FARM, HARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. iinnxrhnld Hint.. PKACH SACCK.—The juice that ia loft in the can, twice its volume of water, with two ounces of sugar ; boil fifteen minutes, skim carefully; when about to so: co add tihlespoonful of lemon juice, four drops f essence of bitter almonds; strain through n tine sieve, Mr rrixs.—One and one half pints of flour, two teaspooufuls baking powder, s:i 1 in tho dry fl vur, witlia good pinch of •- ilt, and toaspooiifnl of sugar, one well Is .ten egg, and enough milk to nv.kc a hi'iter, tintt will run iu a oou tmr. si .evil from tho mouth of a simdl piSiliei; halt m rings ou a gnd- Arrnit r,rTTRR.— Pool three apples; eo; th : ; cat each apole into about fom rl:>>s; two ounces of sugar, anil powdered citmaiacu; dip in liatter, as for iwrn ips. MIKCWC TVUKSY. —Take the remains of the cold turkey, and cut them into verr sira.i due; in weight we will say i t oauc >; take four ounces of cold potaliKvi, auil cut also iu dun the same rise ns the turkey; now put it ou the ' 1 ,u. a - : \'pau, one ounce v>f butter, a quarter of an t of flour, Mir with a wooden sjxaiu until it bubbles, win ,i pour ou it one gill of luhliug eri :\iu or milk, tin u add the turkey and i . uiss, j inch of mdt and p'pper, with jut a grate of nutmeg; serve- hot. TOTAIUKS, A HI tiidifrr d'kotrl, —Jhiil six potttocs tender, cut iu sliiv s imxl el itciv thiek, put ou them the following san.v, which must be prejiareil while th j tatiH s have bd ii oooki-ig : one a 1 out -half ounces of butt r, three fon;t s ounce of fliiur, stir until it bul , a.,d one-half pint of any kind of white broth and ouo fourth pint cream, i*ilitig,two tables)XHUtfulslemon i n v, I o ,? v rhopjiod iviraley; soive : : i . \ with paws of bread triangl. ah ,; < t. fue.l iu a little butter, stuck ro. .1 the : ISJ. — ll •uscAeeyjcr. Tfcr I nn K■- I'mala. B.iya a evirresjxmdent of the llnmi H'o Ui: 1 plaut*sl one acre of (xitatis last spring, new land; planted three uift'erv .it kiu la. Early Rose, laite Rose and Pewchhlow—ali receiving same tn .tment, planted same day and dug si e iu_\ aud next. Result—Early K -c, ore third acre, forty bushels dug; Pi eliblow, oue third acre, ilog thirty i n- iris ; Late Re-e, one-thinl acre, dug 14 i uahels, and did m t get them clean. A r.;.iu living oa my place asked the I- ov., ge of picking over the Late Rone jvat-. h, which was grauttxl, and he picked up e'evt-a bushels after the lxys were don . and tine large potatoes. I now give m.iie of culture : broke ground and harrowed thoroughly ; laid off rows thi.e snd a half ft*t apart; dropped potii .e- cut to two eyes, teu inches apart and covered with plow ; when the i potar s were peeping out of ground ran harrow . ver, aad after they were up ran double shovel through them ; when jus commencing to bloom rulged with far : :g plow— and ranker vines I never s->" .i. w than my Late Ros potatoes. The ground vat piled in rows, and when dug lay as thick as if they had be* a sowed. No manure used, and in worn previous year. Ituimrlu lirua. ilnnga iau gr*?s ueeds warmth for its prvoe: gr. wth, and will resist much dry Wi >ther. It is therefore generally sown in July, an.i a crop may be taken after a ci' ;• of ly s wn oats, cut green for f r. it •i ds rich soil, and will stand i : r tLaii oats. For t.: .11 be sown thickly; half a bushel i lis nut too much for au acre. If all wed to ripen its seed, the fodder is i .i: and p x>r, and the hairy enve . - the ssxxl irritate the intestines of t • animals that feed upon it It is a f xider when rnau a .. a . upon rich light Boils will yield four >r Ave tons per acre. One of its a i van tag" - is that it may be cown late i. y id a second crop, sneeeeding rye, wheat, or oats. I'innllaa Krrrsreea*. Tn-> last Nortrays I transplanted, says a c rrcsj-ordi-ut. were eight feet high, u. O.i .■ dh a ball of earth, and mulched during the rummer with coarse manure, an 1 spa.led in around the trees in the } .11; and mulched again the second year. Iu planting hedges the distance apart dem-cds ujxiu what is desired. If for an ornament, they should not be placed over two and oue-half feet apart, and the:: trimmed hack nntil thick enough on t; > b. tuim, and gra lually raised to the desired height. If for wind breaks (such as ar pl uitcil in the West), six an eight feet apart is lietter. My best l:> dge i - on ury. gravelly ground, and although warned by my neighbors, who have ! t their evergreens, I succeeded by the above treatment and lost very few plants. A UnpM Cttakfr. Eviirybotly wants a rapid climbing phut iu Biuamer for covering some wall, trellis, artior, or some unsightly object. Tl. ' L- -n ion Oani'n {>eaks thus of t' o P\gf*ianthua Alberts; " A small 1 i *. littio more than a foot high, was pi.- t -.1 near a wall with a warm expo sa"- al>ont the end of Mny, and now covers live or six square yards of sur face, every joint l>eing furnished with a raceme of pure white flowers. An easier plant to cultivate can hardly be im agined." Mr. MeeLan thinks it even better for American gar-lens, aud alludes to a plant in Chicago which covered a trellis eight feet high with hundreds of its pure white, waxy flowers. t't fa Buvfael at Wheat. In lAOB, says a correspondent, I had in four ai d a half acre*. Yield, eighty one bnshels. i. e., eighteen bushels per rcre. Laoor and seed cxt 850.64. or sixty-two and one half cents per bushel; interest oa value of land, 850—at ten percent., twenty-reven and seven-ninth cents per bushel; in roand untnbers, l-ii. ty cents per bushel. In 1860 I had nine acres in wheat. Yi ! J 102 bash els; twenty-one and one-eigjth bushels per a• e. Labor au 1 seed cost 898.44, or fifty-one and one-fourth cents per boabaL Interest added makes aeveuty four and three-fourth cents per bushel. This did not pay and I stopped rais ing it. What a Schoolgirl's Pocket will Hold. The Omaha Heral'l says : We found one lying on the sidewalk and took an inventory for the purpose of enabling the proprietor to obtain the pocket: Two white cotton handkerchiefs, the hems of which are biggi .• than the bal ance ; a candy fish, of many colors ; one short slate pencil, black, chewed at the end, too hard at the other ; one slate pencil, mode color, chewed at both ends, and very short aad slabrided; one bit of sky-blue ribbon ; two bits in currency ; one pjgee of short, black, scolloped ribbon ; or garter, without buckle, very elastic, but not long ; two short pieces of baiber-jiolo candy, one of pepperf mint, the other lemon ; one pair o small black kid gloves ; one parasol tss sel ; a camel's hair brush ; one love let tar, very teud< r, praising the recipient and running down another girl, hence vere valuable ; one horsehair ring, un finished ; thi*e huir pins ; one perfu mery bottle stopp. r ; a box of breath lierlume ; a ball of floss and a broken crochet needle; a small piece of raw cot ton full of vrhi'e powder ; the left heel cf a No. 2 gaiter; oue stocking with a hole iu the toe ; a thimble and a nut cracker. The pocket is of yellow nan keen, and can be obtained on applica tion at this office. Sunday. A Philadelphia paper says: Every civilized nation of the worLt will t ike part ill the Centennial exposition. The commission have determined to close it on the Sab Lath—that is, Siyiday, the Sabbath of the Christians. If they close it on the Sabbath of every nation repre sented there—and why should the i.a tions lie shocked in their moral sense by a fai'urf to do so?