The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 29, 1876, Image 1

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    1 Have Sought Thao.
Lava, I have sought for the* long vaart In
O'sr wastes of barren land and oar tha main .
But now thy leva my sweat, aball make U
Tia not the cms! voiee of yesterday
That bids thee *tay !
In anmtaer aira the awallowa homewatil fly ;
They aeek their happy nesta -so fain wonld I—
ha flower, in rainless summers droop and die,
Bo have I pined through many a weary day,
To bid thee *t*y.
I hear tha feet of angels down the weet,
And in my hear: a yearning half eipr.Miit
ltida tnee remain—my .weal, my wedding
71M peat is passed—l hail the dawning day.
Ah, darling, "stay!
Re Still!
Tia better far to .peak no word at all ,
Than murmur all iho changing heart may
The.weeteat wo .ls m%y eometimee taste like
And soft hearts turn to citadels of steel!
The silent then ate .sfeel too, for anoh
Will uever say too little, nor too much.
'Tia better far to leave thy thoughts nneoined
In wools, for theu they cannot be purloined.
Nor iniied with baser metal, thus to be
Palmed ou the public a false currency !
A thought unspoken never loeee poeer
Outspoken, it may perish in an hour !
Thy heart i. thine own castle. Look the
Ti. tetter far if it be desolate
To be sole wilne t of its empty shrine!
And if Tis p-xmlcd by a world of thine.
Let ti be snout t Who can understand
The language spoken in tliat mystic land t
If thou must speak, of oiherw .peak but good,
Aa of thyself. Let this be understood
If thoo canst n't of them a good recall
Twere better far that thou didt not apeak at
Be atill! The silent are the wisest ; such
Will never say too little, uor too much !
It seamed to ue the moat nnfortauate
position in the world.
1 had arrived, about ton minutes be
fore, at the house of an aunt whom I
hail never aeeu, and who eras sick. I
was to be her uurse and companion.
Her servant hail shown me into this
wretched trap, as I now called it, in
anguish of spirit, though it was really a
pretty, cheerful little rem, opening by
a curtained arch from the parlor, in
forming me that the housekeeper would
be there immediately to conduct me to
my aunt. And here was I, an utter
stranger, assisting at a lovers' q carrel.
Two persons had entered the room an
instant after I hail seated myself. It
was twilight, and the limps were not
yet lighted. I was wholly invisible, and
they evidently imagined themselves to
possess the solitude befitting their con
"The farce may as well end here,"
had said a woman's voice at the moment
of her crossing the threshold. " For
my part, lam weary of the play. I no
longer love you, and I will not pretend
affection merely to feed voor vanity,
which is as limitless as your imperti
nence in persisting in attentions that
yon see I detest."
11 was the most intolerably proud voice
that could be imagined.
" I still love you, and von know it.
And 1 have far too mnch faith in your
former professions to credit the words
put into your month by the anger of an
unfortunate moment. Ton arc utterly
mistaken in your supposition. My love
for you is always
" Your love for me ! Your love !**
with an accent of angry acorn that de
fies description. " Never dare to men
tion to me again a word that you cannot
comprehend. It is an insult to me to
hear it—an insult that I will not endure.
And to care your apprehension of my
repentance, let me tell yon that I, who
know the meaning of thus word that you
utter so glibly—l love some one else."
She stepped swiftly to the window
and threw it open. There was an in
stant's silenoe. There was audible the
rustle of her sleeve as she tossed some
thing from her with force.
" I have thrown your ring away," he
explained, with a twnchalaner in extra
ordinary contrast with her former vio
lence. " I threw it toward the cistern.
Poesibly it has slipped through some
crevice or other, and gone down into
the water. I hope so. In that case it
is impossible that the sight of it can
ever again insult me with the remem
brance that I have worn it. Permit me
to wish yon an exceedingly good even-
It was easy to imagine the mocking
reverence of the courtesy she now swept
him; then she was gone. Immediately
after, and silently, be also left the apart
They did not go too soon, whoever
they were. A cold perspiration damp
ened my forehead; I really trembled.
The vehemence of the feelings engaged,
the certainty felt by the actors of their
complete isolation, and mv own inno
cent guilt in overhearing, all quite over
powered me.
Half a miunte did not elapse after the
last sound of the gentleman's footstep*
before the parlor door again opened,
and a prm little woman entered, with a
lamp in her hand. She looked in all the
corn, ra, as one might search for a
dropped pocket handkerchief, and at
last |>erceived the new comer.
" Ah, miss, I have kept you waiting
quite a time, to be sure ! Bat your sunt
took a sudden notion to put mustard
draughts on her ankles—though Dr.
Rich irdaon had just gone, and he never
thought of ordering them ! —and have
'em t-be must. And I supposed you'd
be o mfortable here." .
" Quite comfortable, thank yon. The
servimt said yon won).l come presently.'
"Well, yon'd best have some tea be
fore you see yonr aunt She told me
to give yon some. I shall try to find
som thing yon like; though what with
all these people living about the house
that have got no business here—this
company, I mean—l don't know whether
I am on my head or feet."
I received the refreshments she
brought me gratefully, after which I
was conducted to my aunt's room.
Or Moderation for the feelings of
other j>eople was Dot one of the old
lady's characteristics, and after a few
disparaging remarks on my personal ap
pearance, I was dismissed for the
The sun was just risen next morning
when I took courage to step outside and
look about me. The grass was very
wet with dew, but how it sparkled in
that fresh light! All at once I stopped
and stared about me. There, glitter
ing in the grass, lay a ring. I stood like
one fascinated, gazing at it very foolish
ly, for I knew well what ring it was.
Presently I heard some one calling far
off, and not stopping to think, I picked
the ring np, and ran back to the honse,
all trembling.
At breakfast I endeavored to discover
the hero and heroine of Last evening's
dram i. '1 wo of the ladies were sisters,
tall, languid blondes, very lieautifnlly
dressed, and very dainty. They trifled
elegantly with their knives and forks,
and carried on airy summer morning
flirtations with two gentlemen, who
were each dark, and, like the ladies,
dressed witlwre a little too exquisite.
The third lady, Miss Huntingdon, was a
little person, with soft, pleasant, viva
cious manners, in whose conversation
was always a concealed sarcasm. But
it was far too indifferent and too good
natured to belong to the lady of last
night. Besides, her sweet mocking
voice was as different as possible from
the deep, passionate tones that had so
thrilled me. And of the four gentle
men present, certainly not one all re
sembled the portrait I had painted for
my hero. I was puzzled, and felt sadly
guilty again as thought of the ring
lying all silently there in my pocket, and
carrying everywhere with it a story
which I knew and had no right to
Day followed day, and the days melted
FKED. KURTZ. Editor and 1 •ropriotor.
gradually into weeks. When tho novelty
of mv position .M over, it proved not
nearly so terrible as it had seemed t
first. Annt Ague* mid many harsh
tilings, but she did not moan thorn all,
and tho goodness of hor heart compen
sated in somo measure for tho a*|>entie*
of hor tongue.
I saw a groat doal of Dr. Kiohardsou.
Ho sras more than kind. Ho thought
my lifo loroaomo and joyless, and
brought mo many books that 1 had
longed for, and interested himself in lit
tlo things that happened, talking with
mo ofton, and alaaya loaviug mo luq*-
pier than ho found mo.
lint thoro was au< thing that troubled
mo tntich. I sometime* faucied -and
with unaccountable di-tress—that in l>r.
