THK CENTRE UKIH)UTFU TIIU Ks> 1) A V Ar U -JO, 1870. LODSS MEETINGS r.xTtft TIAI4* \ > I O. ftf O F., WW' -.- \■ * nrd*i Attnlnt in •h# *Md 1 ellitws llftii. ' ivtt.Vtt vßl*. Sc. ' M V SIMM, A <• 4 ? M-. r l0wi* No. N*\ * A M ******* \f , , v r Tisr, * ftrftfMs* Mrb tnll moow in tn t) i i Hull. „ „ v . %l . Hi .. v ■!> ; Sort B MlWui*. W M rn .t i.H\> ik. T of U. iwu * trn>on on or After ii ~, , v. nti r will MM MM m I .i, ~,. mtue* < dealt- and Warri- Vnv on" 'id-ng ti* the name* of five I , v. >:ib-.-* b* •. with llti" M>*. ,~- I, j to (•!•• ••* i th" like. K1 KR stile yr-if T .■ 11.r Rim b c i' this m *f ib o*ny whet. u t s * i-.reT ircu!aln than any | ;< >r> ' • IU W I** ni,*,l UIM ! r ml* • '* btino-. v 1 Ac tt^bwrilMin!th.> lihhiMi r*M* ■ • s , u -t.le "f ('.-ntr* county. should f r , t (1 . to coin*. yc.-irty. ftr p.;gc which ;> will pax tor • : thi- reduce* the rc*tage to iins In If. as the sum paid by them for one YOii r's postage was la' c's J.OJV V. . or. tanner, ol tiiis p him ■.-.-pwrvhn*ed the r In of l>M'f county t i iln. t' mi'Uso Waiher—tbß br*t ma chit c out -tio lo U F UanVin Jruc >t re for ! pur*dru?< A!wat* frosh jrx.o.|s on .Mr ILnbin Is the on!v Rrnu.Umto ir j hi.rmary tn tut* i-uiity. i.ioi i *!''' •* of lonx experience J. 1> So'! -. )! a len fgg to the Ke- i porter tifii'ie me-ouring ("y s s : incl es in cite imfereeoe bo can txvat h T ! o Mittlip' urg Tv'stph m*be fists ■rn ' ill pi - to tupp'y a Ftula- ! Je'ph a no b, yet it * h l'.armlc> shoe'.— even hanii some one. X 11 Hnr;-r, • jfradua'.e of the R~- pi'i n r eSSs'e, left for N> *ada, Otlo, last „,vi., here !-<• wll! take charge of the ''Niv*.!i Knt'Tci rn'.' Torn vili no doub: :mks >• inlrreu X paper oatuf the En-j ti-rpri-o, aid no wish him sllcwis. —-TheO I ' ort aid MMBinburj; turn i k< s-wjiii any, is likely to have another j law-st:it arising from the Lie aiittua! etec- | ti. , which one of the i artio*, headed bv JC II B"oifs was i?'<-sa"v conduct- j ed —Mr. Melt's (arty hating lost theelee tion. T.' sw il by follow est bv a suit fr in the new h :rJ against Mr. M A." tor some 5-t.i -t nit!> the aud :or# of tie Company fgure up as 'nitnirg in his hac J. llap pv thing for tie poc lawyr*. \Vm. C H'Cwl, of tiregg twp.,and a -tu tan'at the S.-; Seminary, it 1 ke!y v lw "ir.e the patlor of the Nee . It. r Lu her n charge, now varant by , t ; ill ..! lr p.iiin Mr M k'ocl is a pr ini-teg young luan, and that charge • i (iofregr.t making b:iu their ohotco A W : lll.maker A Brown s w. Vn -t ' r • i c. rt in !'•■ P te. -it the premises. 6;h ; an i Market, Philadelphia. Mr. J P. Throne, at Oentro Mills, , i- Miles wp . will i for very cheap for i , Cosh, or prud .ee, and all kinds of grain, the g wis saved irom the fire, having fittest j up a t nr.'"gh her go .l-r mine I spec- . li.C i "w :o -n d ii-ak.* such a lu-s about j in.- " ing bn > clothre Now, ther. | 1 c. who hardly go - a day without tear- ; . u.g s ia-.h ng- Ho u-t-d"to kteu roe about • detii-tes: wiu. w -rk liil i went ar.d bought ' j i. ■ i-cw'.ug machine. 1 wa- vcrr rsn *. . . ul !•• g-l one that u-d ). 1. t.ty of riw-ui un d " team . so that when he tore his pant- i • I ctHild put them right under the machine j vt .lbout taking I-:tac out of them. The { i machine U in the rejoining room. Doctor, I a; d I'd like to have you see it," saying 1 m hich she l-d the way to where Ike w- - d-f 'vered seat-d before a "L'gbt-Run- , t: ne Donos'.ic," busily sew ing the cat up da tl • g "d old lady's rag-hag Our friend P. S. Kerlin of Lena, IH..^ in a re<- nt letter de-crioes that ps-rti :i of I ( the vineyard 'busy: Tuu < ughl ti bo j here t" el jot pumping water out of eel ars. Rain hi r day-to-day, U;h, snowing—all! the cellars in town tull of water. Wel - and ei-tern? d tto This is a splendid n. u> iy —wl en it di n't rain and tow we I air hur'oar <-- f..r a change, but we^niaisj^ to iite and let live. ' \Ve acknowledge the rece'pt Ol ; c. nipl m< to th- o—ltnninlTemper- Ciub enteriaicnient. at Reynold • hs !, on April The pro ' gra- .iaa i- a rich* one ar.d y.ned lit' iniormation at Beilef-.nie that t' " intenti'-rs ol lb a loading citizens of 'hat place, h- espre-ed at a meeting on Tbur-d y e\-ning. Id. was Pi make a prop osition looking to the building of tin branch road t" a point in this valley, and hivingaii work at the eastern end stop ped. Tl is would give us or-ly an outlet w —one wax—and po-tpone indefinite ly the finishing up of the e:.terii end Tin pi- j e of Penr.'vallev w ill not at all ibank their neighbors aero., the mountain fm such a step—they will be glad to hnve the j branch built, but to hve the work ea-t lie over will rot satisfy our people >itall, and is a wrong move altogether. We mu*t have an eastern outlet a well as one wei via U-1 ef inte B-*Hefonters. n we tinder s'.-iiid, wi'.i offer the Penn'.'t railroad com 1:• nv a donation of s*.fi uOO, on condition that it furnish the balance require I to build the brunch. But vri.y shall the eastern end be Interfered with and uely ed ? Upon that our money hts alremy been spent, and our people desire no more trifling We trust that there is no sucb ti-pOsilioli on the part ol any at Belle fonte. We never had much filth in th loud pr..fe--ioris of some of these non u behalf ol the Fennsvall-y road, and sucl. :i movement would confirm the tu.-pict n of the people. —— ITEMS —Thursday 13, rain Tin frog' have already opened their spring concerts The grain has a promising ap p-ainace The Centre ilall bm.d is u' der hiadway and bus n instructor Job- (!• ne in the m -t \v..rkniaiiliUc ma tier at nmebine (hops, Bellefonte. nt.d cb. .p.