The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 22, 1876, Image 1

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Oh, boat of my lover, go softly, go safely ,
Oh, boal of my low, that bears htm from
From the homo* of the olachan, from the
burn singing sweetly,
Prom tho loch a.vt the mountain. that he'll
never more et-e.
Oh, boat of my lover, go eoftly. go safely ;
Thou beareet my eoal with lliee over the
tide. *
I ae>d not a word, bnt my heart it wae break-
For life ie ao ehort, and the ocean eo wide
Oh, boat of my lover, go eoftly, go eafely ;
Though the dear voice ie silent, the kind
hand is gone;
But oh. love we, my lover, and I'll live till 1
find thee;
1111 our parting ie over, an * our dark days
are done.
Tho Ud t and Hor Lot or.
THK LADY s eossirr— TWOMß.
I know no: why I choee to eeeru eo cold
At parting from yon for eince you are gone
I eee you etill; 1 hear each word, each tone,
And what 1 hid from you I eieh were told.
1 who wae proud and ahy eeetn now too boM
To write there litiee -and yet mint writ*, to
I would nutty my words, now I'm alone.
From my dark window out apon the world
I look. 'lVae through yon pathway to the
I watched you alowly going while the light
Went with you—and a ahadow eeemed to fall
Upon my heart. And uow I cannot reel
Till I have written—for I eatd : " To-night
I'll eend your answer." Now I've told you alt
TBK LOVER'S eosxrr —wmxiotrr.
I waited through the night, while eununcr
The breath of roses through my darkened
The ehispenng beerie juat stirred the leafy
Beyond the window. On the lawn the dew
Lay g isteuuig in the starlight. No one knew
I did net steep, but waited here my doom
Or victory. 1 saw the lighthouse loom
Ac-rosr the bay. The etlenos grew and grew,
And hour by hour kept pace with my suspense.
Each rustling noise, each passing footstep
The Coming messenger 1 hoped, yet feared.
At last a knock—a throb . pause intense;
Tour letter cams. 1 read as if I dreamed.
Aim .ss too great to teat my blue appeared.
" Yon lie!"
Tho speaker was Nor man Webb, a
burly built, fasluo:.ably dressed young
mail, who had come to college to spend
his father's money, and do as little work
and have as good a time as possible.
The words were addressed to Allen
Ward; the provi-cation being an expres
sion of opinion by the latter touching a
recent hazing affair planned and headed
by Norman Webb.
All'in'a eyes flashed, and his hand
some face flushed, as with clenched flats
he made a step toward his insnlter.
Every fiber of him was at its utmost
tension, and every nerve tingled. It
would not have been well for Norman
Webb, big and strong as he was, had the
two euoonntered at that moment. But,
as if suddenly recalling himself, Allen
" 1 repeat my words," said Norman
Webb, insolently—"yon he! and
more—it is not the province of a beggar
to criticise the conduct of a gentle
man !" ~
A tinge a* -die flush which had lett
Allen's face came back at these words,
but disappeared on the instant, and
turning from the crowd of students,
who had heard them, he walked calmly
"The coward!" more than one mut
Allen Ward had a widowed mother
and a sister dependent on him. At
school he had won a prize scholarship
which gave him his college tuition free;
and by teaching in vacations, and giv
ing lessons out of college hours, he was
managing to scrape along till he ouuld
enter ;ne profession he had set his heart
The discipline of the institution was
stricL A blow was ground for expul
sion. To resent Norman Webb's insult
as he felt imj>ell—l to do at the moment,
he knew would lead to his prompt dis
missal, and he had not the means to
enter anoth- r —-liege. He thought of
his m- ther and sister, and of the career
he had planned. He could not afford to
sacrifice all these to gratify a passing re
sentment. But the effort his self-re
straint cos* was little appreciated by
those who ca'led him "coward."
To " give the lie," at that -lay in that
oommnLity, was regarded eith r a* the
signal for a blow, or the precursor of a
summons to deadly combat. To take it
tamely was a thii-g uot to be tolerated
among gentlemen. Personal difficulties
had iKieome so common among the stu
dent* of the —liege, that the new presi
dent had determined to use th< severest
measures to repress them. Among his
rules was one that a blow, or other act
of violence, except in strictest self-de
fense, should be punished by summary
But —Liege law —ulJ uot change pub
lic sentiment; and it is not prohable
that Allen Ward, with all his patience,
would have brooked so gross an insult
from sheer motives of obedience. In
deed. —uld he have foreseen all—that
his former companions would shun him,
and even Mabel Gray would turn away
her head when they met—it msy be
doubted if all restraints wouid not have
failed, and Norman Webb's insult been
met with quick resentment.
It was plain that everybody thought
Allen a —ward, Mal>el Gray among the
rest, and this hurt him most. He and
she had long been friends ; and he had
secretly looked forward to a time when
he might declare to her a sentiment
more tender than that of friendship.
Now, she not only turned her back upon
him, but begun to tolerate theattentioc*
of Noi man Webb, whom she had before
One night an alarm of fire was heard
in the village. Everylxxly ran in the
direction of a bl-zing light which shone
out against the sky.
"It's Mr. Gray's house!" shouted
those who first approach--1 the scene.
A heartrending spectacle met the
sight of tliff crowd that quickly as
seml! xl. The flaine* were blazing from
the r .1 ind ?mr*ting from most of the
windows. Old Mr. Gray, a helpless
involi 1, who had escaped from one of
the 1 -wer apartment*, stood wringing
hishtt!ids,a_d4>efie<'ching tho spectator-,
in pit ons accents, to save his daughter,
who, pale and terror stricken, leaned
from the window of an np[ er chamber,
whence a leap to the ground would be
certain death.
Men ran in search of ladders, bnt
found none, and every moment made
the chance of rescue still more difficult.
" Mr. Webb ! Mr. Webb ! will not you
save her ?" appealed the frantic father,
layin - his trembling hand on Norman
Webb's arm.
"The attempt would be madnea?."
the Litter answered; " the staircase is
wrapped iu flames, and no one can
reaer. that chamber save at the peril of
his life."
With a piercing shriek Mabel fell back
fainting from the window.
Norman Webb made a movement as if
to eut-r the door, but re—iled at the
sight of the fiery path before him, and
stood aghast and helpless. His burly
form was brushed aside like a feather
by one who shot past, and darted np
the bluzing stairway with the speed of
an arrow.
The daring act filled the crowd with
amazement, which had not time to abate
before the intrepid stranger reappeared
on the burning steps, uow crumbling
under his feet, b-aring in his arms the
inseusible form of Mabel Gray, care
fully wrapped from head to foot. His
hat pulled over his face, partly shielded
it from the sheet of flame through which,
amid en—ursgjng shouts, he on— more
for—d his way, and a wild cry of exnl-1
tatiou rose when Mabel was safely
pla—6 in her father's arms. Then nam
tiiree times three of the wildest cheers i
"FRED. KURTZ, Editor and 1 ropriotor.
for Allen Ward, when the stranger raised
his hat and revealed Ins scared and blis
tered face.
" Who is the coward now I" he ex
claimed, as he suuk exhausted to the
No one ever called him that name
again; and Mabel, we are sure, never
thought Ilia face lent handsome for the
soars it bore on her account, l.xhjr r.
hat a Man Suffered.
The Fond du Lai' (Wis.) (bwwoa
eralth says : A uvea named Holland,
Living out ou the (.huts farm, was attack
ed witli a severe tc uhache the other
evening, and thought his head watild
split open. He would sit down for a
moment, holding his face in one of his
bands, and groan. Then he would jump
up and pace the floor, and kick at some
thing that hapjiened to lie in his course,
and then sit down and groan some more.
