THE CENTRE REPORTER iHU JLsDAY AUG f>, IbTfi. LODGE MEETINGS. CKKTBS HSM. U--CX. *' M. T O. of O. V . morU on i \ --o-ird*- ioninc to the t™ ! oltrw* 11*11 M*>*J>, IWI. 11. I'. s*k*V. *• • Fo*T Lonor, Rn. ST!. I A M . meats on V liny "f inc. on or after net foil moon to the Od.i fellows Halt. . _ „ i r 11-.-it.* uru. S -.!. W. It Kixitw. W. M PRiointsr liDAKar. rof IT. moot• on sn,l*s sf ..ernoonon or ftoi ouch I ill moon, t thro lls.l .1 .1 A*nrv. V . M. C A of Centre 11*11. moot, in Urn Imoomonl of the lthor*n eh ireft, *follow, IHtvorioKsl. 'Tty.oVnl ami fill 1 rtrlnjr om>inr of esvli mmj V-n-N.t Mm'>i I'rivhi MTIW<, I*l -1 W Fr>t* oronlnir" l?<-in*kv Mi il l- i*. tl-e Mil I'ri-tsj even In* of all montha harins Hve f rlasy*. M Picrstivv \v. A. kauv 1 "resilient. I*"'"! OCA.L ITEMS. Our friend* will oblige bv oil 1 loins of local news in tlioir locality, giv* u the fad* only, and wo will put them in shape, also notice* of deaths and marri age' 1 . —— Anv one sending us the name* <>f five now J-üb.-crihers, with tho o: will ho cntiiled to receive tho Rkvoktkk oneyear Tttc llitronTKn h ng read by nearly every body en this side of the county, where it lnt a larger circulation than any two papers, will bo found tho be*t l-.u ,'.ium for advert nog I u*incs*,, Ac. -V a -'■"-Subscribers to the Rkivktkk, rend ing outside of Centre county, should re nut us 10 cent*, yearly, for postage which we w ill p iv hero ; th - reduces the postage to one half, n* the sum paid by them for one year'® postage was '.V eta. — T! •Ti ve SS. School, in IVt tertwp.. will have a harvest borne cole brat it, ii. the grove near Ruble'a mill, on 12 if August. The Centre Hull brass band will bo present. A fencral invita tion is extended. l>r. Jac, bs informs us that a * >n of Jeif. Tro-.or, living near th > p ace, in falling from a f-nco, en Monday, h-J collar bono b:- Von. Prof. Wolf. P. IV. of (Tity-burg,it In our town en his accustomed tunimcr visit to it it brother Wm Wolf. Rev Wolf * illre tell in the l.uth. church, in this place on Sabbath morning n \t. and also In the evening. l)r. Alexander K.Red a rattles: v- • on Monday The varmint had 12 rattle-. Emanuel Swart*, of Pcna twp., catueln too ck-ed nl " 1 ish saw in the mill on Kik ere.- 1 a serious fleeh wound on his arm. We see that other papers in the county, and the people generally have the carao opinion of Seek lor A Cos grocery in the Bush bouse block, that w-< have. There w no mistake a'out any thing we have yet said about th - establishment, it is frs: class in every particular and the b- -t in the county with the most gentle manly and obliging attendants that you can meet with. Their goods hava been marked down to cash prices at short credit to reliable parties. And now at last, and for#certainty, ti ght nice, lively democratic sheet, the AViliiamsport Sun. ——Jerry Condo, of Marion twp., send* u two tiinotuy .talks which grew upon his land, ore measuring 3 feet 1 inch, and the other 4 feet 11 inches. T .J Mr. Con do pronounces Tilden timothy, and shows that he knows how to farm. A valuable sorrel rnaro was stolen from the stable of Mr. B. M. Rouiig, Un ion co., on Monday night of last week. A reward of SSO is offered for the animal and thief, e r J-l for the return of tho for mer. Tho Presbyterian congregation at Beiiefonte lias chosen Rer. M. McEivev, o: IVainfioid, N. J., to £ll the pulpit va cated by Rev. AV.T. AYyllo some months ago. "Air there any letters for my wim n.-.n twin. ." -aid a plain looking old gen at the post office the other day, "No," said the postmaster, "but here's a big fat envelope with some pictures on the front for your daughter." "J is' what I come down arter," said the old gentle man ; smiling, "Melindy'a going to be married ; an' this here's one of tLeni han dy "Domc.tic' papper patruns to cut out her weddin gownd by.-" The Lutheran conference is :a session here this week- Ail the mini.-ters belong ing to the same —but one—are present- Ilor. Bricker, of Salona, prt siJtnt of Con ference, preached the opening sermon on Tuesday evening, subject, the Unpardon able Sin. The ministers present are Revs. J. G. Anspach, Wm. C. JlcCool, J. Iv. Bricker, John Tocr.luiton, Wm. H. Piven, M. J. Firey, W. L. Heisler. P. Aurand, J. A. Bright, 'Wm. 11. Lilly. R. Smith, J. K. Miller and Straub. Howard Spangler and Ed. Forster have opened a livery at Belief >te. Ge'ep g'lang. —On last Monday ev< ning Orris Me- Cortnkk brought six rattlesnakes and one copperhead to town which lo in company with three others killed in the mountain a short distance above James M'Cormick's. There were more of these reptiles on the spot where these were killed, but the re t escaped into the frocks. Several of the varmints were over", three feet in length ar i had 1! rattles. Evidently rattlesnakes and copperheads dwell harmoniously together which is more than can be said of cats and dogs, or of some who are joined "for better or for worse." Judge Love is seriously ill at present. Since the above was in type, Judgu Love has gone to his long home, lie ex pired on Tuesday evening, last about 5 o'- clock, of dropsy of the heart. The other day we cons'* ncr*'>* the man who didn't buy his groceries at Sech lers. You never saw a sicker man in j our life. OHIOSTOXEWARE.— J. B. Fisber, at Penn Hall, has ju=t received a la-go lot of the Lest Ohio Stoneware—Crocks of all sizes from J to 0 gallon. Also Flower Puts and Hanging baskets. Prices reason able. Give him call. 3aug3t. The duplicate of state and county tax fur Potter township, has been left at the Bank in Centre Ilall, where all who desire can pay their tax. GEORCIE KEEN, Collector. 27jul4t. From the many flattering testimonials we have road, paying tribute to the Beatty Piano, and Beatty's Golden Tongue Or gans, wo are constrained to recommend them to any persons contemplating pur chasing an instrument of either descrip tion. Address the manufacturer and pro prietor, Daniel F Beatty, Washington, N. J., for any informotion respecting the same. Sea advertisement. 