U.. I I I I !■ i Ue Centre Eeporter. FRED. KOBTZ. . ..EDITOR CENTRE HAM-, Pa., Juno 1, 187h. 7ERW.f.— %"iptr y/tnr. in nrfMn.y, wArw wot pni4 in A 12 >w 1 cowtraef. Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska ami half of the Missouri delegates are lor fiUiM, adding (0 rotes to l*i> column. Now Hampshire 7 for Blaine and > fc Bristow. This raise was maele l>v B aim last week following right U|on the I >< of Grant's appointment oflVr.ita. , ion as Sec'y of War in the inw rest of Conk ling, The Conkling ftlk> fool a 1.r.1c acaroel and Grant may think that lVi.'s appointment does not jmn out so largely for Conkling after all. Mr. Wright, from the si nate Commit tee on Civil Servioe and Betrenehment, reported lviek the hill tiling the salary of the President at fSo.OOO |wr annum, together with the menage of the Prv>. dent vetoing the same, and reeomiuem!. Ed the bill ;be passed notwithstanding the objections of the President. Mr Wright said he had been directed by the Committee to request the senate to aet on the bill as soon as feasible. This is the bill vetoed by Grant a Short time *ge>. who >-iiel in his uie--- gige that $50,000 was not too much for a president to live on, although all the presidents before him get along with $ '5,000 ami eliel not complain. The Washington correspondent of the World, speaking of the appointment of Don Cameron as Secretary of \V;.r, say - The appointment of Mr. Cameron i> j claim oil by all the {politicians, ever, those friendly to Mr. Conk ling, to b< the result of a bargain between tlie I'resident and the old Winnebago chief to pledge the Pennsylvania d ligation t. support the nomination of the New York Senator at Cincinnati, for the Presidency. It has been known for some time that the President has desir ed tits nomination of Mr. C'onkling, and has warmly supported it in private s:uce his letter a year ago to General Harry White, of Pennsylvania, abandoning tin third term for himself. Now he favors him so openly that it was conceded t the capital to-day that the whole power of tlie Administration would be throw n henceforth in Mr. ConklingV interest Senator Cameron has also supported Mr Coukling. and has thtown his iufluena against his leading rivals, Blaine and Morton. The coalition between th. President and himself was, therefore easily brought about and the old Penn sylvania politician rewarded by a cabi net api>o.utmeut for his son, the tenun of which is to be continued if Couklii - is elected. Mr. Conkling's friends I • to-night the result of to-day's wor that he will go into the Cincinnati Con vention with the delegations front N-. w York and Pennsvlvaina united for hit: on the second ballot. This bold step i: the Presidential canvass has eau-i '. what may be termed a sensation hen among the Republicans, with a decided flattering of the supporters of Morton and Blaine. The beauties of the Civil Bights Bill are well illustrated in the item be! w. which we find in the Chambersburg Valley Spirit: CIVIL Knurrs BILL. —About two or three days ago a negro came to this place and went to the American House, f which Mrs. fc>. K. Boyd is the landlady, and asked for lodging, which w as grant ed. Before retiring that night he order ed his breakfast for seven o'clock next morning, and promptly on time he war called but his lordship did not respond An hour passed by, the breakfast be came cold, the darkey went down to Tbos. Whites barber saloon and fixed himself np. He then went back to the hotel and asked for his morning meal, and was told Utat it had been ready at the time specified, but as he did not come it had been removed. Mrs. Boyd also told his that she would get hint an other breakfast which was done, but when the Ethiopian found it was served in the kitchen he left in disgust, declar ing he would sue her for violating the Civil Bights bill. He tried to get it done here, but was discouraged by the law - vers. On Monday morning last, Mrs. Boyd left for Harrisburg to answer for her "violations," the result of which we hare not learned. A German came into the Reporter office the other day and wanted to know about the presidential race, and being a little busy we gave him the following bird's eye view of it: Morton may find himself too light in the balance for the nomination for pres ident, because more-tow is wanting all the time, and then besides til-den New York will interfere, and Ohio has f/.ur man too, and it is not so Main that Maine will fill the chair, for the whole thing may get black and burnt -w won t travel. A cork-ling is too light too, ami they have a heavy barker in Jersey, and a fine brty-yird to draw the people it; Delaware, and there is a strong hanxoci in Pennsylvania which make- a big kuck-er-e-koo all over the country, ami then ken-dricks in behind too. The Teu ton left, saying, Yaw, dat i-h all glear un the democrats make ilay gosh. Grant has appointed his Att. General Pierrepont, as minister to England i place of poker and Emma mine Sehenk, A Washington despatch of 22 ult., says The cabinet changes to-day and the nomination of Judge Pierrepont as min ister to England were the occasion ol great surprise in all quarters. 80 care fully had the intentions ofthe President in this regard been concealed that with the exception of Mr. Fish and the gen tlemen directly and personally interest ed the other members of the cabinet were not aware of the arrangement un til the nominations had been sent to the senate. Judge Pierrepont will take immediate steps to depart for England and Judge Taft will without delay take charge of the dapartment of justice. Don Cameron, Simon's oldest boy has been appointed Secretary of War, in place of Judge Taft. So Don gets the place out of which his dad was kicked during Lincoln's administration. Some fellows will evidently have u good thing and a good time out of the funds appropriated by the legislature for a state building. The Morning Patriot says of this house that it was put up at a cost of $17,000, though the legislature liberally approriated $40,000 for the pur pose. There was not time enough to put up a more ambitious edifice that would have consumed all the money, but some of the newspuper correspond-, ents are wondering how the one that i has been built could cost so much. The J accounts in the Philadelphia newspa-j pen say tire room of Gov. ff artranft has Wen fitted up in elegant slvlo with Brussels carpet and walnut ftiriiiliu* finishedin blue. As the govcrnot was i nitfccin lobbying tln< j>h, Ins comfort }' should 1)0 provided for. There are olh relevantly furnished rooms whi- li re u designated us Reception Saloon. State 'I Hoard Roam, Governor'* Suite Ladies' ' I * and Gentlemen's Harlots, etc. The I r*wios tlit.t are not set a;mrt f* r the otll- I eials w ill lw for the neooinni.slat ion ot I s-.ieh citUcns of I'ennsy Ivania mm', hav* the honor* fan acq uiuiUun* with|, the-* dig titartes ttn put in i. j I i taint f r a share of iUY*'tiiut*h.tion, \ < oorrespoi dent -->y - that tin build ill) ,! sn,vests the Hidalgo ■'- dim* i \l. - tt havt been i a ent ft the ! o.i>-e and s '•• < ten in . t stock it with | r*\ is > N • to* 1 im:q it.e that tuty • t t < 1 moM] will b# it tttiMii to Um lit mm rj I* ITe denioer.