—it will alwajs be closed. For tho G. eeks they will clos< it oil Mouday; for the Persians on Tues day ; fo • the Assyrians ou Wednesday ; for the Egyptians on Thursday ; for tin Turks, the Arabs, and all Mohammedan nations on Friday ; for the Jews and Seventh-day Baptists on Saturday; and for Christians they will close it on Sun day. Tho Opening Ceremonies. On tho morning of Wednesday, May 10th, the grtmnils and buildings wore opened to the public. The Memorial hall or Art gallery, the tftoin building, and the Machinery hall were roaerved to the invitetl guests ami the exhibitor* until the close of the ceremonies, atxiut ux>u, when all reatrietiona were le moved. The exercises tH>k plat-c in tho open air upon the south t-errao- of Me morial hall, fronting the Main building, in full view of the genend public. ruoaitAXiMK. 1. Centennial Inauguration March by Richard Wagner, of Germany. 2. Prayer l>y the Right Rev. ltialiop Simpson. 8. Ilyrnu by John G. Whittier; tunsie by John K. Payne, of Massachusetts. Orchestral and organ mvimipuuuneut. 4. Cantata, the words by Sidney Lxuier, of Georgia; nuiaie by Dudley Huck, of Connecticut. Orchestral and organ accompammeut. A. lheaeutatiiut of the Kxhibition by the president of the Centennial oomtiii* aiou, . Address by tlie President of the I United {Slates. The declaration that the Kxhibition ' was open was followed by the i using i f 4 igs, salutes of at tiTcrv, the I: ='il>;; ol the chimes, and HsudiT* '* 11..:.. 'u " I chorus, with rgau an I oredistral no ooutpauiuicnt. The foreign coanmv-iou i.a |wved into the Mam building uud took plactH opixx-ite their irqx-ctivo , Ms'tiona. The President id tin- United Slates and the guests of the day passed through the M.un bunding. The fort igu ! commissioners, upon the Pr I {visaing them, joined the j>r%xx s-.-u, and the whole body rmael to M* cliitu ry ludl. Then , >t tic pi.our i: . ment, the PIS*M ieit s. t in notion the great eugii c and all the machinery eou ueeted thr% with, A brief nveptn u by the President of the United States in the t go's pavilion closed the forli a: ob s i vauees id the day. Plaiing at lar trumpet, it is a g.Kwl thing to serve our neigh bors, es; < ul'.y t-_v little acts of kind insa. Rat when one is triektsi into a t rvioc, h • fit'hugs are not alw -vs of the sort wL. . wo would call amiable. For instance : Two Ushcru.. n, out for a day's sport, were driving pa t a farmhouse when an old man canto out and hailed them. " What ia it f" naked one, as he drew in the reins and came to a atop. "We are iu a hurry." Instead of replying in words, the old ntiu siuiplr waved his hand, and then turning toward It is tit-Ids, he shouted, at the top of liis voice : " Timothy I Tiwcrwr !" The two sportsmen looked in that direction, and saw, nearly a quarter of a mila off, a lOT engaged iu digging potatoes. He evidently heard the old man s voice, for, leaning upon Lis hoe, he faced the house ; aud directly after wards eaiue the faint sound of : " Hallo J" The oid man. seeing from the boy' motion that he had been heard, shouted again, with stentorian power : " Where is the ox yoke i" A response, faint, but distinct, cam > back: " In the corncrib." "What did he sayf" asked the old man, turning toward the fishermen. " He said it was in the corncrib." " Speak louder, will ye I I'm nan! o* heariu'." They shouted the words into his ear. "Ali, thank ye! That's aiL You can drive oa." Celestial Ambition. "Talking of Chinamen," said a naval officer, " reminds me of a curious thing. The other day I went up town to see (mentioning a Chinese merchant ou Sacramento street). I know his wife well; used io know her iu China. She's got two of the smartest little daughters you ever saw. Every time 1 go to see' her she makes Via sing for me." "Chinese songs ?" " No, sir; American songs. She's 1 got a tiaelier for Via, and they just tickle a piano now as due as any thing iu the land. Well, the last time I was to them, the old woman says to me: ' You sabee lille Gelinaa gelle i' I says: * Yes, I sabee little German girl, what about heri' 'Weil,' she says, 'you catehee me one lille Gelman gelle, "me givee you tlfke dollaln' I didn't know but what the old woman might tie doing som? kidnapping business, • I told her pntty short I would not do it. *1 wouldn't do anything of the kind,' says I, ' if you paid mo a thousand dollars.' ' Oh,' she says, 'you no sabee. Me no want to makee him bad gelle. Me makee himme all.* same Ah See '—that's her j own eldest little • Why wouldn't an American girl do you?'says I. 'Oh,' she says, ' me no want Medican gelle; too muchee dless, too muchee fly alouud.' And do yon know what the critter's idea is ?" said the naval gentleman, reaching i for his companion's tobaceo box. " Why, she thinks that by getting a lit tle Germuu girl and bringing her up with her own children, she'd be able to take them into white society when they grow up." A Had ltootjack. It is a Wisconsin paper, namely, the New Lisbon .Ape, that tells the story fol lowing: A young man in one of the rural districts went into the woods to do some work, on-, rhile there one of his boots felt nia-om. ortable, and he resolved to draw it off to see what was the mat ter. To do so, he thought the crotch of a sapling that stood near him would an swer tho of a bootjack. lie placed his heel iu the crotch aud gave a pull, but bo slipped and fell on the broad of his hack, with ono of his feet high in the air sticking fust in bis new fashioned bootjack. F*om this unoom fortable position he was unable to extri cate himself, and he lay there struggling until ten o'clock the next day, when he was discovered and released by a party of friends who had been hunting for him all the previous night. Since his ens pension, Lyman does not consider the sapling bootjack a great success, and ho will hereafter draw off liis boots with a convenience that will not s"rve him snch a trick as tho sapling did. Trying to do Hood. That good landlords will tend to make good tenants is being proved by tin benevolent work of Miss Oetavia Hill among the Londonfxxir. Having seen tlie tyranny exercis- J over the poor by a low class of landlords, and the misera ble condition of the dwellings which were rented, she resolved to try an ex periment. Mr. Raskin advanced money, and thiee dirty, dilapidated houses were purchased and put in thorough repair. They were then let to tenants, with the distinct understanding that the rent wax to be regularly paid, and the premises kept clean in every respect. Miss Hill called frequently upon the tenants, en couraged thcrn in their efforts to I;e tidy, mads suggestiona to them, aud kept up a personal supervision of the houses. Tho experiment has been so successful that many friends have joined her labors, and other houses have Ix-en put under her general charge. Not Satisfactory. A ter worrying his father for three or four years ou the subject, a young man who has grcwu up with Detroit succeed ed i becoming the owner of u timepiece the other day. His father purchased it on the sly, took it home, and when the young man turned over his plate at din ner he found his watch. "Gowll Bully for me! You are a noble father," he exclaimed, in delight. As he openeil the watch his smiles fade away. Noticing the change, his fath r asked: "Lai't the watch all right?" " It's a good enough watch," was the teply. "Then what's the matter?" "Why, you have had my name en graved on the case, and no pawnbroker will give me five dollars on it if I get J3 ard up 1" A man who never has more than a dol lar about his person at oue time com plains that silver coin substituted for currency will be too bulky. ONE HUNDRED YEARS AHO. !