The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, July 27, 1876, Image 1

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    A Love Jkrng.
Oh, warn swart hraath of tha Roathsru wtad I
Blow softly oar the sea,
Bearing my klasas to Up* that wilt -
VTslt for kiaaes from ma.
Under ttis roaaa, white and red,
My love is watching the moon ;
The of the skip- are watching her ayae.
That are deep m the does of June.
Roae and lily, watching her cheek.
Chant from their hiding place:
Hail to tho quean of the hly and roee.
With the roee and lily face P
Oh, swift. wee| messenger' come back.
Come hack from ever Uie sea,
Bringicg the kisvvs that pure, swart lipe
Ostc yon in trust for me.
A Pay of Summer Besaty.
Out in the golden summer air,
Anud (he purple heather.
A woman sat with drocping head.
And liaoil* clove knit together;
Never a bitter word She said.
Though all her limbs looked cold and dead—
Cold in the g'.owit-g hate that lay
Over the fair given earth (bat day.
That day of summer beauty.
Far, far away, where leafy woods
Touched the blue sky. cloud riven.
A thousand birds rang out 1 fc>' bliss
In jubilee to harrn;
How could the poor, o d. withered throat
Carol echoes to eac.i soft note ?
Every soul mnst pay life's cost
lier dt e;>eal silence praised tVod meet.
PluiS day of summer beauty.
Too d. lied her soul, too worn, to feel
Summer delight acutely ;
While os-lli was praising Ood aloud.
Her patience p<a-od him mutely.
Her muus life of thought and care,
Not life to live, but Ufe to bear .
Oont : ted that her 1 a ead.
While ail O vt' souleas thing* were glad.
Tha: day of rammer beauty.
And where she etayrd. a du-ty speak
Iu g ir*e and heather glory.
A we a- v spirit watched slid real
The pathos of her story ;
A apir-.1. doubt oppree ed *vl worn.
Hal found auoiner more forlorn.
That, trustful, staynl no.- c-ught U> gases
Life's oita it g, which are faihomiees,
TY. - oogh ail the summer beauty.
The GeneraFs Address.
A Stoiy of this Dai k Day* of the
Revolutionary War.
The sufferings of the American army
durirg the Revolutionary war were se
ver*. The American Congress was ac
casts! of not treating the army fairly,
and at one time ther* was great danger
that the troops would leave the field
Washington appealed to Congress at
this juncture, but no heed was paid to
his r=Hjuet. In writing to the secretary
of war on the subject he said : " Only
conceive the mortification the troops
must suffer (even the general officer*),
vrheu they cannot invite a French offi
cer or tra-eling acquaintance to a better
dinner than bad whisky (and not a way>
that ) and a bit of beef without vegetables
will afford them."
Cungraaz, though it professed a de- i
sire that the army should receive justice,
declared its inability to do anything
until the separate States were consult
ed. A committee appointed to make
known their grievances to Congress re
turned and reported their ill suce as
This report fell like fire on the suf
fering army, and it was evident that
some decisive action would be devel
oped before long. At length, ou the
tenth of March, it took form in an
anonymous address that was distributed
through the army, calling on the
to met t next day to decide on the meas
ure- that should be adopted to obtain a
retirees of their grievances.
This address, it was ascertained year*
after, wa- written by Major Armstrong,
aid-tie-camp to General Gates. Its
language whs well calculated to set on
fixe the army that was already
prepared for an explosion. The
addrc-s commenced with the state
ment of the disappointment felt
at the report of the indifference of
the government to their rights, say
ing * A hat faith has its limits as web
as ita temper, and there are points be
yood which neither can lie stretched
without sinking into cowardice or
plunging into credu ity." He then
takes a rapid survey of the past, recit
ing their devotion, their sufferings,
and their wrongs, and in a aeries of
scornful questions asks them how
their faith and patience have been re
warded. After arousing their iudig
nation by this recital of their wnn.g-,
and the contemptuous treatment with
which their humble petitions had beet
received, he buret forth : "If this,
then, lie your treatment while the sword*
y-m w> *- are necessary for the defense
of America, what have you to expect
from peace, when your voice shal
sink and your strength dissipate by
division, when those very sword*, the
instruments and companions . your
glory, shall be taken from your side*
and no mars of military distinction
left you but your wants, inflrmitie
and scare f Can you then consent to
. e the only stiff- rers by this revolution,
and retiring from the field, grow old in
poverty, wretchedness aud contempt I
Can v<u consent to wade through the
vile mire of despondency, and owe the
miserable remnant of that life to charity
which has hitherto been spent in
l.onor ? If you can, go; and carry
with you the jests of Tories and the
scorn of Whigs, the ridicule, and what
is worse, the pity of the world; go,
starve, and be forgotten !" But he
adds: "If you revoit at this, and would
oppose tyranny under whatever garb it
may assume, awake, attend to your
situation, aud redeem yourselves. If
the present moment be lost, every
future effort will be in vuin, and your
threat-t then will be empty as are your
entreaties now." Having thus artfully
kindled the passions of the army, he
boldly sketched out the only oourae to
pursue. " Draw up," he says, " a ltst
remonstrance, and tell Congress with
them rests the responsibility of the
future; that if redress is not given,
aud peace returns, nothing but death
shall separate you from your arms; if
the war continues, you will retire to
some unsettled country to smile in
turn, and ' mock when their fear
cometn.' "
This adureas, so well adapted to stir
up the passion and bring about sudden
and violent action, > ad- been scattered
through the army without the knowl
edge of Washington. When at last it
was brought to hiru and he read it over,
a cloud dark as midnight settled on hiß
countenance —the day of evil, which he
6o long dreaded, nay, had foretold, had
at last come. The labor of seven long
years was in a moment to be overthrown.
The earthquake had opened at his very
feet, and he gazed with sinking heart
into the gloomy abyss. The worst of it
was, there was mot an assertion or state
ment in that fiery address that ha could
•antra i ; -t. The appeal alone to red; ess
tbdmselvew he oould not meet, and this
could he done only by a counter appeal
to their patriotism and their faith in his
promise, that had' never been broken.
But the first greet object was to gain de
lay. The meeting had been called for
FRED. KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor.
the licit day, oa purpose that no time j
should h given lor {wmion to salwide!
and coaler counsel* prevail. Washing
km was kn> sagacious to attempt to
prevent the meeting, as he had authori
ty k> do, Force ho kuew would only in
tensify the fooling that prevailed.
Things hud plainly oomo to a crisis, And
to moot it successfully required grout
pnidouoo, llonoo ho must have tirno
to mature hi* plans, And AO joat
poucd tho mooting till Saturxlay,
four days in ndvanoe. To this no
ono ooold object, but the leaders
in tho movement SAW that it boded
evil for thorn. In tho moAiitiwo ho sont
for his gonormls U> mort him, to oonsnlt
on tho proper course of action. It WAS
A cold, chilly day on which they aeaem
I tied, Aud tho old open fireplace WAS
heaped with bhuiug logs Itefore which
Washington WAS slowly pacing when the
general* one after Another rode up—
Wayne, and Putnam, and Sullivan en
tered one After another ; Steuben from
over the river ; while the veterans
Knox and Oreen rode np together
from the south. Others arrived from
near the camp ground, until as no
ble a group as ever gathered around a
chieftaiu stood around WashiugU>u.
