The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 20, 1876, Image 2

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    T ae Centre Heporter.
CYvtrr Hai.i., Pa., Apr. 20, lSTfi
7RR MR.— s2 per yrnr, ih, 2.51
hWd >'t paid m (li/Mttff.
.4iir#rfviHiri fx 2iV ' '* (Ar<v•-
trfirtn.i, and for 6itHii 12 nonfAs ly
nl r>yntrnrt.
Tho Investigation# at Washington ar
still playing #ms*h. The public print'
lias got into trouble on account ot itrx
laritie* to amonnt of some S4O A 1
The emperor of lirae lin -n In* xxa\
to this country. I low thesnobs ad Hi
will nyoice.
Thr Brooklx aA •> *<>: ••••'• •• l "
amis of immor;al young souls arc run
ning \*iW through tlio jnngte* of Aft
without clothes ami without u God. am
yet here's Zaeh ("handler giving a th u
--an l dolhusto whitewash lhibcxvk.
Maine. Hristow, Morton ami x onh I in-:
are the prominent republican presiden
tial nags. OKI Third-term got lost in tl• •
t census of Philadelphia, taken la
week. show~s a population of 51?,44*.
S with Carolina republican delegate
are for Morton for President.
The Luzerne county couunissionet
arc the next in trouble on account o
crooked practice*.
The Bin pet or ami Km press of bra
arrived at New York on Saturday.
The grand jury of the District of t'ol
umbia has indicteel Babe*# k for com
plieity in the safe burglary.
— ♦ ♦
And now they have unearthed ;
printing swindle at Washington, flu
committee on printing further examined
Mr. Clapp on 10. The committee do not
regard his explanations on various sub
jects before them as satisfactory. Mem
bers of the committee assert that re
sponsible parties, whose names are
made public, have proposed to gixe am
pie bonils for doing all the public print
ing at $400,000 j>er annum less than it i
now done for. They also state that tin
reports of Mr. Clapp do not show a cor
rect account of the expenae of printing
the Congressional Record, and that it i
mneh greater than he represents it t
If this thing were done out here in
old tVntre. how the people would go f. r
The Pittsburg Dis[teh, Republican
intern grates iu this shape: "IV hv didn I
President Grant at the ontaUrt go b
*>me decent iienitentiary an.l select 1
Private Sex-retarie*. Ministers, etc., lh rx -
from? This would have been the pro
per thing to do. He should have giv. !
the public some chance. If convict,
felons had leen put high in place, the
public, knowing their character, woulu
have been forearmed. Bat the Pre* I
dent unfortunately picked out v.llau
who were not notorious, an 1 gave them
the tis.est chance ever known to in.lulgt
their disposition. We see the rc*!t
The silver coinage hill, as amended by
the .Senate, has been concurred In bx
the lloase, and now oulv awaits th-
President's signature to become a iaxx
S) we are iua fair way of getting silve.
change, before long, in the pla v.
of tl. ■ unpleasant fractional currency
th git how long it may be expcctc-1 t%
remain in circulation is a question w hie!
noh xiy seems able to determine in :■ i
van re. Meanwhile, the price of silver
in London has advanced from tifty-tw
. nd a fraction to fifty-three and sevc:.
eighths and is still rising. If it slioui.
get much higher, and stay there, we ma.
have only a momentary glimpse of liar.,
money after all. and then have to con. •
wn to c.-.r tickets and postage stamp .
* >ne of the latest reports is that the la
ter:: r Depgirtment supplied kettles ma-1
fi a nion tin to the Indians at f2>
i 'j. The hill authorizing this expt :.-
• 'iture provided for the payment for
nc*'. < f iren kettles at (2,5. Thedejmr'.-
nient, under Ielano, managed to cor -
strut* it to mean that amount for cacl
kettle, and w hen that {.oint was reache
went a little further and accepted tin f..
t'hicago Tribune: One of the heaviest
blows sustained by Gen. Babcock amon
all that have fallen upon him since hi
fortunes began to wane was that inflict
e<l by the Senate yesterday in the pas
sage of a bill for the improvement of tb-
Capitol grounds with a provision that
none of the money thus appropriatei'
shall pas# through the hands of Gen
BalwxK'k as Commissioner, of Pubii
Building# ami grounds. The I>emocratic
House had already expressed in a simi
lar manner its lack of confidence, a. n .<l
this action of the Republican Senate i*
peculiarly significant.