-* * of the difh rent p>r P tittns of the country honestly oilier - ( l* some nuitU r> ul |*l* \ , th.*l are - >l-s j -i.liary t > the main *,nt n at i .* flay illl|M kOltlNu p* -u th*' *tWO" ( lute'aud overwhelming no*easily *>'- v- I■ nu ami honest g* v< -rutucut. All eon iic'.inc opinious >n minor inatters must uc way in a spirit >f eu < ma to !• e •ue ureal ami controlling >1 iesti*-ii, -*• hat harmonious uetiou may he -*' um!. VN\ have no fear that any hut an hottest nan and a statesman will I *• noitunaird *t St. I.** us. ami one to whom the po --pie of the whole eoun'.rv ean turn with! he most implicit confluence. There is u* trouble to be apprehended a> to tin candidate, nor as to the main issues *>: the canvass. The only chance tor * >r rupt Radical leaders to regain | ' r . - by a want of IVnnvratie harmony <>u minor issues, shall they he ..tlor*:e*l the chance to w in. • -♦ • I si RIOIS ISILJiLsT. \u interesting do*. :• n of the supreme ■urt is ar.r.ouiued oen.e tiling usurious li t* test. The Miners' hank of l'otts v ille having loaned certain sums of mon ey to a business tirui charging more than tiie legal rate of interest, iijh'H the fail ure'of the firm obtained judgment for its kail and interest at the rate stipulat ed. The property ot the firm was s*il*l siihj* et to the lien of the judgment ob uined by the bank. The purchaser resisted the pavtnent of the hank's claim in full, alleging that only legal interest could Ik- reeovere.l, ami the common pleas court of Schuylkill county decided that the usurious interest must he deducted from the amount of the judgment. The supreme e* urt reverses his decision on the ground that no •bird party can succeed to the rights of the debtor or take ud\uutage of the rein ed.es o|>en to him in resisting the pay ment ot an illegal rate of interest. The •urt says upon this point: "The act ot Muv kIJ, ls">s, made a radical change in the consequence* flowiug out of the re eipt of more than si* per cent, jir an num. It repealed ail former laws im posing a penalty. The lirst action stili makes six per cent, the lawful r..te e: interest. The second section tr< * gnixe the actual business want*, habits am. customs of the people. It assumes greater rate may be charged and pan it there-fore declares that, if it sha.l 1 * reserved or contracted, the debtor sh. l. not be require*! to pa)' the excess. A his option he may retain or deduct i: from the amount of his debt, or if he :e voluntarily paid the whole dent an-i the excess of interest, he may recover the excess by instituting leg-l proeee*!- ings not more thai! .- x months jeiyment. N > longer can a stranger '. the '.ra:i.-.. lie n, by a qui taw action, work the f< r feit of "the whole. The statute I roj os* to deal only with the parties '.<• the j r* ceilings. The debtor may el -t wheth er lie will withhold the ex* < -- *>r r> or back within the time limited, lad ing s*j tJ do within the time hi iiiis ii" remedy. > 'party informer can interfere either be low .rafter the \ ■ •; uie-nt." The defendants in the judg ment—the borrowers of the money naving expressed them-elvi- a- s..t:si . 1 the court holds that the purchaser *>: Til IT IiOSD ST< nr. Washington. May —Mr. Blaine aj - peared before the llouse judiciary * -ui mittee to-*iay and lestitn-d that the iiaekagi* which waa delivered U> him hy kobins*jn lOntaiiied prospectus* < and . circulars of tiie I.tttle Koek ami Fort Mnith 1 tail road. A letter from the wit of Curry is in the hand- of the commit tee, in which she avers that she heard itobinson tell her husband that tht i>aekagi which he Robinson gave t< Jtlaine contained twenty railreau b*vnds. Robinson still insists that he told n< such thing. And there the question <>l I veracity between Robiusou and furry rests. Each of these gentlemen was out upon the stand, and each gave the oilier a good c haracter for honesty, integrity , and veracity, which gives a somewhat ludicrous aspect to this otherw ite grave matter. Mr. Blaine, in concluding his, testimony, sai-J : "That is all there was in the w hole story oflhe package. There was nothing any more niysterii ja in i . than if 1 should hand this lsok to the , chairman. It was delivered in a crowd, carried into the House and thrown dowi without care, and it lay in my roon with a miscellaneous lot of {-apers pr* h ably for a year, I referring to it every r now and then. Mr. Robinson never de livered me a bond of the Fort Smitl and Little ltock Company either it Washington or any other place. I de ' sire to make that statement a- broad a it can be made in every shape and form, j both inclusively and exclusively. Mr. Chairman, while I am here I desire t* re| eat, under oath, in relation to this 1 entire $64,000 charge, the statement made by me on the floor v*f the House . in all parts without mental reservation ir pnrfH.se of evasion, iu the iron clad 'iillt says." The Michigan democratic delcg.itioi amis 10 for Tilden and C for Her. lricks. Colfax delivered a lecture a few ev< n tigs ago iu West Philadelphia on IJn < oln. He might try it also on < 'red Mobilier—he knows all about it. May L'l wasthelTth I rlhday of Qui < Victoria. One of the juror- in the Molly Ma guire trials died of pneumonia, whirl unfortunate circumstance will cause tin trial to he had over again. A Bill which has just passed the Tex as Legislature make, it .i wisdcmeaiK r punishable by a fine of < ne hum'.ri del Lars, for a person to ue profane lan guage within hearing of the occ-iij nt< of any private dwelling. By a vote of two hundred and twent;. seven to two the Connecticut Genm Assembly has pa.-- •! a constitution:! I amendment providing that tin pay of state reprefcntativi :n the Legislature shall Le 'three hui • drcd dollars a session and one mih-agt each way." Brother Blaine's transactions in Fort Smith and Little Rock bonds may have been very innocent, but why w hen the Maine people to whom he has sold them demanded that he should take them back, did he rush out and raise the mon ey to bov off these witnesses of his job bery ?