The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 25, 1876, Image 1

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Oh ! aalnsM of deoav I
The autumn Ae'ds are gray
And ton ft fogotten I* the hedge row tune ;
How *iok tho shattered torn,
How hsrwh the wood* and stern.
How pair and palmed ic tha afternoon I
Oh ! gladness of drear !
Tim wild bnda store the Mar.
The hashed lane* listen for Ihe h'ockMrd'*
■ong ;
The dumb tree* hoard their strength.
The airy fern peep*, at tofth
Old death ie quickened and the day* are
Tlie Cental el Pailaiclpliia.
C kb. iiio i c : : ii One Hundredth A
it vrrsiry ludopeudence
of th Unit d Stat*.
Djsor;pticn cf the Centennial
Huiliings, with Illustrations.
Arrangements tor the Centennial.
The act of Congies* which provided for
* celebrating the one hundredth anniversary
of American independence, by holding an
International Exhibition of arts, manufac
tures, and product* of the aitl and mine,"
authoritrd the creation of the United Staler
Centennial Commission, and intrusted to i:
the management of tlie Exhibition. Thi*
K*ly is composed of two conunhwioiier*
from each State and Territory, nominated
hv the respective governor*, and (vmnii
si tied hv the' lVesident of the Cnitevi
States. The enterpri*, therefore, is dis
tinctly a national one. and not. as hsswnio
times Iven stated, the work of a private *\>r
jv i ration.
The Exhibition was opened on May lOtbj
1>76. and *ill remain open until Novetn-
K r 10th. There will he a fixed price of 50
cents for admission to all the building* and
gr. unds.
The Centennial grounds arc situated on
the western hank of the Schuvlkill river.
and within Fainnount Park, the largest
public park in proximity to a great city in
the world, and one of the meet beautiful in
the country. The park contains 3,1(50
acres. 450 M which have heen inclosed for
the Exhibition. Besides this tract, there
are large yards near by for the exhibition
of stock, and a farm of forty-two acre# is
already suitably planted for the tests id
plow*, mowers, reajeis, and other agricul
tural machinery.
The Exhibition buildings are appront li
ed by eight lines of street oirs, which con
nect with ail the other lines in the city, and
by the Pennsylvania and Heading rail
roads, over the track* of which trains
n'.si run fnwji the North I'emisyhranla and
Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore
railroads. Thus the Exhibition is in im
mediate conn, etion with the entire railroad
sy-tem of the country, and any one within
ninety miles of Philadelphia can visit it at
no greater cost than that of earriage hire at
the Paris or Vienna Exhibition.
An important sjw-ciai exhibition is
made by the I nited States government, and
is prepared under the supervision of
a I >ar>l of officers representing the iwversl
executive departments of the government,
A fine building of 4$ acres is provided for
the purpose, space in which is occupied by
the wsr. treasury, navy, interior, post-office,
and agricultural department* and the
Smithsonian Institution.
The Women's Centennial execntive com
mittee have raised $30,000 for the erection
of a pavilion in which to exhibit even
kind of women's work. To this collection,
women of all nations hare contributed.
The list of special building- is constantly
increasing, and present indications are
that their total number will I*- from 200 to
250. Most of the ini|<ortant foreign nations
--England, Germany, Austria. France,
Sweden, Egypt, Japan, and others—are put
ting up one or more structures each, for ex
hibiting purpose-, or for the ueof the com
munoners, exhibitors and visitors. Offices
and headquarters of this khid, usually of
considerable architectural beauty, nre pro
vided by the States of Pennsylvania. Ohio,
Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, New ji-r*. v,
New \ ork, Connecticut, MassachoiwttN,
New Hampshire, Missouri, Kansas, \ ir
ginia, West \ irginia, Nevada, Wisconsin,
lowa, and Delaware; and it is likelv that
others will follow the example.
. \ nutnls/r of trade and industrial asso
ciations, which require large amounts of
space, am provider! for in special build
log*. A onong these are the photographers,
the car .-iage builders, the g!ass makers, the
< rackej- bakers, the Ixxit and shoe manufac
ture besides quite a numb r of inili
v,< .ual exhibitors. The great demand for
rosace renders thin course necessary to a con
sider* extent. esferiaHy for exhibitors
who have been tardy in making their ap
plications. In the main exhibition build
ing, for example, 333,300 wpiare feet of
space had heen applied for by the beginning
of October by American exhibitors only;
whereas, the aggregate space which it has
been possible to reserve for the United
State* department is only 160,000 square
feet. About one-il)ird i* consumed bv pas
sage ways.
The machinery building, like the others,
is already fully covered by applications.
There are about 1,000 American exhibitors
in this department, 150 English, and 150
from other European countries—which is
about 250 more than entered the Vienna
machinery exhibition. Extra provision
has been made for annexes to accommodate
the hydraulic machinery, the steam ham-
KRKI>. KUHTZ, 1 Alitor nnd PropritMoi
liters, forges, hid sting engines, Killer*,
plumlwrw, carpenter*, etc.
