FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. Hint* A boa I Wark. Ground plaster (gypsum) it a cheap and valuable fertiliaer for all the bioad leave d crops—com. |x>t*toea, lieans, etc., as well as clover. For such it may be applied early, scattering a full handful around each plant or hill. Being soluble (though slowly), it will be WHSIUHI into the soil by rains. There is no reason why it should be scattered upon Urn leaves, as is so often recommended by some writers. Mangels, K>eta or carrot* may yet lie aon. if not alrea taken to so Sect a cow of kindly temper, as such an •inc give* far less trouble than those of nervous vicious dispositions, ami gecor ally parts with the milk more readily, liesides jxisseaaing it in greater quanti ties. t>imrllc Hint*. MOTHS IN CARTKTH,— Wet a thick doth in cold water, lay it on the carpet and steam with a hot iron. HTOV R POIUKH. By placing a niece of camphor, about the KMC of a hickory , nut, in the stove blacking, the blacking will adlicre through the groatemt hivat. To Sror LKAKN IN BOM.RU*. -Get oue ounce muriatic acid, add what scrap* of aiuo it will dissolve, then add one third water, cork Kittle tight, scrape clean around the leak, wash thoroughly with the preparation, then melt and apply soft Holder. Every kind of tin or cop per vessel can be mended iu tins way. To MAKR SOFT Soar. Twelve pound* whit* potash, twentv four pound* grease. Dissolve the potaan in oue pailful of cold water; uiolt the grease ami jxnir iu. lad it stand oue day ; then add aster a pailful at a time—till it Kxxunes of the proper consistency, say a j>atlful each morning, stirriug well. Two or three pailful* of lye iu place of the water improve* it, but i* not necessary. Tina quantity will make nearly a barrel of good soap. To RBMOVR IKON HPMT, Em—Get salt* of lewou at any druggist's, moisteu the linen, apply the sal*, and lay the linen in the suu ; the rust will tunics! immediately disappear. Oxalic acid used with care will do. If a staiu re mains, us* 1 Javelle water, which is com posed of sal soda ami lime, ami sold by druggists ; rinse iu clear water. Ink stain* are removed iu the same way; if a brown staiu remains, U.K< Javelle water. Javelle water is the only thing sure to remove mildew. The KostUrr Value >1 Applra. In hhj investigation of the fodder value of apple*, Prof. Storer confirms the observations of other chemist*, to the effect that apple* are very poor iu nitrogen. The flesh of Baldwins and Russets yielded 15.7-17.5 per cent, of dry organic matter (the rent K ing wa ter and mint oil matters), and only 0.21- 0.27 per cent, of albuminoids. Apple (ximaoc contain,si |>er cent, of dry organic matter, and 0.08 per cent, albu midoids. Leaving the water out of ae count, the dry matter of the flesh of apple* contains 1,4.1 per cent, of albu minoid*, while the dry matter of pota toes ha* 8.54, ami pumpkin 17.82 per cent of albuminoid*. From these fact* two interesting conclusions are to be drawn. First, the small amount of ni trogen explains at least one reason for the low value of apples for feed and for manure; and, second, to make econ omical fodder from apple* or pomace, food rich in nitrogen should tie added. Iu this way not only the sugar, but also the pectoso, of which apple* are largely composed, may K> economically utilised as food. The Granary of the World. The New York Sun claims that the United States is destined to be—lf not now entitled to be called—the granary of the world, and snpporta the assertion by figures which show that of the bread eaten by the millions of Ureat Britain, the United States furnishes marly fifty per cent, of the wheat. That oar cxj ort trade is growing is vouched for by the fact that from January Id, 1876, 10,- 000,000 bushels of wheat were (-hipped from the port of New York alone, against 0,400,000 b a.she Is for the corresponding period of 1875. The future growth of the exports of flour and grain from the United States cannot be measured. During the last six years it has increased from 27,978,- '>l9 bushels in I*o9 to 107,243,158 bush els in 1874. With undiminished land resources, we can supply almost any conceivable demand. In the very nature of things that demand must largely in crease. The principal customer, lireat Britain, received from that port alone, from September Ist, 1874, to Septem ber Ist, 1875, of wheat, 21,871,264 bushels ; of corn, 10,488,993 bushels. In the very best crop years she looks abroad for bread. With a population of over 32,000,000, in 1875, her supposed requirements of wheat and flour for home consumption (.not including seed, at the rate of five and one-half bushels per capita, amounted to 22,293,125 quar ters, of which she imjort. 1 11,770,372 quarters. While her total home oro : ductiou of wheat falls so largely short of her requirements for home consumption, ; the acreage of the United Kingdom, in cluding the Channel islands, under crops ) of grain has actually diminished from | 11,755,053 acres in 1870 to 11,368,059 ! acres in 1875. It will thus be seen how | entirely Great Britain is dependent on i foreign countries for very nearly fifty i per cent, of the bread annually eaten by over 32,000,000 of people, and how ex tremely precarious becomes her situs tion in the cases of the failure or partial failure of her grain crop. In the event of such a calamity to the ! people of Great Britain, their principal I sources of supply would be from this country. The natural and artificial facilities for transportation by water in North America are unoqnaled by any other great division of the earth; and the railway facilities are unparalleled. The United .States and the Canada* share alike in these mixed transportation facilities, and ire competitors for the vast and growing carrying trade Iwtween the interior and the Atlantic seaboard ports. The low rates of transjx.rtation from the interior to the seaboard have enabled the United States to supply more than one-half of the wheat and flour im ported into Great Britain, while we have almost the monopoly of British corn im ports—namely: in 1874 the total import* of maize into the United Kingdom were 17,693,625 ewts., of which the United j States supplied 13,454,6.17 ewts. In 1874 the United States sent to Great Britain, of wheat, 27,206,052 cwts., and British North America only 4,206,652 ewts. K nasi a, Moldavia, * Wallachia, Turkey and the Austrian territories are being gradually driven out of the grain markets of Great Britain, by the abilitv to lay down American grain in British ' ports at such rates as almost defy competition. A Magician's Marketing. Professor Herrmann, the prestidigi tateur, went a marketing in Cincinnati with an invited company of Bohemians, and certainly "astonished the natives." To buy eggs from a fine old farmer woman, break them and find silver