Richardson I had discovered tho uwuor
of tho ring. Certain touos of his Toils'
piorood mo liko a suddou pain, thov oar
nod mo back so vividly to tliat uufortn
uato hour in tho dim tittle* alcove. Yot
whon I looked into his face again, and
into his oyoa, so content, so frankly hap
py, this imagination rnoitod into a
sweeter droani. Hut it roturuoit again
and again, and always with doopor
Tho visitors I found on my arrival
woro long rinoe gouo. Miss Huutiug
don lived in tho neighborhood; and it
would, perhaps, be proper to my that
wo were oeoom* quits' intimato, hail not
all tho talk and revelation been on hor
aido. I, for my part, had hail no ad
vouturoo, and it soomod U mo not intor
oouug to offer thoorios to one who oould
narrato facta.
One day she upbraided me for my
want of confidence, but I really bait
nothing to tell, until at last I bethought
myself of the story of the ring.
" How very curious I" cried Miss
Huntingdon, when I had ended, her
brown eyes opened wide. " l)o let me
see it I shall certainly know it if 1
have ever seen it before."
80 I took it from the case where it lay
glittering, and put it into her hands.
And it was with a strange foolish pang
that I saw her examine it. and heard
her chatter concer -ling it. She looked at
it with unfeigned interest.
"It is really beautiful," she said,
"and most uncommon. No, there is not
one among my acquaintance that 1 have
ever seen wear such a ring. It is the
oddest thing ! And it all happened
the evening yon arrived I"
She had turned quite away from me,
and was looking out of the window. 1
could not see her face at all.
" Miss Huntingdon," I said, gravely,
with an emotion which 1 concealed as
well as I was able, " will yon answer me
a question trnthfnlly I"
" Any question that a friend should
ask, I will answer truthfully." She did
not turn toward me as she spoke.
"Well, then, was it not you yourself
who threw this ring away I"
Now she did turn, and looked me
frankly in the eyes.
"Truthfully, it was not L"
" Thank yon—oh, thank yon !"
Why did" I furtively kiss the ring I
Why, if she hail said " Yes," would I, in
torn, have thrown it passionately away r
Ah ! the reader guesses.
It was perhaps a fortnight after that I
sat alone at my window watching tLe snu
set beyond the hills, white with snow,
but seeing it as one sees in a dream.
All my thoughts were wai d. ring to
ward a happy hour last evening, when
Dr. Richardson bail asked me to be his
From thence the days fled by like a
dream. They were so happy, but so
short—that was all 1 had to complain
of ; and they too rapidly brought near a
day that I longed for and yet dreaded.
And—it is a sad confession—for the
first time in my life 1 looked at myself
nfteD in the mirror. It seemed as if 1
had suddenly grown almost pretty.
There was a piuk color in my cheeks;
my pale eves had darkened and bright
ened. One day—think how foolish ! —1
really leaned over and kissed my own
lips; it seemed so delightful to lie a lit
tle handsome that L felt grateful to the
" Do not yon wish I were beautifnl !"
I said, one afternoon, to Dr. Richard
son, with a wistful longing that he
should tell me be thought me so. We
were standing near the open door of the
parlor, just as he was taking leave.
" ludeed I do not," he answered,
frankly. "I love yon just xs yon are."
That was pleasant, bnt not what I
wished to hear.
" But do not you wish I were as hand
some a—as Miss Huntingdon, for in
stance!" I persisted.. "Think how bright
and laughing her brown eyes are ! And
what a gypsy color rises in her cheeks
when she is excited ! She looks aflame
" She does indeed," said Dr. Richard
son, smiling; " bnt I am not a salaman
der. I have no wiflb that yon should
resemble her. Miss Huntingdon is
too "
"Too excellent tor this world I" cried
that lady's laughing voice outside. She
had just entered the ball, and stopped a
moment at the parlor door. " G KKI
afternoon. Dr. Richardson. Is the pa
tient np stairs better to-day t lam on
my way to see her. I shall not take yon
with me, Agnes, in order to earn Dr.
Richardson's good opinion over ngnin—
for onoe be had a gtsxl opinion of me."
Bbe looked np at him aud
Unghed. Sho was wonderfully pretty
this afternoon—all sparkle and glow.
There was an instant's, bnt only an
instant's, odd constraint in Dr. Richard
son's manner; then he said, quite
gravely : " Yon have not forfeited my
good opinion, Miss Huntingdon."
" The truth is. Dr. Richardson," said
Miss Huntingdon, her faoe all lighted
with siucy, inward laughter—"the
tnith is, yon owe me a debt of grati
tnde deeper than yon can ever repay.
Tell me now, frankly, if it were not for
me would yon tie at this moment the
happy man yon are ?"
" Frankly, I would not."
Dr. Richardson was very wious
Even Miss Huntingdon seemed to veil
some feeling nnder her gay manner. I
was troubled.
" Why do you two talk in riddles J"
I asked. "Do yon not both know that
I have no talent for guessing f"
"At least yon shall not cultivate it
just now, dear," said Miss Huntingdon.
" Dr. Richardson will tell yon when 1
am gone. I must go to your aunt It
does her good to scold me." She turned
away and moved a step or two, and
then looked back with a changed face.
"Agnes," she said, wistfully, "would
yon mind kissing mo ?"
" Mind kissing you ? What a ques
tion 1 But yon are not going away
immediately ?"
" Oh, I don't know. Perhaps I had
better bid you good-bye now. She
kissed me twice. "Good-bye!" she
said. Absolutely the spark in her eyes
was quenched in dew! "Agnes," she
said, with an odd sort of half laughing
seriousness, "if you shonld ever come
to think that Ananias was a moral
cbaraoter in comparison with myself, it
would be impossible for you to love me
any more, would it not? But let me
assure you, my dear, that some stories
are told with the best possible inten
Then she left us.
" What cau she mean, dear ?" I
asked, turning in wonder to Dr. Rich
He led me to the chair I had quitted,
and placing me there again, stood before
" Agnes, she means me to oonfeas to
iwu something that you uood novor
isvo known. And yot, iwrhajai, it is
bottor that you should. Hue ruoans that
1 ouoo loved hor."
Ho wont on talking for a fow minute*,
but Ido not know what ho said. My
hands woro cold, and objects Iwfore my
oyoa wore blurred. Hho hail deceived
i .e. It was to hor aud to him t had
listened that evening so long. Ho had
loved her. I, who hoard him declare
it, know tho depth at siucerity in the
voice that told her so. Had he sought
my love as a solace for the wound that
alio hail inflicted f Friend aud lover
were both to fail mo ?
" Have you nothing to say, Agueo t
Why do yott not answer me ?"
" Wait for me one moment," 1 re
plied, hearing my voice, but hardly re
coguiziug it. "I will answer you when
1 returu."
I left him abruptly, going slowly up
stairs, my heart feeling broken. I got
the ring, aud came down agaiu, not
trembling at ail, quite quiet, with that
dreadful calm which aocepta despair
Iu the blind jealousy of the moment it
seemed impossible tlist he could r< ally
love me, liaviug once loved her.
•* It is usual, 1 believe," 1 said, with
some sort of a smile, "to break an en
gagement by returning a ring. Would
you like that ours should be broken so f
This is your ring, is it not t"
" What do you mean, Agnes f Where
did you get this ring!" cried Dr. Rich
ardson, iu great surprise.
