Song of tha FLher'* Wife. Low down o'*r a teaming whit* *a Th* olond* hang all *abl* to-night; Oh, my fisherman's boat I will h* k**p b*r afloat Till dn 1 uifb* again into light ? H *ailo ' mid *mil* of th* ami ; T i * save* ohorr a* bin* a* In* ye* , Ah I> >i> M ' come book from yotir curt*-. , of t-lack. Tit* pit i l*o* shroud of th* ki**. Our cabin foci* chocry and warm , Our darling ho* may wtth nlocp ; The gold of hi* hair and hta brow broad and fair Arc Juet like my lOT*'* on th* d**p. Ob, Joy ! th* of th* moon 01oam out in ptjpsilrer one* more ; Wild t r.or ! depart from thi* fa*t throbbing hrart— My fisherman ah out* on Ui* ahora ' Rest. My feet are wearied and my band* are tired My aoul oppr****d And with de*ir have I long de*tr*>l Kent ouly r*t Tia hard to toil -when toil ia altnoat rain in barren way*; Ti* hard to ow and never garner grain In harwet day*. Th* burden of my day ia hard to tear But thai knew* l-cet ; And 1 have prayed, but vam ha* bean my prayer, For real—sweet met. "Tia harvl to plant tn spring and tier*r reap Tit* autumn yield ; 'Tia hard to till- and when ti* tilled to weep O'er fruitleea field. And so I cry a weak and human cry. So heart oppressed , And ao I sigh a weak and human aigh For rest - for reet- My way Sa* wound * crows the dcert year*. And care* in feet My path . and through th* flowuig of hot tear* I pitied for ret. *Twas always ao ; when still a chill, 1 laid On mother' breast My wearied little head ; e'en then I prayed. Aa now, for rest. And lam rest lea* still. Twill soon be o'er , For, down the west Life's sun t* setting, and I -ee the ahore Where I shall net. A GREAT FOOL. His name was John Holt; and, more over, I e looked like bis name, or like the image which the aouud of his name, in a musical ear, woul 1 aril up in the mind. For John should le strong, and fniet, and trne. and grave, and John [olt was all of these. His skin was fair and his eyes bine, tint the hair, which had tven tow colored in his childhood, has! deepened to brown. Ordinary jxsr sous would call him good hxiking, rather than handsome, but a close observer would pronounce his profile perfect, aud his mouth and chin models of firm an 1 symmetrical chiseling. The brows were straight >nd strong, though smooth, and his net very high forehead was broad and open. John Holt's characteristics were a womanish gentleness, a most marvelous and at' nrd honesty,and a patience which, to them, looked only too much like cowardice. In his family John was called a great fool. John's father had died when the las! was but ten years old, and left his wife to bring up her family of five children and manage the farm. She was perfectly capable of doing it, and even wary busi ness men were on th ir guard when making a bargain with the sharp Yankee matron. Four of her children followed in her footsteps, and knew perfectly well which was the best ejd of the bar gain ; but Johu—well, if he was a fool it was rot because she had uot warned and talked to him. John did not grow wiser as he grew older, and took upon himself the cares of li'e. Mrs Holt had a large and valuable farm just on the borders of the town. Streets had crept gradually about ier fields and surrounded them on three sides ; on the fourth woodlands stretcbtxl back toward the east. Why she should give the control of this place to John, instead of one his sharper brother-, was a puxzle even to her own mind. The only reason she could give was that John was stea iy and quiet, and more likely to remain home than the others were. But she confessed to her self to lie in oontinual tribulation with hTTV "My dear," she Paid, to a crony, "yon know that fifty oorii* of wood we had, good beech, birch and maple, with not m'-re than twenty stick* of spruce through the whole I Well, John must men tic :i t hit ctovefolof spruce, and so loeetiv.- dollar* on the 'stream. 1 never di l see cti n f L-*i fall for fear of rot. I told J "hi: particularly not to OWD to a speck ; but, if you will believe it, when Thu.i' * tunue to Luy them, an J asked if we had a- en any signs of rot, that ninny said : * Yes, a little," tough I vow I don't believe there were six spots larger than the h-ad of a pin in the whole lot. I don't know where the fel low got his shiftiersness. I'm snre I could always make a bargain." Johu took all this very quietly, as we have said. He knew that though his mother would say such things to others, she would by no means have allowed aDy one to **y them to her. But one thing he oouhl not b-ar was that Nellie Cr* mr should talk in the same way. Nellie scem<*J to delight in tormenting him. She would follow bitn into the gaidens and fields, hang on his arm with her curls blowing across his bra t, looking np smiling and chatting into his face, so soft and sweet as a kit ten; then sudd n ]y, if he chanced to press those wander ing curls against bia breast, or to liend too near her lovely upturned face, or to breathe a word of tenderness, off she went with a toss of the head and a end of the lip, and as likely as not, some such 6peecb as: "I do wish you would not be so foolish, John Holt!" He never got angry with her. How could he? But sometimes a shadow woultl drop over lua face, and he wouldn't have much to say to her for a time. Then, when sue weft to him with her coaxing ways, and laid hei little hand on hi arm, whispering: "Now, don't be v. xed, Johu; I like you so much, but I don't want you to talk nonsense," he would h>ok down and smile, though not very brightly, ami promise to try to av<>id nonsense for the future, ending his premise with a sigh. " D 1 melancholy to h' e and waited, l.vokiug ilowu on her. "Yon set 1 , John," she Iwgtin, "I've had an offer." John Holt was tauued that summer, hnt through the browtinea* one might haw seen a faint hlush run over his face. Nellie didn't srt Heighten?" he asked, looking up into the tree that spread over his head, and reaching to break a slender twig. " He never asked me to," she answer eil, demorelv. "1 suppose he means to, doesn't he!" asked John, looking at her with a glance that might be called almost haughty. " How can I tell I" Nellie pouted. " Men are so queer. The most of them would rather wait to be asked, I think." "If you wait my advice, I will give it," John said, twisting and flinging away the little twig iu hi* hand. "If you like Albert, don't keep James in sus pense. You have no right to do it. You can't seriously think of marrying one man when yon prefer another. If Albert iiaes you, as I bclieveht does, take He's a good fellow." " Ton t' ink sol" the girl said, look ing up suddenly. " I tnink so," he repeated, turning awny. " Now let's gonp to the house." She rose and walio d quietly by his side, her fair, girlish face a little pale, her eyes downcast. At the gate she stopped. " I will Qot go iu now," she said, in a ! ow tone. " I will go home." He merely bowed, and looking back after a few steps, she saw that he had not entered the house, but was stealing off toward the lrn. The next week Jami-s L-e commenced a violent flirtation with Bes*ie H >lt, John's sister, and in a month the two were engaged. Nellie laughed, ami turned the light of her smiles npon Al lxrt Le-igLton, a handsome, daxby fel low, who had been crazy about Lee for the last six months. John Holt said nothing, hut