Till: CENTRE REPORTER. T.lUtt DAY MAY 4, IP7. LODGE MEETINGS , -icir-lv evenlna In Ih* l>,'*t fell-"" "•<> .1 vt ~:i.i.ii.-m>. Naet U.I Han sir. S *•* it i .'ST t.X" at:. > ■ a M_* ntesls ; || ..,.|-j cv-nlna.on or after w*,-tl full moon In sd * f t m -on,*n .1. afro, ...tall wee", at PisirMslt V M t' S of Csntro "all. meets In Uj* haaoment o- til, 1 ,nhor-n oharet- . a. t -llows , .7 Ml . . m.n.fcvl ami Silt t n.la) vtitna of a.!> ui. M.- \ s„ Nits'- Paswa Mrrusojst an,t .Wst I" ;,,.„0 - Krata*sa M. vrtN-.- r.„ Ml. I , la, * ti. .1 ~l re-nth-toi*ln*r, t rt.tAT. LOCAL ITEMS. The new M. V. church w ill be ded ie .tcd (hi divine pormis-on' to the wor -l.ip 1 Almighty Hod, on Sunday, May 7 Serx ic.sto commence at iialt past ten o clock, a ni. liev. d. Curns. of Alto na Will preach the dedicatory sermon. Rev. .1 \V Leekie, Rev. NY. Gwynnnnd other ministers will Ve present. J. lUen Rurrcll. formerly of Aa ron-burg, and the second school superin tendent of this county, is pastor of St. Matthew's I.uth. church. Btooklvn. The Snyder county railroad, it said, will ft-' >"ti' operation again sotue time in May. Think of it! ifTO pairs of pant* cut by or.o i an. in one day, by the new uia* , ice used at Wanamaker -t Brown's, fth n ,1 Market, Philadelphia The bill which has been pasted by the I- ~is' tore authoi iaing the err,'.ion > * w ate ; . ought at suitable place- ,rt th> pubi c li'i Jfavs, does not apply to eoun t,- 1 \i ft le?s than t\tA> inhab tar.t- O 'c-equently Centre .* : a walerit.ft tr, iiftb county. • Hoffer & Kline i- farmer head-iuar tcrs tor storc-ftffods. Tho largest, be?t n' .1 cheap-?f stock ot g '-I- in ;!vc . .utv. Jki ything you want alwajra on hand, k > ..- a'- R 1 Rat*- tlextdoor to Dcfehner's gun .-hop. Kmc cue article- at l->v. p: ~,s. Mr 1. . - k\i the only druggist in the - unt\ who i- aVrwduato in pharmacy. V-The Nursery, Ibr May. is at hat i and full of entertainment for tho little folks. . Published in l n. "Rio parties who u-re tried las. we, t at, Bollcfonte for robbing Taylor s store ah Lcmor.t and Hoffer oc Kline* store a" Relief r.t.\ were found guilty ar-. ': sentenced by Judge Orvi-as follow- ' - cob Durst 7 years, Honelly 6 year- an— Peters - year- in penitentiary. Durst pic ul guilty in the robbing of Iloffer * store, Y.-ung Thompson, of the Seven mountains, who also had a hand in these robberies, turned states evidence. Y.i _--g M Kinney, who stole a watch f i 1,. - uncle in the Loop, got two years in th • penitentiary. Court, 2nd week, opened on Mon- j d. • Judge Miyer presiding. The ease ; . f i'. F. llerlachcr ..gaii.it Geo. Durst ].weli Meyer and J hn From for con- j spiraey, was taken up and postponed to j Augu-t term. The grand jury, we understand, last j week, recommended the building ofaA>, feet addition to the rear of theeourt-hou*e. ; This .ddifion to supply a sitting room f r ladies having business at court, and an j additional chamber for holding court at ; tho satne time while court is being held in the main room—or to permit of two c urts being held at the same time. —Firmer'*, two of the celebrated J:,.ks n's wagons, new, can be bought very low, at T. A. H . k s A Br©., hard ware store. Bclltf'-n!e. W>. Wolf i now in Philadelphia, to lay in a stock e-f spring good*. Hold up, until his r.ow goods arrives if you wish to g.-t the newest styles, best goods and at the h west prices. Sn. w -quails on Sunday, followed by a h< avy freeze in the night, and rather Cc>oi ait day Monday. Mr. M'Aliister, widow of II N. M Allister, died at Ilarrisburg, on last Friday. Her burial took place at Belle k .tea Monday. There will be a '•Children's Meet ii g" In the M. E. church, on next Sun day, at "k:Ai p in. The different Sab bu'.h schools of this place are invited to be present. This meeting, no doubt, w.ll be interesting to both old and young, as ministers from a distance, and ethers, wi.l address tho children. C- me. On Monday morning tbo mill dan-, of Mr. Fieming, in the Loop, bad a cov i ring of ice. Pretty tough for May day. The Complete Washer takes like li t cakes wherever exhibited. It is be yond doubt tbo best, cheapest, and sim ple.-: machine out. Just see it work tw > minutes and you are satisfied. Works easy, weighs only 11 pounds, and costs on ly $•". No humbug at ail—but a thing of real merit. John 11. Miller, of Centre Ila.l, is proprietor of tbi- county, for ll 1- liule jcwelL -—ln Union county they complain of the pike,—the Mifflinburg Telegraph says Complaint is again made against the Turnpike Company for their neglect to keep their road in proper repair, an 1 this time ye are as-ured the matter will be brought to a conclusion, and if the c m- I any shall continue to exact tolls the ) - <>- j Is shall have the benefit pf a good road. Seribner"s Monthly for May is out in all its elegance and excellence. Read ing mutter and illustrations as good ai u-uaL It is truly a periodical worth tak ing and preserving. ft a year Scribmr & Co., N. Y. FROGS AT SCHOOL. Twenty froggics wont to school Down beside a rushy pool : Twenty little coats of green, Twenty vest? all white and