The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 14, 1876, Image 2
- I I. A 11-1.1 - K.IL ' ■ Tk Centre Exporter. DEI' ETZ IDITOH. I ■. UR HAI.T.. IV, SEPT. 14. 1S71. 7 ERMS. — p*r yf" T , * ••truscr, "J,60 l x.<n notpaid in advance. Adrertvse'nent* 20.* per li'ie for three if.- f .-tion*, <' forQand 12 months i.v el contra et. - ,i . ■ IVR RRKSIURXR: SAMUEL J. TILDF.N, of New York. FOR TTCR PRBRIDKXT : THOS. A. HENnßlUKS,^|i^iUan AKSRMBT.T .1 VMKS F. WEAVER. Milwburg, \V. K- ALEXANDER. Pwn. ASSJCIATK JUWJ*S : .lOHN M VKNS "\Y*lker MA.I. SAU'L FRANK, Slllw JYRT COMMIMIOSK*. JOHN RISUKL, of Prong. LVTORTAST TO VOTERS. To secure the right to vote in Venn- BvU-Hnia. all persons must \H> assessed two mouths before the election and hive paid * State or county tax (either w.ll do) within two yeam. In eaae the li v is paid this year, it must bo a month to.Yore the election. Foreign born citizens wishing to rote next November must take out their nralisation paper* A month before the election. They must also be assessed two months previous to the day of vot ing, and must have paid a tax as above. The election will ue held on Tuesday, the 7th day of November. Wed'sty, September t>, is the last day for being assessed. Thursday. October is the law day Pr Bo curing naturalisation papers. Thursday. October 6, is the last day on which taxes can be paid in legal time to rote. ... , „ The above dates should be carefully remembered and acted on by all voters. ARKAXSAS O.K. Arkansas hold her election last week and it passed off quietly, but her 50,000 democratic majority roars terribly in the ears of the Haves-Grantitcs. Arkansas fired her big gun, now let democrats fad. in line and make it roar from this sec tion. THE TWO. • Gov.Tilden, in two years ofhis admin istration in New York reduced the taxes one half—brought them down from 15 million dollars to near 7 millions, and besides broke up the ring of stato rob bers, had them prosecuted and jaded. There's your man for President if you want Reform. Have* was governor o; Ohio three terms and in all that time did nothing that his party has yet been able to boast of. Whilo we do not charge him with having liaraed the state, yet it can not be shown that he benefited it. Now choose between the two. These are facts. HAYES FALSE IXCOME RET IRS" It appears now that it was Hayes who swore to a false iacome return in order to escape paying an income-tax thereon. Gold watches were falsely returned, his carriages ditto, and last he made no mention at all of $50,000 made over to him in a will by a relative ! Well tLi sounds nicely, reader, dees it not? anil yet you are asked to elect this man Hayes to the presidency ! How many republicans are there in Centre county claiming to be honest men who can en dorse Hayes after learning of this revela tion. Haves' oath is on record. Kb neighbors know what vaiuable carriages and gold watches he had, and at how beggarly a price he swore to them in his return, and then there is the will afore said also on record that shows that he made no mention of the fifty thousand dollars bequeathed him, and thus dodg ed the tax thereon. Cameron. Grant, Babcock and Chandler knew their mar. when they fixed on Hayes. In another column of the Reporter we copy a more full detail of this false income retarn. Col. NefT, of Centre Hill avers that the election of Tilden will be the greatest calamity that ever befel this country. Glad we know it so soon, can all pack our trunks and get out before the [4 o r March when honest Samuel is to Ire sworn in. The Colonel had best Ipack his too and get from under, because something w ill happen sure, and there may be "ah 1 of a time." Let there be a thorough organization of the democrats in every township. We tan and must carry Centre with an old fashioned Jackson majority. Tilden is u second old Hickory and will make short work with the public plunderers if elected president. Organize, democrats everywhere The temperance convention nomina ted for president, Gen. Green Clay Smith, and for vice president Gideon J. Stewart. Wrn. 11. Blair is on the elec toral ticket for this district. An important decision of interest to all who reside in cities, towns or villages was recently made in the Lebanon coun ty courts, by Judge Henderson. A man was indicted for an assault and battery on a neighbor because he claimed the fruit on the branches of the tree over spreading prosecutor's lots. Judge Hen derson said that every owner of land is the owner of it upward as far as he de sires to make claim of it. This being the law, the prosecutor bad the right to the fruit on the branches extending over his I lot. He might even have sawed thern | oil'. This decision is important at this particular time and is generally misun derstood by the people. The Harrisburg Patriot says that "Mosby is at his old trick of dressing up his guerillas in the Federal uniform. The other day he used the extraordina ry influence he possesses with Grant to secure the appointment of one of his gang, named Grisworld, to un SI,BOO clerkship in the treasury Department." A number of Union soldiers have recent ly been discharged to reduce the force, and Mosby slips one of his warriors in a vacant place. There's a text for Wheeler and what will Forney say ? Charles Francis Adams, nominated on Tuesday for Governor by the Bay Htate Democracy, has accepted. No stronger or purer candidates could have been se lected. If the Bellefonte Republican has any hopes of piloting its county ticket through the mud it will wako up badly • fooled on the morning after the election. The people will vote for Weaver and AN cxander instead of M'Farlane and Zeig ler, and for Frank and Divens instead cf the republican nominees for associate judges. Don't dupe your readers and your candidates with false hopes, Mr. Repub lican. A dispatch from Madrid says that Wil liam M. Tweed has been arrested at Vigo in Spain. Tweed was traveling un der the name of Secor. Both parties are lodged in the fortress at Vigo. A dispatch from New York, 8, says: : Nobodv here believes the story that j Tweed'has been captured in Spain. He could not be legally arrested there for the offense for which he was imprisoned bore His intimate friends say that he 1 .remained hidden in this city for five ( montiis after his disappearance and then i went to Brussels, where he has since re- J A later dispatch thinks it is Tweed. . * THE'TIUEiT ASP THE TEETH. As a sample of the unblushing preva rication of facts in which the N< w \ <ok Timoa Is at present dealing, we would like t< call our readers attention to tl e garbled publication of the Ictti r sent to Mr. Samuel J. Tilden by Mr. Horaot Greeley. In the campaign edition iswt <kl Inst month the follow ing|)>itioii of the letter was published JiHiv ro Samuel J. Tilden. Chairman Demo cratic State Uommittec Sis: You and I arc growing old. We came here young from the country, ami have lived and struggled side by side 'or nearly forty years. We have jiarti. i .vated ardently in many political strng rles, always on different aides. * " The original in place of the ,-t.n con tained the follow ig You were the pupil and protege of Van Huren and Silas Wright ; 1 a do oiploand follower of Henry flay. But this 1 will say for you. that 1 am confi dent you have never sought to enrich yourself by politics or at the eipeuso : the public -that whatever of wealth you may have acquired or enjoyed was earn ed in your profession as a lawyer, and that your instincts and your influence, partisanship apart, have generally been felt on the side of economy in public ex penditure and uprightness in the c lid;: ! of public affair-. This waa of course, too much p nose to bo bestowed upon the iVnuwratie can didate, but the editor of that pari.