1m The Beatty Piano, and Beatty's Gold en Tongue Organs manufactured by Dani el F. Beatty, "Washington, N. J., are high ly endorsed by all who have tested them, as to the stylo of case, durability, and sweetness of tone. They are said to excel any other instruments in perfect construc tion. See his advertisement in another column. 1 ni. Two good covered stage wagons, 8 head of horses and harness, are offered for sale, cheap, by George Miller, near Wolf Store, Pa. 13 jul 3t. We have tried Bower's Mead at Zellcfs Drug Store and it is just as good as they say it is—just the thing for a varin day—cooling andldelightful. 4t. J. S. MILLER, Fashionable Tailor, Aa rensburg. Shop few doors west oi Dr. 4may tl IMPORTANT 10 BBIIDEH3.—The un dersigned its now prepared to sell Brick at his kilns at Centre Hall to suit purchasers, at reasonable rates, also to furnish or con tr ict Brickwork. S. 8. FAKNEIi 7 OCty DEMOCRATIC DELEGATE KLKC* 1 TION. The Democratic voters of Centre county will moo! at 'he rogu'-if places of holding ! dMlMMlri election lor Mlk district < Saturday, the oth day of August, ISTrt, to j [ elect delegate* to the Democratic County i jo IVWtltKi Tho election will open nt j 'two o'clotk. p. m. of j*id ilny, The delegate-- chosen at the above time 1 will meet in the Court Houo at Belle- ' fi-nte, on Tuesday, the 7th day of August, j* nt 1} o'clock, p. nv, to nominate one ean-j did ato i r Congrt ■one candidate for t Somite, two candidate* for Assembly, two ! candidate* for Associate Judge, appoint Oorgro-aional and Senatorial conferee*. t and transact *uch otherbuinc**as may be t regularly brought before it Tlie number of delegate- to which each district i* enti tled under the present apportionment, i- | as follows; i W. W. I,Harris " V ! 1> ••lefonte -S, \\ V; Howard 11 I IN. \\ vjHuston " Milesburg OOrOUgh 1 Liberty " 1 | 1 nviile 1 Marion Howard " 1 Miles " Philipsburg I'atton " 1 Boggs township Sil'ean " 5 Benncr " fi l'otter " t ttu-nsidn " 1 Itush " 8 t College " I Snow Shoe • Curt in " I'Spring " 4 Ferguson " 4 Taylor " Or';;g " 4 Union " 1 ' Humes " 4' Walker " 4 t llaifnnwvi " l! Worth " I C. M. Bowga,Chairman*. T'iu delegate election in all case* to be conducted strictly In acccrJame with the followii'.g rules r 1-L The election for delegate- to re pre t the d>flcr'nt districu in the annua lemccratic county convention, shall b. . d at the usual place of holding th. general elections for each district, on the -alurdav proceeding tie second Tuesday i August, in each and every year, beg ti tling at two o'clock, p tit., of said day, continuing until five o'clock, p. in -.1, The raid delegate elections shall be 1 held by an election board, Lc< t-.sist of th. { uhcr of Countv Committee tor such ; district, and two other democratic voters : there, !*, who shall bo appointed or desig- 1 atedlv the County Committee. -In is - ' any > f the Persons so constituting the .> rd, s! .11 ne absent from the place ot . soldi: g the tlection tor a quarter of an ' tour after the time appoinu-d by llulr ' First, for the opening of the same, his or 1 their place or places shall be filled by an election, to be conducted viva voce, ' by the democratic voters present at the time. .'-J. Everv qualified voter ol the district. ' who at the late general election voted the Democratic ticket, shall be entitled to a vote at the delegate elections ; and any . qualified elector of the district who will ■ pledge his word of honor to support the 1 Democratic ticket at the next genera! • election si,all be permitted to vote at the I delegate elections. ' 4th. The voting at all delegate election* t shall be by ballot; upon which ballot M shail be written ir printed the namo* of I the delegates voted tor, together with any instructions which the voter may desire to e give the delegates. Each ballot shall be 1 re-vis* J from me person voting the same,, bv a member of the election board, and by n hitn deposited in a box or other receptacle e provided for that purpose, to which box or other reoeputle, no person but inem- r bers of the election board have access. !" sth. No instructions shall be received orj 1 recognized unless the same be Toted upon tho ballot as provided in Hule Fourth, ji' nor shall such instructions if voted upon ' i ontain instructions concerning the ssmeH office. Whenever half or more of the > haiku, stall contain instructions concern-' inganv office, the ielegatas elected at c such elections shall be held lb be instruct*)- ed to support the candidates having tho highest number of votes for such office. nth. Each election board shail kaepl an accurate list of the name* of all persons < voting at such election* ; when list of vo ters togethet with a full and complete rwM turn of such election containing ar. aocu- < rate statement of the persons elected dele- 1 gates and all instruction voted shall be lertifl'. ! by ,%ld board, to the County Con* < vention, upon printed blanks to bo fur nished by the County Convention. j< 7. Whenever from any district qualified democratic voters, in "cumbers equal to i times the delegates which such dis trict has in the County Convention, shall complain in writing of an undue election < cr f!-e return of delegates or of instruc- < ticr.s, in which complaints the alleged fact: shall be specifically set forth and ver* < ifi. J by she ak.dr.vit of one or more per* I sons, such complainant* .ht.ll have thei right to contest the seat of such or the validity of such instructions. t>uch [i complaint shall be heard by a committee of five delegates to be appointed by the ] President of the convention ; which said committee shall proceed to hear the par ties, their proofs and allegations, and as,i soon ns may bo report to the convention what delegate* are entitled loses* therein, and what instru tiona arj binding upon Ngh delegates. Whereupon the conven- i lion shal! proceed immediately, upon the calf of the yeas an J nays, to adopt or re* : ject the report of the contesting parties. In which call of the yeas and nays, the names of the delegates whose feat* are contested or whose instructions are disput- < ed shall be omitted. Sth. All delegate* must reside in the di.