The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 07, 1876, Image 2

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T Centre Bepcrter.
. KCET2 .. i.....ED1T0R.
< IRK HALL, P., Sept. 7, 1876.
1 ERMS.—QIptr yrar, tn a.#<tnrr, 'J.SO '
rtArn wof paid t aarancr.
AdrertiarmcnU 'AV per Una for Mrrnn
•eriinos, and for 6 ana 12 mcnths Ay f/>r- <
al contract. _____
roK rnxsinKXT:
SAMUEL J. TILDES, of New York.
for vie* rnxsiriKKT :
THOS, A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana.
assembly ;
TV. K. ALEXANDER, l'onn.
JOHN Dl\ ENS. Walkwr.
jyry coxuissioxrn.
JOHN RTSHF.L, of Gregg
To secure the right to vote in Penn
sylvania, all persons must be assessed
two months tvforc the election and
have jvaid a State or county tax (either
w ill do) within two years. In ease the
lax is paid this year, it must be a mouth
before the election.
Foreign born citiiens wishing to vote
next November must take out their nat
uralization a month before the
election. They must also be assessed
two months previous to the day of vot
ing, and mut have paid a tax as above.
The election will bo held on Tuesday,
the TUi day of November,
Wed'say. September 6, is the last day
for being assessed.
Thursday, tktober o, is the last day for
securing naturalisation papers.
Thursday, October 5. is the last day
on w hich taxes can be paid in legal time
to vote. , „
The above dates should bo carefully
remembered and acted on by all voters.
The Republican cackles a hatful over
its county ticket. Next fit.l it will be in
mourning and its favorites up -'"ait River.
Better spend year wind on agricultural
topics, neighbor.
The Democracy of Elk county have
declared in favor of Hon. 1- A. Mackey s
re-nomiuation for Congress. This being
the last county in the district to speak,
settles the matter iu favor of Mr. Mack
ey. We look for the w itlidrawal of the
names of Col. Bush, of our county and ol
lion. Andrew Rocd of Miffiin, when the
conference meets, so that the deserved
compliment of a nomination by acclama
tion for re-election may be extended t.
Col. Mackey. who has represented this
district so ably and with fidelity. Every
democrat feels proud of our representa
tive in congress, and even some of the
republican organs have spoken in term
of praise of his services. We arc not dis
appointed, and feel proud that the Re
porter was one of the first papers in the
district to bring him forward for con
gress. His first term reflects credit upon
him and he w ill be returned with a ma
jority greater than the extraordinary one
given him two years ago. We predict
that Col. Mackcv will serve a second
term with the same fidelity that charac
terises his first.
Gran: and his household in company
with se me of the leading riugsters. and
jobbers intend putting in a nice time,
the las', two months, at public expense,
in a government vessel. The little affair
described below will cost several thous
and dollars. The coal to run the vessel,
the hands on board, the provisions, vines
and all other expenses of a steamboat
pleasure trip, will lie drawn from the
public treasury just as the expenses for
similar junketings have been taken from
the public purse heretofore, and is a
clear steal. A despatch from Washing
ton, 2S ult., says: Having secured a suf
ficient amount of money by retiring a
large number of active navy officers, and
make all the political capital possible by
falsely asserting that the Democratic
House forced him to do it, Secretary
Robeson finds himself pecuniarily ab.e
to give the "White House ring its annual
junket at the (iovernmcnt expense, and
set sail to-day in the United States steam
er Tallapoosa for a two-months pleasure
trip. The party at the start was render
ed small by the fact that the President
and main body have already gone to
Philadelphia, besides the jolly Secreta
ry, eighteen pieces of the Marine Band
and a full supply of highw ines and other
necessaries. The vessel to-day only car
ried off the regal crowd, J. L. Kedfern.
who loves Robeson and his contracts,
about equally; a son of ex-Senator Cole,
of California, and Commodore B. -IV.
Taylor. At Philadelphia, however, the
circle w ill be filled out, as the programme
has it, by the President and Mr. Grant
Colonel Fred and wife, Ulysses, jr., Mr.-.
Marshal Sharp, Miss Bessie Sharp, Mr-.
General Dent, B. C. I>ent,et id omne ge
nus. The Tallappoosa has been announc
ed for a week as loading with freight for
one of the sloops-of-war at Norfolk. It
will proceed to Philadelphia, Newport
and Rye Beach, furnishing free accom
modations, tkc., for a prolonged trip to
the Centennial and along Bhorc.
Gen. M'Clellan in his letter endorsing
Tilden well says: "It is now abundantly
evident that had not a Iemocratic Home
been elected in 1574, it would have been
impossible to unearth the various instan
ces of maladministration that have come
to light, and it is equally clear that until
the Government passes into the hands of
the Democrats, we shall never know the
whole truth, whatever it may be, and we
need to know the truth as to the past,
that it may serve to guide us iu the fu
The X. Y. Sua, like the Reporter well
Bays that business inen all over the coun
try are crying out for a total change in
the character of the Administration. To
secure that, they must vote for Tilden,
well knowing that the election of Hayes
will mean the continuance of Grantism,
with its Zach Chandlers, Sccor Robesons
and Don Camerons still ruling the
Hayes sent a letter to Grant a short
time ago telling him that he endorses
his administration. Just as we said all
along. How can reform be expected
from Hayes then?
James B. Bel ford, a son of Dr. H. Bel
ford, of Lewistown, has been nominated
for congress by the Colorado republicans.
But Colorado goes democratic,
you see!
But the Times of to-day, for party rea
sons, vilifies Mr. Tilden to its heart's
content. It finds nothing to say either
for or against Hayes and "Wheeler. Its
main efforts are directed against Tilden
and Hendricks. It assumes a sort of
guardianship over the Democratic tigers,
but neglects the Republican oysters. It
laments over the recent coalescence of
Democrats, and fears that our reunion
will help the Republicans? Next No
vember will 6ettle that. The people de
mand a change of administration, and
will have it. The days ol the Republic
lUU put ly uro uumbvrvd!
In his dealing* with tlie rogues who
had gained access to some of the most
important positions in hi* State, ;>>\
Tihlen liaa displayed the manner in
which he w ill pursue the work of reform
when the control of the affairs of tlx
nation is placet! in his hands. He has
been but about eighteen months in tin
executive chair of New \ ork.yet in that
time he has originated and carried into
operation, measures whith have rediic
ed the expenditure - tn one department
only to the extent of tu> and a halt
million dollars annually. He has !-o
exposed and completely destroyed an
elaborate system of frauds bv wtiieh tin
s.ate has been annually robbetl of lai. <
amounts of its canal revenues, he lias
broken up the largest most influential,
and most com|rt of the plundering
rings wldeh hnVe inIV.-;<d tin st:it>. !l.
has driven out of the field, and in some
eases into the State prison, the horde f
[ dishonest contractors and otl'uials who
were stealing the people's uioue) H>
has carefully watched the proei odiugsof
the 1 egislatutv. and by vetoing improvi*
dent sets, has reduced the appropriate i s
for general purposes about a million ot
dolli rs. He has cau-ed the State taxe
to bo cut down nearly tifty per cent
This is reforming in away that the | e
pie can understand. Honest and dm
j honest alike can appreciate at its full
I value such services as these. The for
i.ier show their estimate of its value by
rallying to lus banner; the latter by
straining every nerve to prevent the in
auguration of this kind of work at \\ a>l.
ington. Tlie mass of the people is how
i ver, eurollod on the side of honesty,
and is determined to give the >t> ..t R>
former the widest possible >c> po .. r .
display of his genius in the field which
with such eminent success, he has cult
rated in New Hork.
In the administration of the govern
ment all political pud religious ditler
enc*, all distinctions of race and color,
mmt be utterly and irretrievably abol
ished. Those who being invested with
authority, use their influence to stir tip
' strife between the different s under
their control, are enemies of mankind
r and obstructors of the advance of civili
. ration. The present Executive i guilty
- of this heinous crime, and u-ks for por
' mission to continue in the op|>ortunity
t for its commission. Tlie public is how
' ever, aroused to the necessity of placing
1 its strong restraining hand upon these
- men ;it knows that the scenes of tur
motl and bloodshed, with tlie records ot
s which our Republican brcthern are cen
> tinually assailing our ears, will never.