-in sheet did not hesitate to print s. no few words of fault-finding in the lain . j r lion of the letter, which the Ist ■ cntt 1 aage of the Tribune had indulged in. UTRENGHMEN T. K RECORD TO GO BEFORE HI! COUNTRY ON. What n Democratic House of Repre sentatives Hits Saved to th • Peo ple. Tilt arPROMU ATt N Hit !AM"t V T l" nomnin AXD amr .\r or fcgm CTIO rKi M LAST VK-AR. Eleven of the twelve appropriation bills have been passed or agreed up* n in conference, which is equivalent a: . this stage of the session to being pas-od The bill yet uupasscd is theeonsu.arand diplomatic. The auiua appropriated by each of the eleven bills and the t■ t the twelfth bill as it passed the hou-i ar set forth in the following table : i Reduction Amount from Appropriated. ] ust Year Army. $25,967,11>7 f ljMd,k>2 Naw. 12,740,365 4,260,t West Point. 290,065 74.G.5 • Post office. 6.WJ7.WS 2,4'jV07 : Pensions. 29,533,500 i River and Harbor. 5,t00,1kt0 1,04.4,51. Fortifications. Slo.tM) Sundry Civil. 10,307.9(A> i',2-'.144 • Deficienciea. sia.r.'J T-m " t Legislative, etc. 14,500,0ut 4,4 >■ j Indians. 4,000,000 1,800," '>s Consular and Diplo matic. 912,747 4a"<2,-3- Total. $116,422,902 131,716,165 The tenth and eleventh items in the I .shore column, vis the legiaUtive and i the Indian, appropriations, are t timat . Ed and given in round numbers. The bills are agreed upou, but altera • lions in the conference committsaa Lavc s reiiuivil the totals and will necessitate a > I couple of immense sums in ar:titnieti<'. I which the clerks of the committets art j yet without time to go at. The estimate s J are based upon estimates in turn of the 1 of those alterations. As the j house started out with a determination L . to cut down the appropriations for tl i year s4ti,ooo,lot. tlie above results will ' show how successful ha IH OM the ef - fort. THE RIOT ItT'hrABLZSTOS FR nT OE CA XEROX'S IU YOXET s ORDER. The recent order of Secretary Cameron to control the southern ballots by means of bayonets has brought its devilish fruit;- j sooner than expected. In another col umn of the Reporter will bo found on account of the terrible riot at Charleston ' the effect of which in Washington is ' thus given by the Times special of 7: The colored riots in South tkrolina have created grave alarm among the Republi can leaders here to-day, and to-night there have been various i and a general discussion of the unexpect ed piiase the color issue has taken u:i --i Jer reckless leaders in Charleston. Vari f ous dispatches have gone to the leaders in South Carolina, and especially U> ; Governor Chamberlain, earnestly iueist ; ing that the negroes must be letter con ? trolled, or the North will revolt at tLe Grant-Cameron policy adopted to carry tlie election, and they have also been ! implored by telegraph to get out a prompt statement from somebody denying that • tho negroes wantonly attacked a pcacea f ble body of their own race, for no other reason than that they chose to be for the Conservative ticket. The gravity of the ' case is heightened by the general disor derly spirit that is steadily cropping out and growing among the more ignorant . and idle negroes, since the publication ( of Secretary Cameron's military order , relative to the South. The political leaders of the negroes have all given the same interpretation to Cameron's order, i just as was intended by Grant and Cam- i 1 eron themselves, and that is, that the army is intended to protect the negroes in anything they shall see fit to do in the name of the party. Senator Patter son publicly declared in this city before , the Cameron order was issued: ' We've got to raise h —II somehow with the nig gers and get tho troops down there, or the d—d rebels will carry the election in spite of us," and it was in obedience to this spirit, more honestly than elegantly expressed by Patterson, that the Came ron order was issued. The'negroes, es pecially in such sections us Charleston, where they are in an overwhelming majority, now believe that the army is j behind them and that they can do any-1 thing to carry the election, and they are j only too ready to indulge in the largest license. The Lewisburg Chronicle radical savs: Hon. L. A. Mackey will he the nominee of the Democratic party for Congress man of this district. To the naked eye, there is no hopo visible of electing a Re publican; and it is but fair to say that Mr. Mackey w ill be as acceptable to his Republican constituents as any Demo crat in his district. His record during the term just expired is very good. Since the exposure of Hayes' false re turn of taxable property to the Sandusky assessor, the western newspapers are discussing the question of his probable withdrawal from the presidential race. In the course of some remarks on this subject one of them says it is un open question whether the national commit tee shall fill the vacancy or whether the Cincinnati convention will reassemble [ for that purpose. All the republicans are agreed that tho revelations of Hayes' dishonesty compel his retirement from the ticket. He will go to mcctOrtb. As the most formidable opponent of Hayes in the convention, it is thought that the ] place will be tendered to Blaine. < The Maine election was held on Mou- | day. The reports give the radicals J5,- c 000 majority, which is not holding their c own, and it will likely si miner down to 4 2,000 on correct returns. Good enough, ti Vermont, too, failed to couie up to her old radical majorities, " r Kll.l'A TRIOR -S' tOXFESSD .Y. < i ".A lltOOm MIIKT i AMI'AIIiN Willi VloX- \ XV." I I Indianapolis Sentinel. Aug. 22.] Gn vcstcnliii Gin Kilp.itii. k .t | i>- ent itinoi.itinK the in tin .rmitir inti n >;s of Morton, lEm .V t ■ . !<■ in the leading in of tin- Inunl 11-'ti l. a letter addi > .-•*> I t<> Gov i not 1 laves. <w Ohio, in which kdpiti - k furnish. . Governor Have- with what 1 >• tern, "reliable Information" oi (1 o . ..nditiou of the canvas in till- 11 . \Y<- 1.1 o give our readers tlx text ..ftlein-ral Kd Patrick's monriifulxtory, addit;,: that d geiniita-iie-s i- incoiite- able, and it wtl be in tain that (he Republican pre > tuny M ek to deny it. Ga IM> Jloiui. \ 1\" l iNAtMiis, Atigust 21 1 -7i> I lb vt: Su. t have now Itni- hed a tour of six counties in Indiana, aid tcclin that any reliable informst; n loan tin -tate will interest ymi, 1 write. In tho first place the cain.r ■ is w.'i Mmlu.'tetl, the js pie are elitlui- i.istic and deb rnmied, and the . ' 1 \\ ar -j .til tltoreniglilv areusid, and if it were n><: for one thing we could rest certain .! victory in Ik-tolH-r. l'l.ere i- ..i Indt pendent party in this >iatr, coiitin. d, it is true, Jo u few eeuntios, but formidable and it will ih-feat General Harrison. There but .-no >\.i\ to on r. aine tin lllOl eUiciit. The leader ■ of the 1 inl - pendentsare-p >or, tu--dy HI .1 in drbt. They iiiu-l be lectun .l U>; documents be plare-d in their bauds that they may be convinced v>f their folly. a Bloonv .- ata ivi-aH N -v it ll iti'sn ASt) t.M'l AN \t- sal ! 1 llVvSiTilt X l il. A IKO a MOMV, ASP Wk AU. anaTKN. Tie Nati-'tial t'oai ittee has done nothing for lntliana. Alone they are lighting this battle, and bravely; but un l.-ss tl o National t iiuiiiU-e wak. - up Biul does its duty to > oil, to the part - an 1 the country, defeat i-- certain in Oct ber. In.\> rin nil mv life felt so certain th; t 1 -\adoing iny duty as m tins . n te-st, and my desire for siKve-s. my d-. i sir, is my only excuse for wriib you. Your friend, J.KU .ii. .. To U. B. flay. -J Govern. ve. iXOtMRMS- OI rllL sKMISkI. The letter which we publish elscw here in the Sentinel this inerntng Iron •< i: | , • ! J. Kilpatrick, the distitigui ae ! R> I publican orator MBl i at by the Republi an National A .ininilt.-o to ti.:- < from New Y> rk. Gov.a nor 11 y.-,ti . , Republican valid, lab- !• ir the I're- '. n-j 1 ey, is a document so citaracterisiic, a ■ six clearly ilexel p- the ro'.U-nne-.