—S*. Y. Sun. Major Thomas Butler and General | William 0. Butler, the only two living members of Genera! Jackson's staff who were present at the battle of New Or leans, live near Carrollton, Ky. Tin first is more than eighty-seven year old, and the second is in his eighty sixth year and both of theui have good health. The yellow fever prevails at ltio Janei ro, the death- from'the scourgo averaging from eighty to one hundred daily, Four more of the Salonii-a rioters, who took part in the murder of the Consuls, have bean Sentenced to death, and thir teen to various utrms of penal servitude, -ouie for life. ! An explosion of sulphur took in tbu Phoenix Park colliery. No. 2, at PotU ville. on Saturday, Thirteen men were injured, two of them latally. It believed that en exposed lamp wai the cause fff the ac cident. i7V/77.' OX M.i T. 1.1 I.\.X It seems that I'lister's greatest sill is tlOt Ids ev ideiitv show ing that lie made knoan the irallie in post tradeishii to the Government four years ago, I'liat 1 to be sine was had enough, and hi making known the faet alter Belknap' deteetioll ..s Worse Ills e\p, ine of the jsdiileo military •oiinnliv Meitill nasal- <* serious sin in tin-eyes t all good Uetuihlieitns . hut in his last mini l>er ot ' \\ .1 Memoir-' in the * iala \ \ In has done the nnutterahle thing. He has d III•< lately gone to wisk ami prai ts I t Setter: I Me* lei ~it t, i the • i; ani - ,- tioli and discipline of the 1 lln V el ill, IVitouuie, and has tiirtlu nil no stated it as Ids opinion that MeCU-llait was a 5.,1 vlter "w lo -e mental trutiiii e and aliili "I ies i le of a lug In t < rdi I, ami win e military iptrtlitii .ettotts at,el "knowle>lg> "were- slip, 1 lor to those pusri- ~1 l y "anv otlhe-r who Mih-i ,|iieiitl\ !i ,1 tl < Army ot the IVtmnuc to liutlle. Ink iug into ae\nint tin la, t that Giant w. otll of those' W lio silhseouellllv led that ~rin\ to hattle . It Is plain that Cllhti I .oiishhrs the- man who riiicryisl iron 'tin Wat' Us Its hero, Itile riol' to iiilll win j ha- Well held tip a s Its -.leal militate | failures. Ills opinion >t the e-\e ill s e>t tin- war, uliel ; Grant's e-uiiijeaigu against Hichnioiiel, with his tinmen*-- pre|H>iieteruiiev el I .. e-, Ins ul solute' poW e l ..liel the t.e ally e' -ojieratiOll It the Admililstratloll, t' .oltgie t I, ally Mle-eevsfut, will hurelly s .itid comparison with Met lellan's e'alli p.eign in 1 Mi". I lister mis thai although MeA'U-llan laekeel eAperieileo 111 large > OllltlUtUvis, W 111, li thoSC who lidluWed hint laessesse'el, y e-t he- eeas so nobly e-ies do wed lv nature and eiittculioii us a le.eele-r, that he eeoulel ha\e |>rrt deiwn the) rebellion without difficulty, if noth ing hail oppose-,1 him hut tl.e- t'olite de r ate- atui e-s ill his front. >|K*tikllig Oil his honor as a soldier the writer bluntly aelds ; "The defeat of Me-Clellau was not the result of e-oiubinations made either in the Ceuifcderate capital or in tin-, amp ef the t olifeelerate- army, but In W iishil.g --■ ton. It wan the result of an opposiiion . whose l-irth ami outgrowth could be - trae e-el te the- de>lUlUtiug spilits W ho, lit . that time, were largely in e-ontrel of the Feileral Gov eminent. It was not the open opposition ofenetuica 111 lifront, tut the half-hidden interference of foe* in hi* rear, that succeeded in marring the complete suivc.ssofMcTlellaii's com binations fur itie (suppression tf the re bellion." lieu, luster gives iustaun s from liis utu exj>erienct\ to prove the truth ot this statement, and in recallme the Hl tr.gucs of that time many will bo inclin ed to put faith in hi* huts ami the infer ence* which he draws from them. It 1- slrange at this day to hear one of the jK'pular soldiers of the war re-echo so clearly the l itter charge which Mci'lel lan himself made from Savage Station fourteen years ago, to Stanton : 'lt 1 "stive this army now, 1 till you plainly "that I owe no'thank* to yon or to ail) "other person in Washington. \ou "have done your 1 est to sacrifice thi> "army." After we liavealtaiued success we are apt to l>e contented with tin grand result, and seldom stop to reckon w hat it ha* cost us, or whether it might not i e attained ly wiser and cheaper methods. There were inauycrimi and errors committed in the conduct ot tin war.but at a time when the people ar* -uttering from its tiuaueial burdens, and •egiu to realise that the department ot the tioveminent which was thought to have been most ably conducted adopted a policy which threatens u- with ruin, Custer's assc rtion that things might have hi en much better it Met lellai. uad not been overthrown, will Li rc. d with keen interest. "Kquaily well salislic 1 am 1 that he could have suppressed the rebellion, re stored | < .ir to the country and brought ha k the Minding Mali s in such tiun ami ui.nnJT US would have shortened tin* struggle, saved to the country, both Vorth anils -nth. the bh-d of thousand if its lust and bravest eitirc-ns, and spared the nation a large, if not the greater portion of the heavy debt now borne a-one of the inheritances of tin war.'' But ii Mot iciian ha.l succeeded in put ting down the rebellion, lie would hv 1 eii elected I'resident, as his enemies well knew, and the Republican party would have gone to destruction, and vii should have no in root-baggers, no ( red it Mubtlier, no Butlerism, no (irantisui, BO Ttin ili—i. BO Dalkniptyry iwm ol those things that h v cxuit and etnbel- I-h our civil service. A .'!. It was fated.— H'orW. AIJiJC.iS ROY MATY. U >W Til BY 111 KIKII T 111: kl.\o OF oVSTotfi. The Journal Je J'arw contains a li tter from an eve witness, giving tho follow- ing particulars <-ftheatrocitii s > een placed in the form ><( a ring, to he in readiness to receive uj>ou their knees the corj sc of their late tyranical and harberona master. Several regiment of the royal guard had been -cut on the preceedinp night to -ileutly surround j sotue of the neighboring villape.-. Tin first human being, l>e it man, woman or child, that made its exit from the sur rounded huts was forcibly seized and carried off, and the captives entrapped in this manner conducted towards the pit prepared fir the funeral. Here there commenced the most horrible scene. The limbs of those js-or creatures, arm-, and legs, were broken by the soldier-. The lamentations and cries of th-spnir of the victims intermingled with the fa natical crowd, and one by one they wi rt thrown into the paj ing pulf below. Then commenced the heating of the drums, the flourish of tmmjK-ts, the piercing soup 1 < f the whi.-tlc and pipe which, together wall tiio violent \ici fc rat ion- of the irowd, drowned the ries of the victims. The soil dug out if the pit the previous day was then thrown L;,< k into the monster grave. The fanatical spectators of the dismal Iraina, as soon as it vva- filled "up, coin-1 mcnccd to dunce on the summit of the grave, stamping the soil down with all heir might, so as to fori i a hard, c>:n a -t layc r above those btirii I alive. All the larnentatc i.s having ceased, not hint . was left to imlicate the ceremony of the . abomni.'