The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 08, 1876, Image 3

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I'v-tva* IUI.I. l/ilMt, Kn *H, I. rt. nf O, F.
SturilM ovoatag in ha twl Falloa* Hall
_•>. Reel H,>. (*, * O
■ O 1> roar Lotvm. No. Ml, *, A M . mwto o
W.'-nJos oTonint, 00 or aftor Mrt tH moon la taa
<WM *•! low. Hall. _ _ _ u
a" r Nshi.a. an. Saci. W. I* Motel.*. w M
eiMtrniltiKiit.rol H. maau on ■'
Irmoon on or after oach fnll moon, at tni-tr Hall
,1. J- Aasav
Y V C A orroti*>Hall m<;ata In lh ha>moal
of th# 1 olharan rhnroh. a. folk>wa
Urmaoa >n.l an.l ih Krldaj rr.nina olomb m<
Yorvi Mr-'- I'a.T** tjaartaw. tat and *M may
Tnma. tioamaaa Mr*Ti*.>. H> Hh rrtdaj aroa
line ofalt months fearing llw t r T?. . .....
Prorl.lant mktoiai*
Our friend* w ill oblige bv tending eu
Itema of local new* in their locality, K<\*
11* the fact* only, and we will put tbem in
fhape, al*o noiice* of death* and ntarai-
one tending u the name* of five
new Subtcrihnr*. with the ea*A, will he
•entitled to receive the Ktroßttt one year
The UaroRTKK being read b> nearly
■every body on thia aide of the county,
whore it ha* a larger circulation than
any two paper*, will be found the be*!
medium for adverti#ingbu*ine,*ale*, SC.
to the Kxromrxa, resid
ing outside of Centre county, sheuldre
mit u* 10 eenu, yearly, for postage which
we will pay here ; this reduce* the postage
to one half, a* the *um paid by them tor
one year's postage was SO eta
its* Standing announcement* of can
date* $5.00. Communication* recom
mending persons for office, $1 50 to iM
Tt e cellar fit l'eter Rarioa, at the
Forv '•* rotted *. last Friday night of
it* jnlire contents of bread, pies, and cakes,
baked the day before.
Just now the population of Harris
burg u 27.935. an increase of -Li*"— since
We overheard a fellow the other
day, saying ho would hate to be a preach
er because they all had to get married
without courting. That 4 rough indeed,
if true, but we don't know where the
scripture it for it.
Four large heads of wheal, grown on
the farm oi Daniel Stover of Karlystown,
were brought to this office over a week
ago. Thit it early for wheat to be in
head; and we hope is a good sign.
The Complete Washer, told by J no.
11. Miller, it getting into more familiet
with each day. It it to perfect a tuccett
that none teeing it, will do without it.
Price only sCand weight but 11 pounds.
Remember that Chat. Shiffler* doet
first clatt work in the Centre Hall tan
yard. He payt the higheit price lor bkiea
and bark, and alwayt keepe on hand a
stock ot good leather, at lowett market
You may enter any store you please
between the two teas, and we guar
antee that you nowhere find a better stock
of groceries than with Sechler A Co., in
the Buth house block. Their goodt em
brace not only every variety, but alto the
bet in quality. First class goodt it their
specialty. Sugars, coffees, teat, canned
and dried fruits, meatt, confectioneries,
soaps, fish, salt, and just what you desire.
Ail goods marked down a few days ago to
Cash figures.
The dwelling of \Vm. Shoop, in
this place, was robbed on last Monday
night. The thief or thievea entered
through the caller and mmaged the rooms
on the first floor. Two coats, a shirt and
a new bat, and some other articlos were
stolen, among them the pictures from the
family albums, but the albums were lett.
The thieves drank the coffee in the kitch
en and partook of tome of the eatables, and
maybe while taking a lunch in the premi
ses enjoyed a game of poker before they
left, while the family were quietly sleep
ing and having pleasant dreams in the
rooms overhead. One of the coats was
found in the celler and a few smaller ar
ticles in the stable. The missing garments
are new. Keep your cellars locked, doors
andtwindows fastened.
A correspondent says Daniel Bracht
ofPennHall bat a lamb four weeks old
that has six legs. It can run and skip as
well as any other young mutton. This is
quite a curiosity—it might be dubbed the
centennial lamb, and Daniel should let
Barnum know of the curiosity be has got.
On last Tursday Dr. Washington L.
Atlee performed the painful and dangerous
surgical operation of removing a large
Ovarian tumor, weighing 27 pounds, from
the abdomen of Mist Lizzie Heller, who
resides in the upper end of Ntttany Val
ley. The tumor consisted of a number of
small cysts filled with water, and the
operatsen performed was the only mode of
saving her life. The operation was wit
nessed by a number of physicians from va
rious parts of the county. Mist Heller is
cow as well under the circumstances at
could be expected.
A boy, by name of Noll, of Pleas
ant Gap, was drowned while fishing, last
week, a few miles from there
Mr Benjamin Lucas, ofßoggstown
ship, met with a sad death last Friday
while out in the woods, with his son pealing
bark. He bad cut atree almost domn when
it suddenly fell on him striking him on the
lack of tb* neck and rendering him uncon
scious. He died witboutspeaking,-- Wateh
A key found by Jno. H Keller, was
left at the post-office, where the owner can
get it.
cream, call in at John H. Miller's Centre
Even a nine-penny calico can be
made to look neat and tasty by using the
"Domertic Fashions."
We have tried Bower's Mend at
Zeller"! Drug Store and it is just as good as
tbey say it is—just the thing for a warm
day—cooling and delightful. 4L
The Centre Co. S. School Conven
tion assembled in the Luth. church of this
place on Tuesday evening. The number
of delegates and other friends of the Sab
bath School cause from all parts of the
caunty was large and the spacious audi
ence room was filled at an early hour.
The president of tho Association, Prof.
Hamilton of Agr. College was in the
chair, and the Secretary I>. 8. Keller was
also present. The first exercise of the
evening was upon Bible Instruction Es
sential to salvation, and Bible Reading,
led by Rev. Crittenden.
The first subject for discussion was. The
Pastor's Work for the Sabbath School,
opened by Rev. Shoemaker, followed by
remarks from Revs. Crittenden, Lilly and
Dixon. The next subject, How the Home
may Help th School, was opened by Mr.
H. L. Harvey, followed by remarks by
Revs. DixoD, Sloat, Crittenden and Sboe
Tbr exercises were interspersed with
music by the choir. Prayer by Rev. Dr.
Colder. Adjourned to meet Wednesday
9 a. m.
On last Tuesday evening a young
msn by the name of Lewis Erbard, an
apprentice of Wm. Curry, of this place,
was wrestling with another boy, and un
fortunately was thrown in a manner as to
cause the breaking ofoncof his legs above
the ankle. He is a son of Aaron Erbard.
