The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 21, 1876, Image 2

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    Centre JUporter.
HTz7... ;*DITOI
< .8 6 Hall, Ta., Sept. 21, 187 G.
7 year, in adttirr, 2,50
0 * not jwid in adraner.
A l-rrtisrmrnii AYyrrlinr for thrrr 11-
#rrDon*, <iai for 6ami 12 montA* Ay *pr
m I f it Mt.
6AULTL J. TILDF.N, of New Yotk.
IT!OS. A. lIENDUICKS, of Indiana.
,T.\ 5' T.< F AVE AVER. Miletburg,
W. K ALF.N ANDKIt, Pfcnn.
JOHN DtVKNS. Walker.
MA,). BAM L FRANK, Miles.
To secure the right to vote in lYnn
tvlvania, all persons must be assessed
two mouths before the election and
h ive paid a State or connty tax (either
Will do within two years. In ease the
lux is paid this year, it must bo x month
'before the election.
Foreign Kim citizens wishing to vote
next November must take out their nat
ural i ration papers a month Kfore the
election. They must also K> assessed
two n niths previous to the dsv of vot-
Uig. and must have paid a tax as slvve.
The ehvtion will l* held on Tuesday,
the 7th day of November.
\Yed"say, September 6, is the last day
for being assessed.
Thursday, October 5. is the last day for
Securing naturalization papera.
Thursday, October 5, i* the last day
on which taxes can be paid in legal time
The above dates should bo carefully
y meuiK-red and acted on by a'.l voters.
~ ■ 1,. i . ■■■♦ -♦ ♦ • —-
I star.* to ten in the family —drunk-
BKT.ras wfctl hankering alter tSo poet
lm'iersllip business. A dispatch from
t-4. Louis, 11 iust, further explains: A
man was picked up in a lumber-yard,
fiear the Union Depot, in tliis city, this
vpir rr-tta-* in un uncoacious condition,
supposed to bo under the influence of
liquor. He was taken to a police station
and locked up. He had a largo number
• of letters in his pocket addressed to Or
villo Grant, many'of them relating to
Fv>>t trad-jrships and Government con
tracts matter. After being locked up an
hour, the man returned to consciousness
whereupon it was discovered that he
was really Orville Grant, brother of the
President. He was not able to give a
vary succinct account of himself. Some
friends came and took hiin to the |Lin
deil Hotel. No one knew of hia arrival
here. It is supposed that he started
from Washington to attend the letting of
Government contracts, which occurred
here a few days ago, and that ho fell by
the wayside arriving here this morning.
Scarcely knowing what he was about and
wandering away into a lumber-yard
where he became unconscious.
Of the Vermont election, M Clure's
Times, Ir.d., says:
Vermont doesn't hold up well for the
Republicans. The official returns from
the entire >:ate foot np 65,643 votes cast
or. l the Republican majority has been
whittled down to 23,550. being a loss on
the majority of 1572 of nearly 2,000. The
largest vote ever cast in previous years
was in September, 1572, when the aggre
gate was 58,689. or 6,954 less than the
poll of Tuesday last. Such an increase
of the whole vote in a State where tdrtf
Republicans are more than two to one,
should have increased the Republican
majority thirty-three per cent, of the ag
gregate increase of the poll, or over 2,000
but, instead of increasing, it is diminish-"
•. d nearly 2,000. The same per-centage
of democratic gains would give Tilden
every debatable Suite by large majorities.
It is "specially gratifying and should be a
wholes- me admonition to orators who
forget that the people are intelligent and
mean to intelligently
this year, that in St. Albans, where Mr.
Wheeler made his foolish bloodv-sliirt
the Republican vote fell otf from
■ >1 to 747, while the Democratic vote in
creased from 253 to 487. At that rate it
wouldn't take many speeches from the
Republican candidate for Vice President
in the more populous centres of the
country to prevent Hayes and Wheeler
from carrying any one of the leading
.-rates. Bv and by the politicians will
get to understand that this isn't the year
for winning elections by insulting the
intelligence and mocking the distress of
the people by inflammatory appeals to
the prejudices and hatreds of the past.
Vermont says so, and when Vermont so
speaks it's safe to expect the other States
to do likewise.
Democrats of Ccnjrc, it is only a little
Marriht weoksnnlil election; has your
democratic neighbor paid his taxes, if
not, see that it is attended to on or be
fcro fltoker 0, else a vote will be lost.
Democrats aro yon organised in every i
township—if not, organize at once and
work fbr the ticket.
By proper effort, and if every demo
crat does his duty, we can roll up 1200
Tor Tiklcn, Reform and the whole tick
Go to work, democrats, go to work
An important decision rendered fcby
the Snpreme Court of this state, in two
or three cases, and which may not be
known to newspaper publishers, and
publio officers in general, as regards
legal advertising fall advertising direc
ted to be done by law) is, that such ad
vertising must be done in English pa
pers, that being the language of the gov
ernment and of the country, excepting
in cases where the law txprtuHy mentiops
that such advertising shall be done in
another language ami where there is no
such mention the intent of the law is
that it shall l>e done in English newspa
pers. Any legal advertising therefore,
not published accordingly amounts to a
non-fulfillment of the law and is null and
void, and the object sought to be attain
ed thereby defeated. The decisions of
tho Supreme Court are plain and em
phatic in this regard and public officers
and all others who by law are directed
to do certain advertising, must have the
game done in English newspapers.
J lay os is said to be troubled with a
enakc in his stomach. Well, Grant car
ries one in his ihat, what's the differ
ence ?
The democracy of Xcw York in their
re-assembled state convention on 13 inst.,
nominated Lucius Robinson for Gover
nor by acclamation, in place of Seymour
Gen. Spoons Butler has been nomina
ted for congress again. A vote to make
sponey's nominations unanimous was
lost. The lost time Ben ran for congress
he was defeated by a democrat.
Ex-governor Henry A. Wise, of Vir- 1
ginia, died at his residence in Richmond i
on 12 inst. \ irginia, under Wise's lead i
as the democratic candidate for Gover
nor was the first state to turn the tide of
kuownothingism. i
Schurz is Baid to give up Ohio. He i
Bays the German vote can not be carried ]
fox Hayes, and he doubts whether the <
fUto can be carried for the Grant- <
Cameron candidate. j
Only bald-headed men should be en- 1
listed fox the Indian campaign—their i
Scalps can not be taken. c
Vofc. M should remember that the last ,t
fyf i'aj'M'S fares ia.Owtvlw t>i 1
if -
scurK7 srQvrrn.
Curl Sebur* the anti-grant stumper for
Haves, lias by mas
tor, old Zm-k Chandler. Noliurr in hi
speeches far llitj'M would peg into
Grant oooimionnlly and that did the
thiii)?. From Washington wo learn that
tlio republican managers of the cam
paign have abotit wmo to the oouchision
to dispense with the service of Carl
Sehtir* in the canvass. The spoeclu
w hich that gentleman has made in sup
port of Hayes and Wheeler have con
tained so much denunciation of resi
dent Grant and his Administration, that
Secretary Chandler, with the frill ap
proval of his co-laborers, has served no
tice that these attack-on Grnntisnimust
not supplement the endorsement of
llayes. Mr. Solium just arrai red
for a joint discussion with Mr. Voorhcc
in Indiana, hut failed to keep his tiist
appointment at Crown Point on the
joint canvass, and it is not expected hen
that he will make any more sj>eecho
lie seems to bo a little late in flndnujout
that Hayes and reform ami Grantiam
Lre synonymous. The Administration
organ to-morrow will hare an article in
dicating the disapproval which lb publi
cans feel at the course of ttie ex senator
in referring to the private letter whi h
Schur* lnw written here predating th*
defeat of the Republicans in Ohio in
Oeuhcr, alluded to in to-day's W orld.