•*• Arrival IH Nrx \ rk i li. Oue hundred years n#;t Gen. WVli ingtou nrrivrtl m Now York, coming liy WV of lYotiiit'lOT, Norwich Mild Now Uimhw, and transferring las lu-adqiiar t IK from Hilton to Now York dty, ()#U. Charles l*x>ha>l U i'ii in Now York mnoe tho fourth of February, and hud dotio ranch toward fortifying tho oity, erecting batteries mi tho Hudson ami Kant river* s.s far ax Houston ntnx-t, and throwing up i-utreuohuiiiit* at Oowauua iuid ou Governor's inland. Kir floury Clinton hd Kudu d iu ou tho oity and sailed away imaiu with las squadron, and it wax Ui t uim! July 9 that Ui>u. Ilowo laudod Ilia tr. opM on Ktaton Inland. Tho aggttgato American force in tho oity and vicinity was 10,tVK> men, of whom only wore tit for duty. 'These troops worn without pay, and tuauv had neither utitforiun nor auii*. When Washington firM nunc to tlu* city lio made hi* hi-adquwrtcrn at the Do lVy.-iter mansion. ISO I'. arl street, oppo site l\xl:ir a part of which stand lug until quite recently. There he re e.siuoil until May 45, when ho went hi Philadelphia on a auiutuotirt to confer with t'ot greos. Returning, to went to the Kennedy HUIIMI at No, 1 llroadway, win tele relllMllud until tho city via evacuated ill Septeiula r. There were no holiday thou at hev-lqiuirtets. lion. \\'ahingtiU: xriti a >f hi: k. If: " I give m Ui no kind of lunu-a-iueuts iu% M'U, anil c ux qUt ntlj Uusie alx>ul ino can linvo U'Sas but are i>o dutxl from in until exiling, li.tring and a .swi ling ai'phc..tioi.s mul li lteis." Thi'ip'ii Mis. Washington and tho %*tvi-o( the i>th< r pci.crals *vre here, ] there was hit' . d inteiiMiirv'. Tho wealthy po| .'H of the city were ecurly all would r..'i.i L>% w< 1 iviuitd Uu> tUu Wiu-hn,i'tua. " Wi ll 1% 1 le," wr.ti . it lady of New \ t,, 1. i.:iinn up m a nunnery. No so.-it ty m the loan, lor there aie i' net %i-;t; neither c.m wo gi iu or e .t after a t< rtnin hour without the com.ti r>ign." Auethor txirr< "[Hunlent writ. " When y.-u are itiforuied tliat Now York i- .'< s. rted by its old iu hvhiLaiits aUit filled aitii aoldnru fr%>ui N-%v England, i'nila. i lphis, Jersey, etc., you will uaturullv conclude the en vireus t f it arc not very tsfe fri>m so undux'ipliued a multitude as our proviu ends are rt presented t Ixq but Ido be lit vc there are very f w ir-dances of so a nuiutx r t>x uieu together, with S, little mi xrhief d.'Ue by them. They h.iv.< all t!io simplicity of plowmen in their maimers, ami aecia quite slrungers to the Vices of oilier fliiliers," At Gen. Greene ouo day passed through the Commons (aowthe tYty Hall park) he -avv a youthful soldier training a provincial tsimpauy of urtil lery. The boyi-h captain was igily twenty veurs old, but he was full of tire and vigor, and 'iow-d nj little knowl edge of military ix'ieuce. Ittveue stop ped, inlinirtsl, and invited him to liirt quarters, sill s. queutly giving liiiu au introduction to the ttaaouuider-iti chief The boy soldier was Alexander 11. Ham iltcu. Every New Yorker knows his subsequent story. New York at this time was a tory city. Its Undiug men generally thought it v*< safer to adhere to the king. It* hu-mt *s I. ten sts were averse to change, Tho Committee of safety h.% 1 opposed the et.trance of the Coutinsntal tr up, am! had advised that they lw kept within the , limits of Counecttcnt. le-e hi i awuretl th- Ui that he %v -idd respeet tle-ir wishes, but at the same time added; "If tho ltriti-!: ships of war quiet, I sliitli Ixi qc.-i. but I declare -oh-muly that if they make a pretext of mv proa cuce to fin* o>i the town, the first h >uso set in flames by their guns shall bo the fnntml pile of some of their tx at frieudi." In a letter to WashingUm the fiery Virginia s ldit r said that h" found the provincial Cougrt-sa of New York *' wo fully hysterical." The committee of one hundred, cream*- 1 tl>-- vear before, embraced u t only all the leading patri ots of the city, but some who i Hertford Is oauie dt-enh-d torii s. Isaac Low was chairman of the comn it be, and its lead ing members were John Jay, John AJ .•sip, Philip Liviagxtou, Jamt *. Duane, Isaac R nsovelt, Samuel Wrphuick, John M:t a, L* itvl ihsjiruaTil, Nich olss Hoffman, John ltr >c>nie, Nicholas Rogart, Alexander McDougal, John Lswher, Jaui'S lhx-kman, John Morin Scott, Comfort Sands, John laimb, Peter Goelct and James Deibrones. The Centennial Motive Power, The great engine which runs tlio ma chiticry in macliinery hall on the C- u- U-nuiiU groutnls • igas eight hundi< d tons, w ill drive eight miles of sluftiug; has a fly wheel thirty feet iu diameter and weighii g (%• v> l.ty tons; is of .' ur t*x'u hondreil li->r-> jxiwi-r, with n ca pacity of being forced to 2,500 horse power; has two walking Ixmv.s, weigh ing twenty two tdt.s i-iieh; two forty-inch cylinders, a ton-feet stroke, a crank shaft i inetceu inch. - iu diameter and twelve ftx-t in length, and piston-rods six and one-quirter in.-hes iu diameter. The platform upon which it n Uis tHty -live f*x*t in dunneter and ooti.p*>s'd of jiolished iron plates, r< sting upon brick foundations that exteud far down into the earth. The height from the floor to the top of tin; walkiug tn-ams is thirty nine feet. Mr. Corliss is the inventor, jiateuti o, bni! ler uud owner, having had it erecbtd for the double purpose of a x hibition and furnishing motive power, which will lie supplied gratuitously, but only for the purjio.xo of exhibiting ma ; chinery iu operation, no machinery bo iug allowed to run longer than is neces sary for that purpose, except by jx rmis sion from the chief of the bnrean. ( f the eight linos of shafting (four on each side of the transept) seven wi'l hive a speed of 120 revolutions per minute aud one of 240. The Times tells us how the great en gine started up the first time. At pre cisely half-past six o'clock the director general raised his arm as a signal, Mr. Corliss nutted his huge iron pet as if it were a frisky nag that he wax coaxing to move, when a slight puffing was heard, in t near eo loud as that of a railway lo comotive when i.liont to s: irt, ono of bo beams began to dose: n and the tly n heel to turn, and the engine was in motion. Without waiting l• r more, ovcrv spectator took his hat in LIK hand and swung it in tho air,tho acti-.u being accompanied by a cheer so deafening that nothing could exceed it in enthusi asm except tho cheers that followed it. Every body appeared to understand the signiflcauec of tho moment, aud tlio practical appreciation of it shown would bo worthy of the opening day. The mo tion of tho engine was astonishingly noiseless, nothing being heard above n uniform murmur, resembling the well known sound of a well set wheel in rapid revolution. There were but four teen pounds of steam gem-rated by tho four boilers, and the revolutions of tho fly wheel at starting numbered fifteen per minnto. The shafting cog-wheels, portions