- cease until, as Governor lleudricks tt r>e
f !y puts it in bis letter of acceptance.
- "the power for evil is taken away (■ i
- a porty that makes j>olitical gain out oi
- -ccaes of violence and 11 >odshed, and
the constitutional authority is placed it
- the hands of men whose political wcl
i far- requires that peace and good order
- shi.ll be preserved everywhere.
117/1" "DOS" 11-1 s' APPOIXTED.
1 The Sun in its issue of 2S ult. tel'.s it a
. handsomely as truthfully why Siu. n
IKtn was appointed. It remarks that the
President's isolation was growing paiu
y ful. His trusted friends were stepping
down and out on every side, each with
'• the nation's hiss of "thief!" in his rear.
' Schenck, Belknap, Shepherd, Williams,
r Delano, Crcswell, Babcock, carpet-bag
" gers, brother-Jn-law, whi.-kv thieves.
'• bribetakers, an endless proce—i n >f
v the President's favorites marching d<>w n
lt into the shades of historical infamy. He
e had thought he would continue to the
r close without loading up with Simon
D Cameron. Simon had led him cn vari
-3 ous fishing excursions into the wilds of
'* Pennsylvania, and between drinks and
bites, poured into ear the tale of
3 Den's extraordinary accomplishments,
and still Grant had remained firm. But
Y he was in sore want of a new pr >p t>> lean
1 upon—the old ones being rotten and
y shaky—and in theeiglith year ofbisdis
e graceful administration he staggered in
'' and fell against Simon Cameron as the
last hope of support. Simon solemnly
' agreed to pull him through—to save him
e from repudiation by his own party —to
" nominate a candidate for President who
1 would not be objectionable, and to carry
p the Novemlier elections in the good old
Pennsylvania style,
j "
r The Bellefonto Republican has a pro
. fusion of rorrespondents. Tlio fellow
who does up its Miilheim epistles gives
!. the Reporter a few sly digs. One thinks
>, we are a fool for supporting the demo
cratic ticket, because certain democrat
e are seeking to injure the Reporter; an
t> other says the Reporter is arouse ! from
t its "languor and comato-e condi'ion.
. This is too bad, we mean tlie "comatose.
. If some ill-disposed Democrats are seek
ing to hurt the Reporter, they do
- without cause. There is no democniti
r paper in the state that can show up a
t truer record of devotion to the party
t than the Reporter, although some for
. whose election we have worked have
> "fooled" us. With very few exceptions,
thus far, all candidates elected by our
party, and with tlie aid of the Reporter,
: and its numerous friends, have denit
' fairly with us and have acted like lion
■ orr.ble men and good democrats, and if
i some choose to act a different part and
go "back on us" as the Republican's cor
respondent has it, we do not sec that
such conduct should make us swerve from
Democracy or that it makes u a "fool
either. If the above writers think the
county treasurer, or the sheriff, or ar.y
other officer whom tLis paper and its
democratic friends in Pennsvallt-y in
good faith assisted to elect, intend to
"go back" on the Reporter, wc are not
a "fool" on that account, for we had a
right to cx|>ect tlie same fuir treatment
that was shown us by all previous offi
cers, and prefer to leave the matter fir
oor democratic friends to think over.
The radical camp is thinning out fir
good men. Here is the way those go
who don't endorse Hayesjatul Grant
ism :
General Sigel who lias been the Re
publican candidate for Secretary of State
of New York —the gallant German sold
ier—is for Samuel J. Tilden.
Gideon Welles, the honest Secretary
of the Navy in Lincoln's Cabinet, is for
Samuel J. Tilden.
Ex-Gov. Palmer, of Illinois, the friend
of Lincoln, andjthe gallant soldier, who
was elected Govenor of his State by the
Republicans, Is IbrKamuel J. Tilden.
Montgomery Blair, another member
of the Lincoln Cabinet, and one of the
original members of the Republicon par
ty, is for Samuel J. Tilden.
Ex-Governor Curtiu, of Pennsylvania,
one of the great lights of the Republican 1
party during the war] and .since, is for ]
Ijainuel J. Tilden.
Charles Francis Adams, the ablest of I
our foreign ministers under Lincoln's J
administration, is for Samuel J. lil*
' den.
A Frenchman has discovered that '
there are seventy-one different kinds ot
whales. In November the Americans s
will discover another one—a IJayps j
whtkleJ, Wait XihUn. u
THE N. Y. ' TlMls ITI.WK • Mil.
"If anything can aroti the New V. Ik
public to that pit !t oi indignation w liii li (
alone becomes them in the present cries i
it is the acooutit which we pub! li to v
day. Here we have, thank- to the (
labors of Mr. Satuuel .1. lil.lcn. full aim
conclusive evidence that Wm. M.Twei-1
differs only from a common thief in hav- 4
ing Miidon tens of thousands iu ie 1 oi
tens of d dlavs." fhe N \ I'iine <Vt '
tub. is:i.
The democratic state oo>m i ,u-ii. <-i
New York,met at Saratoga, laat week
did did a magnificent thing it itomina
ted Horatio Seymour fin governor hi ac
lamatioo, l \ Gel Sey inotir wtek he
loie tin- i .invention met pi i -isuiully n
fused to be considered a candidate lh<
people have called upon him and hi
patri. tisi.i will 1. id 1 i i l i! . v the
lb rati i Seyuioiii ha- .! lu.i 1 i!.
iiomiiiatioit Idr Governor of N. w A oi l.
iiuamiu. isly tendered liinil \ ..!■ i>. -
eraev vf that state. His rca*- ns are ill
liealth and a desire to hold t. • m re of
fices fhe ex govenu is di-elinaiion will
le received with regret all ov> r the
country. l'he state i ininitteO w II till
the vacancy.
l\ 1. Hyatt's Military Veademy is •
-1 theinsiiiutioiisofwhuh i'emisy ham.,
should be j!. .id. Ni I long ag •. a men.
tw rof t <-ngri ss on the tlo r.flliell .
said that it was a .juesti. ;i with ui.tuy
roinpe;, a judges "whether their drill
was inferior to that of the \V< t Point
Cadets." Physical training should go
along with the mental and the moral to
accomplish the l-t st results of a
cdiicuti a. To lw simply a i -.1 scholar
is not enough. l\m many small boys
with j ..le uitelh tual f.. and puny
bodies are seen going to the schools all
around i.-. The ir physical developinetit
seems to have ! ecu overlooked alto
. gcllicr. They may beeofue learn, 1. l-ut
they will be very likely to die early.
It is a satisfaction t - k:i u that theri
are some sol., Is where great -tress
, laid ujion the health of the trody aiul its
normal development. Nothing serin,
j this so perfectly as aw ise military drill
. under well-trained instruct, i-. This i
• found under tlie very best condition- at
. the Pennsylvania Military A ud< my
near Chester. Col. Hyatt, its head, i- an
. army officer, and In- c> rps of tcachcr
, are among the uio-t ceiiq • ont in the
e land. The curriculum covers a full rar ce
. of studies, profe-si. tuil and praei cabin*
; eluding literature, the science- and .u.
. fitting pupils for btisines - rpr u-nai
r life.
The September sehi l-davs are ap
. prciaching. The parental min i is i.gita
, ted by the question "whir shall my
r bov go " For one, we should seek t
I . *
11 t.iur an institute that, while it fao a I
the advantage of a finished education,
. I add* to it a discipline that i; ; •
r physical health, prouiot< s tin t :lh ii
finest bodily dev, lopment, st-ctiri > a
manly bearing, and itisiilb habit of
obedience to authority, and other •• 1
s principles, that can nowhere be - ■ Wc'.i
- taught xs in a schcn-l such as we have
e named. The Colonel, will be pie: -cd i
- send a circular of information t - ..11 w i
g wish it.
