The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 04, 1876, Image 2

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    The Centre Reporter.
CF.NTnun.vii..ra., May i. 1> • -
1 RRStS.—s2p*r !" r H rt " V l
totcw notraM tM advance.
Alvartttcmanl* *V pcrhnc for I.J . '
arriitww, and for dan.i VI months y , 1
al contract.
Applet are now getting ripe down in
Texas. Who wouldn't be * Texan •
A mountain of superior white chalk
has been discovered in Idaho, and to w
if never-failing spring is in elos,
proximity, an enterprising man might
start a dairy there without investing in
n single cow.
In the counties of Schuylkill. :
thumberland, Columbia, and Haiiphm
rasualties in the mines, for the ps* !
seven years, have made 4,5£fl widows
nnd orphans.
If the centennial exhibition cost
-7,500,000, the amount claimed to com
plete it, in order simply to reahxe this
sum it will he necessary for 15.000.0u
people to visit it at once, at the price '
admission, oO cents ; and as the tmn i
eonfimwl to 158 days (ftmu May 10 t>
Novemhcr 1". deducting Sunday-. M
which it will be closed t, it will requm
the daily attendance of over 05,000 1 1 ' '
pi*- ' . ...
The liberality of the legislature in
making appropriations for churita! „
parpoaes promises to bankrupt i,t
State Treasury. The State Ireav.m i
estimates those appropriations now
ponding at $1,000,000, agatust the usual
In the Senate. Warfel of the Finance
Committee.stated.that .the appropria
tions proposed for the coming tisc.d
year, would exceed the estimated rrvr
nue f l,dtal,otXk This would seem to in
volve the necessity of cutting down ap
propriations and continingthem strictly
to State institutions.
Dota Pedro, Brazil"® emperor docs
n >t wish much show in his visit to the
United States. Before he landed in
New York, he expressed his desire to
travel as a private citizen and wished
to avoid all demoatralion. He is now iu
California, and a dispatch from San
Francisco, of 25 ult., says: lK>m l'cdic
and party arrived this •evening at
Pleasonton, forty miles from the city.
His ear was detached from the train,
put behind another engine and rushed
over the road half ait hour ahead of the
overland train. The object was to avoid
any demonstration on his arrival, and
it was a perfect success. The party pas.—
e l through Oakland without attracting
attention and crossing the Bay and ar
riving at the wharf took carriages to the
Palace Hotel, where they entered with
out half a doxen people knowing they
had arrived. On the arrival of the regu
lar train at Oakland, a great crowd was
in attendance with bands playing and
colors tlying, while Pom Pedro was al
ready ensconced in apartments in the
Palace Hotel. Seats have been engaged
by telegraph for the party at Mechanic*'
pavilion to-night to hear tiilmore s
orchestra on the arrival of the train at
Sacramento. Pom Pedro and party
hastily examined the workshops of the
Central Pacific, expressing regret at the
briefness of the inspection. The party
will remain in the city four or five
days and then go to other points of in
The Williamaport Bulletin, republican,
thinks.this aw rong time to commence
criticising Grant. Grant undoubtedly
thinks so too.
If there is any fellow just now that
won Id like to be "let alone," it is I aelees
McKee, of the St. Louis Globe-Deiuo
crat, who was convicted some months
ago of being in the whisky ring, lias
been sentenced to pay a fine of f lO.UUO
and be imprisoned two tears in the
county jail. This is heavy punishment
for an eminently respectable and infiu
ential gentleman, a deacon in the church,
a prominent leader in politics, and pro
prietor of the principal Republican organ
west of the Mississippi. But there has
Iteen altogether too much robbery of the
government by such respectable people
and the lesson of Deacon McKee's dis
grace must prove wholesome, so says the
Grant from a third-termer has come
down to be neutral —he is for nobody
now, since bimselfis out of the question.
How suddenly his notions changed, and
nothing else but a little investigation
did it. Had he been only a one-termer
he might have retired without a blasted
reputation or a disgraced administration
—but the evil practices under his second
term have finished him up and it would
be well for the country in the record of
the last four years of Grantism could be
wiped out.
The state legislature will adjourn on
5 inst. It will be noted for one good
thing—it has passed less bills than any
of its predecessors. Under the old con
stitution a volume of laws was ground
out each winter which were mostly of a
private nature and to legalize some
scMemc to ekin and plunder the public.
This evil has been greatly curbed by
the new constitution, and the good ef
fects are noticeable in the few laws
made during the present session. Be
yond the repeal of the notary fees act,
we believe there has been no local legis
lation for Centre county this winter. • j
The state senate, on 20 ult., confirm
ed the appointment of George Lear as
Attorney General. Ayes 44, nays
This appointment was made by Gov.
Hartranft over two months ago, and the
republicans in the senate refused to
swallow it. Mr. Lear thus hung fire
until 20, when he went through without
opposition. What changed the minds
of the stubborn senators we have not
On same day l'rofeasor Wickerebarn
was re-appointed Superintendent of
Public Instruction, and was confirmed.
Messrs. McMichael, Shoenberger, Cur
tin, Mitchell, of Franklin county, and
McC'rea, of Philadelphia, were appoint
ed as a Board of Centennial Mana
That was a sound message of Grant's
vetoing the of the law reducing the
president's salary from SSO,(KM) down to
$25,000 the old figures of Washington,
Buchanan, and Lincoln. We printed
the veto message in the Reporter last
week, and we call it sound, because it
shows great veneration for the constitu
tion, which in this instance reminds usof
of a deathbed repentance, for we never
knew Grant before to build much upon
the constitution—perhaps it is only
lately he became acquainted with that
ancient piece of parchment, and he evi
dently got to like it because the constitu
tion is full of "provisions" and it is "pro
visions" that ti'rnnt ha- be, n after dur- j
ing his right years in tho presidential \
chair. The salary law wan full
of"provisions" f>'i lirunt. The pt.-i-!
.h nl in hi- \eto m; - thai "in hisevpe-j
Heart 125,000t10M aot defray the ex
pensos ef tie i xtutive" for provision*
for one year. Probably it would it at
tending hor c races, long llranch loaf
ing* ami bumming around the country
were dispensed w'.lh. And then he
that f'NYOtHt "is not now one tilth in
value what it wa- when fiv.d !>y the
Constitution in supplying" provision!"
Crimt I s as sound ujhiii the i .uistitutioti
as he is upon the nupply of provisions
If the increased salary had bvenshHA< o
per year, he w ouhl have vetoed a lull
reducing it to JdtM***, heeause "tn In
experience" that annntnt would he need-
Ed by the executive to buy provisions,
and he con hi have proven it "dl hv fall*
lug hack UJhvu the Constitution which
has provision- in it.
To diatinfttish the present session of
the legislature from former ones. w
might baptireit as the "!*> erang ses
sion." Knglaml once had a parliament
vv hUh weld down ii to history . - tlu
"rump parliament," and the " erang
legislatme of Pennsylvania" is u tit 1
which w. uld und as elegant and a
little more musical than "rump parlia
nieut." The 1 -erung, throw nby the into .purr directions, and
there was S'liif tjlUVf fun' iolinected
with the pa—age of the to tn hill, and
t!c Us - erang ha- le Ito ate queer
revelations as to "how they do it at
New Yeri. denn eiat- h... lev iared
in favor of Tildeii A>r president.
The Arkansos radical -talc convent! u
;vi—o>il a resolution in favor of Morton
The radical stgte convention of Cali
fornia has pronounced n favor of
Ou Monday last the trial of PclrolF
wa- taken up in the House for the viola
tion of the anti-bribery sections of the
Constitution. J. Alexander Siuip.- n,of
Philadelphia, appeared as cxmnaol for
Petroff; Wolfe, llays and Key burn
manage*! the case oil behalf of the
Capt. Skinner, Journal Clerk, was the
"tirst witness examined. Hesuh-tauUally
repeated hi- testimony given before the
Committee iu relation to his negotia
tions between Einbick and JVtrolT. It
bore hard on the Philadelphia member.
At 1 o'clock Skinner's examination was
concluded, and the House took a re
The entire day was consumed in con
sidering the case of Petrotf, charged with
corruption or improper conduct ia the
pu-sage of the Boom bill.
A vote being taken on inserting cen
sure instead ofexpulson, it resulted in
in the negative, and on a vote being
taken on expulsion it resulted in the
affirmative by the following vote—yeas,
lis, nays,lt'-.
In another column of the Reporter we
publish the prospectus of the Philadel
phia Times. Pennsylvania never had
a better daily then the Tiuua and it
stems to be everybody's favorite. It
furnishes ail the news of the day, has
able correspondents at all important
centres, and is edited with marked abili
■■ ♦ - -■
On 1 inst a boiler explosion on a ferry
boat between London and Bingeu killed
thirty persons.
