THK < F.NTHK IIFVOKTKR. THURSDAY .'C.Ni' 1. *-. LODGE MEETING* |V. Itxt.t.l, "WW. X • * '■>. I. O ; * -f Sitihhvi wninitln © Mtrii •• Wail. ■ V <•'.! l.n vv •. s.' ! 'I I' • ,xl " v - A '* on Vowrl* ' ::.P. A M •*•• \t s-isv v*nim . .n wrh r> ' • *" w ' i . HKMJion So. W R v.., i.. * i'-o.m-wilihv sv.P-f H. mult m * *1 I ... ' 1 ■ Mi' ,\ fCi*nnv Holt.f ' !*'*■' '>* <. I ... .. (■!-.' •; , JJ> - • V UV . ' in: ••■ w,l >•••**'• n ''sT . ~ M. IWRHMM * A Ihvmt.icp.! LOCAL ITEMS. • : v." • ' ■' • ' ' > ( .... .'. . noti ■ ■ o. death- si'.'l liisrt.- \V ... . - .i!i>ar "> the •)!•.> ffi% ,1, Lil-.TtK'-. with the • XVI " '• ... m i | mroor vethe llm n f The lUivmvn l ir.jr r .•■'• b. r...vr.v ,VP V '.. •, . • t . - Of the ■ • ma it- 10 cents, venrlv, for p.-ug* wUtv i .■ u , o ; th.s miwc. - the mii < l. one bait'. B* the-uni | :*• 1 by!'•< .or ' \ .owLti thumb r Uow.r vv our v. ■■ •'■ .; yd be-t r.-cuh.Sed jiftfiJ :1 the _ - ' 1 . :• . . V| . \ Fourth of July celebration. The pro . *5 i: -awiioiiy print. I ivi:*'. v*'-i 10 uco iut Per.. OS - A.. vt> ?- , bury. —The :.:n*t at.u 1 t t.-k " gvvus • / 1 1 ~,V . ! in the county, a. ways found at Loeb . BelWeate. i . froat the effects f the recent ta ration uivn hi* eye, and h : tat 1 to H • about. Hur":r * the tt „r.Jer R>. ' on !:.?! . Monday afternoon lightni: c . ; ue't i' ; wash-hcusc el Mr. Mersinger in . -e J. > .. t arißß down ihechimney and : 'j: otL ir u tu: re- Aleut the n0 t-nse the d*e '..lug . fFrat • at the Forks, was vuek and set on fire but the fire was ex thjti ' ■■■'. iT. J. W. 1 V. U Xe v Beriin— j oar Jerry—is a republican candidate for ( A- railty in I aits ceunry. '-■ rj - a < ;'y fallow and ought to make it. -—On last Tuesday the annual election .; *>; ihe I- C. As. t\ nn. w:.. hold at , r . :. UU Mi, t\>r pr. -i.IoM and directors. | i We do not think that any thar.s • will be -..da in Presidcat, and i- there is it vvu: ( . . du:-i be Cd. SUfer in j.'aca of -Mr. , Miller. The board of direct rs will re-; , n. .in about as bt fore. u—On last Tuesday eveui: Bw. •oftbia place, received w d s| . : i, h brought him the sad intelligence of, - deuiii of his sifter, Mrs. Collins, wife efR v t' ilins, Ln'.h trissiofiary to Mo- • r, u A::': .. llev. Co .ius acl bis wifej' acre on their return to this country. M:>. : ■ w ?. k t>a tr di■ J. . ' b was . >i .1 • A • 1 : * l U. u nit'. Rev. in ti ■ sal be- • ro;\ tu'.cai -! agister whom ho l iiiiii i fee, aod Lt - . t'itd abctit 9 months a,., imme.!y t r mir i go. r ? cd fr. ru lv*i .. I u. to . b.- ahortiy after their trriral in thnt country, J ti.. broko dows in iica'.tb. and und i t .t taey >' uld net or. lure i tt i uvte a ! i irl ! home, their frienti. s' X. t:;li ft waiting their return this week. The despatch announced the safe arrival, o" 11 'v C liir. :• N V.k, c' T,..sday,' ; and a'so the sad ir.tvl igcnce "f the death 1 ; of his wife, and her burial beceath the:) n. >aning waves oi the Atlantic. j I. rd s bupper in the Presbyterian church . : t Centre Hill, next Sabbath mor: >, 1. ' < Rev. Fischer will deliver an aJJre s ir; :'.e Lull, iharch, of this place, a feb btfi evening, if>, for the W.n< fit of the j youn^. Dried and canned fruits of tuej c oirest, always hand at the fi-Telnr* | qr jt-ery of Sechlor & Co. All members of the Ciubr i: Centre C-ur-'.y, nil organiziti as not invited and the people of Centre county ' in .*cneral are lerehy invited to partici- ■ irt'.e in the celebration to bo had in, II >f* t teon July Itli. AH rg w -hir.g to join the celebration will please notify the at an early day. W. 11. Rank ik. Sec'y All | ir- : , vi-iling BeHtfi tde are hi-rely invited to cajl at Zeilcr's Ui e ire . r a fr'ai# of Rower * Mead —th r.o i healthful and p pular drink of the day. It .i del.eiou.v. It is a c -ni 1 . ination of the most choice and flagrant aromatic* known. . iv ; y It. ,M<"> Th • ■ i 1 v L -i a:.p nt <•l postmaster at Miirov, vice A. W. fir. M'onder wbnt Air. G. h en <1 >i .g, that his political head id t be ehopj td off? Perhn| ; he fail) . to vote f r a Republican township audit r..r clerk hue -pring election I TLe Lewis !• vn posUuaster, it will le rf.u cd, w decapitated becau-e one or tw, of lils -Jit- last fnll voled I r the D. in rrutie candidate for the oinly Ire: .-tr-hip. K. : that quality of the hu rnt.n heurtthat plveg a kindly I men'- ac u... AYithout it this world w u'd be jmor indeed, and human nature woald be dcslhutc of one of its most beautiful altri butvi. Remove sympathy from the Lu man breo s t, nm! there is a vacuum cr ... tedg ings, £I,OO per day. Breakfast and sup per, 50 ets. each. < 'areful attendants and private watchmen day and night. Fam ilies, jarties of friends and Societie- can be accommodated in sectious by them selves. Capt. 11. C. Beamer, of this val ley is employed at the Channing house, and will do his utmost to makehisCetitre county aciiuaintatices fee i at home. . 'We have tri J Bower's ilead at Zeller's Drugstore and it isju.-t as good as they say it is—just the thing for a warm day—cooling and delightlul. 4t. J. S. M I LI.KB, Fashionable Tailor, Aa ronsburg. Shop few doors west ol I'r. MUSMT'S dmay If Goods have been marked down to the lowest cash prices by Secblcr &. (.o. No grocery in the county offers as lull a line of goods. ZJO.N i.< , Al-s ( or, Di:tl''iir i ri j-o:{ i •i. 1 mil n- d grain are ptx"taising. lVt hu3> a < re appearing In myri .... - : : bs< ks. Mereh.m' Soil i- i>v:.'ntly di iwinj ' ; I'M* tinr f>r b • •'( wftM, x* n• •• i; ! him Walkim- tip b>x\ :< t! tt other i ex ■ nii'it villi a nvrtM or half barrel of fl-h on hi* beck. i li • li' ir 'i < *'•••'.