" ' ' Th® Centre Reporter. FRED. Kff*TZ EDITOR ,rRF. Tlai 1., IV, May l s <<' "TTi'K.lfN. —f2per yror, fa Saratov. sal paid in alrancr. Advfrluaimfnt* 2tV vtriint for thrtrtn emf/be 8 a 12 mw'b •*/"" al faafrarf. - ————- The "VriUUmaport Sun. of last week. lias a strong leader in favor of teii. Hancock, for president. Tin Sun. think* he is the only man that can win. Wo would support Gen. Hancock moat will ingly—he is not only a gallant ami Im\ e poldier, hut he ha* proton himself . sUtcsni.n also, lie is a soldier who recognises the civil authority, ami lo lievos in the doctrine that the military is subordinate to the civil authority. He is a Pennsylvanian, and in every particu lar has an unimpeachable record. He i> the Gen. Jackson of to day a second eld Hickory. Grant's pets down in Ixiuish.ua know just how to do it—tluy ate thorough husinesi men in politics, and k now how to whip the devil around the stuiup and steal tin \ üblic funds and can plan uiur der as v; ell as the Molly Maguinsa in the lVnna. coal regions. Ou lo a special eommittec examined Major Scelyo, in Washington, on the federal oflioc- n L uhsia .a. The Major ivluacd to testfy in regard to the pay-roll* iu the f uston House at New (MUM or. tie ,;r. II that he would criminate himself by - doing,and the chairman el ti ce . tii.t tee was directed to apply to the At.ii my General for the necessary p-'. i granting hint immujiity. As .o otln matters tlie witness testified that lliere w is a defalcation of WS.OOO in the New Orleans Post Office during 1 Wt ■ s • •* ministration. Lowell with lr.> t ■ ar.d cashier were arrested and he.d t bail in She sum of sld,ot*> each, but w en not prosecuted. Lowell turned over t hi* bondstuen al>oiit SSO,OCO t rih tf pre, erty which was after ware.* return* d to hint. The defalcation was finally compromised (Vom for |7,000 Hefurtl. r testified that Ctingre -mat Morey Mil him w ti.ess that the c.ta.cst way o settle the matter was to steal the K>nd; and requested witness to do so. llu rv were tea bondsmen, who were assessed suite f-'t>K each to secure the compri nt -e. fit-el ve also testified that Jove.t, t .ca Commissioner of the Circuit Court, gave him a warrant against twenty men in Mo toy's district. Morey erased thi names of all but four, whom he instruct ed Seelve to take to Monroe and key t'lern in jail until after the election. A vrarr.nr. was also given to him for Isuao Newton Glover, whom by Mcrev s ver bal instructions, given Seelye in pres ence of Jovett, he was to take into the woods and kill. Glover was not arrest el because a writ of'.habeas corpus re quired. Seelye says he did not intend to kill Glover; bat left Morey under the impression that he would do it. The United States infantry and cavalry in the district were moved by Mr. Morev s direction. He furnished a list of his ap pointments and ordered troops to be at such points the day before lie spoke, as he was afraid to go without Buch guard. Mayor Scelye was formerly a special agent of the Post Office Department a: New Orleans, and afterwards I uited Rates Deputy Marshal in Louisiana. There are reports from Washington ol the formation of a "National Independ cat Political Union" among the colore" people, which avows open hostility tc the Radical party. An address has beer published by the union which dwells bitterly on the Freed men's bank fraud and al* accuses Radicals of lsavi ug sacri ficed the t me interests of the colored peo ple bv embroiling them with their South' ern neighbors. The Senatorial election this fall w I be to fill all the districts, this being the first ele tion under the full operation of the new constitution. The terms o> Senators from the even numbered dis tricts will be for two years, and tin i from the odd-numbered for four years, and thereafter one-half of the senators will be tit . ted every two years for tenm of four years each. Ours is the thirty fourth district. Therefore, it being even nmnbeied, the Senator elected from tl.i diitrict this fall will be for the term of two years. A civil rights ease was decided in Philadelphia, last week, in which Sam bo came out "fust." We see in a despatch from Philadelphia, 17 inst., that the case of Fields Cooke vs. Curtis Davis was de cided in the United States District Court. A verdict was render. Iby con sent for the plaintiff for foOQ. Mr. Cooke i; a colored clergyman from Vir ginia, to Mr. Davis, who is the propriet r of the- Bingham I louse in that city, refused accommodation on account of tiis color. Now then let all radicals who think they are good enough to eat and sleep with Sambo rejoice that Ghey are by statue as well as by nature placed on an equality with the negro. The republicans of Blair county have putin nomination the following ticket: Congress, Benj. L. Hewitt, of Ilollidays burg; state senate, John A. Lemon, of Hollidaysburg;assembly, David M. Jones of Tyrone, Daniel Shock, of Greenfield; sheriff, James M. StifHer, of Allegheny; prothonotary, Adle 11. Hicks, of Duncau ville; director of the poor, Edward Bell, of Antis; jury commissioner, Valentine Fink, of Biair. The movement of Mr. Mackev, our member of Congress, to appropriate $300,000 of the proceeds of the Centen nial exhibition to the completion of the Washington monument, meets with general approval throughout the coun try. That the monument of the Father of our country has stood so long without completion is a shame, and to Mr. Mackey belongs the credit of a move ment that we expect will lead to the fin ishing of the neglected work. In an other column we copy a leDgthy article from the Sunday Press, upon Mr. Mack ey's speech in advocacy of his bill, which will afford the readers of the lie porter a goodidea of the import of the re marks of our ineml>er which we have not now sjKice to lay before our readers entire. The supreme court has recently made the decisions below which may be of interest to readers of the Reporter: A case in which Margaret Hufman, of Berks county, a widow, claimed the per sonal property of her husband, amount ing to $90.25, and further claimed under the act of April 1-1. 