The Administration • r?au of this mom
ing says. "Is it not remarkable that
the first tremor or doubt of Kepu. liean
succomi in Ohio ami Imhana to come t.
us from any politician of aulheietil
prominence to deserve e* nsnicrati a
should reach us, privately, of c :r>e,
from Carl Schurs? This man lui- de
clared his Republican allegiance .. -1 ht
talents have been engaged for no pur
pose but to spread Republican truth- If
we are to have prophets of disaster, tu
lips should by all means remain clos
Detroit, September 12.—The contract
with Carl Hrhurz for campuign sjH-cche
by the National Republican Committee,
has been cancelled by Secretary Chand
ler. The reason assigned is the allege 1 ,
statement by Mr. Schnrz that Hayes, if
elected, would have nothing to do with
Chandler. Morton it Co.
Muj. Samuel Frank, one of our nouii
nees for associate judge, will receive a
splended vote in Peunsvaliey, where lie
is well known; he is entitled to it, he has
lived an upright life, and is a conscien
tious citizen in ail liis doings. No deed
of his life can be pointed to that is a
blot upon his name. lie is a self-made
man, of excellent judgement and intelli
gent. He will receive the votes of many
of his republican neighbors who kuow
his worth.
Of Mr. Tibbens we can speak in
like manner. lie is one of the most re
spected and upright citizens of NitUnv
valley—of blameness character, and a
man who will not knowingly do a wrong
The democracy were unusually fortu
nate in their nominees for associate
The independent republicans of Hunt
ingdon county held a convention on 12
iust, and nominated 1.. S. Geissingcr for
assembly and Samuel Garner for poor
director. The dissatisfied clement is
large and the democrats will till up the
balance of the ticket, which will un
doubtedly carry.
, flames F. Weaver is beyond the reach
of radical attack. They can not find a
I vulnerable part in the Colonel to shoot
f at. His friends are legion too, and his
| majority w ill be rousing.
} -/The legislative path is a Fai-*Jtne fir
l the radicals to travel and tke'H nev*r
reach the end. Weaver and Alexander
t distance them and come out at the
big end.
Eleven of the twelve appropriation
bills have been passed or agreed upon
in conference, which is equivalent at
this stare of the session to being passe !.
The bill yet un passed is the consular and
diplomatic. The sums appropriated by
each of the eleven bills and the total of
the twclfrh bill as it passed the house
are set forth in the follow ing table:
Amount from
Appropriated. Last Year
Army. $25,987,167 $1,946,662
Navy. 12,740,355 4,260,651
West Point. 290,065 74,075
Post Office. 5,907,498 2,408,707
Pensions. 29,533,500 460,500
River and Harbor. 5,000,000 1,<*43,517
Deficiencies. 816,723 3,886,975
Legislative, etc. 14,5G0j000 4,402,237
Indians. 4,000,000 1 ,360,555
Consular and Diplo
matic!. 912,747 402,238
Total. f 116,422,962 131,715,165
The tenth and eleventh items in the
above column, viz: the legislative and
the Indian, appropriations, are estimat
ed and given in round numbers.
The bills are agreed upon, but altera
tions in the conference committees have
reduced the totals and w ill necessitate a
couple of immense sums in arithmetic,
which the clerks of the committers arc
yet without time to go at. The estimates
are based upon estimates in turn of the
aggregates of those alterations. As the
house started ont with a determination
to cut down the appropriations for this
year $40,000,000, the above results will
show how successful has been the ef
DONE "—Sam'l J. Tildon'z conversation
at Albany, Sept. 4.
If an infidel and a blasphemer like
Col. Hob. Ingeraoll must be to
do the principal campaign speaking for
Hayes then verily the "(Jod and morali
ty" party must be hard up for good men
to advocate its cause. Hut Ingersoll the
infidel is in proper company with Chan
dler, Babcock, Cameron and the other
boss thieves who are now running the
Hayes machine in order to keep hold of
the government. Is there a decent re
publican in Centre county that can read
the extracts we publish in another col
umn from Bob Ingersoll's infidel book,
and then say he will keep such company
and vote the ticket put up by such
The Lowistown Democrat says that
the bitter competition which has been
going on for some time between the
Henna, and New York through railroads
continues without any cessation. Both
companies are doing a heavy passenger
and freight business, but owing to the
low rates charged they are not making
money. Freight which was formerly
carried on the Pennsylvania railroad
.through to Chicago at forty cents per
hundred, is ituw Irumipvrtedih'f. thir?
trcn cents, and the pa- <"• ' re four I
Chicago to New Y*>rk i -only U*. doll* .
This is wam-ly a cent a mile. One <<!
the had effect- of th w. r bcivi.n tin
railroads has K en a rcduc'ion of brake
men and track-hands bv way of on no
my, and another, an adv.up. . t 1-
freight, by wivy. we uppo of ro. m
penso forthc lc-ser - n-taineden thu ngh
freights. The lii ich: chmv Itwccii
Philadelphia and Lew . .tow n, for in
stance, It.l\i been advanced . l-out 2'
per cent. Upon heavy fre> -.1** , ! k
sugar and cofl'ee, th* eharpo which w.
formerly 17 cents per huiulud pound
now 22 tents, and up -a dry goo*! it i
increased fin ti 2t ,> t cents. The care
serious charges, and not alt g* th* r jirt
t >** the lot ll lbi| jii at. !• .
HA ) ES IX I .V.N ill-.Vo, r/LYC.
\\ e have * * • ivi d the i *1! \* ; Iter
from Mr. Churl* - tiardner, t ihi innati
dated SopteniWr 3
"In your r-u*j of *: \ t
say :
'Mr. Have-, ill* - u- iv*i his ovvi
signature l.ittt he '*i*]'!v
with u inovetient f r 'an . iiu n*!iiu'iit
limiting suffrage to p* i - <r-K>rn in tlos
eonntry er of Am* i.e.m | ui* tit-.'ai 1 the
elioiw ot 'Anieri. .nt-horu * ••! * nlv
to *ffieial j-**i; *>n.-.' Mr. v ehurz hah
betlr am: nine tin- t*> hi- Cel.. an
brethren ai d prevent them ft m 1 i g
taught with chaff us he ha-be* n.
"1 don't bclieve Mr. 11.* v- * v*i *o*l
his own siguatlli* * r'. ■ :t:.\ her Wo,
ever said a.v -.:. !* thing ' If you can
prove it,do so and make me v te I i
your trouble, for though a Kepttbliean, 1
shall veti fn- Mi 1 .i tst u : it \ . .iv
of Mr. Hay- is ttue."
We think that Mi 11 r.:i i . *■ . I v
for Tilden. Ami this is *vh\ :
Tlr- "Ytierie.iu Yllianee ' adopted .*
series of resolutions which sat*l <■! the
nouiinatioi.a if Messrs. llaves and
VY ! ;l..i'. they \* *;e ,i*hv i i.•. -
"ed bv the American Vl!i:vnc IVnfrr
"rnee,"nil*! that the \lhance ' true tly
"*1 vi.-ed all who are m favor oi Ameri
can priniiples, as adv*>eat**i ami set
"forth in thc.-e resolutions, to give th*
"uoniiuati* us an active ami *kt*!
"Vliese resolution!*" were sent to Mr
Hayes, who returned the t !!ovvin„ r.
plv, dated July 5, 1876, address,,l to
"S.uuuel J. tyler, retarv of t..e
American Alliance."
"I have just received your letter
forming tUO of tuy electiou as a luv'ubei
>f your admirable Alliance. Return mv
thanks to the Alliamv, a- 1 deeply sym
pathize with its principles. 1 remain
your fellow-citizen,
"B. B. HAVES."
Now here i- one ivj re -'..m • f th*
principle*." of the Alluuice of which Mr
llayes is proud to be a member and
with which he "deeply sympathizes."
"An atucndim nt to the nate.ralizati n
laws limiting suffrage to per-.ns born in
this country or of American jar, t.'-s
the election of American-born citizens
only to official ; *-itions in thjsootmtrv :
opposition to the interference of the
Roman Catholic organizations in th
political affairs of this nation, nml . p
jiosition to the formation of t ditical or
ganization* e >niposed exclusively of
foroign-Kirn citizens."
We may add to this that ten *lavt> ag •
a foreign-born citizen of Brooklyn wruiu
to Mr. Hayes asking In uv if it .is true
that he held to such Know-Nothing
view*, and that Mr. llav, - has not thus
far deigned to reply—or to return the
stamps inclosed him for an au.-wer.