-r than anywhere Common ion in the Reformed church in this place on 23rd ir-st R. v. Hnrtsoek has moved from Boa I-burg to Pleasant Gap where he Inke a new charge Cold arid snow storm on Wednesday.—Maybe Winter is coming now. Thanks to friends in different parts of the west for papers sent. Read the article on the Co. Print ing in our issue oftfth iiet., and then read the reply of the Watch man. of the week ' following and seo liotv the crippled bird flounders. We arc satisfied with the vcr diet of the people. Any of the subscribers of the Re porter wishing some choice varieties ol Ire-It garden seeds, can have them free "t charge by calling at this office We have on bend seeds which we received as pay fm advertising, also a quantity from the U S Agrieultural department. Jame* Hill, ( ommiseion merchant for the i urehase and sale of Grain, Flour. F.-ed, Baled Hny, Butter, Eggs, Cheese. L il, Potatoes. Apples, tie. Consignments S<-It. ued Offii e and V\ arelioure, 2"7 North Main-licet, Pitt-ton. Pi. 20.ip 4;. 23f~ i o-cribers 'ending their subscrip tion • this office, can seo on the address . n e eh paper, whether crtdit has been gjvea—thai answers eacuo as a ro;ejpt. Work i- MOW G on on E I new bouse* in Ibis phtoe, b. a 'I hurt) cr-''ed by Jno. T. Co il rind bl I'tery weather thi- wee. nit i lilt ■< tio a nil tain sqimU Hon I. A Mackry lia our thank for a bag ot sepi. of Ag r eulture. | Tho tenant house of John Brett, i F. giion twp , which was destroyed b j ' -e !-t week, was it sured in the Ccntr ' Hall Con p for R.W. T...- -i.ige tiom t'ei tr ilall to AH ' ■ .-isbu-g :• f.r'iire, will 'ea\e this plac n the atl'-i noon, slier the arrival of tie Bell !■ Milrov stages, thus en* i g tr m let- srr vmg by the curs to g. •' -■ o' bv . age to the lower end of the is! rv The stage rcturi uig airive* here u i o e in on to iii . ,e iv nectton with tin Be'lefontr and M '• •o> stag■■■<*• l! the con ■ ~ion.-rs had been wdl to b:|\e gi on Mt K lit, of lue Re I • ll -ee hlindfral and fiflv dollar > ih o 1 lank* i.fd bi"k* for nothing, hi ■iii h •• d'tne Ins county printing at * ■tie that: • uid have o>>t only one hun d■ d an.l ,i. nty-six didUr* >* re than e ■ \\ ,I apivih■y d: ! u I oh' gi nint ll'efc Amoit. 'flat leplx V..K-- I It satisfy our people ijr t i . II :t xp' ot wHh utd atging why y> .1 .Vntg - the i-miity tor hliiik- wl .-h ion kn.iw can be ibrni'tie.! t fbtn r'tifitti f A'id that'* the point, Th< ' ■■ I falseh. I'd you 1 *.xe n tie lame item i ah ve it on a p i . ;br ifo strtl f-ift't piper. f- rn the Reporter office niid w - hare the Ipr >of for it. Bah ! h-tw pure, V PORTION F MKCHANICSBURG IN FI.AMES xt 'i- i••' irg. Apt 'll An u-endia r \ tl-eb-ok. :! <: lis If past ten this even i g the A nr- ■ b.o -■ table des' rov• ■g -id nK - T uten - li--rv -table, 1> I W Rbeyley*!stable*, Mr KtttfflMß'iHs< 1 h'e. Johns-.n's n a - f four brick hou'e# l.evi M'-rkel's -:ab'e and a • story b'ii' - Mr. SudJler't stable, j Jc-eph l.vtis' slable, a 'chiHil house and ! r'our .! •" •g- Severa other buiidintt were on fire. a' -g them the American 'i- ~i and tMd Kello'v* t uH, hut were av , d Tie fi-e Is mgi ig it. - hour 12:3t1. Tw > tr .miis were arretted on tutpieion of be ng the icendiariet. they having dt> mgtided Indwiag at the Ameriean tome time during the evening w K eh was refus •d and when the fire was discovered these nd'vidual* were tound standing near by.| | Another revolution hun occurred in Hayti, the inhabitants rising en masse. ( utid it is almost certain that the present ' gavernmei't will fall. l'iik Harrington, ofsafe.hurglgry no-, torietv. lias suddenly disappeared from j Washington, and it is understood tha - ' he i aK'Ut to leave, if he has not al ready left, the country Thus fa- hut little damage i reimrtot f* n the M ssi-'ippi overflow beyond that ; ■•f retarding planting ipera'ton and con | -id- rabla los' of -lock. TRIAITLIST. Ist week of April Terra, rummencM.g on 'He 4h M tidav nf April, ISTt?. Geo Furs: ri L Buckler et al W H t?ard>ervJ L C-snt >n J F Williams vi Hugh Adam* Penn RR Co v§ (1 M Bri-ton et al < Vimtnoiiweshh of Pa v W J 80-icrmac •t a I Owen McC.inn rs l'a RR (Vi Cnmmonw—vlth of Pa vs W J Hostertnati Owen McCann vs Penna KU Co Soronil Week, April Term, eom mencinsf I*t M 'ndav of May. J.-VS Devling v> 11 H D >wning et a ! . 4n-- P Harr s *s Bradley Child' It Valentine vs Bird <'>>al Jc Iron Co W H Vt-Cauland v * Vankirk assignee Wrn Young et al vs C ne Ijuig' P M Caff. r:y v< I>avid Harier B <'etnm vs S L Vanvalsah D K Her v< L C A S C RR Co .1 H Fruiav v penna RR C" \ R >rii rt vs B A Green ik Co J C Walker Sup'rvs v- Win WaUon \V :n Youir * (!<"• Kuest i B F Fmsel vs ll"man A Walker use of vs Geo Gramley exe'ra .In ■ M R 'I use ot v' -I A I) ■ jgh. rty J .F W •orv* J A D"Ughertv Ist Nat B,nk ..f B lh-fonte v B Lsush C Herr i Jss M. Msnnu< .1 t." Wi'iiam' W B E klev Delopg et h! I'' Ai Co u'e if v- .Irio Duke ■lac i" Chambers vs tie" (late* G'enn A ll"iiser vs L A Fire In- Co. AV W HruwnK ux v R F Stiatfer NI Packer vs Laush. Thmna' A co List of Gt in I Jurors, drawn for the 4:h Monday of April. Bellefnnte .1 hn La'o) Frank P Green. Robert M Knight. Levi A Miller, Jon ' alhan Ha-per. 