We ar informed that while Mr. Van
Ormer, one of Millbeim's live citizens was
on his way to Milroy, that as he reached
the top of the mountain, he was accosted
by a man coming from the oppositi direc
tion and who asked of Van permission to
ride in his bnggy, which was refused be
cause he was going in the wrong direction
to ride with him. The fellow then swore
he'd ride with him anyhow, and as Mr.
Van Ormer stooped to look at single
tree a pistol was tired at him, the ball go
jng through the rim of bis hat, which
caused him to get up and git for Milroy at
a 240 rate. We are glad he was shot at
and mined, for if hit and killed, |lie would
have been missed too.
J. S. MILLER, Fashionable Tailor, Aa
ronsburg. Shop few doors west 01 Dr.
Musser's Duay tf
On the night of the Brd, inst. some |c*r
son* entered Mr. Emanuel Brown'* con
fectionery shop at Spring Bank, by saw
ing ont a window and stole quio a quan
tity ot Candies, Nuts, <"' gar* and other
article* to numerous to menti- n, It is
thought that the ihett was committed
near about midnight because at that titlit
a wagon wa hoard going in the direction
of Millheim. 8. K. Faut wa* vwited too
by this band and found himself minus an
oil-cloth apron belonging to a now buggy.
\\ hilo they wore pacing through Mr.
Riabel's *hop they were heard but heiore
Daniel could accompany them they got
wind and loft in the afore* dd direction.
All persons visiting Hellefonte are
hereby invited to call at Keller * Drug
Store for a glass of Bower's Mead the
most healthful and popular drink of the
day. It is delicious, it 1* a combination
of the most choice and (Vagrant aromatic*
known. 1® tnay ft.
tine day last week ato s-or* grinder,
potato bug and a oalter ptller were soon on
our street. Note thia i the centennial
The act to amend and consolidate the
several acts relating to game and game
fish, passed the Legislature on the last day
of the session As the act materially dif
fer* from all the former law s on the *uc>-
jocl an abstract i* appended.
Section one prohibits the killing of elk
or wild deer except from October 1 to Jan
uary 1. The sale of elk, wild deer or fresh
venison is not allowed within the above
period. The killing of any fawn when it
it spotted coat, the chasing of elk or wild
deer with dogs or the killing in the water,
of any elk or wild deer or law n which ha*
been "driven thereto by dogs, are prohibit
ed Anv person offending again*! any of
the provisions of thi* section shall bo lia
ble to a fine of fitly dollars for each elk.
wild deer or fawn so killed, pursued or
trapped or fresh elk, wild deer or fawnj
.-kin had in his possession. Provided any |
Jterson having an elk or wild deer between
lanuary 1 snd October 1 can show that
the animal was killed within the tune pre
scribed bv Uw or outside the State ho shall
not bo liable to the penally. Constables
or other town official* are authorised to
kill dog* that habitually pursue elk, wild
deer or (awn, and the owner of such dog i*
liable to ten dollars fine for every elk,
wild deer or lawn killed by such dog. A
concluding proviso of the section savs thi*
act shall bo *0 construed as not to cnangc
or alter any exceptions of any counties
heretofore made in any act of assembly
prohibiting running deer with dogs.
Section two impose* a penalty of five
dollar* for each gray, black or fox squirrel
killed or had in possession between Janu
ary 1 and July 1.
Section throe iuipo>e* a penalty of five,
dollar* for each mbbit killed or had ir;
possession beta een December 15 and Oc
tober 15. The hunting of rabbits with fer
rets 1* prohibited under a penalty of ter
dollars for each rabbit so killed.
Section four imposes a penalty of ten
dollar* for killing any wild duck or gooee'
with a swivel or punt gun or with any gun
other than such guns as are raised at arm '*'
length and fired from the shoulder.
Section five imposes a penalty of t.r,
dollar* for killing any wild turkey or wood.
or summer duck between January 1 and
October 1.
Section six impotes a penalty of ten dol
lars for hilling any upland or grass plover
between January 1 and August 15.
Section teven imposes a penalty of ten
dollars for killing any woodcock between
January 1 and July 4.
Section eight imposes a penalty of ten
dollars for killing any quail or Virginia
partridge betw een December 15 and Octo
ber 15.
Section nine impotes a penalty of ten
dollars for killing any ruffed grouse, com
monly called pheasant, or pinnated grouse
commonly called prairie chicken, between
January i and October 1.
Section ten imposes a penalty of five
dollars for killing any railbird or reedbird
except in September, October and Novem
Section eleven imposes a penalty of five
dollar* for killing any nighthawk, wbip
poorwill, sparrow, thrush, lark, finch,
marten, chimney swallow, barn swallow,
woodpecker, flicker, rob bin. oriole, red or
cardinal bird, cedar bird, tanager, cat
bird, bluebird or any other insectiTerous
Section twelve provides that such birds '
may be killed for the purpose of scientific 1
investigation or Laving the same stuffed to
be set up as a specimen. t
Section thirteen imposes a penalty of;
ten dollars for robbing or destroying eggs J
or nests of any wild birds except those ot |
predatory birds such as are destructive of •
game and insectivorous birds. Kggs are
allowed to be taken for scientific purpos- 1
es. !'
Section fourteen impose* a penalty of
twenty dollars for killing, catching or d:s
charging firearms at any wild pigeon
while on its nesting or in any manner dis- 1
turbing such nesting ground or the birds <
thereon or discharging any fireafnis with- ,
in one-fourth mile of the place or shooting
at, maiming or killing any wild pigeon
within its rootling!.
Section fifteen imposes a penalty of ten
dollars for killing or taking any wild tur
key. ruffled grouse, quail, woodcock, rail
jor reed bird or rabit by mear.s of any
1 blind, trap, snare, net or any other de
vice. A proviso permits individuals or at
| social ions, for the protection, preservation
and propagation oi game, to gather alive,
bv nets or trap*, with the will and consent,
of the owner of the land, quail, or Virginia
partridges, from Decern bei 'JO to February;
1, for the sole purpose of preserving them j
alive over the winter.
Section sixteen impose* a penalty of,
twenty-five dollars for hunting or fishing
on Sunday.
Section seventeen imposes a penalty ofj
Iwentv-five dollais f-r catching or killing
speckled trout with any device but rod <
book and line, except for propagation or
scientific investigation, or for placing any :
sat line* in waters inhabited by tho fl*h.|
Section eighteen impose* a penalty of
ten dollars for killing any salmon or
speckled trout save only during April,
May, June, July and the first fifteen days
of August. The catching of trout by any
person with nets in waters owned by him
self. to stock other waters, is allowed.
Section nineteen provides that no person
shall kill or expose for sale anv lake troutj
in the months of December, January andj
February, under a penalty of ten dollar-1
for each fish.
Section twenty imposes a penalty of sloo'
for trespassing on any lands for tho pur
pose of taking fish from any private pond,
-tream or spring after public notice shall
have been given. The section only applies
to ponds, Ac., as shall he and are improv
ed by the owners or lessees for propaga
tion of fish or game fish.