The boom at Lock Ilaven contains 75,-
(XX),000 feet of lumber.
Mg. Geo. W. Brisbiu, late of the Os
ceolo Reveille, is a candidate for the
Senatorial nomination in this district.
Pom Pedro has once more set his face
to the east, and has his gaze fixed cn
Oil City.
N\ Y. Tribune: According to the
statement by the Bowlers, published in
yesterday's Tribune, their uncle and
guardian, George li. Pendleton, did
nothing in collecting the war claim of
their railroad upon the Government,
which they did not fullv approve, and
was paid nothing beyond what they were
glad to offer and were fully convinced
that he had amply earned. We have no
sort of doubt that this is an exact state
ment of the ease. There has ncTcrbeen
the least reason to believe that Mr. Pen
dleton did anything in the matter which
either the stockholders of his road or
the family of the heirs for whom he was
guardian did not fully approve. The
onlv difficult point in the case is this.
As President of the road he was chiefly
his own constituency since he represent
ed, in his fiduciary capacity as guardian
for the heirs, three-fifths of the stock :
The heirs are nearly of age, and the
guardian might well be largely guided
by their wishes. But still, he was
technically bound to act on his own
judgement for their best interests.
There can he no doubt that they want
ed him to have the tnoney, but whether
he as their guardian, should haveaward
ed the money to himself as President of
their road, is a more difficult question.
The salient feature of the case, however,
is this. Mr. Pendleton never dreamed
that lie was doing an impioper thing.
The heirs never dreamed of if. The
road itself was always considered a
family concern. They arranged its af
fairs to suit themselves, and decided
| among themselves that if Pendleton,
[ whom they all wanted to help, could re
cover this claim, he should have half of
it. There was nothing in the case dif
ferent from arrangements which busi
ness men make even- day. The only
difficulty was, that while the arrange
ment was really made by the heirs, yet
fx*fore they actually became of age,
Pendleton himself, as their guardian,
could alone give it legal effect, and was
thus placed in the awkward iositiou of
deciding, as guardian, to pay the money
to himself as President. The people out
of whose pockets it came, however, are
perfectly contented with the payment,
and would make it over again to-mor
row if they could. Under these circum
stances, the complaints of outside people
for political effect are likely to have less
permanent weight.
From f/ie Hartford Timet.
Having occasion to go on board the
, Acklawaha boat to-day, I have noticed a
nale, elderly woman, with very white
hair, who kept herself aloof from the
excursionists, and by accident I learned
it was the wife of Henry Ward Beecher.
Bhe was going up the river twenty-six
miles to a settlement on the St. John's
called Beecher, in honor of her famous
husband. She can" up to I'alatka on
Saturday—possibly from the residence
of Mrs. Stowe, at Mandarin: though I
wouldn't like to vouch for this—for "the
Be cohere are peculiar."
This member of the family is said to
have her own peculiarities. She is an
old woman, now—probably not less
than 70—{forshe is considerably older
then her husband) —and her aspect is
that of a woman who suffers from an in
ward pain that reaches deeper than the
physical hotly. Some observers, seeing
lier sitting there alone on the steamer,
might say she was borne down by grief
and trouble—and surely she has had her
share; hut there was something in that
pale, determined face which spoke of
more than grief.
A bystander said. "She looks like
three w hole tragedies boiled down into
one act;" and this did better expft**s
that unhappy lace. A strange, secret,
inner history is hidden in its cold mar
ble. It is not a winning face—not the
countenance one would /expect to see in
the wife of Ilenry Ward lWctu-y. What
it does express 1 will leave to nthe/ By
mate out. Enough for me to know that
she carries, poor woman, a sight of trou
ble beyond tlm miseries of most of those
who d< serve punishment.
I She hid her face at times with lict
■ luind not from staring etirin-ity . for she
knew not that she was at that moment
[the "1 c.l f •erntiuv on tin part < i '
, stranger- hut s, i iitingly hv a s-rt >t r
! involuntary and holph • inoveim nt
lmrn Of ,'Otno Intern 1 atrivgh It was 1
astern, unhappy, nncotnAuMe la e, ,
and one I vva- dm -t try !>> have I
seen. . *
Till >f.'< l:l I si'H\ if! ! xl> /•( i:-
ll.i Ml IV lI I. VNI"- l Mil HV IV iWil
' - It j
Waaliingtou, April 25 t !.• diahui .• •
Hu nt of the seeri t Service I nnd An ele • j
Hon purjioses in Sew Y. si. undei \t ;
torncy t icncral Ykei man has I wen t la, i <1 I
eil a- straight to the l'n -d. Nt - h.u. ,
it was hy the ev idi iiei <u Yiu rmy ti. n
eral Wifli.ima. If tin its, of this i,t ;
S-rviee money in th - way w,,-.t- pioj
or HttdJawful Mt> the U, pre.
claim, it is -trange that tw ■ Alt :ney
lieileials, the highest law , t t if
t i,-v ruineiit -ti. aid HI >.
j, e- ami at per khls if in > vii tit • y, ■>
.apart nsjulre the t> -stive roet ~t the
I President before tliey -, nt a dollar of it
through the chief >f the Ina-uty ,iet
itive- to an tiner rupulou* parit.-att, tin ial
fur (Hilituwl eampatgn work, and if the
I money was used prof wily tjinh t the 1 u
| forer ment act, as |- als> , latin, d hy* the
j KepublUitiis, why has it not l <en ne
j ,-ruutted An in detail, as reunited hy the
I last sr vtiou of that law " 1 \ Alt- rtu v
j ii, tterul Akerttuut tCstiiievl (> day that j
he tirst disbursed a | irt of tin futui 1
j through iVtrvtive Whitley I ■ Haven
, iK,rt on a letter whi, It he received tr, in
Uicnetal Hora.-e Port,! ft m long
I!ranch, written hv hi- j-n\ ttt secretary
at tluv reipt, -! ? the Pr, ddent Mr.
Akoruian regard- tin- inforimrtioii a-
Importxnt aitri confidential and submit
ted it to the committee tiiuh-r protest
lie did not think that he ought to I t t>
! i pit rod to make it public, it was an ol
ticial act, jx-rfornie,! Nt the private re
uneit of the Pre-tdcnt. The committee
hope to get fYlli t(I All million .cg.udtlig
the amount of money -cut into N.uth
I'arohna in August, 1-7", w hen the tirst
State election of lite ti rant and C, reeky
| eamfKtign came otl', the iiu|iOrt:inee of
which will be easily recalled. I !.,* fact
is already known thai ii,of t* v
ernmeiit funds wrre sent into that state
to aid the Uepublican tn kt against
Merriwou, the tc candidate
for Uoveinor and now Cailed States
Senator. Thcie *. u,> pretense of
lent rvgiatrwtion or Tw,, d rings t:v de
fend tins theft of public money. It is
suggested that the t aulticld Coininittve
visit New York bef te concluding tlie
investigation itit > the cxncuditurvw of
: public money there forcieehon pur|,oscs. j
It corta in tho neighborhood of i-i to ,
bring aw itness from New 1 ork to \\ asli- j
Ington and return and pay hi- xpenaos
while waiting the pleasure of the couis ,
mittee. fin re a—hundred- of wit ties-j
SeS ill New V 'tk wh ' will sMC.ti ~.1 k
the way in which Johnny T)a\enport I
sjw-nt tire money illegally gtvcu htm by
j order of the President, l'he expense ui
i hringitig ic-J w itne-ses t W asiiingtou
; would W much gitaler thau th. >x
[penMoftheis mmlttee in v.-iting N'w
I York.
| Carl Schorr in the M estlieho Post
puts it thus: "Wherever three or f ui
scoundrels were gathered together iu
(.•rant's name, there he vva- in the mi.lst,
of them, in tho person i.fa tr :!,er-in
lavv, cousin or friend. No i'u ' v.,
House or \\ in-key King c- uld ,'ivtdt it.-
plander witli-'Ut the lHvil being tier, '
to cry "Halves 1* The übiquitous A
tuodeu-, us Murphy in New Y rk ■ r
as Casey in New Orleans, tilled hi
fathomless pockets, ami wherevtr th,*
White House east its shadow a brother!