" 1 was iu the alcove there the night
that Miss Huntingdon threw it away.
I found it in the garden next moruuiß.
I heard all that vou both aaid. She has
deceived me. She said, when 1 asked
her, that this ring was never hers. Aud
you have deceived me; you told me tliat
you loved me."
Iu &uother moment the sob in my
voice wonld have given place to miser
able childish tears. Hut Dr. Richard
son folded me iu his arms and kissed
me, laughing. That oomfor ed me
more than anv words could have done.
" Poor trusting little one!" he cried.
" The whole world is in conspiracy
against von, is not it I 1 shall play mv
rofe to tine end, however, and /wy that 1
love you forever. And cannot you for
give Miss Huntingdon f Is not she
right when she says that I owe my hap
piness to her ? And she may have told
the story that grieves yon for the pur
{Rise of making us happy. Cannot you
forgive her?"
Yea When he had talked to me an
hour or two, paitieularly when he had
reassure,! me as to the grounds upon
which I held his love, I freely forgave
her. Sitting there in the delicious twi
light, with that dear voice sounding so
lovingly in my ears, whom and what
could I not have forgiven I
And then, in the dusk, I heard her
light footstep on the stair, and the rustle
of her dress.
"Come in, dear Miss Huntingdon," I
cried, " and let me kiss you once more.
I have your ring on my finger, and love
yon more than I ever did in my life."
And we have been friends all our days
until now.
The Moon a Bead World.
Among the illusions swept away by
modern science TH* the pleasant fancy
that the moon was a habitable globe,
like the earth, its surface diversified
with seas, lakes, continents ami islands,
and varied forms of vegetation. The
logians and savants gravely discussed
the probabilities of its being inhabited
by a race of sentient Itciugs, with forms
and faculties like our own, and even
propounded schemes for opening com
uiunicat'on with them, in case they ei
1 -.ted. One of these WAS to construct
on the broad hnrbland* of Asia a series
of geometrical figures on a scale so gi
gnntic as to l>e vi ible from our planetary
neighbor, on the sup|>sitiou that the
moon |>e<iple would recoguixe the ob
ject, and immediately construct similar
figures in reply, extravagaut ml absurd
as it mui appear, but the discussion was
kept up at intervals, nrtil it was dis
covered that if there w# re people in the
moon they must be able to live without
breathihgor eating or drinking. Then it
There can lie no life without air.
Beautiful t<t the eye of adi-Unt obaerver.
the moon is a sepulchral orb—a world of
death and silence. No vegetation
clothes its vast plains of stony dermis
tion, traversal by monstrous crevices,
broken by enormous peaks that rise like
gigantic tombstonesinto space; 110 lovelv
forms of clond float in the blackness of
its sky. The daytime is only night
lighted by a rayless sun. There is no
rosy dawn in the momiug, no twilight in
the evening. The nights are pitch dark.
In daytime the solar Ix-ams are lost
against the jagged ridges, the sharp
{mints of the rocks, of the steep sides of
profound abysses: and the eye sees only
grotesque sha|M's relieved against fan fas
tie shadows black as ink, with none of
that pleasant gradation sud diffusion of
bght, none of the subtle blending of
light and shadow, which makes the
charm of a terrestrial landscajie. There
is no color, nothing but dead white and
black. The rocks reflect passively the
light of the sun; the craters and abysses
remain wrap{ied in shade; fantastic
{teaks rise Hke phantoms in their glacial
cemetery; the stars ap|>eiir like sjiota iu
the blackness of space. The moon is a
deal world; she has no atmosphere.
The Claimant Again
Mr. Guildford Onslow arul Mr. An
thony Iliddntph visited Arthur Orton,
the Ticliborne claimant, in Dartmoor
prison, the other day, and in the even
tug they addressed n small pnblic meet
uig. Lord Rivers was absent, from in
disposition. Mr. Bidilulph said he was
more convinced than ever that the claim
ant was hit cousin, and in France,
Oermany, and America there was a con
firmed belief that a frightful miscarriage
of justice had lakeu place in the Ticli
borne case. Mr. Guildford Onslow said
the claimant, in his degradation, still
retained the manner of a true-born gen
tleman and the pride of the Tichborne*.
The home secretary hod refnaed Mr.
Biddnlpb an extension of time in his
visit, and he (M. Onslow) promised that
he should bring this cruel treatment bo
fore the constituents of Mr. Cross in
Lancashire, in the hope that they would
rememtior it agninst him at the next
election. The claimant was in far I sitter
health than ihey expected to And him ;
for on the last visit it looked as if all
hope hail left him. A great change
for the better had come over bira, and
be was in good health and tranquil in
mind, not only in his knowledge of his
innocence, but that bis friends would
work till he was released. There was
no donbt that at the next general elec
tion the Tichborne question would be
made a hustings cry, and he believed the
result would lie the release of the
Novel Jewelry,
Thomas Jefferson's great-granddaugh
ters, who reside, in comparative j>ov
erty, in Florida, have contributed to the
Centennial several lieautiful sets of flsh
scale jewelry. The material used is tho
large scales of certain fish found in
Southern waters. These are bleached
and then fashioned into the charming
brooches, earrings and necklaces now
displayed in the Women's pavilion. In
beauty of design and finish they rival
the airy filigree work of the Swedes or
The Chinese Question.
The ant i Chinese questiou on the Pa
ciflo coast has in all likelihood lieen
given more prominence than it deserved.
Those who uarticijaite iu It are general
ly of the brawling class, small politi
ciaiia anxtoua to curry fuvor with la
borers and artuans whose apprehen
sions, esjsvially in a time of commer
ctal depression, are always easily
aroused, autl aeunation mongers eager to
accept the offered opportunity to write
up •" China town " nguin aiui invent a
few details to suit the t ccusioli, and be
hind them all is tlie hoodlum element
on the alert for anything which prom
ises a riot slid .at occasion for pillage.
In the midst of the turmoil raised by
these agitators it is mt easy for the
voioe of common sense to l*e heard, and
principle is very apt to I*< swayed or
Silenced by prejudice. Nevertheless,
we venture the prediction that if the
respectable citiaeua of California ootlld
be polletl they would, by au overwhelm
iug majority, declare that the present
antt Mongolian crusade is aa undesirable
as it is unjust.
The Bix Oompaniea have, in the.rap
i>eal to the President and people of the
United States, mode IUI ffeotivr pro-on
tatiou of a strong i-iiv, it might have
lieen bettered if tli<" MgtHTK had ehiurn
to go more into detail. Tliero is, for m
stance, not the slightest fear that the
Chinese iwi ever become so numerous
an appreciably to affect our social or }H>
litical institutions. Granted that the
same rate of immigration which the
hiHxllnuia effect to aouaider a source of
danger lie maintained for a century,
with allowance for increase by n.itural
causes, our Chimme population m PJ76
would only be B,(KM,000 a against how
many millions of whitest Beside*, the
anti Chinese argument debuts itself,
for iu the same breath that it is urged
that the Celestial* pour iu here by
myriads it is also charged against them
that they doii t come to stay and la-
Americanized, but as s> n as they have
made a little money take it and them
selves h> nil* to the flowery kingdom.
The positions are inconsistent, and till
the Culiforniau* elect to stand ou one we
must reject both.
The economical considerations of the
question hardly merit serious attention.