Section twenty-one imposes a penalty of
twenty five dollars for placing any jet
nets, fish baskets, pond nets, gill nets, eel
weirs, kiddles, brush and fucine nets or
any other permanently set means of tak-
ing lists or otherwise, in the nature of
seines, in the waters of the commonwealth,
provided that fishing with gill nets in ti
dal waters shall be lawful.
Section twenty-two imposes a penally
of ten dollars for catching or killing, at
any time save only with rod, hook and
line, or scroll, any black bass, pickerel,
pike or Busauehanna salmon or for catch
ing any of these fishes between July 1 and
March 1, except alive for stocking other
waters. A proviso declares that the sec
tion shall not apply to the waters of Lake
Erie, except in the ponds on the island or
peninsula forming the north and east
shores of the harbor of Erie.
Section twenty-three impose* a penally
of twenty-five dollars for catching or kill
ing fish in any of the inland waters inhab
ited by Micckled trout or black buss, by
means of any net or device in the nature
thereof, the meshes or open spaces in
which shall be less than throe inches, pro
vided that nothing heroin shall authorize
the catching of speckled trout by moons of
any device, save only by road, "hook and
line, except for propagation and to stock
other waters.
Section twenty-four provides that it
shall not be lawful to catch any speckled
trout, black bass or other fish by shutlin*
or drawing off any portion of the waters
in the State or by dragging or drawing
small nets or seinra therein when the wn
tcrs shall be wholly or in part drown off.
except by order of the Stale Fishery Com
missioners. The placing of any explosive
substance, with intent to catch any lish is
prohibited. The penalty for violating
this section is fitly dollars
Section twenty-seven provides that any
person summarily convicted before a jus
tice of the peace or aldermen shall be sen
tenced to pay the tines provided in this
act, one-half to goto the informer and the
other half to the county in which tbo of
fense ia committed. The defendant can
appeal to the Court of (Quarter Sessions
should be dissatisfied. On conviction, un
fes he pay the penalty, he shall be com
mitted to juil for a period of not less than
one day for each dollar of penalty impos
The remaining sections are unimport
£&• Money due on subscription, adver
t sing, ticket printing Ac-, will be thank
fully received
> We aie authorized to announce thai]
John Rishel, of Potter, is a candidate
for Associate Judge, subject to democratic
OMAHA, Juno lit, 18*0
Kd. Reporter-*l promised to write
again. Wo loft Juliet on the 22m1. and
arrived In Stephenson county *auie day.
Stephenson county ie a delightful place to
lire, but, lit ' in many part* ot I'enmyl -
vnnia. it 1* no place lor the poor man to
locate. Land U well improved and held
by owner* high Unit it require* a little
fortune to U . ale. Our Ponn'a friends an
all, 1 1 11. Il> i.'. doing well Coin and
al* are ver.v pr> mising
Winter wh.-tl and ry promise a lair
\ iold but no great quantity w* own.
The V' It , ill H Centenn il coat, star* ex
ceptrd. i devastating the potato "patch''
and, true to it- Instinct, pi*y "possum"
wl enever tlure are >ignt of danger \\ e
loft lllinoi* yesterday and arrived in •ma
ha to-dav. Ueyond tiie Mi*iippi and
the M(MM*I . IW HUM IM borne, we
breathe the pure atmosphere of Ntbraska,
and, were we not truly attached to the
people of our charge ill Stone Valley, ami
wore our little family with us we would
be persuaded to make this our home
Omaha is a beautiful city, of over '-V.iXM
inhabitants, situated partly In the blutr.
, but mostly between tbc bluff*, and river
lowa is a fine country etui is improving
;>ery rapidly. Her prairie* unsurpassed
(for beauty and fertility, her towns and unoqualed for cleanliness, her i
tution* of learning second to none, the
temperate views and habit* of her people,
make her one of the fir*t talc in the un
ion. Fare* are low in the west now. Land
exploring and excursion tickets are a" the
go which make* it possible lor nearly all
to sec this delightlu! country
Some if the finest land in the wor.J 1*
to be had here under the homestead act,
and quite a number are availing them
sol* es of the opportunity to gel hoiut s.
Others buy from railroad companies at
from 8 to 15 dollars per acre, improve it
j and in a very short time are able to Call it
their own. Some buy on 10 years credit
and very often in two or three years ate
able to pay for it from the proceeds of
their land It will be but a short time un
til there are no more homesteads and no
more railroad lands to be procured. Most
of the settlers are from Europe. Thit ought
not to be. These cheap, fertile lands ought
to be taken up by families from the east
ern states, when the supply of laborers ex
ceeds the demand.
We leave thit afternoon for Lincoln, ex
pecting to be in l'enn'a by the last of uext
week. When 1 write tgain I will tell you
i more about lowa and Nebraska.
Yours, A. A. Kkklix.
Speaker Kerr has received a friendly
letter from Genoral Butler, saying there is
not a decent man, woman or child in the
United Statet who believe! tbo charge
against him (Kerr), and he begs Mr. Kerr
not to allow it in the least to worry him.
IHe character!set it as an infamous con
_ ...
Death of the Third Victim— The
Mystery Still Unsolved.
Easton, Pa , J una 3.—Motet Schug. an
other member of the family recently pois
oned, has died since yesterday, making
the third death. The Coroner's inquest,
which is stili in tes.-ion, elicits the laetthat
arsenic was the poisou used, and thai there
was enough poison in the coffee drank by
the unfortunate family to have killed one
hundred people. The money was stolen i
from the house, while a large amount o" I
Government bonds and other securities j
were left untouched. The fact that Jacob
Young was murdered and robbed near the
same place only a few weeks ago creates a
still greater feeling of uneasiness among
the people living in that neighborhood
A large crowd is gathered to-day in the [
vicinity of the Laros homestead.
This evening the coroner'! Jury return
ed a verdict that Martin J. Laros, Mary
Ann Larot and Moses Schug died from
poison administered by Allen C. Lares.
The person so accused is a school-teacher
and a son of Martin and Mary Ann Laros,
both of whom are among the victims.
Since bis arrest he has confessed that he
administered tbo poison to his father and
mother and Mr. Scbug, and that his sole
object was to obtain possession of their
Tux Latest Swixplk —One of the J
strangest stories that ever beguiled a win
tr's night was that of the di-appcarancc
of a stone house in London while its own
ers were journeyiog in the Holy Land.
