The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 07, 1876, Image 4

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Tacts Abswt Palais RrrilM.
Tho potato beetle remains in tbo
ground all winter, emerges from it in
ino apriag in a |*erf.vt state, fully
uptown ami ready for procreation. Dol
ing the day, it ri maina n|>on tho potato
plant and does not fly till night, when it
traverses wh do fields ami whole sections
of conntry, the males in acarch of the
females, an,l rice versa. The beetle
does not eat, ami so does no immediate
harm. The eggs are laid on the under
aide of the loaves, in patches about an
iueh square, and are a goldeu yellow
color. In a few days the young soft
grubs are hatched, are ravenously bun
gry, have but slight hold of the foliage,
and are easily knocked off, They have
but slight ability to travel on the snrfa-v
of the soil, aud never desoeud to it vol
nntarily, nntil they have reached the
perfect slug state, when their natural in
stinct prompts them to seek the earth,
into which they burrow, form a cocoon,
and in due time emerge full grown Iwe
ties, ready to begin a new colony. This
series of change* takes place from two
to four times iu a season, controlled by
its length, wariuth, etc. In the last
change they remain dormant throughout
tho waiter, merely because the tempera
ture is too low to perfect the insects. It
is therefore probable that, if they ever
reach a tronioal climate, their transmi
gration wiii be uninterrupted.
Reasoning frvim these facts, we arrive
at the following, which are borne out by
actual uperiener: Any mode of de
stroving the beetle, practiced by a
farmer here and there, is only lost time,
as tho nightly flight of the sexes iu
search of each other is sure to
supply local tields from the others iu
the neighborhood, the aenas of stuell
beiug probably the insect's guide to the
nearest plant, and to the general ren
ilaavou . If extirpation of the beetle is
determined upon, it must be general and
simultaneous. The great difficulty of
accomplishing this is insuperable.
Therefore let tho beetle alone, Beetle*,
however, produce slugs, and slugs in
their turn produce Uvllc*. Slugs do
not migrate, are easily dislodged, must
eat, and arc therefore at our mercy in
at least two ways. If they are knocked
off the plants iu the middle of a dry hot
day, and ground into tho hot sod (say
by a harrow or any similar means), they
perish; and if the leaves are rendered,
by any external application, unfit for
their food, thev starve.
Au experience of six years has satis
fted me that the slug state is the ouly
vulnerable one, and either of the two
modes of warfare indicated above is
probably successful. They feed indis
criminately on all the tolanaeta. They
are cot poisonous, cannot bite or sting
a human being, tieod not be a terror to
any; and to conquer them, it is only
necessary to attack them ia a calm, cool,
intelligent, business like manner.—-A.
Jt. .V., in iScientific Farmer.
and Answers.
Is there any speedy remedy for hop
lice ?
Sprinkling with ice water, according
to one farmer's testimony, will quickly
rlear ah p vine of this pest. Cold raiu
always !os ens their numbers, though a
warm r vu will increase them.
Are sunflower seeds ever fed to
horses f
Yes, and are healthy feed for them in
winter and spring, keeping them spirit
ed and with sleek coats. One-half pint
pr day th> amount usually given, and
it is claimed by .some that these seeds
prevent heaves and other diseases.
How about red popper for poulty J
It Lis o:U a been recommended in the
club us beneficial in poultry yards.
What is the usual allowance of grain
per head for hens for a year I
The consumption of grain by hens is
estimated at from one to two bushels a
year per he-ad, according to the range
given the fowls; as for instance, hens
having through the summer a wide
range woul require only one bushel,
whii th >se confined during the entire
year to narrow limits would probably
consume two bushels. On a general
average one bushel and a half would be
a suffiei- ut allowance of corn or mixed
graiu fc-r on- h -n. In return for this
outlay a g ->d breed of fowl will, if well
car- d f r, produce at least 175 eggs per
How much pans green is required per
ao e for exterminating the potato bag,
and how cau it best be applied i
One pound of paris green is enough
'or uu a r of potatoes for one season.
One:. L spoonful in a bucket of water
is about the r.*ual proportion; this
rprinkled our the tops of the vines
tiirongh a common sprinkling pat is the
proper ht of applying. A small patch
can be sprinkled with a little whisk
br*oni. Two or three doses usually do the
work. Paris green can also bo mixed
with flour or plaster, au-1 dusted on the
leave-. Chemists have decided that
this poison does riot affect the tubers.
The small quantity advised kills the
bugs as readily as if more were to be
used. ll.* aura and get a good quality
of pari grmu. can be done to keep roots from
rambling ?
Lift ihem while the trees are young,
and shorten them if necessary a lew
times; this will bring them into "forming
fibeiy roots near the trunk of the tree.
Farn >*IM.
An edit.>r possessed of commou modesty
and sense, sitting at his table year n
and ye r out, would scarcely undertake
to instruct a farmer who is in the fields
every day in the details of the business
of farming; but in his general reading
and study lie catches ideas and hints
wi, -h are often of great value to some
of his readent
If farmers would avoid suddenly cool
ing the body after great exertion, if
they would be careful not to go with
wet clothing and wet feet, and if they
would not overeat when in an exhausted
condition, and bathe daily, using
much friction, they would hava leas
As much as I detest being in debt,
says a writer, I would not hesitate to
recomm- id a young m r *n to run in debt
moderately for a farm, if he loves the
oocujiation, and who has a wife who
does not mind living on a farm ; for I
think with these requisites, if he be
cautious and frugal for a few years, he
will be hotter off and take more comfort
on a farm than in a city.
Two acres out of one hundred in
wheat in California are pat in by drill
ing, while in Oregon there are ninteen
acres, in New York, Indiana and Michi
gan each fifty, in Ohio sixty, and in
Pennsylvania and Illinois each seventy
acres. The gain by drilling, as com
pared with broadcast sowing, is pnt
dowD for the Pastern States mentioned
at from one-tenth to one-fifth.
We have had the chance to test this
season the following early peaches, all
grown within sixty miles of each other,
and for earlin<"w wo believe them to
stand as follows : Downing ; Saunders ;
Alexander; Mnsser; A mad en ; Bea
trice ; Wilder ; Hale's Early. We be
lieve these will ripen in the order named
if growing all near each other. As to
quality, we would put first No. 4 ; then
as follows in order, Nos. 8, 2, 1, 6, 7.
In size we should pnt the numbers in
the following order; 7, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6.
about Bcltlnc Eg|i.
There is an objection to the common
way of boiling eggs which people do
not understand. It is this : The white
under three minutes' rapid oooking be
comes tough and indigestible, while the
yolk is left ont. When properly cooked,
eggs are done evenly through like any
other food. This result may be ob
tained by putting the eggs into a dish
with a cover, as a tin pail, and then
pouring upon them boiling water, two
quarts or more to a dozen eggs, and
cover and set thein away from the stove
for fifteen minutes. The heat of the
water cooks the eggs slowly and evenly
and sufficiently, and to s poly dike oon
sistenoy, leaving the ctnur or yolk
birder than the white, and the egg
mates -: nch richer as a fresh egg is
nicer tuna a stale egg, and no person
will want oj eat them boild after trying
this method once.
Under the ITagon.
" Com*, wtfa," *y good old farmer Gray.
" Put on your thins*; "it* market day;
bet'* be off to the neeret (own—
Tltere aud I ack ere the enti gee* down.
Spot! No, we'll leave old Spot behind."
Hut S|H>t he haika.l and N|>ot lie whined.
And aoon made up hi* doggish mind
To steal away under the wagon. •
Away they wont at a good round pace,
And joy came into the farmer * face
Poor Spot," said he, " did want to come.
Hut I'm very glad he'* left at hntue.
He'll guard the torn a. d gttard the col.
And keep tl a cattle out of Uie kU."
" I'm not *o ure of that," grow'ed Spot,
The Utile >'. eg under the wagon.
The farmer all hi* produce *old
And got hi* pay in yellow gold,
! hen started home, Just after dark
Horns, through the lonely frost Hark '
A robber springs from behind a tree;
' Your uiouc.v or el*o your life ' ' said he.
The moon was out, yet he didu't see
The little .log under the wagon
Old S|st he twrked, old Spot he w limed.
And Spot he grabtssl the tluef behind
And dragged him down in mud aud dirt
tie tore hie coat and lore his alurt.
He held him with a wluak and bound.
And he couldn't nee from the miry ground,
While hie legs and arms the farmer bound
Aud tumbled h>m into the wagon
Old Spot he saved the farmer's hfe.
The farmer's mouey, the farmer's wife
And uow a hero, grand and gay.
A silver collar he wear* to-day,
And everywhere his master goes.
Among his fneuds, among hi* foes
He follows ujaut his horny toee,
t he little dog uuder (he wagou I
Au old man lay in the little chamber
off the rvwmi of Abram Liumar's un
pretentious farmhouse, listening half
unconscious to the wuud of voices, uow
u stem flemaufl, again m humble plead
nig and protestation. His long gray
hair and beard swept the snowy luieu of
tnc pillows, against which his b roused,
sunken face seemed darker and more
hollow; his bony Augers tout the cover
lid in auger and synq athv, as his car fol
lowed the words of the speakers, aiul a
glitter sparkled iu his eyes, which had,
for five weary wow-ks, been glased and
dulled with fever.
'• I wish they'd come ill," he muttered
to himself ; " 1 uunt to know ail about
it; 1 was asleep at the first aud ean't
giie-ss how it beguu, hut it is evideut the
good people of this house are iu deep
tie hail hardly ceased when the door
of the apartment opened aud Dame Liu
mar stepped iu with the noiseless foot
of the anxious nurse. Seeing that her
patient was awake aud was looking
eagerly aud inquiringly at her, she ap
proached the bedside and spoke to him
in a voice as sad aud mournful as sorrow
can train a woman's touts* to be.
"Awake, sir I Has the talking in tin
other room disturbed you J"
" It has not broken my rest, but what
1 have heard has disturl>ed my mind.
What is it I I only kuow that somebody
gives you till next Monday morning to
leave this comfortable home."
"It is about a mortgage, sr. But
here comes my poor, old husUuid; he
will explain it better than 1 cat:."
At the word the door opened again
and Abram entered with bowed
head and firmly pressed lips.
"He's goue, Janet, aud taken the
very last graiu of hope 1 nurtured. Not
even the memory of the service I ren
dered him two-aad-twenty years ago in
saving his life when ho was at the mercy
of the highwaymen availed anything,
and we sliall have to leave the roof that
has sheltered us so long, doubly dear to
me as the work of my own hands and
the scene of genial associations. "
" Farmer Liumar, excuse the imper
tinence of my curiosity," said the low
voice of the invalid, " I know- a little
of your trouble. May 1 not know all J"
" Alas, sir," replied the hopeless
host, " the story is short us our future
stay within these walls will bo brief.