. ilc ;< pulti.ri ; the noise of the iustrumeni- hail ic-a-ed also, and the . assembled crowd retired, satisfied with themselves, and admiring the greatness of the King whose names demanded i such sacrifices. For the Rc|torter. ON A Titll' TO ILLINOIS. JOUST, 111., May -'J. LsTti. We left Lewistown on the ldtiiut 7p. m.,and arrived at Lucas, ( )hio, at !l a. in.' on the 17th, when we enjoyed the hos pitality of ltc-v. M. t. Kurhurt, formerly of Pine Grove Mills, Centre county. Mr. K. has already endeared himself to his |x- >ple and has been quite suc cessful in hislatiorsiu that field. The town of Lucas was all excitement. For some time a hand of robljUre have conunitU 1 depredations in the vicinity of Mansfield, and, learning that a miller near Lui is carried three or four hun dred dollars they contrived a plan to rub him. Armed with shot guns and the habiliments of sportsmen they went to the mill-dam and began to shoot snakes. The unsuspecting miller went out to view the indiscriminate massacre of the progeny of mother Eve's beguiler and would have been minus all the money he had but for the timely interposition of the officers from Mansfield who were in pursuit of thorn. Huns and pistols were freely used. Three of the four were captured, one of them being se verely wounded. One of them lay concealed in a hoi- i }o\p jog Wh£n one of the party dis- i covered Ipm lio dry w a revolver, as njuch as to say pass on silontly,' Jfp dp) so but : as soon as ho could do it safely lie in formed the olfieers who returned and captured him. In the Union depot at Chicago sat a manacled burglar, whom 1 tli? sheriff of Ashland county, Ohio, had t cnptmcl in I.,\vn. \ y otittyt doctor thrashed hi wife ecu i, Iv tin?other tiny I'llll'P Ihilh tit tltii. 1l |l| lU'itm the ilevil i. eitll tti ll, rly. \filer-hiy vv. Melt' It, Mil ii II 11 , 1i1t,.; ttlil.lt vv it It, 1,1 iv the I'niteil lll,'tlx lit ii) N|i i Ti IV • V ~1.1 It ,v ..till I ,iv,' ,I.>ll, von p > ,1 to m o the t\ l' linn) Ivniiiun tint, :vll,.>i, then, ot i liieiul John > I \jtroiihhurv l l.e hheitra lun, l , ,>M , . nveite,l into | the plovvrhiiie, the ihlluhle into nil <>),t l.ishioi i,l he, hive vv hi, It it vv, II rcpie heitfa, Httil the lietulle frnln mi iiiatrtlliieiit ■ I torture to the h ti. h-i>tiin|.< ■ ntel t oloi .i,l>- liv i lie, the Ki'.ii r, hv t lie vv. \ ll;„l tlnii:, i!. ll]>| enl. i,,, ,Ii lllne ttlnl l-j AJ ' 1 'e John no Ivittm, t■it > ,ji lep'gevl httij Miillix un i reel hehim! the | l>vv itu , n> dher tinill. Ile hut li„ el* >tre to lelnre to hi native fctnle lull politellljihilf* ~ otir to the vv e-t lil vv this vv ilh a \ lew , I i<>< ..line l ime* ate jpuul here hut 1 vv . ~! luiil In, o haul 111, tl tiMii.,U of hnoht , l ,„l . i it r in,, in tint hi, th< ,1. t,in i -> Mori It Ik' cent*. I h\e not ~ nn ( , nlie , tint % tinill hill M hilt la lit yjm ,1 v treoiiiatntiee*, Willi ,-o iinpi vine ru| t,lly Ino hole, r iititl ltry;e Iwrie- thd the | rirte, luatiti 111 y'l, v <■ I I I lelith it lit I s il\tr jM,| nijti I i now m lla r, :t,lt)y at fh. at and ft 10. (liu mail mlio, a tew year* uuvi, nwitetl u tourlh rate farm iit the ] im,j> i> now vk'tirth fltt.ooit, Hint men in nuulernle t u t-uimdam t s uiiiM (40 tardier vest in or dt huv t heap lantl. I have two ob jection*, however, to thiit country. Ist, tin ro.ul- ttiv uhiioru iui|m-MltU iii the -prinp 2ml, as they raise very little wheat they must farm too much land in order to make it pay. For example, John Itrishin, vt itli one tea in, ami with out anV help. plovvtNl and harrovvt d ,V> acres titia npriup-, but with ho I key plow, Milkt v cnltivutor and s ilkev tortile he hind the harrow. This latter objection is not t-> formidable. We leave t > uu>rr< vv for Stephenson duty. From there we cx|x-ct to to to lowa, and if time {H ruiits, *till farther west. I Mill write attain. Yours, A. A. Kk.tu.iN. Tie Wathington corro*i andent ~f the New York Herald, ia (pealtiaioftba b vi'-tijfkti. iii by Uie iiouio , f represotilA iive, aya il.ui the retail ,1 the ii:,|uir can not he tueci-->(ully belittled The reuh ol the lllv,,*tiffali,>lo, te -ayt. a* the d, ti.. oral* claim, Le -llovili a cuM,!.lu ll of atlair* w llich, it it O laid before the public, at they niean to do tu tlo ,v -<, csii scare,• > tail tohav, a powerful effect on the public niind. Th, tntjuirua have shown l„, s,in the ad oiiiiitlralion of public truais . that pot irailcrU. !|>a ha,l bec,,in duriiig the pres et,', sdnnnislraiiuß siiuply 1 vir<|uuit6k, g.v en away by In*;ti , tli, b< sot. made a greet fum >,l niun, v out , f naval con• tractor#, tie that It, ! cson hints, if favored u banking Itriii with large loans ol govern* n.cut money in a time ~1 panic ami com niercial daprrstion The investigation ol the Frcediucn bank management shows ' 1 s>, extravagance and favoritism : .l its I,Ja.rs, which, considering tin, oh cts ~f that bunk, ate r,.!> cr,nnna! Ihe investigations ,1 11. tall affairs Lav, shown, even at their pretsot stage, la, ui.i yersai | r. valelice ol favoritism, waste tu.m -- in the ek| '. lilure c( pub,., inou ey, k>oseiits 111 tho execution of fruits, ilie cureless spending ol money wnho.i' the authority ,1 regu.ar appropriation* ! 1., k oi v igi an. > ist|pehief , Ui,-, rs, ant , ondotungiif liegliNt and in a parity in th, lower ■ fltcer*. especial v win re th,y ha i powerful political frj, nd# Tae g, ra I 111..! a. 11., lit Ia- a - let 1 ... I I V tho i iivstigali li* to I-,- ,aren -• an ..raWcgalit. A FKlt.il i. FL SFKI lACLK. j, bll tu tin Nov aa t.,i i ribuuc, Mv o I A U : sttiuie team, J awing luml r j v, htie , 11. ng from 1.,e \ n tnity of li e laa. . morning, wc,l ,v,r th, grade i a the hea i '! King canyon lbc driv, j-p ar.g f:,iu the •iduie. thirelv -av ,i , Im* life. I! then st- , J stnl, a hcrnS--, ! Ilid speech, is# Wltnc-s to one i f trie mos I terrible s,dies p >< bl, to unagi le. lin m mules, wagon and lumber pitched Jown ' ward in oneconiUs J, rolling max, mar iy two thousand feet into the bottom . 1 th, gotge. aiid crie* from the crushed an, mang.id anititals rending the air a- the, w,re hurled madly down flic steep nioun tain si !,-. until, wi.cn nearicgthe bottom and lite becoming ■ itinct. the agoniain) ! sound* , eased, and ail he, amo silent n death. Ihe man say* that alter the or> liundrcd f el nad beei, pas-ed the ctttir, mas* bee >iiie hiddiu in a great ch ud ol n> w torn up una catt red through th, air, but that lie could distinct,y h, ar a sounds proceeding from the while,loud a j it rolled swiftly onward, until it struck lh< 1 oltini of the car.) on with a crah Ik, : thut of an earthquake. Kli.il r MINKIIS KILLKD HY AN K\FLU>|iN IN A \ 1 lit; INIA lUAh MINK. Richmond, Va., May 21 —lnle ligi : ~ reached thi# city this afternoon fa ter rific explosion at tl.,- ~ld M dlolhian c> a pit, in Ch,sirflp!d cui.ty, r,-suiting in Lhc lon of eight lire* nnj two men severe | iv injured, beside* a number Of , th, r fbo disaster occurred procisciy ut twenty two minute* past one p. m There w> r, eleven men w, ;king in the laft :it a ,J--ph ot about TU'! laid in a tunnel running horiion'.ally about Uk> feel in easterly di rection. Fr„m subsequent investigation* and in dications it is be.i.