was rather cool about his sister's eng igem -nt. "You se, suspense would have killed iiim."' Nellie whisperer!, mischievously. " I hope he isn't marrying my si-t< r >ut of pique toward yon," John said, coldly. "If I didn't think Bessie loved him tixi wi 11 to give him up, I wouldtell her." "And betray my confidence, John Holt," N< Hie exclaimed. "I tell you, he is like most of you men—purely sel fish. He didn't c&re a fig about me. I think ho seems to like Bonn." " When are yon going to lie mar ried 1" be asked, abruptly. The question came so suddenly that for once the girl lost her eomixxtnre. A critns' ii Hush swept over her face, and she dropped her ey s without being able to speak a word. She recovered herself iu a minute, and proti-nted that she bad no thought of nsr yii g. Hut the blush bad convicted li -r in John Holt's eyes, and he'ly heard a word that sue said. It wax winter, and while they talked they wore waiting, with half a dozen others, for a largo sleigh that was com ing to take them out to a party given by a friend seven or eight miles off in the country. Even before Nellie's blush had failed,the trampling and jingling at the gate attracted their attention, and Albert Leighton put hi" head in at the door to call them. Bei-ir and bet lover come forth from an adjoining room, an other group carue up from a distant win dow, and they all ran gayly ont and bun dled into their places. The party passed off as such things usually do. All seemed to enjoy them selv*s; Nellie was lovely as a pink anil full of mischief, Leighton was attentive, and John Holt was cheerful and kind to everytxidy. He was fully as quiet as nsud, to Ixi siicc, and rather avoided Nellie Cramer, but it is doubtful if any one but herself noticed that. It was tW' lve o'clock when they i.tnrt ed to go home, and the moou hail set. At first tb< ir gayety held out, hut after a mile or so fatigue and want of sleep begnn to t 11 on them, and one by one they fell into silence. "John," Nellie said, "there is just room for me on the seat with you. May I come there? 11 is cold here." He made room for her in silence, and she left her discomfited escort ami took her place next that strong shoulder. Then silence f 11 again; but after a while, in the darkness, John Holt was nware of a light pressure against his arm, then a soft, plaintive whisper stole into his ear. " I am so sleepy, John I" He turned a little—why not? They were old friends—and lifted his arm to the back of the seat, took the bead softly and tenderly to his bosom. And so she lay in that faithful and tender elssp till they diew near home; then, with one whispered word of loving gratitude : " Nobody is so good as yon 1" she drew away, and took Albert Leighton's hand to step out at her own door. After a stir in his own mind, John Holt concluded that N- lli* and Albert had quarreled. lie sighed, oinoe aha THE CENTRE REPORTER. could not hoar, atnl so lieanuoved, pitied the girl, ami then went steadily about Ins work. The water* of hi* *>ul wore Ux> deep for latbbluig. When spring came, for the first tune in Ins life John electrified las friends. He was going to California. The an nouucenient was made quietly hnt firm ly, and he stood like a rook against which expostulation iwat itself to sprat. He gave good reasons, ami resolutely maintained his right to choose for htm Self. •• Yon have always aaid, mother, that ▼on wished I were more ventureeome," lie said. "I am going lo please you, now." " But how is the farm to get along without you ?" she objected. " Frank understand* everything, and can manage." Mr*. Holt took courage, and, break ing over some little awe which, in spite of her talk, she felt for her sou, spoke out : "John, has that Nell Cramer jilted you ?" "Jilted mal" he said, flushing as much with anger as with surprise. " What do you meau, mother? We have always been ginxl friends, but never any more. I never gave her the chance to jilt me." " Then why don't you give her the chance f" persisted his mother, who did uot choose to give up, now that the ice was broken. "Nell is a good girl, if she does flirt a little. 1 always thought that she liked TOU, only that you were too slow to see it. Then, Nell has got a little sum of money of her owu that wouldn't be amiss." "You are entirely mistaken, mother," be said, decisively. " Don't let us say auv more about it." "Ob, yon great fool!" mattered the mother, looking after hitn as lie went out. " Was there ever a man so blind ! He is no more tit to live in the world than an angel out of hi aven is." Then, seeing Nellie Cramer passing the street, she lifted her voice and called her in. The girl came in, wondering at such a peremptory sumnioua. " Come anil sit by me I" commanded die matron, and Nellie obeyed. Mrs. Holt scanned her from head to fisit, the in-at, trim figure in its snugly fitting paletot of dark gray, the green lx>nuet, that brought out her Irtish, clear color with a new luster, and the fair, bright face. " Did yon know that our John is going to Californial" asked Mrs. Holt, abruptly, her keen eya on the girl's face. All the color faded ont of it in an in stant, aud Nellie Cramer dropped into a chair as suddenly as if she had been shot. She sat there aud lookixl at the oilier with her strained eyes, but said no word. " Yes," said Mrs. Holt, unable to re j eras a Might smile of satisfaction at this proof of the correctness of her sur mise; "yes, he's set on oing in spite of -all I can say. He is going in a month or six weeks. Let me sx-; this is the middle of April. He says he shall star! by the first of June, at furthest." That smile of Mrs. Holt's was an un fortunate one. Nellie had always feared t hose sharp eyes, and now the thought flashed into her mind that John's moth er was trying to exfx>e and mortify her. A woman's pride will do a good deal for her, even when her he irt is breaking. It brought the color lo her faen effectual, but for the memory.of that wtnile which rankled in the girl's heart. Had she not given John Holt ev.-ry encouragement, u he had c.ired about her f Had she not said and done things po affectionate toward him that she bad blnshed with Mianio thinking if them nfterward? J thu was no fool, and if he had cartxl f r her, lie might have understood. Ho had j roHiblv been trying to put her Kick. With these thoughts burning in her 1 art, Nellie Cramer went directly to .l >hn Holt as he walked up and down the garden. He stopped, seeing her, Miai looked wistfully into her face. Though lie had denied his mother so d- cidixlly, lit r words had not l>een with out weight. Women umlersbxal eaeh odier. Could it lie possible ? snd t 1 i-re was Nellie coming down the walk. Her bead was erect, and her face pier- ! f< etly composed, though slightly pale. I " I ara so sorry," she begun. " Your j mother has Iwen telling me of your plans. Of course, you know lxst what i- good for yon, and I have lieen telling h- rto let y> m have your owfl way. But we shall all be sorry to lose yon, John." I That was all. He gave a last grasp at : his self command, and held it. There ] was a short, formal conversation, Kith so j engaged in making a pretense of being kind and friendly, and just as nsnnl, that each c >nhl not perceive that the other was al o making a pretense ; and four weeks n'ter they parted with