This could scarcely happen in these da\*
of telegraph and steam. Neighbors who
saw the great gate taken away, the furni
ture moved, and every stone and brick
carried off in broad daylight, never imag
ined the workmen were robbers, ard so
idid not interfere But, that strange things
(happen in New York as well a London,
was demonstrated boyond a doubt this
spring On that part of Fifth avenue
I which faces Central park, an expensive
brown-stone-front house in a nearly unoc
cupied block, was rented by a showy man
i calling him-elf Capt . It was furn
ished thoroughly and elegantly by some
'down-town upholsterers: pictures, bronz-
I es. etc.. were added, great hampers of
j wines and provisions were brought, an ice
man, a butcher, baker, and grocer were
engaged, and the whole establishment
ready for its occupants. An old gentle
man, a neighbor, with nothing else to do,
amused himself by looking at tho contents
o( the house, and one day penetrated tho
kitcken, where he found plumbers taking
out the range, who said "the captain didn't
like it, and had ordered a different pat
ient." The family failed to come for a
, fortnight; tho ice man, the butcher and
| tho grocer came for orders, but found no
'customers. Finally tho neighborly old
gentleman told a policeman he thought
there was something wrong about that
house, and so there was—for, on opening,
it w s found entirely empty. Not only
tho furniture was gone, but the mantels,
grates, range, furnace, everything porta
ble, was missing. And whore is the gal
lant Captain ? Gone to keep a stylish
boarding house at the centennial.
Y SALE.—The undersigned offer the
valuable farm, belonging to tbo estate of
David Krtle, dee d., at private aalo. This
farm lies - miles west of Madisonburg,
and contains
'JG Acres of Land,
m-ireorloss, of which 70 acres are clear
and under the highest state of cultivation.
Thereon is erected a U-storv DWELL
an excellent Orchard and good water,
with all other necessary conveniences.
For further Information apply to
The Heir*,
or Elias Vonada, Zion, Pa. bjun 4t
"Vf OTICE is hereby given that applica-
Xv tion will be made according to tin
provisions of ibo Act of Assembly ap
proved the'JUh day of April. A. 1)., 1*74,
for a charter of incorporation for tho "Pine
Grove Water Company" to supply the
village of Pine Grove with good water.
8 jun 4t. R.SMITH.
Tho auditor,
appointed to distribute the money in the
hands ol Adam Y. Wagner, administra
tor of Thomas Henner, dot'd, will attend
to the duties of his appointment at his of
fice, in Bellefonte, on Thursday, the Bad
day of June, A D. 1870, at one o'clock, a.
m., of said day, when and where all par
ties interested can attend if thev see prop
er. I). F. FOKTNKY,
8 jun 8t- Auditor,
The auditor
appointed by the Orphans' Court of Cen
tre county, to distribute the money in the
hands of the administrator of Junto* II
llmton, dee'd, willuttend to the duties ol
his appointment at his office, in Hellefontc
on Friday, June Sfild, A. D. 1870, at one
o'clock, p. m., of said day, when and
where all parties interested can attend if
•hey see proper. D. F. FOKTNKY
BJun3t Auditor.
, , . _ The auditor,
appointed by the Orphan's Court of Cen
tre county, to distribute the funds in tbo
hands ot Joshua Pottor A John Rishel
executors of Peter Durst, dee'd, will at
tend to tho duties of his appointment at
his office, in Bellefonte, on Wednesday
the lHst day of June, A. D, 1870, at ten
o'clock a. rn., when and where all parties
interested cau attend, if tlmy gee proper.
a . ai JD. f, JfOftTNEY,
Hll IU IIS I I.E T l KliS.
Washington, Jum I -Nearly ft" the
lotttia w biclt Bhutto received from
Mulligan, it instated >m g>><ul authority,
relate to the linamial statement mnde
between Blaine nod Fischer on the "let
of September, IV,Thcv had several
points of dispute, it seems, and letters
m>m Blaine set out hi* aide of the caae. Blaine wn not willing to
settle with Adams ami !'>■ her In the
Northern Ptoritlc Int-uieae,churning that
lie had MMM oAet against Kt-eher
which covered the whole $ ' >,(100. There
was also another disputed point with
Fischer in rcp.ird to the Spencer ritle
contract. Fischer waa the principal in
the Spencer ritle company and Blaine
t nnpears, acted in the capacity <>t agent
of the concern, procuring contract* from
the government for theau ritle*. It i* ail
that tie received commi**lon on every
gun o|J to the government, and that he
actually gobbled over this way.
The letter* relating to th#e bttsina**
affur* It'ain. lon't want made public, and
therefore he I* lichlitig o >lepcrtely to
keep theut out It he refute* to-morrow
to produce them In obedience to the do
ntand of the nib r.uuuilttee, the iluetion
will be referre I nt once t the full com
mittee, and prompt action will be taken
thereon There l no doubt expressed
here a* to which determination the fill I
committee will come to It will rejort
the (Wet* to the houe and recommend that
Mr. Hlaitto be expelled for tampering
with a witn<-<* who was prelected by tlip
privilege, of the hoiue il-elt. T* break
the force ot these damaging fact* against
Blaine hi* friend* to-night liav Marled
the try thai Mulligan i an lrih Catho
lic and the whole thiug '. a desperate
conspiracy on the potto! llomanCatholic*
to ruin the man who, after Grant, i the
foremost rcplemntative of anti-Catholic
i*m in the country. Thi* nice little game
will not wash, however, for the very good
reason that Mulligan i* and aiwav* has
been a l*re,bylerian, a member of Blaine
>wn church.—/Wfimor# Uuirltt ipteial.
Decoration day \va* largely observed
here by the citixen* of Logantville, the
Evangelical and Lutheran Sunday School*
and citifen* generally. The pro*e*lon
which wa* composed of the Patriotic Or
der Son* ot America, ami the Military
Company via Uncle Sam * Centennial
Volunteer*, headed by the Logaturille
drum corpt, formed at t> o'clock a. m pro
ceeded to the City llall where they were
addressed by Kevi Young ami Brieker,
after which they proceeded to the Evan
gelical Cemetery. Here the flowcet were
dedicated, after which they were ilrewn
over the grave* of the brave *oldier*, who
fell in defence of their country. Then
they proceeded to the LulheraiiCemetery,
where like service* were held. The best
of order prevailed throughout the day, and
great credit I* due to tho who had the
management of the atfair.
New York. June 3 -Wheel. No 2 Chi
cago spring #1 17($1 18; No 2 Milwaukee
1 19<vl 19*. Rye western SO'ibb Corn
we*tern uiised >7y>oT4 Outs western rois
e.l32. Coffee, Rio cargoes 17i<w 184. Es*
western 12(>y13 Sug:ir, fair lo good re
fining 710-7f. Petroleum, refined 14J'<t
141. Roof, long clear 104.
Chicago, June 3 —Flour good to choice
$5 (*'( y5 60; Western shipping ei'.rss 400
v 175. Wheat, June 1 seller Julyl
101. Corn, seller June 434; sellet July!
42}. Cuts, seller July '.>}, seller Junej
•>}. Rye 684- Barley, seller June 55.
Philadelphia, June Flour, *• $4 25
(sv4 75; High grades 7 25<<%8 75 Wheal,!
amber I 49; a while I ;*)(>! 10. Corn
white AH'vni yellow Oau. west
ern white 39}(#44. Petroleum, refined 11
£sJ< 141.
Mils .t UiKktrs, corrected weekly by
1). Sh el mire.
Clover Sce.l $9 OS to j" SO.
