The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, August 24, 1876, Image 2

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    i Coatro Reporter.
; ***** Mlttf
CV> iHK 11-u.i., Pa., Aug. 24, 1876.
~7 RRMS.— s2p*r yrcr, 11 advance, 2,50
ts'.rn not paid tit adrance.
Advertisement* \Meperlin* fo t'- trxti
tertion.l, and for ti and 12 ?m itui by >• '
( contract.
SAMUEL J. TILDES, of Now York.
!nto3. A. HENDRICKS, of Indiana.
1 WIF.S r WF.AYKR, Mile*burg.
To* secure the right to vote in lYnn
pvUania. I 1 persons nmat be see*
two mouths Ik? fore the election and
have paid a State or couuty tax t'tt In r
•will do within two yean*. I>> e**o th
iix is paid this year, it mast be a month
fesfbre the election. .
Foreign born ciuxens wjshutg to vote
next November must toko out tlu tr nat
uralization paper* a month be .ore the
election. Thoy must *!*> N' ■**•'
two months previous to the .l*jr of vot
ing, and must have paid a tox a* above.
l'he election will he held on 1 ucsday.
tlio 7th day of November.
Monday. September 4, to tho last da>
for being assessed. , . , ,
Thursday, October 5, is tru last day for
so unrig naturalization paper*.
Thursday, October 5, is the last ..a>
on which taxes can be paid in legal tiuu
to vote.
The above dates should be carefully
remembered and acted on by all voter*.
By an oversight we emitted to men
tion last week that Col. John Kishel, of
Gregg, is the democratic nominee for
Jurv commissioner. Col. Rishel its so
well known all over the county that his
fitness and capability for this place, or
any other county office. need not bo set
forth here, lie has for over a quarter of
a century been one of the prominent
citizens of our couuty, and identified
himself with all its interest* and its pro
gress. 11a is a man'of intelligence and
Bonnd judgment and will make a good
The queerest thing about the Belknap
impeachment is that he confessed ,hi>
guilt while the I". P. Senate decided he
was not guilty. Now how is it? Ale
think Betknap should know best.
We are informed that during the post
week an unusual number of dead fiah
have floated down the river post this
place. It is not known what caused
their death. — (Lncitbvrg Journal
Why some one above threw a copy of
Have's letter into the river and that's
what kiiied'em.
The Republican has a correspondent
at Millheim who signs himself Mollie
Haguire. This is very appropriate, be
cause the Mollies did some service to the
Republican's party tost governor's elec
tion. That organization of murderers,
and terror of the coal-region, cast its
vetc solid for Ilartranftin consideration
of pardon for Mollies convicted of
The curious little story told below by
a California paper is not a bit more
wonderful than the fact that some men
who profess to favor Reform and are
tired of Grantism nre now in company
with the Camcroup, Chandlers, Kembles
and the whisky ring supj>orting Hayes
who endorses the Grant administration.
Its a little queer, but so ia the following
told by the St. Helena Star:
A strange friendship has sprung up be
tween two very dissimilar animals at
Mrs. Straiton's. A black rabbit canie to
the place some three months ago and
took up its abode. Mrs. S. keeps on the
place a couple of cows, anil a short time
since the rabbit took up the strange
habit of sleeping with one ofthese cows.
It goes to the cow's wonted place of rest
waits her coming, and when arrived the
motherly cow licks the little protege
with much the same affectionate tender
ness that would be bestowed on a calf,
the rough tongue and tremendous licks
nearly raising the little animal off its
feet, and it the meanwhile bracing itself
with it* four feet to withstand the nre-s
--sure. Then little bunny puts its little
nose up to the cow's nose,; and appears
to kiss it, after which the rabbit nestle?
and goes to sleep. It is a singular bed
fellowship, the tiny bundle of fur and
ears of perhaps three or four pounds
with the unwieldy carcass of six hun
The Vast influence which can be exert
ed through the medium of the Post Of
fice, is placed in the hands of a man, who
in 1874 wrote to the editors of Republi
can newspapers, to keep prominently be
fore their readers "until after the elec
tion," the details of any scene of violence
in the Kouth of which they could get in
formation. The same thing is now be
ing repeated, the "outrages" being now
as then frequently manufactured for the
purpose. This is one cf the means by
which the administration fabricates
political capital, and great care should
be taken in reading of these Southern
horrors, at such times as the present.
"Reform is necessary in the Civil Ser
vice," says Governor Tilden, in his
famous Letter of Acceptance, and all the
people ratify the sentiment. Tilden br.s
as Governor of New York, enabled us to
see what he means by Reform, and the
means which he will adopt to encom
pass it. No thieves and public ."plan
derere will be permitted to hold office
with him in the Executive chair, and
even* one interested in the future of the
country will vote for Tilden and Hen
dricks at the coming election.
Our democratic neighbors over in Clin
ton on Tuesday, 13, made the following
excellent nominations: L. A. Mackey
for congress bv acclamation, S. R. Peale
for senate, A. "J. Quigley for assembly,
G. W. Batcheler for prothonotary, and
James W. Clark for register and recor
The democrats of Mifflin county have
nominated the followingjexcellent ticket:
Congress, Hon. Andrew Reed, senate,
Col. John B. Selheiiner; assembly, Hon.
Joseph W. Parker; associate judges, Dr.
S. Belford, Reed Sample; jury commis
sioner, James Wray; director of the poor,
Wm. Wilson Oliver; coroner, N.J. Kudi
—Gov. Hartranft has appointed John
I. Irvin associate Judge, to fill the va
cancy caused by the death of Judge
Love. This is the best selection the
governor could have made from the re-<
publican ranks. "Judge" Irvin won't
sound so bad. We congratulate Judge
Irvin upon his appointment.
The radicals are just now trying to
make capital out of the subject of the
Bible in the schools. If any set of feh
lows need schooling in the Bible more
than any other, it is the radicals who
have been plundering the people whole
sale in every shape and form for the last
decade. It would have been a blessing
to the tax-ridden people of the country
had the Grant office-holders discharged
their duties upon Bible teachings then
there would have been no stealings, no j
>Uii?ky ripgt? iu±d Jobs,
The Kings rule the Senate now, as
they have all along ruled the Republi
can Congresses and Executive. Attack ,
a King and there will he a prompt Re
publican defense. Of all the Kings, the 1
vilest, except the Internal Revenue
Ring, is the Indian Ring. IVluno and
his set grew rich out of it by starving
Indiana,debauching tbeia with bad rum
and freezing thom with rotten blankets
and clothing. It supplied the arms and
[ ammunition to slaughter environ] *.and
for years has actively played tlie pail of
inciter of war and purveyor to our arm
ed enemies. Of all loathsome produc
tions of Radicalism it was about the most
loathsome; and yet, now. when the
Kmc- of the gallant Custer ami he mur
dered men are scarcely covered by the
I ground thoy died on, we have the Re
publican Senate stepping in to • ave the
plundering system which cost.- so many
gallant soldier* lives and so many mil
lions of the people's money.
General Banning gallantly pushed his
measure through, backed by the l*em>>-
eratic House, and proved once more that
the lVmocratic party is the tine friend
Of the.-oldier. But Kepe.l-' nan >i rat' -
alarmed at the prospect of losing tlo-.r
share in the picking of the frontier )••!>>,
and of having a full exposure of the lv
-1 uio contract swindles, forced thedeteat
of the transfer of tho Indian iluruaU to
the War Department to-o\o the nen - t
rv appropriation bill.
Cau any one p 'infcout a so gle j.-b r
swindle the KepuM ,111s l.a\i tin- -c—
--sion been vulinip to i\r-• >r t ■.
Jobs and swindles are the life , f tiu u i
jarty. ami tl.ey don't intern! to commit
There can be no doubt that Mr. Rlaim
acted with great magnanimity the other
day, when he forced hiniselt, though
buttling with sickness, to attend tlu
Convention at Augusta, and address his
friends. The burden of hi* speech was
that his followers should bury tlu
hatchet of discord, and fail int > line, to
support the Administration ticket in the
war that is now waging, lie himself
was willing to let bvsgones be by-gone*,
so far as liis Republican detractors were
concerned, and he wished them to do
the same. There was a necessity tor
this advice, but it is very problematical
whether the admirers of the honorable
gentleman can smother their feelings
sufficiently to follow it with any degree
>f ardor. They have for months been
watching the machinations of the trio.