If the Chines*- pay tlnir t-x> *, rents and
fares, and earn and purchase that which
they wear and consume, the cotumuu ty
must be a gamer. If they work for
less wages than other people, then there
is a saving of capital which wid tlud
other investment* and open new flel_. of
industry. Inasmuch as the most rabid
denunciations of the Chinese come
from people who do not work xeept
when menuctd .by starvation, the
Chinese hare rather the better of the
So with the moral and social features
of the question.* The prison statistics
of California and San Francisco show
the average of crime among the Chinese
to be lower than among the r< *t of the
population. If their residences are pub
lie nuisances, why are not the nuiaanccs
slutted by those charged with preserv
ing the public heallli and morals I Are
they auy worse than ncrar of' the qusr
teiji frTqueiittvl by other foreign resi
dents? Whenever those who now so
loudly declaim against Chine*" immi
gration are able to answer such ques
tions as thine, it will lie time to allow
them to take the next step and show
cause for excepting one part cular js-o
nle from the operation of our laws and
competition in our market*.
It is by uo mi-ana flattering to our na
tional pride that in tin ceut ntual
year such a discuisiou as this should le
waged, aud that alt the courtesy and
cogeqcy t-hould Is* displayed on the side
of the uncivilized heathens.— „V> • . £
The Saltan's Downfall.
The tragic fat** Abdul Ar.:' inq st*
renewed interest to the story of las full
Irotn power. The incident* which at
touded hi* overthrow and imprison
ment appear to tie as follows : The u bl
ister* assembled at the residence of the
grand vizier, and di*cn*ed the state of
public affairs. They concluded tb it un
-lem some radical nun*urea wen* adopt**!
general rebellion u:.d a total ooliapse of
the state would result. A resolution
wa adopted embodying views,
and a petitiou to the sultan was drnwn
np praying him to abdicate in order to
save the country. The sultan received
the ]M'tition with affected composure,
and said ho would consider the matter.
There was , great pin-nlar domourtra
tiou in" the street*. The trade guilds,
headed tiy the softs*, marched to the
sultan'a palace, tiunpposod by the null
turv, who were evidently disaffected.
The crowd cheered for Murnd and de
manded the downfall of Atkiul Aziz. In
the meantime Munul having been re
leased from his own house to which he
had been confined by the sultan was
conducted to the mosque and as Bultan
Munul the Fifth. Boon after this,
Buleiman Pasha, aocnnqiauiod by soldiers
and ofilcers, informed Abdul Aziz that
the nation had deposed liirn, and lie
should surrender the palace to his suc
cessor. The attitude of the troops con
vinced Aziz that resistance was UDJSH
sible. Accordingly he with his family,
. ousehold, and nifty -three boats filled
with women left the building, ami were
conveyed under escort to the Tcheragau
Immediately after bin overthrow re
ports were current that the sultan had
been murdered. His fate created deep
concern in the royal courts of Europe.
Queen Victoria took stejm at once to lie
assured of hia personal safety. The anx
iety was allayed by a telegraphic circu
lar from the porte wherein >t was stated
that the ex-sultan would tie treated with
the oonaiderntiou and honor due to his
¥ arson. The pnvilion belonging to the
cheragau palace, on the Boephorns,
had been assigned him as a residence.
Thia building is a wooden structure,
with a tine platform built ont before it
to the water's edge. Despite the offi
cial assurance rumors have latin current
that the ex-sultan would lie sent to Asia
Minor, where it would tie out of his
power to disturb the government. It
may have been fears of tins step, as well
as the hostility of the new vizier, which
led Alslul Aziz to oommit suicide. The
leading iucideuts of his career, in brief,
are as follows : He was the s<m of a san
guinary despot and was born in 1880.
He ascended the Ottoman throne iu
1861, and for several years gave promise
of being a wise and prndjnt rnlor. He
failed, however, to carry out the reform
ho initiated and allowed the state to
drift into insolvency and disorder. Dur
ing his reign there wore revolts in Ore to
uid Herzegovina. The wcaknens ho lie
trayed in dealing with the latter caused
the disaffection which resulted iu his
His death removes all pretext for not
recognizing his successor on the ground
of informality. It was understood that
Bervia would refuse to pay tribute to
Bill tan Mnrad until that question was
ning, the negro minstrel, died in Chi
cago at the ago of forty-two. lie com
menced life on a cauolboat, then drove
an omnibus in Cincinnati, and at about
the same time appeared on the stage as
an amateur performer. He took to
negro minstrelsy and was so thoroughly
successful that he accumulated a for
tune. But he squandered all of it and
left his widow penniless.
Health Maxim*.
The olutervauce of the following sani
tary regulations would doubtleaa pro
long many a life:
1, The first step toward the reduction
of diseases is, lieginuiug st the begin
ning, to provide for the health of the
unborn. If the intermarriage of dia
coses were considered ill the same light
as the intermarriage of poverty, the
hereditary transmission of disease would
Ito at au end iu three, or at most four
'2. (ircatcrcare than is ut prrscitt uiaui
fested ought to l>e taken with women
who ure about to become mothers.
3. In meeting the uncontrollable
causes of dis.-a.-e, tlie K|ecial iuilut noe
of season deserves particular atteutiou.
In Septeuils-r it is right to a<Ul to the
clothing, and to commence a little ex
ixss of food; iu aumun r, not ouly to re
duce the clothing, but to eat less food
than iu winter.
4. The ttest un-aus of preventing the
-.picad of communicable diseases ia, jx-r
feet and iustaut isolation of the infected,
and removal and purifying of all cloth
iug and Ixnlding which have been in
5. The mortality among person* of al
--vanoed life is I lest prevented by provid
ing against sudden vicissitudes of heat
and cold.
6. The true danger of every form of
mental exercise is the addition of worry.
7. Physical training, while it should
be moderately encouraged, should Ie
secondary to mental training.
H. The combination of mental aud
physical fatigue is extremely injurious.
Long journeys < sell day to and from the
sphere of profession or business, are
•J. The passions should be held in
subservience to the reasoning faculties.
lu. fo escape the evils arising from
the use of alcohol there is only one |>er
feet course, to abstain from alcohol alto
11. The use of tobacco in every form
is a habit better not acquired, and when
acquired is belter abandoned.
12. Indulgence iu narcotics—opium,
chloral, chlorotiyne, ulesinthe—is an en
tire de|*rture from natural law and a
certain means of embittering and short
cuing life.
13. A man's food should be selected
so as to insure variety without success.
The auinuut of fiuid tak U should not
exceed an average of twenty four .
per diem.
14. Air charged with offensive sub
Stances should Is- excluded from rooms,
and the aveiuge u mperatureof th* room
should la* about sixty degrees Fahren
15. A certain amount of is**t and re
creation is essential in any occupation.
Id. Enforc d idleness by those who
have acquirid wealth i* always an error
so long as the health is good.
17. The natural durationa l sleep is
eight hours out of the twenty four; best
taken from ten o'clock until six.
IH. 1 r as should fit loosely, should
lie light, warm, and porous; should tie
throughout every part of th< clothing,
upper and under, friqueutly changed
aud kept clean.
19. Perfected action of the skin can
nnlv lie obtained by thorough ablution
of the whole liody, which should lie ]>er
lorrnod once in every twenty-four hours.
20. The diseases armiug from irrita
tion and moral contagion are liest avoid
ed by removuig the young and impres
sionable from the aourcea of danger.
21. Automatic phenomena of disease
are Iv*st removed by introducing into
the sufferer's daily life such amusements
a* will keep him from thinking too much
of himself.