1851, that the bal ance of the S3OO to which she was enti tled exempt from all i*ums of creditors, should be set for her out of the proceeds of a single piece of real estate sold l> creditors of her husband. 3he point at issue was whether (not having compli ed with the requirements of the law in having the property appraised and de olnred to bo nttdivisiblol tbo widow i could claim Iter share of tbo proceeds f tbo silo no part of hor Judge tor don delivered tbo opinion IKH luring ►bo cannot ami tbo "claim must U treated 1 as unfounded and litigatory " In a cttso where it had Wcndctoruilli ed by the common pleas court of Le high connty that the amicable revival of it judgment bv An insolvent debtor was a fraud u|aut other creditors, in ji\ - ing att illegal preference, the supreme court baa r* versed the decision of the court Ivlov and substantially decides tli.it w lu iv a jmrty can ncijuire a lien on real estate by issuing execution, the act id the debtor in amicably consenting to revive the judgment, so as to give the den. is not n preference under the bank rupt law. • ♦ ♦ sol SIX The Johnstown lVmorrat, one of the most interesting journals in Western ■ l\ i'.nsi Ivanitt. speaking to the deb gates to the Cambria County Convention says: We Mould sav to our pi oplo ab> lit to elect delegates and to our Convention a boat to ussi cable, let uo impure man bo placed upon the ticket, tlive us no tuan wbo would purchase others or that could IK? purchased to violate moral (irineiplea and law. or tti any ay bet my the lkinocralic party, tiivr us men whose pure moral character and upright U\s w ill adorn our ticket, and gives us tuple security for the future, tlive us melt whose abilities, strength of ehante ,er,and unswerving liemocntcy are their qualifications, which will guarantee u siro: j, enthusiastic, and triumphant upj ort of the people. TH. Wi /. ! Mi s s /LI.VAT. ihe llou-e Commit!*, 1 ® investiga". ing the '.ilturai'l .lie 1 reediiiena Hank made . report in which they say that the institution degenerated into a mm*- ttvi.* swi idie and was almost ft* nt the s art m rely ft >. in tne of seltishm - tin* dcr the guise of phibnthrojy and to its confiding victims. An incorporate body of false pretenses, in addition to >ps.u lilting rings, the lhstrict of t oluoibia ■ overnmetit canie iu to hasten and pro!., by the work of sp liatiou. its lreasury was Mia lly unequal to the ta*k of sus taining the magnificent e*j enditnres of the Board of Public Words, presided ovt-r by 11. I* Cooke, and controlled by A. R. Shepherd. BUISTOW. Ilristow' is by far the .best ami sa.ist man the republicans couid nominate lor the presidency. He is not the ablest a id most briliiuut man they have, but h • has a quality that sends its shilling b-ama far beyond the talents of the M .rums and Rlatncs and Conklings who seem now to l>e ahead of liristow in the race for the Cincinnati nomination. Bristow is free from the rings and reve* nue thieves, which is more than can be said of any of his radical competitor*, but that is just what makes him weak an honest man w ill stand little chance for the republiaau nomination. A big fight is now going on against Bristow in the radical camp, aud they are busy at work to break him down, and would be glad to find something that would throw odium upon him and damage him in tho eyea of his party. The large majority of the leaders of the republican party arc so tainted with cor ruption, that they can not bear the sight of any one in their ranks who wears a clean conscience, and they want all such kicked out. Tliey feel jealous of honest men's records. We do not at ah expect to see Bristow make the republican nomination, be cause he does not suit the whisky ring and revenue thieves, and an honest man iu the presidential chair docs not suit the inclinations of the pilferers who now control and run the republican ma chine. Republican congressmen and presidential candidates have been try ing hard to find something that will bring Bristow under congressional in vestigation—strange indeed —yet thus far without success. We now see from an item that they will endeavor to show that he was not a full Hedged negro worshipper and are endeavor.ngtodam .ge hint in the eyes of all white lovers f the African on that account. The item referred to ccmes from St. Lot:is and says: The anti-Bristow Republicans in St. Louis claim to be in possession of a let ti r w ntten by Bristow at the time lie re signed bis colonelcy in the army, ii w Lich he declared lie would not tight it an army where negroes were enlisted as soldiers, and giving this as a reason for his resignation. Oh Bristow. Bristow! Did you nebber deal iu wool, And nebber gather up a big bag full ? You're not wuff a snuff. You slighted Dina and Cuff, An wouldn't a brave soldier boy be, In de war dat made Sambo free. St. Louis Times declined the nomi nation of the greenback party ,|yr presi dent. //< I.\ r I. MACK I Y Till' II 1.57/s! IXOTOti /ONVMKNT. 1 l'liiln>lelpt> it Sunday l"i - | >!•■ *r\eroftho proceedings of our ('ongiv - ll' painful liu t i • :>|>pai cut, tlilit .i vint ami uiil of public time i> wasted on useless aiul wor o than u <>• lom sj* who* oti the quo." In ti of lliiiinri * icsimiptu ii ofh|n cii payment. iVi I neb speaker has liis own peculiar ideas ii|ion these aubjcets, ami in hi* vcittiht tioii of til Ml, |MU\iliii'ti the I'tlhhi that I i- is ultngethi r at sea uiul h i ■ no j ro| or l>iiowliMp ol what ho is talking about. \\ I i\i lu sik 11 It i • ended In is ju-t .is far from uniting at a - lotion of the liUUIICitU ipO'sllt'll ..'I Vt hell till I t'tlltUf IIC- , ed. ritui din after day our Cougrt inon )lt. I A Maekcy, the lu-pi. . Maine fi-un tin* Slate front the 2uth Histriet, upon the Homo I ill "to ant in ttie tuiiiple t it>u of the Washington monument," Ilia remark- were of nneuriu >t and patriot ic i harartcr, and ware untile at an exceed ingly impropriate tune. htie people ot the net t'ti w t re in a state of pleasing t :t --ciieiuri.t looking forward to theMieeesn fUl opening of our I'entenuiiil l-lxhilm lion oil the 10th of May, ami :.a their tin tights were drawn to the day * when the indejiendetlee of the nation tle . hired, he eatei ined it a nu t auitahh I opportunity to reeall the memory ot | W.i-Lir.gtoii, the father of his eowii* !rv, and to remind llieui that the untin ! ix.ied monument w..