Gould this old room speak and tell what
passed at that sad and solemn council,
it would tell of noble devotion and pat
riotiam such as the world has seldom
witnessed. It was finally resolved that
Washington should attend the meeting
and open it in person. It was arranged
that immediately after his address "Old
Put" should move that a committee be
appointed to draft resolutions expressing j
the ft clings of the meeting.
The fifteenth of March was a oold,
bleak day, and the leaden clouds gave a
somber hne to the wintry landscape.
Snow was still on the menu tain tops,
and here and there lay in drifts in the
hollows, as Washington and his staff be
gan to climb the hills back of Newburgh
toward the temple net r the oamp ground.
Washington dismounted at the
door, and giving his horse to
the orderly, entered the building. It
was packed throughout its entire ;
length with an anxions andieuee.
Every eye was turned as that tail and
stately form moved calmly toward the
raised platform at the further end
Not a sound bnt his heavy footfall on
the uuearprted floor broke the profound, 1
imorvsuve silence of the room. As he
reached the platform and stood for a
moment and gazed on the assembly, his
noble heart was stirred to its profound
est depths. He knew every face, and,
as his eye passed from one to another,
what a tide of feeling must have swept
over his heart. They were his comrade*
in battle. How often hail they olofed
round him in the deadly encounter, and
-houldar to shoulder carried him trium
phantly over the fields of his fame.
Noble men were th y all, oa whom he
had relied, and not in vain, in the hour
of deadly peril. A thousand proofs or
their devotion came rushing back on hie
memory; their toils and sufferiug rose
before him, and the whole history of the
past swept by like a moving panorama
till his heart swelled over them with
parental fondness. He had no word of
rebuke for tbem—only words of affec
tion and sympathy.
Unrolling his manuscript, he took
out his spectacle*, and said, in a voice
choked with emotion : " You w, gentle
men, I have grown blind as well as gray
in yonr service." One could have heard
i pm fall, so breathless was the audi
ence; while many an eye, that hail never
blenched in the wildest storm of bat
tle, grew dim with tears. Every line
•>f this immortal add rem reveals the
stern patriot and the devote I chieftain.
After referring to the anonymous ad
Iress. and denouncing the author and
his dark designs in uns|ring language,
and the meeting called in this unprece
dented w.y, he witn chauged voice and
manner spoke of the army, ita suffer
ings and devotion, and then passed on
to his own conduct, saving: "If my
conduct heretofore has not evinced to
von that I have been a faithful friend
to the army, my declaration to yon at
-hi* time would be equally unavailing
sud improper• • • tj, a t p, e
ever left 'he side of the army except
when called away by duty, but had ever
>wwn their companion in distress and
linger, and add*: "As I have cou*id
-red my own military reputation as in
•eparably connected with that of the
army, as my heart has ever expanded
with joy when I have heard it praised,
and my indignation lias arisen when the
mouth of detraction has been opened
ig dust it, it can hardly lx suppose,! st
this la*t stag*- of the war t' at 1 am in
different to its interests." l.ut lie asks:
H-.w are these inter**t* to be prwrvnl I
Not, he plainly shows, by following the
treasonable advice contained in the ad
dress. He then pledges most solemnly
his almost ability to see all their wrongs
redressed, all th<-ir rights established.
He oonjures them to rely on the
plighted faith of their country, and tak
ing fire as he proceeds, he exclaims;
" Let me conjure you in the name of
our common country, as yon value your
own sacred honor, as you respect the
rights of humanity, as yon regard the
military or Rational character of Ameri
ca, to express your utmost horror and
detestation of the man who wishes, un
der any specious pretenses, to overturn
the liberties of our country, and who
wickedly attempts to open the flood
gate* of civil discord aud deluge our
rising empire in blood." He closes up
his stirring appeal by saying: "If you
will do this, yon will by tee dignity of
your conduct afford posterity occasion
to say. when spaking of the glorious
•■sample von have exhibited to man
kind: ' Had this day beeu wanting, the
world would never have seen the last
stage of perfection to which human na
ture is capaple of attaining.'"
It was enough. Tne conspiracy was
dead, and a deep murmur of delight- run
through the audience, lb-moving his
spectacles, he dtsoen ed the platform
and* moved out through the assembly,
each eye following the stately form as it
disappeared through the doorway.
Knox immediately arose, and moved
that the thanks of the officers lie tender
ed to the commander-in-chief for his ad
dress, and " to assure him* that the offi
cers reciprocated his affectionate cxpres
Bona with the greatest sincerity of
which the human heart is capable." It
was carried with a unanimous and loud
cheer. "Old i'ut," as he was called,
then moved that a x>mmittee of three
lie appointed go draft resolutions and
report in half an honr. In half an hour
the report was ready. The resolutions
were short and spicy and to the point.
They wero carried by acclamation, and
that was the last ever heard of the an
onymous address.
BEWARE.—Let ladies beware of " lac
ing back," "strapping up," or what
ever the correct term is, their dresses
too tightly; at least when they go to
oourt. At one of the last drawing
rooms a lady, after executing a most low
and loyal oourtesy to Queen Victoria,
found herself quite unable to " get
straight " again and actually had to be
helped into an upright position.
A N...111 kv I wi.ail.l WrvaaAs—
Hrai.ri Ulv a. It U la I'lvtilaatlva.
The " Huntera' Gamp " on the Oen
tennial gtonnda is visited by hundreds
daily. It is in a ravine and on a creek
that runs through the park. A long
piece of oak bark, pegged with its outer
aide against a tree, with an inscription
carved on its iuuer side with a jackknife,
tells the visitor that the curious struc
ture which he sees is " The Hunters'
Cabin." It is reached by crossing a
bridge of two log*, and if the visitor
has a oaue he will prv.balily lap on the
back with it to satisfy himself that
they are not flesh aud bhod the tin
ducks and drakes loatiug at anchor in
the stream. Safe over, he is confronted
by the hunter's watchdog a dwarfed
brown War tethered to a tiw which
shades the kitcheu and dining hall a
little circular wall of sooty stoic , with
a Mack iron |*>t hanging aluve it, ami
sharp pointed roasting or toasting sticks
loaning over its sides, ami a table
made of a huge atrip of bark supported
on fonr stoat twigs stuck into the
grouml. A camp tire of logs is con
stantly burning, near by, and at night
it casta such a light through the wooded
vale that the bloodthirsty redskins dread
to approach the cabin. It suooeeda,
also, in keeping the hunterr warm these
frigid July days, and proves the moital
foe of t'euteunial mosquitoes. The two
chaps sitting at the table must be in
sjHVted before a look is takeu at the
cabin. They are attired in full Western
hunter's costume, which is quite as out
landish as Kobmaou Crusoe's—ooouskin
cap, bnckskin tunic, fringe hke a
leathern dyuet for a horse, breeches of
the same stuff and similarly fringed, and
moccasins. With sharp sticks for forks,
and with Arkansas toothpicks i fourteen
inch butcher kuiTes), they are helping
themselves from wooden platters to
ltocky mountain venison obtuiued from
Wt st i'hiiadt lphia steers, and to cracked
Arrapahoe maize produced by liucks
county savages. Three times a week
they Lave hash, and on Suudays they
sdo the luxury of bread made of nialXe
meal, which they grind between flat
stoues. Their speech does not la -k the
t>eouliar charm of Western classics.
