T * am The Centre Reporter. - tf>. lUJtTt ...EDITOR CBXTRK HALL, PH., July 20, 187f>. TERMS. —s2per year, odronce, 2,50 ie'ira si of paid in (lArancr. "AV vtrlinr for thrrr\n- Rertums, d/or Anna 12 mo ntk* hy ;>< - l cowfraef. -OR rßistnKvr : SAMUEL J. TILDES, of New York. TOR VtCK MtKSIOKNT : TUOS. A. lIENPBU'KS. Of bdilM Grant has boon ordering the In-st mem bers of ltia rnbinrt out—among then* Jewell, Rristow, Taft, Ac., the men who have been prosecuting the revenue thieves. Tho Cincinnati platform en dorses GranUa administration, And llayca endorses the platform. Now where ate the honest people to look for lveform ex cept in the election of the great Reform or. Samuel J. Tihlen ? llaycs in hi* letter of acceptance pre tends to he in favor of honest men in ofl'tee, ami accepts a platform which en dorses Grant's administration. Now as Grant is making Brislow and the few other honest men in otiieo walk out for interfering with and prosecuting the whiskey ring and revenue thieves, and retains tho plunderers of the Babcock- Cameron school, it is evident that Have* has only put out acateh-vote profession, How comes it that tho honest republi can office holders are giving Hayes only a lukewarm support, while Morton, Cam oron. Boss Shepherd and all that tribe of plundering politician* are loud for Hayes. There is sotue significance in all this. Another Molly Maguire, Thomas Mutt ley, the murderer of Sanger, ha* been convicted at Potlsvillc. Mr. Gowen in hisspeech made the following allusion to Mollie Magtiireisun: Mr. Gowen said that there need be no fear of any of the leaders of this organi sation escaping; that, with but two or three exceptions, the principals in cverv Mollie murder committed since April, 1874, were now in prison, and that those at large were only permitted to roam un til it should be determined that the übi quitous agents of Mr. Pinkerton should pounce upon them ; that the book of the discoveries made by McParlen was but a little way opened. He said that Mol lie Maguireisra had it* origin in Ireland before the Rebellion of 17U8. when the great conspiracy formed by the Kibbon Men against the land owners was enter ed into ; that the name Mollie Maguire hat! been given to these men because of ten, in the perpetration of outrages, they had disguised themselves in women's clothes ; that how and when it was re vived in this locality he could not tell, nor whether the Ancient Order of Hi bernians all over the country was guilty of the same practices, but no voice had been raised from outside of the coal re gion repudiating or denying the fiicts al leged here against the A. O. 11. The speaker went on to show how, by terror ism. the Mollies had forced their way into politics and become a power ; that two bounty Commissioners belonging to that order, who had been convicted of crime, were pardoned by Governor Hartranft, and that one of the County Commissioners now in office wasa body master ia the organization." The only issue in this campaign is whether there shall be a continuation of Grantism by the election of Hayes, or Reform in the administration of the government by the election of the great reformer and ring-smasher, Samuel J. Tilden. Several "crooked whiskey" fellows were sentenced to fines and imprison ment. at Milwaukee, on Monday, bv Judge Dyer. So says the Lewisburg Chronicle, a Gnint-llayes organ, and it might add that Grant has removed Dyer and all other officers who assisted in prosecu ting the whisky thieves, and that Hayes endorses Grant's doings. Bill Kemble is the Hayes Executive Committeeman for Pennsylvania. This is the Kemble who wrote the famous "addition, division and silence" letter, introducing the defaulting Evans to '"my Dear Titian." And yet Hayes is for Reform (?). For every honest man that Grant re moves from office he pardons an impris oned revenue thief to make up the loss, and Hayes' platform endorses the ad ministration. The Pun bury and Lewistown railroad is not yet over its troubles, and the re cent prospect for having cars run again has already vanished. The Lewistown Gazette seys about it that the lease agreed upon by the committee of the bondholders of tlie S. A L. Railroad and Pennsylvania, has not been ratified, and consequently the road is not yet in oper ation. So far as we can understand the matters the-difficulty arises from the principal bondholders placing an undue value on what ought to constitute the capital of the company. On Saturday and Monday a quantity of ties were brought np on the road. Well now that's handsome. Georgia is so well pleased with Tilden and Hen dricks that she promises to roll up only one hundred thousand majority for the Reformers. The lA* wistow n Gazette is done crys ing over the defeat of Blaine ; its next big bawl will be in November on the re ceipt of marching orders for Salt river, when we will aend 'em some "ingens" as a etrengthener for the voyage. Grant has very modestly given his ired a hist. The Times savs it must bring the blush of shame to the cheek of every American to read that the President of the United States has pro moted his own son, Second Lieutenant Fred. I). Grant, to be first lieutenant in the regular army, over the heads of thir ty-two second lieutenants who ranked him and twelve who graduated with him and have since distinguished them selves in the field. Grant docs not trouble himself enough to give reasons for what he does in these days of his waning power, and no man can assign any excuse for this latest and grossest instance of nepotism. What may hap- Sn between now and tbe fourth of arch, who shall dare to say ? The Illinois Democrats are rejoicing at the accession to the workers for Til Jen and Hendricks of 3lr. Wm. H. Herndon, for twentyfive years the law partner and bosom friend of Abraham Lincoln. At a ratification meeting held at Hpring held, 111., on the Bth inst., Mr. Herndon declared that he wasforTildenand Hen dricks and Reform, and should labor