>a i- -grace and dis honor, "and a murked reflection upt i. the ingratitude of the Republic." Mr. Mat key in this speech showed that ax earls ax 'Till it was rwolvrtl hy I'tingresa "that a marble monument he t'leete Ihy the I u.tetl .iteh .It the city i Washington, ami that the family ot til i. \V:.-n:t gt-'fl he requested to |H-r* mit his body to he depo.-itiil umler it. tuul that the uionunient U- M> designed j as to lonuueuiiTttto the grcut events if: iiis military ..ml politit al lift," ami yt; t > tlt,) the rn- lution was unexecuted In reply to this re -lotion, the widow of Washington iisedih' -e touching and ini pre-sivv word* : "Taught hy tin- great <■ ||i. a \• O klllg had be* fore me, never to opisiso my private w tshe< to the public will, 1 need not, I cannot mj shut a sacrifice of Individual feel.Hit 1 make tea sense of public duty." 3nt notwitlist.imliugspasmodicattempts it action, Washington's remains ri>t laired ut Mount Vernon, and themonu ment is not erected. After a eulogy ti ei! arj 'er and \ irtues of Waahiugtoti Mr. Mai key urged the a4 'prion of his I ill whiel■. provides that tie Secretary of the Treasury of the Tnitiil States shall pay out of any money that may l>e paid into the Treasury under the pn>- visions of the Act of t'ongrcxa relating t the Centennial Celebratii uof Atiicri can Independence, the aunt uf 5 !t*),(IUO. to be med in tho completion of the un finished Washington monument in the city iw Washington, in accordance with the plans that have been or may In adopted by tho Washington National Monument Society, the money to be paid asthu vuiii | ;.;gri ■>*< - U|KIU reposi tions of the l'rvsident of the I'nited >tates. after his approval of estimate made by the engineer in charge ot tin work . and concluded his sjx.ee h with a most eloquent appeal to his fellow-mem ber* of Congress for its passage. San! he, "1 hare too njui h faith in the Ameri can people, too much faith in American patriotism, too much faith in the patri otism of the members of this House, the representatives of the American jxx>ple and of American paTivt.Mii, to tlur.k that the.v will permit our Centennial vear to jwas without taking such steps in favor of the completion of this nation al monument to Washington as will change it from a monument of our dis grace, as it now stands in its unfinished condition, to a monument representing that patriotism and public spirit which shall ever preserve our free institutions, and perpetuate to the remotest ages the benefits of our free government. Mr. Marki')' in this matter has acted nobly, ami his words have been received with pleasure and delight throughout the whole country, and if Congress de sires to accede to the wishes of the peo ple it will juiss this bill. It is high time that the Washington monument should be completed, and that as a nation we show to the world ••that we have not forgotten the virtues of the illustrious Father .of his coun trv." Mr. Mackey, in presenting his bill, deserves the thanks of every American eitircti, am! wc hoj>o his efforts may 1* rewarded iu having it carried through both Houses of Congress. ,lle is a man of roi'snlerable ability, has served he constituency well, andat the end of hi present term deserve- n re-eh tior. onio. N NXUNXV or THE IU:MO< * ATI; sriu: ooxvgynex. Cincinnati, May 17.—The democrat ii convention Was called to order at 11 l"i a. m. by Mr. Walling, chairman of the entral committee, and General Shank, f Cincinnati, w.m chosen temporary chairman. A motion that the e< uventlon do not go back upon their platform of 1*76 eau-cd -erne excitement. It was finally decided that all resolutions pcrunning to the platform should be referred to the committee on platform without debate. After appointing committees upon credentials, business, etc., the conw n tion adjourned to reassemble nL o'clock. The convention was one hour getting down to bu.-in after r as mbling this afternoon. George 11. Pendleton was chosen president. In consequence of the report of the committee on rulc which was adopted, prohibiting any balloting for candidates or delegates at large until after a platform is adopted, there will probably be hut little done to day. It is understood that the committee on resolutions cannot agree on a report 10-dajr. There will probably be a majo rity and a minority report. It is stated that the bard money men an- in the majority in the committee. Mr. Thnr man's adherents claim that the commit tee on resolutions will stand in favor of hard money, 12; soft money, 8. Others think there will be a tie. It is < lißnied that 1-rank Hurd pledgee! himself to vote for soft money if he was placed on the committee. With this understand ing he was included. On reassembling of convention the committee on resolutions made a majori ty and minority report. The resolutions ot the minority, which were adopted, call for the immediate rojs-al of the re sumption act, the substitution of legal tenders for national bank notes and nut it as the sense of the convention that silver should be made a full legal tender for the pavmcnt < f all debts, public or private, fhey are ulso in favor of a tariff for revenue only, and naiuu Will iam Allen for President. The conven tion then nominated a state ticket. The following were chosen as electors at large: Judge Win. I-ang, Granville Stokes. Delegates to St. Louis. George 11. Pendleton, Win. L. O'Brien, General George VV. Morgan, Thomas Ewing. The convention instructed for Allen for president. AN AIUSE AT THE CENTENNIAL Already the Philadelphia newspapers are sounding the alarm of extortionate restaurant charges on the Centennial grounds, mjd warning the proprietors of these privileges thj by their somas they are killing tlio goose which lays the golden eggs. From every quarter: come such complaints as of live dollars for a plain beefsteak dinner, fifteen cents for it thimbleful of soda water, and ten cents for a pretzel, all of which we, who were charged 10 Van cents for a spoonful of ice cream, and threatened with one dollar fur a piece of chicken, are prepared to believe. The most out rageous tariff of all seems to be that at the French restaurant Trois I'reres, of which a Tribune correspondent writes: "A distinguished member of Congri >h with a pci ty of friends took a light lunch ilniv, There were five of them, and they drank im up. The bill was sl2. Two bunches of icttucv that cost perhaps three cent.