and gold pieoes in each nntil further sales at rniiDg market prices were refused, was of the simplest of his tricks. To pull eggs out of the mouth of a huckster, or to shake silver and gold out of his hair, were introductory feats only. Most noteworthy, perhaps, of his feats was the twisting off the head of a pigeon, and, npon the indignant owner asking pay, restoring the bird to life—to snch vigorous life, indeed, that the bird flew away, compelling Herrmann to pay for his joke after all. The party returned to the hotel, where Herrmann tore a pack of fifty-two cards into eighths, proving that gigantic strength, ♦-specially in the forearm and fingers, are as essen tial to such marvelous success as Herr mann's in "sleight of hand" as are skill, quickness of hand and eye, aud early and careful training in the wonders of optics and optical delusion. Wouldn't " Htop the Paper." A man called in the other day, says the Dexter (Me.) GaztiU:, and requested us to stop the paper. We thought tho matter over, and concluded not to do it. We have got presses and other ma chines in here that cost about 82,000, types almost without number, and other materials necessary for running a first class local paper and job printing estab lishment, and we can't and won't stop this paper and things connected there with, to gratify the whim of man, woman, or child, in the circle of our as sociation. We did, however, consent to remove the man's name from oar list book, which was qnite another thing. We hope we shall not again be requested to " stop the Gazette," for unless our mind undergoes a great change we shall not do it. A Perfect Da). Ttis earth i rapped In a dream of lilta*. In • reel i>mi|lete ; And the lonrli ef the air ie tike a lose, tVimfertlng, eweel. And the liny ereatutee aie ringing low As a lullaby , Aud (tie watching eilence doth atlr and glow Ae the wind Oioor t>y. And tlieiw le tlie sun's own uiaulle dung till the cheetnut tup*. And yonder are laugh d rain tHI we tiung IVith eliimiueiiug drv>|>e And over Die Uitiige so eoou to die lea gentler taw, A htiehof ileave and a tenderer skv Than Die nuiuuier eaw. Open Die windows wide to .lay, VVlioro a aout may dwell, 111 the heart of a |>*lsce grand and gay. t>r a prison coll. Ok, look, ye happy, till pleasiuw grows To a Holder Uilng , Till yea hung your Joy as Die aishtr flows K.vr an offei tng. And leek, ye weary, till grief and pant Transfigured shine , He J mow for the oruunm glory s gam, Tlie holiest sign. Oh, mourn >e never Diat tiojwi is lusl, That lost delays , Ttiey are after summer and after frost, These weetwst days. Oflau and often will skies tie gray, And hearts tie sad , Hut Die Lord hath made iu a jierfect day Let ua tw glad. A NEB YORK ESTATE The I.rem Thousand- Arrw tarsi ihui Hen llalladav general la la 11 rslrhrslrr iouuis—ln Inlrrrsilna llrsrrltit lon. Iu IhtVS Ben llaila.lav, the well known \Vt<'ru mail ivutnuAor, K>ught au immense farm in WtwWlu iter county, X. V., ami at oner K-guu the arrange men! of a Country house that should lie similar iu plati ami adornment to the great properties of English noblemen. He Knight, says a .Shu oorretqximlout, at first only a few hundred acres, but gradually extending his domain from time to time, he at length brought into hi* poaMeasiou nearly 1,000 acres of the K-st farming land* of New York State. He preseuted the whole territory to hi* wife, and she took entire charge of the laying out and adornment of the grounds. The construction of a suitable dwelling house was at once commenced. On a swelling knoll about four mile* from the village of White I'lain* the foundation* of the house were laid, the ito being aKmt a quarter of a mile from the turn pike that winds from White Plains to Harrison. The rock of which the house is constructed is a bine granite, ami it was quarried from the farm. The building is constructed in a peculiar style. K ing a uuiou of English and G. r man architecture. Outside it is entirely completed, but inside the room* are ml finished and the walls have simply a covering of lath and plaster. They are !>are of furniture and oarjieta, and "have a moldlv, abandoned look. The wall* are three stories in height, ami on the western side is a tall stone tower, capjnsl by a Kwutiful slate nxif. Inside the building everytliing has a drear ami desolate look. In the lusemeut, which is moldv and drear, are many rooms, cellars, laundries, wine rooms, furnaces, and other ajiartmeuts ; in the seeeml story is a long, unfinished during room that would seat at least fifty JHTHIUS, and in addition there are suites of rooms whose object may only K. gu cased. From the fir*t story a bare flight of pine stairs, broad enough for the ascent of a oolnmn of .soldiers, leads up to the stvond story. Iu this story are almost numberless rooms that may lie used for almost any purpose. Some are square, seme circular, and all are provided with every modem appliance. The room* are finished with different kimts of wood, and while in one apartment there mav be a contrast of t>ak aud American waf nut, in another is a chestnut ami tropic wooded ambellishmeut. From the highest window of the granite tower there is a glorious view. For miles and miles in every direction roll the green, glossy knolls ami valleys of a laud that is perfect in symmetry and Knuty. To the north and west iil the misty horizon are the Palisades ami sle* py villages of the Ilu.Uon, to the south is a velvet spread of hills and dales, and on the southeast is the blue water of the sound. To fill up the pic tare are brooks, woodlands, hillocks, green meadows, ami the tall church spires aud white wa I**l hou-es of coun try village*. Around the fertile acres of the Ophir Farm, as the estate of Mr. Halladay is called, and is named on the tiara of the great iron entrance gate*, runs a tall granite wall capped with smooth cut stone. This wall was built by special contract, and it cost (10 a rod. It in closes the entire farm, aud within its circuit are a multitude of farmhouses and rural cottages, in which dwell many tenants of the estate. There are two entrances to the Ophir Farm; one is at the southeast and the other is at the north, and each has a massive stone gatehouse and solid graveled drives. Just east of the stone dwelling, in a grassy valley near the turnpike, stand* a small Gothic edifice of granite, in which Mrs. liallalay, who was a devout Catholic, rigorously performed the du ties of her faith. A long, winding, white graveled lane leads from the chateau down a sloping hi.'l to the en trance of the church. A few granite steps lead up to a landing tinder a heavy stoned porch, on the side of which are P-blioal statues in Parian marble. In side the chapel are a dozou or more vel vet clad seats that stand lie fore a little altar, on which are golden candlesticks, figures