•• Sue. • v . ; - l- ' . Tho town I* *IHn a *flr at present, oxv i !• a tx the previa ity of several wmLling*. . . ' ♦ with ooon my ■ . ,.l t: tbtSi SI CententiononTbutnli? ■ •• .• .1 tbo r ! ' I.i l loft -itt •*1 for Jo'o* l>r. I*. S, Vi*l or'- gorgeous palace is beginning to ttixxrr li c. kmxxxi bow to -end up : oxv tbing The printing-pre** -ha* at la-t arrived, : and aftertrie) pi nwn rd to mo o j other 'i tbo rein tv. I'ho otiuH' son tho ■woi .1 tl. ur, flbiffrr II Main St. ! whoro jio! oti.i Jr-.ting to too the printer i will tl it si bita from to I'd and from 1 l 1 Irrespeetix e of the time*, hit-in--* has* \ rilK NKW li AM K LAW ; . . !-.*. j.cxxral i.tft* relating to game and gam,- u-h, passed the Log .-: xtare on tbo lt day] if t' i i >:t A the a.-, to tt-rto* ly si it ft r* from all the f ru.t r ljtw on the ut>- i ot an abstract is appeudcJ. Sc. Lan oue prohibit-the k 1L: . if • . •r xx .id doer except from I'. to! r l to Jnn ".i< ti. ti. xvt.i m t'f x lite above - r . > it . i . . ■■ .. .U or wuli dog-. r Iho killing lu the xx u'.er :at x ilk or xit'd ti IT r .xxn which ha i . on driven thereto bv dogs, are prohibit \ x Shading again*; any of the provisions oft!.!- -cctiuß -hail bo i>- tio to a fine . f fifty dollar- for taeh c!k. v. id deer cr fhxvn -o killed, pursuext ot : 1 , r fresh .I'-, '■x.'. i deer or faun ... | i h - i Provided nay] • ( >cr >n fcax ...g an elk or xx .LI deer belwet i. January 1 and iL tober 1 ,i -how that the anitual was kiile 1 xx .thin the time lre • oriottLlx Ia xx .:. o. to .io hi .!t ..i, n :be liable to the penalty. Constables) r other town > tHciai- are authorised tf k: i dogs that habitually pursuo elk, wild ii< if or sawn, and iho owner of such dog is i able to tin dollars ri: • for every elk.l v. iJi .-x r lawn ki itd by such dog. V c ■ lit o prmrii loftks mntina wntkbl. act .-...til Lt .-o construed a- not to change : or alter auy exceptions o: any counties : heretofore r ailo >u any ait of assembly' prohibiting running Jeer with dogs. Sttlion two imj o-t - a penalty of live 1 ti. ar- r . ach gray, 1 lack -rI. v *t|uirrel killed or ba.l ot pos.-tss n between Jauu-i ary I and July I. r-ection three iaipostt a penalty of fixe • dollars for each rabbit n ... J or Lad in ! po-si • :i 1 eti n December l > and Oc- j tober IA The huntirgof rabbits with for- ' • Lhli in r , ] . :y c tt r. dollar- for ' ach rabb.l -o killed. Section fur imj >e u penalty often dollars for killing any xxild in. - or goose a -vxivvl i r punt gun or x. th any gun - . :ht than > gu. s i. arorai-t lat ana - j lei uth and ! : rex! from the shoulder. Section five imposes ape: shy of t n dollars for killing any xx ild turkey or wood ' >r summer duck between January 1 and ] ' Sect ti - x imposes a penalty of :• :. t.. 1- :r# for killing any upland or plover twv. i! January I and Vugurt Ix - :•. aeven imposes a penalty of ten' 1 ioliar* for killing any WMOCOOK NtVMI I January 1 and Jay 4. _ j Sect; eigi tin i" -a p !ialtx - _ "! t ioSlars for killing any n imp - - iv penalty of ave ; :ar st killing any r.xiibird • r reedbird , getpt inSeptenVsr, October and A'ovein- Section eleven imposes a penalty of five j ioilars tor killing any nigblhawk, xxi.ip- j MOnrttl. sparrow, thru-b, lark, lock, Barton, chimney swallow, barn swallow,: 1 tuodpecker, ticker, robbin, oriole, red or 1 bird, eedur bird, t_::ag. r, cat- = j ■ird, bluebird or any other insectivorous . ■ Jsection twelve provide- that such birds i.ay bo kiiied for the purpt -e of scientific nv nigati< n or Laving t.-.e saute stutfed to < >e set up as a specimen. 1 p Sect: n ti irt. >:i impust .at enalty of. t-3 dollar-for robl ing >r x'eslroying eggs ' -: of a: y wild birds except th-.-e ; jrcdatorv t rJs such as arc de-trucUve o: mine r.r.jl i:-ectivor .a birds. Kggs ar> i fWe.l '.J 1. taken fir scientific | urp. •• . 'l Section f.'urleen imp. •- a penalty • S ..erty dollars lor killing, catching ord -- P -harging IfIMM at OBJ wild pig--- n r while on its nest.njr or in any manner di- t •..rbitig such m-stirg ground or the bird* . .hereon or discharging any firearms with- 1 a use-fourth mile of the place or shooting initialing or killing any wild pigeon xx ithin its rousting •• p-jction fifteen u, i- • 11 naLy often : •- ... '.lt, :■ . \ XV ! tt:r- , key, rutiled grouie, wpodcock, rail - or reed bird or rabil ' y means of any 1 blind, trap, sr.itre, net > r any other do- 1 A pi- >.- ■ ru. mdiv .dual-or a*-' 1 i .x'. • : rib •prelection, prc*ervatia ' and propagation of games to gather alive, J by r. T traps, with the will and content ' •v. cer 11 t lattvi. 'iiiail,. r Virginia : ig- from !• "♦ ti ■ i fi'i t > February ' 1, for tue sole purpoie of preserving them ' s.'iive over llie wint'-r. Section -ixteen luipo-o, a penalty of tweoty-fivedollars for hunting or fishing-* on Sunday. .<■ Section a-, voutecn imp • > n penalty vf twicty-fire dollars for catching or ki.iing c sp, ckltd trout wills jit.y devuo but rod, r book arid line, except I • r propagation or " ■ientile invest -ifi >n, or for placing any f jet lino* iri vvat< ra inliabited by the tt*h. j* S !ion eig teen impo-e* a uei.alty of ten ar*fi>r kulir.g any -almon , r speckled IJ it J.IVO only during April, May, .Jure, ' July ai l the fi.:-i fill, en day of August. ' The catcJußgjpf tr.ut by an per-"n with • in water* owned by litniielf. to -lock J oi! cr water-, is allowed. ' Section nineteen provides that no person 1 '.all kill or cxpo-e for t tie any lake tro .t . tr.e month* of December, January and 1 i iruary, UI. '-T a |i< : Ity < f ten d- :!r*r ; for each fish. j v S . lion twenty imj - aj-nalty • f ?lfO * f.,r trc-paasit g < n any lam - f r the i uiw : I . V ; ■ i lu:, 1 stream or spring after public notice shall have been given. Tl < nly up- v plit; to ponds. Ac., a- .hall bo and are ' niprovi a by ibe owners of ,esexn forpro)- fi ng.tiou tff organ.