-ved that one of the un fortunat, miner., probably the foreman, must have ventur, J Into foil air with an open lamp which ignited lhc gas and caused the accident. The ret>ori of the explosion, though to fur underneath the surface of the ,-arth. w* distinctly heard at a distance of over u in ie, attracting to the scene nearly every persou in the im mediate n, ighbcrlood. The mioing pop ulation, quirk t" discover anything pcr lainii g to an expl xion, w cro soon at th, mouth of the pit. It vvn# so,m surrountiei) by men, wo rn, n and children of every ago and color, the frantic -cr, tin# and heartrending cr„ # ot t: e latter creating a scene of confusion sr.d disorder that vins painful to vvitnois Tlu-se pou people almost instantly realis ed the furl (lint the miners I clow must have suffered instill l death, and this a id-, cd to the groat excitement and utter want of the power to do anything by those pres ent William Marshall and John Kend '.••r, two old and experienced miners, ar-j r.s e,l u| :>n the scene, and at oncedtrn,i -->• i into the pit. Immediately upon then arrival at the botfi m they found two men who wereap|iar, ntly dead, but who they at cncc brought up and ware afterward, r, stored t cotisciousiies- and life. The#, 1 her.,ie men, rue, lupnni, Iby miners from j the other |>it, again descended, and th, I w rk of exploration . s vigorously corn-j in, nc< I. I hey '■< und the turn ,iin a lour I'll condition. Wrecked timbers, ma chinery and debris of en ty sort pertain ing to h ceal mine. Were scattered and piled in every direction, an I it required gr at exert; n t* r acb the bi-dies ,>; th, ill-luted miner- Ti ,so vv, re a! ia-t foui d, one by ntm, and at long interval# eight in number, live being wlnlo and three col ored- Cni'AP KFADING. T ... "WAVK!'I*KY~KIAQAZIXK ' is| the iiand.-, 1.1 -t and large l literary paper ill tin I nited Slates. The articles are all m ; Ills , ~, Ii nun,her it ||| tain# a | i cof music |,>r th, l'iano, ami double the reading of any other pafer Sixteen numbers will be sent to any part ol the country, po#l-t,iiid. lor one dollar. Address, MONKS A DOW, June I, 11. Huston, Mars. A (Al(l) TO lUK AMERICAN PUHLIC. For many y ar we have made two mod icini-d -iiitei[ for tho ailment* <>fa variolas* ■if sufferer*. Thouinndi of cure* have fern made by them and in fart, the word fiilure could never be coupled with them ilut within the la-l two yuan cininti rfoits! if our ineilieim - have eprtiDX up, danger ■ iuh ill their close imitation <1 our trn* nl Hollo. .. n>' Pill* and llolloway's Ointment the Mac iinilie of tlio signature ol our Agent. Mr. Jog. liaydock. To counterfeit this in a felony. We shall relentlessly pursue any one who imitate. thig with the utniogt vigor of the law. We most earnestly beg that tho grout mats of tho American ncoplo will aid us in our efforts to protect their health, and help us in ni|r tusk ol bringing those most unprincipled men to the bur of justice. Uniformly refuse to purchase Medicines purporting to be ours unless Mr. Jos. Ilaydork'g signature is at tached to each Do* of I'ills or Pot of Oint ment and the ciol w ill soon be reached. The public's obedient servants, y. HOLLOW A Y A CO I The Senate on Tiietduy decided that Lelknuj) was impeachable, and now the triul proceeds. I I KNGI.A Nl> AND THE HKiII.IN Co.N . FKKK.VK. IVII, M v 2b. Tim folleu ing semi .■lll. i.l Mutflll. 11l it published It it villi I. 11. . 1 i.u England will 111 w1... known (It.' I HI •I I'll:.' I.i I. link.ill luelil .ruli> iluill V. 11111 ltl e W Itli. . til lltlV.. It It | 11H .1,1 . 11l .1 it: uh.lerstiiliditig IIIH I l.* hi... ■ ill In t w cri nil the pow >T with n view! In ill He.l urlii ii In lli i-gst, It it I'iillii 1.1 .1 ihut ii Kuri.j fun conference would • i (hi to In iiiciiiit it! I ..-diluting such i i i ..li itii. it! 11 u Tim |'..w< rt, fftfim It ■.a > . liiltu.i i. ting the In. loot no li. '. ill. I' i • , wili in.ml tit. (lintl ill. to w ... . K gland i.i|n i...l ton,|. ~t | i. tut . <| ii i .*< . I the .i. rturi . undo t.. II r I .lollN ill i.l. ri ill Mi ilis lilt; Ml I l' s IN till Kit 1 i Ma) At The Standard i.r this I to. i.'i'U i y s el SI hull 11 til tout i.l j p-Jv. .1 t hii An lit ill 101 lt"11 tl i i*i- litii'jitl .lit! .a hit) .i- HI \\ .t.Ui. li l . tiih ii . int, M...in ..it.i tin \l. .lit. ItMlimit tier I '. i t l | tilt- Mm.i |< ,il* 111 tt( |iit ufllilill) j ti i'M It • itHlfil )J| i'ortMllulilll Mil tin? Iltt ioti Mill be thu I puM (orwarJ, • ♦ • MOUK IK.liilNi. IN HKKZMJO* VINA Hntfilfcft, Mu V - I MTti tiloUittlnl lll tururtiU iiftVv #illeiii|;lml to iH'oupy lla* - heights ol' Bagnaiti, ii. tho district of Gat-| ' ti liko. Aii i til. ml I'.irkith telegram re ' purling thr nfli.ir httcrlt '.hut the iiisur ' gent* wore repulsed with u loss ol mil hull Jr.-1 and till j kiiird According, to Sclav. nit* accounts, tlm insurgents, a - t .lotiKli nt f.rtl tf| u!kt-d, received lo UUO I reinforcements, dr..v.. liio luf ki*h troops which consisted of . ight battalions, ui.dcr ' Mukhtar I'i.tha, lo StharniUko, mid fas' . Turk, nod Itni iiuurgeliU mrn killed. Ullh \ THING THROUGH THE NSE Th. ro nr.* variutM reasons f..r consider ing the note the natural outlet of the lungs, j. nii.l he' co various a.lvniitage- aro lo be ■s derived from breathing through the luxe. r Ist. If wo breath.- through the n- c we r W ill be . liiihlcd ..It. ii to delect the |.r.i -- elite of li . odcr* in the air we breathe, aii d so b.- warne.l in tiuio to prevent d.s --* lease. I 2d. The interna) rose it ttudded with t-1 haira, which in some decree at least pre* .. Nt tho ingrots of noxious matters in tin ( .ir .. e breathe. Dust it tlraiited out ; and l i. coiitiJ. ntly astcrted, by persons whe it nave t. s'.ed the matter, that tniatuias art * pros anted from entering the blood if out u breathes ..nly through the note. Soni. le per to in have lived ill tna arioui districts ■; slept on lb.- bank|uf rua'arious rivers, etc , f.r j art, and yet have escaped all thi II i tuis fever which u-ually lollowed i >' ! r.-tldeMe in the country, who hate a * U-ribed their eaeiuptiuii tolaly to the set |, lied habit . | breathing only through lie tl. j nose. '' 3d. By breathing through the nose, lit . : tie, i! any, air passes into the lungs unit! i ij. in.* . ii.. in contact with the membrane >• of the ln.se, which are supp. ted to posses met wer of i..traii&ibg malarious an. is! * ■,J j coulugiotl* p. Isont. I.c | lib. It sr drawing our breath >ul. I ' l thro .gh the rus*. tb> air is warmtd b ; ~-oi.t:.et wlh th mettibran.-s before i r. .