-awr The €eatre Reporter. FRED KURTZ ."[^EDITOR. I .KB Halt,, Fa., fifill, 1876. * 1 KRMS.-* $2 per year, tn aifvasee, 2,60 I t> hen not paid in advance. Advertisements 'AX- per line for threetn tertians, and for&and 12 months by spe* a I contract. roa VKKSIIIKNT : SAMUEL J. TILDEN, of New York. TOR Tin; toksiokxt: TIIOS. A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana. arskmwi.T .• J VMKS F Milenburg, W. K-ALEXANDER, Ponn. Assort AT* JCtKJKS I JOHN IMVF.NS. Walker, MA.I. SAM'L FRANKi Miles. JVRV CPMUtSSIOSKR. JOHN RISHKL, of Gregg IMPORTANT TO VOTERS. To secure the right to vote in Penn- Bclvanta, all persons must bo assessed two months before the election and hn o paid a State or county tax (either will do! within two years. In case the tax is jwid this Year, it must ho a month fieforo the election. . Foreign born citixons wishing to vole next November must take out their uat uralisauon p.i[*crs a month before the election. They must also be assessed two months previous to tbe day of vot ing. and must have paid a tax a* above. The election w ill be held on luesdav, the 7th dav of November. Wed so September 6, s the last day on which taxes can be jxaid In legal time to Theabovc dates should bo carefully remembered and acted on by all voters. ♦ • Horatto Sevmonr says: I cannot think that the American people will put eve ry branch of this government into the hands of those who cannot give a rote for reform or economy without self-con demnation. I believe the best and most thoughtful of the Republican party wish to get out of this dilemma: that they will bo glad to have political power so distributed that needed reforms can be brought about. They can get their party into a shape where it will be more ser viceable to the public welfare. With a Democratic President, and House on the one hand, and a Republican Senate and arrav of officials upon the other, there will lie a discussion with regard to pub lic affairs which would compel both or ganixations to elevate their standards of patriotism and public virtue with a view of gaining the confidence of the American people. The Luxerne county court-house riug are receiving their punishment. Rein hart Gersbacher, ex-county commission er of Luxerne, and a leading member of the court house ring, whose trial in six cases ofextortion and cmbexxlement wa> set down for last week, astonished the entire community by pleading "guilty' to the five charges of extortion and "not guilty" to tho charge of embeixlemcnt. which the leading counsel say cannot be sustained. Judge Garrick M. Harding thereupon sentenced him to pay a fine SBSO for the first four cases and for the last to under go imprisonment in the Luxerne county prison for the period of one year. The court room was densely packed with spectators anxious to get a glimpse of the aged prisoner. The $20,000 defaulting ex-treasurer, Jas. Courtrigbt, who pleaded guilty to his steal at the June sessions, will next receive his sentence. Meanwhile a batch of other rogues are to be tried. WHAT ARE THETEPUBUCANS TO DO? The New York Times denounces the Republican system of assessments on of ficeholders, which furnishes them plenty of money which the Times receives in payment for its supplements and cam paign literature, and which keeps up the large corps of detectives it maintains for its dirty work. The New York Her ald denounces the bloody shirt cam paign as a failnre, and says that it will make thousands on thousands of Re publicans vote for Tilden and Hendricks. Now if the poor Radicals fail on both plenty of money and on the bloody shirt what are they to do for a platform. It is too late for them to take up other ques tions with any hope of explaining why they have shirked them. If they change base they will be routed. If they adhere to their present line of march, they will be decimated on the way. The Radical cause is hopeless. Let the Democrats press their flying columns and make victory as complete, as it is now se cure. THE BAYONETS BLUNTED. The calm forbearance of the citizens of the South, and the impartial and strictly lawful conduct of the regular troops, ha? so far nullified the effect of the bayonet order as an element in Southern elec tioneering. In Charleston the Demo*, crats, hunted by the mob, found their refuge behind the ranks ofCnited States troops, and it is evident everywhere that the troops cannot easily be forced into hostility to a peaceful and law abiding people. In war, laws are silent, but in peace, arms fall. The administration bayonets are turned aside from the elec tion contest by the mighty power of en durance of wrong and supreme regard for order now exhibited by the people of the South. At almost any time or place, such a wicked and murderous riot as the one in Charleston would have led to general massacre and pillages, but the Democrats of Charleston, white and col ored, knowing that their only hope lay in the supremacy of law and order, pre served order even to the extent of refus ing to resist cruel and murderous wrong. To say that such a people are not fit to be trusted with their due and modest share in the government of the country is a denial of plain facts, and an insult to the intelligence of the whole coun try. THE HANDWRITING/ ON THE WALL. According to the ratio in which events are now progressing, the so-called Re publicans will lose all the respectable members of their party by the end of October. Public recantations of Grant ism are being made almost daily, the writers and speakers basing their change of views upon the ground that adminis trative reform and honest government cannot be hoped for under Hayes, whilst they are obtainable under Tilden. To Euch an extent does this feeling exist, and so lucidly and forcibly are the views of these converts to Democracy express ed, that we might be content to leave the argument of our cause to these gen tlemen, confining ourselves to simply Spreading forth their opinions through- Out the Union. 