Orvil or a brother-in-la . Ht nt can-.e .
forth out of it with externa 1 palm*. If'
I Shepherd and Bals ,k , - t!,l make thetr
; hundreds of thousands out or the His-1
triet King,and Belknap scarcely le-outi
of a single" peparttnent, how shall we
' estimate the probalda total -nin ground
I out of the toiling eitixen* and taxfaiyer
. of the country during eight l-uig years,
liy the well organiacd laiiiil created by
the uepoti-m of the White House w in, li
has throw n the chief patronage of the
Administration into their dirty hands
iir.vim.ic. t.V-/.'.v.i TOR <A.M>I
Washington, April 2s.—The . tinsel
for Belknap are still pursuing dilatory
tacties, and are manifesting in every
possible way a desire to avoid aud evade
the trial. The House manage rq on the
contrary, want to g>> on. I'his diffrr
ence of tactics was signally manifested
to day when Mr. Carjenter, who vester
dav tried to have the matter laid over
till next winter, asked for two week
time in order to prepare arguments on
the question of jurisdiction, which has
now been before the public for nearly
two mouths. It is obvious'tliat on tlx -•
preliminary questions the sympathies
of the lody of the administration Sena
tors are with General Belknap. Conk
ling i- especially conspicuous, and is
practically an assistant counsel for the
accused. He and Matt taq enter arc
together as they used to be when both
were Senators. Mr. Kdrounds seems to
befan honorableexcepti.-n to this rule,
anJ to-ilav there wi re indications a
the Republican aide of a bolt from
Conkling's leadership, but the rej>ort to
day is current tliat the Republican Sena
tors will dodge the whole ra-e on the
plea of a want of jurisdiction.—? >.
The Chinese Question is being inves
tigated in Ban Francisco by a legislative
committee. The clergyman in charge
of the Chinese missions in that city re
cently (testified before this commit!* *•
that the* Chinese in America have m ar
ly all come from the province of Canton,
'/ho "Bix U< impanics" bear to the Chi
nese people the relatiou of arbitrators,
and by common custom they recognize
as conclusive all documents bearing the
seals of those companies. The compa
nies themselves do not imjsirt laborers,
but every ( hinese immigrant into Cali
fornia joins one of them. There is also
a "Washington Guild, - ' which is com
posed of men from all the companies.
The system of woman slavery, as it exists
in San Francisco, the witness described
its "the vilest and most brutal servitude
ever imposed upon human beings." JJe
also stated that when a member of one
elan kills one of another *lan, the crime
Is sometimes hushed and evidence <le:
t roved for a consideration.
There is another side to the Chinese
question. They arc docile people when
let alone—apt, industrious and useful,
laving mainly on rice and fish, it costs
them very little for necessary expenses
and they can therefore work for very
low wages. When there were but few
of them in California, the Ban Francis*-o
people were eager to have a great many
more; now, when they are very numer
ous, the turbulent portions of the Frisco 1
population are against having any. The
truth is the Chinese have concentrated
too much. If they were more evenly
distributed throughout the western
country they would be considered quite
as desirable labor auxiliaries at this time
as they w ere ten years ago. Their con
centration carries their low wages into
conflict with all other labor, and arrays
all other labor against them. A number
of them have bought twenty thousand
acres of land and are going to farming.
That is a good move in the right direc
The Committee on the Boom Bill made
their report. 'The majority report war
signed by all the members except Mr,
Hayburn, of Philadelphia, and in sub
stance i# as follow** They submit testi
mony concerning Mr. Miller of Philadel
phia. without expressing any opinion
whatever ; that Uentncr of Philadelphia
and Knipe of Berks acted indiscreetly ;
Douglass of Philadelphia ti ted unbecom
ing as u member ot the liouso in allowing
Petrol!' to use his name n one of the fifteen
in the Embiek check arrangement for one
thousand five hundred dollars. That
Thornton approached members in such u
way as to lead them to believe that they
(build get money for voting against the
i bill. Tlrat Lynotl of Luxerne county and
PetrofTof Philadelphia, ore both guilty of
violating article twonty-cino of section
three of the Constitution.
They call attention to the testimony im
plicating Messrs. Skinner, Journal Clerk
of fj;e liutisc; Beck, Embiek, lierdic,
AmncraiW), Andreas and others, impli
cating them in aorunt solicitation ol mem
bers. They refer iho mnLU:? to the House
to take such action as it may sen at eo„
corning those over whom it lins control,
en/1 alter such action by the House, re
coiiiuu-iid tjiat the report ol the Commit
tee, 'together with a copy of the testimony,
he referred to the Attornoy-tieucrul for
tn li fuitb, i notion at to nil pnrlit • n It,
hull co fit.
Iho M i~i iiy Ucjioi i *
I' Mi . I by Mi Ii t> I urn <T l'hilatitiphi,
.ti,l only ii tut* front the ti|,,>rt uf tin
najority au far a* it sprc-,w i.n opm n!
is t>, the gutlt of the pmtle* mctitnuie ' i
■'l i i(At* thgfti v | r*ot l. i. Co
ulttuuil light to In brought fa, t lo fio • '
villi la* ! i-11,1 h-ive til bet fit , t
ul 'I bi<f c y (iptliion i* Cipro n
-0 Ilia cU !
(In to tl >• the i, p, . I 1* or,|, t, I to In
. into I and toip'tl .r w till Ho losliuu ,i
„ ill bo Sii .i ■ n the o, a, ~f ui,ml,. , i,i\oi
a Inch the Hon,,, mi] >nrn I
i, hero to i i, ; la A , agree thnt tin ;
1 olnliliu,-.. p, It. line,l its dnt, boltesln
sml ioarie!y.
ill ill, ... use nl lliiriui urp, *ll >, \l, :
lieigisard oil, ml n ledution r oiling]
itiat, u III! s'ouut l.< n 111, ft been |,tUV< I j
sgiui it aiy >t the ot,,< hiitidien and tin,. ;
uo otlie: who \ 'ted !or ibe t. om bill, ii ]
b rclutt.ed to the Sctiute uiib 11.0 till- r
Hlul. n ihat tho li. u . hnd p.e jed it. Tbi|
. OUgfil up It.,i wil. .r e! < . liup- '
lion to the p* ageitf tli <- b, < tn bill, nndj
~i to rt |; go . I > HUH i o. I. ito
i ill,, ipi> d HI by Chriaty, t."g j
\\ ,oto, I'.uo uu ; and Oloiig, in luVoi ot
ndiig 1 <■ .oil to the .eiiatc witlmut
An th II via- ma*!.* by Mr. linghari)
l' I a CiUntintti oof lis , be appointed to I
o'nUtrt the case agatn>t nicinhei* chart- 1
I'd vim vto hilt ti of tin Constitution m I
lil< . .go " tils* Is. in bid The III,M ion ,
, debated by Wolle, Iteigbald,
CI. tlntisier, d olheig.
W heut t nl tng i v , oitctuMuii, Mr, i
otfen .1 lite foll wing resolution
which was agreed to
M t,,:, .. .I, a m,ml or ,if i.,i* House,
.1. on \\ , In ,I.,At I, SV.ti, in, '
iu my j. .*co ,n tb It*,use and sletnaiid a
bsaitiig .*t tin* ba ,i ihe ii,ui-o,'t certuin ■
~ i< itattiui* c. i.iaii.od in the ma], rdy *.j ,
lb- i.i iiiitu*. uu itilsd to invsktigale
wlii .her there had been any in >,onauct
II tin* put oi member* ot the House in 1
the | issage of Senate bill No 2! ; tb#r |
tore, be it
it -,'ived, I *uil tb,- HeU*e WMi Jilift ecd
l" ll> ii- inadsi agatiigl my*,ll ui|
■ at ~ nucct" .<1 I tie bar lbcie,l at a
it ul. l: ... U' Is held ,Mot.-'
,! y 11. rt UR iu \t, at eleven o'clock, and
that tin House do now prt eeed to eiect!
gv e 11. s'.age* to ,uii. uc, the ease ,n me
( art oi tie Houtc
A Hi •',! i ti re,ojuidor the Veil
by v, bich Ibe above resolution wa adopt*
< i. led a .oil * thy dcba'.i, by M-. ,r.
Fautuc, Leech, Hubit ait J other* until the:
hour of adjournment
During the course of the evening I.yuott*o and > ffered are*, Mutton tbat ti>ei
iiuu.a ti! open s.ssjo' liaar a:, i try hi*.
ca*e a!l, r tbo trial I'eUott Tbi* gavej
rue t** a l it, t, l.otsy- and itcrintoftiou* dc*i
bale, .i, t:.< iittjt of which Mr li.iyc* ot
f,red a i, olutien that Lyl. it. having
bt,-:. pr. vcn guilty in viol. ting Id* oath
of otWee be cipelipd
Speaker fatter* i rated U,l* out of or-i
Jernrtd noite and csuntution worse eon
founded continued :>midt iisquonl Ut,-|
lions lo adjourn. iV s.-t,* being finally
rvached. l*y noli - re>o!uitoa war adopted
;.i.d tbc 11- Use i djoutt.s d in Vi. J - ell tip-j
mi it.