-i oi tb i Kepublicnn party, that its piiblnatien •• . the world ta dveiued a p'aun dutv tl C no patriotic citizen should shrink trout. u It develops several fa. ts disgr.nvful in k the extitun uiliail ador- i th. , any, Viovemor Hayes included. 1 General Kiljiatrick'.- letter o>\.r nor Hayes show a that the Radical j.n , r in th - State is already defeated, and the -' eff-rt is to be to defraud the 1 will of lire Jc p!o by i rrupt in.-m . It shows the e-tiln.kU -vb.ah toe 7 green I ack men are h-!d by the ti. paiai " .an party,"|v>or Igtnkrupt s. t," that can 7 b bought with money and changed by 1 I\tog iL-j,.ibiie.i!! di cuments 4 "It shi .V- that iejA.ii-.or Have . the , sp tie--, incorruptible statesman, a . 7 ! is the candidate oftb Republican party. .an beappr uiched in it fainiliar w a> -a it corrupt prop..-it ions. 5 OOVERS'OR TILDES * JVO 'E I AX. i' ii [Hunt's Mercht :.ts' Mag..z!m Tiie repntati n- of our citizens aret property of the Mate. And when a< h:.r l " after lias stiKt.l the test of three so r. I years, everv individual lux- a per>n:il ; l interest in it, rvacluug far beyond th. ■ passing (tolilical excileuienla of the .lav. 4 With deep rt gre-t, tlierefore, <-ue -< - ' j growing di-jHJshion. even araoiig s •• it 'j uf oar more conservative new-i aj. i-, t e accept an.l give currency to defan ..I: i " of character, simply ljei-aus.- theperson - ' ! 7 attacked hap; >.-n *■ be candidates for a . high office. The form of the charges seem to be .- >meth:ng like tlii—") . iworo falsely in lSi.>2, or "Y'ou stole i. 1yj.5." "Now prove voa did not, or stand ~. convioted of perjury or theft ." This i • rather a summary int-de of changing t h burden of proof, and putting u man on n ! the defensive. It may require we. x t ! for hiin to lt>k up or rev-all the fa.'u lS which influenced his ac's -> long • '*■ | but, In tho meantime, a- slander trav 1- fast, the ciiar-aes made c h. Iby t'. •• D I press of the whole land, and the wrong | | done can never te wij odout. If pub.: ( !1 opinion permits tliis, wo sh.iil : tb 5 j very few honest in a willing to nil ,v . I their names to be pi. od before the pe >- e pie for otr.xu. I As an instance of tlieevil we coiaj ! " of. take the charge, which we are- allt-.i ! i ipon to U!i"ve, that <■ >vern> r Jiay. - -1 during the war, stole s4eo loft with ,'. i . by an executed aoldinr. The Ml M-1 j -umed are 1) that such n man was xe i "I rated; 2 that lie was.seen givo the j -I S4OO to Gov. Hayes; ; that GOT. H. htm I s I not accounted for it. >f our-. , there ! fore, Govern'" r Hayes is a thief. Rathe ' a startling conclusion to a man who luu • earned, by a life free from reproach, i. - good name. Vet if newspaper trial i. o c be indulged in and accepted duriujl the .. excitemenU of a political cinva-s, tl ... seems to be no AA. y toav id -u ha 1->!•:• II warfare, better suited to the Mouc ■!: 4 tricts than the intelligent, tulturfd ,t communities where the slanders origi , na'.c. But our main design in referring to ' this subject was to speak of Governor e Tiiden's ii. xjnic tax for D C, which in 0 some quarters ha-- la me a very ii.* i-r , m est ing and> s . t>'<- ... ! necessarily feel a pride in Governor I it ' den's reputation. No man hu- stoi d t higher, and de.-ervedly .-o. Were AM -1 not in the midst of an unusual jKilitical excitement, cMjch xiliarge could not N repeated without being indignantly re ' jwlled bv every man of chara. u . in our e midst. Vet now we see the slander a-, sumed in- proved, a;.d boldly stated by newspapers and sp akers every whore, although the J". els show that there L ' never woo a more baseless charge s made. j What are tho facts? It fircm* iL*i ... December, DO.J, tiovi rnor 'Tilden, 1 ; ulj the rest of us. made a return unci, r ■ oatli of Lis income for the year Iso 2. . That return showvj that he received in . Iv,;.', subject to taxation uu.Uir the law,• r little over seven thousand dollars. In a suit now iKsnding on behalf of the St 1 Louis, Alton A Tcrre Haute Railroad, i the Governor swore that he re-< eived in r 1802 twenty thousand dtdlars for srrvio s which were "commenced prior to the year is"!t. and were rendered from timo • to time during a jH-rindnf three years." , These arc the • imple facts, and the whole , I of them, and on them the charge is made of jejiiry, assuming or jumping over en -1 tire ly tlie one fuitiic; pretiiise lor a eon ■ elusion —and that is alii tiiii under Hie • law, tho twenty thousand dollars recoiv > ed from the railroad should be included in the return. Assuming, we say th. t this twenty thousand dollars should be included, while lire instructionsof Intei • nal Revenue J ewis, is-u --' ed at that time, slate clearly and pu*.- tivelv that it sholud not ho included. For tho benefit of those who may have ' forgotten tbcao jiistructions, we insert the following exliacl takpu from them, as published in our Hunt's Blurebant i Magazine, for August, lNid, page 139: '"A merchant's return of income should cover the busiiieoi of 1 -72, excluding previous years. Uncollected accounts must be estimated. Physicians and law yers should include actual receipts for services rendered jn IWJ2. together with ] an estimate on unrealized o; contingent income due to that year." Here we have it positively stated that ; the "actual receipts tor services render ed in D 02," "cyrilittliiw pntfiooi years, : vi itii an estimate of uncollected ac- i counts" or "unrealized income" froiu the ' business or services of 18<2, are the itt-m.- to be included. This name idea was en forced j n tho Commissioner's subsequent instructions of that year, and more m i utely to revenue collectors. In fact, tin- Commixioner made this so clear that no one had a doubt as to the meaning; so all of us in preparing our re-turns of income from our business, included \\ hat wo had earned, and not what we had collect ed in iso 2; and if Mr. Tilden poijured 'i himself in making returns in that way, every honest man in the country did the same. Our t;ty newspapers concnrreii I in this view, as may by seen from their N I remarks published at that time in furth er explanation <>f what the('ononis*.on er said. Now turning to this s29,t>iio item we find the answer stales that it v,.is receiv ed iu 18.-2, bui for services which were "touuuvaceU prior to the year i bo 9, and were '•rendered fnm till)( tn tili.o tlur ' ins n period or thrro "yeni*." In other I xv,r,l*. nv tiling to tbia Hiulomonl, no pmtion of the anmiiiit wan turned in i SiiJ, but sill ot it itnt ing t lu< thrt'. x inr;, ls.Y, Is and Is**:l ( Mild miylhiitg l„ ■ h itrcr, tlu'ii fore, limn flint tin* amount I in qui'htion u not in tin itwltid, d? \tul vol hi' tin.l nnoof mil lu .( in xv <| a per ml rs ioi. ti|.on the, tacit-, uti I bob]!\ ht.itiii , thut tinv. Tib • l-n in i tiilty 01 | H ijury ! II m innny men of i M iblinbi % l n put;, ion aro tin ;o in our i i,-t wli.t would ' ioml iv he willing l<> ti.biuit tlinn i hn* ! . r.ui.liilati I t fotu tin- people, if put ill' opinion i > to p i by without protrM mb i e, toi'Lit* iel ,'u., 'j'| i* j( <(oi -tion not of party mien • but of tin q nonttl inieti .• n't of x-'.ts but of . morula. ♦ +• ♦ ' Miftliutown, Sept. I. 'lb, ib iuoeriiti, , •on ft wet ■ ot tiio I'llirt\ tlrt MUiatorit.t I li tii-I. cotttpoMd of lb# cottnliMof M, - 1 :tin, Juniata atul iVrry, met b to to ilay ! •<> make nomination for state monitor. 1 •uiiiuta named In. David Crawford,;! i'lnv DUDSti 11. A. Orria. and Mifflin iaiiH-,1 J. It v i'!ln>iiniii. Thirty ballot - •*>! ■• taki n w ;tl.<nu ant , hot,t in tin* | hint tii t ballot the t itite of H. A.Oti - was w ilhdr.iW li, the IVrr\ delegate.', tie-> i tig thru Volt- f, In Draw!, ft], rill' 1 >., :nin..t: >n m a aftei w ~r>: in -le unaii.- ' n in. rhedlotrirt usually gives ibocti! •00 democratic tnajoritv. I! iw ami h of that yen.r win -h' I '.