-apicn wi re clmrgcd i'l. A Philadelphia journalist went with a lady to tli is temple of high living, and paid $1 for a very small chicken, a little 'fond itlhl butler, mid It tad Up nf claret but would have ranked in Franco uh vin ti'dmairo utt.l In on tin lit.b d in tlx- mi A utt without > I aigi \ N. w York> rwi nt in and act.Hindi d at the oliurgo *T tl.", ii ll'.' I"lil ( I'.p of i"l|.',' gud two c.ikis, tvfitat'd positively to pay. A Dor a con-j n suhntioii hclwcott the pure. ,i and lltor' renUiiiruteur the hill w,.a revluctnl to I'd eeltla." ttf tlie utt* i iiiipt"|inelv of siich t hat vi a no | I, of j# require be under aru,- AVhile* are g. ng i• ....... ghb in : . nm I- in Mu*irlppl, lilld a I H.l tig id it CX|M".'d, A*| vcial ! • the Hepublii ti f " Ba you S ira. La, May 15th, ayi Thi* o wi at 1 coneider at reliable a. I- to.- r> *ult ot Sa.urda* r.igtit'* doing- Eight coi. r cd men have occn sbol dead and lour , hanged About twenty were wounded Nu whites wgr® killed. Twenty colored men are rep* rled to he behl a* prisoner* Their fa'en unc* rlain, butthe u|>p tillon ■ i they wi 1 be kilted , al* >, that the num ber of neg roe* killed will never to aveer lained, procaulions having been taken to rein, vo the 2di-*d *v -re'.ly. The i.nmberi of regul vt'-r* under arm* it -#td to Ire fire hundred from ka*: Baton lb ng, and at KaV and \1 est Felktnaand \V ; n coun ty. Mi*iippt, ci '..irt-d people are- iaid l be arming in *clf-dcfcr.*e. Ou Saturday night, number* of roiored men rro-usd to Fotnle U* upce tc escape those who arc i hunting them. All the whiu > are armed and in tb tad l die. Acting Governor Anl*-ln# (ia* received I the following deepaU b from Dr Kaufman , Sheriff of East Fe:icir.a parish,'dated Ba ' you Sara, 10-day ; Result of The CoDtlict. In reply loyour lelrgrarn, I have l" ay that nvif.tern colore*! men ate killed and I many wounded on ihv hr.*< of the Ali**i- I sippt and F luitiar. a. A lumber of ; armed whilra are ajqir aching tbia town. I car.!.i '. v'ijmmon and ecure a p..***' . ni ;!atu fir the aupp.-rt of civil authority and the suppression of rloU and prevention of further bloodshed. i LOUISIANA JU lET AGAIN C —The following dispa'. It fr -m the ihrriff of Wilkinton • county will explain the lale t - >ut lc in ti***t 1 section: VVoodvillc, M. May IC' To Uover i nor St *na: ljuiel ba* been r< •lorc.l , ihrottx'houl ihe county. Thu trouble could * havu been avoided bad nt tbo colored , people fired Into my t*o e. They w re ad v.-ed by th-ir leaders to kill |hc w btie peo ple Irom the cradle up 1 have urn 'od onve of the ringleader# and may get more. Politics had nothing to do with the uffair. Pron rtent Color- .1 nun w. r.- with n.< at ;titi| ting to pacify ti; in. They wou'd !i-- ten to n -advice. I atipre-hena no father trouble. W. 11. Noblx. SLoriff. THE HOSTILE SIOUX. Sttl Kxpurirocc of it Mining Party— Turrib e Ihtibariii* sof the Indian* —Movt menU of the Military. Uh*j. titir. SV. T-. slv 18. -A tarty of f-rtv n.cn att-iittiL l to roach |h Ma, * Hilf", led by Billy Patterson, a well kn wn .lid intrepid plaitiMiian, and the bel armed -t an* who have entered the Ddiar. . country. They were forced to return an.i arrived here to day Their n arch h< th ways wa# a teric| of lights. They were . :,r.-t attavkrd on the Ot Ii on Hat Greek. On the cvonii g >f the anie day they w .-re *urprt#*'d al Indian Creek, seventy*(bur nt le* south of AU'tin City, and fought for four hours with the Sioux under a chief; mounted on n gray hor-e, and there-forei - tppoved to b*' Little lilg Man. He uud another evage were killed, ami al*o *-v --era! borie# Henry Reng, a Dane, wa* : cnl| '-d and buried by thu savage.. The imrty. after going a few utiles further, turned back arid found Lenx'* body drag gcd from the /hallow grave and filing •cross the trail. It wa* fearfully mqtila ted, thu sinew# P-rn out of tho nose mid thu ears cut off. The remains were gath ered up with ad hearts and again buried By veto the party then determined to re turn On the Itftli, in the evening, near Hit* head water# of Indian creek, they were again harassed hy Sioux firing from tlio gullies and bit-he*. On tlio 11th,lin the morning, they fired vellcys over the head* of the whites. The party loat some hor#c, but no goods. Captain Eagnn, afler returning toward Fort IRramie, in obedience to order#, hn again moved forward in aesrch of prow ling band#. Tho ranches about the |m>*i are dcstrled and all tlio old frontiersmen fear the direst vengeance known in the Sioux wars. All the force* under Gener al Crook will probably be concentrated at Fellerman by Tuesday, whero the Indian* ore believed to bo. Little Big Man wa* killed by It. P. Mile*. The rejoicing here over the sup posed riddance of this dcaperato murderer i* great. Scalped hy the Indians. St. Louis, May 18 —A special dispatch , to the Globe-Democrat from Leavenworth , ays: "A private dispatch front Cuter : City states that three men named Will* iain*. Harrison and Brown, the two for mer from Cleveland and the latter from St. Louis, while returning from the Black Hill*, were tomahawked and scalped by i Indian* near that city on the night of the | l.th and their entire outfit carried off Tho ( bodies were found about twelvo hours af ter the massacre and taken to Custer City i for burial. A CARD TO THK AMERICAN PUBLIC. [ For ninny years wo have mad* iwu ni'd iciiics suited for the ailniontii ofnvirlrliot of sufferers. Thousands of euros have boon made by tlicm. and in fact, Iho word failure oould never bo oouplod with them But within th.o lust