'' lion, lleistcr t'lvmcr > fPennsylvania,
r | who became the bete noirofthc Kepub
■, j iican press as soon as he,might Kelknap
in his crime, lfcfore that In- w. - rather
s I well thought of by the Republicans, but
' j tliey never forgive anv one whs cat* In -
'' an official thief. To Mr. Chun-r's abili
n ty and promptness in forcing R Iknap ■
e <vnfession the Grantities justly a- ribe i
j their failure in re-nominatitig the Pr- -i
' I dent, and a large part of the gloom that
n now enshrouds their uu.-w,
i- • ■ •
,f Col. Bob. Ingerstdl.—Col. Ingers >ll.
. I who nominated Blaine at Cincinnati.
has gone to stump Maine. He is tin
•f most brilliant of Radi. al oral rs.and the
j. ablest infidel in the United States. H,
• j entirely disbelievt s in the cxistei c of
<ioti. ami showed the courage of h:
opinions by otli> lating reeentl/ at the
d funeral of his father-in-law, at who h lie
i- would permit no religious ci rernony.-
. I'frtitind Arrfut.
l-ewisburg. Aucn-t'J*. —Thedrniocrat-
Y -if Union county in o-nventioii a- e;
ii hied to-day nominated John Walls f- r
0 Congn-ss, A. H. Dill for Senat ir, D. W.
IVllman for Shcritf, Martin Ru-lv fir
Associate Judge Union will imj r - e
Y handsmnely on her former democrati
J votes.
The New York.Times wants Tilden t -
i- withdraw. And that would In- a goo 1
v thing for llayc's, would it not ' Well
s Uncle Samuel will n-be ready t-- with*
- draw until 4th of March, w hen he will
i- withdraw to the white-house.
•* Furrows six miles long arc talked of
" una fa;in in Dakota. That's nothing
" the democrats will plow., furr-w through
the radical Hay field that will extend
from Jersey to C'alifi ;ni.t.
At 1. t the R< pubiitau ti kt tS CO ill
pleted, and we -ee clearly the candidate
between whom we are toeho -<•. NV'iii, h
'' is it to be, Tihlen and liendrickH, or
Hayes ind Killrii k?
Has Mr. Bri-tow, tlie great jni. u. l
Reformer of the admini-trat. n, any
r thing to fear from revelations as to hi
manner of conducting tin- Whi ky Bii
t prosecutions, that lie is trying t> make
himself so uerviccnblc in tlu-J Rejiubli
f can canvass?
1 If Governor Haves is annoyed that so
. little notice is taken of him by either
i side in the present canvas. why ih>< -• he
, not endeavor to do something that shall
' be worthy the attention of his fellow •
■ citizens?
The di fit-re nee IL.s juat here. Hay,
1 tells what he will not do, and Tilden
i tells what lie will do. Tlie one is an
1 equivocation—the other is a pledge.
Win re you conic across a knot of three
men abusing "old man Tilden." you w ill
find that twoof tliem are office-holders
who expect to loose their "join,"
"If it takes cverv Northern man and
every Northern dollar w<- must hold
tin- Union together,' 1 said Mr. Tilden
when Fort bumpier was bombarded.
The New Y-irk Wnrhl has no doubt
that Mr. Tilden will, in his own way
and time, think it not unbecoming Im
position "to ret his foot upon the char
Every Southern State which litis been
ruled by Republicans since the war has
doubled its debt. Extravagance and
corruption mark every footstep of that
Business will not revive nor will work
he plentiful until something occurs to
give capitalists confidence. An honest
man like Tilden in the White 11<tj. <•
would do it.
The New York Tribune, which excel
lently represents the views of the Re
publican party, says ;
"The more Gov. Tilden's letter i> read
the less it is liked."
Col. Robert luge,.- I j}!, who slumps i
Maine for llayes, is a brother oi the l.<r- |
mer member "from tlie Peoria District in i
Illinois, who amassed such a large for- i
tune by his skill at l'oker, and built an '
elegant Washington residence with the
winning;? of one session. Perhaps Bob. '
who believes In nothing else, believes in <
his brother < 'lark's system at l'oker.
Portland Argus.
What kind of a campaign is it to call
Gov. Tilden a "perjurer," and a "swind
ler?" Is that your "bloody-shirt earn- v
paign w ith money in it," or your "finan- ' h
cial campaign without money ip it ? j
i The Boston Herald asks what we
should do for a President since Speaker
Kerr's death, if Grant and Ferry should t
ttie, 1
llu l lilm kit itro threatening to Intra tin
ti'wn of Monroe, in 1 iiiii-iiuia, Thin i
it g->,l c.iiim' f r •fil ling tr>>p.s down •'
there to t out vol llu rift-linns nut! k> |>
'ln* w 11ii fit-in vntii, f.*. l ililt- t. I'ui- |
tvur.N. !.>, I*l% Putin .n an I M
t' u K .tin: jtt-[ ,i wt I I'M Nn U tfi.
Th* I'llt-.burn I'twtf, \ugust 31, t.n
'lll .il I tiir tlt'llai ■ |>t r I*.irrt-1 at tlir x\i II
ha? nt.itli* ia).nl fortum i f> r thn.c xxh •
Held rpuutlifit in tank. Thi• is tin* Aim
% l-ildo I.f • ft illt't* >t'| !i mil I ,
alltl xi ill inflt-i* la u \ig i inln in nit t
U'p.u linou!- of iinlu-ii \ duivllv and n ,
ii'-' I fly . uiiivti d with tin |.it itlinl nn ti( '
il. Ili iil x n 11 It i I tin ili i! , .tin!
tlit .i l\ \\f iiuli.f t lt. i i liil i.i,i rrplntt .
lilt* 'III it il P\l rt ■:( nf tin* |.;| I ft'tt '
' i
k in* tl lit i>tnti un lit mliiiwi a if.ln. lion
•hiring August nf j.'-, I lt> it.-.i *,C, llu- j
rtiitititut of iuin in tin* in*usury is jGk',- t
I ! • I i.l It lit X ti.tlllll, f }I I ,t.Mi "i , |
s|iffiul lit'jMisii*, nl It fitl Ifiitlt t>, lit lil f,ir -
redemption tif ft rliii. nit i nf ilcji.iM!, t
; 1 • i it; ~ i ; • k i'U *
• • . ii
Yn ohi lady of Duitx ille, ill., I'itit . nl-1'
ttl to ting her mii, a young tttun of nt r
it t ii \ i .ii>, ft-r i filling home lit I o'clock
' : ' i
in the- i iminugo l>th mother ttiitl t>t>n*t
it-II a tlit- nn t* nft\x tl v f Iff t■utof it win - L
dow. 1 in' l was kilted. A (wo>|i
n, i sjui\ lift |ui 11 otl tin* lni\ of any iinj'U* t
1 la* ion of crime.
. ■
The following appears in a Pietou 1
Oct piper: "Not tee (uitl lit !| iiig me,
I am tif.t rmiiiftl to -ave roy-elf and a.-.j ,
many of my felloiv-suireit is as |>u>...iblc!.
front the snares and trap- ot all hotel-1
,e. I i-ami ut -k.t . ti livmvt'Uii t
w t itkne--, and their cupidity, 1 lind nix .
-elf xvell-nigli ruined in ewiv respect, -
an.l am determine 1 to redeem the |mM '
hy a -oler future, and 1 warn ami can- !
: ion evt ry man hi the tr.ale that aliould.'
they ev- i a_*aiii give me the iiitexicatiugi
fttp, tinder any pretense whatex er that 11,
x\ill -tiri-ly Iniiie them to justice, as 1
im an th sand xxill perform xxliat 1 say.
John 11. \\ aii.uuakt i.
ti vtfii i Heniiitl.- S.purely Siij -
p rt i the ti iveriiinent l>uiii.o llu*
lie! ellii n.
To Tmk i uir. i. t r Tit* St.x s'ii 1
iti e lit ndri ..s dur.; „ti xi :>r xxa di-
It yul ; that In* XVH- : *i p. .Ec a! any prii ■ I
and Unit 1.0 wa oppo-c 1 : i sen.: 1.4 • A |
• tor- from li. liaiial tijtht tor the I i. >ri i
('r y> .1 K'xc m< ai'-.x t i nee t • ■ futt
. Ibe best tl itiii -in r. gard to lie* Hen
.l t, ,
during t! e r.l i 1 i ti.-. II 11 ..
ti iu ,*li Helotv xt It - 1 .-..A. in hit ovvi.j
' April. lr. I. ANTSPHFIT,
lift !arau a. In* e.a-; that it xias the Ju-1
tv of : iie cilia*-! - ■ f Indiana to gh.> ibi ,
Government an t nuet and -arnes*.