clean. "We must be in time," said they : "Firs', we study, then wsl play ; That is how to keep the rule When we froggics go to school.' Master llulifrog, grave and steri , Called the elates in their lurn ; Taught them how to nobly strive, Likewise bo* to leap and dive ; From his seat upon the log. Showed them how to ,ny "Ker-chog ! Al-=o how to dodge a blow From the sticks which bad boys throw. Twenty froggics grew up fast; Bullfrogs they became at last; Not one dunce among the lot. Not one lesson they forgot; Polished in a high degree. As each froggie ought to be ; Now they sit on other logs. Teaching other little frog*. — Sursti 'jodad aqt qflnoaqt peidrjeog qmoiM;: •itspi avau 'tflQ sp (JMg poetf-fiST Ladies of Centre Hall and vicinity, wishing to employ nn experienced manltia maker at reasonable rates, by the week, should apply to Miss Alice R. Bollinger,- whose address at present is Potters Mills. Mi.-s Bollinger will render satisfaction t" all needing her services, having had th best opportunities in gaining perfection at her trade. 3t. LARD WANTED.-The highest market price will be paid in Cash, for lard during the next two weeks, at the Cah Store of J. Spigelniyer, Centre Hall. 2t J. S. MILLER, Fashionable Tailor, Aa ron-hurg. Shop few d*urs west ct Dr Master's 4may tf James Hill, Commission merchant for the purchase and sale of Grain, Flour, Feed, Baled Hay, Butter, Eggs, Cheese. Lard, Potatoes, Apples, etc. Consignments Solicited. Office and Warehouse, 2u7 North Main street, I'ittston, Pa. 20ap 4t. sending their subscrip tion to this ollicc, can seo on the address on each paper, whether credit has been given—that answers same us a receipt. IN THE COURT OF COMMON FLEAS of Centre County, subpir na in Divorce No, 58, January Term, 1870. ]Cmmu Kearns, by lier next friend, &e.. John Keains. • The undersiglied haying been appointed Commissioner to tuke testimony in the above stated ease will meet the parties iu teresied on Saturday, the til!ml day o! May, A. D., 187b, at 2o'clock, p. m.. in hi.- odiee at Beilefonte. W. F. RKBEK, Commissioner. I - (!. \\ Run . .c, Mp Rutfa lo Run, w :<• i'<-hl*r> i■* i ii i .'i on Mon.'ev . In • f' • '• The organ gi ii -Yr in# ■ 'ii will ••• be in bin.-'- >tn, Th Itali in luirp nnl !\J (lie have b< on .around. K, v W T W\! of Helirfonte, has accepted Iho pr< aid, ncy of \\ ilson I*. - male Colligo, nt Dhainb-r-burg, and will enter upon his duties n- kmii *i< ho can cioso h:> affair* with hi- pi • > ! t i i-i--i --at?. ftioiiio of the h >;trrk - not to I - ..httmion ed, as reported, hut i- to be pushed ripht ahead to completion. Harper's o - M y lia ; heen received and clo-e-i tho fifty*-ce >nd voiunte ef lh> ) i-.ih.r periodical. l*h* l.unil-er ~ nUim .*, v. r- [all ,1 : . . on So,ithc st t' -ado I', lee* tel a:*. Wheel while M 1. ; e - H't excellent paper hi MsJ, \ Ire, ai d Ite'oocc.s Harding 1> >v in her -■ -co: d put of "Phda.tcij . (Hi -gi : til® people anti manner* at the opening - : It. *. i.iti t. An ill -> I- ,i. (Ie K . tt? "Daniel iVr.-itda" is git. n The - I•- inc. : a -***...' of aii rial -torv fJi by Mr-. Di i , R,Cnlk, entitlad "Tuc Lttntra) Bwah an . Id-fa-'.ionc-l I. \ St.• t - —-Fecli' jj n .llesl upon to -ercttado hii ami, ;• H' tting so that ho could - ;uev.- * t, vv d-h.ul no.? ■ i.;t if it, 1.0 posted h mself under her win 1 >\v one night and began plaintively howling, "Ob, wl i-per what lh< u fee'e-t : >:it> poked her head out of the window at the third lino an J said, "Oh, it's you, is it I thought it I '- oats. And you want Uio to whisper what I feejt-t, hey ' Well, I feelest tired, ; that-what. It. en working a hard run ining sewing machine all day. Clot me a •Light-Running l> :... stic' and th u I'll knew you mean business." 81 \ 6IOT| | A correspondent speaking of this new j -umuu-r resort, say* .* Wo have simply to further, that wv J hel i-TCt-i-s Grave appreciate* its destine ■ aid i- bravely preparing to meet it. It i prejected on a ?ca!r of enlarged expecta tatii-n. Every public improvement ne- : - arv to a delightful, suti.-fving summer r< i ti> be provided. Already water work*, with a system of stre*t pipes, arv nearly c tuple!--!, to furnish the hctols and cottages with e\ar and Co-1 spring water A horse-car railroad connect* with Cape Island City and tho world beyond The po-t-offie#, expre.-s, and telegraph are ; here. Bath b. uss, with arrangements for lot a:.d < Id fr.-h . 1 sal; wmer baths .re amply provided. Hard, wide, solid drives girt the city. tire, nhoni— are al ready tilled with choice plant* and flowers to beautify the avenue-. Day and Sun- ' day-school* for the children, necessary . -hops and store*, and ali conveniences and appliance* f.-r n rr-tlul tummer -ojournt* by the se:.--ido will be ■; .dily s .ppitcd. ! REBKRSBIEG A VICINITY. Tue grain looks very promising. Fishermen are daily trying their hick. Don't say Grant to me.