of which rise above the flixir in distant parts of the building, though re volving with great rapidity, were even more noiseless than their gigantic mo tor. It was long before the sjK-ctators could turn away from the grand sight, and when they did it was to speak in ad miration of that power in man which can invent tho means of accomplishing tho Cower of many giants with nono of tho ustle made by ouo child. Elysium. The North Carolina Economist talks in this facetious manner : Well, we are lazy in Norfolk, that's a fact. But there is no need of working here. If a man has energy enough to dig a worm lie can take a pin hook and sit down ou the wharf and catch fish enough iu one day to last him two. If he is too lazy to dig a worm ho can tio a piece of flannel rag on a striug and catch enough crabs to last him a day or two ; and if he is too lazy to tio a piece of flannel to a string he lays dowu on his back on the sand at ebb tide, opens his mouth, and when the tide cornea in the crabs run into it. What need is there for work in a conntry for which nature has done so much. The poet is wild who f ays : " Hail, glorious sunshine 1" The glorious suu ehine will do nothing of the kind. ■ :,rr ."" >■ ■ if % * "• Sp X --- , € ||B7 * ' L.-Y< : |j r •*•''•''• * VJJM , ""■' ■■ '":■■■ > . h . i( jj*s f ' < MrSSlit il.lT. liX.tffILVAM l 1." 11.ill A!> riK IVmiAvlvajiia railroad company, whose Ittirw penetrate every ixvlioii of the I ututi, and directly connect all important {■" lulu with Philadelphia, ha® made wagtiili i*nt preparation* fur convey iug, with safety •rid comfort, lire million* of tnreple who in lend Visit lug the tcuUiiiiiai Exhibition li mily ti> the lc for any other railway to directly reach the Exhibition budding* nml grounds, and the inaiixgcuielit, ever since ttic i|< wan de limited, has employed it* yiiiriitic r<|ui|>- niciiii nml unrivaled facilities U> make the Exhibition a hmw, by providing the luuplcnt aio* at the minimum price, fur hulh rxhibitoi* and visitor*. ll u titling that a railway company,national in il# character and ojwraliun*. should thu* second the oouitniwiuneni in illustrating our cenlrnnial history hy demonstrating the decree of excellence! attained by the railway transportation system of America, in making the great thoroughfare * uniting the Atlantic seaboard and the Miwuasippi valley, the West, Northwest and Southwest a ith the Centennial City, tu> | erlevl an J *•#*!- hie in all its eneritiala and del ail I*. Its routes follow the geographical chan nels of continental In tc tecum tu unreal ion, unsung tuoet of tlie larger citiea on the SIMMAKI Cr NEWS. laivreailaa Ilea.* (taai llaeie ■■ I Abroi. Ta PnmtrliKh Ix-gislataro taa (t|elltil another member—Mr. Lyuott —for receiving money in connection with the It cm til! secretary l:*h baa fixm* 'y t.!.e lii-.Uah foiui it. . l of (he abr-gati u If the art. ;® raia'i: g to ettraditi u i f e reulnaia eon'.an.c-d in the treaty between the twDe unities Ttite action la taken li cj4action of Fug au I le fu ng as rata*'.Ha Wlaalaw and eou-o o her ma-'efaetera .ieetied o® able sauuliy Too three thousand iron axrfkaas of .-uf&etd. Er>g l id, hare maaieS wartk at teiueed wagwo. .... During an sieswon at lodiaiiai-uU*, lud , a r. l broke out, an J one at an waa killed a la number etnoaaly w audod .. !'j liie burning of Straiten A St irta'e tobacco factory lu Sew York cty. t'kuOO were kt. ..Forty marked men raj , all 1 Ditn Ml the abafte en Are. Il U .;j js.e*l they were eir.kere. .. State Senator Twtrhell of l/om*iana, end ha brother-in-law, K ng, wc re a*<.e*ninated while beri g fe'tted over the n.Trr at Conaliatta, In that State l'reeldeul iromingtre, of llayti, wae wounded by a tiayobet while eeoaptng from the aland Preeidout ltameau, who et>ooec*led blm was aasaeainated by a eon Of Mctiplaeier Pierre, who waa tsawMcred by ilameau • order* l'he island of Jamaica ia now free of the drought which created eo orach anxiety and ufferuig. In one partah water was eo ecaroe that (he popnlace took poaaeeeiou of a j r.vale pond in a gentleman's yard ami rofueed to re tire when a revolver waa drawn on them . .. Anthony Gaining, a (ir reran, of Chicago, mur dered his wife with a jn-10l and then com milted eoicido by the aatne means They had been married about eight mouth* Km ted moettug* are elr.g held in Han Krandeco over Uie Chiueee ijueetion, and threats are ojouly male ia reference to forab'y driving them from the cotnrtry Tho great railway running wl from Sew York are al swuid'e jroitila again, and as a freights and faros have been reduced Tho Ihrect cable to Kure jie ia now the o .lv oco In work ing order—the other two letng broken ; ContiU rfcit t 'i lids on tlie First National bank ■ of Noftham]>ioti, Mass . are in crcuialiom At Warsaw, Ky., between eleven and twelve J o'clock at night, lion. French and wife, who were incarcerated in tho county jail for jkusod | mg, were taken from the jail by a mob of | masked men and hung to a limb of a tree abont two rnilo* from town The Mary land Ilepnblioaiis 11 stmctod their delegate* I to tho national convention to vote fur IJlaine They alio ]eeod reeol .uons commendatory of President Grant and llnstow A fitoongl | nating in the Somerset foundry. .1 Somerset. Pa., destroyod an entire l-hcV of buildrnga. involving a loss f I'd >O,OOO Tho noted : K'settiger and Ilsckeroll herd of short h ?rn cattle was s. 11 si Hjiringfield, IU., aggre gating a total of £36,000. iho average j.rice jjo,ooo were lost l y the bun mg . f the Ohio Wooden aaro Co's storo at Cleveland Thero Is much suffering at Custer Pity, Black Hills, owing to the scarcity of provisions 15soon is fifty couts j.or juund and ad otkoi a ticlea tq.tally high, j A letter received from Kcgaeha, on the | coast of Labrador, stale* that there is great I destitution all along the coast. At Derlhier de | Belle Cliasao a man named Peter iilaie died | from starvation. Heal catching is a failure this season, and the inhabitants along the coaat are waiting with the greatest anxiety the arrival of tbe first schooner with jxovis ions King Alfonso has written another letter assuring the Pope t hat Bpain is Catholic, i Tho Georgts Ilepublicana left their repre sentatives at the national convention un pledged. l'he delegates are divided ou Presi dential candidate#-Blaine having the majori ty Tho Toxas legislature elected Gov. j Richard Coke (I>em.) United Htatcs Honator. ... .Hontli Carolina Democrats instructed their delegates to the national convention to vote for tho man most likely to win A severe earthquake shock occurred in various portions of Houth Australia, and many b hiding* were damaged Tho jiigeou shooting match at Indiauajiolia, Ind., between Uogardus, of this country, and Price, of Loudon, for the cham ! piouabip of the world, resulted ill a victory for j Bogardus by H4 to 72. A young Christian girl wished to embrace Mohammcdtsm 111 Salomes, Kurojioan Tnrkoy, ! but was prevented and forcibly taken from tho Mohammedans hy Greek Christians, win re upon a soriou* riot took p'a-e, during whicli the Tuiks aaasssivated both the Gorman and Frenoh consul*, who were endeavoring to pro tect their people. The Freuch and Gorman govcriiinouts have sent gunboat* to the scone and demanded reparation, whicli i* promised. A Halifax disjwtch |>lacea the catch of seal* this season from3uo,ooo to 400,000,wLich is s good average Report* from Mexioo are to the offnot that thirteen of the states are loyal to the general government, while tho other live are in a state of revolution. Diaz ha* marcbod to the interior, and waa at Ban Luis Potest... .Twenty thousand charges of "rotid rock" rowder exploded on Jersey Oily ID ighta, damaging many buildings and causing a shock which was felt over an extensive area. After eixty hours of almost iuoeeeant rain at Leavenworth, Kan .a terrible tornado struck the city, doing £160,000 worth of dainago siutVm rh re -of ilh< pre- t, , tin the Mo. qq i ami itiiy rivvi* unlvi:t!.. .