Maxim* of the Chinese.
It i* the rich who want most things.
Great souls have wills; others only
feeble wishes.
When a song gives much fame virtue
give* very little.
All is lost when the people fear death
less th.iu poverty.
11c who lets things be given to him is
not good st taking.
Who is the greatest liar. He who
■qienk* most of himself.
The court is like the sea—everything
depends upon the wind.
One forgives everything to him who
forgives himself nothing.
The tree overthrown by the wind lias
more branches than root*.
ltooeive your thoughts a* guest* and
treat your desires like children.
One never needs one's wits so much
n* when one lias to do with a fool.
For him who does everything in it*
proper time one day i* worth three.
He who wishes to secure the good of
others has already secured his own.
A fool never admires himself so much
as when he hn* committed some folly.
The less indulgence one has for one's
self the more one may have for other*.
Towers are measunsl by their shadow,
and great men by those who are ei vious
of them.
At eourt people sing that they may
drink; in a village people drink that they
may sing.
The dog iu the kennel barks at hi*
flea*, but the dog who is hunting does
not feel them.
We mnst do quickly what there is no
hurry for, to lie able to do slowly what
demands baste.
The truths that wo leaat wish to bear
are those which it is most to our ad van
tagc to know.
What a pleasure it is to give ! There
would be 11 > rich people if they were
capable of feeling this.
the way to glory is through the pal
aee.To fortune through the market, to
virtue through the desert.
Who is the man most insupportable to
us? He whom we have offended and
whom we can approach witli nothing.
The prison is shut night and day, yet
it is always full; the temples are always
open, ami yet you find no one in theui.
The rich find relations in tho most
remote foreign countries; the poor not
even in the bosom of their own families.
Whoever makes a great fuss about
doing good does very little; he who
wishes to be seen and noticed when he
is doitig good will not do it lonp: lie who
mingles humor and caprice with it will
do it badly; he who only thinks of avoid
ing faults and reproaches will never ae
quirt* virtues.
Displays at the Exposition.
The following stated displays will Is*
held during the Centennial exhibition,
the dates having been recently revis>d :
Parly gram I •utter and rtieeao. .June 26 to July 6
Karly summer vegctablea June 20 to It
Honey Juno 20 to 21
Kaspbern a aiul blackl*rrie* July .2 to 8
Southern pomologlcal product*. ..July IS to 22
Melons Aug. 22 to 26
l'eaches Sept. -I to 9
Northern |K>mologlcal products Kept. 11 to 16
Autumn vegetables. Kept. 19 to 23
Cereals Kept. 25 to 30
Potatoes and feeding root# .Oct. 2 to 7
drapes Oct. 10 to 14
Autumn butter and cheese Oct. 17 to 21
Nute Oot. M to Nov. 1
Autumn honey aud tn Oct. 23 to Nov. 1
Mowing machines and hay rakes. June 15 to HO
Heaping July 5 to 15
Horses Kept. 1 to 14
Dogs Kept 1 to 8
Meat cattle Kept. 21 to Oot. 4
Hwine Oct. 10 to 18
Kheep Oot. 10 to 18
Poultry Oct. 27 to Nov. 6
Cashlou Note*.
black hats will be worn ouly for deuii
Perfumed hats are a novelty attempted
in l'aris.
.Saturday morning weddings are again
in vogue.
Milk* are ruinously low, say the mer
chants in Loudon.
Fancy millinery silks command a bet
ter price than dress silks.
Hustles nre so small at present that
they are iu voiced " invisible."
The fashionable fancy work for sum
mer resorts will be lace making,
(Quaking grasses are mingled with all
the bonuet trimmings in London.
Violet wood fans are novelties intend
ed to take the place of sandal wood
I'earl gray failles, trmimed with fitsrt
ed gauze and with Hpauish blonde, are
very popular.
Oohl and silver tlirea.U are introduced
into all the embroideries of evening
dr uses in Paris.
Bridesmaids wear gauze dresses
trimmed to correspond with the bridal
dress of repped silk.
English round hats with broad brims
are worn by the ultra fashionables for
promenade costume.
Hilver saubu-he is used by French
modiste* for trimming silver gray
camel's hair costumes.
None but very handsome women, with
small aud regular features, can wear the
hair iu the French twist style.
The *abilers of wedding dresses are
made of heavy repped silk covered with
seed jiearl aud chenille embroidery.
Fashionable dressmakers say that
every lady is ordering a black grenadine
suit for wear at the summer resorts.
French or Italian chip of the palest
shade of rreani is tiie fall dress midsum
mer bonnet for Newport and Saratoga.
All the bridesmaids of Mile, de
Itothscliild* wore, st the wedding in
I'aris, dresses of blue silk and blue
The large, long, or square pocket, in
evitable on all costumes, is now placed
back of the left hip and rather low
down. a
There is a tendency to revive high
coiffures. The French twist, worn
very small and high, is to replaoe the
Greek coil.
The brims of the English round hats
are ro'l.-d instead of being closely
pressed against the sides of the crown,
as last season.
Very dressy liats from Virot's are
turned up only on one aide, and have a
coquettish face trimming of velvet
Isoida and flowers.
Kdurilloo of To-day .
The New York 7hari, editorially
commenting on education, says the old
theory tliat students could not study too
much, even if their health suffered, has
lveen prove,! fallacious, as no amount of
culture will compensate for ruined con
stitutions. It advocates the sulmtitu
tion of French and German for Latin
and Greek; denying the assumption
that the dead classic* strengthen and
invigorate the mind more than the
standard literature of the day. It as
sert* that the chief defect* of educa
tion, ju*t now, are in method and in
discrimination. Teaching is s rare gift.
Not one in a hundred well instructed
persona can mast* r it. They mav liave
abundance of knowledge, without any
clear notion of how to impart it ; the
talent for taking in aud the talent for
giving out being in no wise kindred.
Teachers, fur the most part, become
such from circumstances rather than
froui fituea*; more by accident than r*-
flection. They adopt sonic old system
without examination, ami for no other
reason than that it has been used before.
Tbev judge all their pupils alike, mak
ing little or no allowance for individuali
ty, difference of capacity or tempera
mental bent. Consequently, a mere
routine is established, and instruction
goes on from day to day, from week to
•week, from month to month, after the
manner of a steadily ground organ which
plays half a doxen fixed tunes. The
aptitude or inaptitude of the pupils for
certain branches is not taken into ac
count, They are all taught the name
thing, at the same time, in the same
wav ; and each must do the ls-st he can,
under conditions generally unfavorable.
Education heooma a mere formula,
which is mechanically gone through
with. What they* should reason out
they learn by rote; what is designed
to develop their thinking faculty gets to
' lie a matter of memory ; and so the sole
object in view is continually and abso
lutely detested.
The most universal cause of dyspepsia
is eating too often, too fast, and too
much. The general rules should be :
1. Eat thrice n day.
2. Not a.i atom between meals.
3. Nothing after two o'clock but a
slice of cold bread and butter and one
•nip of hot drink.
4. Spend half an hour at least in
taking each mi al.
B. Cut up all meats atul hard food in
pea aizial pieoes.
f. Never eat euongb to cause the
slightest uncomfortable sensation after
7. Never work or study hard within
half an hour of eating.