of the crucifixion, and waxen candles. Many bronze statues of saints line the altar, and a Ix-atitiful painting of the Immaculate Conception is hung nt the rear of the altar. At the north ami ontsido of the chape! is the tomb of the family, in which are buried Mrs. Halla day and her children. On one side of the church is the room, separated by hardwood blinds, in which the choir sang their Catholic songs. West from the stone mansion, in a smooth, curving valley, are the farmhouses, the cattle yards, the breeding stables, and many offices that are used for the business of the farm. , Beyond the farmhouses to tho wont is probably tho most magnificent apple orchard in eastern Now York. It covers sooree of acres, and an tho trees are all full grown, they shed a perpetual stun mer shade over the ground. Tho crops of this orchard were in years past as wonderful as tho stories of the "Arabian Nights." It is said that in past seasons they amounted to tens of thousands of bushels of frnit. When Mr. llalladny bought the Ophir Farm he was in the full flood of his fin an cial prosperity. lie was tho owner of the overland stage route, and was specu lating in beef on the plains that brought him thousands npou thousands of dol lars. His mail pay from the government on the overland routcamouuted to about 51,500,000 a year, and from his stages he received nlxmt 81,500 a day. lb-also owned a steamship line from Han Fran cisco to Portland, Oregon; a line from California to the Sandwich islands, and a line to Australia. At this time it wan estimated that he was worth about 810,000,000. Boon he sold out all his steamship linen, and invested his money in the Han Francisco and Oregon rail road. This investment failed, and there after Mr. Halliday steadily lost money. His immenso real estate fell in value his millions were lost almost an quickly as they bad been acquired. Ho sold his overland mail route to Wells, Fargo'A- Co. in 1868 for 81,850,000, and received a cash check for the property. For tho estate in Westchester county, with the expenses of tho buildings and the adornments, ho paid alsiut 8850,000. The chateau cost 8174,000. Mr. Halla day now lives in Portland, Oregon, with a second wife. His first wife is buried, with several sons and a daughter, under the marble slabs of the tomb in the chapel in Harrison. Mrs. Halladay, the first wife, died in 1873, and was buried with Catholic rites. A large concourse followed her to the grave, and the funer al was an event of unusual magnificence. Tiro fnrm of Mr. Iliillmlny whm bought tun! UHovl for n Mock fitrui, lut it never jvut I, ninl tiro owner hit* *tHillly lent money *iiu-c it* tmrolntwv. At otic tinio tiu ro wore ever lftlt lioriro* nientlv brvrotliiig nuiroM en tho plnoo ( Imt fur thohfn vnt of tiro HMorevt lb-art, umt tin y winli for lttd in-rcM on tiro front park. Tlroy have offered for the t'lmtoau ami ltkl lu-rtw, but mm tiro meet of tiro aortwt they him k Mr. Ilallutluy oacdi .Mr. tltlu rt fueoM to aeli. Mr. Ilallailay ha* otrooou iuHauKrati oiecHi, Ben, Jr., and a daughter who ro wedded tc> u French lmron, who live* in l'arin. Altother daughter, who waa the wife of a Freach iviunt, ditut suddenly on the ears lu coining out from Sail FratieisOO. She was buried iu the tomb 111 Harrison. The history of the uoveltion of the Ophtr farm would fill a volume. At one time a large uumtror of hutYaloes were kept ou it, and ill the Npruig the greaUT nutnU-r of them eaoaped from their in ehvnuri*, and runged through tiro tn-igli lairing wikhlm. They were hunted and slaughtered by the fartuera. In many itaaes they destroyed large amount* of property, ami it is said that the Italia day estate panl from £B,OOO to £IO,OW for the damage*. Tdm-atioit iu Ohio. t H the State* making au exhibit of their progress iu education, and of the practn-al workings of their *y*tem of pablto iustruotiou, at tiro Centennial t'xhibitiou, none ha* InT articles in a shape so asily to la- uiidenthKKl and *0 readily to be ascertained as Ohio. By u jHs-uliar method of sliadiug, and by two or three iijj. og lines acrvw* a plain chart, an amount of information ts conveyed that would require the |>erttsal of a small volume to ascertain. Here, for tustuiice, is a map showing the per cent of the enrollment of tiro youth in actual attcmhuice at m-hool, the highest being from sixty-seven to seventy-three, and the lowest from from forty two t> tlftv live. Of tiro eighty eight counties In the State, only six attain the highest jH-r cent. A large majority range from fifty nine to sixty three, while a very fair number show a per cent ruuuiug along a scale from sixty to sixty seven. Tracing with the eye s single line across another chart, we learn the total expenditures each year for the past thirty-eight Year*, both for tiutlou aud for all ejuitttional pur|Kidly than tiro aages of the lady teachers. In InH the average monthly pay of men was £2o, ami of women £ls ; but in 1875 men commanded £55 ami women £550 m-r month. But though the women teachers were jvaid h as for their service*, tie y have gradually taken the place* of tln> an u, so that to-dav the scales aro Completely turned. Up to the br uking out of tho war tho gentlemen teachers employed in tho public schools out numbered tho worn on lv thousands ; hut tho war drew heavily upon tho touchers' ranks. ThoumunU of hor lt and worthiest teachers, not only in the common school*, hut in hor higher ■ohoola and colleges, resigned thoir jKMtH and enrolled themselves among the citizen soldiery. Thoir plaoc* in tho schoolroom and in the recitation ciauw* wi re m a large measure tilled by lady teachers; and so well have they done their work, which before it was believed txiald only l*> done by men, that it lias been impossible to crowd thorn out of tho aituationa tlioy wore called to till by the exigencies cf the war. So to day the lady teachers of Ohio exceed the gentle men by more tliau two thousand. To note the increase or decrease iu the number of tho youth of this Stab- of legal school age, and to show the greet ot jwr cent, of daily attendance, or the highest per cent. of the enrollment of the youth who ar<> in daily attendance U|k)U the public schools, another chart is premnxl which informs us Uiat m 1872 there wore in the State more chil dren between the ages of six and twenty one tlian at auy other period between 1854 and 187t5 ; and that the highest ]xr cent, of Htteiidiuioe over reachtsl in tho State was in 1827 ; the greatest jwr cent of the enrollment in actual attendance was in 1850, when it reached over eighty pr cent ;it was the lowest ill 1875, there Is-iug a steady and almost gradual daclinefrom 1850 to the close of tho last school year. In the United State* Senate. Of those who have had great length of service in the Senate, Thomas 11. lieiiton In-ads