* fish. Section twenty-one Imposes u penalty rd txx-nty I've dollars frpUtiug any set-net* n i.-h-f u, pond m ts, gill nets. < I weir-, j n kuldh . brush and f.ieir," net* or any oth-.l cr pennant ntly set meat of taking fish cr I otherwise, in the nature of seine-, in the „ water- of the commonwealth, provided w th:.*. ' -hiiig with giil nuts in trial water* J. shall be lawful. Hec'-i 'n twenty-two iropofs a penalty of 0 t'-n ■l■ ■' 1 ar- fur catching < r killing, at any tin. - -live wtl'i :oJ. !. -<, pi-kerel, pii.c ,-r A > ' .*.*.: ; •.. or '■•ri 'i: a-.y ~ of the i. -l - betw . pfi July 1 at 1 March 1. , except alive ford' • king other waier- A ~ proviMi declnrc- that th" - < t:--n shall not < apply to the water- ef_ Lake Erie, exeej>t v in the ponds on the i land or peninsula forming th north and mat shores of the harbor of Krio. Section twenty-three impost. = a j. nalty of twenty dollar- for catching or killing fish in any of the inland xvaters inhabited by speckled trout or black but, by means of any net or device in Iho nature thereof, '' the ine-bt* or open spaces in vrhirli tball " be less than three inches, provided that l nothing herein shall authorize the cab li ing of speckled trout, by means of anyde- '! vice, save only by road, hook and lino, '' except for propagation una tb.clc oilier n water*. Section twenty'four provides that it shall not be lawful to catch any pock led trout, black bus-* or other li-h by shutting or drawing off any portion of the waters in the State or by dragging or drawing small m-t or seines therein when the wa ters shall be wholly or in part drawn oil except by order of the State Fishery Cum inissioner*. The plains of any explosive sub."tnnce, with intent to catch any lish i.- prohibited. Tlie penalty for violating this -action is lilty dollars. fc'cction twenty-seven provides that any person summarily convicted before a jus tice of the peace or aldermen t-hall be sen tenced to pay the fines provided in this act, one-half to go to the informer and the other half to the county in which the of fense is committed. The defendant can appeal to the Court of Quarter Sessions should be dissatisfied. On conviction, unless be pay the penalty, he shall be committed to jail for n period of not less than one day for each dollar of penulty iin posed. * The remaining sections are unimportant. Just received a freeli lot of Parii Green at Spigelmyer'a Cash Store, Cen tre Hell) IV, THK EAM'oN 1 ItAUKDV. •A I vtli. :■ \ uuiii Tbe Municur At" tiuvil s Suioiilo. Kaito; . Jun> • Aii i 1. ire*, ■ " d r MMtin -I' ll M■ i \ !. BttM buftfd w-tordny, died hut ni l ', fro poison nd • m i-i*tered In t \\ .-tin .!• vi ■ i • famih I v \ ; > th< •hnit'.l ' .. ' Id who has died. Lares this more ii > ll • tr. i r'.i r o( the K.i o-i Kvprt i ! . h.< ounmiUcd ; the dec .1 form nc tobolp' nt In the study •ol the lav. He ffil I! e v.: "rrv after he taw I i> family <> ■>.< k, and took a couple of swallow* of coffee t.' d a With them. In cet vewat'fn wish . t i#.mfr en Saturday )•. ght h< •'-< ' She latter what hew** in tail ! . and wh ' l> T tor hit . 'argot Pt hi e, tor pen tin w! • fill v. ' ' and he did the d- ! V, . : •. ■' . \ . . . (. refutes to eat anything, and Jut eomra.l in the cell toward* Sunday toon n* iwoke and found hint tvv.ttini hi* bt 1 sheet into a rope, p: . b .b'.v v \ ! m mitting suicide. The tragedy. nrre i mui l < • ' ams end wife jyeterday as* attended by 'hnn unit cf people front all directl 1 i'l'KKs 1 >Ki-! V ri:i ' the Telegraph from Pari- - v the insur gent* have attack* '• -nd buri ed Bihuc*. : encounter in the -utno >rh. .1 th< , l\trk- were defraud, Uavt; g PA* dead on the field <• : ui Printi M : Ser 11 i- r.l'ii .. vrnth the tilvirv of t..n< a I IgnalntV, ba decided tnat the Serbians shall cn-S tin fiver Drimi on St. J obit' Day. RELIGIOUS BIOT IN t !UNA. l' i tit v Native Ch: 1 \illcdauil 000 llouic.s liurncvl. llv :-ji May 1' A rCg riot OtsUrvl oit the llfsi t' A J in t fiung Kingfu, ] r v nee of S. .V it 20 native Chi ::** a .re ' . r . bouses burned SUICIDE <•' \ Ul I 1. * 'I, ui Tit I. A l.L\ \N *Ol M ell' Wathii.gUD C, Ji.: I i ei "Mi ter of foreign affair-lift- an-- J th<-i>l icwing telegram to far., i tnia ''.or a". ' Wi, siiiiiy*.. : Constantinople, June I, l-**. A -;J event ha* just painfully .iff. cli lurnagnst WTWuha of thtajrovernment. Abdul Asia ' Kiian, the lute 8 iltan, w me tine I past, unfortunately jjiven w 1 i.t signs of . uutiSa'di g Ho. : , . '.i,li..:a sell up tlii- a in. in 1. s a| ..rUucnu of the ' italacd ed Tcheraga.i, he . nuiaed suie.Je a I'V opening the \< us < : !■ aru.s wuh a pair efacLsors whl . 1 1... 1 concealed on | ttii person. This si. - rtl B. I A. r. • vk* to Blaine.' \\ *• sh. al.i .. .c to sr.- a I i.rtuan t. ; -i'v at: •• • : t *••.;••! Mr. • would be uch an upriiin .* of •' e i atrii '.ie eople of the . nmtry t pr ■t sg*ir, :t? • ' mtragc as hes not been it-en siree lr>'d. 1.0 New N v lira \ .Mr 1 lilaine: "Hi- rmartni -s has b n his ruin. : He has too much • . ula; i i.:s etc. ' lie has outwitted li. isrh', !.. 1 t :< Wit r. : .!■..! re. :•. his ready able, eij e-l. 1 imn, from • bom the country expo ;ed uch. from ht> lot of J' It Pr 11'- Thequestion asU th • rete '.in bv Mr ! Uiaine of the letters j r.vm.J by him fr. m 1 tfui. gau .1 the pi. g. t w . d re -4m them hud n.-t b< en ' on '.ur lay by the commif. e having th IHaine ' nvesligation in charge. Mr. .Mulligan laviug 1 that: i's tt* •• ontained icthing m regard t> the b 'ids told the | .men I'l.