Five years ago my am in New York, be
ing embarrassed, I borrowed from my
next neighbor, a very wealthy man, the
sum of eight thousand dollars and gave
him a mortgage on tins —my feriu of one
hundred acree. Insba.l of gaming re
lief, my son became m<>re embarrassed,
failed utterly, and, from the grief ot his
Jisapi>ointment, died. I Lve j>aid two
thousand of the priucipol and now ten
der a third thousand, am! Ix-g that my
creditor will not proceed to extremities.
But I plead to a stone. He acknowledges
that for years he has coveted my land,
separating, as it does, two parcels of his
own, and, indeed, he has made me many
offers for it; now that he has the power
to oompel a sale, he swears that he will
force the matter and outbid anv com
petitor. as be has the means at his com
mand. He says that he offers me in return
all the money and interest I have paid
to him in consideration of my quietly
surrendering possession, and I suppose
I must. There's no other way."
" And I have been a charge ou yon in
such dire extremity," said the sick man,
feebly; " it would have been better for
yon to have left me to die by the road
side, broken down and fever parched,
where you found me. Many a precious
dollar you must have parted" with in my
long illness for physicians and their nos
trums. lam t"o weak to even thank
you properly."
"Say not so. The little you have had
in money or attendanoe will never help
to impoverish us. It was bread cast
upon the waters and it will return."
Tlie good farmer said this almost cheer
fully, for be reflected how mnch 1 letter
off at worst he and his dame and daugh
ter Marian were, than the homeless,
friend lees old man who lay in his care.
" After many days; after many days,"
oontinued the siak man, finishing th?
promise. •' Bat I am afraid, farmer,
thai neither you nor I will live till it
comes back."
" Why, don't talk ao, sir," brake in
Dame Linmar, "it s been a real oomfori
for as to do the little we eould for you.
We ore only.'paying a debt wo owe. Our
boy died away from home among Strang
<rs, and they were good and kind to
him when things were so bad that be
would not let us know, fearing our great
distress; the kindness he got from
strangers we are glad to pay liack in in-
" Would that I oonld aid you, a* I
.lave read of men apparently poor and
helplens doing for thorn who have sne
oored or ahown kindness to them, but
my poverty ia no disgnise. I am poor,
indeed; abeolntoly without a dollar or a
friend in the world. Coming thia way
I was only wandering in search of death
to avoid the almshouse, and it grieves
me that I should have fallen where I am
no heavy and unfortunate a charge."
•' Say no more, air, or you will take
from our performance all the merit
which attaches to it," said the farmer;
" we would lie in worse need than you if
we would afford so little relief grudging
ly or withhold it."
" Ton speak like one who knows
man's constant dependence, even in his
highest fortune. But you have not y t
told me who is this inexorable creditor.
Tell me, that I may correct good rejiort,
if such a lie comes to my ears."
"He is rich, respected and of excel
lent repute. His uamo is Asahel Pen
No stimulant could have so strength
ened the weak muscles of the invalid as
the simple prononncing of that name
did. He rose to his elbow, his deep set
eyes glowing with the fire of excite
" Asahel Penoost," he repeated; " do
yon know where he came from ?"
"Yes. He settled in these parte near
ly forty years ago, coming from near
old Gloucester in Massachusetts, I've
heard say, though information on that
point is not very definite."
" How old a man is he ? Was he mar
ried when he came here."
"He is about seventy years of age;
he bronght a wife and one won with him,
but his wife died and he married again."
It was the dame, true to her woman i>
instincts, who was readiest when neigh- j
ijorly news were asked or asking.
"Yes! yes!" eagerly continued fho
sick man, "and the son—what became
of himf"
"II qnimtM vilh hi* stern father.
Aaahcl I'aiicost, aotne "ay. ami went
away over IWKDIJ years ago, ami ha*
not INWMI heard from since;"
Mr*, Liunis . "Ho wsc too gentle and
trno a lal, thouffli, to have lw>eti Inirn
of snoli a father.
" Triumph and defeat in a single
breath," murmured the invalid, sinking
IVtsntljf he ri vivi d and said to the
farmer, slowly, yet with tlrui n.wht :
" Yon need not concern yourself fur
ther. What county is tlusi"
" Wayne."
"Thou you liave the ablest man in
Wayne couuty to help you for your
debtor. 1 said just now 1 was the
poorest; 1 was mistaken. When Aaahcl
ruav>t comes on Monday to noise your
farm, tell him that Marcus Whitney is
your mvurity for further di*ehage of
the mortgage and warn him to accept
whatever tortus are projHwtcd."
Monday moruing came, ami with it
Asahel l*enoo*t, a deputy aherifl and a
serving man. banner Ltumar and his
wife h>d s|<ent an uneasy interval, not
withstanding the assurance of tin ir in
voluntary gin at, ami every attempt they
had made ui their quiet, unobtrusive
way to gain insight into the reason of
the stranger's ooutldouoe had lwwut met
with evasion tw> patent to t*> further
questioned. The first thev knew of the
old man's name was when lie called him
self Whitney; of his career, connection
with the rich, arogant neighlH>r IVuimot,
or his intentions, they were as profound
Iv ignorant as before they t-wk him into
tlieir troubled confidence. He hail t-ecu
is moved from the last in the little ediam
lw>r to the old haircloth sofa, which
stood lietweeu the two windows tlint
lighted the Uvst riHuu, auii sat, prop|s*l
up with pillows, his eyes closed and
head thrown forward, while the pre
limiuary demands were made by the
creditor previous to turning the bust
uees over to the sheriff's officer.
" You can't j>ay, and won't accede to
my most liberal projmailiou t" exclaimed
the great man, with an unctuous and
sonorous voice, " then you'll have to
take the couoeqneuces." Turning t<>
the officer, and waving hi* hatnl in n
circle that seemed t ■ sweep alr< ady with
a creditor's grasp the good* aud lauds
of the uufortuuate debtor, he raid ;
"Mr. liinible, you will please to
" Wait u miuute," said the invalid,
sharply, giving a termination not in
tended to IVuivst'a iuvivatiou. "Please
to wait a little, Mr. Bimble, till there is
need of your interference. "
"Aud pray, sir, who are youi" de
nianded Mr. meat
"Security for these good jx*ple's
debts, aud their protection against the
avarice, greed, aud |>erseetitiou of Asahel
Peaces! Whitney, formerly of Little
Salem, Massachusetts, who is "
" Your only brother," interrupted the
pale and terror stricken man; "for
Heaven's sake, forbear."
" You didn't lose your memory with
your name," sneered the invalid,
"though your presence of mind forsakes
you. You never expected to *u me
again t"
" 1 knew voti would come some time,
sun* :u death, hilt not so very soon."
"Boon! Call you eight and-thirty
years oon f You have enjoyed the
fruits ot wrong doing, fraud—aye, thoit
—longer than Ut aven i>ermit moat
meu to do. I thought I was under it.
ban not to ri-e again, when 1 sunk faint
ing into the ditch a niile or so from
here, six weeks ago ; but uovr I see 1
wa- simply subject to its vis-, just, and
fortunate decrees. Se! Asalu 1 Whit
uey—calling yourself Penesst —here i a
pajer bearing vonr debt iu money t->
me. You took everything 1 had in the
world, and if 1 can strip you I'll do it.
IIer is the amount compounded annual
ly at six per cent.; it amounts to two
hundred and eighty six thousand aud
forty dollars. Can yon pay ill"
" Have yon no mercy i Will you act
hear me I" begged the uow humbled
man, in tear*. " Farmer Liumar, plead
you to him to listen to mo ; he will
grant you so much."
" I'll say this much," returned Mr.
Liumar, " ho that hath no ru> roy on
his fellows will hsrdly get it m his dir-st
" You ula:>-t steel m\ purpose, while
you do dis.-tt.ide njr, 1 said M nous
Whitney. "1 lie 1 mercy, and I'll
show it, th< ugh I'm afraid it i- mis
placed. Thirty eight years ago, my
brother, standing there, was trustee lor
my port.i-:i of our father's estate. I
was marri I and awav at sea, mv wife
and child in his cure, a< well as the
money t, at had lit n left to nie. 1 hail
Iswn gone for tivo year*, during ail of
which time riy letters to my wife were
suppressed, and those to me w. re falsi
fled. Wii U I raiuo bock to LlUle Sa
lem it w.** t . fluj rav family ail gone.
My wife ti 11 lx*en persuaded of my
death and married with my brother, who
hail sold out and gone no one ku<-w
where. From that dnv to this 1 have
wundere 1 np and down in the mud seek
ing my own, till my footsteps wer<* led
hither. Another time will do then,
traitor, to talk of money reparation.
Teil rne, now, where is my eon I" This
demand was made ia so earnest a tone
that it told of no oompromis* ; that
debt, at k*st, was to I*< atoned iu full.
"Idon t know,' rep in .1 the shrinking
man. He r<• p-d Unit h> might l>e
forgivt 11 many of !he paltry dollar*
claimed, but this claim for flesh and
blood would not l>e forgone n jot nor
" Yon are telling me trne I"
" It is no time to do otherwise now.
When we quarreled I told him he was
no son of mine, and he swore he would
not bear my name; he left, and left no
trace to track him by, though I tried
hard at the time. Some ten years ago I
heard that he bad taken hiH mother's
name and was calling himself Lambert
Morrison; whether the information was
true or not I cannot say; but, true or
false, that is the last I have ever heard."
" Go you out into the world and seek
my boy till you find him; seek as I
sought you, in poverty, hunger, dirt,
sorrow and madness, for weary, weary
years. Bring him to me only and I'll
forgive you every penny that you
wronged me of." The father spoke, and,
speaking, told the solo object of his
life's secret. Money is nothing to a man
going down to tne grave, but love and
kin all.
" Already the bread has returned,"
said the farmer, detaining Asahel Pen
cost, who was turning to leave the
house. '* Your son," he oontinued, ad
dressing the invalid on the sofa, " is in
New York, if Lambert Morrison and the
handsome, bright boy Morris Pencost, I
remember, lie one and the same. Wife,
get those letters. It was he who nursed
our boy in his last illness and closed his
eyes, I might have known it. They were
playfellows, and he would not soe his
friend suffer nncaml for, and ho had too
sorrowful remembrances to allow him
to disclose his identity to us in Wayne."
The farmer was right, and within ten
days the missing son was clasped in his
father's arms and bore the third name
of hia life, the right one, at last—Lam
bert Morrison Whitney.