from now until November next on the stump, through the press and through every conservative channel by which thought could reach thought for their election. His speech was received with great applause. Robert, oldest son of President Lin coln has also declared in favor of Tilden and Reform. Bristow undertook to expel the thieves from the Treasury Department and Jewell tried to drive "out tne high way robbers from the Post Office De £artment. Now where ure they ? They ave been reduced to the rauksand sent to Kentucky and Connecticut in dis- S-ace. Hayes is in perfect accord with rant in these acts. JEM ELI. sTI Vs 11f V. Another mcmltor had to stop out of the Grant cabinet, because be was friendly to Rii-fow who prosecuted the whisky ring. Post-Maator-Gencral Jew ell had to walk the plank for tlu* hon est sin, the thing occurred quite unex pectedly according to a Washington \.i- that he would, of course, respect the President s wishes, and accordingly, en his return to the Post Ollice IVpartment. he wrote his letter of resignation, neatly in thce words .v, 1 herebv tender tuy resignation of the office ofVwtinaster * ienernl. Your obedient servant. To the President. M \t:*itxt i JKW I 11 Governor Jewell asked no question ot the President, and is. therefore', not aware of the reasons for tlio request. .uJ the ntcmlH'rs of the Cabinet also a they are alike ignorant of the motives thai controlled the President. It is n sertod, however, in-ontocircles that addition to political consideration- tin President w is intlueneod by tteveui i Jewell's avowed fneinlliness to Mi lhistow. Members of Congre-- g-,-r c ally, when the report reached them that Governor Jewell had resigned, did it t readily credit it The subsequent '..out tualion of Mr. Tvner in his place, how ever, removed ail d übt and .va-iem I extended inquiry as to the cause of tin resignation but"even the most intimate friends of the President asserted that they were unable to furnish a reply With the departure of Jewell there is nothing precious left in the cabinet and the rings are feeling easier. THE MURDERED PI STEK (Pram the Wliliannpor'. Bulletin, r. ' In lican 1 As he facts concerning the murder f General Putter and early ;; kief l.i, brave follower*, by the blooJthirttv hi uv. conn to be better unJcntood, the indignation of the country increases. I'he terrib'e conviction forces itscil upon the mmd . at hit horrible butchery is directly charge*, ble upon Grant himself. It w ill bo r membewd that when the expedition s --plauncd last qiring Custer to have the command, but be was sudden.y ordered to Washington to testify in the Belknap ate. While there he told the truth concerning the thieve* thet have fattened übo.it P e White house and ctl" the sold'cr* in the field. Having given his test; amy he re paired to the presidential niansi a to pay his respect* to the executive. * wa* customary before leaving. Grant,!•> *ev er, was in one of his sullen mood-, and al ter keapmg him iu waiting a., day then refused to see him. CuU-r was anxious to join his command and he started for the west. At Chicago be was overtaken by an order front the President directing bis arrest. After a short detention he *-' permitted to proceed to bis headquarters, but was shorn of his command and only , allowed to accompany it in the position ot ; a subordinate. After his glorious career,! and all he had done to uphold the dag ofi his country—the hard service and priva lions he had ondured on the plains light ing tho hostile savages—one can readily imagine how he must have smarted utnii-r his disgrace—a Ji-gracc wrongfully im posed upon him by bLs superior, because he had dared to tell the truth about the gang of thicvcsthat bur g around the Pres. ideal. The Indian cxpedetioa proved a failure because Custer had no voice iu its direc tion. His ripe experience in the wi'.J* of Indian warfare was not sought—he was only directed to perform certain duties with his regiment. Ordered to proceed in a certain direction he encountered a strong body of Indians and ho charged upon them like a thunderbolt. 11c was over whelmed, but he died with his face to the foe. Doubtless the dashing hero thought he coufd wash away the stigma that had been cast upon him by the undignified and cruel hearted President, by gaining a vic tory that would crown his brow with fresh laurels. "But," in the language of Sheri dan, "instead of fame he won acoffin.''The spot where he died shows the evidence of tho terrible conflict. There with hi brothers, relatives, and a few chosen offi cers, tho Spartan band fought liko tigi rs died like heroes. There in that lonely spot the Custer family was wiped out of existence, and not a man of his ill-f .te• rutin i hue ill ( the dav to declare that Mi II vi n • an office holder*'candidal' li i-three 1 ■ month-- and a half since (1 R ; nhliear. - Convention met at ra>' . and h. w the se*ond and avovv-l eh'-n-e of the of llre-hohlei•• there, lie vv - tt-- lit t j ' choice of the otliee h> !■'' iin the t'ln state foment ion I'"li I nil I n . . ,video holder. atnl lie Atrial < i the v-. •• | from Pennsylvania vvhhh nia h ' llnves the In I -h ice • ft <• uni 1 Convention. Half the t ; ts:en ' mittt'e which vvi ivlfi i-.i > ai- 1 ' pressing his claims and uuplorii : tin 1 delegates not to vote f. i Mlaiin . \\%n • olliee-holdi i Ihe lii i dai r • •-> n ! hii li Mr. Ha)e- has show n< ' to the real piiiteiple. of the h'epnbh i. ' party, baa bat ii in his effort t. • keep tlo othi'--holders' campai u ut "fth.-I;ami of that ar\-h otlhv holth i, / .-h t'h.ui 1 dler. He ha- foiled II" m*d t i take in trying li e hi.oiis .in I the i i ganizntionol the Republican party, it? . p ngn equip.; •" an I ' ' -Ir.iv I -! I are all in offlc. Mr. I lay.- w. in t j i uoiniUttt'd but by tin ri u-i'Hi h- •n -l not be elected without them. Nor can, j they be put into new hai i I i anybody imagine that Mi t handle! will i iij'lisn. ssjilsoflukewarmi di*' l tv>• 1!