The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, June 01, 1876, Image 3

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CrA-m NtLtlMMt, I.v M l, O. 010 F.. mr*t
FFWI ss.larda) "AONINC '■ UMVM4 MMB Hull.
J. M mtuuxt, rt. H P snl, A!
<>! n Pni 1/W.II. K<| UK. F. A M.. a*et- on
*.<iilt sesaln* on i* ullrr it fall moon tn ib*
iMd FWltnw. Hall. ... „
K Hmn u mu, Rwct W. K Vtia*t.a W. At
H. HH*H* "•> "•••Urdu} l
mrttonnon nf *fl - 1 ouch full moon, M their IUI.
V M C. A l t-aolr* HH, meet* In lh h.*n.. t
ol the 1 mhrn rfcirfk. MfalVm ,"* , 7 n "* V'
vt m4tb FrwKr mnnn f **eh r™ h
Vorxii Mi*'. Putvn* Mrrrt*t, I>l ** Jol rwlajr
reentngs Kr-IkOI Mt T;NO. !•" MA frilnj iv,
tag of all month* bala*-* Vrtdnfj
M ISKOMI** * tsaias
l*mnldmt StnMNfnrj
locTVL itfvs.
Our friends will oblig bv sending en |
Item* .f local n* in their **oalit\. 'v
M the fnol* on v. i d • Will t>ut them In
shape. also Mtrrt of deaths and marri
"If* ■ . --
Any one sending •* fhe nmn MUV
now SubtrnWr l . with cask, niH le to reeeiv ethe K*PHTK* nnriear
tree —— j
The K*r*TFn hcing read hv nearly
every birdy on th>* ide f the county,
where it has * larger circulation I ban
ny two paper*. will he found the be*i
medium for advertiaingbuiie*,*al**. Ac
1 jr<**Suhcriher tw the RitroKTFR. resiJ
in* outride of Centre county. should r>-
nut us lOcenia. yearly. for postage which
we will pav here ; thi* reduce* the p.wiage
t<t one hlf. a* I he>nwi l/Wnl them fur
one year** lx>Mlfe W"d t?0 til v j
tailing "an nonncem en I* of c*ft*ii
dues $5. A* Communication* ree.m-|
■fending iwrront for office, $1 SO to |S tO
' / Fred Arnold, of Centre Hill, h a
Avorcelain •n*okepipe. mad* in Germany,
f 302 year* ago. Thi* pipe ha* the month j
nd year cf it manvifaetur* itw-ri bod |
upon it, and hat been in the Arnold fami
ly up to thi* lime.
Col Buah the man who g*ve life to
and founder of it* beat improve
Vuenta, our f**' <*•)*
K. T. Rankin, next
gun*hop, I* the
in Pharmacy""** Ul CviUfttp-* a drug-
K t he hwt had lon* experience and keep
none but freh and pure drug* for *a!e
Mr. S. H G.>odhart, at Hublerr
l>ur*.h a'new at ore atarted about 9 month*
*£.\ and doe* a ftHwi bu*in#** from th
fact that ha ii to ncntlemanly and eIU
cheap. He keep* a complete a**.>rtment
of dry flood*, flrrscerie*. Ac . which ho
lella a* cheap a* they do a Beilefonte or
Lock Haven.
bleuinfl. which i now makinfl *o many
female# happy boeaurw it *o flreatly raw
their labor* on wa*hiofl day. we mean th.-
Complete Washer, sold by John 11 Mil- 1
ler af Centre Hall. It i the heat machine 1
out, and no one denie* it* uparior m.rit
vrhea fOelnfl it work only live minute*
Be *ur you see it before inTettin* in a •
washer. Toe Eureka Wrinfler—the best
in market—i* also sold by the same
Mr. Co'oalhts Stover and n G.
COAW sent peoinen of brick to this of
fice, moulded by them in Zerbe'- brick
yard, in this place which a*e bard l • beat
for elegance.
Jno K. Tate is rutt'ng up a large
rn n the W -tor property in Bcnner
lV p which will be a iob as n'y su h
mechanic* •* Mr "*ate hi w lo P"
Decoration d - v w " "bonred at
Aarom-burg. Boab.t r IC and other iocali
ties in this c* unty. Tti* 1 '•tiger * Bsr.d < r
t. is place ae-i-ted in the dwialioti core-,
men;** at Bia!sburg.
On lt morning awn of
Mr.; of near Earleysbwn,
met with an accident which n.ay prove
fatal The boy i driving a two
horse team, and on going down a hill, the
beards of the wagon box slipped forward
and came in contact with the horses. A
run-off was the result and young SpichOr
fell from the wagon the wheels ot which
passed over him. His collar bone was
broken and sustained other severe inju
ries. There is little hope of his recovery.
We are informed that last Friday
Kev Berger. Evangelical minister, Mil'-
heiin circuit, was robbed as he was Jriring
through the Narrows beyond Woodward,
ile was stopped by two men who demand
ed his money and his watch He banded
over bis cash SW, and being in get
ting out his watch was told to hurry up
accompanied by the cocking of a revolver
iu the hands of one of the men. The time
piece was handed over and Mr. Berger
then ordered to go on his way with the
threat that be weald be shot ;f he looked
jj e vu e very common looking old I
man in a ver,~ common looaing light w..g
on. drawn by a **T common looking
horse; but when a y>* chap, who trust
ed to appearance*, cam* along ir. a stylish
livery rig and triad to pa* him. the coin
mon looking horse, at a word from hi
matter, juit twisted hi* mouth inte a smile
of easy cooldence and in forty second* wa
out of the astonished young chap'* Ngkt;
going as light and free and eaay *% ■
"Light, Running Domistic" tewing m
Beilefonte haa not yet made up ber
—a mere song for tha: town—to
wards the early construction of the branch
railroad to Leinont. Tnis sum it wa* ai
one lime supposed and esscrlnd could b
raised in town in five hours—five weeks i
effort have only produced sl2,tjo The]
sum asked for wouid be about -i per rant,
upon the valuation of Bollafonte which i
sc.all indeed, yet there srama no pro
peel at this writing of the amour t bein.
raised. Soaie of the lowiishiiM over tier
had lb per cent.' laid up--n their valuation,
and >tood it, and yet Beliefonte drags a
Hi. Well, it ia their own matter ; it tkrj
don't want the railroad, all right.
Spigeimyer's is the only cnab t"r<
in the Valley. Goodawr* marked low an*
cash customers are the maker* by it A
full lineof dry goods, notions, groceri
hats, caps, boots ar.d shoe- always
hand. Call and examine stock u.d pri
ai d satisfy yourseive* the. bargains r>
All persons visiting Beilef mte <*■
hereby invited to call at Zelier Drug
6tore for a gl of Bower'* Mead—tl
most healthful end popular drink of 0
day. It U delicious. It a cm mat >
of the niostchobui and fragrant aroma'i.
known. 2 my
// William Mann, w
' ' known hare, who was killed by a *lem
boat explosion la*l week, is said to hat
had his life inaurssJ for fid.OM). The r<
main* of the deceaacd reached hi* sorrow
stricken family, consisting of a wife an
three children, on Tuesday, 23, and w. r
followed to the grave by the largest pr
cesatot) that wa* ever seen in Mifflncoui.
There were 170 carriage* in line
Mr. 2?* nns body was blown to the r
of the iteanie." Arkansas Belle, which we
alongside tba Pat. Cleborne when the la -
t t's boiler exploded, Tfhen he met win
the accident ha was traveling f° r
Mann axe manufacturing firm, of wbic
Ndie WHS a member. A
V, V BITS.— Mr. J D. Murray deserve
credit fur the nice plank walk alone hi
lot—now its uncle George Odenkirk'-
time to join bis neighbor, and then Di
Smith will ao doubt tee the necessity oi
joining in to and that will complete th
walk along there.——Samuel Flory fan
his new house up, and Lewi Murray he,
his cellar dug for his new house.
We have tried Bower's Mead a
Z tiller's Drug Store and it is just as good a
(tLey say it is—just the thing for a warn
day—cooling and delightful. 4t.
J 8. MILLER, Fashionable Tailor, AH
ronsburg. Shop few doors west ot D
Muster's 4my tf
On and after to-day the Pennsylvani.
Railroad Company will sell flrst-cla
passenger tickets from New York to Ch •
cago at sixteen dollars—a reduction o
five dollars.