•*•> 1 hepherd ts for t, nt of Ida build ing, il.h * i\e ,-outuhute to old ZaehV •amp.i'gn fund ? It will prove a eostlv •••i-'rit i !■> the law It s- Mieb gander, i hewd! leant next Winter to his t . t us '• ■> he 'lit - out of the reach tf t! - II fflse a Blaine did. 11 I i:; ILi t. - to ilesti \ the ig.intit ring* w itielt exist in Wash ington, low i it that hi s coupled with a man who has opposed all ellorts to > bn ,k ring ; in New- York, [i torn t: . b, 1. it I'oat of Sept, 1 } , Isn't .1 a l a:herMiy i., lite fie I that white i •eort s of nepubliiatiK in Maamuh use Its have i■•>!: e -til f.,r ltbht , not asig\ j noteworthy ecco—l tn bai been nnde top the Ilay, Franks? .\v>( a•. egle 11, ah i aLte v > -te las bei U i'.t-. in the town ot \ i rg-nu*. Verimntl luring the last lets tears, t>u Tues day. howevt i, 7. were found in the ho v We w ! the lb , n< r until ttf er ( the . tints, l!rit(lt'f,| ,is the names, and help the cause of re ' form. | A CAIIH l> Vill* AM EKK'AN PUBLIC. | lor mart) . ear, w, tmfe maid two in -J. • t offerer- 1 l.ou-a:. -, f ett ■ hat • ■. a tail a- liy T : a: i i-. o ! tl. vou •V.ilur, uSij o v tt ,• coupb il with tf, i; l>ui within tb .ot two \. ant conn', it •.:> of, ur utejioiit, have > ; :ung up, dang, r- ' >j. th r eloi-,' imitation ot ou-tr*itwr murk To ,e. .rd h u , .opb wo htv. placed ■ each get.-., i„b v o! 1|„ i>- ■U, - 1". - i It v. t. • OititUli'ltl t! ■ Mr Jo the • I , >water:' I •o, W ■ I' .. . . . , j !*• ,ple w ill „. i u in out • tTorts to prot their hi ,!th, anJ help u in our ta,k of ! bringing th,**,' most unt-rincinhil men U j the l ar of justice I'iidoruity refun- l, pttreha* i. d. ' tir|i. tin.* t • h„ > ..- i ...tii Mr. J, *. ibivd. I. ig.. I '.set tl I' •' hll v. . I'l.i- . l'ol ofll it- I until an-) the i J will i-ui be reached. Il'.'. j {,..aiie $ i i, ;.t • • rvanu y. jItILLUWAY ACO BAD NEWSVnOM OHIO. !.\ til VUOK OK I'KltjrHY AC! AIN ST <i'> V. HAY K"'. ' 1", r:y Seven lii i it, IK ■ iara NV ith- Leltl From lax A.-M.-sars. j ttth- are but word#, !;d words hut .' ' ' loa f,cbio iHi pic men l to lund. Jlullcr ; Tule*i . >ei U :..t r • i billotflog ajipeart in the Toll io Sunday lb-u; era'. . ■ AVe give below the worn rclurn* of I (iov. ilnyc# to the 'r of Prer.iiit for i Use y,r!> IbT-i-TA 70, f hi* property fr | taxa'.ioo, 1- led by I .coif, obtains ! by I our report r front the ri-c Jtd* in the county j offio i f Saudu-ky v- ut.ty Iveturi.s for I V/ 1 | Stalemest ofgeni .-al proj : ty, mon >y. credit.'. ■te . • abject : • tant. : in fan* I du*kv counlv for ■ nr t*7l. .•!,,* 1 I ■ K u. Hun and I late i by i*. b ' liaym. Hor-f-i—l. v:. it •: :.t • I>t t'sUle- '.*, valued at.—.... >->J o l'leatute cartiages, v.agona, '.c, — 2, valued at 77- Household furnitura of av* cry kind; gold and allrar nkto, I chuia w0... j volryg,- ds, farn.• i ing ut, nriis. graio, wood, rgro j cultural producU oft very kt .1, I Illtnhe-r.C al, wi>< clone. s!< m>* | boat,, canal boats, or share* in ' jiicli bosu. ind othor articles ~,f tin foregoing or aula, ■•{Ut nt item* ofthUnatantant 1.000 Total value vf fir : • vcr, tti m 1,1 m! Goid and >!'. very u'.clk I, mi!;. 1 at 200 Piano-forti Koaal Value e) nl. t.. BS ... ; i or on Jep > it, ? .'■/• -1 to ,1 mar. j, with banks or other#. h*/ Taint•nfen I nto R<mm Itonri* aiid iliK'lo 1 Dogs (number tnu.%l bo #worn to, valuo niu.'l bo stilted, but need nut ho sworn I > —I Total value, all item.. v-r™ 'i lio .State of Ohio, Sandusky ("Ut.'A : . lb 17. It aye ... .-1 uI y aflinu that t the host of iny knowlcdgo beiiof I have 11-t,*d or exhibited to tiio u ail li.e personal |,roperty. money credit*, >v r and above my indebted!!,' , investment' in bond... stock-, joint # >,'k e-uitpanie* or otiiorwi" in my posse.-Mon or undur u v control a: ,-wneror bolder, or as husbatci, parent, gnu,..;, trustee, ,-xccutor. ad tnit:istrab>r, r.'ieiv-i, a>ts,ut.!ißf officer, ageiii, attorney rt: <t on tf.„ day i ceding the 1 Monday of April, laTh which aro subject to taxation under the law-of this state. Su >rn to and #ub*er, >- . !1 cf r nieth; 22d day ■ t Aj,ril, lh7l lb 15. llatm, JOHN hit a, r. Ileturitt! Fur istb. 11,-r - s.\iilued nt ? " Cow.s, 2, valuesl at Shea)., J, valued at I'le '.sure carnage-. * vaiued nt 2-k' Value of household good- i u.'ery k;mJ. gold and silver, plate, • lit - nawaro, jiwelry, b< -•k*. farming u'c-otih. gram. Wool, agneultu rui producU uf every kind, lum ber, coal, wood, atone, hoat.s. i boat-, or •hare*, in iuchboaU. and all other article* of personal property not includ ed hi any of tho foregoing or •übiicquent items of this •inte rnal! t. 'Y"V| Total vlu -,'tho first seven item*. Gold and silver ts>u,liC , S valu d ut "Mo| Pianoforte# A one, Value of moneys in possession, or on deposit subject to draft on de mand witti banks or others :.t) Value* ui*ere lit ete None Dogs (number tiiu.t h> -vorn to, valu ■ must be slated but I,ecu Dot be sworn to), 3 \alutd at 2o' i *•.)•! ..... su, I'.s, j [Here lolbaty* uf ' 'rpial oath of lb 11 Hayes.] Kt'luitts For 1870. Mutemonl of personal jiroporly, money | credits, etc., subjeet to taxation in f-at.di. • j y county for IM7'"> belonging to 11 1!. j Hayes. y Uor*s, valued at t-J'.tl Cattle, 2, valui .1 in . 7 S Sheep, 1, valu, ,1 ut t! ! h valued at 2* I Pleasure carriages, wagons, ete.... ■!'>) \ \ a!ue of household goods nnd lur niturooi every l.itid, gold and V nlver plate,china waru, jowelry, book*, farming utensils, grain, wool, apriculturul jiroducls of every kind, lumber, coal wood, w stone, steambouU, canal boat.-, f,i or sliartv in tuch Lout*, and ull j„ other artii lej ofpersonal proper ty not included in tho foregoing or )übsei|Uont ileitis ol this stale- * 'nent 4,WW' w Total value of first seven items,.. 6,'Jtrj .i Gold and silvi r vvatehes, 3, vulved at 200 l " Piano fortes None (' Monthly avernge valuo of nil c j gonds and merchandise owned or held by inn during tho year or purl thereof ending the day H' preceding the 2nd M•mday of ! li April, 187t, value of all moneys ill r c ion ol .'i deposit sub ject to ilralt on with ' " banks or otltci* t jQg (A A a lit of credits, etc Nolo, !> a# (number must ho iwnrn to. valuo >ttnot he stated hut need not he sworn to) 2 It • 1 1,lal value of ail item*. fk,71111 ill-re follow tho I „al oath of It. H Hayes. J lu publi'hittg Citpii s of sworn return* of . mri r 11kvos, ot hi* propcit.v for tma uon, , imiinonthig upon disereiMtniici, tin lot. • and irtegu irilics in l.u atKlo i, !.t under ~*lli, wo intend to ki-ip with it.' record HI ,1 fact- as can bo shown by - ti! ret: ugihlo proof, as W ill 1,,, seen ly cl"i ' •• to tii, return >■! G i iluj, for C.I Her, suri.i d money*, credits, bonk •It, I . 1 ,i g Oils, ,V C , $1.(1*1. • 1 Sbr-i liircbard, wh® bequeath ~1 H 11. Utiles fu.iy 4-,* i issi personal ) ■ 11V Whs it .milled to probate J anuaiy lr . *, and a- Gov. J lay, , was the wxccu- I- • W ill., ut bo 1,1 I— t,, nine possess, -1 ol all llo' |>l |,, lly devised to lum by Will Bl ,111' ftir,-hard returned bis personal I >'| t.l, ,'icl isiiu ol moneys, Ilodits, not , I . k 11, . unts. etc., Bl P'J to th, in < r \ )i t'. I••, 11 ,-i io>r lie .i s Hit,; tinv in.< all llivehard returned, fcdd,<i l what lie , wlied previously return, ,1 t<> tl > rol taxation A i ril, 1h74 ail los l -r.- ual properly not itu lulled in the si,v• 11, to n cnunu-ralcd item*. fl.O" Wa ll i, perjur* T lu M ,t. fi, lb, I. ptet - u ! inakilig b ii lur li to the n• -r, H 11. llbi,i heei ; and not,against J I' An ■ 1 i l- r j t.ti int-i i,t at - \|, r i nt .pa -Id - at nually, duo in lt7S. also ncaiilst i iwiu \ HI. Horn, Mortartv, Win H Ate •w* ni.d .* .1 and Kill ,belli Hale, ..'.tiia to 4 ■ '•:o, all tiring sis p>r ,-nt iiiU'.-sL He did riot list this sU,7bl ; Usui it allhougli bo bait held notes) •no • 11*7-1 pf'v tout t>> making las raturr. 