The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 14, 1876, Image 1

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To every lire there come* time,
'Whether in ytmth or golden prime.
One prioeteee dream of love—
The gayest heart to make more bright.
The darkest eon I to gladly light.
Km stare shed light above.
Perchance, for some the ailver thread
May clearly ran through Ufa. inelead
Of being dimly lost.
That thread no flngere e'er ahall find.
Altho' with fate 'twae oloa% en twined.
Till myetio etreani i crossed.
Ah ' memory of one brief hour,
Return with all thy preciona poser.
To lighten dreary fate.
And fairer mom ahall dawn at laat.
Whose light no clouds will overcast.
If ye hut leani lo wait.
Under the Willows.
'Neath the willowa by the mi.i-aiteani with the
amumer aun above.
Hie gold i.glit above me beaming. I am dream
ing of my love;
'Neath the green leavee. 'nealh the hrookaide
willow tree.
I am dreaming of my true love; doth my
true love dream of me )
They call me a fair beauty, ray mine ■ yee make
othera' dim :
It I glory in that beauty, 'tia for him, it ia for
Be eahe ma the bright lodesiar. iba bright
jewel of hia life;
IVth he thir.k it will be Eden to tne to be his
wife T
My darling, oh. my darling, the world may call
me fair;
Bat take me to thy heart, love, and hold, oh,
hold me there'
Mine eyes to th'ne, dear, looking my head
npon thy breast.
So ahall we build together oar tweet, our owti
Ik me neei I
" Well, icy dear, what is this dread
ful affair about poor Williamsl"
"What affair i" repeated her spouse,
who, stated in a m-t delightfully com
forte ble chair, was .-olaoiag himself with
a new review. "What affair i" he re
pes tt\l, looking at her from under his
spectacles, in gr< it a tonishment
" Why, you know as well as 1 do," re
turned the lady, pettishly ; " what you
were talking to Mr. Day about, this
The bank director gaaed in still in
creasing wonder.
" When Maggie was on the steps,"
added his wife.
"Oh !" said he, returning, with a low
laugh, to his boos, "it was nothing."
"Xowvon need not tell meso,"an
swercd hit wife ; "it was something,
and I insist npou knowing what."
Mrs. Lindsey's "insist?" were by no
means terrifying. He replied, there
fore, quietly : "My dear, it is impos
sible lor me to tell yon ; it was a secret
con tided to me."
Then there is something, thought she,
triumphantly, although silent at the
last speech. Mrs. Lindat-y walked abont
the next day with the important air of
a person who bad made a discovery.
She looked puternatumlly wise and
fearfully solemn, even while washing
the br akfast cups, and expiring with
impatience for the arrival of the after
noon. She went over as soon after
diuner as it was decent, to pass it with
her friend and neighbor, Mrs. Vernon.
This lady hail not been her friend and
neighbor for so many years without dis
covering the infallible signs and symp
toms of a secret; so s&t determined not
to t ike the slightest hint, or betray the
least curiosity, being a very sure way,
she very well knew, of nipping the in
tended disclosure in the bud. She per
mitted Mrs. Lindsey to run on till she
hail exhausted herself, in such like
truisms : '' How distressing it is to be
decern d in any one yon have respected
and liked " Well, truth is stranger
than fiction " What a world we live
in " Certainly one learns new things
every day " I never was more sur
prised in my life than I was yesterday."
This looked like comiug to the point, so
Mrs. Vernon raised her eves and began
to appear interested. "But," said Mrs.
Lindsey, drawing hack her head (as she
perceived the movement) with no little
dignity, "one mn-t keep some things
to ones self." Mrs. Vernon looked
down on her knitting, and oegan talking
of indifferent matters. Nothing could
he more becoming. Piqued at her
affect- d lack of curiosity, Mrs. Lindsey,
in a sort of spite, made the disclosure.
" I can never look at him again with
out horror and disgust," exclaimed
Mr*. Vernon, after a moment of breath
lees asto'.i-hmeiiL " Who could believe
it! Such an agreeable,
man, but Satan knows well enough wheie
to choose his servants."
" 1 really thought it wa my duty to
tell yon." continued Mrs. Lindsey,
gratified beyoud reinsure at the eff.-ct
she had produced. " for be has In-en
so very polite, yon know, to 3 our daugh
ter Gertrude, and now, of course "
" Of course," interrupted Uer friend,
" she shall have nothing more to say to
" I wonld not cut him dead, my
dear," exclaimed Mrs. Lindsey, in some
alarm, " for nothing more of this is to
come out, you understand. My hus
band, Dr. Day, and all of IVm, it ap
pears, have determined to conceal it, and
as the young man lias behaved very well
since his arrival here, we must on no
aoeount rake up this old matter."
" Oh ! certakly; I shall sav nothing,
you depend npon it," answer- d her
companion, " except to warn Gertrade,
and insist npon her discouraging his
attentions and treating him withegri-at
ooolness. What can he have done ?"
she exclaimed, after a moment's pause.
" That is more 11 an I can tell," an
swer-d Mrs. Lindsey. - Xhe wonls
oertainly give one's imagination free
scope. I have thought of t v.-ry thing,
and really could not sleep last night for
distress and fear. I imagined bim
gliding into the bank with 'alse keys
and shaded lantern, -<nd perhaps setting
fire to it afterward for the purpose of
concealing his depredations; which, as
we live so near, you know, wonM be
anything but pleas nt. Sometimes I
think there were J'f .lcutions in the
accounts, and he threatened to kill Mr.
Bennett, who perhaps discovered it, if
he betrayed hira. I'hen again. Ido not
know but he has killed somebody."
Mrs. Vernon's fate r< fleeted every
variety of horror."
" There he is," sh<- almost shrieked,
looking out of the window; " he is com
ing here."
Both la-lies rose hurriedly, the first
impulse beiugto run and lock the door,
but as Mr. Williams did not display any
belligerent intention, but walked with a
very quiet and composed air up the
steps and rang, Mrs. Vernon contented
herself with ordering the servant to say
that " Miss Gertrude was engaged."
This proceeding occasioned no slight
disappointment and surprise to both
Mr. Williams and the lady of his love,
who, with beating heart and blushing
face, had from an upper window wit
nessed his approach. She had g-anced
in the glass to ascertain just how pretty
she was looking, then stood awaiting
momentarily a sum-nous down. But
Bhe was deceived. The ball door closed,
and the servant retreated again to her
No m-ssage, book or note—what could
it mean ?
" Mamma," she exclaimed, after wait
ing an impatient half hour for Mrs.
Lindsey's exit, "Mr. Williams called
here this afternoon, and was not ad
mitted —what does it mean t"
"Do not speak of him, my dear;"
returned her mother, with vehemence,
"wretch that he is."
"Why, what is the matter?" answered
her astonished auditor, a slight tremor
in her voice alone betraying her agita
ti >n, for the darkened room concealed
the pallid cheek, and wiid, startled ex
pression in the soft, blue eye. Mrs.
Vernon related the conversation which
had just taken place, filling her daugh
ters mind with the same mysterious,
[undefined suspicious which agitated
■er own, and ooneluded by commanding
F r RTT.r>. KURTZ, Kditor nnd I 'roju-iotor.
her not to glance, t*lh or think anything
more of Mr Frank Williams.
Mr. Frank William*, the victim of
these machination*, ww one of those
universally popular ami happily con
stituted characters who take everywhere,
witli young ami old, grave and gav.
Hi* peculiarly fascinating exterior had,
of course, ainuething to do with this,
but, more than all, a never ending flow
of good spirit* and amiability, or suavi
tivemnw, a* phrenologist* would term it,
which possesses an irresistible attrac
tion. This much vauuteil quality made
him play, romp and make himself a n
diculous as thev could deaire with chil
dreu, just as he could listen witli tlie
most deferential and interested atUui
tiou to the long, dull harangues of their
papas and mammas.