—Pleasant weather this week and pros
pect for ta abundance of poUto bufi-
I tn Inst Friday the 1 id "8 rad
-1 road official* of the Feitnu'a r.u it* ! oa
ed >vor the line of ir railroad T p- -
ly wn* compos. 1 el' T. A Scott |>re
W Itlorr -, charm <>l Dim .sin • -
" tee ; Stnrklnnd K •, m l o
'd-l l ; tie . It. U b M lie'
I \. .1 DORHYNL in • • I. U I
jfl . i icf* ' 4 -i it r .S \\ \\ 'i' • ,
111 M \ ( WW t ' .
je 1 la w b.irc 'V
Imm Hifl. wlir. tl .v wi • d v I.' ■
: F. M 11. r. prealdot t td f.l Kit ;
to: i i • • > • d
bi TW, aonft. yt ■ I t n*lnoor I
I w • h.. i pa •' ■ i vojr
I ill m ti.i , l' ' i .i i, II
R mii ( Fad is !>. II lii. to | a U
cni i i r,> d II tart'o r ii ili.u . i ■
Tcvancw- and rtll f.M'teo II . i.r >tl ,1
idy to li e ey si J, ...
weie jttl ml hy .1 re-lor* I; II |> ,
aid Jar. P. (Yt urn. wI. I.a ■ -
wa dn* to convey the i •
over he line lhr< .i* • l'-n .
r. ached Fowler at 1.-a-ll w i u.
10.-u* trout .in, it-r, iir i * u e t.y Mr Thoiut-.-i. Sin I. t r o
■ccahMi- wa* partakan .1 with a r< ia>•
Tlu-partv has itijj sats-rli d .lie in er man
and rested from ttie r tramp over Faddy
mountain, proceeded on their j- uruey 1--
I the Fork* and via M; Ihriui to
j Spring M ills, with a short stop at the man a
-iaion of Mr H. H Duncan, thence pro*
,cN*ded to Centre Hall where the party
. ajiiN stopped a short tune, and tu.n
, W*w wwrisd by some of > ur c tisen* '.O 1
I tho top bf N tunny mountain, and sh. wn
I the n*ib lie en co .f the valley w ueh they
had so t.ilfl permitted to utf.-r for want of
I a railroad The view from Nitlauy luoun
' tain wwjn feast for the eye* of Mr
art! hiai-arty, and dllvd then* with tnde
scril>a)re del flht. They weies'ow to leave
it, and t.Hik in the unsurpassed valley
SCFhery frotu every possible standpoint,
,-tr.til the cveninfl shade* of the tinkint
sun couituenced to unfurl their dark man
tel* al n< side the t-rams of sunliflht, and ■
told the party to hasten to Lemont. and j
here we bade the party goou-bya.
j They proceeded to Lemont, vu* Linden ■
Hall, made a short stay, and at 11 o clock
p. n>. reached Ueltelcnle, and immediate (
ly entered their special train, which wa- ,
there in waitinfl, having been sent around
from Laurelton via L.w-k Haven, and loo*
their departure lor Phi adrlph a
!jo much as to the trip.—What the read I
er of the Reporter will feel more interest- f
ed in, is, w hat will be the etl" ct of the v is- 1
:t of these railr-ad k r.fls thrv-uflb ourval |
ley and alonfl the line of our r-ad? Wc •
will answer this question from what bur- "
ned -tiformation wo Could gather from 1,
Col. Sci'tt, Mr. Murr.s and .Mr. Kobe.i-: ,
We think the visit had a go id effect, and 1
tb .ttne*e gentlemen returned rn.-r. u .r
--at ly impressed wtth I i- nece**ity mid . .
iigati >1) of completing the Work lliaii be- •<
torn. They eiprc-*ed themselves dr g'lt- 1
ed with the beauty of the country and w re
convinced of it* richne.*- in ague. iu- f
and that it abounded in r. n or,. '1 - y •
lert back none tu'. w -rd* ••{ ei c '
ment, and the !a*t w -rds giv. n to
ot thnieading tnen in th.-parly - hot * *
hi, carrmge . n Niitany itiout lan . w r
"tn it w- i-hall l ave , In L I -foe l".g."
In three or four w.e* '.in ui u ut.-e
make in, ir reyors and '.lefiriite acto>n w 1
be bad. otw vi.h our : • r- si. heduly
a<". viaed.
U >r*e thieve* ar- do rg Si.vder co.
Tl F Sellii-grove TIIUIW NAYS* T,
On >unday night. May 21st. a dark bay tt
horse stolen from Phi ip Sehnee at "
Mi. Plea,nt Mill*, l'errv township, tl- a |
county He w*t eleven years old. com-jei
■ton sire, and had a n-ugn ring ar. tind ihe tl
left hi .d Ug between the knee and paslur. 1
j-iint. Peter Mnterling. a few mil.-* ml
of Mr. Schriec. lad a black n.are *tolen „
the aaoio night. Jrte had a iump a'j"
hind leg -Slid a SUl|| white -p"l • U >n
side, and was of tair sire. Taro h -re- ~
were beard is) p&a* thrv.ugb Frrebu git
about that n ght. H- ncc it i ['
suppof d ihe thieves came e >slward.
—-Jearly every article they have for;"
sale, has been marked down ts a cash ba- j *
.ia by tte leading grocery bi of Neck- „
ler A Co , in the Bush House block. Thi;- a
very few grocery establish menu in the
state baT* yet done—ail must do like t
Stabler, mark down the figure*, because Ii
there hat been a fall in prices in the east e
era market*. They intend conducting '
their businets on a cash basis, and are now n
tellinggrcg*idf #t lower price* than they C
have heretofore uean .-ff-.-scJ >0 pcllefontc, '
this includes sugars, coffees, teas, syrup*.;-
rice, cheese, meals, canned fruit*, Ac., n
aid ikey maintain tbe high standard of
their goods a* kurefofore. They continue
to take all kinds of ccqu'-ry produce and
give gooes for it the same a* sold for
ca*b. Short crediU given to regular cus* t
tome**, |
one suffering with telter, / any jcaiy, '
crusty skin disease, or that distressing' ,
complaint. Itching Pi e*, we advWe ibet.. ,
to pri>cure atonce a box of Dr. Sway no* '
Oiwlment. lis simple application will af-
ford a spaw-Jy and effectual cure ; no mat t
•-er how obatinoge or long standing the j
case niay be. the cure u anftin Y u can I
"bu.n ii at a!! lb# leading drug aiosej -r
by addrcsting Dr. rtwayne & Son. Phil..- 1
delphis. Dr. SWayne's ai.-dicinc* have '
a world wide reputa'-in.
f i> v J (. Shoeiitaker, of Ann r.-
burg. Eider H L- Uurvcy, in Roland, to
Prsfeaw-rs from State CkdU a o, nf four
-te.iier* fr-uu Behef-'iit'' have alroui;. j
c inserted to take pari II me iii-cu-,i ■
of tbe County r>abb.-,th Sc. - -i t' .v
--ti in.
Ona njirii*ter irom each >•{ he rei ; <i • -
leiiounriaiMU.. i'i ike cuniy will he -t
--dally inviti-d to be pi<*•-:.i nri*J nidtcs
the contention.
It >* lioped thai ail ihe Delega • * w. I
c m r.prciing to tak< pa,' in way or i
Money due <■ ol 1 ' 1 ■ r-J
•k -i i g Ac., * i r.
fully received
\\ • are auill r /. d I • ui I '
•In, 1; he*, I I'i 'tir, wdl hi i a:e
r As iate Ju Jg -. sul jc •.• - n
iil be bi'id at the Office -if die t •- .i i>
nniniitsi--ners, in Jj- tl-f.-nii- for II. •! r
I rent l-wnhip* and b rough* Ol a
t'ojotv on the follow ing-la is. t.. wit
On Thursday. Ju:ieb, IH7G. torilo- tw t
■I Miles. Per-11. Hame- .Grtgg and P-i
On FriJay. J jn- 9, for im- twp- --I H
i>, Ferguson, ilwi(uio--n, Co icge. t'a •
•ml W alkor.
Oil Saturday. J one 10. lor t.< l |.
•Sogg*. Union. Huston, Worth ami
--rough* of lfni--nvii i- ami Mile.burg
i'ay or, Burr.i-id--. t>n- w-ipw. itu'ii d
i.e borough of FMlip-burg.
