Tin: < KSTKK HEWKTKK. lAV ILSPAY .11 N1 - 1 " . lodge meetings. •it *l,l, IW(. N... T . I'V I .... - tni-tir* v-nlmtt>Uo*n Ml*. I i.. M.II.AXU, Sect. U. P. V. A. O . I !T t-MR, NO XT, V . A M ■ Mrtn ?-v <- *nusf, fm rwh Nl *• . i MV*lfcw I**ll. *. i • So' 1 W. H Ml*.- T. W 1 ' Its* n. .... **nrtv *t tj* .uor r *or each full mo n, at thoir Hwl. ,1. .1 ARM V v M l \of !>*■ in •••■*. y, r.\- • q It onlV. ninl W® *'|l W' V" 4 , t ,' ; is , , ,jj,, - ( .r do*tin and roam \ . \ , ;... -ending U* t* <" -'/Jy .i subset bert, with the .•>••. * l! < be ~00 .oibe Ki-.vRtKR oneyet t Rktn ", ..r. I - ing read by n. airly j . vcrv bodv on this *uie of the county, .* a latter circulation iH" ! , n.o par*"**. i ■ boM , ; \,h •- =• Sin. •ne.-'ale<.%Vv > jbscrlhers to t > UttPonT**, re.id lo ot t'. vim . ouaty, b*n.M r. 1 .U> cents, vcarlv, for postage which ' I pay hot- ; Iht* reduce-* the i >-ta*e i , . ' ,'f. * • Mini r dby :'u n tor \rV pottage was Su el*. • ■*#►- * I -grain field- in Ui* county w>... ( ,' v j good ha vest. bruit sis. ope i.:." v apple- —will bo abundant. U fe: A K t.e !i the . *1 eds. It i* the kit piaee for famert to I ... 1 at. A full Ino e.i - verythi; 4 dry-. ..i ti>, ci CidU; >a* mul. You can 1-tty tbi; i- at ■ or A. j ( 'it very tuat are • •: to i ' -en a: ibe centennial. !>r. J, • v 11 . y of N w " elin. 1 not 0 aUe roach the r. .•ninalion f, r a - -nbly In t't-.i n county. A .1 H *>'*- a ' l>r. Hoy utV TOU s. They notui: ate under t:. Crawford eonnty -tern down there. Mrs. Gee. Cdenkirk while at Centre lids, on Monday, received a severe flesh j v, >unc in the arm by a bile from a 1 >r-o. j There i* wore yiciousni .-s than love in that animal. Toler Keen -. Miohigan, I- . uicrly of P. n towtwhim ha toon ia on a v id; to hi? old friends for iho !*n four weeks, and h -red the Reporter offloo with n shit the other day. He like* M ichigan. - : ci, h;,. been marked down to • eah basi? . \ C princely groo rj men, i•' 'or -V j C■ , in the Ku-hhoc-e bloekt \ott oat g.a.y thing— and the bo-: of it— b. '• ■'' j K -to tb.ir lino Just go and -ee them . onco. On lft>i Saturday evening it com- , n , rain here, and cnt 1 ... d t.r.li | .- • ; .y ruing, l-'-uriHR d'.wn in t >r- j : r.i-bt. All the stream- are batik Tiiis raiu we teiieve covered our _ XV . county, and wa- a thorough . sker • —' . t *.. i-.at ws needed and w iahe d : t xim-od a flood on Siukicg creek : whi-h -wept away a 1 the bridges. i't: :s on Sunday l.-t was. hi*: r than at any time since thi ll do: j lr i, aceor-sing to the high-water inara ot j' P. ; \Y -t sprin.4 Mi At the annual meeting of Am p. ok- j !. .:• rs . fear railroad, held at Philadel- p p. a. on lt d. . , the election r—uiu-d as f 1 wi : President, Ed Siifer ; Vice Pre* S. 1 KjKlls. I Direct- r- : It. H. Duncan, Ja-. 1*- Co- . b.. .J. 11. Dubarry, \\ iu. J. Hi'Wuri, . ti .>. F. r, TV.-:-r M rris, G. B. 11 Solicitor, Geo. b. Mi.ler ; j E. U Eridgen*, contractor nt Paddy .. n: .-.tain, w* instructed to increase his!, force. This i. oks a little more encourag- L ii g, and xvo hope means short work. 4 Tha Lwalnq; Chronicle ay,tho t n-r .;• n the read a--ured by the action 1 : the Pennsylvania Railroad Company j : gr. .-ir.g to tako the unexpended balance bondi of in the hands ot the L. C. &. S. C Railroad Co. at seventy-five cents on t: dollar. , t hss he •. determined t•> complete the ( r 1 for use to Spring Mills, in (.Vr.'.re Co. Tho eontrnetor* have #l - :dv been notified to increase their force I on such parts of tho work as urc furthest from completion, and proposals are out f r the ties necessary to lay the track from La reiton to the point ab-ve d .•sign.'.:-. !. The P< ta'a Co. propose t take a run i.ir.g lcaso cfthe read and thus a-ciro it- • pr. }or equipage and running. The lease wi. n drawn will be submitted t ■ s vote ot the s:->ckho!ders of our company. ~ The la.-t accounts we hav <>f th< Uellefoßte branch railroad, is, that it has fallen through. We always th. .b: tu •: llrllefonte was not in earnest. We are sorry to learn of the death of our young friend, James Thompson, of Potter* Mills. Mr. Thornp m .it Philadelphia, to purchase a sleek of g -id*, and took sick ;he was rc> sght to ! is 'or mor home at Milroy, -where h• d i, • n last Monday. Mr. T". •:nt v. . a kind h'.wncd, aociable yonng man. ai 1 i is i ny frsendt in this section were ahoc'-. •: t<> hear of bu death. Strolin & Swartz \ -hlDh a new i 1 in another column. Read it. Boston has the m -tr.:. "•••: . i'g:r!. N York most .tyll-h, Br -klyn proiiicst, Bvttimorc the most r.' '. < ..i --cagu th-- iwartcet and St. L ui the ..t frolieaocae. irnlike a* they am in ehi r ic- 1 the "Domestic Paper Pathiona" | are '.he universal preferanee of them it I '. You always get "fits,'" when yc-u send your order- for elothir g to War.:.- | ma .i r dr Brown. J. II Miller till find r !y .defir ] ti:e CoiupUe Ws her. Xo "lie ha-y. t :i*-j gretted buying it. Xo one having ii w -aid : d arithoutane. Only 5 b-i) "VY igir. ; y II pound?. BEAUTIFUL PI I TURKS W< v received from the Fine Art Pubiishii g House tifGem S::i.