Beef s♦> to #7,'*> per It*) lbs.
Corn 45c to 50c.
live 65e to 70
Soft Nova Scotia Plaster $e ; 'ground
$lO per ton.
W lute Whoa*. $1 25 t $! 30.
Ki d " $1 25 to $1 30.
Barley 70c to 76.
Timothy $2 to 2 50.
Platter in Stone $7 75 to s*.
Salt 140 to 1 50.
< >aU 32c to 35c.
Potatoes 2ic to 30e.
A"hue Wheat $1 21' Red 120— Rye 75
Cutnears 40, 4V Oats 35—Barley 90.
70 Clo rersecd 6,.'0 Potatoes ■*'
Lard per poun.l 8 Purkpcr poundOO
Butte fAi Kgsls Plaster perton
*l4 Tallow 8 BaconiO Ham 15
Lard per pound Scents Buckwheat
05 eta Flour per barrel retail 7,00...
Nova Scotia plaster #ll 50 Cayuga
plaster $9,50 per 2000 lb Shelled corn 45
to 60
Centennial Store.
At Potters Mills.
has just returned from Philadelphia with
a Urgeand|WeU selected stock of
Cheap Goods,
which he offers CHEAP FOH CASH or
country Produce, also n large stock of
Shoes, Gaiters as low as $1.25 per pair,
and all other goods in proportion. Dry
Goods, Hosiery. Linens, Embroideries,
White Goods, Laces, Notions and FAN
CY GOODS, strictly first-class goods be
low the usual prices. His Grocery De
partment consists of the
Cheapest and Best Quality of Groce
n Fenns Valley. Sugars, Teas, Coffees,
Syrups, Spices. Canned Fruits, Ciacker*.
Cheese, and Dried Fruits etc.
ware. Hnrdwnre Wood and Willowwarc
and Oilcloths ol every description. Hals,
caps. Drugs. Oil and Taints also Cigars.
Tobacco and Confectioneries. All kinds
of produce taken in exchange for goods,
also highest price paid.
Also —Ladies will find a full line
of millinery goods, comprising the
latest styles.
I thank the people of Penns Valley for
their liberal patronage. 18 my fori
(sinTenlewl to all pUroaof arauaentanl at><! etr Hnw*
In t'iw city. No rhangM t ami from Mi* <'*>nf ftinU)
Col proprietor of lh llrwitY llopar. I'lo
rlnnt|for the p**t twnt yatrs. and tro*T,i pr*>t>ii*
lor. h*a thw hotifor m term of V*ar. nd ha*
newly furoltbed and title*! tt lurotiffhout. He will
keep* strtctly ftrtl claM h.m, and ha acoamda
lion for 3UU ftiMia Term* only fJ w day.
Mo bar Uaa ever lf+n kept In lb* lUnhv llorar nut
will any bo kepi at U* I'*aim>d* . June*.
Increase* lha Quantity. Improve* the Quality
Lincoln Butter Powder.
Good Frwah Hotter all the Year round.
1.1n.01n nuller I'oaS.r I. an nllrl/ banal*.. rll Irrnn . c.I.It.DhI Knfllah r.-'vlp®. .11,1 n,. in
dall/ ,j r man/ uf lb. mn.t (armor* In lb*
butt*r vountlr. ar.wntt
In hit wllni I hi. I'i.wit.r m.k*. bo Mar mu.h hrm
•r ami iwlrr tb.n It tua.ll/ 1., ml l.rj.. it fn.m
turning r.n.'H It lo roni'XM th. >trr.n lltmr <
tuniim, garlic, .p-dt, own ulk>, <-..n,. n *nil. *w\ .
.nil th Inrra.MHl jlclil ul butler much mora than |.a.
Iba Ultima n jn-n.. of It.
86 e.enli per package. 11..K.1
100 Market St., PHILADELPHIA, I*A.
June 8.
Awarded the Highest Modal al Vienna"
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO,
GUI Bioad way, New York.
(Opp. Mtln>HiUa Hotel.)
Manufacturers, Importer* & Dealer* in
Album*, Graphoscopes, A Suitable View*,
Photographic Materials.
Wo artr U.aiiuuurKr. for .rcr/lhln* In the wz of
lleing Manufacturers of the
School Lantern, Family Lantern,
Each stylo being llio boat of its class iu
Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with
directions for using, sent on application
I Any enterprising man can make money'
■ w'th a Magic Lantern,
[ out this advertisement for rofor
lilititx * in- uior, i- mid to l>'
% a vory worthy man, worth a liilf million I
l dolU^i.
♦ •
' On A, by Rev .1 < Shoemaker, John
i A (irtrv wit Catherine K r iter, l oth <>'
, Potlll.
Near M clisori' irp, . n Metiduy, M*
22nd, With mi Yeanck, aged *0 Jean. 1"
months and 1M dot •
€' •: st it i: 11 li.l.
Tho Largest and Beat selected;
Stock In Town.
, Below we (ivv some ot the remarkably |
low prices;
R*t Calicos A Shirting, .07
Oood " " 06
Brown Muslin Appleton A .Uo|
" Ouod, .W
Bleached " H tO li
Domestic liingliain, 10 to 16
Hyrups, NO f. gut.!
ltd*t N. O. Baking, W " "
•• Kto Codec, l£i " lb.
(iooil " " 25 11 "
Brit It on it cd 30 " "
" A White Sug.r, 12 " "
Brown, " 10 M " 1
Ladies Fancy Strii Hose, 26 ctt.
Necktie*, 12 "
'• Corsets, tk> "
" Shawls, 91.00
Kxlra Assortment o( Hamburg Edgings.
Ladies Morroceo* Shoe*, $1.76
" Hatters (lace). 1.6U
Mens Plow Shoe. A itrogant, 226
Largo variety >f Children's A Mute.'
BiitT, Button A Side lace Shots.
Stupendous attraction, Stock replenish- 1
rd with beautiful new good* at extreme-.
ly low prices, lor which we invite critical
comparison. ——
Highest market price paid for all kinds
of Produce.
Al.o targe assortment of HaU, Caps,:
II >ol A Shoes, Hardware, l^ueerisware.i
Wooi A Willowware. 1 June til
will beheld at the Office of the County
Commissioners, in Hellefonte for the diif
ereut townships and boroughs of said
County on tlie follow mg days, to wit •'
On Thursday, June 8, 187u, lor the twps
of Miles, l'enn, Haines .(Ircggsnd Potter.
On Friday, June 9, for the twps of Har
ris, K< rguion, Uaifmoon, College, l'atlon
and Walker.
On Saturday, J uue 10, for the twps of
R°Kir*. Union. Huston. Worth and the
boroughs of Unionville and Milosburg.
On Monday, June 12, for the twps of
Taylor, Burnside. Su wshoe. Hush and
| the borough of Philipsburg.
On Tuesday, June lit, for the twps on
Spring, Henner and the borough of Bella
' fonte.