Power in the machinery hall is
•hi.ily supplied 10. a pair of monster Cor
lis* engimw. K.u li cylinder is lorti incite*
in diameter, with a stroke of ten feel; the
fly w heel i thirty one hot in diameter, and
weighs tiftv-tive tons; the hois, jsw.r is
l.tttp and the tittmher id Kdlrr* is
twenty. This,ngin drive* ihntl a utile
of shafting.
For the an exhibit icr, the moat eminent
\ merle.* artists hve ettt iqieeim.n*,
ami n ins. is e> ioletilly stated that,
i-sjwvially in the dep.xtfnivrt of landscape
p Milling, tin 1 niltd N lie* pri nts a
ver <!i*pl than the public has Kvn
expert. tjuite a'e Ifouf the eorttribii
■s.f Auiericau ai:>- - applieati.Jiafnuu
i broad call Mr tuori than f>ur turns the
yhibiting spav ■tlooled hv the gr-at
Memorial Hdl. Provision for thssurp'tt*
hi* lent made iu temjurarv ltre-pro<d
'• til ling*, though ill exhibiting nations
wIR tw represented In the central art gal
I'he >erci*rv of the navy ha* arranged
th! a Vtiiwd S: He- \nise 1 shall call at Con
venient Europen ports, to collect and
transport hither to the Exhibition the works
of American artist- resident in Euni|<e.
Atuong the |*uls thus tar designated, are
Southampton for England, Havre for
France, Bremen for tlermany, and lag
hern fur Italy The arrival of thi* ves-el
1* expected daily.
Mr. Hell, the eminent English sculptor,
who designesl the groups for the plinth for
the great Albert memorial in Hyde Park,
London, has reprislm-cd in terra cotta, at
the celebrated w,irk* in Lamlwth, the one
which sytuKdiie* America. Tlie figures in
this group are rob saal. covering a ground
space of fifteen feet square. It i* placx-J in
the great central art gallery, opj**ite the
principal entrance.
The art exhibition includes, in addition
to the works of contemporary artists, repre
sentative production.- of the past century of
American art —those, for instance,of Stuart,
Copley, Trumbull, West, Alston. Sully,
Neagls. Elliot, Kv'iisett, Cole. These, as
weli as the works oflere.l by living artist*,
'haw Ken passed upon by the committee of
selection, who vi-ileil, for the purpt**", New
York, Boston, Ctticago, and other leading
cities, in order to pre rent the needles* trans
portation to Philadelphia of works of art
not up to the standard of admission.
A large nuniK-rof order* and fraternities
have signified their intention to hold gat),-
ering* at Philadelphia during the period of
the tlx hi l>tt ion. Among those (hlrJt may
now be enumerated, are the (irand Uxlge
of Pennsylvania, Independent thaler of
Odd Fellow-; the Ur.Hiif !"■ "liupmcnt. In
dej*i)di-nt < >rder i f (Aid Fellow < ; Grand
Is-'ge. United States, Independent t >rd<r •<(
ttlil Fellows; trnd Commander* Knight-
Templar ; Grand Army of the Republic;
Presbyterian Synod; Caledonian t'lub;
Portland Mechanic II: lies ; Welsh National
Eiatedfodd; Patriot, Order Sons of
America; California Zotiav— of Fran
cisco; an internal! nal K ,-atta ; the Life
/ V 1... _ V
Insurance Companies ; National Board of
Underwriters; State Agricultural Society ;
S-ronrl Infantry, X. G. of California;
Philadelphia Conference, Methodist Epis
copal Church ; Cincinnati Society ; ( ili
fornia Pioneer Society ; Aineriehn 1 tent a 1
Convention; < jtholic " :nl Abstinence
Union of America; liidepeiid-iit Order of
B'nai Herith ; National Aimnni x-ia
tion ; Salesmen's Aas--ciati'n; Fifth Mary
land K'-giinetit ; Severth New York H<-gi
uicnt ; American Penological S-s-ieiy ;
Malster's Asa clotion of the United States ■
Army of the Cumberland; . Ifuinlmldt
Monument Association; Christopher C>-
/umhus Monument Association ; Board of
Trade Convention ; International Tvim
graphicai Congress ; Hillc Association „f
the I nitcd State*; Centennial Legion-
Philadelphia County Medical -
nternationa! MedicafCongress ; ()M Volun
teer Fire Department of Philadelphia ;
German Rifle Club ; Army of the Potomac!
etc., etc. •
Main Building.
This is a parallelogram, running cast and
•. r w +**/,*. ''-
j ( W^C. V ZEtfy '■■■ _ % t ,„rm , - ~*~mJ
w.-t T*7nbvi long, ami n >rt ft and south Ed
feetfwide. The larger |*>rlion i-Jotie story
high, the interior height bring seventy
feet, and the cornice on the outside forty
eiglit't.vt bom tl:-ground. At the ivliter ill
the long\'r side- are projections 4 lti feet in
length, and on the ends of the building pro
jections 216 feet in length. In these, which
are in the center M the four - V*, are lo
cate.! the main entrance*, which are prve*! with arvadew upon the ground tl- -r.