-• nicCo , p r! -i Maine, -everal pictures recently puhlish i 1 by tiieni. The subjects, as work- o| high ait, deserve the highest praise. Stir -on A Co. were among the pioneer* in the Fmo Art publishing business in this country, and year by year their bu-inr bas grown, until at the present lime it ha* assumed colossal proportions. A short time since they published a chromo that hud a run of over one hun lr• d iir.d twenty-live thousand copier. The weight of them unmounted was over nine lons. In the selection o: subjects, Minion is Co. show correct judgment r I the public taste, which natural talent, aid . • Wc left Omaha nt !. p, in. y< *torday uul :-.niv--t lien at half px*' Com ing down the Mi-sonrl ftO miles mul ttp'i 1 tin- Platte Si.modiMnuce wt -aw bnt very' little to iuti roe; . but a* we left tlie tlx - I email e;.n>e toward Lincoln wo were ile |l;-hte.l w it!> the npjv.tmm-c of the conn 1 111. BcautinE niliil.:* prairie ultima! a* ! I far rh the eve ran reaeh, \t e exclaimed ••Ue.o>! >imu!; 'iteotndy. "Here 1 feel at home." Lincoln, the capital, i* only e: 'it voar; old att, Here i- a chance for ev ery poor uaan in lVnn'a to own a farm. M .teres at $3 pet a ere would amount to fttVi. They give a credit of 10 years All llu v r, quite the f ,-t three years is the inn rest at *• jmr vent, and onr^vv- 1 enth of the principal annually after wards until paid. The same can be ugh? f. r : ■ > e:-It. The third crop often pay* for the land. He-ides thi* they idler a premium id" fto per cent, to a'l who cultivate half tin r land in tw o years and allow the price paid for tick et f nt Chicago to Nebraska. The e. ' lir • etc will be • vtni-i my next. I . .e I'nivi c ity of Nebraska, the State Agrivulltira! College, eward county laud is \ t-ry cheap and ... soil excellent with th • hoice of three. daces for marketing. Lincoln, Crete audj sw. rd. In -une t f the c unities west f Lincoln there isan al amluticc of rim ling water and s .me good timber. But he; e are other considerations which re* uiiuen 1 Nebraska to -..hefavorable con* bit r.-.11 nof those seeking homes with pr spc.-t of sec ing their labor rew ard d aiul leaving a legacy to their children, yiii_ midway between the two griat eeaus she occupies a prominent jKsi ion among her sisters. Chicago ask* ,r her proihi.v, St. Lu-.is, a Letter tnar ;et than the former, offers for her ship ments westward the- mining district-! nd the Rocky mountains confidently wait her supplies. Iu my next I will give you an account f the climate, school system and other ncluccmeuts not fully explained in thi -also will answer a few obj -ctions of-; erredby persons who would like to go oat are not fully -atisfied. Yours, j *. A. A. Kekljn. J \ y HIGH WATER. S Dan age to the Raid ldugle and Snow shoe I lai! re ad#. Tyrone, Pa., June 18. —The heavy rains ■f Saturday nt:d Saturday night caused, or.-iderable damage in the way of wasti ng out embankments and culvert* on the da! i Eagle and It betbi.u- sr.',r .',iih in this vicinity. The rivi r i- now thirteen feet above low water mark, and rising at the rate of twenty-four inches per hour. Font PERSONS DROWNED. K ;go n, Pa , Jut > IS—At six o'eb'r , thU ni rnii.g 1 avid Uecd, hi* w ifc and two *or.s were thrown out of a a-agon atC ■••'■■■ ■• x tuise unty, wi.ilc crosiinga .-w- ... je.tain stream. AIL wire L Their ' "ii • hat•• b -n r . v ered. Thiy w.re leaving their home which was inundated. FIRE AND LOSS OF LIFE. II 'U!?.' le. Pa., June Ift —Ab"iit elev en <'ck;i k l!t night a bre broke out in the h>of Jamts* O'Neil, in which h - nnd ■ hi nt d ii. (fur lived. Mrs. O'Neil was uvl !•;. her -011 after being ivirciy ai.d perbap* fatally burned. Jam. - then returned to th luu-,. it is sujq,.-ed f>r ti.-- i>u: j>:• -• of g ?*.!• g -onif money they u 1 la.d away, nnd •, •ntfncated and bun.id to death. 1 ire Cre c rmmunicated j to ■ Aiier buibi 'ig, and owing tithe, ■ ireity of witrr, it tv-. burned to lh ■ gr-.ui.d, but the c -jteiit- were saved and by the effort* of the citizens tbo Cre n. I then sSopped and no further damage done LiAvitiH-ito, C'knthe & Srnuri C'Kl•? K lIAIi,P.OAI>. Proposals for Cross Ties bvn i -iv. d until July 1 n-x' i ?? for furnishing (!r... Tin for that part of the Railroad, extending from J. iu rell n to Spring 51 ills. Forms of spceifiealiont can be obtainei i on application to tbo Pr- idem, Col. Kh -*lifer at L' Wl biirg. .1 P. < .burn, K .j , ' \aroi.-burg. H. 11. Duncan. Ksu .Spring Miiis, Win. Wolf, K-q , Centre if nil GEO. W. LEUFFEII, 2ft jun td. Chief Engineer. 1 FINANCIAL REPORT OF POTTER : SCHOOL DISTRICT. June oth, 1876 A. 11. Hosterman, Treiourer. I)r. To am't. Duplicate $-1,798 00 do Loan# 000 00 do State Appropriation 541 26 do County Treasurer 58% do Tuition fes, (Gregg tp.). Z'. Aft do llcc'd D. F. Luse, Col ... 3 "Jti do do 8. 51. Swart*, "1874 51 04 do Progress Grange, (rent).. 900 do John Shannon, (Stray*).. 