On Wednesday, Juno 14, for the tap*;
'of Marion, Liberty, Curtin, Howard anil
the borough of Howard.
Attest. A. ORKOO,
J. S. Bxkmixkt, 11. A. MINGLE.
Clerk Couiiuissionars. |
AT 0£j x mi£ hall,
WolFs Old Stand.
Magnificent *tock ofSnringand Sum
mer Goods.
QjjsPrlcsJ L iivi VAtib 1
Having Just returned from the East, and
bought at panic prices, 1 ain now prepared
Ito sell cheaper than e\or before. My slock
consists in part of
Lad ice' and Gents' Underwear a spec,
constantly on hand. Look at the fig
' ures:
flood Qurimcre Suits, SIO.OO
Good ( iwun ere Coat*, $6.00
Customers will find the stock com
plete, and a call is all that is required
to assure you that this is the best
place in tha valley to buy your goods.
licmnnber, tct hart but one price for
EXTRAORDINARY Inducements to Cash Buyers.
i 1
We wish to say to the people of Penns Valley, that we
have just opened and are now offering,, full lines of all
goods that we deal in at such prices that
ment, or competition. •
OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is full of Bar- Boots Rlld SllOO^
gaius, at from Five dollars for a full Suit of Men's Cloth- *
ing up to the noest Ready Made goods iu town. Ladies' Shoes at I dollar per pair. Mi>W Shoes at
75 cents per pair. Msu's Plow Shoes at $1.25. Men's
Brogaus at $1.25. In the
At such prices as will astonish you, Calicoes at 5 cents. We have Ladies' Hose at 5 cents. Ladies' Hose at 10c
Muslin at 6, 7 and 8 cents. Dress goods iu all the Men's Hose at 5 cents. Ladies' handkerchiefs at 5c
newest styles from 10 cents per yard up to the best Kid Gloves at 50 cents. Clark's O.N. T., Cottou. Gc,
grades of Silk. and all other goods in proportion.
■Q'JV£ Uii A CAil. W£i) 10Jj fJOD]£ rC7.£)VIM-!SESfiiBSB TMSPLA®.*
- S. A A. LOEB.
(Buccmon to WII-BON A HICKS,)
will sell HARDWARE, STOVES, Saddlery, Coach-makers' Material, Build
ers Hardware, of all kinds, Paints, Oils, &c. Nails, Iron and Glass u spe
cialty, at the Idl WEST CASH PRICES. Children*' Carriages, Shovel Plows,
Cutting Boxes, etc. We have the best COOK STOVES and RANGES in
the Market, and warrant them to be good. We keep all repairs for same,
and will sell lower tlian elsewhere. Anyone in this county, building, or
dealing in this line of goods, will pay them to come and see us.
licllefonfe. Ft.
Health ant) its Pleasures,
Willi Ilk AKOiilfN.
t'Aoosr H< tu rfn TKrtn.
Nervous Disorder*.
What it more fearful thin n breaking
down of the nervous system? To be ex
citable or nervous in a small degree It
most distressing, fur where can a remedy
be found T There it one —drink but little
wine, beer or kpiriU, or fir better, none ;
lake no Oort'ee— weak lei being pre
ferable ; get all the troth lir vou tin , take
three or four I'illt every night ; eat plenty
of tolidt. avoiding the ute of slops , and If
these golden rules are followed you wilt
be hippy in mind and strung lb body, Hid
forget you have nerve*
Mother* and Daughter*. I
If them is one thing more than another
!or which these I'iils are to fatuous, it it
ihoir purifying properties, especially their
power ofcletnting the blood from all im
purities, aud retuoy inir dangerous and sus
pended secretions. Universally adopted
.11 the one grand remedy for female com
plaints, they never lait, never weaken the
system, and alwayt bring about what it
Sick Headache* and waut of Appe
Thete feelings which sadden IU, most!
frequently arise from annoyancut or trou-'
hie, from obstructed perspiration, or from
eating and drinking w hat is unfit for us,
thus disordering the liver and stomach.'
These organs must be regulated if you with
Ito be well. The IMis, if taken accordicg
to the printed instructions, will quickly
restore a healthy action to both liver and
stomach, whence follow, a* a natural con
-.-queue*, a good appetite and a clear head.
In the Kat end West Indie* scarcely any 1
other medicine is ever used for these dis- ,
How to be Strong.
Never let the bowels be either confined
or unduly acted upoa It mar appear
singular that Hollo way't Pill* should be
recommended for a run upon tbe bowels,;
many persons supposing they would in- 1
crease relaxation. This it a great mk
lake however, these Pills will iiuniediato
ly c-irrecl the liver and stop every kind of*
bowel complaint. In warm climatas ihou-h
-anus ol lives have beet) saved by tbe use
of this medicine, which in all cases gives (
tone and vigor to the whole organic sys
tem. however deranged- health and
strength follow as a matter of course. The
appetite, too, it wonderfully increased by
. ..f these Pills, combined in the usei.
of solid in*preforcure to fluid diet. Ani-l'
rival food it belter than broths and slow*, j.
By removing ac rid, fermented or otherim-j -
pure humor* from the liver, stomach or
blood, the i aut<- of dysentery, diarrhea,
ai d other bowel complaints it i spelled.
The result is. that tbe ait'.urbance is ar
r Ml, and the action of the bowels be-ii
comes regular. Nothing will stop tbe re
laxation of the bowels so quickly a* this ■
fine correcting medicine.
Disorders of the Kidneys.
In all disease affecting these organs,
whether they secrete too much or too little
water; or whether they be afflicted with]
stone or gravel, or with aches and pains
settled in the loins over the region* cf the
' kidneys, these Pilla should be taken ac
cording to the printed directions, and the
ointment should be rubbed into the small
of the back at bedtime. This treatment
will give almost immediate relief when all
other means bare failed.
For Stomachi out of Order.
No medn inc will so effectually improve
the lone of the stomach as those Pills:
: they remove all acidity, occasioned eith
er by intemperance or improper diet.j
They reach the liver and reduce it to a,
healthy action ; they are wonderfully effi-j
-acious in rases of spasm—in fact Ihey'
never fail in curing all disorder* of the liv
er and stomach.
/Ll/wiy'i Piilt are the best remedy JUcwn
in the iror/J for thefvtlowexng alien lo .-
Ague, Female lr- Rheumatism,
. Asthma, regularities. Scrofula, or
BUlious com- Fever* of nil King's Evil,
plaints, kinds. Sore Throats.
Blotches on Pits, Stone aGrarel
, the Skin, Gout, Secondary
Bowel Com- Headache, Symptoms,
plaints, Indigestion, Tic Douloure-
I Colics, Infia m a • us,
_ Constipation lion, Tumors,
, of the Bow- Jaundice, Ulcers,
els. Liver Com- Venereal Af
. Consumption plaint, fecliona,
Debility, Lumbago, Worms of all
) Dropsy, Piles, kinds,
Dysentery, Retention of Weakness c!