ar.d .-enlral faeaile* ninety fi-et high. The
t-a-t entraiuw form* tlie prim ipai ap
proach for carriages, visitor* alighting at
the door* of the building under cover of the
arcade. The south entrance is the
principal approach froui railway car*. The
wpl entrance q**n* up>n the main nassage
wrav to two principal huildiug*, the M.t
chinery and Agricultural hall-, and the
north entrance to Memorial hall ( \rtgal-
JervV Tower* seventy-five feet in height
ri*e at each corner of the huiiding. In
order to obtain a central feature, the r.*d
for I*l feet square at the center lit* K*-n
raise.l aKive the surrounding j*irti-.>u, am!
our tower- forty-eight feet square, riing t
120 feci high, are introduced into the j
corner- of this elevated nw>f. This gives |
ventilation as welt s ornnment. 1 e Main
htlilding has "rMUiv square feet of stir
fa,*, or nearly twenty-one and one hall
acres. 11 tr tnd plan h>n- a Ventral •
atrrnue I*2o feet in width, an 1 1,832 fee t in
length, which is the longest avenue of lost
width ever introduced into an exhibition I <
building. <>n either side id this it another ■
avenue of espial length and one Hundred i
feet wide. I let Ween the central and si-le • i
avenues are aisles fortv-eight feat side, ami I
! on the outer aider of the building smaller
| aide* of twenty-four feet width. To break
the great length of the read-line* three tran
sept* have la-en introduced, of the f<auie
widths and in the uiuc- relative position* to
each other a* the longitudinal avenue*,
i These v riisc the building, and are 410 feet in
le igth. The intersections of these various
avenue* make at the oenler of the building
nine *|-.cee,free from supports,which an from
one hundred feet to 12' feet square, and
which aggregate 410 feet square. The gen
eral elevation of the r .d* of all these
avenue* varies from forty live feet to seventy
The building rest* ufsin tlie ground, the
land having been thoroughly gradesl and
prepared. The foundation consist* of piers
of m.vsmry, the superstructure Is-ing com
poser! of wrought iron columns, placed
twenty-four feet apart, wliicli sii|i|siri
wrought iron roof trusses. Then- are 072
of these columns in the entire structure, the
shortest leing twenty-three feet and the
longest 12"> feet long. Their aggregate
weight is 2j200,000 pound*. The roof
, trusses and girders weigh 5,000,00(1 pound*.
1 The sides of the building, to seven feet
I above the ground, are linisherl with brick
work in panels between the column*.
Above this are glazed sashes. The roof
covering is of tin, that lieing the Is-st roof
ing known in this climate to resist leakage.
The flooring is of plank, II]MUI sills resting
upon the ground, with no OJK-II -pace be
neath. Turrets surmount tin* building at
all the corner* and angles, and the national
standard, with appropriate emblems, is
placed over each of the main entrance*.
There are numerous side entrances, each
being surmounted with a trophy, showing
j the national colors of the country occupying
that (Hirtion of the building, fn the vesti
bules variegated brick and tile are intro
duced. Louvre ventilators surmount all the
avenues, and skylights the central aisles.
Light, of which there is an ample
supply, comes from the north and south
sides almost entirely. There underlie the
building two miles of drainage pi|>e, the
water supply and drainage systems being
complete. Office* for the foreign comiuis-
I *ion* are placed along the sidet of tlie build
| ing. in close proximity to tlu* product* ex
hibited. Offi.wa fur the administration arc
at the end*. The d.-stgii of the building i*
such that all exhibitor* will have an
equally fair opportunity of exliibiling their
I g<**ls to advantage. There is coaiparntive
| ly little choice of hx'MtoU, * the light i
i uniformly distributed, anil each of the
I spaces devoted to product- is located ujoii
one of the main ihoroughNrv*.
Machinery Hall.
This structure i I.K v tel w.-*t of the in
terse. of lieltinul and l.lui avenue*, at
a distance of ol'J feel from the w.-*t Iront I
the Main Exhibition huildiug. am! 27-1
feel from til" north side of Elm av.nur.
The north fr ut >f the hui! ting i up n the
same line as that of the Nlain Kxhihiliou
huiiding, thus prvwrniing a frontage <i|
5,!21 f.-et from the rat to the w.-*t eml* nl
the Exhibition buildings u|*nithprincipal
) avt iiflt w hhiu tke grout la.
The huihiing eon-t*t* of the main Jiall,
.H<> fie* wide b* 1. 4< rj feet long, and an
I annex on the south aide of "Jtot fort by 210
feet. The entire area covered by the main
hall a*i I annex ia square feet, or
12 n re-. Including the upper floor* the
building provide* fourteen acre# of floor
The principal portion of the atrueture i#
• ens atory in liright. allowing the main
t-ornire up.n the otitaide at forty feet from
the ground, the interior height to the top of
the ventilator* in the avenue* hein* aeventv
fei-t, and in the aiale* forty feet. To break
the long line* njon the exterior, projection*
have l- n introduced upon the four *■>•!<.
am! the main entrant** fini-hM
facade*, extending to seventy-eight fret in
height. The o! entrance form* the prin
cipal approach from the alreet ear*, from
the Main Kxhihition building, and front thr
railroad de|<ot. Along the aouth aide are
placet! the Imiler house* ami attch other
huihiing* for special kind* of machinery a*
may !>c required. The wnt entrance
affords the mot direct eommnnirntion with
George'* hill, the |*>int affording the le*t
view of the entire Exhibition ground*.