1 elusion;
ij liitil IS Al*, April'.'t I
J Mu. Kniton My attention ha* t
j t<%trni.-|jc. in vi ~ It it i- state 1 T at at
, I Union *..> etinjj he'd at >lt Ibxrvill.. a fen !
evfiiirjjs since, a 1 nuniu.e v.a* aptudnt j
ill.l wait upon 11 .with the r. put tlia.
1 shot.ld tcs'i. that. bcinßcalled upon by j
' the con,m Ut-*, 1 refuMil: > speak. ...ytny
that 1 i , i >to il iiioN*. :.tin it the ditli
j, uity, ami *v lid l ave m thin 4 t> do it
. ! -stric ttinir the c* untry from it peri'.ou*
!I cond'ti n
r 1 The writer ha lon xi.. % !y ia>-inft imed
'• I never heard f the app •intment o!
■ ueh n l onii'.toe, an,! - upj *o m ne wax np
■ .nit -J. N • 1 luiiiiltee waited ii|*Oi im
i , with -uh 11 retjuiik Ilad I hcer. to hen
• .
'■ ; I li.'tvt never withheld my vi. v.- • upsnanx
! que 'i *n of pnltlie inter, -t from the jteoph ;
,♦ { trouble <• S;f • 0 tht war c• in men cot! 1
, hut* uitif rtnlv - tiJ that th uuth ritv ■'
t . t T."ill t ! II.:: d state* not
" out *.i in .r ami tl nt I rfjj-.rd, .
;ti Kit" the (iovemtn.nt an haunt ami
, earntil u| i*ort in the prosecution of tb
* war, until, in the | roviJcnee "of (. .1 i
" j mny be brought to an h mTable conclu-;
r -i- i. at I the I 'vini; of peace ft* t ret.
,- ' '
• all controvtr y i*t rclati :i t'* the caUi *•*
ami r, po.*.'it-ililii if the war No -at
ja' IJ : :l b. ;.* ing -f Indi ii at Id try. it■ j
'I the t diet of arm t • v-' eh ihev are,!
' ' call* d than mynelf.
'j a < iiis-11 or w-pape is r. t uniig tbi I
! e>untry xi. M in V- pt -* i t rrii- l*.v at '
' tcmptii 4t • give a purthan a.pi ■ t to thi |
(■'war, or by rermi*. g to ; irv,rt the cause!
jof the c tinfry to party i nds.
K. j ctfully,
Til.tMAs A 111 *. ".I* K
f I UKS.
i .
;. am i.x iniliat .l Joimthali 1! Hit :ii yard, together with the railroad!
eon i n; > - w-it r lank at Woodland, Cl' ir j
: d i unty, I'.i , xvus burn. I this morning;
The Ore xxas caum J by nn incendiary.
A bout I.l* u.nai liit i ftv. rj lumber nn i •
K'.(Ai jiirk-ts were dolroyed L- - oiij
lumbe;, $lo.( ". In'urt ti for J'i.UU *r (
it. IV). I. on inii 1 §.'■,ti. In irctJ f.r
8k Byaofntke, Ontario, Bpt, - do
structire fro brokt out here this afternoon j
in ti.- '• y L. pt by M. ("!:rpel, near the
l> -t ofli ■*, pr ad rapidly till it rent li-j
<.l the river, nt ..r th • Grand Trunk rail-;
way bridge The fliuits ran doxx'n both i
■•ie . Main Str -t, tnk ini; in their rt ur . t
the St. lly:. intiif, c and Nu'n nl |
I,itiii.*. | -t office, iiutrket and courthouse,
faclori • and over eighty xvholesale l
retail. ,uroj At thrcti p. ui. the fire had
spread, by means of burning cinders, to
three parallel streets nnd burned every
thing up. IV tple had no tiuio to save i
stitch of clothing. At senn p. in. sis |
hundred hou-es had been honied. A j
steam re engine arrived from Montreal t
by a -pi. in] train at 30 p. in., too late to t
bo of much service. Hundreds of fami.if?
an* hoinelf-s, with nothing to eat. The '
1 >f £ is roughly estimated at tfd.tXW.UOO. i
For many year* we hav* mode txvo nied- '
nines suited for tho ailment* id a vastelass 1
of sufl'erers. 'Thousand* of cures liavt '
been made by them, antl in fael, the word '.
failure t "Uld never be coupled with them !
Hut wllliiri the last two years count- rletls
of our medicines have sprung up, danger
ou* in tii- -r close imitation -u on-tradxv
iinirt. To seeuro the people we have 1
placed upon each genuine box ol Hollo '
way - Till-and llolloway'* (lintuient tin 1
at--initio ol ilie signiituro ut our Agent. ;
f.Mr. .1 os. lla.vdocli. To counterf- ,t tiila ;
s a felony. \\ e shall relentlessly pursm '
any one who imitates this with llio uiiuostj
vigor of thu laxv. \\ e most earnestly l-egj"'
that the great Ui.i-.- of the A lio rieaii | .
i-eople will aid u? in our efforts to pr-.tect
their health, aiol help u- in our tusk ol '
bringing these most unprincipled men to '
the Car of ju-lico. Uniformly refuse to
purchase Medieiues purporting to be nui -
tinies-Mr. Ju-. Haydot l. . sigiiature i* at-i "
la- hctl to each lio.x of Tills or Tot oftiint- ''
iiicnl antl the end will soon be reached. !'■
Tho public's obedient servants,
From tho Detroit Free i'ress.
Clapp. the Government Printer, who
was put in office by* Grunt because Con
gress kit k"d him out f--r fraud, lias come
out for ilaye*. He WJuld he mi awful j ){
lone oine thief if ho um'nt.
Tho thirty second call for tho nlHip*lilt
tion of 6 *A' bonds of ISO 6 xxas r.sucd on th
A-- \s INS(i|.'T||K FIRST PItGMI-
llu Sum ■ An- in- t opvi.lid ul
Ollii i .Miiitlei A-toiiiitling Ivevo
l.iti.-ii Aiiticijnilttl I litrtiuniiV
I .tdlt r of Ili uuil -ti,,ixen ]>oca not
I il.o ligtk n Word.
?St'i'i il to l'liila 1 iinei, ]
in, ;. Chun ~ T;t., Xtigust 'ii. tin
Satufokj < % ; ;• Dooomboi 3,1871, MT
--■ ' **' I, tlt- n A iiiaiit Superintend
!' .d till nolios t l l the Lehigh C.-ul and!
Nat r -li. n Coiiipuii v, fell I lit* first pitimi-j
i" '. victim of tho Mollis Msguitws. Rsl
t* a* ll I isl ii,iitf hos that urn louidt red
Ihe tlned iim i niiutlted in the limine !
strn i • f Summit Hill, at 7 o'clock in the
-xti..!g. lit- In • liattly alter Towejl hat!