'B. -ner—J II Trcssler, Anthony Gaitens. Robert Corl. Cu-tin—John M*nn Ferguson Win Bailey. Joseph Gal** flair es- D*vid Bolinger, II nrv Rinehart. j-amuc' Di'-hl. Liberty—Robert Mrtin. Sam'l Spangler. Marion —Will Irvin. John Hoy, jr. PhilipsPurg boro- Jackson Gordon. Potter—Win hmerick. eltu- 1 —Wm B i!" *>now Shoe— Wm Askey. Wu'ker—Wni B Shaffer. John II Brrk. j List of Traverse Jurors for Ist Week of April T*rm. Bei'efonP —P B'-tim-r Wilson, John Br.ifl- I. y. I) /. K to-. Wm rihortlidge. Benner —John Wugner. B gg—Andrew Heaton. Jo? L NefT- Itu■ nside—sl ilehel WHII in. C Hegt—John William*. Jo K Mitchel. Ferguson—C"nrad Frv.Geo Eckle. (,r-gg—Jo* Smith Jno W Shook, Geo Genu-1 Haines-O K Spg'emyer. R B Ilosterman.j Geo. Bower. nlf Mn David Maltern. Joseph Grif fin H„rri—Ge > Swab Liberty—Jos B Kunc. Marion—Sam'l Alev. Wilson Berk. Mile*—Jehu B Shaffer, aron Smull, Ja- 1 red Hasnl. Hsrrv Corniun. Mib.sHur (t TM Hall Phibpiibur —Sain'l M i ler Rohert How e I'.-nn—J S A'anormer, Jaco E'-eiihuib. Potter— Jo' Crr-tZer. J It (iuheen. Daxul lthinem th 1 Sn Shoe— \f D S Ikni ter Fd P' rma". Spring—Win Dale, P.obt Burner. John Lutz Taylor—John Cnpenhaver. Jno Mcslon" gal IT iiinnville - J no Alexander. Futon ll' nrv Spotts. Walker—Philip (iepiiart, Martin Brum gurd. lait of Truvere Jurors for 2nd Week of April Term —May 1L Beilefonte—G" Jackson. Benner— Filter Tate. B'gga—Wm Marks, John Rerldes. Burnride—.l 11 Bates. " dtege—.John Ki'lineda. F. rgu'on —Jacob Weaver. Miles Gray. Charles M.ller. David G M rks. Fletcher Meek. Peler YVolf. Thop Patton. 'Gregg—Fred Moyer, (' F. Hannick, J M lioiise at n. Robt H Duncan. fHines—Nouli Weaver, llarri*—Jrme* K inport 11 nctna —Levi W'M.mer \| ile- Geo W Itoyer, (c<> W Ifosterman, Ge P Weaver, Penn -Mie'nacH'lrieh. Michael Karste*'er, Sum 1 Moyer. G W Stover, Androw Sto ver. I'a'ton Wrn Tressler. Spring—Jno L Rockey, Jas Sheridan, * ugu-tus Cox. Jo- Tresler. Cnion—Joseph Alexander. Walker—Solomon Peck. Rush—ll it Wilcox. DUBLIC LETTING.— Bid* will be re-| ■ Ived at the office of the County Commi*- • -uiners of Centre county. PH., until Satur day. the J'Jrid day of April next. Mt 12' • •'clock ji m . of*aid HMV, for a new root! and otheriinproveniemenls to be made to tho County J H a lis nr ii 'pecificat ion. f"r which can now 0c seen at tiiis office. The metre -(Jul bidder will *m required to ■•titer inio bond* with approved security, onditionally for the faithful performance "f the contract. Bv order of the board, H. A. MINGLE, J. H. HALL, A. GREGG, J. S. BAKNUART, Commissioner*. Clerk. uiar 23 ot AGENTS. make no cngugenienu till you see our .NEW BOOK, \\ Inch in thrilling iniere-t, sterling merit, elegance and cheapness, lias absolutely no ■ qunl. It ir "The Thing' for the Centen nial period—takes on sight. The North American Review says it it "deserving of unqualified praise; we antic ipate for it an extensive popularity" ; the Dubuque Times says "Just such a work as thousands of the American People will be ghid to pn-ress" : tho Detroit Advertiser culls it "preferable to any yet published." Any act ve Man or Woman of good ad dress in ure large profits and steady work for aye r. F-.r fit I particulars, add re-- J B. y.&fl St W., 27 Paris p (ice. New Yvrk. i'Jup 121. 'ONFKSSION OF A MOLLY MA GUIKK. Belh'ehem. April Ct James Kerrigan, .on under sentence for conipllcii.v in 110- M !l vM a gil're murders in the coal region, .. no. 1 a u con lets ion. w hie Ii is made pub lie to-day. t'he original confession wa malleoli the Nth of January IS~ '•. in the jail at Maucli •'liiink, to several prominent cl'tens of ramaqun. for whom Kerngan had sent. It was made voluntarily, without ativ induce ments being held out to the culprit. The following is the conies* on Some lea'* aco V'exander Camphell kept i' i -ama that i* now kept bv James t'srrell in Vaniaqua 1 1 that hi)use. when Camphell flr>l kepi it. 1 llr-l , nted a soci- I-ov known as the "Ancient Order ot 111 ' eepians ' Ttiat I- the oilier lit t e \|,dl\ i Macuires and I 'thing I -e t us mim luced ie|o it bv a moi a' Tu-carora and L man named John IhMtohlie initialed me • At under t'amnbel t(■ ir I'he !;>.i •ate ot mv new order was when Barney tt'Hare was burned out. The men wh.. 1 | (hat were sent out bv A b-xande-Camp he'), who was paid for sending them hv < •nan named Si it'erling 1 know he did • end ibent, for I Was Camphell p'x when they went and the next morning tin i.tat-e wa' borne.l down, I tie pur|n's.. of the Molly Magoire. or \ I) 11 is kill ne >pl ■an I biirn down building- The no lion is that it 1- to prote I w -kinglnen but rea'tvthey are aP the m.wt hardened sit Hans 'n the p'aca where thev resole The charter of the Mntlr Ifawlrw rtlk Ate the V .-nt Order .fH'hernians The mur ler and |her appointtoanis are seldom ma le In regular meetings, hilt at s|teria! me*' 1 lit* outside called for the purpo-e. The regular ntee'ings are ke|it a* those ii a nv - a-'e'v. - • thev may be shown in con- tradiction of charges, ai si to show that thev live UU to the requirements of the barter The appointments are made and ■ alwavs curried "ll 1 it anv one Wants any work done they inform the bead man known as a b-'dvnin-ter •• r president 'ned be cails a meeting Two or three men are usually appointed to do sueh work Most nf the bme drunken Mo" V Mi jguircs. Carroll w*n out of the saliain t i i "i.irroi* a pi-t d to do l e ki iing, but came hack without any. He then gave me ~iw er tv-five cents, and ak*d me to go to a . neighboring 'a'o-'n and borrow one 1 . went out and *p<-it the m inev, but return- I e*t without a pistol. He we* killed that night. All three. Boy.*, Duffy and M'- I (leehan. Mihequentlv confc*-ed to me that thev bad murdered Yost. These men are ■ all members ot the Aneiciit Onlrr of 11;- Iherfiian* or Mul'v Maguirc I know John 1* Jonea I kn.>w all ah >ut his death. I did not know Doyle and Kelly I I nef..r Septemncr 1, 1875. 