His bow to his lady low. Miss tier
trade Vernon, was the perfection of
courtesy ami grace, *i> it was to pcHr
old Mr. Anderson, who sold books and
pamphlet* at the little shop on the i\r
uer of tlie street. The very attendants
at the large house where he boarded
had wings when he was to be served.
Yiw, Mr. Frank Williams was, or rather
hail Ixxui, a universal favorite. But,
lo ' a wondrous change. The pleasur
able flutter, sgitatiou and smiles, which
were wont to mark his approach at isir
ties, all had disappeared, and in their
place he beheld a sullen and ominous
gravity and shrinking. Young ladies
instead of being " most happy," were
"engaged," or "* fatigued," or "just
going home," wlieu he asked them to
dance. Miss Cornelia W <mlall no loug
er declareil she could uot think of sing
iug without au accompaniment, and
glanced a pair of most coouettishly
beautiful eyw,siguiflo*utly as she sj>oke.
So! she did not accept them when he
tendered his service*. The pretty
widow, Mrs. Harcoort, no longer seiz<xl
his arm and carritxl him off captive,
nolnu voiena, byway of sliielding her
self, as she protested, from the attacks
of that insufferable bore, her mxagena
rian adorer, Mr. Milla A mamma came
up one evening and absolutely took hei
daughter off without preface or apology,
who was hesitating, blushing and " be
lieving that her father was going home
with her," when Mr. Williams requested
that honor. There were no more little
suppers and family dinners for him at
Mrs. Lindaey'a, and little Maggie uot
only refused iu the most dignified man
ner to tie caressed and played with, but
dashed over the other side of the strix-t,
whenever she saw him coming, in evi
dent perturliatiou and alarm. The gay,
merry, flattering world had changed
amasiugly for Mr. Frank Williams;
" nodpand becks, and wretched smiles,"
all vanished; he begun to doubt wheth
er he was himself. To complete his
desperation, the ladv of his love had
waned from timid delight to chill indif
ference, and from chill indifference to
cold contempt, proposing in the full
luxuriance of which last he received a
most emphatic aud indignant "No!"
for his trouble. Mr. Williams confided
some of his distressing sensations to his
Iriend, Mr. Lindsey, who confided them
to his wife, and wondered what the
deuce had got into the people, particu
larly that silly little girl, Gertrude Ver
nou, for treating a flue, gentlemanly fel
low like Williams in such a scandalous
Mrs. Lindner said nothing, bat
thought a great deal; her woman's heart
failed within her for fear, and over her
pillow that night flitted visions of suits
for slander and defamation, courts and
costs, mingled with those of a justly in
fnriatod husband, and tbe new cashier's
handsome person extended at full
length with his brains blown out On
considering the matter the next day,
however, there was a possibility that
some one else might have done the mis
chief, and withont lietraying herself she
determined to proceed, in the most di
plomatic manner possible, to the dis
covery of this fact. At a small party
where Mr. Frank Williams was not, she
seated herself by Mrs. Maxwell, a charm
ing young married lady and friend of
his, who had remained cordially trne and
kind amidst the volley of cold looks and
icy greetings by which the unfortunate
youth had been assailed.
" What can be tbe reason," exclaimed
Mrs. Lindsey, with a wonderfully ignor
ant and sympathizing air, " why that
agreeable young mau, Mr. Williams, is
not here to-night ?"
"He was not invited," replied her
anditor, coldly, with most suspicions
" Not invited f" echoed Mrs. Lindsey,
as if Rhe really conUi n~* credit the full
horror of the fact, of Ly-tb way,
he was aware before. H-r companion
nude no reply, and Mrs. Lindsey begun
on another tack. "I do not think he is
as great a favorite as when he tirst came
tit re." Still no answer, and Mrs. Lind
sey, who did not find this "uionologue
ing" particularly agreuabb, turned to
her silent auditor, and exclaimed:
" What can be the re:won ?"
" I should imagine yon would know,
Mrs. Lindsey," answered the lady, at
length, with no little indignation, " for
it was something that yon told Mrs.
Vernon, and Mrs. Vernon told Mrs.
Fisher, and Mrs. Fisher told her cousin
Mrs. Wells, and she told Mrs. Idavis,
and she told—nobody knows who; suf
flce it to Rav, that every man, woman
and child in this place lias heard the
"something," and it is doing a deserv
ing young man incalculable injury and
ruining Lis prospects in ev ry way."
"What will liecome of met" thought
Mrs. Lindpey, in an agony, as she walk
ed home that night. "Oh ! that treach
erous Mrs. Verqpn, when I told her in
all friendliness, too, entirely on her
daughter Gertrude's account, and she
promised me that she never would sjieak
of it again !"
Early the next morning she sallied
into Mrs. Vernon's and asked, with
qniveriug lips and ashy cheek, whetner
she had mentioned " that affair " about
Mr. Frank Williams to any one.
Her friend looked excessively fright
ened an 1 silly herself for a moment or
two, then acknowledged that she " had
spoken of it to Mrs. Fisher, bnt she was
sure she La i not told—she would go and
see her withont delay."
" But she has though," replied Mrs.
Lindsey, with the energy of despair;
"she told her cousin Mrs. Wells, and
M rs. Wells told Mrs. Douglass, and
Mrs. Douglass told Mrs Davis, and it is
all over town."
Nothing except Mrs Lindsey"s con
sternation could equal Mrs. Vernon's.
Bat a drowning man catches at a straw.
"There may bo tome mistake," she
replied, "at all events I'll go and see
Mrs. Fisher this afternoon."
"How could you, Mrs. Fisher," be
gun Mrs. Vernon, " tell that affair
about Mr. Williams, which loontldedto
yon, under the strictest injunctions of
secrecy ?"
Mrs. Fisher looked np at the ceiling,
down on tbe floor, and ont of tbe win
dow, and gathering courage, doubtless,
from the survey of these prospects,
said, in a faltering tone, " that she had
only told cousin Mrs. Wells, who was
very prudent, and never mentioned any
thing. "
" But she has not been very prudent
this time," answered Mrs. Vernon, with
no little acrimony, "lor she has told
Mrs. Douglass, who Las told Mrs.
Davis, who informed the whole town, I
imagine, for every body knows it."
Not half an hour elapsed before Mrs,
Fisher's hat and cloak were on, and alio
was in Mr* Wells' psrfor.
"Lucy," -she exclaimed, when she
met her cooain, "how could yon tell
auytxxlv what 1 told you about Mr.
Frank William* t 1 certainly thought
that in mentioning a thing to you I wan
safe I would no sooner have trust<xt it
to a dumb woman what possessed you
to tell this!"
"1 did uot exactly tell it," answered
Mrs. Wells, with a crimson face, "or
rather, 1 have no idea of lw<traying coll
tldeuce. Mrs. Douglass said somethiug,
from which I bad no doubt that she
knew all about it, and answering tier
1 with this idea, of course, very iuuooent
i ly, made iu some measure the disolo
| sure, then concluded it would l>e more
. prudent to tell her all and bind her to
" Winch she has not kept," said Mrs.
Fisher, " for she has told Mrs. Paris,
who has told the whole town, I suspect,
for everybody knows it, aud it ia uiak
mg a groat deal of trouble."
"1 am very sorry," answered Mrs.
Wells. " What can 1 dot Shall 1 go
I and see Mrs. Douglass f"
" Yew, by all means; put on your
things uow, and then come to our house
and tell me what she says," tepliixl her
I cousin.
Mrs. Wells was a timid woman, and
it took her some time to broach the
; subject.
" You remember what I bld you
alxrnt Mr. Williams f" she said, at
length, iu a low, ooufuaed tone.
" Yes," answered Mrs. Douglass, witli
the most composed air iu the world.
"Did you ever tell any one—Mrs.
Davis f" stammered joor Mrs. Wells,
feeling like the victim herself.