toler able composure, ami John Holt went to California He stayed there five years, and sent Ids mother her gold spoon. lie stayed three years longer, and them came home himself. N'*l!ie was Nellie Cramer still, they told liim, and was much solierod. Home wnv sh- h idii'tseemedtocareninch •bout ! ,{ for several years. Her father and mother were dead, and she was keeping hone for an unmarried brother. Th< re were hints thnt the new minister went to see her very often, bat Mrs. Holt didn't believo that Nellie w< nld look at him. John listened, and when evening came took his hat and went out for a walk. N • one but his own family as yet knew of his return, and he was resolved to see himself the e(fet of his coming on Nel lie. The soft spring twilight was set tling dowL when he reached her house, anil as he walked quietly up the path, a slight figure pat in a window, looking out, singing lowly to herself iu a mourn ful reverie. She did not see him, but when lie came nearer he saw her face clearly. The round outlines and bright color were gone, but he was forced to own that sin had grown far more Ix iuiti ful. The chastened luster of the eyes, the firmer. swe ter e.losiug of the mouth, the purer and more perfect outlines—all belonged to one who hail eatcu of the bread of sorrow, and had found a bless ing in its bitterness. Something swept over his heart with passionute force —some regret, some longing, he scarce knew what. If he had suffered at losing her eight years before, he felt that such a loss now would kill him He quietly entered the op>en door, paused ou the threshold of the room where she sat alone. Hho still sung softly, but, as he looked, i Rtopped, sighed, and became alert. "Nellie!" ho would have said, but 1 liia voice was only a whisper. He went forward Into the shadowy ! room. CENTRE U A EE, CENTRE CO., PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. IH7CS. " Is it you, J imea t" she said, half tiiruuig, expei-ting lu>r brother. John took a step nearer, and this time in* voice did not fail. •• Nellie I" Nhe started, half roue, hesitated, then, as he took one step nearer, sprung with a glad cry into hi* extended ar ua " 1 thought you never would come, John alio sobbed. " Were you waiting for ine'f" he ask ed. " Did you care for me ttefore I went away ?" "Then ami always, John. How could you is- so blind I" Johu Holt smiHitlie.l her hair U-uder ly, for one moment of silence, then ex claimed, as though some great truth had Huddetily dawned upon him. " 1 desrvtHl it! I always thought them wrong, but they were right. 1 was, indeed, a great fool !" The tlouej Bee. There are some tiling* in the history of the honey bee which shows a fi lelity ami devotion tiiat is really touching. There is aouicthit g almost human iu their loyalty to their aov< reigus. Several iustaiuv-s are upon record wliere tsws watched over and guarded the remains of their (}ue*u for days, licking and can-sMug her as thouuh they were try ing to restore her to life. Though food was supplieil they refused ti eat, and at the end of four duysev.-ry is*, was dead. Wheu s queen makes a royal progress through the hive she is always atn-uded by a Udy guard, not a particular uum be/ of IHS>S which are devob d to her I* raon, but a brnly guard which form* itself at her approach out of the sulqects through whom she is about to lams, but who fall buck into their regular work when she has gun* by. 81c never lack* tlie most dutiful and devoted attention ; those about her, wheuever she moves, caress ht-r, offer ln-r honey, and cluster around her to keep her warm if she is chill. Wheu a swarm lose* a quecu, they are at first in deep and violent grief ; if a new queen is immediately given to them, they refuse to accept her. If, however, twenty-four hours is allowed to, they rv nolle tliem*elv<<* to the idea of In r !.>*-<, and receive u substitute with roval honors. The instinct of the ise-i denies all our traditions of instinct, it adapts itmdf ti circumstances, overcomes n-w and un cxjiected obstacles, bsi.efit* li. i[*- rieuce, employs teiu|Hiraiy ei|>edienta, and then east* them aside when the ocea siou for their us- is gone, in away which is marrelously like reason. It is, in lts-d, difficult t ■ draw any I ne la*- lween the two qualities when hs-kisl at in minute detail ; it is only iu its cutnu lative power, which j.rtHluoes such differ . Nt effects, that we can date to make the distinction, and then we are at a loss frr a definition. It is strange to find in the insect world, among an order of lieing* H> low in the scale of tlie naturalist, a faculty so ui ar akin to the divine gift of > t*..n which is man's crowning glory. it i just here among t'.e l*.--s and aaioug the ants that it is niost marvelous and most js rfict. S<~irn(i/;r Amrrican. twenty eight years age, a id Senator Jones. of Nevada, I went to California, ami on thi way out was an old gambler, with a s< t ont of far<> boxes, r> ulrtte tahhe, etc. He took a liking to me, and he raid : "Johnny, I'll Mi you a "WRT that may WM yon many a dul ler. I)o vou atw this wheel I It's cir cle is block ami red, and they bet on the oolorn —a nearly eveo chance. Now, watch ma, Johnny, ns 1 set here and spiu the hall. Do yon see me gently rose my km e and press under the fr ime of the table ? Well, those r- d and Mack cocipHrtmeiits ore o.iuuecMl by Iru sets of wires. I raise my kuee when I see tluit the bulk of money is on t ii red, and that wire running through t e reds trills and trembles, NO that the b ill won't rest on any ml cell, but is re |> lied and settles in some black spot. Johuuy, remember this when yon have Digged your gold dust." I went into a gambling bouse about a year afterward t - make a stake. Tin re was a fine, lighting gambler sitting there spinning roulette. Said I to myself: " Voting man, I'll just take a peep at your knees." He raised them very gently, and 1 planted my money agniijat the pile, kuowing that when he swept the great amount off for the rxl he must pay the Mack. So I pickisl up a hundred dol lsrs or so. Kvery time I hit it. That gambler got his eye on me. It was an eye fii 11 of smallpox audacity, lie ad dressed me finally in a loud tone of voice. Said ho: " Didn't I tell yon n-ver t< come here again? Didn't I Ml you that this was a place for gentle man? This a gentleman's game. That miu, gentlemen, it is my duty to warn von aga nst ; that loafer is a thief." Well, continued Jones, I had never in ny life been then before, but I saw the sctienie. If I resented what the lsss as id there were forty fellows there, cap pers and so forth, to kick me down stairs and rob mo, so 1 meekly said : " Well, sir, I do not wish to make any disturbance here. If yon don't want mo here I'll take my money and go." A Stage KU*. The other night at the imperial opera, Vienna, a handsome tenor, Ita-dinno Widmann, having to kiss Inn soprano, Siguorina Giovanni, in Lortzing's oporn of the "Armourer," that lady, at the rehearsal, requested him to " make believe " in the correct Viennese mnti ner. When the proper moment came at the first performance the handsome tenor plumpiy and resonantly kissed the as'onished soprano upon her rosy lips. Siguorina Giovanni, after the curtain fell, went in a pretty rage to the man ager and complained. The manager j sent for the