1 w** coming Irom mv work at A'aka collieries, at iTainaque. on September 1, 1875. nr.d stop. '•>•■* lin at Jatnes Carrop *. D >vle ai d K*ller were there. After 1 had taken a (drink. J went out on the iM.rch, and James ■ Carroll followed m-" When w* got out ,*'d* he a*ked me if I woq'd take Dovle and Kellev mv to Alexander OanipheH's jatStornt Hi" a* thev wi-hedtogo there. I *ald that 1 wa* -t.-adilv at work, and I wou'd have to be .>ul hv 11 o'clock Car roll then prevailed Ul> >n rue to go. 1 got mv supper and came hack to Carrdl'- •*- •lyin We pu-hed right on to Storm Hi I. and went in nt Alexander Camphel where Carrol! had told me to take the men We then wen! to Hugh McGeehan -aloon. at Summit Hill McGeehan pro duced three revolver* Alter oiling them he handed mie t- Doyle, one to Kelley. and oru to me. and a-k-al sue to g > and about John P Jm e 1 refu-e.l the re- j jvolver. ,'v el ley ami I remained in that! ;*a|.K>n all night. McGeeh-n and Cainpb*-11 ' ■both reluming home. Befor* the latter left, an arrangement wa* made whereby 1 ( -hould ro do n the next mnrning and i iMvint out to Kelly and Dovle the iios- Jonet), wh m J knew having once live.) , at Tainaqua. Thi* wa*to be done so that i •ii.pii'take might he made. *> that th.*v jhoubl kn w Jones hev -nd all doubt The j •non. M■-G'-ehan and Campbell, -ant that John P. J >nv- had b!*cki;ied that i, j discharged and reported n they couldn't j again c t work al any of the company's ! mine- s"me of the men that Worked in ■ that region. Campbell left me to inter ! that June* wis to be mur lered. mainly • > as to grt Wm Zehner to run away lie' -aid that if John P Jones wa shol Bill j Z'-hner wouid certainly run away, and to thi* McGeehan a bi. d by . if he d-oi t, why we will give him a hall or two. after' till- Jone- buiue- co*da off McGeehan and a m*n ranted \lu !hall wore ;the b'ack iit. In the morning Doyle. K" !>" and I b-ft th' -alo-r. about e ght o'- ■ | cl'H'k, TI -earch o Jone*. Campbell -aid ' they should -h"t Jot • * at hi* house or in ] coining tfiTii th - pot office Kcllv and Doyle went up to J me-' h<>u-e While thev w.-ru awav Campbell made me get 1 ■i.iwn on mv knee* and promise t at I > would never speak about this murder, I drunk or sober. Then Campbell told me ! to go nut and see where they were I went j up after them and met thi- side of M .ckey ■ O lb.r.nel'-tavern. Doyle wa* sitting on a stone. Keliey -aid that when he went ■ luwn he went into a house and akcd if Jones wa* at home and that no one ans wered. Campbell told Kelly to shoot Jot es early in the morning while coming to work, and not let him £•' with one hail, hut put three or four in him. Michael Dovle had the and black pistol. ! Keliey had the other two pi-tol*. Camp j bell told theni they could go on , that they needn't be afraid, as no one w..uld follow ' them, as Jones wasn't liked bv the Welsh men or anyone else. Campbell then gave me $5. lelli"g me to purchase *ome whis ky at Tiimaqua and use the balance to buy thern tickets on the railrt-nd to go home with. These $5 I gave my old w-onari. I ar.d she >-:-nl out for a quart of whisky, but jthe bill came back unchanged and the whisky with it At Tamaqua Doyle in formed me that tnev had shut Jones, hut 'couldn't say wheiher he wa* dead or not. 1 shortly after that we were arrested. UPHEAVAL IN THK HIGHLANDS. A Cavern Loaf Mountain | Vom ts Forth Earth. Sand, Wa ter and Fish A Wonderful Phe nomenon Atttndtd oy Loud 8 "tittds. P-.ughkeep'ie, \ t-ril 12 —At the foot of Sug ir L"al Mountain, on the cast side of ihe Hudson, near the northern entrance to the Higb'an l*. i- the handsome re*idenee ~t Mr-. Wade Opposite, in the Hudson, ■ 4 Pollipeli'* I-land. The ground on aihw-h the M i de mansion i- located is h(IO ■ r 1.0(1) leel ab -ve llo* level of the river tie back ground being Sugar leaf. 1.000 ; I gh.-r. A -trange occurrence UH.k place I within i ;!f i-HI"l f- i-t of Ihe house ye4( t r Idav .xflernoon James McMannua 5 the railroad flagman near llie spot. He was in the lock cut north a' three o'clock in the afternoon mentioned, when be heard a singular noise -a aortof rnttlingorcrack iine. To use hi* own word*. "I thought the Storm King wa* tumbling." In a minute after there was another rumbling and rattling louder than the fir-t. and nl rno-t immediately after a third report. 'Said he, "I have beard powder exo'otions | and sharp clap* of thunder, but I never . heard -urh noise us that." He ran south to ascertain the cause, and found tho rail road Iraek forfkX) feet covered with stone* and boulders sod sun fisii and perch. He Talked up the hill and saw a tent in width and flft in depth, and from it fully 50.000 towiAxf dirt and sand had. to jail appearanc'" lifted up and hurled jinto nd Herds* the cove below. The cove |is 000 feet in width, and the avalanche j - wept through it and over it te'the Hudson River railroad track, tearing down fence* and covering the track six inches deep with stones, dirt and fish. Huge trees were hurled in every direction and the water the entire lengtn of the cove was disturb- I "d. At seven o'clock in the evening there was another report, and anolhor tna-s ol earth wa* hurled to the covu below. At eight o'clock ye-lerday morning then were two more rep4>rt, and more -lir; wa* displaced. What is stranger still, almost immediately alter the lust reports, a tor rent of water hur-t from the bottom of tbc cavern, from whole the earth had toeri hurled, and plunged down the side of the hill, cutting a ravine five fent deep in a brief space ot time and the volume of wn ter is increasing hourly. When the fact is stated that there is no pond or stream near tiie spot except one mile back