The fall of the proud squire was gen
erally hailed in Wayne, for he wss <>re
of those men whose temperament wor
few friends, and whose Htatiou repelled
them. He received at his brother's
hands enough to yield him a modest in
come, and busied himself in the imlis
tingnishniile throng of the grest city.
Marcus Whitney lived on in Wayne, and
gladly bestowed his benediction on the
marriage of his son and Farmer Lin
mar's only remaining child Marian; that
is, she was "child" to the former anil
dame, though turned of twenty-six—and
peace and happiness have crowned the
succeeding days of the warm hearted
people ao strangely thrown together.
Captain Kidd.
The famous pirate, Capt. Kidd, fre
quented Narragausett in the old days,
when distillers, slave trailers and pirates
were numerous. His lauding was at
the bar on which the south pier wni
built. His places of resort are still
shown, and numerous holes in the
ground, made by credulous seekers after
his hidden treasure, can bo seen in
Peaoedale and other places. A few
years ago a sword hilt wa dug up in a
field near the pier, on which was en
graved the name of Artemas Gould, who
was one of Kidd's lieutenants. Tweuty
eig iof this crew were hanged on one
g jwg Jn Nawport,
Tk.air.nas ai.rr .fa Travslsrla ißsdreal
Xuitrlran Mrirrl.
A correspondent of the Denver A'ctrt
says, I was traveling liurs. back along a
streleh of country which, for a long dis
ttuiee, ineiils the appellation of the
limit Aiuerieau d< -Tt. Aa far as the
eye c mhl reach i ot it living thing or oh
jei't ereaUsl by the hand of utancould !•
Mi'ii. On every side the liortaoii only
Is'Ulided the view, and Hot even where
the sky kis-cd the plain did aught but
the * canty prairie grass, alreudy burned
to brown under the raysof the fast sum
mering sun, lift itself, dotted here ami
there by innumerable cacti, from mother
earth. Have the qutekly recovering
thud of my horse's hoofs as lie toped
over the prairie, not a sound was to lie
heard, and the stillness was profound.
But the silence and the solitude were
not for long. As I was ulnut to sis<k a
place to build a lire and bivouac for the
..lght, suddenly a long trailing form
-tarbsl from the earth, and a <|UIS r rum
t'ling cry was Wrue to my ears upon the
western wind. Hardly had the sound
died uj*m the air when an iiit< ns trt-m
tiling seixtil my horse, arid, with ei
tctuleil nostrils and dilated eye, he Ix-gun
l.H.ktug oil all sides as if to ffud a wuv of
escape. And now the same strange cry
was repeated, ami uiy tcrriAcd sight per
ceived ail enormous reptile, half set
pent, half quadruped, that was now run
tiing, now orecpiug along tho -urth,
with inore!itlo rnpnlity. Although my
luntva aluioat refus.-.l to |*-rforui thoir
. tßiw for terror, 1 had turned mot'lmnio
ully to l-aj> t>n tnv horn.', notwith-taiul
ing that 1 know that tho piioo at which
tho mounter was coming vaa far factor
than thut of a liorso ut full gallon, hut
tho Ixuf-t hal broken away from whore 1
iiad ttcvl him, ami vvae quickly devour
ing tho earth with rapid foot. Not,
however, away from tho coming danger.
Although destruction Mured mo in tho
face, 1 almost lo*l couHcioutuieau of my
peril iu viewing the strange scene that
followed. A* s-H.ii a* tlio terrible thing
poreoivod that th. hi rso wu* able to run
t a rate that compelled an iuooiivouit nt
degree of sjieevi to catch up with bun,
he auddouly atoppwd iu his career, iuul
for a moment remained sileut and mo
11-ulcus, and tho only aound to lx< heard
una that made by the retreating home,
which was growing fainter and fainter.
Immediately, ore it had lieivinw quite
lout to tho oar, tho cause of tho bruto'a
ffight begun to utter a sonorous roaring
uat one moment sounded like uouio
brutish mother calling her young, and
oilier a weird imitation of tho eo mg
of a dovo. Hardly had the found tx-eu
uttered, when tho horeo, which wuc now
nlmowt lost to Might in tho rapidly grew
ing darkneao, ntopped. l'reeetitlv ho
turned around and begun with ha*ten
mg tej>* to return. Tho noise etid con
tamed, a'd even t-> my human hearing
*ewnied to have a pleading, inviting
ti '• iu it. I'he llrobdingnaglau lw-a*t,
t* HI, bad as*umtHl the shape at once of a
ei.t r.-atly to play with her kitten*, ami
of a serjH-ut when trying to charm it*
1 rey into it* fold*.
Aud now Jet mo de*orilo the nionator.
Liko other saurian*, it had tho body of
a liur.l, uplifbsl ou, a* to ar a* 1 e uKI
judge, eight f.-r't, but it* pr<>jvUing
jhiwcr, a* already not-*l, wnsed to < xi.*t
chi tly iu it* tail, which streamed behind
tho bod.y at h-ast a hundred f.* t, Tho
trunk of tho n,on*U r mu*t have tw-eu
thirty f.-et long by about half that figure
in width, and a* loa*t fr>>m eight to ten
f. < t through. Till' feet *> emed little
more thrni jiftddlo* with which to push
Uiia huge t- xty along, a: 1 apparently
hml little wupportiiig l ower, tho ere*
turo'a belly touching the ground ex>* pt
wliou it* rapid motion forced it forward
ill tho air. Tho In :vd wax tlatb Utxl nt
tho top, aud towered high nj> over th.
I*. ly on a neck gr. at.-r in diameter than
a barrel, and fully ten fxt m length.
The eve*, a* large a* xanct-r*, werealx.ut
a yard aud a half apart, and gleamed
like lantern* on eitht r aide of a carriage.
Til us far, the mouth w-.ix ou'.y j utly
open, to emit the -.mud übovo ti . 1,
that in the comparative darkness 1 c ■nU
at see it distinctly. The c<>l"r *w a
lark purple, Mi.*h a* i* sometime* uad
in church"* at Lenten time, mottled
With black.
lsy this time the horse hail com* with
in the embrace of the seducer, and the
charming all at once ceased. Another
movement, and the terrible u outh,
which 1 cnlil now le-e w-i* a* la-g" a* a
tarn door, o|iensl, ainl a forked t tigue
darted out and pulled my fn*>r Iwast
withiu. Then en:ue the a mud of tie
teeth crunching and the breaking of, uni)tried with the stifl"d death
cry of as faithful a brute a* . v. r man
lie-drode. Then all vrai still, and the
frightful creature lay motion!" in if
dig -ting it< nn at. i're-eiitly it M rred,
and. give g mJ" self up for hut, 1 made
tip my mind to le its next victim, when,
turiuri?. it rapidly rolled away i i ' •
reels-!, from which it came, without
much a* looking at me. More d< i 1 than
alive with terror, I mail" the i t ' my
way to this place.
The Western tl uliain!mi n.
I'ity tlie sorrows of the W- !<tu hua
tuuidmeu, for they are at once numer
on.*, various ami intending, last sum
mer the fair Held* of fruitful Kansas
were laid waste by the all devouring
gramhopi>er. Scythe* and sickle* hung
rusting ou the fensea, bams remaimd
bare and granaries empty, tn the day*
of their desolation the stricken farmer*
cried aloud for aid, and out of their
atmmlauce State* not afflicted wiih rov
euoas gra**hopjH<r* did help them. In
the progress of the seasons harvest time
has again come in Kansas, and, a* in the
years that are past, the sons of the soil
are soured and scolding. It i* not grass
hopper ravages this time, nor yet
droughth ; neither have the rains been
over-abundant, nor did chill winter lin
ger too long in the lap of general spring.
No, everything went right. Nature was
so beneficent that the agriculturists
are angry at too good a thing. They
grumble that the crops of Kansas nri
disgustingly et ormous. Millions of
bushels of wheat must lie left ungar
uered because there are not hands
enough to gather it in. A* to corn,
when it comes to that cereal the di*gu*t
of tho tillers of the soil of Kansas is
changed to anger. They shake their
cienciied hands at the waving fields, and
threaten to use bus of thousands of
bushels of the golden ear* for fuel n< xt
winter. Sad i* the soul of the unfortu
nate farmer when he reflects that all
this ahnndance betokens low prices.
Thoughtfully, he takes an extra dose of
tobacco, and meditates when in the econ
omy of nsture things will get even. His
Eastern brethren, regarding with com
placence tho over burdened field*, may
bo excused from wishing for a plague of
grasshoppers if in their track is certain
to follow such afflictions as are at pres
ent bewailed by tho Kansas farmers.
Jones says hat tho white flahin'l suit
ho bought n year ago has proved .v very
eoonomicwl investment, and has Ix-i-n of
much use in his family. Jones weighs
250 pounds, and when he lninght it it
fitted him remarkably well. After the
first washing, his eldest son, who weighs
100 pMiunds less than Jones, senior,
found it an excellent fit. Two washings
more made the garment delightful for n
youth of nine, and at the end of tho sea
son the baby was adorned with the ha
biliments, which hndsliruuk just enough
to make them fit for a child out of creep
ing clothe#. This year Jones' wifo nves
them as a dishcloth. Where all that
flannel lias shrunk to Jones doesn't see.
and says he would willingly take IUH
whole family and his mother-in-law to a
lecture which would explain it, iind pay
double price.
Increase of Neuralgia.
Neuralgia in the faccH nnd heads of
women is on tho increase, its oonipared
with tho number of instances of the dis
ease among men; anil this is believed to
bo dno to tho inferior protection afford
ed by the mode in which women now
cover their heads. It is not o ly ono of
tho most common of feiuinino maladies,
but ono of tho most painful and difficult
of treatment. It is also a cause of much
mental depression, and is regarded by
physicians as leading more often to hab
its of intemperance among women than
aay other disease.
m>!\N massacre*.
Tk DUuiirra • > Fen I'hll Hfnr Tea
Vsnrs (*•>.
01.l Fori I'hil Kftttimv, in tin' I'luttr*
valley, i* invontml with u tragic uit i-t
that overshadow... I everything <f I
year* imt Ollsh i' death in the \V>- 4.