The Art Gallery.
The moat imp<!ng and ornate of all the
structure* ia Memorial Hall, built, at a coat
of $1,500,(100, by the State of Pennsylvania
and citv of Philadelphia. Tlw design ia
modern lb it*i#*ancc. It cover* an acre ami
•i half, and i 365 long, 210 feet wiile. and
fifty-nine feet high, over a apaeiona base
ment twelve het high. A dome, riaing 150
feet ntsive the ground,aumiounta the renter,
capped by a r-nh>*.* 1 hall, from which li*es
the figure of Columhia. The main front of
thi* building look* southward, displacing a
main entrance in the renter eonaialtng of
thrve enormous arched doorway*, a pavilion
on each end, and two atrade* connecting
the pavilion* with the center. The entrance
i* seventy fec-t wide, to which then- is a rife
of thirteen ate|ia. Kach of the huge door
way* ia fortv fei-t high ami fifteen feet wide,
opening into a hall. Rotwcen tlw nreheaof
the doorway* are elnater* of columns,
terminating in emhlematic deaign* illus
trative of science and art.
Thi* fine building give* 75.000 square feet
of wall apai-e for painting*, ami 20.000
'eet of tloor snare for atntucw, etc. The aky
lighta throughout are double, the upper le
ing of clear glass and the under of ground
Great a* ia the apace afforded in the
Memorial Hall, the application* from
American ami foreign artist* have proved *o
greatly in exec** of ita capacity aa to re
quire the erection of a much more spacious
huihiing. Thi.*, though only of hrirk, har
monize* an hi bet u rally with the Memorial
Hall, and ia to l>e permanent, it atnml.*
ju*t in the rear of the original Art Gallery
and communicate* with it. It nflords 00,-
900 square feet of wall apaeo available for
painting*, and rontain* twenty-four gal
leriea, each forty feet aipiare. licaidc# two
galleriea, each 100 feet long by forty f-x-t wide,
and two transverse ix-ntral corridor*, twenty
feet wide.
Horticultural Hall.
The design is in the Moresque style of
architecture of the twelfth century, the
principal materials externally lwing iron
and glass. The length of the building is
; :tK.'{ feet; width, 193 feet; and height to the
1 top of the lantern, seventy-two feet.
The main floor is occupied by the central
conservatory, 230 by eighty feet, and fifty -
five fwl high, surmounted by a lantern 10
feet long, twenty feet wide, and fourteen
feet high. Running entirely around this
1 conservatory, at a height of twenty feet
from the floor, is a gallery five feet wide.
On the north nml south sides of this princi
pal room are four forcing houses for the
propagation of young plants, each of tiieiu
100 hy thirty feet, covered with curved roofs
of iron and glass. I >ividing the two forcing
houses in each of these sides is a vestibule
thirty feet square. At the center of the
cast and west ends are similar vestibules,on
either side of which are the restaurants, re
ception rooms, offices, etc. From the vesti
bules ornamental stairways lead to the in
terna! galleries of the conservatory, as well
as to the four external each one
hundred feet long and ten feet wide, which
surmount the roofs of the forcing houses.
Tia-*- ciUunil gallerio* An- txitHrinl with
> |iruiuriiaJi' l funnel by the roof* of the
piouiitl |h>t>r, which ha* a *uj-ttuial ari-a
of f.VJO yard*.
TV rj>i ami wt Mlrtm* trr aj>-
UMArheJ bjr flight* of blur marble bU |
from terrace* eighty by twenty lwt. in the
rentvr of each of which Mand* an open
kioM|ue twenty fort in diatnt-tcr The angle*
of (Im mi uuiH-rvakiri an- adorned with
ornamental fountain*. I'hc corridor* which
tin* ctt>>.rraiory with the *urruutui-
N.FI room* < JK-II line viiUi in every direc
The Agricultural Building
l a ml* north of the II rlictiltural building,
l*-ing ii*nlnl front it hy a rowan lir ra
vine, at i ha* a commanding view of lite
Schuylkill river at; T the tti ithw.-tern MIIO
Itrha of Philadelphia hey. t>• I. Thi build
up illutrii a novel combination of mate
ria!*, mainly wood ami gl-ue. Hid will i>i*t
of a lung nave cn<*ed hv lime Irwnwrpt*.