222 do Rec'd from other source# 68 24 $6,15219 j June 5,1875. Contra Cr. By Am't Paid for building and furnishing bouse* $1,14500 By am't pd. lor rent & repairing. .'A 98 do do Teachers wage#... 2,977 30 1 do do Fuel *Contingen- 88594 cies 385 91 s do Abatement 138 73 do Treas per cent 109 43 do Debt and Interest paid.... 822 80 do Salary of See'y 30 (K t do Exonerations "and other s expenditures 115 74 do Cash paid to successor 75 00 By Order of J. Bitner " " 34 ft-t By amount to collect 'iß3 43 §0,152 09 . W. A. KEKB, D. Rbiaiusmitu, Sec'y, Frett, IA M\N WOU HN *NT> €llll.O ' For NO OKAtMJi !• VV< >l> I N 1 il l INois 81, l.Hlls Mft, Jill The 11 : FT mart, VITFTHMI T ' 1 I. t aoout I 'L i> rer year- ■, ' • . ' PUT lof the v. •>,! T , I LLI' vi , tH , % lei.lay afternoon. I'hc WI \ ■ ' were shot THROUGH ti Ehe id R1 T' through the heart. FT> M !'; • J ■ >■■ jt.TE bodies it t -upj !'' U t Wifft Ik FT it child ftftil th H 1 ' NFET tit LUMRT E I Tl> : I N 1 is believed thi St! hi M TR 'F • T acted a? Plat T'• IC v VKIS 1.1; I T. H N.I I M K i: n i*l \T. 'fkMC who u.'lt'll I • > • potft". ' llltlt ftl till 'Villi'! !.!<■ LI'V t.'.L' I ill." .do btetlCi now set"- 1 " 1 v l *t. it : "j ■ - kept clear by hand-pick uad WITH LARGE CM - . ' M ■ doubt vi-ii the few f*r I: 1 that have HI'MOFUFT Ue.-T ,'\l T-.IJIT, it; 1 : I OTHER p<*MEH VF€ IN' \**LT . ■V" WELL lid LIT former year* .IV 4 I AT-• green, get the NITRIT. Mannfstuie • open ;ljr claim TO make F.TUP N TLVV [•.: TL'TI'" IT U folly TO pay them ■" >r TO! ' T. ING The pure RETA A!':■ ■* ' ■ I found. It may 1 pp > r IN V I WITH WATER. If dry, mi*, on* PORT OR puto! ,gritn with of D ir !> ■ I T *>•> WITH the B;vi.T>. M v. t! T\ trive tome kind of a strter, N DIE ~ bo*, any tinman can niaho ape, which ui BE attached to a lots. its: AUVAV ke. p to the WII lwI ! I > a < jDO not btea'H# the dust. It ' K-• BUT T J slight, but evenly dc.* , ' I ill: ti I: applying with water, re • MI the potato .r t e land injure luturo crop- a very fre | quent and proper question. Wo ART TAR- , : ranted in saying decide I : y, N • TH . vestigations of Lr. K . ' t M - Igan Agricultural COLLI P% . f PI F of the N J. Geologic 1 Survey, .. -.1 other chemists, SHOW R. T . .•• y .and ntbhctorily that AO wl atev- i , Jor can result front esth.r oft ■ or: - I A asember of that FCT "yet - k 'l> the "Imtnort AY. .. . % scare" without kmm .• G W H;-: T. 1 '• LO',o by Others. F. \V. IT V .. C r. Fulton and William 'TßOCTS, N. V .I. F TISO that they make the ; ■ Am rtcan Agr. T. . ♦ . It IIOLLKILLLK MFUBKH IN LAN' . - TKK COI N I V ; Aa old man named Jacob Well r. T j7oyears, was murdered ...n M n.LUY 1 -t J near Churchtow", in Bre ■ •., • ' IP. Lancaster county. The nt.ti ror- 4R.-T tired upon their victim with ft gun and af- ' . terward heat bim to d-. ATLI wit! BUTT C' J J lit. Thaaeeneofthi tragedy [dongly plai > NEAR the : ; ,>J the WE.'-.. ; imountain. Twoyour.g men, CURE namedl CL * I P • *, ! Centre Co., PA., WAA 1 IN -1 .1 1.. . this morning. Total ! it • 1 'partly insured. It is ST:PP ••' ■ the work of ineendiar.- - A HV.o nist r.UI. i Pi !:.. .- narrow escape at Alletown, a . .diy• tg I , lie wss in th.- M t of ma iand when I.;- twenty feet.*it expl ided, cau . bim tol return to "N. r ...... : imoaiously. A NEW UX-IA ! KOMIITHIVG j Oil A I,IS, Being an axiom ackn U' '. R I \,• . that the cash system, or | R, . jis the MOOT pleasant AND M feat, is an in-j • centive to IN..re flally •' nr.— the u.D-:sigr. I: ' - < R I the public A Prom u F " 1 < -. . I; ■ . , on bi!'- to the an: ' (.*>, I,' : , 'premium on all bill- inere . ■ D : ! >• smouiitot etc. (vi.- ON N i ... I' amount <-l slu *. W. WO: J •. I is. , T I mi. MI, in GOL DS. ! f'N-h • . Pr • ;U. W. have 11KAI)A MMM I ,, • for <'ash. We thank >■ ir I I . ; 1.- jageandnll who will AI ... ' Ith" inducement pre-OR T .i. SFROLIM {. -V. \IIT7, VTALI ABLE I ABM \ PKJ ; Y SAJLK. TL E valuabl ■ IVvrin, |> ■'. ■ - • • p.. . ,1 David Krtle, DE. T | rivato .!■>. TL ; farm lie. 2 mile- v .-T and contains !.'G AC; IGPITI, M .RE orb--, of which 70 a,re. are . t I and under the highest tivat Thereon is e-ecl.d .i k" ' y DWKI.L ING HorSK and I". \NK HA UN N - jaii excellent Orchard and R .1 V, - r, witll all other lie. ■ -ny . iv. NI- RCI - J For lutther LM" NI.:.T; OI v *. TIIK 11 lliis., J'.r KIMS VOL,;, J... | VTOTICI: Is | PPU it t! 'ti WILL LL |J, , ;|| < ... • , provisions of th,- Act I , A .mi A R;.- proved the 24th day of April, \ I> I- T, f.r a charter of incorporation I r the "pi, (trovo \\ .tor T'onip.- , • , J V t . village of Pine Grove WITH A. J OUMITIRR. .! C. SA M PL! Bjun 4t. It. r Ml t il. A UDIToRSNOTK I SKI. . Tim auditor, appointed by the Orphan I-T OF (V N . tre county, to dis'iihit'' TH" M ev in p. hands of th" admini-ir.'; r. f .IM J'J. liinton. dee'd, will attend t tie ( his appointment at hi- •;k ... ,1! , ■ ~T on Friday, June I' I, \. I>. , U T o'clock, p. RO., "T N!d * where all parties ir. <-r< ti , ATTEN.! i they SEE proper. IT. I . I'D it T.N KV ( Bjunlit AN . ■ll "ft to !