—Republican. Our "select ' school does very well. .Some Of OUr neighbors have p'ar.ud. sugar maples a! ng the front of their lots. We hope that in any i. re will follow their I wise example. The Lutherar - have purchase d the half f the brick church belonging to the Reform ed sect, and mean to take it down and erect a new building. By all appearance tho Reformed eongrogati -n tncan* to build also pretty shortly. C. Stover and S. CVnJo have o-inmc:.. -J work on their dwelling hous •*. I>. Brutngarf* br: k <. Ttice isju-t at fin ished. "Work i- pretty bri.-k tpr r.t, yet a great many are ut of employ. Our neighbors in K reamer villi- make things go quite lively. E-L Wei rick has nearly completed hi* he-use, an 1 >. Hack man put up a very hat ds-•.• stable, while James Frank hs* added quit ! an exten sive suwuuer house to his resid. -, and John Wate gave hi? uea : -w coat f weatherboards. Wo learn that • veial i ther 1., u-es are to go up during the sum mer. John B real or 1- abiut j tii: g up a new dwelling hou-e, -lx'2& fe- :-t -to ie* high Geo. K. It. Il'iyer mean- to put up a 1 .nk barn UiLyear. lliar M. a. FAREWELL MOTHER. The following lint* were written on the death of Mr .J. G. Meyer, yUt OD, J. Calv in Mcy r. Oh, dear mother, t! ou l ast left us, Left us never to return ; Ob, how lonely and how cheerless Arc the homes since thou art gone ; Ye-, we -adiy miss thee, moth- r. Moments j .i-s so slowly by ; Anxiously we wait the morrow, For a glance of thy bright eye. CHORUS Thou art gone, yes, ne forever, To the realms of endle-s joy. To the land where hearts ne'er sever, Where there's bliss without aiioy. Thy sweet counsel r.c i r shall vani-h From the mind -of tb - you loved; N < "er shall thol's of tbee be b.ini-hed, Not on earth nor heaven above ; No more words of consolation Will be i-*ueil from thy lips ; 1 iiou hast filled thy • arthly mi-sion, Tb' Lord has called the • home to rest. —Cno. But our parting is but transient, For tin- world is fraught with pain ; Soon we'll join thee and the ransomed. Where we'll never part again ; Thou no more art with us numbered, Far above thy '"! did go : "Feaei'ftil he thy silent umber 4, Peaceful in ll < grave so low. ' —Clio Hearts were filled with true delight; Rut our dearest earthly treasure Ha been taken from our sight; Then farewell our darling mother. Arid WT we shall come to die, May we, father, si-ters, brothers, All unite beyond tho sky. Cno. Appropriate music bus been composed' to the above words by her son. Win. T Meyer, which in due tiun will bo publish el with tbi mclhcr's phoiogiaph entitle* page. - 1 - - ♦ ♦ ■—~~ THE WILLIAMsrORT FIRE. j Wiiliam-p. rt, Pa , April 'At. —About ten o'clock la-t night an icendiary fire war started in the heart of the lumber district and in <>r.o of tho most dangerous locali ties. The flame steadily itlcr.ii'd. The flames shot up rapidly and at 11 o'clock it had developed sufficiently to show that a serious conflagration was threatened. By 12 o'clock the whole city wn- illumin ated and the light WHS seen at Milton, twenty-five miles distant. Mayor •Stark weather, after n hurried consultation will the chief and foreman of the fire depart ment, at once decided to u?k assistant' front abroad and he immediately tele graphed to Lock Haven, Munbury and W atsontowD. The lute-t estimates place the total h'-s at about $125,000. The principal loser are Herdic & Muynard, §50.000; insured for $31,500. Ranstead Se Fiyiin, $35,00< insured for $20,500. Thotna> Tozicr, 5-12,- iJOO ; insured for $7,000. Hubbard Ac Man bey §3,000 ; insured tor $5,000. L. liul den, of Klmira, s&*), fully covered by in surance. _ There is also a 10.-t of about SIO,OOO in damaged railroad tracks be longing to IbeCuUkwiua railroad and tin lumber yard. At two o'clock the Lock Haven engine company arrived and at once hurried t< the scene, but were too late to tender an,> assistance, m> at that hour tho fire had spent its strength and was under control. At about the same time the "Watsontowi and sunbury fire companies arrived. Ii is estimated that 'J.000,000 to 10,000,000 tcci of pine lumber wero burned. SIX MURDERERS EXECUTED iIORHIBLK DETAILS OF THEIR CKIM KS. Little Rook. April 21.—0f the six met hung at Foil Smith lOfduy, one was u ful blood negro, three full blood Choctaws ouo full blood Chctokce and one whip wau. I Ley were all uvuuaced at the lati torntof li t I* a i <1 i—tatof I i nut I'ourt to; t :> \\ - 111 tii ili-trict of Arknn - on tho third ot r-' pt nl k r lat. Nx -lh,r woto hit; it snino limo -inoo Tin - -iv worn e\< i 'oil on tin- -nine soniJoM Aar i AN 1 n tne::> was ooi \ • tod of tho tuiir lor ot an old man name.l liar in-, front NohfH-hn. who wtraveling to !'lV\a with hi- lilllo *on in September last. Tllfl i" n, aflor witnessing fho murder >f hi- t .th. r, pYml for ntorcy, hut tho m*gr. kilh i hit h> 1,0 >li>-ghim through tho ! rain i W , ar \\ iohit t *n in 1 linn territory Tho mutiloror tin *, ot t■ t ■! r\ ition of tho \\ i. hi In 1 n,l nt . an,l 101.l tho savages what ho !iml Jono, ti. i. ,1 t .in koHio of tho spoil*, 1, ■ \ ..in li\: ift boon possessed ot a good Wagon a 1 t, im, a lot of good-, pro vi- . n-. A. , Inr In- atrocious lo .1 up palled i Von Iho India: --, and instead ol accepting ii. ot! r. thov rot orted tho facts at Koit Sit) ami oau>or Iho arrosl of tho murderer. 