I it'll IHI tit; coin | HUH . I of truw>-Al> he* of
politic form. The nave ia >2ll feel htn); by
lii > feet in width, with a lieighl of •evet tr
tive frri from ilie tbuvr l>. the jedrt of the
an h. The central trauae|>t i* It" Icet witlr
tttd Hftthtr livr felli)|>li, i'H tie I iml
tr.iii|i* c ghtv ft. I wife and arvuty
Uvt high It* inN rior i|.|e trat cat
rvn-mhlr* th-it of a ureal, :t! in
IttMin; fiam li;i )■( In IrtutM jit, liie v wta
ia rilMurlt iiMp.-wp. Tlte Ituihlinu i*
•tlppilrd with tirvm |. *rf for lite Ue of
agricultural lint li or llu- four n lift*
im lixw-rl f t the i iVe ami Iranm-pt*, and alao
the fiwir *j>or* at the mntntuf the build
up, having- the lufi- ami c> I Irnnef lr Iff
t • ..f th< r i - r. ft ■' arid fnrui val
'are* 1 r exhibit*, The ground plan
of the f uihfing i* a t>ralkl<*r*tn 5W feet
by sjo fevl.onvcring * .ul un and ooedoutlh
ii-rt>. Si Hem fonirn nation* r w-rvr *pce
in thr* Ituihiiag, and in the 147,57} twiM-ii*
leet which remain, nr. re than otic lhou*and
Vmerican exhibitm* am* annwiimodalcd
Thi* nee.*itie* ajw-ciat Imildinp* hr thr
collect!*v cthif<iu of their natural twaounno
[wiJel by the ditferent State*
in addition to the ground* within the in
t ltwrire, an iligibly-loratcd *t. kynnl.
twenty-two am in extent, ha* lee-n provid
ctl for the tlit|.lay u{ live oluck, which will
be exhibited in a eerie*of huw during the
month* of .September, • Vloler and Novem-
Iter. TWO farm*, moreover, of about fifty
arret each, have Iwn suitably planted (or
the trial* of agrieulturil machine nr.
Economic Visiting.
A Ronton woman writing to a friend -aya,
" there in a large clan* of highly educated
lcrwui* in New England and Ni-w York
wlto would nioat thoroughly enjoy and ap
preciate the Centennial Hxhthition if some
arrangement'' like that which site *uggt-*t*
could lie made. The plan is. without
dotiht, jw-rfectly practicable, ami n. ighf I*-
aken up and crystal iced by partie* of ladk-*
or gentlemen) in other sections of the coun
try to their advantage. While tlw charge*
for l>ard and lodging in Philadelphia
and vicinity during the pmgre-s of the
Centennial Exhibition will not U-ao exor
hitant a* come papena insist, there ia still an
opportunity for person# of moderate nieiuia
w ho may desire to visit the Centennial, see
everything worth therseing and enjoy theni
aelve* accordingly, ami that without the
outlay of an extrnvagant amount of money.
Not only in New Knglnmi and New York,
hut throughout the entire, country, then
are thouaand* of highly educated and in
telligent |ieraona who will deaire to give
themaelve* the a viait to the Ex
hihition. Tina jiloaaurc they can give
ihcmarlvo* if they are inclined trf*bc#tow a
little care nml thought up in the proper ar
rangement* for a visit. We subjoin cx
tract* from a private letter written by the
wife of one of the Harvard College profes
sor*, in order thut friend* further away may
take from it auah hint* a* will he of nervine
to them in arranging a vixit during the
mi miner.
The letter begin* hy s|>enking of the
" money outlay '' contingent upon a viait to
Philadelphia, nnd then goe* on to say: " If
they could go Home what in the way jieoide
go in aiuumer to the Hennhore, on a sortj of
caniping-oiit principle, they could form
partie* and *hare ex|*nses, and *o lie able
to go, when a regular boarding houae or
lodging* would HUB too ex|eusive to be
thought of. The plan proponed wan to take
a houae in aome town or country village on
aome railroad, near enough for the farva to
lie cheap. A nmall, plain houae, aay parlor,
dining-r<S<%i, and kitchen on the ground
floor, and i>crhaps one more room a* bed
room—four lied-rooius nlaive. Furnished
very simply with tahlea, chnira, and cook
ing stove, and a few cooking untensils: tea-
kettle, spider, kettle, didipan, etc.; a little
very plain crockcrv. The Iwd-room* with
lod*tctui and inattrx-wse* uiJ pillow*; wash
stands, crockery, rtrg tables, chair*, and
looking gla*-*. Fuel and ga* or lamp* .
supplied. Then the house extensively aJ-
Verti*el a* to let by the week, partie* wih- 1
ing to engage the house have a list *cnl ,
them of the weeks free, that *o far lliey may !
cliissw- tiieir own time. The parties to |
bring their own bed and table linen Mill ,
towels, forks and apooiis and knives, and
tiieir own provisions a* far a* they choose. ,
Their dinner* they can get in the ground*. I
In short. u> live as people do in sotne of our 1
seashore place*, where a party of twenty
will lake a house for a week or fortnight,
living in a picnic fashion, and at very small .
"* 1 axtpjwwe auch a houw could Iw rrntel
for S2O a week, that for aix month" would
W Divide the ISO among eight |w<>-
p!e. the *malli-*t number I MIKHII-I pn-|*-<-
h-r a party, and that only s2.'o awt*k
< r 10-lging. and a larger parly, of IMUIW.
diminiabew tl.e r I nr) and light*
should tw i barged a# a party usn. them, tl
would mwdaomereajauiaible per*oti to certify
that the houae wa* rvwtieclablo and fairly
comfortable, anil to an- that lwtw<*xi the ilil
fen-nt partie* it wa* put in neat and decent
order. And it ahoiild I* advertiaed ia
pa|icr* with a gisnl iMlintry circulation.?