< .1 • the lui {•, anc s" i: tiaiiitnati n ii. 1 e. stions . f those organs are av. . J ld. it: Cvufio, the habit, so coluiUun, c , Ur. .ibii g tb:> ugh the mouth lias tuan j'h i..!vi ntages In tbis way a great vol 1-ne of ir is .j i ckiy taken In, 10a.1.xl wit -at lust, malar: us or contagious in.j unliei II it. . f which we arc utt> rly unconac.ou until the b ood ln b-eii js isoi.rd.ai d ser u-, p. hap. Julal, disij.se has been intu ' gurotel 'lh. ,< J utance, i horse hired for the saddle must not be used |in harness. If the hirer violates this rt press condition of the contract, be is liable n lor i.ny-damage that may occur. 11 the d horse is stolen through the hirer's negli gentr, sti. h as having the stable door open dial! night he must answer for il. Hutifhe ■ is ruble lof it by-liigywavmct). ul.u.. trav* leling tin u-ual road at u*u.ti hours, lie can not bo he !d.for damages. As these .{ties* * liors ar.- (re<(uently in dispute these deci sions may bo intersting. i —St. Nicholas, S.rlbner ► illustrated n magazine for boys ai d girls, for the munll. of .lune. is replete with interesting stories J for the little ones, and also contains stories . for old. i brothers and sisters, in which cn- t 1 teitainm. nl and instruction arc judiciou-ljr " combined, hit really an escellenl chil idren's magai-.ne. Conducted by Mary . Mnjiri Dodge. Scribner &. Co., New ■ York. Scribncr, always a welcome visitor, is i more warmly welcomed this month than ever, lecaustyd its increased fund of good j reading matter. "Old Landmarks in Phil . j adelphia "Philip Nolan's Friends," tby -ili. K. llalei, "Gabriel Conroy" (by Bret : llarte : "Pilgrims and Puritans; "How j Ameru a wa Named , ant! a very iulerest j! ing article on America's great actress, the Into Charlotte Cuslinian, form the most notable part of its contents. Published 1 y Scribner k Co , New York. • 40EVT8. inakn no engagements till vou arc ur NEW BOOK, W liicli m thrilling mien -l. bl< i lii.g merit, elcgiilici and eheapness, has üb-oluteiy ll.i enunl. It is "The Thing" f. r the Centen nial period- lakes on sight. The North American Review says it is "deserving of unqualified praise; w o antic ipate for it an eilenslve popularity" ; th. Duliti.|ti' Times says "Just such a work as thousands of the American People will lo glad to possess' ; the Detroit Advertiser . ails it "preferable lo any yet published ' Any active Man or Woman ol good ad dress insure large profits and steady work for a year. For full particulars, address J B FORD & CO.. 27 Park Place. New York. l.'iup I2t Isi'tMiotic Printing Ink ( u, MANUFACTURERS OF PRINTING INKS. BOOK and NKWS BLACK A SPEC IALITY,) ldo North Third Street. Philadelphia, l'a. Our Inks are ola superior quality, being made from tho best ingredients and under the personal supervision of a practial prin tor and pressman, therefore wo will guar antee every pound of Ink gold to bo of H Superior Jot itlack, (piick Drying, and entirely free from Setting-off. Our prices are from !t() to 60 per cent, lower than any other Inks manufactured in tho United States. A trial of it sample keg will convince any printer lluil he has been paying near-- ly double what lie should for his Inks in tipios past. Put up ir. kegs and barrels to suit purchasers, ' Address,' KEYSTONE PRINTING INK CO. 136 North Third Street, Philadelphia. •6 way The following passage U f'm thesprci h of lh lion (Iwi. F Hour, of Mn-•m ini. ■". '•! ' f till* lit lUlita|■ impeachment llliiliagcM, btf in tin- -mate of the I 'mini .Stales. li mit >, Killing review of the p<>- ( til ieal corrui'tium of the times, mi i #• . ut h It ilpi t ' y ii il tl i* ilnr.itii.ii of u tingle lei in ol ten MttirU' ii til. o, but ft! t ill brief period I ll ft VI. e II f.Vn jl| 11K t t i>| H high t'liurt of lit. ('lilted Mii .t iliiveri |r. in • lib l-v til real# of Impeat'hiiici.l for corruption or ; maladministration. I liuvn 1.• ui.l the taunt ir.nn frniullcn lip, tliut when the I' inte.l Nlatf presented li< r-e't llillir.#tl to take p.rl with (he civilised world in, gener.-us .olnpet.i on in tin ait# of life, the onlj pr.tdu. I ol Iter in>tnution* in wli .!i #hr tu ptittt if #ll other# biyoliil question Wat lot corruption J have *< en in tin *fate to (lie I't.ion foremost In pow-i ati.l w.a i four judge# of hm court* tin-) pen. lie ' r . I.pt 11, t.til the poiitii'el i aillilii i IrutoiH ol fier chief i it y bet tunc a ' ditgin u atul a by-word thr. uglmut the! win 1 Uave trru tin* itiauinali ol 'lie , l oiiiiiiii(et) on military nfTair* in the house' lon* a disliligiilsrd member of tin* loutl I rite in bi# place and dtmaud theexpulsion | . I four ol In* associate* lor making tale oi . tin ir official privilege of St-letling tin y until* to be educated at our great inillia ' iy tebool. \N lien tin- greatest railroad ol! the world, binding together tbe cout.uctil alid uniting llie two great #ea which Waal. ! -ur *hore. Wat IlliUlod, 1 have seen oui national triumph and exulting turned t. bitter li e* and shame by the unanimous report* of three Coramilice* of Congress, two ol the 1.. ni n!u) one bare, tbal every -lep of that mighty eiilerpr.e had been la 1 eti in fraud, 1 have beard in the highest punctilio thautelta# doctrine ax.'W.d by ill. li grown old 111 public office that the true way by which power chould be gain-! ud in the republic I* to bribe the people Willi iho offlc.# created for their service,! and the true end for which it tbould be' u*d when gained in the promotion of selfish ambition and the gratification of personal revenge. 1 have heard that *u# piciofi hauut* the footalep# of the tru*led cum panic m of the President- These thing* have pt*ed into history." A SAD STORY OP REAL LIFE. I New York, May Ifd Mr#. Kallgen, of 1121 Fir#t street. J. r*cj Oily, who m# hurtled out 01. 'I n M n*day afternoon, made; a bed in an old wagon near the ruin ol . tier home on Thur*day nighi, and slept there w.lh her little boy, who ha# the UUall | ox, while her husband stood guard, i \ t'lervl#) they made an UriUCCoful I si-arch for newr quarters, but no one want ed to rent a port menu to them, and they i Could not afield aw hole hoUac. I Cineii.natti, May 25. —While Mrt Jen nie lirucj, hi t daughter Mamie, and Lub erl llnnkard wire u|x re throat, lo# of vo.ee, cough#, Dr. Na j j Compound Syrup uf Wild Cherry it a sovereign remc-dv. 1L mortage, or Spitting of blood, nity proceed from the larynx, Irachia, bron cl.ia or lung>. and arise* from eariou* ! a* undue phyticaf exertion, ple thora, or fullnn*# ot Iho vp -#ci#, weak '■ lung*, ovtirsira.umg ol the voice, suppress ed ev m ualion, obstruction of the spleen or . brer, A Dr. SHuyrif'h Compound Syrup ot HIM Cierrj Strike# at the root ut di<-ae by purifying ■ the blood, restoring the Itver and kidney* to bcnllhy action, tUTigutatir.g the ner you# *y ttciu The oniy xtandard remedy for hetnor' ruga, bronchial and ail pulmonary cum plaint*. Consumptives, or Uiose predi* , r jao.