"No!" answered Mrs. Douglass,
"Mrs. Davis told me."
"Is it possible ?" said her auditor, iu
a delighted surprise. How did she hear
it I"
"It was the same story; it cam* from
Mrs. Lilidsev," auswereil her friend.
"She told Mrs. Allan, who told Mrs.
Johnson, who told Mrs. White, who told
Mrs. Davis, and she told me."
"Indeed.'" said Mrs. Wells, with an
I astonished expression of countenance
peculiar to herself. " Indeed !"
What a racing and chasing was there
that livelong afternoon about " that
affair" of Mr. Frank Williams. What
a commotion in eight or ten feminine
hearts i married ones ! tool of which he
was most unwittingly the cause. Pur
ple, brown and stone colored cloaks
were dodging each other in all direc
j tiona, and after explanations and re
I explanations by everybody shook
their hands free of the matter, voting
that Mrs. Lindsev was the guilty peraou,
on whom retribution should fall. She
(unfortunate woman) was sitting quietly
at home in pleasing ignorance of all this
commotion, when Mrs. Veruon, with a
(Hx-uliarly pursod-up expression of conn
:nance, came iu. Never siuce the
memory of man, or woman either, had
Uer fri< nd and neighbor looked so aw
j fully solemn ami rigidly severe. Mrs.
| Lindsey bad not heart or voice enough
to bid her " good-evening;" she merely
oiotioued her to a seat, and gazing
| steadfastly at her, waited for her to
; i>egin.
" 1 am surprised, Mrs. Lindsey," at
: Setigth said the lady, "at your attacking
; uc with making public that story alxmt
Mr. Williams, when you have informed
j everybody else of it, as well a* myself."
j Still, Mrs. L'Uilsey said nothing; she
merely looked for a further explanation.
" Y'oti told Mrs. Allan," said her com
| jianion, in reply to the look, " and she
I told Mrs. Johnson, and "
" I told Mrs. Allan ?" ga*|>ed Mrs.
Lindsey, at length; " I never told nny
one but you."
" What ! not one Sunday, comingj
from church I" A sudden light glancvdf
upon poor Mrs. Lindsey.
" But I did not tell her anything,"
answered she; "I merely hinted at
"Well! that is the amount of it,"
-aid her friend; " it is a hint at some
thing with all of us, and none of us
know what it means ; and I, for mv
-.•art, am inclined to think the whole af
ir is but a child's nonsense, magnified
by a very timid, nervous woman.'
A nil with this neighborly speech np- j
on her lips, Mrs. Vernon departed. This
■as by no means the la-d of Mrs. Lind
xy's troubles that evening, for her lord
and master came home at nine o'clock
in s towering passion about the same
matter. It appeared that on l>eir.g in- '
t- rrogated by Mr. Frank Williams as to
the cause and occasion of the offense he
ppeered to have given people in gen
eral, his friend, Mr. Maxwell, had told
nim that it was somethirg which came
brongh Mrs. LinJsey, which rhe had
heard from her hnaliand ; and what the
•• something " was, she nor nobody else
•■new. Convinced" that there woesome
mistake, for Mr. Williams was not aft to
"UsjKxrt his friend*, nnd Mr. Lindsey he
knew was his friend, he hastened to tljt
gentleman and asked an explanation.
For a moment Mr. Lindsey was be
wildered ; ha was as iguoraut as Wil
liams him*. lf; but a thought of Maggie
nd his wife's stipsicions on that even- 1
iug flashed across him.
" My dear fellow," he exclaimed, "I
am distressed that this has happened.
I understand perfectly what it is ; all
nonsense—silly women, silly women."
And he raced home, leaving his andi
ior, if possible, more astonished thau
lie had found him. Mr. Lindsey was
really furious, and his meditations on
the way.borne as to all Williams had
•offered in conaequenoe of hie wife's j
gossip did not serve to calm his feelings. I
"And so, my dear," ssid ho, a lie'
dashed into tne room, "you've been
milking pretty dish for yourself."
Mrs. Lindsey heard in silence, while
her spouse walked up and down the
room wondering how women came to be
•neb fools nnd hi* wife such a particular
one, and concluded by striding np to
liis terrified helpmate and asking her
" what be wjs to say to Mr. Williams
for all her confounded nonsense ?"
" Itut he ' s done something dread
ful; you know he has," she sobbed, at i
length, byway of a palliation.
" What <lo yon menut" said her hus
band, sternly.
" You told Mr. Day, yourself," she
continued, in an agony of tears.
"Yes, I told him," replied her hns
j band, "that Mr. Bennett's silly daugh
ter chose to full in love with Williams,
and aa her fiauie evidently was not re
turned, her father was very glad of an
opportunity of getting him out of the
way l>efore the girl made a fool of her
self. This was confided to me as a se
cret, which was the reason I did not tell
voti at the time, for I know very well
what a secret is in the hands of a
woman—the whole race—even my little
Maggie can keep nothing to herself."
In spite of this taunting speech, his
tone softened, and Mrs. Lindsey gained
"I am sorry, my dear," said she,
"that I have made so much mischief,
but there is DO use groaning over it
now. I'll endeavor to mend it as far as
possible. I'll tell everybody that it was
a mistake of mine, and take the blame
on my own unfortunate shoulders; be
sides saying everything neoeusary and
appropriate to Mr. Williams himself."
A week from that night did Mrs. Liiul
sey make as many graceful and apolo
getic remarks as she could well muster
to Mr. Fiauk Williams, end Wttle Mag
gie shower down kisses and tears in- i
numerable on hia check*. He went from j
there a party where all the y<uug j
ladies in town lavished on him their I
brightest smiles and most particular at-1
tenuous; not omitting even Miss Ger-1
trade Vernou, whoe lovely blue eyes
followed him with such a (switching
itiul bewildering interest that he could
out forbear whU|>eriiig :
"You'll not refuse to jiermit mo to
escort yon hornet"
" Certainly not, Mr. Williams," alio
replied, with a bluali mi.l a mullet.
" Never, never, will I re|>e*t anything
that I hoar agniu," wtu Mrs. I.a ml soy's
oonclnd IIK exclamation that eveuiug—
"•particularly to that gisul f" r nothing
Mm. Vernon," h added, mentally.
Suffering* of the Servian Woii>d<4.
Mr. Archibald For baa, writing to tho
t*>udoii Ihiitj/ from Paratxiu,
says : It is well that the Servian wound
od do not seem t> oijaot much or to
caw for neglect. 1 never saw fluer
stoicism. Sot a was uttered as
tho rough cart* bumped over tho jagged
stones, not a murmur indicating that tho
fierce nun tioatiug down on the sufferer*
was an inoonvenieuoo, much lean an m-
Hupjuirtable anguish. The* are flash
an 1 blood, of oouma, and one would
ituagiuo that flash and blood of ouo race
must fool physical suffering as acutely
as the floah ami blood of another. Hut
we have evidence that thia ia not ao.
The Hindoo endures without apjuireiit
serious iuconvoiiifiuv wouuda under
which the British soldier writhes in
agouy, and the former recovers easily
aud speedily from an operation after
which tha latter will for weeks ami
mouths lie prostrate.
Tho Servians sav of themselves that
they aro "hardy," but 1 cannot but
tliiuk that this hardihood in making
light of wounds and suffering is t<> lie
ascribed at least in part to a I<-H acute
sense of physical pain ihaii is the char
acteristic of people living under leas
primitive conditions. IKsl knows it is
a giRH.I thing f r them if this is so, for
tlicrc is small appliance for mitigating
the anguish or promoting tho recovery
of the Servian wounded. I have seen
nothing used for the cleansing and
dressing of woninls but a jet of cold wa
tor, a tuft of lint, oftoner of common
tow, and an inaiiAicicut bandage.