It'll 11 . -.. it* if Harry Willuinson i- re
tiii " ' l > r.-ident eat Lansford, stibte-1
t|UriiTi> nott',l n- tne sceiio of tin, brutal!
i r - I i'owell . nt <<*>-.. r, John T
Jen., 'three men werodiroutly itnp lest
.I In the Inutile: < Ine i-t these, the trial
lest. *tp| :> :o In d T.-well fr> 111 the rear,
ruat i.etl t it-r hi* slo-uhler an-l shot Inn
through the breast The bullet pI. fit
through Tow ell's body and lodged in tin
I i i null, ali i the wound prosed
Iu! ,1 tli M iitlax in-riling follow ing .it six
o'eloil.. The night being very daik, the
a I t t'Bp .1 K \V. t'liilk, Kst|.l
IS .tit i-d tie Company, oflVretl a re- {
waid of $1 tksi for tho arrest t>f the lour- ,
Ifit i- ai d Carbon . nil.l, added #ll*'
Two lis. II Patrick Hi: lin and I'alrit k
(i 1- t,, ' uuiinii fill! wt re arrested ftn
t murder, but were entirely innocent,
a' I the I.* l-iuuit l was tl st ltarged t-n hit
b ure r| . wh'tlo Giltlt-u was Iriedand a, -
Tin Mu'dert r> of Alorgnii Powell are
m, \v knowu They are Jack D-nahoe,
all t- "Ye low Jack Donahue, Alexander
C..tilp!-e I and another w lo in ll is not (toil
et i u t.> name "Yellow Jac- -s the
lilan wit filt'd tin' fatal slot. He is it!
s, my It. ill i nun man un.l a t-n '*'•!,
m* IL- the Moltie who initiated tut- ,
th-* order Jim ins K erngan, the "njut* l-T ' J
u 1 lupt- It's t ,-liar at l a ~*ipia. He is ,
, ti id-i eoiiv iclioii in the jail at Potts-K
Vi : r eoint iieity 111 the luurdeis of GoL
nit r, JaMf 5.,, g. r, I red and the shoot- ,
ing of Uia Mai*-!-. District Att->meyl,
-I. xv, is h- tiled u petition asking lb*!,
t' ur't -awa I a writ of habeas corpus ad-!,
rt'ferandiiin direct to the sheriti of St buy I-1
.i.l e .. y, ai ion Tue-.tay t'aptH n Peel
to ot the A't-al ainl 1 tun Police, will bti- g
"Y, low Jack oVerthe uiouiilain, when
he will be indicted nr tins rtiocic-u- mur-
I, r Tits trial will lake place in Octo
I t* :t'-i- up.ill*, Campl-ell, i- I'-* 111
ill i , :t'. uv n trd t'f murder in the lirst
.-•gti, mt , .loin-cis-■ Hi mot it n lor
. new trial w ill bedeeidetl to morrow. The
. rguii -■ t l-t'ing the s a tut* it-at WasprtJ** lit-,
e l IU the prex tous eases ~f Du> ie ati I K,l
y. . I" lex itl that tho tiioliou will be.
: .t I.i ! Then it will be taken to the Su-|
reiiit* C urt. Wbeti the M tg:ih Powell
.rd -r - . curred Campbell t w Thing
. tl, n.,:ie and it was after this tliat he
-it'tl to luttift.) ut ami the sal—on
iii a- suit <- become so ti--: nous as lh>
j bead)} lartera of then thugs. WftktWt|e>
g it.l nf'ail, I can sax that the evidence
. ' f.*h c t.-r t!4k ri-iud-r i- over
!., lining and positive The people
.hi- ugboiit this region rejoice at tha pros
| ■ tii*". llu- murder i* at la-', to be sxeiifc
■ i It w.siht trsl of the series that have
It :uu I cell c> 111 lllllt'd, and started the
:>,.';>lo as :. ,i o has -inco done. F.-r tour
, . - ■ nt:. Jimmy Kerrigan unttalcj his
jbt ** shrouded in impetietrab e uiys
: ry A • light will t>e thrown
ip .*. ere tho clo o of the Centennial
i (- hi i Army tho Republi Jvtii
,tt d ,'.s tt uit '.cry ,l > . nui.t Hi 1, mar
T i.i Mr D M Kve
a! 1., . IL•- Tamaqua C urier, jr, *id, d at
• t> eer. ui mo a dread a letter from the
li, vern,r, in which he says In your let
ter x u bttelly allude t.- a -Uteinen. :n cir
.. ulatioa in Tour Ticioity that I In d ton
; .ril ut- i j t<l> to a lu*.d to , mploy uun-el
eft'itd I I u I lie t tailed ki tile Ma
;t.itt - , ~,ed of murder in the counties of
j .Schuylkill and Cnrbon This statement
x, ; . tit renounce to be unquallf. dly talse,
i- xveil a* the insinuat. t>- ii-ttJo by Mr.
.t • til h'.S n •■til t te, i. to the ,9\ it,
tk< ->• trials at Ptl'sviile. If Mr.
ti, xt:. i. ~Nt nvty the sdia t'.at my
:eti a an official was in any way ir,flu
• n, . d l> any bargatn, arrangement or un
fer-tanding -..'.1 i .mv one, u.;,,l r orindi
• ■*.!>"•• ■ .ted Vith the - ciety known as
the Mollie Maguires, then his siate'Uenl is
ji.truc and be knows it lobe.
A rep r <•( the P: i adelphia Kven ng
. It. ,tl tin (tuSi-ll el. S.tur
lay t k lie had to Sav iti regard
t:-- otter We i; ;,•!, "Mr Gowen.
glan, r gl -t y ov- rti v. llarlrwnfl s let
er. -a i s wly a: l rather i:, silatir gly .* 1
l..ii t know I have n< thing 1 hav.. i th
jugtos-i.x in r ply. ,VH 1 said came
.it ii id., ia! pr-'Cet. iwgs. anil any reply
must 1 made through the same source
(I ! Mr. ti w.;,'t... reporter exclaimed,
. 1 didn't node.-land the n.ot'Cr in thai
g!,I A the r-i-t-rt, r .-.ud tbi- he ad
| x r,n,, t- tin d rus a! ut t- leave,
j w I ■ n Mr Gowen, who wa standing in th'
ii,ldie ! his ..ffi.hastily strode tip u> th--
i r,.|i,,itrr in.u said, ..itha peculiar stii,U'.
l! Go Hariruiill snld what 1 said is n.-i
I. i- u .Mtr. Gix ). in my < -mpli
' * '
< r .HMIN liOFFKK, Relief, ate
{Nortk Ward—J W. Orphan.
ut W ... i J ii •%.. ..iu,e
W. -t WrJ—J. C Harper.
II -war 1 R -rough Raiser Weber.
M - burg " Win. A. K"rL u
Pul : burg Ror ugl Ed Mum, ;.
C • v iii* " S. A. Martin. Flem ,
Ilei iit-r I\* p Dr \\ .P. Ib'throck. Rrllt
iiugg- Etiwartl Johnson, Miiebtirg.
I'-ur- -idi R M illioTaii !. I'ine Clen.
< dug, Trunk Tny ior, L iiunt.
C .rt.i -J in M C - ,y. Howard.
T.-rg . • u.d Pr • Is G Rrc'.t, Pint
I Grove
Fergu- nNt w* " So! fiats , K irk j
Gregg Jui.n Ct-ldrcn, Sprit g Mil-*.
IL.; - 11 \ M ugle. Aaror-l irg
li .111 M.-yer. Jr . I If- II til
HalfM n 's' Griffin. l!!f >[ -mi.
11 i. - Ad mi Krcbs, M .rtna,
Howard R L-'athers, Mt Eagle.
Liberty WII (iarlncr, Rlanchard.
Marit-i Win Latnb, t\ alker.
M le- Kiil-en Kf- amer. W>*lf *St -n*.
Put ton Win U-'-il, liutl.ili- Rut).
I'olter Win 11 Mingle. Cftilrt Hh 1,
Pi nt DA M u-er, M illht im.
. Ku-! 1.1 Dunk'e, hantlv Hidge.
S ivSh.'Oiwj A", lin Hint, n, Mosliau-
I on.
Spring J G I.iurimer, Pleiunnt '.tp,
I vb-r Win Calderxvt 1, Port Matilda.
Ui.i n Win M Sholl. Fleming.
W ulke:® M, Mullen, II iblrr.*-
\V rlh \:-reri Kresc. I'ort Matilda.
We xxill M-nd tlie Reporter until after
the , .unpaigti for k'*! eeiil.*. Header, fend
us tlie itaiire*. antl help the cause of re
Ft-r the Ktporler.
St. Puul sav-: Endurance to ken the
unity of lh<> r*piiit in tl-o bond* of peace.
Eph. 4:3. i. e , He united in afTeclioii and
live in peace, according to the leading of
the Holy Gh t. Rut to particularize on
thi* subject, I will discus* it under three
division* : J
TI As U all V. What i- it' It is the pir-. (
it of Christ, a product of tl-o Holy Ghost
in the heart, and if it ninn have not the
Spirit of Christ, he i- none of His, Kom.