2so worse indictment coald l>e brought against the present Republican managers than their treatment of the honest and C&pabic chiefs of their party, Wwiu M. Stanton, Salmon 1\ Chase, Charles Sum* ncr, Horace Greeley, ostracised and dy ing from bitterness of heart at seeing in to what bands the government of their country had fallen ; the "old watch dog of the Treasury," F. I'. Spinner, jerseen ted and driven into exile, so that the wolves might run riot in the fold ; Rris tow squelched ; Jewell removed, so that the mails may he properly "managed" during the present canvass; and many other public officers similarly treated in order that our present I\vgo may carry out the designs of his "Council of Ten," who are resolve*! to have a like pliable IV>go to succeed him. The reflecting and honest men of the Republican party will not stand tin treachery to the Cnion any longer. When such honest nanus as tln-o of William 0. Bryant, Parke Godwin and Hiram larney lead the van of prop t followed by so eminent a statesman as' Charles Francis Adams, and so profound a i***litical thinker as prof. Sumner, of Yale, the present rulers of the crumbs ling organisation which met lately at Cincinnati know full well that "Mene, Mone, Tekrl Cpharsiu" which itiscnh* 1 by the hand of destiny on their banners. When such recognised leaders of public opinion as those we have named, otlu t • of equal prominence who are preparing to follow, thus forsake their former a- > ciations in supreme disgust, we may r -I assured that the rank ami tile of the partv are resolved to emulate their ac A naroter of our exehangt - are at inablv disfigured with cuts of Tilden and llayes at their rmi-t-heuds. Should not wonder if votes were K-t t-> I th the candidates by the horrid likcmv-i - Women and children are frightened by the sight. Pulldown your nasty picters, brctheren. The Sonsof 7i"> of Glcarficld county arc try iug to make trouble for tliodemocrat.-. They have joined in with the radical an*l w ill run an independent ticket. We al ways thought and said, that the 7t-ei> were only bent on mischief and trouble, and we trust tho gallant democracy of Clearfield will get along right well in spite of these rule or ruin fellows. Tho Bellefonte papers are still keep ing up a ridiculous wrangle as to Un political status of ex-gov. Curtin, to the disgust of the general reader and of Mr. Gurtin in particular. We see nothing in it—not worth the j*aj>er the scribbling i done on. and governor Gurtin will go where lie pleases and do as he pleases, the assertions of the home sheets to the contrary notwithstanding; then why a baby newspaper squabble about it all, which neither the distinguished gentle man nor auv one else cares a fig about ? I-ast week was the most crowded week of the Centennial. On Wednesday there were 100,501 paid admissions, and on Thursday 125.U00. This week will un doubtedly be as full as last, as Pennsyl vania's day, (Thursday will draw thous ands of Kevstoners to the Exhibition. Votes taken on passenger trains ar uniformly in favor of Haves ,v Wheeler the Democrats, however, claim the ma jority on the gravel trains,—. Chronicle rod.) The fellows on the gravel trains art the poor, hard-fisted workmen, brought to starvation by radical misrule, and it is natural they would go for a change. The fellows on the palace cars are the kid-gloved radical thieves who get rich by plundering under radical rule, and they of course go for Ilajres. By colonising the African in Indiana, the rads think of carrying that state for Hays and Grantism. One of them ha.- rnade a confession. A dispatch dated ludianapolis, Sept, 20 says: John H. James, the colored preacher, who now lies under arrest for attempt ing rape on a small girl, recently, has to day confessed that he came to Indianapo lis from Danville for the purpose of car rying out a scheme of colinization. lie says he was employed by Rev. Moses Taylor, a colored preacher of Coke Chapel, in this city, to conduct negroes from Kentucky to this |*oint, ami would have carried out his part of the contract but for this untimely arroet. He knows often men from Hendricks county who voted here at the last election, one of whom repeated eight times, anothersix, and so on. James lias been prompted to make these disclosures by Taylor's ins suiting proposals to his wife in her trial and distress. The woman says Taylor suggested that he woutd take care of her if she came and lived with him, and res fused to provide any lawyer for h : a tool. James, hoping by this means to drive Mrs. James to surrender. The Demo cratic Central committee has just been reliably informed that fourteen car loads of negroes will reach here to morrow, from Kentucky, in uniform, and will re main over until after the election. From Louisville there is the following additional evidence: Sworn statements of negroes have been obtained going to show that Republicans have been im porting persons to Indiana to vote for them. George Finley, in an affidavit sworn to before a notary public, says that last Sunday a negro named John Cousins, his partner, told him a white man, a railroad officer, wanted him to goto Indianapolis and stay there until the day of tiie election, offering |l.lO per day and to pay expenses of trans portation and boarding. Soon afterward the two met the wh : te man, who made the same proposition to him stated by Cousins, and told him to come to a meet ing at one of the halls in the city Tues day night, and to go Wednesday morn ing. He did not do so. Finley gives a description of thg man, who proved to be a well known employe of a certain railroad here. THE NECESSITY OF A CO A SRI>KII. [Chicago Tim* .] 1. With N full kimwle,!,:, . f the I• - quiiemonts of the law, I*. It. Hayes h.i* persistently negl* > ted to list his proper ty subject to taxation. 2. lie has for three veins made false oatli as to tho value of hi-piopeitv above his just debt. ;t. He has • worn that in 187 k hi- pro perty v\.i w> rth only $? >M, when that portion of it liable to ho taxed turned JSI'.IHHI. t. He has refused for three year to list his gallery of paintings and a dia mond that tell to ltiui as a residuary legatee sA,floo. v He never paid any tuoney toward the Fort Mi ici '. II purchase, although h awi ha did, for fits purpose .> t ,\- plaintug the remarkable falling oil in the exhibits ■■ t tigur. . from IK it t 1874. i'>. He had in I>7! '7o 'ri> about f'J,t < 0 worth ol rredi'..*, in the shape o! gages. wliieh he did m f thill* >• lib thousand dollars left as l*eq.ests by hi umle. for wluih he maktsno return. 10. lie ha-disiegarded the law, and made no return to the I'robate Court of samlusky cxuinty h i the executorship l his uncle's w ill 11. In short. Rut her.'.>rd It. liav,shi b. ,'U gu.iev of false sweating for tin pa.-t three y eat-, and ha- swindled hi- eoun trv and the .Slate of Ohio out of a large share of their just revonui Ouly three members of Mr. 1 imvln's Cabinet, it- tt was rigimilly made up ami it eontiiiiied for a long while, are now lit ing. They ..re Sim u Caiuereu Secretary of War, Gideon Welles,Scores tary of the Nam ai d Montgomery Hlair, l'ostnuister-Getiern! Welles and ltlair fupjvort 1 ildcn, rind old Winnebago Cameron goes for llayo s. An official statement shows that the enormous sum of $5,500,5U5.03 has he. n li>-t to tho Government - nee IS*-J, through the default of oltic'aDapjs.inted by l'rc.