Splints are made an they arc wanted, of
a bit of bark, or the lid of a box. There
is no chloroform, ami there are no hoe
pital comforts. 1 saw a man with a
smashed elbow, whose lamduge was in
an indescribably 1 >atlisomeatate, get out
! of a wagon, enter a public house, buy
for himself turns bread and wine, aud
j consume the name on a Settee outside,
with a serene indifference to the condi
tion which, I am bonud to state, wan
diared by those alsiut him.
Hut this indifference, i>enoual aud
k'eucial as it is, cannot wholly cojui with
the inexorable oon.litious which nature
enforces. Hospital gangrene follows
swift on neglect-si wounds, aud the man
who survives hospital gangrene, even if
he be a Servian, is exceptionally fortu
mite. In hospitals here- if yon oau
apply such a name to the places in which
the wounded are. littered—there are
" gutter, lie wurdall'-which, altfaongh the
imiu of death is steady, are urverthe
.ess always full.
An Heiress to (Ui60,000,U00.
Hiss M"lia-*a Elder was a jHH-r clerk
in a hotel diuing-room in Atchison,
Kansas, and here is the account from a
journal of that city of her wonderful
nek : A short tiiii" ago Melissa Kldcr
ell heir to £112.000,000 sterling,
tin muting to aUmt gTs>0,00(1,000. It
•• < ma that her great-g eat grandfather,
i>u her mothers side, who was a It >man
had all his property, which
fftiyajpt'-d of a v ot amount of real
estate in aiul around the city of Home,
nllKxOil to the Homan empire .>n ao
outinl of his lieitig concerned with Mare
Antony in the terrible assault on the
ixuly of Ciesnr. Ciesar's wife was also
iceused at the same time, but Marc An
;■ -uy nftcxward said she was above run
i icion, and nothing was done in the
matter. All the property of Melissa's
creat-great grandfather, however, was
• mfiseated upon the testimony of a dr
t'-ctivo. The detective afterword was
taken with frenzied remorse, and wroU< a
full confession, mov>sl to Pompeii, and
was living in that ill-fated town when
:be sudden catastrophe whieh befell it
down in the prime of life. Dur
1® tho recent discoveries among the
rams of Pompeii this confession was
Uncovered, ami Miss Elder's great great
grandfather w.i.s fnlly vindicated. A
Chicago lawyer, who WHS traveling
through Europe, heard of the circnm
stance, and by aid of detective*, found
in tlic |eron of Melissa Elder tho only
surviving heir of her lamented great
great-grandfather. The lawyer has
taken the prosecution of the case on a
contingent fee, aud Melissa 1 eves for
Home to bike j>ossession of that town.
Of course, we tender our congratula
tions; $560,000,000 do not grow on
The Probabilities of Sickness.
Tlie business of life insurance is large
ly based on purely mathematical calcu
lation, involving the lawa of probabili
ties, the object of which iato determine,
by careful comparison of extended stat
istical returns, and like information,
the probable duration of a person's life
:at every year of his existence. On the
tabulated results is founded the scale of
premium charges, projuirtionate b> the
risk assumed. While every one is, of
j course, interested in knowing how long
J he is likely to live, he has n more inirne
\ diato and vitsl interest in learning how
often he is likely to lie sick, aud for how
many days per year he will probably, by
til health, be incapacitated for work.
Dr. Reginald Sonthey has recently been
delivering a course of valuable lectures
on "Individual Hygiene" in London,
and in one he introduced a table of "Ex
poctation of Sickness," which lie had
prepared, and which is as follows: At
tw> nty years of nge, calculate on four
sick days yearly. At twenty to thirty,
' Ave or six days. At forty Ave, seven
days. At fifty, nine or ten days. At
fifty five, twelve or thirteen days. At
■ ixty, sixteen days. At sixty live, thirty
one days. At seventy, seveniy-four
Of course this refers to people of
average good health, and not b> those
who may be afflicted with any ineradica
ble or chronic ailment.
A Case on Trial.
Judge ami jury have been worrying
ovei a dog case in Memphis, Tenn.
Nothing could have been simpler than
the issue of fact. A man stole a New
foundland dog; but the law in regard to
property in dogs a'ways has been past
llmlitig out. Tho prisoner's counsel
argued that under the common law dog
sterling was not a crime or an indictable
offense, end that no statute exists in
Tennessee making dog stealing a pun
ishable offense, such as larceny. Judge
Adams held that the stealing of n dog
was not a larceny or nil indictable of
fense, and that the demurrer of the de
fendant to the indictment on this ground
was good. The attorney general then
raised the point that the collur on the
dog was personal property, aud the do
fendant could be held to auswer for
theft; but the adroit attorney on the
other side retorted that the man took
the dog, and that it wan the dog, and
not the man, that was responsible for
the collar. Tho prisoner was finally
discharged. Now, the old question
| comes up: If a dog is not pro(>erty, is
I the dog tax constitutional ?
Nrvlats llf fair la TArrr liar*— ASftea la
Thr kH> V Ulia MHII b, Uriel-- Mala.
111, Oblarta la b> Mara la Kuril Unorl
rnun OAT.
Hide around the grounds on the steam
railway; then devote the whole day to
the Main building. As there are thirty
six different national aectioiia in it, thia
will give au average of only fifteen min
utca to each. To some yon will do well
to devote half au hour or even more,
while others will have to !>e |Mtaaod over
witli a hurried glance. The iinnd no
ticeable and characteristic exhibit* in
each are named lielow.
United HtaUw -Wuverirare, jewels,
chemicals, furniture, the lu>ok trude pu
Villon, chandeliers, the piano pavilions,
tha marble and slate mantels, and the
very extensive display of teitile fabrics.
The edm'atiou&l exhibits in the south
and ea*t galleries should also l>e seen.
Mexico Most noticeable are the im
mense casting of silver, the articles of
Mexican onyx, and the leather and
woven gooiU.
Netherlands—See the engineering el
Libit and the East India curiosities.
Hraxil—Notice the feather flowers aiul
tioctle jewelry; take a glance at the
photographs and the furniture.
Itelgium—See the court of lacev and
the schoolhouse (botli will Is- found at
some distance l<*ck from the main aisle).
Notice in the aisle the great pulpit of
carved oak.
(Switzerland—Watches, lace curtains,
embroideries aud carved woodwork are
the best exhibits.
France—Half an hour should be siieut
b'-re, examining the bronzes, |M>rcelaiu,
tapestries, silks, Limoges enamel, luces,
ladies' dresses, and the multituile of
fancy articles. Se> also the church
images and decoration*.
England —This d< partmeut also re
quires much time. 'The silvi rwore, por
celain, Uoullou ware, ornamental tilea,
furniture, and tlie product of the rural
school of needlework are l>e*t worth
India—The carved furniture, jewelry,
flue tissues of silk and linen, sliawl* aud
embroideries are admira' le.
Canada— No special objects. A walk
through the section a ill reveal a re
uiarkable variety of excellent manufac
tures, resembling closely those of the
United State*.
Minor British Colonics- Itegiuuiug
with Jamaica, which fronts on the ecu
trai aisle, those exhibits elU'ud in a line
back t*> the wall. A glance should lie
taken at each.
The Australian Group—lt includes
Victoria, New South Wale*, Qtieen*
laud, South Australia. New Zealand aud
Tasmania; all lie together, but each has
a separate court. While tlure is a mark
ed similarity, wch colony has objects of
sjH-cial interest, and each court should
be visited.
Sweden—Here the costumed peasant
flgure*, the porcelain, the furs and the
iron are must worthy of attention.
Norway (>•• the filigree jewelry, the
figures of Ijaphuidcrs the pictur
esque iron exhibit-
Italy —Carved woodwork, mosaics,
corals, jewelry, and photographs.
Argeatiue Republic—Not particularly
interesting. See the minerals, the
vicuna shawls, nnd the trunk that can
t>e converted into a btsl, hotel table, etc.