Ami now will Mr. t'harles Gar*ltier
not give us that vote for Tilden 7
What do the lYm wratic in k er
mout mean? They mean - .mply thi
that the same gains re|watt in ev- ry
State vviil give the D< m< *ra - < 'hi an .
Indiana, in OetoK-r, and New York .in !
Connecticut in November. Thi- can I
demonstrated in a few line-, and by K -
publican figures. In September, 1-7J
the election with which thc.-e return
should be compared, the total vote in
Vermont was 58,559, of which -- '-7 per
cent, were for th* Demo*.ratio ticket.
-'The total vole this year is e>,'>s3, id
j which the Democrats c..-t.- 21,' >. <r . 2.-
,04 jht cent. The Demo* ratio g .in is
there fore X.7 per cent on the i t;.! v. te.
This is the figure admitted by a promi
nent Republican journal, and we j r
pose to show that the same gain made in
other State* will elect Tilden nd Hen
dricks by an vervelu :u::.g election.
The Democrats carried in 1872 six
States, and cast 6 elect trial v- <s. There
w ere States, N rthcrn and .- :tli
ern, where the Democratic party cast
over 45 per cent, of the v te. Thi- tat !e
■ gives their nana, and th ). ; ■ -rt. >n i f
U;e Democratic vote to the total . it*
These are the Northern States:
State. Per cent.
New Hampshire, 45.81
Connecticut, 4.7.54
New York, 4<i.77
New Jersev, 45.1-
' 'hio, ' 46.43
Indiana, 16.7s
Now each of these States j. more like
ly fo show signs of a change then Ver
mont, but keep the gains down t > th -
Vermont figure, add 3.67 per cent, to
each of these figures and rr< the re
sult :
Per Cent. Electoral Vote .
New York, 50.43 35
Ohio, 50.10 22
Indiana, 50.44 15
Connecticut, 51.21
New Hampshire 49.48
New Jersey, 49.15
In each ofthe four States leading thu
list, the Democrats will have a clear
majority, supposing the gains to be i o
greater than those in Vermont, and the
total electoral vote received in the e
States will be 7S. The total electoral
voto is 386; the number neces; ~ry to a
choice, 181. The electoral voti -of these
four States will be 42 per cent, nearly
onc-hnlf of the whole vote needed to
Take now the six Southern states. The
first column shows the per cent, of tin
total vote cast hy the Democrat in 1872,
the second the Paine per cent, that w ill
becnet in 1876, allow ing for gains equal
to those in Vermont:
1872. 1870.
per cent, per cent. elee. vote.
Virginia 49.51 53.1 s ll
Delaware 19.19 52.5n ;;
Alabama 47.52 51.19 10
Florida 46.48 50.15 4
Arkansas 47.83 51.50 0
\V \ irginia 47.68 51.35 5
Total electoral votes 39
The accuracy of this table is already
vindicated by elections that have been
held. Alabama and Arkansas, which
voted for Grantin 1872, give 40,(kj0 Dent-
ocratic majority each, a far greater gain
than is conceded in the above tabic.
Add to these votes the <> cast by the
Democracy in 1872, ami you have al
ready a total of 183 electoral votes, or
one-half of the total vote, Much will
throw the election into the House of
Representatives, and elect .Mr. Tildeii.
The only State in the foregoing
tion about which there is any doubt i?
Ohio, which Mr. Tildcn can afford t<>
Jose, for lie is morally certain to carry {
California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Neva
da, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon
and Wisconsin, with a total of f>7s votes,
to say nothing of other (States in which
his prospects are excellent. liven some
of these be can afford, for conceding Ohio
to the Republicans, forsake of argument
he still has 33 electoral votes to spare.
Do you ask, then, what the result in
Vermont means? We reply, tin- elec
tion of Samuel J. Tildcn uml Thomas A.
Hendricks us President and Yico-l'n.i
dent ofthe United States.
We will -• nd the H< porter until after
the campaign for 'J > < 11<! '. Reader, rend
us the names, ami help the cause of re
t.Y l.M'lftJ'l | / /,/ J,v.i /// U/.7,
OM JJO sJ i Mi' I "I; Ha 1 J N.
f< r I IIIJ ia, i'in|'!N\, ' l>y ( IIMIHIII I I 'unto
I. u t .t., i.. :i uf,.!, • ) lil.isj.lirllH t
thi :1 1 ! dye. li ei -11 hns a louse
He' . . aiul !lu lli*y • party are ih lipltt
id w i!lt lii-i tali, and nliuso uf Iho .loinu
.Matie party. Pail In .",•11 abu-ts (,u.|
nid t lui- iiiuuty an n ha- .b-iui raey
tl lie if. ai i übjtH t tu In- lured by tin
h lluv- who nr.- runnini; the Hity e* . am
pt MI lor e| , ip. te, ,11 in uf • irants in,
I era are a lew \trai ii tnki ii ft in n
hook written by ths- ime I ,h Injjeif.oll i
W u.i is ia,: ,; | iu* I>l lit. . i; i- m I i.i \. j
I ' . '!■! till ' phi 111. : \
\n athi .-I i a hail nun .. II i :
, >, • < ly 1 i but ib if I', i
-1 aide I :,(> n! In i IIH u t i Mipp.u t the |uv
■ 'nnii nt ami wits ' tei d tu • uiinhtiti
i - hare toward* pay 11 • the -.ilaiie* > t
In \ ' y . r . w!. di .. nndi i
BO .i • i in. t.uu ha could his voice be
! eard in court. By am h infatnui * mi an
-1 a- tlie i hureh ei te.M red to i ham the
human mini and protect the iu.< . MY i.i
i i.t
•' •••rate:- w!i-e life was above re
j r ndi, ant win edi th w. s beyond all
|ra -e, stand* t. das in the i stiiuationj
uf evt: v tin ughtftri matt, nt leant, the
|ivr. ft '
"Ei i i rv than fifty ut „ratU tin
i hureh has i ml the hlaek th..-. With
the hcnil i t a tend idie ha ■ haled; with,
theeiiiteii o. avarice tdie luo> jir.isped
- "eh H tin- hi : uv of the t 'linridi ot ■
i. I
lln t—, ,i j .n. hi l r th.nki: .''
that tin l II *•i >. is>t Is y t .t'.a. cr tliatl i
< ■ I that t. ■I is uldtr than 1! is Sun ; f.u
rpeakit.i! i f Ood as though lie had n
nt-si ti.r denying that ( hiot wa* Hi
nw father; ;--r deny mg that gi ■ d bread j
• • u ' I ' e maiie of a ih.d man; for deny- :
that tiod used 11 is finger for :<
| i n.;'
" the I "hut. li hat, a thiukt i pi. i.-. -
ly b r ;! ■ ■.min rea-oti a robber dislikes 1
; . i ;
in it witness.'*
"Hen ay is a radii orthodoxy a eof-i
llervsy i. tho eterna!
• . • ' ■ :
herald of the day * * ' It ;|„ I
eternal horii ,nt I proori -s. It laughs
at pn-sby tern-and . vuod*, at ecumeni
cal councils and tho mipaueut thunder
"Tho goiis of no n have been niatiu
actun-d alter numberh-.- iimnU-Is Miur
'UTned themsidvi-s into bulb, some into
doVi . Uil - li.e into llidy tihostit aild
tnadehni to tho In autiful danghteis of
men. Some were married all ought to
■ ■
from eteraity."
"In wars between great nation* the
' still Interfere; but iu prize fights,
tire !<®t man, with an honest referee, i*
almost sure*..< win."
i "To be convinced that tho Bible is
; simple and { inly a'* .irbarian invention
( —w?atl it."'