two yeuri counterfoih of our ni'-diclneshavo sprang tin, danger- OUR in tlioir closo imitation of our trade murk. To aecuro the people we have placed upon each genuine box of Hollo way's Pills and Holloway'a Ointment the fan (Millie of the Mgnnluro o| our Agent, Mr. Jo*. |iuv(|oek. To counterfeit thin is n felony. Wo shall relentlessly pursue imy one who imitate# this with the utiuost vigor of the 'aw. Wo most earnestly bog that the grout muss of tho American t eoplo will aid us in our efforts to protect their health, und help u- in our tusk of! bringing tl e-c most unprincipled men to! tho bar uf justice. Uniformly refuse to; purchase Medicine* purporting to bo oursj unless Mr. J OF. Ilaydoi l.'s -ignnturo is nh ( faehgd each Box of Pills or Pol ofOint*. mcnt and the <„d will •><•> bo reached. j The public's obedient servant.), y, JIuLLOWAV A LV. BLAINE. rt \ t >.tio|,-.fiottal ('uiiiiiiiltt'u Trying In (Li tin* Hoiiiitii Fact*. I S\ iIIIIII-III, Mat 11 Tito sub-juilicla -11 • • > in I the houie of rcpreonia- j - I"'dm C'l'illlOhceil lite ill Vl-atlgtttiail ! ,11 I'! in aguiu I ex dpenter 1 11d< ri" 111 „ i< • tii■ •iI"li "- i nrt SmilFt and Ldtle Lot I- t, railroad hottd*. , J- liii I' S. lintrltoii, of liuliat-npo'i*, In t, n*i i. <• tu )tteation* te*tlfiod that lie bad , 1.. - -t *>i\-.0l *, I i \ i < . .i, I *-7 —. tnovo t lint a e.Millnltli e u of llttie be appointed to Itm -tigulO lite I ulatlor c Mr Loiltn* . .toe to ft liiee* and i.tked bill, to v*illi.lran the motion, a* nn ivetti. t *ni ii wotllii in vol v e ex-Sp nkir Haine I aioi nl* "t deteut Wt* re ao etian to the hoUM Wishing l<> lolly tt .dertnnd the r ii nl.it I i I.ion Mi Millatd, "I ttinnlia, v w tli I*int the next d*> to ee Mr. Lhlliti*, * ai d ukSil liltlt lU'tiiel in regard to the t matter, and Mi Holliti* thensnid it would t tit - v c a prominent member of the ropub- 1 ii*-** >• party J W lien the loose vis- ill i e*-e*-ion w ri'.ten by Deiano to Ben-1 e •lor Morton, as follows : || Dkt* VBTUXS 1 "■ lit* IrTKHIoH. \Vah- j } itigloti, D (', Felir i try >'• IK7H -Jhtii Sir: As 1 p-ontiseil in our conversation \o erday, 1 now write to aay llint tt i> deeni"J advi*ab!v t> ehnngc the enlirw , board of dit'-' lor* for th# Union Pacific railr. >d. I rliail thn cture feel obliged if , , you give in -nene i ame for Indiana in the , Itd ace of John C. S. Harrison, against , j w ! - in tin re i* no p r* nai ohjeeln n w lial- | v.-r. Very re*pectively, your obedient , -ervant, l* Dkt. AMI. Secretary. ( H- ' II P Mo-ton, 1 1 till'd State* Senate. , Withe#* had liev er made any inveili**- ( • i\ al t!o n.vttcr. but ur.deralood that Mr W il"li hnd dolie > Morton. Blici A Co. drew on the company for the Jut - , ""I, arid Mr Rolling, as treasurer, pale it { W line - regarded the transaction on thei j book* a> a very mysterious one, but per-j | bap* it •' • uld be - .li-fnclorily rxpiatlicd. J He hitnseif know* in.thing turther ab. utji j the nislter ]' Mr. Harriwin aid that the Union Ps , tic ri i*d did ri"'. n w wn the Little ii -ck (kit -I# spoken ol Had heard that Oliver j Vine- give hi* check for s26,(til lor thetn.i but did net know whetbrr it wa# true or j HOt- J<-ph 11 M MillarJ, of tiiuaha, N'-b . j tr-ttloU thkl he Wk( pri! lit Ut a. nvertn j lion h< tu * i: \( <-* r* Loiltn* Mid H*rri*"i< ill September. 1872., and heard li-dlili* >•) th l Ml ttlvestigallon, tpokvn ot by Mr Harro-in, would involve a gentleman ' high in p 'olu-al circle* , uudcrttooJ it to refer l*< Mr. B vine, allb -ugh do • t-ot rtic i t thai lit, name so locntioticd. | 11/ Mr Harrison Did I m>t *ay toy ol . j ifter we cam# out, to*tn*k * pin on wb*i Rollin* bad *sut about Blaine. x\ itnc** Id > not rn-ullict it By Mr- Blaine Did Mr. Harri *of VKCf ask lor an explanation of the mailer til any meeting bad bv th? boitrd if ltitet-* \N line** >' • , sir. James F. W iltoti testified tbat be had hoc ti a government director of the Union t'x ific railroad i 'Hipsn? tince IW. and ' nad #een by tlie record that certian bond* ot the Little L . k and Fort Smith rati* road cotnj any bad c-oita into the pone**- ' c n of iLe I'm n Pacific railroad company. Ho bad hoard tbat they came through t'olonei 11. iua* A. Scott, whu wa* prcsl dent ot the company trotn IR7I to 1872.j ' lie ha li. kr.uwb Jgv ot John C S liar-: tin having nitr.*duced at the meeting of| the board of director# a resolution inquir ing Low the* t">r.d came into tho com-j ( pat.y, but Mr Harritou Informed hiui he! • bad i Iti-duced ucb rexilution and t.r' wa# al* informed by Harrison that Rol • Una told htm that Blaine would be impli cated if there ibouid be an invreligatt n W II '. ' ■ I'l.lliT t • Mr lilaine u few utontb* afXer, when Mr. \ Blaine tiH-rlnl that be bai no inlcrrtl ' in lh< *e I nd. The interview between " Mr Blaine and h i:.self t. ok place in ' WasLitigl' ii. \lr. B aitie in thi* interview deiiird that be ever had |>os*e**!ou of any ' Little Rock and Fort Smith railroad f boud* except tlnwe tor which be ntbtcrib id and paid. Mr. Blaine did not **v lie held the seventy-fire bond* for any f hi* < inatitucnt* tin tho bv,le the . scandal in connection with Alt, Blame'* . r.an e whether the report was true or falte I IF-may have saiJ to Mr. Harri* >n under th*e rircUßiatance* that the l- uida in que '.ton were Blaine's or s*>me ptivali-r.t exp i i ij.:-*ii.'ii by Mr Hunlon—And tlial an mv tigalti w. uld involve Air. Biati.o 7 • Anwer— 1 may have *aid that tbey were B ci o * '...nils, or that hi w -uld be involved in the matter. I may have u*e*i ' word* I'jjiralcnt to tbe.ve. 1 merely state *, at a nislter o| rnemury. that I board l)ieo • wire Blaine'# fond* and that Blame might ' be involved. Anvwcr—Then you can confirm Mr. ' Herriton'* ulalcinent# ! Answer—l have given you my stale- Mo lit. Mr Rollin* in further le*tiniony said Mr. Harrison wa* mistaken a* to the lime -f the above mentioned occurrence, thr r | M nine ilecti -n list ing taken place two tj.lays previous to thu meeting when Mr. '; Blaine wa triumphantly elected to Con* ■ gr.-s*. 