-identGrant? Was t.icre ever a ! ruler in the world wh .-e appointment.' m a period of seven years turned out ro many rascals? O. M. Irvine, of Blair, Joseph Devliiig of Centre, ami W. P. Mitchell, of Clint ti county have beenapp- mted a . miiii sion to determine tho boundary line between Centre and Blair counties. A North Carolina correspnnde.it ge'.s off the following: 'Well, we are laxv in Norfolk, that's a fact. But the v - n*> need of wo-king here. If a man lu*- energy enough to dig a worm he can tale a pin In ok and s : t down t n the wharf and catch enough fiaii in one day to la-t hi.u two. If he is too 'a-y to dig a worm, he can tie a piece of flannel rag on ast ing a.id e..'i!i en -'t er. i st. las. him a day or tw<-, and i." he is U- • laxy to tie a pit eof flannel to a strii. r , belays down on his buck on the i-aml at the ebb tide,' pens his morill, and when the tide comes in the crabs ,un into it. What net 1 is there t inae autry for weich nature has done s> much. Tweed has bee.i caught! Hell Gate has been exploded, and now one mo e pti.-h nil along tbu line and w ; pc Granti-ai out of Washington by the defeat of Have- and eh tug Til den ! A TERRIBLE INTSDATION IN 1111 MOl'N i'AlSb. WiiliamsjH it, Se,.tmber 21- In I Forest county, on Thursday, the moun tain streams became greatiy swollen from the recent storm, the waters dial ing the partly-scaled valleys in the lum ber regions and tb ing much damage. Near R:ilst"ii sixteen pet - >r.s 1 -t their lives, 'n McKean county tl.es' rin was of long duration niwl .-e\re. lw > p* r sons were tlrowmsl near Sotith-p rt. in Tioga county three lives nre known t have been lest, ami it i- authentically reported that four jwrsons were drown ed while attempting to cr .-s a swollen stream at WeM>p ICIy-iun Fields road near Pratt - Hotel, llobolren, IT inxt., discovered the body of a twelro year ohl girl floating in the water. A beat wax pro cured and tho corp-o brought ashore. On examining the heir, it vvit found to be mulled with a thick i nt of tar, and the face and neck bore marks of ti.r that had not yot been washed away. Tho body was droMed neatly in a check grenadine dress trimmed with siik canton flannel drawers, brown and uhito .-lrtpi.l .lock ings, white muslin chemise, In. cd kid shoes, and in hor matted hair was a scarlet silk bow, und in her left cur u small, gold ring. Her underclothing was torn, and there is every reason to believe that, after having been made the v ic estimated from ) to $:!0, Lioiitxino Pi.ath A Nasty Fheak, —During tho storm on lust Thursday inoru* i' g. tl.e elcctr.c fluid darted along tho wires and crashed into the telegraph i lUce at tho dc| ot at this place, upsetting opera tor J. C. Kelly, who was sitting near tho instrument, and burning his right arm pretty badly, especially at tho elbow. Holes wore burned in his shirt ar.d coot sleeves. Agent Johnson was sitting iri his oflico adjoining thu tolegraph office at the time, und says tho flush of flru was huge und blinding, 'l'lio wires in tho office wore displaced und in inuny places melted. Xelly believes in a good "cul-off" hureuf tur; if not, ho may cut out himself. Jlo certainly made a very narrow escape from death.— Mifflin burg Telegraph, 21. Tlioso who livo near hlnck-mith and machine shops, and can get iron tiling arid ru-ty chips of iron, arid will work then) into their flower beds. "Nvill add greatly U> the rich nnd bright iL H>. I . D. Mliliit VK. Iho lvcptil Jicnll ( V, ildlilnto f i (.over >if New Y otk. Inula ii po 11 hit tier .if he iiig i toil, in>t merely !•< at,so the U l)ltll> iicplll lu'llll 11. I*. i will I r ovi* I vv licit' ingly .'cleat, .|, but I NMN the tnnra hi* Individual fsrord h examined I in the dear light of lu t.-ry, the more! ev i.lcht it j- that hi*, cur. . i a-, it tra.h I tl | Kilt the til: >t*'l t II tic ■ atl.l tie, - all, . at the Colllilrj I-* Mo ll HH to deprive hitu of 'he\ *P | all I ■ . 1 an,l cat, lul inert Itt Ist,l, I* |t. Morgan Co., had the monopoly of the j.tir, iiuai: ;* at .1, hat ter ,ng , i ! I i ihe I mt, ,1 Map ih.* duty h, mg tiominally i„ rfortne,l hv George D. Morgan, ii brother ol the Governor, ttttd tuts r, ,te,l ut the lirui of I I' Motgan ,V < ,a. In Noveitil ,r, 1 ?•' I, rg, l Morgan, made ~ r, port to th, Natal iVpartnieiit, certifytiig llint lie li.ld I el.: I \, 4 CXI ept poll I actual owners, and Ihfil he hud charged lor lilt, patch;. , s only tin* regular eointlli iou allow ~1 hv thi t hauihi I of (ViU)lilin e. I nt his W ~y hi In-, i.w I: -do •w .: e. •i, . , D. Morgan, otherwt>:o I dwtn D. Morgan ,vt'<>. re.i-rvnl in a xm abort p.aiod y.oo'O jo, eouuiii-Mon** I xaiuiruitt.'n of the ,hi did. Mlhlllltted h) liiln allow a , that luanx indeed a lllaj ritl of there < punhua. s mil' made train nu-u who never ow m-.l a aliip, wi-r, meich hrokcr and whore , -itnuuaMoii.*, of tHeper icttl. in . Ithiion to the two and a hall | er , ot a'.lowi I Were deducted from the ail:.'lint paid hy the 1 tun- I Mate*., Mor gana oath to the . outrai \, not w ithatuml ng. Thia ia one of the wava in which M >rgau grew rieh enough to he a great p htual and commercial magnate, and now candidate tbr Uovernor .-t New Yotk on hiaoid) .pialideation of plenty of money, llu-re arc other umi ttll w .i*<- facta to cine ..ut, hut enough are now tu my per.-, ,-i, n to juattfy me in pnuiouio itig the {Kilitical Hirer t "1 hd wm D. Morgan one of the mo>t eorrupt and uuworthy iu tin aiinala of the Mate of New \oi k. UtNJAUIM T. aK! alo l\. '1 he only ref. rm Idoj..*. tu on the U< l ul-licau tn-e, i> llenjaiuiit F. Hrialow lie ha-* re,titiy flow, redout an a 1 layer ,rat,.r umh r the ludueeiuenta of the plaiik of the platform of plenty of money ami tho bloody shirt. An hour among the sugar rv it iters here would convince anyone of the fact that reform hluaaonta on the r.ulic.. 1 tree ran bear no grK-d fruit, i'lu-y ray that ltia dcclmolir* w, re ihe inert uiijual of any ever rendered hy any Secretary of the i'reaaury, that lie decided CUM-S ~I , xuctiy the NIIUI- time, and that lu* deoiaioua were made in lax rofliia iiiipiaiiilauci * and friend a, and agahiai thane who rdi, ,i upon h'tt> official cousiateucy. They point to the fuct tii.4* v. lieii th. ] .bhefy iiiad.