: "In the - ripturi by Divine intvrfcr
' enee, 'the sun and rnooji stop iu order
• that (ieneral -a may f:ave more
i time to murder; tin sonsoftiod Is .Mine
- etmtnoreil of the world'* |i rl -; an oxcel-
I : lent artielei'f hrinistiuie is iniporti d from
j heaven free of duty ; ch tl • - refuse t
> wear on! for forty rears; dead people
■i come to life simply to play a joke on
• their enemies ni-.d hi is, aitii tml loin
; self I* . iin a r-.onvi utter and . • ,rav ,
s j after having l-eeu a tador and dre -
-■ maker.
r lloW I.OSC, is iills TO I.ASI:
The steamship City of Ik-rlin, of tin
Incran line, took, out to Eur..; o, last Sat
urday, no le -t than t-.-u million dollars'
w rth of 1". S. fi -tr-fifty b- unl*. This
cornfortah'elutndful of \mencan •
tios w..s expedited direct from the
j ' Tre ttry IH-j •rtuient at Washir-n in
I j elu'igo of twi.r t. Vermont. l efticitds,a: d
] barring a... identsin transitu, will .- :
I allcvalo the t xi-ting trii gettcy flit;:
, I pean money-market*.
Ten mili.on vhdiars in ■ -.-Id might 1>
. i but thou there would he no "divvy"
with tin. nM-iuUr- of syndicate- ai d
f' - '.her similar - -iurope wh .
.! have 1 ..,* 1 • -.-a mLdliiT: the United
IStates Treaanry f their otg 'benefit.
, At h i ii..n M . i.rite are now understood
to lesecurities a... u.l Ainerie.ins, and
a- Bitch they are hungrily seiz- I hv
, trans-Atlantic capitalists.
rirere i-• "ine bam iit at all even:-. : 1-
t mediate, in this development of liepubs
. liean finance. With a Morrill in the
i'ri. Miry I>< j. rment and a I : h direct
, j ing our A:., -u relations iu rcsjivctful
r 'obi i-..iu • to < irt.s of the calibre of
r Spain, Anierii-an- ar- liable ire long to
av : 1 a Cmtinerit where they are al*
ready looked uj*n with i •ntcmpt. If
they w ill quietly nmain at hone .nd
attend to their own affairs, instead of
having their ntiairn at tended h> for
them, they will ■ in put a stop to this
j eternal drain up n the resources of their
country for the sole benefit <<f i-hemer -
. and -amblers in "Washington and lhi
fr/'JM i- the price j aid by the ll nlical
for the u-o of a single paper in the inb t •
. est of Indiana for seven week.*.
The buying of newspapers is clever
campaigning, but even the immense fund
at Mr. < handler's control will not suffice
to corrupt the press any ruorc than the
people of the country.
, I'ackani, ( liaml erlain and Anus'
r J Partisans call ft tr jpsforch timt duty
Jin I-ouisiana, Eotith Carolina and Mis
, i siss-ippi.
. 1 The troops w ill l e nil, but w ill find
;' a people • patient and firm in their dc
, I termination not to give any cxtu •• f >r
. | military interference, that the only duty
of the soldiers will be to protect Ircino
, cratic votcm agminst lladical murderous 1
violence,as they did in Charh-. lott t.'ie
. otherday.
I Tlu-so agitators w ill not succeed either
' iu stirring up civil war, or in inducing
! the people to believe iu the possibility!
!of it. The Bloody Shirt i*a dead failuri
n* a campaign argument.
j Elm Avenue .Swept <>pp ito tlie
•Main Ruilding—Lofa Eiglity thou-
I Dollars.
npbrlelpliin, Sept. At half past fi-ur
o'CT ck thi* afternoon n tire broke
out iii Murphy's oyster suloon on Khn HV
enuc, opposite ttie tuhin hiiililiiur, ami j
before it could hu extinguobed it <-< iii.mii !
nii aled t<> and di -truyeil neighhoi nig
property l<> tho value of Sfsj,!**!. The
tin in.- -spread caM, We-t and south, cmi
huming tin- cntiru lot of building* on Klin
avenue from the Trims continental hotel
to the Ito - - house, about twenty iu all, in
cluding several variety shows, beer gar
dens, rc inurants. A<-. These structures
wire all frame buildings, one two and
three stories high.
.'hpe lire also sprc-ad hack from Klui to
(Jfouuibia avenue, taking ir, nil interven
ing property, including tho New England
hotel, hourding house, an ice cream SHIOOII
and a re.-murant, all two story building-.
Omaha, September 1. —Tho following tel
t-griiin WHS rCcc-ived from Fort Fcttermiin ,
las night: <
A courier juit in left Gen. Crook on tin- 1
110 th at the mouth of l'owder river, lien, I
Terry's supply train was expected in that '
day and both command* were to move out |
the next morning on tho trail lending to
wards Little Powder lliver,about tenduy- '
'old. It is estimated that about IC,(AJO pu "
iiics uro with tin- Indians, the camp fire# x
show seven distinct buiidj. The wagon t
train roach"d Old I'ort river yesterday ami 1
c-iini|>*<i, i vpecting tho command buck '
a to. nt tlio bill. •'
Madrid. {September Hi. \\ illiaiu .M. ,
Twe -d itnd William Hunt will heembiiik
ed at Coruinia lor.Cuba a prisoners on
Thursday next, the ifi*t.
New York, Sept. p., '7C, '
I ho I.a li i n Elcctioiia.
'lb.* Ui-publUai idnti lor managingi
'* ■ ti> i. r.-tuiu i, bountifully simple
lin \ tli .I | ,i!e i i u most favorable for
1 cir . -ii I'tiii on, then reuarl tlieir own
-iiiu at .c>in i id tin..eel their op|M>lients,
'- ' - tl.e first hurt ah, and tru-t to lu< k
.! the *u!' .It i oo . t || .pular cvcltrmelit
1■ 11 v.-iit tfi* truth overtaking tho lalie-
I ii '.ho m ud* id tho people. The
i iin has In .ii (dined so olten that it is
owing (a! -. The motto among Demo
•u< low i, l)tstru-t k- t returns tin van
aay run (111 I l \ the ltudlcal
I iki tout own sin m ivllh the
I ! u I Is \■te ■ I fi tin I'rc.M 1.-nliul veart,
1 then tell tl , truth so loir neighbor
jlii'iit-ilio rati ici. L Hod to i heat about
e dot lion* > \i in nt and Maine, .•
11 they will try about Indiana and Ohio
I I g mi. i- a . 11- j "i.e. I t the p. 'pic
OW it n i, ulld wilt m be oiipo.-ed up
>H any more.
Ihe ITutli Ahuut Maine.
i i • ■ tl : ul -it Maine is that the
I <-(i i.e. ii ,id<- \<ry hoaiy gains o\ ei
tl.e vote, . f any of tho laio * roaUlontlal
v. sf i< 1 . \ r the iir > ;e Kelmhlican
■i.'.i ill tin li I'lieaviiage He|iubll
•t ;ly in tin e!i lu-iif I r (Joii-rnoi
I.i. •■ i ti : m la*, st l'r.dentin!
' 'si ■ 18,1'.'., 11. i < very vole till
1,, j .! ii -i .lv in Main.t la. s below
. t.gure ael ir Kepuhi an 10-. in
. .(li t- t.-tal vote -o u.ueh lurgi r thi
tear, that t • hi-'dy l.old their own, the
I; i .)• .. *ii th il.l have shown a majoii
: i - ir C. iii.ei <*t 'A l ,!"* l , it i> the knowl
. „> i. . 'ail- .. li * th. Kudli a
-■ it! -ueh d< l-L-ruli'dev it < I ilc.civr
,Ittn ii- ..'.en- tot' real result*.
1 hey know that Democratic gains
Ithrouchout tho country In proportion to
... \ : lui-. . aiut M :.irie vt . uhl elei! .
; Tildcii at. t by an overwhelm
juig m ijonty. They tear to let the people ,
• Ind l.i.n aid Ohio know the truth, and
- xpt-cl in tin- i r.-i hu.-rah over f*lsiticd re- ,
n to •i . e . in 11; am. ng the doubt
i J! voters
'I ir In e< f last yt :.: 's v te * n-'.arid- .
..I .• I i . , rl • wa* greedy uofklr, t.e t
i.-e wh , a-t V. irt:. Op;- -10-nts ot Mr. !