While one " 'll be teetotally chawed up
for a sucked egg " if he ain't n>ar s
" gone coon " lor a " chawt a backer,"
the other ln)}s* he " may be toasted on
forked lightning if he aiu t spun out
eleaner'u a bar's tongue of everything
'cept crumb*,"' and •' these " he wants
for " sniokiu"."
The cabin i* salt lox shaped, entirely
open in (rout, built of log*, and thatched
with Iwrk at ho>tlle to water a* a duck *
back. Underneath the bark ts a coat
iug of palm and cedar bianchca to in
ert-** < the warmth. Tin* it has little
difficulty in effecting, ***iht<-,l by the
crackling camp fire ju*t in front of the
cabin. Within are two camp louugi
the only bed*. These are exactly like
hospital stretcher*, but haviug two legs
at one end so as to elevate the head of
the skw-per. Among the other article*
displayed inside are the skin of a white
polecat (declared to l>e the only white
polecat known to hare been ever set n
1U the United States), the stuffed head
of a leopard, skins of black nud grizzly
iwsirs, elk antler*, Lions of R->cky moun
tain rams, bows, arrows, moccasins,
wampum, strings of grizzly bears' claws
and other curiosities captured from the
Indians; rifles of anld lung syi.e, fiah
sjtears and fishing and trapping imnle
mentsof every description, a table made
of nicer l>ark than thst in the table out
side, aud two objects of the shape at d
size of au enormous codfish, aid lua le
of plaited willow. The*.- are mow* lux-.*.
Ihe feet are slipped under straps in
the Oenter, ami the wearer jogs along
(earleas of Mink ing HI the snow and h<<}>*-
W*a of making a hop, step an 1 jump
over a fciice. "An' d> the r ibkin*
oareftstas big ss them f" wis the ill -
i.ooent inquiry of a spectator. Below
r .he cabin a dam has been constructed,
the stream Ming tin r>-by made broad
♦nd deep enough for the hmit'-rs to
amuse themselves rowing alsuit in the
two Indian can oca which they have
there. To cut the stnrv short, this
hunters' cabin, with its eoute ts and
surrounding*, afford a c >mplete illustra
mm of the life of a Western hunter. It
is improbable though that many of
those daring >nd emturing pioneer* are
tortunate enough to And for their head
qu<rtcre#uch a lovely spot as Laudowue
Carrier Pigeons and Shipwreck*.
An interesting lectnre on tho utiliza
tion of the homing or carrier pigeon
w in given at tho zoological gardens, Ite
gont's park, London, recently, by Mr.
Tegetmeier. Afterdesoribing tho origin
of the pigeon voyageurs, tho methods
of training for tho long eonoours, or
races, the powers of flight, extending to
npward of five hundred miles a day, the
lecturer described the details of the
pigeon post ured during the siege of
Pari*, and stated that at the present
time every Jot tresa and fortified town in
Germany waa provided with flights of
trained pigeons by which oommunica
tiona conld be stmt into the town, if in
vested by a hostile force.
He then proooeded to descrilto the
latest application of the homing faculty
of these birds—namely, the establish
ment of oommnnioatinns from lightships
to the shore, so that by the use of the
maritime code of signals, two or throe
letters stamped on the wing wonld con
vey the intelligence that assistance of
any kind was desired, and would pro
vide a means of oommnnioation when
no other mo;hod was available. The ex
l>eriment is tteing tried, in tho first in
stance, at Harwich, and as soon as a
sufficient stock of birds has l>eon reared,
it is proposed to keep relays on board
the adjacent lightships, so that in case
of a second wreck like that of the
Dcntschland, requests for assistance
conld be immediately conveyed to the
authorities at Ilarwicn.
London Beauties.
It in no sli/ht work which the beau
tics of London havo t<> perform, a cor
respondent writes. As I heard one say
to another the other night, on a crowd
ed staircase, where people had Ix en
waiting for half an honr unable to get
odher np or down: "We have to go to
a reception and a ball yet, and this is our
third party to night," To drag aronnd
from house to honse like this, night uf
ter night, requires a constitution of cast
iron, and most of these fair damsels
seem to have it. The first rose of the
year is not a more l>eantiful object than
some of these girls, with their perfect
forms and complexions as fresh and
clear as the daylight. They are begin
ning life without an anxiety or a care,
and imagine that tbey will meet with
nothing much worse on the road tlisn a
dull party or stupid partner ; but we old
stagers, who have trudged on a good
way ahead, know very well the kind of
entertainment which will presently be
spread out before them. It seems to me
that the crop of those beauties is more
abundant than ever this year.
A llswrlsilM sfs Pvvallsr Heel Is mull.
vasla—ltvw ihr? l.tvv at* Ureas.
A correspondent writing from Lau
castor, I'a., draws this picture of the
Mennonites, a noted scot there: A rep
resentative MetlUOUite is an object of
curiosity. Traveler* goiug through this
valley are puaaled to know whatk> make
of them. Menuonite men xri nearly al
ways alaive the medium heighL They
are tall, straight, ami augular. They
wear their straight, black hair rather
loug, until it nearly reaches their shoul
ders. Their coats are cut straight up
ami diiwn. The material is of gray
wool, aud ia home-made. There are no
buttons ou their clothing, hooka and
eyes beiug used instead. The vest is
cut high; so is the shirt; aud around
their necks they wear black scarfs or
stocks. Vests, and wide, long, straight
pantaloons, looking more like a pair of
lings than like pantaloons, are of brown
jeans, coarsely and rudely made up.
There is uo style about them. The
Menuouite costume consists of a black
slouch nat with a very wide brim, which
is worn a part of summer and all wiu
tor. The men wear heavy cowhide boots
in winter. This style of drees was worn
by their fathers in this valley over two
hundred years ago, ami has I wen wi ru
ever since. The women wear black
suu bonnet*, lined with pastelxtard
ali|>s, brown calico gowns, and black
woolen capes or shawls. Their feet are
cov> red with blue stockings knit al
home from wool raised on the farm, and
rough kip shoes.
Tim wumnu *n>, an a general thing,
small ait compared with the stature of
their husbands. Young an J old drww
alike, so thai unless a close ius|xwtiou
in made a man twenty years of age can
hardly lie told from one fifty year* old.
They stand quite erect, aud, like the
Cbiuauieu, rereiuble racli other very
much. The married women become
plnmp and sluggish, and the young
ladies may tie ever so handsome, yet
they always look plain in their domestic
garb, and their black eyes and rosy
cheeks are bid away under the (laps of
their uncommonly large sun bonnets.
They are quiet, aud rarely smile. The
old folks are more loquacious than the
young. A fair daughter will go to
church with her father and mother. She
will sit between them, and look neither
to the right nor to the left. At the close
of the services all of them may stap in
leaving the bull lug to recognise and
|x*ak to friends for a short time, but
the conversation is very limited.
I visited one of Uietr farmhouses—a
small, two-storv, atone house, with four
small nx>ms and a kitchen. Tlnue was
no car|xd ou the fl,xr*, ami ihe furni
ture was neat and plain. The boards
were scrubbed fresh mid clean; the win
dows up stairs were open; the tx d*.
pufTjl up with bouncing feather I-ul
sters. looked sweet aud dean; extra ap
parel hung on l>egs iu a corner, and a
chest served for a wardrobe for the
other clothing. The walls w ere white
as the driven snow, and the pleasant air
of the shady grove without bulged in
the common paper curtains. Their diet
is principally eggs and vegetables. They
eat very little meat.