On Tuesday, June 13, tor the twps -1
i ••ing, Beuner and the borough o: B-.-i
On Wednesday, June M lor the tw|-
f vlari--ri. Liberty, purlin, Howard ano
he borough of Howard.
, Attest, A. (JBKGG.
' J 5 BARfiiAitT, H A-MINGLE.
Clerk Commissioner*-
& AUDITORS.-The School 1).
•colors of Potter twp. will meet at O.d
Fort, Monday, June 6th. at 9o'clock a. rn
■ i exutuine the account of the Treasurer ot
he Board, and transact such business as
nay come before them. The Auditor'
vill meet to examine and settle the ac
•ounts of the Board.
Directors elect will meet at 1 o'clock p.
11. of said day to organize a new Board.
By order of the Board.
Sec'y. Prest.
Vnnual Meeting of the Stockholders ol
ne Lewisburg, Centre and Spruce Crei-k
tailroad Company will be held at the ot
tee of the Company, No. 2 : 13 South Fourth
Street, Phila , on Tuesday, June 13, 187ti.
at 1 o'clock, p. in.. Election for president
and Directors same day and place.
JAB, Jt, McCJsUIK, tecretgry.
A ' ■ t'rt 11 Ni wi rt-lli !>f!.
\\ 1> Mii M o i *• in
i' . i .
•| 10 • oil ,;i ml
! ■ II"' ' '
. nt. io .■'. (\C I- ' ■■ .lure I ...
•It'll 1 \ i . 1 -1 s' I I I
i i
I hake . m •il! • w Ihiii-s
ill '.in,n 1. i, i > \ r ! i nr. i 1 \
ii... i i. ng'.i ink to- I *
ill Hi >1 t' •. jt ' s at!ll
In ii . - i. in . .i ■ in, mm it
.mi in iv I i ■ In' ni r- h h i
,l > . ..i n l miii. a'il '* in
, * ' 1.0 111*1 .' l\ I .11
,' || , . Ii tiell .1. Salurtl).v
I Ii > II e ... e\ e w. llll . I
. I. n Fie It , ■' a .1 Jmiuc-
It * t Ii i ■ i *!■< Iv ol hrrakiug
: in - 11. pi 11 or v, will,
t .hi I i. u ~ . and woe
i i .. ,i , iff. Ned iron tin*
i II Iv •' ei II %i ri- n nogro aa*
tl \ |. a "I 1 l! ' pilh-rv, w i ere lie rr
. ei .1 r tii. - ac- ol ne li.iu' Ills of
e . wa- n-*< and battery with intent
l>> kl i, Du'ing tills lltiio the crowd has
l great I v thinned .ul, but when the atn
j ii.uneetti. lil wa- Ulada that the whipping
| would login they gathered within the
card again K*i.a*b Hash was lie name
art called cut by the Sherift and he came
jf .rth ala niuw.ilar while man. led bv
i vtepul v He wa* bared to the waist a d
apparently still sufferi ig from ihe effe. I*
>1 hi* ceiif.m ment in the pillory, .> id
bravely up to the post while h: haul*
were lasteud in Hie ir n clamps. T'ie
I-Sheriff, armed with u cat o'-nina-Uii*.
•.-ted if all wa, ready ami COtuinrriCi-J !>.
rain en (he blows, thrty in number, whi.h
was counted bv a deputy is they fell. The
quivering !lrh reddened a', first, at.d final
s' the blood found its way to the surlare
while the prisoner writhed in hit agoi y
! and hi* face wa* the very picture of tu -
toring and despair. He wa, taken back io
hi* ceil, stiff and *v>re Jamet BraJev,
cmiii the accomplice vf Ha*b in the
crime, was also hn thirty lashes by the
Sheriff, but it with u great deal more
i tortilude than the other, and notwithstand
ing ihe blow - fell thick ami fa-t not a iuu,-
cle Ol his face changed and he in no way
gave evidence of the intense pain be uiu,l
have suffered. Jamea Dari.h had ,u.len *
p.H-ket-book containing f> s . and for tins
*tood up to the w (lipping post in a very
' defiant manner to receive twenty lash. ~
which were put on with heavy iroke*.
'Charle* Harrison, a negro, for larceny, re
.rived t.-n lathe* without a murmur.
I Thomas Hyde wa* whipped with twenty
hes for stealing a lot of old clothing
Isaac tfovden, a fine specimen T manly
form, bad taken a beehsieak and a small
1.4 of acrappel fr. in a farmer's wagon, and
for thi* received twenty lasire- with in
tense suff. ring The prisoner twi-led and
a IIKV'I tell ut * 'ii hi* tiauicb.* in hi* en
deavor* to e**NlH' the blow* Hi, back
ww- terribly scarred. *nd tie went baca t
ni* c< ■ I in great agony. Thorn*- Davis,
tor rob erv. wa* given twentv la,he* that
:iur*t th. de-h, h'i.l Samuel ttj* i w g.v
. n the **> number lor imrtl. ipetn n ii.
th theft William L. C'.'l . a liege.',
ill *1 . I a bull . r she Kii.ft rr.'elvi*
i wnl v ia- a- ami > 'a> ul K•ungr . I •
.arc. tV. 11l- . I ' *al . * In
a iditi n <||). , .of •IU <1.4
II on ter a"v• : i I p>
re*-, t iti in at - ■" • ovkl •
) ck- Ii •: iI. r •
r.. -.g'.- ... . , . j v..i
tn • -I.e. . g ... . •
a ipl.e.l lt!le>. V . , TH
i( whom cried pueouaiy lot mercy •<t
g. d tt. sin tl " ' /'"•*.
TilK Ml >I.LI K M.v.l IRK II!*
lJ;.*i' ii*ry. of tl > -t Jan I*
lvvelve Tn* n i.* A*> liliiti.' In-'
fir Muni i,
p.-t -ville. May l"'< 1 I -tl.'S* 'f the
ii.r..., Mr Levi s ne which interrupt--,
the tr : al f th-fiv.- v.ol n- i hargsal will
tiie "lur.ier > t \ -t. the p..lie. mar.. t> r
inin-.t.-d latallv bit night, and thi* mi-rii
i. g the . evei snr-iv -r* lad to be d.-
rbarged. I'M - w.'l nia-e—itate the re trial
' f the whole Ca*e. W'i ch in view of the • 1
ritenienl lt> this .-. unty. and the fact thai
the tewiini ny in the ca-e ha* bei n pub
lished and lead by nearly i very • r.e ill ibr
county, w. I unr-i likely our court to
gri l a chat ge it venue in tin case t ■
.on e adj. I sit g c ui'ity S< ould the pn*
oner* tnen driernd *ej a-ale trial* they
w. uid cause all ex peris- ..f sl*:v t)'..'U*ami
d" I Mis, W'llii tl vv lU ,1 have to be pa d out
ol ihe irra-ury if Shu Ikdl county. It
is very tnq h to be reccued that event*
have put the matter in it* present condi
tion. for "uimte of tbe question ol expense
it i, to be leartd juror* in a neignbor
ing r 'Ulity, mil knowing the ease with
which th.-se men are ab:e to manufacture
an adbi by rea*.n of much experience.
m*,V give more crodi". to a certain class ol
wittlctsc, than th.>*e wlioar>' familiar with
the charauUir of such testimony would.
There are nov tu nfiiod in ;ho .Schuylkill
county prison twenty member* of the Mo -
lie Maguire*. Of these twelve are charg
ed with murder, and the others with con
spirnric* to murder i r.d with being access
-orie* after the fact to murder*. These
men. as well as five imprisoned at Maucb
Chunk, have nl! been arrcled on informa
tion upp!ied by tho detective, M. Parlen,
nor ha* the demand of justice yet been sat
isiitssi and we may expect to hear of a
number of *dd<U"uui atfo^ty.
[Satliilo Correspondence Galvewton News]
Gen. Figueroa. a few day* ag". with h.s
bnd of pron jnci*dos, captured both the
Ireight and paasenger trains on the Vera
Cru* Ri.ilroad at a point between the sta
tion* of Cameron nd Pa**o del Macho.