Peru (lack of the Argentine Republic
—The Aztec skulls and articles from
ancient tombs nn al(-ne worth sc<ing.
Orange Free StaU> (still flirt 1IT t>aok)
—liinniotnis and wtnch fvitliers.
Chili Not much Rviides minerals.
China—Poro-lain and wonderful carv
ings in wn>d and ivory. l>o not miss
the c.irvsl btdsN-atl.
.1 ; au—(live a much time IIR yon can
spci' to this section, Tlie bronx- ,
porcelains, lao]ueml woik, and <m
l>roiderc<l scre<us are inimitable.
Denmark Stop only to see the Ixwii
tifnl imitations >i>f Etruscan and Kgyp
tiau JH tt'-ry in {he first alcove.
Tunis (b.tck of Denmark)— Notice the
inlaid arms, jewelry, engraved silver
ware, and rieh gold-thread embroid
Sandwich Islands (next the vralU—
Queen Emma's feather cloak, winalen
IKIWIS, and native ornament* and uteu
sils should IK* TAS-n.
Egypt The gorgeous embroideries,
the curious Arabic engraved brass
salvers, tho stuffed crocodile, and the
hands*.me cabinets may bo seen in a few
Turkey—The finest sights are em
broideries in silk, linen, and woolen,
pip*, curious pottery, old arm, aud
attar of rosea.
Portugal (back ol Tnrkey)—Here the
peculiar pottery, tho flligreo jewelry,
anil the fine carvings in wood for archi
tectural ornaments are last worth see
Hpain Exnmine the emblematic fa
cade to the Spanish Court. Also the
mural tiles, carved sideboards, pottery,
silver, and the large show of textile fab
Russia—One of the most interesting
sections. See the silverware, the mala
chite and lapis lazuli objects, the cloths
of gold and silver, and the furs.
Austrian-Hungary—Here the Boho
miau glass, the Viennese work in gilt,
bronse, leather, mwrsclianm, ami am
ber, the garnet j*>welry, ami the Htings
rian opals should lie seen.
Oermany—The Berlin porcelain, the
collective book exhibit, aud the pianos
aro best features.
aitcosn HAT.
Visit, first the Shoe and Leather
building. There is a good deal of same
ness here, but the display gives, by its
extent, a strong impression of the im
portance of this industry. The shoe
making machinery is very interesting.
Go next to Machinery hall. Three broad
avenues run the whole length of this
huge structure, aud hy traversing each
slowly ami diverging from the one oil
the south side into the hydraulic annex,
a good general idea will IM< gained of
the largest collection of machines in mo
tion the world has ever had au opportu
nity of mi'ing. The following mauufac
taring processes carried on every day
will Ih> found woith shipping n few min
utes to inspect: Weaving silks, woolens,
carpets, stockings, lunik marks, etc.,
printing, lithographing, paper making,
scroll sawing, barrel making, glass en
graving, chocolate aud caudy making,
type casting, type writing, making
guttii pi reha shoes, tobacco making,
watchmaking, rock drilling, and many
other operations. From Machinery hail
the visitor should walk rapidly past tho
buildings at the western end of the
grounds, noticing particularly the glass
factory and the Chilian, Japanese, Eng
lish, and Spanish buildings, entering
the latter for a few minutes' stay. The
Government building, the Woman's pa
vilion, and tho Horticultural hall will
liuish the day's work.
Divide tho day lietween the Art gal
leries and Agricultural hall. In Me
morial hall see the Oastellani collection
and the English gallery pretty thor
oughly ; look at Makart's Catherine
Carnaro in the Austrian gallery ; pass
rapidly through tho French, German,
Swedish and American collections, not
forgetting, however, to notiie in tho
former the Gobelin tapestry ; see tho
Spanish and Russian pictures with more
care, and do not overlook the mosaics
sent by the Pope, and a few really good
Norwegian landscapes. Then |siss to
the annex, where there are acres of
mediocrity, with here atul there a gissl
canvas. The Dutch and Belgian col
lections are perhaps the Rest, but there
are some American and French plot urea
that ought not to Ire missed. The
Italian marbles will lie found pretty an I
Take, if possible, a half hour for the
Photographic hall, where there are ad
utiraMe displays by English, French,
Australian, German, Rcnaiau, Austrian,
Swedish and American photographers.
In Agricultural hall *e first in sue
• cession the various foreign sections -
English, French, Japanese, Dutch,
Veurxaelan, Danih, Hwediah, Norwe
gian, Russian, Bpauiah, Portuguese,
Canadian, Italian and Lilteriau. Dur
ing the remainder of the time at yonr
disposal walk through the aisles in the
American department and examine the
most iutereMtilig exhibits. The aquaria
should not be forgotten, and a little
time should l* devoted to the Brewers'
building mar the hall.—AVi* York 7Yi
The United Statex Senate.
The New York Tribune, in reviewing
the Senate and the political situ*
tion of the next body, says; As the
Heuste now stands there are seventy one
uiemlxra only qualified ; one elected
but nut yet sworn in ( Mr. Blame), and
two vacancies—oue in Louisiana, in
place of Mr. Piuchlatck, aud oue in
West Virginia, in place of Mr. (rjer
tou. Of the whole number of seventy
four, the terms of twenty five will ex
pire ou the fourth of March next,
namely ; Alcorn, of Mississippi ; An
thony, of Rhode Island; Blaine, of
Maine ; Boutwell, of Massachusetts ;
Clayton, of Arkansas ; Cooper, of Tn
uessc ; Omgiu, of New Hampshire;
Davis, ot West Virginia ; Ferry, of
Michigan ; Frelingbuysen, of New
Jersey ; UoldthwaiU* of Alatsuna;
Hamilton, of Texas; Harvey, of Kansas;
Hitchcock, of Nebraska ; Johnston, of
Virginia ; Kelly, of Oregon ; l*>gan, of
Illinois; Norwood, of Georgi > ; Ran
sum, of North Carolina ; Ro" ertaon, of
fiouth Carolina ; Kaulabury, of Dela
ware ; SU-vensm. of Kentucky ; West,
of L iiiia ana ; Wimlom, of Minnesota,
and Wright, of lowa. (Jf tlie twenty
five, sixteen ore Republicans and nine
Democrat*. Messrs. Anthony and John
ston have already been re-elected. Mr.
Ijatnar ha* born chosen in place of Mr.
Aloom ; K. H. Rollins in place of Mr.
Grngin ; Gov. Coke in place of Mr.
Hamilton ; James R. IWI in place of
Mr. Htevenson, aud Gov. Kirk wood in
place of Mr. Wright. Of those so far
chosen for the term ending 1883, three
are Republicans and four Democrats,
being a gain of two for the Democracy.
The terms of twenty-four senators will
expire in 1870 and twenty five in 1881.
Of the forty nine seuator* holding over
from the fourth of next March, twenty
seven arc Republicans, nineteen I)smo
orals, and oue Independent (Mr. Rootll,
of California). There are two vacancies,
one from West Virginia aud one from
Louisiana. Adding the senators already
elected f< r the term I*-gilining in March
next, th< next Bente stand* thirty Re
publicans, tw-nty three Democrat* and
one Independent, Counting Colorado,
which is now a State, there are twenty
two souators yet to bo chosen, de
jwudelit on the elections ©oming < iff in
the falL In order to secure a majority
of one, the Democracy must elect sn
t<s ii i f these twenty two, and they have
the fallowing States to select from :
Maine. M i—• husctt*. New Jersey,
Delaware, North Carolina, South Caro
lina. Georgia, Alalwma, Louiaiana (two),
West Virginia (two), Illinois, Michigan,
Tennct x-e, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska,
Minnesota, Oregon and Colorado. It
will thus I*' seen that it is almost a cer
tainty that the Republican* will control
the Senate for the first two years of the new
administration, but by a small majority.
♦irowth of the United State®.