A plan very similar to that auggc-ti-d
alivecould la- with moat *.ili/ac
torjr reanlu.
Liberty Bell.
This famous old relic bangs auapended
from it* maa*ive la-am* of w,xd. in the
vc*titatle of the "old State H->u- ," near
the cn'.ramx- to Imh |a ndenn- Hall.
The la-ll was originally i n-I in England,
in 1751, at a ki-I of one humlmi jxiund*
sterling; was onleri-d to la-of two thousand
iMMinda' weight, ami to contain the following .
" Hv order of the Iwmbly of the Prov
ince of IVnnsvlvania. for the State I'ouae
lin the city of Philailelphia, 1752." Also:
"Proclaim lila-riy throughout nil the land,
mid unto all the inhabitant* thrre<4."
Ik-fore the la-ll wa* pnua-rly hung, it wa*
cracked by a stroke of the elapj* r to try
tlw aound, and was recast in this country,
the workmen being eom|K-llixl to remix th
metal, a* the original mixture was found to .
I too brittle. It wn* finished and hung in ,
June, 1753. In 1777, at the time the
American fonxw wen- comjielled to t-vacu- i
ate Philadelphia, thi* bell, together with
Chriat chtm-n chime*, was removed to
Allentown, to prevent them being rneltnl \
into cannon by the English ; at the clone of
tlie war it wa* returned to Philailelphia and ,
eonlinueii in constant use until IK2S, when
it was replaced by the prenrnt bell.
Closed cn Sunday.
At a meeting of the Centennial conunlV
aioncr* a vote was taken on tlie queationj
"Shall the Exhibition be open on Sunday r'
rvanlting aa folhiwa, the vote leing taken
by State*: Yea*—Alabama. Arkanaas.t ali
fornia, Colorado, Idaho, Minmw>la, Mon
tana, South Carolina and AVasltinjtton Ter
ritory. Nay*—Aritnaa, Connecticut. I>a
kota, District of tvdumhia, "lorida, ti.-or
gia, Indiana, lowa, Kanaaa, Kenlu<-ky,
Ismtaiana. Maine, Maryland, Massai-liuaett*.
Mowiasippi, Nebraska. Nevada, New- V-rk,
t Mio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tex a*.
I'tah, Vermont, Virginia, West N'irginia
and Wisconsin. A motion, then made by
Mr. Latrolw (Ind.l, to open the ground*
free to nil on Sundays, hut to close all the
buildings, including the restaurant*, wa*
carried. So that while the building* will
l>c closed on Sunday, the grounds will be
open to the public.
Pennsylvania State Building
The Pennsylvania State building i*
located 011 ltelmont avenue, near the I'nited
States government huilding. The State
appropriated, altogether, fr&T>,ooo for it*
erection. It is the "headquarter* of the
Pennsylvania State commission. It i* a
wooden tlothic building, 98x65 feet. It i*
surrounded by a tasteful, six feet
wide, and is ornamented with a central
tower, flanked on each aide by two smaller
octagonal towers. The height to the eaves
i* twenty-two feet, to the jtcnk of the naif
thirty-nine feet, and to the top of the cen
tral tower sixty-five feet. The main hall ia
30iAl feet, on the right of which arc two
mom* 20x20 feet each, intended for ladies'
and gentlemen's parlor*, beautifully fitted
up, and having dressing-rooms and other
conveniences attached. <hi the left arc the
committee- r00m5,20x27 foot. The governor
and State Ix-gislaturc will have their head
quarters in this huilding.
The Swiss.
The Swiss court, which, appropriately
enough, is situntcd between the French and
Rclgiun divisions of the Main Exhibition
building, is of the highest importance to
irt'J.OO a Year, in Advance.
: those who arc interested in the great sub
ject of national education. Kwiuerland has
devoted a large section of her space lo mat
ter* in eonnei-Uun with public instruction
. and that we can derive hints in that dinar
lion from that compart little republic titer,
can l no question, lier other exhibits
consist chiefly of embroidery, of which she !
makes an extensive show ; clocks and
watches, for which she is ao famous ; rherni
, cal manufacture*, wood carving, straw fab- J
! ties, and other article* representing the use-
I fu! rather thaw the ornamental production*
lof ilm- country. Switzerland claim* to have
1 sent nothing specially prepared or con
structed for thi* Exj-wiiiion, hut that all
her exhibits are such as are to be tuet with
• i cry day in trai ling through that i-oun- ,
■ try.'
Philadelphia Hotel Customs.
The cuMotn* here given irf those that
i prevail at hotel* where the higher prioe* (
are charged. Whet* lower price* prrrail,
the convenience* at tin- diaftnaal of IW viai
tor JOT similarly reduced.