11 but y, ,i lb It llaycs roturiiej goid w i'. ti, S'HO, tn 1H74. and in lK7.'r and IHN' raturneu t * rgn watonn*. Including on* re turn "i In lOT 4. at 900 \S as tkit perjury 1 ;i If Hayes did not return a piano in any me ot tho tfjiee years, although lie htil -o oi his parlor all the time, and it is the] • east of h;s admiring neighbors tiu,t the •nt . w in!, pal. or i ,ut 4Kb . Wat this 1 r m 1! 1 II vvs i-luri.-ii in lisii ind 1 -Tn thri-r h,,r ■, j'JX', w!ien Ins • kii,iis tiini be islusi one ~t bis ,r- - at -.'US 1 Ml Itlnl ( erjury ? K I b Hayes rcturn-d in lc7„ f, or catiiag, , • ri. wh<nitv, .1 - w -11 known to many t ib- i.>i i rem,oil ttint he paid Mr. Moore, a u i-*fi.. tut> r• I that city, * r th-us arid !.;, 1 a I'U'tiW that c. -I 4-.'Ml Wa*that p-rjury Htirty three thoMnnnl •\ - i hu: ir. I were left tn his hand* in he -j.., -' m '.I •. of Mord ltiroliaid, •!,. h G \ Ha ve- hns not rc<|tiir-d to pay i r tor throe > ,-ars, and uji„n wbuk i.e , :>..i io en rol f-r la y-aiand be did j >t return a ringle dollar ol this Money. t.niti-ib At least b only r'turn-j ,J 4" ) ill hand in 1-7'',. Was this i>eijU'| r\ In or i t to make tins matter plain,| :h*t there , tn b no ,).i-stion about it, w tr ;u t:.s wo!. , • ISirehar l itatoos of. , st • w :.-i;.| the I.TUtiwas given a-.J : Ist im uitl b, uoalb l to en h. 1 ■ an 1 1 ijn-ath i aclr of my tiioc• *, Maty Ifir, ! ufd. of ! at '.tsvjile, and t'liar lott 1' wUt ■! K yria, tl -nnof96 " M •i ll 1 g;r ni d t ju-atl. to Sarah Jane (, F: • ... Hit, 1 1 bio. the sum of Jfi, • *i 1 give and bequeath each ot tin* :, hi . h nn■: M A nnd F. A I*. .11. v.v. , I s ... Fate y. Kn.iiy, and Kuthcr n:U the :ti* of fi' '•• ouch. 1 gi*c and !, ;i r.t' I- 'a.'ti of ihu is eiilldran ol Vu-tin J5 T> • r, dae'd late of Freemotit. 41.. ;'i.u ■ 1 *iv e and b, ■) .- Mb P. t'bar'.e ft. i.-..! ' t 'ii • brother, Austin ltireb rd • f Ve-iu- ut, the sum of s_'*# |er an !ur.; . his iialurut life. It is my wili and 1 hereby direct that rny Mtnettlotf d 'hall Ml b. 1. I.U 10 {.ay r.ny *f th i. :m, ■ y giv eti and t , i*alhcd by , i ibis willu til tii-expiration of three year. , r toy ~ 1,• ,h it interest (hall he j aid ■ln .. tw >,-ars after my decease. It will i-e ohaorred that in tho oath ■ win.,. IJ 15. Ilay is subs, r,bi-d k* t wop ; :!. e he list, J alt properly wbieii uy iuu b>. ! was required to r-turn at owner or holder : a* bnsbai. 1, parent, guardian, tr .-t-'c ' v- u: r, adiniiiistrater, nr, ivcr,account , g ,-i'.f ,r, •■■■/' nt, ait. racy < r factor. II- I at . we bai,- i, rn n>n the ,d! !"V i 1 1-y Bit hard in hi* potiextion it - and mad,! no r-turn to any • ri. >tt of ft :y r pen-na! property for ila*'-; Ma.: ; perjury 7 ■Jbei-j . '.'isliii I. mad i I hat he * - j debt- t • lb : UUI-Ullt which were df .. !-;l, for be , uld Uot didm I debt* fiwni ~y ,t , w h. l ' h* l.<- ,| in exrru' ,'.ve c aparity. It W r. -t his money. Hr ;in j y h <1 {• "i ion of i! a> ei-cu'. ,r an i '• .::d by IhW tj return it f>r taxation. H -id : '■ d* :. ! '• •*' n a ' l V ! ,' t that be roturnad all that *s# mm... . : *.a. ; • n-t. Our rt p. r!-r ca'efully search cd ret rds in (he -Utce u| auditor, rcjofd , ,r nnd probate judge, ami nsCi rtaii.e! tin. I r no return a# mad- by Governor Have, .lor hit CMltcalOT. Tho fact that (iov Hare* V • :Vod into po**e#k>n _l*rg< • an. .M < I pen na! prop rtT of bsrJii Birch;ird. c,misling b-u#chohl g,->ds, * al ua! !<! paintings, plate, walci ev etc., t-le all of which by law wa* taxable, and did ; ;.;t it • r Ist ,tien nt more than Hi' tentii f its v*iuc, and uiu b-i'. relnrr: it ! ; .. in I*7' either a ex-tutor or aUld# own properly which undoubtedly it wa*. ia toe ear :•> admit -fan • rcape frern the eliarg, ■! , \ ndiilg punnd of tax, In a'.tcu ut ing t • •xp xin tho failure of Governor b Hi. , i to return money for the payment, < 'lbewu#*t| in tho W II for taxation, it *n. n, di bt L. e!i.:..e.i that lie bad Hot rCadi'c '■ money for ttie sale i f the property It ij ' ail t>,be paid llti* year, an 1f he ha# n, '■ all '.hi money to pay over b" usidoubte l!y rea i. - ! s-'iie of it or has faded t" < xecufc ibo v> I Two yesr* and a half elap*cd •,r; ! tm r,sj> irf f„ pr-bale judge, a requir i \ iiw ius been ma ;,i either by Uutli .lr 1 n Hu, or hi# co-executor ir Ji ealing {he p ,ymi t l r.i.y (lie hequrtl#, > that th- pre- tmplion i* tL,.t ar. ;}: yet paid LOUISIANA AlOll ItL'LK. N>• < Mic lift.- !'• m Hurl, but l'rcoj Shtiulii be Suit at Once. alosr '. L 'lii.-iana. Sept. 1. Freab ex citemenl ; nuts up !*4t nigkt in c BM , .-net of ii-p.-rt: (bat the ucgr-e. wore arming in tl. northern p-rli nof th- j,ar ish, ui.d w ore coining to burn the town Al ut s-venly five negrcc*. tnouMuJ ar.d -•I foot, were found al Captain lidiop'# place, wliere u parley ensued. The ne gr ,# irfuxcd to dixarm, H'id said they would 4'orae hack with livu hundred men. Captain T 1 " hold, with fifteen men, block ■ i-d the r-ad with tr'- Tho I.CWs 1 rapid!/, an i (he white*armed from ifci lloorhoo i {i.itni.,. .1.7 ".t to I ithe -ceuo ol the trouble. Th* exeltcttinij a :.s intense, but no disturbance ol nnj! kind occurred. The whites included aoiiivl f the I-> 1 men of the section, and tbeyj acted with great forbearance. One of the ,rti. d negr.,r. -aid they were told to arm .j ti shurill'ol tho parish, w iio i u nngr, j ..1 >.:ji t.i SL nrou und burn the town. Ii the .then: portior. ot the {, whe'o houses were bred into, leading, • iii/.ctis report nil quiut home demoo#tra tions, they sa\ , were made last night, but nothing serious happened. Tho situation • decidedly critical, but lutding citizen# -our* i eJu g with {irudenco und moder- j illit,. HLMOCKATIG COUNTY COM.Mli' TKK IS7O. Clmirn-n— JOHN HOI'FER, IkHefonte. North VY.vrd-J W Grphsrl, J* uth Ward- John .Mi Kcchitue " M'est Ward J. C. llarpci Ifouar l Borough Bnls-r \t ber. Mdishurg ' Wm. A. K-rliu. riillij.fbiirg Iti i ;; B 'h K1 Munson. Unionvillo " ti. A. Martin, J?lem ! ing. Bonner Twp -Dr. \Y. I*. 1! tlt rock, Bel!o-| 115,iggs—Edward Johnson, Mile*l,ttrg. ; ."■'riifidc—ls Alulholland, FinoGlcn. i ' College Taylor, Lemont. .Cu-dii'-John McUb,sky, I!"ward. J ' Kergus-.ii j '' r ' ''nci 15 G ltrett. I'ino j Grove. i* i rgtisoii New " Sol Gate*, Rock Spring. . 'rej-g John Coldrcn, Spring Mills. Haiti, H A Mingle. Auroi sburg. 'Hair,. IJ Meyer, Jr., Linden Hall. Httll Moon J ii Griffin. Half Moon. Huston A,lain Kr<-h.-, Martini Howard- .>ls Leathers, Mt. Engle. Liberty Av II Gardner, Blanohud. Mario:; Wm Lamb, Walker. ■IIn Itu ban K reamer, Woir* Store, I'att ir.- Wm 15i'd,'BuffaloHun IN,tier— NVin 11 Mingle, Centre llall, I'enn DA Musser, Millhcim. 'i 15u*h—T J Dunk'e, Sandv 15i,lge. , Snow Shoe t'.vj. Austin Hinton, M, than- i on. Sprii g *.! ( Laurimer, Pleasant <ap, : a.v lor - Mm Cnlderw nod, I'ort Matilda Uni oi M'm M Sboll, Fleming. Wiill.i r Ambrose Mc.Mullon, IluhliT— • liurg. I Worlli Aaron llcese, Port Alntilda. 1 hoColotsul llronae Hlatun of Victory vliich stands in thell'urk, nt Lowell, bo- } ore tho tomb of the first soldiers that fell I ii tho revolution, is a lasting and beautiful I , ihuto of art. H Is/one of tho first object* J ought ly strangers visiting oursister city, j chich indeed many visit purposely to see I his elegant object of high art. It wai ob- ' ainod from tho King of iiavurin by I)r. J. • Aver, to whom Is is mnjosty wus ospe- ~ iaily gracious in acknowledgment of what 1 ii- remedies are reputed to have dona for •' Ii- - i;!!'t ring sick. It was ilohuted by tin loctor to the City of Lowell as a pernm c , !ti( and -peaking emblem of tho victories d o l> ol .Science and Arms. —Hiiger.-town Md.) Press. 