It was a bail case. Everybody in the
house- was made miserable by the man's
sufferings and lamentations. He tried
holding alum and salt in his mouth, and
binding horseradish leaves on the out
side of his jaw, but they did no good.
Finally romebodv ame across a recipe
IK-ok, and therein was a balm for every
ill. In two iniuutes a recipe was select
ed and a courier dispatched with it to a
drug store in the city to have it " put
up.' He returned in due time, and a
doae of the compound, which contained
among other ingredients liberal quanti
ties of ether and chloroform, was ad
ministered. Presently the toothache
was relieved and the patient felt him
self gradually being overpowered by
sleep. The suspiciou all at once crossed
his mind that he had been poisoued.
He became greatly alarmed, and ajq-eal
ed to those present, in a frenzy of des
peration. to save him from his impend
ing fate. A doctor was immediately
sent for, and while the messenger was
gone the alarm was oommumcaU-d to
the neighbors. One of the men seized
a j-ail and rushed out into the |<asture,
where he woke up a cow, milked about
a quart, and hurried hack to the house.
This the dying man tlrank, and had just
finished when another neighbor came in
and said there was nothing so sure an
antidote for all kinds of poisons as raw
eggs. Seven or eight raw eggs wen
given the suffering man, and he had
just intimated that it wasn't possible
for him to swallow another, when two
more neighbors arrived simultaneously
—cute bearing a can of lard and the
other a tea-suueerful of coffee. The
lady with the lard said that they must
help her to get some of it down him
right away—there wasn't a moment to
lose—aad the one with the coffee set
about preparing a cup of that beverage
for the dying man, which, she said,
must be strong enough to hold up *n
iron wedge. The unfoitunate man hail
got down about three quarter's of a tea
cupful of lard when the coffee was
ready, and he uubuttoued his waistcoat
and swallowed it. There seemed to be
just room enough left for it.
Another neighbor came in, and insist
ed that what the patient needed was au
emetic to throw the poisou out of the
stomach. He said that the quicker
they did something of that kind the bet
ter it would IK- for him, and that it wax
dangerous to delay the matter a moment
longer. They had prepared a quart
bowl of strong salt and water, ami were
urgtug Holland to take some of it, when
the doctor arrived. He examined the
contents of the bottle carefully, tasted
it, and then said: "This is all right; a
very good remedy for tootlia be and
neuralgia—gives the patient a re*t for H
time from his pain." "And ain't it
poison f" gurgled the man. who was n>
toll of new milk, raw eggs, lard, o>floe,
and salt water, that he c uid scarcely ar
ticulate, "a n't it poison, doctor?"
"Well, no ; not exactly; and yet, a
quart or two of it might kill a man—or
it might not—it would depend a good
deal on his oouditiou. A man of your
health and constitution could easily get
away with a charnful of it."
The California Madam;.
Speaking of the mustang race in New-
York and the sympathy felt for the ani
mala, a l*te California paper says: The
man who undertake* to ride thirty five
California mustangs, jumping from sad
die to saddle, must be either a prof-*
sional vaquero or a petrified po*t ln>y of
the olden time. But when wo —nk tn
plate the mushing us an object of com
passion and humanity, it i* impossible
to repress a sardonic grin. The army
mule is a perfect Chesterfield of an ani
mal in mpanson with the native Cali
fornia mustang. It was the mustang
that invented tho noble art of backing.
We are aware that the army mule ha*
experimented in that direction, bnt no
other animal but the California mustang
ever canst* 1 his rider to describe a para
bolic curve of the same extent. Nor
can the man who has not been bucked
by a California mustang at all —n—ive
the process. Tim victim, while under
going it, would infinitely prefer being
delivered to a Hyreaumn tiger or a
Lernean hydra, or a Numidian lion for
immediate mastication, and when the
operation is completed, aud by a merci
•ul dispensation of fate he is landed
upon the crown of his head in the near
est pile of road metal, with a dislocated
spinal column an-1 a pang in < very
nerve, muscle, sinew and bone, he re
gards the author of his wo- s with a hor
ror a d a detestation far surpassing the
emotion that would IHI evoked by con
templation of the most forbidding ante
diluvian Saurian Prof. Owen ever re
vived for the satisfaction of the curious.
If Mr. B- rgh had taken it into his IK>-
nevolent bead to espouse the cause of
the persecuted grizzly or the friendless
rattlesnake, we coold have descried some
gleam of reason in hi* —ndnct; but the
humanitarian who g-K-sont of his way to
protect the California tnn-tang is throw
ing sympathy away.
The Suez ( anal.
M. De Lesseps ha* returned from liis
five months' trip to Egypt. He ha* as
certained that Port Said is not likely to
be filled in with sand, a* predicted, the
work done by the dredging machines
last year lieing still open. Iu winter,
when the Bitter lakes are full, a tide sets
into the canal, which turns tho current
toward the Mediterranean. In summer,
when the level of tho lakes has lieen
lowered by evaporation, the current
turns in the opposite direction. For
merly rain wa* unknown ou this part of
the Red sea, bnt since the building of
the canal showers have fallen regularly
about onoe a fortnight. The result has
lieen to start vegetation up, even on the
Asiatic side, in the most wonderful man
ner. Civilization, therefore, changes
the climate as well as the face of the
country, aud if things go on ON they
have begun, the sands of the isthmus
will be covered with forests in another
fifty years.
An Original Marriage Notice.
Dr. Wise, editor of the Cincinnati
Israelite, announces bis own marriage
in the form of a mock advertisement of
a life copartnership. The agreement is
that the firm sliaJi be dissolved three
days after death ; that the doctor shall
deliver all the public sermons, and the
lady all the private ones ; the profits or
losses shall bo shared equally ; and that
no papers shall be accepted or indorsed,
especially no love letters, except by
mutual knowledge and expreea consent,
Illai* far -iiimiri. 1 l.iilu* ihr C'eatsaaUl
..t fcntt|lM t lie lr I leMfcr--Tbc
• I lint*-- Meeting IIM Irqunlntutti rs"
IfIMN In ihr hlnln HMtNthfl. Kir.
A few directions to a stranger coming
to the t'eiitenuud are given by the 11'r
ititl ocirrea|oudent, who says: A |*>r
feet stranger IU the city aud one not
used to traveling cannot probably do
>etter thai- to buy one of the Lodging
Hons*- Agency tickets, either for Imlgiug
at $1.25, or one at $2.50 giving two
meals, and then, before going into the
Exhibition, to "look around," one
should take time to make his inquiries,
going from out- boarduig house to an
other, and a place will *oou IK- found at
reasonable rates. Tin* In st locality to
stacreh, in view of the fact that one
would naturally like to lie in the city, is
ta-tweeu Twentieth ami Sixth streets,
with Chestnut street iu the center pay
ing no attention to this strt-et, for price*
on it are everywhere dear. One ginnl
way is to take a room, aud single rooms
well furnished can, at this time, IK- had
iu abundance at SI a week. Two going
together will pv about $0 a week, and
often there will be two beds in the
room. Meals are to bo had at t-atiug
houses at a cost not exceeding sti to $?
a week. Some eating houses engage to
furnish two meals a day at $5 a week,
but their bill of fare is not varied.
The beat way, however, for home people
is to seek regular board, as the food is
I letter cooked and it gives better satis
faction—indeed it is more lualtbful.