Folio*ii.g is ti, text of the bill regains
tit.g a} p.aU fioiii lbs, .udgisietii of j n-li-
in ,i ti I", .< and Ald,ruis-n it. t
Sute for the wage* of manual labor pro
tects*,! by an a, t for the bettor proba tion
of the **p-t of mceiianic*, miner*, labor
er* aid • '.hers w t,b ba* t-a*,,d both
bouse- of the Legislature atel been g.gne j .
by lb<* G. vert ,-r
Section I pros,.!, that irs all rsa > in
wfdeh iudgment b..H has,- bee;, rende.-
Iby ay Justice of the IV-.- ttr Alaer*
mult in tb>, C ii i: twealth for svages ot
manual tab -r, thai before ibe defendant
shall be wntuied to ail appeal from the
judgment : U." Ju*i.c- ~ Aldeitnan, bs
or )ti*ag> t - ; cy shall make oath
or affbmnt; a. that t!., r,jp,al it not in-'
*. I de.l fcr the pars Hp of ileljty tut
be believes thnt mjuktiee ha* been done
bint, which affidavit hali be attached t„
and ettl up svith tie transcript ,-f apip. al;
n <1 the laid .icl'-i dent shall be r,-,|utretl
to give good ami tuiL, ient bad tor the
pay ii.'-r.i f lt debt an 1 cat * to be paid
yrbs n f.!.'.;>• adj..dg- 1 !-• b Jus- tbop'ai
lit! by the i .rt in r*l! ext. for labor
Section 2 Thai no voluntary assign- ■
ment for tlie l> • t of (realtor* shall .)<
irate *o a* to hinder, tie ay r prevent f r
a Kngtr period than thirty day* from ibe
time of n, ft assignment, the collection or,
enforcement of any of ton claim* for it,
wags -or labor secured and protect, dby
the ait f r the better protection of the
wage* of mechanics, miner*, laborer* and
~th r* approv. I the ninth day f April,
| lh*2 or it* (UppletncnU, and said claimants
may, after tbs> cxptratusO of thirty day*
from the date - f tucb assignment, enforce
the eolieelion <>f their claim* iu the stmc
manner and by mean* of the same rem,-
die* that they might havo done had no
such assignment been made,
ttecuost -i In all ca*e* <>{ voluntary at
signun-nu heretofore mado and now re
maining unsetUcd, and in which the as
signee or assignee* i as or have otoru than
five niunty,. within which to tellie hi* or
their account or accounts, any or all ot the
claimants pr. tectod by the provision* of
of the aforesaid act or it supplement*
mtv. immediately affcr the passage of
this act. nrooeod lo collect *uch claims
t'ust a* though no *uch aisignmont had
een made, and in > ase such assigned
property ba* altrady bem o!d, and the
assignee * r n'signvt* r> fuse to pay such
claimant* the am, ant legally due them,
tbey *haii havo th. r:g!,t t Compel him or
thetn to file hi* or their account, and may
proceed to bnvs said clntms paid hy a dis*
trilution through an audii 'r or auditor*
according to li.w . provided, however, that
the owinr or owner* of such assigned
property, or Ihe assignee or assignee*, or
any interested } arty rosy pay t<> *urh
' claimant* the amount of the claim* *o
I prop*. led bv laid act Of it* lUpplfmPOlt,
and be subrogated to the right* of the
claimant* to the extent otsucb i>*jnn>nti.
Section 4. Ail ails or part* of acu in
coiiaiitcnt l.ercw :h arc hereby to such
extent r*j valej.
The other day a 1 autiful and riebly-al
j tiri d New York young lady, who thought
her time had arrived for doing missioan
j ry * rk among the hctlhcn, *i:tod the'
Toomb*. and wo* aila-.YcJ to b> -tin her
tak in the school room of the boy*' j ri
<m. t*be talked very prettily to the gam-.
! in*, seine of whom received the advice in
in tic siting nianntr, while a few de
praved little wretches invited the nice
young 1 iy to "pull J .\yn her v< -t" and
"wipe off her ci !•." In retiring hopa..-
ed through a crowded pa* ago way, and
when he reached the pri*on yard she dii-1
covered that her elcgunt teal-kin pocket
book had been taken from her sealskin
•ncquo. Tho warden ordered the boys
searched and the pur#c war found in po-l
w-i v-ain of "no of the youngster*. If an
angel should get into that placo it would 1
have to b" watchful or the feathers would
1 bo plucked from iu u irg*.
The Philadelphia-TIMES.
"The Times" is n First Class,
| And hat closed its first year with an et
tabli-hi d bona fide lirculalion largerthn
that of nny other daily in l'ennsy Ivanis
with a dingle exception, It I.aa now th
1 1* --1 perfect machinery nrtd appliance
fo- printing it* large edition, having tw
new Hon Perfecting Presses, each capald
of printing iSJ.UK) complete copici ot Th
Time* in nn hour *o that it can give th
very Intcht new* and make the earliest do
livery to iu reader* it contain*
All tllO I.3*l**l*l .>'**.
including the Associated I'm** Telegram*
Special Telegram* and Correspondent
from all point* ofinloreM. Full and Ac
curate Local 11. port . ami Kearle** Kdi
torial I)bcuion of all Current Topic*
making it the most complete and cheap**
newspaper in J'cnm-ylvania.
The Time* is Thoroughly Jtidejiciid
in everything, and will, in ull politien!
struggle*, be faithful to trulli and IU owe
conviction*. It make* ro hollow pretence
of neutrality on the leading question* ol
the day, t>r in political contest# a* they
pit.**, but will over di.-card the blind parti
snn-hip that would subordinate the right
to party success, no matter for what organ,
i nation, or in whose interest such claim is
made, and will fearlessly criticise political
error* and the want of public integrity
wherever found, it deuiaiid* economy
and fidelity in every department of author
ity, i'lly, h.tatp mid National, and boldly
arraign* those of every party who abuse
public trust. It discusses public issues,
public events ami public men, with that
measure of freedom that is dictated by
truth, but with that dignity and courtesy
which should ever characterize the press
of the most enlightened nation of the
world- Price two cent* per copy : mail
subscriber-, postug- prepaid, six dollars a
year, or fifty cents a month. Address
. 13 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
Au (lci"p .t-iiii fin it who liits bfon ( uj;
el Liko Wild llcnal lor i liiriv
I. Uk I.ick, uni , I'h, A|*ril 27.
i :iy v s * H Willi on I ir. apt opt
: ,'icnl . igti ,n living iii HI tin, at
l- i-di 1 II I'ivival iiH'Oting tb, u being In, ld
h, ' 01 Jl .t i 'vtttior 1 of the I'lTiiiiti, nM, th*
I'-1 lie I'H'MIIU a religious , ulluioittol,
■ i im igliaug that he hade,iii,iiitin( ''tin
i I'.H'i i ilt ill, i,.-I ill, re.cHi lie
■ |in* 1 I,l* , ui,tv 11me lu pmv oig mi,l sing*
In . Ho belie*, Ml,> w ,i,i and family pp#-
KlO, I I i* - '.Tain p -.tdtili fur l,l> sins,
villi In 11,11 I Villi, I,', t u Mill ill,'lll thnt
it Wu 1 111,1 It.-,, ury If phi, „ him under
. trail, 1 A loom MM tilted tip Willi
j wis ut oaken bar* nt the door* and win
<l i, l. Mild 1,,, VIM* imprisoned therein.
I"i*• skill of the be t physicians IIMS fail*
•ti lo rest,ire ill* lit Hi ,1, im,l he bus rcllHtln*
led in confinotnen!ilnca IMi. Hi* c,-ii i*
. comfort able a* it , at, t - made, and U>
JI MSEVEIY attelil >LI For llpity veur* In
in Ipletl every h ir in tl,,- day with
Hill, l.lutl, I, ov , I ills to ! soul Ml pile >U
•IP|-,Ml# t" G. ,1 im pur,lon. and in singing
- r, v iv | bv loin unknown I > ibe chuieb go*
P !*of In day Hy paving up ami d-iwn
the do,.i of I.l* M'.'iu, and C> colislant
glieelttig ill p„l.lculnr spots, lie tin* Worn
.(rent hollows In the boards, which il has
I, en in essaiy t>- scvciat time
Th ui.loitui nlo man i* ov,-r eigh v
years of ago Hi tall und auparvuitly in
ilie IM-VI i phv ,n| loaith Hi* hair am'
heard are > i < xlraordinary length. 11,
kcep Im- t>, isoit ami apartment neat ami
. lean, but allow* no one to approach him.