It lmt tin \iiif• nil •> th iua*Hurr<
near tin* old felt " • urn 4, wlicrt in li<
twiH'U nighty nn.l > i. i ly |, among
whom with tin' gnlhut F>t tei man unit
Brown uint I .it lit. I iruniiiiiiiul, fell flirtil
nig tin* Sioux Old Knit Niamey wax
, i>ttlilihlu .1 a year Ix-foro Inn man acre
ty 4hl. 11. It. t tarriugtou, tin n in com
mand of on of tlm nlit infantry regi
lunula Imfnif tlin Briny reduction. Ho
i-tarte.l from lcvuv. iiworth, Bint Bono
mill Knur in y WITH liu'lt ax d.-f. iid. re of
tlin ul.t Ittiuniuuii trail. K>arrey wan
located alhiiit hilly lnlli< tx-yolid itolio
Mini sti.uU ninety Utile* to th south ami
• Uhtiif olil Kurt ('. K. Smith. Th In
tiiniih th it yi'ur llxrtti -wore very trim
Mi-huiiio. Tlin Slum, thou uiulnr tlio
i ' relup of lied CloUtl, who hah hiniH'
Iht'oino amt remained frnuully, liutl ro
peatovlly menaced thn poet. With all
their wilna ami ntrutegy tlin Imllann had
that hotMioli Ixxiu liuuliln to luduoo
Colonel (darriugton to lia&urd a general
engagement. Nnote i on* nkirtniohe* hint
t ikon place, thn Sioux linvcr appearing
in any grout uuntbera. On thn ily of
tin • liimvtuoro thoy hint allocked thn
WIMKI train. Thn ahhuiliug force wan not
' apparently largor than thirty or forty
warriors. Thexo worn ilrivnu off liy thn
troojia, ami Captain Kntti'riiiaii, aflnr
' routing llinlll, follow oil thn tinning HIoUX
ovnr tlin liluffh ami otlt of sight of tlin
(Hint. Thin was what tlin Italians eX
| ww'tiil ami ilnhirnil. Thoy htmiuoil to
11 trout bnforn Fettcrmuu, ami that nftl
ivr, hUsjHvting nothing of thn trap that
; had lawn sot for him ami hi* troops,
; |>rosHvi thorn to a point whom thn *uv
•igoM could hold him.
Omwi in thn neighborhood of Indian
hill hoy rushod IU between him and thn
fort. Iln saw this plan for tlin tlrst timn.
| llisnmu, who nuuibomd nearly ninnty
thou, having boon ro enforced by Linu
tnuaut (irumuioml with twenty eight
cavalrymen, found tln-ir chaner* of tm
ca|n fow. Fet to niton tried to force a
I a-'ago through tlin Indians, who nuin-
Iwrfil about 3,U00, luM'k owr thn bluffs
and to tlin JH'.xt, but found it HUpoSwibln.
tlin dm>mod meu found thmr ammuni
tion giving out. All liopn was gone
thoy gathered around thnir common
dor and fought to kilt, not to eurviva.
The Indians watted until every ouncn
lof lead ami powder was expended. B<
' ing thi ir whiti f-w virtually di arm d,
they rushed in ami butchered thn bra
fellows who remained. From thn posi
tioU tWi'tlpiid try the bodies l"f Fetter
man amt Brown it wan concluded that,
"iwiug ho|n die and a horrible death by
torture awaiting tliem -boold tiny l.
tk 11 alivo, they .oIM-rved olin bullet
I ttch, and ha . shot one another the mo
melit the Hioux Wore eongratulatiug
themselves on tlmir capture. The
t sins worn found next day by a strong
lot -hment aeut out to rononuoit r. for
-,l was tile offeet of thn slaughter oU
tin- garrison that none ilarnd to venture
t-> the *>el I ami him tlm fate of the gal
-1 t Fnttnrman and his brave band. The
■sioui hail left the miaul!;* on thn tie Id
i tor donudiug them of their clothing
md sculping ami mutilating tlmir r
ml Us. Lite dead wore conveyed to the
fort and buried with miuU v honors ui
lght of tin- st- -I. ode.
lor-am (limt lint* ni llrrrt llrllrr ihtui ?fl.
fk *• a >* a-l auX MM * a / lX IV F
'. iitemlUx Mai.l . 1 tlUlilltrr IVt
> -M§ -■* • i s l Jaiue- 1 £)||
* * • s I
I ♦ K..*XX '
' \ . ? t : |i 1 X |
. | Mi.ti, i
. % wvt I t ji tt
Kiwi t . . 1 ... . . : • m i atf
..a I . * 1 % l*< I'rfiCO t >€%
. 1 ' 'Ai!j li.'t.ihwd 1/4%
J J 1 .4%
•II it 1 ou| i - • I 34xi
••"ritl'tl&w 1 I t\di! t t *•? I a
• r '% fct H ••.. Jt 2 :-4
MtiStMb (il I • I* • I Tattle 2 .A %
lis -J 1 A % li > ;imi t littl ) at %
i or'.f v. .! ?.tL n int i* I A
t• t A
i.ur.ii' * \ ft. .(Sortlit I kh
h j i- t f i K
Stllw 2 % ' am <4 it la*
Ksltn* 1 .'*i Va.iio litiui I IX
it 1 -l"t >ftfthi.i ll<l Ik!
r .fcr . 1 U J + I
I-fti'jr Mt . J ST-ft ron I'rttw* 1 %
1 • l* -l 1Z- ft It • 1- \ cttj I
Mftr. '.fi 4 ef 1i.% tto \M \ ..M t ITO %
llatxUMft ... Z2h<' K LMMM 1
Jotmfct J n Klliih 4iio 1 1&%
I 'Ji tiU U MSuftl * ■■**% N ft t(!l 1 '.<%
- • I *% hfi a t
•Klltar-j Jim J J J . t
IM bo ,wr i I V JT 3 -FT
U kft Aik . -ft -i 1r ! . .1 1
I UJU! I*■ft < r Ik ttr. I
Nc'fcftftta ■ * \ Ikjt-y 3 It
Jut lnta| I S*'H llft>ry llu.< I l %
Ailtcnlure of a Conductor.
t'ondnoti r 11. is alir.:\* p'lite to
idi< •. Al. co:iiluc4ors are j iit<' U>
li lies, | arti-'ularly so win n they are
youi.g and handsi'n.o. M;s- was
handed til '.ird at thn stati u i.s car*
fully a* tb ugh sh" w- "g - t<> ls<
!. ''.died mi" . cam." An i xlm n -it Was
Itirtied v- r i n tin snady stile of tlin
mr, r' 1 thn conduct' r iik a *oat by
!: r aide to do tin' ligr' • bio, has Ug III' t
Mis* C. on the train I • fore.
Pre ntly, a.* matters ■ re going along
liioely, nn i t man, in ills shirt sleeve.*,
throw himself into the seat in front,
which the com)actor had unlocked aud
■ vt r for the benefit of the par
ties more immrwliately eoncerncil. Mr.
It. spoke up sharply :
" (iii away from here !
But the insn didn't go.
Conductor *ie, 'ill more sharply :
"(Jo away, or I'll make you !"
But still no go, while a vacant, pro
voking smile *at o |sin the fiu*e of the in
truder. Whereupon, Conductor 11.
graniM-d the old farmer hy the na|x< of
the neck. At the same the young lady
wired the arm of tlio conductor, and ex
olaimeil :
"Please don't, Mr. 11. This is my
F.ror since Conductor B. always asks
voting In lies i they am traveling alone.
The FlTecl.
As a Detroit saloon keener stood le
--hind his bar, says "M. in
walked a stranger, who inquired :
"Can you inform me what effect lem
onade lifts upou the mental system f"
"It lifts a good effect, where you pay
for it," was the reply.
"And where yon don't I"
" The effect is then transferred from
the mentnl to the physicwl system, ami
yon go out of here with something
kicking yon forty times per minute."
'• Thanks, sir," bow. 1 the stranger,
barking out. " I am not thirsty, and
I never did believe in summer drinks."
Ho went down tho stris't, stole two
harvest apples, and found the effect to be
just the same as if he had taken lemon
ade. When the " machii.o" ceasrxl
kicking, the stranger remarked:
" Between Wing kicked for three
cents or for ten oents, it is my duty to
W kicked for ten cents, and that shall
bo iny motto hereafter."
The F.nrlh Troatnipnl for Fleers.
The dry earth treatment for ulcers is
found quite successful. Large, sloughy
ulcers, utter being washed, arc covered
with a thick layer of earth, over which
wet paper is placed ns n support, the
whole iieing neatly bnndnged. In a few
days the ulcers begin to clear, and when
the surfaces look h althy and granulat
ing, a dressing made as follows is used:
A piece of lined ill the size of the ulcer
is inuut i •d in carbolic oil, in tho pro
portion of one part acid to ten parts
oocoauut oil; with this the sore is eov
ered, and over it dry earth is placed,
and then moistened earth and a bandage.
In a short time the healing process
manifests itself satisfactorily, while all
odor is entirely removed.
Wants to Know.
A correspondent writes to a r k how he
shall cure hinisel* of the practice of to
bacco chewing. A man who hasn't
nerve enough to break off this dingmt
ing habit by the mere exertion of his
own will, might uiwiiit AN well tie an
anvil aruniul Ins neck and throw him
self into the nearest river. This is a
shorter road to tho same end.
A Missouri editor writes toank wboth
er ho ahouldeny "editor " or "editiess"
in speaking of ala iy jonrnalist. We
hope he will invariably use the former.
Editress is an abominable word. There
is no more occasion for it than for doc
tress, compositress or profeasoress.—
Afo York -SSm.
■ ■MfMlIu lout trmm *■( XkroaX.
Th® fiillewiiig (kingrsMiiuial iioininailona
am auiiouuesit Kniittieky, eiglit district, Mil
tin. ,1 ttiirlisui. I'mb.i Ohio, all It, sx-(iov. J.
I.i -v 11..,' | Varniont, aaeiaid, 1. 0. ilsnnl
a , Us|. , dale, Isntli, I'll si!..- K.wtnr, l(e|> ;
iil'sns, lit 1.. Mr. Hugos, gr.-Mil.aifc; Mn'tii
GR it nrili, Mjrni I!A rrta, I>MU ... Tlia prln
rij.a' t'.i-luim |. .riluu . f W.l|jrt, N T , wae
ilnlrujul t>) lire ... Homo aoouuilrola re
moved a rail from lite Ira. fc f tlio l.ake
slid Mli.lugan Houtl.eru railroad unar Nurlli
. sol. aud llio oi.gltie, lon.trr, la., baggage and
four (Hkaaougi-r .-oarliae ut a luldnigl.l train lli/uwn down an ombankmeul and
wrerfctsl No one was kille-l oulriglil, luiracu
lousljr, and tul two jwrsona were aoiiotwljr
u.Jiiied boil, of whom eula>|uei.lljr died
I lie switch near by was aiao found tnis|.laood.