Grant and his subservient instruments,
Morton and Conkling, us they waged,
their merciless and perfidious warfare
on the best and most courageous of their
associates. They saw their leader down
and trampled on by rivals who had no
cause of offence against him but his
superiority. They now see his wan fea
ture* and his w eakencd frame as he rise
frorn the sick bed upon which he was
prostrated through the duplicity ami
malice of these pretended friends. And
they cannot, at request even of him who
has had to endure these outrages, come
heartily forward to work for the advant
age of those men who have originated
and perpetrated all these injuries. They
may, and doubtless will, obey the party
. whip, to avoid too severe an application
of the lash upon their own lucks, but
they cannot push along the machine
with sufficient energy to move it very
Congress adjourned last week and the
members have gone "to their homes.
The work of the House will stand a* a
monument of people's service in Re
form by the democratic members. Of
the senate the Sun says of that republi
can body that it has stood in the way of
all substantial reforms throughout the
eight months and a half that Congrc -
has been in session. There is not a
redeeming feature in the proceedings of
the majority.
Every measure of the Session looking
to retrenchment, economy, and improve
ment in the civil service, has originated
in the Democratic House. If measures
of this class have been finally passed, it
has happened only after a protracted
struggle, in which the Democrats of the
House stood squarely up to the work,
while the Republican leaders in the
Senate did their best to defeat them. Ia
the entire history of the session there
cannot be found a solitary exception to
this sweeping remark. In this respect
the present Senate has made the most
infamous record in the annals of that
The Republicans now have a majority
of nine in the Senate. The terms of
seventeen of the Republican members
expire in March next. There is every
reason to believe that the Democrats
will secure enough of these seats to give
them a majority of two in the next Ken
ate. Then, with a majority of reformer
in each branch of Congress, Jaud with
Sam Tilden in the White House, the
country will turn over a new leaf in
A correspondent inquires whether we
do not elect a president judge this fell.
We answer, no; Judge Mayer's time ruu
two years yet, and as lie has made one
of the very best judge*, wc expect the
people will re-elect him by "*j>ontanoou
The Constitutions of twenty-eight of
the States recognize the existence of
God, says an exchange. And we may
add if .they didn't, God would exirt
The order of Secretary Cameron to
General Sherman is worth the careful
attention of every American citizen. It
is an order to hold all the troops not
absolutely required for Indian service
in readiness to move. As everybody
knows, there is no war nor rumor of war,
foreign or domestic, in the country.
There is no legitimate use for troops any
where in the country. What this order
means, and all it can mean, is that the
Administration means to use troops to
prevent free elections in the Southern
.States. It was a cowardly trick to hold
back such an order until the adjourn
ment of Congress, and then issue it. It
will do the Administration no good and
the Republican party no good. The exe
cution of it would do both great mischief.
The mere threat ougld to arouse the in
dignation ofall decent citizens, whatever
their politics.
Rockbridge Alum Springs, W. Va., Au
gust 10.—Mr. Kerr died about 7 this overl
ing. His laid hours were painle-s, a3 lie MI
much desired. llis composure was ro
innrkable as it was lioroic. lie was thor
oughly content, prepared for the unseen
world, lie was concious and intelligent,
gentle and brave to the end. His disease
was consumption of the bowels, but toward
the last the lungs were involved. He lifts
been for day past, in fact, a disembodied
intellect—a mere skeleton. His body will
be taken to New Albany on Monday.
The "fence-riding" editors have all
got down on the side of civil government
since the appearance of Don Cameron's j
letter ordering Gen. Sherman to put the
South under martial law. Such uncom
promising Radical journals as the New
York Tribune and Pittsburg Dispatch
deplore the action as unwise and uncall
ed for. The Chicago Times, Independ
ent supporter of Tilden, thinks that it
lias destroyed the last chance f< r
n here nois 7 he mosey <•'<> TOf
[1 Row Till." at WAXV 1 la. 1 < 1 VI -..2,1
The public debt on the I I of July,
ISdtl, wa- in round tinnl-it - V. \o< <>
fllH). (In the li lof July IS. it wa $
"JoO.flOOjWb living .1 ledm tii ti of
in six \ 1 ai-, 1.11 aHi oiil a\..g<
of 00.
t>n the 1-t of July, I' ,i. wemav be
lieve the now thorough!.. di ivdtP Ire
ports of the Seeretnrv of the Trea-ury,
this debt bad been further reduced to
s'J,lOO,ObO,n:k> arevluction in four v< it
of sKhl,(Vh\ooo; an average of s!7,!'io,
I*oo u voar.
It wall thus be seen that the average
annual reduction has been reduced i 41,•
tk*i,iKKb I'nder tho ra .0 from It . t.
IS7 ", the entire *li ht would he paid of!
in tvventv-four \1 ai . under the rntio ..f
tho last four vein it will take fifty ax
v ears to pay off the debt.
Th. ; i.-iv.iSi m tic Mie . 1 I ;
,>>:■> s; ' th d.
If the Republican paitv bad kil l
down the expen-es. a.-t |i mi > d to .10
in l>7'.', it could have applied sUM.tks>,
coo more toward the payment of tin
public debt 111 the past tour youtw. Ai d
this could have bun ..loin l y -in ply
maintaining the rate of < xj i ndituri
where it assured the county it eenkl be
maiiitaiued when l'resideitl Gi ait v\a
1 hv'cd the se onil time
Two cla-ws of debt weiv he!ore thi
Republican |mriy. It 1 a.d 1 ave . >n
tuiued to p..y lie! I <a-
I debt, in "violal. <n of l.w. . v it , il. |
have 11-1 1 this $ I _V,iK ■• • • a- a iuue. j
fr, m wldeh to redeem the u u-inteii
bearing debt. Thai i- it - i.hlhaVeie-
Miuitsl specie payment- h ugtsf. icthi
fo thia exti.i i-sjvnditwre <f $' '
too, added to the coin i'l the tieasury.
v\ uld have 11 ore than suflbed !• r tlu
ourpom,' of redemption.
t f these things. It ha* DSitbtl | BWBBI
tv! bond* and tliti- saved the interest.
1 nor has it re-uuie 1 • j>ee.e j-av men: - : ml
i tin - reiuov id the Kaif :1 evb - tan 1
j ledceiuable currency. it !..<-
| icckles-iy Miuandervd the j übhc man
-1 \leaving the debt to oppMMl us. i.nd
violating its prouu-e t prov ide a .-j e> a
ba-ed currency.
Even tin- 1- not alt. It di m.aidcil
luavier appropriations f-.r next \ ear
than have ever been ouli.d 1-1 I • ! :>
Its cry i- ever, "Give! Give!! tiivi
It cannot be agtisfinl. It cares neither
for th* btumM of debt, nor lh* aour*
quences of a depreciated canency , 1 r
tin- weight of taxation.
It might have further reditu 1 t!
debt; or it might have resumed *pc >
jvaymcnts i>r it might have reduced
taxation. I itese thiec.iiteii.ativ i. < e
before it. It took neither, i '
MiUtMhlkt nfmiUmm. •
It is time the profligate and rcckle - |
party was hurleit from povvi r.
Here is the practical retrenchment
given to tho country by the l'cmocratie
House. Fhe twelve regulai ..j pt I'
lion bills of this si- an ajqooprlati
|U7,7!f,fi74,k.">. At the last -i—ion they
amounted to $177 .- 71, making a
! difference of 1.-Ji'v - in the way f
retrenchment etfieted by the pre-oiil
Congres-. Rut for the t.a ti ; .-p; -
lion of the Senate the -avine w uld
have teen fkf.fiOi 1 00- r m r in ex e—
ofthi-, or over f* in all. Ihi
Hou-e was not able to enforce de
mands for a reduction of exjH-uilitnre
without stopping the wheels of govern-j
n.ent in consequence of tin Fenati re
fusing to accede to these demands.
There were two side- to the 11. tnbur.
affair after all, and now that <-ne -id
has been held up to the <-- untrv I r a
month, it i- to he lion 1 that the other
side w ill be shown. vYhen sworn affida
vit* s! uw that the r.egr- - - firi 1 first.
that Merriwhethtr w.s kill- Ihi :• a
shot wa-fired by the whites, and that;
negroes had publicly threatened t- '
"clear out the * lutes fr--m that sect n,"
it looks as if Senator Pattersou w uld
show the part ofwisd< in by 1. '. in- Mm :
on any further investigati >n. Am', jr-' 1
haps there is not any need fa very |
; large army ia South Carolina just yet.
L.V.1.Y.1.Y/> /7/TI-//".>/.-• i;n:\ \
LD TO Mil 111.