£ & & Y M * \L 1 1 F f' F • T r V To the Working Class. Wo run (urnii.li you employment at which , .ti ran ir.ako \ ry l.ir - pay. In your own localities, without bing Ji .i> t DOffi* ovur Di n; >. f... J great interest In their < outir>". i on" nitial flirtini , and want t know all about it An elegant patriotic crayon drawing premium ph tuj,. pr vri*. d fit.,, to each aulwcrifoer. If i* entitle,l, "In remembrance of the One Hundredth Annive.wary oj th i lnd p Per day and upward**. Now ia the tiro*; don t delay. Remember i < ,st* nothing to give the business u trial. .Send I r our circular*, lennw, and wiupit* copy of pap r, whn h arc fut fr*t. all who apply ; do it to-day. Complete outfit free to those who decide to engr,g. . farmers JIIUI mechanics. ♦ and their sons and daughters make tiia very beet : agent*. Address. _ TttJ£ Cii.NXiih'MAf KECOHD, • & ju* two, ForUmid, Mitiuv, IK \ I'U A nRK <;1111 - A\ V V <>P i, K I NO AT IT Tim li su> marry in>r< lUnti ; m H :r. .. I. Kiitnm • - often tSpfCMMt : that *he did not buy lot* of grotly! iiifcfr tailed immediately after ttii-ir j , !>. nsl f*w tho-atld dollar* m ile wuhl I ~thin.i 111 iJf much difference," V I'M, t. |l 111 UN I II At IV t \ i in ii. ii 1 K.viN tr Mini' tiiiii tin' govoutwent lib- In II pur* b*ing I \ ■ • I lit £.•: ft..- I >'L * •'! ! ■ • .. cepte i 1 Si U flwi pHeea ~.. ■ : The vi ty t°i nam of borso-th h t; M ■• i.i't and ■ iKlt-Hi Km. f |. - :. : lIMI ! |M il A !i V. d,V t >t! . über ut iht f tiii 4 , t.i animals; .i, j.) ,i iv iu vi i over tin* Ku t K'i >ii*iii. .i fur Ch.yoti|ie ut.d the ' ai i ji. •further north The hone* ; :ar> ,1 Hi !!, aiui mr.i being rapidly burim v. stwnrU over Co* pAm* in ci.tll* car* at , II mi:,., I : tiwir, II ..111 nil i'n i ii on . i it below described ~1 litli:i II liad ju,t toll WtM ii station, an attiring place on the wlu-n a fire broke out in tiiii loosi i II i.i.it h iar loaded with hoi e Tii alarm u* given at ones, and the twiii . ! i the msitl track and an attempt i ii, .>: • get the mm traiitn and suffering ... .... pf I I pin U. Hut tlil ~ - | • ; . Tht re wu a > chuts la. i j aV jdiilli-, doWli which I !i . 4 Snic iH-t-n ltd. Hie cat ; huh Piic nut,, of lire, ll.itoe and -m ike. The cues and scream* tf" the -t ij animal* dccribt* lan harrow it ,nd linrritifd in the *trene. Finding it tin; .vible to estri.sale or rescue any ! . annual- I'ram tlu-ir terrible con. , tha IUCU in charge brought their • argii and pro*aadad la mil Um| J. it tF tht ir uiicry. hwHtiippn •• t :ini that coritl ba d >nc in the name of humanity, anil the boyi felt justified in M duinf \\ in ti the . .. urn beund pa-tenjjt'rtrain t is • . ! . na on Wedne.-day the tut u a -nil burning, the horse* being roaateu inl:> me ~ id nit-s pf charred meat. Somej id t * i'a-M>neer (Votn whom the-e detail* iv. n*. 'tainrd di cribe the scene in quite j sickening t, behold. A FIUUIITFUL KIRK. r ; I' , . >i.Jo!nisC'anH'!tt, Near ly Destroyed. White Had, N. V., June IS.—A fire at c. J, the proviceo of tjuebce, do ,trevi 1 a'u the entire buiui s portion, >f the pl* • Bi: n, Jtrie 1> John*, I'rorlnec ui. Tec, v, i i .tiled to day by kr • 11 r*, rit, ry is hundred fvnUlate, :.i 1a: ,i k-. voic'.s in ne river, 1 i i the bridge, St Johns woollen n tiie -tone chinaw *ro wareroooi* and St tore- mid Ixmtta were destroyed. V C\i I) TO fllK AMKIiU AN PI'BLIC. F many v< r* we have made two mfd-' * suit- d for the ailnien;, fa vattcia-s • ! • t:!erer>. Thousand* of itiri* bait . ,i'.:ire ei.ufd never t> coupled with them, lint nitinn the la-t two year* count rfeit* • i.. ir. their dose iuiiiatii n el oartrado To ure the people we have Ihiced upon each gonuino bus of llolliv • vr.v I'..is and lloiioway * Ointment the it: pi the sign .tare of our Agent. Mr. Jo* 11 ay dock I',. count rfeit tin* - i felony. We shall ralanUwalj pantM iny en* II : oiu..tatei tls:* with the utiuwst f tUe law. WSMM|Mratly bog ,t t .* cre.it riim of t - American e jde w.U aid u* in our , tTbrt* to protevt iit ir health, and help u In our tk of irinyn ,' these mo*t unprincipled nun to ip i> ir .f ju-'.ice. Uniformly t< fu*e to . rch . M> Hi ii i purporting to be ours in ■ Mr. Jos. Hayuoi k' signature i, at ached to each Bos of Pill* or Pol oftMnt nc" l nd the end will ~>■n be rei hed. let ibile'* obedi-nt *.-r*anl*. HOLLO AN A Y A COj s standing anm-unccmen!* of candi .% 7 4* miutiriiuatior r*? ni r n r.ding peraona forolllcc, $1.50 to $2.00.* We are authona i to announce that M Sain ; i Frank, of Rebershurg, i* a . . . its for Am-eiale Judge, tubtecl toj ..ocratio ru'.s. Wo arc a itb< ri* d to announce that lohn It;-hi , f Fo'.ter, i* a eaniLdnte or A- : Ju !c°. übji vt to democratic hi tea. Woareaull < rued toaitnouju-e that Win. !L Milb r. . Shelmirc, I' over Seed $S 00 to 50. K>" f !•> s7.t*i j-t-r l'd lb*. t Vra I 'M.- to KK. Rye tVk: to 7(> • ..t K"i a S til PI a-lor $s ; 'ground SIP per ton. \Vh ' Wheat $1 2'- tofl Si). Red " ?! 'J > tn $1 80. Bar' v 70.- to 70. Timothy to 2V P!,s tcr in Stne $7 75 to SB. v lit 1 ill to 1 . 