The most universal aud infallible in
dication that a person is becoming
dyspeptic iH some uncomfortable sensa
tion coming 011 uniformly after each
meal, whether that be in the stomach,
throat, or anywhere else. The forma
tiou of wind in the stomach, indicated
by eructation, belching, or other
wise, demonstrates that dyspepsia
is fixing itself in the system. Then
there is onlv one course to pursue, and
that is infallible : eat less aud less at
each meal nutil no wind is generated and
no uncomfortable sensation experienced
in any part of the body. No medicine
ever cured confirmed dyspepsia ; eating
plain food regularly aud living out of
doors industriously will cure most ease*.
A Remarkable Kgir Story.
Mr. A. D. Warren, of Worcester
Mass., has a remarkable production in
the egg line, which is attracting much
attention aud causing considerable dis
cussion. Mr. Warren is a well known
poultry fancier, and his game bantams
have attracted a great deal of attention.
A day or two siuce he notioed that one
of hia hens was in trouble, alio having
the appearance of liaving had an egg
broken in her. Hhe was accordingly
killed and opened, when a perfectly
formed egg, us large as a goose egg,
was discovered. This npon being put
iu the scales was found to weigh four
and three fourths ounces. The egg was
then blown, aud after the white and
yolk had Inseu forced out it was found
that inside was a seoond perfectly form
<•<l egg, which was also blown, and found
to contain a yolk and white in their
proper proportions. The only differ
ence lx>twoen the outer shell and the
shell of an ordinary egg is that it is ex
ceedingly brittle, aud has to lie handled
with the utmost care to prevent its
breaking. The hen was but two years
oil, and weighed, before the egg was
' removed, two and one half pounds.
TERMS: B'i.OO a Year, in Advance.
Aactrelaarai If all Kairlia KiblMl laws
The Aaaartaia Uulltaa I kalrt, Mr
Agricultural Hall begin* to iMoue
form and comeliness, though many
latxes are still unopened, and many sec
tions arc yet incomplete. Here are tru
acres devoted to a display of the pro
ducts of tiiti soil and the implements
used in its cultivation, aud in prejmriug
all that is of earth fur humau use. Here,
are the various forma of food in its uatu
ral or prepared shape, vegetable and
animal giving one a vivid idea of bow
mankind doth live.
The foreign exhibit, in this hall, oc
cupies much sjiaoe, and much of it ia of
a superior character, each oouutry gen
erally showing its characteristic and best
productions. Several countries are not
Jet ready to exhibit their good*. Hu sin
as a large space filled with unopened
l ilea. Bpain aud Portugal are each in
a chaotic state.
Brazil has a large aud creditable ex
hibit of her staples, of which she ex
ports, of coffee, 9111,000,000 ; sugar aud
cotton each over 915,000,000 ; hides,
93,000,000 ; India rubber, $5,500,000,
and of tobacco nearly $1,000,000. Bhe
also exhibits 300 varieties of wood,
many of them very valuable for cabinet
and ornamental work.
Portugal has a large pyramid of oork
and cork wood near the center of the
mam aisle. Also a good showing of
seeds, grain, beans, in whioh ahc takes
the lead, nuts, fruits, wines, silks, etc.
Sweden exhibits wheat, rye, oats,
barley and the grasses iu stalk and in
jars, superior leather, and samples, pre
served in glass jars, of all the kinds of
fish abounding in her waters, making
the beet exhibit of fish in the hall.
Her plows have taken many medals at
national fairs.
llermuda shows large sized potatoes,
onions and tomatoes, grown in the open
air, bananas, plantains, yams, limes, co
coa nuts, cocoa and sweet potatoes.
Jamaica exhibita oranges, shaddocks of
the shape and color of oranges, but very
much larger, pineapples and mangoes.
Canada, on our north border, has a
good collection of grains, seeds, fruits,
salt, flax, conserved meats, tongues,
roast fowls and all kinds of roast meat,
flsli, etc. A large collection of butter
flies and stuffed birds. Also a fall and
creditable assortment of agricultural
implements—reapers, thrashers, cultiva
tors, etc., etc. —including potato diggers,
and plows of euornioua length of beam
and bandies.
Great Britain and Ireland have a large
space assigned them in this . h part men t
bnt their agricultural exhibit is small
and is not yet in ahsjie. The prominent
articles displayed are bottled fruits, table
jellies, canned meats, wool and its sub
stitutes, from Liverpool, wire cloth and
mining wire, sheep shears, edge tools,
china ware, plain and gilt, tiles, scour
ing bricks, mill stones and road locomo
tive and wagon.
Italy's chief exhibit, st present, in
this hall, is wim-s. She makes amends
for defects hereby decorated porcelain
vases go t rare jewels in the MUD build
ing, and by a magnificent display of
paintings and sculpt tin* in Memorial
hall, and especially in the annex to Me
morial ball, which ia the gem of the
whole Expotuliou. Its extent and beauty
surprise and delight till who aee it. Un
pntentious in exterior, it dwarfs, by its
excellence, its most imposing neighbor.
The United States surpass all other
countries in agricultural machinery.
lowa, which has three hundred varieties
of apples, seventy-five varieties of corn
—sixty-fpur in the ear of so large a ante
that nineteen ear* fill s bushel bosket—
eightT varieties of wheat, rye, oats and
lair ley; sixty varieties of grass, s, thirty
of grass seed, two hundred of vegeta
blew, and one hundred and sixty varieties
of wood, besides minerals, sand and
ochers in the annex to the Main build
ing. She lias thirty five samples of soil,
six feet deep, in large glass cylinders,
from as many counties, in the four sec
tions of the State, which show, at a
glance, its amazing fertility and produc
tiveness. Just south of this is the
Aquarium, consisting of a long series of
tanks iu which large fish and small fish,
eels, crabs, terrapins and horseshoes
disjHtrt themselves, to the great amuse
rnrnt of gaping crowds.
A great convenience—pronounced by
some a great nuisance—ia the rolling
chairs, withont which large numbers
could not see, or but partially sec, this
Exposition. Even persons in ordinary
health get tired out long before they
have made the rounds of the principal
buildings. It is within bounds to say
that the aisles within and walks without
exceed fifty mile*, and though it ia not
neoessarv to traverse them all to see the
princital sights, and get a good general
idea of the Exhibition, yet those who
have but little time to spend here, find
it an agreeable change, when their limbs
fail them, to drop into a chair and he
wheeled wherever they list
There are eating and drinking places
in abundance, on the grounds, where
one can get refreshments at a reasonable
price, but to show the indisposition of
the Centennials to shave the visitors,
there is but one.liarlier shop in the
whole grounds, and as 1 bail some trou
ble iu finding it, I will state that it is in
the Telegraph building, north of the
west end of the Main building.
8. M. B.
His Deep Sympathy.
A man with long hair and a red nose
entered a New York saloon one Snuday,
reached out his hand to the proprietor
for a shake, and feelingly observed :
•• Mir, you have my sympathy, and,
believe me, sir, all free-born Americans
will svmpathize with you."
•' Yes, the Sunday law will hurt us
bad, replied the saloon ist.
'• It is base tyranny—it is nothing
more nor less than downright anarchy
it is enough to chill a freeman's blood !"
exclaimed the stranger. "I will now
take a little sip of your >est whisky."
" No drinks put on the slate," quietly
remarked the saloon is t.
'• I ht tliat this Sunday law will mnw
the grass to grow iu the streets of Now
York!" shouted the loug haired man.
