladies Dresr- Goods
]Grest Bargains in
Muslins and Calicoes.
I Ready-made Clothing
Warranted to Suit,
ill is Cloth* and Catsimers,
Cant be excelled
His Crocery Department,
X kUinishes every one in assortment and lowr
J price*.
Syrup, Sugar. Tea, Coffee. Canned fruit*,
Domestic and Foreign Fruits, Cheese,
and every other article belong
ing to the Grocery Depart
in en t.
r<cFarmerf, Mechanic* and laborers;
Jlook to your interest One dollar ared is!
. i dollar In pocket. Then call and *ee at
what astonishingly low price*.
tlrNo trouble to s'm-w Goods. tVtt
Also the choice*! FAMILY FLOCK al
wart on hand. Apr. 16, y.
Dentist, Millheim.
Of #n hit prd*Miatx*: (frrirr* to th* tuhllr. ll* 1*
-rvi rcd u* *U oyr alkou la tl* d*t>Ui jtro
| He i* now fnllj i rcixarW! to attract ta#*.b AT**M*LLIY
HvtUMtl tMla. my* T3Rf
\\' F. REBER~ Atiorner-at-Law.
* * • I*r mpt ittentWi tn all bualixcM ro
tnsalr.l U> hi* car# to < irarftrld or I retre county. Of*
D I L rtixfj. H*U*fufit*
. \\r M F WILSON, Attomev-at-Lew,
I vf Hcllefont" Pa. Office in Mr*, lten' Building, itellelonte Pa
, TOIIN F. POTTER, Attorney-at
' " U* i Uartloa. prumjatj ma 4* *aJ nwt utl
- stSoatl -o ia le th.M 04 Uud. .-f t.r,.prt Or
r til* Will draw ut> and hire a* k {tarda.
Mnftgsgc* |r 4>!fi-r in Ua dtanu>ud, north aldr oi
Uw court hoaae. H*ll(oale tvtSllHi
if dipio mT \
i Awarded t< JUIII! Powers A>r tL# I
beat fine Hoots exhibited at Con- ;
I tre County Fair for the yer 11*75. J
j AMIU/A D? 0 A 1
*' o|>pit Huah |Ji>u>,
i lie ketjM constantly ou hand a fui
line of
HO O T ft A N II ft If O E ft,
, , 1l Z £ 3
[for ladle*, kept roiutanlly on band.
Go>u and Shoes for men and women, ol
- all styles quality and prices, from tin?
| moat really t. JtUa cheapest,
U opt on hand. K J,OJ
MutulMUirar of hi<d I#*Ur l
,11 A K NTs S S,
' ! , 3 *3 r 'Repairing of all kinds executed at
short notice. 29 jun 6tn.
RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and allow Inter;
est; Discount Notes; Bur and
Soil Government Securities,
Gold and Coupons.
! I'ETEK JlorrcK. W. B. MIXCUL
l'res t. Cashier.!
10. T. AuxanßL d M Bowaaa
I *- insaspa al lav. fUllafoni* KtwcuJmm u ,
!.'*• •• OatWuoa.. axl Ond-n*' foan tettr7|
t-* < utxao;t-d in <>rb*a tad kughmu Oflta* it
<>arux**i Isttlidln#. CbfW Tl if
Excelsior Cement"
1 o Itclrrsicoed t, . H-.ouf*nur* < •.■> Wa*
i sopjrtv qaaitt, W k u*., uu Pib
' r~i Mills. IS lluui Ist Tkls ass alratdt
TfV" 1 ."•* nw* 1 , "p" l ' uu u. i a t
• KK , aiu! Dab h**:. fut*d t.kgL'.j MBit* fad- ry tiprm All ■
(•Ut hiri.tUtloi tad aud s. i jual u> t tt > bov i! lot u._ ta ( V'tUt P|TL
j absU-Tst i,>tr;.w 4 auslitj of OataMM u dsstra
• L sfmod, ttooß r,.u-0 fsr u,c
Olds, sod eudtwi Iks utmost astisfacUoß Paracm.
u.frre owtuwuu 1 tsu-r .s i u tu
iSc .BUI Bad M to 4Tif
, n.iad sad aiao tb*J Usßsrraeu n>* artw )* as rawe
""'Jf 1 .. J C mkvkk
I "**lll Asfssibtwaft.
The Bellefonte public and the people of
the country generally will be pl-asgri to
1 krow that the old and well established
Hate the pro" rty of James C. Williams,
on Allegheny street, next door to Hicks 1
hardware emporium, has been re
opened for business and is be
ing rapidly re-stocked and
Mlcd out with the best and most popular
and everything usually kept in a fi rat-class i
Drug More 1
PHEW KlFTlOXft<\4l* EFV L-
Ijroouipouuded al all hour*
of the day or night, and particular and
prompt attention given to the want* of
farmers and others
who live in the country. Store never
closod to tboie who want medicines or
1 anything in the drug line.
The undersigned hopes, by strict attention
1 ]lO business, to merit and receive the pub
. lie pat'inage.