He will not engage 111 thinvemotion, lu*
w iioh'aiieniion being givmi to hi* iucca*
ant devoti 'l. *.
fbo Fieiich hating just given uji as im*
prac(ii.,b!e theii proj'tl of turning tin
Sahara into an iitiiii.,l is*, an American
oi, no . i WHll, stli, Husiian*t'liiltbcp
linvc no timo to lose ii they desire to pre*
vent their g at inh.t n-i, the Ci.spian,
ft HI tin hig it*, if iiiti a Sahara 'ld.i,
g. niletiia i, Mr. N| aiding, ha* ju-t *ub.
n Hcd to the Uu**ian Govcrnnient arc
it.' hlu rcp-irt on the Casp ttO muj th,
' i, ack seas, in aittvii lie 10 Mufaius thi
I' I-dry cig iij, alid wili slowly be
come a de t it, vvi.ihi tiiu diminution el
1., nl:.u w iii d - t'.roy the surrounding ter
jr.tefic-. This, he say*, ha* already i><-
cured in historic limes, whole countries
jiiiv. Jig been desolated by the shrittkagvol
ibe Caspian, lie recommends that a deep
and br'sd cuti ng *b uld be made from '
the Caspian westward, to a poij.t where it
Woui.i bo fi>. loot! ,* beiowr iko level of the
It lack Sea, aud a smaller cutting from
that point to the iliack Sea. The water of!
the latter, which i* filten metres higher!
than that of the Caspian, w . ~!d tiu-n cut :
a >!, • }, find broad channel f>r itself, audi 1
refill the Caspian toil* old level, giving.'j
in fii'ty ye* rt, straight ccean couiniunica-'
t.ou beta con the MadiUrianean and Pur
a. Tin distance between tbf * j*t- h
am! I t in ton Wile*. The period
r, .tiitcl f* r rvhtiii.g might be reduced'
one-half by a cut com ceting the Ikon and
the Volga 1 that the Waters of\><th riv .1
it. .4 ■ ' tl- -e (bo V< !gn only,
might fall istu the Caspian. Mr. Sj ald*
. ,g c.iicutalis that ti.. two 1 Ultingi ui,i,hl
be finished in st* years, but lays nothing
of the expense, which 111 ght, however, bv
reduced by Ibe employ ment of convicts
am! the 1 ■ >.al regiment* in the army
a -W- *
X. t• •' gag > lira disc iveriea of rascali
ty of every" grade in the quartermoitvr
d*j srtiiie il under It .lu* legal.* - alarm
ed the adli.H otraliv u lh*l tveu. Meigs wa
at on, • re, Hied to take charge of liie de
pailliit-nt. hi- character for hotie-ly being
. on - nler. ,1 strong enough to retf orp pub-
Hie , -'ifidence lo i ...e e*tent at least, in
that i. stly branch of tho military service
And r. i ts• re come- a!ioinii tdol-bleaker, ,
ine \V thaler, of N. w Hampshire, who
sat ,rs t'fore the war fffcl attun-nt com
lllittee that when be to sell a pat
tnt moth exterminator to Mc-tg* for it,
protection of army clothing. ti"< ttuiinw
; like old quartermaster *?* ed, "How much
i will you give me, it 1 put it tit general
I use f" If there arc no inherent imp.n
--1-IIUMM in so much oi Webster s story, the
same certainty cannot be iijtl of too re
maieder, for bo adds, a- ,1 ou>s to expect,
people to believe, that he refused this
iraok invitafion to bribe the quartermas
ter That part of the narrative is wholly,
beyond belief. A lobby man with u pat
ent; -b for sale to theavc>rnmeit. who ex
porta to g.t along Willie ul "grease,' 1 i> too
innocent to live.
[National ll.ipliil.]
A couple in Kingston, who undvrtook
to gel married s me time since, went, ac
cosnpaniod by the bridesmaid and grot-ins
niautoa cburch, and were ushered into
.the acred edifice anil escorted to the ab
tar by the sexton, vrlui, however, got the
pnrtie* rather mixed up, stationing tin
j bridesmaid next to the bridegroom, and
the bride and groomsman in correspond
ing wrong places The clergyman, not
noticing the mistake, went on with the
| ceii :i,oiiy. and began marrying the brides
maid to the bridegroom when the bride
served an "injunct: r. * on him by cx
i 'aiming that she w as the marrying parly.
The mistake being remedied, the clergy
man made another aitcmj>i, nnd tho
: fortuanco went smoothly along until it
cam* for the bridegroom to pr. dure the
ring, which was essential to the comply
t nof the ceremony. Hut when that gen
tleman felt in his vest pocket, it wasn't
there ; in the other, not there; in the
i trousers pocket, not there; and then he
fait to the bottom of tbo remaining pock
<t, an i Ltially exclaimed ; "Well, sure,
j there is a hole sn uiy pocket, and the ring
slipped down into my boot And theon-
Jy way to Cni*h the ceremony was for the
I bridegroom to sit down, pull off his boot,
uku i-ut tho ring, pull on his boot, and
put the ring where it ought to bare,
and walk out with his bride, all of which
ho d id.
- ■- ■■ ■—
I. ndon. April "JO. A Paris correspond
. :;t .ays : A fire in the thi aire I'es Art*,
in Rouen, broke out while the actors wcr>
draasing tor the performance, and wa|
discovered before In* public were admit
ted The flames spread rapidly. Outlet*
of the building were so narrow that the
exit of the member*, of chorus and super
numeraries. was cut off, and tho poor pco-|
plu crowded the windows, many leaping!
from them upon budding piled below by!
the inhabitants. One chorus singer was;
visible for an hour in an upper window J
beyond the reach of help, rour soldier*'
were killed and fifteen wounded in en
deavoring to save lives. About lift/ per-;
tons wi re badly injured. A leading sing- j
er, Mile Pgys, en tend tho building in:
search of her husband and perished In the,
flames. The loss is estimated at about;
There were fifty witnesses at a hog suit
in Perry county.
— ... i
For the Reporter.
I The Lord my shepherd Is ; I shall not
'want. He makrth me to lie down in j
1 green pasture# ; he leadeth me betide tin* •
still waters, lie rcsteth my soul : He!
- leadeth me in Lhc paths of righteousness for;
r> hi* name's sake; yea though I,'walk through'
, the valley of the shadow of death, 1 Will
i* fear no evil ; for thou art with ine ; thy-f
, rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou
, propnrcst a table before me in the presence
njot mine enemies : thou am-intest my head'
i: with oil j my cup runneth over. Sureiv
goodness and mercy shall follow nio all
the day* of mv life: and I will dwell in
the house of the Lord forever.
CinuvriAN* A-ST RAMK.
Cli list inn assurance i* an humble, but
'. | firm sense of present acceptance with (iod
.[ln bis Son, Jesus Christ TkiM PNIH
'contains the Old Testament doctrine on
Uhl* important subject, 'J ho description
I- beautiful and tho imagery grand The
; l'-itliuist teaches us to rest UiO hope of Oliri
j -nivaiioii, net in our own changeful andij
erring iraiue* and feelings, but on divine
Move, The New Testament tdk u* of
three kinds of assurance, vir- -*
I. I'llK FV 1.1. AtaHttKAVCg o>- UgpKK
isrxxuixa, Col , 2-2. When knowledge
'grows into underslanding, then the soul
j urosper*. He wlio so understands the
I Gospel, so * to perceive tho relation ot
, euch part to all the rest, and it* uie a* a J
part of one greater design; in something .
(of the samo manner, that a skillful unato
| ini*t understands the use and office of ev
lery pert ot the human body, in relation to
; tho w hole, has the full assurance ofundcr
stiindiug.— Sfott.