the list. He was a mem ber of the Senate for thirty yi-ars, and no other United Stab-s Senator served tbero for four full terms. Charles Hnm lu-r luul four coutiimons elections, but died within leas than a year of the close of his fourth term —chosen in 1851, and dying March 11, 1874. James A. Pearce, of Maryland, had four successive elco tions, but died soon after the commence ment of his fast term —chosen in 1843, and dying 1 leoendwr 20, 18(12. I>ariiol Webster had four oontinnons elections, 1827, IH.TI, 1889, and 1845, but there was a break in the last two terms, when he was in the Harrison ami Fillmore cabinets—lH4l and .1850. Henry Clay hod five appointments to tho Senate, the first two by gubernatorial selection, 180(5 and 1810, and tho rest from tho Legislature -1831, 1837, 1840. He re signed near the close of his second full term, and after serving three years of his last, tendered his resignation, but died, June 20, 1852, liefore the date named for its taking effect. John C. Calhoun was tlfty years of age before he was wilt to the Senate, to which he had five elections. He had been in the lower House of Congress for six years, secre tary of war for eight years, ami Vice- President for nearlyeight years. He was ; elected to the Senate in Dooemls-r, 1832, as the successor of Kols-rt Y. Hayne, re elected in 1835 and in 1841, resigned in 1842, and subsequently went into the Tyler cabinet as secretary of Bute. Senator linger resigned in 1845 to make room for Calhoun, who re appear ed and served out his original term; bo was re-elected in 1847, and continued there until liis d<-ath, March 81, 1850. Centennial Notes. A large mosaic from the ruins of Car thage has been uncovered in the Tunis department. There is a fine exhibition of coal from Ohio in the annex to tbo Main building, including a block over twelve feet high. Lost children fonnd ou the grounds are brought to the polios headquarters iu the Centennial committee building. .Specimens of wooden nutmegs and of woodeu hams made from the charter oak are exhibited iu the Connecticut recep tion room. Letters delivered at the Centennial poat-offioe during May, 79,744; papers, 3(5,589. Letters collected, 77,777; pa pers, 21,387. Total cash admissions from May 1(1 to May 81, inclusive, 374,- 029. The Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, one of the smallest countries of Europe, has on exhibit of only three eases, one con taining shoes, tho other two real kid gloves. A model in metal of Independence Hall has lieen placed under a glass cov ering in Memorial hall. Scale, throe eighths of an inch to the foot; weight, 1,200 pounds. It is an exact reproduc tion both of the interior and exterior of tho hall. Outside it is of German sil ver, oxidized with red gold, inside are miniature copies of the 1(50 portraits in the hall, with models of the furniture, desks, etc. SIM M AICV or NKWH. Isleresllna Items IVw llama aa* Afcrwaal. In consequence of a judgment of a Hreiueii ootlrt, I'rtnee lllamarck, aa chancellor. haa la ana*! a notification prohibiting for two yoars Ilia circulation In Oeituanv of Ilia Anroliea uiada by liens Sherman, Sheridan, Hooker and otliera l>urtng the tuouth of May 13,310 liuuilgranta arrived at the |k it of New Vork Hani Anderson, a colored man, undei arreet for atteui|>lliig to outrage a Mlaa Vaughan, of l>o Koto oouuty, Mlaa , and who out the Ihrual of the lady a young brother, waa taken from the officers and hanged by a tuob As Marshal Harrington alternated to lory ini the aleatuhoat Kate Dloka,m at Maysvllle, on the Ohio river, he waa fatally ahot by the cap'.alu, Taylor, who waa inalantly killed by the tuarahal a able Tbt> steamer Austin, from Havana for Nov iMoana, slruok a suag below UlO latter city and sunk Kite Is a total lose Willi tier cargo of sugar valuovt at #SO,OUO The voesel waa wurtii 1115,000, a it was not insured ... tieoige It. FIIIIU kltiod hiuuelf 111 Cincinnati the night before lie Was to bo married. No cause Was assigned for the act Oregon liemocrsla car riod the Nlste and have a woiktug majority in the legislature W iscuiism Democrats sp poluted delegates to tho national convention, hut did not think it advisable to adopt a plat feint. The delegates are tuuelly fur 'Tllden. At Philadelphia (leorge Talker fodo twriily California tuuataitgs ntuoty miles lu three hours slid Afty-aevcu and one half tuiuulei. The hisiurtc old Month church biuldiun at llost-'ii was sold at aurtiuu for tI.SKJ U,e tusletis! to be removed wtthiu sixtv dsvs Two brothers named Clark Were druanert while hailuiij.- al Sea drove, N. J They aere [■sinters from Providence, It 1., end were em ployed at the No drove lintel Charles Worms aas found guilty in Philadelphia of forging the name of Secretary Chandler to a contract with the Interior department for Indian eupphes deorge Hetid, the fattoiM Prench tiovehst. is dead . A city hell In course of erectiou at Newcastle, la, was burned, together with an adjacent engine house l.oes, £40,000 ... Several buildings were burned hi Owyuga. Canata, luCictlng a loes of 97(>,0t.' ... Alfred D Jewsup. Jr . an.l oue Davis fought a duel at Hiver lieud. Out., aiid Jeseup waa killed at the second lire. .. A rumor is abroad lliat lire eldest son of the late sultan has also commit tod suo-ide ... (Vvhrano. Mclavau X Co., the wril-knowti New York importing tirm, have failed Kx-I'eput) Samuel M King was in Nat-wile tor obtaining money uinier false pit louses, and. Urawtng a revolver, I lew out h brains in o|*u court One of the Istgest drive* of logs on the t'.iioe.-t.c-ul riier f r ion rears ocvuj ,*1 two Jay* in paastng a Sew iisui|e of Ihe Konian ptiaoners from Wesi Australia. Mr. Hisraeli was burned t:i effigy . .One hundred an J fifty armed men went to the Santa 1. *a (Ca! ) jail and took out Thomas W. Henley, confined there for killing James 1 low land, a prominent citizen, and hanged him ... Hi-Speaker lllaiuo walked to church and on his arrival was prostrated with sun stroke, superinduced by his intense tnsnUl excitement during the past few works. He was unconscious from eleven a u until four r. w , when his physicians pronounced him out of danger.... I'eral'c rude ous hun.lmt and fifty miles tn seveu hours on tsenly-five mustangs at Philadelphia Neatly all the liberal psf-ets of Hpani have been suppressed. The {tresident of Panama has asked his congress to contract for the survey of a canal route across the isthmus of I'artsn, and It wiU probably be dous.... A revolution has taken piseo in Ilolivia and 1 >ara has been pro claimed president. Prtnoe Milan of Kervia has seut an auto graph letter to Const UiUnople sckiiowlr.lgiug bis allegiance to Wuhan Murad .... Patrick Ijoinliran, a laborer at Huighamptoti, N. V.. attacked his wife wlu'e insane, an.l suppoaing he had killed her committed suicide. Mrs. Qmnhvan