Thus, by taking a little time and looking
sharp, one will be able to see the show
at the lowest possible rate. It WHS sup
posed, the correspondent says, that
what is called the "lirauger Encamp
ment " would supply the want indicated,
that is, of supplying accommodations,
not to exceed $l5O per day, but now it
is reported that the terms will not la
less than $"2 a day, which is decidedly
It will lie remembered that one of the
chief attractions at former exhibitions
was the many colored dresses of the
hundred and oue different tribes, sects,
and people who were for tho time as
sembled together. Of course no oue
imagined that such a display of what is
called national costumes would tie made
at Philadelphia. Still it was ouly rea
souable to suppose that an occasional
Austrian mountaineer, French officer,
or Eastern diguitarv would enliven the
scene by his peculiar dress or uniform.
It is to la- much regretted that they do
nothing of the kind. On the opening
day a large number of Turks, Japanese,
Chinese, Spaniards, and Germans ap
peared in the costumes worn by their
countrymen, and, as lias been already
announced to the credit of the somewhat
mixed crowd tliat thronged Fairmount
park on the tenth of May, they wore
treat**! while in the grouuds with the
utm-ist RESJKVT IUUI courtesy. Of course
the Turks and Egyptians were stared
at, bnt they were no: made to feel out of
place or uncomfortable. On the stri-ets,
however, after the opening ceremonies,
it appears that their treatment was very
different. They were followed by large
crowds of idle lioys and men. who boot
ed and shouted at them a* if they hu I
la-en animals of a strange sjieci- s iu
stead of visitors who were entitled ouly
to the most courteous attention. 1: is
known that in at least one case the silkeu
robes of a Chinese official wt-r • nearly
torn from his Imck by some ni ilicioun
person. Because of this kind of treat
ment all the Turkish, Chinese, Japanese,
•ind Egyptcommissions and attend
in Is have alNindom-J th<- striking dress
if their native countries, and with but
few exceptions have made themselves
uncomfortable and unattractive by ap
■ tearing in the conventional coat, vest,
ind tron-er* of " the gr- at Yankee na
ti.-n." The Japanese take remarkably
well to their new dress, and api-car to
be quite at home in the high silk hats
which they almost invariably wear, but
the Chinese seem to be out of their
It has usually bee-i admitted, says a
N-w York Tim** correspondent, that all
the queer shajK-d high hats in New York
make their appearance on St Patrick's
day. The displav which is made on the
seventeenth of March, however, is nt a
circumstance to the truly remarkable
"xhihit of high crowns, low crowns, nnr
row brims and broad brims, which is
now being made in Fairmonnt park.
From the depths of many a box and
clowt in the of Tennessee or
the prairies of the West these wonderful
specimens of bead covering have lieen
exhumed, and now, brushed aud polish
ed until they shine again, they arc made
to do duty in new and strange places.
But even more different and ptculiar
than the hats are the men who wear
them. They come, as I have already
stated, from all parts of tho Union, and
although they are clad iu no nationnl
oostnme, they bear the mark of their
various sections of country stamjH-d
plainly upon their faces and in their
manner. And still they are all Ameri
cans ; they have all come hundreds,
some thousands, of miles to tie present
at the nation's Centennial, and though
they live far apart and appear in coats
whoso cut and fashion differ as much as
do Hungarian jackets from French
blouses, they are all animated tiy one
We are told by a correspondent that
it is a frequent occurrence for old friend*
who have not men each other for years
to meet on the Centennial grounds. A
jiarty of farmers—all strangers—wore
discussing the merits of a machine in
Agricultural hall, wheu one of them, a
jolly faced little old fellow, dressed in a
blue coat, buttoned up to his chin, nod
tliug to his ueighlsir in a friendly way,
and smiling pleasantly, said: "Well
now, that's not bad, bnt would you be
lieve it, I have on my place a well post
that has stood for nigh on eighty years,
and is just as sound as new oak?"
" Well uow, that is 'mnrkuble," said the
Western man. " Yes," continued he of
the blue coat, " but the funniest thiug
about that post is that the top of it is
alive ami has branches springing from it
in sll directions." While he was telling
this apparently simple little story, I no
ticed that the wife of the Western man
regarded him with au earnestness which
was altogether out of proportion to the
interest of the narrative. As he con
cluded, she asked him: "Where lie
you from, sir?" "From New Jersey,
mam," was the reply. "And is your
name Sam 8., questioned the lady.
"Merey me, of course it is, and who
are yon ? exclaimed the little man.
" Mary Ann T., that used to lie," re
plied she, and then the little New Jersey
farmer put his arm around the neck of
that little Western woman and kissed
her as if ho meant it. Then tho pair ex
plained to the good humored but some
what astonished husband that Ham was
a cousin, and had lieen au old playfellow
of Mary Ann, " and," said she, "I knew
it must bo you the minute you told
about that old pump post with the
branches." Then the whole party went
off together, telling each other of the
strange things that had happened to
them during the many years they had
been separated.
CENTRE 11A1.1,, CENTRE CO., PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 187<i.
The Main hall continues to tie the
oenter of attraction for the general
public, and it is daily Uouunng more
worthy of attei linn. Iu it visitors of
every turn of mind can find instruction
and amusement. The ladies and chil
dren appear to IK- particularly interested
in the truly wonderful grou|is of what
are called wax composition figures,
which are displayed by Norway and
Sweden. Oue of these groups repre
seuta a party of Swedish peasant* path
ered arouud a dying reindeer. The un
ntai, a beautiful preserved natural SJK-ci
men, has slink U|K>U the moss with a
deadly wound in its side slid a terrible
gash across the neck. It almost human
eyes lis-k ap|K<almgiy into the fiuv-s of
the hunters, who appear res ingou their
guns after the chase. A peasant woman,
who *tuud* a little behind the men, has
oue arm thrown protectingly around u
little child dressed iu the old fashit tied
costume of the country, and with the
other iKiiuts to the dytug reindeer. The
whole group is strikingly true to nature,
ami justly excites universal admiration.
The saute may be said of a group rep
resenting a peasant wedding in Nor
way. The bride appears with the great
gold crown, which is part of the mar
riage paraphernal, and the groom
leans lightly U|sm the heavy steel-jKiiut
ed staff which indicates his power and
authority. iu addition to these and
other groujis representing various scene*
from peasant life, Sweden has sent a
uumtier of really admirable figures
which show the different styltwi of imi
form which are worn by Swedvdi officer*
of the present day, and which were
worn iu the fifteenth and sixteenth cen
turies. One of these figure*, represent
tug a major of c-valry, is so natural and
lifelike as to deceive even those who
make a close inspection of it. A few
-lavs ago I noticed an old lady who
would Uot believe until she had touched
the cold wax hand that the figure was
uot alive. Hii* morning a smart young
lady, panting by the Swedish deport
ment, pointed to the figure aud said in
au undertone to a e-'tupauioii : " Lah,
Mary, just Uaik at tnat; he thinks he's
awful i-ice, don't he I" Shortly after
she had i-asxed out of sight one of thoac
overdn-ascd women who imagine they
kuow ev rything, exclaimed to her es
cort, after closely examining the figure :
"I declare, I m ver -lid see such life
like aculpatnrc."
A Bear Actor.