handsome tenor and re quested him to restrain his ardor. When the second representation took place, Hignorina Giovanni, distrusting lum, exclaimed, loud enough for the house to hear: " I will excuse yon from thekiss." The handsome tenor, incensed at the insult, responded in n stage whisper : " Thank God for that. Who wants to kbs irh an old thing?" The house sat nppaiiod. Hignorina Giovanna flounced off the stage HIUI the handsome tenor has been bidden to apologia a or ab scond. "If had leisure I would repair that w. ak place in my fence," said a farmer. He had none, however, and while drink ing cider with n neighbor tho cows broke in and injured n prime piece of corn. " If I had leisure," said a wheelwright last winter, " I would alter my stove pipe, for I know it is not safe." But he did not (Iml time, and when his shop caught (ire and burned down he found timo to build Hl: other. "If I had leisure," aaid the mechanic, " I should have my work done in season." Tho man thinks his time IIAS L>ecn all occu pied, hut he was not nt work till after sunrise; he quit work at five o'clock, smoked a cigar after dinner aud spent two hours on the street talking nonsense with an idler. "If I had leisure," said a merchant, " I would pay more atten tion to my accounts and would try and collect my bills more promptly." Tho chance is, my friend, if you had leisure yon would probably pay laaa attention to tha matter. A Story of Hatublinr, If I Had Leisure. A TllKll.l.Ml. AOVKXTUKK. ll* w s Nofir>|*r visa l'fc*ai*4 ik* Mesa K*ir**l of lbs Tblriv t'a**r taionor*. Ik* *••!. We were looking death full iu the face, saysa our resixui-lent of a Chicago pa|ier, and so close that we could feel his cold breath upon our foreheads, ami hi* icy grip upoti our hearts. "No anrrender, was the word panned from man to man. K*ch one of us would have blown out his own brains rstlierthan lall alive into Indian hands. A disabling wouud would havebeen the name asd> atli. 1 have often iroudered how a man felt when he saw inevitable, sudden doom ttefore him. 1 know it now, for 1 had no idea of e*oaj>e, and could not have suffered more if an Indian knife or bullet had pierced my heart. Bo it waa with all uf us. It is one thing to face death 111 the midst of eicitement. It is quite another tiling to meet him in almost cold blood, with the proH|et of your dishonored carcase tiring first mutilated ami then left to feed the foX aud the vulture. After a mull ouce iw-e* the skull sud crosslMUins a-* our party saw it ou the afternoon of July 7, no subsequent glimpse of grim mortality can {Mmniblr impress him in the same manner. Well, the eternal shadows were fast closing around us; the bullets were hitting nearer every mo ment, and the Indian yell was growing stronger and fiercer, when a hand was laid ou my shoulder, and a soldier named Rufu \ my neighlxir on the skir mish hue. said; " The reel are retiring, Lieutenant Sibley tells ti* to do the same." 1 quietly withdrew from the friendly pine tree which hail kept at least a doseu Indian bullets from making havoc of my body. "Go to v -o - addle tings ami take all your ammu uitiou," >yiid Bitiley, as 1 pas is-el him. " We are going to abandon the horm*. The Indians are all around us, ami we mu-d take to the rocks on foot. It is our ouly chance." 1 did as directed, lint felt a pang at leaviug my noble )>east, which was bleeding from a wound in the side. We dared not hoot our iionw s, for that would discover our movement to the enemy. Orouard ad vised this proceeding. With a ceienty which was only possi tile to men struggling far life, and to escape a dreadful late, our | .arty otwyed their orders, and, iu Indian file, retired through the wood and fallen tree* i: ->nr rear, toward the east, firing a volley and some scattering shot* liefore we mort-d out, to make the ludians believe we were still in |>o*ition. Our horses were evidently visible to the savagea—a cir Icumstauce that facilitate.l our esca|>e. We ran for a mile through the forest, waded Tongue river (the bead waters) up to our waist, and gained the rock* of tin mountain range, where no Indian pony could follow n*. when we heard five or six s.-altering volleys in succes sion. It waa the final fire of the Indians before they made their charge at our late "corral " to get our sealp. "We ire safe for the present," said Grouard, with a grim smile, " but let ua lone no time iu putting more rock* between u* ■and the White Antelope." We followed hi* odviee with a feeliiig of tltaukfulueaa which only men in such trials can ever know. liow astonished the Indian* must have teen wh<-u they ran in upou the maimed liorrws and did not get a single *oi.!p' Kven aiuler such circam n uh we w. re placed iu, we hat a little laugh at their eXI" I.MI. Hut we had • -x-ajsyl one . ung. r oi Jv to tncouu ter another. Fully b rty five miles of ruoti train r.s-k and ? r. -t lay between u h and (Irooii's tin p. We con 11 not oirrv i sun. le particle of food, ami had to tlirow awuy everything stij rllimn* m ti.e w.iv of elo'hing With at least live l.iindrr : ludi -us U-hind u, and tin ■ -n ; d pr. cipic- * !*•(< r- us, we fouml our ties ami one hundred round* of ami lition each, suCici'-i t 1.-M to carry. The brave Grouard, tlie ablest of in-otit', conducted our retreat, ami we marched, cbmls-d, ami tumbled over piotv * that at ether time* would have l-een imj ossible to us, until midnight. Then we halted under an immense pile of rooks on the hip of the mountain, snd there witnessed one of the mi at terrible wind at rrn* that can is. imagined Long la-fore dawn we were again stum bling through the rocks and forest, ami at day.ight reached the tremendous canyon cut in the mountains by what i* caded the eastern fork of Tongne river. Miwt of our men were too extiaub- 1 to make the descent ot the canyon, so Gronard led n* through an oj>en valley down by the river,on the left bank, for two miles as hard as we could go, for if d s- Ooverod there by the savage*, we eo; 1 I only halt ami die togeth- r. Fortune favored n*. ami we made the right bank of the Mr. am unobserved, being then übont twenty-five mile* from Crook's headquarters. In our front were the |)laiu*of the iox*tern slope, full of ho*tile ludiacs, while our only avenue of es cape WHS to climb over the tremendon* precipice which formed the right aide of the canvou. But the duuntless Oronard was equal to the crisis. He Moled that gigantic wall diagonally, ami led us along a mere squirrel path, not more than s toot wide, with an abyss five hundred feet below, and with a sheer wall of rock two hundred feet high alwive us. After nil hour's herculean toil we gained the crest 11ml saw the ix>iut of the mountain, about twenty miles distant, where lay our camp. This, as may bo imagined, was n blissful vision, but wo were half dead with fatigue, ami some of ns were almost famine stricken. Yot the iude fntigablo (Ironard would not atop until we reached the eastern foothills, where we made a dive into tho valley to obtain water, our ouly refreshment on that hard, ragged road. Scarcely had wo slaked our thirst, when Oronard led us up tho billa again, and wo had barely reached the tinilx-r when, around the rocks, t the |>oii)t we had doubled shortly Ix'fore, ap]x>ared another strong party of Hioux. This made ns desper ate. Every man examined his rifle and looked to his ammunition. We all felt that life would lx too dearly purchased by further flight, and, following the ex ample of the brave young Sibley and the two gallant scouts, we bxik up our position among the rocks on the knoll we had reached, determined to sell our lives as dearly as possible. " Finerty," said Sibley to me, "we are in hardlnek, but we'll show the red scoundrels how white men can die. Boys (turning to tho soldiers), we have a g<*ul jxwition; let every shot dispose of an Indian." At that moment not a man Among us felt any inclination to get away. w*- peration ami revenge liad usurped the plies- of the animal instinct to preserve our live*. Hut we were spared tho or deal. The Sioux failed to olxterve us, and, very fortunately, they did not ad vance high enough to find our trail, but kept eastward on the lower branch of Tongue river. Thoroughly worn out we all fell t.