-thc*. charges, und gave detailed Yauta and lig arc. in nupjKirt of tlietn, no denial wa* made at the tune, <>r since,notwithotand* ii.gthat Mr. Hristow'a friends jt -mi >-,! an explicit an.l full explanation. The plain truth of the mutter is that liristow ! traded ujatn a *pe> ml exploit, for who h he was entitled to but little credit, as he acted only .m mercantile figure* funn-h- l edtothe fneanury by ntereiianto iitauu* (acturem, who.*e inter, -;:- were lotilc to traud, months la-fore any >t. p was! tak.ii by the lhn* letter* umi figure* baa aturiled mc ; for they show , 1 Ist. That for over a year not only the exact l ■ ahtie* >f tlie fraud*, am Jiitliig! as all kn-.w . to ten* of million* of dollar* nua known to the Treasury, k'd, That the Treasury p. r*i*ten;ly refu*.-d lutak. any notice of the tet rcsentailoua or imtkoany u*e of the knowledge unit: driven to do no hv the Voice of the pre**. There i* nothing Vet deVelojwsl a! ut tlisf-e gigant.. flrwn D'• ..taim-d in an article puldiaiied in the d irnalof ('- in* men.e of this city in the Fall of I*7l. 4 MODEL O-iMMIMUoXXft. When theattrnti nof licvenne ('.-m* miiv*i,.ni r Ibnigia** wa* <-.-dh*i to the . \- tent of the cheating in nt. l >ui.. he re plied that the <• x.rnment had trn-tv otlii-er* tin r<- : namely, Mcl*onaJ.l, Joyce and Ford and that if therx w.,* any tritiing irregularity it was 100 small to ; !■ worthy of notice, and j < t. at that uto ! met-!, <>f the tux of 7ocent* jK-r gallon on dt*iillcd spirit.* the Government was re j ee.vtiig only S'■ cent*, the thi. v > * in and | out of office |HK Leting 10 cents. Vet Mr. , Cotutni* doner Dough.*a, who. I, f.,rv lu ■ became the friend ami protect -r of Mi* ■ lk>nald and Jo> e, was the friend and '[protector ol Rail.-y ami l'itt.-nh < :!, r > i Mill bear* generally the reputation of a faithful i llieer, dull and stupid umloiiht -! ediy, but still faithful. The plain truth must nw IH* told. Among them all ! there wa. not one faithful no t. t one. ! All were tarred with the mime sto k.and : tlie 1 . -t pica that any one au make i* ! that he was 1. ** knave than fool. Doug* | lass, the model ( inmi*.*i, iter earned a large fortune in a year after hi* retire ment by obtaining reversal# >f hi* own derisions. In the single matter of the broke#' tax. he got over *'•"An other attorney did all the woik, but IVntglaft# obtained the decision. From Delano to Bailey and from lkiugla** to . Joyce, all were venal, ami either bribed or influenced iu their deciMona hy the p.trer# of the in Mipreme power. The present t • oilu:*-loin i, li. J,. iooili,. g., - apjH.inU ! at the urgent re.pn .-t of John i 1-ogan. lie know r.otliiug what. v.r about revenue matter*.except a# inform ed hy the old clerk* of Delanoaiid Doug las.-. 1* it reasonable to expect In-tt. r ' mpltx from his sdtni&i Iration, withDw- I lauo and I' t-gi:.** : rin d. ls.nnd 1 for a guide? There i* only one curO to reform the whole abominable sy t.-iu, w hieli be d. -troved the . i.-rruil revenue and by .-rimiual connivance, or, to h. charitable, cpiallv criminal neglect, al • lowed the povernmcnt to lie ro!>l>ed in fourteen ycaiw ol' over nine liundrcd million# of dollars. Tilt IIEMUIIY y.n ivrins-.xt. HEYEM-X' KRAt is. The more I consider the subject, thc more J am convinced that there i* no remedy short of tho i rtiri>ati<>n ef tin whole pre-.-nt system. Every evil h.u its relict, am! every fraudulent eotnhina . tion it* *'ill paid .lefender in the Bureau now. Kvery official driven out immedi ately turns ''attorney,"and make# a for tune out of his knowledge of fraud, and liis control over other oftieials*wbo par ticipated with him in fraudulent gains,' am! dare not decide against him. The remedy i* simple "A change of measu res and of men." This evil was s*> plain ly the most gigantic, that the House .lul not complete its lnve*tigiition#t the late session sufficientlv to imi's any general measure of r. form iu the face of the de termined opposition of tin* radical Sen ;;fc; but the Democratic victory of this Fall wiii enable < 'oilgross to cure effect* ually the f.-teriug gore on our body | politic, which jajisons the air of thg Tr. uniry. The Republican Fenaiortf! will not I, -ist thi* reform because too j many of tht.-iu are too deeply concerned in past .lelimiueneies to dare to resist H. and the election of the 1 N'tnoerntie tick, t this year will not only disclose the source# of past corruption, but w ill re store'to the Government full revenue from u xottrcefruro whieh there has here tofore resulted not merely lore of reve nue, but the most shameful #can.lalt>| which have disgraced it* iu the ey.-s of the world, ami worst! still in our ownj eyes, for a# self-degradation it the tint r of alt degradation#, self-esteem is of all! tilings tho most essential to success. l.l.i!lTi:it Till Nf is. The. e topics may be heavy for a tic-1 suStory corrcsponoen.-e, !,;;t probably all. of your readers tiro now- sufficiently in- 1 terested in public afluiis, which they | know , from experience, to form tin* basis, of their success or failure, to forgive] pro# inc.** on such subjects. If they want dissertation# on more amusing themes I! can only refer tlrein to your next letter, whim will be devoted to plays ami pas times, as i right on tho theory, that even pr .'tiding election# determining the future of tho country, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," •♦ - CAME FROM AMONG THEM. INDEPENDENTS AND LIBERALS \\ Ho FAVOR REFORM. How the Nomination of Haves "Uni ted Republican Parly"—Names of Dutinguished Statesmen umi For mer Republican# Who Have Abandoned lite Party to Support ( Tilrjpn ami Hendricks. New Y>rk, Hi i>t. 15 -Tho World this ' muming published tho following : A* -non n* Governor llaye* was riotni- i nated nt Cincinnati, the Republican news- I papers began t*> announce tiro return ol | tho errant Liberals and Independents to ' the. Republican fold. They claimed it n- 1 tlio chief mlvnidngo "f Gov. llaye*' nomi* - nation thai "united the party." l'his string > 'lias been played upon pretty cuiiUnuutus t v ever sine. Only tlio other day the llei .1.1 (whieh, under the guise ol iiuls pendeti.-e, i, n* tonal, bitterly hoxtila to! the ileno i raev I, under to play upon it, and , .rn i reea I tho nanie* of only one or two, Llhetal* who had pronounced lor Gover nor I iid. n The ltepubllean orean* an eltr'.-iiii-ly nervous, atl.l with good reason, 14h0.1l the rile. I which the example fit! prominent Liberals and Itid.'p.'tident* ! oiust have on tliat largo class of votcr hitlierto acting w it It tlie Ropubli.