**lt is a spirit of love-mutual love— !
love to all the saint* -not only in name,
but iu ib't'd- Hy tbi- shall nil men know
ti nt ye are my disciphs, il ye have tore
one to nnother, mv a Christ. Iti- n spirit
of humility. Pride cause- content -m ; il
is the opposite of humility. Paul is ml '
T. iriniha-, though largely imbued with Hit
Holy Ghost, weto not fully humble, and '
hence, there vie n sharp contention he
twoen them nt Anlioeh, Acts Ifidlt. In
tha nb-t nee nl humility we often hear such '
utterance-a* these :1 am morn righteous
than he, Maud oil", Ac It i* n spirit ol ,'
forbenr'HH'o. Col. 1:13. Long •uffering, '
long oiiiuiril.ic.a, the ,'*or,.i-,x oi pationct'
t -ward tin-no w In- injure us. I', is the es
s-nee of true Christianitv.
RkUNK 1 answer, nil Christian* maybe '
one in faith, in love, in prayer, and in el- 1
fort. Union in those essential tilings wjultl
II explode Jealousy and bigotry from 1
tho christian World. The writer does not
mean organic, hut fraternal union -one
ncis of mind an-l spirit, heart nnd soul —
union in essentia!*, liberty in non -. e- l '
:iti In and charity in nil things. On this
broad ground nil the followers of Christ
•nn meet.
1 answer :
1. k'y decided cTtirt, striving, especially
triving together, reading, praying and ia
luring to tliis end.
k'. Ry regarding the compact between us f
- ehrisliiin*. All christians nie united in
ond* of fraternal amnity. They are
oiiiitl together by friend-hip, harmony T
ml good understanding A prnctieuble b]
•po-itioii Hiei dciiiortmcnt is thn bond 33
ut bind* all christian* iu <>no. Di-cmd A
itu i| HomiUvr. 1( liiuuid, li
tnrefully guarded ami itrengtbeiud by all
| tiollevori.
•'1 \\ ii x Sii .fi i> I'II KKK IIK UNITY
Axi-- N .. I' Ills.' w lint are 11-.. fen.
I n-i-'' l lu. arguiiioiiU used by tho apostle
urn tin* tollowilig
1 Says ho ■ '1 Itoro i* una body, one
church of which f'hiist 1* tho Iliad ami
nil believers are members. And this
one tiliuit li is a living organism of xvhieh
( Itri lis the Lib
:I There is one spirit Tho Holy Fplrit
jllio soul ol the whole chuieh is animated
mid governed.
One Uul-e The hope of eti tl-nl lite
1 tie hope that I tirul P rgixeti lue nil
iu V past sin* and xxill forgive ine all my
Inline -ins, tlmt Hi all tl.e burdens of life.
He will be near to help die, that ill the
\ alley ot the Shadow iif death. He w ill be
j Lo with rue to rheer and comfort me. that
a mansion . f glory nw nitt me on the other
- hurt? aiol that 1 shall be for* ter happy lit
, tin* pn -< i'ce of (ii\
I One L. r.l t'hrist, tie L"id of glory
ICm ■ '1 be Lord from IL ut in. 1
' 1 14.4, ihe Head of the ('hurt li, tlio
Navior ot the l-.-dy lleuee It is said :He
x e one v< t,r l.oid is one, see Aug I Ik',
ti One Faith.
1. One grace t-f faith, the of tho Ho
ly Hpird
'J Ou dl-tlrilio of faith. All believe ill ,
."it* aid the -nine d,,il runt of Salvation
\it wl are saved are saved ai d justified !
by Him.
! ii tine KaptLni. Ii- 11-e name -f th"
1 alb ~ S i, end II -ly tihutl ol - d-e.r in
to ll.e i Uurch- I L'hiiei. A i arc by one!
spirit i'Mptis* d into one body, not 01-e |
more, but one baptism There aro many !
tin-des but only baptism.
~ li e G-'tl and b nilier t,f us all, w lu- 1-.
above ul! an-l over all and among lis all n
to los l-oly temple. All, therefoia, who!
oittleax r In l- v id-, (ti, t .'hurt li, do all tb-'.x
mi t>> tilv nle find hiimelf, w h> decret - in '
His ehurt li as in His I, n.ple '] herefort I
the it| . tie sitj : keep the unity of the
>pir,l in tin bund of peace, fur tl - re is om j
Hotly, oil** spirit one Lord, one Hope on- :
*'li' failli, one 11 *pt i s 111 , one God an-l
I alio : t-f all pursue the apostle s idea it!
111 ittle furl! er, unu congregation, one Sun ,
j'.ay S' hool and one prayer meeting
fx Tie diversity t'f gifts and g r ace-!
t'hrist bt-lowid. contains an argutnenl for;
i:ie pieservation and prutiiuiiuit ■•' the
unity ol the spirit as also the different
measures and degrees of those gifts and)
gra, ot : \ll come from one and the tamt j
i.ulhor and tend to the same end— the glo j
|ry •■! i ,rut and the salvation of st>ul.
1 ' Tho variety of t-fli, v t.nJ t-ti-ec-r-
Gin ist instituted, all tend to ibis end.
1 He guxo hit church Apostles, a -dr-MOt
men s. Hurth by His own mouth to spread
the g. -pel and gather the people into Con
gregation*. Act*. 3 1 'i.
'i I r-'pbets to foretell future events arid
. \plain the writing* of the old and New
3. Evangelist-. Thev were tent out bx
(the u|"-stlt a kind of itinerant preachers,
I,*-,.me to plant and some to water Churt h
,as nirett ly planted,
- 1 I'H-: >rs and leathers, bishops hi d vi
ler-, -id- -ai d instructors of therhurcb,
v 11,1k* Chris*, has afforded u- every pos
vible 11 Ip to keep the unity of the -pint.
Should not, tlien, ministers a'ul lav
iiifti. ail Christians labor earn rati v l-> keep
.lie unity of the spit,l ! How often, though
do Uu -Tirlii.ti of the Cross of Christ g
wa\ fr-.iu the Church, with reason to say
Set Yxv these Christians hate -ne another.
' instead of. See bow they love one another.
* 11.-w they break their sw.-rdt over each
other's head-. Instead of breaking them
over the Devii .-. llow they waste ibei.
I amti'Uliil. n at each oilier, instead of w asl
', nig U on th" putters of da.kne.s ana the
- Legt uu of Hell, that thi* victories ot Christ
' ,tu -y be ex'.eiui--U. The-, tiut.g- ought
tit Iso to Le l! all were to adopt the
Ap- -tlu's Crw d and rule their conduct a -
. cord-fig P- its principles and teachings, w.-
should, then, have uuaniimty and acuuie*-
sent peace and harmony among us. Then
w u.d tho follower* of Christ be ruled by
faith and charity, rather than by creeds,
■ Liturgies, Rituals and their own selfish
theories and scbeuiws. and God -u'.d
*. abundantly Lie-- them, to that they
e could rejuico in iii* abundant mere \.
fi 1.11 K. liUOWTU, in:A L TV.
, N! a dye makes h:it*h iiair toft and
stiky ; t lea rises the scalp front all ipipuri
. tics, tasting the hair to grow where it has
fallen off <r become thin.
Can l-e applied by the hand at it does
' not slain the tkin or soil the finest iincr.
II At a Hair Dressing it it the most perfect
the world ha- ever produced. The hair is
j rciicvalej and strenglher.eJ, and natural
• icolor restored without the application of
■ mineral Substances,
Since the introduction of this truly val
uable preparation into this country, it has
''jt.een the wonder and admiration of all
das- . as it has ptoved to be the only ar
ticle that will absolutely without dc. ,p
--tion. restore gray ha.r to itsongmal , -lor.
health • -line:* lustr# t.r.d buiuly, and
produce hair on Laid head* of its original
* growth and color.
Tmis beautiful and fragrantly perfumed
article i- complete within iUcif. no wash
ing or preparation before or after its u-e,
<-r accompaniment of any kind being re
quired to obtain thxi de-i-able results.
or ;r
>UpbPJLr 2/.C9iIJS33C®.