Ibe übjaet of Ilia darlsrßs waa undoublailly
the robberjr of Die expreee safe, atiloti Oonlaii.
i- l #.TM.ono. Il was Uie eocoud allouipl of the
fclod wllliln two Wnefca I'lio H .nlli Carolina
lit.mis-rau bate uoiulnalml (ten Wade liaiup
t- n for governor . Hecrelarjr of War Cameron
ban turned a goner*] order railing atteuUou lo
llio lee,.lnUon pawned by (be I'uitasl Males
itoliee of llopieaculallvea ou Ike laullt of AU
goel. 111 wbioli 11 ie declared tbai Ibe exereiee
of the rigbt of ie in so too of Ibe
Htatea, liolwilhstaudiug Ibe efforte of all
good i-iuaene lo Ibe contrary, rrouted and
controlled by fjaud, inlimidauuti and violence,
so llial in eucii <aee> tbe object of Ute
ameodmeut ,o tne (.'•> iiaUlutlon known aa
Article Fifteen la defeated, and aitde Ibe
following order lo (ieucral Hberiuan,
.mmasiling the fluted Mater array :
Hie President directs (bat in accordance with
tbe spirit of the above, you are to hold ail tbe
available furce under your command, not now
engaged lu subduing tbe sa rages ou tbe West
ern froutier, 111 n-a lluiss lo be Used upon tbe
red or requisition of Ibe proper legal authori
ties for protecting al. clUtenr, without duitinc-
I.UII of race, oolur or pobi. o| i .u, m tbe
eirrclee of Ibe light to Vote as guaranteed by
Ibe Fifteenth amendment, and lo assist iu Ibe
enforcejienl of certain, condign ai.d tffoctuai
pumebment upon all persona who shell attempt
by fuioe, ft a 11, leiror, aitimidaiiou or otber-
Wise lo prevent tb free exercise of tbe right
. f suffrage, as provided by tbe law of the
Ctilled Males, and have such force ao dis
tributed and slat ned aa to lw able lo render
prompt assistance Hi tbe enforcement of the
law Huch additional orders as may be neces
sary lo carry oat Uie purpose of tbe inelruo-
II ins will be given to you from lime to lime,
after Coosu latum VM;II the law u era of the
(ioldaoiltb Meld wou tbe I'uca free-to-ail
race for tt.uOO, lull la ; a, i lf( t . Her
coutostaula were Lucille llolMust, HoXibe ai d
Ful irl. u. alto came ui drr tbe string lu tbe
onli-r named The onUrs business jmrtluu
of (be town of Jacob Cny, ("tab. aas destroyed
v .Ire Idiouaanda are dyuiguf startauoti
in'.be i..rtbrru j art of Cbn a . .The Mul
es. s aro baviui- tf.ib e with the Indians in
Low • i ' 'aliform. I'ho greenback men of
lud ar-a bold a Htste ouuvenllon aud adopted
roe I'luot.s dematidmg ihe ooiuaga of silver
tare iu order that the goven mmt may pry
its M :■ obUgsUorui In stiver , doclsimg that
all va'u.-e. ineluditig guvarnmeut bonds and
grt l a-ks ebouid be tared equally N ,tai
ns!! -ns for Cubg IdllKMs. teiilb district,
S. P Mars i, slept, Illiriote, liaiosburg district, K liotd. ltep , Tennessee n-venth,
t C. Wbiitii me. lirtu . WiMtwan, fourth.
V V u. P I.yndc, Ib-ta . .ti*wgo i" AnUiony
La- 'w nominate 1 for governor of Kansas by
the ItrpabUoaiM ... A railroad train was
at | , ed by a large IKXIV of men In llolorado,
ab< took tbere' I'mted Ktatis Judge Htooe
ai 1 carried luni iff iu order to prevent
p-:iing cv-urt and qoalifyu g a receiver for
tbe Colorado Central ratlr -*d. He aflerward
"r-rpcl and fullllled bis duly.
(Jen. Terry and Crook have united tbelr
<v muia ida and are folli.vntig an Indian trail
i'n->k was ou at the time of the juncture. It
is rop-rted 11.a' B..ting llu'l baa cxp-e-el s
determination to go to tbe see- <■ v j sue for
c.emei cy lie claims Hist be oid not w.rh to
tight, lot t >. wbiue forced bun to it . .Con
greaei nal n minan ioa Texas. Ausliu district.
!. C, (l.ddtnga, Inm., Missouri,
llavru*. lUp A train on the Kansas City,
si J.wepn and (Vm ci! U.uffa road was slopjcd
.y a t-id of r ibbora wbi look II for a frvigbt
train oontaiMug ibe par car. When tbey dia
wrr i.| n to be a<!tger tra-ut'iey all. wed
tto j rvco*l . lUv W® A. Cornell, of
Pre-!<>tn Plat s N Y , h buaaelf while
tetnpot artiy inaans .. I luring tbe last day
of tbe Plica (N \ ) raooa. Greet Pastern wou
Use J if contest in i J<- % . 2 22 V '4 Harus
sou Uie '2 2 1 race Iti 222 -%. 221 2 23.
Wil li Mikar), Uie insurgent chief of Aby
■liiLie. clefeet.-l tbe regular troops at Asfcraea,
an 1 suleequetilly lue-eacre I I.SOU women end
.-hildreu. Ham Camden, a colored man,
ra|*-l an < tgbt-year old while girl iu HnuUng
um, W. Va, and was arrested UK-re for and
Icata'ed in jail, fn m which he was taken that
uigl.t by a masked mob and hanged ... The
sii Fenians wno twcaptd fr. m the E iaheh
anl' 4iqe- in A net l alia by Dteni of t.'ie wl e'er
Cits i*. -efely in Now York, end wets
eatbu*.actually reca-lvwd Ly Ihrtr ©ouruymeii.
riie r nunes are Thomas I'arregli. 1101-ert
Orenetoe, M 1 eel Harm gton, Maitin Hog an,
Jartie- Wilson and Thomas ilaesetl Piank
Prince. . f St Dims, swam ten mile* on ibe
Miasisxipnl i'i one hour end fori* ov.e miu'.les,
beating Ism Suoliffe, of F-nglanJ.
Ilou. 'li.-bael t'. Knrr. H|x>aker cf the I'nitsd
(tales House t f ih preweniatiTMi, <h(xt al Kock
brldge, Aiun ' pHrgr Va. Mr Krr was born
near TitUsvl ie. Ps March 13, l*"2. In 1* 3
be settled in Now Alb-ny. In.l . iu the pracUce
of law. In 1H34 be wee U< ete-1 city atu.rncy,
and in ltvNC to tbe Hule iegieulure. Kix years
later be was elects-d reporter to the supreme
court of Indiana, and | üblishod flse volumes
of report*. In IXG4 be was elected a repre-een
• alive to the Thlrty-uluUi Congroaa, and served
on the committees on piivale lai d iamie and
accounts, lie was rc-e'eeted to the Forileih,
Korty-flrst and Forty-eeeond Congresers. In
1*72 lie wax the Democratic candidate 1 r Cou
gresamau-at I>arge iu Indiana, ai d was defeat
ed by Hon. Godb-ve S. Orth Ly a maj irily of
162. He was elected lo the Forty-fourth Con
gress, and wa* chosen S|x<aker Ly a Democratic
majority. Hie vo e 1 dig Kerr. 173; Blaine,
106. He wa- in ill lital.b at the limp, and has
twen gradually falling unt-.l hta death as an
Nominations to C i.igreaa Penoay.vama,
Juniata district. J. Lyous.Rop.; Peunsylv-ma,
Hunbury dlstriot, W. I. l>e*ait. Ihn ; Peuu
aylvania, thirteenth, J. 1,. Nutting. Rep ;
Ohio, eeeoiul, Hutilcy Matthews He;...., Ail
but twpiily-peven of the Ute ludian*. who
were bi assist in fighting tlie H.oux. deserbxl
from the army, carrying off their arms aud
ammunition ... Twenty , lght buainees honeee
wero dfatreyed in llrne-els, Ontario, by fire.
Fourteen families were rendered homeless.
Owing In subduing intrrt si
iuauiTociiono, lbs t mjuiror of Morco.n has su
lumnood his inability to |>ay Tin key the Annual
subsidy...... Ex-Oounty Treasurer Oou'trlgbt.
of Lußorne county, l's., who WM oonvictsd a
short time MHOS of cmlx-aslenient, has re
funded to the State the aurn of #lo,*<W
Henry Hmilh am! Squire Hammond, two wild
young men. murdered Hubert Martm, in
Uwenton, Ky., aid after their iueareeratiou in
jail they w< re taken therefrom by an armed
mob and lmuged to a tree The three
quarter-nil In daah at 'he Saratoga extra meet
ing was won by Frt outer iu 1.17. The mile
and a quarter roe *as won by liurgoo, over
six comgeUtorx, in i -XV. Meoo won the mile
and an eighth race int. &*i The three-quarters
of a mile daeli for two yeor-olde resulted in a
victory for Tnnoees of Thnle in 2 18.
The Fae of Dynamite.
The enormous explosive f< ice of dyn
amite is being utuixed iu Bcotland in
clearing tho fields from stumps of trees
nud bowlders, etc. The operation is
simple. Here it is: The earth is clear
ed around the stump, a hole pierced in
the roots, u dynamite cartridge iuserted,
and a fuse attached. The explosion
shatters the stump to fragments. Forty
stumps can be removed in an hour.
With bowlders, the operation is more
simple. Tlie cartridge, with its fuse, is
placed ou the top of tho stone, whioh is
then oovori d with sand. The explosion
breaks tbe stoue in pieoes small enough
to be handled and carried off the field.
When the heat increases the thermo*
meter rises to explain.
liretrurllTP Tramp*.
Accounts am coming in from the
Maryland and Delaware peninsula of
the o|H<rationa of the " jieach plucks,"
as that elasa of nomada are called who
yearly make their way there to gather
the peach crop. One statement regard
ing their ojsiratiotiß rays many of thetn
are profeaaioual tram pa from Baltimore,
Philadelphia ami New York, who have
no desire for employment, though they
pretend t<> go there to help gather the
|S'U.'|| crop. Just nt the opeuiug of the
fruit n><asoii a crowd of them went to a
house on the farm • f Mr. E. It. Coch
rail, near Miililli'tovui, Del., aud do-
Mutinied food. It Wfi* i fused them; a
day or an after surd they carried out a
threat by tiring a st bin and then tlie
house, no that troth were entirely oui
siimtsl, with most of their oouU nta. Mr.