-atr party t who are dtg.isted with Us present COM.Ii lien and pollcy . nml 111 a preparing to ]OOI, lor r lot tti outside of it. lit \ 1 nr.'liilly abstain from puhllsbingl tlio lot 11. ■ 1 lb.-II who have gone ovr I til the Demoeratie rc lot in cause. It is; 1 big tilor to toing 111 > nil 110- twn.ldling j Willi aI. u I turji The tail Is tbut noli only ai' a l:iigo iiin'. riiv . t the prominent Libei i.U and Independents of tho country | now ipiiorting Tiideti, hut also that rrbso lutely all ol the wi . -I ulid most Influential | < o! 11.. I.limber are doing so li i* 111 th.- iiatuto of things that lb. y should carry Willi tl.riti the bulk of the honest and kll - tolligent Republican v.o -r- For the rn lorm it.oti .-I tl.o lultl-Tlld. il N. vi York Hem .1 a .1 other* among our . ont.-miHi rst I. s, We pi lilt the following list ol Tlliioli lino-., will, li I .o|i|>r lF. ■ t lis names not only . ! '! w I 1 I. .1 v. late i \ I . .'ll c lu.-- sd a "l.:'.eral Repubhenti* and "Imlcpeud j etit*," but of a number oil gentlemen who lime u.til the pr.setil . ntivn-* bt ih icxti jiarty : 1 1 nr.. * 1 n.* . V.iatii*, ot Masiaf-liu sett*. Vll • 1 n t> t nrtui, i'eiiti.-x Ivauia > ■ \\ :n (lot mar " t-. x Benator Trumbull, of llllool# 1 I'.l ot A \S lb. ..t Coll tie. 11. ut W tain t'u !.-ti Br.vuiit, .o New Y -rk. Pari - < < a win, oi s> * York 1 t<: Iron M . 11- l're-I.lent Lii . In s Sec -1 tnrv .1 tt.c Navy 1 .1 usliee Davnl Daii.*, of the Supreme Four:, Flitted States. I _Ki Governor Austin Blnir, the "War u i.riioi' of Michigan, 10 • virnorß. Gr,.tx Brown, of Mi. ouri. to org. W Juhi.n, f sudnlate for Vice Pr.--. I. Nt >iili e Free but n. kit, lho'g Fa-bio- -M Flay, of Kcritueky. .1. in ml John if. Balm r, ex-Goveriior of Illinois. '■. x. •j tie:,oral K P. Jones, of Broome coun I Jty J.. 4.. i.l, ; A. IL y tiol.it. of Orl.'ini ri -mc.y Co :.el Charlc-Jan.c, of Orleans COUB- Ity. P .r She'd of Chautauqua c unty. Kx ti -verr. -r Dav.d P. Lewis, the last '1 K l utTican tierrri;. r of Alabama, •j Judge i'at..ei s. Gc ding, LfncoSn Eicc : r at srge m lndiai.a, Itvd ix F gfi ri.a;. .I tin • M All;ley', of G. v rat J. b Uiiakerl. ff. of tibio. J !g. I! .Hey, . f the Supreme C.-urt ' u| j. rt- ,1 llnycs for Governor las' ycur. ! \Y HiUrtdge, the eminent lawyer of F.-o .tu :itt slipp rtcd Have* last year. Charles R< < ii.ei::., ol Cincrnnaii, who .| supported Hayes teat veer. Ktn till fftiisi!, of < ir.cnnaii, who sup . p !.d Hay., la*', year fx 1. 1.0" .*.!fi .er nor Jacob M uell*r, *-f •' . el ted .Hi the ltejiu'e Tcaft tiekct in lMc w t.o ipp.ir'.ed Hnvos last year. Julge .1 B Myllo, .( Cincinnati, who ' set. ;: 1 1 Have* i..,t y * f . I*r -i. ro a IT, ti:. f. s, IxUi cdiUir of th. t cit. tali \ .uksblatt, who support, d , I Lives !at v .r. A'..gusl Tho me, editor ofthe Cleveland , Wa. liter ate. Erie, wio supp rt**l Hayes ...-1 \ . r r ! Edward Jutsrn, of Chicago, broth er ii - -is . ! Fat! Seltur.' f x Govern.>l Kuentor. of Dlinolg " fieri. Krat.x S.gel, .f N. w \ ork. ' Tii. i>niir.el;t (i, rn.m., las! named who 1 have tt.ni lone I the K> publican parly to sup; rt Gox.mor T.l.lcn, represent the voting ra-.k and file of l!ie Germans in America There it not a single German ■ial :1 r* putati *n, wit), the s diiarg . eeep4ior. ,f Carl Scl.urx, who now tru.r.s ! under the banner of "Each Chandler A PLEA VoR UNION. Sl'KF.i II <)F SEN A I'oli BAYARD, Al 111 EN TON NEW JERSEY. I lie S uthi rn Fiat.* a Unit for lie form an ' llouc.t Ailuiiuistralion. Altera preliminary a!luion ti ju-:i:i. 1. no polltu *i party can lu , worthy of American COB fid en oe or Mtpport which 10. lst > th.* hosltlo feelings of one . portion of lur citizens or section of the 1 I nion a* it aourre of strength and kuccess in 11 undertakings. The experiment of popular Mil government has p'.airFyi re.l.du d ii p, u,i where it is about to be GuL|ei'tr,i tu thi sgycrrs! t t and pressure. Ho here alluded in r> , kl.-ss and improvi dent expenditures nn.i after continuing in this-train tor me lime ho said that he was led lu the-o comments by the tenor of the political canva-s as it ha s*i far been contracted . n the part of the leading ; w-L in behalf of liny. - and Wheeler,! the iiomilie* -ot tlio pHfly called republi-' 1 can. Including. I am sorry to observe.' . Mr. Wheeler, the candidate for the Vice . Presidency, and sustained by the parly I [ pr. thn issue i* broadly and yet deiiber-; atoiy slated in the present contest of par- 1 lies to be ' I between u r, i t *ej south and; ; no. 1 s*rily a united north." A United Soullt. P.,.; 50 n moment with nie. nnd see how iulfc is the suggr-tion that there is a unity ~f any kind or on any sub|< et %nrong the -oiitherii stales that can lie 111 any dogrco *; . sourou of danger to tho safely, honor or; wtdfaro of the northern state* or the com- ( nion government of nil. What doe# the loulh seek whieh endangers tho north? I* 1 j it :i* in IW.I n separate governmental ex- ( istenoo ? The doctrine of scces-ion died in ; April, I*'.."i, and not even the wildest ere- 1 ' dtllily b 1- .magi.., .! that iu pale ghost has 'ever ..r will . vt-r r.• virit il torutoi abode. ~ri earth. I- it the institution of negro| . lnvi ry ' Who so deaf a* not to hear all oyer Uif south front every white man, wo . man nml child but one inero.uung voice ol thanks that tho day < f slavery ha* passed never to return ' No intolligent mnn would up|'OSe it humanly possible to re store a >-tem of labor so Condemned oven by its former friends. I- it a* in IHi I a ! threat of nulliCiutiofJ oj" uiju-l or unequal tariff * r exci-o laws ? Tlfo loud outcry against the free admi-sion of Hawniiafij rn .'nml #us ir, which aro*# in the f'aroli- j 'nas and L.tm-iana i>t tho last session if ! congre , w 011 Id satisfy u* (nnd. perhaps, | not pleaantlyj thut "protoction" has; I charms for class inlerusts elsewhere than |in lVnnsylvntiia. 1* it the currency and j banking (juration T Where shall sounder ' views bo round than in states -till retain j ing thn ori K !r-! democratic views that the constitution gave to congress power, Ito "coin njutiey" and regulate the value, ! thereof, but never to sob.-lllulu u naked I credit without intrinsic value for thut which wa* not only of value but in itself 11 standard of nil other values? No clearer exponents ot u h view can bo found than i.bonru! in tlie *uthorn states. Upon what .jue-iion, what i-spo, fhgjj, j- "J lie south a unit" which should comjiel the northern tate- to urrny themselves in solid opposi tion 7 The south Is a 11r.lt for reform, for hon est administration, for equal laws, for up holding every guarantors of the ennstitu lion to everv state and every citizen of ev ery slate. The south is a unit against a federal administration which lias organiz ed government in those states so that it is bill another name for rolibory, whieh has I luce I and kept in official power a class ol ruler* fatal to pence, prosperity and decent government. The southern states need peace and honest rule ; they need econo my and honesty in their ruler* to enable them to build anew tlie fabric of their lor tunes. Thi* i.