110 was taken to the scene of In- foul deeds, having ju, , loust v t, 1,1 the Indians wl ore ho had killed the old man and his -on, and bv Ibis mean- their bod i, were ,1.-cover, ,1 NVH-on was of mo urn < h,'.. , i i . ve of \ irtflnia and of considerablet b genre. He served five \ ,r- in th Unite i State- army. I- mi Scaly, i,|red about tw,iit\ tie fMn and Gibson Inhlanuhbia, both Choc ih„ , w, ', convict, 1 of t!>e *amo crime, th ii ,*t mi i!d Plioclaw I.allied Pinilt'V, till ll: ,inll doctor Mild llli lo.lk, a colored woman. Thta w.a- near St-me wa inthet'li t.H-.aw Nalt il, about four > ,*ar> ago. Ti c murderer* called at the t ictuo- h , . eteiiittg to atMS ail mg; t, and during the mght, tii on -|,it tho oil man'- head ■pen with an n\>. while Scaly beat the woman to d nth with an old gun barrel u -*d to I. , p the door lit the cabin shut. I "\!'i 1 ION or rilK OUDPS THKift'llHtH rTH K W his r t j . April'.t '1 he Inter-Dc,-.n of n.u: i • i ibli-he- ropo, from iwohi,; *i 1 p nt in Illinois, Itidiat ;i, Mis and l',* iplrtt t, tlwilln bulk of the winter wheat is grown, show ing their, . .it c.ndilion of the growing crop* tf winter wh, at and fruit. Illinois pr, mis, a ;in ;\ vv c, til", in the w heat tcacd . - prove tt failure, hut by far the majority of the reports are encourag* , i; ... Peach • w. re injured by the cold ali varieties -.null fiuit lv>.>k well and , pr.-m so abundant yield. Miel gait j *d P-nn-ylvauia report excellent pro pec.- .'.-r au kinds of crop- , Michigan ' expect* ap' nt i! y 1.1 . f everything. In Indiana the winter and pring proved uu favorat-le : >r winter wheat and peaches, Out apple- and small fruit generally np ', i>- ar to be thriving. I'll K t; A KRISON t>F MCSIC St' li- SlSi'lNG ON HOR-K FLESH llagu-a, Aj r.l '. I Tho garrison of Nie -ic n.ado a -> . :i l.i Jay last to procure provision* from l'o -jika but was repuls .d. It i- -.a. cd that N ICsiC 1- reduced to extremities, the garrison and inhabitant* subsisting < 11. i.orse- introduced from Montenegro during the night. Altoona l'u., April '.*> —Ernest Plack, aged --voi n years was murdered l#rc hmt night, ilia body was found this morning in a st-i e quarry on the out skirts of the city. Hi- watch and money had been taken. He was shot in the side. There is no clue to the murderer. STAU\ A HON AT RED CLul'D. t aiouga. 111., April ; ■ Adi.-pa'.eh jt.-t -tv. .xv,! by G ra! >heridan fr m Gen ■ ral Crook .-> th- Indian.- ..t Red CI. ud ..re en tho verge of starvation, owing to negl.-et in forwarding -upplies ; that un ■ ess immediate step? are t..ken to supply them they will all leave the reservation, and t:.al fear- are enti tained, considering th- ir pr. - nt t -mj. r, tl :.t t l - r-y will make a raid on the whites. A little- rn.-ro tl.an a month frorn the time of met it - g f the Republican Nat. -n --al Convention Hud* the most pr -minent candidate* of the party before that Con vention under invest,gation by committees - f Congres* To-uay the r< -olution . f Mr. Tali' x t ' inxCstiga: - the L ni. rt l'aeilit scaudal, with which Mr. Blaine's name has been connected, w ill likely be adopt er!. Ihochargv :-.g .inst Mr. Morton that ho ust-vi Government money to run the Republic .n State Gov. rnmcnt of Indiana, arv to be 1. k -,i into by Mr- Gl.-v, r's committee this week. Secretary Bri-t -w ba- been for several day* defending him self b> fore th"C--nimitl. - oa Expenditure in tl. Tnv-ury 1> ; .rtnient in the Mary Sfvrr.t: tii.-i . -v .; Exvn Mr i ling feels bin.self, ngerieved tC count t--ti mony 1 :u-e Commit! • .:i I reign At?-:r- I. ti matter fti e Em ma .Min,- :t! >, ;nd I,.is asked t> b-' j beard, (i .1 rr rII iye ,of Ohio, las not be- rt J- u pr. : < rit en ugh n-y-t a acandi h.te to excite the ire and rivalry o| i the lead :.g Rep ibl. utis wbo are engaged in the Ki!k--nny controversy of killing each other off in tho Cincinnati race, la th. lat.g • f the N w York W-ri-l 'l.o Demi rats at Wi.-kiugl n are main tail.ing a j rfecllv benevolent neutrality j Philadelphia, April 1> —At the mi t ing of the <•••:.:, nnial commissi- rs t>• right it was deciJed to close the buildings ,on Sunday, hut the ground will b" open j on that day free of charge. I Tho population of Ire!and!cerca.rd 11,- '. n h" v >ng the total of about five million three hundred thousand. Here is an arti< : o for housekeepers: 1 no >eienti: •- American n-s'-.-ts that a little -cap lather mixed with the starch will prevent the f! it-ir n from sticking to lin •n, and gives the gloss so conspicuously absent in the bome-Uundricd article. Eas ily tried. (Quebec, April le Ad vices from Gispe stat j there 1.-, great distress on the coast. 1 he supply • f Hour and hay will give out unle.-s navig ition opens early, ll is feur • ! man v will die of hunger. One woman died at Pierce Inst week from starvation. St. Louis, April 28. Quite a serious riot occurred at Leaven worth Knnsa*, yester -1 .v. betwi • ii a!" dv ol striking miners nii'i S"ine negr<>< whom the owners of the mine int<-nbd P set to work, ri-toU, knives, rocks, brickbats, clubs, etc., were us'-d, and one loads anil bones were broken, but no fat.,l casualties are report" A siik dress was worn at a party at 1> 'Wnington whii h was 150 years old. !r.