may survive The committee whioh investigate.! the charge* against Npciker Kerr reported to the House that they found there was no truth tn the allegations. Several llepubhcan member* {raid high tribute* of praise to Mr. Kerr's character ... Kitensive floods have occurred throughout Switzerland, damaging much property and causing the death of a number of persons An English paper slates that the numl>er of magnificent steamship* lying idle at Liverpool has uever been equaled in tho history of commerce Kingston, Ontario, suffered severely from a disastrous fire in the business portion of the town.... The cereal crops of the provinces of Bala joe and Ctndad Ileal, Spain, have I-ecu totally destroyed by locusts ..A Ouatemalian gunboat foundered off Panama and atxtoeu soldier* lost their lives..... .The gallery of a new Cathoho church at Hontzdale, Pa., gave way during service, killing one man and in juring thirty more. KORTY-FOI'RTH CONGRESS. The Bwslses* st (.eaeral Interest Trans acted. •UiTZ Mr. Sherman (Hep.), of Ohio, call id np the concurred resolution from the committee on finance, proposing a common unit of money and accounts for the United States and the kingdom of (treat Britain and Ireland Passid. The Senate resumed the consideration of the legislative. Juiicial and Executive Appro -1 priation bill. Aft r several amendments had been rejected, the bill was reported to the Seuate, and the amendments made in commit tee of the whole o.incurred in. The bill wa read a third time and passed -yeas. 30: nays. 7. Mr. Motrill (ltep), of Maine, called up the KortifloaUon* Appropriation bill reported by the committee on appropriation* without amendments. Ho said the estimates of tho service were *3,291,000, hut the House had appropriated *315,000 only. The bill was read a third time and passed The Senate took np the bill making appro priations for the service of the Post-office de partment for the fiscal year ending June 30. 187(1, and for other purpose*. Sir. West (Hep.), of Louisiana, in charge of tho bill, said when it came ever from the House of Representatives it proposed to ap propriats *33.589,109. As submitted to the Senate by the committee on appropriations it proposed to appropriate $30.94*.350- an In crease of *3.357,241 over the House bill. Tho first smelliltxiant was to appropriate ♦ 150,000 for mail depredations and special agent*. instead of ♦do,ooo appropriated l>y the House bill. It wis offered bv Mr. Krnan (Hem.). of Now York, and favored by Mr. In galls (ItopA of Kontacky. and Mr. llamltn (Hop.), of Maine. Agreed to. The donate bill to amend section !>94 of the revised statutes, relating to magistrate bonds in the district of Columbia, was taken up and passed. nor* a. The House went into oommlttee of the whole, Mr. Hpringer, of Siiinois, in tho Chair, on the Indian Apprpr.aUcii bill, the (iiiestion being of order made by Mr. McOrary, of lowa, against the section to transfer the Indian bureau to the War department. Tho Chairman overruled it. Mr. Magiunis. of Montana Torritory. offered an amendment providing that any person do siriug to trade with tho Indians shall receive a license on the certificate of a district Judge or a judgo of the supreme court of any Territory that he is of good character. Agreed to. Tho commiueo reported tho bill to the House, and it was passed. The House proceeded to consider the bill reported from the committee 011 public lands, repealing the section of the revised statutes making restrictions in tho disposal of pnblio lands in tiie States of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Florida. It repeals that section which confines the disposal of public lands in thoso Hiatus to the provisions of the homestead law. It provides, however, that the repeal of the said section shall not impair the right of any homstead aettler, and that the said lands shall be offerod at pnblio aale aa aooti aa practical-la. The hill waa |*aad ytae. I( Ml naya, VI Mi dannori (Hep V of Illluola, from the committee on post office# and (kmH roada, re ported a hilt prorldiug a |tcn*liy for mailing olwrene book*. and prohllilllng lottery olreu lara |>eaeing through the tnalla. |'a>aed. Aineiuliuenta wore agreed lo aa followa loeteaalng the appropriation for wrapping twine from llillfrl b £AO,UOO , for uiarklng and rating eUnpe, from fill Km to# Hi Hon . for loiter balances and aealea. front 08,1(00 to #A,tmO ; and for the preparation of post route mapa, from 9'JO, not) to #40,1100 , 940.(XX> for advertising matearopused by the lloiiae. Mr Sherman (Hop), of Ohio, moved to Hi the ap|>ro| nation fin ooui|>eiieaunii of post masters at 97,'JWMMM, anil lo provide lliat a reduction of 1 lie rale of oom|>enaaUuti ahall begin oil Ihe Aral day of October uoit. Agreed lo After aeveral oilier ameiidmeuta the hill wee lead a third umo arid paeaeil Mr laud (l>eui ), of Now Yor#, offered a J mill rtaHilutiuii 1 eflmuinondtog an aldlUonal anienduieiit lo the eouaUtnUou, providing that officers of the I'nlletl Stales, such ae aeaeaaura, p. ■nituaaiera. iiiaiahais and oollooUirw (eioept collectors of custom* diitlea), ahall lie elected for a term of four yeaia Deferred OLII TIME KKLICM. The Old la a I able el (ha f. > fealties-- I lie aaII wual taiari Aas.-Prenv (atria le ABr tee I 4 ••lawra.. Itr Hi a at ** la Oldrs Time." A |M)iul tif Hjrocial iutaraot to lover* of tiro Mtu'iriit in tiro ulil log cabin on the OciilMiiiul ground*, utirl it i* cmwdt-d with vimtora, many of tlrom hulling from Now England, who fool nu on uncial iu t-rt-l iu tin* rojimm u tut ion of yn olden tiuro, from tiro fart of tUi having it* origin with tiro laiiioe of that section, Mik Kuitua South wu-k, tho pre nit tig gi'iiiua of tiro cfttablinhuroht, luuling from lhalnu. In Addition to Mm* South wick tln-ro in to be im*h*cs* all tho poculiaritioa of our grroxl grand mother*, ami, with tho powdered hair and frv-tili young face*, add a charm to tho Hurrouuding*. The relics aro u timorous, anvl of an ago that causa* thorn to bo looked upon witli mom than ordinary rovoreuco. In tho lvaok or bwtroum ntaiids an old bed stead, surrounded with tho viuainloet of curtains, ami oovcrtxl with shoa-ts which laelougovl to Mrs. J. I*. Joyon, of Lynn, Mass., and which wore tho projwrty of lror aavwators mom than two huudrtHl years ago. Over thoeo is thrown a quilt of the most jswuhar pattern, cov ered with figures odd and rare, and which must have taken tho maker months aud months to bring to pcrfec lion. Then there is a chair which was brought from Kugland iu tho second ship. The walls are adorned with pic tures, four representing tho seasons, which were printed iu 171*5, a graveyard scene, lhO years old, representing, but iu a crude way, a child weeping at tho grave of its mother. On a table is to be seen a lamp mat worked by a lad v iu 