Indianapolis, August 1'• -Tlie stabh -
sad car-house of tho Citizen*' Street
Railroad Company were totally destn v
-ed bv fire early this morning, nf 17*
horse* in the stables at tho time >f the
! breaking out of the fire. ;>■ perished 1 •
fore they could N- rescued. 23 cars and
a large amount of other property w:-
destroyed. One employee named Thom
as Hall w as fatally injured and died th
j evening. Lom estimated at Ji- ■
1 partly insured.
J The special Committee of the House
which went to New Orlear- to invc-it
gate the Casey-l'ackard-Kclk gg ring
j have found so much rascality in l ack
ard'* career that it is likely he w ill have
to follow his friend irth'.- ex.iinj e and
withdraw hi* name from the head ofthc
Louisiana State ticket. It is -aid that
Packard'* friends, fearful >-f the re-ult,
have been Irving to get Casey, Grant:
brother-in-law. to assume l'ackurd'* is
- let the totter escape, but
Casey declines the honor, lie 1n - ugh
bins cf hiß own to bear.
>E< II ETA RY C.l M ER' >A *N '- R /'" /.'
New York Hc-rahl Ind -The order
from Secretary Cameron to General
Sherman, which we also print, shows
that the administrati >ll has had a verv
definite usj to make of these tro ; all
the time, and we at once See why < 'r> k
and Terry have been deliberately left
, without adequate support. It exp--1-
ed that the five regiment- willearry f. r.r
of the Southern States, by whipping t!
negroes into line who have either h-t
--conie listless in p-olitii-s or wandered off
to the democracy, and by terrifying l!
"fiendish" white liners into ml jei tior;.
By keeping the outrage mill slowlv
grinding, and sending plat" us ofi.ivai
ry hither and thither, it la evidently
hoped to revive the bitterness which ha
been rapi llv d -appearing betwt i-n th--
race* in most j>arts of tlio South. \\'<-
wish to see all citizens protected in their
right*, but this turning "f th army < f
the I'nited Stales into bank* <>t drum
mer* for the negro vote is pushing par
tisanship so far that it would be grotes
que if it wen- not infutn<>t:-. This i
rtoubtless the w< rk to which Gem ral
siierinan referred when lie said the
'highest authority" must answer why
the troops could not be spared to fight
the Sioux. The desperation of aim v
which dare* to saddle the country with
the expense of extra soldiers while keep
ing nearly four thousand idle for p >lit i -
cal purposes is appan nt, and adds an
other stigma to the rule of tlu- party in
whose name and for whose aid it i 1 un
blushing])* done,
Dos Moines. Aug. s. The plague < f
grasshoppers is upon lovv.i again, and
devastation is stalking over the north
western part of the State. < lay, O-ceola,
O'Brien, and Lyon counties are hein;
overrun by theui, and report- from there
say they strech away to the Jlriti.-h p< •
sv.-o ions, and extenuone thousand mile
east and we-t. The ground is covered
by them. In twelve hours after they
reach a field of grain every vestige of
vegetation w ill 1>" gone, and the earth
as hare as a stubble field. They confine
their present ravages to grain; but tiuor
eggs, which are being dvpo.-ited by lm
million, give promise that the prairie
gross will be devoured next year. When
it is considered that TRIO of these
have been found in a square inch of soil,
and 1,340 in a space six inches square,
the prospect is rather discouraging in
that section for farmers, many of whom
are now raising their firstcr >p, and need
ing every possible resource to improve
their new farm and furnish food for
their fiußiliea.
The raid appears to be more extorsive
than a few years ago, when the State, to
relieve the sufferers, appropriated flMi.
fXKA. While in all other parts of the
State this year insects nearly destroyed
the wheat and barley, ami the corn win.
but an average in these northwestern
counties there was a prospect of ail un
precedented crop of all cereals, and es
pecially corn, but it is dubious now,
while that of tlio time to come, when
the eggs already deposited shall become
developed, is worse yet.
The Czar Is to stand godfather to the
young Prince of Serviaby proxy.
Caterpillars have made their appear
ance in the cotton in the -Mississippi
1 The Democratic State Convention of j
Connecticut meets at Hartford Septeni- j
! berth 1
A I ' in i in \ i . i |, t four
I I .!<< I'riitii'o .\ (hut ii i u i I.HVI
.mi i I'umiliii |ln dm Turk 111 It. niin
I: tin 1 villti.-i I'i i inn :kii<| Tun*:- ."if
sUana war# drown .in;.: i>. Ii g tor #t
' nr. \t I'.\ i tw. 1 vl* \i.ll ><n kvt ia iII *'i
.*> poo S Mil.| tl r. kk II til till' ll**fi At 111
lilKllliAilitr I'tdtilrrii *rr tMvabrtbi IM
I'll: toil I V uno Ko. 1111.l l-tiol ill t. •
.VCtlgl* !l '.I l|, M ■! ,S|. O. VI, 11, k |
Nil I lal It, r, it \t " ,!. .!, \,i ll'ii i >I)I,K |n
llrhHltMftom DM Mtthkorliv vilt#go* a*
w#r. penned iii h (rid, #nd iftrr Qm IM
pi-otliv—t 1.u.l I ,'i'n in. kul out tor th, *i
III*" 111 ' I • nil..''., ki. till- ollltn ill
*'t• • nlmiikl,-iio.l t,> iho -Idler \ mill woii Ul,
i .■ I and murdar* I At Haitian lb#lot
chn-i -i )• '| iii 1 -lint N I ,t in iri. ■! i
II C' .' 11l ll' rMI .■ . I> \ I|u ! it I. 11l tl, it 11 it 1' k |l I
llntljlOti,.'-I'.tt.ili mi,! i, < flu r faiH't iitim- *I •
\ i ■.. i.. . i 1 S i K \. ■
v.,!.,; ,■ t! - . ■ number. ! tn' On Ii
rridu) Ji.!i VI, tli ;>■ was anullier masta- ill
.•.•ul IV ... r, . : .lot ii ;i 11 u 11. ft MI i,
. v. '
'■ ■ .
I'.tU ntitl lMtli ii km .! It , ! fin? nil.*, ir
ll.m-.l , 111 ;; uA), 1 il.igi ! i: it I'urtlo.l till' '
village ,t iii-t Mahal : mi tin* railway , t
t A Iriai apt#and Pbilii i op lis. In A
t .< I eighbnr: ,|,.,1 it I .111 I N mn V,
l'.or ' *Vk 10 rilliihn Iktlin lit*.
.'* ,k.C, I Ml 'i ill' I, till,. ',ofaa, k* .V
0 .t v tli, , li!|n i .. i ; t'! •nI - "
' .
• * •
i lltvki Sis|i\, . Judge 1 >onr, it:
I'boma* J. \V,!ti . a . for . mbt-rsleni. n\ o*
' SLi" ti, At 14.-A Fr#neh i, i-ion
i N v ,i ■ • k l , >!
j ilo.i, kk ,• atts ... i t-y tli i . a, <-durum , *
I , ** * I
'• " M ' i, M .gu " *t :'=">* are - j ,edj
|to th# light ot cay. Tho o\idouo in t! ■"
I r.t.l of tl: • Kb ; ativ ha* .i' id)'!
| host: I' ihi.f m.ot:!.*. • plan ni-rj.
j wero hold on Si::,dav anil op ried will]
a -... ... | . . ... . ~.. :.k,-ll J
•3 murdar Tim -.*; . .'.n.ijrtt ! a ' l '
->f two claimant* !* ml '.led t . .. reward for
f pip#, bytl • I'.a i a* *| ■-*.-•,
1 tik>n contpat v, t<* ,vr tdoto their Ittn* fr m||
; ".lie i .1 regijn to Philadelphia. jt
: w
j there aro 455 with u total rapacity *l;'
*i,:*9.50l barrel*. •
The c are l-lng n,- bit', r price*. M
th* ugh then as t | rt Lnhlg I.
i. cmiti: uoUkly, in <■:. Way ir other, t
br 'akin* the .ptrit at llortnat t {be im>',
tract w itb the ii *r , 'a |an id. Its tab i
| ef coal aro .till reprc','u*. J a jjoinjton in 1 ,
j B :■ -ki :.*..k-_ke ■ ■per ion - -
I than lb# New Y< rk pri<whil# it ia ,id!i
I *..* be portr.-tt ',* | r.k .to ui:i.. r< mire a'.: ,
the on! th. v n.ay tl. . they ttb. I.e-i,
4aaaaw, and Ibua laenuui tin* aapply. tojt
| the dtUmiat. i tb# uwciiU MatMowi h
I HOW loitpj the ollirr (MBBmIm will itand.)
i hardly u* tho er.J if the contract year. :
L TbwaUoaa eoanittN at the Crataa-1.
r,ia) Ki; '.itioß '.l at :tf not had a vacancy .
tinco the opening It is tho juror* on ,
, wine, arid they havo taniplcd over H I .
different varielioa.
i The London Milk Jounutl say. that all
I inl of milk beuted r. little, but not boile 1, •
taken okiry ! ut hour, will chock the '
I mo.t \lolaat diarr! o*3, rtoinaoh ,!.•. i ;•
CrHtot a I.tililMMO I*tt T* k. —llt<
Hunting*! tl 1. o*l Nok.f ISY* At Mr ,]
A: I Hut. nil.- ■■ . bur:: in Warri .