• Erysipelas, Urine, any cause, Ac
t CAUTION ! None are genuine unless
the signature of J. 11 aviso* k, a* agent fur
i. the United Slates, surrounds each bos d
Pills and Ointment. A handsome reward
r will be given to any one rendering' such
information as may lead to the detection
of any party or parties counterfeiting the
medicine* or vending the same, knowing
them t<> be spurious.
Mold at the tuanufat lory of Profaor
ttoLi-owar A Co, New York, and by all
re-pectable Druggist* and Dealer* in Mod
iciua throughout tba civiliaed world, in
buxe* at 36 cent*, 62 sent* and $1 each.
C There U contlderable taring bj
the larger liaet.
N. ft.—Direction* for the guidance of
patient* in every disorder are affixed to
each box. #> may, now, y
[Panic Prices.
I st the old Centre Hill stand.
J ml opening u Stock of
| A large variety of
Lai lies Drew Good*
. Great liargaiiu in
Muslins and Calicoes.
Heady-made Clothing
Warranted to Suit
; Ilia Cloths and Cauimi rs,
Cant be excelled
His Crocery Department,
ksUtnishe* every one in assortment and low '
Syrup, Sugar, Tea, Coffee. Canned fruits,
Domettic and foreign Fruiu, Cheese, <
and every other article belong*
ing to the Grocery Depart
me nt
Farmers, Mechanics and Laborers
look to your interest One dollar saved is
a dollar In |>ocket. Then call and see at
what astonishingly low prices.
trouble to show Goods.-Mb*
Also the choicest FAMILY FLOCK al
ways on band. Apr. 16, y.
Miller & Son,
for medicinal purposes.
Truaaee A Supporters in great variety.
Also, choice
ind all olh<T article* usually kept in a
first class Drug Store.
Proscription* carefully Compounded.
AiCt tf •_ MILLER A SON. 1
Headquarters for Boota and Shoe*!
Awarded to John Powers for the
best fine Boots exhibited at Cen
tre Coanty Fair for the rear lKfk
'l S1 AM U F A fi Y tilt 1
Opposite Butb House,
He keeps constantly on hand a full
line of
K O O T K A X I) S 11 O E N.
He is just opening the largest stock of
Spring Goods ever brought to BeHefont*.
for ladies, kept constantly on hand.
t Cools and Shoes for men and women, of
all styles, quality and prices, from the
most costly to the cheapest, constantly
, kept on hand.
either in quality or prices. Call and
examine his new stock of Spring and
Summer Goods, and you will find if
-to your advantage. Apr2lly.
:0. T. At KXAXDKK. C~~M Bowgait.
torosjtoal Lea. KUf<la Specie! sUeeUae
'•* to I -aUcttooe. sr. J Orpbaas' < onrt rreette*
ex Ss IS imu sad Othsa a
1 liwau'i baildlar, mj- Tt if
£xoelsior Cement
Tb IKB, meaafeatusa (ban cat War
rented of s superior qaeltt,. si his kites, near Pto
t 'rssk Mllte. la Mstess lrp This osasrat Iss sliasd,
aaod Is larr* aaealitlss upon U.c L 1. a 8.
UK . sod has boss /. nod l.ahb asslafartar, spaa si'
r-bs absrs u has basa asad. sad as suasl to an, mom
msaofertsrsd for as* la < V .tor Ptpsa. or
übawrar patpnas s rood aasJll, of iWaat I. Into
Lis. This < *n.<i bss sir, ..d, bs*a te*'.4 tar sail
aid*, sad raadsrad lbs ulm i ssll.fsrll r Persona.
MtoraSais roastrar-Uor i.'seteraa. Urter • star Pips..
Ac *VII find It to tbotr etraatara u> boar ikb In
j<atod. sod alas that hsoarraats Lb. artlrl* as ram
jsretoe . J. t<. MKYKR*
tmasll U Aarattobars. Pa
BAR IKON 21 cU. |*r lb.
$5 00 per Keg.
NAILS, a* good a* the beet at $3 00
per Keg.
LOCKS SScta each.
Lewtslown, mar 30 y.
The Beilefonle public and the people of
the country generally will be pleased to
know that the old and well established
late the property of James 0. Wnliam*,
op Allegheny street, next door to Hicks
hardware emporium, has been re
opened for business .sad b be
ing rapidly re-stocked and
fiued out with the best and most popular
and everything usually kept in afirst-clart
Drug More
ly routpoutided at nil hours
,of the day or night, and particular and
prompt attention given to the wants of
fanners and others
who lite in the country- More niter
cloood to thuee who want medicine* or
anything in the drug Una.
The undersigned hope*, by strict attention
to butinot*, to merit and rcceite the pub
lic patonage.
, 6 apr It. Agent
' '
The ( omplelw Nnaher will
w Hah H < nrpct or lied i(iiit or
n Tine Curlaln or Collwr.
Warranted For Five Years.
Prioe Only $6.00.
Jonx H. Miller,
Centre Hall.
Proprietor for Centre county. X) apr tf
i PAINTER, halupl.
offer* his services to the citizens of
Centre county in
llouae, Mgn and Ornamental
Striping, ornamenting and gilding,
Plain and Fancy Paper hanging. Order?
r'*peoifully solicited. Tormt reasonable
A) apt tf.
doiaigned u now prepared to aell Brick at
hi. kiln* at Centre llail to suit purchaser*,
at reasonable rates, also to furnish or con
tract Brickwork. S. S. KARNKR.
7 uct y
jnpL'A. J. oftHliouf".
Jli'' '.'Jf" t,roT * Mllu !• aa* pr..
and r-andri an; t'.salrd aorrtoo in bl. linn, In ta. hn.'
mnaan., uf bMt uosllla and l raasoashls ratoa. K
4 ' •
Harness, SaddlesT&c
The undaistcnsd. Aotanuinod to meet th.. nopu'ar
demand for tower prices. r.-.iK-ct.'allr calls Hi. ,n„.
Uon of th. public to hit stock of
now offered *t the old stand rv.lsn ....
ths people and the thaw, the laiwent end m. at varl-I
and complete assortment uf Saddles. HamoLioh iT
H'uT'etJZW d< * c^>Uo ", ln<l ;
to ****?., tt ng to compel* a tint cU < mullah
"tot. he now ogeis at prices wblrhi a m nit the times.
JACOB DlMjbti Centre Hall.
Chas. H. Held,
Clock. Watchmaker** Jc wcJcr
Millheim, Ccntro Co., l'a.
At kinds of clocks. Watohos and .lewelrv of ibt
latest st?lo.. as also the MarcnrtUo Patent < slsndi r
Cituka. proTidcl with a..mupletohides ..f tb moid a
anddajr of the month and week on iu I see. wUcu i,
warranted saa perfect llme-keepor.
Clocks. WaUbee and Jewelry repaired on shjrt no
so and warranted.