* i Have official eakt - and .d • no . it the market because one matt de< re* his intention of I tiv in r it the 1.1 •' nil no longer ' Nt a bit ■ i Mi Ii • ' had his part to say, and id t, and Mi t 'handler ha- hi- mit to .■>, tsi< Ivv i.< it, or eighty thousand < fficc-l It know the rea* •••! vvhy Bin* unxioos enquiries were rveeut-| lv made about Kied tirant, vvh • vv. - tiered sounstiuie .go t join the .ov stoue expedition. I' v..- fe. el :! l'rinee luqwrial had 1 '■ hi* v dp. -he would certainly push to ih.* front when danger threatened hut we feel, iu com uiott with the gu-.it Ann riean people, .i --ne of relief that h luta 1" a . >al' ; The why, i- explained in the N. \ . Sun. What I ctvvei n inv -' teesand old Sitting Bull, Lieut.i 1. 1 ied. i Grant is having a hard tinw of it. When the real E-tate l'ool t'onuuilu" vvasg't ting fairly nnder way iu its inv -. g - tious, ami jti-l a- the force id public opinion had compelled l're-ideiit tirant to rMBOve B.ds •' k foom his punt in the White House, t I. I're i, : : rv.i- n Is -t known to the I're-nUiit, w..- - ■ ; K ly ■ ordered to .-ill the \ el! >vv.st tie. 11 < i left in such haste that he was unitblc to , settle up the affairs of the banking hu: < , which the enterprising young uffi i and a nephew ofSenatoi sheruian had < .. b lislud in Wti-hiugton. Nothing ft thet was hearvl aUat tho young man fir a ' long time, and lie was popularly supp • ed to be assisting Gen. Terry us the work \ of chastiiing the savage- \Vhen,there fore, the news of the recent ong! .'einent.- in Montana came, there wa- a I deal 'of anxiety about hi* fate, an i tlie 1 .>; ' casualties were eagerly -canned in t! • fear that his name m ght be found nj i them. This state of -usjien-e war*--1 , iseved, however, b- the gratifying m , telligence that t <>l uie! 1 red via* ati with his pajci in Washington, and ii;.i'. j the death Of several of his . llant e..i„- 1 rades in the field had given !:am th ' 1 er stop in prom •: n. Rut th. inv- li . gating ui.mittie- are at v\ k, . . we may senm e*p. : t 'u-ar of the l'i . - j l ident's heir being order, d upon uiiv. duty again, which must be di-agu < ton young gentleman who .- - f:. ! f: M adorning society in Washingt-.n Rut honors carry iwi .::is'.hiiilie- with tin :.. - and l.ieut.-i'ol. f'r. d Ciniat l v ,- pect to escape his share of ti ul-l. - and.' r vexations. Jt strikes the Wori.l that "with th '' Bepubiiuui j.U'fi rni iud r-:: g tiru-.i L " aduiinistratiou, the tiepu! .;..ui mndl - date making up li - letter fa> "eptnc by extracts out of tiranl'.- me—ace-, ami „ Zachariah (.'handing. ; vr.ua si., u.t managing the CMBVMt and dictating I .d - mot ai-jH-'intmentrr t> further it,tho hyp ocrites'who are endeavoring to -.1 up • Hayes as the champ:-n fTI form vv..; s have a hard time of it. D '•' • • s John t ollina, a talented 1. ml p.ek n pocket, to kan a live part in th. M y and Satikev meetings, and after t!;e de parture of the evangelists I • came a • p e uiar singer and exhorter. Hi-piety was it not questioned by h-< f-'llow worker.-, J and his friends among the ti.icv -1 j | not cxpo-e him. 1 hu- he was enable ! .. to pick p- .kit- with gri at fa. .hty. a , taking the watches ami j ok- f 1 men and women while pray ing at their '* side*, of while explaining : > them the way of salvation, t ntmu; <1 su.c -. ( perhaps, made him careless, for, while . taking jart in the exerci-es ut the lay ing of a corner stone for a church in l'\- ' bridge, he was caught stealing a watch I from a women who was sharing a hymn >" book trith him during the sing;: /He i m united, and then a number J bcries were traced to htm. t ♦ • o GRANTS HASH CABINET, j Philadelphia Irquircr. Thohst of l'r, -- . I ident tirant's t'abuo't • an -i • gl .( long li-t. There is nine other so large, the . nearart approach to it Icing that of Pr, i t dsnt llarrio'ii • turha'.ent a.hii: . tr.u . , . but President Gr-' ria d riot x: re II for several month-, and in duo coarse it is j to be expected that he will c > nriderahly . add to hi* lit of Cabinet • ffii-i-r.a t Thcro have he-a two SccrcUri- -o. -tele, c E. 11- Wa.-iil ... .1 11:... . i' t latter being tho oldest (...Lis.el tHi r rt c taining his plac t There have teen five Secretaries • f the 0 Trca'ury, viz: A. T. St wart : : t'.rm j ed). Gio. S. Boutwcll, William A. Rich . ardson. Ilei.j.mur. 11. Brilti w and I, tV. e Morrill. There have L.s .. ! rSi.r." it i* f War. . viz J iin A. Kawlir.-. Wilf ani \V. IKb j , knap, Alfonso Taft, and d. Donald Gama-1 • ron. Of Secretariat it llw Sir) 1 been two viz \.l pi -E.lt - -.11. >. • M. Itobe ai. Of Secretarii - <>t the Intetior li> i • i.:.ve , been three, viz : J:.. b l>. Cox. (". .unbui . Delano and Za< I arinh •' r.dier. if we r include Dtlano'e "*on Jolin* t!..-e will he four. , There have been thr l'ierrj ;!, | and Alfonso Taft. That is to lay, Pri -i'l. iit Grant .'. ~1.1,1 i twenty four t'lvbini t M ir, itin uv ' | rive of either Bale. ■. or .Mr. Delano's . "son John." I Ihe list is sMiu-„liftt a 1 r.g one. The summary dismissal from place <-f wi e, honest, energet icand iirf.d an officer as Postmaster-General Jevn-11 is .!. ;i , c quires sound reasons for it* justification. ♦ ♦ ♦ TILDEN AND HENDRICKS IN CON SULTATION. Saratoga, July !". The consultation ho twecn Governor TiMcn, G >ver. >r li n dricks and tho committee appoint 1 to n - tify them of their nomination, ha end* d. Governor Hendricks left latt night fir In diana, and is ti ro'ciru lu re again, with with Mrs. Hendricks, in nl. ut t< :i day-. Governor Tilden left tin- m ining .or i Albany. Tho consultation resultc I in n perfect agreement between the two i .mi- 1 Bees, and a full understanding in refer ence to tho lotters of acceptance The* to- ' ries of a failure to Como t> an agreement have no foundation whatever, nor is then now any doubt about Governor Uendrick accepting. The stntem -nts made by tlie latter to his friends after the consultation i