CiNihran'a tlelda of c-rn, potaUsw, etc.,
were then pemnoed < 11 by the tramps,
who with hues and padea uneaitb"d
whole rows of potat'M s, and atrip]M*d the
oorustalkn for some dintauce. One wa*
arrenUsl and oomuntt d to New Castle
jail; but the only eff. etive way of stop
ping the depredation ' wan to shoot two
or three of them in the b-ga. Haltinwrr
At oar mqurw.i Ore in A 00., of l'iiil Fa., Imv- promtaoJ to (u*U>!
any of oar romlwa, prutie (on receipt of
llfU-cn ocntH to j-ity j "ntajfn,) a aanij'le
of Dobbins' Flectm- '(up to try. HsitiJ
at otuw. *
CLuqjjn .1 hain'.a, l,u o, pimpitva, rtag
wurrn. saiubeuiu, and otf.or eutauaour atlee
turns cured, aud rough akin made soft an.',
suwiotb, by using Jowirai Tea Hoar. iV> caie
foi to get only mad' by Gaeaell, liacaniA
. | Ntw York, as an many ua taUous
made Willi common tar all of wbien are worth
ies*. Osii
A CoMraoßT-M AMWIMD. —An ex
change says ' if the Monnouitoa, well
enough oft to own |I,OOO to s£.boo a
family, can ffud advantage in coming
from Huauia to aoloniie the West, rarely
the Uiouaunds who aro clamoring for
something to do iu the Atlantic Htatea
and citiea could well afford to try
same experiment. An iuduatrioua tuan
ought t get a living out of thw aoih
Sodrri Vtomen.
it is a eat commentary nnon our bias ted
eivihaalion ttia> the won eu or our t mm bare
rated m bealih a.< 1 pliyaique onul tb. y
sr. li rally a race of Invalid-- jale, nervous
feebl an t barfcacby anli ouly bere and tbrre
a few ruble exorptioi s i Hie persons of the
robust, buxom latfles cba - Seristic of tbe sex
in days gone by liy a veiy larje experience,
eoretii g a period of yes re. and smbractUK tbe
trrauneiil of many tbousaliu- of eases of those pocuUsr to •. c • ~ l>r I'iaroe, of Uie
World's blejßiieary, PuTaio, N Y . lias per
footed, by tlie cutnbiuali. f certain vegetable
• air arte e natural s,cctbr, wblrb be do. an-I
extol as a cure all, but ->ue wbicb admirably
f ulfllle a slngienee- of ( urn sa, being a mo. t
I aitive an: reliable rcinrdy fir those weak
u.-s-.e and C'lttip!®. to afll.rl t .e wt nien
of tbe I .resent day. Tble natirsl ei*cids Com
pound i* called Dr Pl< rcj e Favorite Preecrtp
II HI. Tbe following are amung those diseases
in which Hue wouderft'.! uitdnane has worked
cures as if ty magic an 1 wnh aocria.uty Lever
before artai .ud by any mt-dietne* Weak bark,
nervous and general del. .ty, falling andolber
dieplaeemeuia of inter si ■ rgana. rtenlnnc
from debility and lack f strength in natural
supports, internal feior, cong<sUon. u f.amms
l on an l uloerauon mid v. r.. many other ebr sue
dire sees mc.dent to w .:Lcn. . ut prO|<* lo u-en-
U<ll here, ui whicti. a* well as in casus that
bavel—eu enumerated, t'.e Favorite Prescrip
tion r ffects cures the maivei cf the world, it
will not do barm t.i en . si ate or condition of
tbe system, a tLy aj .p.nig its use lbs invsdd
lsty may sv iJ t ~1 se.rrestof ordeaV tbe
-vusulung cf a fuii 1. pby.iaan. Favorl.e
Prescni lieii is s.ilti by lealers in teJiC n-s
generally. •
Fcblllly aud Ncnuu* Hradathr
Chrome, nek or nervosa headache ;# g* *-
rail* naodtul ou, in aiUnnipAiUeit by. im
paired dtgiwcoii. by which Ui em ulation nil
nuintHiu i f the nram * thronged, oi:d ihe
iierveua cei.U : viliotetl l l.e I'eiuvion *wu| ,
by rc.urigtirautig Ui ii o-l *p puw*:*, lava
tii* ti et Uio fool of tie ree; Uu Lroiu >* • ui>
nourished. (he utnuiu aj u; l out cues , end
the headache disappear*
E Iward H.iyr, E*q ,of Ilortee, K •*
<"o . S 8., wnlw thai an aato. i..„ ear- lota
itn effects.l mi hia daughter t-y the u*e of
/'inaai .laodyn* /jiiilhW The * hide apioe
t-ecame il aeaaeil ahe lurl the ue* of ber Uuihr,
and her hack wee rouu led up like a bow. in
(UMMjuauM of cold after having been
inn ulated for the kino pock. Bhe la now
well •
IS iin pit- and inexpensive as it is.
tiijts* > hruara Bow i# a mo*t efir.,t
• anxly f..r certain ot> niloue d:*eae<a. to tie
otmd of tUiae affli tea Willi theci of: an
•pend Uu-uaaods of dollars ui no pun***
li'|cii, CrUlatiton'a. S > 7 Bixih ovr,u*. N. I.
HiU'a Inaiatilauoo a 11 air live la tin beat and
aaf< at. *
Wo pledge our reputation on the as
sertion U at at * eduoatts) phyaician. afur a
.are Oil examination of the recipe. Will way that
/'arasi 1 I'nrgativt pt*** Dura im nt
than any other tali now ffered f- r ea>e *
For eruptive discuses of the skin, piini
pie and blotch**, V**:*itne la the gn at reme
dy, aa it rtaoiM frotu the atatem the pro
d'ue.hg cauae *
Mkkf *bo r •uffasr n* fx ta lM at u • vmh
wmtt*kf ftod art dritiliUUd. #•• kdttiad by pfcjairUm
to UU* modlormi# •atoacU of two or I bra* UKW
dorfof tbo d| Ku litO* tllto lbiM wbt lUfopt tbl
•drlcw oUy (smmm li. oumtu r of " dtthb,"od
la tin* troaM UMsbtUfoft. A t#rwrf#bib
•rill Kit crwat* Ibtrot for latoiKaUni liquor*. and art)lob
la tat waded tally for tbo Uaufll of dti||iaiod
periutii, *boU>or at bo mo or abroad, la t>r brikoocA*a
Sea Wwed Toole. CoataJ&t&f the }aleoof m%nj modi
cinal barb*, thta prat>*rt<>o d.*ea not create aa apfwtlte
for the totnateait&f cop Ibe Dv>orlabtac and illeoo;*
iortlnj propiertiea of many talotbU oat oral product .014
ooatalood In It and veil koo to wedtcai men bare a
moat atranffVuetilnc tnfl eote A I&|> U-tUe of tbe
lonic Will dnmnatra e Its ratuaoie qoalttiea. I'or
aehtrity artalnj 'rotn alcbtsoaa. over uiu a from an?
rauar crba ever, a oloeciawafn! of Sea Weed Tcfc'f takea
after mealc tl atrenf'.: eo .be t >maci> and create an
appetJte for obcOeeame fed. To all arbo are abet
•avt'.f their homed, • ('eat* * t/ aa; ■ at t!ie excel lent
•ffecte of Dr. ScheocA'e aaa abie remedies. Sea V. ted
Toole and Mandr*** nib. are ftarticaJaily evident
ehen taker, If thee ebo are tnhxil>oiu> effected by a
chan fot eater and diet No -. eraoo abonid leave home
etthonl taktna a iopi|f of it fee aafeffnarda alorf For
•ale tf all Drhfiula
ibr i.rtte.
r.iv uu
U*f Owlti*— vrtiu* ic k itri i :. * Tlt l nil)
Oommoti D liocO Tm: • .. . i l 'i • PI H
Milch Oov it ■ i
Hons—U* o't.h OtS
l>rM*d TV* MUi
lOusir -. 'k M
OetWm-MMdltnc l
nonr--Ktr* Wiwtni. I I* • i '
HUt* Kurt..... (Ml • • T
Wh^t—B*i .<l*rn. 1 10 # I 10
Mo. X 1 iX X I I
Uy*--SUl* ** • s*
B*rl*y- *t*fr #
;isr!,y !'■ - 1
viMw- wsolera..... ....... xs # X 4
Ocia— Wiwtrru...... H * IX
hj, vrfW M • ft<
Stow, p*r cwl S XX
Hops 71V—10 *l> C.S* iM • Qt
Pork—M*. 1* I> *! <0
ia*o " \a v
nth—Msck*r*l, So. 1, 0w....... II Mi #l7 0.
Mo. 1. o T Xc X(>
Dry C>d, twir cwt............ XOS # I XO
HMTtng. So*l*d. p*r l*'i. V •
Plrct*linj—tlrsJ* IHiS'lk S*#M, IP.**
*0ol—Olliornl K!**"* ... II e XX
Inu m *
InurtilKl " ........... M 4 <1
Enti*r—Ct*t 10 I)
Wt*rn Itry S •
Waot*rn T*!low Ii ( Xt
w-'t*ru Ordlnsry .. IX 6 1*
Cht**o—Hist* Podory rs % Ot S
Slot* Kktromsl OS # MSW
liiji-liim l*H IX
Flour ... X f8 • Xl 5
WhfWt-Mo. 1 Hprtro 1 14 11*
Corn— Mixisl *< * Bo
lists *8 . :<S
!tff .... . To X T'
url J........................... a
Hoof Osttl*—Kitrs 04 • Wk
Mirap 03V# IV V
Hogs— Drsssod 0 i# t#J%
Flour— Psunsylvsuis Kxtrs .. B *7J • s 1
WhMt—Wiwtorn Hd 11* ail*
Br* *H a o
00rn—Y0110w....................... It X IB
Mixed BX 4| M
J* Mlxsd 8* • S4
I strol nm—om<!s ...ll\*ll BSSDSIT, Pw
Biwf Osttlo— Poor to Oholo* B 00 # 1 78
Sh**p 1 to • 8 80
T.*mh • ffl #>T|
1 XIIOTO Copjln* Ags'il* *nd for oor • A*
x !-/* THS At nros ('orviss Co . Atihorn. S T
WAiTl'l) TrA'sllns S.l.*m.n And for **rf ononty
l.lH-rsISAIAITor oommt Blnn iamMlt'f'f Cn .HI I. nl*
SAWS KII.rH llr.Tt?. NAW raAchln* hump
forllluAl slrrulArm K IK'TH N*o • 'ifiird, Ps
•Ant fr**
O 1*11.71 II AHIT, n I 1 CutAd Fnw for
•tamp D. P K HCIWNKR. IcwAnsport, lod
A a fit TT M A Tbe only inr. romody TtIAI p.ckAc*
ilO 1 11 ill A. I. hMITKHIuHT. CleralAUl,. I >
4)1 V A Wml HsUrv r* I*AI tomni* A fnl* Sund
* stamp for otrcnlsrs K. M Hodln -.lndtanap's.lnd.