6 OUK NEW YORK LET I Kit Nr<v York, September 6th, I colli',i you are aware, long before (Iris, lhat Govurnor Seymour bus di, lined llie iiouiiiialion ten Irred bim froiu Sara log a fha C-n Ventibll Km initio,l, and it* ait ion, which una entirely in good Initli, ha# aiiow n ilidiapulably tl at the lb lurK-ratic parly i in • arlie-l In lla onpo. ailion i dUliotii'sty in put>!h office Sey. liiour wa* un limbiclly Hie man to arlioni the eyas "f all were turned, to lend the light in this alato The party ha "fl'ur ed him the nomination, ancliir, i„d hi* m*. • planceof i| He ha re luted. Met Ihc whole J,r.ei ■ ding, , led.table ait it O to nil > unmet I, will not ell-it the tun , -i -i lh„ patty in this State. It uveri natural f r (lie Hepubli-am ! 'ry and leak- political , apilal out of Gov. Seymour a decltnaiion. They will find, i-iwevur, that in this they are mistaken. Die Deui'H'rae) unit A# wa> rfmarkod y larday, wln n tin matter wa, i lul eet of rofivcr*iion, whatever may ( laid about it, |>ut the motl unfavorable; .'onstruetion u|h,ll it that you doe* nit in any manner, make tin late g-rern ' ii on l ol the country a wit 1 • t'er than it #• M'e llhTe Hill the *H)O UtU- to Cgli! "• The Republican party rtlll !aii,lr : he *il,-nt and coiii|ilneent witneof ini 1 niil dirgrat eful proceeding* ftiat wer< omioiueu by the i uler* of a nation. The t dmi> uiiairaltoii ull #itnd> t oniicled of qr .liaud and corruption. The Demo cratic jiallv tii I tland* the only | arty Ir-m whom any relit-(from grievous taia lion hat ht I'll uhtttilied. iii,Jcri itill re 'iiaint Ibe mart wlo> purified Ibe Gov eminent of the Slate, liio Gov*rm,r w(;o, ' tut'Ct ,-l illy done tt hat lie t oultl to iigbl-n ibe burden* of the people over Win,at r,f i fait - be wat rsilal lo pretidt Ihu pe tple hitv aevn TiSJr* at w il| up,Hi n 1 we, d Isit;g and a Cans! Ring and they intend that ho shall try hi# hand upon the Wl.Uky Kir g the Navy King, I lb - Indian King, and all tho other ritigr ' jibst inle.-t the Capital of the country ; l'l ry tiavo *eeri lira:', doing uli in hir power tr, keep in office the men wiio had! been c ,I.titled t>f criminal conduct, or b tvt' laid theiu.,lv< > open ton rut-picem , ' tu h conduct, and expelling from tbr' -erv ice every uu< uho bat fbown any ,gj>' ,f dlapprova! at the Corrupt practical which hay ii obtained in Admiciitral vr : circl, . Thry knew that tho election c (lirsiii • continuance of Graotitm, | unil tL*t the election of Tilden meant th, ii tt oppo*ition to every tpet ie# of corruption. ify Ibe xvttem which iixs b-tn cair.t-' .. . p. the (tovernm nt dur ::g Grant t ai -1 iiunilratiou, ll , , unlry ha* in every way , Ibt en injured. Ibe pe ,ple Lavo been lax i-d inordinately, aliuoit beyond thair p.-w ie t of Atiduraiico, and the proceeds tu del j jst'd diverted from the purposes and lo: i Iwhich they w-r,, coll—u-d The rt lit nterce of the country is nearly ruined, lb cnrryu.g trade noing alm.wi eutitelv in I ti.e . ndt of foreigner* Tho South i, 1,-vt-:,d,itu by u military power which w r. *'.• in to extend its oppressive,i ■,blighting influence over tfce whole iand !• it to tu> expected that any nation wu.l -quietly submit to thl* condition cf thin* .' I when ihgy have it ia their power t- appt # j it] a remedy f We know that if we make . JTsiden our Fresident, be will uproot a;l|. tiie cautc* whencelke*eevil* proceed, end! 1 Hint '.he evil# will < c#e lo cxUt. Th. :i the purp,. for which we are itrugglii!* to*. and i othjiig can divert ut ironi i'.. - 'I hi salvation of the country depend* upon ( the result of In, rltclios. The iieputd.- , ar.t mav flaunt the bloody shirt, but wbi e . t.;e people can wuvc ihtir niiUioaiof emp ty jtorkcu, no reti will be lad The la.- ter arc math uore powerful icgotnivt* U ecu n than the i rmcr, and thote wLc • have made (hem to light while their u* : have got to heavy, wiii not bo longer per>-d to t rrv on tneir* pro -t di' gt, but the Reformer Tilden will it •• .uviud to take tn hand lha ihingt thati they have uiiriiiauagcd. Tlie Lungs CONSUMPTION! Thi* dUtresnhg nr.d dangercu* coin-! pit inland it* premonitory symptom*, ucv-j u ..-ctcj CoUgb. night ;uU, hor*ena#, j ' WK*ti:;g fl, ■ u fever—permanent.y v urcdl y j e Dr. Swaync Compound Syrup of \\ iiU , Cherry HRGNCIIITIs A j rem i.itor of Pel r tuotiary Goi:tuut{,lion, i* characterized l y catarrh, or inflamatlon of the mucu* mot.. i raiio of the air passage*, with cough ar.d expect- ralioii, khort breath, hoarmiov, , ;!.. if. It. cbytt, For all Bronchial af l.ctli . turrY:;, ... Jo*, i.i *, ._c, <. ~g! . . Ir. Shu) it#'*#* CoinjMiUiid Syrup or Wild Cheriy ;> a Kivereign remedv 1- llemorrage, or Spilling of Bl „>d, may • . proceed fr-tn the larynx, trachia, bro,-j d chia or rung*, find arise* from various, • -BUMS, a* un lue p! ytical cxcilton, pK '• •*. r fulinnts of the tcucli, weak! • ;!iiha., ot ! tho voir.- *unpret4- ,1 -vacuili m.wt-lruct'ob of tb* t(-t •••„ r '• hvi-r, Ctc. Dr. Swaytut's Compound Syrup t#f Wild Cherry t strike* al the root of di*eae ly {'Urifyii g , t .e bio- 1, rcitoriSig the liver and kidue. t : j healthy a tier invigorating the cer '■ vous *)slom.' Th only standard remedy h>r hemor rag -, biviicbial and ail pulmonary CLI.i I ,1 j iatnux. ConrumpUvtw, or thoe pred,,- . ,os ,1 t weak lungs, rhould not Cfcii to u-c, this great vegetable remedy. Its mtrvclou* power, not only ox ,-r cj, - sumption, but oxer every chronic dis a r wher- a gradual alterative at lion is nee,- td i nder it* use the cough is loosened, , the night ,xi eat. diujintabiw, the pain sub-1 s.Jcs, the puUefeturn* to iu natuial ttond urd the stomach is improved is its bower to digest and assimilate tho food, ana evo . v organ baa a i-urcr and beUcr quality < f , h-'H'd sujmiiod to it, out of which recrei. - live and plastic mater ml it made. l're)MirHd only bv IJU. SAVAYNK & SON, • lid North Sixth Street, Fbiiaaelphla- Sold tr all Prominent Druggists. * s £ ITCHING PILEs! PILES, riLluS, ITCHING FMI-ES,!' P--itivelv cured by the u#e of 1 SWAiiicS OINTMENT. Ilbmc Testimony. I was soroly afflicted with or.o of th 1 * most distressing of nll disease* Pruritus or 1 Prurigo, or more commonly known •- Itching Piles. Tho itching at times xva *lino*i intolerable, increased by scratch 1 ing and not unfrequently become *ore. i <J bought a bv. of "rishyae'. Ointment its ue gave quick relief, and in a short u timo made a perfect cure. 1 can no*. • tiasp undisturbed, and I would advise all who are suffering with this distressing | complaint to procure "Rwayne'a Dint j men;" nt once . 1 bad tried prescriptions almost innumerable, without finding any ! permanent relief. JOS. W. CHRIST, (Firm of Koedel A Gbri#l,) B'lol and t*hoe IIo e 8(4 North Second Su, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Swayne'a All-healing Ointment is also :i specific for Totter, Itch, Snlt Rheum, | Scald Heat'. Erysipelas, Barber'* Itch, ! Blotchw, r.ll Scaly, (Jru.ty, Cutaneous j Eruption*. Perfectly afe and liarznle#- •nen on the Im #t tender infant Price, | .jU < • nt*. fcent by mail to any address on rocuint ot linuti. Sold by all Leading Druggist*. Prepared only by Dr. Hwajne A Sou, I 330 NOHTII SIXTH STREET, Philadelphia. ,inn and Manufacturer* N'oJ" i rum—. . 