of Sugar Loaf, the sudden appearance of so large a streamiof water from the button) of a cavern fifty feet below the surface of the ground, is remarkable. Tree* thirty feet in height were hurled a distance of 1.000 feet ■Scores of people visited tne spot to day. but not one could'.satisfaclorily explain the occurtenee. It was not a land slide. It certainly looked like an eruption, for to all appearances tho ll ou-ands of tons ot earth mu*t have been forced upward and outward to tbe cove below. The result of this upheaval can easily lie 6ei-n from th" windows of passenger trains. All around the chasm the ground was undisturbed except where the Immense mass of earth struck it as it tumbled into the river. The indications are that there will soon bo an other upheaval there, and tho trackmen are watching tho track closely. '1 he oc- I currerco has revealed tons of tho finest l *nd where it was thought no sand existed. ! Herzegovina is ' gain in full insurrec i tion, th whole of Bosu a is in revolt, and Wis nevi-rso t-rioujly tlifeawjtit'U tflLUFrekaWfcWUout It El KS if SCAM 7A KI'S I /' TltK I>KI KM-K MTU IV \ I I I X. \\ iuliingt.-n, April IT. 1\ tri mettibm* crowd win ill iitloiiilalH< llii licing the da\ not I n- tin- iinjx.uhtiitii trial of Belknap. At 12 v> rvturx Belknap, will • oiiHMj, Mi-mis. l'r|>rntT, Black ain Blair, entered and preeeexled t>> tin table prov i.led fur tin-111. The ex-Se -rotary wna leaintii- on tin iirm of Mr t' ir|'<• it *r, ami to >. it mm twtween him uinl Judge lllaek Hi- up prnii-.1 \ll x ni-rvoii* an.l Ix-gin rending tint soon dropped tin* |uiiuiilili*t it Hi . omrrsi-.l with lim counsel I In- niuttu .■ere of the iu\|HMi-liniPnt ntnl nu-mIM t. of the 11onv appeared at ono o'd-v k but n quarter of an hour lnitli i nut ant wore roa.l. I'lio roturn ol ilit* writ MIVHI upon tin . v Se.retarx having been read. ami tin* Scrgeant-al Arms Itu\ iiic relied up mi Inni t" an swor N| r i arjH-iiti-r read anil had tiled plea denying tin*> lion of tin- *son ite to try Helknnp ■*n article- of lUl|.<-ut was ami is a private eititeii "I tin- I tii tol Stalls uinl of tin* State of 1 ova Mr Lord, on tlio part of tin managers MsUe.t that time l>e allowed tliem until the ISth iust to ivmsiili-r what renliea tion shall he ma.le to the plea of Be! knap, ami it was so or.lere.l, the mana gers ami counsel f.-r the aeetise.l hat ing in reply to the question of the I'resiiient pro tern, saiil they had nothing t ;rthet to propose. 'lhe Semite, sitting m a c< urt -f im peachment, adj.Hirtied tititil PJIII-MIIIV nest, ami resumed the consideration ol legislative business. i Tilt: PE I < FOF Ft NOPE HI UFA T FSFI. St. Petersburg, V|ril 11' The ott'u-ia! , Wesluioati, reviewing the jndith il sittta : tion m Europe, say* that ttie relationsol : the great powers to each other leave i runnv thing* to bo wished for. England and Ut:f Charle* It iwer. aged 29 years The de i'Mmsl wti" the mother t leii- !■ :'i of whieh died about a week previous t i the nnither. atul within an h >urofeach other, aged about throe weeka At It is'shurg on IT. Mr- Emer: w low of lohn Kuiert, ag- - d about To year-. On at t': urrbv la. George Elmer, - n of (■ \\ Sp inkier, nged 11 V • >r, T no- lh and 14 Java. M A R RIAG ES Or 10. Mr Ab. Hartcr, of V. Wrim, i and M -* Caroline, daughter of J. n Ter.i i ger. of Aarontburg. j On l.. A mo* Dunkle of Miliary and ( Mary E \\ caver, ot 'iregg twp. i On tlth, at Centre Haß. by ltev s it, Mr Abraham Holderinan t- M Kl < < MuUenberger, h .th ot Centre ce For the Reporter | At Orwngcvilte. Fl.oi tin - , by Rev. C ti. A Hulherat, Mr T. II K :• Aa , ron-burg, thi* county, and Mi Km ma I Cad well, of Orangeville A•: g. happy laitd t>r.*perou life to the happy couple Nov. Tom you must make that n v i! *ing, a* you have tw- to provide for And ) Eouiia, you mull make that needle "git I and make those hats and ribboni fly, a> i vou aid have to atop and get three mea i tier day. n Tommy g- t to fiarfut hungry | standing by the anvil all dev. A M lis HML BUY THE COMPLETE WASHER!: The above cut repre.enti the Complete Waaher, filled to a tub, with the tub cut out to show how il li fattened for use. oVHt 100. OK TIIESK MA ( II IN FX ARE IN I NK. The Complrle Wtmlicr will WIIHII a i arjM-f or Its-il <|nllt or a Fine' 1 • Pliiiipsburg bor Richard Hay* .... do do •lame* Piifiiidrt l .,. do do J. Ilmntilale do 'ln II iram Harris do do .1 L. llti'.jniZNrdner do do Mr Hat- (iarlior. do Hu*h township. Jeffrey 11 aye* .... do do Julius Seigworth. do Hoggs Twp. Philip (late* I > Ferguson do M L L>'ii*l do Potter do Jno <. I'xxle Snow Shoe do M irliuol J Dolanat-aloon.. do do A llnutii wholesale Uullefontc SHIII Nicholas, saloon W. 11. ilkinson & t'o. Tav Henry Yenger Saloon .1. S. Ilenrv... " .lohn Amlerson " l> d'dinion A Son* Tnv. K Brown Isaac Miller... Chat Brown., wholesale .Im lluvwuol Saloon Philipsburg S. Kroi'lmnii. wholesale Robert Taylor Tavern Peter Weber Saloon <) W. Whipple Saloon College twp Miller A Katun Tavern Ferguson ' David J, Meyer " Haines " Ww. 8. Long " John J. (Inker " Mile* " •lurkm>n Konth S H. Kunct '• Liberty " Kli/.nbelh Kunet " Jonathan Kreutner " Penn " Rebecca M usaer J. II Oiicnkirk ' Poller " John Spangler (ieo. A. Keller " Kuth " I). II Buhl Saloon Snow Shoo twp (iotlieb Hang Tav. Spring 11. Kohb " Walker (. W. Hasten " Worth John Capenheavcr 11 Taylor KW. Richards Tavern Huston t#V Win. Brown wholesale license Ilcllefonle Thomas Lotighry Saloon 30 mar 3t, A.WILLIAMS. Proth'y A CARD. To all who are suffering from the error* and indiscretion* of youth, nervous wovk nets, early decay, lost of manhood, &c I will send a recipe that will cure you FRKK OF CHAKItE. This great reme dy was discoverel hy a missionary ii So ilh Aincri'a. Send n self-addressed an vo >po to the Kev JOSEPH T INMAN St uon D, VMq iiomso, Now York City. V) a fit. Butt Idtilll MM. ST It IK lift. 1 *s :t-nsi ve < hi I-Iri. Parker l.sndlu ■ l*a , \|-t IIV Vi 8 s Jti a. m. a twelve l)o>u*aiid Imm-I oil taut I belonging to t i 1 i-oinpaiiy oil, will also he . i until I'll.. In k now ton mug ere vnlu< •! nl II iinie..! tlm i.'