0. I )a.s :'o c |0 j- • 25c to dthr, U i | g FONTS MAS: K KTB I\ ~it AA heat M W Red I*A ... Rye 75 I'm . tr* Id. *'■ Ut!hA ifarley V0. ;u C!o reraeed 5,M PotgtdM if" l.ard per p • iiol A i'-'rkper pound!h> Buttei 0 . ..Egg Plastsr pcrtoa •:; T.i . v 8...... 8 a* :10 Hum 15 Lnrd ■ -r | Had Be.-nt* lluckwhiat F i urper barrel retail 7,Wh.. N in •- -tin pSn tdr sll 50. Uayugn . ; y').so fn-r3tWlb* Shcllci! corn hA 1 ciiteniiia! Store. At Potters Mills. L. B. M c EN T I RE h i■ ' rr'urn-.l frei.i Philadelphia with i* ■ • ;.>!!■ d 11. 11 - I. etcl Mock ef Cite-Up Gontla, (.TiK.AP FOR CASH <>*: ci .nlrv Produce, al a largo t >ck of LAI'IK S, HUNTS, am! CHILDREN'S S 'i, tiaitcru it low n $1.25 per pair, anil all ether gio l* in proportion. Dry fi II ry. Liner-, Embroider>, V. , Lao , N-Rion* and FAN CA'tDIODS, trictly Cr-t-clu** good* be tii 1 -uui prie I!i Grocery I)c --parinii iit contisU of the luajHat ti l 15 t (Quality of Groce ries P. *.* Valb-y S igar . Tea*. Colfeai, p . :'j . ('ami" 1 Fruit , ('nicker.', C uiut Dricl Fruit- e!< II.-- are. Hnrdwiire AA'ooit and AY il low ware II 1 O,'doth "-! ovcrv d< -cription. Hat*, •• ♦ Dm r * .and Paint-, til-" Cigar*, I ha -i'at 1 t'onfccti'incrie*. All kinds ;,r nt taken in ' xehnnge hr good*, B O highi-s! price paid. A'- l>nli • will fiml a full lint* of tii'.lliuci y .<g*-' LN; "iA SJS '-i- 4 M ill'. Thla tnrat'l n Itljln 100PRN< T > *-F rvcry 88 N rrti'lor oi t L pp*'F ho P-. M-HMH * atsfllcL'Bt ontcr b. t'lTli 1 ' .!>. • I I .lulj •jr.. (,• •! July v Uy-71 !'• It . m 1 .lun v,l w Oatu i torn whim H. ffToLKRA IN !NIII \ I.ci.uti ,tui ■ I s A 'I •> 'i 1 1 ' : . ■ ' . I Ait. lit ct 'ho• r I ,1 Ii; v. I V! l ? , tin, lluiutiiy ml Han ( "h• ry : ran't t< p| ,il till arr< toil the I'.uini , 1 Th<> it mU nut tad nt §BO,OOO, and the l#.M .uraner Is rcp.-rtvd at $27,' W. • > • SSO Under Price. I For Suit*, *J Hew combificii ; KkirUiiir ami uumu g much toe* ! the atova di- >■ n-t aaill b> si- • ■ to ©!>• 1 out.) A1 •lil >to .1. I' til tti; \ A ,>r 1). F. 1,1 ,K, t&juito. Centre llall, St*.. There are over four thouaand dol lar, in cut, landing: duM on the Keportcr ' 1 11i- ia hvtvy load, and we kindly a tho reader in look ut the liguro upon lii> tdilifo label an,l then aid to foii,>lo us t tha amount duo tend u* at lot a part. t - 4 R \ Tlt r. 11 A 1. I. CASH STORE! IIKIiI.ACUKK S OLD M'AND. ' u Tho Largest and Best selected Stock In Town. Below w give soiuo ot lliw rpru.rrk:*ltv t' low prices : ft-. ll Beet Calicos A Blurting, ,U7 tlood " -d • llrown Muslin Apphton A food, A*' Bleached " H t, l.i f,j i DotuwftiC isiiijjham, In to lii tli . „ " * , ilk I f hot, a Hyrup*, '• l •. gal pi | Best V U. Baking, '•*' " " p. " ltio foil, 28 " It l a, i < /° od " - s V. 8.-St Hoisttd >•'' -V •' A Whit Sugar, 12 " " r", I llrown, 1U " " |Si Ladle* Fancy St ripped Hot*, -> Nacktiaa, 12 " , CoNt'tf, (II " ' r ' " Shawls, Extra A- •iriinent ot Hamburg J-.iigit.gs ' Lathe* Morrocco Sho- s, jl.7> i® • tiaiter- .lace . !..'*> jto Men* Plow Shoe* A llrogans, 2.25 !'" l,ari,w variety "f Children •,v M.s-e- *" Buff, ltutt >n A Side laee Sb.<. C.OODS. Mup-ml.tU Mltraction, Si *k icp', n:-'i. id with beautitu! new r„ nl*, at extrotow :r lw price*, ! radii, . wo i,v to criti, touiparison. Ht.-hort market price paid for all kinds lr ot l'roduce. —— A' .) tarse a> rttu, I of IluU, Caps, r " Boot* A Khoaa, Hardware, QdMAtmra "" "A ■ , i.V Willow ■* if- ! jure I! •*' JEROME SPI6ELMYER. CENTENNIAL A't t; ZiYVAt ;\LL, AT > na Wolfs Old Stand. llagnifioitit Stock of Sprit:t "c" ] tucr (ioor's. ' 1 " QusPrlcsl t'jvi ?r*sa I I'OI.ITK ATTENTION ! i Ift B Havin turtse.! from the East, and L , bouaht at | ini, prices. 1 am now prepared , to e!l cheaper than e\< r hef re. My lck .. i consists ir* part of of DIIY (iOt)DS, GHOCERIES, notions, HOSIERY, He HATS A* CAPS, HOOTS A- SHOES, RUBBER BOOTS, A SANDALS, stc., Ac. hi I.aduV untl Genu* Underwear a ; < iality. A LAHOE STOS'K Of B READY - MADE CLOTHING r cousUntly on liaud. Look nt the fig- , urcs: (/ootl Qtm ■ s uf's, 110.00.D (lOOii (lu'iuire (hi it', (f.ilh) C'ustonteni will find the ktock com- F plele, andtt call i* all thai required to you that tin- i* tho h -t , place in tha valley to buy your lumttn&cr, ur ha. hut "if j f< everyone. Wm. M n.f. EXTHAORDIXAHY liuluccmcnts lo Cash Ravers. He wish tossiv to ihv peopif of I Vims Vaillcv, thalwi liave just opened and .arc now full lines of alf goods that we deal in at such prices thai ervn defy com metric or competi/ion. IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK. - OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT i.t mil ol li.tr-, Boots aild SIIOC *. gaiiu, at from Fivt? dollar-! for n lull Suit of Men' Cloth ing up to tbc fiucat Ucndv Made goodt* in iowu. LadicT Sh-.> at 1 dollar p.-r juir. Mi- 'SI -a. 7-i ct'uir |cr jmir. Mali's Ph at 51. 