* ull they nk, ai d for this they rtre a unit. I n*k any honest man who hear* me, when Ira* the republican ml ministration at Washington relinked or 1 punished a rogue in the south, of its own 1 party? What cla*s *ug > gestion* o( *tich men * Pattorion and \N hlttemor* * !• ii m l u< h mrn as <' iey ninl Kallogg, and Pincbbnck and Packard, and Durrnll mul Ilillium, aim uKin*' timl favor in tli 4. Jmiic, Slot that knot f honeaty which bring. Shepherd, i lln 1 w i utive mansion and r.payspcr-l tonal aervire with the bestowal of public; offl. e Nut that kmd of honetty which, to. aai the words of that abla un.j aalUrtM* e 1 inatructor, David A. Well., "hat great ly impaired cuntidence bet wot n man and man in retpeci to all tinanctal and com-' mt-rcial transactions while every depart-' meat of public administrative truat leontfj •irickcn and pervaded with a gangrene ot corruption arid incapacity." 1 he country need, arid can now Ordain that honeaty, rapacity and economy .hail, once agai-i be the essential feature* of ad-J *tiini.-lrniton, and iu tlic nominee: of the *1 l.< uis CUlrVelite*ll We lecoliuo men who! lia\ e proven that they poora theto quail- j lict and t u uitit* 1 here it not a man in tlie country knowing the character *.;> >iiiuel .1 Tiiiieu but would confide to turn the cre of hit private interest*. rely ill a? ' nfideriily upon to. sagacity and f*r tighteJn. , ai.d equally Upon lit* perron- „ a! integrity As much may* truly be .aid o! 1 ijouraa A ilcndrickt, who i beloved, and lion.. ..t by* men of all parties in the: itt. - .* c India'a, of which in hi. mature \ * year, he* i. the governor. A lVaccful I utuu. i In conclusion lie .aid: "The picture of of friendly slat, the whole j .trengtlu-nc Iby each, and rejoicing in the protection of all, i* one upon which 1 can g*/,- will, gratitude and joy. The health lul < urn nis of uncheckered intercourse, the I M ding v! tre.- trade in the prodttO-lj lion* of ail, the blending ,f ii.iur. uragt m* i.l o| anioiosilies and of 1 . pe h and act I hat ut.,-. animosity, Seem the natural result of the union at it was. designed to be Hut such a union at must result from arraying one tec tion in a eUd j and turbidding mint againtt the other, *' it recommended by the republicans, will be i veil to the prevailing auction a turn and i I a blowing i iso dead body ta ; i.> d iu the living tuch *t> in ancient day s tlu* purotbment ol the fratricide,con dcinio j to drag ever w iih him the horrid .* weight and loathsome corpse of hi* victim, wbtio ever and anon burn from hi* lipt the drcadiulerv : "O, wretched man that I am t Who shall deliver mo from Urn body of tbi* , deats. liyjutlue and brotherly kind eat Ihu stales of the South can bu made a funrest tlrcngtli and a source of happiness and pr, pertty to the I nion. Maytbis be so ' 1 have tried by lliit tpeech to aid the .• good work, and my duty bring done, 1 leave you U> do your*. The Lungs- CONSUMPTION! r 1 Tint is'.resting and dangerous com plaint and iu premonitory symptoms, neg ,f lec'.cd trough, night tweau, horser.et*. watting flesh fever—permaiiently cured by 0 "Dr. Swayno'a Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry ' BRONCHITIS A premonilor of Pul monary Consumption, u characterized by fi catarrh, or iafiamalion of the raucut mem -1 brane of the air passages, with cough and! expectoration, short breath, hcartcnoss. pains In the rh"gC For all Bronchia! al i !,.li. w , -;<\;L;..tt*„, 1 of voice, cough. ! lr. Hmii) nc'a J Uoitijiuuuii Syrup of Wild Cherry is a suv. reign remedy ' llctuorrage, or S|uiUiig of uKkh], uiay ■' pr coed from the larynx, Irachia, bron-; cliia or lung*, and a;.e from various! '■ rauirt, as tu.due (.hysicat exertion, ple-1 lt.-*ra, or fulln<-i vf Ibp vu-tci.. w oak long., * ver.traii. got the v. , ..suppress ed (N Acuation, obstruction of the spleen or " liver Ac. Dr. SwttymN Uompottntl Syrup ofi Wild Cherry n trik< al the root of disease by purifying t t! Mo 1, restoring the liver and kidney si . tu hii.llly aitioii, invigornting the ncr-J vous system. The only standard remedy for kctnord rage, bronchial and all pulmonary com plain's. Consumptives, or tho.e piedis i , pO*i dto weak lungs, should not fail to use ■ this great vegetable remedy. iu Marions power, not only over con sumption, but over every chronic disease '• wher*- a gradual alterative action is need* e-J. I* ndcr it. use tlic cough is looscnetl, the night sweat, diminished, the pain sub- Miles. the pu'iM- returns toils natuial stand-' * arJ. the stomach i improved .n lis power * to digest and a? unilale the food, and eva-j. " ry i..-gnii ha* n t>urer and Letter uualily ol . u blood supplied to it, out of wiiich rccrea t Ivc and p lav lie material i> made. 0 Pret>ared only by DR. SWAYNK A SON. * 3> Nortli Sixth Street, I'hiladelpbia. i Sold bv all Prominent Druggists. I ITCHING PILEs! 1 *" . PILES,PILES, ITCHING PILES, * Positive'v cured bv the use of ; SWAINE'S OINTMENT. Ilomc Teatimony. 1 vvn, sorely afflicted with one of the I ' 1 most distressiiig of all diseases i'ruritu* or j Prurigo, or more commonly known as I Itching Pilot The itching at time* was j almost intolerable, increased by scratch- I I ing, and not unfro<|uently become sore. 1 v bought a boj of "Sway no's Ointment;" its u*o givvo ipiick rcliet, aud in a short c time made a perfect cure, i can now sleep undisturbed, and 1 would advise ali * '. who are fullering with this distressing complaint to procure "Swayne's Oint , incut" at once . 