\t 1 antic liatUir*. l luMnaiii tuml ft. ii N v Y.ifk to i'hilhtirl|'liia, lhi' | or-iiig through the juiinijiai iitn* > f Ni J iUn-* nut ilt visla six miUe fr..ui are air In ■, anJ this ih llcvlion i* lea*ant | jarring. Ail bridges on the line are of ire it or stone. A large Jnirtloli of litis tlistalire is I provided with a third track, which cliahlre freight trains to keep entirely out of the : way uf pasiw-nger travel, and |*-riJ ha:. Is, tn 1 inls.i-ttt s ios of 8110 8). Keren Frefeh rreset* 7J Ha ray* iha: when under t! e tnfluenee of stiu.niatt s ho h *a i :te : Ul4. Jit : • . L t I ... An invtadgatiou of th< N * Y ik au! iLe Wwi m huk i n em# im i u tximwl ly the oonforrtu . Damn: a *■at>o*e judcmmty fund, tlie pe: ding ajnetidmniit bring to stn'ko out tlie wore s " If not itiootrp.tilde with tne rwlntiona ( f the I'mtcd S'ate* lo ot-ier jstwerw, ' so tbst it shoo I! read "That th I'irei lent t and Lei*>by is auUtoriarel to jre-e is ft in Die Japanese iidetnulty f md liie sum rf 8125,010. to lie il®*. 1 In the maimer herama'ter Jirovided, and I* furtlier a itliur r*d to |uty over b> the g< venuneut of Japan thercidueof eaidfuud," etc Agrerei to. Tho Hamate rc some I the re nsiderwtiou < f the bill In relation to the Jajwtiiese indemnity fond, the pending qnnslicii being the nbrtaon'of Mr Karguut (Reji f. ft California, to strike out the tirwt sect ton of wli ch anthtiir* the return of tho fund, less Bi2A,nun to be re serve i and paid to the officers and crew# of the United Bistre slop* Wyoming and Janicwtown Rejected. Yea*. 19: nays, S2. Tho Kenate reiime I t he conrt leratiou of the hill in relation in tiie Japanese indemnity fund, tiio pending question l>*ni- tlie ro turn of Mr. Hsrgent (Rep ). of Calif iiiia. to rtuke out tiie iir*t Bflstlenof the kU, voisk Mthyriica Mae retnni of the fu 1, lore tUSOito to bs re ssrradaid paid id tlie cfSctrs and crews of ilm Untie I States ship® Wr ming and Janiratowh. Rejected. Yeas, 19; I *y, 32. aotwr. Mr. Payne (Dem.), of Ohio from tiie re m mit'ee on b*nkm< au 1 c reiicy. ie,ort'l a lull authiii ring lite secretary of the treasurer, under such limits and regulation* a* ulilbe-t I secure a J* *< and fair rl.stnl utiun of stiver co n Uiroiixhout thoeouiiiry. (< -e G ••• rirnit now iu the treasury b> an a tiu ml nil exceed i inr b n tnilltons of dot ars, in excliange for an I q tsl mn mill . f legsi tender note®, and ptovl-1 ■ in „ I list ihe i. te so rect ivei and d lod lo ils consideration. After somo into the United Hli..s free of | du'-y : Arruwro. t, castor oil. bananas, lints. ■ vi-getahlua, dried and undrie i, prts.u v..d snd I unprreserved ; hide and skins, iimlressol: r-ca pnlii seeds, jilsnts. shrubs or tio. s , uiin corailo, brown, and all other imrellncd sugars; syrups of ait jar cauo. toolado, and molssses, and tv low. Wlint if Coslv, A New York paper, in uotioing tho fact that a hotel which un.lcitook to pay $.>•1,000 a year rout failed, Hiiyn that at thin CIUKH of hotela twenty oeute are eliarged for an egg, and eggs ore now twenty-five cents a dozen. At the suine house fifteen cents are charged for !u • u.l and butter. So that egg and bread mm butter amount to thirty five oenfr. An ordinary luneh without witie costs4o. Mauy men spend $2,000 a year for luneh alone. A cup of coffee costs forty cents at Dclmoiiieo's, and the only difference i that four persons now can afford the j lnxnry where forty could, or thought they could, four years ago. or Un mitre, and every modern appliance l -r combining the highest sjieed With the liiosl jm ilrrl safety lis* I wen adopted. The coinjiariy ha* built llltl elegant ears, with ugtiK * of the first etas* ample to move all train* that may iMswihly lie require*!. I . nt. 11111..1 visiter* will find tin- I'rtinsyl i xni.i tit I the only direct route fre.iu lh<- \V.-t, N rill and Last lo liie (Y-iiU-tinial )lxhibi(J"ii ( the late* as low as by any otlirr t-'Ute, the lime made Iw it the quick, -t, ami the ae.nmiu.Hlatiolia fur aiillturt, luxury Mldsaf.lV uisqllaltli. Cat. ful Sg.tlU-, Oil all train*, will arrange fur tbe plouipt and . ... qi delivery <-1 all baggage, and, fur fifty cents, *-ll * ai* 111 a comfortable carriage lo any |> nit in l'hila.lrl|>)iia, Al- e ail, lliewc vi-n..r* will b-landed al tlie Very .lours of the Ktj*>*i(ion, iu liie I* autiiul ( < lata Miial depot uf tbe euuipahv reprem ill. il iii (he atwve cut. It alaiul* .-j* j*itc the Man -paiN Mparaling the Mam . xhii-iii. ii building from< ry hall, facing the principal rulraiuv gale and Die Judge's pavilion, ami iu ch®®- proximity to several iuuuetiar hob ia and re louiai t-. It ia 3(0 feel in lenglh by 100 in Width, (Wo i-lo.'ies high, and surmounted by six lower*, lu dri*:ti it ia tasteful an ) cmamvtitaj, eoinjiarn g favorably will) the litany Iw-nuli ful -lru.lure.-s rm-lnl 1-r tin j urj**® * .d the Kxhtidtion. The first f!t*.r loiitaiita a gen- Adiirf to Young Men. Wo would not discourage Ilia young dry goods clerk who thinks he has trirete reocntldiug threw ref Ih. late Mr. A T. Sta-wsrt, and who .1.-Mr.w b>come to New Y'A k tu.d go in Ul bo-llli HS, iu tlie I'lpu tctiou of rei-eain-g Mt. Htevrart's cx|'- ri.: .-ea Tlie j.-u g cl< ik may lw vtry iir< wd, verv coiio<_ icul, very iodfiatri nil-, very watchful ref detail*, v. rr jwdiie to c -touiej , v. ry hoin -t ami truthful in bin transt.eti. u-., and v.-jy d re*rryr t • Kiy, wtil ever havo the Hjttt xfaoli. u of 1* it-gtailitot uiits, tLoiigh w> trust mauv of th.-m will csijov prvs pcrlty, at.d teaoat) oraMM t*• • f tbo mer.-outile cvuiiuiunity. 7 y :ue oil pntty sur. to cnonutcr d.lilonltiew, tc> su< ct with loawf, to lmrd tmien, to make many nu*takes, to le /tr. Livingstone lias given us hi# owu valuable cxperiunoe. A lion h AIK-d on huu, wized him by the ahouldcr, aud hewed him iu the air, as a dog Ucwk-n a cat. The to-wiug caustvi a dclieirens delirium, wltich i>reisln.b*d any a u-uf pain; ho-1 he then died, it would have Ken a merciful death, but wt iibonld not have kit wn that so it was. However, hia oompanioua shot the h> n, who thereupon dropped hi* intended victim, and t>>k to flight. I)r. Living stone'a life was saved, and he endured much t-uiti in the h< uling of his wotindK, llueigh he bad none while in the lion'a jaws, l'he skill with which alt rapacioua iUiimala kill their qttairy hat often Kwti i'.L d. Evtdcully thin i< no accident; it pervades tuiture. At our reque.d thugin A Co., of Phil u.ielj hi-i, Pjl, have jiromise.l to amid ruiy of our readers, gratia (on reoeipt of fifteen ceuta to pay poatagc,) a tutmple of Dobbins' Electric Soap to try. Send at ouoe. * The great Empire of Brazil, with a splendid map of South America, ia ox hanstively tn?ate.t of in the Amkkican CtcisU' 7tt>iA. together with a apecial no t-ieo of the life of the emperor, Dora Pedro li. Thia gnat work ia nearly completed, the liu-t volume being iu jireoa. The cost of thia itnmenae anaer takiug ia over $450,000, exclusive of jm |Kr, printing, and binding. The pnte iiaberf, 1). Apple ton Jt Co., New York, HUjiply the work in monthly or bi monthly volumea when desired. They will supply tqx?cimeu page*, on applica tion, gratia. • Pimples on the face, nmgh akir, .'lisj>jk-.1 Lis-ids, swltrlioutD and all cntsnaoi *>> cared, tie skin mule soft and smooth, by tlis use of Jnatrr.K TARSOAP. Thai madn hy Gsswell, Haaard A Co., New York, 1# tlie only kind that oau l>a relied on, as there are many imitation*. ma.lo rejuimou tar. wliioh are worth!o*.