. c apr ly. Agent
; PAINTER, u?"el.
. oflcia hie services to the citizens of|
'Centre county in
' HOUHC, Sign and Ornamental
N l'alnliuc.
1 Striping, ornamenting and gilding,
, {Graining
1 lain and Fancy Paper hanging. Order*
respectfully solicited. Terms reasonable
•JO apr tf.
!• *llll ioeatad at Pint UMN MUla aad la i pre
[•arad lo u>tal lo lb* boom of lulrnl, ala duuan
And remUr ct ttAlrd Mrrkt la bta Un. ta Ut bmt
manner. of <ja*Htf An.i AI ralat In
wrriK.o I'f n aUntuiM nude A 1 wUi at
j with.-at imin. >i T4
Harness. Saddles. &c
l Th# unamjinw4. Jol4rmlid lo tu—i lb* |ko|HOa
j 1 druian.l foe loi*r pttroA rrA;*At Uuiij uiti tbaauee
j Ut of Um puLhc to ba Alock of
now oflcrwl at tbaoM aUn.!. Uc+\gM tm tot
j th t>wspi and line*. :: Urrewt and moal vartwd
And . tut iotw AAwortAuwol of haddW. Ilarnvw* t oUara.
Hrldlw. of wwrty A rtitAon aud gaiit|. VI htj*A, and
' < in tact *v*nrthln to rotnphrte a brat cUas aeUibllah
j oiaat, La aow wflara at i'ru*a afctch Villaull UiaUaiaa
Chas. H. Held,
Clock. \\ ulrbiiuiktT A Jcmclci
Millbcim, Centre Co., Pa.
At klndaof iicwk*. Witcboa and Jmln of tba aim. the Mat asm 11* I'aUnl \ aWodrr
• HK-lA. i*ru Kind wr.b actMntdeia Indat of Lbw moaih
al dajr *f Uh> month and week on iU IACW. wblnb 1A
warTAiMwd AA A u.u krcjuir.
PK .At, WiU btA Abl t. i-alrwd oa abort BO
• aud warrant#*!
\.lanhood: How Lost, How
Restored !
duvt jMihluJiwi, a naw ihJiUaq f p* Cwlrurwali't
i >l.h:lJ Kt-af oa Dig curr . allhoul n.ll
rl-i. (S|>rrwaiorrbi*otSomlol latol
IDLUT "uln| I - o*. Ituik ton, j. MaUI sod Pbni
• I l*, ,>, lioix-llmoiv., u. M.rrU, ks. • aiao
Oo.IAA;. I>UOI,, Kptlos* aad I ita. inJttcedhl aalloadul'
conoa or aaxual rkUatacaaco. >w.
VTtCWe In a Avai' l no'j cwttt"
cwUhralwd ;.uthot. ir\ tbia adiulraLU Kaaaj,
* f.. 11X101 • ***** ****** MicoaaafJ
lirawtlsM. tiiAt Uta aUmuidh of aalf-abuaa
•wy ba oarwd wiUiout tba danjan>u n M of
inUsniai madhiu> or tbo at>pbcatioa of tbo kotfa;
(•mtiM out a tubda of cura at onca aimniw. cvrtaui.
and atfactoal. bjf tuaans of which aawry ••.h**rvr. no
matt.-r what hit condition mat bo, inaf cura Uimaall
ch **Pl*. lrttato|jr. and radtoam.
Tilt. Locfura ahi-bht l>n the handa of atari youUi
and acarjr titan to the land.
Sent nadar wor l, in a lUain anraio;o, to anj add roar
'TdiAhuS.'rvSiiih;™* °*" uor l "° ,w,<
•j, U Jul r. tl Ann St., Sew York; Pot Urtito Boi.Utie
C. P E c iT^s
a Coa ?Kl^| a otor y
I. The undersigned ha opened nn.w es
, tablishriieut, at his new shops, f ul th
> iiinnuflictuie of
& Spring Wagons
p* of every description . -
- All vohicles manufactured by hii
are warranted to rtmdor satisfaction, and u
equal to any work done elsewhere.
[7 He uses nono but the best materia
and employs the most skillful workmei
Hence tney Hatter themselves that thei
work can not bo ezoeilvd for durabilit
and finish.
j GrduwfVom a distance promptly attend
I yd to.
I Come and examine my work befor
I- Contra', ting cNewhere.
4U kindi9f
-• 1 Swr
Hare the exclusive sale in Bellefont*
Edwin C. Hurls'
t 8 WIDTHS, the
2*#] ohti&sJn V7tf3f]a
i AII Kir.da ofCubLim Work ilade To
81.L.0P Street, BELLEFONTE, TA
j 20 may tf.
lor Orgaca.
Factory Established is lboC.
From the Tf rt.
1 From 0. D. Wfciu?, Editor Ilacketti*
town. N. J. Uerafd.
"The organ has a rich, deep and soul
stirring tone : e uld not stay in the house
miihoutit. It helps wonderfully to drive
•way the thought* of hard titaea."