.l . i i i'., j s!i . ,Mi Should the other tank lake flrn tin ' 'I. tat lot* on the tank* will he in "I ' - ..i' stM *' : The Atl. til Ppe • HI.OKI V Vj.UKI hsf- I I re! irin tank nt i < nv. r pip- >ln;l. n in. nl •ostrut-k hv lightning nv 4 OlM niorninu, J smt alter hurtling four hours wins e*nn ,-II -In-! Iv tlie nir.-n. \ of sti-stn The dpruhah'e loss is 2.0 m . . • 11 Kh l-il v tCiOit t . i n-itiiiop \pr.l 1 An i.lll. I-, (•degrnphic- di-pnteh from the Governor nl It.iniii-i report* that a tin! 1 le hn* taken |.!u. . aenr Kjeva. > betwi en {he Talk di iro.qr* ill.) I |.l ; .n!,rg.-nt> Irom tl tustriwn bank of the Sax-- The ineurg.-nt-i were routed, with n loiS o! IK" killed* ail xx \ p >i! on ot : •• hand, (. ir*u — I I . the I'urkidi If. j -, re.-i. I tlie Save, while the other* took refuge ir. the ■l.u - , iii n e Turki-h to- *x n triti ag M. II .U-> .(>IMI'O, st iin !■ M noter o: Kocles ifttii-ai Atl.urs - 1 lirr-.-i-e, ha* ben eiitenced - . iinpritoi.tiu-i.t for one year h-prived political rigtit* for thfeeyears, mil to pay h tin.- of 1 -r ic -t-ivitig n bribe xx hi!o ill olti. t MAKKKTS Ncxv V.-rk, \pt ' 1". Wheat, No Chicago Soring I S. '2 Milxxm. •eo 12t) i I 7 < xx li eat Jut i- It" :. *r. . r Max I tXij • >rit seller dune 47c, *• I• r Jkl iv 4s; v4>: tl.ils *i er May •is *e A( nl !> Kxe -cllt-r A(irii IS. ItarieV, seller Max til I'HlLAOtl,Pill A Phi'adelphia, April lu Flour. . i fain 5A TAfefcti xt 4 : high grade* 7 Tit' vH ko I ! VVi .-at amber 1 . i . ite 161 C n J white l.'tl; yellow taimo'-i Oat* whiledoj | lh ! i Milk -y Makkci*. . m :.-1 . . !.!y hy l> ShtTntire, Clov.-r Seed js isi to 60. Itecf fff to S7.UI per lUI ltx<. 1 Corn 46c to fiOe, Kye ik'io to To Soft N-'Xn Sovtix I'ls-tei $ s ground 5 lo per t m. White Wheat SI •-"> to ! 3t). Ite t " $1 •£> to f 1 O. Parley 7th- to 76 Timothy iJ to 2 60. Plaster in Sumo 57 76 lu Salt 1 Id lo 1 60. Cat* hi. to K*, , Potatoes 25c U- .-. IIK LLKPO NT E S! AK k ETS. ! (Vhite W'-eat M 'A* Red ISO Kye 76 I Cot a aara 4' 4". Oautt-Marlt) M 70 Clo.'erreei *' .Pot.ti , * Lard per poun.; 8. ... Pork per pound Oil Butter'JO. Kgg- 16 Piix-t.-r pet ma -I I I'alloXX H I-. . > 1 Haiti 16 l.rj pr pou'.d 8 > etit*......... Bi. k.beal' lih'i et* F our | t r t .rrel retail 7.-r . ,tn* irael Br.. S. S. EARNER. ,7 Oct y / 1 Ri VT UK H CTIO.N IN PRl< l S ( ' AT Wolf's Old Stand. Largest Stock of Goods in the < Valley! Ojjs Pries] Low Pries i polite attention: * x. f V* * ri t -r t ? t * LOOK! LOOK! If y. u want to Save Money, buy your good* ofF. ti. Fit A N ("IfCCS, LKWISTOWN. I*a. : ALL GOODS are gu a ran teed to b. right or the money refunded. All | tier* filled prumpily, acconipanicd by the m-.ney. BAR IRON 'J cb*. per Hi. BENDERS HORSE SllOK> nt I 5 .00 per Keg • WINDOW GLASS,SxIO to 10x14, 5- 60 I" r It. A. IT 1 l \' at 4 ct*. rer lb. , KxIOSASH, 12 Ligho, •' d cO. j-cr \V indow. FOUR FAN EL DOORS, 91.88 ' BLINDS and SKI TTERS f 1 .:*) t . $1.75 pwr Window PUKE WHITE LEAD $lO 00 pr 100 lb*. '■ TRACE CHAINS, Strn *•' l or Twitted 7 ft $1 00. HARROW TEETH, 4j ct*. per lb. STEKLt CLTIV \ToR TEETH. 60 ct*. CoR.N PLOW shovels::. total. " Lg HANDLE SHOVELS, <*s cU.' 1 f " HOES. Sheu. HAY RAKES. 26 ct*. , I.G. l itIVC IM Ih. NAILS,-an good us the bc-t at S2B-' 1 as Kng Cooking Stoves—-Complete. 7 Inchei. lnchc. 9lnrhi*#. J " sl6 00. $lB 0) to $2) UK $26 00 _ WINDOW SHADING. 25 cU. i>cr • vn.d. all Color-. 25,or piece. Mr Coir.e and 60c our STOCK . 'Qz J. G. FKANCISCUS. r Leu itloxxn. mm 3> y. loilN p' poTTKix, Attorney-*t-Law Collection* promptly rnnde ane. Upeeial attention given to t'lmu having lands <>r property |..r-mIo. Will draw U| and luix v uck 11 oxv lodged Deed*, Mortgage* '• Ac. Office in the dminond, north side o 1 In* court houan. Bollefonte .M-t'J-J*rtUi r JMIi: PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE RE-OPENED! A NEW THING IN AN OLD PLACE. The Bellefonte public and the people ' the country generally wi I be plea.ed In ] know that the old and wo'l established DRUG STORE, late the property of James C. William- \ on Allegheny street, next door to Hicks' hardware emporium, has been re opened for business and Is he ing rapidly re-stocked and fitted out with the best and most popular DRUGS AND MEDICINES. PERFUMERIES, DYE STUFFS, NOTIONS, and everything usually kept in a first-class Drug Store PBKSi 111 I*TIO\NC lit KITE ly coiii|>otiM,•-* all the * -long ant i. i n rii g iiri ( ..riie of thr eel.-hrati- l (ii-rniatt aOU French Laundry S. :ips. It i> tberef .ie re. tiimeinl. 1 f-.o ue tn the Laundry, Kitchen, and Bath-I room, and fir general -id uurpu for PriatMt*, Painter,, Engineer*, j atol 41 , him t*. .1 x, 111 remove ataiii* ol Ink. t.rrTar, 0 I. Paint, i-t- , from the' hand*. Manufactured nnlv bv Clt A MPTN BRo l it KRS. '2 .4, n, s atid 10 Itutger- Place and >.j Jeff.ixinstreet, No* Vork. I- - - • it phia, hy KOl'Ns A Hl'uKF, iyr_' N- rt 1*- iau xre Avci ue. and hv gr. rr* g.-neral y and at Seehl.r *i gnxcery. Nov 11. Gm. Simon Haines, CENTRE HALL. Man ufacVurer exf Ctirrliigc*. lltiKKlrs. It sr jonw, Ac. Of tnry • sintllat gear for all kind* f v ehie-t, made to order, and in j tril el,** ui inner Being , practical lue .