1 mark towr: bip, wr) ch \. * d,*tr yd I v
lightning <>n the V"th u't . a load of hr.v t
hadj jst I er. hauled into *., and while tb |
;| driver wr.. engaged in unhitching the
horref fr> t' • wagon, the electric flu d I
{ descended, kiiiing the ihr. e ho.-M t, atrip*-r
: ping the barncu from the front home ai d i
j taking th* tit tnt of the drikcr hand, and '.
! leaving bin unharmed.
i r,.f;>Suv.
j BtaHaving rec Ivod lata! 1
i ir.vitati'tif to aildr* ;s p !itieal n-ceiliigt, ii |
I purpose of avoiding nll mUundor*tandiag, 1
I that the print ipl# and p *li* v laid down ia '
j the l>* moiTtie phi*.!" .rui. and tho letter.
I ,jf acceptance of Tilden and ilmdriclu, '
! are in a*-cor*)anc*' with the view, who hon *
i a any • , .. I have • xpr. -od. and d ■
fenti* I privately a:: i pub. civ. I sliould 1
bo faith lev to in)-elf by not upholding J
as*) defending them n, wr, in the hour of '•
trial, and thereb-r* shall giv.- my support >
tlii ' :i ♦. t! ' I*l *t ritial ti .tl *
II ,] !"d by the li in ~t-e Conve: '.ion.
In laki* g thl it' p, 1 de-ire, however,b> '
add that I -hall not renuuncr independent I
notion in p ditieal miitters r,dative t>, our ;
ivrn Stat' m d city, whenovor <|uestiona of 1
•. iti nal i ■ hoy of t a ram *u: t imp 'Un- '
a:*- not involved
lty pabl) blag tbisi ard you will oblige
rv re *i ertfully, ,f
Nr.w YORK, Aug. S, 1878. F. Stun.. ;
W ILL ."IK 1' •!'. (t iV. TILI'KN. 1
[Fr itheS..'i.)
11. /■'. .*/7' . I i, J' */
t k i ii:.i y, Aug. f>, ifcTO. '
I). in Sir.: Inm < r.o of the cIHM now ~
i"noiiiiii*.u 1 11.* tit-, depend Hfhing it,* ,
favors and v •*.:!,g for the b* .t tnen witiio..' s
regard t" 1 rty *'•* I prop.*-,- to r* tutu •
inv position. Hut u- to the clioi.-i* , there.l .
io ine between Mr. Tbdon and Mr. Hiiyes ;|
though having rn> preporses-ions ngaiii't
either, 1 d< not hesitate to say thnt the (
former is farlhc most titled to inert 111, ,
emerge: y ,'t our t* >!itio, in my opit,: n, .
and 1 intemi t" vote for hint.
Vc ry trulv yours,
IHiUTINfJ J(F. HitoK KK SK NT'l'll 1.
ii ii l.u\\ I N<; I.KTTKH TO GOV-!,
MY Dbaii Goveukok : I cannot refrain 1
front offering you my sinceru i ngrntuln- 1 1
tior*, on your nontinati n l*> the exulted u
office of tho I'r 'idetjey *: the I'nited i
Stat'**. As n f|Uict observer of the polili* j u
ca! events of the nation, 1 know ot no on
in toy day that lias afforded mo no much 1
satis Tuition, ami sincerely hope and be- s
licvu that tlx* w i dont shown by the seloc- -i
lion nt St. Loui# will bo fully rntifled by ti
the grout mm of our p* ople in Nuvetiibei' e
next. Worerjuire refornts in politics, re ti
ligion and morals, and J urn convinced ''
timt wr will r* > *ive tlieni generously at HI
your liiitnls. The whole Government ofju
the nation ha* been corrupt, desperately j *
corrupt, and the lii)iic*r uml glory ofnpp'y-1 n
ing the antidote, I nm convinced, will lio-lo
long to you. li the fad of your noniiuu- j w
tion J is not enltntico the mutorial value* j u
of the nation, I utn aure your election will tt
do it. Already I seem to breathe a nm* I
otiiK'-phero: as i- the case with every well- e
wither of hta < ountry. *1
Sincerely yours, t;
J. HOOKKI'., Mnj'>r*Gonernl. u
.♦ . k
Foi many years we have made two irieil* J'
icines suited for the ailineiit* ofavastela** ,
of sufferer-. Thousands or cures hav * •'
been rnaile by tlieni, and in fact, the word '
failure could never bo coupled with them 11
Hut within the lit-t two years counterfeits "
of our medicine* have sprung up, danger* "
ous in their cl -o imitation ofourtradw 1
murk. To securo tho people wo have ,
placi d Upon each genuillO box ol Hullo
way's l'ill* mid llollowny's Ointment the !
lite unilio of tho signalut 00l our Agent, "
Mr. .I*'- Havdock. To counterfeit tin- ''
i* a felony. \Vo shall relentlessly pursue ".
any one who imitate* this with tho utmost '
vigor of tbp law. Wo tort #ara##>ly bog ,
that tho grout mass of tho American
people will aid us in our efforts to protect !'
their health, and help u j in our task o! 'J
bringing the-o most iiitpriucipled men P L
the bar of justice. Uniformly refuse to 11
purchase .Medicines purporting to be otirs
j tinle Mr. Jos. Huydock'-signature is at*
: taeln <1 to each llox of l'ills or I'ot of (tint l>
I incut tt ii •! the end will soon be reached. o
Tho public's obedient servants. '
Governor Tililen's Letter.
M i ;i'.m id lit muiintioi).
I'ublie *. iiitotiii,.:, ofllclttl retieiichiiii iitl
'dkk i . !lllkt . Ill' the nil itll* which the,
d I"i is . 'ilk rtition ind . ute (>• provl,- j
o* i i r.**i sk, unit ii ntinpli, n> The
•nt ' .life i a reduction In the ivpeu- 1
i> "t the gok erniio . t betoW il* income
*l' tl at iinj" a , no new charge upon the
• > ,'t !• 11, however, the Improvidence'
d w .!-*,.■ who h have conducted tt* t*i a
h I I , t falling rev, nio oblige tl* to
i I oh", ent the i,*ult of ot'onoiiina atnll
, li, iii lti *: l,v ,IIIH* I.",III |II l**an> N
liou, I I I i sitnt, 'I lie government
•ngl not to -|,i . tiluto on ilk ~w ii tliahotior
tl !<*r to - ike lritri d oft it* broken
it, mi-, i W i icli it it ill i. 11, |,u1 private
0 si, ' . > Hi'* j '. :,t a lid I til -lis par. Till*
nt; 'bt * ational bolt o i not only light
I Woi.i l pr,,k . | :ol: table. I M tho public
old 1 -.ta•. I a • I b • interest at Si* pel
et.t, in gold und S;I2,IMI,I*JI) at five per
ill l*i g> d 'I lie nvorage inlrlesti* hi
ri i i.t V f.iiattt il policy which should
ecu the hlglo l credit kki-elk availed of
'.; gi u i .ot . v 11 of tain a 11 duct ton ol
•it* * ,-r cent intcrct on most ot the loan*
\ ,k .tig I f Ol.e per rent ,it the averngt
odd I** seventeen mil. on- a ).-tr in
I I ltd - iking r, g irlv iiiVkited ul
1 p. :it : would in li-s ihnit thirty-eight
, eat * klifgulsli tho principal. The
i.l ■!.' -k elite,"l ho Ir, ,I 11111110 l -, f fund
d let,! 111 gilt t pa I by this sakil g
i >!!(*, iihmil r*t lo Iho
l*t •] i 1 line t*>r Kt Kit tit |*t ikiit.