-trict they represent. In ca*e3 of ab sence or inability to attend, substitutions may be made from citizens of the district. t'th. Delegates must obey the iristrur tirns given tm n: by their respective dia tricu, and if violated, it shall he the duty i ol the President of the convention to cast j the vote of such delegate or delegates in .< with the in-tructisns ; and Un delegate or delogntes so offending shall bej forthwith expeued from tho cop vention and shall not be eligible to any office 0.- piace of trust in tho party for n period of two year*. _ I ItXh. In Convention a majority of alii voters shall be necessary to a nomination: and no person's ssms .hull bj excluded from the list of candidates until after the sixth ballot or vote, when the person re- ( ceiving the least number of votea hall be omitted and struck from the roll, and soi on at each successive vote until a nomina tion be made. _ j 11th. If any j>< rson who is a candidate j ; for any nomination before a county con-] , vention, shall be prove;} to have offered or] I paid ar.v money, or otherwise valuable . thing, or made any promise of a considora*. i tion i r reward to any person for his vote or influence, to secure the delegate from any district, or shall have offered or paid any money or valuabla thing, or promised uny consideration or reward, to any dele gate for his vote or to any person with a view of inducing or securing the votes of delegates or if tile same shun be d"ne !>/ ar.v other person wil'i the knowledge andi c i.sent of such candidate, tho name of] such candidate shall be immediately strick en from the list of candidates ; or if such fact be aiCf-rtained after his nomination to any office, and before the final adjourn-, rnent the nomination shall he struck from the ticket and the vacancy supplied by new nomination, an J in either case, such person shall bo ineligible to any noujinp-j t m by the convention, or to n election a* a delegate thereafter. And in caso iij shall he alleged after the adjournment of| the convention that any candidate put in nomination has been guilty of such acts or I of any other fraudulent practices to ob tain - ich nomination, tho charge shall be investigated by the County Committee, and such -tcp* taken a* the good of the party may require L&h. ii any delegate shall receive any money or other valuable thing, or accept the promise of any consideration or reward to be paid, delivered or secured to him or toany person for such candidate, as an in ducemeiil for his vote, upon procf of the fact to the satisfaction of the convention, such delegate shall be forthwith eipelled; and shall not be received as a delegate to any further convention and shall be ineli gible to any party nomination. Lb Case! arising under the ?tb, 11 Hi and 12th rules, shall have precedence over ail other business in convention until deter mined. By order of the committee. —s * s Harper's Magazine for August contains the entire sixth book of George Elliot's , "Daniel Deronda tbo second jiart of the anonymous serial story, "A Woman-ha ter;" tho third part of Mrs, Craik's old . fashisoned love story, "Tho l.Hurel Hush;' 1 more of Julian Hawthorne's "Garth j" and three excellent short stories. The illus • trated papers embrace Wellesley College, , "The Battle of Long Island;" "In the I brief historial sketch, by Miss Susan F. Cooper, of Kear-adiniral William Brad -1 ford Shubrick, thero are recounted some • of the most spirited incidents in our naval r history William Gibson contribute* u beautiful poem, "Hymn to Freya." The Easy Chair discusses political ruasf-uiect -5 ings in presidential campaigns, takes us r among tho transcendcntuliiu of Brook t Farm, and gathers somo hopeful indica tions from the Centennial retrospect of our political history. Tbo other Editorial t departments are as full and interesting as e usual. I• ♦ ♦ Candidates have been on the move this week. Let the peoplo take tho matter . in band and determine that the best men shall bo nominated. . Maj. Harry pursier, clefk in the of >t fice of ihe Sec'y of Int. Affairs at Harris* burg, wa- home on a visit and called to see us. The Major looks well and is one Of Gun. MvCandleit' most efficient aid*. t'IUNKSK. IMMIGRATION ii KING I MF. A FAR Washington. July ST "Olsltl i-lur;.- rnade to the Bureau of Statistics show that during the tl- si year ■ n-le-1 Junc >O, there arrived in the Un.icd ft it-s 2J, Chlneaeimmigrants. of win net > V>a,rc females. Of this number SI, VC'.l arrived in San Francisco, '.'to in Or, i;. n, ia i,,l • in l'uget Sound. During the corrc-ponding period of 187 ft the total iiumigralion to the Unit d State* IrvVin t'l it - lit, l'-7 d j arhoiu BS2 were female- Ihi show -rr ir.- I create in lt>7f> ov cr 187-n a little while girl year* of -go, th daughter of I -u- Pr.--cett 1 . l Tue.--l*v evening a party of men t-'-k the negro Into tho wood - and hung hut • ♦ * A Tornado pa i.d . rer tln< northern portion of St l.oui* co.i M .t : , on Saturday, and did a *. '. i .n-l i'l | A CHOICE FARM sinii HOUSE and LOT FOR SALE. Will be expos--l t pubi c - de, S.j t. next, the following descrih -1 property, t the late residence of John Fmmeit. dee'd, situate in Harris t.-wnship iVnti - County ne FA KM rotitn ning -m- 1 -ilr-d an-i thirty three acre* more or 1,---, bounded by land* of It. Kv- rhsrt, dee'd, Jatnc- Glen. McFarlen Dr. llen.le -on, d-e'd and others. The farm i- w It wat-re, I a never fading stream t w -t.-r hr.-ugh the farm an.! within thirty v art!* o. die barn, also, a well of neverfalhng wa ter at the h . -e, wth 0 Ipi up tit! The -mlirov-'ili- l* are a Urge I'HAMI QUl'Sft, two s'.oi 'd-J 'Rnw '. • Ctt a 'rame bank bar!-, forty tho hi eig' tv f-. t nd all other nccessarv out buildings This is--t.o of the b< 1 Pi<'g farm- o. thia section for *ll kinds of grain . t is all limestone land. A Virgo ORCHARD o choice fruit on tl.e promises. For particulars inquire of 11 tu Wert a on the farm. AT • one House at. I . t Situated in Bo.ils! ttrg, IVntre . the houe is two stories high, with kitchen tached to it, and all necessary outbuild ing. a!*,' a g-Hid stable, a riov- r .