-fi" company ti.ccenii..*ttct may f hw ibly not i . lit upon the pr 'duel.on of ■ be letters. . . I The reported mas.acre tv tin lujlaru.if .'oh Stour's party of miner* en route for • 1 he Black Hil'.?, is contra 1.. • The t*- icditon has arrived .nfe'y Custer city ind was unmolested n the ma b. The Springtie! I Republic in ays : ' It", 1 n.i-1 eertainly be admittei! that Mr. Maine ha- eapi -rd himself u suspicion n (ood deal. We wonder if it ail was the ft . aire, ready to do tv < rybod y n nl v favt r ' >ut never taking "a g six! thing" himself. Olsilttitry. Father tieorgc 1 i ckmar., die .! in Gregg '•wnship. Ctuir Co., l'a.. on the klst May, foT' ag i ir f ■ • ths ; 1v- Jays, lit w:.-burn ;n Itirks < unly, on ihe "ioth of Feb., l"'.'l. In IT' he tiime with hi-parents to I'ennsvuPoy, and land ed on the loan-: n farm c' Kr. !n(iregg : iwp., uT.d had never .ovt i live from that place f- . tl ispa "'year*. He was married twice n.l became the I father of IS children, ten > : ,a "arrive him. Eight children n- 1 ii. two wive hav ing prtccdt . hiiu . • . ..'.land. Qe was a very useful man in his neigh- i borhood.and v. ry danng. Ho understood a great .. . : the mo •. common distu* * to which i . m i* ..object, and also of th< ir rem- dies 11 • p • ttcd I aa extraordinarily good m w -r.g ' many important f:u : ' in bi> life time. Ho was pre nt in burying the two £rt corpses in the llecknian <.'• uuterv in Gregg tp.. V/.' !. grin : ther Ilti h- i man nod a girl by nurae of S!: >k- Only two of ii - fir-'. : 'jun ntar.c i in Pennivalley survive him, via. Samuel 1 Houston of 1' .iter t-vp , . 1 .1 >M . -r of II 1ef..,,: . Mr. I!eel;in r: w .it glit . i.died u free talk'r and ■ ..Id ?• 1 i'. I.i iny won derful stories "f hi- iar!y .h- in "I'cnns valley. Much more c ui! I e said hut sjiace will not permit. A Frikxd. ■TALU fkBLE FARM \ I PRIVATE y S.\ LK "!' : ' i -r ' valuable farm, belonging to the estate of David Ertle, d., <1 .at private - .le. Tbi farm lie* 2 miles west of Madisonburg, nnd contains 'JO Aci •sol f-aiol, inure or It• f which 70 act • v are clear and under the highe-t 'ate of cnlliv nt ion. 1 hereon 1 • i • ted a If WELL ING HOLM: and BANK' BARN, hu so excellent Orchard and good water, with all other nee . iry convenience-. For further Information apnly to i'l! •! II Kl ii-, or Klias Vonnda, Zion, l'a. Sjun It N'OTICK i- fir 'v : v. ■ it appli-ii _ tion will t.e made ft' ' r. irig to the provision* • f the Art ol A - cuihly ap proved ihe'iltii duy of April, A. D . IsTI, r a charter of incorporation fir the "pine Grove Water Company' '."Upply the village of I'iric . 1 M7;. o'clock, a m., of -aid day, when ir 1 where all par ties intert ted can attend "th v see pr .ti er. D. P. FORTNEY, Bjunßt. Auditor. AUDI TOIFS NOTICE. Too auditor, appointed by the Orphan Court of Cen tre county, to distribute the money in tin (lands of the administrator of Jnincs II 11 in tun, doe'd, will attend to the dtilie ol his appointment at lii-> ofli e, in Ilellufont< on Friday, June tied, A. 1). Ih7t, at one o'clock, p. in., of -aid day, when and where all parties intere-ted can attend it they see proper. D. F. FOKTNEY, Bjundt Auditor. AUDITOR'S NoTICi-:.— 'J'he auditor, appointed by the Orphaivs Court of Cen tre county, to distribute the funds in the hands ol Joshua Potter A John Kishcl, executors of Peter Durst, dee d., will at tend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in Bellelonte, on Wnducwliiy, the 21st day of June, A. I', IH7">, at ten o'clock a. ui., when an l where all parties interested can attend, if tb<*v see proper. D. I'OJiTNEY, PjUaiit, Auditor. t We riv>d I • mi t*i i Clucati! i .ii Warren tlrot, Haw ?ork, an •• flit.>lllll .1 lhid lull re*t jug liuturi il . :ir, tt, tl>.' hi auliftil Beatrice •I> io> lli Ihe I'liruuiii is a copy '>t itin ii i i .. 1 • ■ d ■a 1 ' l '' ■ I! !>. in; I'n . nt R. uti\ \\ 1. Ivh $ HUMS* c mill I Ilm v Tl or. . an im'o crihablo * woollies-* and chit m ia lh< tcndci countenance *>l tliii 1 \!:. w.m iin i i In toiv, burn, i> rhap, of iII.' MUIII. ■ * tif 111 r lili', nlnl ileluiMiilt-il wi; i' skiil which on I v lli' hum! oi an >1 iiuwloi i miuitiul* , yet, it* the eye icon the portrait, her beauty drivel ' I lm ml I Fare I "ire nnd drapery, mid l * nl face a I 1(-i J ! •> " . tl ' I : ii . tlm lon. In en -i mad' 1 Ibr 11"- " '• I pal! 1. ! 11l . 11l I till..' welltli'l lul HHli ti£ i ii.ili. : * of nil wtiicll, hung u|ili !' wi !, |u . vnde the whole apartment 1 With en nit - of oh .'mice end f eflncniijnt I i chroma i mi iim t i H'V oltho ori|t> lm , I ; .'.lac-d by '.I dilt'M iit itttjni • >4 r -o '.' V.i I'll, nil I I I'tiMented tree to every subscriber to the'.tnted Weekly. \! UN OttCM ACo ;HW U t RtW| ris • 'r: Ttiey publish n bountifully il -I :,ted andihtere.lii g w. ■ k.y papc-. otd ore t N DIM king iprclil efforts lewinl l , at . the t' Kihibitaui 'i ! th t" n mid (a in mid I In-v promise ; ~ I • it. .1 W,. t.!y dar.lie tin m\t . \ month shnll !>'• the un it cmi ,)> . o, n ithi'iiti. ii- I interesting, mid tin j •' illustrated history of this grot tuition ni event, 1: - ■ i . tk< s '.h> I'ltmer.! i ay r fa In-e mi Ire ml ticket front any : it ii t i until t- Philadelphia and r in to miy purs HI who will raise a club o:' abscriber. lor them. I'roi'oss . in,! i unvussers should Kkik al ter th - immediate)y, mid we recutnmend ■ all our r. dns who** the desire to ! t! C'entennia l , but by reason of i i tin . or other causes are prevented, write :or information regarding this of \ ■ utl I" nddre- ■ t : i i 0. i' . , II Warrett street N. \ Money duo on subscription, adver ... g A , will I■ - thank j Atllv received I ic total supply of anthracite from ali rcgior- up to date is *.r/i,*,i 1 tons ahead . at of list vear up t • the •antedate the supply of bituminous is so i*r 56,4 He ah.'