The latest sensation at a Cincinnati
theater, is a blo-at au.l thunder melo
drama, which includes a Iroutumman's
fights for his life with United States
military, with Indians on the war trail,
with bonier dcs|M-radoe* ill a gambling
saloon, with n riv.d for the affections of
an uuattractive maiden, and finally with
a " grizzly bar." This frontiers!* man
called Wild Bill, ami the announcement
that Wild Bill would have a real fight
with a n-al "bar" drew a pretty fair
house. The Is-ar come* iu -luring the
second and last acts of Wild Bill. Bill,
iu the play, is simultaneously assaulted
by a whole nation of Indians and a
" bar." The "lir "i* a fat little black
Uar, which is certainly well trained. At
the proper moment it itisln s from Is
land the scenea, over mimic r-vka and
i-a*<"KlcM, ami attacks Bill with treiucu
-tous fury. For about five minutes Wild
Bill and the War hug each other very
tiercelv, until Bill nun-age* to stab the
animal with a remarkably bright bowie
knife. Then the Is-ar rolls Bill ou the
stage, and both cv-ntiuuetu roll over ami
over until at lost the frontiersman is
seen lying "pp rnn-st, but still in the
U-ar's terrible hug, when the curtain
fall* amid frenzied applause. Ho far as
wo cuiiM observe, nays a rcpoi.jr de
scribing the ftcxue, the Tear was uot
mnzzlid, neither were his -.laws cut.
He i* doubt Us* au intelligent and good
uatured animal; but som-> night it might
come to j-ass that Bruin would 1-KK- his
b-miK-r, and that Wild Bill might eti.l
-l-'uly fln-1 himself seriously iu IIK--1 c-f a
won- formidable weapou thiui a tin
bowie knife, while the audience would
yell and cheer ami smoko their cigars,
and wonder " how they can make that
seem like real blo<xl. ''
Novel Experiment*
A New Jersey agriculturist is experi
meriting u|>oii loroiug the growth of po
tatoes by means of steam pi;—* under
the ground, an-1 has succeeded in forc
ing a growth of fifteen inches high in
two weeks from -late of planting. The
potatoes, however, have always turned
out small in mparison to the vine.
This is a new idea, but the practicability
of fo? cing v- getable* by electricity -lat—
Iwick a* far as IH4I, when a Mr. Pell, of
Hyde Park, ou the Hudson river, forced
the growth of tomatoes so that in a week
from tho -late of planting the pLinte
liore small ripe tomat<Ks an inch iu
diameter. The following was the way
it was done: A row of tomato plants,
forty feet long, were set out; at one end
a sheet of —ppcr an eighth of on inch
thick, fourteen inches wide find four
feet long was placed perpendicularly
two feet in tho ground, leaving two feet
in the air; at the other end a ziuc plate
of same size was sitnilarlv plneed; a wire
carried over poles was fastened to each
of these plate*, the earth completing the
circnit; an abundance of manure was
llsoil, aud in one week the result was as
above stated. This crop was also fol
lowed by three other weekly crops of
the same sire within a mouth. Of con tw
it is not noccxaarv to limit the length of
the row to forty f—t, and as it is a sim
ple and easy thing to do, perhaps some
of our readers will make tho experi
Commodore Vanderbllt'a Will.
There is little to lie found, says a New
York pajH-r, to confirm the story that
Mr. Vanderbilt has, aside from his W
quest to Wm. H. Vanderbilt, wilted
$1,000,000 apiece in Central, Harlem
and Lake Shore stocks to each of aWut
fifteen heirs, with a proviso that one
third of the net income shall W annu
ally reinvested by trust**-* in the stock
of those roads, though he is known to
have said on at least two occasions that,
no matter whnt might become of him,
tho Central road would not come to
harm. For a period of ten years he has
tM-en in the hnhit of making a new will
every two years to suit the changing
condition of liia property, ami of fre
quently adding codicils. Every summer
Wfore he went to Saratoga ho cxecnted
a codicil. Nevertheless, it is surmised
by thoso who have known his senti
ment* that the main featnres of his will
have never lieen materially altered. It
was the changes in his uffuirs rather
than in his intentions toward his heirs
that dictated the alterations.
Young Salmon.
The Bangor Commercial says : As
the result of the eggs that were hatched
in our river hist season, the Peuobscot is
full of young salmon. The boys at
Veazie are catching them with hooks.
They vary in length from four to twelve
inches. Mr. Htillwell laid on our table
a beautiful specimen taken by a young
Spencer boy at Veazie. It was a little
over seven inches long. If this young
school of salmon is not destroyed, in
two or three years our river will again lie
crowded with salmon as it was seventy
five years ago.
The Hhlpworm.
A reporter visiting a shipyard took up
a piece of W-HKI to critically - xamiue it.
It could IK- compared to uothuig more
fitting in general ap|H-araiu-e than a
wasp's or horm-t's ui-st, so thoroughly
wu* it |K<rf>>rate-l, ami, like the nests in
-litaib-d, it was of usheu color.
Home of the insects *till remained in
the cells. They seemed to be of a
whitish color and were encased in a shell
like Hula-taiice an inch in length; their
heads were sha|>ed like s |XHI auger, as
if intended by nature to IK- great bores.
In the case of a vessel in the dock they
had completely j>erf<-rated the outer
Hheathmg or planking of the hull, the
place of the eutrauce lieilig small aud
needle like, until they reached the
framework of h-avy trees, wheu they
turned hack and oouliuued their work of
det-tructi-iu. The holes they make in
crease in size from that of a pin's point
to an ajK-rturethat a man's thumb would
uot fill.
While the reporter aas examining the
wood a venerably ear|M-uter with adze
in hand joined him and said: "1 will
give you a bit of information about
these worms that not many people kuow.
You see this wood is punctured right up
to a hair's width of the place it joins au
other plauk. Now the worms never
cross a crock, aiul you see they have
gone right through the outer plauking,
but thev have not touched the frame or
the Ceiling of tho bark; if they had, you
never would have seen her on the dry
dock here."
A well known *|>ar manufacturer and
shipwright joined the group and added
his valuable information. He said in
effect : " Aspiuwall is considered by
shipmasters and owners to be a very
wormy port; I have heard of vessels that
have only laid there for the q-ooe of six
wt-ek* to sink at their anchorage. There
is a marine copper paint that sometimes
acts well as a defense against these de
stroyers, but about the ouly sure refuge
is metal f-lu-athilig. I have sent Veaaels
In-fore uow on a ten mouths' voyage to
liio Janeiro aud they have oorne back
aith their hulls sotiu-1 and clean, and
have sent others down to Texas and
their bottom* have boon fairly eatcu out
by the worms."
Coal tar ami other coverings for hulls
hsve la-en tried, but the only sure de
fense a-ems to be metal. There is a
oom|K>Hitiou now very generally used in
stead of exclusive copper; it is inaiuly
composed of spell, tiu and copin-r. The
worms are even found in New York har
bor, but th- y do uot usually do as much
damage, 'lher will bore until they
reach a crack or -earn which is made by
the joining of plank.*, and will not cross
An Experiment in Co-operatliVn.
In 1M72, says Chaa. Barnard, iu Srrift
nrr' M'tntKJ.w, a Urge manufacturing
firm in New York called its workmen
together, ami announced that after a
certain date everv man would receive
over and above hta wage* a share in the
profit* of the business, IK- they more or
leas, according to the aab*. The men
n<—-iv*l the KtaU-mcut with incredulity
ami r- turn >1 to their work. Six mouths
i-at—ed, ami the firm anuoun—vl that it
luad $4,000 t> divide among the men iu
proportion to their wag--*. The itutne
diate result of the actual division of the
moucy uas gratifying to all concerned.
The men r- *umsi work with remarkable
animation and industry. Evrry one IK--
came jealous of his neighbor's work,
- very one became his fellow's overseer.
No idleness now, no " one liauded
work," no shirking ami dilstorv piw
lighting, no guards to watch {or tin*
foreman, no waste of material and tune.