About fifty yards from tb. ir dwellings
are tin ir immense barns, Urge enough
to hold a doses of the homa-s tl.ey live
in. These tsirus contain the remains of
the crop of last year. The stables are
tilled with horaea and cow*. and in the
outbnildiugs re the plain family car
riage, wagons, plows, and other imple
ment*. These men are hard working
farmers, suu-bromu<d and bom st, ear
ing nothiug at all alxuit (xilitire. and
living only to till the noil, deal honest.y
with their lieighliors, and save money.
The husband is the sole manager of h:s
household, the wife and children doing
his bidding iu the nod minute partiru
lsr. They an* people of remarkably few
words, speaktug >uly when it in ale.
lately necessary. They would not know
inglv wrong anybody. Their religion
embraces the doctrine of the goldi n
rule. One of their * ivling men. who
has acquired a large fortune, will not
take more than four jxr cent, for the
use of his money, because, as he says, it
is not fair, right, juat, nor lion eat to re
ceive any more. It is certain, also, that
there are plenty of them who loan
money to their friends and uoightiors
who do not ask even a Ixind, note, or
collati ral, nor do they ask for or receive
any interest. They sell nothing on
credit. They keep no Recounts. Their
verbal promise to pay is as good as a
rtrt mortgage or a government bond.
They never go to law, and crime is un
known amoug them.
Curious Farts About Blind Tom.
Blind Tom'a birthplace is Georgia,
and he begnn to excite attention as a
musician at tie l age of four years. All
sounds afford him delight; even the cry
ing of a child causes him to ilauoe about
in a state of ecstasy. Wlieu at home ho
ofteu bit and piuehed his brothers and
sisters to make them emit cries of pain.
If kept away from a piano, lie will beat
against tho wall, drag chain about the
room, and make all sorts of noise*.
When in London a flute was procured
for him of a very complicated pattern,
and having twenty-two keys. He fro
qnently rises np at night and plays this
instrument, imitating upon it all sorts of
sounds which he may hear at the time.
Once when the agent attempted to make
him stop-playing a piano in a high toned
hotel at three o'clock in the morniug,
Tom seized liirn and throw him through
the door. In Washington be threw a
man down stairs who came into his
room, at home in ox>rgia he
lives in a building about two hundred
yards from the house, aud there re
mains alone with his piano, playing all
day and night, like one possessed with
mndnesa. Had weather has nu effect
upon his music. In cloudy, rainy sea
sons, ho plays somber music in minor
chords; ami when the sun shines and the
birds sing, he indulges in waltzes and
light music. Sometimes he will hammer
away for hours, producing the most hor
rible discords imaginable. Suddenly a
change conies over him, and he indulges
in magnificent bursts of harmony taken
from the best productions of the mas
ters. Since his childhood ho has been
an idiot, and he played nearly us well at
the age of seven as bo does now ; bnt
now his repertoire is mnch larger, as he
I**l play anything ho has over heard.
He now plays about 7,000 pieces, and
picks up new ones everywhere. It is u
curious fact that he will not play any
Sunday school music if he can help it,
having a great dislike for it.
A subscriber, says the Hartford Pont,
who signs his letter "Charles," writes
us: "Something within mo tells mo I
have genius. At dawn, at midday and
eventide, I break forth in poetic song;
my waking hours are musical with the
lute tones of an unseen Orpheus, and
in my sleep the muses bend lovingly
o'er my ©ot. How shall I develop and
perfect this inspiration—this divine af
flatus—this gift of the gods ?" Come
down to Hartford, Charles, and peddle
Of Course.
G CO., PA., THURSDAY, JULY -7, 1870.
A Kmlng l ife.
Young Jessnp, of Phdmb Iphia, who
waa killed iu a duel iu (Vdorado, pus
■eased a roving dis|x>sition. He served
ill the army when fourteen years of sge,
and in IWW, then only twenty, he, with
a single coin|>aniun, started on an over
laud trip around the world. The journey
across tbe plains st that time waa par
tirularly dangerous. Tbe Indians were
suspicious and resentful of the encroach
went of the whites. The frontier posts
were insufficiently guarded, and, aa a
conaequenoe, the savages hail grown
bolder iu tbeir raids. The two young
men left lawivenworth, Kan., with a can
vas covered wagon and four light mules.
Poratiout a mouth tliey traveled entirely
alone, but on the borders of Nebraska
they found the ludiaus so laid that they
fouud it necessary to join a traiu for the
purpose of mutual protection. Their
paity numbered thirty four in all, and
for nearly three weeks the purty waa lie
net by (lands of hostile Hioux, who fol
lowed them until they came to s mill
tary post. Arriving at Denver, then
just rising into prominence, the two
young men visited the differeut mining
camps and towns of Colorado, akirting
the mountains to Biahop'a pass, and
proceeded thence to Halt Lake City.
Proceeding westward toward Sacramen
to they made frequent detours, visiting
whatever wns of iutrrert by the way,
aow journeying alone and again joining
the wagon trains they overtook. In
California they explored the wonders of
the Yuarinite, then a comparatively tin
known region, and after remaining In re
some time they sat let! for the Sandwich
islands and thence to China, Cochin
China, Malacca, (Joy Jutland li.aiatolb*
Himalayas, returning half way hark to
Allahabad. Upon making tbe great
journey acrues central India by "coolie
dak "—a two-whiwled cart drawn by six
teen natives -they arrived in Bombay.
Proceeding thence by steamer t> Aden,
and np the lb d Sea to Su< x and through
lower Egypt to Alexsudlia, liirir further
journey wa* interrupted by a cable tele
gram to young JeNsup a nwunoing his
mother's dangerous sickness a- l sum
moniug bim bouie by the qui kest mtiUi.
Iu all his dangerous aud adventurous
journey, in the hardship and rxponiire
hi which they < re exposed, his com
panion liear* witness to ins chivalricdia
p. notion. bin desire |o protect the oak
from imposition and his duqwMiitiMn vol
untarily to assume more than his share
of the hard work.
And now ixiuiiv the contrast. After
having t>een at borne but a little while,
Jeasup went to Europe and made the
grand tour. Ho visited all the gri-a'.
,-upitals from Paris to Yienua, from St.
Petersburg to Home. Sapplied with
ahuudant means be lived a moat luxuri
ous life and became sated with all the
pleasures of continental life. His sense
of manliness aud his keeu enjoyment of
innate refinement of character that was
occasionally atrongly u si k-d kept him
from many of those rxc-into which
other VoUUg taeu have fallen. While
living in this way he mail-led on l aving
all the appointments of Lis daily hie as
nearly perfect as might le. For bim
there was no middle course. I'nh-s* he
Could dine m rryfr in tbe city he pre
ferred a bit of bacon and the fiesdeiu of
the backwoods.
Some nix year* ago he w< nt into bnsi
ties* in Philadelphia, but the roaming
habit had grown too atrong for him to
la long contented with the daily routine
of office work, fh lt*73 he gave up his
position and bought a stock farm in
New Mexico, which he aftetward trans
ferred to Colorado. This sort of life
ws-med to suit him exactly, and on a
visit to hi* home la-t winter he expr.-as
d himself well satisfied with his new
•xvujwtioo and his desire to make hi*
h 'me permanently in the West
How to Treat Sunstroke.