-d to weak lung*, tbould not fall to uc j . iti> great vegetable remedy. It# marvelous power, not only over con • un.p'.ioh out over every chronic 4|m***l t where a gradual alterative at lion is need-' I I liucr it# ue the iHjiigb i# loosened, I tli<- night tweal* diminished, the pain >ub- ! nJei. the pulse returns to it* naluial slaud-' arj, the stomach is improved in its power ,|toa fSlliad MiIbIIsIS the fo.wi, and eve ry organ has a purer ntid better quality of ( blo-wl supplied to it, out uf which rccrea live and pin-tic material is r.isuu. l'repatud only t>v I)K. SWAYNK 4 SON. I N'.rlh Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Sold by all Prominent Druggist*. ITCHING PILEs! I'ILES, I'ILKS, ITCHING PILKS. Positively cured by the u#e of SWAIN E'S OINTMENT. Home Tcstiuuiuy. 1 wss sorely afflicted with one of lb< i most ilulrcSMi.g of all diicases Prurilu# or , Prurigo, or more commonly known a- Itching IM< s The ilchiug ul times was a.most intolerable, increased by scralch - it.g, and no. unfrcqueutly becoine s. re. I bought a bo* of "Swaync's Ointment;" its u* gave quick rebel, and in a short time made a perfect cure. I can now ' xlcep undisturbed, and I would advise all I who are ulTcrit.g with this distressing' complaint to procure "Swayne's Oint tueiil" nt once . 1 bad tried prcacriplioii.- .ilmoat innuuieranle, without finding at.y I .' permanent reliet JOS. \V. t.II RIfST, (Firm of Itoedel Christ,! j I{ tot afid Sl.t.;i House, 3ft North Sceoiiil St, Philadelphia. SKIN DISEASES. Swayne'- A 1 beahng Ointment i. a!< a specific lor Tetter, Itch, Salt Kfieum. j Scald ilrad. Barber'* Itch, Blotches, nil Scaly, Crusty, Cutanoou-i Eruption* Perfectly sale and h#rinl--i even on the most tender infant. Price. 50 cents. Sent by mail to any uddre*s onj receipt of ;iricc. So d by all Leading Druggi-ls. Propanrd only- by Dr. Sway lie A Son, J530 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Philadelphia. i Sole Proprietor* and Miinufacturcrs A WA )XFTS I'AXACKA , Celebrated all over the world for its re i rnarkabie cures of ScrofttU, Mercurial and ■ Syphilitic Complaint.*, and in ia*e# w here Syphilitic vim- of tlip parent, cnutos a do i veloimient of ur Sv-tufulw in the . hiltl, nothing nasever proved so effectual in completely eradicating every ve*lige ol these dangerous complailils, and all di sca><-arising from Impurity of The Hlood. Describe symptoms in all lotnmunica- I lions, and address letters to Dr Swavnel A Sun. Philadelphia. No Oliarge for ad vice. Sent by express to any rehires* LlrZ, SrowDi, RUN DON A Scit uiitic Vegetable HAIR COLOR { I'rcparatiuu ol' Hara RESTORER; Ingredient;. ywF*Cultivate your hiiir"tS-T London Glossy, Luxu- Hair Hestorar London Hair Restorer London riant lluir is one Hair Restorer London Hair Restorer London of the greatest Hair Restorer London Uuir Restorer London ufUpcr#opal Hfiir Restorer London Hair Restorer London Charms. Uuir Restorer All that art can accomplish in beautify ing, strengiheniipt, thickening and adorn ing the hair is effected by using "London Hair Color Restorer." It stimulates and forces a growth ; it grav restores its natu ral color and renders it silkv and beauti ful : cures dandruff'; keeps the scalp clean cool and healthy. PrLn 13 vent). All druggists and dealers sell it Principal depot for the United Blates, IWO North fc'ixlli street, above Vino, Pliil adelphlg. A MATTER OF POPULAR INTEREST, W llio lsMr)\ JUptMer the subsiam r <>( i/mnimUihi ilnrtil(Mi Mall in I'lill* niun.al. r A lir, >-'■ " I n, I • lu Am, ii,a A vuil t and alt, nilan W, ttm spout, r* : I u\U't " M liul earn, r u the PulMlng nnT AUrmianl "South U I earn, r of >i!rrt ami Uarki l I'lou** re l* Dm HIXTI, f,r s->m •tr*ii*,r Marking <>t Hull, liuve U . n totaled hj ,!<-,*M.ing persons V. 'lt la perfectly cohanat! Pa jam kfiaw Its dlmeil'iOWSf" A " 12.UU0 Square f,-ei |jf<-.| and arranged In the baa, Went, on long j .J* counter* and tat, n A / U,r room ail V. " l iirat , r*rail,mT" A "No. .r. ii.Mtsui.na iLafuwliarrlint mraatirrd In the pie, e, then lna|x led. Iha I lath poaw* nvur rail era 111 the hur of | sir- tig light. and two iu!• belaud II,• goo,!*. wal< bin* with the eye at a hawk for the leant piti-bule Imperfection, and marking every flaw, mi that the , uUer may m and avoid u wheu he toiuca to cut the ear menu" V. " Von mnnt employ an arrfy of rtitfe-r* *" A "(atue to our nni, ny and are! Ma keep TO handa ail Uie tA , tVling up Uie rh 111 lull, garment* t n,a, hinaa thai do adorn, turii'a w..rk cu* tWtu *tr.,k< " V• " Ik) you ma mi laet uie all your own good*"' A We da, and moM rare fully. Ottr tt am inert inp.i nery UU h and aeau, at.d rcruty to every garment aa extra well mule urtore we put our Uckat on it. and become roapougbia for it " dell r YwU * ,rMc ® auet mro • imat A "In every direction air ItlupCryWcra and t< ,n,iu,y we prmitiu ail Ua w^through, lhal enable* u* b, put out l A/Two u> lha ya- plo a* we do." V. •' AlWr in*#<-,U ug the work, w hat becomes Of IIT A. " Before It goe* tnto Ploek It U tirtllamrc mine* Al*o / SIIAMOKIN AM) OTHER GRADES of Anthracite Coal dryly hound cxprewly for houeu*e.attha ioweH |.riea DEALERS G R A IX. They |<*y the liigho-t j>:i. ,n b o: gram that the Extern market* will afford- WIIKAT, CORN, RYE, OATS, (LOVER SEED &C.. Bought or wil t.,- -i ,u t ' ##-llca%c ncucc wif PA I'U J HAKIM'SLU CONICAL DEARINGS on Kflfr Uc Mtcfciaa ind Suwl Mw W* nU i4d iik a*. ilc*i out *ith Wjiul new NLthmrrv and I ad at (HIT www KtvoHa IViSS >*L. } y 1 f H*?*' Nfwjcmr, r-vrn u% a uamWt of MECHANICAL EXCEL, i . ..• Mmtmum of F Octum, Mnini .iu of i-Hit ability, aik! laßgc vt work, never hcretoJrr* mawletht Scwtng Mathtw WLMM. TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITSELF W invite the aucuuor. ol all, eipcually thoac having high mechanical ekill a* fwcrtgtton N U A i Ma.h o (utly araitaaicd. U1 ** DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., >av York itiul ('hicngo. LADIES, USE "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. ItfOTICK, l " AT , Notice I* hereby given that an o application will be made at August term "ice u £' '° r * charier if incorporation for 1 lie I inc (trove Water Company." The object ..t the incorporation is tosui>ply tho town ol Pine Grove M ills with Wsinr ~s , J. R ITU. .\|. D., J. my 3t A* J-^KNDOKK. r- 1H TO Irs N OTR'K. —ln the Court of Common Pleas of Centre Co I he undersigned an auditor appointed by said Court, to niako distribution of the money arising from the Sheriff's sale or the Personal property of Hurnsidc and lhomas to and among the eulitled r thereto, will attend to the duties of his ' "W|K>inteiH ut hi; office ip B. llefonte on Wednesday (he Uib day of June. A I). • O ' C ' OC ' C , p, when and where all parlies interested mav attend if they see proper. W. F. KKbER. 