—Gtwn. • John Cottrell, of Clark county, 111., drove hia two atep oiih, aged aeven ami ten yt am, out into a cold anow atorm. They started, soautily clad, for au uucle'a residence fifteen uiilea distant. Th younger was exhniiHtcd wheu half the j>ur.;< y had lieen ntitde, and fell down in tin- road. The other tried to carry him, but could not; aud then laid hiia under tlie shelter of a fence, aud trudged on until he cume to a house where he wna taken iu. Tho oevou-yoar old won dead when found. The all gone fouling which people . Hotnuiimes spunk of is caused by want of p-o|i'r astiou of tho Jivor and heart. They i. ay bo assisted and tlio bowel* regulated hy Pmrmmt* Puipflffw I'iil* In small doaea. • Corn and flour are staple articles; but riot ti ore *0 than Johtunn't Anodyne /.in iii.ii/, wl.oru known. It 1. jood for children or ad'Ut*. for any bilumai eoremsa of tlie clitst or bowels, and the boat liniuietit pre lYurutl. under trhaLfiYflr nfium * eral waiting room, 130 by 1(W fret, a ladies' wailing room eighty -one by luO bet,a bag gsge room forty-nine i-tention or confusion, of an almost unliinitrd |>a>wrngrr buaineaa. A Toast. To important dweovaric* ' Tlie discovery at Am-ra-ia ly ('.lumboa. and I>r. P aree'a G' ll s lu. e.i.l ; <-J murmur of many waiers. cstuo autt pt.isl aid beany r lbimi datlotis II ts. in comh i.sti. n with tha Pb asanl Purgati. Pilots, tha great dejstrate r of tha age UmW Its benign action sc.. fClous due aj.|"-r svcm sive a*sts I- cbirk'd. th® nerves ait. tii.n 1)1111 5, and beal'h lung tsinshsd freia 1 r si si. lu teemuts her r iflt and re- i . tttWals a Let iL®*ts ihrcMit- ut 1 1 oosaiy of the ago. * I Tax Km i:*i> li. u <■■. iha larsp-ar tdan, 1626 < 1.. ii.ot i t., PhlladaJphia* net ' door to tha Re'una rtcb. centrally loont< i, and mraugid t..r two hundred cueote, ttjipf're a Icwrg ft It Waul. Avottm siationaCrs! citwa I note uodr'aTr The pr.tpc.etor, C."T Jot tsi, fur c-gl t \ears n, the Hoffman liooa*. Now York, ki. how t keep a hutoL * Yog. tine has re stored thousan ia to lioaiUi who have boon long and painful suf ferers. * j luijMirtxut to IVraon* Visiting Xrvi York or the ( eiitcnnial. To fliivti U*ix Hom, Ne York. o;gx>- sitr the Gran.! Oontral dajww, haa over die. *1 - „*i t!y funus!.#*] rooms. Elevator, steam, and ' *ll u'hsU :n tnijcvomenta. Earcpoan jian. Carriage hire is eavod, as baggage '■ taken to and from the depot, free of < x pause. The restaurants scpplird with the beet. fir,*t# can hvo Ndlor for lore money at thvGter.d Union, than at any other ftrvt-ciass hou 1. (Hagra and ear* pass the hote l cuoetantlv to ait Hans of the city, and to I'bUadolphia depot. " Pes'! Thro* Vwn> leer Ueers.-To TW •'fail. l.iosrSruntia TXUIIXM- VgXBTIA* J.I k1 W V.N I has b®.n Kid re*rj t- t... b— . was misl. in! >iom lu )wi r®t i.wd Th..*aas< ®T *rtl]rii'i el It* *<, .t®rrnl C*t*',lt vr®u®rVi*s ®ae mC*i tb. IW-.-t. Ml I'stV .* e. Xse Ik wtU So ail, ard i*..s. lbs* It I* SM.*>*twi-n4®l for. it apr frrt j t|.* t Ul. Ir.t®rfi:b 1* e.e tViwv Cfiip, lr*Mitr?. ' -J.c, *• Millie., illimale K*.®*r.Wlv.. Nwrsili*. Old Sorss. Cafs sir AolJ .* lb® llrasW* >_ | Co 4bU iwr.lcoUwlj Israiida. spilas la a ter •> *ea sua l*.thulium of alckaaaa ahead al ooos ha altradsd la. Fatal dlwvw ma> bs eaassd bj ailowtoe Ihs !•!• le beoM r nsittptsd. asd I bs sretem tc remala In a itWerdsrsd onedHlea. sotll th* dtsorSer ha* U ws to dlrsss* aH I'.i# from a Cltmdsesd revd.tlon of Ui® ljerr If lh®r e old l*ks this aaosll at w.rdtiSoo *bMi |S-| M the flr*l ledleiiooa of th® mslsdr Fsml Im Wwrlos hem® for Onuoe months shoeld tak* thrrs sr fear loiw of Per gh with thaan Tbef hat* an ant si Inst sal anwnta -fleet Tbs# will ssUove ih- ps't nt ol hmu's.h® la so® or two boera. sod will ra;S 'j rtsenao lbs liter el irriToundlß* bC®, aad will #dfnct**:i I'tsreurt a l.illoua a'.laek. Tbnf * soM h* a I.' r->nr!®<* The M*rkelß. saw *.* a* h,-o*Uls-l' rm®to Extra Wn!ljcxs 11 Out! ui.-n te UooJ T5xana........ o*i * iel* Miir-intow*.. • #T HiM*—Ur*.i'k * ' \ Dmw.l ...® IV'4 t'v xbt-i or a Istnbd Mini M■■* tan 16 Opßan—Mid llltig. !) 1\ flour- Kvtrs WeCsrn. * 41 T 90 Htiir Ki'r* ...... ....... I X fl tOB ] Whaat—fPd Wret-ta 1 M I No. 2 f1prtng............. t so d I N 8ye—mat"................... " • * Barlsjr —fiat# 1 10 • 1 10 Barter Malt 1 4-> dt 1 to Date -Miel Wsotern ' Ooru—Mixed W5at5re............ .* #1 • tj* tisy. per cwt ................... M £I Id Rtravr, J-er rtrt. M # 1 10 1h'te............ T# ]Jlf -atdi 04 OS Pork—Maaa H VlWflJl *1 hard * H* Flab— Mackerel No. 1. 21 W • No. I, new U) • 00 Dry Ood, nor cwt 8 72 # •It Usrrtng, Healed, per bet! 'J* # 14 Petrolsuc-—Orad" H ..'S t'H N Baed, UN dooi—California F1550e...... ..... W • * Teta* " 20 • M Australian " ..........m 4S • • Hatter fltaa H • * i Wseiem I>atry .8 A 28 ! Wnstern Telicw...... *) • 24 Westsrr Ordinary .... . 16 # 18 . a-H'ate Fac'0ty.............. 08 0 18 " Hktumed...... Ot 48 16 I W solera 14 8 12 1 . -mats 16MM 16)8 Ab*AX Wheat....® 'B7 • 1 87 Urs -f1ute............ ............. 81 • 88 Ooru— Ml I'd 66 tfl 64 tterioy -nuts 8 84 80 data atat. a" 64 60 MWF4M. fionr 6 86 * 10 00 Wheat—Mo. 1 Hprti * 1 21 1 21 .oru— Mixed 6 A 6# at* 81 *4 1 Hariey .. •••••• 88 # 1 02 kiltiaOil. jttae—L "W Mlddima*...- i*V -JH Flour- Kxtra 8 76 46 8 TS Wheal—Bed Wauriu 1 * • 1 By 76 • 78 Us ts—Mixed 48 48 ivarolrum 08210 06M rmuADßLruu Boef Cattle—Extra 04 (§ 08J< Sheep M*l* 08)4 lfogo—Dreesed 11)4*8 12)6 ftaur-mfeuusylvaiiia Bxtra 8 00 8 25 N mat—Wesiern Bed .. 1 '* 6 1 'J a 86 48 87— fellow flll # 8# Mixed '8 88 Oats—Mixed .... t # • , Patreleuni—tirade 10V4810J4 Beflued ISX WATSBTOWS, MAS* lleef Onltlß l'oor to Choloe 1 75 Q C 7i t on 06 * . 