One of the engineer* wa- severely cut
with *B'irfj*- The car* were robbed of
everything s aluabh), gr.d a demand sent to
the itlcc of the Company, t Vno for
jt". (.**. to be •• i t wHuin orie hour, under
penalty of the destruction of the locomo
tive*. and *!■• a renewed order for the
$„6 OY> previously demanded, under the
penalty of the b owing up the magnificent
ir >n bridges of Passu del Much" ,*],i I
lUpi fvW >l*l Muerto
i th" al .'ff a* their dema ds were
not unipbed w'tTi, Ulii traO, • 'e . rdi r
•al bid pi Cameron, the locomo << •• j
Uu'O'il and p need at a c •nvenieiit dls H in. Tl ■ ••• * w -re then or
I-r d•* • <les' : 1 .in acainit each thei
wh' nil ti l t .ree •>* it.*- r • ni f vv r
wbi I " .- I .a. I ! •of the n* M 111
K 11 , ... I "•• ... SIOO,-
JJ£ ' ' R V' •" 1
I, iudt,.: J,r - ."I l. M.-vi OH- rt! I '
, \ VTI7.77TH / i THL; VI
Word ill r, M. -• Mij $i . i .1
Pn tw etart •> i mortti „• o. • .
oty for the murder of hi* v. K. Iwother,
F;. Ik ii I'. Tuwne, ' oi l ■ lUi'j. in
■ b n rn . H the fa no i ! ■ . >•.
Fro*t na* -'..oily im iri. i I. imig
a' ! i k 111 e* i 1' .wne u i let. .ml
a Hi' I .ppareiilly on tl' nil t c■ •,
fu-ing all cun-el . e.-, •. . unl
.1 till! • Is.-II tw. We.-k- II- r fil el to he
■ iu*d tiy Co rgyno-'i. M.n ■ nil ini" I e
ha- '•••< n'iel In C M t,.iui,.*on, but
h.-sh 'Wti iio pen'• i , and ha- ben dia*
- ii io t*i4 up n -ul j cis entire y I r
.II oi the pin 'er w .iic i bi- spiritual nd
i . i wa* uy i g l" imp"-.- up 'U hi* mind
11..- in.* be* ii m* print* pal th.-ui** unit
i c .r- bi, atiiiisi uii-nt. Tbl- rr.ornmg
■ - wn-ia'iii and <leler n.ed aml walk
hi .in a. Ito thi- sctr**ld 11. made
. '.mill 1 I,tail Wa* so gi** t .but the
. I <■! ihe unf**riuiiai-. ri initial wasjerf-
•ii. I. r nil, unit Itisiisr only h> the
•tn nt-, lb" t.1." -I -nuriing .n • vary di
• 11. II HUT the -CH.I • i a ■! (1 >or.
—3 1 I
A. Zuave aiul it Dwrrmlsnt of the
King of the Mountains Slay Eucli
Martin Poll, young man of twenty
live, grandson of the tamous Theodore,
King of the Mountains, so celebrated in
Coreicun history, was in lovo with a young
girl of that island. But he had a rival,
one Joseph LOCH, surnamed the Zouave,
who, by his bravery, hud gained the mili
tary medal in the French army. The lat
ter, considering that the other was treated
with greater preference, enticed hitn one
evening If) a roacjsido public-house, with n
view to giving htm up to iho ggndarmos.
Poii kept the appointment, and huv ng
boldly announced his suspicions of the
other a quarrel ensued, and they deter
mined to settle the mutter there and then.
Each was armed with a musket, and tb-y
went out into the open ground, where the
moon vygs shining brightly, and each to-k
up his station beqipd a tree, firing at his
opponent at every opportunity, t/o
rrudually ipproacltitig each other At
oust they got so near together that tbey
Srod at the sunte time, bolt, falling dead,
i -"hot through the breast. The neighbor
hood, arousp i by the detonations, came up
'to the spot just in fi.T.e Slip thefri both
ex bring ill a •• I of their ..w I blpoq,
|* It \ I T.. I'. ,M il 'll At Malum •*
Citv alive. cU c- 11 iii\. rtf<.ll ihi'f
ulitr.l li i , nrriM'-ii !.•••'• I M '
Kll"". i • ir. .' of lilt* C• in II .I*' k K
hoi\ h lot Imtj M ill* Mil if it I tki'W '•< .1
I", i vi '• •>w,.iiiiig tnal Thi* Mch >
KiOl ii i 11 nwl i-| iii llto i'l 11 v• • o Inu
• . 1.. K . MtllOl, ut A•" kI"W II
. ll' I I'd 111 Nl III' H
re-l.t I >1- i • Ik-" l>i r having !•' 1 ll'i
nu ■ Ii r. In lih* 1...', vk.irkini: l"M •
Ink in •• vii ' putting ill I'll 11 kill)', i I
Vk i I o II ... I> ( 'h li.'ll 11 kill' * ) ill I
in t run
1' IIOU \ Itl.t.
Ili> iii hi ,> inn nl W'a* lua-l" \ ■ -k< >•! • v
oil lb" I'ln lit i' Etching" Ih.l IW ilt I k Ml
l"lr l Kill' lli'lill klllU'r> l 111 Ilk" •*'
goo* of gra II n Europe in view of the up
on*. IHI • ml. An mil attee in t eight*
in o.i Mill Inr In i n iiiK)kini<
I !•' Kri- Mitkei Aautliei 11-*
Now Vork, M.v A9t, -The Erie Com*
i'"iiv ha* lll n.lo .nit further reduction in
pit**" igrr l.ror In llie XX oil, In take ellrrt
to-morrow, tho rate* being in each
one iloll.r ln than those iititiouncod bv
•iher road- vu, to VliieH|,it, slti ; I'inc II
n.tti, sll . Indianapolis, sl6 ; St. Lou .
s2l; l,.ui*vllo. lh , Detroit, I'-'. Cleve
mill . ?11 Unlc* tii Buffalo and Nittgarn
Fall* .re .'o reduced to SB.
New York, Mny i! 8. The l'ennylvaru.
Khilrowd announce* the following rate*:
New York to Chicago, Flo , to Cuiclniiat*
ti sl4 ; to Loui*v>He, SIS-; to ludian.po>
ili.Jlj ; to St. Lou ir, s'.At.
The Ni w York Tribune draw* thi* pic
ture : " Imagine Simon looking ut a Pennc
• vlvania delegation that refuted to budge
under hi* bill of sale. Balaam'* turprii-c
at the expostulation beginning with '.Xiu
1 not thine a**, upon wltith thou hart riJ
den,' etc., could hardly bo a touch to Si
mon's feeling* under uch circumstance*
We lUkpect, though, if thi* should hap-j
pen. and Xtr. Conk ling should be defeat
ed, thai the Winnebago Chief would be
the Srst to uncover to the successful can
didate and break torth, as Balaam diii,
with 'How goodly are thy tent*.' "
Thousands of bushels < f potatoes will g •
to #-U< it: Michigan tor lack of a market,
but the Detroit Kree Preaa of the 21 >t says
that farmers aoftg the line of t ie Central
r-ailruad are preparing to ttlaiil near n>
Urge art acreage as last year l|iwliA| to
increase their sunk for feeding urn win
ter The .M icbigan fruit crop promises to
be the largest ever produced, ami whea'
over before made o show
Mi n tap lie-Sunday Sen a>l
Centennial pi or ic "tiiiie t.i: of July.
Mr- Kiiu'eth Fullmer has goTiehlit.d
A fa Sin,' ag' * me ol r* was I !e%ef
et "Ugh I" trim Jo flier.% ' buffi Ire
i barge In tiia morning a ti. uI e :up j
lie fou-iil the t p. eU-bl.Mt*, • 'V I>i k,
t.i-to t strajo ami om • pok* ■ :.t •
e 'I he -aine nigh: a who i fence lu
<t - 111 Whs P . tied 111 lt|o water A
-hor: tu i- he re this a n> a pi' *r w.
broken to | icci aso a tl übtm.g
■i at *i u • r |no - t i gged o light
N> w if •> that .1 • -I . !
II •IB slid tral . MS weii a learn them ..
Lit we. k w I tl. K B. It Jt r Hns
w rkitig at'it*i ii .i prein.s. s ..e ii. i.i a*
st ill |o teaVi* I' work tor a wlii ••, -itt.l
oil h|s r.'tutn he tl unit that hi* tt> had
sa.i .wed lie tftiti: lit- a nearly . nip;)
1 aiul put wbo h she itnuicuuti .)
si oh "i Be Is ill Kr. atliers l ie has li's 1,, isr
and shop under rssof It wot lt>n a It lie
The gip . • have returned ai d are
am pod in Meyer'A w- nj* HKW M. .