'Mr Roilii # did not ask -Mr. Harrison to ■ ! wi hdfaw hi* ni' Pon, but may barn said ! to him thai an invi-ligat/oh wr uild involve Mr. lilaine. How would the ownership ' of thea #oventy-tive bond* inyolvo Air. Blaine? Answer —Became it would be thought a qucttionable transaction, tu he could not -ee why tho Union Pacific railroad com pany should buy bond* of thr Little Lock and Fort Smith railroad company, or any other company. Mr Kollin* in fttrlher response to quc tion said in acting a* he did be desired to avoid scandal. American People will be glad to possess" : tbo Detroit Advertiser calls it "preferable to any yot published." ' Any active Alan or Woman ol gcod nd jdrase insure large profits and steady work ' for a year. For full particulars, nddre-s 1 J. B.'FORD A CO .-27 Park Place. New 1 i York. Uhtp 12t~ Ht'jNionc Prinfing; Ink C o. M A N U FACTURKR.B OK PRINTING INKS. (BOOK.mil NRWH BLACK A SPEC IALITY.) i:k' North Third Street. I'liiltulclphin, l'a. Our Inks nro of a supejjcr quality being uiadu from tho best ingredient* anti under the personal supervision nfaprnetiu! prin tor and pressman, therefore wo will guar antee every pound of Ink sold to bo of H Superior Jeff ltlack, Quick Drying, and entirely free ftom JSolting-oIT. Our price# are fropi 110 to oO per cent, lower than any other Inlfi manufactured in the United States. A trial ol it sample keg will convince any printer that he has been paying near -1 d< üblo what lie should for hi- Inks in tunes past. Put upir. kegs mid barrels to -nit purchaser*. Address, K K VST<)N K PKINTIN(I 1N X IX), f'Jo North 1 liird Street, Philadelphia. 26 may MTKAMKK K.\ri.o|)KS ||KK Bo|I,J Kits Kit Pursuit# Killtil aii 11 111 mll v Wounded. hvaiisvtlle. Iti-I , Jlu.y 18 Tlio (trant er, Pal Cl* biirtie, wlit lii I'J In* to land along de till' A I kalian- Itrlle, tlirmi ml 1(1 111 low heir, la*l ItlgUl, at rlrvi n o'clock. . k| lodcl Imr boili r., 1,„,U f|.. burned In the water * edge an 4 souk on the fin I'liiiinll bar The Hi 110 wn> w ilit I.fit It.'ili of her l in n.* -w.rn Ui ~i ki-d down Tin. Cl burn# * book- tind |.n|"T worn all loat 1.1.t of tin? l,nt , Tbo follnwin* nin known to bit 11•t t opt J).i It h'-wlir. It i ili ar it Cartridge, t h-itlr* t tttti'll, M allot auli o! I'adui'an Waltar Mi hllii-nny; a inun w liiiai* fiaina i* Unknown ; In- U a largo laan, ha* abort black hair, ln*li forehead, will* ker* on i bill utnl Uioiiatai be, and la tup|>otrd by j aiitiia In U(J G Harry, nf Louisville, and by oil.i-ra Uarna, rfi'tpaatitiiif Flint. II -1 ia ik t '..of St l.iioia, but mora probably,; Mann ■I L< wial on, l'a ; Sol 11uHif I- ~ r> v, A'i i I'oitrr, Ailbur lirown. are Wi'Utidi'i.i 110 firel at lioualy, tbn aaiutid niltbtij nd "I i third badly ; Jatttaa \Y ra ti li, lb m- otid engineer, la badly hurtird ; lien So.till, waU'hman, la fatally burned ; Miiji-i \l ura mail a*< iit. Lightly burned; Join Mifuiir, pilot badly hurt; John Km nan, porter, Lightly burned ; Jaa. .Do violinist, slightly Imr nod ; Chariot |Siiiitb, deck pa*too*rr. lln*h brokrn in two place*; Frank Knddrii, atriker, fatal ly hurt ; Geo W. Nlcltola, ofJaw.lt, 111., badly burnnd ; Jordon Hiald, Bc**tt Bow er. N.al Hancock. I>n. Law la and Geo. Matiadald ; rjutltra, lour Lightly and on# -erioualy burl ; Tboina* McKinti striker. Lightly M'aldi.l ; Harvey, ol StruUaa it llro., Linciitiiali, Mvoraly Lurttud. schooner Ca|i#i*ci!--Six Men Drown ed , > Bufialo, May 18--The acboonrr Tboi. f Street. bound up from Wriland canal, j w'a# airu.-k by a -quail sit miles (hi* side "t Long Point and capaisad, yesterday. ill ■f tl.a crow bain* drowned, including I baric* Loath, that mate, of Saginaw Miabi*n On 0 f I-t of Jot e a fain will *trt for Call for ma which will con re in sixteen p. Oiob of wbum'wtll pay $ fr ili Nw \ ork to C itiiloriiiu and return It i to make tho diaUnca of 8,;l-6 mi.aa in three day* ami a half Hot* ara •"•in* made tbat the feat cannot beaccom pllrbed within the prea. ribad tilue '1 bir ty-four hours to the Miaai*ppi n*-r ly rail, at d no at 'ppagct between New Y"r* i and l'itubur* I* something wonderful if it can bo done Tim United State* govern-! iiyiit hat decided U> #end ita mailt by thij LgUiung tram ai d Wells, Far*'! ft C0.,1t nil a l '-' iaiij thair plt|, aittfi U'iiid valua- 1 bbi pai ka*.-a by the *auru**iata and Chemiat# of n Fhiladelpbi*, a man wbo*c veracity none lejc-tr. doubt. 1 am happy to add my tratimnny to the n (rrcal vaiue uf the "London Hair Color lii-atorcr," which rc-torcd my hair to it* V!original Color, and the hue appear# to be "• permanent. lam (atiafied that thia prep dlaratioa i nothing like a dye but operate* •'l n|' "l the accretion*. It i* alo a beautiful • • hair dretn* and promote* the grow th. 1 1 itl imrcbaaird th" flrtt bottle fromKdward H iS'irnguea, druggiat. Tenth and Co*tea St..! r . 'who can alao teatify that my hair war i'luite gray when 1 ■ oipnieneed it# uae .M KS. MIL LE li. 7JO N urtb Pat. Phila | /'r. Su ■jynr J •'S-''. He*peeled friend# . d I have the pleaaure to inform you that a j el lady of my a< >iuaintaiiec, Mr#. Miller, L e delighted with the aucera* of your "Lon "• don llair Oplor Keatorer." Her hair waa! filling rapidly, and quite gray. The col* • or ha been re#lorcd. the falling off entire ly flopped, and u new growih of hairis the. 0 mult, t U GAHKIGITES. J Ilrugciat, cor. Tenth it Coatei, I'hil c UOSTOS TESTIMONY. Ju'ty ►Jd, 1871. Dr. .SVaynr d Son p La*l winter while in Trenton. N. J.. 1 procured >ix bottle* "London Hair Color 11 'atorer," which I like very much, in fact a (letter thau any th ng I have ucd in the 1 Ia • I nine ye*r*. If you pleaae, send me - one dexen bottle# C O. care of W 8 k Fogler A Son. DruggiaU, No. Tit! Tremont f atriw't, Boalon. Ksaipec.t'ully yeura, ADA lIAKKH.No. £.O ButUnd Square - 'London llair Color lie* to re r A Dreumg.' .1 lla* completely re* to rod my hair to iU original color and youthful beauty , and enured a rapid and luxuriant growtfi. M KS. AN NIK MOLLIS, f No. Cltl North Seventh St. i'hila. Pr. Dalton of Philadelphia, ayi of it : The London Hair Color Rcatorcr is used , very extenaively among my patients and friends, as well as by myself. 1 therefore speak from experience. 