Visitor* will find it t> their advantage to
; I'nt'jff nx'Ui* by telegraph or mail. w
rival at the hotel, the visitor should reporter
| In- name, ami |m urt lit* room ami private
(ur*r if desired. Koch hoiii ha a public
parlor, open to ail guest*. Tltc tt of pri- !
vatf pari-' i* ctorfiliontl. No fee* to
walter* r r* rvantn an- neceaaarv. Money
STAIX'B Brnjjnro.
or valuable* should 1* deposited in a safe
that i* kept for that purpose iu the hotel
office, and which can U- used without
charge. If left in the loom*, they an- at the
risk of the owner. A printed tariff of
charge* and hotel rule* ia posted on the door
of each room.
Physician* can U- pnteuml on applica
tion to the hotel clerk. Telegraph offieca,
IxMik and newspaper stand* tat which
ticket* for places ot amusement can be pn>-
cttred), barber shops, wash room*, n-nding
n>om*. ami eoat room* (where tlie visitor
can deposit hand baggage and receive a
check therefor) are connected with tirst-claa*
The hotel* are oouduvted on one of two
plana :
The American plan chargus the visitor a
fixed rate jar day, which pays for meals,
lodging, and attendance. Four meal* are
acrved per day i l. r-, breakfast, dinner, tea,
nml aup|*'r), in dining-room* that are tiaed
in common by all guest*. A head waiter
receive* the guest and assigns hiui a aeat at
table. The guest <an select nnvthing he
may desire from a printed hill of fare. Sej
uraie meal aceommodatlona are provided
for nurses and children at reduced rates. If
occupying seats at the regular tahl*, full
rate* are i Surged.
The European plan charges the visitor a
fixed rate per day, which pays for his room
and lodging only ; meals are served in a
restaurant connected with the hotel. A
printed hill of fare is used, having prices
affixed to each item; the visitor orders
what he may require, and is charged for
what he orders.
The Centennial lodging house agency
(limited) of Philadelphia have their tickets
on sale, at moderate rates, at all leading
railway office*, securing the purchaser com
fortable lodging accommodation, and will
have agents meet travelers approaching
Philadelphia, who will give all necessary
information as to the location of lodgings
and how to reach them, and will attend to
the delivery of baggage.
There are in the neighborhood of two
Lhoutand hotel# ami regular boarding
livUM in Philadelphia.
The Great Engine.
The engine which furaiabea [user to
Machinery Hall weigh* 800 uma; will drier
eight mile* of *hailing; ha* a fly-wbod
thirty-feet in diameter and weighing aeeenly
ton#; if of horww-pw*, *ilh a ca
pacity of leiffi forced to 2,800 home-|>wer ;
ha# two walking U-anic, weighing twenty
two Urn* each; twy forty-Inch lyliwdera, a
ten-fori rtrokr, a crank eli aft nineteen inch**
in diaineUr aim twclec feet in length: oon
nccting ro*l twenty-four fort in length, and
phMon rode aix and one-fourth indiea in
diameter. The platform upon which it
rw*t* tf fifty-five m in diameter and cow
iKMad <4 (ndhditd in plate*. nesting ujwm
brick fouixiaUoßii that extend far down into
the earth. The height from the (our to the
lop of the watking-h am* i* thirty-nine
feet. <H the eight liar* of shafting (four on
each id< of the transept I m-ven will hare a
k|e- <1 of 12U revolution* per minute and oor
of 240.
Large Paper.
A paper company in liolyoke, Mua,
ha* manufactured an immense ream of
paper for the t Vntennial. The sheet* are
ix heeifrhteen feet, the ream weigh* about a
ton, the value of the four hundred and
eighty sheets is $1,900, and if cut into or
dinary sheet* of note paper they would
make 500,000 eheeta.
ln the Way of Locomotion.
It ha* been estimated,by careful measure
ment, that a vlsitoT in traversing all of the
different avenue* and paths necessary for a
dear appreciation of the Centennial exhibi
tion. will have walked a distance of from
thirty to forty mile*. It ho* also been esti
mated that for a careful examination of all
the exhibits, that not less than seven days of
actual time will be required. With a special
regard for the comfort of visitors and econo
mic use of time, there has been introduced
a most novel and pleasant method of void
ing these difficulties. Under the name of
" rolling chairs," a device has been secured
by which one can easily be transferred from
point to point with perfect comfort and
ease. This system was first introduced at
the London exhibition of 1862, where it
met with great success. Afterwards, both
at Paria and Vienna, the "rolling chair"
Tfct Citonwrf Cowntry.
The land thm an* ew 4m*. uaoasiaM Imvai,
VMikiHl teffftathtOa * minlliin
Ah! tftwyani **- team* eatU
Aught at th eooatry mldvi sural? know,
Who weak) not go f
Might we bat haar
Tb* hovering angele' high Uuaglnsd eboras,
OfNMk betfta, with wMiW eyaa mA
One raibarii ihhit iimliWm*-
With 000 Mft f 1 given to MO Mi
' Ah! WlMVMUfowr
Won o quits ems
To And tho purlin Head who loft no iMQIy I
A. |>. BOM War AMMA IflooHo I nfrßmil I Ml HWM
v< Uiorv, V) w.'tMi tjwntwwma ■■! hp ywo,
To pw Id qyas thot bomoroM lovo-Ut oaly—
Thlo woorjr mortal ooU, wan ww (ptfteawre.