0 Lamb* 200 tfl 6 0. Ail I'nsj in phi tilling Voter. They nay that the politician who iro'i "Dtim-ia-tin in the CMMM of hia party ia no poiitioiitD at all, nml thia may In* tba motiri' maul*] power which forona aooto poiiticiaua to extrcmna. In a charter election iirM in a Wrrt cru town Um other day, mithuaiaam ran high, and both partioa matin a lively efrort to gat out the fall ptuty vote. Aliottl an hour before the polla cloned it wan diaoovnred tliat thn loading candi date on one ticket waa one votn ahead, with no proapect that he ooald aeoare auother vote. The op|MiaitioD polled ila fall rtrangth, bat auddeoly remem- Ijerod that a faithful member waa ou a Imd of aiakiiaaa. A carriage waa driven to hia houae, and th< aick man'a wife met the committee at the door. "My baaband ia at the noiot of death," abe aadly replied to their in birrogattrrlEa, "Gooldn't we carry hiui on a lounge!" queried one of the men, "ll may not live two houra/'alie replied. "Couldn't four of ua take him on a bed f" continued the man. " I tliink be ia dying even now," abe an* wt-red. •' lioea h know we are heref" • lit il UMuiddifMn" •' Uar me !" uiglied the man, aa h< In no-. I away. " I don't aee h wbe can •illliillv and diiilu-rately lie there and d e wh.ll hia one vote would Mop the opl o-ittou higher than a kite !" THE FOWT. V >n* fellow wa. dmiug wtth * eouutiy iMiuily, when Un i f the h u*e derired the ra-rva -t U 1 t ck>- HWU> itn- dndi c >i.tuiiiiiig tin- fowl, which word ah" pronounced fool, ua i* not tmcotamni in H *>tland " 1 pr> aume, mmlam, you iciimu fowl." mud il. prif. iu a reproving tone. " Very well," j aaid the lady, a Utile laftUl, " be it au; take *waj the foal and let the fool re mniu." PWWsRS h M -oa*# bk* tou(AM* til SILVER TIP ter uuA a Tbf tun— ara— K , V I |IJ Jtk* lUraub < • b*Um ■MtetmA**" A Ira Icy W Ira lyuUl—l Iteteu Ira y. •Ui baraa *|| Hair* Hr tflard f arda, aM Mama, IO Aa" ate v~> (raid 1. JOXKS AUU .Mat—*.B.T $5 to S2O UZ totOlkf I A MONTH, liMoukf Karat M% Hf II 1 I 41.l IM. C AKlM,uaauub-M. ra') XO ara la J it HaUliKm. MaAda* Brgea. IT 1)rSuSI, h>niii vni . b4nda bob tMBsIoH; r bundrada raara .astral M H bll 1 Kli A ' O CMteueu •BIO* duy at ka—a Amu mund OutUl acad tartea #ilrra Addrara THVk A ai. AafU**. Mdftoa. /' VEMV daterabteHKW AHTICLKU A— AnaU I U M ed by f I, Ccytrux A Ou . Obitof.*, O—- Si 0 £ S2si-T^!.^'Jr=^ar (Ti ,1 PA A 1 uuutid M kite ■■■ >, 4 fill ta* aeiet—u lira amcd Hraua*l,lna koUIIU ill ..JO HUONn rb.Oendt.Mtct> ITO AGENTS.: . I - "U rrauuuaa OnatraVT. Aal aid, M. V. I S'tatl P* wovill nrAMAMTBVP. ■ fOff Hue • CnUra a—,., raral mu> arara Add— e> m—up. I X PACE. Tutada. O a Af'lkT* W A TKO. laew Hall Maaaiad 'V tor MI, X aampra % BdltedadAMh. t uyruaaiat.OMwmciOu . J7. Jfu**kr. >■— Tart \V 4 VTV I %-Mal.*ai cat Iter batory te te M .1 .7 J Ct|l t.daca our |Mlc te raray •aonly te Iba E aw • ras-a halnac Udd'a— ft* X -VULTI Matter*!- fo. Ha l4. Hidni LO. I nmini *•' Wa 11 -lana—adii *f kraa at— AGENTS la*oro A H—> > Very* cmioara AKM rmvkfa ui a,.*..r*Ku 10nwa Ba / / Mate and f-saiato. la itwar oua lu.i m. (pit Tonus wad onm rtu K. Addrara ~ f O TICKKKT i Ort. iMMtJdu dtwuwwmml Mwpkto* ItaMi iteMabtof nDI TS apra't r enra' BUulraa, ejadJlrif ml I I a 1 HI ra-ud > VI AUXXK is- Vuveva ft .tkerara. JU. /a*e* A •! ON Til - .-'• oaaia* arary ' 'ifkft *bara Hrateraa bra aalda aad Oral .' 4 lit! <•*— Parf'-'Jara ami fraa Adlna— v.VV WOHTII d 1.l . M lamia. Ms. T.*AARr iTfM. 1 ? ra *WJLY aU MKN and UADIKd Addrora. >U mama. JL Nil E MM AN TKI-. <., OS.ERU.VO A*rata Wauled ! Madau aad Ptplnua. A wanted in -UI.IJAN U p ictorial BIBLEQ. I aoo iTlwal ral toaa Add caaa for raw atrcalara A. J. fIOI.M AN At 0..HX0 AHt;H Kicae.PhlU AkAffflff It A HIT enrad Otteite aaada af I 113 II I Hfl 1 Pate la— Xa pobHaMf Pea ■ ■■"III ITI aot tetarfara artUi I atoiiaii p I'll a. (J J I l_l 111 ura Outw wawoainad Add rate V •** *'* D* J B VII.FORIV T-d-do. a MXJ'SXA'EZXZZi IZXV.I'Z. Ilnato* bow SLbw aaa mar faaoteala aad rota tba ke* srims.CTjsrfgit CAPSICUM PLASTER X —atea Patea. Rotto. ttarbuacta*. Mi Rank. lramle*o. Hi itegk AaUnaa, Oollc. bra Mckaraa. Km K.IMW pal* te teu teUmi aa Namt I—td taait Add— Jd I Qua—ueou. lot Roadway N'urnnul >—afJl T- Tour Name KlrguuUy lviat rW'l'l.e ad *a It Tfcui-iter >'IIITIM MWMuP Casm.terMOeiia totlaMnmuu a arara vbUA to an enter attl held b-waida tea liybt BotetraUtr team— batonqtorad to Auwitaa BArladwew tuialau ill u " inn aniii f.klral tf-~ ram aa finely mated Hrlatdl Tut I la* * t arda aaot pasMwtd far *.N eta. Ira..J f> U : rnnak. Rtc. VrKcrrcrw lUOtUba 4..." Wasted A lIPTLLKU A f-O. Brrnkteu. turn. A BOOK for the MILLION. MEOICAL ADVIGt Catani. KBIIU" opium ftac.. hLST FfU-lt on rtmji •n®W--7 yocHX FITS EPILEPSY, FALLING FITS CURED. Tan I* No Hrunr* r— ta'*iteß. laaialra ef at write to MOVKit HKOTIiKKM. Wb. iraOa lf'-odteate. Hioowl-jr*. I tombto Ooßoty. Praraaylraata. |vnt wknlcA f.M • Rrß.prrmavrNf, w4 >cK|pH4P Mwtateda.' - It*kr-8.' , k rrpMMUr rel > r.todlhltiV hrcf. rv \g • nr<4l •rv lu4 IIw B ' ' SITE MONET By rao.lln* 84.7A bw nor M d TitK WKKKLT TRI-tl XK lra*alar prtra >. or -.VIA for iba Uwulnr aad THK FK At I kiFKLT THJ BPXR (mroiar pyloa I Add— THK TIIIBrXE Nro-tark. I IH.I'KH " ■ HFtU NII PHOSPHORUS PfLLS. A Nfa, cpradr and Kadicte d'a f— X*r..n r cbaan- Una. Pa.atrato, s..ltmin* >.l lb# Fl-i e-r. M. V'U—' l.w ! f' .war leaanrrnf Ml-vl. NwimJ (ta. Or piaster in ot Npteia, l-JMH lad* for Wort, fan aawnUoa. Ktdo-r t'Hnra- . SloJ 11rttatlm. tor. Atniia. kbaktnt. Palmy and to Vtlallaaaod R—nact true Uw erta*a tiraa lhai rawtdltiaa of " Break down rraulu c front Mantel aad PkyaAate Kara— aad Old Ann H-at to aay r Id— aa raaatatof pkn OKIRQI OOOI'KK. M 11. d*B R llMh Mraat. Srr Vml. Prtea. 91.A0 p— boa THE SUN FOR THE CAMPAIGN. Ths saaate af tm PrwaldaciUa! oatapaten 111 to to falibfally aad fully lllorfr.iad la Tkr NhVV \ flit K ml .N aa to commend tt to cnidtd own -f all pnrtiaa I W. all' aaad Ura WKKHI.V kPITHII (atebt paa- . rarat naid. fraaa .low !•■ oil aft* slwcilaa lor Ati eta.. thr Sl'NiiAV HlifTtoX. aamaola*.at tbaaama p tea: - l Td£tSr V ' KOr CENTENNIAL BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY of tba (rant man of to* TIRST 100 TEARS Or COR INDEPENDENCE. Tba glory ol Amnio. I* her artel tern Kt—ybndy woata to read lhair li— at thla ttoalcnrlaJ aaaaoo. Aft HN pe WANTKD. Agaata raUiag hlatori— aboßld aril tbla honk clan. He rybody huya It. Tm grwai—t •oecea, nf th# jr. Scad for rlraular P. W. ZIKGLKii A CO.. A IB Areh St ■ rat. PhUnctnlttbl*. Pa ■ 111 PC >nd P'WWtete nf all tba Ptaaidyrta.. I vl*s to which ia ad,let the aualii u- Ira I W ■—W iton of Ibo ( iillrd Slulc-a,rA all iA# Aaauto'ib. H1 SO>,l'hiladat|ih^. C AGENTS WANTED FOR THE EniTENNIAL WSTORYoftheU.-S Thtjrwai InUmsii io lht .til'tni t.Ut'riwt u • un" try make* Uiin the taatwai avlilnji huok -x*r pi li. *d. It omitaioi a full moubll o( lh irtad Oca.® nlal II a Hi hit km OAI7TIOH.—OId. Inoomplk# and Unreliable work* are brlnv circulate 1 ; eee thai t b® book you bay contains 44- I • * ♦•"•*rHVlKcn and ll'i l*me. Swi.t i i- rnUra and extra to tn* l* A -ei.ta. Address NATIiiM I t'BLISMMI t >J . PUUdalpbla, Pa._ PORTABLE GRT DING MILLS. lis**- ; rrnrh Baarr sUiTspino dU .luder-vunuefa, cock brad JnEaT'l !Htmrtanl Work *Oup£ /Iraßlrl rlur Mill Mlsim of oil /JtMln >lan..i'nalur IKilrh An /AMBI krr Koliinn lolh. Mill / MfmßßrnkM rirko. Coin Khll*r ud / m Bl M Clf.uer.. ttt-wing, bbafcliir, I JfaWHC at; 1 PulliM JOwL-t-n. rlc .11 klod. ■Bl f ,fMillVHu I.ry 1 .ry mnd MillriV "-4 f r l'Mßphl.U smwriiusarfc Special Notice to Our Readers! SPECIAL CALL I AGENTS WANTED To Mil lb# Haw htotl Improved KTK CVM O warwal—d te to rAa M ynpOn* kwaf—ito adtowf te A prate by sag Won*. An —ay Ml Thi> nlw of llw MMVIM M Ivunt tmjwcmd Eys Cat* tm ,h " f*Ur*l IIMJ of Mailt break* oat *MI l-USM 111 Uw •rtdlNMM* of OW 6,000 iimouMia of ram, *o4 r •too.