closed leave no doubt on that point Governor Tilde', letter of acceptance will not be given to the publtagfor at I least ten days, if it i • for two we< k. Suf- > tlcient has transpired in reference to the < talk over the points to indicate that it will 1 he a strong letter one that will give lone -. and vigor to the canvass. Reform will lie t one of its strong features, and at the same } time there will in- no uncertain utterance, i in reference to the financial quc-liori. The „ Indiana democrats who wero here with v Mr. Hendricks declare that thero has been t a complete revolution in sentiment in that i state since the adjournment of the St. Lou. t is convention, and that they now believe, h from tho development*, that Mr. Tildeii i will jjroie to h -tronger than his party in p that stale. In that statement (i„v. Hen- u dricks is r polled to have coincided, ti Prominent <1 mi erat- are heie fimu dill', i • u ent sections of ihe .-tale, some ofi whom were; bt. Louis opjojing Mr. y 1 tioiiutiution, nnd tin \ nil ii p it an cullm-l • sitt'ttt t r the t .kit seldom witnc .ed, I 'thi. si .pi mllv ll .iu. i throughout !ini.rl •> r. itoiilicrn nn d west j .MiLROY t ! Li URA Tl! i Ihe lint llili \w. i ■ lien d in by j tlio rtti-htg f |ioU -, tiling ol lIIIch Mu ;t ■> c'i lock t' i't iv. !i v litii Mil >■., Oiith i fuitinutml of <','ipt. W. ? I'll '.!, nboitt 50,,. - rt . mod in Itm on tho gti en ut the li. I!, ib pot, where . ■' '' ' j left til.., under command of > .ft: IL d IM. NtH.uli. :t. i,mill .-I Ib.t ,-,! lopcl to the ill be., olid tow It mi.l tlitm . i '■ - j I'l. diytt tiAH cbtti. il, vt'bcit the grttini i-v the \1 ,t -. i rjict l'.ii.d,ttiid follow* i. d h\ tin Itidt pendent < 'rdci ot Odd ! ( : a- n-pi,,, tUt i t - t , i.tec Hall, Mc \ W . I - • . ■ t'hi na; „ a hucc ti .- ut vv ith four w liitt hi nd-. -tlicly dc I.lt*il, ill W llich . .din w bite, \\ itli ct h of pold, roprt : . I lit rc.tt ot the x-pii onUtiVc* of the! , !i. t: ■ | street-. under atvhci and mammotli' . : , .lutil th. ) Ic.uhcd i'llOlllpMOn'n tiiove.l , when- hundrwd- ..ft.. p!e bad. dlt.adv .tumbled. I'l.'.f. w. ( Met lonahcu dearly and dinitnrtlv r.-iid the Ik. laialion of lade-: pctuleniv. Ihrt Mtlruy \ Hiili-ts tlien 11c.nicri lap- ■> of uiiini. i iititlcd "Now and Uorwer." Here the regular program mo wan in ; tt-rrttplcil by tiic i !iiiiiit!i i> on prv-n-! dcr nnnouiicing to the lhvaidenl that lint ■ i tt.:- m waiting for .11. I lie oti-i •die pt n Wll> in..relied to a table three hunlr. ! and twenty f. d in length • j About three thou-and people fared! iSnnijitinnti.Jy.fot the table w.i a|.ieadj .with tho lii In t talc of KladCtaJllilirUi' j {fertile i, pit pared by the willing' After all hml done justice to the rich' ' dinner. Dr.U.l. Dower read "Waahing • nS Lure well X.idic Aftr singing ; the "AtittiV. r-ary Jubilee," Dr. -.ttituc! Mall IV of Mill y, . :ic i f the culiUililtfr a|-[> inti d to prej.iire the -ainc, read a ' , ley, f- in w!. *h we make the" foil* wing' - c \tract -1 it tlie early -ettlement of i'enn*>ylva-• ! uia einigrati :i f.dh wed the -tr. tin*, the' can .< mid t* kh- rK Iwing the oulyi mode !\ Which h ut>eb>4d gi'.Js, Wo-I i men, children and j ro\ -ton* c-lid in! in oi'-l. Many mjoattj-ra located along j tb> Jui.ikt und tin* Urper stream- en-j tciiug llito it, :i- high up as tlie mouth ~.f the Kikl.ac. ..Utllaa crcwk Fokely V {town (now law ihtitt ni, w iiere Arthur Hue at an .ud hi- - u- Robert and Ar . tliur lutd a Hading |-at, and 1.-ugbt laud from tho chief IV-kcty, whom be . i Thi Kiuw | \.... j ii riw Iti name fn ui a dirtiuguiai.ed chief of the '-L iwuct . .v. ! .uilltu. or Rndtak- • who hi* i....,.i- to tliU and tl.ctu Thl -ring va'dev it the roulli, dis .. ■ aeo'iui!!..-. Tin latter i- n w known - ■ - . 1 -■ ' . Ki-.f. juilln- was k: wit r. a friend of ' | the whin . and i: w..-- jihably owing to ■ j L-cpin, who was also then friendly, that • 1 the i-aiiv jr • t- :- wi re not molested by the Indiana Hut few depredations ■ I were c- inmitted by them ill the valley. liubt lie Sitt, a little - o of Alexander j McNitt, s> year* old. was taken prisoner - : aml carried to Canada, but on tho con > |. iu .on of the war waa restored t" hi ■ | family ; and probably .it Hie name timt - j thecal-.n of Matliias Ruble wr.s rt-coii -1 aoiteretl liy a b.ir.d of Indiana, but by . exhibiting vjuaker gun* at iua jort-htlia and giving iioixy (ourmauiU a* if to > j jttad of >oldicr-, ho frightened them.-lT 1 ! It is not know ti timt any actual murder • 'CCUTU I in tiii* Ydllt V. f I Then* U> no doubt that Judge Drown i and his brother, J-tai - R*.J, were iu . 1 Kiahacoquillaa valley ;.s early a* 17r>". ■' tlcmcnt, and pr hably other* noon after • j wttrvls, but from the known law-abiding 1 ! character of Jtt J,:. Drown it is not vorv ■- hn Table that be cMnmenoed ■ | mow nent -cttlement 1 cf :e the title to tlie -; land was acquired fr m the Indian* in j 17.'4. Mr-. Jatnca Hi ol accompanied her husband and was the first white wo i man in the valley. They encamped uti . i der a large sycamore tree, near the junc r • turn of tlie branchi - of the ktshacoquil last creek, until they built si house or r ' l abin, when Mr. Drown returned to *iCumberland valley, married hi* wife, ; and brought her t the valley, and i.e - ' and his brother Rccd settled on oppo , | cite li i Ruble. 1 Sw.ird Hat. -, lleury and Mat-j t ' thew Tayl rand Thomaa aud Alexan-I : der Drown, and afit r tliciu the -terrett*.' "It -1. KcFarlane, D. Ckuneron, W. Thomp •son,.l. K vie, S. Mi'.likcu, Jas. S. ..tt, J.t --; Net lore, N. McManigal, tf. Mitcht i others. Tlie warrants I r McNitts* land I arc dated in 17an ! rntn hof it i still ; in Id by their descendants. , The fii -t jiermnncut settler in the West Und of the valb-v Wits James Alexander, i wiio came in iT.Vi and settled near w here his grandson. James Alexander. | now resides. • a a a Robtrt Uampheil came in tiio year I 17'-4, and his dt -cendants still own and (occupy tini Jaml i>n which ho settled.! 