-doep, exeeptiug the tireless scout*, ami awoke at dark aomewhat re freshed. Not n man of na, Sionx or no Sioux, could endure the mountain jour ney longer, no we took our jaded hunt**! lives into our lianda, and struck along the valley, actually wailing Big Goose creek up to our arm pits, at three o'clock Sunday morning, tho water Iteing cold as the mountain snow could make it. Two men, Sergeant Gornwell and Pri vate Collins, were too exhausted to cross, so they hid in the brush until wo sent two companies of cavalry after them, when we reached camp. After erosaing Big Goose we were nearly a dosen miles from en* eamp on little Oooee sreek. ami you may ju lge how badly we were used up, when it took four hours to make *II mile*. The rook* had skinned our feet, ami starvation had weakened our frame*. Ouly few were vigorous enough to push on. At five o'clock we saw a few more Indians but wn took u > pains to conceal ourselves further. They evidently mistook us fur a ramp out guard, ami, I* ing only a handful, kept away. At seven o'clock w met some cavalry out hunting, and we sent into camp for horse*, a* most of them oould go no further. Captain l>e Wees, and ftowelle, of the ftoooud cavalry, came out for us with led horses, aud e reached ouilip at leu o'clock Monday morning, amid congratulations from every side. The men who remained at Oooae creek were brought in some hour* later. Thus, after jxuwmig through in credible danger and great privation, every man of our thirty, unwounded, as by a miracle, found himself safe in Camp Cloud l'eak, surrounded by com nates. For oouductiiig this retreat with such consummate success, Frank CJrou ard deserves the highest place among the scouts of the American continent. Ntrax War I'artlra. To organize a war party, a few buck* will go around th camp at midnight singing love songs to the squaws, and finishing with a signal Bong, sayu g they are going to the M-diciue rock (a well known landmark about twenty miles from the camp), ami will wail four days; all those wishing to join procure their ammunition ami oeotouariea, leave camp quietly at different tttlle*, ami on the fourth day all are at the Medicine rock, where they agree UIKJU the route and choose a loader. I'hey start for the eliemy'H camp by au outside, uiltraveled road, to hide their trail, traveling ahou*. twenty milea a day, keeping m the tini lier an much as p sslble. If the enemy should discover their trail they would la cut off and few escape. When within ten miles of the enemy's village they leave the extra horaee, etc., with the boys in the tttnlier and proceed, with their war rig and horses, to the village at night and get under cover be hind a knoll ur in the wood*. They are very cautious, and prefer waiting to find some buck looking for his ponies, ur squaw going for wood, that they may have a sun- thing of getting a scalp and little danger of losing one. On finding their victim in a safe poailion, they charge on him, like a pack of wolvna, and the first warrior striking the enemy with a hand instrument counts the coup and some of the others scalp him. The tiring is heard in the village and all is excitement and confusion, the bucks ami squaws rushing fur their ponies, children crying and dogs talk mg. The attacking parties have got the ac*lp and arc off like the wind and the others after them, taking different routes to try and head them < fl; but it gen • rally proves use leas, as the Sioux have the start, and the hardy war horae will carry them two hundred miles in twenty four hours if necessary to escape. Ou their return to camp, the war horse, being now reduced to a mere skeleton after his lot g nuv, is turned in the herd, and on the uutriiions buf falo grass soou recuperet'* and is able for his m eter's uext The war riors are f< hxU d by nearly every lodge m'tho camp, and repeat over and over • very little >• cide I si. 1 detail of the whole trip. Tb y are listened to with the most marked attention and approv ing words ami g<*>turea by the men, women and children. The little young stera* eyes glisten and ulnioft pop out with j< y and admiration at the arc nut of twenty or thirty warriors charging an old m*:i or squaw, counting the o-uip, ami scalping them, ami wind Up by say ing that if it had not l*x-u s culii they would have killed !, when thev ran hie • /ared Coyotes th moment ttiey were pursued. thoughts for Saturday Night. / Experience is a torch lighted iu the ashos of our illusions. It is beautifully said that the veil of futurity is woven by the hand of merry. Thefts never enrich, alms n vr im |HV< rish. anil prayers hinder MI work. The g m cannot lx polished without friction, nor man perfected without ad versity. Waste of wealth is sometimes re trieved; waste of health seldom; wade of time never. David's pen never wrote more sweetly than win n dipped iu tho ink of sfllio tion. Sclf-deniml is the most exalted pleasure, and the couquest of evil habits the most glorious triumph. There is no readier way of bringing your own worth into question thau by do t recti tig from the worth of others. (lod will not refuse the poor offerings of poor people; but he will not a -cept the poor offerings of the rich. The teacher who gov- rns well gains more by waiting than talking. Many words are au evidence of wtakuoss, Dot of strength. Losses may atxwt the most profita ble outlays yon ever made, if you take iuto account what they sometimes save you afterward. Home men make a great flourish alxrnt always doing what they believe to be right, bnt always manage to be lieve that is right which is for their own interest. Fear small temptations rather than great ones. These come only now am) then; those every day. Beware of be ing witty at the expense of reverence; sarcastic at the expense of charity; en tertaining at the expense of truth; coarse at the expense of purity. Enthusiasm of the Servians. Of the enthusiasm of all Hervia, and of all Hclaves outside of Servia, in favor of this war, a correspondent writes, there can le no doubt. The atrocious rule of the Turks when they governed this couutry, their bad administration iu Bosnia, Herzegovina and Bulgaria at the present time, and the barbarous cruelty practiced 111 times of insurrection on even the most peaceable of the Chris tian subjects of tho sultan by Baxhi- Bazouks, Kedits, Circassians, and other irregnlar troops employed