< <•■>•* by mora than 1,000 ' ' *** boat la IMr |rmet.w I traT*i.i C;* CUM arv • Mtratlll and pint* logtool dtoravary, and a* AMI. It, Wrrru, M. D. and Wa. tuunai, M. D , rt, tbsy *ra eortolnty Um (MM I* tan linn of IBS **. Read th* following o—Utowtea : RNWAN TNNO,^LBWO^IY,| Da. J. Ball * Co., OtraUM*: ■ vmra Tour Patent Ey* Caaa or*. la my ; . "t. Uk sium aptou.nd triumph which optical Miraca La* atar actjavot, bat, lIM all graat and importoat truth*, la this or In any athar braoc-h of Mraw and philosophy, hata murb to contend with from Um ami prejudice of a too skeptical j.iiUAr : l't truth to mighty, and H will prevail, and It to only a qnaattou of Um aa regard* tbotr psooml MnfUim and Indoraaomnt by all. I batata lay hand" orrUboatmi of pr*.t,a Mlljrlsf la ooal tortoa to tbatr orarit*. Tbo moat prwauatat i-hyalrtet,* of toy county rmmMMud your Eya OHM. I am, rrottowtfwlly. J. A, L. IK)VKIL WILLIAM limii ri, M. p, iairtoa, Kjr., writer; " Tliatik* to you fur Um grrsiaat of all iutantloiw. My sight to fully motored by fba into of your Patent -.)• Cap*, afior tan almost muraly bund for I wuiy-at 1 yaara." Alt*, R. *OTM. W D., Atchison, Pk., arttra: "After Ural t.Uoduraa of my but ay* for four yaara, by p.ratyala t tha optic nsrra, to my tutor aateio- I -hnraut your Patent Eya Cops raatort4 my oymlgtH j> rmauruUf la Ittraa adnata./' Hi ■ 11. it. FALatuaatau, Minister of M. K Ouun-U, wrura: " your I'sb ot Eya tip. baaa ra my sight. fur which lata moat thankfnJ to the la!bar uf Moron*. By you- a|.rfiit I law at a flaw* that your lurwiuabU Ey* Cup* per lot mod their wuik tmrfaet'y nanda aa cm. of Ibe towfarUin of your Wad." Iloaar-a 11. lit'Uir, M. !>., aay.: **l' effect.d fulun aa.ta hberaL'y. Tba hltot Ey> cupa, 1 hey :il make money, and tuak. It fate, too; no amali, rateb-ftauuy aff. r, bat a up—h, Male •ua, tip-.op buc .neaa, ptoii li 11, aa tar aa I con aar, to tie lifs-twu,'. Mayor U. C. IXLM wrote ua, Xnrirahnr Jdtfc. ! met: " I bars tested thn Patent Irn-y Ejra Cpa, I aul 1 ate asttofki tbry or* toad. I km flrat i - wt'k t UrtcL Tbry M* csrtauUj tto* (rrateal lurnu tir u of Uia if, " i lion. Huauy (taour. late aduor of tba Maw I York TVitecra, wrote: •• I'M. J. BALL, at tmr c), ! to * aonarteuttoHM and r— yamadbU matt, who to Mh eaiabte of iLirucauat dour|iM> <>r Imprafttau." Pud W. Main a wt: ; " Troly, lam ft***, fnl to your uoldw MtrwuUuM. MrMgbt lafiilunl by your Patent Ufa Cn j*. May Herat btean and t ramrra ) ou. I iter* baa* using an—Aartra twenty yen. 1 am rarautyramn yaara aid. I do all my an!:ag will, ad i**■*, and I Ida* Um targeted of Ura Paten! Kyw Cupa array um* 1 Uk* up my eld Ar u BAOkUUK—*, M. D, obygkedas Id Empdro* Xaputrau. trrulr, after hating be igtt i igwif by our Pa last Eya Owgw: - Waa grantud* te Ood, and thankful—w to UM invent<*■, D J. Bald. * Co.. I b'rrbjr rooouuno—d libs tnal ef KM EyoOupo (In full faith) u> alt and werae uu ■ hot hoa oay un letrrd rynaiabt, beHerUra o* I do, that lines tbo e partnwnf wtib thu wotuterful dtoi-ingry hwpnrrd aurawteial on uw, al my adva-md period of Ufo— utuaty yaur. of iga-1 bdHraatkey wiß letecira tka riaiwu Is any * ..ridaal If ura on tea warty •ndted. ADULPM tUURXBEBO. M. £." DMMiMNiId of JtmN'jMiiitti, Beam, ML inn* tea, lift, poraamottg appaoiwd Adutpfi Bwi bar*, mode note to tea trdtowlug orrußoate, and by kite oubacribsd and sworn tafwr ma. VH. aivmn, i. t. LawumtOt CtTt. Maaa , Juneteh, IKTX. ' Wa, the uttdoradgwed, ha nog I IWBIUOB| Hnswu Dr. Adofph tuuruborg far yeora, Uuinr him to ba an knwow. moral man. tnutworthy, and Hi truth and varacsr umjuuml lira rtiarwnmr la wttheat yaprmtH U. BUKXEi, Ex-Mayor, H. B. V. DAVTK, Ea-Majror, OBOBIiK H. MEBHIIX, P. M, BUBCBT S. TEWRHHCBY. CKy Trma. Bonder, th— ara o tew cwrtukwte* out of thou aauda wa rrawf va, and to Ua* agsd ww wiß goaraoteo your okd and drawmul y— eon *ra made now; your impaired eight, dimwra of mdou, aad o>—worked eund ; th* blind may'aoe; aiwrtecM* bt itomrW ; atgtit raatured and vtmoo pi —tad. Bpmtgcfn and ntrfkml oparauoua urilaga. Kara* oand your adifn— to ua. and w* wttl gaud yow our hook. A OEM WORTH KXADIXO! A DIAMOND WONTS BSSNS! tSg— year Kf— mod Aacdara yew# si*Ut Thn— A trap poor AJmetaefaw f By reading oar R uatratod Pbyadokagy and Ana*— my of the 1 ~*ghl., AGENTS WANTED To —4l ths Patent Eys Oqn to U>* bnndrwd* of poofd* with dlssaard eyes and Impalrod eight m youi connty. Any twraoo ran set as our AgaaL Tu escHiraneu m lad.-r, |6 to E2O • day guar, aniwt Ft lerucnJon oral fr—. Write mimsdt ateJj to DR.J.BALL& C 0..91 Liberty St, Near l ark I Wg. P O. a— RAT. Do mH tote* tbo opportunity of letog Krai la th* held. Do not delay Writs by Km moll. Oraat induwnweta and Urge p-oKta oCarad to farmers during the win,or mcvoltra. and UMy poraon who waut a Knd-clasa paying baauasm. tr Tu uraan ooraoraow au0B tw Attantl a* I Mouak is raa tn Klarna. "THE PENN MLTCTJAL IJI To Inur ikxxco 00. OP PHfEADRLPHIA ASSETS. - - - E5J604.1T9. 1 lorsr—sratrd to IklT. Pwrrl Malaal. ABB sal (tote Dtetdsada araftobto te isdss. Pramteme ths ii iia f ys— Pwlkoam wow hwfa—advis for thskv ralm Ksdii. is—l P. 11,1— toswad at LAte Hates KAMI'KI. Cjon, P—dss'. SAM I" EL K STvikKN V.ssP—d-s L M. S KTRPHRXS. Sd VnwP'-iaJsM. JAS WKIK MASOX. Ararat HKXRY AUSTIP. tteeratery. Aarate wanted la Waal ara and Midd * Mat- a ArtAt te It. N. STKrilhkS v. r.. Pmw MaiwaJ Hslldlng. Phil.d. lebrat, I'a. THIS CLAIM-HOUSE ESTAB LISHED IN 1865 PENSIONS S2TMSZtt; ' I Net | and Ti, **> d*— atrato trans To* tow iaaiwd— dsertere eoc llinsi dntov—wahly di-oha'd 1 .1 ltsaoa *4. tayarad. l kIJ AX lie 3>ietfsl San# gear nachaiw—aad hs< ihsra sisn-i ad K -tasra I—f—w lbs PATENT ''PPI' R v-licdtsd tttoraa' rsrare aad anaaaato astalsd.aad ittyraiu •vam'te Aa I ws a- rnargs antoe ••*,*• led I r-u'-teall te lacls— tse * terns* tew k and r— B *tjw|sa, I.JNI R. I.KMtl.N.l.srlc et, a It. \t ••hia.I -B, te. M U. U Vale Is erri'l an' las eeto of tola l r ROOFS thai Wk bit aoatir omfwrty Y*4. a-wt totdKra-'fva-a tm iar hna * *twrt •nft** (i. tw th* tvnpftt*B f*mt *ttotd rt *f, tftk* * tlte H* 4 I tcXßlf fcrtac tl rv t •&* U * feUtew* mU §• ft i*r pMif, bat Mhwi 9Mt hMM WW-* )M . th I c*! r dHH Uk. Mkd ymm br* * ttr-n f *ll of p |W hid IKB rt* tat <-Afch tb* rtudt drM( tb* * •* m x tt* damp bmlf'SM hwd iKcamkitan. hr I* IV. aiiiKßM •l.v, WW*-4 d mat Isg wt* atl • (san 4 ta* IwakK.n at + . d 'Win. .:*d Pr *i|> Mi 4 r-Hi —' f '-ti tt r "$• Ko f|Mt hu rt>l • 4 f mr Mes %m ahd h • jrmir r>*>6 v*r- Ucht. r*e •-* r •It) W i* IU ft f Pt*t tU ft*- HtlafdflhM ta* • n rw* fVt fll livmatkic • tt id o R. ftt# m H 'H'k !'• < t* i afv*r*Hjr mn > A dr . 3* Y. SLATh K%>uriMt CO.. UM IT m>. 7 qpdwr Mg N. Y HALE'S IIOREIIOUND And TAR Ton Tns cess or CoconiL COLDS, INTLDTIXXA, IIOARSR :txx, DIFFICLLT BRRA-hino, AND ALL APKKCI IONK OP TDK THROAT, Dnoxcni AL TUBES, and Luxoa, LSADIXO TO CONKUKPTIOS. Tills infallible remedy is composed of •Lt. HOXBT of the plant II ore hound, in cLemica! union with TAR-BAT JG,cxtmct ec irom the LIFE PRIXCIPLE of the foiest tree ABIES BALBAMEA. or B ltn of Gilea'L Thb Honey of Ilorchound soonncs ' ro BCATTKRs nil irritations and inflam mations, and the Tar-Ba'.tn CI.i:AXSZS and HEALS tho throat nn 1 air-pa*agct leading to the lungß FIVE additional irtgrodienU keep the organs cool, nioiat and in Uealihfhl action. Let no pre judice keep yon from trying this great medicine of a fiunous doctor, who has saved thousands of Urea by, it in his large prirate practice N. B.—""he Tar Balm has' no BAD ment ur smelL KfICSS, 50 CRXTS AND $1 PRR BOTTLB, Great earing to bay large aixa. Sold oy all Dniggixta. Pike's Toothache Drops '* otnl minute. B Y R P " H _ W HEX WHITING TO AtiVEBTUEK', ft pie*aa say chut you aa— aha ndvnrri— meat In this paper. ,