Never before had ao much w-.rk lax n
performed in a -lay; never had such
skill, economy, aptitu-le and intelligence
IKK-U sliowu at tlie Ix-m-ho*, ami u--vcr
had better giMals la-en uia-lc. The men
w- re apparently *ati*tl—l, and th<- firm
was more tlnui >m|>eiisaD-.l for th<-
(-nwHii outlay by the improved quality
of the goods. Several month* passed,
and the lion*-- annouu—xl that in a few
week* it would have a surplus of t<-n
thou-vaud dollars to divide among the
workmen. Suddenly led away by some
epidemic of unreason, the men struck
for a reduction of time t eight hours.
The proprietors would not consent to
this, and as a consequence for two week*
the shops were closed. In vain were
the men shown the money coming to
them; in vain wa* it demoiistraUsl that
they were making more money tliau men
in the same line in other shops. They
per*i*t—l in the strike till they could
hold out no longer, ami then resumed
work as la-fore. The firm declined to
proceed further with the 00-mK-rative
experiment, and what had been lair with
promise was thus brought to a disas
trous end.
YMtiug a Ka-hioiiahle Church,
Home years ago. being in Philadel
phia, John CocknriU, of Ohio, received
au iutnnluction to a prominent diviueof
that city. The reverend geutleman iu
vited John to attend his church ou a
certain Huuday, which invitation was
They entered the sacred edifice to
gether. It was one of the first churches
in the city, ami its members were fash
ionable and aristocratic iu the extreme.
The minister put John in an elaborately
furnished pew, well to the front. John
nestled comfortably down into one cor
ner of the same, and looked aliout as in
teresting and contented as a toad under
a cabbage leaf.
After a while the owner of the pew ar
rived, and at onoe gave Rigtia of intense
disgust ami indignation at the presenoo
of the interloper. He looked nt Johu,
looked at the pew, scowled magnificent
ly, and finally, after fumbling through
his pockets some time, drew forth a
card and wrote on it with a pencil:
"This is my seat, air I" and, with an air
of the loftiest contempt, tossed it over
to John.
The latUr took it up, read it with
lamb-like meekness jx-culiar to him
self, and then, with the most delightful
coolness, wrote in reply:
"It's a very good seat! What rent
do you pay?" and tossed the card liack
to its owner.
The latter took it, looked at it with the
most profound astonishment a minute or
two, and then a broad griu overspread
his countenance.
Ho evidently enjoyed the sublime
brass and coolness of hi* new acquaint
ance, and when service was over he ap
proached John, apologized for his itido
uess, invited him to his house, gave him
the best lie had, ami treated hun with
the utmost respect and consideration
during his sojourn in the city.
What a Penny Did.
About o year ago h young girl reaid
ing in the town of Villowood, Ont., swal
lowed a penny. No unpleasant result*
wore experienced until several months
ago, when nh was attacked at times
with violent pains in her stomach. Phy
sicians were called but they were unable
to afford her any relief, and for some
time she has been failing rapidly, aud it
is thought she cannot survive long. For
three weeks or more she has taken no
nourishment that she oould retain. Her
mouth, she says, tastes just like a penny,
uud the saliva from the stomach is of a
greenish color and strongly impreg
nated witli the smell of copper. About
the only thing that she has relished is a
n-rdiri tf Mmii I run t| Hraaabl Is
lllkl llr'a I .111. la ibr IVmO
l)tM|i|iursarr ml lbs C.allr ml a
lu 171K) Hir William l'ultney having
placed in the market his vast
aions iu which is now Mrulw-u county,
N. Y., hundreds of immigrants from the
Foist flocked to the section to take Up
land. One mute to the I'ill tin y Patent
l-asaed through Pcuuaylvauia, and the
old ruined road near Kuowland was a
part of the route.
About that time a Frenchman named
Pierre Latourette built a log cabin in
the above rood, two miles west of Kuow
lsud. in his employ was auother
Frenchman called I'epow, and his wife.
The 1-KWtion of the tavern was such that
it Ix-oaine a favorite stopping place for
immigrants. Lstlourrttr was au old
French soldier, aud hia disposition was
such that he was very unpopular with
his guests. He hail not la-en long in
this tsvern before stories of an ugly na
ture became current among the immi
grants. Many of them were robbed at
the Frenchman's of money and valu
übles. Cattle left in his iuciusure at
night would be missing iu the morning,
and could not be found until the owner
paid Lsitourette fur looking them up,
he claiming that they had escaped and
were roaming in the woods. It was also
alleged that men stopping at the tavern
had mvHterioualy disappeared, aud were
uever Lear-1 of afterward.
Home months after the Frenchman
put UD hia inn, a man named Vail, with
his wife aud two children, were among a
party of immigrants on their way to the
I'txltney projK-rty. Noticing that the
Frenchman was a grinding landlord, and
only patronized from necessity, he ouu
ceived the idea of building a house near
by, ou the road, for the accommodation
of immigrants. He secured some
laud about three quarters of a mile fur
ther west, and ereeted a tavern. This
took nearly all of the Frenchman's
business away. Three mouths afterward
there was a temporary lull iu the travel.
The tide soon started up again, and one
night a j-arty stopped at Yail'a, but
found the house closed. Returning to
Latourettr's, the immigrants were told
that Vail had become tired of keeping
tavern, aud had gone toHtcuben county.
Nothing was ever seen or heard of
Yail or his family afterward, however,
and it wan generally l* lt-v-d that La
tourette had murdered Yail and his
family and pillaged the house. Latou
rette remaiued in the tavern uutil immi
gration had almost ceased, aud grew
rich. Pepow died on the place, and
hut wife oouLnued to live with Lsttou
rettc. At the breaking out of the war
of INI'J Latourette sold his proiierty, and
departed iu c-'tnj-any with his late assist
ant's wife. The old log tavern was de
molished Year* ago, and the site is now
occupied f-y a farmhouse.
The above reminiscence of nearly a
century ago have been recalled l-y a
startling Uisoov- rv made a tew -Isy*
sines*. A hooppofe cutter uatr.- l Hoff
was walkiug in the WIKKIS ntKint two
mile* from the rite of the old Litotir- tu
taveru. Iu cb-ariug away a thicket at
the fiK>t of a l—lgeof rocks h - came U|KUI
a large fiat atone standing np on its
edge against the neb. Out of idle cu
riosity he pri*d it over, and wo* *ur
pria- d to *•■: thst it ha<i conoealc-.! au
-q-ening in the I—lg--, some three fi-et in
circumferen—-. li fl crept in the open
ing ou hi* hands aud knee* ami f--nud
that it gradually gr- w larger. He went
iu several f< et, when his hand cam-* in
—-utact with a hat-I, round substance.
H<- brought it out mto the light, and
was astounded to find that it was a
human akull. Hoff dr--p|K-d the skull,
aud hurriiil to another part of the
woods when- two other cllopjK r* were
at work. They returned to the cave
with him. One of tin m lighted a pirn
knot, ami crawled into th<- oj-euiug, fol
lowed bv the other*. They found a
cavern they conld Mam! upright,
and about twentv fee* in cireumfereoce.
By tlie glare of the torch th- y dis
covered four human skeletons lying on
the floor of the cave. The uien hastily
retreated, and came to this place, and
told of their disco very. Several men
repaired to the xjxit, and ail attempt wa*
made to bring the skeletons out entire,
but they fell to pieces on being -hs
turlK-d. I r. Kennedy examined the
lames, and said that they were the re
mains of three nude* -one full grown
and of one female. They were brought
to Knowland, an-1, after being viewed
by hundreds of people, were buried.
All the old stories nueeted with Ln
tourette taveiu, which have been hand
ed down for several generations, were
at on— set afloat. There is no doubt in
the miuds of any that the skeletons are
those of tlie Yail family, who were mur
dered by Latourette ninety year* ago.