* well of water w-th g. -I pump. The lot i* well -ct with fruit tree* of beat quality. A •>•> two aero, and 1 -2 perch - <•: > - lent land situate near iheucrma:. It. >rin -d church in lloiUburg within tw-- sauarc* of above hou-c JOS IAII N'KFF, Fxecutor of J. E:.- mert, dee'd N. It.—Above pro; -rtv cvn ho t - ig t a* a whole or in part at private or public sale. Uaug REGISTER s NOTICES. - The fol lowing accounts Uxv- l--u - x stmt c 1 at .1 passed by me and remain liU-d of record in this oSce for the inspection of heir-, legatees, creditors an-i nil others in any ar*y interested, an,! w :'l be prwente-1 tv> the Orphan s Court of Centre comity, on Wednesday, the ith dy of August, A. D., lS7t, b>r cqntirmation and allowance. The account of Jonathan Auman. ex ecutor of the last wilt a;.d tCatamei.t of . Peter Auninn Ute of Mile- twp. dec'J. The account of Jereiui -H Sharr. r. ad ministrator of tho e-U'.c of Thomit. AN 1- sll late of Taylor twp, dee d. ] The partial account of George ai-J Hen- t ry A. GonU-d, admitiisfa". r.- f the < -tate *f AVilliani Gentaol, a- f led by G. Gei.trel late of Gregg twp, -iec d. The account of AN in. Crenoble. admin istrator of lha estata vf Joseph late of Gregg ttrp, doe'il. The account of Nan-y A. Roth roc k and John Hoffcr, administrat->rs cum testamen- - to annexe of liinry Rothrock late of - Spring twp, dee d. > The account of Gao. M. St.-ver and An- , drew J. Stover, executor, of tho estate of Andrew Stover Into of Ham- - twp, -!■. d. ' The tinat account ot J -.-.-o Garno, and A. p. Geary, executors of the last w ill and . testament of John late of Centre j county, dee d. The guardianship a-.c--unt of John , Craig, guardian - : A'a-v Tttrt -r r.->w Ma ry Young, minor thil-1 of AN tu. Turner late of Huston ta p. dee d. The guardian-liip account Solomon Gates, guardian of G. -rgo an i Elizabeth AA'ard minor children of Nina AA .r I late af liriwon twp. dac' l The account of Samuel l-'aii-. , adnr.- i istrator of etc. of John Bre-sler late of I Her.nur twp, dec.d. The fourth account <>f Josiah Net], exe cutor etc. ot John Net! lat t Potter twp, dee'd. The account of John Irv.u jr. -•x-vut- -t of estate of Erra D. Bri-bin la'.o ot 11-rris twp, dee'd. the first pnrtial account fA. O. Fur-t, axecuusr us ;tc. i Gcorg l.ivinrston late ofrßellefonte, da--d. The account of Samuel J. Garbrick. sur- i viving executor of etc. - f John Garbrick lato o! Marion twp, d<- • d Tha lina! account of John 1' itunkle, administrator of the e-tato of AA'itiiani i Yenada late of Potter twp. dcc'-i. The account of J M. tiarbn k a lmia- 1 istrator of etc. of AVm. M. tiarbrick late of AValker twp, dee d. The account of J. 11. Frank an-i John Stover administrator- of tho - -tate of David St-var late of Ponn two, dee'd. The account of Luther IV AA'n-son ad ministrator of George K AA'af. >n executor of John Mayes lato of Harris twp, dee'd. Tho accountof J- l.n Grove, admi'. -tra tor of the estate of Daniel llreon late of Gregg two, dee'd. Tho account of ii. A. Mingle, a Mnini-- tnitor of the estate of Sarah M IT way late of Haines twp. dee'd. The account of AVm. Deal, executor of the l*-t wiil an-1 testament of Philip D av iate of Marion twp, dee'd. Partial account of J. P. Gt-phart, ad ministrator de bonis non cur.. teMumento annexo of etc of John B. Awl iate ->f tip barough of Beiiefonte. dee'd. 'i'he accoutit of Jacob S. Awl, executor of the last will and tetnnient of dohn IJ. Awl dec 1 J, as filed by his administrator, J. P. Gephart. 1 The account of Aaron Lukenbaugh, guardian of Floren-'C J. Little and J. AA'. ! Lißlo. tainor children ->f Benjamin Little, dee'd. Tb# account of Cyrus \Ya* n, admins i trator of tha estate o! J . oh Etters dc distributing balance due by forru- r ac | count. The account of datnes II. _ ad ' ministrator of the E-ta'.c of Ruth A. Ward j late of Beiiefonte. Register's Office,) AA". E. Bi actir ieli>, Beiiefonte. S July 20,187®. j Register. The next term of THE PENN HALL ACADEMY will open on Monday, July 21,, 1870, Boarding and tuition at reason a- ' . . Ll ° r#t °G ! For particulars address tho Principal, Rev. I> Al. WOLF. Penn Hall, L'untro c. t Pa. 113 jul 1 (is BEATTYS r lor Ciru'am*. Factory Kstablishcd in lis.". From the Press. From O. 1). White, Editor Hackctts !town. N. J. Herald. | "The organ hi n ricli, deep and soul ] stirring tone ; could not -lay in tho house | without it It helps wonderfully to Urivi j away the thoughts of hard times 1 Tho Lebanon pa. Daily Ne.vs, says : "AA'e aro ia receipt of one of those five .I octave Parlor Organs, nianufaciured by ,ID. F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. Thi d organ is a fine, solid black walnut ca i, 1 ami in tone it cannot be surpassed by any '! instrument o! its kinJ." ,| From the Lowell Neb. Ucirisler. ,I "Wo received this week, -Pirect from jthc manufacturer, IJ. F. Beatty. AViish |iltigton. N- J., bia justly colt bralod organ, I elegant in appeerance, and handsomely . furnished unexcelled in richn-v* and | -w --er of tone. AVe arc more than plea-ed with it. and heartily recommend it to any one contemplating of purclm ing an -r --• Ran." ) Best offer given. Money refunded upon > return <>f organ and freight charge- paid . by me(D. I. Beatty) both way* if un-nt | isfactory, after a tuft trial of livu days. ' Organ warranted for nix yours. 1 Agents wanted everywhere, malo or fe . male, to canvas* for this superior instru , merit. Address IJ. F. BEATTY, a AVnthington, New Jersey. ANEW IDEA! SOHKTIII.VG Voit AM. Being an a*ioiu acknowledged by all, that tha cash aystern, (or pay as you go,) is the most pleasant and safest,—as an in centive to more fully establish that sys tem,—the undersigned therefore offer to the public a Premium ofhOcts. in Goods, on bills to the amount of $5.00, and 50 ct< premium ou all bills increased to the amount of $5.00, etc. (viz- on a hill to the amount of SIO.OO, we will pay SI.OO pre mium, in goods, for Cash or Produce. We haveKEADY MADE CLOTHING which we offer at GIIKATLY REDUCED I'RICES, for Cash. Wetbtpikour patrons for past patron age and all who will at ail themselves of the inducement presented. SIKOIIM 4C Swautz, SBJuaßia. ChurchyHlo. rilK XX AU IN JT'KKRY. A Battle lioportnd—3,ooo Sorvi.iii* Killed, OtMistantiimplo, duly 'id. Otllrial dis patches iv A Turkish detachment from Satehanltaacrossed tho Servian Iron tier and donated the Servians' killing 8,- iXO man It a!