Tie *'* I " time f*r rostimplioii L the
in ■■ w1..-n wi-e preparation* shall hhtc
I dil a period ability, to accotn
i i h in* • with , certainty and cut#
1 nt wi.l i oleic* ntl#nce an*' hoc urncel
I, ,'tval tl h ikillto- 'l'll-* .asiaUkt
1 v* 1 'i k.iot li, t: can be
*•" *..• '• I*l • • t*• hi-t Ki <ii kkhen tie
*'.'" • I hav# btn ti tnalurt J, the
V l d |tf wdlld linko to be chosen with
, : us,- l.i to.- then eki-'.iritr state ot
• la and credit oparatton* in oar own!
"intiv, tl.e * ont oof toreign e*>* ,-^j
1 , 1 dttioti o' ctchunge with.
!■-• " I) e speciti p.uai,ie andj
- -k'tn d ill* m * tv, t detail link ing j
"ie'i I > ~!* cliatig.llg coll J, Hulls j
11:, y bei* tig to (I ilotiiai 'iof iirncli* al a*l -1
. . " itiii slat*'*:: attship n.e captain
a si. .** : ' trout New York I !
l.ik'e! |■ ol - not I,iiibi.* a eouticilj
ier I. .. ti i art I.■ d tlx alt angle br
to a * the rudder for whole vovago I
A human inti lligen. a must be t;*, ti.e
. tit tod'-, ern the >a.og tori'is oj the
and it., wild A huuiHii hand
■ .-t tie n tl:# helm to feel the clement*.
I vbk ly, and guide bv a *io,**.prk* pvki
Item '
Pre; or.itl nm for Kesutuption.
S h pre) am; or - arce\i ry thing ; with
*. t emu a -'stive eommand, tiiit.g u
i .y, an at promise fixing u dav, f,re
ha i - ih. v are w ~re , they r.r<- a M are
v Ia d - n l>* all whotrusi t -em. Th-v ,
ie ! k a : , l.jdela',' all ! - thougbtlut
. ■ Ujj.- el 4 U i!i Ut las', sway!
pinidtk. An aUMupt to a*t on
• ! it mat ttrship, a prom'.s# without!
a ;--e| r:.'. on, w ... i end in a newsuspen-!
>i *n It would be a fresh calamity, 1
pr *! ia nfusi ti strust und di-;
lite Act of Jaitutty 14,1875.
iho bk*. f congr*, ou lb lit aof
' * ti..u, t..... tea on and after
ti.* i. t Jut', Is.'.*, tt . secretary of lb#
'.: iry -iinll red* ern in *...u the legal
t* • r nvt-jk'fth* r ruled Mates on pre
i.t the , fllcc ■! t c.t) **f New
M " It nulhoriied the .-i retary tu j,; k
purr and provide /or *:.!. ,euttiptk>:. of
payment oy iho use of any surplus
;.o, not * ilt-rwi-n appropriated
an . by i.--uiiig in his discretion ccrta.u
is-.k - ! 1-k. :.d#. More thai, ol *J ,ad a
hat . f the f.ur )'-.■•, nave passod.
(' • : v .it il ti.i l'reidii.t have c i tnv-
I ,i,i t unite in arts which fiavt
atcd i ut in the rbape *>f dxpcnxta ev
er* )* -line surplus app'i nblo to this pur
p, • ■ Tie c*uti tae Treasury, claimed
•In 1 i.g t ti " g vtri liter.t, had ,>u the
v ; Jure fall ,*. u-- than sPo.U.a,i*Ai
. kgiti) -t j' ' IS-V.iCM 'ti the first of Jat.u
nr *, I •70. and the n: ability *fa part • I
lhataum HUidi >ln nn#>ti(Hianl> Th# rer
k-' uea at, fall: g faster lhari aj'j ropria*
t a: .1 I'Xp,-.* d.tur, - are reduced, leav
g the tria-ury with diu.iuLhing r,
• >urce-. The stprotary has done nothing
under In- power to i>su*- bonds Tho leg
,t,*e k uuunanJ, tho otSci:, 1 . pr.'i;.ie, f.x*
u.g a iav for t umptik n, have thus fr
! n1 ~ tt: No j radical preparations
'."kkard is*.]|Uption have Li, n trado.
There has teen no progress There have
been *t*'p- backward. There i no nee ro
sea:: y in the op* ration* k fthe g vernnicnt,
!' houiely rnaxitu* k f every day life are
'.I boat standard* of it* conduct. A dobl
r who is I*l j r ui. o to pay a loan out of
surplus income, vrt l<* seen <tery day
k'ser. lit nil he could lay h - hands on in
r • ;i\ .*. w d !k, ali . *iaeaet--r for
In veracity II • ff.*r of a n< w
pr. mis#, > r hisi r 'fessioiu a* to the value
f tho , Id promise, a old alike provoke
Kcpumptiou Finn of the St. Ijouis
I'lntf. rnt.
Th M I. ill j '.!"> rm det.ounci-s lb*
: : ■ •. :iy...r. I u.ake gixai the
J tot. ~*' i i '. ,e " tender t. 'tis , il U*-
th,- i :i t accumulate any
:* -rvc for thi-.r r< i<*tnpti*-n , l denuum<•*
th* < ot duct which during eleven year* of
peso Ins made no advan,*-, toward re*
imp: : • preparation for,on,
but ad has olsalrutled reiumpttoo bv
v. >*ti g ■ ur resources ami exhausting all
• ur surplus income, ami w ti ilo professing
to tntccd to bring a speedy return to specie
; r.ynunl has annually enact* d fr*h hin
,!rat e■ * tin rcto, an I having £rt dcnounc*
! the barrenri * ~| tl.p proa;p of a day
,'f rcsuntp'.. it next denounces that bar
en piottii-e as t* hindrance to re*unipt: >n.
It t: <-n demands it* repeal and also do
Wall,!* t c rstabh - limci lof a iudik IOUS S) S
t i*f j rcparati n K r resumption. It c n
--:. t t*e doubted thai the substitution of a
•y-tctii of preporation without the promise
fa day, : r the worthl- ..s promise of a
day kvith" .t u system , f preparation,
.i ild be the g .in ■ f the sub*tal. e of re
•mnptioa ia Mtcbsag* (tar Ma shadow. Nor
i, tf. d' liuni tation unmerited ot that im*
or 'kidence which in the eleven yars since
the pea* •* ha* coT.-timi Isl >Xh6t'd,(XXG*n4
vitro..' 11l t rd to give the people M
• ujiid and stable currency. Two and a
half j ,r * :.t. on tho rx| on liture *'f lh< sc
eleven year-, on even le-*, would have
provided all the additional coin needful to
rr-tinipti :i, and relief to busincsa distre**.
The di-tresa now felt by tho people in all
their bust: •-* and industlici, thuugh it
hi.- i'- ptiticipal k*use in tho enormous
w o'.e of capital occasioned by the fake
policies of our government, has been great
lv nggrav a'.t tl by the mismanagement of
th-currency. I ncertainty is the prolific
par.'titof mischiefs in ali bustr.i . Never
*k, its evils more ft it thr.:t n Men do
nothing bentu e they re unable to make
any cal* ulations on which thev can safely
rclv. Titer undertake nothing becau***
they fear a ! > * in everything thev would
attempt. They Mop and wait Tho mer
it ant do.* n,*t buy for tho future con
sumption of bis customer* j tho manufac
turer dure not ntako fiiciliti*" which may
: .t refund In- outlay, be .*lllll* hi- factory
ur.d dischargos bit workmen ; capitalists
cannot lend on security they consider safe
and their lunds lie kIIIIO*.*, without interest;
tnen of enterprise w bo havo credit or seen
nUe- to pledge will ml borrow. Con
sumption bits fallen below the natural litn
its* >1 a rcasonsble economy. The price* of:
many things are under thi ir range in fru- j
gal, -p Tie-paying times, before the civil]
war. Va-t nias-e* of currency lie in the
banks unused A year and it half ago the
it-gal tenders were nt their largest volume,
and the twelve millions since retired have
been replaced by fre*h issuct of fifteen
millions bank notes. Inthn meantime the
|.anks hnve porn surrendering nbout four
millions a month because they cannot find
a profitable use lor .•> many of their note*.