Suintroko in caused by excessive lic it,
and especially if the weather is " mug
gy." It is man- *pt to oocnr on the *M>-
oud, third, or fourth day of a heated
term thau ou the first. Loss of aleep,
worry, excitement, clone sleeping rooms,
debility, aud abuse of atimulauta pre
di|xm It ia much more apt to at
tack those working in the sun, and ee
jx-cially between the hour* of eleven
o'clock in the morning aud four o'clock
in the afternoon. On hot days wear
thin clothing. Hare as cool aleeping
rooms as possible. Avoid lows of aleep
and all unnecessary fatigue. If working
iu doora and where there ia artificial
heat, ace that the room ia well ventilated.
If working in the aun wear a light hat
(not black, as it abaorltn heat) and pnt
inaide of it on the head a wet cloth or a
large green leaf ; frequently lift the hat
from the head and ace that the cloth ia
wet. Do not check pcrapiration, bnt
drink what water you need to keep it
up, as perspiration prevents tho body
from being overheated. Have wherever
{KMsible an additional shade, as a thin
umbrella, when walking, a canvas or
broad cover when working in the snu.
When much fatigued do not go to work,
or be excused from work, especially
ufter eleven o'clock in the morning on
very hot days, especially if the work is
in the aun. If a feeling of fatigue, diz
sineaa, headache or exlianation occurs
cse work immediately, lie down in a
shady and 000 l place, apply cold cloths
to ami pour cold water over head and
neck. If any one is overcome by the
heat give the person 000 l drinks of
water or cold black tea or cold coffee, if
able to swallow. If the skin is hot and
dry, sponge with or pour oold water over
the laxly atul liuitxi, aud apply to the
head pounded ioo wrapped in a towel 01
other cloth. If there is no ice at hand
keep a cloth on the head, and ponr oold
water on it as well aa on the body.
If the person is pale, very faint, and
pnlse feeble, let him inhale ammonia for
a few secouds, or give him a teaspoon
fnl of aromatic spirits of ammonia
(hartshorn) in two tablespoon fain oT
water with a little sugar.
He Can Tote.
A gentleman in New Orleans writes to
the New York Sun to inquiro whether ft
man born in tho United States, the son
of foreign parents not naturalized, in or
in not ft citizen of tho United States;
whether naturalization pa pern are in any
way necessary for such a man; and
whether he in eligible to tho office of
President. Wo answer that, by tho very
fact of birth on American noil, ho in a
citizen, needing no other naturalization.
Whether his parents nro naturalized or
not inako- no differonco. Every man
born in the United States is a citizen of
the United States, unless ho expatriates
himself and becomes a citizen or subject
of another nation. As a citizen, he hna
all tho rights that belong to a citizen,
including tho right to vote nnder the
limitations of law as to ago and residenoe;
and he is eligible to the office of Presi
dent, although his father may tie a
foreigner, and remain snch to the end of
his days.
Mr. Posoubj'a Adrenture.
Mr. Poaouby, while bony in bin office,
was surprised by the eutrauoe oI Mr*
Poaouby, who came ill to say thai she
wan going to take tea with Mm. I*4l
- and would uoi be home until
nine o'clock, but abe would leave tbe
key under tbe mat at lb" (rout door ao
that be could let himself 111 wben be
went borne, and be bad better get his
supper down town. Tbeir aon, Herbert,
would accompany ber.
Now, it ao cbanord that while Mrs.
I'oaonby waa tbua explaining maltera to
ber bun band ber hopeful aon waa niak
ing desperate efforts, assisted by all the
doga be oould wbiatle up from the entire
neighborhood, to get at a rat be bad
aeeu run under the front porch. Maater
Poaouby punched with a long pole and
scraped and dug with a boe, and tbe
nine doga deployed at irregular inter
val around tbe porch and along tbe ver
liens t>ed, scratched with might and
main, yelping byatarioally an they
NO rate bed, and pausing from tbeir la
bora now and then to fight over tbe
question which bad dag tbe drwjHwt
bole, to tbe immeaanrable delight of
Maater Poaouby. liut aa tbe auu went
down and tbe aoft light of aunligbt fad
ed into tbe miaty gloaming, be reineiu-
Wred that be bad been told to lock up
and join bia ma at ber frienda'. He put
tbe key under tbe door mat, and then
with bia bead atili set on capturing that
rat, be brought around an old steel trap,
wicked as dynamite, and having baited
it liberally, set it on tbe porch for tbe
benefit of the rat when it should oome
out. Then be carefully dismissed bis
allies, and stoned tliem in difierciit di
rections lest they should go back to re
suuie tbe siege aud fall into bia torpedo
Mr. Posonby did not oome borne un
til quite late, not until bia wife and aon
had returned and retired, tired of wait
ing for bim. As tbe houae was quite
dark and quiet when be approached it,
be naturally auppoaed bia spouse bad
La-en detained later than abe expected.
He felt under the door mat for the key,
but aa that useful little "opeu sesame "
waa in tbe loch on tbe inside of tbe door,
he conldu't find it. He felt fuitber un
der tbe mat, and then thinking be might
have pushed it away, began to fed
around tbe porch tor it, aweepiug bia
hand out in ending swoupa, accompany
ing these erratic movements with sun
dry exclamations and mutteringa. In
one of these rigorous sweeps be thrust
bis hand into something that lifted him
to bis feet. A terrible, cold, vicious
something that shut down on bis haml
like a wild beast aud just raided bim np
until Ulilv bis lip toes touched tbe porcii
floor. Th wail that broke from bis pal
lid lifM* silenced ail tbe dogs in tbe ward,
aud woke up a private eight watchman
alto was paring bis vigilant ls-t on lop
of a salt laurel jnt around tbe corner
with bis < yew shut. It wakened bis Hon,
who thrust bis bead out of tbe window
an J rboutod " Are !" in tbe most stent.-
ri.iu U new that a youth of eleven Tears
can command. It roused bia wife from
h r jwaic til rdumlwis, who thrust ber
h'-u.t out of snotlierwindowand screamed
•• thies. si" vith ~11 the full pu-rcicgtig
or of her w,,uimly voice. It waioned
his tie gldxira in both direction*, who
h sued out of their window* and shot at
Mr. l'osouby, who stood on the j*orch,
daneit g about iu an ic-tier of agony,
howling at every jump. In a ra.uicut
be b twine calm enough tonntn -t ig:.t ;
he removed the trap, explained an 1 w.<s
admitted to the house, lie explain, d
to Mm. IWnby, as she bandage I his
wounded hand, that he thought sure it
was "snakes," and when that good lady
ridiculed the idea, and said there w.-re
uo snakes about here, he shook Li* head
wearily, aud looked at her out ol the cor
ner of hu eyea with a sweet, ra.l - nib..
Disbanding the Aruij
The position of the American array
at the close of the Revolutionary war
was by no means an agreeable one for
the officers and men who had been so
long engaged in military duty. Major
North Fays : "The inmates of the same
tent or hut for seven long years granpt d
each other's band in aihut agony—to go
they knew not whither, all recollection
of the art to thrive by civil occupation
lost, or to the youthful never known,
their hard earned military knowledge
worse than useless—to be cast on a
world long since by them forgotten.