.i.l id of the same period of las', year. Mr. At ms A ovandcr, ol Millheim, i 'ying vi :>* ill at this time. re MHUHMItI of candi-| la! , >a Communicate n® fecoui ; mi! g pii- > for office, >1 ,"u. t ■ f. lA'. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. Ml. Reporter—Among the names men* .ncd for tli-- above office 1 hear that ot John Ilishi I. of l'utter township. I think j t! re i- rmne it ore fifing for the bench.' Mr. Uishel is a man of sobriety, integrity, i".t gcuoe nnd a life*! ig democrat. !!■ is . 1' nn.-va i> , most respectable iirrm r-, ar.a deservi - this recognition at the Lands of the party. There may be • er go !n ■ but .Mr. ltishet, a n man and a cttiior-. i second t • no one. ASSOCIATE JI"DGK. .Mr. K.,rt, -1 think Harris tup has a .pi I; -demii-racy th:- year, and 1 brii g one of its most worthy citizens r the o'fUe . f As-ociata Judge, namely, Mr. Wrn H. M.lter. Mr. Miller h; s been if tt of our county fir S3 years miJ ' v • . .'HI tcr;t deiii ' lie i a i .an f :..*t!cs* reputation, and of m- ro than! or • ary .nte!. Ho never asked • ran of e, although competent to 6'd .ii. i th.-. unty. II .-i m-t . tcelient ; arid hi< tMoHutlM would grace thp democratic ticket. jBflVCp. A>MCIATE JUDGE. M. Edit : \'! w mjl few linos in • Re; ti-r ly way ,f recouiniending M uI M.a. k, i t K borsl urg, ns" ;i s.ii'.a'u'.o p nt'o-iuau to fill the office ol a", j.. ige. rire Major • an old cil ijun of our valley, and a man of stern in* legrity and a life long democrat. The M Ti- •• i! known tl at further ree l :. he * din hi* behalf. l*r>a We arc authored to announce that .' n ltihei, i f I'o'.ter, is a candidate I ■ r.\-s :.,ti Jgo, subject to democrat:* • ru'es. i W ireaut' -rized to announce that Win. 1! Mtiier, : flarr. township. Is a i-andi !:%ti (ir At ciute Judge, subjict to demo* cratL- rule#. DEATHS. Miv ' IST''', at h - residence .u Walker township, Ccntr* Go , Mr John Swately, aged *<• yi ir* •■* months and'd.' days. ()■.' 11th at M.', Da* icl Willow, aged about 0W yars. O:. H"th r. r Sprtr.p Mills, Mrs. Ivrum* :.c, wifa of llenry The do ' ' Ssoi! was at t'entre Hall the previous Wednesday a- 1 attended the Sabbath >i ■ ind Convent ri .iU nnriie v ntter hi r rrpirii le aaa and died M s.-tiur .iy ■ veniug following. • • MtU 'V MARKETS, C • rreeled weekly by D. Sholinire, Clover Seed SHOp to 50. iteof j'i to s?.<' per 100lbs. f'orn 45c to 50c. 1 Uye 15c to 7(1 v :: Not a I' i*ter g;. and $lO p.-r ton. \\ hit M •tl 1 ■ t. $1 ::s. lied " $1 'Jo to §1 Barley 7(K- to 75. 1 iinothy to - •*'' I'iaFte- in Stone $7 75 to s•*. Salt 1 Hi to 1 50. i Pit T'ic to !*-sc. 1' -Ito* ' --K* fu •' V% •SKI.IiKMtr.N I K MAIiKKTS. Whit" t'f . at ?1 kJC Red IJ ... Hy c 75 (.Vtniirs li, t :*te Karley 00 T" roracea PctttoM 19 Lard per pound " Pork per poundOt. Butte r'jo Kg?* 1* Plaster pcrlon SI I Tallow 8 Uai ot.lO Ham 15 Lard per p und Scents Buckwheat - .tj Piour per barrel retail 7.U0.. \ v . S :i.i plu-ter sll •"olbs Shelled i..rn 45 Centennial Store. At Potters Mills. L. B. McENTIRE ii' iiriied from Philad'-lp l i.t with, n larg and w ell selected stock of Cheap flood.", wi.ii h ! !Ti GUEAP POP. CASH or counlry Produce, also n largo stock of LADI IT'S, GKNI S, and Gil I LDI'.KN S SluuGaiters n* low ns $1.25 per pair, urn! ';! • thi r tr .. A - in proportion. Dry G 'uj*, 11< icry. l.inci, , Embroideries, Whit" Goods, Line . Notion* and FAN* CY GOODS, strictly i.r*'-c!a** goods bo- i low the usual prii e*. His Grocery De partment consists of the Cheapest ami Best (Quality of (Iroce rics n I'enn* Valley Sugars, Teas. Coffees, yr;.p*, Spin- . Caniu-d Fruits, Crackers, riu-c-e, and Dried Fruits ete. (Queens ware. Hardware Wood and Wlllowwari md Oilcloths ot ovi rv description. IIuU, cap-. Drugs, Oil nnd Paints, also Uigurs, T- hacco and Confectioneries. .M1 kinds ..f produce taken in exchange for goods, a. o highi t price paid. Aim —Badi Oß will find a full line of millinery good?, comprising tht latest styles. I thank the people of Ponns Valley for tln-ir liberal patronage. IHiuyCun I L, SPANGLEK, AtternrelLew t) lk-llcfonto, I'n. Onicn with llu-li A: Vocum. Consultation in English and German. Collections promptly attend ed to. foho-tf DP. POBTNET, Attorey at Law llcllefonto. Pa. Office over Roy • u id a k mav 14'uf B HI 1 B"1 J' • •*'' ■" •f v • R.IL Ing JS Mttall T lull kMgnfjju, .I nutMserilMtrM lo Tim Ili.i r*mATi'-I> Wi. ui.v. MSLM Krtf>,t your on por.til rurU IHj rt ii'lrrd. AHdniMi ■ _ ■LkilAii.. VWUii IW-, 11 Tt WHU it., Mvj'gr% ,V New \ rk, Junethe: 111 111 111 t- who I ' 11 I'd ti .in Sing Sing got off bj capturing a !o. inn live on tl"' Hudson ~ Rivet Rnilri l I*> i have I-* n cap r> ! • ihe i 'in ict Ami * d i)m mil tot oflktMo* ° Itui locoiuotll e t ■ lake them down the j'triuk. Wlitu near Tarrylow ll lie i.gil.e , was topped and '.h< men lumped "!l Tiny m w tal i In lllln. - "f o ndim 1 Pre id. (Jr. u! I" I' <• I i-it- d '"f a ate as the i .trees >r of Sonata Lagan. • Twelvo pU oners we •> recent y taken llaUie western pettileiitiary ty the I.i rill I'of Blair county. The Wilitntnipoi t Bai it -) i Bmi* I |tt 111 iSt t "rter died 111 hi- t- .'