76 CENTS IKL BOTTLE. Address order# to Dr SWAYNE & SON, 830 North Sixth Street, l'kiladel-| phia, I'cnn'a , <4e Proprietors. jar SOLD BY AI.L IWW GISTS."u* ' OK^H'^Mfe'llLa CURES ON RECORD . I Dr. Swatxk—Dear Sir : 1 feel it to be due to tou and suffering humanity, to give tho following testimony respecting the wonderful curative power# of your "COM l't T N D S Y HP 1' of WILD CH ERR Y/' and SARSA PALI LLA and TAK IMLI.S " I was afllicted with a violent ' cough, pain* in the ide and brea-t, night sweats, nire throat ; my bowels were cos tive, appetite nearly gone, and my stum ach so very weak that my physician wa* at a !cs< to know what to do for me, as everything 1 used in the shape of medi-| cine was rejected ; spit different limes a pint of blood 1 remained for at nth* in this awful condition, and gave up all hopes of ever recovering At this time you re commended the u-e of your Syrup hiu! Pill*, which immediately begun to soothe, comfort and allay the cough, strengthen ed and healed my lungs ; in short, it hus made n perfect euro of me. Any person doubting tho truth of the above statement, will please call, or address me at the fac tory, or at mv residence. KDWARD 11. II All SON, No. I'AI Germantown Load, Philade]- ! lihin. Fi reman nt George Sweeney'# Pot tery, Ktdge Load, below Wallace, Phila delphia. lie very particular to ask for | nn. sivjiMrs COMPOUNDSYRUrOF WLD owEifmy. Tlio most eff. otltiil remedy knowp ior thp Throat, Breast and Lungs. 'This valuitble Medicine i- prepared only bv III*. NH AYYF, A NO\, 1530 North Sixth St. PHILADELPHIA JHTSOLD BY ALL DKI'GUIBTS.-K II *•>}'. J.flo w. A MATTER OF POPULAR INK . W eon'tcnae/frem die Ixhi.jh Repidrr tha Suti*tain ,•. f aX'iiversati"ii ftiamt o*l llall. In I'lit n'l, six stories high, has over three acre* uA flooring, nn-1 rover* t|uu e t rice oeruplul t-ym ryC.au twenty •titkrenl bust nee* plai t-* "Ir V. Do yi uTtie #team power f A. " A tjuiit you ng engine himtrhe* p-wrr f->r the freight and |auo* ig< r elevator*, and tlio l-iih n acssi for ht'sutig, and tho other oja-rw llon* of the h"tux " V. " What order do ynaJake with goodsT" A. "Thry are am ojaJKod and arrantfed In the huh-went on long iyh c-tunlrr* and uken thence on Uie tu the Ihapoc tor's room on o r" V. " Is IIWJN-< nm operati-m T" A "ho, sir inewsurtn* The goods am ft rat moaaumd In the piece, Iheu inajweu-d. Ihe cluth paaos ovy roller* In Ore In* of a Strong light and two wen sit one Won and ■— g . if, .|uES ' ; ||]f ptfr- Stixi for Civ ' r SU OHTLIDOE A CO., COAL, LI ME, At., WILLIAM !lOKTLIDe. *?-P!**ae notice our PATENT HARDENED CONICAL BEARINGS on both tEc Macfctß* and Stand. Our new and old ideas, worked out with brand new Machinery and Tools at our owm new works, in the busv city of Newark, New Jersey, have piven us a standard of MECHANIC4I> EXCEL LENCE, Minimum of Piictioa, Maximum of Durability, and range of work, never heretofore reached in the Sewing Machine world. " TO THIS STATEMENT AND THE MACHINE ITS£L? We invite the stisniion of wtl. •specialty those having high mechanical skill <* gbservation V 11.- All Ma.hnu. lully witii^ulsii, DOMESTIC SEWINC MACHINE CO., New A'ork and Clilcag'o. LADIES, USE ° DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS* perfect system afi t rtilse of self meMnremenl tnske IU"—I" please pipie 2.0 00 miles # •/ J% uffs'LccU)' aa tr Utey were here in prreoti.'^r V. "I suppose you hare at least half a doeea different (h-parunei uT' A. "My dear sir) wo have more than twwre, each rhareed with 1U own buslaea*. and each thoroughly organ!**-*!, a imotimmry wheel with in the jurtl wheel." V. "* tu p.,a nuns a doaen or so of them f A. "With pleasure. The Cuetom KeparV tnent, f..r tliom who prefer eturtotti made to ready-tnadju rgk l uniUhlng l>r|nment, with Its re stock of all underwser. Hie Btilrt Wt-torr, with Its busy machines, making our ffwn first < laa* shin*. The Trim ming firijtui*i,t iisplfaablgs* many a regu lar store The (iarment Hue * Hoom. The Keeelvlng Room. The Order Department, named U fore. The (-pedal I'nlfonna Depart inent Hie Delivery 10-partßteal, Witt ttt score of mewMUiger*. The--" V. " Hold, hold! sir, enough !* A. " I'm not half through! ihg Adrcrtislng Hepsrtwent, with ita bllLan'l sign dtttrlbvlon, editing an" publish low# bus! litre* and popular lourual. eirruiremit- Jtt, "■'■*• r- teas mnntliljr (tell all ycair friSvl/Srnd f..r It'. The Men's 10-jrertment. wttlnt# tnsnr nr.ms. The Byre* Department. The s'nuth/ I>*qrertmenL Trie Children# Department, with It# special entrance for lad Ins. the Telegraph ripen ruent lite Chief Clerk s loqertmrnL with Its book keejiers and asslstanu. Cienerd Man ager's Department; rtnaurier's OSes, and ether oft. . * of tire frm/all busy as beaa li.ii,king, planning. exaAunr. buying, mak ing. regt* rii.g, re< sm infc tending out, reitlng, and In a tb* * i,J-mtng Uretr t< a] A.'t la/tiy I Vou bare DM hit it The pe I.le Uirorig here. krArjnf (hat w# depend on fuw j,rtre* and V. * What are Ure "soPa aitttt' I bear ao much about?" A "(mr tyrerm of hnelneae dealing—l. One price, i". deviation ; 3. < a*h for evrrythltre, X A guarwiiiee iirotea-ting the purchaser: CTh* ncuey returned tf Ure buyer can t uUutrwisn be suited " V. " h-/thing could be IVtrer " A. "B'Jthtng And the |M>ple eee It" V. " Well. 1 thank you, mi. lot your polite attention" A. "Mot at all. IV* a please re to est ia you. Call again. and ba sure of u*p plan—Wan*- maker A Brown's <*ak UkiiSdk hast our uor Pixih and Market " V "Thank you! 1 shall be happy to do ao. Owl tuutuiug." HARDWARE STORF. J. 4 J, HARRIS. No *, linoi'KßKiloFK ROW A new and complete Ha.-dwafn Ntora ■ "J*™* *f H* mi|rnd in Krorkerholr* now oullding- where thrr ire prepared to all all kinif* of Bulldin# ind H.ue FurnUhlng Hardware, Iron Steel Nail*. BotO wb-cl* in aetta. Champion Clothe* Wringer. Mill Saw*, Cirrular and 1 1 and SifWd, Tcnnon Saw*. Webb Haw*, lee Cream Frcir.ara, Bath Tnba, Clothe* Rack*, a full a**orlnient of Gla** and Mirror I'late o| all aire*. Picture Frame*. Wheelbarrow*. Lamp*. Coal Oil Lamp*. Belting, Spoke*, r'elloe*, and Hub*. Plow*, Cultivator*, Com Plow*. Plow Point*. Shear Moid Board* and CulUvt* lor Teeth, table Cutlery, Shovel*. Spadr* and Fork*. Lock*. Hinge*, Screw*. Saab Spring*, Horn- Shoe*. Nail*, Norway Rod*, Oil*, Lard, Lubricating Coaf, Lilianed. Tanner*, Anvil*, Vice*, Bellow*. Screw Plate*, Blocktmlth* Tool*. Fnetory Hell*, Tea Hell*. Grindstone* Carpentei Tool*, Fruit Jar* and Can., Paint. 