Hi-hSeld J'lr.rlioii. V Y May kb — 1
Theguago of the Delaware, Lnrkaw A.-itta
and W. stern K.o.road ha- been narrowed
frotu UobokrD, N. J , to Seranton Pa
tlinghaniion. Oswego, K. tuo and Utica.
a d narrow-g ige trains passed over the
whole line Without interrupt!- n last even- j
itg About 2,tWO men were employed on (
the worn.
Phil*.. May insal—About
SOO barrel# old including extra* at $4 26
($4 371; Minneso a extra family at $5 75'4
'•60; Petina ,4>h o> and Indiana do. ill- at
5 76(j*'> 76, and fancy bram:* at To.
Kyr flour ell at 4HO In curia meal ct
drain—Sale* of 6 6u buahr!* wheat al
1 4-'i(.c 1 47 for Penna. K< 1 ; 1 4'J for d>>.
amber . and I 60(i> 100f >r white Rys it
firm, with le* o! 1,400 bushel* i'enna at
*s(.vH74c. Corn is arriving ireely, and
sells at te*dy price* tg'.rs of ll.U'i bu*h
e * at ij 1 (>t>2c tor yell ■, and <10(u HOlc for
mixed. Oat' sell 37(jfk for while, and
lor mixed.
M it. EOT MARKET*, corrected weekly by
I). Sbelmirc,
Clover Seed $& ml I" *6 &)•
He of s<". to $7.00 IHT Kb) lb#
Corn 45c b' biv.
Kye 05c to 70
Sift Nova Scotia Plaster $8; gr. und
$lO per bm.
White Wheat $1 26 to $1 .
Ked •• $125 to SIBO.
itartey 70c to 75.
Timothy $2 to 2 60-
Plaster in St me $7 75 to $8
Salt 1 40 b< 1 50.
Oat* Ki ' I" 35 .
Pi Lal< let 2ie t*. .Id*.
tVhiie A'neat i 1 20 Kid 120. ..Kyi 75
Cos n c*rs 40. 4."> Oat. 15—Barley W.
70 010/erseed 5.W Potatoes it!
Lard prpoun.. a. Pork per pound:*!
Butte I JO Eggs 16 Plaster pel ton
sl4 Tallow 8 Baeoi 10 Hans 16
I.ird per p<>und 8 . ents Muck*!.eat
I'.l -U F : r l; "< I rHail 7, , •'..
Se i'ii pi*'' r s|l uO C' .i OK •
ul i.ter s'i.6f) J" r 2IMlb Shelled torn 46
MII.ltoY. PA. .
Tin •. t . . . 1, *• 1 •soellt nt
r I \ #•■ .ti • - I ■
imntei i. i BUM U> depot d
I'.ii •' lr i.u' ' K' 4 '
i.E" KItEHN* IV i .
(Tntennhil Sloi'o.j
At Rotters Mills, i
L. D iv! cE N I IR E
|i. ju-t gri.' d Ir.ii, FhiMl' lp 111.
a stigei.'o w 1 i ctnd I<h kof
( In ap Guuds,
wliicli In* offer* (THE \P FOR CASH or
country Pt'niut r, a i> a 1 irge a'.ork of
LOUIE'S HF. N 'T'S, and (111 LDKKN'S
Shoo#, Haiti rs a* low u* $1.25 per pair,
and all other good* In proportion. Pry
(i,od, Hosiery. Linens, Kmbroiderio*, *
White Hood*, Lace*, Notion* and FAN- .
CY HOOPS, strictly tiri-elas good* he
low the uual prices. Hi* Hroccry Dc-j
pnitmcnt conil* of tlio
Cheapest and Best Quality of Greet-;
ries 1 1
n Penns Valley Sugar#. Tea*. Coffee#,
Syrup*. Spice*. Canned FruiU, (Ttaeker*.
ChM'd. and pried Fruit* etc.
ware. Hardware Wood and Willowware
and Oilcloth* ol every description. Hate,
caps. Drug*. Oil and l'aint*, al*o Cigar#,
Tobacco and Confoctionerie*. All kind#
of produce taKen in exchange for good*, (
also bighett price paid.
Also —Ladies will find a full line 1
of milliuery goods, comprising the I
latest styles.
1 thank the people gf Penn* Vi!luy fur
their liberal patronage. 18niv<!m
J AS. M MAN US, Attorney at Law
Billefonto, promptly attend* to a)
butiae** entrusted to him iui2.'''Bt
I ~—We would esteem it an especial fa
vor if evi'irv friend of the wpplfj
: send us the name of at least one subspribcf,
with the Cash—for throe months, 60conI.*; 1 .*;
six months SI,OO, and one year $2. Head.
1 or, won't you try and do UH this little l
' ycjr and will repay y>u by improving Jhg
HC-e . te) Spud )(* thg nil|pu. of slj| liiH
IDbKcriher*. with the (lath, and w sip
|gnd ypg flie Heportnr ope yer free,
>, Th • lien lad "I Sunt urv i t" be built' y
x IraT. C . tne it ut pit.. . I.r r'l Cut '.lie
r county fifni-liiiig tin iion kkork*. whnli
W l'o tsl ,t*<'
A al iob "A toreiou f rug* in I'hll
Mill tptli lei .In noli II u I k' lulfV Uig
Ik liuiklber • I wot .men i ne rkiiti , Itirei
jofwll.iti w. e killed,
i j !■' ein r iinn lli bei I i • I i' tin
■ : Curb r . . i vj ol —SHI >1 of '■ •. I
be t'e Molik Mil
'n. . , Mb- in IK. I s • D iti.
IVI i?line' MHie. I. In. C o: ' •!' ■ 1 I I
w ■- I \l Dee
rt . i in v t ' •* " "*• '•' 1 l
1 baton j I' i 111 g1" • "A ({eorgi. S n.
I |if lie* b.'i'U kit 1 1'• 1b V 11 ■ 'I 1 tt Lee |
wliii I' lit on bi* Ii ad II ' i ne • a re
. fiiirkub " one, a* most > f the Ii ifg *
. Senator* can >Uml the kick •• • mn'. on
the head ami hlnk milling ate ut it,
wluyea* the mule g ie* Imi' for a wei k.
< NT K • II t ■- *
Tho Lurgost and Bost selected
Stock in Town.
v Below we give tome ol the remarkably,
low price* :
Good " -'D
II Brown Xlit*lln Appleton A .iRf
" OooJ, .00
, Bleat bed H to 15
Domestic Gingham, 10 to 16
Choice Sirup*, HO c, gl
Beit N O Baking. 0 " '•
" Bio Coffee, M " lb.
Good " 'A " " j
Be.l '• " ail •• " ,
" A AVlule Sugar, lli " "
1 Brown, 10 " " ,
, Ladte* Fancy Stripped lime, "26 et.
Nackliw, l'i "
•' CorweU, 00 "
Sliawli, |hjff h
. Ki'.ra Assortment ot Hamburg Kdgingt. •
Ladie* Morrocco Shoe*, $1.76
" (iaiter* (lace), 160 j
Men* Plow Shoe. & Brogan*. V'i6 ,
Large variety of Children A Hun*' ,
Huff, Button A Side lace Shoe*.
Stupendous aitraction, Stock replenuh- ■
I'd with beautiful new goods, at eilretne- ,
ly low price*, lor which we invite critical i
con. pa' i*on. j
lliglie*t market price paid for all k.ud* v
■o| Produce. e
A'*,i large atkorlinent of Hal*, ('ajx. i
jB- ot* A Shoos, Hardware, ware, jli
Wood A Willow ware ljur.etlju
Bonnets, Trimmings, Millinery. I'
Mi- I.ucv I>eiiiiipirV,
w .o he- |ul rdurie i from Phili, with th, |.
Imli* Kahioii ami a cmo . .1 • k of it
New It "illct*, m h ii;i! k gallt T ihi- g
iin g Vi win. ii will be Id ir mad" .
• J| aE rein I nl' e priCea. te
ft'Tbi > -i'. *" very piitiv if
I • i ; I • . bet i earl* Pint ■
nel !' ',.y (t. v.
. . ■ .