I! i ... . t I U, I ildica .. th
. si ! til.siait and opponent.* vi- i
K ■u! . -.-ivcte. IK:. - l: .-ndregard- i
i !.-ct n.i t. opt -rtunity pf vindi- i
I eating hi*, w blip the Adminletration wing |
't : is arty w<r. It lerii.ti.t ito show their
sti.-ngtli. The fcioi for. t-d out ,
:t ■ r full \> and swelled tlu-ir iii*jority.
I i-t< rn Mi l \\ -tun Vote.
' Ti.v-re :< i 1 -n• do bt that th- ratio i f
th ran rat n n Vermont and Maine] he largely- ni-rrd. d hv that in Ohio
v.d li dial a :-t. ailcr Mates ar ■ uiore
r. : y tr. '.' da* . i if.ipuDtcd by of
• ds tl.r. i sfli the ii. .ii- patronage, and,
the cat.-.- which this year produce the j
. gc-n.-ra aid luarsi'd desire for change, op-j
.! forcibly i: the Wc-t tl.ati Hi
emi -ill New Kngla'ol State- llowev-j
• -.if oh., alndiana do relatively a*
Maim-and VerioO.'it, i! will bo enough,
as any one ran see by deducting twenty
.-.t per pent, front too pmbw Itepub-j
~!i ■■- Th fi.'M era of the cam
iig-i is :iiw over, and Democrat* will!
, k with aw .11 i - cure the con t mat ion
- in: !. r d iriumpt.ui.! i uiplitn*!. in'
- Nov ciub. rof the g..< .1 w< rk of whu h Au- J
. gust : ■ Si' r haV Villi, --. il th.
(icginiiig. Ihe radu at campaign iu
Ma no wis a d< spcati otic. The State
r lilt tally coveted with speaker* and.
th i o'.un. nof v t.-ri wu asunblush-i
[ingly carried MI a* t* now in Indiana I
t\ • ••- not for such evident frauds as arc
I -<■ • !iv the \ :• .n l" rtlai.d. ti.o Ktf
' ib..i nno rity w-ou.d have .iisappcar
• i*d altogether.
(iu VST CUT, M.> , Sci-t. 1-, 1.H76.
Et Is UlV'ttTKtt.—■ Ikitr Sit; — Seeing,
-.g iu y- ir < ' nuns from M -url, 1
thought a lew items from hero would ir.-.
ter '. y .7 i i*ny 1 arrivel at
(Jrunt City, Sept. fird , and found K. S.
'lflwrn and 15. F. Meyer in tho Sfngt of
-. s'.t - y . a;i g the cause of Do
" tu. crary. Tlicy are well spoken ot l*y
picini: ut aicnof both par:T tue-st
- pt min -*. Democrat i f tho county arc
i pre gE S. Carver to n ccpt the noti.i-
I nation : r Kcpro*cntaiive. but he declincr.
it ii utterly surpri-mg how f' thi
c. .ntry i imp: virg. Three years ag •
ntr.c *.c: . f all th country in Nodaway
at..l \\ rtlx Counties w i uncultivated, and
to-day there* it n-v. i tenth* of all tho land
ward v. great vigor, in lead of raising
' ! corn, i* : .it> d!- bo the cuit.-m,) th-y
'nr.- r.iig v.tnit. oats u-.d IrniU of all
1 kinds, and arc -.aping good btrtlgl,
Thi- it one i f the best grape eountric* in
J the w- it. It hut been v. ry wet k.-rc naar
,l iy all -ca ia ; Ito past two wieks it bar
i- l -ii rain, g tve day, and the waters
are very high, u .: g great damage to
_ !:.Ig-. ii nces at. 1 < ropt <>n the river b -'.-
:.m*. The st. rit.s arc generally pretty
hard, i motla a* upeattiag li*iliUa|r Ughi
is very vivid and thundering very hard;
1 tho v' id- are mostly very low.
nr. be : g est-r.-ivi. "y rain !, they
ivc in.:, nit.l in ttie post thine years u
f raising i aula sixty per cent. Uogsareto t
. IIUIII r .-ly r-iitcd as they were in the
> p.. One and twoym: ag > thohc-gchcl
f era wn r.morgst them and killed about
i j .-r . 11: lit arc row agaii 1
.- in g: it dc- ;.d Alter losing three-'
!...irth, Worth county still ha* m >ro hog
ttian y t'v. '.ro i ountian* can boost of in
five years. Market is ordinary. Time* 1
are very favor .''. . nsidering the finan
cial depression. The western folks don't
really know what hard lime* nre. The
gras.-h'ppcr s.aro i over; they tiuve not"
been within forty n i!<■- of this |>lacc ; the
s wetar i i -li weather, it is thougl.t, will
- kill them.
Fol txi,; cut is vv.txing warw..
; yt ii, cv. .. hot. Mi -curi vvill stand to the
1 poll- manfully and roll up Irom forty to
. fifty thou .uid vote fir Tildcn and Hen
. dricks, who, as tho universal belief is (in
the w • t,) will bo our next Presidents.
A - ever, O. P. (isuvxu.
San Francisco, Sept. 15.—A dispatch,
from L '* Angeles narrate- a terrible talc
of suffering on tho Colorado desert. Hen. !
I Smith, from St. Louis, with ono compan-j
.'lonnndn pack train, left Yuma for Iei (
Angeles. and wandered four days on the
desert without water. Smith opened veins!
of lii* arm and drank the blood, which
clott. d in his throat. JL> then cut hi
i.windpip to remove It, and died in u few
I uirs- His companion reached the -(alien
. in the l-t stage of exhaustion.
By virtue of nn Order of the Orphan's
COM t of tntre county, there will be of
fared at public -ale, at Anr.-nsburg, on
Saturday Oct. 14, l.*7ii. the following do
-< ribed real estate <>l David Acker, ucc'J
i.uinely, two Sijuarcs, situate in tho town
•>f Aaronshurg, the ono marked on the
plan of *aid town as square 4S, the lots ot
w liich are numbered '."'J, "AM. 201. and 20V ,
Che other square adj- ining the last above
mentioned, the lots of which are number
ed inti.n gen ral |>htn of said town withl
No's. AW, 'At,. A'H and AO. Also a dwell , .
,ii|- house and two lots,situate in the town!
.aforesaid, houndi 1 e.-t by Chestnut *t.,
outli by Vine; w. t by lot No. *JI2 and
.north by Blackberry alley, and marked '
with the number* k'lltand 'jll on the plan
•••f said town Also a tract of Woodland,]'
-dilute partly in Haines and partly in
Mih's township , hounded by lands ot !
Kiiinnucl Etlingery Wm. Stovor, S Rote,
.1 lin Fonder aiolfrtrat.: heir*, containing 1
10 aero*, rn-at men-uru.
Sale t< • iniiiH-iico nt 1 o'clock, p. in , 1
when terms will he made known
-1 sept Administrator. ]
For many years we have made two mod
ici no* suit, d for tho ailments of avar t cln-s
of sufferers. Thousand* of cure* have '
been made by them, and in faet, the word ''
tailure could never bo coupled with them. '!
But within the last two years counterfeits
of our nn diciiies have sprung up, danger
ous in their close imitation ot ourtrndw '
mark. To secure the people wc have
placed upon each genuine box ol Hollo
way's Pills and Holloway's Ointment the .
I'ac smilie <>f tho signature of our Agent. .'
Mr. Jo*. Havdoek. To counterfeit this 1
is a felony. \Ve shall relentlessly pursue
any on.- who imitates this with tho utmost j
vigor of thu law. We most earnestly beg
that tho great inn s of tho American
people will uid us in our efforts to protect
their health, an.l holp u* ill our task ol
bringing lli.-se mo. t unprincipled men te
tho bur >.l ji.-tiee. Uniformly refuse ti r " Medi. in, purporting to t,.. ours
ui 1 -ir. .1,. . Ilavdoels's higii.iturii is ni
cl.i il to each Box ol Pill 1-.i i i 1.1. I'
cent and the i-ml will Soon lie reached. I'"
'l'lie public's ob.-diont servants, K
Five- Building* llurnrd—Los* 'l'wct •
tv Tliousaml Dollarr.