\ new Golden Tongue Organ, one of the finest toned instruments made, for sale at this office. Also a Kynder organ, good as new. Either of the-u instruments offered at a bargain. Tho \\ nih.r.gt i Jc nrd of Health de nies report- uubiished that typhoid fever, tlii• ■t r.>:, it<- , prevail thero in at *pk> demic form li- 1 A.:. ; C'.T i• r Wallace, of Penn sylvania, is dangerously ill. The infant Emperor of China at )-t ud vis es Was sick with small-pox. A resolution is to bu offerred in the 11 u-o of Representatives next Tuesday provid ng for an investigation of tlio Un iui Pacific and Little Rock nml Fort Smith Railroad bond transaction, with which Mr. Blaine's name has been con nected . Tho | * de-lnuns, i ('Leary and ,S< him 11, will begin, at Sail Francisco, on May 15. i five hundred mile walk for two ihou-itnd dollar* n ride. There'* . cry in Boston of "Rah for BrUtuw.and Honesty." Bri.tov? we know -ays the lit. Louis K< publican, but who's Honesty ? Massachusetts Republican* aro so hap py since their Convention that the Boston Post is apprehensive they'll "bust'' before the Cini iniiutti Convention. The St. Louis Times gives the pith of Senator Jones' late speech thus: Senator Jones has silver to sell, A ud Senator Jones Don't make any bom s Of telling the country to buy, At figure* remarkably high, The silver that Senator Jones has to sell. C#a?jin&d & ifrujte of all kinds and of the best quality, a Is) Foreign Fruits, Green & Dried ut vvlilvj A Wv MERCANTILE APPK \IM M ENT. I IST OK VKNDKUS OK MM j rlimdiw iiihjeci t<> licentw with! llio > otitily 11 Centre, l.>r the year Is. 1 Ilyllrfonte Horn. Olmi, XV XV XVcUler it s: John Power* II .1 It Memom A Co ...II 1 G*o \v Downing, Billlirdi if S.ctihr ,V Co I' 1' K P Groon It .1 U A C r X log oi.l. r I • It K t' Kichttrd It A BCoi t' Shurih.lgt* ,V Co 11 I' I -mo G ujtifc i the inter t" It K Bortloy II II 1' Tltmir# • I 1 John lirnclit.ill l-i v I. Grahnm V Son I t i V limitti 11 . John II 1 I .1 Hotter A Klino . It' VH I' XI \\' uglier \ S Mr, It I• Viwger 11 7 I'll, odoro !)e.,cuiu;r . ... IT >1 I. It lUnki-t H .1 Jain. - XX o!h 11 d SA It row A Son M I" Xlr N R I>aro H T 'XI Itunklc It ii ! l.i on ACo lo tvV J XV Cook It 10 II <> Holt or. Milliard, 60 I il Snd* It T r v Hick* A Bro • S \ Hornngtori II T ■I t. Itunklo II d. I M M lit id o Ii .1 Kdwnrd Brow n II d XVSXVoHAS. u II ,! C Strickland 11 d V Su-maii 11 .1 1* C Chi :i,tnait It il BOHtAr it d X s.-tu ~ -.V >, n 11 .1 GJ Blackford IT d. S. - ■ i oi ,V A ker* IT ii V .1 Croii-o IT .! J A J llarri* II 16 7 Hoggs twp. C Curtin A Co ! ■ 10 J J Lucas 11 7 Al. < \>y Jfe Lu.tl 1 1 10 C Kauj V. Thiol A liabb U lieu tier twp, I. 11:1*1 • K vV J IK iter BurnsiJe top. G K lit uk - N l'hilipsburg boro. John 11 .iwortli II 77 Geo \1 ■ .slit —. II >!. l> Ay.r. II d< Campbell Brothers .11 l' l l St rouse, I.chtuan A; Co II 7 1 Slr. Usi', l.i'lunat. A: co 11 >1 \V L liarpor _ H d. M G Book 11 at 11 AI port -.... H 7. Ho or, Harris Aco 12 Hi.. S Miller U 10 7 Tlt SwiUer 11 77 S K Flock 11 d HobertAHport 11 do THSwit.'.or 11 do lVrk? A l'arker II do Mrs C Duross .11 do Oscar AJsm* 11 d<< llowurd boro. II Weber ACo - ...11 10 7 S1" Kline 11 77 K Co. A II u [Voxel As v .t< H do James Mfhlty 11 do 1! 15 Grove 11 do II Mora M do l-uca* A Bro -...11 do John Dichl - -11 do WII Nell .11 do Sainl Bricklcr .. .11 do Liberty twp. J J Koon* .... 11 d.< J A Co 18 10 7o Curtis) twp. \Vtn Sine r II 770 Half Moor. twp. U S Grey Jk Co.. 1.1 10 77. Jll Grilln ...II 7 7<"> \V S Gray A Co „11 do James L 'vo A Son_ —.. II d" Fatton twp. Mstti-rn A Hro 11 do G\Y iturnbergcr 11 do Spring twp. H J B.rncs „...l t d > W F Beilev, ugt 11 d ■ .1 W S oek ACo n d ► .1 NY School 11 7 7.' A Stover It -7 < llair.es twp. Tiioa liar} or II 77' 'Th'* Yv .ck 11 d.. IG BSpig Injei A Bro li 107- ! Young, Wilson Jk llichl 18 <: > M M Mn r 11 do , II F Phillips 12 11 l'enn twp. i W K Alexander _M Its 7 i Sno.-', Smith A - < >ll do .1 NY Snook A Co- —...1 t d.< G NV St ivcr 2"> 7 (!•• > t'lri. '•) II 7 V K C Campbell II do J.ihn 1 Foot 11 do l> Krtle ....11 do J F Chambers II do Jacob Ki>cnhuth... 11 do l'otter twp. W J Thompson At Uro 1! 10 76 Wm Wolf. 12 13 2V, .1 G Glasgo 11 7 75 1. 11 McKntire 11 do It A Lsrrimcr. II •! • Strom & Swir;r. ..11 do Jcromo Spigclmyer.... 11 d > .) ilb . Moan 11 d> j J<> Deiningcr ...11 do Miller Je Sun .11 do Hatris twp. 1) Ho & son 13 10 75 Sll StOTtr - 14 770 .1 .1 Price „ 14 do J T SltiMi 14 do Ge>> II J.'i< k„ 14 do Cl* W Fischer 14 do College twp. P F Taylor 11 776 Murray llrothors 12 I' 2* ' Jackson & ("alder 13 10 75! L M Huer. 11 7 7'">| .1 din Noldish 11 do | .1 W Stuart 11 <1 o Ferguson twp. .1 C Campbell At Co .