:Yf 0£i s )Tfi£ rJALL,
Wolfs Old Stand.
M"*jjiisluh • I Slock nl Sjir'ii,; i 1 ~t•*:
liter OkHa's. -u
_____ -in
Haaiiig j Jt relurneii from the Kat. and *®
a'. I ,nii pi ices 1 aui n.iw trepar.-d * d
to e!t chowpcr than ever before. Xly .lock r "
coni*U in prl of
SANDALS, Ac., A**, m
Ladice' and GonU' Uudcrwcar a *pec
iality. f
con*Untiy on hand. Iwook at the fig- B
urt's: a,
(Joed (htrimere Suiti, $10.(X) j;
(}ood Crwimrre Coat*, $" 00
Cußomrrs will find the atuck com-Il
plcte, and a call ia all that is required
to assure you that this i* the be-l
place in tho valley to buy your goods, u
ftfiHcmbrr, ur hatv but our pi ice for u
rretyvne. ."
EXTRAORDINARY Inducements to (ash Buyers.!
We wish to sa v to the people of lViios \allc.y 9 that we:
have just opened and are now offering full lines of all
goods that we dealin at such prices that (Ton defy com
ment, or competition.
OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is full of Bar- Roc/ts aild Shoe*,
gam*, HI from Five dollars for a Igli Suit of Mcu'aClulb
iug u |> to the finest Head} Mude good* in town. Ladies' Shoe* at 1 dollar per pair. Mi**es' Shoe* al
75 cents per pair. Men'* Plow Shoes at $1.25. Men'*
■■ ■■ ■ Bmgaus at $1.25. In the
At such prices as will astonish you, Calicoes at 5 cents. We have Ladies' Ilose at 5 cents. Ladies' Hose at 10c.
Muaiiu at 6, 7 übd 8 cent*. Dress goods in all the Men's Hose at 5 cents. Ladies' handkerchiefs at 5c
newest styles front 10 cents per yard up to the best Kid Gloves at 50 cents. Clark's O. N. T., Cotton. 6c,
grades of Silk. and all other goods in proportion.
I S. A. LOEtf.
(BumKiurK to WILSON A fllcKF,
will sell il VIS I > 'AUK, STOVKS, SailflJ( k r v v 9 Maturing iiu* - •-
its llnrilwaiv, of all kinds. I'ainfs, Oils. &<•. Nails. Iron ami a sj>r
ciall\. ai (In LOWEST CASH PRH'ES. ( hildrenM* Carriages, Shovel Plows,
Cutting Boxes, etc. We have the best COOK STOVES and HA NOES in
the Market.and warrant llim to be ;ood. We keep all rrpaii * ihr >am,
and will sell lower than elsewhere. Ain one in this count),
dealing in this-line of goods, will pa> them to come and see us.
Bellefortte, Pa.
Mark These Faets !
Bad Leg's, Bad Breasts, Sura* am) Ul
All doacription of sores are remediable
by the proper and dilligent u*e of this in
eslimabte preparation. To attempt to cure
bad leg* by plartering the edge* of tie
wound together I* a folly ; for should the
• kin unite, a boggy diseased condition re
main* underneath to break out with ten
fold fury in a few day* Tbe only ration
al and suCcessful treatment, at indicated
by nature, it Ur reduce the inflammation
iri and about the wound and W> soothe the
neighboring pari* by rubbing in plenty tf
the Ointment as alt is forced into meaL,
1 hi* will cause the malignant humors to
I e drained off from the hard, swollen, and
discolored part* round about the wound,'
>re, or ulcer, and when lh*e huuiort are
removed, the wounj* themselves will toon
Heal ; warm brond and water pouit ce* ap
plied over the affected pru, after tbr!
Ointment ha* been well rubbed in, will
•oolite and oftn tho same and greatly a
it tho cure. There i* a description of ul
> or, tore and swelling, which need not be
named here, at endsiil upon lha Id lie* •. 11
youth, and lur which lb it Ointment i* ur
gently recoiumendeil a* a sovereign rem
edy. In curing turh poitonou* sore* i
i.eve- fail* |o re-lore the *ys|etn to a
healthy slat* It the Pill* be taken etc i-d
uig to tne printed in*lrucli ns
D,p hlheria, Ulci-rat<-il S-ire Lisr -ist.
and Scarlet and other Fev*r*
Any of lite a 11. IV e iii*,-**-- may be cured
by well running the Ointni ni three lime
1 dai Ihto the i'tiesl, throat, atul Ir .1
.to- —ileal: it grill —* panel tain, aidj
riv* i-i iii .i*t.. r*tkd vie li. u . t... • ik
til' IIIOUIII rnu-l 01.-ra'e U| .. ' I" who e '
y*il 111 err ,l> II fl ie!l ' I Ii , *i V |
•Hal pari when a- the Ointment will
I* w ..r . at . . XVI. -Ves ir..-- the c
pout in lb. ab "V ■ manner f r the |..{ %
■ a-. •• -t "i all ' - *f.)
tM'ling the cli est aid tl r t, wiii Cud,
h iii" ton .'i ia- . i . m A 1
uflefrls from the c .it| i Ut. ut I - r--.
• j- the throat -t ..1: iu" in a
read and wat rpouUirc. at!< r the ll.til■■ j
neht has te. n well rubied ir. ; it witlj
leatly i- ot t<c cure ef the thr . ami
t'-ekt lea. at th. to*. ahd '"l' . 110- t
:• . F . -kern 4 h
sae't a* t St.*. ill Inok >l (it old it
ii . i i.iiu.. perspiration, tii gnsssd - |
i n i 1.. til rasas f <■* < r*. e— UsfaasaJ
w. . t ... .I t be ~n .... r. ..... o I
' '• ■ ne-t, Mi.isr from atnma r .une-j
I ii n, t latutas, .itri 'tui.a.
Ibe above c!a*. ■■( c.up anit wi: be re-'
I 'let .yiilghtiv >tn the part* W'tl
ia'lo water, atsd then b* rn.**l eifec'"al| '
uhhing in tlx Uistm-n.. iVrwuis suffcr-j
rig Ir. Ul lt,rr dir-rui k.'illj. -b Uld '
riot a inoment iri arresting their pro -■
it tltou d b uitdni stood that it t
ot rutticen' merely U the thM
lent oil the aflected parts, but it IrkL-t b
fell rubbed in for a C'.nt.dera vie t me two .
r three time* a day. that it may bo taken
nto the *y t"m whence il will remove
ay hidd.n .re or w- und ► effectually
• '.bough pl| able to the -yc T >er
gain bread at.d water |MmUice<, after the
übting in of the Ointment, will do great
■• Thi* l* the only sure t>wlmenl
• r, case* of cancer in the ►.. i
nch. or where thera mty be a general bear
ng down.
udiecrclioua of Youth ; —Sore* anil
Blotches, at al*o swelling*, csn, with
ertainty, be radically cured if the Clint-■
sent be u*cd freely, and the Pill* lakvi |
ight and morning, a* recommended ir. j
be prirted in*lructiont. When trnatoc
a any other way they only dry up in on
ilape to break out in another ; wherea*
hi* Ointment will remove the huoior'f<
rem the y*tem, and leave the patient r
igorou* and healthy being. It will re- t
iuire lime with the use of tbe P.lit to in- i
urn a >a*ting cure jk
ikopsical sw at.Lis.cta, AKP
anrr jk'l.vT*
Alia- sch Uw stwT* . ..imclsisu digar whM* Ul ILsli *
rt*.a sad aalar*. r*l lha* all rwaalr* local Uwaknaai
lastlb. o.xot imh ol wscb a.****.i, otll p, id t* .
, r-oaparaU'ob abort *pae* aI Unas -bar. this Ota!
-.sal k. di I, rwuaod talolh* park* agar tod. osoo -
Ms. ""J cHh.. 0...D* bat* la all aorkowa
*aUCkM |i.a PUIS s*oald h* Sahoa aaiaxdlae So lk* t
nkM 'f (*vt |b |.
loth the Ointment end Pills should be
u-e<i m the following case* • ,
tS" Iso dam iSott;, SsaUa , a
lad Hr-aata. i as. ra, ,V*. blpntoa >
linn (so. tracked a. d a ... Thr-.aU, t
like ot M.wrbo- Hugjotnta, -Vl ft
too* aod hand F .sphan'ta*!,. Nrorr.,
Hkoa. I MLcla* l-ooL va ftosda,
-0... hay, > .landuia. So at t T.m-'fa.