(tile day at hnia*. .lanb wantad. OotOt and tonus
3> AsS Irn. Ad.lrww TUUB A <X).. Angusta. Malaa.
Pi nil labia, PIMAUt work: E--flTtit now —ptayod i
o-'odr*o mors traoMd U H IOVXLL. BBs. Ps
Whff a# mob. ffwmr U**t m m 4 M* IM
•a |wm# of a i mm rial •*trj lu *r U iar '•#* fc# <#m
tlUi tm tM mihm> •** anil u Uiaa im Inmlm no y*uf
aMtnffe. .r mftfrUl§ t* mi ia< If ym art
wural In •* Kir* proof Mala Haiti II rill not <.n,f
(*wi Uf rffMoU of aaui aud wtod. hut Ui abWid yew rim
fmteM fMr H(tH4ln# by urlm# (Uinaa* Mala liooflog
Falat, whtwfe iMlUwr la rlnUr not nm la wa
•# f><4 •hlU r of can ta pnlatad, tos>l| oimA
hwttaf, m 4 tmmn-0 iMwa Utan ah In gUs witbonl Um
pallet, for i* /"M'iA lit* mI of roaikiog.tim '*• d—wy
Ml If flit* ap Uss halo* ami ptww*. aad §*•• a
uaw oioooN .1 roof thai i*u I f yaait (wi#4 #/
ah ma taa It tutu** U fbtr piaooa a<f fc* fi lAd**
llaa I • eiau natal wmnlroi o. heating or UUaatnf,
la appilwl IU i to ob aud ror# wmaaiial Oar
gmmtrn* aifkko la cU HMjiata oola ohoo aapllai.
rbangw* lo a aalforo* atato aolar, aad la to *J. latania
aad pufpuaoa afo##
<k. ,d outo. I, vk!U.M|MI IM atol te lb* mw
k ... darai.iuii ll kM > tail) bod;. hat M Mall;
•Uiw . HiMki hf bHI. PtaliwH ti; I. I* k alee
•itl'i uid natar •k.n >r "!•*. Om aakl kuul la
4 uiti ■ | at
N> IMP n.a • niHU|M M • full l|inn. Had pn
KMHI I f fir,
NEW Roors.
Mltla, foundrls*. foci no* aad dortlinaa a a*Nali
Matorloa sample** for a oho atoop or o*i fwa/ of i aoa 4
'• Ckoat hat a*ool Aa(/ t*a prim ufra
ablsil a >w Fntsta bowsaw, Ijßiaa aad few Map of
alf dweartpti na l la far superior to • .# oiaor r>. dAng la
fbo Orfid fur e otabßoM lu au 1 c aabiao* lha
f*mmnasal <*■.'•*.•** aad f una.*
I to* of /• af mm JU#4 A on Kuufa laid Mmirao
nudor fua.aaloa
" Ha la ifaUullM ... loaka adaalMllf tad
alia, pi; Is .aula l all kiud . a 11 HI hook Ira* la
U| mm #l.n.fl abara Ui., h. luta HUM. Writ#
la-da; !
New York Slot* Rooßng Co. Ltmltad.
1 i odor nun .No* Yurk Ifi. Waal ■ I
Mi 11 M. MXU
/'if r to ta la taoa I sal ta; kM iu lakaa Mtk
la Jaauar;. iftda. aim Mntah, rbiiß ouh aal la Ufa
hiia. aad uloai. aa ku la* osd Hi. tad aoa sea lad
mura UM Inm lu uaierki otta 11. sod hwi] doc
um ui lil. k atondlt* la <Hou ri* ieo Ina
kata. ud ibnalnie UkotH i*. ou aal |t 'ta| I
■HI Uotlai Ha >M I'kutal la Ua Ha a.a
plant, lu. Ha k*d au e*a of kta Uiho etUartat Wtot
a. • d ft.a ' ap all kill of ha in i.ft ea aia laid u.
ir; VWj I I kilt. lb. araai M.d fag ■i. aad Ha bed
tbO.ii a i . a . u.irt lieia tain■ ea MM aoa a .root -
.Hbba> I'M aara rob oa bad thai a. aad la aOM#a
IHtUHI HI a. Cm Uiua. a db! bud, ka eaa (.Uftju*
■adlai. ltd aa aebid w na Ida Utoka bad bain klaikalf •
Ik La 11. mm mib ai-to |a all ap lb lid. aad, !■ aoa
atohi uoa af VkOKI IMB. It ka. *ued klm. H. bo* k
lata, lad aid. b b. "til pt ttoUI; a... la, kla tat a.
ail btaoUi laiiMa if aa bad III! TlUiiri.H hekara
a. had ton. .arad alii, una, liaaa.u wild ti*.uao
Iba aoa af bla u(. a d ialu..d Hla .ail li -aalts |
iota ail una, iruaidad etui tanfula eld road iki. too
Ibtal of ea aad m/ aoa. ebi. li • aal. aad oida la
lp<*rA ? ..-i > ; ti. *•.'
It TtObiaa Htroat. OluiliMlnea. MOM
I k Ift. IM
Tka otana plain in uomoi iat.iba-1 eoßblaakMl;
obaea ib, fttiak bad ibaraap - liabM-ae aCaau M IS,
VBCrttkß la korafatb.
▼ KIiKTINO la bakasaladead bp ail of pai pla
la Ua Uia boat aad ibuM raliabia kiuud purtAar ta baa i
•Of id
Nearly Blind!
H R >mts
X>o*r m -Io riyraaainf r ituoh* In yos for laeaAU
Wtrad truai Ibo m of j.d ha taasil
at bora 1 vtii ata'o
Who a otdst or ulaa yoara .id ! *a affl ctad wttb Fam
fuU vMcn ma do tu arpoaraoa to n*i mtm. fao* aad
boad. aad I vaa wr) a* at tuftiad for tou poors AU Sio4a •'
uf uuefHi -ua o* a 1 >ru-d ua •). aad a J to so
*<*o4 ia I* Riaatif ib duoaao pnartpaily aoftUd fa
my body. Uasba aad fool, oad at Ujaaa la aa Murk*id
laa #am tar r * *u. from ocaaa caaaa. **U la aqp
•p<oa aad ktdorr.. ad tt OA* at Übm toy hard ta
••■aln Ua artaa yr.r adtrnlMorst la tba
■ cor.u!, I rjoof hi a bottia of VKA, UTIHE. aad
ioaaid tk*ta ar-oordlaa lo dtromoar la tao or
Ibrwo dd t I utfalnod yat rdbf Aftrt ua'.b* ftar or
69m botiiM I n(4lcd It bad a sroadarfui ohn oa tba
r uyt. Acai> b cHctioa .** asy aad | s*tl! mmd
VKa* K"f I> ¥, sod tba bacaori ua aaro <*o a**or atxAbor
dbd|iv"Ard ttuSli Lboy aor* A) rwa. td I aLtnboto
i • rum of Iba tWw diaraaos U V tOKTIS K aad aoib
taa tio>
tf I om #*>r sffjx-to-d a th aaythlna of ibt It lad icsla,
1 tbali i I VIMj TIKK aa tba oUf roasady.
t>ao mi a. acooff j Uikki*. and toibn taa to la.
Vary toap* i UuOf.
no m Uaaa AtraMt. O.
imo I. m
Ve ye tine i; Sold by all Druyyistr.'
orrnr kku. m r* wm. I
JPm altlsaa fIOLUSn A 1 .1 Y ' tsu Paaa.N Y j
t lIT t'ANUH AMI t AK Ik .Till K -f mot;
1 daorrl|Hl.o. /vtaln* mod MoWwwr ruppllod
100.000 ACRES ; 'Xi-fir
I. Mi B WKII HT. HlbOMp lia. led
4 Fill!TI NK cos tw mad# ettboul oaM a. rtak
:V • -Ht-l-itiail fi. fotmlßa far-Irai.r, fro. Addtao.
.1 It krHiilli. Uafiii". tit), dptbia,
:ampaigw.. zZT£s**.X
. . ... ■ .• -.1. . ) U>7kUki,ktJbTut.
A li 'Vk A tTkllr- Pito-t.l; Will ad
•A • MI . Y f-> ma.. - ' Jf H
iran- ai I'nb-fetfj <)o ."17 No*oafct -Mt-ftMA
Am H lTt IIKH. A Kotta. q .tup..
Bk was tai 0.-Jt u . JHatlar lhag
1 l um A OOOtfTa J 111 . Cblrae*
il> I %> ,*T A IMIM'II aad t a. as* pais
Jl -M*l far *.lMar.. > |ff-Ulf ..ktofi
k.ilfMa. Mf-am-b Ma*rr* i Ot, OlnctnaaU. Obl ,
AHFNTS I <v *' '"• Mfaltk. Wtol k'f era.lnj.
MUCik I o I iu, Crp.ld.ellel I
"s*" Srnd for cjncular Y Kurto,
•18 A tiAY I una Oa . .li ail M IVu .1 YIMi, K Y
OKIUm • pnbllcH; Tito. .Von
W ■ ■ w 111 Ten. qudtnta IABD kkMdwe
dial. I i-irfis. oaa I>f K R Id a kin. Id aiac;. Mtck
ft ft I'l ft] nin " fi. east Ik, bal nillfi* an lata
i tl' K ! X In tiHit-fld aadaa did p^Jpaiaai
iiuull 1 D Ine eelak. f-~ af or.l. aria at
aaaa ta J HRIuR A tO . 7 ! Hroadea;. X V
- ——— a--.fl Harffkl.. HnMl itediMliui
j ID! iim -.'"nlnj aued. Pblntafta . aapabllellf
r Hn Itabd atbinp PbHtaHlbra lb Ia Hi
V* ivn roe. I HTi utflnftlda Ht. , CTklaoea. lil
. II IHf ll All Will ll 111 n O.HHII, af Heib 1
I I l ly 'PV tuffllaaa of propanp oarad bp N tarftsf
AIT Ml 1 U >ada eilb tt partlcbibto fiea U. M
uuiiilAU i txreaane| Bko .ItoTedlt-inri
Mill 4 'll>>Tll ■ AftMk enalod aap
£f '1 k. 11 abara. Haalsis haotombla bod -M
71 'ifllf rloi Part to-, lor. aaa trmm Adflrm.
wkIVW tftUKTM A 00.. W- liata. Ha
Ik >M\ 1.1 AM* BIIJTIKI A< 4D1.8Y.
f Ifctoifr. Free . Rhmu taptabhe 13.