1 , About the same time, or soon after,ctamt , the Creswell'-, Jos. Harlelt, J. Merning H. Wilson, J. t ulberLaon, >amucl Will- ' an 1 other- win-e nanu s aro now for gotten. Un -c wen- the pioneer setllcn jofl he to -t end oft ho valley, so f.tr as w< have been able to ascertain. The early ; • pulation of tlie valley w . homogeneous ; the lir.-t m tilers, with few ex.iptjons, were all of what were e.ds ! - c v. nit.g, at a!"tit 1 o'clock the playing of the hand and the tiring of Cannon salutes announced tho fact that the tire wmk • would he displayed. Ami' las! >.f all st large balloon of difteront colors gracefully rose ut> higher and! higher, and was followed by nil eyes tin-1 'til it disappeared in dim vista. Titus ended one of the grandest days ever witm--cd in Milroy. — #i # I I I wi ! A CARD TO THK AMERICAN I'UDLIC. For'iiiiitiy \ . ar- we liavo matin two nn !• • icinto suited for tho ailment* of ii \ net chi ef sutfercrs. Thousand* of cures hnvi bean made by tliein, ntnl in fact, the word fniltire i oti Id never he coupled with tliein Hut within the hot two year* count, rfuit- i ..I our inedjcines have sprung up, danger- , otts in their ch -e iiiiitation of ourtrMilc titttrk. lo securo the people we have placed upon each genuine bm ot Hollo wtij s I ill* and Hollowny's Oinluieiit the ! tae etiii ho of tho sigtiuturo ol our Ag. ut. Mr. Jo 11 ay dock. ')',, counterfeit thi- " is a felony. Wo shall rideiiUe-ly purtui ' any one who imitate* this with the utmost f vigor of tho law . Wo most earnestly be .- liiii t the iiiujjS OBTAIN TDK A^- I li \ NCE OF HA IA A I ION 'I I'etii \ I, fi-7 lie* ill (I till*' wl t G"d liii mi ii u* and done for u*> ii ill if igeiiee, add I• • your faith vir- I'.no, and t<' Virtue knowledge, and to I to ii h dga temjseram u. and to :nn; iwif uriri I- ■' :• in • . liinl to p.itltlicii godll icsa, and i . iltim • I art tin rlj kindinsi, and t<> < .itiit-i ly kpltilv* * tiarit.v. If.uitmi. i d to t Imhii amines* ufsome Wliell tin I hue obtullmd wha! ti" I • •'I tl •i nv. , Ol While they .Mi in .li. in a stale of nature,' tin-. it:, i God. ami cry earnestly tn! ■t n.i .i hi t nfleru Utils tliey get I it 111..r work n done The Scriptures' i, ywliere r■ |>r* . i.t -truing at.J labor' > '• to Hi duration Almost .'■'ll l i- ""id tn tho New Toslainentj •hi ' wntehltig, running, wrestling, press i . i • ui'l. crying to Go.l Jay altd nigltl, i is suol to ciu iiltnm.. Hut tin te nru tiiany 1 i- •-! Religion, who have aduiiteil - I tt itigi- anti-set t'turnl notion of liav-i I g ti I tin* befoto tin y nil eonvetted, *o ' to hale an i-v time . f it afterwards, 1 in sloth and indolence. Tho only way of ; .u ;t.g our i leetn nis by our conver ts i ! ; c •■lily way to know our eon i t il* by >itr loving God , the only n i to know that id loiu God I* by flic .it uul ctli t 1-, s c . by ohedlencO ; the ! t•I ' • :ih 11111, tl.o lullcr tiio teitlllto t i ' our on it cunt teiicc to our intcgnty, nnd of our < >i spirit with the spirit ot i. i : nit own -pint ..f (Jod, that ii o, i. horn again For as many a* at. 11l the -pint of God, they are' the • tut G d lor yo have not receivod the -I tit . ' I tolugii ugain to fear; but ye have ! ecu. I ll • spoil of adoption, > 111 i '• i no civ, Ahba, lather The S|itr i, it: it l iirith witness with our spirit II l - 't.:i tin ltildr. ti of (iod ; but this mi. : h ■ tight with dilligctii •• , and thus t: hi. uiii- -nru to tis, in our concicticrs, whtib Win inUis-d suio before 111 the oti ! furp se Of God. 1 I'horc niu-t be diliigencc in the culli iat nof the christian virtues. I'liocbrit tia- gt aeos part of the chrtsliati spirit) are •II ! t!-eeptkbits culture religion i* the lt.ii ii-nli ol culture. No man ha* any tti r.-.igion than ho intend* to have, l.i 1 •■ t ■ i • i irtaiieo of dilligenca ikeop it." at it I There i" a beauty tumoral con si-toiicv, re inhling tho symmetry of a wi .i ptoporii nod building, but consitlen n .-i.li h aoq nred and obtained by .i .•■tti i ultivaltug every toirl of the chrisli.sn i haracter The circle virtue* must hi- euiupleto without ehsrtns and ob jmto - and to the attainm. tit of thi* n.d there iu us. he cloio application to cul tun- irh u character, we do not often witi.e-s nothing ((efficient, nothing re ut, in!-.! ict this is tho model character • f vlti lii: V. For making all due allow e. I did. rcuco of con*ftiutional teui (• t, there enn be no incompatibili ty 10-twi o the i irtuc* of the christian lite. 1 ry ,ri bran eh oof the same root, and. I ticq U.at nourish'* one, coinmu-j - it* virtui to all. Hi-nco there it not g... .1 res. on why there should be grealj ■i s' and boldness*. •te , and no humility I and ti iokno-> Therefore m cry part u! ti > ihristian • haracter should Lo assidu-j ui • • lutivated, that those may appear s.| i. lu'.ituji | to|. nun in your virtue. Giv- j itig all diliigcnce, etc., t. e., tarnesttic**, j ':. ;ivity energy, etc Add to your faith; virtue, etc. M i'eter say. 1 A.ld to ym.r faith (faith tn Christ, virtue, t(i. ngth, courage, without whn h . tiri*t:ait .an stand up for good works li it rl.tu.ii i> grealiy needed by all hris'.iai.s while they live . and will u of t ' •■ ! use to iheiu when dying. There e Paul -:iy. (Juit you like men, be t- .• i r ti id J s.r'.u- knowledge, jirudrnco to .* true w.sd'-sn by which faith will i s.a-.il. •vurnge directed and pre -v> It in •!• generating into rashness. i ki.ou..dgi temperance. 1. Ab -of sit : g drink as a beverage. . M !oration in d.-iring and u*issg lue 'gi Itf■:gt of natural life, 1. e , meat, !**-- - . sl'-cp. recreations, etc An linordinate dull* after these thing* is in ; v. -I. Nt w ill. asi earns >t desire after God EivlChi i. Tl.ote who tako mom than is l-.o ftb. > tiung-. tanr t render to God r.or nsatl what it due them, I 1 • t; :n; rat eo patics. v. A calm totisj'i-r which bcarscv lis without murmur ng at J friAfulness, springing from sub tti. ;, si to tfaedivino will. >. To paltriica godlino-* true piety, the i.ir :t- .to r< -train us from sin, and the os <• f tioJ to constrain us lo duty. >• To i, ilirtM* brotherly kindnt-s*— love to (ho bretbern. fcltoar rhruliant, to ristut a such, luarlrtg the image of {Christ. 