About twelve lot k I**l night n fire'
broke out in a building used a* n lug ware
luitisii en Railroad avenue, Elmlrn, and
the ll it im-a toon communicate. to ml- '
l ulling building* The Advertiser n.v
the building* burned were all of w.., d.
I'hey wen- h two- tory one, occupied by
Joe Weibel a oabum and a family liv-
Ing above The tin shop ef Oon Btiillvan
and <• tl Smith's paper liouse in a l.igh,
three story building, and aiiotlicr one ot
upo d by Jim Glen, saloon ke. pur, ami
David . n it* n milk shop. They were 11.
!b . .-litre of tin- block oil llio west ft id t) ot
Itailr.-ad avenue, between Clinton and
fourth ftlreot, and wn-ra utterly di-niroyed.
There were a number of fauillk-* living
n ll.e building* dmitroyed. The total los-
< Un>Md tit
Dr. iim ia Pin, rs or (k.Di.s - Since j
I '• great -ales of cotton ami Woolen got.dft
N-w tl.* nut prominent ,1 r,v
1 detilcra have been marking down
price- 1 lie reduction t.egan wiih iht
town 1 ius.-, which find their prin-!
Pl cu lot. rr* among the middle or la-'
'• 'ii'ig • , i thn population, tli--* in
•I "It V. ; 1...T0 b. ell tikitgej to tI . 1.01ti1.-,
lit ir mi it ■ ll bat extended to
1 '• U I >i n deai. r-, *ui Ii a A T Slew
sit At . I. r J atoi Inyltir, Arnold, Con*
-'.aloe ,v Co, ur.d other*. All of tinm
'cive pu! I• < -vii prices, and under the spur
•f r.-iiipi lit..*: aro ai ling on the nriitelpli
'•in . iidi-a ai.d iiisllpr.-Mi Tire po.i
--v-ol I .- Ii -d-iig 11. way ff.-rii a dull to
an active tra le by uttering unusual incen
<iv<-ti buy i- ui.doulitedly a good one.
l i iiin New York thu annexed slalcmnnt is
given ;
1 i.u 1 . :'. r i .it,- >i d< *b r* i.ft-Icc thai
price- 1.1 • in cto ri-ii.a.u low. They ar.
eonvilo.-d thai they have reached hard
pan, and that the.v must work therein. Kv
'ry fl f!" ami indication goes to strengthen
liu-ir conviction. In score* of fashionable
l,op window* placards nre now to be s. n
wlnro they were never seen before, an
nouiicitig the ebcapues* of the article* on
■ xhib.tion A j.uir ■ f bote itiat a yi-ar*or
two agn u i!J cost Jl or Jl 'jo i* now la
belled witli a card on which is printed
's(i. or > Undershirt* that uod to
reach Ir i i to }- are now axpocd in
tho windows and marked down to 50cents
and Ji Many abiriawkare advertise to
make twelve shirt* lor as many Jt bills, or
.v ft.i g'c fthiit can be bought f.-r $1 a! place
ts her.' I wo y eftr- ago ttie clliipest llit-y liad
Cost Jl
All kindft of ho.-o ry have been marked
J -wi. I'd* percent and the pries ol linen .
11..1 li',.- dre-.s g... i- tiiu 10-cli reduced
I A short timu ago it was predicted thai in
•• jUet.ct. of li e short crop of raw silks
iin- price* of alt kinds of manufactured
silks w i.ld advance lint thus far they
have not been a flee led. In ai.twt-r to in
]<) uirie# nh ,it thu matter A. T. Blew art A
t'o. sunt, "Ther." !ia- been no advanco i
jsilksand they did not know there
I would bo . they Lad a largo ami
-plead.o ,-t K-k of s.lks, and there certain
ly would be no change in prices until il
was sold out. Arnold, Constable A Co.,
'.b.-ugbt Iht r P *t uid be a small advance,]
hut Lord A Taylor did not believe there
would be any advance either in silks or
j dry good* for sumo time yet to come
Large st- .s of silks on band with no
.change in (rices arc reported by < llicr
baler-, a- I all report a general marking
i w n in t -ry variety of dry good*
, t Bl c lower than they have
hecn for y tar*
• ♦ •
vVhitc Wheat f I 20 Red lkM ...Kv. 75
'Coin ears t't, ( Oat*Ss -Barley '.Xt
70 Ulo. erst-cti 6.5H Potatoes
Lard perpountt fl Fork per poundtH ]
Butter2U Eggslft Piaster pcrtor.
lit Tallow H Bacoi.lo Ham 16
Lard per po ind 8 cents Buckwheat
-;6 . is., F.our per barrel retail 7.00-.
N va > >tisa plaster Jll (*•. Cayuga
■ plaster J'J,SO per JftLXt Ib*. Shelled corn 45
' LONDON IIA lit COLOR Kcslorer.
k| Not a dye ; make* harsh hair soft am!
silky ; cleanrc* the scalp from all impuri
tie*. • -.using tli" hair to grow where it has
*. fallen off or become thin.
Can be applied by the hand as it docs
! -!.. : tin- --r so.i the finest linen
1 As a Hair Dressing il is the most perfect
- -i, : | has ever produced. Tm l.air .s
.' r : - at. .! i,- J strengthened, and natural
' color rcitorcd without the appiicali n <-i
1 mineral tub*tancc>.
Sim o the introduction of this truly \al
kble preparation inUv this country, it has
b< n tho wonder atul admiration of all
' cl.-t is. u it has ptoe d to be the only ar
- tide that will ah oluUtly Wlflioul tltccp
li. u. rel -re gray hair, to it*original tolor,
hea th *v>flneas, lustre and beauty, and
produce hair on bald heads of iu original
i- growth and color
T' i beautiful and fragrantly f erfumcd
article i* complete within itself, no sh
ing or preparation before or after il* u*c,
or accompaniment of any kind being re
.luirct! to obtain these desirable result*.
JupbnbT S/.t&JJif/jtu,
Uca 1 tl.i* Homo Certificate, tcstifccd to
. by Edward 11. Garrigueono of tbo mu*t|
'competent Dr-.igg,ls and Chcua.sU of ■
'P..list-it t hia, .t man whose voracity none]
•' :*r. doubt.
1 am happy to add my testimony to the,
great value of tho "London Hair Color]
' Restorer," which restored my hair to its 1
• original I -dor, and tho huo appear* to bej
. permanent. lam satisfied thai this prep
, Hrat;--n is nothing like a dye but operate*
upon the secretions. Il i* also a beautiful;
*! hair drt - ing and promotes the growth. 1
: nurthascd tho first b'lilo from Edward U.l
. (tarriguct druggist, Tenth and C-ostes St.,
who can alto testify that my hair was:
juitc gray w hen I commenced its use
MRS. MILLER, 7JoNorth Phil*.'
ltr. Sic.yu< If A.f, Respected friond* :
1 have the pltvasuro to inform you that a
, lady of my nr<|uaintance, Mrs. Miller, is, 1
delighted with the success of vour "Ijon-l
jdon llair Color Restorer." ller hair was
filling rapidly, and quite gray. TbecoK
or has been restored, the falling off entire
ly stopped, and a new growth of hair i* the!-
result, E. H UARRIGURS
Druggist, cor. Tenth A t'oatcs, I'hil.
'London 11 air Color Restorer A Dressing.'
Has completely restored my hair to its .
original color and youthful beauty, and:'
caused a rapiJ and luxuriant growth <
No. OH. North Seventh St. J'hila i
Dr. Daßon of Philadelphia, say* of it:
Tho London Hair Color Restorer is used
! very extensively among my patients and
trunds, a. well a* by myself. 1 therefore
speak from experience.
Addrcs, order, to Dr ciWA YNK A]
SON, :k!0 N.irth Sixth {street, l'kiladel-l
(.hia, Pt-tin'a , sole Proprietors.