iu the work of endeavoring t<> put down these risings by fire and sword, have sunk so deeply into the souls of the Servians, that never will there lie peace in this country until the last trace of Mussulman rule is a thing of the past. The monks have left tle-ir oonvents to march with the columns going to do battle, and inspire them by the cross which they hold aloft at the head of tho battalions. Every man and woman in Servia regards the war as one iu tho cause of Christ and country, and 1 hive not met one of them in any class of life who oould ls made to understand why Hervia ahould not have the sympathy of every Christian nation. Vanr PROCD. — The late Lord Alvan ley, who was delightfully odd, met the proud Lord of Durham at Aloopka, Prince Woronzow's place on the Enxine, and Durham, who was filled with an amazing quantity of consequence, said, in referring to some scene of English home life; " I was obliged to assert my dignity, for the fellows had found out who I was." The wit looked up and re joined : "Ah! and whe were yea!" TERMS: S 4 *J.OO a Year, in Advance. THE BL'MIMBHN OUTLOOK. ttiLTr<*' * Vl.w (I Ik* UlMllN. ID fw weeks three years will have elapsed since the lirikiiiK out of iLn ]> ,i - of 1873. The fictitious rise in values enabled ttiim) holding merchan dise, stock*, inilit, manufacture* and real projierty to Imrrow largely from oapitulists and cor|>uratione. In many iwri th'-> 4 stocks and properties were mi to tin' riUiui of seventy-five iM*r r nt. of their then estimated vslue. u |>oiiit of fact the actual increase of national wealth during these three proa perous yeais amounted only to the HUT jilut produced each year, which waa ut terly insignificant when compared with the great increase in all valuea through out the country. Meantime an enormous amount of indebtedness waa piled up. The crisis of 1873 waa aimply an awak ening of the whole community to the actual stale of affaire. K<-ry one de aired to realiae; every one deaired to be paid. Valuea receded much more rap idly than they had aJvanned. Confi dence waa destroyed, and very juatlyno, aa it la-came patent that a heavy per centage of thoae indebted Were utterly aud hopcleanly bankrupt. Their mar giua and equities were deaboyed by the depreciation uf the atocka, merchandise and real properties, which had, under other conditions, formed the baaia id their supposed wealth. The major part of tbeae people pat off the dav of reck oning aa long aa possible, and hence it la that the numla-r of failure* increaaed ao steadily during the three year* of disaster we have just }a d through. What jieroentage of three failures are fraudulent it is difficult to say ; but that numerous unscrupulous debtors avail themselves of the facilities which arc afforded by generous creditors to nd themselves of indebtedness, and atari afresh with the capital of their victims, is beyond a doubt. Experience of this kiud tends to iufuse a greater element of caution in future business trauaac tiona, which is much to be deaired iu this community. It would seem from the semi annual statement of Dun, Bar low Jk Co., showing tlie number of fail ures throughout the Tutted Btates and Canada, for the first two quarters of the present year, tliat the number of fail urea and the volume of liabilities is very much on the decline. They culminated with th-- last quarter of 1875, when they reached $70,(100,000, declin ing during the first quarter of 1876 to $64,000,000, and during the second quar ter to $4.1,000,000, showing a decline of $21,000,000 over the first quarter of 1876 aud a deciiue of $27,000,000 over the last quarter of 1875. During the last three years, while failures were tak ing place in e very direction, almost all business Las )rt*-n transacted on steadily declining values, and, consequently, at a loss. More than three quarters of the weak brethren have liquidated by lmk ruptcy. An immense mass of individual indebtedness has been actually paid in hard cash, while fully nine tenth* of the outstanding iudebtetinecs is amply secured, using eveu present low pnoes a the standard of value. Forced roono my has prevailed in almost every house bold, with almost every individual, since the fall of 1873. Tli* great falling "off of our foreign iiaj-or! den- t< one phase of thia oooD. 'iiV. The foreign imports at the port of New York alone fell from $4'20,- 385.032 in 1873 to $3.81.090,852 in 1874, to $367,358,8 in 1875, and to $306,- 743,366 in 1876, for the fiscal years end ing June 30. Xea York transacted in 1874 fifty-seven p>- r oent of the foreign coinineree (imports and domestic ex ports) of the whole country. In three yens the imports at this port alone have declined to the extent of $113,641,666, snd a further decline will undoubtedly b. . -labiistied during the cuirent year. While people have bought sparingly of all d<-HcriptioxiS of the cost of pro-inetion has been greatly diminished. The farmer is iu want of everything known as "store gi*>da." His crojm have l>ecn abundant during tie lnt four y-ars. The pnxluction has 1* ont to Iw succeeled by a (K'nod of activity and prijM-nty. The rebound will not tie sharp or quick, nor should we desire that it should be. the early fall we may confidently look for a very considerable change for the bet ter in all branches of business—XVtr York Iftraki. Alas! Poor Child. Ons ridiculous sight at the Grand Union garden party, says s Sarabvga let ter, was that of a little three-year-old, who was dressed in a rose colored silk, with a yard of her mamma's point lace flounce for an overdress, and who wore tiny white gloves, j>earl fan pendant, piuk silk stockings, ami with kid boots the same color. Well, this baby started off wi 11 phased to dance with another baby of her own age, but, seeing a com panion of the like tender yearn dancing with a tioy several years her senior, she came down the lawn with her mouth wide n|H>n, and her hands spread in trnutie fashion, screaming vigorously, and when she reached her anxious mother yelled ont with the passion of an enraged child : " I want to dance with a boy ; I won't dance with a girl." Poor little thing 1 That is her beginning of woes, for there are uumerous maidens all forlorn who would cry aloud if they could for masculine partners. Her Heart. Rhs was an angel blonde, and she tripned through the market until she reached a stall where a handsome butcher stood. "Have you a heart?" she said, blnshing timidly. " Have I a heart, miss?" responded the butcher. "l)o you think that I can watch you day after day and see your eyes droop as they meet mine—that I can feel your velvet breath upon my cheek as I stoop to serve yon—and not have a heart ? Ah, maiden, 1 am all heart, and you ask me have I one ?" " Yes," she sighed, faintly, " this is Iteautiful, this is divine, but it ain't the kiml 1 want this morning, no give me a bullock's heart, quick, and trim it for stuffiug, for my old man is after his dinner." A 15rave Officer. Dnring one of the expeditions into the Caucasus Jgnatieff ordered a battery of artillery under a captain named Ser gueieff to shell a oolumn of the euenyr that threatened to outflank his forces. The order was obeyed, but the shells did not explode, anil produoed no more effect than round shot Ignatieff gal loped to the battery and addressed the captain in language rather more vigor ous than complimentary. He calmly lifted a shell in one hand and applied a portfire to the fuse with the other ; then remarked to the generali: "As yon see, general, the powder is bad." The general sprung from his hone and em braoed him, crying : ' BergaOkaff, my ten, yot* ora bravor than I " NUMBER 36. CENTENNIAL CORKEHPOIfDENCE. OaitS* Dlmh •'■Mia lmmuU* I b>r|M ■— OalsiS* Mwi_lalll| PUrr.