The public mind will nn longer accept
shams; it has suffered enough front illu
sions. An insecure policy increases dis
trust. An unstable policy increases un
certainty. The people need to know that
Iho government i* moving in the direc
tion of ultimate safely and prosperity, and
that it i< doing so through prudent, safe
und conservative method*, which will be
. ire t i inflict no now sacrifice on the busi
nes *of the country. Then the inspiration
~| new hope anil well founded confidence
will hasten tho restorative processes of the
nation, arid prosperity *vi|l begin to re
Tho St. Louis convention concludes its
expression in regard to the currency by b
ili'i larntiun of its conviction aalo tluv prar
i:, al re-uIU of the system well devised
ami above nil intrusted to competent
hands forexci ution, creating at no time an
artificial scarcity of currency and ut no
liino alarming tho public mind into a
withdrawal ol that vn-ter machinery of
credit by which ninety five per cent, of all
business trnii!o tioi * are performed, n sys
tem open, public and inspiring general
confidence, would, from tho day of its
adoption, bring healing on its wings lo nil
cur liarnostd industries, set in motion the
wheels of commerce, manufacturing and
the mechanic art, restore employment to
labor and renew in all it* natural sources
the prosperity of tho people. Tho .gov
eminent of tho United Slates in my ••pin
ion can advance to a resumption of specie
payments on its legal tender notes by grud
:iri and safe processes tending to relieve
die present business distress. If charged
:>y the people with the administration of
lie executive office, 1 should deem it a
luty so to exercise lite powers with which
t has been or may be invested by con
rress as best ami soonest to conduct the
•ountry to that beneficial result.
Civil Service Reform.
Tee convention justly affirms that re
lortii i- necessary in tho civil service, nee
t-.-ary to it* purification, necessary to it
iconoiuy and its efficiency, necessary in or
Icr that thu ordlimry employiuvnl of thfi
public bii'iiio in ti v not bet pii'.e lought
jlor at tbn fiallot box, a brief reward of
party ri**i Instead ■ f pts of honor, assign
i d lor proved coiiipeli'iiey and lield for fl
)di lily in the public employ. Tho conven
tion wisely added that reform I* ncM-tsary
• k i II tnoi a ill t lie lug lit i grade* of the piil'
:ho M'lkir.i, President, Vie# Presiiitoif,
jjudges, senator* repri-otilativrs, r-ahinrt
• *flli er, then*, and all others in authority.'
•tie the people's servants ; their offices are
not a private perquisite, they ais * public
.nisi. Two i vlls infest the olfii ial service
I*l ibe ral government ; one is ike pre
I I aleiil and ilviii Tali/ing notion thai the
puhli sot vie.- exists nut for the business
nut benefit of tliu w hole people but for the
interest ol the otlieo holders, who are iii
truth but the servants of the people. Un
dur lliu ilifliieiicn of this pernii i.ius error
public employ Hunts have hi en multiplind,
the r.UMibers of those gatliered into the.
rank- of the t Ifire holders have been
steadily increased beyond any possible re
qisiri'iiient **l (lie public business, while
it erti .fin y, pei iilatii n, Iraud and nialrer
-alion *•'. the public funds, from th<* high
piece* of power t„ tho lowest, bavu over-,
spread the whole service like a leprosy
lb- oilier ek !,i the orgaui/.aUuu of the u|- •
1., iat class into abdy < i politicl mi r.. ■
nries, gov* I :,ll.g llu , kill lues and *ili tat.i g
tl.B n iiiiiiiiti .us of'tb. rckkii parly and at
len.j.ting to i any the el. dion# of tL.- |, .
P e by undue it.flaenpu and bv iii.u.i ns.
• orrut.ti.u, runds. systematically *o||*.,t,,i
ton. the salaries and ices , I office holder- '
Ihe 1* clal i last in < tlior *ounlru-s sou .. !
Uom I f its own weight and torn t I
■ n i.l i ince with thr at my, been able t* ■
" "=*■,nu#J „. ai „ , ~v , „
universal Hiffrag, it bus ~,*.!* I
gown " ti gigantic power capable est |
• "*g '1 *' I;
•• lu 'ii in .! I io> slug every * hange ol
admiuUlraliuri until inPg .vei nmetil be
cam* lilt. ' K*rabloan* 1 public spirit I,as b> 111
r'.rung 111 tin* pilch of a civic revolution
II • first sup in reform is it <* ~irvnf on ~• |
.he sijiiustu wi.icfi 11: c appolnprkg powi !
-li". tto .'X*.lU* < (lusts Nflit In]
-I" i at. i- i, ll , .iKiltifr* lion of fiklaiii- i
jit) '. 1 I! *•'■ <V.U|) I 1 lliil hUlllO.'lt) 111 bold to
■ it* go ltd ami displace ui Irustwoilhy or in
|f:ipxb!e rub -rdina'.v-, 'l'b> public interest
i " s*'t b'*net*. and skll ful performance *.f
j trust must n *i I .* sacrificed to the
I it* ift tt* t of lire .in unit.i-nts. After Ibes
| lame diate steps, which insur# thu <xlnli
lu n of belter c samples, we p,„y wisely go
•is t. iii uLuliuuij tij MUiiwu'Hry oflict-i,
;ii: 1 Isti•.] ;.* {uiticiiL, t urtrful orgftfii*
•:.i ...Hi Ivtler civil service system un-
In il • te-ts wberik Vi r eiaciicable *.f
proved i mp -tency a#d fidelity. Whil#
much tnnj bo accomplished by tbe-e
in livid' it in in 1.1 encourage duluriv# ex
py. laUol* if 1 tt'iibbeld litre the expression
o, my conviction that no reform of the civ
il rervice in tl i* country wi:l be complete
"'' porsuan#jii ui li! IG* chief niagisiraU
is i iJitilu' uiiallv disqualified fk.r ru-cU-i
'.on experience fiavirig repeatedly expos
•*d the futility tif *elf iiupki-, j restrictrcine
] by candidates and incumbent*. Through
ifi.r seieiunity only tan be be effectual!)
'delivered from his greatest temptation to
(misuse the power and patronage with
which the executive is necessarily charg
' vrt.
Lin. at. 1 .n Lcout u.kt it I- the first
duty > a . ili.i-n of the K* public to take
bis fair allotment c*f *arc and trouhlu in
: public uflairs, 1 havo for flT.y yean, t>
r private ctlixon, fulfilled that duty Though
. occup kd Hi an unusual dogr## during ul!
1 ilia', period wah the concerns of ibe gor
. eminent, i have n#vr acquired the nahit
, of official lift. When a year and a half
-i#l , i*siitir v d upon my present trust, it
! *•'-, fp order lo Ciinsumtuale "reforms to
which I had uixad) tlrvoled several of
! the hk-i-t yaar* of uiy life. Knowing as 1
C.X, ihvrefora, fr* ui lr*-sb ex|*encnce, how
u #"a* t' l *" d:ffk-rtnie u hot wee a gi.-iing
through an routine and working
out a reform of *y.oui* ai.J policies, it is
, iixi]K>s*ih!c 1 IT me to Coiiimplal
. r.i i ds tk. be done in the federal administra
. lion without an anxious tense of the diffi
-1 i allies if the undertaking. If summoned
, by the suffrages of my * ountry mon to at-
L i tempt this w*r. 1 shall enueavor, wiih
. ti.'J * help, to be tho efficient instrument
: of their will.
SAUI kl J. TiLPKif.
1 . Gen. John A. McCieruand, chair
. man, and others.
r LONDON 11 AIK( OLOK lUtvlorer.
Not dye ; makes harsh hair Soft and
, . .. a:. .'* th® scalp from all itnpuri
• ti - * au-ir.g tlie hair to gfk>w where
y fallen off or become thin.
" (.'an be applied by the hand as it dew
v not slain the skin ur soil lb# finest linen.
f As alisir Dressing it is th# most perfect
the world has over produced. Tf.*! hair h
a renovated and strengthened, and natural
. ■!or re#P>red without the application of
mineral substances.
ciineii the introduction ot this truly \ al
y uhle preparation into this country, il haf
• been the Wonder and admiration of al!
f classes, at it I.ics p roved to be the only *r
- tic!# that will absolutely without docep
. :i n, restore gray hs:r to color
• health sottniis, lustr# and beauty, and
I produce ha.r on bald heads of it* original
C gr wlh and C*dc r.
•* beautiful and fragrantly perfume*]
• articl# it cotuidel*) within itself, no wash
• ing or preparation before or after its u-e
f • r -vccouipaniiucnt of any k.nj being ro
■ lo i-bthin the*.* dcsi-able results.