Saved EGs Life. t
ON kT)K I'll K >l< V A KK A RLE
I)n. Strtr.vx —Dear Sir : 1 feel it lobr
due t< you and suffering humanity, to give
tho following testimony respecting the
wonderful curative power* of vour "COM
P11.1.S ' 1 wa* afflicted with a violent
cough, pains in the side and breast, night
sweats, sore throat ; my bowels were cos
tive, appetite nearly gone, and my stom
ach so very weak that my physician wa.*
at n los* to know what to do for me, a.-
everything 1 used in the shape of medi
cine was rejected ; spit different times h
pint of blood. I remained for mcnths in i
thi* awful condition, and gave up all hopes
of ever recovering. At this time you re 1
commended tho uo of your Syrup and ■
Pills, which immediately began to soothe j
comfort and allay tho cough, strengthen- <
ed and healed my lungs; in short, it has J
made a perfect cure of me. Any person |
doubting tho truth of tho above statement,
will please call, or address me nt the lac- .
torv, or at mv residence.
No. 15!W Uermanlown Road Philudul* '
phis, Foreman at Oeorgo Sweeney's Pot- 1
tory. Ridge Road, below Wallace, Phils- '
dolphin. Re very purticulur to ask fur
I lie most effectual remedy known lor the '
Throat, Breast and Lungs. '
I\ulii.ttil,. Medicine i prepared onlv
,'j ~, "r- MVtl \i:ASO V, I
. .1) North .Sixth Si. PHILADELPHIA
ter-SOLD Bk ALL DltUUUltfl'tf.-Thx
i Moy. ' •*- (
*mtr 4* fffPTK mil" ■—!<—■■UMl
II.I.WIWW J.'.juamM
to uhlc*' litv|# the ti Attention if.d Cre>t< I Sc-ttfttfiy o(
'<•' ' ' I i ' iint F ( necessity UMJ Low
\\ 1 ( ' ' ess of eoJWtlons AND
• ' LI * .10 t-u
W 'Clil- imiii |>i .iniaikctMftrvht
I B f ! ! ! good*..
A\/>- >• ■ / ■ ■ t
V\7' 'I and are aat
... VV F' I I U TI. * m.JI IWRERI t-
W '■ n- : 1 • rr_
I. •" •: l" j> f Us.rftteaaOomtasated
i , ■ ' • .J G. tUug (MUM IHXT
W , ' I th, • ..
\K7 1 RVII'KINUVFT Mckwtnt^oMmr
V : ' ■ . .r)Mrllb>
U7I WilfcUlMi ' ■!—
. f V ' ■ ' *.et tn-1 factl
' 11 r I ;!*•' UT.rUt
' ' 1' i mall fhum oil
t ,11.,: ' 1 * til' 11 lulfiM, Write
' .._ f r (•rtioolr.r.
\i ZJ. . r KT ' ' r ''U buytng #
W , ' N . "heajif
- ' lu .. !£eui£/xnl I..n*
: i t : '.ruiar, t.U u lUe
Very 1.0. . '
O/V.jy 1 JK.T*X*.
Kurocri and Shippers of the celebrated
I WillSlj'i® ILHiMIE- ;
iJer.!er6 iu tho vc y best grades of
[a is 'f ii iia ci Tj"* e ct >ajl j
The only ilc.iN rs in Ontrc (" 'unty who soli the
W I! LI Iv K S 11 A U 111 E CO A L
frcai the old Baltimore mines. Alio *
oi Aiiihim iVgCculilr}'!} h.u- <i expressly for house use. at the lowest juices
I) EJL ER S /.V (I It J I JV.
They p.,V tl. ■ GL 1J , >•: (TRAIN THAT the Eastern markets will afford, '
I! igbt ■ r will : i o:. , mit.Oti * when desired, and full prieei guaranteed. Inr
Ifoin.v.i u c coming th gr... i tr:..!e will be at all limes, to farmer
with ]>!oaure, free uf charge. * *
wh his Jat i >pi . hmJ warranted 4o l>e a fertilizer af an
other plaster.
O Am VAttD
ij Wc * mIJ Wi mil .n c-po<ial fa
i vor if every frier..l <>f iu. Koporbr would
11 *c:ul u lb-- name of nt ot.;• -al cribcr,
. wilb tho C'wh- for throe im nil,-, TO cent*;
Itix moniht SI,OO, and one jMr J'J. ltcad
• cr, won't yoti try and d< thi< little ta
: vor, itml will repay v.>u ly imp; v! ■ the
.'Reporter. Send u* tho nann of six new
.jiubacribor*. with the l'a*h. and w<- will
.(•end you the Reporter. no vmr free.
j The bel table and i ar, and excellent
•tabling for horses. Abo a finer orl for
iltummcr boarder*. Hus* lw depot, and
(daily tiagcs to Centre count v. Chare
j reasonable. tFO lIRKON'. I'rop'r.
j No C lirockcrhofl" Kow . ncl!efotilc,Pa
Dealer*in lieiulenlN
PcrftiiiHT}'. Fnncj (lodiln air.
l'uro Win#* and Liquor* for medicr
purpoaes *1 wax* Want mar SI 72,
Ayer's, i
Cherry Pectoral
For Discason of tho
Throat aril I>uuc*,
i BUch •" Cough*,
IwjjLjj \ Cold*, WhOOpfSf
!-dss BmuKEe. Asthma, and Con-
Tito reputation It has attained, In
consequence of the marvellous cures It.
has produced during the last half cen
tury- Is a sufficient assurance to the
public that It will continue to realize
the happiest results that can Ik* desired.
In almost every section of country
there are persons, publicly known, who
have boon rcstoml from alarming and
even des|H-rntc diseases of the lungs,
by Its use. All who have tried it ac
knowledge its superiority; aud where
its virtues are know n, no one hesitates
its to what mMm to employ to re
lieve the distress and suffering peculiar
to pulmonary affections. Oikkiiy I*kc- always affords Instant relief, and
performs rapid cures of the milder vn- j
riutjes of brunehial disorder, as well as
tho more formidable diseases of the ,
As a safeguard to children, amid
the distressing diseases which besot
the Throat ami Chest of Childhood, it
Is invalunhlc; for, by its timely use, '
multitudes are rescued ami restored to
This medicine gains lYicnds at
every trial, as the cures It Is constantly
producing arc too remarkable to be
forgotten. No family should be with
out It, ami those who have once used
it never will.
Eminent Miyslcltuis throughout tho
country prescribe it, ami Clergymen
often recommend it from their knowl
edge of Its effects.
mifAui i> lix
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass.,
Practical and Analytical Chanlato, j ,
lYkd by aw WWtyi 1
.. - - >
j M -Chiin'* Ith-ck, Directly Opp. Bui'
Bellefontc, Pa.
II.IIKHMI\ A CO., I'rop'ro
Dry Goods,
Below the Usual Price#.
N<nl2 tf
Ociitemiial Store.
At Potters Mills,
ha* just returned from Philadelphia with
a selected stock of
Cheap Goods,
which he offers CHEAP FOR CASH or
country Produce, also a largo flock of
Shoot, Gaiter* as low a $1.20 per pair,
and all other good* in proportion. Drj
Goods, Hosiery. Liner*,-' Embroideries.
AY hi to Goods, Lace-, Notion* and FAN
CY GOODS, strictly first-class goods be-*
low the usual prices. His Grocery De
partment consists of tho
| Cheapest and 1 Sol (Quality of Grocc
n l'onn Valley. Sugars, Tea-, Coffees,
Syrups, Spires. Canned Fruits, Crackers
Cheese, and Dried Fruit* etc. Ijuecns
ware. Hardware AYood and Willow wan
anil Oilcloths ot torv description. Hats,
rap*, Drugs. Oil and Paints, also Cigars
Tobacco and cries. All kind
of produce exchange for goods
also highest j^Hfepaid.
Also —LmGcs will liud a full liui
of milliuery goods, comprising th
i latest styles.
I thank the people of l'entis Valley foi
their liberal patronage. Id my tin
Henry Reinliart.
t'.>ftlns nfail . ,s made on shortest no
tico 1 ass*'M4ioc -t. sctly attended to.
1! KAT I Y
From Ja*. F. Regan, firm Regan A
Carter publisher* , B( | W, ekly Tri
bune, JaflefMO City, Mo„ after rtlving
' * s7>* instrument, aays ;
"Piano reached n in good conditior I
am well pleated with It. It it all you ran
lotent It to he."