' to" loot, lam***., line*. Ilea-a, r
Mill# nt, llto*. Woaada.
Happoil Itanda. Khswuun, Yaoa. it
CAI'TIONI- N'.ne *re eenuin" unle--,)
he signnture of J ilayp.x H * M guit f> r'
Id 111 t>'d but"*. *urr"Ui.d- each !>••* •J J
Pill-and Ointment. * h nd-ome rewa..i!<
wil be give , to any one n-n lering mich'J
inf'.r uation a* may lead P- th" deter"■.•:>
' I an v party ..r t> .rtie- count".feilmg th ,J
rtoHlcnea .r vending the si.ine. k . <wing'
mtmmam mkmwmmm—r——■— A mi a
| tbeni to bo spurious.
Mold .t i he manufactory ofPrufa#*or A Co., New York, arid by nil
! respectable Druggist* "id Heeler* In Mt J
nine throughout the civ Sliced world, in
, bote* .1 '/ft CndU, lii ueuU end $1 ech.
jMr'i Late i* considerable saving by
taking llie larger iito.
N. IL -Diret iion* for the guidance of
lietienu in every disorder ere alflird to
,ocli bos. 26 may, e o w. y
Panic Prices,
n. A. i- t it it i* i;it.
at the old Centre Hill ttand.
Ju*t opening .Stock of
A large variety of
Lad it # Drees Good.
Great Bargain* in
Mualiue and Calicoes.
Iteady-uiaJe Clothing
Warranted to Suit.
Ilia Cloth* and Caewuner*,
Caul BE egeelled
His Crocery Department.
X*l..nubtr* evrrv'uiiein .*.irtrtii*rii .(oi low
Syrup Soger. T.-h Cod" C.i . . ) l .
I> I 'lie.lie aiul F.ire gt, Fruit' .Cli— f
an-l every other ui. , • ig
iug to the tirt rj 11. ,'irt
iii n I
j3dFP'uer, Merhenir' imd Laborart
•k; i \ .lar iut< re-l tine ii- !r- iveil )-
•I- ri imcke! Tbtu i;.!! an! so* at
what astanubii.glv lo prio
No inwiWe to riiou (i. oil*.-*
Also it.-- choicest FAMILY Flour .1-.
M ay. on I,and. Apr. I.i, j ,
Miller Son.
I Jr. \I.K K- IN
fifth hi. ( <;n
I.V/J Ml 1)1 i IMS
FIN A \itft < I. -
Kn: i ll K iil LfcT,
A' ki .v
M HK Ml\i: A \l> I.U|i (IKS
for no tu'i'iel p irjk • f
I rilMei t > ipp irtel* Hi jr. ... v*rte|V.
Also, eh >Kr
nd al! other ir;iclw ii-ually *ep; m I
festclaa* Dug
're*cri|i!t U* -tielu lv I i|hiim|i I.
<t tf ktILLEH A S..N
liead(|iiarfer* for !!•:. at.d Sh'jes !
Awsr jed in John P. wer. for the k
j tiii fine Boot* rshibilod at Cesn-
Itrc County Fair for the year 1875 J
11l A i) U f A Si 'lOtiS
Opposite Bust. IT usa.
He kecfM cuiiaumlr on hand a full
line of
He it jot opening the largea iinc* of
Spring Good*ever brcught to Bcllefoi.te.
£ J J1 £ 3 >J B 2 1
for ladie*. kepi constantly on hand.
Boot* and Sbogi fur men and women, of
ill style*, quality and price*, from the;
uo*i coat I y to the cheapest, constantly
I kept on band.
•ilher in quality or prices'. Call and
•xamiue Hl# new alock of Spring and
-utnmer Gooda, and you will find it
TO your advAniage. Apr'illv.
j V toraan al law. IWUslontr Ruwrtal albralba
Brrffi to (VslkaitlMMM. mnd iNrpbA-n*' I ot rt pmucv
AI bs IS <*TUk*to and Ksfliffll < Iflcw m
my* :
Excelsior Cement
Tbr andrrsUwod nMr m*ukrtr k Moral War
(jaalil*. at l,k* k Joa. orar Ptar
jl trtk Uktla. to* Ikfl Tip* Mt.l bl* slraad*
br*s aaod ta largr uua. itfiw u,r t. AK .
•MK .and '.a* bwdo f.u.d hiB(J •aiufartcr* .p,, all
)<ibl |hc U ur4. md m cjiiil to m* w
ti-AUttf* lures! 'm- i#w< tn I UUnn, W4wt ftp**, or
l* h Wo Jrpffff| toad quality d (wrt>! ta dawtra
Hxls 1 wi* cat k*a alrstd* t*a U* ' far and
• <Sw. and rrnJ w4 tU tm<4 * Uafwgii. r Pmuoa
; Ucrv!<f * (HXklraMnf layin H'aMv l*lp-
Me will Bnd It * IHoi aßntilt* 1 to baaf thu in
mii*d. aJffa> t£xal h warrauta IS*' arU* !r aa rrprw
mmjgf % I.OMM
, r .
BAH IKON 2* ft* |r lb.
ttl ),i-r Keg
NA I I. I **. 9' tlv S)€ . lit £ • 00l
*T 1% f £ .
I J' I • t •
L(J< Kh ctcb*
i >• .\j n.*
* i
The Bellefon'* public and the people i
'be country generally trill be pleased .<•
know that the old and well established
late the property of Jamie C. William.,
on Allegheny street. neat door to Hicks'
hardware emporium, ha. been re
opened for busintwa and U be
ing rapidly r*-*tocked and
fitted out with the best and moat popular
and everything usually kept in aUrat-cla..
Drug More
I) comiponutldl at all hour*
|< the day or night, and particular and
prompt attention given to the want* of
larmer. and other*
who live in the country. t*tore never
cloaod to thee who want medicine* oi
anything in the drug line.
The undersigned hope., by .trict attentioi
to butinc. to merit and receive the pub
; •ic palonage.
fiaprlv Agent
• i Imlmv ;? *! i
vi.t-l a i ar|' or llt*l >t ,
,u I tin* l.tiOC 4 initial or t otiar.i
Warranted For Five Years.■
Price Only $6.00.
-?Oii\ it Mili.kb, •
I <' ;>*i . Centre county. If an." t J
j H - hta w*rvi - to ttu cit'ten* o?
I h ire cou:tv in
I 'lottM 1 , isn !in;l Oraatuonlnl
:itrooi'g, or.iHin ni nic and gi diig,
< draining
■ LiKaTNUT, K c
l'lain and Fancy Paper hanging. Oroer;
it'sptcifully solicited. Term* reasonable
'.tl aor tf.
i".t r;gned i* now prepared to sell Brick a'
hit kiln* at Centre Hail to suit putvhascrr
i.t reasonable rate*, also to furnish or con
tract Brickwork. S. S. FAKNEK.
i oct y
Is still located xl Plus Grove Mill, and I* now prr
pared to trmvrt to the home, of patients ot a distance
sod reader an? dwaitcd acrvioc In his Une, in the beet
manner, otbret .pi.lit? and at reasonable ratee. to
, .r:t..niot new dentnree made > specialty Teeth es
t acted slpMit pain. tl Jan Tl
Harness, Saddles, &c
The nnderetirued. di'terminod to meet the popular
d-mand for lower prices, respectful!? calls the attec
l~ou ol the public to his stock of
now ottered at the old eland. UeaUtn des per ill? fur people and Ihe times, the largest and most varied
soil ro.uplele assortment ol Saddles, Harness. Collars
Hrldles, ot ever) dsscrlpllon and qualit?, Whips, and
la fact cverythin* to complete a Ural class establish
ment, he now offers at prions whirh will suit the times
JACOB UtMlhS Centre Hall
Chas. H. Held,
Clock, U nlrhniakiT A Jewelei
Millheira, Centre Co., Pa.
At kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry e' *b.
Utesiat?lra as also Ihe Maranvliie I'atent Calendar
Clocks, provided with a complete index of the wool,
and da? of the month and week on lta faro, which b
warranted aaa perfect time keeper.
Clocks. Watches and J swelr? repaired on short no
tee and warranted
( M*A new Golden Tongue Organ, oil,
•of the finest toned instruments made, fin
I-ale at this office. Also a Kynder organ,
I good as new. Either of these instrument.