>. .ri.. 1 xx >utd WAHU A N I AL L WuRK u> tiiiifftvii !i. Up|uiiritiK pruoipUy iilkndiHl i* nl lb# rau-. Unde p taking. Cxifiiosofall tiyln made - n horte*l notice. Tlie bu>ine* f undertaking atlended to in all it* t>rati.-he* Re.p. ctfully *.diciU a hare of public palr-uiage. 9 cpt y W. A. (TKKY. liol jhi>b uJnh!fp l i:> i iti. ii ii.i.. PA W . *i *killful workmen, liencelbay tinller iheiii-clvc* that their work can not l>e excelled for durability iiixl flnt*h. Order* from a distance promptly attend -1 .-.1 1... Come and exnmlnc my work before .ontnx'-ting etoawhere. PRICES REASONABLE, All kinrlaof Rcparing done. S-Qaqq" MONEY FOR ALL - tbTiy xJsrsflt tnakr I vv.nth. *nl nt k* hslf jronr tim* sittiuhlfi f.r man j ,>r w- itiori. Ihjs i.i girls. *td in antirrly now Thous ,nds rsn n -w ' ura* tylng l.taiaaw, snd ronaUitnl II I ojc. Tbtsistbr VhM< ao( s lifallmr." and If >otj *lll not mil'Tacr It t**ll nar frland*. for It Is • Kartunc for* ■ a*orth> dosnrvimi parson s balpitif hand N*ot a raclpa. JrwrU). or other hnmhtiff. but s *f<- atd sttra gruarsntood bnamoss .lpportanii* Sam |i|#btu rlrcuUra. Af. If- ara arnl at roal. 30 cants I.nljr t • intrxHltirc |t. uon- trow, and ooru* nond tapl* an |ca lh>) M*Dt Ui mkr a >rai cloat. llundradt tro tn alt Ire that, and ST tan U and will ahow jriv I "how lU doac.*' A44r*as, iitMkii 4 CO.. lllnsdala ft DOWN WITH II All HUMES ( . 18ve Money ' I*; |ollar Sala. IS flr 'ntcld H1 ft >*ton Mass., slnct 1-TA 1.4. M go Ms to 13. sal patrvm* It odors . *irtotj of IH ruu • I"I la CJ '- Oroaatiaa i It.. >ks i till 'tl. t*la v a H aro. 0,4 ,** about hal nit. o and salts rTrtrthln* *1 ul> una dollar Viral I I i iklm h l>uv * 9rtmt 'nsnufat tnrrra am b 11 r*t l l.ill'ie. i,i M-iii.,, i.ha joounlr} doalars ask f"3 lo #.T for This It tut Ifumhua jno "lit k*te" Nbrjf Soa oar clrcn'srs. and *..h th J irn! of article* offevf-r-d at tily if I We ova rr j I nrd th# Loaf paprraof |l<*st n. and by trti.onu psl j run l . Naa our trcnlars. r\ vV'.. ('.in snd will soil aon a Md' at lr*w than act I other hoosr Bc . Ip! In mul or iiFf M\o I 1 . and let > i o annds lu-fora Itdjrlsc. W •|3twcrj'*l)rpt No |jk. S> ( Ills- 4 Vtil !■ ' 1I r*r t una *ll n PMMT*. GrviiUr*. lint*. Wi n smi 1 •->"11 SJ S3 l>uks, Ac . all f.,r a ♦ Iniflr dollrtr Ifti 1 Hlnff*. Pin*. HrnciOsst*. HH*. V ioH|Atio|t*r>.( In tact *ll ' #l. Send Now. *n.{ sum tc>n#y Yon un tt it ir rdr* to |< uliMbroN A O. N I DOLLAR HAI! .1 Ri.mfUld M . dec. Ilnnv QIS l UK HALL Piii'nilui'c Rooms.' EZRA Kit I'M II IKE, re-pectfully Informs the citizens of Centr county, that he has hough I out the old -land of J. (>. Deininger, mid has roduccd the prices. They have constantly on hand and make to order BEDSTEADS. HUKKAITS, SINKS, W ASHSTANDS, . CORNER CUPBOARDA TABLES. &c., Ac. Their stock of ready-made Furniture is large and warranted of good workmanshit and is all made under their own iinmed ■ ate supervision, and is offered u t rate, cheaper than elsewhere. Call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. 26 feb. ly "VTOTIt K is hereby given that the <• 11 count of John liishcl, assignee o Meslame Reese, ha- been tiled in the ortlci of the l'rothoiiotsty of the Court ot Com man Pleas of Centre county, and will b< pre-entcil to the cjurtfor confirmation a Ap r 'l term, next, A. WILLI VMS. vWmarSt. Froth'y IC*W STORK, NEW GOODS ANI Panic Prices. 11. 4. LAKBIMER. 1 -it the old Centre Hill .Land. J u*t opening a Stock of NEW GOODS, OLD FASHIONED PRICES! I A largo variety of Ladie* Dren Goodi Great Bargain* in Miulinttod Calicoes Uendy-mado Clothing Warranted to Suit Hi* Cloth* and Cat-inter*, Cant be excelled His Crocery Department, \xlonUhe* every one in >ortmentatid low I'Mco*. (Syrup, Sugar. Tea, Coffee. Canned fruit* and Foreign Fruit*. Che*e, and every other article belong* ing to the Grocery Depart* ntut 00-Farmer*. Mechanic* and l*aboren ook to your interetL One dollar aved ii a dollar in pocket. Then call and *ee al 'what aiont*bingly low price*. tV-Su iruubiti to .how Good* ."Was Al*o the choic*t FAMILY FLOI-a al , way* on baud. Apr. 16, y. Miller & Son, CENTRE HALL, PA. DEALERS IN PURE DKUVS ASJ) MEDICIXES, CHEMICALS. OILS, DYE STUFFS, PEKF UMLKL NOTIONS. FANCY ARTICLES FOR THE TO!LET, Ac , A. .. Ac. I'l'RE WINK 1M) MQI GIHt, fr modicinal purpote*. Fruasea 6c Supp irtera in great variety. A l*o. choice CIGARS AND TOBACCO, and all other article* usually kept in a fir*! elate Drug Store. Freerriptiuns carefully Compounded. J3oct if _ MILLER A SON Headu*e, BELLEFONTE, PA Power*' Boot A Sb-e Store i* the and Ket u>cked eUbiUhment in Centre k ; County. He keeps constantly on hand a full dine of it o or M 4 \ I> s II J b 11 .for taxhe*. kept con*latilly on hand. | Boot* and Shoes for men and women, of iall ttyle*. quality and price*, from the 'imoit nelly to the chcapert, c..ctantly j kepi on hand. D WE DEFY COMPETITION ! ,j j cither in quality or prico. Call and examine his new stuck of Spring and Summer Goods, and you will find it. u> your advantage. Apr2lly NEW YORK BRANCH STORE, M.Clain * Block, Directly Opp. Bu*b , Houe, Bellefonte, Pa. Iff. HERMAN A CO., Prop'n*. J Dry Goods, HOSIERY, LINENS, EMBROID , ERIEB, WHITE GOODS, LA i CES, NOTIONS A. FAN- D C Y GOO DB, ' STRICT LT FIBS T-C LASS GOODS. Below the Usual Prices. y N" FURNITURE. c JOHN It KEC 11111 1.1., in hi* elegant New Room*. Spring Greet £ Bellefonte. il ILt*onhar.d a fplendid aasortment o h HOUSE FURNITURE from the com n monc*tto the moftelegsnt. I it ™ CHAM BE It SETS. PARLOR SETS. * S'H