Severed from friends, and all the joys
and griefs which soldiers feel; griefs
while hope remained—when shared by
numtwrs, almost joys. To go in silence
and alone, aud poor and helpless--it was
too hard 1 Oh, on that sail day how
many hearts were wrong. I ssw it all,
nor will the scene be ever blurred from
my view."
The brave, generous hearted old
Raron Stenben looked on the pitiful
scenes with swimming eyes. Seeing
Colonel Cochrane a brave and mcritori
ous officer, standing npart with a sad
anil disconsolate look, he approached
him, and tried to cheer him np by say
ing that better times would oorae soon.
"For myself," replied the officer, "I
can stand it; bnt, ' pointing to a mere
hovel, "my wile aud daughters are in
the garret of that wretched tavern, and
I have nowhere to carry them, nor even
money to remove them." "Come,
come," said the baron, " 1 will pay my
respects to Mrs. Cochrane and your
daughters, if yon please ;" and leaving
him standing alone, be strode away to
the tavern, where he found the ladies
sank in despondency at the dismal pros
pect lief ore tlio.m. The sight was too
much for his beuevolent heart, and
emptying the entire contents of bis
pnrse on the table, he hastened nwsy to
escape their tears and blessings. As he
went down to the wharf where the troops
were embarking, he came upon a poor
soldier, whofx> wounds were yet un
healed, bitterly lamenting that he had
not the means to get to New York.
Touched with hi* sufferings, tho baron's
hand instinctively sought his pock t,
but, alas! the last cent hail just been
left in the miserable garret. Turning to
an officer, ho borrowed a dollar ami gave
it to the poor fellow, and hurried him
ulsiard a sloop. Benching the deck,
the latter turned, aud with tears stream
ing down his ehetks, exclaimed : "God
Almighty bios? you. baron." Soon tho
last Unit v-ns struck and the last gun
wheeled away.
Children mn i t be taught proper mau
ners st tabic, of course, but to prohibit
them from laughing or talking at their
meals, is wholly uuphysiological. Joy-
OUHUCSS promotes the circulation of tho
blood and helps digestion. All disagree
able and uncomfortable topics should be
banished from the table, and the con
versation encouraged should 1> of the
most cheerful kind.
A gentleman from Lyons, France,
displays thirty-seven varieties of roses,
and a new and beantiful geranium, the
Zonal—Riokes Nakaahima.
TK11MB: S~.GO a Year, in Advn?ice.
Wv s*vA Wvrv Msarv •* •
la ibttt wv Mar Mabv aa Oaivalailaaa
It is very atrange, the material im
porlauce we now attach to a funeral.
We iusb-t that it ahall be ooudnrtod with
a certain show, at a certain coat; we re
fuse to lie content with an observation
of the mere proprieties. Expensive aa
perflmties are demanded; we do not be
lieve we have discharged oar duty to
the dead, unleaa ire have honored him or
her with at least an approach to pa
geantry. We fancy that kinship or friend
ship should be expressed in a prodigal
outlay; that bereavement must be reck
oned by disregard of dollars aud oenta.
Except on the score of taste, there may
be no objectiou to this. When any
member of a rich or well to-do family
dies, it is a question for relatives to de
cide how expensive a funeral the de
ceased ab ill have. If they wiah to make
a great display; if they like to render
his death more conspicuous than any
thing in his life ha* been; if they want
to advertise their income upon bis coffin
snd it* accompaniment*, surely nobody
should gainsay tliem. But when the
dead waa poor; when he leaves a family
with little or no means, it ia more than
foolish to use the little they possess, or
to incur indebtedness, in order to trick
out his corpse, aud to send it to the
cemetery in a manner they cannot afford,
ami which certaiuiy can oe of no ptsMu
blu benefit to him. By each worse than
useless extravagance they wrong his
memory and themselves, ami encourage
a custom extremely unwise in itself aud
decidedly mischievous in its results.
Persons who can boat afford to bury
their kuiafoiks or friends sumptuously,
are loaa apt to do ao than (leraona who
cannot afford it. It ia one of our na
tional weak neeses—and a miserable
weakness it ia—to struggle against any
aud every appearance of poverty just in
proportion to the degree of our pov
erty. We anew to be unconscious that
this constitutes the real m<wuinef which
we flatter ourselves that we ale avoid
ing. We are wont to speak of it as our
pride, wben any true pride would
at it, knowing it to be nothing but tbe
moat vulgar vanity wearing a worthy
It would be sat prising to learn how
common it is for families in this and
other large cities to overtax themaelvea
to provide paraphernalia for the tomb.
Npt infrequently they spend every dol
lar that has been left, even exceeding
the amount sometimes, and in many in
stance* anticipating a large share of, if
uol all, the insoranoe upon the life of
the dcoiwaed. Not a few instances
might be cited in which money has
been borrowed to defray funeral ex
|tenses, when, if the funcial had been
modestly aud properly managed, there
would have lteen no need of borrowing
at all. What an unworthy return is this
to the man who has probably worked
bard for years, and given himself end
le ts anxiety to saw something for his
faroilv in the event of his sudden death !
Of wbst advantage is it to him, in his
-heeled sleep, that there should be a
few more flowers or carriages, that the
. offlu -hould be real roeewistd, or the
handle genuine silver f All has ended;
all is well with him. To him money is
:.o longer essential; whatever be haa
gained beyond m cx-ssaiy expenditure
obonld be devoted to the service of the
Undoubtedly, they who ao exceed
their niHUii in such poai martsm parade
are generally influence,! by good though
mistakeu motive*. Tney uo not know—
*t least, they do not think—how far
such ostentation is removed from honest
revireuee, from veracious grief, for the
loved and lost. If they could aee how
hollow, how pitiable, is this sacrifice of
sensibility to mere display, this profana
tion of affection for tneatrio effect, they
would never be guilty of it. Influenced
by the spirit of imitation—by an ig
noble desire to do ti ant others do, ure
al active of ability or fitness—they turn
ooraaiona which arc distressing, and
which should be sacred, to tawdry
sjwvtschw for idle aommeut aud vulgar
They who lead the beet, the purest,
the nobleet lives, care not for, indeed,
they are opposed to—gaudy oliseqniea.
They prefer, w hen they have acted their
part and the dark curtain has descended
lictween them and the world, tliat they
shall be borne quietly to the grave,
without pomp or circumstance. It is
only the min. the shallow, the unde
serving—secretly conscious bow totally
unimportant their death must be, even
to their own circle—who want to em
phasise it with display and expi nditnx*.
It is well to shear death of the unnatural
terrors with which superstition and
rnonastieism have invested it; it is well
to make it as little solemn as it may be ;
to view the inevitable with calmness and
philosophy; but it is not well to deprive
the tragedy which we must all undergo
of its pathetic siulpletiees and awful
dignity.—Act/' IbrA litnet.
Brazilian Silkworms.