- > burned three villages. Fifteen Turkish bntalliont attacked and routed the Montenegrins near Nevesinje M i it Kerim, tin . noiiandcr in-chu iof the I'urkish troopa, l as arrived at Nissa A great battle is iminant. Att \rnti tii'o l'rohttbly tho Neil Thing. I.oiulon, duly V • The Standard's Vi enna special says the Servians intend withdraw iug fr. m all p oitiotis to within the frontier. The prevailing opinion in military ■ ircli- it that the Turks will not u a tin .1 tli tlioi Tin* condition ( altars is favorable to an armlsiice. Then is great depr -sioti in the Servian camp S<\.-ral comimnie of the older nservts huvo laid down their arms nml g>nr home Ihe Turk. I>< Tented by Servian Ar tilery. Uelgraile, July Yesterday the Ser v i arnvy" u' ler (letters! Zaoh encounti r Ed the Turk* i n the whole line near Ya vos' Th. arli'.-r) lire la*ted seven houi t at. 1 wo- follow, .1 by an infantry engagi ng ut ii w i, h the Serviuii* were *iicce>' ftil. Several ,f the Turkish gun* w er dismounted. Two other minor Serviai successes ar, ii!*,' reported. Tho M.d .muter Holiday Number" tJ St Nicholas, - probably the very tine*! ■ of a t'ti'ld-en - Magazine ever pub 'ished anywhere. It is called tho Slid summer il oil id ay' Number," and in make :p im,l conti ?ita i* specially adapted to tlu ..> n ; und .lie gro,t variety arid uniform ex 'elleneo of its contributions are indeed remarkable. All classes ef articles are represented, anecdote, adventure, deserip* tivn, sentiment, Am, fancy ; and each rep tativaU worthy to rank among the best ct its km 1. Wo are autli -. to annouuee the l; sine Jss. I'. Weaver, of M iletbtirg, - a candidate for A scmbly, subject to detn oe tic rules Wo are authorized to announce the name of S. T. Shugert.of Bellefonte, as s cindidate or A-sembly, subject to democratic rub s. We are authorized announce the name of John 1 >iv. ns of Walker, as a can didate for Associate Judge, subject t democratic rules. We are authorized to announce the I tins of John F. Kreps, of Ferguson as u can.ll late lor Assembly, subject to Democratic rule*. We are authorise 1 to announce that George ltuebanan of Gregg, it a candi date for A- crate Judge subject lo the democratic rules. Wo aro authorized t • announce that Msj Sarmn 1 Frank, of Reberaburg, is a . andidalo for As-ociate Judg -, subject to democratic rule*. • We are a ilhori' d to announce that John Ki-hel, of lott -r, is a candidnte for A-sociate Judge, subject lo democratic l XX,z- '. toannoun, ■ tliat XV m., it. Mi 11,.-.. : Harris township, t> a omdi*!, date for Associate Judge, subject to demo | cratic rules. MARKETS. j ! CHICAGO. Chicago. July 20.—Wheat, August but, ] seller September 0.1 Corn teller August 46 -oiler September 4-'.*. Oats seller Sept. 2VI elicr August 291 Kyo 65&5? Hurley teller August, £*). PHILADELPHIA. PUils,lclpliia, July 15) - Flour ex, $400(4 J tub Nluin. niinlv -t TuWheat, urn-i her 1 I'd i 1 In Jo M .ch. Wheat 1 A\ Cbrn; white its. yellow 5'J OaU western! white J ij, 10 Petroleum, reined 171'' nt MM. Y MARKETS, C ruled weekly by < D Shelmire. Clover Seo.l $- 00 to $8 50. Beef '• to ST.Ou per UW lbs. Corn 46c to 50<. live I**o to 70 F Nova Scotia Pla*t •- ';f ttmnil. §lO per toil. VV him Wheat 51 JSlo *1 30. Ked " $1 Jit to §1 80. Barley 70e to 78. Timothy to 2 60. Plaster in Stone $7 76 to 58. Salt 1 tli to 1 60. i *ts :v.e to U.V 1' tlloes 25c to ddo. HKLLKFONTK MAKKKTS. W'hlte XV iioiil 51 JO UeJ ljk' ...H> eio Coin ears 40, V>. t>at*A6— Barley 00. 70 Clorcr ecd 6.*e Potatoes "O Lard per pound R. Pork per poundOti Butt- r'Jd Kggsli Piaster pcrton sl4 Tallow b BaconlO Ham 15. Lard per pound Scents Buck wheat i ,'iets., Fiour per barrel retail 7,(0...i i Nova Scotia plaster sll 00. Cayuga \ plaster 5. ( ,50 per 2WU lb*. Shelled corn to 60 BEAtTY ---- GRAND, SQUARE AND UIMUGUT l'rom Jk. F. l>g*o, Arm Koran A Car'.'-r. publishers Dasiv and Weekly Tri bune. Jefferson City, Mo., after receirir.g u s?iai inslfmural, sayt i Piano reach* >• us in gooj condition 1 ] am v, 11 pleas* i a ith il It is *ll you rej>- • re-rnt it to be.' 1 Prom K. U. BalUridgc, H-eiiington Fur : *ce, Pa., a tier re- ivinr a S7OO piano. __ . ••Realty" Tiri ivnl 4th ituL, ail O. K , I nJ come* ft lly up to your representation, and exceed- our expo* talions W hilo 1 >!• nt profc-* to be a judge in tho matter. \ I Mr-. I. u- ■ and pronounce* il ol *ery *woct t no ; and i* very *nuch pleated with it." Rest inducement* ever offered Money r fund 1 upon return of Piano and freight, charge" paid by ma iD. F. Realty) both ways if unsatisfactory, after a test trial of i five day*. I'iauo. warranted for lis years. | At'.. I .' wanted. Solid for catalogue. Ad-j dress. !> F HMATTY, , Washington, Now Jersey,! Centennial Store. At Potters Mills. L. B. McENTIRE has just returned from Philadelphia with a large andjwell solcclod itock of Cheap Goods, which he offer- CHEAP FOR CASH or country t'i dueo, u!o u largo stuck of. LADIK'S, GENT'S, and CHILDREN'S Shoes, Gaiters as low its $1.26 per pair, and all other goods in proportion. Dry Goods, Hosiery. Linens, Embroideries, White Goods, Laces, Notions and FAN-; t'Y GOODS, strictly first-class goods V c i low the usual prices. His Grocery De-j pnrinient consists of tho Cheapest ami llest Quality of Groco-; rics n Penn • Valley. Sugar'. Teas, Coffees, -\vrup-, Spices. Canned r ruits, Crackers, Cheese, and Dried Fruit* etc. Queens ware, Hardware Wood and Wiliowware] and Oilcloths nt every description- Hats, 1 caps, Drugs, Oil and Paints, also Cigars,! Tobacco and Confectioneries. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods, also highest price paid. Also —Ladies will find A full liuc of tnilliuery goods, comprising the lntost styles. 1 thank the pcoplo of Perm* Valley for their liberal patronage. 