The Mjsterj of Marshal Nej.
A curious Story is going the rounds of
the Western press to the effect that
Marshal Ney was not shot, as history
tells us, bnt that he came to the Uuib-d
States and lived for many years in the
South, where he was known as Peter
Stewart Ney. The story is not a new
one. Some time about tho year IH.'K(, a
French gentleman, known a* Peter
Ney, resided iu Darlington or Marlboro'
district. South Carolina, aud pursue,!
the profession of teaching. Many old
citizens an- still living who were liis
pupils. Some curious facta are related
concerning this gentleman which tend
to corroborate the suspicion that he mar
have been the Marshal Ney of the first
empire. At the time referred to he is
said to have la-en exceedingly reticent
as to his jiersonal and private history.
In conversation, however, he showed
a remarkable familiarity with all the
evcuta and l-sttli-s of the Napoleonic
wars, and very frequently commented
upon them, admitting freeiy that he had
taken an active part iu them. His mar
tial Inuring, style of dress, and the
saber scar* upon his head, showed that
he had known military service. Ho is
said to have lieen gem-rally reserved ami
quiet in his demeanor, but fond of a so
cial chat with mcu of his age. At
times he relapstnl into fits of profound
melancholy, which occasionally ended iu J
a sjK-ll of intemperate drinking. He i
seemed di*j>oH-d to court retirement,
but ou one occasion, wheu ou a visit to
Columbia, ho Attended a military re
view on horsoh. ck, wheu his distin
guished and soldierly Waring attracted
much attention. The story goes thst
some French travelers, who were in the
town at the time, declared most jKsi
tively that it could bo no*other thou
Marshal Ney. This gentleman, more
over, always Wtrnvod a marked interest
in every item of news connected with
Napoleon iu his exile, and one day, sit
ting 4u his qniet schoolroom reading a
newspaper which he had just obtained,
ho suddenly dropped from hia chair iu
a HWOOU. Tim paper ou Wiug examined
was found to contain the news of Bona
parte's death.
A Sudden Death.
What they call a sudden death in
Minnesota may be inferred from this
paragraph from the Winona Republican':
Frederick I'enser, one of the oldest citi
zens of New Ulm, died very suddenly
one Hnrnlay morning recently, from the
effects of a gunshot wound reoeived on
the memorable nineteenth of August,
1863, when the Sioux Indians made their
aiteek en that place.
TKHMB: Svi.OO a Yoor, in Advance.
The Death I'malty.
Samuel J. FR at was etecuted at the
county jail in WoroeaU r, Mass. . for the
mur-ler of his wife'a brother, Franklin
I'. Towns. The murder was committed
! ou Huuday, July 4, 1H75, iu the bam on
the farm owned by Towue. After com
milting the -LEE-i Front went to the
house and assinte-1 hia wife to get the
children, four in number, ready for
church. After they hail left the house
he returned and buried the body under
the baru. Several tunes after this he
removed the body, cutting it into pieosa.
At HIE execution, as soon as Frost was
seated upon the fatal platform, Hev. Mr.
latins- >U offered a short prayer. IM
mediately at it* cluae the sheriff read the
-leath warrant, and when he had uttered
the dosing words pressed firmly upon
the spring, releasing the drop. Frost
had risen from hi* chair wheu the read
ing of the warrant was begun, and the
deputy sheriff behind him had fastened
the strap* around hi* LEGS and arm*, aud
L-efore the reading was finished had
shut out the light from him forever bv
drawing the black cap over hia head.
There was uot au instant's delay, and
less time than fire minute* had passed
between the time the doomed man took
hi* first step upon the gallows stair* and
that in which his body was thrown down
ward by the release of the drop. The
drop fell with hardly an audible sound,
and the light body of the murderer
brought THE rope to a strong tension.
The first thrill of a all u-lder had not run
through the more sensitive of the spec
latum when the body was seen spinning
at the end of the rope, almost headless,
S fearful tear extending over the trout
of the throat, aud the blood gushing out
iu streams. Every eye was riveted on
the startling aud unexpected spectacle
a* the body turned round, first discios
ing and then concealing this gash. The
blood, forced upward by the arterial
movements, spurted fountain-like upward
from one to two feet, the stream falling
to the floor in a circle round the hang
ing body. This circle extended even to
the framework of the gallows, which was
in many places sprinkled with the blood.
The welling life-ulood poured from the
wound down the front of the body and
trickled from th% feet, forming a pool
directly beneath the body. This recital
doubtless seems full of horrors, but it
falls far short of the realities of the
scene. For some two minutes the
arterial guabiugs of blood continued,
and the slow dripping of the blood from
the body continued S little longer.
Physicians then stepped under the gal
low* and made their examination of the
body. The knot of the ropa had been
placed tiehiud Frost's left ear, almost at
the —-liter of the neck. Frost was a mac
of no - special muscular development,
and though be weighed but one hun
dred and twenty pounds, the drop was
enough uot ouly to break his m-ck, but
to sever the spinal column entirely,
leaving the body hanging by the iu
tegument* of the rear portion only. The
body was allowed to hang a few minutes
after the examination by the doctors,
when it was lowered and carried from
beneath t' v gallows. In twelve minutes
from the ari>arau<v* of the execution
party the eves of the murderer were
closed forevt r. AL-ut one hundred and
fiftyperaoua were present.
A Reformation Banted.
A report of tlie Newr Turk -State board
of charities li:is the following : It is be
lieved thst the gloomy and prison-like
chara-'t- r with which some of these in-
Mituti lis are iuviwUxl should lie set
asid--. The grated windows of the
prison MKU from afar, as the boy ap
proaches the reformatory, the high walls
of gray stone that surmount it, the
formidable gab-way at tlie outrunce,
through which, as he p**ne, he hears
behind him the clash of bar and bolt,
failing ujK-n his ears like the sentence
•>f au im-vmvible doom, the ;>*K*agc on
ward through massive doors that swing
heavily close behind bim, till be finds
hunr-elf nt length in his little room,
closed with s grat—l door and fastened
with a massive bar and lock, iu wliat
seems to him a felon's oell, must power
fully affect the vivid imagination of the
young, no matter how hardened he may
lie, aud tend to break down pride of
character and self respect. The boy un
der such circumstances must feel that
the world has turned its tmck upon him;
that he ha* lost all ; that every man's
hand is against him, and thst hence
forth his hand mu*t be against every
man. The shock once over, and the
mind of the boy accustomed to the terri
ble ordeal, what dread lias Auburn or
Hing Sing for him ? It is believed that
a large proportion of the boy* commit
ted to reformatories do no. require these
forbidding restraints, and that some
different and milder treatmeutcombining
in some way the family system should l-e
adopted for a large claaa of juvenile de
linquents now being sent to the hotines
of refuge. If under this method they
IK- still found iu—wrigible, they might
then be transferred to a more secure
place and be put under stricter disci
pline. It is thought, however, that if
the experiment was onoe tried very few
would need to be so transferred.
At the Centennial.
The following are the days fixed for
the agricultural exhibit* at the Centen
nial : StrawWrries, .Tune 7th to 15th.
Early gros* butter and cheese, June 13th
to 17th. Early summer vegetables, June
20th to 24th. Honey, Jnue '2oth to 24th.
Baspberrii-s and blackberries, July 3d to
Bth. Southern pomnlogiaal products,
July 18th to 22d. Melons, Aug. 22d to
20th. Peaches, Sept. 4th to 9th. North
ern pomological products, Sept. 11th to
13th. Autumnal vegetables, Sept. 19th
to '23 d. Cereals, Sept. 25th to 30th.