**r tra
yLI p J- j0 /*
Read thu ll.'ine (.'ortiticate, testified l
sjby hiiward U. Garr.gue*one of the most
• c mpetent Druggists and Chetntsls oi
. l'hiiad* Ipbiu, a man whose veracity nonr
- car. doubt.
rj 1 arn happy to hdd my testimony l.> tin
■ gri at valuo of tho "L. ndon ilsfr Goloi
it■ rtorvr," which restored my hair to ifi
1, original Color, and the hue appears to b*
i permanent. lam satisfied thai this prcp
t aration is nothing like a dye but operatm
up -n the secretions. It is also is beautiful
• hair drcs-ir.g and pronto)*** the growth, lj
• I'iirchaicd tho Erst b 'tlle fr*xniEdward 11.
Gart guct, druggist. Tenth and C'*te* St.,|
1 wins can also testify that my hair was
t ijuite gray when 1 commenced its use
MKij. MILLER. TdONarth 'MI. l'hila
I'r. .S aynr J N n, Respected friends :
-, i hare the plestfure to inform you that a
I lady of my acquaintance, Mr*. Miller, ii
deiighted with tho success of vot,r "Lon
r don llair C'o'or Restorer ' lfcr li.vir was
; filling rapidly, and quite gray. The col
jor lias be*'n restored, the fatliug off|
' *y stepped, and a new growth ofhairi*thcj
result. K. B. UARKIUUES,
I Druggist, cor, Tenth A Coates, l'hil. j
'L 'tidkiji llair Color Restorer ck Dressing.'
Has completely restored my hair to its 1
'(original color and youthful beauty, and
caused a rapid and luxuriant grow th
No. OP- North Seventh St. l'hila. I
•j Dr Dalton of I'hiindeiphia, says of it ;
; i Th# London lluir Color Restorer is used
■ j very extensively among my patients andj
■; friends, as well as by myself. I therefore
•: pcak from experience
A*ldre*s orders lo Dr riWAYNE ck
lISOJf, S3O North Sixth Binst, Ptllnd#! I
• j• L iB. P#un n , *v I# PrMsrtetofx.
snrv MI. nin
Saved His Life.
Du. SwAY?*K—Dear Sir : 1 feel il lob*
duo t * vou and sufl'i ring humanity, togiv*
the following testimony respecting the
wonderful curativopowers of your "I OM
PIKUS " 1 was n111)* ted with a violent
cough, pains in the side and brea-l, night
sweata, sure throat ; my bowels were cos
tive, appetite nearly gone, and my stom
ach so very vveuk that my physician was
nt a loss to know what to do fur me, as
everything 1 used in the slmpe of medi
cine was rejected ; spit different times a
pint of blood. 1 remained for months in
this awful condition, and gave up all hopes
of ever recovering. At this time you re
commended tho u*e of your Syrup and
Pills, which immediately began to soothe,
comfort and allay the cough, strengthen
ed and healed my lungs ; in short, it has
made a perfect euro of rue. Any person
doubting the truth of tho abovo statement,
W ill please call, or address mo at tho fac
tory, or at tuv residence.
No. 1533 Gcrmantown Road, Philadel
phia, Foreman at George Sweeney's Pot
lory, Ridge Road, below Wallace, Phila
delphia. Ho very particular to ask for
nit. SWAYJ
mm tsHifiay. i
Phi! most efiectual remedy known tor the
Throat, Breast and Lungs,
This valuable Medicine is prepared Anlv i
by lr. SW Al NK A SOX,
330 North Sixth St. PHILADELPHIA. '
U AlMy. j.HW, ' |
—ltma—.A-S—wW) .aMHi—
To sstilch *s# Insllfl fhe Inl.r.St## Attention and Cisflhl tcrvUnj #1 < s j
"IXT r hsv# but < • Price f r All /AVEIMen means of rM#ltf (H# IAW-
V v U Ml J*rle# ——'
Wff.iswiis tub )*a|uivul from -Ul ... Afil! witm erT--n ef rMI cell cm* and
• lo#k. frolu I*3debts.
W 1 "'""' I "iii■ i" II rj Imm itji
~i A may u t to #}urtga of goods..
W4S JUtum Money wbeu Wa cannot ,
suit A1t....™ IX7# rely on Immen## aaliwenJ ere sat
— W pfii-i vriUi ayery snnall jHsmwit-
WK buy our good* at Aral bands, In ago of profit
lmiiu no quanUUea, anil at !). -
( lowest pnees Gr Caxfi _ Tli#a#rbjl<oyof n,fneeall arotroaud
w k ■!!■_> i ■ i
▼ V tYery \0 N.U* -
Ili imtytil RWfv tard i i lb*l rxl< TCKBTT'O and del an# am twsy J
W X'jos tnlxsourgajmoiiis 1 J by u.everybody cetoowtxMwttli
■— ■■■,., . - out Laving lis ask lor si - -
WK j'Ut a tJk-I** t en e* cry pimnrnt, ,• ,
showing p."lnly luqutdity rvt R JurawerperU-n.-e,eapftalandfi^ll
prloe —— vy iu* swe uw for U-e j pie'l uenefiX
—— 1 1 1 In towering pncoa—— 4
■fITK tut eT ere-y item *f imuetttißary ■ *
' tapwdituiv WT*. £ll order- n-eeired by mall from all
.... . m ., f . , " W j .-.ruof the LnUadhtaSoA Wrls#
w* " 1-**°'---- 1
wsarggaauy N^tfgttggggate
, In addition to <or Iramenso Ft-xlc rileade Mad# nothing, we Lave a Msgr-iaoou Lin#
of Mflu'i and Beys i uriiUhhig GvodA i idru (of our own l&akc) uud ladcrwaar, #U At tba
la/wasl lrlcna.
-■ ~ OiUC JIALL-
J?KXL klir.l.PHT* ' "
Burn era sm! Bhippers of th* celebrated
Uli I l |-> =LHsMIE. X
iJealera ia tb very bv t gradts of
The ouly den in Ontre County v.-ho sell the
1 1 from the old Ba.t migs mines Also
J i of Ant hr.* ,:e C*l dryly}*-. >ed t\y i r l.c :v u?r.nttLo lowest pricci
a' _ -
. They pay the li igb t pric h ur j,. vin thai the Eastern markets will afford,
It YE,
Bought or will be . lon c. mmirsion when 1. red, a:.J full prices guaract
i formation on* ** t :.e grain trade will be furnish* Jat all tirnc-a t#
i with pleasure, free of charge*.
• * other p!v.e"f Rl ' ' r " v N ftr ' ' rrsr.ted to be* as good a fertilizer as an
t>yyies as-id tab©
IT rrtsins all ifir virtues of ihe I.igbl-Rannii|g "DOMESTIC," inviuvjig the Autoc-jitie
• Tension, v! was md U U - best ia ate ou: I*Al LNT H \KI>KNLI> COXICAL HEARINGS on boih ihc M aclujm
aid Stand.
Our new and 4\! i !©t., worked % ul writ 1 , brand uew Machtnerv ar.J Ttv!* at cw:r own no/workt,
in the Uiiv city ol Newark. New !u>r j vrn 1;-. a tUiniirii ot MECHANICAL ICXCEL
LENCR. Minimum of Fnctie:-, W* u cf ilunbilftjr, iUii of work, never Leretofort
reached ;u ihc Sew ing Mat hie v oriiL
Wr Invite the attention of a'.!, especially those having high mechanical skill or
Wssrvatlon. N. U —All M. .fciucx fully >rivi cd.
Now York mid C^litijgo.
——We would esteem it an especial fa
vor if ever/friend of the Reporter would
•end ustlie name of at least one subscriber,
with the Cash—for three months, 50 o nts;
six months SI,OO, and one year ?l'. ltead
•r, won't you try itnd do us this little ta
••or, and will repay you by improving the
Reporter. Sen lus the names of six new
subscribers, with the (lash, aud we will
send you thn Reporter om vi a- in .•
The best table nnd bar, and excellent
•tabling for horses. Also a lino resort for
summer boarders. Buss to depot, nnd
daily stages to Centre county. Charges
reasonable. (IKO. BREON, Prop'r.
No 6 Brockerhofl'Row,Bellefoute,Pa
Dealer?* in IlriißH, f iiomioitlH
Perfumery, Fancy liootN Ac,
Puro Wines and Lmw for mcdicf
McGlain's Block, Directly Opp. Bush
Bellefonte, Pa.
11. A CO., Prop'rs.
Dry Goods,
C Y G 0-0 DS,
Below tlio Usual .Vrice§. ,
From Jas. F. Regan, flrir Regan &
Carter. publisher* Dallr a„d Weekly Tri
bune. Jeflerson City, Mo., *fUr receiving
a $?00 instrument, uvi:
"Piano reached ui In good condition I
am well pirated with H It is *ll you rra
rctenl it to he."