18 May 3t. Lime! Lime! Lime! LIME of the best quality always on hand at tho kilns near Centre Hall Apply to 11 May, tf. .Uiyhuyl Contla. TOHN E. POTTER, Attorney at "* „ L ; t 'dllc tii.to promptly mails and special Stlsulloii given to IIIOM having lands or urupwrtji for | saw Will draw up ami liato acknowledged Oneds. Mortgagea, ic. OlHoo in ihu dumoad. north side of tUc wart huusr, boUnton te, octS *M, perfect ytem ftf!-! miff* of **lf meaauiaiiiaat make llittmlbfn 1-t plcaaff |-<-pJe y,OOO mllff* away )% arfwrleciiy aa If they were twn la l-ciw-ti.'^r V. " I npjvaff jrrm Jin-ff tt taut half a dome different departmeiiUT" A. "My dear Mr) wo havo more than femfy, each eheiye-t wiUt lUf>wn talitM.ud wra thoroughly nrgauta-d, * UMimry wheal with in Ihe great wheel ' V. •' W ill you uome * dnaen or an of them f A. "With |-lta*ufe. The (mton Iwniv tneiit. h-rlharuiirni, witlnu many room*. Tha Ho**" 1'- jartiiiriiL The Youth* liruitattl. Tua Children a It i-artiin.nl with it* apaclal entrance for lad lea. The Telegraph IJeaarV inent. The Chief Clerk * lJepartmant, With lu book keeper* and Malatatiu General Man agrr'a It-parunent; Jttian< leCa <<©.■, and othar oft. mof the firuyC all trtiay aa lima thinking, planning, exacting, buying mak- Ing.ragMenng.re / > and lu a Ux umndMn Joining (hair tauaa to carry on a liuuMfwllk u>e people amount ing to heteoen fc,uuo,ouu and IB.uun.uuu an nually." V. t a pa A. "Indeed It I*l I forgot to nam* tha Caahlar* lirpanmeßt, a hirh handle* lu MMM> of retail aalr on aoaie aingle day*.'" V. • li-uoui '• i-r IThai i tint i nahlm the bourn to buy cheap and *eU^heepf* A kiactiyl Vou hare MM httll Tha people throng here. fcrApnf that we depend on low price* and Immr^^mlea." V. What an the runt aiuu' ! hear ao Bitch about f A • ouraywem ofbtulnati deallng l On* prim, no deviation ; X < aah fee evmythhm, X A guarantee pr-tertiug the pnrrhamr. 4 The money returned If the buyer can t other* U* be nulled V. " Nothing conld be fairer * A "Nothing And the people am U " V " Welt, | thank you, Mr, far your pollla itkiiUub." A. " Not at all. lf*a ptauure kogrfre ymi„ Call again; and ha aura of tin- plant—Waaa rnaker A Brown ■ Oak TIl nfli Tail our nc-r hixlh and Market ' vfcr V. "Thai-i you! 1 thaU ha happy to 4m. Good Burning." NEW YORK BRANCH STORE, McClain's Block, Directly Opp. Bush House, Bellefonte, Pa. if. lIIIKM.4N A CO., Prop'ra. Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID ERIES, WHITE GOODS, LA CES, NOTIONS & FAN CY GOODS, STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS, Below the Usnal Prices Novia.tf. * 1, HARDWARE STORF. „ J* J. HARRIS. No, 4. IIKOCK KLUIOFF ROW 1 L.M been ■•'<• Hiot n\ ?K F *L * HW,, • tu. CHANOTON ll.'nt'U A* R ' MM H * W, > <; 'WUR BD I (land Raw. Tennon Saw., Webb Maw* lUcki™*."' MT!22: B * U TUB# - <*•• U I*l •••ariaaent of Qlaaa and ■ Whw.) barrow.. La mo. OH UMPS I HOU.ng HP.KA., FelWt, and Hub. R DM.* -W S* rn . PLOW I "int., Shear Mold Hoard, AND Cultiv, . jlur Tnotb, übla Cut arjr, Hh..VRLS. SPADO. VI HI N*ea. Krrew*. Ha.H SPRINGS HorI Shoo., Kail., Norway . ' . < £ ,# L * RD - I BRI ariny a Can- RR Hail al.Hr be. if ,r,.J LO . RIL .]; iinda of Bui Id M* AND House Furnishing Hardware, NAIL, Ac. Circular AND Hand SAW., T. unon SAW. A EBB Sa w. CI.-the. Hack., a full a*.IT ..ant of Glass and Mirror Plafe Picture rri ine., SP KI - Fe11...-#, AND Hut*, table Jutlery, Shovel., SPUDS* AND Pork., Lock. , LLINGMU , Screw., SAAK Spring., I R " Mil*., NaiL, Norway Rod, O LA* Bell., Carpenter Tool., Paint, Vara, •be.. Picture, FRAMED in tbe Hoett HYLE. Anything not on band, ordered upon -horteat notice. s#~LL< TI., IISBER. all OODA offered cheap er than EIMWBAR# Simon Haines. CENTRE HALL Manufacturer of nrringew. lluggiww, Mgona, AF. Of every description ; running gear for ♦I Kindt of Tcuidct, MADE lo order, I&GE BOOT, ARXI Sboe. made to order and •crording to style, AND warrant, Hl* work •to EQUAL nay U.ade elsewhere AH kind, ■f repairing done, and charge* reasonable •'re HIM * call F,.t, IX | T J OUNFA L L X AN"L>KR~Mi; P" .riiriuti and Surgeon. KR* pee (fully offer* bi. profraion*l ser *-*• to tbe niorf., OL Centre HALL and en. -LW TOl.vuiLaUon in Rngiwb or tier. N * N • lull tin# of in*t rumen la (or - X tract, .G Lwtb. Office and residence in I K"H> paraonag* STfebti FL HMTCRET JOIIX B MET II BILL, Ha* on band a tptendid *MM UOL'NK FLRNI^RB FR^T^^" 1 * tnoneatlo the mo.T e.eganl. COB LHAMHLK SETS. PAF LOR SKTS CHAIRS. '.KUITKTTZ •O, ha. MADE A '" DP ? DD "TY work Al hand, the larr *, P * C ?I ~R *" D - KE *P* °' ,*L and bnest stock ot WALL PAPER. SDIITN 1 RMU *- cha.iT ; °' REH "'' call before pur- C "**" > K aisawhere feb6> 1 V BLTR YOUR DRUGS FROM SANKin DRUG STORE, BKXT DOOI TO TKB OEBCHVER GDM TTOLL.) L?5 8K AND CH^AP. HK-NET NAOCKKKHORR, T. i *UL-UT Preaidenl, CA.HMR QKNTKE COUNTY BANKINGCO (LIT Milllken. Hoover A Co. ) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow INTER***, Discount Notes, _ Buy J scii. Covornment Secu iliee.OoM Ar .PM-ASTF Coupon. AUMINISI RATORS NOTICE LET* UT OF admini.tration on the cute of Pe er Miffler. late of Potter twp, having been (ranted to tbe undesigned, all person. knowing thuiuvoire, to b indebted to Mid Jecevtent arc REQUESTED to make immediate payment, aud person, baring claim, ■twinst the ESTATE will present them AU> I H -nlicaled for settlement. FKL,X MIFFLER. "■P R GU Aiisi'r. A CARD. M— UAT tadi* FRKK OR < B AWUK TWU ZJT, W • BLAUOOACI MI NVNU& A WWUW T-.I A 3I dfcddrewed CR,R N LC4* H KFT JOSF?S> !• W U ■ VCV T FARMERS ANO DAI P YMEN JfrttZuw? Of *""*" i**rrinl in TAR ****"' V_ ® .ttention of Dairymen i. called to V-2 which reprerent. a SIL ,K J RING TUBE, by which more tban half the time and labor of milking C °" V* ** V *D- F"UR tube, to a *et, which will be tent ponpaid to all paru of the * UUN i R,R WN of Two Dollar, per set An Agent i. wanu.nl in every county, to whom a liberal d'.count will be allowed. Address the manufacturer. , GEORGE F. PILLIHG, 701 Cheatant btreet. Philadelphia. X*|U All KI IIU3 of Secret SOCIETY work, Jewel*, Emblem*. Badge, and Silverware generally. Diploma, awarded at the Berks, Mont- B>->inery, Chester and Bucks County Fairs. For testinp nials see the Practical Farinei for September and October. Send for cir- CUURI - 7octM, G. OCTTKLIUS, 27pr Gt. Dentist, Millheim. Qffrn kU prufmloul Mrrtcvato the public. Ha I* KSS- ,wfonn u oPriion* la tL 4*nul n#- HEUEH. Atiomev-ai Law unLLv %3AtsSas2??^" bMIB - • ,mu " (J ,T MMINGa HOllST? BeUftiiiu. PA. Tb* §P&£Sgtf^f; 5 ~BRUUKE- HOFF HOUSIET" _ BKLLEFOVTErPA. D. JOHNSON <1- SONS. n f T r*" k ? ow !' h o 4*- "ftoßi* In th* builMt. portion 'f^S^ WILSON, Attorney-at-L w, Xj _ BeUefonte Pa. Office in MM. Btn~ TOP* Building, Beileionte Pa