•' Hut I will stand by yon. As awn as I
sample yonr Iwst brandy I'll go out aud
get up an indignatiou meeting."
" Cash down," Raid the I >ar keeper;
"yon hid soakers haTo beaten me out of
hundreds of dollars."
The man felt in all his pockets, looked
under the lining of his hat, and barked
to the open door, where ho halted and
growled in a deep bass voice :
" Dare but to open this door the
millionth part of a hair's breadth next
Sunday, aud I'll soend millions of dol
lars to put yon in the cooler 1"
A Tramp's Ride.
Michael llvan has ridden irom Chi
cago to Ban Francisco for nothing and
made a dollar on the road. From Chi
cago to Omaha he rode under the head
light of the engine, and from Omaha to
Reno part of the time stowed under
the baggage of some Germans who from
time to time provided him with food
and water, anil part of the time on a
coupling of a freight car. At Reno he
bought from an immigrant the unnsed
piece of hia ticket for sl, bnt having
an opportunity to sell the oonpou for $2
he did so aud "beat" his way onward
to Ban Francisoo, which he reached after
being ejected from the cars a score of
(jiggling (lirla.
A holy writer give. Ibo following well
merited remark* on what ato terra*
"giggling girla": The Te to*. Per;
hap* you don't know them by that name."
Well, then, auggaat a better. They are
the Halt of oar aoaiety, in one sense ;
girla of good minda—mind* that will to
good if they aurvive the giggling age ;
girla of good families, well dreeaed,
imlita, and fine looking, but poasnaned
of the inaene idea that they moat laugh
upon all occasions, whether there ia any
thing to warrant it or not—else ttoy are
not jolly, gay girla, and lively company.
A bevy of them aame into a public library
one day. One had just tod an ad
venture, which waa to to recited. She
drooped into a chair, bent over, and
held her aides, and they ail chorused in.
They hadn't heard it yet; but of course
it would be awful funny when it was
told. Hbe was coining up tto atreet
when she stepped on a rotten plank —te
to ! to ! chorus, te to! —and down ato
went. Oh, dear I—te he ! he I —and her
foot got tangled—full chorus, te be ! be!
lie'—and a man came along with a
horrid check shirt on—ha! he! he!—
big chocks ; perfectly horrid I—bet—
*nJ helped her op—be ! be 1 he f Then
a waving of the bodies back and forth,
and a grand te be ad libitum, all to
getlicr. They were splendid girls!—l
speak sincerely. Bat what an exhibi
tion ! I saw an old grsybeard take a
book be didn't want and harry sway.
Then another girl took it op, and sani
her book was m> comical she just bowled
over it—he! be! They mast all read it
—they would laagb so. As if that was
tbe end and aim of s girl's existence
Whan s man is amused he laughs with
gosto, and then straightens his face till
the next time. And it has aome mean
ing. But the perpetual grin or giggle
is detestable. At a lecture recently 1 saw
six young ladies seemingly oouvulsed
with laughter for five minutes or more
at the accidental dropping of a paper
of candies over the floor. 1 think I can
go into a social parlor and select the
groups of married ladies from those of
the girls—not by their faees nor by their
dresses, bat by the amount of giggling
done. Matrimony subdues the snickerar.
To furnish the ivory which is im
ported into England alone, 50,000 ele
phants have to be killed every year. Tbe
best ivory oumes from Zanzibar, the pro
duct of" the African elephant; it is
opaque, soft, easy to work,- and free
from cracks and other defect*. That
from Ambrix, the Gaboon river, and
south of the equator,sl called "silver
gray it remains white, and never be
comes yellow, as is tbe case with the
Asiatic ivory ; it is, therefore, tbe most
valuable of any ivory in the market. Tbe
tusks from Statu are translucent, and be
ing soft grained, are preferred for orna
mental work. The foam! tasks of the
mammoth* found in the Arctic regions
and Siberia, form a not inconsiderable
amount of tbe ivorv trade; some of
these tusks are in as fine a condition for
working as the very best of modern
ivory, which is very remarkable, m aome
of these elephants or mammoth* have
' l>een preserved in an ice crust, and have
remained imbedded for unknown ages,
probably since the glacial peridQ—some
150,000 years ago. If this is so, it goes
to show that the change of temperature
took place rapidly in s then tropical elr
tnate, where these animals previously
flourished, and overtaking them sud
denly, and covering them with an ioe
crust, were the causes of their perfect
I/ising a < udomer.
The following very Parisian story is
told by an exchange : A wealthy bach
elor, who breakfasts every morning in
one of the moat fashionable restaurants
of the Boulevard dee Italien*, is, or
rather was, very attentively served by a
waiter whose palm be generally cro-eed.
Of oourac the wealthy hacbelor always
had the same neat, a neat by the window
looking on the ever animated boulevard,
hot platen, dishes served promptly, bat
not too fast; in fine, Benedict had an
excellent servant. Bat, daring the last
week, Benedict had been unable to get
the excellent servant; another servant
hangs around him, and trie* his beat to
supply all hia wants, still the new face is
not the old face, and • in.' annoys Bene
dict most is, that be oocaskMiallv catches
glimpses of the old servant, who gives
him moat sorrowful planers. Benedict
lias examined the matter, and lias di
covered that his old servant is addicted
to gambling. One evening, having lost
all his money, he staked hia best cos
tomer—Bentsiict —and last him.
Pet* lUrds in the Woods.
A writer from Florida says : We wit
nessed a novel snd beautiful sight s few
days ago at the farm of Mrs. Hildreth on
the North river, about two milea above
the city. Mrs. Hildreth, in the course
of a few months, haft succeeded in taming
the wild birds that fly about the plsoe.
While we were in the house Mrs.
Hildreth went out to the door and called
to the birds, which were then, in the
middle of the day, in the adjoining
forest in a few m.mients a dcaen or
more bluebird* and mocking birds came
firing aromul her. She then came into
the bouse and handed each of oar party
a raisin, which we were requested to
hold oat in our fingers. We remained
still for a few minutes, when the birds
hopped in at the door, flew upon our
hands and picked the raisins from onr
fingers. We were astonished, and oould
not help wondering the more when we
were informed that none of these birds
ha-1 been caged, bnt 'were thus tamed
by the gentleness and art of this lady.
How to Treat Children.
To gain obedience, yon must first set
yourself to deserve it. Whatever yon
promise your little one, however small
the thing seems to yon, and whatever
trouble it costs you, perform it. Never
let the doubt once enter that innocent
mind that yon soy what yon do not
mean, or will not act up to what you
say. Make as few prohibitory laws as
you possibly can, but, onoe made, keep
them, lu "what is granted as in what
is denied, compel yourself, however
weary or worried or impatient, to ad
minister always even-handed justice.
This is a eystem much more likely tc
soenro your child's real affection than all
the petting Rnd humoring so generally
indulged in, to give pleasure or save
trouble, not to your little ones, but to
tloiiig to the Bad.
About eight years ago Emmet, before
then a negro minstrel, started oat as a
" Dutch" comedian,aud won popularity
and a fortune in a play called " Fritz.
He is said to have made $150,000 iu live
years, as his ability to draw large audi
ences enabled him to dictate terms with
managers. Drunkenness was one of the
results of his success. During his last
engagement in New York city he was
often peroeptibly iu toxica when on
the stage. A letter in the Ban Francisoo
Pout says that on the stage of the opera
houf-e in Melbourne, Australia, he was
recently so drunk that he fell while try
ing to dance, and soon afterward fell
asleep in the midst of a scene. The
stage manager roused him and led him
behind tho soenes, and the audience de
parted in disgust.