I -flared at a bargain
•£jySul'-i>rU>er -ending their stibscri i
I "in to this office, can see on the add
I in each taper, whether credit, has been)
\giver '!> nt nnswpts sftnie as a receipt.
' ''
iK-a'ers in
Boots, Shoes and
Ladies'. Misses' and Chil
dren's Fine Gaiters.
All K;ud* ofCtiaUuti \V(<rk To
llani'vH fghllifr.
Sole Lcalbw'.
And t I i - Laa4.
i S2*IJL Ua.
CO At 11 SHOP,
,f. i * titabl -htn-. it t Ontr* iiail. ke p
j auu ki sale. *(tkt most rssietu
||" -Ii- rate*.
tk Spring Wagons,
Plxjk XSlt Fjtyr Y
lit? I rent, lea , tf:\. ■ aertpt-t... uaa' to
r icr. at i warranted to S made vt the
t<. t soaaontsi oatwrtal, Bl*<l by the gi;
j -ktlled slid fMpaeiit (.ori men Botiiel
il.o hugg'e* 01..1 *|r .-.g- A<-., "I li(*
i nl ■{ !npr*.r< J pallefu* pj u:d*-r ai-o
li-arii.g ut ail fes'tJ* Utade t or.tcf Alt
■.i 4* J <wt*e*rtng dunv pr .up! * and t
(*>■ lowest j. bier.l -
P.-eanw Wauling sii.Vtk'St SB hi* Sin- a:r
bin* ! ato) rtwlryso o * v
ta-y wiil flea it not to be excelled f r d.-
-hiiity and wear. may 6.1
f waa a mat* com. •> >* rweonag U. a
>(-.! Vi Ksl. Un .Mr (fa. alM—*o a' la lMwa(*'9
•**or ( ako.a or kxealW . .i an( ;o-x!ico.
oorUia u* >i*b Ir. Ha a-tu* Il Is tan •**-
roory *mosAf h.*t* cstMto. ooso ta at*
or u;ti< • *o togwirfko *a Ao l*l
IswaAa* Kuk A fco.* I*.*!'. ( ..iwato* eeota*autg ( it
V f-aadalo J *> dal all l*ru At lor cir
oraasd kkli.' KaskwMnol.s. V,(oroat*.
ig to
No 6 Brockerboil Ilow,Bellcfonte,Pa
UeatcrMia l>rnK.f bvulraia
l**rfurncr) , Fauey Gosd Ac.
Pure Wines and Liquor# fyr medicr
purpose* alwayt hept. may 81. 72.
41 QQQQ• *~fioSfEY~FOB ALL. Oely
9999 |„ Dm. Oao two Mm* "It la
ai*a**Jark>t Usfor* <hy - T*U) reaOer o*o olil
waJ aetata to a*. • O.i! soad <n< bos ot ***• abkeb
• gwaraatoa ott' pat fam te tb* mtf ko vt. a
aod oot lab* baitfoar uau soltal w tor rare
or (e*eo. bop or girta, ad I* eeUtel* ttrw. t boaa
anda oaa u . wan mj-U| UuMsm. and i-aaaask
usooair Itu* I* tbr l .iu ot a llMmh," aad tt >-*
•Ul oot rolTx* tt Mil Irwaat tar 11 t* a I orla:.r
Inr soawo ooctAjr Uoor*ina imowob *!.. nod. a tolj-kug
baed got a rartpo. yrwrt*T. or otSrw bato-og- bvl a
■air aad eero e-„*raa(e<sl toaosaae* opporloeur. *■
ft* ho*, ctrealara, Ae . A. . an seat a* oca*. It CM ta,
oat* to tntrodaer . wow* Im. aod aoar orod rt>b aa-
Iro* I lie* oaat to aiabr gal*.*, a ,at rioar. Mood rode
*rr mat to* (hat, sad * coata and "toe otli hbot* |oo
"bow u* doa* " Addroa*. acxrxa A CO, tiuaodato.
wJu4t.ll i*mt w'*m* m c*a IM
41 c . j*t Mom m> lee (ir*i &*
•C tkoitai B*W * Hrmfc itd h: Mm . Mao#
ItflS fcft* told <%xjh t* l£4.Mi (MIitVAA i\ .'Rw rltfj
ibiMH# *1 "If. •-IM! httW i. >wu,
cutoktt. I'aUrn. I.(M Hiw, A< . Ac . *; bbcsai half
,r*C4 m 4 Mtb cvi rf. Lit* <1 oal; oar 2til*r
Pi, fc i |4mii Ik tntr (Mb teuaiMiarm iof
< ut ' *ri b+M*k.A4 ms> editor *1 hA 4ttort ukUwfthM ltu b n<-
• **t4c4ti*' *r t<*tcy Nn rati c*rcal*r*. m I*m lh
!i.Uk4 t#! tnwtol tdjrtt j* It| #i W Ut# Cil
larwdl t*y |J b- ©: Boft *. **J lur llUjskw pal
>***. N* • i trcviUra
ki > I * * toll *! wiljra <di at Itw (%i Any
n ' oUW dittte WMI it) mad &r
- v U.a J ytM rtv*! HMtf We
**•' M*u rwiyhw. Jmi w. aw eu^iui
. |j| t , iji 1 *'*-**• |H.afal c*v ->rad i-w tor U
Mi cie cal*a aad urta H •
•aj . U will an |a Iraalia. Ac .|Hfw a
as • vwl a iMasltfni ati.***, iHxva. NAM..
V ,|<u > •-ia f• i Aili# ar*k:. II
4 Lr - t7sj V** *•**£ aas* 4 *-*' \a OKA €* 5k
,' A€orHM,#u ■ ri-n* Ivfl. OH iJiTOX A
A. C iHii *JU x.% . .a,: tfttf IV.M 2
CT J E € K •¥ "~
Coach Manufactory.
< '• t Tl.l .: kLI 1 1 J
J--.'-*- hm o, "?®£ : - •. -
Caw, ges>,
A spring Wagons,
>LKli:a.<- AK II Sl_. 11.-,
1' -AIS UD Fixn
• fevt ry dt> "ij-iivn .
Ail vchic!i? (ttanufaclured by hiss
i*. Wh.ratiH ito rt; ;>r -adrtac-lK a, aud :vS
•j'lni i any work d :ie ci< where.
lie u"i none but the host materiel,
lid OMlploy* the UlCl fti.ll'ui trulkruUi.
Jence they R title i llicituihti that their
vorkc-n tu he f>r duiabili y
tad finish
*inlmfMWadUtoitoe yrcnrtSv attend
• I to.
Com- and exr initio uty wo'k K t*
- intra- titiK. eitewhom.
\ll Itunis of Roparinp done.
furniture Rooms. 1
EZBI K3ti:tii;i\i:,
-espectfuhy inform* the citizen, of Centr
Mttnly, that lie has bott|{h t out tho o]d
candof J. O. Deininger, and ltas reduced
lie prices. They have constantly on hand
tnd make to order
TABLES. &e.. &c.
Their stock of ready-made Furniture is
ersre aud warranted of Rood workmanship
tnd is all made under their own iuiined -
Ue supervision, and is offered at rates
•Ueaiier than elsewhere.
Call and see our stock before purchasing
elsewhere. -y, feh. ly
TL. SPANGLER, Attorney-at-Law,
Bellelonte, Pa. Onlen with
Bush & Yocum. Consultation in Enjflisit
end German. Collections promptly attend
-1 to. fehft-tf
F. FORTNKY, Attorney at Law
Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Key
•tiM .hank mav
BlMchlij '• aundtrl CMwatMr uu< Oata Cfc*i roiI>- t"'
copper Uulngvcid n<! new tybe. wad *U fiwifc>itol u ' rtMt '' *
Man■tfihotorlag ruriilr.i-* <riliv iocrcatd; stack bad a**rit*n
LAROl.prlc SSI AUL. VUOm. IWCrr. >Bd U>. Tr.i, ■
Iptttmii/.uvcoraiaiiT li< iv<..hct. to.atoiS.Mf'WPSWe*
t* CL •!> tr >!■ V •M'" Wits prtcw irt I.TO.
C.6. ILATCHLEYt Mugf r, SOI Cvmmerci StnPhiis,
H '