The American nation began its first
century of exigence with a population
of 2.750,000. It has now, by the Iwwt
estimates, 44,675,000. The area has
Ihvh extended from 800,000 to 3,603,844
square miliw. The development of agri
culture, under the pressure of immigra
tion and the stimulus of mechanics! in
veil tion, lias lieeu utterly without pre
cedent. The value of manufactures has
advanced from $20,000,000 to $4,200,-
(WO.OOO. Foreign and domestic com
me roe ha* taken gigantic strides. The
development of mineral resources lias
uot l>een the work of a century, but of
fifty years. Then* were few banks in
the colonies in 1776; there are more
thau 6.000 now. Inb-ruol improvement*
and the oomtnou sch*>l system have
kept pace wrifh immigration.
While annexation has quadrnoled our
area since the Revolution, it has con
tributed very little to the population.
The purchase of Louisiana, Florida,
California aud New Mexioo brought
in fewer than 150,000 inhabitants, and
the acquisition of Texas and Oregon
merely restored to citizenship those who
had immigrated f:\im the United States.
The aggregate area covered by popu
lation in 1790 wa* 239,935 sqnara miles.
The main line of settlement* ran 1,000
utiles along the coast from the mouth of
the Penolmoot to the Altamaua, with an
average extent mland of from 100 to
250 nnlcs. A few pioneers had made
their homes in the Ohio valley; there
wor two or three juitches of settlement
in Kentucky; there was a village in In
diana and another in Michigan; aud
there were bands of adventurous spirits
a* far west is Illiuois. The Louisiana
purchase in 1803, supplemented by the
Oregon treaty of 1816, added 1,171,931
square miles to the national domain; the
Upauish cession in 1819 embraced 59,-
268 square miles; the annexation of
Texas iu 1845, the treaty of Guadalupe
Hidalgo iu 1848, and the Gadsden pur
chase in 1853, brought in 967,451 rquare; and, finally, Mr. Sewaril's Aiask
inv< stnient involved the acquisition of
500.0(H) square miles. The total area is
now 3,603,844 square miles, or 1,042,
000,000 acres, one-half of which are
public lands. In surface extent three
nations surpass the United States—the
British, Chinese and Russian empire*.
The arable laud under cultivation is less
than one-tenth of the total area.
An Offer.
A breach of promise Hiiit reported in |
the London newspapers turned ou the 1
question whether tlie defendant actually
made au offer of marriage. The affirma
tive evidence was the following verse,
which ho sout to the plaiutiff:
Bslisve my sighs, my tsars, my dear,
Believo the heart you've won ;
Believe my vows to yon ainsere,
Or, Jane, I am undone.
Oh, oome, my charmer, let* away
To oliurch and end this strife ;
How blest will be each night and day
When, Jane, you are my wife.
Tlie jury deemed this s fair and square
matrimonial offer, and awarded Jane X4O
EurnoTifKNT.—lt ia something new,
says the New York Herald, for Scotland
to send to America for workmen. One
hundred stone masons in New York
city have been engaged to go to Green
ock. Novel as this seems it is not so un
reasonable aa coming from the West to
seek employment in New York.
TK1IMB: #2.00 a Year, in Advance.
Maw ike Plat lar Ikrlr tOrna* aaa Arraafla*
and t arrte* Out-.I ia Wareaaa.
The method of tsott|w< of the Fenian
prisoners, six in number, who h*v* ar
rivtxl in New York, was suggested bj
the experience of John Boyle O'Reilly,
uow editor of the Boston tSUA. Iu 1 fifty
the whaling tmrk Gazelle, of New Bet!
ford, was musing off the Australian
coast, under command of Capt. David
K Gilford. To thta veaael O'Hetlly,
then a priaoner, wo* • ouveyed in a a mall
l*>at, through the assistance of his
friend*. GapL Henry 0. Hathaway,
then third mate of the Gaaelie and now
city marshal of New Bedford, waa in
strumental iu saving the escaped pria
oner'* life, who, having been by aoine
mischance thrown into the water, waa
supported there for several hours by
Gapt. Hathaway, and finally reacned tu
nearly a lifeless condition. From tins
mcldwDt and Gapt iiathaway'a kindneaa
ami sympathy, a warm friendship
i sprung np between the two men, which
ha* since continued. O'Reilly waa very
iinxioiis to assist the other Fenian pria
j oners to escape, aud when, after consul
lation with other sympathizers ia thia
country, it was concluded to make an
, attempt in that direction, the manner of
his own escape naturally suggested the
must feasible plan.
Gapt. Hathaway'* advice was sought
by those iu charge of the expedition,
and he waa urged to take command of
! it, bnt thia he felt obliged to refuse. He,
however, gave tiiem the benefit of hia
experience ou the Australian coast, and
his directions were followed almost to
the letter. The bark Gatalpa, of 202
j um, then in the merchant business,
though formerly a whaler, was pur
chased, nominally, by John T. Richard
son, of New Bedford, and others, Mr.
Riohardaou, who owns an eighth inter
est, actiug as agent. As the veasel was
to nail ostensibly for a whaling voyage,
she was fitted out for that pnrpuae, un
der the direction of Gapt Hathaway.
Gapt. George Anthony, a man about
thirty yean old, and who from hia youth
has been engaged in whaling, was se
lected as master. This was hia first
voyage in that capacity, but the seamau
slup and courage he had displayed pre
vionaly, fitted him for the rs.>sition.
The Catnips sailed from New Bedford,
\pril 22. 1*75, clearing for a whaling
cruise in the Atlantic and Indian ooeaua.
The crew was composed mainly of Ma
lays and Poitnguee. So qnietly had
all the arrangement* lteen made that no
suspicion of the true object of the voy
age was existed. It is said that the only
jM-rsons in addition to the promoters of
the scheme who knew of the plan were
Gapt. Hathaway and Mr. Iltchardaon.
Gapt. Anthony, of course, knew the na
ture of hi* errand. None of his crew
had l>een informed of thia, although it
is thought that the cooper, who is au
Irishman, may have had some idea of it.
The whaling merchant* in New Bedford
denounced the purchase and fitting out
of the Cat&lpa as a foolish venture. The
first news from the vessel after she ssil
-d was received in March of this year,
when (die was reported to !>e off the
west ooast of Australia, with 250 barrels
of siwrm oiL When the first intimation
of the rescue wa* received in May last,
it w s generally disbelieved, even the
ag> at stating that the vessel could not
lw in the place assigned to her. It was
generally thought that the Catalps woold
first make port at New Bedford, al
though the originators of the expedi
tion expected she would land the rea
med men either at Fernandina or
Charleston. The six men who escaped
were soldiers in the English army, and
were sentenced to penal servitude for
The Story of the Ilodja.
Once as the hodja of Turkey was
walking iu a cemetery by the side at a
logbwsy, it oorurred to him to hide in
mi old tomb to watrh whether the good
a;.d bed angels of judgment would
oome. While he was thus waiting, all
nt once then came the sound of 1 wills;
and struck with the idea that the day of
resurrection and the last judgment were
at band, he crept ont of hia hiding
place. It was a caravan going by, and
the mules, frightened at the sodden ap
parition, fell into disorder and " stam
peded." Upon this the mole drivers,
sticks in haud, !>e*et the hodja, aud in
quired who he waa.
" A dead man."
" What are you doing ont here,
then f"
"Only taking a walk."
"A walkf We'll walk yon I" And
they assaulted the hodja with such
vigor that he only escaped with many
bruises, a broken head and two black
When his wife saw him in such a
plight, she asked where he came from.
"From the dead," said he. " I have '
been in a tomb."
" Well, bow do things go on in the
other world t"
" Why, wife, yon had better look out
there for one thmg—not to frighten the
pack mules."
A Wholesale Trader In Live Stock.