1776, who wa then in her ninety third Tear. Alongside of it is a chair made in l)au\eni, Mass., over 200 years ago, and which descended from the family of Ikmvrnor Kndicott. At the foot of the bed is a spinning wheel 150 years old. Against tiie other wall is a clock said to have been made 168 years ago; under neath is John Ablen's vlesk, which wu* brought over in the May Flower, aud aa a tilting compare- u atanda a movlel of a monument by t'harles Le Due from tite Wih- I of the old elm on Boston common. At difiercut i>laecaliarity an wrll an oddity of ita tr|K.graphical ap {Kwranoe, and ho naturally thinkn of tho advancement male in jonmahaui and the " art prwervative of all arts " siucv that day. ita Article* are eog< rly scanned and commented upon by Tinitorn, while a young lady attendant stands by to see that it* pag< are not mutilated by the rude touch of men who fail to recognize ita value. When the log cabin waa originally tic aigncJ tin* flrt-plaoc, with it* tjuainl sur n-uuilings, wit* intcndiHi more as a rt-lic of a |>ast ago than to la- brought into practical use, but the chilly atini*ph-r tliat jirt-vaihxl tluring the days following the opening iniiiictxl the lathes in charge to light the tire, the blaze of which threw ita genial warmtii around the room, making it comfortable and cozy, Ifaanging over the fire on the crane are two of the oddeat looking ket tics, said to have come from Knglaud iu the Gar Jwell. On the mantel nets Uie tinder Ik>x, the crai " lamp and other ancient article*, aiov ■ which hong the old flintlock miwket and powder liorn. At the side of the tireplace in a small but neat spinning wheel, which, aooording to Mrs. General Cunningham, wx* brought to this country in the May Flower. Years ago it was thrown anide oa use leas, but when the Centennial movement liegan to extend its influence over the country a Mian Towrrtook hold of it, burnished it tip and pnt it in a con dition to l>e worked on by ber, much to the amusement of the visitois. Along side the whes-1 is a chest of drawers, said to be two hundred y<-ars old, an asser tion its ap|M-Aranco fully justifltvi the truth of. At tho other end of the hearth hangs a saddle, mode one hundred and seventy years ago, and a sample of the kind used entirely by the gentility of tho day. Modern equestrians who view it are diapooed to think tho men who lived in the days when such a saddle WHS in nse must have lawn a peculiar con struction. On the other Hide are num erous articles of interest. Against the wall hangs n commission granted to Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Ttnrrett from John Hancock, first governor of Ma* Hachuactt* in 1781. There hangs also a sword worn by Colonel Itarrett in tho memorable Concord fight t f April 19, when he woh only a captain. A pewter platter, said to have l>ten made a cen tury ago. hang* beside a canteen of the Revolution and a wooden plnte, tilled with marks of time, but which original ly formed a jrortion of a fashionable young lady's outfit. On on old fash ioned sideboard is nrraved Uie china ware iu vogue during tiio Revolution, with ita peculiar figured plates and many colored cups and saucera. Here is a silver teajHit used by the Marquis de liafayctte during his residence in Ron ton, alongside of which quietly set* a salt cellar brought to this country in the May Flower. To mention separately every article contained in the room would occupy columns of space; bnt it 18 impossible to leave the relies of the days when our country was in embryo, without paving n compliment to the kitchen. Here art* to lie found articles nstxl years and years ago, which are again brought into requisition, and from wiiich visitors who desire it may partake of a slight repast. To the ladies having the cabin and its curiosities in charge, too much credit cannot be given, some of whom have oome many miles to as sist in making the Exhibition a success. Each cue of the ladies, dressed in cos (time, represents a character ; for m stuneo ; Miss Marion Woodward is " l'riscilla;" Mis* Johnson, " Catonra Mrs. Wood, "Jornsha Ann Miss Tower, "Polly;" Mrs. Cunningham, " Hone Miss. H. M. Smith, "Chari ty ;" Krauaer, " Pnticnoe ;" Miss Piatt, "Cousin Dorothea," etc. Growling Over the Silver. A New York correspondent of an ex change says: People who have been sighing for year* for metallic currency don't find the liooii n blessing. Every hour in the day the paying teller has a quarrel with his patrons, who demand stamps and get specie. The belle in the cars hands up a fifty cent stamp and looks with dismay at the handful of coin returned, which weighs down her pocket and burst* out the side of her imported portemonuaie. People everywhere are sighing over the departure of the mncli abused bnt convenient currency of the war. An Immense llog. A hog raised in Monroa, Mo., to be exhibited at theCsuteunial, in described a* living of a black aud white 00lor, and in a cross of tiro dhitis and Poland. It is five years old; was Iwirn in Missouri, on the farm of Mr. Joseph Pond. It measures seven feet four inches in length, three feet four inches in height, in fully thirty inches across the iieck, girths uiue feet, and weighs I,MO pounds. It haa beeu fed priuci]MUly upon milk, with amall quantities of corn tMxiasionally to give solidity to the fiegh, and shows that no partieular pains have been taken to fpve it an artificial p I i-nrunoai. It* luiir i* rough, ita akin and fl*h is rough and thick with dandrtifT, and it ia by no meaua a thing of lieauly. Hlili it is claimed that it ia the largest aud heaviest hog on the globe. At our request Oragin k (Jo., of Phil adelphia, Pa, iiave promised to send any of oar readers, gratia (on reoeipt of flfl-en cents to pay postage,) a sample of IJobbius' Electric n<*p to try. Baud at once. * (Jliapfieal hand*, face, ptmplea, ring worm#, nallrHeugi. end otiaer otnai ia effeo- UiMua can tad. and rough skin media soft an.l ■moutli, by ueliig Juairaa Tea Huer. tin ouv ful In got only the I made by Uaawell, llwrj A Co . Now Vork, e# tbeie ere menv limuuone nuale with ouuuiion tar, all of wblcb are wurth laaa—Ocwa. " O wad eotne txiwor the glfnegl'e us, 'To see oureel'a e- tlhers aee tie." lieliold tbat pale, a-mecietad figure, witb dowiweet e; a, tike some cnmiuel about to meet ba-r fete' He- that nervous, distrustful look, aa she walk* along with a slow and unsteady • top. The jilnk bee left her eiroeke, and the cherry her ilpe Ibe once eperkhtig, dancing eyes eic now dull end ripraaelotil>-e> Toe once warm end dimpled hands are now tbln end cold Iter beauty bee dead What bee wrought tbie wondrotte change t What le tbat wblcb le lurking beneath the surface of that once lovely form ) l*ee she realiae bar terri ble oundiUou 1 1* she aware of Uae woeful appearance she makes - Women, from her very nature, la subject to e catalog** of die eases from which mau u (anUrtly eiemp'. Many of Uaeee maladies are luduoed by her own carelessness, or through ignorance of the laws of her bring Again, many female dis eases. if properly treated. m4 an admirable article fur tuilet use Thirdly, it is inexpensive iMpot, CriUantoa'a No 7 Sixth avenue. Ne York. B*anufy without rtak with Hill'a lula tanouus Hair I>ya. * If JohfMan'i Anodyne, Liniment is half a* valuable a* people ray K la, no family sbould be without iL (ertainlT no [x-reoo, be ha lawyer, doctor, minister, or of auy other profeeen n. should start on a journey without it. In fad, it is needed wherever there is an ache, sprain, cut. Lnnea. eoogh or cold. * Farmer* and horwemen arc continually linjuirpiK what ws know of the utility of Shrr". tian't (\trxtiry Consilium I'ovttUri, and In re ply we wonid say, through the columns of this 1 -aj • 110 llojs 78*o— 1C *4.8 Olds— 04 (* Purk—Mens .IS 40 1 41 lard IIS* US flak—starker*!. No I. new . 