18 my bin BEATTY PIANO! Grand. Square and Upright. From Rufus Snyilcr, of the firm of Sny >i' r A Hendricks, Cnrringo Manufacturer*, of the city of Allentown, Pa: "I must confess 1 hardly know how to express my gratification on receiving the 11 catty l'iuiio you shipped me. It is at leust all I could ask, wish or expect. One of our most eminent musicians tried it and spoke in the most favorable tcims, after thoroughly testing it." He: ', offer evi r giVen. Money refunded upon return of Piai. ■ and freight chatges paid by me (D. F. Realty) both ways if unsr.tisfactory, after a test trial of five day. Piuuos warrauted for six year*. Audresa, D. F. iIKATTY. 23July WMhisgWu, New Jersey. TURKISH WKOCITIKB IN iIoSN IA. Part , Jul) l Pervan and Trimar. Twelve women were cut to |>!ecei at t'aviee. Hlxty children wore stoned to death it Rathloro One hundred and eighty girls were violated and murdered at Solmlnvo . Over o,0( liv went hut in Chin* by lb>ud iliirlng the month of June Mr Daniel 1 Realty, manufacturer and proprietor of itie It ratty Piano nnd Itent iv'i celebrated Oolden Tongue l'arlur ' , U irnmi Ij a vcry reasonable and generous man to trati*- ael business with. lie make* tin* very fair proportion lo any who may favor him with an Older, n> follow* "'lt the initio mcnt doe* not prove *uti*faetor.v after a ;et trial of live day* after re, oIVUg it tt "We received the piano and think it 4J ery one out hore. Waited a I short lime lo give it a good tt. If you J .vish a word in favor of it wo w ill cheer- , fully give it" James B. Brown, Edwardtvlllo,!, 11l . say* : • "The Boatty Piano received give eutiro ' satisfaction."' Agents wanted. Send for j catalogue. Address D. F. BEATTT, | Washington, New Jcrey,'i II I \ It V BOOEEK, Vt.uul*. lutcr ol saj 1 la HA RN ESS,i SADDLES. BRIDLES, Ac., CENTBE HALL. PA fiM~ liepairing of all kinds tsecuted at j short notice. 29 jun 6m. ■9R3iEP , VaSffIn > PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO. < CENTRE HALL. PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and allow Inter! est; Discount Notes; Bur and .4 Sell Government Securities, Gold and Coupons. PITXK llorrxn, Wu. B. MXKOL*. Pres't. Cashier (_ CENTENNIAL \ xt C2irr;s£ HALL, i ( Wolfs Old Stand. Magnificent Stock of Spring and Sum mer Gooo*. Ofj® Fvteb I Ic-nv Pricß i POLITE ATTENTION ! K Havingjuil returned from the Eat, an.t , . bought at panic price*, 1 am now prepare 1 to sell vheaper laii ever before. My stock |consists in part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, , NOTIONS. HOSIERY, IIATS & CAI*S, BOOTS A SHOES, RUBBER BOOTS, i 1 SANDALS, tl"o., itc. j Ladiuo' and Gcuta' Underwear a spec-,' ialitv. A I.AKUE BTO4 K OP READY - MADE CLOTHING 1 cotistantly on haud. Look at the fig-! urcs; Good Oattimere Suits, IIO.OOL Good Guuimere Chat*, $6.00 ! Customcni will find the stock com plete, ntul a call i* all the.t is mjuircd to assure you that this is the be*t :< , place in tha valley to buy your goods.;, Remember, xce have but one priee fori everyone. WM. WOLF. i EXTRAORDINARY Inducements to Cash Buyers. • i i —i i l We wish to say to the people of Peons Valley, thatwej have just opened and are now offering full lines of all goods that we deal in at such prices that even defy com went, or competition. in is ii in IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUll STOC K OUi; CLOTHING DEPARTMENT U full of Bar* Boots and Shoes, gains, at from Five dollars for a lull Suit of Meu'a Cloth ing up to the nnet Ready Made good* in town. Ladies' Shoes at 1 dollar per pair. Misses' Shoes at 75 cents per pair. Men's Flow Shoes at $1.25. Men's Brogaas at $1.25, In the DRY GOODS NOTION DEPARTMENT At such prices us tyill astonish you, Calicoes at 5 cents- We ltavo Ladies' Hosu at 5 cents. Ladies' llosc at 10c. i Muslin at 0, 7 and 8 cents. Dress goods in all the Men's ilose nt 5 cents. Ladies'handkerchiefs at sc. newest styles from 10 cents per yard up to the best Kid Gloves nl 50 cents. Clark's O.N. T., Cotton. (h\ grades of Bilk. and nil other goods in proportion. ; m A GALL WNSN YOU mm T* 0 rWHfr+mmmM TAZ PLAUL i —THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND OF Apr 27 i J S. a A. LOEB. HARDWARE and. STOVE 5 THOMAS A. HICKS &BRO., (rtuens-or, lo WILSON AIUCKS,) will sell HARDWARE. STOVES, Saddlery, Coach-makers' Material, Guild ers Hardware, of all kinds, Paints, Oils, &c. Nails, Iron and Glass a spe cially. at the LOWEST CASH PItICES. Cliihlrens* Carriages, Shovel Plows, Catling Itoxcs, etc. We have the best COOK STOVES and RANGES in the Market,and warrant (Item to lie good. We keep all repairs for same, and will sell lower than elsewhere. Anyone in this county, huifdiug, or dealing in (his line of goods, w ill pay litem to come and see us. THOMAS A. IIICKS & BROTHER, Bellefante, Pa. I illN p ALKXANDEB, M. 1> i. " : t Physician and Surgeon, 1 Keapectfully "Iferi bis iirufessional ser vices to the citizens of Centre Hall and ' I vis."wily Consultation in Knglbh or Uer |inan. (lata full line of instrument* for extract. >g teeth, Oflice and residence in ' ttie Luth. parsonage. I'TlebU To the Working Class. --We can furnish , )uu •atitaloytHvtsl At wUICb )"U cu intkc tf| l*f|| UAf. lit lISUt ull ItKftllllM. Wtl.'sulil iHCSlllf A*y (rum ' boiuc uver tsigbl. AftuU WAUICMI ku • kiat.iiioa AI PiiilMl*ii>ft!M !• tollf UluAlr%t#d; InGwiAil fcvorylrualj MKItU II lUm UL.le iNrteyiw fMil j fio*t lulrfMl iu lisctr < uiiMrx'a CMhiwHsulki hilt&4a*. AU.I MAIil U4 khuc fth AUuul !(. An ticgAUS )*UiuUc It TIRO.I IHTUI| ISIMTATUM PUTIU U IIRWUITCI IRWTO U>, Mkl a!>k iiUr it to •uiiitwd, "In r*memt*r*&cs ut lit* Oh* iiuuitrwjtb Auulfl44f of iho lati|*rßilMno J ' itflhll'itltoi HUIM" It lttehw. Anyone! t*n (hmmiXWM • U* v-4NWf ttl *en< I >f tUt Ais. M fbe J'AJs. • . Anil |i. liti e *u4 Uubvlio-.iß v.I tiDetn a • uh> j liii*xl •tx-jjMUAfi. i Urls n Oa%luA (hAi l p*y • ! Ilk* (Ul •< prtMMtk An lit** Mutta a#enu bou AA b inix AA oet iiny nu.l to* to] IUo IJ tun kN I tl*U) liMUtemlser if i ant* n >(iins I. . I 'll tlxn t'UßlucM A UUI Nvusl .'