From X. K. B rid ridge. Bennington Fur
naca, P*., after receiving a |7OO piano.
• lientty" received 4th Intl., ell 0. K. t
end come* lolly up to your representation!
end cxood# our expectation*. While i
don't pro feat to be e judge in the matter,
Mr. B. d'Mjr, end pronounces it of very
sweet lone ; enJ ia very much pirated with
Beat ind jcumenU ever offered Money
refunded upon return of Piano and freight
charge* paid by me (D. F. Realty) both
wy if unsatisfactory, after a test trial of
! !!ve day*. Piano* warranted for ait yrar*.
Agrnu wanted. Bond for catalogue. Ad
■lres*. D. F. BBATTY,
Washington, New Jersey,
Hardware Store.
A new. complete Hardware So,re haa
been opened by the undersigned ir. Ccr
tre 11*11, where be ia prepared to aell all
kind* of Building and liuute Furnishing
Hardware, Nail*. Ac.
Circular and Hand Saws, Tmnnn Maws,
Webb Saw*, Clothe* Back*, a full assort
nient of Olat* and Mirror Plate Picture
Frame*. Bpkea. Fellow*, and Hub*, table
Cutlery, Shovel*, Spade* and Fork*,
Lock*, Hinge*, Screw*, Math Spring*.
ltore-Shoe*, Nail*. Norway Rod*. Oils,
To* Bail*, Carpenter Tool*, Paint, Vara
t*h*. ...
Picture* framed in the £neat style.
Anything not on hand, ordered upec
hortct notice.
Ui- Member, all ood* offered cheap*
rr than #i*wbt-e
Simon Haines*
Manufacturer of
Httgona, Ac.
Of eeery description running gear for
all kind* o! vehicle*, made to order, an<i in
Br*t*i# manner. Being a practical m*.
ehanie, 1 would 'WARRANT ALL
WORK le giva satisfaction. Repairing
? promptly attended to at tho lowett ratae.
Unde r taking,
Coffins nfaJi stj)s
-rude on thorUM notice. Tho butiaetl
of undertaking attended to ia all
tranche*. Respectfully solicit* a share '
public patronage. 9 aept y
. Uitl & Zh* jjJa>.nr,
Would moat reapectfully inform the cit
trui of thia vicinity, that be ha* averted a
new 800 l and Mho* Shop, and would be
thankful Cor a there of tna public patron*
age. Boot* and Show* mad# to order aud
according to tl/U, and warrant* hit work
■to equal any made alaavbwre. All kinds
of repairing done, and charge* reasonable.
Give bim a call. fab U It
Grand, Square and Upright.
Front Geo. K. Letcher, firm of Wm. H.
Letrkcr k Bro , Banker*. Fayette, Ohio.
"We received the piano and think it a
very fir.e-loowd aa* out here. Wailed a
khort time to give it a good test. If you
with a word in tar or of U we will cheer
, fttlly give it."
Jkuti B. Brown, Etq , Edwardtville,
I!!., saya:
"The Bealty Piano roc rived girc entire
satisfaction." Ager.U wanted. Mend for
catalogue. Addraai, D. F BEATTY,
Washington. New Jnrsay.
Health and its Pleasures,
Diaraar with its Agoale*.
CfjMitt Between Thrm.
Nervou# Diaordera.
Wnat ia more tearful than a breaking
down of the nervou* *yteo f To bo ex
* citable or nerroua in a amall degree is
, mo*', diatretting, for where can a remedy
.Ue found ? There U MM: drinlf but iittfe
win*, beer or spine*. or r better, none ;
lekc no coffee— weak Ma being pre
ferable . get all the Lrcsb air jr*u can ; take
three or four Pill* every night. oat plenty
f soluis. the uaa of ri.cip* ; nnd :f
\ golde*. rulra are followed you will
r~V vpf n B <in4 and tu\>ng in body, and
you kavo corse*.
'* Mothers and Daughters.
' l* one thing mora tkux another
u WM Pill* are ao famout, it is
&?***£. s prof-arUa*. aapacial ly their
kg tb WoOC W *ll if.-
5 Ott o. ClC+l vxic* OUf sxik"
purine*, and rem
vended kt-cret.on*. Wg*
•; "r r ,;
Sp> ki • b -"' * k " -
sijk HesdaebM nd A Pl*'
These feeling* which **<"•
frequently arise from annoy*icoa or tr >u
hle. from obstructed r>er*pir>lion. or from
rating pnd drinking what •* urygt fer U>. dlaordrring the liver •of 1 , tton, *9 b .-
These oraan* must be regulated if you wish
,to be wall. The Pills, if taken nceordirg
to the printed instruction*, will quickly
restore a healthy action to bote liver and
' stomach, whence follow, as a natural con-
I sequence, a good appetite and a ciewr head,
i In the East and Weal Indie* scarcely any
j other medicine i ever uaed for thews d>v-
I order*.
How to be Strong.
Never let the bowel* be either conHce-l
lor unduly acted upca. It may apnrar
;singular that HoHoway'a Pill# stJOUid be
1 fur tk rua UJHJH the bowels
many person* supposing they would in
crease relaxation. This is a great mis
take however, these Pill* will immediate
ly c erect the liver and stop every kind ot
bowel complaint. In warm ctunalcs thou*
! and* of live* have been saved by the use
jof thus medicine, which in all case* give*
i tone and vigor to the whole organic *y
'tcna, however deranged—health and
'strength follow as a matter of cour t e. The
i appetite, bw, is wonderfully increased by
I the use of these Pill*, combined in the use
jof solid in preference** fluid diet. Ani
mal food is better than broths and atews.
Hy removing acrid, fermented or other im
pure humor* from tha liver, atomaeh or
blood, the cauie of dysentery, diarrhea,
and other bowel eoniplaint* t* expelled.
The result is. that the disturbance ia ar
rested, and the action of the bowel* be
comes regular. Nothing will| *top the re
laxation of the bowels so quickly aa thia
fine correcting medicine.
Diaorcers of the Kidneyu.
in all disease affecting these organs,
whether they secrote too much or too iittlo
water; or whether they be afflicted with
stone or gravel, or with aches and cuius
settled in the loins over the region# of the
j kidneys, these Pill# should be taken ac
cording to the printed directions, and the
.ointment should be rubbed into the amall
!of the back at bedtime. This treatment
will give almost immediate relief when all
j other means have failed.
' For Stomachs out of Order.
No medicine will so effectually improve
tlie tone of the stomach as these Pills :
th cy remove all acidity, occasioned eith
er by intemperance or improper diet.
TbitJ reach the liver and reduce it to a
heal thy action ; they are wonderfully effi
eacious in cases of spasm—in fact tbey
never fail in curing all disorders of the liv
er and stomach.
Holloicny' a Pill* are the be*i remedy knoun
in the world for the following durates :
Ague, Female Ir- Rheumatism,
Asthma, regularities. Scrofula, or
Billious coin- Fevers of *ll King's Evil,
plaints, kinds, Sore Throats
,I Blotches on Fits, Stone aGravel
'| the Skin, Gout, Secondary
, Bowel Coin- Headache, Symptoms,
1 plaints, Indigestion, Tic Douloure
j Colics, Infta ma - ux,
a. Constipation tion, Tumors,
j oftbeßow- Jaundice, Ulcers,
I ess. Liver Com- Venereal Af
'Cocisumption plaint, fections,
Debility, Lumbago, Worms of all
1 tropsy. Piles, kinds,
1) Tseatery, Retention of Weaknoss of
E'r, V*iplas, Urine, any cause, &c
OA UTION !—Nona are genuine unle*#
the si. tnature of J UarDot*. aa agent for
tho TjL'iMd Slates, #ur.* <M " M K •"* box °J
Fills and Ointment. A /.'tndsomo reward
will bo given to any one r-" ,n .d erin *
information as may lead to U. \d election
of any party or parties counters U M lO
medicines or vending the same, k7 wWin K
them to be spurious.
•** Sold at the manufactory of ProfessorX
HOLLOWAY A CO., NOW York, and b.v all®
respectable Druggists and Dealers in
icine throughout the civilized world,
boxes at 26 cents, 62 cents and $1 each.
JBB~There is considerable saving
taking the larger sizes.
N. u.—Directions for the
patients in OYCry disorder are
u&ch box. 2b way,