7 i b: >tl rI.V kit:u!ii-- l hatily —love to mat.i.it.ii, the wi. de rn. Even ten a' .l I ■ . uts.rs Math. L 41, ChlUl .*s - L.-si your i iieniio*. X\ asjdeodi-lc uicatenation of excel lent virtu< • AS ' ;.t a inagniflcent golden chares rca.hing back Us faith, which if.it. -us to C'brwt. and to loye tho f faith, uniting u* to G. ! who bssistelf is L vc. in • -der to the proper cultivation, r- and development of these gifts of i- 11- v Spirit in tins soul of tho c hristian ,:!.i-re must be diligci.cn, all diligence. Iditignncn lo reading the w r.i of (oJ, in | 1., the even s >f 11. ;ig. >n. prayer, re'.ig- I. i onvertntion, etc. { 2 Diiigi rsce i highly ni-edful t-> rapid growth atol progres* in hollue** He who •*. uid ti r.-itimn a dwarf, a mere pigmy ;! ■ e-1 v. ..tl : by era: it at last must be diligent i Dtltg. :ice 1. Rcressary to an accuiun lat . n .-f virtues and graces We should not be sallsfiod with one virtue, or one I class . I virtues, hut add . no alter another til! we | -i .* them all, 1.11 we attain to li • "t..:nr. of nun and women in t'hrist A- 1 5:..-ii wci-M 'gel full . ? the image fC! r>t, ur a- iran.o of salvalioti will bo c. Main. 1 f The advantagi of diligence inJicate Is imp .rtanco. 1 AI undonce. f good works, lor if these thing, bein you, and abound tiny uiako you that ye shall neither be b .rrcn nor unfruitful in the knowledge of u-.ir Lor 1 Jeu* Christ, i Stability in grate. If ye do these tilings, ye shall never fall sin The power of God will koep ly. u, with tha concurrence of your own careftil and eontinucd endoavor* through; I faith ur to salvation, _I) A itrninip-hant entrance into giory. F. r in i-ntrnm >■ !: all lc ministered un-: to y : at • iant'v into the everlasting .tt g.lou. > ! our L-1.1 lli* hi HIlivKH, The publishers f the Ncribner mag ' aaiiHa. Tlti* special titiinber of Set timer's Monthly, which will bo entitled "The .#ld*umim-r tioinlay Number," will com- I priae one hundred nnd i*ty pug. *, con , tributcd by the noot eminent writer*; i anion* 111 two nrc liryant, Ntnddard, "11. Ijll." Mdliey l.auier, Itrel llarle, K. I. • 1 1 ah Co) Waring, dohn Burroughs, 'J II Aldrick, t'clia Thaller, Tourgueneff, ' the Russian novelist, (Jail llumiltou, lien- II ry'Samea, .lr . m d other* only lot* tlilin*' 'gulshcd. The illustrations will bo profune in number, and pm tally notable as pei - mien* the designer's, cngiavcr't and prin-i let • art* AII ttint culture and akill, de-' I vvlopod by a fruitful e(parlance, oando to mate thi* number of the magu/ine at-! {tractive, will be done. The edition will tie in, Hit copies The content* of the Mi.l-j •uiniiier llollntay number ol Ncribner will to- light, a* midsummer reading generally >hhi d be, but soma of tlie Contribution* will ho extraordinary. Mr. llrvant'* po 1 em ol una bundled and sixty line*, pro. dm cd ut his advance d age, will Inirly dis- Mite the claim to eminence with onie of Ins earlier and best known poem*. Ntod dard'a "llospe* t'lviiuii* is the longest.! luoit ambitious, and best poem in* has l written fur many year*. Mrs Burnett be gtn* her serial, "That l.a* <•' Lowrie's, ' and Itret llarte end* "tiabrio! Conroy. j "llide-and-srk town," bv "11. 11. is a notable sketch, with lavish wealth of illus tration, and Ml** bridge* makes her Hrst' appearance a* an illustrator in Mr. Bur roughs characteristic article on birds | The Midsummer Hullidav Number ol Senbiier's Monthly will lie issued about| the ISnh of July, and cannot tail to attract very wide attention, not only from out, own people, tut from our Intelligent visit ot from the otlit r side of the water. Deal- j rts should send iii llioir order* at once. Sl'Kl UN hit A CO , 748 Broadway, New Vurk. j A STKAMKU lit KNKD ON LAKK .-uritmoit Twentyaeven Live* Lout. Houghton, Mich , July 10. Last Kut day morning the propeller Ht flair, C*pl. Hubert UhynoM, truiii Ruluib, left Onl.-n --aguti fur this port having on boald eigh teen passrngcrs and a erow of fourteen p.r*oii When oil' Fourteen Mile point, and five mile* from land, a lire wat dis c. vered in thejvesct 1 and immediately thi-i boat was enveloped in smoke and dames Owing to tht; rapidity with wbieh the llainc* spread, but oti4 boat wai launched j 'All the passengers succeeded in putting; ,I life preservers Oil, whuli a rush was made! , I for the yawi which was swatupoj six or, , *even time*. All but one of the passon-j ' gers perished, together with ten of the j! crow. ■SIXTY FATAL OF M.'N STROKE IN NEW YORK. ; N-w York, July ll.—The deathsyester i day fiom sunstroke exceeded in number f those of any previous day for oo year*, ex cept July 'J, 1H72, when *H were reported. The peculiarity ol yesterday death record , was that every r*e of sunstroke reported at ihopotice office, with one or two excep -1 tuns tertuinaUwl fatally, t'p to three p. ( IU . yesterday tbo Health Board had isu ed burial permit*, ail unu*ual large , number hr any one day, while the pro portion of infants who died was alarmtng , ly on tbo increase. The regular weekly I report of the Bureau of vita! .statistic* on „ 1) will show the true number of death* from kutiilroko tester.lay, which is believ* . jed, by official* at the Health office, to be . .nearly *Jt. . Baltimore, .luly 11.