AS. CHAIRS. BKDsTEADS. • wool. MATTRESSES. HAIR MAT ". TKESSKS, D u and anything wanted in the line of hi* tuu-ine** homemade and city work. Al a< o, ha* made a peciality and keep* or J, hand, the largeat and £ne*t stock of ~ WALL PAPER. jf Good* told al reatonable rat-. wliolesa and retail. Give him n call bcf*>ro pur . chasing cUowhcre. feb6-ly n tl CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. O. DEIXINUEB. A new, complete Hardware Store has been opened by the undersigned in Cen tre Hall, where he is prepared to sell all kinds of Building ami House Furnishing Hardware, Nails, Ac. Circular and Hand Saws, Tcnnon Saws, Webb Saws, Clothes Backs, a full assort ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture Frciues, Spokes, Felloes, and Hubs, table Cutlery, Shovels, Spades awd Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs! Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils, Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn ishes. Pictures framed in tho finest style. Anything not on band, ordered upon -hottest notice. p#- Remember, all ood offered cheap er than elsewhere aug '26' 73-tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE - Let ters of administration on the estate of Dan ! i-'l Conser, late of Miles twp, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to -• id decedent are requested to make immediate payment, and persons having claims against the estate will present them au thenticated for settlement SAM' L GRA M LY, mar 10 lit Administrator. JL. SPANGLKR, Attorney-at-Law Bellefonte, Pa. Oifece with ' UU j c- °cuni. Consultation jn Englisl and Gorman Colleotiujik promptly attend ed to. jPumjis 01* All Kinds! cf?% Steam & Rotary Fit nips 11[ FOR MINES. L -'" " V '"S —T \\ Deep Well Pumps, | Cistern Pumps, M Anti-Frezing Pumps. GAS PIPES, OK ALL KINDS. ' Gum Hone § Packing, Bell and Bras* Founders, and Manofaetoreri of the CELEBRATED Sheriff' Patent Steam Syphon Pump Sendforjllusfralcd catalogue and price lid."%• J. B. SHERIFF dc SON. WATER 111., A 8# lot A tenae. IT WILL PAYt IT WILL PAY! >■ =IT WILL PAY! I H < • 1 . ft- i TO GIVE VERY CAREFUL ATTENTION TO ! < *1 TOE PURCHASE or YOUR f p | Groceries! Groceries! ! - Ui p . : > _ : ror economy requires that too buy nothing but FRESH, i FL RE GOODS. We keep on hand at all times a large and carefully selected atock of \ _ | goods, c imprising every item >* 1 that belongs to the ! _ ! % ! lOROCERY TRADEj 5 j$ We make it the cardinal point* of our businet* to sell | *5 H I i Pure, Fresh Groceries ! : IT WILL PAY! < ! Te do your trading with a bouae that always give* a dollar * j ~ ft* t worth for a dollar. : '*■ ; IT WILL PA YI ! t H ' . • To call and examine eur completeslock of Fruit*, Nut* and Cor.- ! feciionerie* which we are now daily receiving for the trade. \ Z 1 IT WILL PAY! I - 1 S ! T. i Z , handsomely j to get tome of oar 1 • pure can die*. tre*h fruit* A If •S • nut* for the *'Little Folk*" during '■ *■ the holiday eeaton. One or two. or Cre del- iart, iu*i a* you can afford, spent in i < this way at Christina* and New Year, bring* a x better return than >• : the tame amount put on Interett at 100 per cent. : < : -o: | *4 &i IT WILL PAY! 1 £ IJ• : r r : Te bj roar T*m as* Bjxlc* of a hM Uiel OMke a tpeeuitr of )>*< Üb, f • ** £ m 4 aoli omljr Um t | FINEST FLAVORED TEAS j 5 j AND STRICTLY PURE SPICES. © a H : In bYin tbtmg UUulicaof ~ ; SFTCFIRJSS, ©©NFSCISONAPY, (FRUJIS, &C. 9 ! 3 3 : ctu o* { f ; | SECHLER & CO., I S I: i ► H 129 jan. Buih Hours Block, Beiiefonie, Pa.< 1 T WI L L PA Tl IT WILLPAYI J. ZELLER Sr SON DRUGGISTS No 6 Brockerhoff Row,Bellefonte,Pa Dralorwln Drngst, Chomicala Perfumery, Fancy Gowl* Ac. al'C. Pure Wine* and Liquor* for niedicr , purpose* al way* kept. may 31. 72. i GRAHAM & SON, ' I Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Fine Gaiters. All Kinds of Custom Work M&deTi Order. Harness Leather, Sole Leather, Calfskins i I And Shoe Findings always on hand. I . Bishop Street, |'io it Deilafonto, F TOE undersigned, determined to inee' the popular demand for Lower th a 1 fhUy ca lis the attention ot the public to hit lock of SADDLERY ol< * Uf d. Designed J Z / * ,ld the lln '- 'he iorfmento V " rKHI *' id complete " Saddle* Harnpw, Collaiw, Bridle*, an.l in'r de,cr, P u ? n *'><* quality ; Whip., clA,lKr V rjrth - n|t 10 c " n, pl*t u tUl n . w# , . he no * o"rat prices which will suit the times JACOb PjN6EB. CentreJlall ' Excelsior Cement• 'he undersigned now manufactures Oa. Suakty R V N l kd 1 ( ? 1 f ASUPEITIUR HrlA wTIT' ■* t u k,ln ' '■>■ P'h® k\ ,D *' De ? tWP Thi!l Ct H ent has already been used in laree quantities found hi li 1 * r°" RR t"C , ; b £ hly k "'"factory upon all jobs ' Tno n - b " be f" U * M - and m equal to T?RIS£ n^\' u rod for uso in CIS TERNS* WATER PIPES, or whutevo purpose a rood quality of Cement is desi- r j Cement has already been tested far and wide, and rendered the ut- Itr°urSni S n* C ? 10n " f 1 er#on * therefore con £ ™.*' I*-*"'"* W " Ur P'pes, • v,u'i„ .? ".to their ad vantage to I tar this in mind,and also, that be warrants the article aa represented. ..# J G. MEYER. Aarousbury, Ptv . % > J r . Ci A 4MV -d k 1 TUB , STEEL IIMEM (TWniiil ;n'.., i>-; > Cerban Is one c!" the woist < c' 1 it noun, a •'? ! 23 I i .unca i u-u,j|H lo* >f t5 per rout. ' fr. fliSl l' .uerit l:ieUo of .pi ilijj iO'lCa ejuu • Hk.'ifa kpriu;;, aatl Ult< n r ecf <: 1. ••>* t. press e_r*in.t tbe laslde of tne all., r, K.v'.i..- ell tlie carbon and stile vt . out h i .1 yiul lujwv to the tabt_ OIIII>'I<1 CB TJI better, 1 Jit ' - r ' -rfc Mr*. . i'ott of ±;. t t • ,