011* Varnithea received and for *ale at luna r . IIM-tf J a I HAttPTO PENNSVALIi. Y BANKING CO. CK.NTRK HALL, PA, IIK< KIV K DEPOSITS, and allow Inter eat; Dio.>unt Note* ; Buy and Sell Government Seenrliina. Gold and Coupon*. Pataa UorrKu, W* h. MiKai.*, Fwrt. " C'aahier. CENTRE HALL Ila nl ware Store. J. O. DKIXIXGEB. A now, complete Hardware Store hat '>en "pvMud by the undersigned in Cen tre Hail, where he ia prepared to.sell all aiiids of Building and lloue .'uriiitbiof Hard wore, Nail*, Ac. Circular and Hand .Saw*, Tcunun Saw*, Webb Saw*. Clothe. itack*, a full aeaurt meui of Gia*a and Mirror Plale Picture Kn tries, Spokes. Felloes, and Hubs, table Cutlery, SjjoVeU, Spade* and Fork a, Irock*, Hinges, Screw*, Saab Spring*. ifre Shoe*, Nail*, Norway Hod*, Oil*, Tea Carpenter Too)*, Taint, Varn ishes. Picture* framed in the finest sly I*. Anything not on band, ordered upon > borte*t notion. Mr Itemember, all nod offered cheap er than eltewbere Simon Haines* CENTRE IIALL. Manufacturer of t'urrliiKet*. Bng|tM, Wigooa, die. ,P/, # * cr /gear for all kind* of vehicles, m de to order, and in first class manner. K~m a praetioal me- I would WARRANT ALL V% uKK to give satisfaction. Kepairing prompt!jr utti-Mlwi to it the lowest rates. Undertaking, Coffins of all styles made on thorUwl notice. The business of undertaking attended to in all branch***, Respectfully solicits a *bare> I public patronage. 9 *ept y W7 A. CURRY, lldOi & Zht. s iiJaJstf* t:.\TKi; IULL.PA. Would mat respectfully infofm the eit • * eß * thnt he IMM *taru-d e new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would he ( ikankful for a there of the public patron age. Bool* a-id Shoo* made to order end according to style, and warrant* hi* work to equal any made el*ewhere. All kind* of repairing dona, and chargMreaaonable i Giva him * call. fab IS !v* JtiHjT F. A LEX AN B£ft, M. |j. J Phy*ician and Surgeon, Respectfully offer* hi* professional er rice* to the citiaen* ot Centra Hall and rK 11 1, WBMittitfee in English or tier man Ha* a full line of instrwmer.u for *■**•* broth. Office and residence in I the Luth. p*weenagi- 27feb tf , FUHNITUHET JOII.V ItREi 11i111.1.. • h U - eJ# * 41,t N * w Spring street Bellefonie. .. fcfSi A.*.£.' < ' nd " 1 eeeortment o IHOUSE FURNITURE from the con inenert to the most elegant. I CnAMBER SETS, PARLOR SETS. ! SOFAS. CHAIRS. BEDSTEADS. WOOL MATTRESSES HAIR VAT TRESSES. and anything wanted in the line of bia ! butine**—homemade And citv work. Ai o. has made a speciality and keep# or > hand, the largest and finest Mock of WALL PAPER. Good* sold at reasonable rale*, w hulcse and retail. Give him a call before pur- J chasing e lee where. feb6-ly BUY YOUR DRU6S FROM R.tXKIXfi Drug STORE, ; NEXT DOOR TO THE DESCKKEH GOV STORE.) FRESH AND CHEAP ! K f r : BtocttKllurr. S. It. fBVOIHT President, Cashier. QENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO (Late MilJiken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow interest, Discount Note*, Buy sr J Sell. Government Seen: i tie*, Go Id <£• ■ aplO'ftfitf • Coupon* M IN ISTK ATOM'S NOTICE ; tor* of administration on the estate of Pc jtcrStiffler, late of Potter twp, having boon : granted to tbe undersigned, all persons ; knowing themselves to he indebted to sa id decedent are requested to make immediate payment, and person* having claims against the estate will present them au i tbonticated for settlement. i FELIX STIFFLKR, Adm'r. A CARD. T " *U *re MSrtln, fm*a 111. rrren and ladl. creUo*es.•f Sc.. I will erad a recipe that Ui car* CHARGK TbUaraal manlf at* d tenor red bp lalaWH) iasoeii Amerke. A*ad a SeU-eddn—sd aavaiop* *o U Iter. JikiKPU T IN MAN NUUoo I> Bible Huuo. Sew YURFC Uiti. % |H IN THE^COU RT~OF COMMON FLEAS of Centre Coua.Y, subpee na in Divorce No, 58," January Tertu, 1876. Emma Kearny by her next frend, Ac.. John Reams. The undersighed haying been appointed Commissioner to take testimony in the above slated case will meet tho parties in. terestcd on Saturday, the 28nd day of May, A. D.. 18T6, at 2 o'clock. p. in., in his office at Beilefonte. W. F. HKBER, Commiasioner. FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN. •4-™=- The long end of the tube is inserted in the eow'e teats, when the milk will flow, without the aid of the hands. The attention of Dairymen is called to the above cut, which represents a SIL VER MILKING TUBE, by which more than half the time and labor of milking cow* is saved. Four tubes to a set, which will be sent postpaid to all parts of the country on receiptor Two Dollars per set. An Agent is wanted in every county, to whom a liberal discount will bo allowed. Address tbe manufacturer. GEORGE P. PILLING, 701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ig,All kindj of Secret Society work, Jowels, Emblems, Badges and Silverware geneiatly. Diplomas awarded at the Berks, Mont gomery, Cbe'terand Bueks County Faira. For testimonials see the Practical Farmer for September and October. Send for cir cular*. "ictt'm, JJR.S. G. OUTELIUS, Dentist, Millhelm. Offan hi* pn>f*loaal Mnriccs to tb* public ll* I* prepared to parforai *ll operation, in B* d*jtat pro. H* i> now full* prepared lo extract t*t U|l ibaiJalelr Ithoat pain. n.*r ::y t JOHN F. FOTTKR. Ationiey-at- ColUctkui. pu.Tipu, made and t!" -l' aneiiUon xivnn to tho*e luirin* land, or iimpef jf I' • aalo. Will draw uj. and hare acknowb-d*d Dpcd*. Mortagt-. Ac. Ofßt-e in tAo dkuund, ovjiß ui the court homsc, Hollefonle octitt ' WF. RLUER. Aliorner at-Law. • Prompt tt*oU'n a iron to aU buuacaa on. trutod to hi. care In rtearlieidor Centre coontjr. Ol Bee with U. P. Sortney, Bellefdni* TITM. P. WILSON, Attorney-at-Law, IY? Bellafonte Pa. Office in Mrs. Ben- Bar's Building, Ballelonte P,