< our I HvuUrr Uxffe**, not! Anttk|iU oopf of |*n;>nr , m hi*, b Air nrt*l froc U _ All Nliw Ai'Vlj , do II I leUijid* stall I Irt* Ur ' I 7s<-*o Wlw viswltlo tu v:t|a| c ffcrUsSM* Alkd HBMChMI.ICA kttd iknli km nnd dAu|bltr* i&kU Uti vnry oi a|nnU AdiiiAM. THE CRXIEJCKULIIICCORD, XI MB tut hnkfid, MAU. BUY YOUR DRUGS FROM RA.YKI.VN I) r ii Si or c, NEXT DOOB TO THE OEBCENE2 00N BTOBZ.j FItE S II AN 1) CHEAP. Apr. 22 ui.vkr naoiKKxiiurr, i. p auoeuiru Prntklwnt, Qnhiv. I QKNTUB COUNTY BANKING CD ( (I.ale Millike.i, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, Ami Allow interest, I Discount Notes, Buy and Sell. 1 Government ScCuiities.Gold d**. i), km J 'I Ac , | rM MMB4 A rnclfto IB*i wlil CNTN FX 4.1 IT P. F 'I CHALRIL TBU(P ibneL. i ASM* of ibn pin*** - In|< ; IWon It has Ibn Uet tUln i tb Hi* {sU.e, hni KB eimlbs! UVwry 1 t* p.rd AL' ntciy AltnMiOfe ntU !<• i Aid a-*-' *> ■ Nb painw will s •.: u> ,ko | a \ itieuMta- m-4 xcrw 11* wpi'tug fm ILrt j nbil. fW*rx;iajf few the uf nncV. nu4 mien cuifwd iU nlwajA to Ivunt >ti Ito. jtine Ml BROCKEHHOFF HOUSE. BKLLEFUNTK, PA 1). JO H N SON SONS, j TbtA onli ht*L*i. ittuAt# in tbn LawtnnoA jx-rtiot of lb# t* n. bu teen Uk r. uai.'.y kbd fnmtobod b* It willtw tbn aim of U*w |*rxx|>rto t *r U cankn It A }-lek*at Uot.i f WM| In . I t4cw itlb I m PAH A fßk r f^nan U Hkit' u U.e 0i.4 tsUo tecnt IM&IM in Wa AR umawct nd mitathnliv -AC 3ts%i 5 WM 1* WILSuN A! 1 i.i v a', - l.h v\ 1? He' Defame i'*. Oilioß in Mr. lien- 1 MlT's Buitdinir. lioiUionUi l't. T <11N 1". POTTER, Attorney tt ** U* CvUetionA prerafstly n.ndo n*4 nfneta. allAOUirtifitwN to iba hMlbf t„ UigilAMlf fhr!' kk In TS tu draw ni a*.4 Urw a* |rwrV-18-4 Gt"- ttt t.".j dlWh.iJ, uu t\ii x. 1c V' tbn cmrt bcHxnn. HnUnfonln neif ( FURNITURE. JOHN Bit ECU BILL, in his elegant New iaprtng street ' Hi llafonte. ' Hat <>n band a splendid a.'eortmcnt ut 1 lloL'sK FURNITUKK from tho con • jinonestto the mort elegant. i CHAMBER SKTS, I'AHI.OII SETS, ii SOFAS. CUMKS. BEDSTEADS, WOOL MATTKKsSKS. HAIR XIAT I TKF-'-E^, and anything wanted in the line of hi It'Ui'iiie.* homemade and city work. At , ha* tnade a speciality and keeps or T hand, the largest and f.ncrl stock of WALL PAPER. (io<>ds sold at re#onalde rate*, whole** miid retail. (Sire hiru a call before pur-| ■ jchasing elsewhere. febti-ly i DP. FOHTN EY, Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. (Office over Hey [•nldsbank. mvyll'ii' STORE, NEW GOODS AND Panic Prices. 11. A. LIURIMIiK. It! . 'at the old Centre Ilill stand. J usi opening a Stock of >! NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED TRICES! r 'A large variety of Ladies Dress Good* I 'Great Rargatus in Muslin* and Cnliocs. Ready-made Clothing Warranted to Suit. Ilia Cloths and Cassimer* * Cant be excelled ! His Crocery Department, Mlouishe* every one in ortment andloa pricois Syrup, Sugar, Tea, Coff< , Canned fruila,, Douiestii' and Foreign Fruits, Cheese, i and every other article belong ing to the Grocery Depart in c nt pie Farmers, Mr-chat,iet and Laborer* look to your interest. One dollar saved i& a dollar in pocket. Then call and ee at ivhat astonishingly low prices. JXVNotrt uhle to sh -w Good*.USE A to tho choicest FAMILY FLO in al ways on hand. Apr. 15, y. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. DEALERS IN [PURE DLIUGB AM) MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, PER Ft J MER Y. NOTION ft, FANCY ART I CLE.ft FOR THE TOILET, I Ar-., if., A.' . PI'KF. WIVE A.M> I.iqi ORS, for mitdicinal pur|oet. Trusses d- Supporters in great variety. Also, choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other article* usually kept in a first class Drug Store, f'reacriptious carefully Compounded. •JSocMf MILLER A SON. i Ilcadrjuartcrv for BooD aud Shoe* 1 JOHN POWERS, , BOOT A SHOE MAKER OF CENTRE COUNTY. I DIPLOMA 1. Awarded to John Power* for the 1 1 belt C:;e Boots exhibited at Ctn tlre County Fair for the year 1875. j d7J Y ■ Opposite llusb House, BKLLEFONTE, PA. He keen* constantly oa Land a full line of II O O T H A \ I) hi II E S. lie is just opening the largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought to Beilefor.te. FM Z 3 H 0 2 3 for ladies, kept constantly on.hand. Boots and Shoes for men r.nd women, of, all styles, quality aud prices, from the inott (yiliy to the cbcapest, constantly (kept on hank WE DEFY COMPETITION ! either in quality or price*. Call and examine his new stock of Spring and iSummer Goods, aud you will find it u your advantage. AprUlly. ]c.T. Auxtvui. C M BOWKRK \ LEXANDER A BOWERS, At lofttiy*At Un.Hedafonto lo OeJiKUoaa. and OfytMk' (ourt pra> ttce May bnnMMilind la (HTTaaa ami -tjrliK b in (•Kitnart'c buudlni. Excelsior Cement i Thn udsrvi4|;jc.J tsonr iiMitttn* Urrv V% ax- , ratt'od (fa u}*rtot titolili. t bU rar P> U. mnb MtlJr. lo Htim* •> Thl caoi t ban ah.-nm 9#a| IB iars* unaslHu* ij>ok Iho I. I' A N. i UR . ami tM bWTO >mil< ttiflx KKJlnfnc'ory ojHati all v la mil Urn Imnr- ui on Monl to ap# mrm (■ikßtt'kiinrtd f n imm- In % Wlf lljkm, ot • aikitf pHrpua" a #t>*d quail.j ol t rar.t to 4air;. • M • klreadj l.ct ImM! (ar :.d ti Wle, hbi wadfrod Di uthttwl Mt tntarU.m IVmwt • ' •" 4tD jfUM i Hern* lajtiif Water Ac .nil! f*t4 It Lt fhnlr a9vAU|t lo Iwnu thin In B>M and aUn that bn rtarra&l* lit# artU in aa mi>m < M-UWN* *1 c. .MKYr' jmaftl if \* Pa. , JJU.S. U. (fi'TFLll S, Dentist, Mlllhelm. | Nrr* 01* ir—( *irrl<-MUi lh imbltr. Ho tt jyviwent to portnras all otwauuas In It* pru , Mr 1. UU !oll; to ostrvt toettish*ntaet] I wllbogl pola _ _ in> ;:.t J \\* I REBER ktt irnrptt Law.) I ▼▼ • Pn"iyl n - trutl< 1 lo bla . ar# in I )karMM or >r.t m cnur.ij. Vt , i flfMM'i 11 |. ions#! hli# ofttv I > t * pmm W* % BAR IRON 2i ctu. per lb. BURDEN'S HORSE SHOES at fS.OO per Keg. 1 N AILS. as good as the bad at 00 Pr Keg. LOCKS liSct# each. F. G. FRANCISCUS. L**iitoaa, Wat ;*) y. JHI PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE RE-OPENED! A NEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE. The liellt-fontapublic end the peoplo of .lit* country generally wid be piemed to know lhal the old and well established DRUG STORE, U'.e the property of Jame* C. William*, an Allegheny street, next door to Hick*' hardware finnorium. has been re opened for business and it be ing rapidly restocked and filed out with the best and most popular DRUGS AND MEDICINES. TEKFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, aud everything usually kept iii£rtt-rlut Drug More PKKM KIpriOASCABEFVL- Ij ooM|onndod at nil ituurw 'of the day r night, and particular and prompt attention given to ibo want* of hmwrt and others who lire in the country. Store never closed to Uiom who want medicine* ot anything in the drug line • he under, igned hope*, by tt-ict alter.tier t- bminos* to merit and receive the pub- He |*lonare. H ii. HisarroTOH [ *t'rlv. Ager.l D. F. LUSE, PAINTER, ffii. ; tfl'era his eervicei to {lie citizens oi ;Cfne ooi'.otT in iltHute, Mku antl Ornamental INtfitilnsc* Striping, ornamenting and gilding. Graining i OAK, WALNUT, t „ CHESTNUT, Etc. i 1 lain una ruwy Paper hanging. Order*! uspcctfully solicited. Term* reasonable. "JO apr tf. rj it. a7j~undoi:f. DENTIST, I* Mill located at Plas tSror. MLU* utd u noa pre i arwi r*nlrr dwHrrxJ in his Ittw* in the b#*t t .kaarr. d ben dwlit, mnA ml rmmmomMm rmtmm |c ration if ng-n dent tire* aaa-ie a •pec&iltjr Im.l et. I.