1 ASaSC"A new Golden Tongue Organ, on*
of the finest toned instruments made, for
sale at this office. Also a Kynder organ,
good a* oetv. Either of these instruments
offered at a bargain.
sending their subscript
lion >n thi office, can see on the address
lou . n paper, wheth-r credit hg beer
gn : ->>'4ir ~r, t-ioo. as ,-e-oipt,
jSt* ' ' 11 ;
Ci"''' 7
Have Ute exclusive sale la liellefonte
Edwin 0. Burls'
8 WIDTHS, the
Sstl Sfeststa
Calf Skins,
All Kitid of Custom Work Made To
Bishop Strot, BELI.EPONTE, Pa.
S may if.
at hi* eitablLkmcot at Centre HalL. keep
en hand, and lor sale. ai the most reasons*
bta rate*.
& Spring Wagons,
• P ljlixaxd Fxsct
and of every description made to
order, and warranted to be made of tha
beu seasoned material, and by tbe mod
•killed and ct ntpotent workmen. Bodies
for bufjr<e end spring-wagon* Ac., of the
most isprovcd pattern* made to order,also
Ucsring of all kind* made to order. All
kinds ol repairing done promptly and at
the lowest po.nbie Met.
Person* wasting anything is hi* line are
requedeJlo call and examine hit work.
ther will find It not to be excelled tor dura;
ability and wear. may Stl.
rwe iw a maen trM I"*ci ta rratmmt la a
tati&saMMSM nml -a*,of tn. crrttux .*
u rartui.*a4 , <•<• tln He <•<*. It U M wtner *ro mmi jr. tint, <<m la au
,1,-j i) .V,<UUKII.IM MA>aa
i •#<*. u-* a ia •, <w>ieur.i-i!a oti
at roatelwp I aedd at ill I*m Stone A.* la? ctr
net.MMaduntt Wouu tiiwi,S V.tst
No 6 Brockerkoff liytr,BeiJefooteJ > p
Dealrtu lu Ortigw. rbrrnktia
IVrfumrry. htttf (food* Ac.
i Paro Wine* and Liquor* for medter
purpose* always kept. may 81. Ti.
76. A National Family Ffeper. 76.
' I Th Or*l ttatli I'M* ol Xmortea, ll* oat, MM,
MpaMu* RMJ i*S 1*! a* a **•
; la* t te r*Mv * o iJMrTfar See <*•-
I tmnlai MM* man
I tee Urr* ojf 1 ' t* •MSNms im. UOnr aim,
<nrtS. -bc *iU rtmu>a i-torto*. Tal".. iweta,
. Po-lo w I. Uoawr urfjo f t* Ul ag Sw
' ripe*. sm-rau- arm 4c 4. am . I iMnsl
l*Tj-mr-f UaOkwl ftwaitOMal. fouar: . Canar,
, etc., etc . sad I* ' j-rtn.l Fusil, Faper.
14,, lu marraPr •!• twr Fr*od,
HaaHwp *ad-tmu> -**
number ton. C* rttiem C l-atV,;!. set whir Mto
aweta. > tow.(..Ulooi, at *W m 4
tail" 4WC wa ntr>< S)V trees rail lab it rut
papat It -qwt an &• kd tt aW* *t war or :w*
no I fir** a Uriel erne mm. ctrn ut<3 tIH "
kc .„. A <mto a >nr, a4 ta aaal t>maaM
VA*s.J weo.,e. I*la jaM U*opapar for **mt
, : we..HeetWnt Jionter* It w o.t ruUMeaLm,
I Itnleaaaraaolarlaa. It • U til. SUrtotf la !•<*.
' tl teeeoaoalor U joarv talltiaa t pnotw*.
Yua waat It aodanlt bnratt amoiiau ai"ia!
Elegant t hromoa.
iworti. *1 ••rchi.ett eat) toclar. ilnetl i. ouatHt and
or Bor *t , faff a! tart, rr ot and k.a>U a bole
roar nil Int. lor #l. VL-a. on potuac rlinncae
roitable fa* aw para r. teattiar ixotuiaoia oCrtvOt.
A Last
| Otta one roar da uko a Naucaat, |.UM c,
' Ua enaXa pat—r. ana that t. fat Hi*! I aad
I acaloaa o>iua* t-oa taat taut au nartf. a. noriru oactb
1m or orot .ant* rar—r intrcdaJ for tw, nam uue
Uta* a (benrr u> Ha reader* bj evpoMa* tlu "trWke
aJ trap. ,r t. iaollo,)m and nan u ta. tlm. Vao
haieami uaC too tone, broil l .if. Xom la the oo
; Onli I* ooU omtrot tbi> treat paper a jeer.
| f™" W itb foar eharmta* ehrwmoe. .etlret urn
| toe* am f* U cue. KperrmtUH tiv reade aoet
I Irrr to a 11. r—nj 111-* t' , actttlae u> Mlt
todar.u ttUCX>adCt;BUbUI.N. -lIV.. H taadale*
j S. _ 4m. ta a o w
The uudersijrm J h:u o|>cned it m woe
' ÜbiUhtnent, at hit new shops, foi the
mxnufneture of
, Carriages,
A Spring Wagons,
, of every description .
All vehicles manafhetured by him
era warranted to render entbfnction, and as
equal to any work done elsewhere,
lie uses none but the best material,
and employs the moat skiilfui workmen.
Hence they flatter themselves that their
work can not be excelled for durability
I and finish.
* Orders from a distance'promptly attend
ed to.
Come and examine my work before
contracting elsewhere.
All kinds of Reparirg dono.
; Furniture Rooms.'
. rospecUul'y infe-ns tbu citiz ua ol Centr
county, that be haa bough t oat the eld
land of J. i> Uein inner, and has rcducd
the prices. Tbe.r have constantly on hand
>. nd ml>a to .order
TABLES, Ac., Ac.
Their stick of riady-mnde Purnitureis
•argc and waTHit"d of good workmanship
and is ail made undet their own Imnsl -
, ato supervision, and is offered ut rates
i ihcuper Iban olscwhere.
j Call and £ ce our stock before purchasing
i olsowbore. 20 fob. ly.
T L. BP AN GLEE, Attornbv-at-Law,
ft Beilefonte, l*a. Office with
Bush <Sr Yocutu. Consultation in Eniish
, and German. Collections promptly attend
ed to. feb6-tf
• 1A P- PORTNEA , AiLor.-.oy et Law
* JL/ B-'ilelVnte, Pa. Office over Key
,, will thank. mav t—'tft
* wsmr^z
Lb mawh.n • C j+umbf as! Gmftfn Ox's Pmor-x 9
c^>pcrlißi&" l rlii<l|laiwfg , ' c ;jt *
*BU ifv .u-tug TkclUUcH trrcibit iocruwwl; stuck and
BASOB.itffoof MAIX. VMsf Dp*'4r.3.
•f. pcia!l- *vrwtlletJlr I. d,*b u . u♦ •'laj ESMKIf .f'Mt
%ts S * - • I'lrdriTtiL
v - - • : r i ?