-~Th Brtlteh Uortl. Ot'TSIDB mSOAnGUIATIOIIS. Tlie Centennial Exposition has proved a sad disappointment to the proprietor* of hotels, reatsnraut*. eating bonaoa aud nalnon* outside the Eihibition ground*. The large hotels in the immediate vicin ity have a great man; vacant room*, and the desolate or half occupied building* for long distance* in every direction with tlie wign "To I tent," or "For Halo," are the evident** of disappointed hope* Moat of them proprietor* will loae their invent men la, and many of them go into tmnkrupu-y. They evidently miaappre hetid the number and the money spend iug disposition of the Centennial viai tora CH Alto EH HOT KXOIUUTAjrr. Thnae vuiting the Exposition may be aaaured that good, oomfortable board may be obtained in private familie* at $7 or ftt a week, and that owing to the geueral disposition of householder* to accommodate vuutora from abroad at a low rale, tuo old established hotel* have not been crowded. People can board here n* cheaply aa in any first clam city in the I'mon, ao that none need lay away fur fear of exorbitant charges. TBI OCTHTOH SHOWS, whom name VM legion, have fared worm than the restaurant* and aalooua. The Centennial itaelf ao ecdipaea all other show* that no mumble person* stop to look at tI'MD, and moat of them have folded Up their tents aud departed. And aa a good dinner can be had in the Main bnildingand on the ground* for fifty cent*— juiwb*t they would have to |>ay for roadmiewun if they left the grounds—all who have not passu*, and moat of thorn who have, take their din ners inside. X ATI SO TLA CHS. Ample provision has l>een made for feeding all visitor* inside the Centennial ground*, under regulations of the On tenmal ootunoaaiouera, at reasonable rat**. There are two clasma of restau rants—tbnee who give hot dinner* at fix ed prices, meats, vegetables and bread and butter at fifty cents, as well as lunches; and those on the lanch or Eu ropean plan only, where yon select what yon wish from s bill of fare, and pay only for what you order. And right here, let me say, yon can dine cheaply and well at the" beat restaurants, if you only know how to make your order. The best rcßtauranta on thaae grounds give better fare for the same price than yon get at any first-class hotel; for tbey give yon for a single order meat econgfa and vegetables enough for two persona Now, if there are two to dine, and tbey can agree as to what meats, vegetables, etc., they will ha*e let one order meats and the other vegetables, and thev will have an abundant diuner at a moderate prion. TUB BKITOH r>xPAimr*rr in the Main building deservedly holds the port of honor, and occupies a Tery large space between the middle portion of the center aisle and the north tiide of the building. It surpasses all other na tionalities, both in the extent and excel lence of its display, and is a most at tractive exhibition in itself. THI BRITISH CO Mlfl-RIO* HOrSl on St. George's hill, after the style, I should judge, of a conutry gentleman's bouse in the time of Henry ths YlHtb, with it* thick walls rendering the room* 000 l in summer and warm in winter, and the furnishing, even to the stoves, ranges and fire gratis, as also the wrought irm garden scats, chairs and tables, broaght from England, are good samples of the solidity, idea of a-mfort, good sense and good taste of oar trans- Atlantic cousins. THI lUJrCTACTCRIBS are chiefly represented, a few large dealers only having notable exhibits. And remarkable as is the display of British manufacturers, it would nave been far larger, bat for almost prohibitory tariff, which makes it impossible for many classes of manufacturers to sell their goods in this country. The display of china, glass and stone ware, pottery, and ten** ootta, and of silver, and electro plating, is remarka ble, and represent* the best makers in the United Kingdom. The same may be said of furniture, microscopes, and philosophical instruments. On the north side of the center aisle, near the grand couoert stand, I* an ex hibition, as unique as it is beautiful, de serving of more than a passing notice. There is nothing resembling It in the whole Exhibition, and it shows bow toe plastic hand of art can transform the rudest materials into the highest forme of beauty. It is a lawn pavilion, in oast iron, of Japanese style, designed by Thomas Jeekyll, Eeq., of London, aiid the d<-corations by the well known American eolorist, Mr. Whistler. It is thirty-five feet by eighteen, and thirty five "feet high, contains two stories, with balcony in upper story, supported by iron onlumns, transom bars, brackets, surrounded by wrought irou railings of exquisite workmanship, ornamented with a great variety of flowers, flying birds, butterflies, bees, flh, etc., in the highest style of art. Within are beauti ful specimens of wrought iron work, toilet tables, gates Are grates stoves, etc., like those in the British commis sion house, and a statne, in plaster, of Thomas Oorlrle. Messrs. Barnard, Bishop A Barnards, of Norfolk Iron Works Norwich, Eng land, have a continental reputation for making such goods. Also wire nettings harness fittings, lawn mowers, garden chairs, rollers etc., exhibited in Agri cultural and Horticultural halls 8. M. B. An Indian Toilet No dandy of civilimation is more fas tidious in regard to his " make up" than a young warrior, or " buck," as he is called on the plains, whether in prepar ing for the warpath, a big feast, or an important council. The work of the toilet of an Indian warrior is alwnya performed by the sijuaw, who takes great pride in adorn ing the person of her own particular "brave " in the highest style of savage art Generally the first stage of the proceeding is the painting of the froe. fhis is an affair of the greatest impor tance. In winter, black appears to be the favorito oolor; in summer, reds and yellows are regarded as the fashionable tints. Paint serves a double purpose in an Indian toilet; while it adorns the face, it covers up the accumulated dirt, and saves the disagreeable necessity of wash ing. As a rule, Indians have an in stinctive di3like to water, either as a beverage or for washing, and thus their faces are covered with alternate layers or crusts of dirt and paint. They Bay the paint preserves the skin, and keeps it from peeling off. The colors are kept in reoeptacles of horn, cnrioußly carved and otherwise decorated, and they are always hung, ready for use, in every tent or lodge. The manner of decora tion varies, of course, with individual taste. For the mere purpose of preserv ing the akin, a general wash of black in winter and vermilion in summer will serve; bnt on extraordinary oooasions the face is generally streaked with dashes of different oolore, which is sup* posed to havs e very flue effeet. Items of (at arast. . If every m *ld ooly laka U* •£ vior he girm to otbar people be