Hob. 10 22. A faith grown up to assu
rance. The man who is fully convinced
that thjs consistent and t.nrnionious,
though complicated design, is thy work
and revelation of God, and lias no doutit
the things testified are true, thut the prom
ise- and threatening* will bo fulfilled, t
and that Christ will certainly save all true
believers, lias the full a-suranco of faith ;
though lie may, through mis apprehension,
<-r temptation, or other eaU-es, doubt of Q
hi* own ; crsonnl interest in ihi# galvation. ™
— Scott. ■ • jn
Il iPI t t Aft HAN. i; nr I lid-K To IH
i s |i. Ileli. IHi r.i I riitn | • r>tiniion
fhll' t tollViriion, tin who In-Votld lioubt I
111 111 fit,,l nl lUMin (I tbttl lie Ii i ill ■ elf in a j
true belictvef. Ini< ref ted in all tbu pre, intit I
pr,,iiiiter ■eai,,l l>v the •nnotllying |,li|l,
an I n pnrtnker nf liie glory that >ln,ll In
r> en!el , baa tlia full n- >uinii< eoi hope
'I In lull !,*!.unite • f the tenttindbjr, or tl •
fallhfiilnti* of tl i' iu. mist* of IJiml, cj
twin bk veiaclo, 1 J. bii. '.I 10, liui the
lull i, nr.,At,■ ~/ Ii >p„ mil tbe oblailltd
ai di . v, JI y dilige nt „ ,Vr ,((,
11,,,, i, bop,, otiiiiinn,! then An*
lie boly Hving , i l by v mom at.ti rap
tut, , u t t>v ditaior Htnl itvtlaiion*
Clod uopttiti no luth ilirttt revelation
no* i liopi lb,' i lull of a life of
piety I'm,mt wb "bitin it, tuually *e
. ill,' it at. oriitat llie nil of a lift of c*in
litit't ,1 i • tion to i, -,l it, ap<t|>, mar
ivr atoi eiial lufltrur* in any ngo etpt
ei ti. i , 'Ul,l iin)>11 it to the aoul at
iot, ai , oiiveriioti Hut lueii i* Ibe ten*
deli, v of man to indoltiito mid l, th, that
. v . i, g o.t n.tti would iela\ tb*lf etl.'fli
ami u d' veru doiit. ote l f, l,ng that ibejr
had di llu' iiiulouhted | r -peel of )|tav>
en Ai ti ti in Id out , a pri/e to be won
—•omethtnff U> cheer ur in oi l agt w hen
the wal ' ire ii ov . i .It death See 'J Tdu.
17, h I'aul tit ■ lam now ready to be
il.r.i!, cl< Though •„ net or later
.fr.-. .1 ilfer, nt kind* uf iuiit)i . aliiot
.my ~ piibiy blend into eatb oilier, Uieie
ti ' , vtrlbtltii a leal diitmrlloo betwull
lb. m and tit a loy ort, r. they a|
pr. ~ b and pewit** H.,- ioui, Tbtt old. r U
Ola inly d,t, etnable in tbii I'ialin. v. I, t, \
Titer,- me litre. id,ai proiuinei.l in the
mind ■ f tin I'lnlmiit :
l. Tint Sot?t a 1IM >v kur or Gai> ink
tCUKPHiKI*. v 1 The I*ord tnj (bepberd
ll lle'o Jtiioyah i* ealltd a ihtpbtid
not for i!,t it rat lime, nor for the laHtiuie.
In lien , lit It. lie l called the abepberd
ol'ltraei, alio ill the Ktiil I'aaliu anil
l i,o firat v , ra lb John, the loih ebapter
lit 11 t ailed t)ie go ,1 ilitpbr rd. And ill
1 Peter, - 'is, arid o t The ibepbetii and
Hilltop of mil's and the chief ibeph, rd
And the w ird theplierd draw* us villi
ordi <-f a mat, to one who can gave a* well
at condemn. For it include*
1. h kowlAOOi, Ho i i,in-ili bit own
ibtep by name. J, ha, It*
2 l'u,.ia*'lto.v eg, in iiiow'-itoruir,
-noiv-diift* and heal,
a I'ttovtMON I tl.all i. i want
I I t siiKKMta \Vbile ll<> afford* lh.
1 yii.ttol y iekS to rear ;
i ll™ I ihould Walk thru' death'* dark
My hbeplterd with me there.
He (ball feed hl> flock like a ahepherd.
Such being the i fflte and of a
Shepherd, tbi* itluitration may help lu
ahow u*, though in a very imperfect way.
wnat (ihriil i* to bii Church
J lit Kb"Wa lit* .Sitgap. John 10
I kn- .v my ihoep and are known uf mint
i lit rkovmis ron Ttisu. il, taugiit
Iu to lay . Our y;,;hir who art in heav
ion. etc.
vksi ©r TMI G„HKAI>. Thi* is individ
ual knowledge Hot the Ist v. does not
merely say: The Lord is a. shepherd, but
the Lord i* mi, shepherd. Il-re we have
1 Tiik Dan \aa i , * (lon's PxnsoNAt.
Rkt.A7ios( *<r TUk But 1. ITatl.r. Tbi* is
'a stej! farther in the soul'* dueorery of
!G al lu thi* MittflDNaf uu<imltnaiß|,
: there arc two it, j'i ui growth* of know! j
! edge
1. The sbiliMiii discovory of what Go,)'
jis in h nits, 11,- a Jsliepheril
2. l'lie actual sppn lo iision of what G,hl |
is by thovo whol'vo Him To complete I
our Kriowledfi,* of (i >d, wo inu*'. ' ■ ablo
t> -av 'lhe l-nrd i my shepherd, 1
know both what Gu,l t- in himself ami
what he rati be to hi* pe-.ple— •net from
bo —not fran-, hearsay, but simply from
w'.at Ho Himself kn* hern n> me i am
r, itftOSMig myself into what 1 ought to]
1 feci what i passvm and wlral 10
man can tale from me ; for no man gave
it ir.r And now
•J. Tttr, Kxai Lt or turn I>IAVJVKV i*
the soul's C' lifidence. j shall not want.
AS I the i • <-d of the christian shall be -U] *
plied Hero am four idea*.
i ftecuiitl. Th 9 eternal G.xl i* thy
re ge—underneath are who everlasting
2 Provision. Rom. 8, B*2. He that!
|>artl not iL> own Son but delivered him
ui. for u> all. How shall He not with !
Him also freely give us all things
Z t<rs> • A* are thy days so shall tlijr
strength be. My grace shall bs sufficient
for (lira. ,
4 Li- lfa hath loved us with an ev
erlasting love and loving kindness hath
lie drawn us.
Dt-nn Seine Hirleti Augen tehee ur.t.
Scin Ilsrtcn Obr hairrt uns,
Sein llirten Mund tnrstrt uns,
Seta Hilton Herta liehct uns,
Sine Hirten Hand l<-il unt.
I'nd S-in llirten Fut* geht vor uns
her uad i*igl un den Wrg turn Lcbcn
4 Dirrn t t.i tc CONMCTIH wtra Tii*i
SVBJSI-T or Astt'USXl E 1 I mention
the vast importance of the aub-j
jut. An iaip- rtar t qu*tion always agi
tates the aiii.d There it anxiety on the
jonsha'.id, to obtain saLifaCtton, and the
apprehension, f'ti the nth* r, that it will
not he found This disorders that calm
temperament so needful to clear
lion and salutatory conclusion.
2. The peculiar natural character of
Some are cheerful, others arc melan
. holy ; < tne are sanguine, others are well
informed, llul the evidences of true
Christ.unity are always the same Reli
gion is the same in all, yet so many differ
ent peis- ns looking at them would see
them in different lights, Peter and John
were both good christians, yet thoy were
very different men. And much more may
'ordinary christians l>e < xpected to differ.
8 The similarity between natural and
ievangelical views and affections.
Lovo and hatred, joy and sorrow, confi
drnee and baue, etc.. mist and operate
both as natural and evangelical affection*,
and it is difficult for Christians to tell
thetn apart.
4. The transient nature of all our eino
[ tions.
Every exorcise of our affections h*s only
a momentary exigence. It rises ;it is in
dulgod ; it it gone.
6. Au imperfect slate of Religion in the
Angels know thoy aro holy,—Devils,
they are not. If Christians were perfect |
ly holy they would also know it, but they!
are not. David, Solomon, Fetor, etc .
tinned. Uishon Ueveridgo says : I sin : 1
repent. 1 sin in my repentance: I prayj
| for forgiveness and sin in my prayers; 1]
resolve against future sin and sin in form-!
ing my resolutions, *0 thai luy whole life!
is a continued course of sin Hut a great-1
rr than the Bishop has said, Rom., 7:U*-24 J
The good that 1 would, 1 do not ; but tbi
eyil which 1 would not, that I do, etc.
6. Backsliding.
Many wethougbt belter than ourselves,
have so shamefully backslidden that we,
are compelled to doubt of Iheit religion
and often question the reality of our own
And were it not for the Bible we wouldi
all turn infidels—l mean if we had no!
mere reliable criteria than the conduct oi
many christians, i shall now close this
article by quoting Dr Scott again. He;
says: The lull assurance of hope, in lhe ;
highest meaning of the word*, is attained ,
hy compnritivcly few, and is seldom if ev-;
er preserved without some degree of dim-j
inulion or variation, through the remain
der of life ; hut a prevailing assurance ol (
acceptance, and of final salvation, is the ;
privilege of all diligent and consistent 1
Christians, and is, in them, seldom great
ly interrupted, except by misapprehension
or by peculiar temptations and conflicts. 1
or by their being betrayed into sin. Lit;
us, then, believe and our joy shall be lull.'