In the Braxiliau department of th
Ontenuial there is a very interesting
display made by Honor Luis de Rose tide,
Upon wooden tablets arranged in a
rack, Honor Reseode exhibits ailkworm
eggs, then silkworms, one, two, three,
and so on, np to twenty-five daya old—
those of each day being upon a separate
tablet, aud eared for by an attendant
In a series of glass bottles, and pre
served in spirit*, are specimens of silk
worms, showing each stage of silkworm
existence, " from the cradle to the
grave "—that is, commencing with one
day old, advancing to twenty live daya
old, then from beginning to spin to the
formation of the chrysalis, and, Anally,
the emerging of the butterfly—the
whole having been produced at Rio de
Janeiro. Another case contains a col
lection of Brazilian butterflies, one of
which, the Aurota natumia. is a silk
producer. It measures about seven
inches across the wings from tip to tip,
aud is about live inches loug. It* cocoon
is much larger ilian that of the ordinary
silkworm, anil produces about live times
as much silk, the latter being of a soihe
what brownish cast of color.
Burning Coal Inst
Burning coal dust as fuel is a com
plete success. Instead of being molded
into blocks, as by the Loiseau process,
the dust, iu its loose condition, is
shoveled into furnaoes of stationary
engines or locomotives. The heat ob
tained is equal to that from an equal
weight of lump coal. The buriiing is
effected by forcing a current of air aud
sh am through the dust in the furnace,
which prevents it from caking, increases
tho supply of oxygen and adds some
hydrogen, all of which tends to make
tho combustion more vigorous. The
Pottsville Miners' Jmirnal estimates
that one-third of all the ooal which is
mined is crumbled to dost and made
unsaleable. Forty million tons are
thought to be available for market, and
much of it is close by railroad tracks.
The new invention is supposed to be ap
plicable to tbe use of steamships and
smelting furnaoes.
Drained by a Lunatic.
Mr. John Shank, a wealthy fanner,
seventy-six years of age, living on Halt
Purk creek, about six mil' north from
Ijswrenoeborg, Indiana, waa discovered
by hi* daughter, Elixa Bhank, lying op
against an old smokehouse, gasping in
the agonies of death, with the blood
oozing from his mouth and noae, and
with the entire back of hia skull mashed
and crushed in a horrible manner. Mis*
Bhank at first waa petrified with horror,
and then, with a piercing scream, alarm
ed the inmates of her home, all of whom
aeme rushing out ja*t in time to are the
old man fall back a corpse. At firat it
waa thought that Mr. Bhank had been
ruudrred and then murdered, but the
discovery of the bloody ax with which
the murder had been committed lying
near the victim, and the sight immedi
ately thereafter of Exra Bhank saunter
ing leisurely up from the barn, which ia
located not more than a dozen yards
from the scene of the tragedy, together
with the knowledge that be bad been
chopping wood not ten minutes before
the crime waa committed, oonvinoed
the friends of the deceased that the
crime waa a patricide, and that Ezra was
the guilty eon. This son is now forty
eight yean of age, and for nearly a
quarter of a century has been hopeless
ly insane. Until very recently, how
ever, he had never teen suspected of
being vicious; indeed, he had been con
eiderad perfectly harmless, and the
most of the time was kept about the
old homestead rather than in an asylum
because of his harmlesaneaa. He ia of
a powerful frame, being over aiz feet
high and weighing upward of 25)
pounds, ooustiluting, therefore, any
thing but a frail antagonist in a desper
ate flight. Hia father waa a man equally
tall, but by no meana ao heavy, besides
being enfeebled bj hie weight of nearly
fourscore years.
Ezra had been of late ver - obstim.: J
and lazy, and ouee or twice had in
dulged in some savage threats whenever
am of the children, of whom there ace
ten, ail grown and nearly all living at
home, insisted on his doing any work.
No attention, however, was paid to
these threat*, and Ezra was requested to
take the ax and break up some wood.
In oomplia on he took the ax, but in
going to work was very sulky and would
answer no questions. It is supposed
that hia father happened along when he
felt most vicious and begun a conversa
tion, when, with the horrible despera
tion of a madman, the son rawed the
cruel ax and dashed out hia father's
brains. The sight presented waa sicken
ing in the extreme, and the aged wife
and mother, on beholding it, fainted,
and has ever been uttirly pros
trated, only hovering Iwtwean life and
death. The sons at firat were frenzied
and sought to question their brother,
but they could get uoth ng out of him.
He wonld answer no questions, and
when sli own the lifeless body of his
father evinced n more concern than
had be been discussing the weather.
The lie nucky shower of Fie h.
At last we have a proper explanation
of this much talked of phenomenon.
Mr. L. llrsiideia_ write* to the Sanita
nan: in 1537, while Paracelsus was
engaged in the production of his "elixir
of life," he came across a very strange
kicking vegetable mit**, to which he
gave the name of " nostoek." The
want of rapid transportation, combined
with the perishable nature of the sub
•dances fallen, have hitherto prevented
a complete and exhaustive examination.
The specimens of the " Kentucky
shower," however, reached this city well
preserved in glycerine, and it has been
comparatively easy to identify the sub
stance and to fix :1a status. The " Ken
tucky wonder " is nothing more or leas
than the " noetoc " of the old alchemist.
The nostoc belongs to the confervas; it
oonsiat* of translucent, gelatinous
bodies, joined together by threadlike
tabes or seed bearers. To ere are about
fifty species of this six.ji'v plant dam
fled; two or three kind* have even been
found in a fossil state. Like other con
fer vie, the nostoc propagates by aelf
division as well as by seeds or spores.
Wnen these spores work their way out
of the gelatinous envelope they may be
wafted by the winds here and there, and
they may be carried great dirts noes.
Wherever they may (all, and find con
genial soil, namely, dampness or re
cent rain, they will thrive and spread
very rapidly, and many cases are re
corded where they have covered miles
of ground, in a very few hours, with
long strings of noetoc.
On account of this rapidity of growth,
people almost everywhere faithfully be
lieve the nostoc to fall from the clouds,
and ascribe to it many mystenou* vir
tues. The plant ia not confined to any
special locality or to any climate; sown
by the whirlwind, carried by a current
of air, in need of moisture only for ex
istence and support, it thrives every
where. Icebergs afloat in mid-ocean
have been found covered with it. In
New Zealaud it is found in large masses
of quaking jelly, several feet in circum
ference, and covering miles of damp
soil; and in our own country it may be
found in damp woods, on meadows, and
on marshy or even gravelly bottoms.
All the uostooß am composed of a
semi-liquid cellulose SDd vegetable pro
teins. The edible noetoc is highly valued
in China, where it forms an essential in
gredient of the edible birdnesi soup.
The fleeh that was supposed to have
fallen from the clonds in Kentucky is
the flwh colored nostoc. The flavor of
it approaches frog or spring chicken
leg*, and it is greedily devoured by al
most all domesticated animals
Buch snppoeed " showers " are not
rare, and arc entirely in harmony with
natural laws. In the East Indies the
wm nostoc is used as an application in
ulcers and scrofulous disease, while
cv ry nation ia the East considers it
nourivhiug and palatable, and nses it
even for food when dried by sun heat
>he Threw It,
A fortnight ago a lady, with true
feminine recklessness in times of ex
citemcnt, threw a atone at a cow which
had invaded her flower garden. The
atone happened to be a choice specimen
of geld quart* which by some accident
had been misplaced. Of course the
lady did not hit the oow, and the missile
went off at right angles, and landed in a
neighbor's yard. A few days afterward
he pioked it np, and was astonished at
the show of gold which he saw on all
sides. Taking it down to a jeweler, it
was tested, and the gold prononnoed to
be of the best quality.