- 13 1076 James HuniapA Co 13 do (1 It McWillinmsA Co 13 do J K Smith Jr 14 776 M G Gray -..14 do Thos Bollinger 14 do Milcsburg boro. I. FWr t/lcr 14 776 John 11 ibhlrr 14 do Mi'Clain Cook II do T K I.ymao 14 do Cll Kir - & Bro II do Isaac ilaupt 11 do M G Ityinan 14 do Snotv Shoo. Wolf, Potter &Co 12 13 25 Herbert Williams 14 775 May A Lobe 12 13 26 F h Hilda ACo II 776 W H Crisstuan 14 do llarvey Witberight 14 do Rush twp. John NulUlt 11 15 76 Win J Jackson II do WR Miller 14 775 K M Sturdovnnt 11 do Taylor twp. John Cotionhavcr ft 25 75 John T Fouler ACo 14 776 Worth Iwp. I V Gray 13 10 76 Hoover & Roecc 13 do J G Jones 14 776 Huston twp. John I Thompson 14 776 J F Williams 14 do Levi Womur 14 do .1 O Hoover 14 do Daniel Irvin 14 do 1 Unionvillo horo. A J tic T E (Irist 11 16 76 Leathers & Buck 13 10 76 s A Martin 14 778 Lll IJulliurst 14 do Marion twp. Holmes A Wilson 13 10 74 H Yearick & son 13 do Wll Miller 14 776 Walker twp. H Brown * 13 10 76 8 U Go' dhart 14 776 ■David 80L 14 do Grejg twp. J B Fisher 12 13 26 RII Duncan 14 7 76| Isra I Grenoble 11 do a ig (0 Uuwanl twp. It (' Iji-ailii'n It < T |; An on 11 mi'.l I ii. I I ii! tho Commit * inner* i ill.'i lli ilrfuiiti'i the UHh day .i XI, IV, A 1 , is. 6, ami tax* hereby , • •ii iiiiul be |>aitl on <■' befnr* the 131 th lof J one Vnuiiui attend if you loil ng- K r i-v r.l. To JOHN XX U AIIDN Kit, k'Tapr Apprainer. illi i \TIIOLt(3 CHI R( ii j/, l'iiilutbio Policy of llio Sue •'•t of ■ 'ins I X . Home, Ajiill 7.1), Furtlu r liiforiu iii'in . ■ liii* 1< on obtained ii jii Ctiliß the rin ut ■ conference In twvon tho n pieM-ntatives „ uf HUllit? uf 11.0 gle.lt I'Ul'li mill hi'it"Mil • inlltn iiln l uitMiil'i i of tlu' ' acred T ol* ~ lege, with the view of amvrtitlniiig tho ~t> hoot mentis of ending tlio conflicts be :!• tween the t htm h and various ntntcs. It To ii;>iH'arh th.it uiluhioii was tnadu t>> tho oVimshlbility. in tho event of u vacancy oe- Ljcurriug in tin Holy See, uf tho clecti 'lt a jnf a l'ojte favorable t ■ a conciliatory 7'. Ipolii'y. The Cardinal* replied by point* ing t<> tho continued excellence of the > Pope's health, ami tho coiihi jticnt im | probability of a speedy v., an In. i-' ',' i elusion, stated that tho rot-poili vo gov : rrilllH'Uia Would hi" . IHVilKtil th.lt lull >iilering tho iiutviimil uiiauiuuty of the ■ Catholic Chut. h, tin future I'-'pr vvouhl .' in no u is.- alti r tho pri-M Ut policy. it ... Iho AJvi i-ati f enpiul j luishuu a ' ill ltliuih Island dn lure that if iuurdei> continue ah fit .jui iit as they have Ik*i ii , of late, they will petition the h gi.-laturi ' at its next-c- ion to revive the death ) penalty. At. .I'gruui from the Defence As*eri i lion ol Harbadoe* reiterate* nil the prevl -1 on* report* of the condition of affair* on . that hland, aml declare' that in ton-o nnx-' iety till prevail*. • ♦ • MAURI AGES. At tho residence < lov G. W. Miller, Xlr. Jaik MoClmlmi! I to M , Km in a Wagner. I >th . f Be!).- 1 , I ton to. 31 .liR K IS, I N. w X r, A| il 7.3). XX I,eat. No, 'd Chie&go Spring t 736-1 gi# XX (.cat, No. - Milwaukee, 1 73) i. i g ltye Slate og . '. : 6 Corn western mixed fi.'J < J ' On•*, wr lern mixed IT ( , 17 !t"ei- 1 i lt>| Kgg* I life 16J Sugar fair to good refining 71 (■', K Petroleum, retincd Ehfatt. CHICAGO. Chicago. April.' XX bent. June I <*. _ • oiler May ;( . i r June I7>i. Hi t I ■3l u> IT Oata i llerMay.g'i , . r Apr " ■ ii, ltyo *cller April l*t. PiIILAUKLPUIA. 31 Philadelphia, April *.•. 1 air . \ '£*■ .1 T.'i High grade* T nil., X go XX bra', niri ber 1 Ml' t, 1 ogj, do tklup 1 Corn white] '*> ri yellow 01 (• : Oat* whit,- t.' ■ .*• Petri Iriiiii rt t. ! 1 11 c.'uJt S' l . Ij Whuly 1 IT'. 31n k v M .inxi i . 1). Sholmire, Clover Scf.l ixi t • Micf #' i ■ sT.ixj i rliOl'..'. Corn 16c t.i 6n-. Bye ' Ac lo TO 6otl Nov. Sc tia Pi**! r J - grouoil. slll J.er t.'ii. XX Lite XV heat $1 "JX t $1 0. Bed " >1 'St to $1 iiU. llarlcy 70c to TS. Tunothy-#2 to 2 CO- . Plotter in Stone $T TSto s"■ >slt 1 TO to I 30. l 't. 3c to iuc. P tatoc* g*K- to . IH-. BKLLKFONTK MAftKEi 8 VX" hue XV heat $1 W Bed l'.V . By . 7*. 1 Coi n<• ir- I ' 1 i t. - '• ltir!i i " TO Clorerseed Potatoes .< i Lard per pound 8 Pork per poundOi Butter 73) Egg-1 i Plaster perto: sl4 Tallow 8 llaci :10 Ham 16 I Lard per p i; 1 8 cent* Buckahesi 66 cU. Flour per barrel retail 7,(*> j Nova Scotia pln*ler sll fit). Cayug*! pla-tcr fit) per 73*.U lh*. Shelltd corn T to 60 _______________ Lor ill a rci s Tobacco s. 1 XX'c ate ngrnts in Centre Conuly! fur the m!c of L "i'lardV c Icl'tnlctli Tobaec. 1 i-.cy nro known and tifevl iu every county in the 1 nit d State*.: A trial w 11 convince .my one of their cxc lleuce. Sccnler & Cn. Cheese. Cheese. PHI ML, MILD FACTORY CHEESE at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, AT Sfchler A Co. EXTRAORDINARY Inducements to (Jasli Buyers. % r~ i We wish to say to the people of Penns Yallev ? that we have just opened and are now offering full lines of all goods that we deal in at such prices that even defy com ment, or competition. IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINE OUR STOCK J OUU CLOTHINGDKPAItTMKNT Boots and SllOO?. gams, at irom rive dollars for a full huil of Men s< loth mg i to the finest Ready Made goods in town. Ladies' Shoes at 1 dollar per pair. Mists' Show at To cents per pair. Men's Plow Shoes