From K It. Bahlridgo, Bennington Fur
lace, Fa., after receiving a S7OO piano,
"Beatty" received 4th ifitt., all 0.K.,
ind come* (ulljr up to your roprenent alien,
iinl exceed* our expectation*. While I
lon t prof#** to be a judge in the matter.
Mr*. It. doe*, and pronounce* It of very
we..i tono ; and i* t< ry much pleated with
Beit I t.Juci nient* ever offered. Money
-efunded upon return of Piano and freight
:barj(fta paid by me {©. F. Beauv) both
way* if unaatiuaetory, after a te*t trial of
ly. day*. I'IMIO* warranted for aixyeart.
A gen t* wanted. Wend for catalogue. Ad
lrc*. ©. F 15KATTT,
Watbington, New Jerioy,
Hardware Store.
A now, complete Hardware Store baa
boon opened by the undersigned in Con -
tre Hall, where be i* prepared to acll al I
kind* of Building and lloute Furnithing
Hardware, Nail*. Ac.
Circular and Hand Saw*, Tennon Haw*,
Webb Hawi, Clothe* Racks, a full aaaort
ment of <la* and Mirror I'late Picture
Frame*, Spoke*. Felloe*, and Hub*, table
Cutlery, Shovel*, Spade* and Fork*, j
Lock*, Hinge*, Screw*, Saih Spring*.
Horse Shoe*, Nail*, Norway Rod*. Oil#,
Tea IJcIU, Carpenter Tool*, Faint, Yarn
Pictures framed in tho finest ftjl*. k
Anything not on band, ordered up<*
shortest notice. 1
Sir- Remember, all ood* offered cheap* •
T than elsewhere
Simon Haines*
Manufacturer of
Hngoiit, df.
Of every description ; running gear for
* nil kind* of vebu-tci, made to order, and in
Urtlclati manner. Being a practical me
chanic. I wojld WARRANT ALL
! WORK to give ati*faction. Repairing
C promptly ait-nded to at the loweft rmtea.
Coffin* of all styles
made on shortest notice. The business
I<>f undertaking attended to ia all
j branches. ltepcclfully solicit# a -bare
public patronage. $ aept y
. W. A. Ct RRY. .
& Shea iJahar
Would moat respectfully inform the clt
ten* of thi# vicinity, that he ha* started a
i ew Boot and Shoe Shop, and would be
thankful for a share of the public patron
ge. Root* and Shoes mad* to order and
according to style, and warrant* hit work
ilo equal any made elsewhere. All kind*
f repairing done, and charge* reasonable.
'live him a call. feh IX Iv
i IVK.ATTY P'amq!
Grand, Square and Upright.
From Geo. E. Letcher, firm of Wm. H. t •
Letcher A Bro., Banker*, Fayette, Ohio.
"Wc received the piano and think it a
very fisc-tohed one out here. Wailed a
abort time to give it a good teat. If you
wi*U a word in faror of it we will cheer
fully give it.'
'I James B. Brown, Esq., Edwardaviile,
I 111., says: „ •
"The Beatty Piano received give entire
alufacUon." Agent* wanted. Send for
■alalogue. Address. D. F. BEATTY,
Washington. New J art.*p.
Health and its Pleasures^
! IMpenae with it* Agonica.
(h***r Between Tkem.
Xcrvous Disorders.
Wnat i* more fearful than a Breaking
dow nof the nervous *ytcin 7 To be cx
> citable or nervou* in a small degree i W
moit distressing, for where can a remedy
!>• found 7 There is one drink but iittfe ,
wine, beer or spirit*, or far better, none ; •
lake no coffoc-rweak tea being pro
'erable : get all the irc#b air you can . take
three or four Tills every night ; cat plenty - .
; of solid*, avoiding the use of slop* ; and :f
these goidon rule* are followed you will
tie happy in mind and strong ia body, and
forget you havo nerve*.
Mothers end Daughters.
If there it one thing more than another
tor which these Pill* are so famou*, it is
their purifying properties, especially their
power of cleansing the blood from all im
purities, and removing dangerous and sus
pended secretion*. Universally adopted
as the one grand remedy for female com
plaints, they never fail, never weaken the
•ysicrn, and always bring about what is
Sick. Headaches aud want of Appe
These feeling* which sadden us. most
frequently *n*e from annoyances or trou
'•!, from obstructed perspiration, or from
-sting and drinking what is until for us, disordering the liver and *Umiacb.
These organ? must be regulated if you wish
• be well. The Pills, if taken according • "
v the print'-d instructions, will quickly
restore a healthy action to both liver and
•lotnach. whence follow, at a natural c- n
-equence, a good appetite and a clear head.
In the East and West Indies scarcely any
other medicine is ever used for these dis
How to ho Strong.
Never let the bowels bo cither confine J
• or unduly acted upon. It may appear
singular that liolloway** Fills should I e
recommended for a ru □ upon the bowel>s
many persons supposing they would in
crease relaxation. Thi* i* a great mis
take however, these Fill* will immediate
ly correct the liver and atop every kind ot
bowel complaint. In warm climate* thou
sands of lives have been saved by the u*e
of this medicine, which in all eases gives
lone and vigor to the whole organic sys
tem, however deranged -health and L
•trcngtjHfollow as a matt- rot course. The '
appctiloytup, is wonderfully int roused T>y J
tho use of these Fills, combined in the uto V
of solid in preference to fluid diet. Ani- "
ntal food is better than broths and stews.
By removing bcrid, fermented or otberim
uuro humors from tho liver, stomach or
blood, the cause of dysentery, diarrhea,
and other bowel complaint* u expelled.
Tho result is. that the disturbance is ar
rested, and the action of the bowels be
comes rogu'ar. Nothing will stop there-*
taxation of the bowels so quickly as thia
fine correcting medicine.
Disorder* of the Kidneys.
In all disease affecting these organs,
whether they secrete too much or too littlo
water; or whether bo afflicted with
•tone or gravel, or with aches ami pains
-ettlod in tho loins over tho regions of tho
aidneys, these Fills should be taken ac
cording to the printed directions, and the
liniment should be rubbed into the smalt
•ftbe back at bedtime. This treatment
wuil give almost immediate relief wheu all
4hcr means have failed.
For Stomachs out of Order.
No medicine will so effectually improvo
-bo tone of tho stomach as these Fills :
-hey remove all acidity, occasioned eitli- V •
or by intemperance or improper diet.
They" reach the liver and reduce it to a
healthy action ; they are wonderfully effi
•acious. in cases of spasm—in fact they
never fail in curing all disorders of the liv
er and st>>mach.
Hollotcay'a I'llls are the beat remedy known '
in the world for the following diseasca : "
Ague, j Female Ir- Rheumatism,
Asthma, j regularities. Scrofula, or
Billiousconi-j Fevers of all King's Evil,
plaints, j kinds, Sore Throats*
Blotches on Fits, StonetaGrave 1
the Skin, Gout, Secondary
Bowel Com- Headache, Symptoms,
plaints, Indigestion, Tic ©ouloure-
Colics, Infla ma - ux,
Constipation tion, Tumors,
of tho Bow- Jaundice, Ulcers,
els, Liver Com- Venereal Af-
Consumption plaint, s fections, -
Debility, Lumbago, >Vorms of all
Dropsy, Files, kind*, i
Dysentery, Retention of Weakness of
Erysipelas, Urine, any cause, Ac
CAUTION l—Nono arc genuine unless
;hc signature of J. HATDOCK. as agent for
;ho United Stutes, surround* each box of"
Pills and Ointment. A handsome reward
will be given to any one rendering such
■■formation as may lead to the detection
•f any party or parties counterfeiting the
nedicines or vending the samei knowing
1 hem to be spurious.
I Sold at the manufactory of Professor
| Hot. LOW AY A Co., New York, and by uIIJM
nod Dtjtlow in
l ino throughout the civilized wor!d,fl
' >oxes at 2b cents, 12 eenU and $1 t '®' !i wK|
fit ■•There is considerable saving*
ui-ing the larger sizes. -fl
N. B.— Directions for tli*
iaMeiit in every disorder are ucixi^B