R< . i this Home Certificate, le-tibeJ t
iby Kdwartl H Garnguctnne - t tho niu-t
compete II i Druggists and Chemists of
I'hii-t Jelphia, a man whose veracity none
, ar. doubt,
lam happy to add my tcstiir: >nJ to the
creal value of the "London llait Color
IL slur er.'which ("liurc ; my hair to its
-rigtiuil Uu'.or. Ci.u the hue upp<*nr to be!
! permanent. lam s tisCi J that this prep
irati -ii is nothing like a dye but operates
j iipm, tlie Mcrelion*. it is also a beautiful
j nair dressing and promote- the growth. I
i-urcha-ed the first bultlo from Edward R '
Garrigin-s, druggist. and Qwrt— BtJ
who can also te-tify that mv hair xvas gray w hen I commenced its ure
MRS MILLER. MiN.-ril " *. I'hila
I] .S . rsc j 4oa, Betpeoted M* 4* i—l
I have the ph asure in inform you that a
lady of my acquaintance, Mrs. Miller, i
delighted with the success of your "L -n
--don lLur Color Restorer." licr hair was
filling rapidly, and quite gray. Tho col
or has been restored, tho failing off entire-'
Iv st-'pped, and a new growth ofhairisthe
re ult. E. V. GAHKIGI Kv.
Druggist, > or. Tenth -V Coaler, Phil.
'London Hair Color Restorer & Dressing.'
Has completely restored my hair to it?
original color and youthful beauty, ai.J'
caused a rapid and luxuriant grow th.
No. Glf. North Seventh St. I'hila
! Dr Dal ton of Philadelphia, says of it :
The London Hair Color iii storcr is u< d
very extensively among my patients ai d;
friends, us well a- by myself. 1 therefore!
speak trom - xprrience
\ddre-- orders to Dr SW'AYNK A
SO.N, :-f) North Sixth Street, PLilade)-
phia, Penn'a . sob* Proprietors. H U M.I [)]il <;<;i.sTS.-Is>i
Saved His Life.
Dit. SXVATNK —Dear Sir : 1 feel it tob,
due t ■ you nnd suffering humanity, to give
the following testimony respecting the
wonderful curative pi'WOts ol your "COM
and SA Its APA RILL A and TAR
PILLS" 1 whs a 111' tod with a violent
cough, pains in t|ie sii|e anj Lrou-t, night
-weals, sore throat j my bowel, were cos
tive, appetite nearly gone, nnd my stom
ueh so very weak that my physician wa
nt a los- to know what to do for tne, as 1
everything I u*i d in the shape of tnedi- *
cine was rejected ; spit different time* a 1
pint of blood I remained for nunth* in s
tin- awful condition, and gave up aH hope. '
•f ever rcs overu.jj. .}t ißi, time you re ]
• -mtneniied the u-e of your Syrup and
Pills, which immediately began to soot lie *
comfort and allay thu cough, strengthen- *
-'-J and healed my lung* ; iu short, il ha
inado a perfect cure of me. Any person
doubling the truth of tho above statement,
will please call, or address mo at the lac
lory, or at my residence. *
No. 1i33 Genual-town Road Philadel- d
phia, Ei-remnn tit Reorgo .Sweeney'* Pot- r
tery. Ridge Road, below Wallace, Phila
delphia. Ho very particular to ask for
nil. SWAYJW&i
I iio most effectual remedy known tor the
Throat, Breast and Lungs.
his vnluul-lu Medicine is prepared only ii
v nr. SUA am; A SON, ,
;K> North Sixth St, PHILADELPHIA a
X AUy. Jf-tl W W. PI
? u . " * LNvfnft POiHTSw
• ih ih£ PURCHASE OF whs
CI:".:- ' '! G
' If' • *tifi *0(1 nfktl C* S of
. iii-.' • i ■ ir;ci i'TjiiL,ic-
Hii'lOCk I'OtMTt:
(y I - -On saltyffx liew
' ' ' **' HiQiiaeef ' ' an-1
W 1 1 ' | • '■ t: l'Ojev who
A i Jjj- sitgi-0<U.„...
11 "' I .nil sn? raj.
w '
| 1 /< -' a*. ■ ToaU • tiualo-l
' x t * ■ * • g ttiag fisvom inst
! VV "...
"tl/-. i 1 ) BTSfJ: ddO-Jeai -Tonr *wev
V I ' II; 1/1.; u ~ ic.irncrtwtu.-
' ■ 1 f V * • • * rt-Tct ar4 farT-
D '' *' up '. benefit
' '■ —-
\A !t; ei*n fjani all
* hftb Writ*
UfKi-ix. ,ju t NT" iflkertntef
(tie i.. u., „ -* * ■ -AD ifWdMpir
i : . ui Ms-tJi .iu IJij
I f Mef. u 1,. j, , PuT, -aear, Gl 14 Itva
Very lum- ! -
Vt'ANAA.'/-.KEK! &, BMCWrd,
n its: xiali^
S. E.COH -i IV & V-I. ': X FT STREETS,
rmij l>SJ,phxa.
Burner* nod Shipper* of t ie celebrated
I WillfliUM iLiIiMIE. -
ddcaltr. ia the very b t gra 1- of
: ■ lAWii li U'ITK ( v (>Ali!| |
~ The tri y drui- n in (Vntrc Cctinlr who sell the
tj from the old Raltiuorc mines Also
of Aiilhra u t ;1 uryly .x; c -'y 1, i hcu?et:'( .at the lowest pricu*
II i: .1 l Eil S.V GR.3 J
I Th-y J'.y Wt -.-i;l-t t i " ; ■ in CM. or itreir th,: tlic Butrrn m.rkcU will ifl-ft,
t; Rougiit or w ;ii Ll- s . 1 t-i. i 11..'-I >n whvr. •h' d, and full prices guaranteed. Ins
f rtnati n • rr ing t * grain trade v ill l-e furnished at til ttinea, to farmer•!
'i with pleasure, fr<— of charg
> j
which ii a!way old at prici-. ar.d warranted to be as good a fertiliser a* an
i other
i; AMD lAriH
IT rcu.i.A i Yin *ef U 1; • .gv.jj 'DOME3TIC/* tc 'udinj the AutomatSc
, J* cr "Mr •- j,
be-l'lr„ n.;: . -qr J'.U k.VI H Gtl'l.XED CONICAL HLVRINOS ea bothtbc MachiM ,
ftnJ Stand.
Out rcw and cA \ !ca. M Vrd * t * sS \ nnd new Ma-ihinerv ard Tcvd* at our maw woriu #
% ol Newark, N,x lerwjr, ha**c piven ua a standard of MKCHANkCAL EXCEL-
I.KNCE, Min-.mum cf Y't t. M.iuiauui ol i>urabuity, and wvtk, never hciciofvut 1
reached in the Sewing Mjihitic wild. J,
Wc invite the attention of all. especially those having high mtchasicai tkUl vT |
ghicrvation. N. 1 All Machines fvi'.l) warranted,
Ncvr York nntl Cliifitifo.
——W# would esteem i! *n > -poci il fa
vor if overy friend of the Reporter would
send us tlio name of at least one subscriber,
with the Cash— for throe months, oO cents;
-ix month* SI.OO, and one your $2. HomU
or, Won't you try utid do i.' little tit*
vor, in.,l wiHivpuv you l>y improvi'iij the
Reporter Send us the name • ofSix now
subscriber*, with tho ('nth, and we will
send you the Reporter one year free.
Tho best tablo and bur, ami excellent
itabling for horses. Also a fine resort for
summer boarders. Buss to depot, ant!
daily singes to Centre county. Charges
reasonable. CEO. BKEON, Prop'*
So 6 BrockerholFßow,Bellefonte,Pa.
Doalcmin Drug*.<itemlculm
IVrftnnery, Fancy <.'od<ln Ac,
Puro Winos and Ltyuors fur medicf
alway kept. tuap #l. W,
McClhin's Block, Directly Opp. Bush
Bellefoote, Pa.
u. ni ltM AM A CO., I'rop'r*.