23. M;n's lirognut nl 51.2.". In the DRY GOODS NOTION DEPARTMENT At such prices as will astonish you, Calicoes at 5 cents. Wc have Ladies'llose at 5 ceuts. LadkT How at 10c. Musiiu nt li, 7 ami 8 easts. Die. goods in all th. ftfaa's Host at 5 oeots. L lioa' h&ndkerchieih at Bc. newest styles from 10 cents per yard up to the best lvid Gloves at 50 centr. Clark's O. N. T. Cdton. <5 •. grades of Silk. [and all other goods in proportion. • 61V2 US a OAbi WM2B '/ OU e?ia2 -f OTOWM-82ia2ia32a TM2 PL-ACS —the oi.d established stand of A r ., ; I 1 S. & A. LOAR HARDW AREand STOVEI:^ THOMAS A. HICKS &BKO., (Sttcc - jr to WILSON tV HICKS,) will sell HARDWARE, STOVES, Saddlery, (.nadi-makcrs' Material, Build ois Hardware, of all kinds. Paints, Oils. &c. Nails, Iron and illass a spe cialty.at flu: 1,1) WEST ("ASH PRICKS. Uliildr ris ? Carriages, Shovel Plows,. Puffing Boxes, He. We have (lie hesf PORIi STORES anil 11ANRES in the Market, and warrant them to be good. We icep all repairs for same, and tviil sell lower (iian elsewhere.- Anyone in fhis county, building, or dealing in (his line of goods, will pay f hem In come and see us. THOMAS A. HICKS & BROTHER, Bellefonte, Pa. Health and its Pleasures, OS IHsciiM' vvtili It- i'foitir**. (AMI li. R, urn Th. m. OLL o\\ A V' S 111. LS. Ncrvou I)i >i !. r-. WUt is mora foarfu! than n br.skirig • aol tho nervous system ? To be ex able or nervou* in a small degree is: H>t dixtrer-ing, for wbere enit remedy! found V There it one -drink but little, ne, beer or spirit*, or fr better, n >ue ! .<• no eolfee—weak t. a being j>r.- able; get all tlie It-hair you ran ;tuk.-j :en or ( >ur I'ills \ery a eat plenty solid*, (voiding (be us.- of !..:• ; and if - golden rule* me foli-.w. 1 you will hippy in miud and itr.ng in body, atnJ #ci \ en Unvo n^rvi** Mother- nnd Daughter*. f'there i one tiling more than aat ther, which these I'iil* are *o famous it is) nr purili ing properties, e-|n , '.ally theiri aer of cleaiising the blood from a!! Itn r;t . s and removing danger ■ h • l*u#-' ided secretion*. Unirirenilf adopted i .o one giand remedy for 1. nale coiu .int", they never tail, never weaken the, lent and niwuVa bring about vvhati ii i red. k Headaches nnd want of Ap)>e tites. ho <. feeling* which . olden u*. moat; Ijucntly arise fi ni aiin >ym i# or lrou-j . from obiru- ted |>er*|iratio I, or from ing and drinking what is ui.tlt far us, j • d.-ordering the liver and -toruaeh j e e rgB* mu-t r<-• i!at< -I if you w iab i <• we!! The I'll!*, if taken according! the print, d ii:*tructions, wilt quickly; •we a healthy action to both liver and Ofc.h, whence follow , a- a natural con- j tcuce, a good ni.je :ile lati.ai bead.' the Kaat and Wart ludh a aearcely aayit er tin diclne U over u-ed f r these di>-L flow tr, be Strong. [ev.-r let the 1 >wcU be ciih-rr Cot.Hnedj unduly aeied uj- - It ti y appear-1 tu'arthat U allow y' 1* should be •mmeaded ®r ama upon the bowela,! iy jisnuM aupposmg they would in-: i-e relaxation. t:.i .- n great ui -- \• r. t r o.iii. ... ■ rr., t the liver a I j> very kind of •lc on plaint. In -a arm din ranged— health !.nd tifitti tallow- as a matt, r el com Tar. 1 v. in'SiMuily itn 1 by DM of the" I'ilb. ( ih.i.'-d in the U-e e'id in i-r.-fer.-u.-c to fluid diet. Am-:" to d is better than br 'th* s-id -tews. :■ in i ia a- rid, 1 -r:ucn'cd or t'i< rim. 1 • humors from th liver, stomach or hl, the . au-e of dy--ncry, diarrl •. . tl. .- twvtl 1 I'ipiaiau :• -I • i - tear* gular. N tb:r.g w;|i : -j 'narc- 1 it lon of the V-u i- > quickly this - c-f -cling m In-o . l)iw>rdrr- of the K 'toys. ii all disease effecting these organ*,- •ther th *y accrete too tnu< h *l— - litth- j ■ r ; or whether th. y b< atllu-i.-d with e or gravel, or v> lb ache* and pain, led ita tin !--ii. ov r tb- regl u • . f tht itey- tk'-ia I*. la ihouiu t c 1 lavsn u ■ ding to the print directi .% .nd thi tuient abould be rubl-ed imi the mai h< back at b. tlino Tut. treatrrcn* ' r 11. have fi For St miat ha uut of 'htlcr. lo medicine will - > effexlually improri |.ii .- • : the atouiacii n th 1". ire . ovo all acidity. Oft- • aed i th- . by iotempcranf . or iajpr.pcr diet,' r-y reach the 1 iv• r and rodu " it lo n ] (thy act.on :tl cv urv wondwrftiity < fli iou In ca< of s|< .- in—"in fact they: l:l in cur.ng ail dttor Jera the l.v i' d stomach. , ij'.i/ia c I',, rU mu .y L: mm i fA r rid fa'" t A' fu' 1-. , .. . ...Ms; ue, | hiiiiaie lr-1 Hhc amaUsiu, nuta. regularities, S fula, at ... ,n Fever, of all 1 Kinrta IfQ,] taint*. kind*, Sore rhroal*. Uhea on Fas SkmeaGmve he Skin, Gout, -econdary wei 4 tn- II- vtupl in*, -'.ai:i>, lledlMati o, (Tie Ptalawi I :ir, I nflitDi- kt, tipaOoa 1 Hon, Tumor*, fthc 11,'*- .taundice. Fleers (Liv. r Cot -.- V t • t.al Af : umplksn plaint, feetioa*. bility, j Lumbago, jWortn* of all! t.pvv. U nd. •nt.TV, it u: n •! \t i ikncu v! I'r ~ y • ,k. iVTIdKh X-ue are ge: nine ',!( • . -it'ire of -I. II vVtvrv. k. as ag' • for ■ Unite.! Slate*, surroand* each bo* < t ai lOiotmouk a haudiama rowaiw 1 b. given to any on.* renderii g • iclv ormatiun a* may ic;d I the dctectio-- any party < r pr ,: ., counterfeiting Ut ile •< <>r ven-i-ng the nm.e, k- .wing .ibetil to be fptlfiout, ' old at the tnanufs. ' g* of I'r ifc-.-.n Hal.i .itA' 4 o \- v. t •• k, and br all 'risfMHtabla ltrugg U# und !