00 *3l 00 No. a. new. II 00 #l4 < Dry Cod, per cwt 171 * I 14 11 err tup. Scaled, jwr boi }4 * 74 Fairoistun—Orwds C> \ X Keftned —la V* Wool—California Fleece • XI Texas 30 * 38 Australian " ..... 41 * 4 Batter -HUte ft *- Western 1-airy..... 31 * ?t Western Vell.-w...... 30 * it Western Ordinary. 13 * IT Cheese—HUte Factory M * II HUte Hkhnmed..... 04 * 06 Western 08 * 10 Kgts—HUte II * 14 ALBA *3. Wheat 1 47 • I 47 Hye—Htate } 44 94 Corn—Mixed 44 • IS Barley—Hl Ate 90 Cats—HUte 88 * 40 lorrAiA Flonr 4 34 *lO CO Wheal No. 1 Hprtng 1 34 * I .4 Corn-Mixed ... 13 * 43 ' oats ? * M Kv* S4 * N4 Barley 1 CO * 1 01 PAtviwoaa. Cotton—how Middlings 13V# 13% Flonr - Kitra S 74 0 8 74 Wheat Red Wiatern I 31 * 1 30 Rye 74 s 7* Corn—Yellow 40 * 40 C*u~Mlxed....w 44 * Petroleum. OR%* 08% rsiumrxn. Beef Cattle— Extra 14 * 04 Hheep \ A 04% Bog*-Dreaeed 19 * 09V Flour—Pennsylvania Extra A 17%* 8 ;4 Wheat-Red Western 99 *](( Rye ) 4k M Corn—Yellow 48 * St Mixed 44 44 ' 8 Oata—Mlted SS # :8 Petroleum—Crude 10%*10% Refined—l 4% WATBBTOWM, MASS. Beef OstUe—Poor to Choice 4 78 44 9 03 Hheep 4 00 41 8 (10 Lambs 3 00 41 •00 ILL. CATALOGUE OF AKTUU KS FOR A... t0 Free. RONTON NOVELTY . CheshlreTOoDn 45 to 49fl home. Samples worth 9 I sent 90 LU frM HTINSON *OO . Portland. Ms Profit n ble, PtemantwmX: nnnoreo, now employed ; hundreds more wanted. L-vxi.t.. Erie, Pa. W ANTKII AtsKNT.W. .Saswfss and Omi* fr—. Bef'er 'Aise Sold. A. COULTER k CO.. ohtoa*o. *1 O w day at home Axenta wanted Oatfit and terms free Address TRUE d PP.. Aozusu. Mains iil A NTPII Un * or '"° men in arery county n 11™ J Lil~"lwrao salary to the rbrht men. ParUoa lars free Vnunl Msncs'u Oo . C nelnnatl, O. A FOICTI'XK oan i-e made w:'h >nt oost or risk. i\ OorablnaUu 1 forming. I'artloulsis fes Address J B BUKUKh. Manager. Rawllss Otty, Wyomlss. IT Qr A A Month. Agents wanted. 36 beat **ll wk.-Cflll Ins artlolaa In tha world. On* sample fras 10UUU Add'm JAY HKUNMUN.Dstrolt.Mtah. ÜBLfi HALF A DOLLAR HALF A DOLLAR rA|,n fKMVn am **(*• jdßj^WH^ Wpßl'E JJb CHICAGO CHICAGO dHCTISMk LEDGER LEJeERW* For tho Next Half Year. For the Next Half Year. Tbm Ijrr*m tea Xmrw Am*. *. tnaaa.HlwHaii Rimiier, whU h n tiifUt#wnt fotwib •(> uid U wilk Rmuer. Mfh wf*mt* Hfee t& •2; ta Q\ Imitation Gold Watches, Chains and Jewelry. Tblaastasi lih U lb* bell isaay Md ImMIHr ta OaM. CftMi. |IA. IfO •< 114 Mrti #V l.sdusf. <>■!•' and KW Hw CMal Utn, BmUm Haass 4 Obrw mMar lißlaaaa. A .qui la ■mumw *d tar Um to (.old WilrhM Oa im trim •ffaA>l *aw k AD tb* /V* • lalasl* uf J.aalrf at laaU> lb* oat* ta Hold UmAt aaai (3. 00. bt Rama* if V LP J ilrSr fartnß •" im gm Ml. In *ad Fnatal ardw sad •* tall ami tb* •>• In taMMaaa. rwd stamp lor ..a/ Itlwtstud tdrealae Addran I OI.I.IN*' MKT AI. W t¥t II -—a-IW>Ty TotlV. -IV. Hrmd>|. K VarllTll,. THK MEDICINE THAT CURES VEGETINE. Taßlaa lata ttwldmlla. UM tbuuiH til Ha mab on. tba IttoUa) at Ua cam. ul tba Mwaw tccraaatua .jiauad, Vbaanaa may ba lalrty aaUtiad tba laadtaa ■aa Mt hi# ol UM aa P.* Ha*rfala ta tba tdaud. Vausrms Hut tafoUfbla laiuadr at.d Ba fll.l. uaa.l auflat (Ml toman, alam. and ail 'litaaaaa aOata. !" "• Uupaya 14m1, If V Biua ttaa la ami a. .>adtu u, aiurtm Tbara b Ml. aaaa ta N. ttaul. ta a.Maaaa I ti alll not cam. pra . idad, liuta> tb Vital luuttaabava t law Ibatr fatal ..1 aetata, all thai May ba atad ta lb. aaßtraiy Bat. allba'aadlna Vbuaiißß ta tu tba taata. Btlid la Ua Ibda I rut., aad atM.. Ut. tana aattua as dtaaaaa. as tba ftaWa l u. arid aana will Ma Paid Nearly S4OO J a.awr 1 ism. I II B byiraaa Baa.' /•m aa. Utaiiiud aUUwuiaa ana aura, braabtad M UI baad and dfcacltaj itt..s cutrrauUna Ina lay aar Al lata IIKM a ,mmU ban Ml aiiMiad aa lay barb, sradaaly la U.iaia ta alia uutll a luibta lunaad ml aacb ltaatan at alia I . ...10 aaa it by lantlua my ayaa Arab ward AH Una I lata | aaa tabu* .brttata i taalta lar my litant •Hltaul any aultatabtfal Itanabl I Ibaa awl to a yraalMit I lijHidaa la BoaUm, aba. duriaa bta tra.iiiiwt ta tu .hum btaad lb. taau aiabl ÜBHt a bir b utart at marly SUB Tbta Idl tar • tu. a ruuti wa l a'atct a ... attbaal at all dumlatabtaa Um alia of Ibolutb.r, abd la a aub y. la abb auadMtaa I .uotrultadaaßUtta |.t .ai.taa la balbb was. altar aaa ddatable lata,aueraadad u baaiuta tba aura tattitoat radu. u> tba Ilea At tbd> laatat 1 .uitaiyiaaimd ta aaa Vauaria*® liMWraaal itamaaaiub ta a (rlaad Aftat I bad ukw tbta aadttba abaat taa aaafc. I aiyu llia.alt u.adaafal Uta.aatb*M My wtatda tatdy aaaaad tut* uudurauua a radlaal .batma utotU. Bbaliy tba totaur bnoba and I mil". U at,Ma .nil aama Ittau Addma J k 11AKllPK. Maldaa Hndaa X T ril VtaHtb* Oardt fta gAc Priaa ttal aad M aaoutlm •)" 'wr Sa aim. litaou A Co, Plattabuigb,if V Wit .Hlmrd t arda, ontfe nia..l4 ata Samaiu. tat >)U :i. am. X Miubiau h || Htm Klar Xtlard t arda. M> Kama. 10 bll cta.taw |Mid CjOlfa > W),BaamaTe f HPfXBHBM Vtrar Xtatnr ElrgrsntlT I'riat ll'lll? ad aa 14 Tara.rr.aay Fiai.taa ■WBw Caßbi. * M Una tat rata taatala. a aaar BbtaS M ata nubia aa*d BaM luasrm la* Sgfcl. Matarayub.tbtai.i.tata..wta.iwta Ata.wru Hryia4>M ■BBBSitMta Ma*Bitt t'aiaris* Ou. Ibkal Mam ! lAUDta—AO "Mta or Tlatad Srtatat. JTOctu . AO I. SawdAßaTiUrbl*. Bap. ta Damaab. X.V alb.. AO ) am. AO eta . wtlb year aaaaa twautully prtbtoA aa Itu 81. and till tratylai ta typr, adtalt.' j.. taa list. ata. awl tiy rat urn adl us raaatat ta mrtaa. IMaoaaM I* tSabu itaM ta nti W tl CbKVUX. ID tai laat Mrm. Roataa Rta-ra u S M. Prrmaiu. A 00. S3 DO YOUR OWN PRINTINC! JjfWrOVELTY II PBINTING PBSSS. For Prfrrtlonal Mad AlMtaßt I Frtatrrr. Brbaala, ■ a air Mrs, Mas. B tatSai lai al i. M.rrßaaß., aad dba. ltb v*faiM ■ BEBTaamii 11.lit II MAlam* atTiau. Prtrr* trcn. At t>o to Sl4oi>. HRBINJ. Or WOODS A CO. Maatamaw BmWtaun u. at Aladata Printlnn Mltatßait' • ■ • /-.faoumaa) * FudtaXl St Sbs -ata H 4NTKD. lta.ty Mall Meaatad t hnitma far 81. II aampim by taadj. W j .nl JRIa OnTlEßi_bl. (WatiMOJ V. .37 Xaaaaa m . faa Tarit • r>T U aablastata Mraarial. Xw A k ( Kltmt Natbmal fastara fa a id. KaeaUwt ft 111 cbaaru fa. Aawta Tarrltarr otm Wrm Mill Btatm. lad William Mrm.XwYarjL rvnil | BB HABIT UCRKII AT HOME I 1 H 111 IWI To patvlldty Tlma abort. IBS Tartar m itmtr \jm taaltiao Mala. Itaacntu rata l>r I E MAaata.Cfamey.BlaA far I i k BO a H'raß aad Kipmw, or MltJO y"* • " torfallud All tb# oau aad standard Xurallfaa. ( hnoi'r. ata ValaaUM bampia* flw attb i Trcolar* R I. rl.nvllKß 111 Obambati Sum, Xw Tark. I tl TTtrmrt All Waal It Uunauib si baaa aad AI.L M[ v mllbua*ta pmporty aaaad by H tortaam A U Uil I UjEmww A ÜbtaJL nPTTTM I [ft bred ataatbtur Partlcnlara Dr liAU VB lUBI Tf*. IN7Waablntaa St . OtUaaa. 