1 had tried prescriptions . almost i;inuni< rl'lo, without finding any _ pcrmanciii r*! *f. .Los W.CHRIST, ( Kirm of Roedel A Christ, I Boot mid Shoe House, 3tt North Second St., Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. - 1 Swayno's All-healing Ointment is alK> . a specific for Totter, Itch, Salt Rbcutn, Scald Head, Krysipelas, Barber's Itch, v| lHotchcs, all ticaly, Crusty, Cutaneous 1! Krujitions. Perfectly a}e and harmjes* ■ even on thn most lender infant. Price, I 5H cents. Sent by mail to nny address on l receipt of price i Sold by all Lending Druggists. Prepared only by > Dr. Hwavnc vte Son, | 1130 NORTH SI XTH BTREE T, J'liilailclnliia. it Solo Proprfetori and ManuAicturct* NH'A l NTN I'AXACKA Celebrated all over the world for its ro i mark able cures of Scrofula, Mercurial and ' Syphilitic Complaint*, and iu eaves w here j Sy piiililic virus ol the parent, causes ade vnlopmeiit of Hvpbilli* or Sctofula in lln r child, nothing hasever proved soeffectual ' in completely eradicating every vestige ol these dangerous complaints, and ail di r i scascs arising from Impurity of The Blood. t DeicrjLu .ymptunij j" ;!! , tions, and midress letters t<> Dr. P nyne . A* Son. Philadelphia. No Charge for ad , vice. Sen t hy express to any address. L\rZ> ; LONDON A Scientific Vegetable HAIR COLOU Preparation of Raro RESTORER: Ingredients. /ccr-Cultivato your London Glossy, Lnxu* ilair Restorer Loiidifn Hair Restorer London riant Hair is one Hair Restorer London Hair Restorer London of the greatest ilair Restorer London Hair Restorer London of all personal Hair Restorer London • Hair Restorer London piiarm*. Hair Restorer All that art uan accomplish in beautify ing, strengthening, thickening arid adorn ing the hair is etleclod hy using "London lluir Color Restorer." It stimulates and forces a growth t it gray restores its natu* ral color and renders It silky and beauti ful ; euros dandruff; keeps the scalp clean cool and healthy. Trice 75 conts. All druggists and dealers sell it. Principal depot for the United Statiw, I .'••A) North Sixth street, above Vine, Pliil 'ttdttlpltifts I **iVSL r mODS m i UliN 1 *>*+ METHODS OF BUSINESS** POINTS OF ADVANTAGE wiNTKEPUHCHASEOF*** CLOTHING -AT WANAMAKER & BFiOWN'S OAK HALL, 1 el-icb at tns.U tt.c b.lorsstssi Attsatlcn sad Carstul kcriitbii of MIL I'UItCIIA&INa PUI3LIC.- BETHOBS: POINTS i 1 hj,*a l.u! t !' 4 1.- pj. All J -*' l: IT!" -n. -tli* ( f J!-- o:IJR Ihn I>JW- XlTtKusilg Cash l - (.M...mt (i 11 All , -• „ , ~ .. yv ' f "Anil colUrtiona and V ' i'MSC • .. JLU LW4 UAT'TS UrK give a LuaiuiU-.- prudcling All * *- 1 ■ T cplii: r, | nait porcwulr ft I 7 'W I .J. a. * .-a haiols iu a Kfi.i-I ZZ nun., n n ijiu.jU.us, an 1 at UiO - XT I • ' • ]• - f us. rlnr tH tritraatnll ciannlaiAurw wm a 'rsiua .re 1 , V £ ": P"*! <*• thai ..! s-.ii. ■ • ... ' ' ' " hr,! I*7 K tost- '• > > , j '1 ! i ,-iv .'at 1 'i- '.illVl and ur.ii .... f ' n A rti.l 1 luay buy as cheaply as t uj4iv. . luavliiit .-1 . i .!. . * cflUiiilj Mtdo ( '■ iWI: •:.*: i cm a Magnificent lino of Men . a.-,, i j i i o-iu-l*,, mrv nf our cvin uxako)ssJ L'u-lcrrcax, ail at Uso Tory Lor EST IV;, C. WANAMAKER &. BROWN, OAK HALL, 8. E. CGH. L'aVH i M*r;;£T STREETS, PHILAPKLPHIA. hll OHTLJDOE & CO., CO A!., LIME, Ac., WILLIAM SIIOKTLIDGK. BOND VALENTINE SHORTLIDGE one tuWcribei ith the Caii for three inotiib. til month)- ?!.(*>. n-i oneyctr $2. Head ter, won't you try and do u Ihit little it vor. and will repay you by Improving th Keport'-r. Send u* the name* of tit r.o tubtcribers, with the t'asii, and wil tend you the H'-lMirter one year free BREONS HOTEL. MILROY, PA. The bc-l table and bar, and exccller (tabling for homes. Alto a fine retort fa 'summer boarderv. Bum t- depot, un daily Itacel to Or,lre < -u: sr. Charge reatonable. 080. BROS, Piep'r J. ZSXLER & SON DRUGGISTS No 6 Brockerhoff Row.Bcllefonte.Pi I)olor* In llriiKK. CiieuilralM Pfrßmerj, Fancj <.oocn known for more than a quarter of a century, and have obtained a world-wide rcputatlou for their virtues. They correct dls d,o scvcra i assimlla- NMWM ■ live organs of the body, and are so composed that obstructions within their range can rarely withstand or evade them. Not only do they euro the overy-day complaints of every body, but also formidable and danger ous diseases that have battled the best of human skill. While they produco powerful effects, they are, at the loino time, the safest and best physic for children. lly their aperient action they gripe much less tliau the common purgatives, and never give paiu when the bowels are not lnllamed. They reach the vital fountains of the blood, aud strengthen the system by freeing It from the elements of weakness. Adapted to all ages and conditions in nil climates, containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, these Pills may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating pre serves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take; while being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from tlielr use In auy quantity. ruCrAHED BT Dr. J. c. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical •nil Analytical I'hcmlaU. IYW * AUi MVktifii) I _ **" u. A r! NEW YORK d £ BRANCH STORE, ill 7 MfClnin'i Block, Directly Opp. Buab House, nt Bellefonte. Pa. id ' " H. HERMAN A i Prop'r*. j Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA ' CES. NOTIONS A FAN m CY GOODS, BTBICTLY FIBS T-C LAS I GOODS. Below the I'sual .Prices. SoTia if ' Centennial Store. At Potters Mills. L. B. McENTIRE hat just returned from Philadelphia with a large and t wc!l .elected tock of Cheap Goods, which he odors CHEAP FOR CASH or country Produce, also a Urge .lock of LADIK'S, GENT'S, and CHILDREN'S Shoe*. Gaiters a. low as fl.ltS per pair, and all other goods in proportion. Dry Good*, Hosiery, Linens, Embroideries, White Goods, Laee.=, Notions and FAN CY GOODS, strictly first-class goods be low the usual prices. Ilis Grocery De partment consists of the Cheapest ami Best Quality of Groce ries n Penns Valloy. Sugars, Togs, Coffees, 1 Syrups, Spices. Canned Fruits, Ctackers, Cheese, and Dried Fruits etc. tjueens ware. Hardware Wood and Willowware and Oilcloths e! every description. Hats, caps, Drugs, Oil and Paints, also Cigars, Tobacco and Confectioneries. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods, also highest price paid. , I Also—Ladies will find a full line ; of millinery goods, comprising the latest styles. I thank the people of Tenni Valley for < their liberal patronage. 18 my Cm , Henry Reinhart. ; WOODWARD. * UNDERTAKER. I Coffins of* 1 -'ylestnndo on shortestno- Uce Undertaking et ictly attended to cbw|B rsMwtbir* Hiffi IBE ATT Y- 2L£l_ • GRAND, ayUARR AND UPRIGHT, From J a*. F. Regan, Arm Regan * OarUr publisher* Daily ta< j Weekly Tri bun*. eifafiofl Oily, Sfo., nIV r.'reooitim * iniratuofit, rati • "Pleoo reached u* in good condition. I em well pleated will) It. It te ell you rep rcnont II to b#." From R. R, Baldrldge, Bennington Fur nace, Pa., after receiving a |7t*) piano ' Mtly" received 4th lnl., all O. K and come* fully up to your representation, and exceeds our expectation* While I don't profeaa to he judge in the matter. Mr B. doe*, and pronounrM it of very •weet tone ; and ii very much pleated with it" liet inducement* ever offered. Money refunded upon return of I'itao and freight charges paid bv mo (D. F. Boatty) both way* if unsatisfactory, after a teat trial of m Bye day*. Plane* warranted for aig year*. Agent* wanted. Rend for catalogue. Ad dress. P. F. HKATTY, Washington, New Jertey, CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. 