at $1.25. Men's Rrogaus at §1.25. In the DRY GOODS NOTION DEPARTMENT At such prices as will astonish you, Calicoes at 5 cents Wc have Ladies' Hose at 5 cents. Ladies' Hose at 10c. Muslin at (>, 4 aLtl n katri up atnioed llju i, w r.t •vsSr -j w leti w -THE ISest & Handsomest sIuVKINTHK MABKKi all nmt see them at the Store of J. 4. HEKHN %sf, Ccsthe HALK, PA NEW YORK HIANCIISTOUE, IcClain'a Block, l>iret-llr opp. Buli lloure, Bellofonte, Pa. I. liEKtIA.X il CO., I*ro|'rr*. Dry Grooils, HOsHKLY, LINKNS, EMBROID* KRIKS, WHITE GOODS, LA- C'ES. NOTION'S.v FAN CY GOOD 8. STRICTLY FIRSTCLASS GOODS, Hciow the liual l'riccs. N 1131 • i D. F. LUSE. FA INTEL, iflVrs bin ecmees to the citizens of j Centre county in Mgti ami Orna.ueutal Painting, Slripi) (f, ornamenting and gilding, Graining OAK, WALM T, CUKsTN t'T, Etc. Plain and Fancy F*j c- hanging. Order*, respectfully solicited Tcn re asonable. AO apr tf. BUY THE COMPLETE WASHER! J Th.' above cut repres.-nt* the Complete {Wash.r. fitted to a tuh with the tub cut joulloshoar how it it fastened for use. OYFK 100.000 OF THF.SK MA i'lllNKS Alt K IN I SK. The Complete IVaahfr will un-li a C arpel or itt il 4)itili or a Fine I.arc Curtain or l ollur. Warranted For Five Years. Price Only SO.OO. JOHN H. MILKER, Centre Hall. Pr pricier f r Centre cotitily. 71) apr tf r* Prodnve. Produce, 'Every kind ol produce ukm iu c-x chuuge for Fine, Fresh Family t iro eerioa at Fechlcr & Co. Panic Prices. 11. A. 1.1 it it i.m i:11. at the old Centre Hill ttand. Ju*t opening a Stock of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED IT.ICES! A large variety of Ladiw Drets Goods (Ire it Bargains in < Muslins and Calicoes. ' Uc . Jy-iu .J C. thing Warranted to Sull Hi* Cloth* and Cat*!mere, Caul ba-excelled His Crocery Department, Astuni.het every one in assortment and low price*. jisyrup, Sugar, T.-a, Cuff. •, Canned fruiu, ■ Domestic an.l 1 irt gn Fraiu, Cheese, I, and every other article belong ing to the Grocery Depart meat. E-fr* 1 armer*, llecbanict and Rxbort-rt look to vuur interest One dollar saved if] e d liar in pocket. Then call and tee at jwbal a*(onihingly low prires. "=ar-No trouble to sh-.w ti. oJ*."T?*g Aio the . boic-it Family Ktxrn al- ! jway* on hand. Apr. 1&, y. Miller & Son. CENTRE HALL, PA. DKALEUii IN I'UIIE iJIiHiS AND MEDICINES, CUEMIt ALS. OILS, DYK STI FFS PEKFCMKKY. NOTIONS FANCX AKTICLKS FOB THE TOILET, PI'RE AVl.\i: A.M> LlQlOllft, for medicinal p.irpo*ot. rrusjee &- Supporters in great variety. Alio, choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all Other article* usually kept in a tirtc7a-> Drug Store. Prescription* carefully Compounded. iWttf MILLER ft SON. ILad uartcrt for Boots and Shoes! JOHN" POW ERK, BOOT A SHOE MA KER OF CKNTKK COUNTY. DIPLOMA Awarded lo Jubli P. wer* f..r the , l '<—t fine Bout* exhibited at {tre County Fair for the rear K-7W | el A j I U y A g To ;i 7 Oj)|)i*itc Bulb II iu*i>, liKLLKFONTE, PA. Powi r*' It ;ASh > s. Jr< . j, ia rj jei and be*t ftocked cxtabh-hmcnt in Centre County. He keep* cootUntly on hand a full line of It O (ITS 4 X I> K II O K s. llei* hit opening the large*! itY of Spring Goedi ever hr>> ight t ItcUef-t te. f 3iJ £j}J 0 5 for ladie*. kept cuiis'.aatly on hand, i It t* and Shut fur men and woruea. of alt style*, quality and prices, from lh< ni '-t i-ostly ti> the cheaj ■ *t, cur.-'.arjtly . kept on hand. WK DEFY COMPETITION ! ' either in quality or price?. Call and . examine his new struck of Spring and Summer Goods, and you v, ill find it . to your advantage. Apr2lly. C. T XIXXAM.KK. C M. Mow xas. . 4 LKXANDBK A K"X\ I 1 \ .v* at-1 aw, Millufonto, Pa. Special attention given to Colh-ction-, anJ Or |i!.an' Court pr tier. May consulted in German and Eiigluh. Otflco in Gar finaan'* Bidding. my *Jb'T4-t< A DM I S 1 TB ATOB S NuTil E - /V Let '• ■ of .ituilnUtratioti -n U>* mdoto ofPt lerHtifller, late of Pu Allegheny *tre<-f, next door to Hick*' hardware emporium, ha* been re i j entd for bufine * and is be ing rapidly re- locked and s.lted out with the be*t and inort popular DRUGS AND MEDICINES. PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, and everything aiually kept in a fsn-l-daet Drug Mure PltlXl RIPTIOXfiCAKEfTL !} cori{fmiidef! af til! liotirw ui the day or nighL and particular and prompt alter.!, sn given I J the wants of tanner* and other* *vho ;'if In tsse e untrr. Store never >d V tOo*e who ui t medicine* or %-i.vthiHK tn the drug line. The ur.derigned hopes, by xirirt attention Jo borineac, to merit at:J tew-ivc the pub ic t at s.agc. It. li HE&EUtGTOH, 6 aj't ly. Agent b. M. RITTENHOCbE, wiru kooxn. snm 4IT/, A CO. IIOUbULK PKALfKII uv Fish, Cheese and Provisions, ITT North Delaware Avenue, IJ7 North WaterStroet, I'IItLAPXt.pIIIA. ! V. A.tto.vs*. ii Stu. J a-a wax tnarkly. Dentist, Miiiheim. elfer* hi* j.r ion:.l t rvice* to tho public. II • prepared to perform all operation* in th< dental profess on. nig* llei* now fnito prepared to extrac 'ecth IIAMJI ,ih i.lpa.t. tr>yft-7A-tf ■ I T r T 1 i] LOOK! LOOK! if yon mint to Mosey, buy your ' g d* of F. O. Fmsxwi'B, < LKWISTOWN, P.x. ALL GOODS are guarantee I to bt | <>r the ukmm-y r runded. All or *l. r filled promptsy, accowpanleJ by th money. 