.limfli Inatrtirtn lb Unl and Mtntu Racl-saartnc.
iba OlMMta. and Knatiab RraarbM Far (krenlbn
-i.p|pi Out. TllWk HYATT. Pim.P *. A.
bin nnr ■ I.' anna. Ifieetaaft .Miipa. Oi.taaa
S|U i S ' ' ■--*■' aan Ma-1 *
fITTCftaSS 1 \TI r." otto't nla. aoft TOM. -
int ai IPA~-r. li.Mrfi fc.-alaMita kHd too, .
1. II 111 ITOU't KlM.kalut.liiM Yanlak.k IMI.
Y-11l |< on lAkaaia Is all onioto. in ah-.e oar aara
palutad m can aoa kV"H 'ram a t> .dptajib aa
| Hft-trer, In wit ti>. ftaa Jtiraal. |: .jO a paw
<abi>w af oar eart and papa., tone, to apanta. taa.. I(i
tab UT. l-l-TkIFR. MtU Vl) e. M eaentft, Fb
ilb tbotr Tebiirm. Prenu VMiTloo I>IEXIWR
Fityrsim. !*vera*for. otib<H.t irnpairißa
ay. (Vunfo Tn .itlliuog p mmrm Trial pf't'
sy mai. tf*c f STKiRXK. i>ntffi4. IWtmtt bch
••pnT( noMA.TCT,arflol Chsriunp.
■ kit t ...
ifkiild d'Mt jerß-i. I'ldT rlMbtpp. !MI*III> OM *! a
fuHIM fr—. Vy WkR y rrtti l ifOtier v'R • L-m i 3 4 :i\
bilMll Or+r*. Rfnta %m Ar- tJR
(oaarhoaA AtHmT VILUASi A CO.. hr\VW.lM^
v novelty, iryaasis
•mi da. fvß'Aii me a iMB ohoa Fafd to Ibo Uffbl (It
tmty *>. o it p*at raid Ar ti ooato . I k I nsa.
f I N.- <• bar ard iirtTtor boa tboaom* Ayoib asntßd
. rlainr. lock Km l>. Aahlaod %laat
Itaur- Curtato.. >i uHi A* . hkXT FRLA. oe ronyc
ll. rnwrrXo-lIN Rllftl.. t. LoJ. Mo
f K>Tn and a 3 ooot stamp for 50
Whit* Hrtrtfi! Ykaftibc i'-arda rrlniod
I If i row jrfxxsoaa No nSoor onaa soar
soon Pricaa now hof jra monod lars
Ht! TRrkwty erer • Ul < <lwf klsai
o-.riwHi"dtaoly low OlrtliiH. 3 *wt stamp Indwoo
sonu n.-*wr D*frra offo od to aßouta. T'irtUM| laat
tiolM uktn
v* i\\ s ) x *TH, Bosftoa. Mam
Cehteknial HISTORY
It Rta'le too tar than any 'lhor boob orrr pwhitahod
' bam bran' o 'd fi I ooplos In ono da* Sand for oar
-Strik U> Arm Am NrTJOVrL PrDLtßßtltO OOM
*•*%? Philadelphia, Ft. __
¥(mßß| HI mom
wm H °® hacbann *d.
A W i*H Franob oil c4or Jli ( nahe#
HHHHABH and tb* RopfiieWaHylil bo.
an • paca family atory paimr.
for thmo m n*ha. i hMf
HI" and papara w*lW pmmptiy
Pm t-dku: offer out Addrmw
Iff Waabbßfbow MS.. Wuabua.blaja
CI t( >ICE
Tb* i •• aad fAwy-N In markot. e.n h it no of tba
I* n i N Fa trt h Alt-boAlh in Kaatorti NVhra ka. fur
kiie on k iim# and Kw raloa of into oat a*rsrf
n haur s >w. Fall In forma tbm ahoat landa.
ikir aa* now .Wa-ilpUfd pamph of. now nnmbor of
. i\.m-pp root fmo U ail anpllcaota Adl'i tl. F. Divp,
! land IV nimbolonor V V R K . Omaha, Nob.
jK IST4 TurMwe
' l^ r * l*i*lcrl bnndrod* of o'.hot
Tttrtkino*. l-ttt bno rrvor bora It*
or.f di- plnrrd. Fatnphlot froo.
\M, YomXe PA.
toaoU him. flow to tmhi
him. How to nt
tar. A NKW BOOK .
rroat tnloioai to —.V^LI
mon. Saul by mail W BFJ^B
M ooata. Androaa W M
j Box MuUMXCAOO. lu
f Madame TOY'S
Corset Skirt Supporter
IncreAses In Populkrilj every
Fr IIKALTH. OrnniHT ood 9TTLC I.
arkb-.ltard IHI BEST ARTICLE ta
the kU4 nsb
For Mils by nil Undtn.- Jo- Kon nn 1 ro
tailors Bswnm of uniudowa sad tafrtsyo
New Hareo. o>oxm.
Farms and Homes in
the Near West.
| iba best, cheapest and nenrrat Famiinc Lands
! tow In iba rasrbft aro tbi* Mom IMtjr A Bt. Paul Rail
road Lands, in M i| THKII.N ifIINNK-O IV% and
XIHTIIkUN IIIVI A. liiay aro ofiatwd on tho
| moat fav -rablo isnn*. at o low rata of lot* ro*t. and lone
tima If doairwd. Pros railroad faro to purchaser*
Hi Ho for ps<iioslar. It oust bat ono
a postal etd. with **> or addroaa, aud yu wtu rovwtobf
rotnro ri'l, rt-oni f •' h Yf" f iwwtbS.
F C. TAVLUK. Loud Qjttnatsaitattf.
I "k 4 Ltaarburn Übtaao. 111.
a rußLisi rxtsrnal •rscinc ajid
•EAt iriKH or TU ftRXJi.
As a ren dj for Disrasica, 8ORE.
Abrasiohi and Rocorxrm or tnm
Hkir; hp A JepdorMpr, dimttfrt.ira, snd
mesne of preventing end curing
llli'umAUem end Gout; end ee ea
Amfxct or THE TOILET end the
HATB, "Gijsrr'b Hllfhcr ikur" to
incotunsnkbljr the beet article ever
off.-red to the American public.
Tbc ( oMFi-E* ION to not only freed
from PiMrLU. Bwnriiia. TAN, RRRC-
Kijre, and all other blcmikhee by tie
ue, but acqulree a TRANP A RENT l
hrmcact and TEl.vrtt r ftnem J
thtirugb the clarifying and nnllient w
ktnoL of tliie whoi rhomb rkalti J
The contraction of obnoxloug din
, eeee ie prevenud, and the (ompwtn
iliiinfwihm of c'oUilng worn byM* r .
woe afflicted with coutagk ue *ueKkdi
to iu*ured by U. KAMIUEB and. Ira v
;lj'.hp provide<l kill tliie f^ltjiirabi*
FNTIAI. or A H-lifE or Sllphnr
Italhe. 1> 'dniff ie remoped, the
liair teuinc l. anil gra> !*- ridardci
by It
MEHICAI. MEN ahv .rk ice ueg
PRICE*. AND 90 C'R*r I-RK ("aj f,
PER Boi,(SCarbbjooC. and fI.SO.
N.B. I* aeueewy to. baflke Ika iw;. oak to.
** Hlll'e Hair aad Whisker 9yc,*
Black ar It raw a, 60 Oate
| C. I. CtlTTttm, Fraf'r, 7 fibtb It. IT
J nr/k A ItMMk. -4 eefto eoatod M bata aaU
V < nil Uto arttaMa, 1- ft-o "find IkM aaeide free
Dul/V ItCe i . UMlkNaft IN.lkatmß.Mkak
lif- -4) KM
lapek CnrM UtaewfU, Idl krka f IMIRII
Salkk aad laitotllia,. ikooa imrtfUt. aakiaE ka aei
. lito ii 4 A .aayl. - f toll" ~"l k, arnta. f 4 far
Ml raaia. ifldn i>.jrriNkJ7aL uHOMO
OO . 37 atoaa ae-et. Roe Took.
After aa kfleefc af
to bui nrdlMO Hi Ha, H okki ft" e"d oaii we
itafeeo TOM d.MAor will 101 lme tkta C~
)W kaeeift isftoie Tkta oaa ka be, aaa b oatnc
Tarrant e Saltier Aperient.
II tauM antkottl aaokaokkd. fkeft
•ann l naate iRt tfmiyUi Ask ftmr pbysSclan, and ba
Voltaic Plasters.
Ah REortroftlfldaeHe Bt lef erwkki od orllY Ika • ale
fatal Had Mat d Fai.ea kuaedttmnd I 'iMar. lorta
to tftw tiat Fla (a, f.a Ftaea tad A6a. to Ika Wofdd
f MadkcAM,
Y r~r,
ftl rtOdS* U>* rl si a k ttoha 1 d Ibto bndy. fWhbaFW■'
arm by m*nat of wtasct krliy Is imtt>s |i Is ita b i
•wort of mi pb■ a•an - on* y.-osw, Mllf rm-enmC
t isrsr T. *in <>e*d. iims an M r ls>tf •***•■
PITT m U'wr bnmnn m*ye <9 •" a t -* v * •b0lw
.'ln m liw bsfiac * <uH w wiesssp*! i FU tar
Tb. km to* t>rto~ 'ta-ta i-ornt lii-ola aid
let-., laitHf Mailtlada all to re
■lr. doto. ,Uto Thai , ailk L and
fOlMlli IM HC toa eaa kaoa Ultoa *ka
jeblftta to a fitauc *1 h aia tad iiiMHtaat dftaeaa.
.rail itta-noc; Haa'r k all arnd okriih. i in* I"i
.1 ,r* ii.ciHqitad I-. I.' t H i~* -i am r-otaoF
i, tka boat to u, e.lhost Ita ale aI tWtiicftl
Tkoa Mtbttta ea ham lea pul iMdtaol ae to to
M , m k ta ekaak varlatm >'• I*ta m aad efitod>;
roduca tool a cam, ibM aaj l tiki, M-aa. eeR. •
taMar Ie holla atakaaftta to Ui hkr.uo at toodl
li. Ta ana- < ark
Meld fc ell Ora*l.ia. aad oral rrcciki
■f ti raela far MP. II.M far "■*. pp *.'<4
ap le.ltr, Perrdeiir i raeerd taft i arr.ta
•d, hp HKEKh A ro IT* K. Fi eprlplara.
Ikklftk. Nftta.
c 3 111 W I £ ft(s
.-s 3
s.E b| 5J % w|Sk
f 1 3 ji
Cut Out Certificate Below
and Return with 53.00.
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U. 6 isz 2
PpUM ! j
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eieet la ikto aaeer. m