Potato--a and feeding roots, Oct. 2d to
7tli. Grapes, Oct. Bth to lrtth. Autumn
butter and cheese, Oct. 17th to 21st.
Nuts, Oct. 23d t.) Nov. Ist. Autumn
honey siid wax, Oct '23 d to Nov. Ist.
Applications for entry should be ad
dressed to Burnet Isindreth, chief of the
bureau of agriculture. Dairy products
are to W shown on Wednesday of each
week. The field trials of mowing ma
chine*, tedder and hay rake* will take
plaee on ground near Schenck's station,
on the Pennsylvania railroad, Wtween
Philadelphia and Trenton, from Juno
15th to 30th, and the trials of reapers
from July sth to 15th.
The bureau of ngricnlturo offer the
following prizes : First Wst cow, $250;
second Wst cow, SIOO. For first Wst
herd, S3OO. The scale of poiuts to W
adopted by the cl ib is founded n]>on
that of the Royal Jersey Society.
Forgot Something.
There was a lawsuit lately which
called iu a score of people. It origi
nated from the sale of a horse, aud the
defendant's wife was one of the wit
nesses, or rather made a statement under
oath. She testified thus aud so, and
left the stand. Several other witnesses
had been eworn, when, all of a sudden,
sho asked to lie readied, telling the
lawyer that she had neglected oil im
portant portion of testimony. She took
the stand, and he said :
" Well, Mrs. , you can tell the
jury anything further you have bearing
on this cast)."
"Well, what I wonted to say," she
bluntly replied, "is that tho complain
ant's wife has the reputation of wearing
false teeth and doing her hair up in pa
pers to make it ourl I I forgot to re
fer to it when I was np here before."
A BM'bll* %'l.w ml lb. Nil* IiIMIm
Tb. rmmmrmmm trmm lb. Nat. aa* Trma-
The Exhibition spreads it* leaves and
blossoms like a lilac, showing every day
something new under the aun. AM a
lgeaut >t Iwmomas more and more at
tractive. To day, aaya a World letter,
the interior of the Main building, ring
itig with music and gay with trophies,
present* from any point along the nave
a gorgeoua and exhilarating eight. The
colored arch way. and pavilion* but
mounted by heraldic blazonry of the
different nations, and thaaialea on every
aide hemmed in by various product* of
beauty and of uae, are animated by con
siderably more than the usual number
of visitors. The floors, except where
occupied by packing boxes and exhibits
in course of preparation, are swept
cleaner than ever heretofore, and all
looks bright, bewildering and fair.
The troll through this immense
building from end to end is, if one does
not physically exhsuat himself by un
profitable side way excumona, still likely
enough to fatigue his powers of obaervs
lion and memory, and irritate or dull
the edges of his tastes. Happy the man
wboeeanowtedge or conceit or instinct
enables him to pass by the vast mass of
things which he perocivea to ha on
worthy, and to occupy himaetf only with
those objects here which denote on the
instant the fullest, ripest development
of the industries of thirty nations.
Otherwise the resources of his own
country even will oppress him so that
when he has passed them in review he
will be as dazed as an oar! at noon.
The universal Yankee nation triumphs
over everv other in its extent and m
tiiity. ami in nonut respect* in ita skill
Its display of silverware, of household
furniture, of colored and tinted marble*,
of arm*, metala, must eel instrument*,
minerals and cotton fabrics, ia superior
to that from any foreign country. Some
American carpets, too, and imitation
laoea hold their own contrasted with
their respective grades in England.
Everywhere along the left for what
seems a quarterof a mile until they reach
the transept, the suooeesea and failures,
the genu and the oddities of the United
States exhibition keep people staring
with eyes mostly fish like, bat occasion
ally admiring or detective. In contrast
to the perfumeries that vainly seek to
rival the soentt of Cologne and the
tapc&tries which show their sharp hues
and sheen in oases which none bat the
judges and a few intending purchasers
are likely to compare with the magnifi
cent modern tapestry work in the Span
ish paviilion—besides these and many
other showy bat inferior American pro
ducts there are things of excellent merit
in the form of jewelry, bijouterie, soar*,
toys, "magic lounges," mirrura, and a
thousand or two articles else. The show
of hooks and bindings is not what might
have been expected. That of iron and
granite is superb. While there is no
iron in America like the Swedish (which
can be twisted, cold, into ropes and
cables), some of our processes render
iron sufficiently malleable. And here,
in piles of rails and pyramid* towering
near to the ceiling, its uses, and those
of steel, brae* and copper, are expressed
to the admiration even of some of oar
British cousins. Of sargiaal instru
ments, and surgical applications affixed
to models and shining with silver, pol
ished steel and flue embroidery, there
ia an exhibition which might reoonctle a
belle in the dancing season to a broken
limb, and which a surgeon who baa gone
through the building tell* me outrank*
in merit anything of its kind from the
other countries.
To the right the panorama of Mexico,
the NrUn-rianda, Brazil, Belgium. Switz
erland and France and her colonies ap
pea-a. Glimpses of the costumes, fab
rics, mineral*, vegetable products and
models of the architecture of the turbo
lent but rich and advancing repnblk- on
our Southern border; of the great maps
of Holland and its dykes, which conceal
the further illustrations of its industries;
of the Belgium exhibit in chaos, and of
the unique Swiss woodwork and other
ornamental work, constantly engage and
occasionally enchant the eye. The
French exhibition arrest* it, and it is
difficult for any one to pass through this
comparatively epbermexal display with
out yielding to the seductive demands it
makes on the attention. Leaving out of
view for the present tboae articles of
legitimate use and luxury in the manu
facture of which the French are without
peers, some of the objects here net forth
satirize most shockingly the taste of
some of our leaders of fashion. There
are dresses here that would make a Fifth
avenue matron stare with horror, hosiery
which she would order off her daugh
ter's feet if she ever caught it on them,
and gloves which she would fling into
the grate or withal gratify her wash
woman. Of the splendor of the silks
and laces; the rich carpets; the sets,
vases and jewelry of silver and gold; the
inimitable trinkets; and at last the costly
bronzes of the French exhibition, some
dazzling apeearaaoes are caught as yon
approach the grand circle under the
central pavilion of the building.
Round about at the four angles of the
Eavilion are the advance ornamental ex
ibition* of the United States, Ger
many. Groat Britain and Frano,-. The
matchless silver array from Tiffany's
and the Gorham manufacturing com
pany's, the Konigl Porzelhui manufac
turer's highly creditable collection of
German porcelain, and Elkingtcn A
Co.'* exhibition of silver and gold, com
plement the Paris bronzes which flank
the mantelpiece of Merehard.
To the loft again the glittering Aus
trian and Hungarian spoctaole appears,
lleyond that a few Russian goods (the
Russian articles have not hay arrived)
signify the beauties of the promised
Russian exhibition iu the combination
of marbles. jasper*, chalcedonies, lapis
lazuli aud other stones used iu the fabri
cation of vases for which the visitor
must seek some distance back. The
gloomy and rather tawdry inclosnre of
the Spanish exhibition; the partially oc
cupied space of Turkey; Egypt's show
of heavy and vivid Oriental stuffs and
objects of antiquity; the bright portal of
the pavilion of Denmark; the exhibition
of Swedish arms aud warlike effigies,
aud the magnificent exhibition of the
empire of Japan, all pass in rerfew still
to the left. China and Chili next, and
opposite these Sweden and Norway. As
the thunder clouds shut out the light
and the rain now begins to descend in
torrents—cooling and even chilling the
draught that sweeps through the great
western dx>rway—the sight of the rare
furs from Greenland and the robes of
eider down from far Sweden is delight
ful to the gathering crowd of ladies, who
are oalling for their shawls and um
brellas, and who almost pity the vaguely
detlncd bronze figures which appear in
the shadowy front of the Italian exhibi
tion, unprotected again it the waft of
the storm.