15AR IRON 2* cts. i rr lb. RENDERS HOUSE SHOES at $6 (W per K < r- WINDOW GLASS, xIO lo 10x14, $2 fit) per B -x. PETTY at 4 tt?.t rib. *x 10 SASH, 12 Lights, '33 cts. per Window. FOUR PANEL DOORS, §I.BB BLIN DS and SHITTERS ? 1.60 to $1.76 per XV if"! t. IT UK XX 111 TK LKA I) $lO 00 wKO lb*. riiACE CHAINS, Straight or Twirled 7 a. $) 00. IIAKMOXV i Kh i H. T. cts. p. ■ ib. STEBI. CU LTIVATGH TKKTII. 60 oU. " ITORN PLOW SID)X*ELS 76toW. " Lp HANDLE SHOVELS, 63 Ct " ID >KS. 7> < u. lIAY KAKK.S, !..>r'x F. G. I BAYC ISCCS, NAILS, r, good as the bo*t at $2.85 Cooking Stoves-—Complete, Tliicht*. H Inche*. 91ncbo. SIOOO. *l-0) to $&)0Q. 93500 WINDOW SHADING, 25 cU. per yard, all Color* 25,000 pieces WAIL PAPERS A BORDERS from $! 0,1 to $1 50 per piero. - -Come and Sea our ETOCI ■ '€s F. G. FRANCISCUS. Lexrielcwn, war .10 y. _____ AGENTS. make no eiigntrcnient* til you sr e our NEW BOOK, Whk h in thrilling interest, sterling merit, elegance and cheapness, has absolutely nt equal. It is "The Thing for tho Ceulcn nil period le '.c# on sight. The North Amcri. sn Review says it U "deserving of unqualified praise; we antic ipate for il nn extensive popularity" ; the Dubuque Times says "Just such a work as thousands of the American l'tople will be • tho Detroit Advertiser all* it "prof, rablo to any yet published." i Any active Man or Woman ol good ad i dro-s insure 'urge profits and steady work .irsvcai. For full particulars, address. J B.FOBD & CO , Park Tince. New I York. I Sap 1-2'.. | GRAHAM & SON, jJSM Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Fine Gaiters. ■All Kinds of Custom Work Made To Order. Harness Leather, Sole Leather, Cult* Skins i And Shoo FiudiuiS always on Ihand. i iiihou titreSf, ipw U' CENTRE li AL L COACII SHOP, LEVI Til it It AY. at bU erlabrLhmont at Omrire Ilall. keep •n hand, and for sale, at tho most rcasona* Ide rate*. Carriages, Buggies, & Spring Wagons, PLAJJZAMO FAXCT xnd vehicle, of every deteription made to r)lily aa i . x. _ may SH. Chas H. Hold, Clock, 41 ut< li mttkrr A Jrvrrlei Millhcim, Centre Co., Pa. alt kind* of Clock*, XVatche* and Jewelry of the laU-n iyiet. a* al*o tbo Mnranvillw I aleel Calender Clock*, provided with a me oleic index of the month. at.. tuioaaT. President, Cashier. OENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO (Lat<- Milliken, Hoover A Co.) RECEIVE DEPOSITS, And Allow intcrat, Discount Notes, RBT atJ oelL CovcrnajeutScctt-iUfefibGuld & it'lTChtf Coupon*. Sandalwood P -■**-***• * Oftl*r pcaw r*iag lo a Loatua atgO* l* aMk *• moaatoaae of I*W C. \ tkco rtlh*rl t !U il ueevi at-*!tuw* *e Xaac*. .* aawt *- 1 t|o la U* aeitaa ft I* * ..ia. i>. i * eacwuxct oa-laianw OQ of Nae.l.l* . 4 Via ,i 4.U IVraa how*. lUk lor cu cmUr.mmmi l*E WeoMor Owaat. * .V, toe an aprtt am IMPOEIANT TO IUrU)EES."~the ua- JeMignod t now prepared to el! Brick at hi* kiln* at Centra Hall to suit purchaser*, at reasonable ratoa, alio to fXrrr>*h or con- Uract Dtick *ord. 8. S. FANN ER. : oct y IJ. ZELLER SON DRUGGISTS No G Rrockeriiofl Row,BollefontoA'a IK .tltrniu DrngK. 4 Itpuiieal* Prrftimery, Fancy (iosd* Ac. A*c. I' -re Wines and Liquor* for mqdler purposes always kcpL may 31. *2. "9-aa. "If 1* , !*j miars u| * T* ant wa4r Po will l -*a* #s e*t U *, * I aft! am.l tax* Pox *! WW aaaA <. fwuiw aiUpa' iwu ** U. tt X* •* a se&ra, .* v. uike aal! foot u*.t Aiwilim (< a*aa I < W*co o! a lileua.*,"' ami it |*e a Aei*aaa fcaad Ko * rrr\(* )eari*y. er 4aoa. ,.poe. aillj, a>aa*- 'l. •t. -.!• Ja- . Ac- a** acul ai roax. 9* eraw. ; .-Bp u> *r.u tm K. MM tioa. aa* ~.-m> wlr*pbaa '. sr*< wo**X ethaa.* M; .ear Hewweia r* r.Xla U>ii. al iseoala aw* atli *h yaa My u* a. a-. • A itliaw Krim B a 00, UtaadaXr. $ DOWN WiTiniAtU)TIMES- $ -divt M tit y K lUa, Aala. Sb '-'n :Ac ik-atoa. XUa>_ atao* !*? haaaatl V(vs3a te is. (rri patmai* ft ."m ramrf • as. U "I I'is. turn. >•* tsta* 1. ICx'Xa,Cttiiass. i.lce* Was*. A< . A< as !• at Waif I aw. n< Mil. iQWatal aril M A..Has Kimi IT a .ut* )<** tivm uusuJi-eturar* ud rill Jlanue. Ona *aß**. mi aaarilfur *! aba* I .saaßtryCsslrniaA a* le (* !ar Ttu* uno I tuaUua. '-te nieleta *OS l-.ttsaj. Bsmf <-• tiremiasa. aw* *aa Usa I ij. . .rUele, Om*tl ecl| *: We ur* aa ! ivaoj Wf tho Paal patHMa*!* Boa*oa.awJ Uj laMxw aw* eoaa XMntrrvralin. XW t •jsa now* *tii*>*ilvowooA*tt baa tkaa aa* ' „ vea.i. rt.XMa. We .< u4 )>! assdoa aipcaaa V■ *1 let Jee ac rjad. befera barta* Wo oaal ac*&io***aadMro Se on*, r-rts*i ee#4e*. I )„n ( Vti# f "e*a pe,:*i . *r\! >. 1 oae for all yn ® V. Por*. Cicalas*, aa* Ula. Wo 'aa *--) d*a.-U *1 an in. a.- . all f.r a snolo5 nolo BaaatCai K.c* ' c itl'. r- ol beat • . ' ' ... n.vttea tl 1 übca • front, effeel. .. . • tU-ot spring **"••• baea , :ai ;iag. anddlsu-ods in aper , j < against the Inside of tha ,i, . t'lhe esrbtm aud scale vituout rtto tube. if r last longer, mm wot* ; ;:'.' nr .rfcct. Adopted and in oro t" rule by ilwcis Scad for -trs SIIUVCE CO., • the rah I St:.!-.-, t f, : € it-et, 3s" ow A" oris. u . of ll : ; *♦ 1