0. DKININGKB. A new, complete Hardware Store ha* been opened by the undersigned in Cen tre Ha!), where be ii prepared to eel) all kind* of Building and liouae Furnishing Hardware, Nails, Ac. Circular arid if and Haw*, Tennon Raw*, Webb Haws, Clothes Rack*, a full assort ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture Frames, Hpukea, Fallma, and Hubs, tabid Cutlery, Shovel*, Hpade* and Fork*, Hinges. Rcrow*, Rath .Spring*. **' Horse-Hhoes, NaiJa, Norway Kod,, Oils, Tea B< Us, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn ishes. Picture* framed in tbo finest style. Anything not on hand, ordered upon hort< > t notice. t&r Remember, all nods offered cheap- , , er that, elsewhere t Simon Haines, CENTRE HALL. Manufacturer of ClstrriitgeM. Bnggiee, H'akobk, 41C. Of every description ; running gear for i all kind* of vehicles, made to order, and in first clec* manner. Bing a practical me chanic. 1 would WARRANT ALL WORK to give satisfaction. Repairing promptly attended to at the lowest rates. Undertaking, Coffins of all styles „ made on shortest notice. The business of undertaking attended to in all branches. Respectfully solicit* a share public patronage. 9 sept y W7 A. CURRY, 3c,til Si Zhtb VjJ !i CENTRE XIALL.PA. Would most respectfully inform the cit tens of this vicinity, that be has started a new Bt.ot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a share of the public patron age. Hoots and fihoe* made to order and according to ftyle, and warrants his work no equal any made elsewhere. All kind# of repairing done, and charges reasonable- Give him a call. ft-b lit 1 V RI'ATTY pisnoi Grand, Square and Upright. From Geo. E. Ix-teher, firm of Wm H. t. . Lelcbcr it Rro.. Bankers, Fayette, Ohio. "We received the piano and think it a very fine-toned on* out here. Wailed a short time to give it a good test. If you wish a word in favor of it we will cheer fully give it." Janice R. Brown, Esq., EJwards*isle. 111., say* : "The Realty Piano received give entire * *' -aiitfaciion." Agent* wanted. Rend for caiaio-ue. Address, D. F. BEATTY, Washington. New Jarmy. OKNTREUALL " Furniture Rooms' EZRA khimbim:, respectfully inlorms the citixens of Centr county, that he has bough l out the old staiidof J. O. Deiningcr. and Las reduced the prices. They have constantly on hand and make to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS RINKS. ~ Yi ASHSTAND6, CORNER CUPBOARDS TABLES, Ac.. Ac. Their stock of ready-made Furniture ie large and warranted of good workmanship and is all made under their own immed - te supervision, and is offered at rates cheap* r than elsewhere. Call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. 'JSfeb.lv DP FoRTNKY, Attorney at Law Beilefonte, Fa. Office over Key noid, Hssk. . nar WW U MMI NG S HOL"B£ BeUeteaU, PA ISAAC MILLER, Proprietor. * Tfc. (Vuiigi Hcom. as Hiobap Kna, Is ana of pleAsAJsle t luffiiul Boieu to iKw latn. It bg* th# I—a lU'-ia u lb< ISM. ku as riMllmS Una* tar I efi aofi a—or* s'lMWUon oUI t poStf gwswto. No pains w ill Us spoteS to mas. as ple—at aaij ngrea sbtv stopping plage tov Ike pwMkc hoarding hy tba day Of n isS. nisi ratos tku|s* a 111 slat** be loond "iBROCkEKHdFF HOUSE.'" BELLBPONTE, l'A. D. JUH N SON <£ SO N 8. t bMiminftlai 0 • * of tij# ub hM fS'STifhtj Hfii tilii 1 . ac4 fimiibwi It will (• the Aim of prof***- bin to c-aK# it A piAMASt Hobm tor ibAM M BkAjr f*. tor ibttt wilt UM-it iAtraa<<> A frtt Airuft u rei to Uw drja). And tbM tffitilii in town mv fltwtO -1 d with ibfi HwuA *lhjpt UKNEV BKOCKXKUOrr, J. X> HiIOKKT President, Cashier. QENTRK COUNTY BANKING 10 * • iLate Millikrn, Hoover A Co,) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interest, Discount Notes, Buy *cJ Sell. Government Sccuii tie* .Gold A splCGKlf Ccupons BUY YOUR DRUGS~FROM RANKIN'S Drug Store, HEXT DOOR TO THE DESCHXER QVV STORE. FRESH AND CHEAP. Apr tl g UDMOMf \ Te the Working Class.—We can furnish jrot rar!esi.it M which jroa ran tasks vary tsrgs pay, ID your m locDllUra. vttbaav brine nvsjr tram bama o.*f Dlcbt. Afnu wusad IB asary lon and 'u to tat. ab*itln tor Tb Cm!social Kar •lral S sblbiUoa at Philadelphia Is tolly illustrated IB detail Kver>h"dj vuU It- The whele people (eel great lnt, reat la IhairCoaalry'sOaataaalal birth.lay. and want t<> kaua all abtMit tt. An electa! patriotic crayon dtswlng pr-miam picture to pmeated free to each mi bee ri bar tt to entitled, "In remetabrscce af the One Huudrvdla ABDlranory of u* tndepcnderca Of tbe In Had hlataa ' Sue, ashy J3 Inches Any mi cub bocutae a aacceaatol agent, for Lat sbotV the paper and picture and hundreds of subscribers are easily ob tained asary where Thereto no business that will pay ilka that ol preaeai. We base many agent, who are making as htxti a. S3U per day and upwards. Taw to the time dor t daisy Itemamlwr It coats nothing to give the bualness a trial. Send tor cur circulars, I crura, and .ample copy of paper, which are soul (roe to all who apply: Uu It vaiay. t v ouplots outfit lw iu tbaaa wba deoltie to engage 1.-mers and rneehanlcs, - ' and their sons and daughter* make th* very bast of ogaata. Addrvsa, THK OBITtnUt RKOOHD. SS inn 4nt. Portland. Mstne. FURNITURE: JOHN BRECURILL, in his elegant New Rooms, Spring street Beilefonte. Has on hand a splendid assortment o HOUSE FURNITURE from the con. - -♦ to the most elegant. "IWHvs. CHAMBER SETS, PARLOR SKI'S, SOFAS. CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS, WOOL MATTRESSES. HAIR MAT TRESSES, and any thing wanted In the line of hi* business —homemade and city work. A| so, has made a speciality and keeps or hand, tho largest and finest stock of WALL PAPER. Q xids sold at reasonable rates, wholesa and retail. Give him a call before pur chasing elsewhere. febG-ly NOTICE.— "~~ J Letters of Administration tM on th* estate of W. W. Love, lute of pot ter twp , dee'd, have beeh granteJ to Janu Love and G. M. Boal, residing in township, to whom all persons indebted ' to said estate are requested to make pay ment and those having claims or demands will make known th* same without delay. JANE LOVE, ijl aug 6t G. M BOAL. l-V |