UHM r litwut.
Short of atone* —tto nu with but
one shirt
Tto matt who makes himself ridton
loos prevents many others (ran becom
ing no.
Ton can't M enough in on* work U
I wit a whole year, MM yon oau't artvwr
tiae on thai plan alitor.
An old maid, speak iug of manias?*,
aaya il is like any other disease—white
there's Ufa there* hope.
The difference between Quera
totb and Bhakespser* (a,* that one wan a
wonder and tto other a Todor. *
Man of force and industry eveiy
where will tall you that it in the hardest
thing in tto world to do nothing.
Until to measure* himeelf by others,
the eelf made man ia never quite certain
whether or not to ia well made.
The life at a rich old Imctolor ia a
aplendid breakfast, a tolerably flat din*
oar, and a moat miserable anppar.
A conundrum that toa never been
aatiafaetorily answered—How many
bootjack* doaa it take to kill a oil
A clergyman, who Uvea on tto sea
shore, aaya to likes calm Sundays, be
cause to is opposed to Sabbath break
Tto Boston Globe nominates Honesty
for Vine-President. We respectfully
decline, aaya tto Norriatown Herald.
Tto girla of Fulton county, liL, had
a stoep shearing match tto other day,
and tto winner sheared thirteen sheep
in two hour*.
An English settler in OapeCokmy.
South Africa, toa in four yean cleared
fl if.,000 by raising ostriches and selling
their feathers.
Matilda Beandry, of Oohosa, N. V.,
f 150 to her lover, became insane
upon learning that she could obi g t it
took, and died in an asylum.
A neighboring tanner notifies the pub
lic that parties leaving their hides will
have them thoroughly tanned and dreea
ed in a satisfactory manner.
A Miss Htewart, of Hamilton, On
tario, has recovered §7OO damages from
a lover, who forsook tor after an en
gagement of twenty*** years.
A Baltimore 1017 gave a y">g I* 1 ! *
verdict of SII,OOO again* Joseph A.
Faraa, a well known Baltimormu, for
breach of promise and seduction.
New* baa been received that three
Frouctj Catholic miseioueiim, sent oat
by ait Algerian society, awe beheaded
the iaat of Jan nary, while on the road
to Tim boot 00.
An examination of a large lake re
oratly discovered aome forty miles went
of Laramie. W. T., disefcwed a thick
layer of aotobato of magueaia in a pure,
state at tbe bottom.
Only six persona haw been banged in
Connecticut daring tbe laat thirty y mi*,
and only two of these for offense* com
mitted oat of prison, the other four
having tn ordered prison officers.
Beading, Pa., has sixty building asso
ciations, whose joint receipt* are about
$60,000 a month. The rapid and sub
stantial program of the caty is ascribed
by a local paper to their operations.
A machine has been invented, after a
study of ten years, for making seamless
pstx-r boxes.' It rolls tbern from the
pulp, snd will make 600 an bow, no
matter whether they are large or small,
round or square.
A lady, who lately returned from
Europe," was waited upon by a friend
who had alao been abroad, and who pre
ferred this request : " Oaa you give mo
a marquis' card 1 I can give yon two vis
county in exchange,"
A Cleveland councilman noted in favor
of putting new seats in., the oouncil
chamber, because, as he said, " when a
chair slipped from under a member tbe
papers said be was drunk." He wanted
chain that wouldn't slip. ,
Custom house officers are stationed at
every door of tbe Exhibition buildings
to see that n > dutiable article# are car- *
ried -uwav. This make# a good deal of
trouble /or visitor* with bundles—the
result of previous shopping.
When air balloons were first discov
ered, some one flippantly asked Dr.
Franklin what was the use of it The
philosopher answered the question by
ffltrkT > 'g another. 44 What is the use of
a new-born infant I It may become a
main "
being tried far assault and \*t
iery in Virginia City, Nevada, when
asked by the judge if be had anything
to say byway of defense, replied:
** Well, yonr honor, I saw Irat little of
the fight', aa I waft underneath moat of
the time."
A contemporary, apropos of recent
events, gives the following asge hint :
Advice to public men : Bo conduct
your private business correspondence
that yon shall not be frightened half oat
of your wits when there a chance of
its being made public.
Visiting magistrate (to pauper lunatic)
Well, William. you have been here
nearly ten years; I suppose you would
like to be iiiecfaarged 1* P. h Beed
no. sir; TOO don T think I am so cruxy as
ail >'*. do yon f I'm very comfortably
thank your honor !"
A bankrupt astonished the judge and
everv one else in the Cambridge county
court in England by suddenly drawing
forth a bag with 800 sovereigns and
handing it to the judge for safe deposit.
He said he had no faith in the trustee,
and had, therefore, secreted the gold.
• Well," said the captain, " before
yon can be a sailor yon most be able to
make three ends to that piece of rope.
TrrnU ' "All right," said the young
ster. " here i one end, here is another,
and (chucking it overboard) there is a
third." The captain thought be would
An Ohio editor says of a contemporary
who had assumed the part of a mummy
in a dramatic performance: He was
obliged to put a little animation into
himself to oome up with the character,
and to wtr more recent linen ; bnt that
was about ail. Nature had admirably
qualified him to act the part.
A stupid young man, supposed to be
crack brained, who was slighted by the
girls, very modestly asked a young lady
"if she would let him spend the even
ing with her." " No," she angrily re
plied, "that's what I won't" " hy,"
replied he, "you needn't be so fussy ;
I didn't mean this evening, but some
stormy one when I can't go anywhere
Flora Temple'* time baa frqjuently
been beaten. The following is a list:
Goldsmith Maid. 2:14: American Girl,
2:164; Luis. 2:16}; Occident, 2:16};
Gloetw (dead), 2:17; Dexter, 2:175; Net
tie, 2:18; Red Cloud, 2:18; Lady Thorn,
2:18}; Lucy, 2:18* Judge Fullerton,
2:19; George Palmer, 2:19k Bodine,
2:19}; Oamora (dead), 2.19J; Flora Tem
ple, 2:19}.
A writer in the London Gardener
has accidentally discovered that two
boxes of geranium and caloeolarit-s,
which stood in his window, the window
being always open to full extent, top and
bottom, kept his sitting room free from
flies, while every other room in the neigh
borhood was swarming with them. He
thinks the discovery ought to encourage
winter gardening.
The word " derrick ' is an American
ism, aud vet it had its origin in Eng
land. Early in the seventeenth century,
when the office of hangman iu England
wua no sinecure, one Derrick held the
place, and among Puritans and cavaliers
alike, his name became associated with
the gallows. The Puritans brought the
word hither, and gradually it. was ap-
I plied to hoisting cranes by a very nat
ural process of metonymy. The word
appears only in American dictionaries.
The following specimen of English,
"pore and undefiled," is from the Liv
erpool Time* : A doctor was lately
summoned to a cottage at Harwood, in
Teasdale, and found a boy in need of
his services. "Patout your tongue,"
said the doctor. The boy stared like xu
owL' "My good boy," said the medical
man, " let me see yonr tongue.'l
"Talk English, doctor," soul the moth
er; and then, turning to her son, she
said: " Hoppen thy gobbler and<Twd
out thy lolike." The boy's tongue wa|
out in a moment."