6FF.4 txirs PANACEA Celebrated all over the world for iU re u.arkablo euros of Scrofula, Af crcurial an, Nypbil itic Com plain la, and in case* when Syphilitic virus ot the parent, cause* a do voloPiiient of Svphillit ur Mctofula in tin child, nothing lis*ever proved sueffoctua' in compleloly eradicating every x-ostige o' these tlanporou* conipiainU,' and all di- Icttscs arising from Impurity of The Blood. Describe symptom* in all coinmunica tions, and address letter* to Dr. Swaxm A: Son, Philadelphia. No Charge for ad- Sent by cxi-ress to any address. LONDON A Scientific Vegetable HAIR COLOR j Preparation of llare Rl'kS rOUEK: ! IngredicnU. ,W>*Cultivalc your hair-Uav ; London Glossy, Luxu- Hair Restorei , Lontlou Hair Regtorur London riant Hair is one Hair Restoror , London Hair Kextorei ' London of tho greatest Hair Restorer ' London Hair Ke storoi I London of ull personal Hair Restoror I Loii,lon Hair Restorer | London Charms. llair Restorer ( All thnt art can accomplish in beautify- , in<-, strengthening, thickening and adorn iner the hair is effected by using "London ' Hair Color Restorer." It stitiiulales and < forces a growth ;it gray restores its natu- I ral color and renders it silky nnd beauti- i fill ; cures dandrul! - ; keeps the scalp clean 1001 and healthy Price 76 cents. All Iropgicis and dealur* sell it. | I'rim inai depot for tho United State* North Sixth street, above Vino, Phil kdvlphla, ' , ♦♦ME rHODS^PdINTSw METHODS OF UUSffiESS** POINTS OF ADVANTAGE wo-IN THE FHKCHASE OF-h-I --'BBssst ■■ *niii ■ iii i |wm nai CLOTHING —AT— WANArTAK ;•: R : bfowns OAK HALL, In > t latkt* * 4 i uliit MR nil n srrt Birsfuf ICIIIIIU >1 TPI! !'I KCT \'>ING J'UBLIC.- MLlHOfll: FCINTI: W 1 I 1 A!<K Mm irttn, J DMllr flu !**• • N/ , . ii- .■ . W J / ' T.vr 'Tpenxe (,f M.nßcUoci and x J ■iiuut )*ul lirSiv*a#o4<L • A ... ~ V* T j int. w J-I' '(nil tti |rti{fr vh i uty i .1 U> a pj-y rtf x" "OC*... \k/* Mat J - • " 1 ■ ■ V * *' 1 ' ' YA,' ' • 7 *-n (• ■ ■** rsltwond am r&t- Y> i„< jmm a xci/ small Lwrcaut \Af> i' r < i ■ ' ! I, r t ■ ._ .....TT, • f lUilffiPßffli qlfoffint ; . 'fJ i _ TT O, -rtnltryrf ns, *tnr of! arw trMlod ~, , ... 1 #—* •, no i>o x-tuog (kiots Itia* VV i HsdtbUdT# KbMt. Z tin. •( 'i ■ TATntVl'TXQen'l ' )-Moraaway V f ~ * ; IJ !>r m.ttx-rxttodj K <tt*..u,lKtwiU4- ill I . - < ' .'i.stlH .1 , - , ill £ j .< a th -i -u —— - * ' i '}' •' i I /■%' . •-;! *nd (acfl- I ,n< * C/ lUrt *■, i ru. pw>i :• sbcncflt fa Ik, i yrtenc , WK .! " , • C > - < f u....U'ttsry ■ ' '\l i , :re-1 )c mod from *n uri v> V> tit-, 'ri - ~ ... -•; WK*: it t • i er KT 01 *'" V• f r- rmi tn bwvlagaf tnvturnuu.,, " f i *y bu j a* t hwytly <x a i!ian lnad''.:ii ni r1- . , m Jg*. .a C3< *,*>• wis* fUfblCrra L*an of Uifi'ii' sl> •I ; 1.1*7 ' 1 -I*. S: In* ~f tro.' t,a iia,ll ttaj Vitderwt*/, all at Usn Y ery L>: 11, , WA.NAMAKEK & BROWN, OJUK IIAX.L, 2. E. COR. SIXTH L MARKET STREETS, PHJi ADI3LPHIA. SJfOBTUDGE £• CO, COAL, LIME,At., WILLIAM SiIOHTLIDGK. BOND VALENTINE SHORTLIBGE <fe CO, Harncrv and f the celebrated I'ellefonte r WlimiHEl ILHIMIE. X Dca'ct* iu the very best giade* of ;ANTIIHA(SITecoaI!! The uuly d il. r Su Centiv Couutr who sell the W li L K K Si li A Ri Ri E Ci Oi A! L fruiu the uli Baltimore mine*. Also SHAMOhIN AND OTHER GRADES of Ait brat it Coal drylx ht use,! exjr-s#H for house tie. at the lowest price* I) E J LE 11 S I.V *V. ! They pi.v i:.. .g ioi pri< n , x-h . r grain that lb Kxrtcri, market# will afford. WHEAT. CORN, RYE. OATS, PLOVER SEED &C., Bought or will te Id on . ruteir-.or. when desired, and full price* guaranteed. In* f Mitt ion cot.,*- : i, ti grain trsie ail! be farnilled at all times, ta fartn-r --with p!e#urc, free of charge. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. KIRKBIUtI. ANUGKOt'SD FIRE CLAY. DEALERS IX CAYUGA GROUND PLASTER, Whi h ; a!xta; -. 'd :'. low j-ric <, ni. 1 wa-rantc ■' to 1• a* rood a fertiliser a* an other pla.trt. * a * ' T Of/lC ZA ill) IAJSO NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, BELEFOXTE. PA. ——We would ir.Veatu it i.r. < >j<ecikl fa vor if every friin i of lUe lie; >.rUr w.>ulii rend u the name of lend o with ilia Ci h—f r three rru>:.ih#. SOcenU; tlx njor.thi (1.00, one ytsr S j Head er, won't ywi try and d u tli little tm vor, end will repay you by improving the K<n>ort< r. tend u the na:., - of nx B* übcriber. with Ike Cask, ar.ii we will tend you th Ki |orter one year free. BREONS HOTEL. MILKOY. PA. Tbe bet table and bar. excellent flabli.ig lor lummcr boarder. Hu> to depot, ard daily .tugc. to C i*tro r. Ck.* r *e* reasonable. GEO. BREUN, Prap'r J. ZELLER &' SON DRUGGISTS No C roc k e rfi ou' jiow. Le iio to jte.Pa Dealer* in ?>rug*, rhcznicftlf* Perftimery, Fnnej (ioedit Vr. Ac. Pure Wine* and Liquor, for medics uurnoa*. alwav* kai-t m.v 91 Ayer's Sarsaparilla tFor Scrofula, ami all scrofulous sipcJae, Hose or St. An thony's Fm\ Eruptions ami Eruptive diseases of theskiu, Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, Kidnrv, Lungs, Pim ples, "Pustules, Boils,' Blotches, Turn Ore. Tet ter, Suit Klicuui, Scald xicaa, iMugworm, Ulcers, bur*, Rheumatism, N< uralgia, Pain in tlio Bonos. Side and Head. Ft male Weak ness, Sterility, Leucorrhtea, arising from internal ulecratioti, and uterine Svnhililic ami Mercurial dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, tlon, General' Debility, anil for Puri fying the BIOIN]. * This Sarsaparilla is a combination of vegetable alteratives—Stillingiu,Man drake,Yellow I)oek—with the lodides of Potassium ami Iron, and is the most efficacious medicine yet known for the diseases it is intended to cure. Its ingredients are so skilfully combined that the full alterative effect of each is assured, and while it is so mild as to be harmless even to children, it is still so effectual as Jo purge, out from the system those impurities ami corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. The reputation it enjoys is derived from its cures, and tins confidence which prominent physicians all over tlio country rejiose in It proves their experience of its usefulness. Certificates attesting its virtues have accumulated, and are con stantly being received, and as many of these eases arc publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of the superiority of this Sarsaparilla over every other alterative meuicinc. So generally is its superiority to any other medicine known that wo need do no more than to assure the public that the best qualities it has ever possessed arc strictly maintained. rnEPAitEo it y Dr. J. C. AYER Sl CO., Lowell, Mass.. Practical unit Analytical C'hcmist. V UX Abb tYWUIYUUik. I . -NEW YORK ; BRANCH STORE, MoCi.tii '.- Il'ock, Directly Opp. Ru.h I iioue, t I BellpfoDto, Pa. 11. IIKK.K l\ A CO., I'rop'rH. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA- CDS. NOTIONS A FAN CY GOODS, STRICTLY FIItST-CLASS GOODfc. Below the Usual Pricos. NTI3 tf Centennial Store. At Potters Mills. L. B. McfNTIRE luujutt returned from Philadelphia witb a large and,well .elected stock of Cheap Goods, which ho offer. CHEAP FOR CASH or country Produce, also a large stock ©f LADIE S, GENTS, and CHILDREN'S Shoe., Oaiter#a low a. $1.25 per pair, Aods in proportion. Dry anu a., v.-.. . Good., Linens, Embroideries, White Goods, Lace., Notions and PAN* CY GOODSjjfrictly first-class goods bo* low the usual prices. Hi. Grocery De partment consists of tho Cheapest and Best Quality of Groce ries n Penns Valley. Sugar*, Teas, Coffees, Syrups, Spices. Canned Fruit#, Ciacker*, Chcejse. and Dried Fruits etc ; Queens ware, .Hardware Wood and Willowware tnd Oilcloths ot evorv* description. Hat#, caps,' Drugs. Oil and Paints, also Cigars, ; Tobacco and Oonfcctionories. All kind, i of produce taken in exchange for goods, ! also highest price paid. Also—Ladies will hud a fall line j of millinery goods, comprising the 1 , latest styles. I thank tho people of Peons Valley tor tboir liberal patronage. lb my Urn 1 Henry Reinhart. WOODWARD. UNDERTAKER., j Colli!], of all style* uiude on shortest no tice. Undertaking strietiy attended to. I Charges fVMdiUiblVi t' BEATTY J.l A I3L GRAND, SQtJARR AND UPRIGHT. From Ju F. Regan, Arm Regan A Carter, publisher* Daily and Weekly Tri bune, Jefferson City, Mo., after receiving a f7W instrument, *aya : "Piano roach.l ui in good condition. I ;am well pleated with it It j* all you ran. resent it to be." From K. It Bald ridge, Bennington For, nacc. Pa., after receiving a 1700 piano | "Beatty" received th Inal., all O. K . nnd eniwei fully op to yonr representation, and exceed* our expectation*. While I l r, r 'iP r< ** lo • Judff* •" the matter, j *ri. IJ. ffooe, and pronounce* it of very [sweet lone ; end ft very much pleated with lit. Rett i nducement* ever offered. Money refunded upon return of Piano end freight charge* paid by me (D. F. Beatty) both ' *> "I untatiaiactory, after a lout trial of j live day*. Piano* warranted for en year*. Agent* wanted. Bend Tor catalogue. Ad die**. D. F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, " "CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. O. DEININGKW. A new, complete Hardware Store ha* been opened by the undertigned in Cen tre Mali where ho I* prepared to *eil ail kind* of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Saii*. Ac. Circular and lland Saw*, Tennn Saw*, Webb Sew*. Clothea Kaclti, a full aatori ment of tihu* anJ Mirror Plate Picture Frernea, Spoke*. Felloe*, and Hub*, table Cutlery, Shove!