11l tb aa waa A MONTH - Ayaß aaMat awry U *1 mil whrru Baata Mi boaorabla aad Brut ■TtZdU data Parucatara awl frw i ltd lam ▼w W t iRTH A tXJ .Si Umm. Ma mPSR WKBK Ol An A MEED to Ayrata Mai* aad ftanb.t. Utatr aara loaaSty. Twnar aod Ol TirT FBXB Addrarn P O VIC* SKY AOO.AaraAMalaa Y| "OIK nam Li Burma la oil wtom. to aboa oar vork. I Jiitntwd on wry. tHm'H. frota a pbotaarapb <* tut lytic, ftwc att! tba Mwr Jrwart, B<.AO a yaar Satatac -if ear work and prpr* una to taratr. ata. IO ata JL T. LLTHKB. iftU Vthmya. Brta aawty. Pa uovt I:\TE\MALSTOOL Wi(M IH IB fta.'t • g MMi. dm J" (vrttd i>4 HbJliywiniiiljb % M -> B •bm n.i ilkAa f 4 - Bk or k ** Ywewautek, l.m eAt I r idtWxt i-M' hj mmfl f—jw d on pwobHtS r* S M * H%\K\ H44NNG CfiAiM m NB HAT*.. Csm. F|Y IT* 4 O — TB eboloMK la UM world - laportMV 1 1 riil |nli w> I nil C\impa*if la 11—rlna- Maplw articiw pnaa— ni|fii<| TrmdU cooitutuaiy IhCfMln# Afntiti wata>d mfywbßin bi la*rßT 11 Mrnlix. frwnl lata. Swaribmorn Onlir. Ifalatabra (10.. Panaa REVOLVERSMftfi Ira Bafßla Bill Rt**l*tr IgWI WW boat wtlb tm ftartrldfos far SS Tru Xtcxu PLATS. RaUalaaUw Btamataad. flfawaud ttata 'aywr FBCJt W KbTCltt Ol * WOBKA, CtiltamM, IU, AS Paitawta (MaOamatoß BloakL P. Cl Baa SAOr k Everett House T t'nloti &]•**•, Now York (Yftf. 1 (Vp'.bbl AOD M(*t OmiUii lakwilm In (b , ORV. Kwpl on tho Far* toan Plnn. 1 KKRKKK4 WKAYRR Clarendon Hotel, Foerth Annow. oornor Knot I Nth Nreo Now York IMu nM> ,rJMo. C H. KRKNKR. § AGENTS ! A $5 Article. SBWinU aro wrnt4i*d In oo , jr hcrooo. A purhaM Ipkd* U> a dmtro for oar S* I ,Y, 931 Nor |4U irtlcu ALL or ORBIT UTILITT. Physicinns. Nuises. Scientists, and all Users approve them No oorapwtJ I ion to w|Msk of. Fall Infor mation on rwcwtpt of ituop Wakefield Earth Closet Co., SO lira tairrrl. Now York. AFDFF TRIP B ■■ ■ i(% th * CumtiiFiAi nod ■ return fro® any point la | 11 mm mm*** *-***■ tw. chw. wtthln t!i (TMp to Bp*"nd • row \. urwt n rwkiing B ms:i club ut outwcntM-m t Tiik lu.rimiATao WtaiT. Honnw, t*t<- h"tnl i throw cent sumpw If )claiMM im% of paper U Ot-Nrrd. 1 Has t U OAS A. to., U W armnflL, Nww Yf% XNQtTirtH POK W. A. DROWN & CO S CJMBRiDLLAS. PIMI.AIIRIrPHIA tad NKW YORK.-Tba qaattUar iJiafßad with tt* '■ nama It. at cddruUy Ita •m FAMILY ]| FEU IT and JELLY I'l PRESS 1 A Oaa third more jaioe thaa t-y the old ■1 prooeee 4 boaeeooid uwMiti|. Krery family will bay one. Quart and italioa V ■■ aixas. Liberal dlacoaal to tbe trade. M For clraalar and term*, addreen with I |B| atamp, AMSRIOAN VhI'IT AND VSEr'* i® .1 Kl.f.Y I'KKbb 00.. "mil. ■ - OwcnrabTi. Ohio. Asestta Wtaetrd In I very Taw. sad Count r SAVE MOHE7 By Witioi S4-7& hi writ Magutlm sad TUB : WKKBLF TKIBUXK lf***l*r prta# 4I). m M-11 (at Uw Magatto* awl TUB MBMI WXKBLY TBI BUMK liaaralar prlaa •*> Addnct TBI wnna. UmmtaffssO. / AGENTS WANTED FOR THE j| ENTENNIAL HISTORY <>f mU.S. Tba ml lalaraat la aay IbKUtaf blarney msba* u.ta •b* latal atallsd boob am fmlalluaad n na.llai a Ivll aawuaal ol Um f*ad I Muiwolsl KahlMUm i-Sl'TlnX. Old, loonriM. *d I versa ara batagatrßslalsd aaa that Urn boob wi bay aoaiatM 111 Tla. KararlaiaMdWlraaaa. Mj^r.TtTu.miirnr e^^bKi^ til (da A raaak. raaltd IWta. b . dfaW • dayaogud abas sab It ta nslaiu i tbacn i a dw.Baa iaa tea Um >|Ma la Parkins la all aaab aaaaa naort i-wid ba bad at aaaa to Tarrßßt'a Belter Aperient. It ariß aaaa at tb* M(n by man oa taa tba ama Urn warn ta Ita* JMarbaoaa. It aana. aa bv a ahataa. aU who aaa H. SOLD BT BIX PffOOOMHB PHH NO AGENCY IN ■*W THE WORLD Of Medicine and Surgery eaa aanpara alia raWaa* tabak riulrr tar • rar> allnaal aad 41. it 11 tar wbuta a pliaaar aaf ba Thar aarry aomfan aad bapplaan tola aaary atSlsfad Tii f fttew 1 f> plil Trf Umdml COLLINS' YOLATIC PLASTEB la a Grant Nana Stimulant. I( agaaUiaa tba (AreataUna I aubdaaa isfltaiuortory 4*l Ma. II nana Paw aad bman. Il atraaawaa. tba Mania. It aataaaajßMasa# Oaaaa. It aana Barmn bb aaa It b laranahla la l*naiyaH It nn..11 It ar aa lalaa 11 aana bptsai W.akaaaa il earn K|mlom< at Pita ' Paaiatamn COLLINS' YOLTAIC PLASTER ati!ia aad laaraal Blaama Bailor) ub tba baat Maotoat -4 Bi lafli i idia Ptaabar W a wp.aad.l Ita um Mtaa na d ti rnda aolltiaa Or. fr.llaaa la ba n.a.iTiada >d>Bl liwatai- UX ntll.D BV AIX PHlUtlltTN. Baat by nail aan i.t.l at BA aaaw tur aaa. BI.ZA tar Ui. at BB.BA ta. taaiaa. aarattail) a.a>|nd aad varraatad. b WtKAA A PUtTftß. Ptaa-IMau. Boata®. Maaa GLESS'S SULPHUR SOAP, Tbb Morr Eptbctitb Ectbbxai. Kbmbot Etkb Uppkbkd to tub Public. Glkbu'd Sclfbtb Boat cnrnt vfth woodrotu rapidity mil Local I>iwaM ad Irritation of the Skin, remodiot and prerenu IlheumAtism mud Gr Cotisha, Colds, InfltuamiUoa of thn unyi, sorr Throat and Brraat, Bronchi ., and If Ultra In time, wUI arrest that atal disease Consnasptlon. The basis of bis medicine Is a preparation of Tar ob .alnod bp a peeullar process from tho be;, or the Pine Tree, the mrdlclaol proper ties of arbleh are well known. II Ith thl. powerful element are thoroojfhly Incor porated several other TrgtUblt! ingredi ent., oach of which possessrs aoothlnn aad heal Ins attrlbntca, than rnahlns It the most POTENT ANTAGONIST to alt disease* of the pulmonary orsams_that has pet hern Introduced. IE. L. 0. C. TOEAET'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Is rot a new remedy that has never been Lean! of before, but bi OLD, RELI ABLE, AND WELL-TRIED medidn. that has been In dally use by families ait.l Intelligent physicians for the last sixteen years, and Is spolren of in the highest terms by all xvho have used it, as thou sand* Of UNSOLICITED TESTIMC . NIALS prove. If you suffer from any disease fcr which this Cordial is recommended, *v unhesitatingly aayl "TRY IT, WE KNOW IT WILL DO YOU GOOD.** A tingle battle will demonstrate lie vnli.J able qnalfttlee, SOLD BT HI DBUSSISTS 180 SHIEIEEPEBS. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 916 Filbert St.' Philadelphia. Pa. TB fc f ♦ . WHKX irSITINti TO trrBKTIXBH-, Please aay thai yrr mm aba sdveetto*- aaeat In this paper. ,