—Yesterday there . were 27 case* of*untroke, 14 fatal. i. ■ —.. The Lungs CONSUMPTION! Thi* distressing and dangers: ut com plaint and it* premonitory symptoms, neg lected cOUgh, night swoalk. horsenest, f W acting flath fever- permanently cured by r "Ifr. Swayne'# Compound Syrup i f Wild Cherry ' HKt i.Xt'HITIS - A prcmonitor of I'ul ' monary Consumption, i* characterized by catarrh, or inflauiaUoo of the mucus mem brane of the air passages, with cough and ° expectoration, short breath, hoarseness, paint In the chest. For all Bronchial af >' faction*, sorejthroat, los* of vo.ce, cough*, Or. Ha it) ih>*ss , Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry it a sovereign reined v. j Hcuiorrago, or Spitting of Blood, may „! proceed from the larynx, tracbia, bron , chia or lung*, and arise* from various causes, a* undue physical exertion, pie ;ibora, or fullness f the ve*el, weak . ■ lutigt, overstraining of tbo voice, suppress r ed uvacualion, obstruction of the spleen or ~ liver, Ac. I)r. SwayutM*Compound Syrup ol H lid Cherry " strikes at the root of disease by purifying V the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys ' to healthy action, invigorating the ncr \ out *ytern. The only standard remedy fur heuiur rnge. bronchial and a'l pulmonary com *' plaints. Consumplivot, or those predis r j-osi J to weak iungt, should not failtou-e ° this great vegetable remedy. 1 lu marvelou* power, not only o\ i r con * *u nipt ion, but over every chronic disease " w her-' a gradual alterative action is r.c< J ed t nder it* use the cougli is loosened, r the night sweat* dinunUhed, the pain sub tides, the pulse return* to iu natural stand ard, the stomach it improved in it* power L - to digest and a*situiiate the food, and eve e ry organ has a purer and better quality of I bloa tupulied to it, out of which rccrea live and plastic material it made. Prepared onlv bv DB. SWAYNE A i, 21 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. 1 Sold bv all Prominent l>ruggit. i, ITCHING PILEs! PILKM.IMLKS, ITCHING PILKS, Positively curisl by the u*e stf SWAINE'S OINTMENT. Homo Tcatimooy. I was sorely afflicted with one of the mo*t distressing of all disease* Pruritus or Prurigo, or more commonly known w- Itching Pile*. The itching at time* was almost intolerable, increased by teratch ing, and not unfreauenily become sore. 1 bought a box of "Swayne * Ointment; its ue gave quirk relief, and in n short time made a perfect cure, I can now sleep undisturbed, and 1 would advise all whu are suffering with this distressing j complaint to procure ".Swayne'* Oint ment'' at once . 1 had trid prescription* almost innumerable, without llnding any permanent relief. JOB. W. CHKIST, (Firm ( f Ho.del .V Christ,) ll -et and Shoe House, lilt North Second St, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Swnyno'* All-healing Ointment is also a specific for Tetter, Itch, Suit Kheuni, , Seaid Head. Brjrilpnlaa, Bukif'i hth, Blotches, all Scaly, Crusty, Cutaneous Eruptions. Perfectly sale and harmless oven on the mot tender infant. Price, oO cent*. Sent hy mail to any add re- - on ' receipt of price. Hold by all Reading Hrugglsls. "t'repared only by Dr. Swayne die Son, G3O NOIITH SIXTH STREET, Philadelphia. Sole Proprietor* and Manufacturers SHAIXt'S PANACEA Celebrated all over the world for it- rc ! -mirkable cure* of Scrofbln. Mercurial and SyphilitipCompl*inU, and in case* where Syphilitic virus ol the parent, onuses a de velopinent of Svphillis or Sciofula in tin . chilli, nothing has ever proved so effectual ] in comnletely eradicating every vestige of' these dangerous complaints, nnd nil di tenses arising from Impurity of The Mood. Describe symptoms in all eotnmuniea ! tions, and address letters to Dr. Swayne j A Son. Philadelphia. No Charge for ad j vipe. .Sent by express to any address. LONDON A Scientific Vegetable HAIR COLOR Preparation of Raro RESTORER: i Ingredieuts. BfrC ultivate your hair"#® 1 London Glossy, Luxu- Hair Kestorer ( London Hair Hestorer ( London riant Hair i* one Hair Kostorcr ( London Hair Kestorer London of the greatest ltnir Restorer London Hair Ue.-torer London of all personnl Hair Kestorer London Hnir Restorer * London Charms. Hair Restorer All that art can accomplish in beautify ing, strengthening, thickening and adorn ing the hair is efleeted by using "London llnir Color Restorer." It stimulates and;* force* a growth ; it gray restores its natu ral color and renders it silky uial beauti ful : cures dandruff; keeps the toalp clean cool mid healthy. Price 75 cents. All • druggists and dealers sell it. Principal depot for the United .State-, • at) North Sixth street, above Vino, Phil kdti'pi'iit v **M' USODB**POINTS** METHOD : >'!USS-Hf POINTS OF ADVANTAGE v H-tN I HE PURCHASE OF-I-H --WW-.— ew .'•^aflWuaewHHaMaaaa Crr rjnTTT'Krri _ f,..i j? JL JLI. I. l\l vlr —AT— WANAMAKER Ec.BROWN'S OAK HALL, i. !n*!(e t !r.'ftMl Attsr.tlon and Careful Scrufin; el Jll !: PI IIC ITABINO I^UBLIC.- MCIHODS: POtNTfi: "IA/ 1 1 r\ !> T Tr:-* lnaana i 4 MMtrilfflH Lew- V\ \J (*| l rice..... ——. GTI vc* crpenx* of collection* and lokM-s liolu taut n-bU W 1 rpßitCimniiU* pi*.(cct* Die bojrer who I may pot ha a judge of goods Ufl. lut-irr. *. ■ y wb I v., I ■ t '' *■' ■ XXTe n!y on Imm'-nae aalea and am tat . , , Vl Pit. I wtUi a very small percent !■/* I .If nor B -t* at |r4 > . • i - f j. ... 17. ft li.iiueiiMe fptantMHt mil at tlie , t prio— te ftiab TTUeesytohuynf ux.irinneafl amUeatad \JLTR xaannt.. turn V '• 1 -'kc one grulng fav°n U,.l W every gwnur.il we *- ti. " v "te-i >e *dbe. 11/ . -j. i, : ; t J "vti'kT l: ITO and drtete are d-mc away *V ( 1 J I ft- -). Jyl. ly (;.fUoiirl*rtlUi _ out having n> ash lor tt 111K J lit a tl. iH ■!! I) | til: It. " 1 J • •"- )' 1 /"itlttioverxpesirbar.eapUalandfficft- YJ tUsa ea use lor the people's beaett !■: !■ v. ring prices llfE ( .t <' •> it it: l. -..iy .. _ \*7 IE fill <■*■', m n-orl ved by imS from all UfK i :apl y trie's-- w tic -i tn f . I""'•* ,J ' 'lie t iuicl tsialea. Write every Jt ; rUoii.l ' . - - IT " WE gtvcmtls • • 1 1 . r VJf'Ta iiJtlfl..frtk run tn Imrtagof of I*turn the t... , Pi ' A child xuay tmy as cheaply InaddtU ato our lamcnM . k -.f ti ady Ma.te f tothlnr, we have a Magnllkcsat Ltn# i.f Vleii * and 15... • f umixbiiig stilrti (of our own asks) and tuderweer, all at U*fi Very how est Mew. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL. S. E. COR. SIXTH & MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. &UOUTLIDGE d CO., COAL, LIME,Ac., WILLIAM SHORTLIDGK. BOND VALENTINE SHORTLIDGE& CO, Rurucre autl Sliijipcrt of the celehratfrl Bcllofonte r Dealer* iu tho very of [\NTDU VU,TE ( 44AL i Tb only ti. *in Getili* Omuly wlioaeli the W l L Iv H S II A R RiE C OIAiL from the olj Baltimore mines Also SI! AMOK IN AND OTHER GRADES of A -Unas it* tV il dryly Imu-"d exprt fly for houscus .at thfi lowest price* It EA LE US I.V GRAIN. I They pay the higlu--i price* in cash or grain that the Eastern mark eta will albri. WHEAT. CORN. RYE, OATS, CLOVER SEED &C., Ih .gLI or wiii be *.di on comil.i. * i n when desired, arid full price* guaranteed. In* formation coac. rningnic grain trade will be furnished at all time*, to farmer ' with pleasure, free of charge. RIFLE and BLASTING POWDER. FlitK BItICK AND GROUND FIHE CLAY. '! DEALERS IN CAYUGA GROUND °LAS TK R, which i* alwayt dd at lov. prit , and warranted to be as good a fertiliser a* an other piaster. oyntit ADD 7 Am NEAR SOUTH END B. E. VALLEY R. R. DEPOT, BELEFONTE. 1*.%. TBI HEW "DOMESTIC," DOUBLE MACHINE. IT rrulns at! llw virtues c( tkr 1 gbt Runsung "DOMESTIC," induXag the Automatic * Tension, h. S *s nnd i. the t*t tn IT— (f-I'les.r 11 ii.c our PA I fc.Nl HAKUfcNPD CONICAL Pt AklNtiS oa both the Macfcuac and Sum) thii nrn and .J.I iilr*., mwked "it ;ih brsn i nc Mschinrry an.! Tools at our aa acn wotfct. In the teiy . ity e ( Ntaik. Nc* li ncy, tux- viwa u a standaid of -\Jt A'llA NIC At KXCKL -I.KNCF-. Minimum cf Fit. ii. n. Masimuia L>urabiliiy, aad raitf- vf wotk, arret fcmtutiß reached la the Scuuig Machine ucrtd. TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF Mf invite the attention of all. eipccially those having high mechanical akiU or valioo. N li.—AU Mdwhtbct iuily waiiißicd. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., Now "Voi-ls tt*x*l Chicnjpo. LADIES, USE "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. ——Wo would i -ti em it an < special fa vor if every friend of the Reporter w uid send us the name of at Ica-t one subscriber, ; with the Cash—for three months. 60cent*; | six months §I,OO, and one year Read ier, won't you try nnd do us thi- liltlo fu jvor, and will repay you by improving the Reporter. Send us the natttcs of six new subscribers, with tho Cash, and we will "end you tho Reporter one year free. BREONS HOTEL. MILIiOY. l'A. The best table Hinl bar, und excellent stabling for horse*. Also a fine resort for summer boarders. Huss to depot, and daily stages to Centre count*. Charges reasonable. GEO. BItEGN', l'rop'r. J. ZELLER & SON DRUGGISTS No (i IlroekcrhofT Row,lU'Hefonlc,Fa Dcalcrsin Bin;*. 4 liciiiiciiis Perfltwery, I'aiict (ioihl* AC. Ac. Furo Wino* uud Liquors for medicr miFVUSS Hiww JkVpt. ÜB>4' 31,75, , NEW YORK BRANCH STORE, McClain's Block, Directly Opp. Bush House, Bellofoiite, Pa. 11. UKItMAY A CO., Prop'rw. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS & FAN CY" GOODS. STRICTLY FIRS T-C LASS 00008, IK'low the Usual Pi-Ices. ' NvyUiW. W HARDWARE STORK. W, J ; £ J - HARRIS. A ,I,"?°<-'K*RNOFF ROW. A new nt:rm.n!W Hardware Store u ut lh * undersigned in llrockrrhor. a*w bqlluing-whe'e (hoy " t, i r f pa •" **. kind* of Building and House Furnishing BiriknN, Iron Hteel Nail*. In *?**£. , wh, ol In Champion Ctotbee W ringer, SI ill *•, Circular mid Hand Snw, Tennon Haws- Webb Saw*, lon ( roam Frcecers, llalh Tub*. Cloth) Hack*, • fkiil assortment *>t Glass and Mirror J'lato of all tit**, pwfciiw Frame#, \\ hsclharruw*. l*mpt, Co*' Oil Lamps, 2?™n'. Bpnltsa, allooa *°d Buna. I lows, Cultivators, Corn F'* ,w, j_ Plow Points. Nhear Mold Hoard* *nd Cullivi. lor Teotb, table Cutlery. Hbo** I *. Bp*de and Fork*. Lock*. Hinge., Nc">ws. Sash Springs, Horse-8 hoc*. Nails, Norway Rod., Oila, Lard, Lubrleal'** Coal, Linseed, Tanner*, Anvil*, Vice*. BW. Hrr.w IMaU*, Blacksmiths Tool*/ Factory Bell*. Tea Boll*. Grindstones, Csrpentei Tool* Fruit Jar* and Can*, Pai Dt - Oils \ arm.he* received and for .ale a 1 tuna& J. A J HABRIB CEKTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. o. DEININGEB. A now, complete Hardware Nloro ha* been opened by the undesigned in Cen tre Hall, where be it prepared to sell all kind* of Building end House Furnishing Hardware, Nail*. Ac. Circular and Jiand Snwi, Teuton Saw* Webb Baws. Clothes Hack*, a full a.orV merit of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture Frame*. Spoke*. Felloe*, end Huh*, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spade* and Fork*, Lock*. Hinge* Scrow*. -Hath Spring*. Nail*, Norway Rod*. Oil*, Tea Bell*, Carpenter Tool*, Paint, Varn ishes. Picture* framed in the finest style Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. pir Remember, all nod* offered cheap er than elsewhere Simon Haines* CENTRE HALL. Manufacturer of farriageti. Bugglra, Httgonn, Ac, Of every description ; running gear for ali kind* of vehicle*, made to order, and in fir.t class manner. Being a practical me chanic. I would WARRANT ALL WORK to give satisfaction. Repairing promptly attended to at the to wet rate*. Undertaking, Coffin* of all style* made on shortest notice. The business of undertaking attended to in all branchee. Respectfully solicits a share public patronage. sept y Mark These Facts ! THE TESTIMONY OF THE WHOLE WORLD. HOM.OH4YN OINTMENT. | Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Boietand Ul cer*. Alt description of sores arc remediable j by the proper and dilligent use of this in. estimable preparation. To attempt to cure ted legs by plastering the edges of the ' wound together 1* a folly * for should the Ulrin unite, a boggy diseased condition re. mams underneath to break oat with tcu ifokl fury ih a few day# The only ration .•' and -ucressful treatment, as indicated f by nature, is to reduce the inflammation i a and abut the wound and to soothe the neighboring parts by rubbing in plenty