Dry Goods,
Below iho Isual Trices. ? i
MTU. a,
'beATTY r,A °<
From Jas. F. Kga, firm Reran A
' i-rtor publishers Dallr and Weekly Trf
Lune.leffarson City, Ho . .Re, receiving
la *.() instrument, save : K
"Piano reached us in. good condition 1
From K. R. BaUndge, Bennington Fur
\1 * ru , Ccl V"* * * 7ou
Really received lib inet, ail |, K
and coanol fully up lo yourreprM*niatlon'
and exceed! our expectations. While I
don l profm to be a Judge in th, metier.
Mrn. H. dow, and protimtnm it of eery
| wool lone ; and it very much pleated with
Bart inducement* ever offered Money
icfunded upon return of Piano and freight
charge! paid by F. Realty) b<.ib
i way i, unsati ;aWFhfter a t<it trie! of
nve day*. I'mflfniTrii tiled for til run.
Agent* wanted.' Ftmd for raialogti- Ad
, D. F. BE AITY.
Washington, New Jersey,
Hardware Sfore.
A now, complete Hardware Htore haa
■can ooened by the underaigoed in Cen
tre Hail, whore he it prepared to veil all
kinds of Building and House Furnishing
Hardware, Nails, Ac.
Circular and Hand Haws, Tennon Sawi,
Webb Sawt, Clothes Racks, a full assort*
MM of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture
Frame* Bpefcwb Felloes, and UuLt.'ahlc
Cutlery, Mhovels, .Spades and Forks,
Gorki, Hinges Mcrows, Hash Bpringi.
Horto-Hhocs, Nails, Norway Rod*. oils,
Tea Rolls, Carpenter Tooit, Paint, Yaro
• bp.
Pictures framed in the Ho est style.
Anything not on band, ordered upon
shortest notice.
fth Remember, all nods offered cheap
er than elsewhere
Simon Haines,
Manufacturer of
ilttgouH, Ac,
Of e .-ery description ; running gear for
1 til kinds of vehicles, made to order, and in
3r*t c: .as manner. Heine a practical me*
ban.c. 1 would WARRANT ALL
OKK to give satisfaction. Repairing
t promptly attended to at the lowed rates.
Collins of nil styles
made on shortest notice. The business
f undertaking alter I'd to .n all Respectfully solicits a share
tmUse patr-oage. <s s*pt y
Bcti &Bfcet
Would most respectfully inform the cil
reus ufthta vicinity, that be has started a
lew Root and Hboe Si Lop, and would be
hankful for a share of the public patroa
>ge. Boot* and Shoes made to order and
< cording to style, and warrants bis work
to equal any made elsewhere. All kinds
| <f repairing done, and charges reasonable
| 'v hiip a call fab 18 I y
Grand, Square and Upright.
From Goo K. Letcbcr. Arm of Wtn. H.
Letcher A Pro . Rankers. Fayette, Ohio.
"We received the piano and Honk it e
very fme-loned one out here. Waited a
short time to give it a good test. Jf you
wish a word in tavor of it we will cheer
fully give it."
James R. Brown, Esq , Edwardsville.
11l , say* :
"The Bea'.ly Piano received give entire
satisfaction." Agents wanted. Bend for
ca'alogue. Address. D. F. BE A ITT,
Washington. New Jsner,
Health and its Pleasures.
Disease with it* Ago nip*.
Choose Between Them.
Nervous Disorders.
Wnat is more fearful than a breaking
, i down o'the nervous system ? To be ex
citable or nervous in a small degree is
' most distressing, for where can a remedy
• Ise found 1 There is oae : —drink but tittle
wine, beer or spints, or far better, none ;
lake no coffee—weak lea being pre
ferable ; get all the trash eir you cat. : uke
three or four Pills every ntgbt ; est plenty
nf solids, avoiding the use of slop*; anJ if
these golden rules are followed yoa will
he hippy in wind and strong in body, and.
forget you have ner-es.
Mothers and Daughters.
If there is one thing more '.ha.* another
lor winch these Pills are so famous, it is
their purilying properties, especially their
power of cleansing the blood from ail ,-n •
purines, and removing daagerous atiu sus
pended sac rations. Universally adopted
as the one grand remedy for fetus le com
plaints, they never tail, nevar weaken tba
, system, and alwayi bring about what is
j required.
Stck Headache* nud want of Appe
These feeling* which sadden tp>, most
I frequently arise from annoyances or trou
jble. from obstructed perspiration, or from
eating and drinking what is unfit for us.
|thus disordering tho liver and stomath.
These organ* must be regulated if you wish
.to be well. The Pills, if taken accordirg
jto the print-d instructions, will quick iy
, restore a healthy action to both liver ana
stomach, whence follow, as a natural con
] sequence, a good appetite an decker head.
In the East and West lndi"* swart 'y *ny
other medicine it ever ued for thesa di -
How to be Strong.
Never let the bowe't be c ur e*-nl!:. J
|or unduly aced upo. it n.y appear
j singular that Holloway's Ti'l should be
recommended hir a run upon the bovcla
many persons supposing they would in
crease relaxation. This it a great mis
take however, ihe*c Piils will i turned late
ly c rracl the liver a id stop eveiy kind ot
bowel complaint. In warm climates lUoa
| sun-is of lives have hrcn saved by the use
'of this medicine, which ia all ca.-s gives
-one and vigor lo the whole organic sys
tem, however deranged—health and
strength (allow as a matter of course. The
vppolite, 100. it wonderfully increased by
.he use of these Pills, combined in the u-V
of solid in preference io fluid diet. Ani
mal food is better than broths and stent.
By removing acrid, fermented uy other im
pure humors from the liver, stomach or
| blood, the cause of dysentery, diarrhea,
.and other bowel complaints is expelled.
Tho result is, ;L*i the disturbance is ar
rested, and the action of the Uswelt bo
. route* regu ar. Nothing will step tho re
laxation of the bowels so quickly -,s this
♦;ne correcting medicine.
Disorders of the Kidneys.
In all disease affecting these organ*,
whether they secrete too much or too ijltlo
I water , or whether they be afllirtod with
*U>ne or gravel, or with athes unu pains
! 'puled in the loins over the regions of tho
kidneys, these Pills should b taken ac
cording to tho printed directions, and tho '
! ointment should be rubbed into the small
f the back at bedtime. This treatment
w ill give almost immediate relief when all
! *>the*' means have failed.
For Stomachs out of Order.
No medicine will so effectually improve
the tone of the stomach as these Pills:
they remove all acidity, occasioned eith
er by intemperance or improper diet.
They reach tho liver and reduce it to a
healthy action ; they are wm dorfuily effi
cacious in eases of spasm—in fact they
never fail in curing nil disorders of the liv
er and stomach. •
Holloteay'a Pills are the best remedy RAOIC*
„ in the world lor the following diseases : *
Ague, Female lr- Rheumatism,
Asthma, regularities, Scrolula, or
I Hilliouscoto Fevers of all King's Evil,
j plaints, kinds, Sore Throats*
i Blotches on Fits, StoneaGravul
tho Skin, Gout, Secondary
Bowel Com- Headache, Symptoms.
plaints. Indigestion, Tic Houloure-
Colics, Infla ma - ux.
Constipation tion, Tumors,
ofth-'Bbw- Jaundice, Ulcers,
els, Liver Com* Venereal AT-
Consumption plaint, lections,
Debility, Lumbago, Worms of all
Dropsy, Piles, kinds,
j Dysentery, Retention of Weakness of
Krysipolas, Urine, any cause, &c
CAUTION I—None are genuine unless
the signature of J. HAYDOCK, as agent for
the United States, surrouuds each box of
Pills and Ointment. A handsome reward
will be given to any one rendering such
information as may lead to the detection
of any party oi parties counterfeiting the
medicines or vending the same, knowing
i hem to be spurious. _
*• Sold at t be manufactory of Professor
IfoLLowAY A Co., New York, and by all
respectable Druggists and Dealers in Mi
icine throughout the civiiiatd world,
boxes at 25 cents, t>2 cents an j ?1 cto-h.^H
AH-There i considerable saving:
ta*ing the larg- r size*
N. B —Directions for the
patients in every dttorder are
web but, '$ Rtay, e ofl