Let us honor Cod by trusting in Him.
J ■ T.,
Aari-nsburp. I
1 1
1 Mackerel aud Lake Herring,
i In I, i, i barrel. Guaranteed,
And at lowest juices. Sechler A Co.
llufeh 11 ohm Block, Be'lcfonte.
Seeds, Sends, seeds.
lingua & Brother, Rochester, N. Y-1
I). M. Ferry it Co., Detroit. Mich.
Largo assortment Flower nud vrga
tablo seeds at Sechler&Co. j
Crockery ware,
liteveiy style tin I variity.
Sonic new tod h auiiliil putt in Just
r§;eivcd at Sechler & Co.
We atHKlimt/ftnm th# Tirrjl'lrr the
tulutanofOf a AmvrrwUoii at<out(iak Hail, In
Yftiniii'ftJtrr A Drown • " I . *- l
{ In Amarle*." A UiU<r *ud
mtriiiiai.Wfp ttvofpraken:
lintxf. • W hats rm-r l> the tltilMlnv nnF"
Atu-n-lant "MOUlfi Ijurt comer of Mj<A en,!
Market Please ..lo the KIXTH. tut ►■itm
stranger* seeking Oak Mall. have Uocn au-k-1
lijr designing prrww*."
V. '■ It M pcrfut-Uj cnbuaal ! Po jMI know
IU dimensions?'
A. " 12,000 square f,i! M on Miket, etui
ISU odd cm hl*U, lj st-.rte* lilgh. ha* over
three arf>e w4fl,.iiwf and ■ oversspace on, ,i
■ y
lu* niacci jLr
V. *• I*> vouUae *tnam-!*>werF*
A ~ A iflenl young rtvgliia furnlshee power
for the freight end |W*M ugercU-v ftior*.end the
hot,, r steam fur li< aUhfi. end Use uUtcf opens
thai* of li> in Ur "
V. " Whet order do youtake with goods?"
A •• iln r ert> Ort '>|Ael end arrenjo tin
l!„, I'M" in, I ! , I, long u/* I nidi re and (ak< 11
i on ii., R / . I.J Uio inspcc
lufi room fin UnnKmi 11, • r '
V. " la Un 4 iininkn nrm operation?"
A " So, air. meaaurlnjr "lit- good* are frvt
MEASURED In UW pice. UJI N InspcleJ Ibo
einlh Ioor over miters in U.r late of e rng
light, end 100 men ell. otio U Aire and ouo
I* mud lite nu<aia, ,au-htr.g with ibe eye of a
Itawk. fur ilia least pinhole Imperfection. end
marking arrry flaw, act thai the cutler may a
and at old a when he pMurn to cui the aar
menu' •
V " Von mint employ gji errfy of rain T*
A "t u our filth It,~AT and are! Wo
knell*! Ltth'lS all Uie I m i ufillif tip u,< elotli
Into garment*.- l-raia.muß Inaib.uca Ibal do
a durell it., t. • work *- fw a air, .he."
V. 'D uu uianulacuirw all font own
A ' We dr., *nd mow emfuHv. Oar ex
*minir Diaper* every aun h ana aeain. end
certify lo ev.ry garment aa extna-w<.U inado
before we I at < ur ticket on it, and becuma
rewpnailbte l< r ti"
■ >*iwn* niut mve yen* a gn*i
A "In rrery dlrwrtioa,air. It U Imwrwm
arid eeuaomy a< pnwtirr all Ike w of Oiruupi.,
Utal , [.aide* 111 In pui our pr&yGwa In Um
fwopie ea wed.,."
v ini Uaj the Wurk, what Ua .utw
of ur
A- '• it r'M let-. Stock II U tLLeti, l
every at ogle ferincni i.e* lu i.iunbnr and
oilier polnu in .led uti it. nu thai luoottre hia
biry ten bo Uacod wiUmnl fell. uj. n tur
V. " Y<m in art have 90 or IP taleemen r
A. - Why mr, uu t.uay day* you n.ay/rer UIO
iti ibe vat ion* i ...uu and autu-e uybutu.
•elllnf to the thruitg* of ruxtomera."/
V. • Oo yon do an order |.U4T hy mall
and exidxuF'
A. " Vcsry great Ail orw ihec.mntry. Our
&If on IL\D OK & CO, CO AL, L WE, <(.,
Burners and Shippers of tb<* celebrated
Belle fonte
Dealers ia ibe very beet yiaJi-sof
t ) The only dealers in Centre Giunly who sell the
Wi I L Ivi Iv Si Hi A R; It E Ci Oi Ai L
[ from the old tin hi more mines Also
of Anihnrit, Coal dryly housed eipreaaly for liousouse. at the lowest prion
They pay th. hi„L< : prlc. -in c:*h >: graiu ;h*t ihe Eastern markets w ill afford.
Bought •r w ill he sold on Commissi..n when desired. and full prices guaranteed. Ins
formation concerning the grain trade will he furnished at all tunes, to farmer*
i with pleasure, free of charge.
which is always sold at low prices, and warranted to be as good a fertiliser as an
i olhor platter.
IT retains ail the virtue* of the Light Running "DOMESTIC," including the Automatic
* Tension, which was and is the bet in use.
##-Plc4 notice our PATENT HARDENED CONICAL BEARINGS oa both the Machine
Md Stud
Qui new and ,44 iitfax,wetted cut with brand new Machinery and Tools at our own mew works.
In the busy city or Newark, New Jersey, have uivcu us a swndutJ of MECUAN'tCAL EXCEL
LENCE. Minimum of Friction, Maximum of Durability, and range of work, never heretofore
reached in tire Sewing Machine world.
We invite the attention of ail, especially those having high mechanical akill or
Observation. N It. All Machine* fully wariauted.
Nov Yurk al Chicngo.
perfect i mil* of alfmMumiwnenl
msko ly. i . please people miles
•way !% aa^erfecu J ft* If they nerv barm In
V. " I mpprdw yn hare at leant half ft 6dmn
differ* til ili |>artmriit*r*
A "My dear *lrl rh* wot* than twoafy,
mil Charged with It* own btulnaaa, and eat b
tin-roughly organised, a i,tio*wry wheel with-
In the irTiat wheel."
V. " ill you name • dnaen or *e of than T"
A. "With pleasure. The riutuTß Iwpftrt
meat, 1 I lliuw who Iri Mr custom made In
ready -madm Tjth Furnishing jHiarUneit,
with It* !%yfi>o Mock of all underwear.
111.' hhlrt Wiu,tj, with iu busy machines,
making our own r*t < laa* shirt*. The Trial*
ming 1). jnii.< nt In. Jfaal.ig as many ft rege
lar *t (*• The (.armrrit Mock Mourn. flie
Itri-etvlog liouja 'I he <inter I*p*rtmrt<t.
named U foir The hjwolal I ntfortu* Itroart
uml The It'i' T lx iamnctil, with IU
•coift of tneMeearm. The—"
V. " IP-Id. hold! air,imugh H
A- "I'm not half through" Thft Advertising
Iviartiiient, with iu Mi La mi sign iiutributora.
editing and I'UbluiilniuS hualmwa and popular
tonrad. Pin "IMlPlf Jwr, Pi.ttxircpta* munUily
(tell all your lr\/.a.„|
1 n-par imeat, witlnu many room*. Tim Boy**
ItetatrUnenL The Youth# I>< najtn.cnl. 1m
Children's fVpanmeiif with iu epet-iai
en trance for ladies. The Ttbfllyk Depart
inert The Chief Clerk • Wpanment, with
iu hook keejer* and ftaaialanu OenrnU Man
agri-A lh-]*rtnier>t; Pi riant icC* oftee, anl
other ofioa of the Mi./all buy aa Mr*
thinking. j Tanning. rn/uHng. buying, mak
ing. regis'. < nng. rr aUi ag. *rn <3! n g out, telling,
ami in a tbouaaadwlT* joining their ftwtta
to carry on a bualneftoi fth the amount
ing to between &UUO.UUU and 9&,(ujjmu an
nually "
V. ®tM o p-e n-d^on-*!"
A. "Inn J It tl I forgot t name the
CftfhWa lirinmi-nt, which uaadUeitts&MA
of retail aftle* on some single dayef
V. "IfhouCU! Immense! Thai cwhat enable*
the kww to buy cheap and arlgrhrai) r
A "haartiyl You have i*M hit U. Tike
people throng here. k%ogf that we depend
on low irrtctr ami
V. ' What are the ' ioCa aiuu' I hear m
SUUM.iI fcJU 411 T"
A "Ouratuem < f Imalneu d*allflf-l One
price, no deviation ; i t auh for everything, >.