would be happy* A reeaot fancy makes earring* of black vdeet and wetered ribbon, bald in plaoo by small bookies. wuaap at* selling in California at ftfly oanta par baad. Thay o-ffbt to be ashamed of themselves. Month Abington, Haas , haa a ©WO' factory of boles. It turna oot 1,600,- 000,000 ayalaf for *ow annually. What lore to, f Ihon wooUtot ba leafM, Thy beart moat teach atooe— Two Mth with hot a atngto thought Two haarta that Iwat u 000. lowa juries hold that in case a mar riage engagement ia brokan tha partiaa mnat return all presents, cx their worth in money. Two Chinamen, oonriotad of robbery is Hecramento, offered to provide sub stitutes to endure the punishment, aa ta the cuatorn in their own wastry. At a brewery in Cumberland, Md., there ia a deer which eats with gnaio any quantity of cigars and smoking tobacco given bim, and delights in lager beer. When the war of the Revolution began there waa but one man in Maaaaoburetta who waa worth more than $90,000 ; there are now forty-flve worth more than a million. Beading wax is DO wax at all; nor dots it contains a aingls particle of wax. It is made of abellac, Venico turpentine and nhiuabar. Cinnabar givw it the deep rod color, ami turpentine renders the shellac soft and ley brittle. When a Delaware indion woman's house near Oana river, Indian Territory, was surrounded by the late flood, rbe tied two children to her body, and from her housetop mounted a tree. W hen oat of reach of the water ah* tied ter tiabiee to IhS iimhe and aaved them. A circus wagon containing aea lions was hacked into Lake Winnahago, Wis., to give the animals water, when sudden ly the doors flew open and the lions es caped. As one of tbrra hs* by this time a littrr of young ones, it is likely that a colon v of the auimala will grow op in the lake. A w>an in Boone county, lowa, gTew weary of his wife's absence on a visit to her mother-in-law, and hurried her to retain bjr having a photograph of his boose tea en with himself and a noigh lior'a wife standing ao the porch. Thia be mt to hia butter half, and abe re tor and by the first train. A lady who had been teaching her little four-year-old the element* of arith metic was astonished by hia rnumag and propone ling the following problem • " Mamma, if you bad three butter fin K, and each butterfly bad a bug in hia ear, bow many butterflies would yon have ?" The mother ia still at work on the problem. A correspondent wants to know t ho )wmt way to preserve eberriea. Around Norwich, the BWletm sera, one way is to climb the trees with s shotgun, t dsrk, ,iuj stay there till morning. Another wav is to carry the tree into the boose everv night at sunset The only sure way," however, is to eat the cherries be fore they we ripe. This is bow Eider Pike tries to de fine chronic rheumatism: Swallow two quarts of carpet tacks, take a running jump bam legged into a barrel of broken beer bottles, let a swarm of enraged hor nets roost on jroar heed, and then roll out into a bed of fiahhooka, and you'd get a faint idea of the nature and eenwi tiou of a first daat rheumatism when it gets hold of yon and means business. The Sew England end lliddle States Yearly pay a profit of over a million and a half of dollars to the Unite.' States PrwtOffiee department. In 1875 they paid in as an excess of receipt* over ex ]nditums $1,665,168.42. The single State of New York showed a snrplns f earnings of $832,022 36, and Pennsyl vania cleared $378,527.82 for the gov. m rnei-t. Alaska cleared $64.41, and that *as the onlv instance ontmds of the New England and Middle States where the running expenses of the portal ser vice were not in excess of its receipts. A Few Hint*. Three-fourths of * cubic foot of water '•vmporstod per boar will produce one hone power. Gold blast iron is stronger than hot blast. Annealing oast iron diminishes its tensile strength. The safe load in tons which an iron chain will withstand equals the square of the diameter divided by nine. are one and one fourth to one and one-half inches by four feet in length, are usually set one-fourth of on inch apart, end a bundle contains one hundred. Two hundred ami seventy cubic feet of new meadow h*y and 216 and 243 feet from large or red stacks will weigh a ton; 297 to 824 cubic feet of dry clovtr will wr-igh a too. A mixture of nine parts phosphate of six port* nitrate of ammonia, and (oar porta dilate nitric acid is a f reeling oompoind which will cause stall in tem perature of seventy-one deg. Fob. A tarred rope is about one- fourth weeker than uu tarred white rope. Tarred bemp and man ills ropes ore of about equal strength. Wire rope of the same strength as new hemp rope will run on the same sioed sheaves; bat the greater the diameter of the latter, the longe r it will wear. One wire rope will ususlly outlast three bemp ropes Banning wire rope needs no protection; standing rig ging should be kept well painted tarred. Sebastopol has been in a ruined and dismantled condition since the close of the Crimean war. It does no 1 now con tain more tJ " n 9,000 inhabitants, who ore scarcely able to exis' upon the rem naut* of the onoe flourishing commerce of the port. The life of the oommunity shows signs of reviving of late, some military vessels having been constructed on its new slips. Fort* Constant me and Catharine are still standing, badly bat tered with os anon balls. Forts Nicholas and Alexander and the quarantine are completely dilapidated, some hundreds of dwellings having been built with the stones which once formed t.ieir ram parts. The principal public buildings of the city are all destroyed. The re construction of the fortifications _is among the possibilities of the situation should complications with England ensue. Striking a Clock. George IIL, of England, was ex tremely punctual, and expected punctu ality from every one. Lord H. was the most punctual man who attended on his majesty. He had an appointment one day with the king at Windsor at twelve o'clock. On passing through the hall the clock struck twelve, on which his lordship, in his rage at being half a min ute late, raised his cane and broke the glass of the clock. The king reminded him that ho was a little beyond his time, which he excused as well as ho could. At the next audienoe the king, as he entered the room, exclaimed: " H., how came you to strike the clock?" " The clock struck first, your majesty." The king laughed heartily at the grave manner in which Lord H. justified him self, the mock solemnity of the answer adding wist to the bon mot. From Vfbeat to Bread. A trial was made at the Moss Creak mills, near Carrollton, Mo., to ascertain the time in which bread could be mmis from wheat standing in the field, and with the following astonishing result, commencing at one mnute after three o'clock, and finishing at twelve minutes after three : Commenced reaping wheel. 8.01 Finished reaping wheat 8.02 Commenced threshing wheat.......... . 3 03 Finished thrashing wheat (J bushel).... 8.08 Commenced grinding wheat 8 08 Finish) d grinding wheat 8.0(1 • Mrs. I.awtoo commenced making bread.. 8.08 Finished making bread 8.08 Commenced baking bread 8 08 | Finished baking griddle aakea 8.08 Finished baking biscuits 9.13 This is an achievement in bread mak ing equal to the beat time of Goldsmith Maid c* Smuggler am the turf.