Capt. Richard King lives on his farm
(Santa Gertrudes) thirty miles from
Corpus Christi, Texas, and in March
last sol<l to one party from Kansas 26, -
000 head of horned cattle (all ont of hia
own stock) for the sum of $327,500, de
liverable iu Hoyt City, Kansas, $100,00(1
paid down in cash, aud the balance on
delivery; and in April ho sent off the
stock in thirteen droves, which arrived
all safe. To be certain to have tlie re
quisite nnmlwr to lie delivered, he add
ed 5,000 extra head, aud still has left
some 50,000 ben 1, besides 25,000 heed
of sheep, and 7,000 or 8.000 head of
horse and mule stock. He has some
60,000 acres of lain! under fenoe, and is
now fencing in 60,000 acres more, and
still lias 140,000 acres in aud about the
same tract. It took 700 men to drive
this lot of stock, and upward of $50,000
for the outfit.
Rolihed by Bar light.
A Dallas (Texas) letter says: Two
robliers entered the office of the State
savings bank, on Main street, jumped .
over the counter and commenced an at
tack on Mr. E. H. Gruber, president of
the bank, felling him to the floor by a
blow on the head with a " navy revol
ver." They then helped themselves to
what money they oould find. When
tlie alarm whs rained they ran into a back
nlley. where there horses were hitched,
aud rode off toward the south. Pursuit
was at once made, but there is very
little hope of the roblrers being cap
tunxl. Mr. Ornlier states that the loss
will not extxxxl S2OO, us the roll taken
contained fractional currency alone. He
has offered SSOO reward for the arrest of
the thieves, and the amonut lias been
increased by othe i citizens to $1,500.
Discharging Clerks.
The Legislative, Executive, and Judi
cial Appropriation bill provides for the
discharge on the tenth of October of be
tween 700 and 800 department clerks at
Washington. A circular has been issued
in the Treasury department informing
clerks who receive it that if they will
resign liefore the reductions are made
they will be given two months' leave,
with pay. Few if any resignations have
been received. Those who are relieved
will bo allowed to draw their pay natal
Oct. 10.
■•ailbM.M*l ladtaa t reelir d
icon Braver?.—Tfce Aaadta mt tha *•-
•(•aa Mala.
Amid the harlyburly of centennial
cwlebrittioni that crowd upon each other
in thin memorable epoch of the nation'a
history there ia no event more worthy of
remembrance than the Wyoming mas
sacre, which occurred on the site of the
charming aoene—the Acedia of the Key
atone Htsto--that meet* my gone a* I
look from my window tbia brentiful
morning. Almort a century of time baa
awrpt over tbia fair valley, with it* at
tenuating verdure and it* snows, ainoe
the ruth lent oavagna under the lead of
Hutier and Brandt made the tranquil
Huaquehonna ran red with the blood of
innocent men, woman, and children, and
blotted out their happy homestead* with
the blighting breath of the devastating
torch. The whole world ban wept over
the touching tale, and over the horrors
enacted hern daring that awful month of
July, in 177 ft, and aa it* centennial an
uiTernary oocun in leea than two year*
hence it ia bat meet that oome prepare
tioua ahould be made to oommemorate
the event.
History dwell* with loving tenderness
and truth on the ; mm Loral beauty of thi*
•-harming aoene prior to the invasion by
the treacherous savages, and the poet
Oampbell, in hiaimmortal "Gertrudeof
Wyoming," wreathes a garland for its
fame that shall never fade, a* follow*:
lieUghtinJ Wyoming ! UinOb tby tlutw
The happy *bepbsrd *wuta hod naught to
Out feed tbrtr flock* on green deelmtuw,
Or hiin percbanoe thy lake with light canoe,
From mom Ull evening'* eweeter pastime
Witii umbrel. when beneath the foreeta
Thy lovely maiden* would the dance renew ;
And aye thaae (tunny mountain* half-way
Would ootio flageolet from some romantic
Such u the condition of tire plaor
• r<< ibti with out- swoop I oil apou
and massacred iU inhabitants, of wb<>m
4(10 periahed by tire, flood. Mid flight
through the fearful iwunp, which to
this day bean the appropriate name of
"The Shade* of Death." The fatal
blow was * truck on the third of July,
1778, ami the thrilling details of the
bloody btufaoas that ensued—the uaaaa
crt of men, women and children; the
noble Stan J taken by the yoemanry with
pikes and sickles and pitchforks, and
such other implements sa they oould
oommand ; the flight of the wounded in
canoes down the river ; the hardships
encountered in the wilderueaa—all con
spire to make up one of the moat har
rowing chapters in the history of any
land, or any era ancient or modern. The
.'ingei of death spread rain and desola
tion over the place, and what a few short
ilava l*-fore was a verv paradise seemed
transformed to a hell more awful than
over presented itself to the lurid imagi
nation of a Dante.
We who lire in the midst of security
and surrounded now by the monuments
raised up by the march of civilization,
can never form more than a faint idea of
the. terrors that filled the valley from
end to end dunng that horrible tragedy.
Nor can we bat faintly conjure to our
selves a picture of the fugitives—gray
haired men, feeble women, and helpless
children—who struggled to escape from
the awful scene, those they loved, sons,
husbands and brothers, burning at the
stake or subjected to torture more cruel,
while they pursued their journey engirt
by death.
It is a picture filled to overflowing
with bitter memorie . The descendants
of some of the sufferers who survived
htill reside here, and have conversed
with me since my advent to the valley
of the thrilling stories which their
fathers and mothers often told them,
and I drove to the crude monument
erected by the patriotic women of Wy
oming and read the following iaacrip
tion :
Near Una spot wae fought, on the afternoon
of Friday, the third day of July, 1778,
in which a small band of patriotic American*
chiefly the undisciplined, the youthful and the
aged,'spared by ueffieieucv from the distant
ranks of the Republic led by Ooloael Zebu 100
lkiAlar and Colonel Nathan Detitaon, with a
c lorage that deterred •cooem. boldly met and
bravely fought a combined British Tory and
Indian force of thnee their number. Nu
merical superiority alooe g re success to the
invader, and widespread havoc, uveoiatian and
ruin marked his savage and bloody footsteps
through ths valley.
Commemorative of tbeee events
And of the Actum m them.
Has been erected
Over the bones of the slain
By their descendants and others who greatly
appreciated the serncee and aaeri&oas of their I
patriot ancestors
Thin monument stands over a pit in
which the bodice of the slain were
buried by their friend* when they re
turned after the death storm had spent
its force. The precise location of this
pit had not been discovered until 1882,
when by a mere accident the bones were
exposed to view.
Probably in no nation has there been j
such bravery exhibited or such savagery
practiced as"at the battle of Wyoming,
where, a* the monument eloqaently at
Wwts: " the undisciplined, the youthful |
and the aged " displayed such heroism.
Thermopylae has often bean cited in
prose and essay as the scene of true
Sicroism, but Wyoming deserves a niche
fully as high iu the t- in pic of fame, and
an altar as divine at the fane of bravery.
Tbe tierce linn was mild when CHUB pans!
with the savage luduui, and Attila,
" the scourge of God," was meek when
compared with the " Mammoth Brandt,"
of whom the poet fitly said :
Aocuraed Bnm.ltho loft of all my tribe
Nor m-tj. nor child, nor thing of living birth :
No! not thodog that watched my household
Escaped that night of blood npon our plains !
Wyoming valley terms to-day with
wealth. The grim black breaker lifts
its towering head along the stately river,
and is eloquent all .lay with the song of
labor. Busy steamers ply to and fro on
the Susquehanna, the whistle of locomo
tives awakes tlio echoes along the neigh
boring mountains, and prosperous
homesteads peep out from between the
trees from Plymouth all along the level
way to Campbell's ledge.— Graphic.
Very Fine Work.