The Lebanon Pa. Daily News, says :
"We are in receipt of one of those five
oytaye Parlor Organ*, manufactured by
D. F. Beatty, Washir gu-n, N. J. This
or Ka? i a fine, solid black walnut case,
anJ in tone it cannot be surpassed by any
instrument of its kind."
From ti. Lowell Neb. Itegister.
e rtccived this week, direct from
the inafiu...ctur r. D. F. IkaUy. Wah
--i ngton, N. J., bis justly celebrated organ,
elegant in appecrance, and handsomely
furnished unexcelled in richness and pow
er ot tone. We are mora than pleased
with it. and heartily recommend it to any
one contemplating of purchasing an or
gan. '
Best offer given. Money refunded upon
return of organ and freig! t charges paid
by me (D. F. Bealtj) both ways if unsat
isfactory, after a test triai of five usvs.
Organ warranted for aix year*.
Agents wanted everywhere, male or fe
male, to canvass for this superior instru
ment. Addres. D. F. BKATTY.
i Washington, New Jersey
LEVI 3irnn.iT,
at his establishment al Centre Hail, keep
on band, and lor sale, al Ibe most rea*cna
ble rates.
& Spring Wagons,
and vehicles of every description made tu
order, and warranted to be made of the
best seasoned material, and by tbe most
skilled and.competrnt workmen. Bodies
for buggies and spring-wagon* Ac., of lbs
most inproved patterns made lo order,also
Gevring of ail kinds made to order- All
kinds of repairing done promptly and at
the lowest possible rates.
Persons wanting anything in his line ar
-©quested to call and examine his work,
Ithoy will find it not to be excelled lor dur
ability and wear. may Stf.
i 1 (' ••• i niarS greater povvr la restoring to •
i : SMlthr ataio Uw *• maial-raD* al ta* aratAra than
. *lU>*r ( nbena orl'opaika. It aervr pmJara* atckaaaa.
u rartoia uU tn tu utn*. It U lut tuprr
**<3lM trrrf otb-r rrrawlr Mil, capil car* ta us
nr *taht d*r* No oltirr Wadtrta* can do tkta.
Daada* Dtrk 1 Cr'i Ml l°(iilct ntUlal* Oil
cf Nandaleor-i. *old at *U Kt-u* M. -* Ait far alr
eaiu. or toad to SS A XT Wixntrr SlnM, N. Y.lut oa*.
aprtf ta
Elegant styles, with valuable Improve
ments. New and Beautiful Soio Stops.
* Over one thousand Organists and Musi
-1 ciaut indorse these organs and t>cotumand
them as strictly first class in Tona, Mo
, chanism and durability. Warranted for
d six years.
Most Elegant and Latest Improved*
Have been awarded the Highest Pratnia
uins in competition with others for simplie
-1 ily, Durability, Promptness, and Pian#
like action.
• Pure, swoet, and evenly balanced tona,
J oichestral effects, and instantaneous a
* eess which may be had to the revds.
Send for Price List. Address,
J Washington, New Jersey,
TO mum th *ff*c! of Error* *ad ASaaaa
• w*WT>r*n ill* Maabood rasUmxL la
j. StARIvIAOi. irsdiia. ill to M*ntage rrmorrd. law
|. a*Ua*l of troatneot. Now and rruiarkal ;* remadta*.
, Bo >w*ad, inuiar* **ut fro* to arsled aaralou** Aa
,, di.-* llowsBl) A*ux IATIK*. 4i N Nlntu St. PhUa
drli'bi*. P Aa Inst nation bauuc a a*ii rrcuiaitaa
lor bunoisMr conduct and profrulunal akrlL IS jal 7.
JL. SPANGLEH, Attorney-at-Law,
Bellefont', Pa, Ofeco with
5 Bush A Yocum. ConsulUtion in English
>; sndtrwmsa. Collodions promptly attend-
J; ed to. fab&-tf
± iGrand, Square and Upright.
From Rufus Snyder, of th firm of Sfiy
uor x lleiiuricks, Carriage Manufkcturert.
of tho citj of Allentows, Pa :
"I must confess I hardly know how to
, express my gratification on receiving tho
• Beatty Piano you shipped me. It is at
least all 1 could ask, wish or expect. Ona
5 of our most eminent musicians tried it and
1 spoke in tho most favorable terms, alter
thoroughly testing it."
Best offer ever given. Money refunded
upon return of Piano and freight chargeo
paid by me (D. F. Beatty) both way3 if
s unsatisfactory, after a test trial of livo
day. Pianos warranted for six years.
Address, D. F. BEATTY.
•.'Siiil v Washington. Now Jo
W*. F- M' MAN US, Attorney at-law
ai vY Bellefonte, Pa. Office with .I aa.
( McManus. Esq. i 23jul tf
V T^Twood
>ir /S v\ wvw /y < *\
re awSMg CMußtaw *as omu, r„.: *aa
r liDtug.cW ai>4 t str k,. % v t r^laahl#htmrSnS
1 MW> \tlwa,l*aUeniiaJuitT ---•#