•■ "1 i Trout Run, in th enunty, h. t v itur ay, ! aged 104. His W to who . Ivee him I 10'* years of age Twonti•seven narrow giei ;o I-ligm nr. Bow read\ for the nuri-Mi Iti > > ' tr. Delis ire, Lackawanna A We i; rail- I road SSO Under Pi ice. For Hale, 2 row iron-frama combine I ' Esre' reaping HIHI move mg iim. iiiii ithoahoSi t■ • ■■ out. Applv to J. lh d' It RAY. or D F. Lt SK, • Ujuno. Centre Hall . w Thft. are over four tl i.u-and da. la** in outstanding due, on th. Hep irtei , This is a heavy load, and we kindly -l I the retider to 10. k ul the t;gur.- upon his . addres* label and then aid t" relieve li* t the nmount due send us at least a purl. < EHT ic i: II i 1.1. CASH STORE! 11 Eli I. At HER >* OLD .1 AND. The Largest ttittl Bust selectetl Stock In Town. . Below we give sotne ol the remarkably low prices : - Cu. Best Calicos A Shirting, .07 (mod " " .ft' Brown M-. stirs Aj plet . A .0 < , " '* Good, .o>, Bleached" H to 15 Domestic Gingham, 10 to 15 Choice S -rup*, site. gal. Best N <"> lUking, '.to " " i " Kio Coffee, 'ae " If. , Good " " 24 " i Best Roasted ikJ " " " A White Sugar, 1-' " " ■ llrown, " lo " " t Ladies Fancy Stripped Hose, 25 ct* r Neckties, 12 " [ *' Coraeta, tl' " t " Shawls, sl.(*> ,i l.'ilra Arr rtmcnt of Hamburg U Igings 1 I Ladies Mi.rroceo Mine*. H1.75 J " '(alters lace 1 . 1.50 Mens Plow HI. c. A It. gins, _ 2'. Large variety Children . A Mutu' , llutf Bulton A Hiii J lace Hhi. >. a DIIEihS GOODS.. Stupendous attraction. Stick repienish- " i-d with beaultlul new good, at eatrctue- .. ly low pri.i*. * ir which w.- invite critical •" comparison. Highi-.t market price paid for all kin Is of Produce. Als ■ large assortment of lla'.s, l'a|-*, ibnta A >!ux-s, Hardware, tju.-i tiswai.-, , Wool A Willowwaro. I jur.etl JEROME SPIGELMYER. CENTENNIAL ta At OS fit fi£ WALL, AT Wolfs Old Stand. Mguitlccnt Sloe kof Sprit.. .:.*! Sum* , titer GOOV'R. O/iEppJCbJ Llvy PnS'j ] r" POI.ITK ATTKNTION ! Having just rcturti t from th 5 • l, iu-d 1 bought at panic prices, 1 am now prepared 11 to si 11 L. sper thai, ever t rfot My *:• .s ' ' consists in part of DRV GOODS, tr G ROCK K IKS, 1 NOTIONS, HOSIERY, HATS A CAPS, HOOTS.{ SHOES, fl KI'BHEK BOOTS, SANDALS, Ac., Ac. Ladies' and Gents' Underwear it rjxe lality. A I.AKGE KTCK K Of READY - MADE CLOTHING <*ontanlly on hand. Look at the fip;- urea: " flood Castimcre SuiU, if 1 tMH> • flooil (mminert ( oat *, s.">oo Customers will find the *t >ek c tn-' plete, and a call i. all that i re place in (ha valley to buy your dr. ■ Remember, we have but one } ice everyone. Wm. Wot.K. j EXTRAORDINARY Inducements lo Cash Buvers.l * ** i We wish tosav lo the people of IVII lis Vallev. (hatwe have just opened and are now offering full lines of all goods that we deal in at sneli prices that even defy com ment, or competition. IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK. pun clothing uepaktment i. luii ,f it.,. Boots and Shoe*. gams, at from r ivc dollars lor a lull Buit oS Men (. lot!; ing up to the fiuest lleady Made good* in town. Ladies' Shoes at 1 dollar per pair. Mines' Shoes at 75 cent* per pair. Men's Flow Sho.s at $1.25. Men's llrogans at $1.25. lit (ho DRY GOODS NOTION DEPARTMENT At such prices ns will astonish you, Calicoes at 5 cents. Wc have Ladies' Hose at 5 cents. Ladies' Ho e at 10c Muslin at 0, 7 and 8 cents. Dress goods in all the Men's Hose at 5 cents. Ladies' handkerchief* at 5c newest stylos from 10 cents per yard up to the best Kid Gloves at 50 cents. Clark's O.N. T. Cotton. 6e grades of Silk. Jaud all other goods in proportion. QVJZ A CALL Y/J-J2M 7Oil GOAJ£ 'TO ToWi]—Yl£Yy]£7)iJ£;] 7>J£ PLAO£ —THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND OF Apr 27 S. A. LOEB. HABDW AREand STOVES THOMASA.HICKS&BRO,, (huccc*'ori to A 111CK6,) will sell IIAHDWAHK, STOYKK, Saddlery, Coach-makcrs' Material) Build ers Hardware, of all kinds, I'ainls, Oils, &c. Nails, Iron and Glass a spe cially. at the IjOWEST CASE PRICES. Childrens' Carriages, Shovel Flows, t ullin;; Boxes. dc. !Vc have (lie i>csf COOK STOVKS and RANGES in (lie Harkei,aud warrant lliein to he good. We keep all repairs j'or same,' and will sell lower than elsewhere. Anyone in this eonntj, building, or dealiii" in 'his line of goods, w ill par them to come and sec us. THOMAS A. HICKS tfc BROTHER, BeUefottte, Mark TJioso Facts ! THE TESTIMONY HI Till. WHOLE 1 W'tftLD HOI I.fHVO'N (HM MM. Had Had Hrear'.r, S :e>and Ul* em. M j All di -eriptiuii of *i>r--> ut< tu ..liable ( by the proper and dilligcnt U*i of this in-; • *litnible | reputation. To attempt tu cure l-ad leg. by plnsti in..* t M • -igi 3 > ' the,' wound together 1 a f lly f>r should the tkia unite, a boggy dliMiM condition re.' mains ut.iierneath l.> break nut ltli ten- * 5.1 Airy tn a few ilu\> I'lie OAnf ratton| it and successful Irentmefit, u- indicated; by nature, is la r. dttc. the it.llatniualton; HI and about the wound and to soothe the vaighboring i>ari by rubbing ia plenty f' (litifiucut n> -all ti fare ! into meat.' Phis will cause the tuaiigminl I '.tutors t ■ •e drained off from the hard, swollen, ami! linolored part* round a; it the wound j re, or ulcer, und when these humors at. cluoVid, lite Wounds theliisi-lvos Wil soul ..-*1 v.artu bread and waterpoultices ap*:- lUod ■ rr (kl |C '■ I pur'.-, after ila 'iritutent has been well rubt" .1 itt, wiliit ■ >the and soften the same and greatly ar-1 i ure. Ti.ere i* adi -cripiteti •f uj ir, sore and aweiling, which need not he lautcd here, altcndaut upon the lollies ■oath, and tar which this Ointment ur ently recaminci.ded us a >vi r. m dy. Iti curing such p lUoot us sares i:, e\.-r fait* to restore the •> -li-m to a; cellby (tale il the Pills he taken ae.