A Long Imtjusonmxnt.—A man was
lately released from Ludlow street jail,
New York, where he had been oonflned
for six years for debt. He looked thirty
years older when he came out than when
he went in.
A merchant went home the other
night and said cheerfully to his wife;
" Well, iny dear. I've failed at last."
" Oh, that's g<x>d I" exclaimed the wife,
with a radiant face; " now we can go to
the Centennial, sure."
A Bale far Preaching.
Btgin low j
Oe on stow |
Ms* higher.
And tab. firs;
When most imprssstd.
Bs aalfopeesamad ,
At th. sad wax warm.
And sit down la a storm.
Items of Interest,
" The Oreat Unknown "—The mer
chant who doesn't advertise. ,
A disbansßi grocer tine bean lying n
weight for s customer.
There are thousands of patents to
facilitate ialior, but few to facilitate reel.
Of the 311,000 persons employed in
watchmaking in Switzerland, one-third
are women.
Moses L. Hwilt, of Reno, Nevada, has
been granted a divorce from his wife
on account of her ** mental cruelty."
The manner in which William Penn
obtained land from the Indian bureau is
abont to be investigated.
The Norristown Herald thinks they
aall it insurance because the company is
in, sure, if anything happens.
A Halt Lake Oiiv paper assert* that
the recent gunpowder explosion caused
one hundred premature births.
It is a fact of much significance that
Japan has adopted the first day of the
week—the Christian Sunday—as a day
of rest.
It has been figured out that the aver
age American is worth §350. It ia there
fore something to be an average man in
this country.
A medical journal states that a pebble
carried in the mouth excites the ealivary
glands to act with such energy that
thirst is not felt
There ia s time when a man gladly
gets a pail of water or an armful ofwood
for a woman. It is when he is a boy,
and ahe ia a teacher.
A young Philedelphiau, threatened
with a breach of promise suit, says:
" Hoe away. Contracts made on Hun
day ain't legal-"
Mistrust the man who finds every
thing good, the man who finds even-thing
evil, and Mill more, the man who is in
different to everything.
•' Madam," aaid a gentleman to his
wife, " let me tell you, facte are very
stubborn thing*." " What * fact yon
must be," quoth the lady.
A giri waa asked by a very thin
man tf she dida't think nhe could learn
to love him, "I might if yon was
Stuffed " was the laughing reply.
A number of American girls in Call
foruia have married Chinamen. They
get husband* who ate economical house
keeper* and willing to do their own
Patient (to doctors after oonsaltation(
—" Tell me the worst, am I going to
die f" "We are divided on that ques
tion, air ; bat there to a majority of one
thai yon will live."
Bingte drees skirts, more or lean
trimmed, are worn by many ladies; some
times these are quite plain, particularly
if the material employed ia rich and
An egg condensing factory has been
established at Pasaan, Bavaria, wherein
the eggs are dried and then reduced to
a fine meal, which i* packed in air-tight
cans, ready for shipment
A city ordinance in ban Fraflcisoo for
bid* ale* ping in a room contain n g leaa
♦ 500 cubic feet of air to each occu
pant. Twelve Chinamen were arm ted
some time ago fox violating it
Annie Starch, aged thirteen, of Ki ni
erville, N. J., found a rusty revolver ia
a barn and rapped it on a atone to km -ck
off dirt that had accumulated on it. ihe
charge went off and killed her.
Child—" Papa, Mr. Winkle thai died
went to heaven, didn't he—be taught
in the Sunday school?" Papa-" We
will drop that subject, my child, Mr.
Winkle waspnwidentof agasoccq any."
We reed about a laoiviUe gent !■ man
who took hia wife to the rink, and be
cause of her want of skill became enraged
and at the top of his voice oall. d her
"an old bow-legged kangario on
It {)peu that Britain ha* already
had an empreas named Victoria. She
lived A. D. *7O, was the wile of Bono-
SON, and contemporary with Zen obi*,
being called the Empress of the West
in contradistinction to Zeoobia' title of
Empress of the East. *
The Albany Journal aaya, anonl the
Philadelphia Exposition: Ma-eachu
aetta shines conspicuous among the
States represented in Machinery haii; no
other State baa anything like her Tariety
of manufacturing machines—special ma
chines for special work.
An English officer who recently tried
to get a drrorc- from his frivolous wife
only succeeded in drawing from the
judge a lecture on feminine flirtation.
Hie honor remarked that there had of
late roars been an alarming increase of
this silliness among siren.
The people of Akron, Ohio, are hurry
ing up as much as possible to get
their new lunatic asylum completed. A
grand " musical festival " will be inau
gurated there, in which twenty-five
brass bands are expected to take part,
all contending foe prises amounting to
We witneeeed a touching scene the
other day. A fufl grown, healthy look
ing married man waa going towards the
suburbs with a base bail club over his
shoulder, and, in a few minutes there
after, while passing his house, we no
ticed his wife sawing wood in tbe (mm*
An intelligent foreigner, passing
through the street* of Philadelehu, took
out his note book at the end of a long
walk, and made a little memorandum to
the effect that " eighty-nine per centum
of the population of Philadelphia •
members of the powerftu *—— - f
Some one writing for an Enguaa pa
per a description of the Centennial
grounds at Philadelphia says that Bel
mont avenue divides them into two
aones, the "temperate" and the "in
temperate." On one side are all the
fountains and the lake; on the other are
the restaurants.
A St. Joeeph man, one year marrtoe,
says there is a great deal in the expres
sion of a back comb to denote the state
of the domestic atmosphere. When his
wife's oomb nestles quietly in its proper
place, all is well with him, but when it is
lifted and leans forward, he says:
" Look out for squalls."
(Pleasant for George, who is enter
taining "the governor" with the latest
college gossip. ) Pater.— "Now, George,
this is all very well about the foot-ball,
tlio prospects of the cr jw, and the iwt
of it; now suppose you let us knowalw* t
the Greek and Latin, and this sffcutrX •
we will go over all your bills."
Years ago, before dams and mi kief | -
stneted the shad on their passage > [>
the Merrimac, spring found tire S*
waters full of these ilah. They ®
caught by the cartload and used If * ®
farmers for manure. The old rule
" A shail to a hill of corn." llf &K -
etituted the phosplmte of the earfy da%* •
A centennial incident: " An* Iwmiir
might a square be?" said a I® 45 "' *
stranger to a patriot driver oa a
car. " Sure, and if ye was a Pkis\Ai' *
phian like meself, ye" would know it wrfS
to the next corner." " An'i&il tola,
exclaimed the patriot stranger, "fw
we New Yaarkere call a block? ' - 5
it is."
From Burlington oome® news cs 1
little girl only nine years of age, woo
has dt,vt>l<meil a wonderful talent lor
sculpture. She chiseled carbuncle
on the side of her brother's head witn
a screwdriver so neatly that her
think of sending her to
her learn to mangle marble in the ltul ia
language. .
A mad ox broke from his ft
Dijon (France) drove him up '
and then attacked the carriage® m tn
road, making the horses bolt. Fo *
hours traffic was entirely Kuspsn ec,
many persons seeking shelter * n
trees, when, atlast, a sqnad of {"****"
with rifles drew near. The bull ok * r b <l.
but reoeived a volley of musketry a
twenty yards, which quieted him.