*, Spade* and Fork*, Lock*, Hinge*. Hcrow*, Sash Spring*. Hone-Shoe*, Kail*, Norway Rod*. Oil., Tea Belt*, Carpenter Tool*, rabit, Yarn it he*. Picture* framed In tho finest *ty!e. Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. .sir Remember, all nod* offered cheap ' f*r than e'tewhe'e Simon Haines, CENTRE HALL. Manufacturer of Cnrringm, BtlfglM, Wagon*. dkc. I Of every deecription ; running gear for > all kind* of vekiciea, made to order, and in fir*t cleat manner. Being a practical me chanic i w.mid WARRANT ALL WOKK to give aali*faeUon. Repairing ii promptly attended to at the lowest rate*. Undertaking, Coffins of all style* made on skortcl notice. The butineu lof undertaking attended to in aH ! branches. Respectfully solicit* a there pubiie patronage. 9 *pt y •;W r . A. CURRY, I Btti & vShtifi folaHr* f I'K.\TSEHALL,PA, Would mo*t reepectfttlly inform thecit I rent of this vicinity, that be ha* darted a new B"ot and Shoe Shop, and would be thankful for a .hare of ibe public patron age. Boot* ar.d Shot* made to oruer „nd ( according to ttyie, and warrant* hi* work 1 tlo equal any made eleawhere. All kind* of repairing dona, and charge* reatoi.a do- Give him a call. feb 18 ly i REATTY Grand, Square and Upright. Prom Geo, E. Letcher, Arm of Wm H. Leteher A Bro., Banker*, Fayette, Ohio. "W. received the piano and think it a very £nc<toned one out here. Waited a thort time to give it a good test. If you i with a word in favor of it we will cheer , fully give it." James H. Brown, Esq.. Edwardiville, HI.. *ay* : ' The Betty Piano received give ectira | tali*faction." Agent* wanted. Send for catalogue. Adore**. D. F. BEATTY. Waibinrten. New Jersey. ; Mark These Facts ! THE TESTIMONY OF THE WHOLE i WORLD. IIOUJIWAkTi Ol\T.*i 1..\ f. Bad Bad Breasts, Sore* and Ul cers. : All deecription of *or are remediable 1 by tba proper and dilligent uee of thi* in (, estimable preparation. To attempt to core . bad leg* by plastering the edge* of the wound together I* a folly ; for tbould the ikin unite, a boggy diseased condition re main* underneath to break out with un fold fury in a few day*. The only ration* , al end successful treatment, a* indicated by nature, i* to reduce the inflammation jin and about the wound and to soothe the neighboring part* by rubbing in plenty cf the Ointment a* salt is forced into meat. This will cause the malignant bum on to be drained off from Ibc hard, swollen, and discolored part* round about the wound, •ore, or ulcor. and when these humor* are removed, the wound* themselves will eooa heal ; warm broad and water poultice* ap plied over the affected pan*, after tho Ointment ha* been well rubbed in, will soothe and soften the tame and greatly ax ? si*t the cure. There i* a description of ul jcer, tore end swelling, which teed not ta , named here, at endasl upon the toilie* of youth, and tor which this Ointment is ur gently recommended a* a sovereign rem edy. In curing such poisonous sores it never fails to restore the system to a healthy slate if the Fills be taken accord ing to the printed ir.itrutt.uru. Diplblherta, Ulcerated Bore Threat, > and Scarlet and other Fevers. Any of the above diseases may be cured by well rubbing the Ointment three timet a day into the chest, throat, and neck of 3 the patient; it will toon penetrate, and Sve immediate relief Medicine taken by Be mouth mutt operate upon tne whole ;jr*teta ere its influence tan be felt in any local part, whereas the OittUuecl will do . its work at once. Whoever tries the un gueut in the above manner for the di sease* named, or any similar disorders af tooling the chest and throat, will find themselves relieved as by a charm. All . sufferers from these complaint* should en velope the throat al bedtime in a large bread and water poultice, after the Oint ; mcnt has been well rubbed in; it will greatly assist the cure of the throat and (Che* I, To allay the fever and lessen the insSammation, eight or ten Pills should be taken airht and morning. The Ointment will produce perspiration, th<* grand es sentia! in all cases of fevers, sore throat*. . or where there might be an oppression of the cbesl, either from asihma or oiler causes. Piles, Fistulas, Stricture. The above class of complaint* will bp re moved by nightly fomenting the parts with warm water, and then by most effectually rubbing in the Oinluient. Persons suffer ing from these direful complaints should lose not a moment in arreeting their pro gress. It should be understood that it is not sufficient merely to smear the Oint ment on the affected parts, but it must be well rubbed in for a considerable time two or three times a day. that it may be taken into the system, whence it will remove any bidden sore or wound as effectually a* though palpable to the eye. There againjbread and water poultice*, after the rubbing in of the Ointment, will do great service. This is the only sure treatment for females, cases of cancer in the stom ach, or where there may be a general bear ing down. Indiscretion* of Youth ; —Sore* and Ulcers. Blotches, as also swellings, can, with certainty, be radically cured if the Oint ment be used freely, and the Pills taken night und morning, as recommended in the printed instructions. When treated other way liey only dry up in one pUpe' to brpfk OUtl? i this pintment prill remoyo tho bumo* from tho system, und leavo tho patient a vigorous and healthy being. It will re* quire time with the use of the Pills to in jure a lasting euro. OHOmCAL AXD Although tho sboTf complaint* differ width in thel* origin end nature, /el they *ll require local trsttinest. Mafcj of the worst esse*, of ruth disease*, will yield In a comparative!* abort ;>ace of time when uiU OlDt '.sent fe dllia-ntly rubbed into the hurt* affected, ereu after erery other meaoa hare failed. In all maladies the t'tlla should be taken according to the printed direction* accuiupaaj lug each box. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following case* .- Bad l.vgt, Corn* {Buft;, I Scald*, usd Bra*Ms, I'shfler*,' Sore Nipple*. Bum*. lluulunt. Contracted an d St. re Thutets, Bite of Mo*ebC" SUB Joints. ikin IBsoasee. toes and Sand- Elephauuasla, 'Scurvy, Kile*. Vistula*, Uout, isoreltead*, Oovo-til, Utaniiutsr Swell-.Tmruora, I'l, it*:,. Tool, base, ;lng, I'Lom, Chlmfatht, pile*. : Wound*. CUrpcd.Hawl*, KhMLosiiua, '£*• CAUTION I—None are gehmoe pnigej the signature of J. llAynocg. a* agent jfor the United States, turrbund* e*ch box of Pills and Ointment. A handsome reward will hb given to 9P.y one rendering such information as may to the detection of any party or piirtig* CQUQU'riiaiiiiig t|i„ medicines or vending the same, M them to be spurious. *, Sold at the manufactory HOLLOWAY & Co., New York, and by alfl respectable Druggist* and Dealer* in M-.-dM icine throughout the civilized world, boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents and $1 each. tffdr-There i* considerable saving taking the larger siges 2. B.—Directions for ihp guidanpafl patients in every disorder are uffixedß tach box, ft jm7. • o iM