A guarantee pn totting the purchaser; AThe
money returned U the buyer can I otherwise
he rolled '
V. " Nothing mold he fairer"
A. "Nothing And the people see it"
V. " Well, i thank yon, atr. for yuur polite
attention "
A. "Mot at all If* a pleasure to §■> ie you.
Call again | and U, aura of Uu> plgO—Wana
maker A Brown a Oak 11-. A- JL East cut
nrr ruth and Market" V
V -Thank you! 1 shall \* happy to 6ori.
OvMI luucuu**."
v . J. &J. lIARIU6.
No. 6. UIiOUKERHtJf|f uuW
i !'f w •"*' .coinnlcu, lia.-dwarn Store
ha* been opmod hi the undrrsig,,..) ,n
llropkerhoffa new building wltme thev
I are prepared to sell nil kn,f. of Rurhlinw
end ll.Hi*e Furniahin* Uardwsre, hen
..Steel Nail*.
H'lffgy wheel# In ett, Clian.pton
( Jnthe* VI ringer. Mill Si .*, Cirttilr c.nd
Jtnnd Bnw, Tennon Snw*. Wi lli Sr.w,
lee Cream Freeaer*. |l(|i Tub*. Clot tie*
Reek*, a full attornment t.f (ilaas end
Mirror IMsle oi nil ai/.g*. FicUfte Frtunet,
Whetlbarrowf, Lruii... Coal 0t Iraniji#,
j Idling,, PnUhit, n>.tf HhU.
I rlowi, t 'itli|vte. t C r> Flo* J'U.w
; Fotnlk. Shear Mohl Hoard* and Cuitivt.
| tor Teeth, table Cuticrv, shove!*, jtp.adci
i end Fork*. Wk*. it Inge*. Screw* *ial>
HpHnjf*. I! 51,•.,• Nailr, somav
Rod*, Oil*, f,ard, i.iikilcsttng Coat,
Unseed. Taneera, Anvil*. Vie,-. '.I.
(Mcrsw Plate#, Rlnckamitti* Tool#, Clftorj
Re Ha, Tea Hellt, dried etoite*. C'an nt< t
Toot*. Fniit dar* and Can*, I'iiint. Oil*
Vsrel#hr received and for ante at
TunaAflt/ j , v | MAR Ills
r K under.igncd., <i t< meet
J. the popular di-in u.d for Lower
Price*. retpecifitUy call* the attention oi
the public to hi* took of
now oflVred" at the old *tand. Doigned
apecially fur the people and the time#, tho
srgeat aud nioit varirnl and complete a*-
•oitment o
Saildic*. ffarr.fet, Collar*, Bridle*,
of every derrription and quality ; Whip* ,
and in fael evi ryih rig to comn'ete a r*t •
<-ia* estabtUhmeni, he now offer*at price*
which will aR the tirrx*
jyi a X"awiSsi¥r~
! I* rtill I<m sled at Fine Grove Mill# and
i* *nw i rrj sr. •! to travel to the hornet o(
{(witleri is at dat inc.- and render any de-
I-ired -rvic; in bl* line, in the best man
ner. of bc-l quality and at ra*onable
rate* lilMr.joii of new denture* made a
•pi* tally. Ttmtk otrarUd witkmrt pain
i 21 jar. T&
ThU well known hotel. ißuaie in the
• butiaWM tiortion of tbe town, ha* been
thorougb'y renovated, repainted and fur
nahi-d new. It arill be theaim of the pro
prietor* to make it a pleasant Home for
ibo* w lummy favor tu.-o* with Ibeir pat
ronage A Iree carriage i* run to the de
pot, and th iowt *table in town nre;con
nected with the Housa. 2S*apr J BHCOMT J A.HI A\ I U
juits uu> i *u. *ktkb ttorrw-u-
RECEIVE DEPOSITS, and wltow Inter
net; l).>caani Not**; Bur and
hull Oovernraani Securities,
Gold end Coupons.
Per an Horrxa, Wit. B. IIIKOLE,
Pr't. Cashier.
Hardware Store.
A n< w, complete Hardware Store bat
|b*en opened by the undersigned ia Cen
tre Hall, wh he it prepared to tell ml!
► of Buildinr ana Haute Furnishing
; Hud ware, Nail*. Ac.
Circular and Hand Saw*. Teuton Saw*,
Wtb Ha tee, Clothes Rack#, a full astort
nient of (ilaat and Mirror Plate Picture
Frames', Hp.Use*. Feline*, and Hub*, table
Cutlery, Shovel*, Spade* and Fork*,
Lock*, Hinge*. ftk-rcwa, Barb Spring*.
fiorc-Shoaa, Nails. Norma* Rod*, Out,
Tea Bell*, Carpenter Tool*. Paint, Varn
ishes. *
Picture* framed In the finest style
Anything not on band, ordered upon
shortest notice.
JNT~ Remember, all .od offered cheap
er than elsewhere
kuf'ii TS-tf
f OHN F PttTTEk, Aitorney -at- liaen
#1 Collection* promptly made and
•pocial attention ait en to tlioae bavins
I land* or property tor tale. Will draw up
[and have acknowledged Dead*, Mortage*,
&e. Office in tbe diamond, north *tde o
i the eonrt hmi*e. Reliefonte wttffittlf
To all who are f offering from the error*
and indiscretion* of youth, nervous weak
net*, early decay. lon of manhood, Ac.,
1 will *end a recipe that will cure you,
FKRK <>F CHAKt.K Tbi* great reme
dy we* discovered by a missionary in
South America Bend a M>if-addre**ed en
xiuvfit to the Kev JOSEPH T. IXMAN,
Station 1), Bible Houae, New York City.
20 apr 6m.
V/ w TUE ••REST."
This Soap it tr anufactured from pure
material*. and at It contain! a large per
< eotage of Vegetable Oil. it warranted ful
ly equal to the beat imported Cati!eSoap,
and at the >. time poaaeaaes all the
washing and cleaning property a of the
celebrated German and Preach Laundry
.Soap*. It it therefme neiomtneuded r
use In the Laundry, Kitchen, anc Bath
room, and for general household purpo
wt alao. for Print*)*, Painter*, Engineer*,
and Macbintti*. a* it will remove tuini of
Ink, Greaw, Thr, Oil, Paint, etc., from the
hand*. Manufactured onlv by
2 .4, 6, t* and 10 Rutgers Place, and S3 and
85 Jefferson Street, New York.
For sale at Philadelphia, by KOO NS
A RUOFF, UOa North Delaware Avenue,
and by grocer* generally, and at Sechler •
grocery. Nov 11. Gm.
Simon Haines,
Manufacturer of
WagoiiH. dc.
Of every description ; running gear for
I all kind* of vehicle*, made to order, and in
i iirt class manner. Being a practical rae
jchanicv 1 would WARRANT ALL
| WORK to give satisfaction. Repairing
promptly attended to at the lowest rates.
Coffins of nil styles
made on shortest notice. The business
of undertaking attended to in all it*
branches. Respectfully solicit* * share of
public patronage. aept y
& 3)JU9 jtfshsr#
Would most respectAilly inform the cit
aens of thi* vicinity, that he has started a
new Boot and Shoe Shop, and would bo
thankful for a share of the public patron
age. Boots and Shoes made to order and
according to style, and warrant* hi* work
[to equal any made elsewhere. AH kin-.l*
of repairing done, and charge* reasonable-
GiWi him a call. f r b 13 lv
Physician aid Surgeon,
Respectfully offer* his professional ser
vice* to the citisens of tVnfre Hall and
viv'*Mty. Consultation in English or Ger
man. llas a full line of instrument* for
extract. ->g leeih. Office and residence in
the Luth parsonage. RTfcb It
jonn 11R ECU BILL,
in his elegant New Rooms, Spring street
a splendid assortment o
mo&est to the most elegant,
and anything wanted in the line of bis
business—homemude nud city work. Al
so, has made a speciality and keeps or
hand, the largest and finest stock of
Goods sold at reasonable rates, wholes#
and retail. Give nim a call before pur
chasing elsewhere. fcbfi-ly
Drug Store,
Blalahl j , sucil.rd Cucaabcr an* Gntum CW *<!■!•. *ll*
tlaiaV,t>td MM! UCW .TO,, ut aB valuable FAWK*I *
Maaufoauriaa ScUnlnmU, iwraMl I .net aud w™" l
LA HO*, pit- B* AIX. Vniu,r., Ittmirn ud Ike Trad.
aaciallT. aiweardlaMj la.• In eanutt. Uf EihiluU'
to call awl *n tend for catatof*. witk prkta and lama.