The lucky finder was wonderfully
elated for a few days, and would not
have taken SIOO a square foot for his
land, bnt the lady who threw the stone
having heart! of 'his good fortune, mis
trusted the truth, and haying asked to
see the specimen, at once identified it as
a portion of her cabinet, and carried it
off in triumph.
| > 11MM f later**.
The zpeeobi that have not been made
in the oeet
Ths (Wart of Sahara mw 2,000,000
iqurt mils*.
We take gnat liberties with thoee from
whom we expect nothing.
Thai* in on on disputing with a man
who will not ha convinced.
A man •honk! be doing a good bind
nam, if it ia not ao profitable
Tha wholesale prima for cattle bam
reached tha lowwat prim atom 1862.
What aperies of lorn ia that which ia
oarer reciprocated I A neuralgia affec
Home |>aopie cannot drive to bappi
with fottr bursas, and other* oan reach
the grad on foot.
Never look a gift borae in the
month, nor examine tim date of an er
ahanga begged from an editor. ,
In Kern count?, California, a few
i dam ago, sixteen bond red sheep were
mold to a batcher f.r fifty cut* a h<*i,
When the yonng ladiea band jon a
card nowaday* with the oabaliatio 1.4-
tera T. M. O. A. it meana "you may
call again."
Doing boa in MM witbont advertising,
naya the Dan bury New, ia a good deal
like trying to borrow a flag on the
fourth of July.
T/eughing may make a man grow fat.
bat yon've got to mix it nightly with
bread and meat and a qniet conscience
if yon get it to elicit.
It ia propoeed to amend the conatitn
tion of Connecticut by adding a aection
wrtaUing nine member* of a jury compe
tent to reader a verdict.
A Yankee, deaoribing as opponent
wbuae peraon waa extremely thin, aaya :
"I will tell yon what, str—that man
Joo't amount to a sum in arithmetic;
caet him up, and there's nothing to
A new trouble threatens the country.
The scarcity of help W already bring
felt, especially in the Went Nearly
everybody ia being withdrawn from the
field and shop to fill vacancim in the
family of the late A. T. Stewart.
Aocustom yourself to overcome and
□uwter thing* of difficulty ; for, if yon
observe, the left hand for *>* nt of practice
ia insignificant, and not adapted to gen
eral business, yet it hold* the bridle bet
ter '*■" the nght, from- constant nee.
" In Eastern lands," when the govern -
ment wants to get rid of a troublesome
•■abject, he is invited to dine with the
chief local official, and word ia aunt to
bis family that "tua dinner did noUgreo
with him," after .which be pauses into
"Oh, my darair!" said a poor suf
ferer to a dentist, "thisi* the second
wrung tooth you've polled out!" " Very
•torry, my dear air,' said the blundering
operator; " but a* there wre only three
Jt<*v-tbi-r when 1 begun, I'm sure to be
right next time."
A Chicago paper say* that a clergyman
of that eitv thinks it looks decidedly
-usjscions for a member of hi* congre
gation to send him a me*s of fish on
Moodav morning. especially when be
recollect* that that member waa not at
cbnreh the dy Wore.
An old fHow was paid bis week's
wage* in New York, recently, receiving
the most part of it in silver half dollars.
He looked benigr ly at them as they lay
in his pal in, ckockld as though in
triumph, and exclaimed : " That a the
stuff the rats can't chew."
The first lord of the admiralty on his
firat voyage .town the Thames, in rather
a leaky vessel, olwrrad the men work
ing the pnmj*. " Dear me !** ho
"1 did nut know you had a well on
board, captain, bfit I am really very
glad. as I do drtmt river water."
"Can vou change this William for
me f" said a young man who presented a
SSO biil at tim counter of a bank nwmt
ly. " Yea," said the cashier; " but why
Jo yon aall it a William I" "Ob, I'm
not *—>> enough with this kind of a
thing to call it Bill," WM the ready
The six men hanged at Baloosca for
complicity in the murder of the consuls
were all notorious aasaasins. When led
>ut to execution each refused assistance,
adjusted the rope round hi# owu neck
himself, and kicked the stool from under
hia feet. The inquiry made by the Turk
ish government previous to their execu
tion was earned on in secret.
The idea of a South Carolina judge ia
to allow any one to sell liquor freely, but
require every one who wishes it to take
out a regular license, which should be
.-ranted onlv upon a reasonable proof
itiat he mav W trusted to keep tolerably
-ober, and'to be revoked if be gets up
roarioualy drunk ; selling or giving
liquor to* any person not showing tach
license to be a misdemeanor.
A gentleman afflicted with an impedi
ment in hia speech took dinner at a
tavern, and ealliug to a waiter addressed
htm thus : " We-w-waiter, gi-gm* m
me a-e aome r-r roast b-b-beef.' The
waiter stammered out in reply: " W-w-we
a-a-ain't g-g-got any." At which the
gentleman, highly enraged, supposing
the servant was mocking him, sprang
from his seat and was proceeding to
ITTMVA him down, when a third person
arrested his arm and cried to him not to
strike, saving : "He at-st-stutters
TT s imirr as w-w-we d-d-do.''
* What Washington Did.
Washington, who understood Indian
warfare the best of any man of hia time,
held that surprise ia the one thing to bo
guarded against, and that a commander
who suffers a surprise is inexcusable.
One of the few occasions on which he
loet hia self-control and gave way to an
uncontrollable outburst of anger was
when the news came to him that General
St Qi"r had fallen into an ambuscade in
hia expedition against the Miama In
diana. The news wan brought to him
by a special messenger while he was at
dinner with company. He went out to
speak with the messenger, returned to
his seat and went through the dinner
with perfect composure and immediably
attended Mrs. Washington's drawing
room, speaking courteously to every
lady. When the company had gone and
Mrs. Washington had retired, leaving
the President and hie secretary, Mr.
Sear, alone, Washington broke out
again and again in terrible expressions of
wrath. " Yes," he exclaimed, •' here on
thi very spot I took leave of him; I
wished him SUCOMW and honor. • Yon
have your instructions from the secre
tary of war,' said I. ' I hail a strict eye
to them and will add bat one word—Be
ware of a surprise !' You know how
the Indians fight us. I repeat it, • Be
ware of a surprise. He went off with
that, my last warning, thrown into his
ears. And yet, to suffer that army to be
cut to pieces, hacked, butchered, toma
hawked by a surprise—the very thing 1
guarded him against—Oh, God !
Oh, God I" (throwing up his bauds and
shaking with emotion) " he's worse
than a murderer. How oan he answfir it
to his oountry f The blood of the plain
is upon him, the curse of widows and
orphans—the curse of Heaven ! It is
clear from this passionate outburst that
Washington thought a commander who
permits himself to be surpriued by In
dians is without excuse.
Mary Clemmer, in a recent Washing
ton letter, says : We are approaching
that line in the thermometer when from
j a natural law human affections ieane,
and even woman ceases to be a lovable
being, for I persist that a woman with a
perspiring face, in a sticky muslin,
fighting flit s, is not a lovely or a lovable
being. It ia merely a qneation of weath
er when the capacity for romance ceases,
and the power of human affection dies
out of the lmman heart. Surely it must
be easier to be affectionate, at the north
than at the sooth pole.
A Penii Tan pig was recently born
which had one head, two eye*, tiue BOB
trils, one month, fonr ears, two sets of
brains, a portion of two bodies, two tails
and eight legs, two of them being loca
ted on its baok. . .