*,ileraiii Mtd iicitie throughout the civi!ifci world, in 4 .base* *t ' -lit, &2c, at* .4d $i acl. j BtrThere I- guu*ld< rahb - ravitby ,'tasing the large r I N. If IMrccti-'fis for the rt- ids;. •• of " patient* in en ry disorder are affiacd Pi •leach b n. 25 may. o t. y mi'.. NP.SV AN!) PanTc Prices. H. A. LAKItIMIift. *|t the old Centre UiU stand. . .1 utt opening a Stock of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICES J ; A large variety of La lies Dree, tsoode ,'Great Bargain* in Muslins auarttiu r land low jprieo*. iSyrup, Sugar, Tea, C-jfit-"-. Catitu d Iruic, Owuic.ti and F<-reign Fruit.*, Chce.e, and every other article belong ing to the Grocery J>< ; it tn en t i s#"Farmer*, Mechanic* rs.d Laborer*'' hook to your interest One dollar l *ved i- Ja dollar In | --k 1. n tall and * s.t . what lutouiehil.giy law Jiliv* . * "X-• trouble t-. twtiw i- "tl- - i AU • the ch >'.<••. it FAXIILV Flo: ii ai-j way* on hand. Apr. lb, y. Aliller Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. I>RALEIIS IN I'L'llL DUL'fJ'S AND UlJtli, LXKS, CHEMICALS, OILS, DYh >ri"i'V>, I*l .FT lElti. .N 'fiO.N 1 NXC\ AUriC!,! ■ FOR THE TOILET, dec . &c„ A . . i*i nr HIM: \m lkiiokn. far medicinal ptrrjawe*. ' Trs- - G eat! Sh ;*! . JOHN roiir.!; . HOOT A Sll O E M A K E R OFCEXTBK COUNTY. lIFIOKA 1 Awarded 1" John i'uwtn for the i.l flue Bo -U < xbibited nt Ct-n --t trv County Fair for the year Ihja. i L) A J) V ?A C 'f 0 il i Opp :• .tu- i House. iJELLEFOMK PA He k ot * c .natantlr on hand n full line of It > 4k T K I S 1 Pi II .> K .*. lie I* ju-t opening the largest ••. rlt of 'Spring (. . •timer brought to It -lit funic. . r JjJ £ J J\l 0£ I* lor ladies, kept conataaily m baud. IkaK and Sh • for nit a and wucnaa, t.J til tyl.quallsy and price*, tfaoj the ui■•!', iMitl] t - the che:; e-t, c "r.stan'.lv WK DEFY COMPETITION! •ithcr in .j unlity or pr: "r., C 11 at:, txatuiuo iiis new : ck of Sj and, , -iimutcr Go • !*, nud j- u VM!I find it utyour ndraulagc, Ajr2lly. C T \;.*:xavitßU. C M R we;;. \ LEX A N DER A BU\V ERS. At it t- r: fi. .1 U fio* ft Ill;asdU**? • V 'a) lac ami ts l.r nslitJf &Utl E?*UfciiS I Wee % lt I t-oltUiWf, asj-9- .It! > Excelsior Cement. Ikc uatipi f iiiac-1 ijott War ' rlt of m aa|nri*hr tiiMk-itj. *'• hit )kIiML nttbt |'ic J .t "tvwi, HtUa. la Hutftpt ?,. c.-agftits La** t*i<■**'.} i ifi lafyw unaulßip* ufaow # 1, t" M h 4 ' Via* tfi; 1 -n Jil; •aatdafacti>afT ujHiti all i- arts *At bwlnwa tnj m r*un! C<* kbr mm f ' ■>attfnfl '--A |i"y s,* -j t \% „. - t m wl.al* vcr a eyu Tit? iVtwc *• ' '• ,lIr ThU < >.t t h.a aln adf twr*r fa? arwl ' , mlsle. a*n- tRa, Phst'i -IT *. r-s ! tt.fi <"i*s"r: If jAtif Wat -* Khj ill iUk-i it I 4 thfir c ;•**£- Li Nut lUla in "• wtbiaibE'."* t Isai fa* iffafiTdklila tfea mrt.' • *■% #**-*• a u\ f-Mi, u.*m ti *V I B* IJAU IKON 'i\ <„•!*. per lb. lII'RDKNS IJORHE SHOES ai $6.00 | T K+g. XA 1 L-\ iu . .1 a- tle best at #8 00,' j er Kr„'. LOCKS 3§cU each. F. G. FRANC ISC US. L i iwn, mar*oy. < £ I j 'jmii: PEOPL::.- ouua TORE liE-OI'EX'EDIi A NEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE, i ' >' !>' ■<'! ii Ift | iblic : i..l the people l| 'lu-i o.try gi i.< -tlir wi Ibe p'fteaftii te .now ih: the old an J well ertftolisbed DRUG STORE, i -t-t- ! r ■ Ttj ' Jitew C. WitUanw, ■a tin gheoy rreeL ft. x*. door to Hick*' busJ\,are emporium, har twoa re ( ; si iii itiy rabidly rr-Mckt i a .1 • st i .1 t with the !>.*; end mot pepelir DRUGS A"D MEDICINES. PERFUM Liil LS, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, a 1 everything i.>u..il kept in a hrst-clasr , HrugSt-ro !>UESt rilPV'O iS< IHEFI L ly t-fimpeattdct? Nt till liurw •f the ay < r t IgV.t. or.d particular and, pr >ni| t t' nt n given t > the wanttof ; farmer* and other* who live in the country. Store never I je hS to tio-e who want medicine* ot anyih.r in the drug Hue. Che uftder.igneft hoi>. by strict attention : l-u► io- > u i . .:t ;.ud receive the pub*, i lie patooftjce. H. K HLE.iINGTQN. Age: : ! ~ BUY THE COMPLETE WASHER! I.f (V.ii|ti,-t itftahtr will --k n ar .or ki. tt <|uill or i i'ineLafhCllt tttlu or dollar. Warranted For Five Years. Price Only $6.00. Jon* 11. Mill in, Centre Hall. • * pr'etor &r CYire couuty. It) eor U; D. F. LCSE. PALMER, his . rviecs to th? citiz-.-Q* ol S tic county ;n .iottsi*. Ni'-rt m:l Orajuncntnl la intttig;, i tig, orn nting and giSding. OAK. WALNUT, iKhoTXUT Etc. '• i ■ v Pap.i- hanging. Order:, i :i> ..I'.tcited. Term* reasonable. IXrO'U.VKr 16"llHj.D£E$. The un" .'r .' i now prepared to sell Brick a' j t • lulns at t'entro Hall to suit Mueliuert, : ■ r i ■ de rates, also to ftirnbh or con ret Br !iw.> •!;. S. FA UN Eli. !; act y jy.i. ATJTOIJK imJIVFT DENTIST. I till hv.twdat I'm- Uiwo Mill, and t now rrr il-..r..l t • travolki thtl Wat* uf pal loots ml ■ dlalancr ma ifiu.t r jistjr wiiml leniov In bt line, ia lite bc v #t '.. i ~m t. ul cm ,i am! at r*>*onßbte rate I *. In , ;UB ol new uuitle • . Toeth tA. | n.it t ii without |uitt. CI jaa 75 Harness, Saddles. &c | ; •un it i*|o:crtHtt)9i ty> mt->( tbt popuUi (■' m*iil "'a I"''' ' Price*. r< jifttrul|j ,U thaatU'U t,..a of Itio puljli, to lit. .to. k of haddlbky .