*cto *iock of 84DD1.KBT oit,ra.t th.oij ~.# doon ipuun itui ijn&Utr. Wbln a,,.! •" lot ""JI :m V. . uurVi- . Brw clan oi.Mnb meat. be now offer* al tone-, which etli rati ii>* li*,*. Jit-UI I DlStiiKb t'oaU, Hal! Chas. H. Heidi Clock. IX utrhmaker A Jewries Millhcim, Oeatn Co., I'a "jj 1, 'lf. w**ha WarMt lofri of u>c month 0 -ddayof the'; aixt nock on It* flee, *h!eh t. f ti*. *1 oa o ;Mittwct tun. Vcctmr !> •" ur * , • *•* Manhood : How Losß How Restored I Jhl.llo'md. a m* edition of Dr CulrerweU'* 7ir ,r ? K **V *"? **■ "dical cure (without n!i - |w*ri:' cr Soniin,! WcaXtm*. lll*ol xoUnr Scmln.l loua Imi-'tancjr. Mental >n.l f ~,, ..I loiwaaatla, 1 mtrallmoot. to v.rrtaac ct.- d .•onramptton. Kpilc,, ai d Kiu, InUa.cTl.; r ae i r raiual ihUommk-.. hc. Prtcr. In a •*•!♦*,| rnvri.f;, U tjlf Ml (vote The ylabr*tcd mtu.r. in thfc* admkahia Kmm T ,m • lhlrl r roar.' woomSni rwtl, *.tliat J'traUrnUnaoonwMaancM of ! rmUr *"J oaml wtlhiwo the d.occrou* ■ tntoroat jaSCha. or thi appUoalloo „! lug hutfe. . .tauuc out a moda of caro at oooa almpl*. cwrtato. *tid offcctoal bj mean, of ahlch crnr, ufTcrt'i, no natter ahftt hi* oohdltton ma* bo, mat ctuo himscl' l , "-tljr.aud rartl.-i.lfv auuac.. mSSiiy ■ * •** N. II 0d -r . t laajJaioantclopa, to any attdroo*. V. UKUGMAN & SON. " r <1 Ana Bt, W York, I'uot UWco lto* Uci ©.TTßCl's ! Tho undersigned hits oproed an, w es . tablisliment, t his new ghop#. foi th .nanuractutc of ' • Carriages, Luggios, & Spring Wagons, SLKIOIII AXD SLUMS, I'LAIX AND FANCY of every description . All vohielot manufactured by h.m f are warranted to render guiisfuctioi., and w ' . qUHI to any work d..Tie olsewhero. 'in uses nono but the best maturial, and employ* the most skillful workmen. - lienec they flatter themselves that th"ir 1 work can nt bo excelled for durability laud finish. j Orders front a distance promptly ultemi- Jed to. | Como and t xamir.o my work before .contra't'n.' elsewhere. k PRICES REASONABLE, j AU kiadi of lit paring dona, , GBAHAM & JON, j Have (at exclusive sale in Bellefonte Edwin C. Burls' CELEBRATED FINE SHOES. A WIDTH> the iiD'ii ZHTBI )N VVefid, * txiAUt* fa. tu. Pk*i,x*aur j Calf Skins, KGLK LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, kt. All Kind* of Cuatorn Work Made To Order, BUuop Street, BELLEFONTE, Pa. A) may tf. CENTRE HAL L COACH SHOP. I*EYI XIRR4Y. at bis establishment atCctdre liall. keep •n hand, and tor sale, mt the mc>t retwes* ule rates. Carriages, Buggies, 4 Spring Wagons, TLAJJ* AXI> Fakcy' and vehicles of every desaiptisa made to rder, and w ar;a&u-d to IM- made of the oest seasoned material, and by the uwsl killed aod,ccinpct< T!t workmen. Itudiec "or buggies and s; rirg-vrsgvms Ac of the nosi iftprov-l patu-rri to o rder.mlso 'scaring of oil kinds made to order- AU -iiids of rejiairit-g dos.- prompt y and at ho#lovtttrale*- I Person- wanting anything in his Use are equ-H'- si* itM It™ aim: . *a ai I ' < uvlfcrs It,* j sIUIM t ati * J. 4 um* AU (sr ctr ' tniar *•<<} lost* *. VsmMt Mtm4, X } FOR AS* I ki-fT k*i j tut Q ktit ARMNTBONU'N Lincoln Butter Powder. 'Good Frob Butter all the Year round. BXTTiEK IK 20 MI BOTES IJMoli i-#iut tor ii u nttnlf 'in mini ni rt-md* from .iUl)n.. aaasgr of ti. r-oS wiled (: ..era la Iha Mt counties injri! '"Ultfrrtahl, In 111 lliul'.jj.: .... t it alao inweewa IU itrru Ihin of i-.- .i-. im4i. <*-n >WU, ma etc; aud cu- iHueeamd j .rM .u •.-.• wtwcfe more thMi raw Lu* utiiCi, r;iaa a] unlaa it. cents par p&.-kice. 106 Market Bt* l PA. J uu 8. Aitar.. d ti o Kighe t jj v -dal at V .mim. E. & H.T. ANTHONY 4 CO, GUI R'm4it. Nt* York. . i fO*a Momiol'tot ItoM i Mannfirlu -rj. a Dealer* in ("IIiiOMOS AND FRAMES STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, Albums. (ir.a,iuoccr;ie*, t. Address DANIEL F I]HATTY, A\ ashington, New Jersey, OENTREHALL ~ Furniture Rooms' EZIIA KKIMBIXF,, respectfully informs the citizens oi Cenlr county, that lie has bough t out the old stand of J. O. Dcininger, and ha* reduced the prices. They have constantly on hand and niak to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS SINKS,'; WASH STANDS, * CORNER OU PBOARDA TABLES, &c., Ac. t fttir stock of ready-made Furniture is ,ar*e and warranted o!"good workmanship and is all ninJe under their own immod'- , ate supervision, and is offered at rates cheaper than elsewhere. Call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. J6 feb. ly OBbIACLEJ It a IVY UKITj I to Youug Ilea T(1 from thr enacts of Error, and Abu.te vineiiee la oirlr [Jr. Manhood restored. Imi- SIA&aIAQL l>oduiit nta to rcuuired. Haw metho.l of treatment. New and rerasrkabta r<-xnedjea_ Hoot*and c In a tar. sent fine In so. tod envoi Ad <*: HOUAHi'> N. Ninth bi. PhUa Pa.— An Institution tiavlu* hi|b rcjiuiatlaa lor voniluit and prolraeiona! skllL IS jot f. TL, SPANGLfiK. Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Otlice with . Bush & YOCUM. Consultation in English and German. Collection*promptly attend ed to febo-tf r WOOD ; % PUMPS FEI f BlntvM-* > 'unAarti ksT fJrete® Cto/- Punf, ritli' •fw< r Mtriti k*. u-'jfcu v&ii frnpn-i neeelk vc cmtk j**::* i 4; r *■* - **mm l TdM.Xt jE, l ijw t> ifcA sill • iai-V '1 L> :aiv. -1 t A" m mW)r. arucflcllaJ> latin<.TLca iaft r w n:L-;