Who weuld endsra?
woo brought into general 000 ond became
exceedingly popular.
A Hundred Year* Ago.
A atnrjr k told of a (anil? living in col
onial lino, whoor extravagant hohito ax
el tod the alarm of the Tillage. " For tho
eldest eon got a pair of boota, the second an
overcoat, the third a watch, and the fourth
a pair of ahoe buckler, and the neighbors all
4iook their head*, and whispered to each
■ ither: 'That family k on the high road to
insolvency.' *,
Ijegialalios in Sew England tried to re
nt rain extravagance in dress, and law* were
paaMtl against wearing I area, embroidery,
needle-work cap* and "immoderate great
A century later we And people
making fmuck the name nomplainta, and
quoting "good old colony time*,"
The khoea were of the aatne material aa
the dress, often akillfully embroidered.
Country girk sometim-* carried the broad
rloth aftoea with |-k A toe* in their band*
till ther got to church; but the pink aatin
and yellow brocade ahoea of city maidena
a ere u {ported on flog* and palbm*. Mm,
John Adam* naked her husband to nend her
from Philadelphia in 1778, "two yard* of
black calamanco for ahoea," raring she could
not wear leather if ahe went barefoot.
Byway of ailently reproving the vanity
of iheir wives and daughter*, the sterner
art appeared in immense pi>wdered wig*,
stiffly starched rufflr*. glittering knee and
shoe* buckle*, embroidered silk vests, white
silk stocking*, and eoata of every boe but
black, trimmed with great gill or silver
bottom*. With these elaborate wardrobes
of the men to keep in order, what wonder
the women had • time to cultivate their
"squirrels' brains?" to qoute one
gallant en inkers of the time.
After all, we fancy the mom ardent lorer*
of the past would hardly tie in favor of re
viving the tiaoe honored customs of the
early day* #f the republic. With the ma
h<gany 'sideboard resetted from oblivion,
the spinning wheel act up in the parlor, and
the quaint china tea set spun the closet
shelve*, w* can all efy:
"Oh! these plaiaant tune* at oU, with their
c).ii airy and slate.
I lore to read their chroeiotaa whieb anch
I kire to aitoc their aaeiant rfafniea. W hear
their legends hold—
But Boavsn be thanked I hve not in tboee
hleaaed tuaeeof old."*
The Newspaper Pavilion.
The building erected for the exhibition
of American newspaper* stands midway
between the (iorentmeut and Machinery
hall*. It is built of wood and ia aixty-seven
feet long, forty-six feet wideband has a total
height<3 thirty-three feet The plan of ex
hibition is an alphabetical arrangement of
partial files of each newspaper or periodi
cal in such a manner as makes I hem in
stantly accessiblethe space devoted to each
hearing a label with the name of the publi
cation printed thereon, and further desig
nated by a number, by means of which a
stranger upon reference to his catalogue is
able at once to approach the section of the
building where the particular journal which
he desires to examine or refer to may ba
found. On the aeoond floor are rooms for
newspaper men, supplied with every con
venience for correspondence. Files of all
newspapers printed in the United States
will he fcmna in the building.
Centennial Expenses.
A good many people are wondering
whether they can afford to vixit Philadelphia
i luring the Centennial days; and there is a
general impression that charges, especially
boarding and lodging, will be exorbitant.
There are frequent allusions to the game of
grab which was plaved at Vienna, and
which was so lamentably lost by the trades
men and publicans of that citv. We are
happv, therefore, to meet with certain
cheering assurances in the Philadelphia
latmmtr. We art to hi that Philadelphia,
" it it has no conscience ami no hospitality,
has some business ideas.' 1 and will not drive
away stranger* by extortion. The proprie
tors of the principal hotels have bound
themselves net to chaige more than $5 a
day; and outside of these, good board is
fromiard for from gfi a week upward,
uraiahed rooms for lodgers only may be
had at t4 a week; and comfortable meais in
rvetaurnnte at about fiftv cents each.
The Billiard Tournament.
Mr. H. W. Cullender ofler* $4,000 for
priee monev: an additional SI,OOO is sub
scribed by Mr. Frank tjueen,of the dip per;
a number of our room-keejien" have alao
made Litwral subscription*. The tourna
ment will l>e held directly under the auspi
i-ee of the Centennial commiaaion, to whom
the profits will go. Thev will be supported
by a committee of influential gentlemen
selected from the leading cities of the coun
try, and the chief management will be by a
local committee comprising the most emi
nent men in the profession, under the general
supervision of Mr. Col leader. The tourna
ment will begin on the fifteenth of May, and
will continue a fortnight, closing on the
twenty-seventh. It will be held tn Horti-
cultural Hall. The games will probably
all be the three-ball, French carom, and it
is exjiected that four games will be played
each day. The priies will be five in num
ber, and the winner of the prize, $2,500, will
gain the Centennial championship. All the
most noted plavera in the world will take
part in the tournament, among them Mau
rice Vignaux, the present champion of the
world; A. P. Rudolphs, who holds the dia
mond cue of America, and M. Piot, a voung
French player, who haa acquired a splendid