Sir Joseph Whitworth recently ex
hibited three hexagonal steel plates at
the Kensington museum, in England,
which were so accurately planed that
when one was placed on the other it
glided about as if floating, and when
one was dropped on another a "cushion"
of air deadened the metallic sound,
while, wheu the air was squeezed out,
the contact was so close that the lower
S'ato adhered to the upper when raised.
e next made a measurement of 1-200,-
000 th of an inch with a machine which,
at a certain temperature, will measure
the millionth of an inoh, and lastly
showed the tensile strength of steel, a
specimen of which bore a strain of
seventy-five tons to the square inch,
without breaking. For bridges, etc.,
only five tons strain to the square inch
are" required for safety; for guns, forty
tons ; for shells, thirty-five tons.
What it Hons.—Speaking of Stan
ley, the African explorer, whose letters
are now being published, a religious
journal earnestly hopes that he is a liar,
and asserts that, in case he in not, he
ought to be hanged.
A Colored Camp lectio* Hymn.
Why dan'l yon do m Polar did,
A-walking an the too t
Ha thro wad baU ante above hU hand,
artfui * •• Good Lard! remember me."
Than r*memt*r tha Hah and remember tha
And remember the haand and tha free.
And whan yon art dona remembering aroand.
Than, good Lord, remember no.
If I con Id aland whara Maaaa atood,
And Haw tha landoaapa o'er, ,
I'd throw thaaa laga at tart aa I ooald—
And rdgo lo that part white abort.
Than rata <wr bar tha rieh and ram MB bar tha
And remember tha bonnd and tha fraa,
And whau yon art doaa remacabaring around,
tTHtanii, good Lord, remember ma.
Ilcu* of Inlrrrat.
In Tonnmnm village* spring chickens
arc right cents spinas.
There it hardly a Hontbern city that U
not gaining population.
Don't attempt to punieb all your
enrmitw at once. Ton can't do a large
business with a supdl capital.
lowa juries hold that in oaae a mar
riage engagement 1* broken, the parties
muxt return all preaenta, or their worth
in monry.
A cow wo* found standing at ark and
•tiff in a posture in Maine. Hhe hod
been .truck by lightning, killed, but
not thrown to the ground.
Mr a. Oorr, of Quebec, hanged beraelf
with her false hair. Tbe coroner's ver
dict woa said to have been that tlie dorr
waa demolished by a misplaced switch.
" Are the eggs poached I" inquired a
customer of a restaurant keeper. " Tee,
air," replied the keeper. " They ore—
that is, tbe chicken* that laid them
A young ■capegrsoe, notorious for his
pranks and practical jeke*, who came of
uge the other day, awoke tbe family at
midnight by loud cries of *' JBan in the
A law has beea paesed in Qermonv
forbidding tbe construction of school
rooms with windows on opposite sides
of the room. It ie said to be proven
that rooms no lighted are injanoaa to
the eyes.
The Council Bluffs (Iowa) N<mparc\
• has won the prise few oat stories. It
tells of one that entered an apothecary's
-tore, selected the box containing cat
nip, tore tbe paper of it open and com
menced eating.
In the presence of Col Benton, C. 8.
A., Oen ■ Franklin, Dr. Gatling.and others,
one of the improved rapid firing Catling
trans wo* recently fired at the rate of
forty shots a second, or 2,400 per minute.
The gnu is ten tmrrel', forty-live caliber.
Tbe Southern economical problem is
concerning the reduction of acreage in
planting cotton. By a general assent
this veer fewer acres were planted than
usual, but the dm of guano has, in mscv
places, made the crop as heavy as it was
It ia difficult to explain the working* of
the youthful mind. A boy who will lis
ten indifferently to the eatdimert truths
of theology will be roused to the ocutirt
interest by the progrese of a caterpillar
over the collar of the bold headed man
in the pew in front of him.
" May I leave a few tracts t" asked a
traveling quack doctor of a lady who
responded to his knock. " Ir-are some
tracks I Certainly you may," sail * he;
looking at him benignly over IT spec
tacles; " kave them with the heel to
ward tbe door, if you please."
Tbe spectacle of a man with hi* fifth
(wide listening to the funeral sermon
of his fourth wife was witnessed at
Bangor recently. Number four died of
a malignant disease, sad there wore no
funeral services. He immediately got
another wife, and invited her to attend
the funeral sermon of the dear departed.
A rural female beauty slighw l from
the stage coach in front of a hotel the
other day, when a piece of ribbon de
tached itself from her bonnet and fell
into the bottom of the carriage. " Ton
have left your how behind, .aid o lady
paw* uger. " No, I ain't; he's gone a
fisbing," innocently replied tl rustic.
William B. Hunt, of lowa, i* the
champion rascal. He ha- a wife and
child in nearly every consi l-rab'.i town
in tbe United State* east of Kvt- a. His
latest are at Portland, lie. He marries
a girl, remains with her for two days,
and leaves. His principal occupation ia
that of a hotel derk, and be in very
A bint for summer hotel keepers. A
gentleman come* down star* in the
morning after a battle with tbe Lngin
which he comes off second 1* •t. " This
in terrible that bed wo* fall of bup*."
" Certainly,'* replies the derk, raavdyt
"What do you meant" "It wil! be
fifty cents a day extra for chambers
without bugs."
The Swedes have an ingenious way of
teaching geography in their school*.
It consists of an outline map of Sweden,
drawn upon a large blackboard. At tbe
location of each city and town ia a hole
in tbe board, and Utile block* with pins
attached, each containing the name of a
city, are stock in rows on tbe aide of
the board. The pupil reconstruct* the
map by putting each block in it* appro
priate place.
At a railway station two gentlemen be
longing to The district were warming
themsMree in the waiting room, when s
son of tbe Emerald Isle, " rather oat at
the elbows, the room. One of
tbe gentlemen, characteristically humor
aus, mid to him : " 111 be after giving
yon my chair to worm yourself for a six
pence. "Will your' waa the reply.
" I'll be after letting von keep it for a
Billing ; and it's menelf that has much
need of one jurt now."
Caster's Troll.
Today, mys a correspondent with
Oen. Terry's* command, anxious eyee
ore turn el toward the East to the
abandoned fire*idee; tbe memory of
wife and child comes to sodden the sol
dier's heart, for who among all this gal
lant array can tav he will return t
Within a "lew foetid the spot where I
write runs tbe broad trail marking the
paamgo of Ouster and his men, " Ous
ter's Trail," a* it is called, and they went
in far more confident of success aud
fuller of (xmrage than even the men who
follow to avenge ct perhaps lie with
them. There is no use trying to con
ceal the fact that the victory of the
Sioux, so terrible in its completeness,
bus lowered the morale of our troops;
not much, perhaps, but if one listens to
tbe soldiers as they discuss among them
selves the campaign the conviction is
foroed that they no 1 mger look upon
victory as oertaia. Perhaps it is better
so than to have an excess of ountidence
in fighting so wily a foe as the Indian
hMR always proved himself. To prevent
so lamentable a disaster so far as can be
judged the present campaign will be
conducted with the utmost caution; it
may be barren, bat it is not likely to be
disastrous, unless tbe Indian revolt has
token proportions beyond all estimation.
Will Net Join the Sioux.
The inspector of Indians in Canada .
stated that the Sioux now at war with
the United States had sent presents of
tobaooo to the Blaokfeet Indians in
Canada aud requested the latter to join
them. The Canadian Indians replied
that they would keep peace and would
not join the Sioux. The latter sent *
message in return that when tbtj had
finished with the Americans they would
cross over and capture the Blackfeet
country. The Blaokfeet waß * ed „T?
know if they would be assisted by toe
mounted police, and the officer tach
assured them they would be P™ .
The Indians saV they oouldmn*to r
2,0(K) warriors if any tionble
Majudko Goods.-— The FO' ..
hibitors at the Oentamniolgj of P
a plan of marking the P^" on their
goods. The exhibtto" ?^ icall go i d>
goods, first, the P"®®"* tlie price m
without duty ; and finally
American gold, duty Tjiw (iif _
eighty per cant.