-ord- y ••g t - the printed inHruclion*. ][>t!itln rtn, Ulcerated S"t * Throat, s it ml Scarlet aud other Fcvern. Any of the above disc# well rubbing the Ointment three timer day into the chest, throat, and neck ofj j patient, it will soon penetrate, and , ive immediate rcief. Medicine taken b>|'° ie mouth uiuit • pcrale uj>aa :he whole)* ,'steni era it* influence a (harm. All :tfer< r front lht-*e cotupiainu should in-i llepe the throat at bedtime m a large! ■i ad and wat-; | -t;.*. , after the O.nt erit ha* been w '! rut h. 1 i:i ; it will) (-ally ' ll the < uio of t ir<*st and ;r*s. T ■ allay the fever nnd leuscn the (.'I 'lamtj ..'.ion. i ig'it or tea I'tils hauld be Lett jiiglit and to rning. The Ointment ill pr. .uce perspiration, tha grand es-j ntial in all coses of fevers, sor..- throau, where ■ I |* 0 tlx > ither from ail.i..a or other! "' l *|i- .*• 1 r. ,Tl 1 tic*, r tsfulns, Strx'turo*. Tlic n 1 .'ti- cla- • of complaint* will be re* oved by nightly fomenting the "arts vt- >tl arm Wntir, atxi then nj most eflectualH *' it. trig in the Oiiili.x-nt. I'cr* ' * Tutier- j, beta .in *e dir. (ul eoanlointa ;xiulu I i • Si-.-l ati tui iil in arri -litig hi ii pro d ■efS. It shouh! t>- ur ici Stood that it i- . •t (U(f .till Itu.c'.V l" • :•!. a- the OiUt-j ' ant on the aSSected purl*, but it must be; ell rubh< d in for as : - Jerajle timetwo .. tliii t times a day at it may L taken *' ito the s tern, wSieiii. it w i rernoti ty hidden ie or wound as effectually 1 though pal; able U U.c eye. Thcr< {atn bread and water poulUco, after tb( ibbtng in of ihs Ginto.. ni, w ill du great rine. This ;- the only sure treatment it females, ease® of cancer in the s'-om* L, or when there ; ay t-i- at -a! hi tr ig down. ; 1 oi!litreliuna pf Yt ulli; —sorca nnd Ulcers. II .. e.*. ..s a'.--' *w.-:iii g. ni'i, Wit!;'. dainty, batadtoally can I if Use Oint* li' .- It' i a. . . itL || Ighl ar.d aorntog, ended t:. ! , I I iastl lotions. \\ boa treated a. ; any other way they only dry up in *tx 1 lai cto break oat in an tic : whereas lis (liniment will rcti. ve the humorifo am the systatn, and leave the patients' igorousatsd healthy tug. t; will re* al aire i .u-'w ith the u cof th> l'ill to in- m ire a iastiug cure kt Rowi' \t. Swnt.tNi.H i viiAPtsm. etn s Julrcr* A ill.' >|l) Ujf *L ' o*>-h)>UliiU dsf cr dcl| in ihutt vfl Ibd ttU"p jrwt *iry !l iv.< J '.rr**!ir*i of !h mtnwi < MMML . 1 ft,U • • WtU } I*l foajKMslirrly at. t\ p*i a tf time wbfrn thi* 4>ikt r:.t I* dili|ehUy mbtml itil.-lhr | , J , ~ { l Ctctj a! fori meif.t |ir (alifd. !i nil ' I • t m • , alb the Olntnunt and I'.i * -houid Ixi i UHd ra-- V' LEV ' *MN H,,FI NSLD*. ! iltdhis. Gf Vst. llr*4ft, ( • ' 4ii*r.(luUr Nll TmMtfv, 4? ' * **. , t g. I L m ta f.D'UI n. IMM, U. n\m, fr ! llftts.lft, Kl :u sftUfttis. \ an*. jtH tA I l l"N'- None iiri ecu::.:k to 'icnature of J. IIATIIIH K. n* agent far jw I ni'n il Stales, suira in 1* e h bus .11* an ! Ointment. A handsome reward '®i ..! pisen to any I, :n.g;. cl lfaruiai. 'ti as may lead tu the d-(ovtioi !. j.ny party or partie* counterfeiting thi j* icd cinos or vending the same, knowing ' , v - . . • ': • ' ' 1'; '■•*•< IIOI.LOM aY A <" , Coffc". Canned fruits, Domestic and Foreign Fruits, Cheese, and every other article belong ing to the (irocery Depart m en t. 1 'trFarmers, Merhanics and Laborers ' 'ooii so your interest One dollar sav ed is id !!ur n. i,. : Then (all and see at . shut astonishingly low prit c. J ISA-No trouble to show UeOth.'le At< the choicest. FAMILY Flock al vays on hand. Apr. 16, r. j Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. DRALEILS IN "L'liK I>I:L'US AM) MKDIVISES, HKVICALS. OILS, DYK STUFFS, I'KKI CM FRY. NOTIONS, nsn AHTICLKS FOR THE TOILET, Ac., Ai.. Ac. M Hi:; AMI LltttOKH. ' r : .-.lii ; jrj..- , - f rruß-cw jiiAiters for Boots and Shoes! JOII \ I'OU KKS, II DOT A BHO E M A K L H OKCFNTRK COUNTY. ixrii mT Au.i'dcd lo John l'owers A r ih© bert :,ne 11-xtU exhibited a© Cen tre County Fair for the yoar 1 S7&. j ifJ A J) U F ;\ 0 T 0 Ji / Opposite iluth House. J BKLLEFONTE I'A He keep* constantly ou hut d a full iac of • It O O T S 1 ,\ I) H II O E S. He is ju-l opening the larget stock of -pring tioods air brought to lteUefonto. : . t }i) £li}) 0 Z 3 or adtes, kept constantly on liand. Coots and Shoe* for mn and otuui, of, iii style-, quality and prices, from the jjfol cosily to tne cheapest, constantly ,<>pi on hand. WE DEFY COMPETITION ! dther in (jualily or prices. Cull and, •xaralue his new clock of Snriug and '□turner Goods, and you will tind it Lo your advantage. AprlHly 2. T., tI~M Bna-m. 4 LEX AN DEI! A BOWERS. At . V : la*w lf rf Sj ] •IlertsufJ ?D®n W < '*l4o ia.' UriuwM' urt Drastic* ; Wivnutilicd in l-i nuin fcnxlU! Otno mi '• I Ul'iiTSf, TIH i Excelsior Cement- Til* M.I istcn*A t, I. ant*, lares ( :.ri,i W„ '•Hl<~l of SIIJHHI* quklu,. ! hi, Alius, Mar PB, r*vrk Ml in lUittei |wp THi* cwuii-n; tigs jalrtveuls a*.- i it. Ut* jmn' t"• up*v n tEc It Ist HH . ittd Usi len liand hi#hi,j MWlKiorv ui*cn *ll r.nd •• to W t ..Atjufaclursfl ii> U n,. i. •* irm "•'J!* 4.0. MKTKR. istll *1 AuMitSiuiy. I , l V i 'I >1 9 >• E 5 <*( BAII IKON 2} cts. per lb. BURDEN'S lIORSE SHOES at s►3 00 per Key NAILS, as good as the best at SJOO per Key. LOCKS OScts each. F. G FRA NCISCUS. , l.ewi lov. n, mar S) jr. R JM!E PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE RE-OPENED! A NEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE. T) e B-'.lef.itite public and the people of Ihe country yenerally wi'l be p.eaiod te uow that the old at.d well eitahlished DRUG STORE, btc tlie properly of Jatr.e, C. Willtams, t in Allegheny f.-eet, next doorl< Dicks' hafdaarc etnporiam, lix* been re opener! for burin* - and i be ing rapidly restocked and ' tied out with the best and most popular DRUGS AND MEDICINES. PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS. f.nd everything usually kept in atlrst-claM Ifruy More. PRESt HIlTIO\S( ARi:H L lj c(>ai|>utii)(l<>nd It n "'M'j l '"'""" " f a! JUlaLr *itl rcnura:vjr .te*li<-v1 mtvi.'p In lu hi.e tn the D#>> BA.UIER.I FBET .