• oftrrr.t at theoU lond. llc.titn <*e*pctUjr for :h. o .pUkinl (tie times, the !rc.>.t, and must unnl I ' i•' nup ■• ;.-.i>rlau-ai f Saddlo., 11.-.no. i'ultan . Unl.llo*,ol owr, rli.tit.n \\n| IW< :m laet •v..r>tiima i. it'to nr.t ,lau wsUhli;,! • :u. i t. ha now otloi* *t prk o. which wllUult the time, JAI OB OUKiJKK Centre KUL ChapH. HeUL Clock, IViitclininkrrA Jrvelci Millheim, Centre Co., Pa. ? AI Linda of docks, Wnichoi anil .lewelrr of th -* L;u--*t KtyU-H, ;t* alfto tb* MaranviU® Patent tJaiendt i i Uu-kx, provituni v. ,th a complete Index of the mtmtl ■atwlaajrof tl.o uioutii and wok on ita face, which i j warranted a ft perfect time .keeper. t itH-ks, R Udln h .md Joh'olrj u i>airod on abort nc i 1 o and \%at ranU*u. ■y"A now Golden Tongue Organ, on. ■<>f the finest toned instrumenu nude, fo nt this ofllee. Also a Hyndor organ [good a* new Kither of these instrument I offered !,t a bargain. , •Subscribers .-ending their subscrip tit ion to this office, can sue on the addrt-j on each paper, whether credit has bew given- th at answers tame uit receipt. GRAHAM & SON, Jrive tite exclusive sal in Bdlefonto Edwin C, Boris' CELEBRATED FINE SHOES. & WIDTHS, the iS* si ilitbs in the World. WSoLEaJtlt A HKT.UJ. &SALft IV Calf Skins, SOLFC LEATHER, . SHOE FIMDINGB, Ac. 'All Kinds of Custom Work Made To Order. RLbop Street. BKLLEFOXTE, Pa. i may If. C EN TWe HALL COACH SHOP, LEVI HI Kit AY. at hi* c-ÜbIUL merit tl Outre XXa.ll. keep "P hand, and tor file at Use a>n*t reason a. '•! rater. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, PLAJKASO FANCY" r.d \ uhi. le* of every l io he excelled for dur-; r wear. may 3tf. Sandalwood •W - n.act (twMr |*.A la MMUMSI* U a I .>a*u-o ' tin |IK na m! rw, at iW vnUum taaa lUttTl's'.* • arOyStia 11 • HdMa ii. e.riata aad >.*d*ST and K IXTH St*., J'JUi.A DELPIffA, PA. I -ufci.-wiatrt to ail liaoa at aiaaara.au ai.4 ear liaaa 1 10 U. leaimuual f Oet Hmi Ront Cta . rtamt lot u>r iarrt*jmtm. aad itroaosi |oooa ] lor. Iwia "'r-d im turn*. I■* a (era ft jaa a ma haa - aatr"! fort aa* Otto* it l 'troaaaost. tia nIU iicava ..trail) hieht'aa, booat. ud haa ..-aawatola tho. Um Va'aorM. Tmaialj Unrta. , X* bar baa rtm baao krj.l MUM UmtfcY Hocav mm i atUahi t Irpi at thr It-ÜBin Jaac a latxt—ei Utr fpkt'l.u *" ImareeaalJM Vaaiilf. AHMSTRO.VON Lincoln Butter Powder. Good Freeh Butter all the Year round. BUTTER IS 90 XIRUTES. Liaoota holler Pr„.4 tl aia>' rruuraa Ilia cttv, j. ' 106 Market St., FHILADLLPHIA, PA • Juneb. Atr.nrJcd tbc Uighewt Medal at Yienna. E. & H.T. ANTHONY & CO, .'VI Bioxdwey. New York. (IXf Mrt v,a.lllah U4.U , .Vunufaeturera, Importer* & I>e*kr in OB ROM OS AND FRAMES, STEREuSOOi'ES AND VIEWS, I Album . Grxphoacope*. A Suitable View* Photographic Materials. U'c ar* Hratfiittarthn (or ramltiina ta iha ara, of SI KtthOPl ICONS and -MAGIC CAN- TftRNS, Being Manufaeturera of the I MICHO-SCx ENTIFIC LANTERN, | STEKBD PANOmCON, CNIYKESITY STKRKOPTICON. A t>V KRTIS KR S STKKEOPTXWN, 1 ARroPYICON, School i.anlern, Fiitnilv Lantern, I'KOPLK S T.AN i KRN. Eaob *tyic being the beet of its class in tbo | ma'act. • Cs.ah'gues of Lantern* and Slides, with Jirectiuiis for using, scut on application. Ay iterprising uiio can make money • ;th a Magic Lantern. . •r , Cut out this advertisement for refer •new 8 Junn. C.PEUK'S L'OSiCli Mfliiufiictory • CLNTKR liALL. FA. * The undersigned hag opened aniwres tahlishmeat, at his new shops, foi the manufActutc of Carriages, Buggies, .St Spring Wagons, SUKIANTI AND Sims, PLAIN- AXD FAKCT of every description . All vehicles manufactured by Jiim are warranted to render satisfaction, and as equal to any work done elsewhere. He uses none but the belt material, md employ* tho most skillful workmen, lleneotiny tiuitcr themselves that their work can uot bo excelled for durability and finish. Order- from a JUtasu o"promptly attend ed to. ' Come and examine my work before contracting elsewhere. PRICES REASONABLE, All kinds of Keparing done. £IENTREHALL Furniture Rooms.' KZR4 KRIMRIYF, respectfully inlorms tho citizens of Centr county, that he has bough tout tho old stand of J. O. Dcininger, and has reduced the prices. They have constantly on hand and make to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS SINKS,'" WASHSTANDS, ( OliN Eit C U FBOARDA TABLES, &e„ &c. Their stock of ready-made Furniture is larce and warranted of good workmanship ana is all made under their own immed n'o supervision, and is offered at rates cheaper than elsewhere. Call and sec our stock before purchasing elsewhere. 20 feb. ly WOOD C?) POMPS# BUUhVy'p HtaiMSard Cxenmber ad Grafton Co.* Psntps, lth v pper itamca.tdd ai d new atytea. acdai- nWUllwproteHit bW. MaoufMA t J ring fariiitloa rrnuli increaaed; itsek ana aywwarticeiA LARGE, j rkx-a SMAJLL* Vtiw>. Deader, and the Trade ta pncUlij, xreeortiialiv in ■ lu a,wben in town to tbe big Estibitfca, C.a &k'm*9 Csmmeret Sti,7h"