|AAT!IJR ITTID AT 'J_ _L IF, 110 Ilk" it*alar, mads a apmlolte Tr.ltr it trartcd wltliool pain. '■ ai .ka 76 Harness, Saddles, &c lion ut th public t . hta stock of ' '-cotton SADULEHY now offered at the old tUnd. lic-im _ ... . tha people and the urn,.,, the laraeM an.! .-oiuplete aa,>rluint of Saddle* Hm—i. ti Undies, of over, description and uualiai wt", in fact .vrnrth.n, to complete a men., h. now oflc a.jjfag whMh w.11."t JA{ uu *HM3KS CuntXl? Uall. Chas. H. Held Clock, Hatch itmi'' • Millhei**- Jcwelci AI U'- —*-®UTRO Co., 1 a. !*♦- of clocks. Watchoa and Jewelry of the -4, atyle*. a* uUo the MftjnwviUa Patent Calemd. r c lock*, provided with a complete index of the Month and day of the month and week on iu iu ce, whicii i warranted a* a perfect time keeper. Clock.*, Watclioa and JowoUjr repaired on abort no ce and warranted. i ncw Coition Tongue Organ, one tof tho finest toned instruments made for | sale at tbi; office. Also a Kynder organ {good a new. Either of these instrument' lotfered at u bargain. > . .Subscribers sending their subscript Itiun to tuis ollice, can seo on the address {on each paper, whether credit lias been 'giveu-lM wtswer* tatuue m a rweipt. GRAHAM & SON, I t :• I'll I !! IV' P 1: E ,RC!U'I,E J'C IN Bellefuata EDWIN C. HURTS' CELEBRATED FINE B&OE8. 8 WIDTHS, THE Übsi IHTSSSN WHOUCSALK A R*TS It UXXI.UX IX CALF SKINS, SOLT LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, AF. ALI KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK MADE TO Order. Bkbop Stmt, BKLLEFONTE, P*. iW may if. C E N T R E "II A L L COACH SHOP, - I. II VI MURRAY, al lut establishment at Centre Hall. keen on hand, and lor sale, at the most icvoaik hie rates. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, A SPRING WAGONS, Plaije XSU Fanct" and vehicles of eve ry description made to i order, and warranted to be made of the host seasoned material, and by the most jk;!led and compel n,t wor- •• n. Bodies far baggie* kmi - agon* Ac.. of the most tr.provei i altera* made to order,also j Gearing of ali Lad., made to a j SMdIU at*lr the r: Bn..lKß.Wjti! !Ut OrUirftlM, niter I abe't ... i VjmiU. It .... • t „ ucSommi . r -n,. • J a, ...V ta St oriu*. ii . tw wstr _a . ,j.f r> y. Suy .*!*!<.. tmn ta u .URATE IDA: at! el"- l*sM*.'. u>4 car bona 'nltif dtf. rkAatfsi to &u4 imti lb*. Ct&iBgiii GRCMMAX t i**i HtUR, |*raor*Htf fiftte lU>ki Uooit. Cto c*n*Lfr !*•> j'wet * rptoymn, ,> ; .cmbl pravri*- I JlJlJ* 1 '' i r C *■ RAf*, t.Tii L*m nmrlf t Lid u li# will • trpy* hlrtC'Uj rm-cUih fas awp. uid ItM *coaauntfd |im for .l Tfrau <*fg Md*3 K Hu homi b#-r jtatt fat u> ft***? Hocw M ,*Ul*yh> l.!. tet.rartdXjrtUsbisH|i.tsaS— In ! 4 Mo mi > mara ot iter >.t .../<•.. unaen is ttea It. tea voktUrr tttte tVadrrasakastettttarmacki 0r IRACEAEERERTL -E II U.UTLL] IT, AT.4 TRVTTE A (RAT mmtaartitML itatee erateso, ttee mramt Ibnrat I lim tnt. cat a . errtU. cars MaXka. < .tteot wel ate.; t;;-: tar iai,< jrteid irtgtle tuatl. lure " -n cart LITE TRIDHT CTI'IMT AL "'."F IX. ; j . pur iiacksjgc. It. te* .V lira-.I IOC Mnrl t M . I'IiILADFLPIHA, r.V. June i l . A ard. d the Ii E. U H.T. ANTHONY SL CO, .1 Bji.tJuay, Nvr York. „ , (I>IS KfinirttwMrtU Maburacturen, importers A Dealers in ciihumus and frames. STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, Aituiiu, CrapLoscopcs, A SuiUblc Yiewr, Photographic Materials. la ,j, 8 o| | sTLKhul'l J CONS and MAt.IC LAX ! TERNS, Bnt kUnufarturcrs of lb* ; MICBO^tIK.N 11FIC LANTKUN, i ST* BEO- PA X OPTICOX i L"XI VEILSITY >TKKKurTICOX. -\DVK RTISERS STKKKOi'TICON, | A UToPTICoX, School l.antcrc, Family Lantern, , PEOPLE'S LAXTKUX. i bach *ty!*? bein£ the beat of iu class in the I market. > Catalogue* of Lanterns and Slider, with duecutuu for using, tent on application. i Any enterprising man can make money j with H Alagic Lantern. .Lu: out this advertisement for refer* enco - _bjune. C.PECK'S i he ur.tiersixncd has opened aniwes tuuiiahmeat, at his new shops, for the manufaeiute of Carriages, Buggies, . 6c spring Wagons, OLKIGHS AXI • SLKItF, l'naur AND FAXCT ofev "V description . Ail vhicler • manufactured by him r*' w rruU render py.:i v lion, and aa equal to any work lone elsewhere. lie uses none but the best ranteria! and einnloj s the most skillful workmen Ui nee they Hatter themselves that their work can not ha excelled for durability and finish. Orders from a distance-promptly attend ed to. Coum and examine my work before contracting elsewhere. PRICES K EASONA IJLE, /U1 Kinds oi Re paring done. QEXTItE II ALL Furniture Rooms. 1 F.ZRI ItBIMBL\E, re?pcctUil)y in tonus the citi&ei)£ of Oontr county, that ho has bough tout the old stand ot J. O. Deiuingor, and lias reduced the prices. They have constantly on hand and make to order BEDSTEADS, j CUKEAITS, SINKS, • WasiISTANDS. CORNER CUPBOARDS fJ &c., Arc. Their stock of ready-made Furniture ii large and warranted of good workmanship I and is all made under their own immed - ate supervision, and is offered at rates „ cheaper than elsewhere, r Call and see our stock before purchasing £ else win re. 20 feb. ly * WOOD /S^X % PUMPS W ISUtUhlf) '• bUu.d*rfi Ctseaatiser an A Gnftn QB.*B Pump*. wltU csppor huiftaa.oi4 and aew africa, mud ail Ttaatd hapret -.tttu. >w ."•pofu- "rrluj fn liitiea arratiT '"-rraatxi; ato'k and aiusorvatwft JdARGE, pfkr* SMALL. ftdfcrr*. Dcatars asd the Tr6r < 3S wciml.'j, afetwrdially !arl when in iowti to the Me ft)?' • ISJBWWttBKWiS™ m &m,