The South Carolina radicals have spli
and in'their state convention, last week,
had a big flare up. Honest John J. Pat
terson, formerly of Juniata county an.
now carpet-bag Senator i# the head of
one of the factions, an.l Gov Chamber
lain heads the otiier. They are puHiiq
ea. ii others hair and make the fur Hx
like two Tom cats in a hitch.
The Virginia republican state convei
tion wu# also chara'terised by had fee
ing. When rogues fall out, dee.
A late decision of the Supreme Court
determines that persons who make sub
scriptions to a railroad with the under
standing that it is to he located along i
particular route at the time they mak.
the subscription, must pay their subscrip
tions, although the route bo changed, il
the condition of the subscription war
not made between the subscribers and
the regularly elected and organized offi
cers of the road: hut if the company is
once organized, and the officers have
been elected, and the subscription# are
made with the consent or agreement ol
the officers on the condition that the
rood shall he made along a certain sjw i
ficd route, such subscriptions need not
be jaaid if the route is changed after the
subscriptions have been made. The of
ficers of a road are hound by their 'con
tracts, and cannot enforce one part of a
contract when they themselves violaU
the other part. In the language of Dan
iel Webster, ' a contract broken on one
*ide is broken on all sides."
ifome Republican paper propose# the
ten commandments us a good platform,
to which another objects the difficulty oi
finding a politician in their party who
can stand ou such a document. They
have adopted practically the ancient
plan, each to keep what he's got, and ti
steal xv hat he am.
An important decision was rendered
iu a bankruptcy case in Detroit a few
days ago by the United States court, the
judge holding that assignm nts of insol
vents at common law or under state law
are void, if bankruptcy proceedings fol
low within tbreo months.
The old Greeley mansion in the woods
at Chappauua, sew \ork, was totally
4%sWyy<*d hy iirv on Friday evening.
Since Bubcnck'* triul for being con
cerned in the whisky frauds, the investi
gating committees at Washington ha\<
discovered that that g< ntlcinan has had
a hand in all the frauds and phut.U-rii -. *
that have been found out of late These
practice* have l-ccii carried on fot year*,
and vet li the. . V was Grant* privi.U
sccreUrx all the titne, and Grant *\\- rx
only a few weeks ago that he had per
feet confidence in Hulieoik'- hoiu *tv I*
it not a little tjueer, that the president
should not he aware of the r.t- ahres
ht* nearest friend wa* e-tgagod in"
Orvil tlrattt, brother of the pr,-i.hii',
like Bahcxwk, has nls • i.r yenis Ihcii
ng: i*cd in plundering in \ai >• * way
I way# nrrangii li* s hem at i! .
j .vhlte*hrnre,atul vet the p<< idem *;.\x
:. <:hing a'-uit i:! 1* rot that .p'. t r
The safe bun. ' r> xr- e< i.mi.t.
men always around the pt- -.
that innocent laie.h a way* in the , . k
to the ease 1* tl at ; ' iy I ft bfa
: itou* gall c '
Jolin lViaWO,as> ii of .-ic .i ti ►
(hinet officer* is found mixed up m
frwnds against the government and i!-..
•resident ignorant about it '
Belknap. a tneiuhi r of t,rai.t * eahim t
or year* has lien selling ) *t- - .e.. hi
hijes and he and h:> wile lixr
jurimxwoff of the ill-gotten gains, uti.i
< irant accepts his resignation with re
tret, ami did not know at all that his
relnrv 4*l" war was guilt* >■! •• k->
raya! H>w queer.
Vudso on an endless array t thieve?
j in high place* under Gaaut and he no
j s owing what they w. re doing ' Wh t.
I <re hiaejfta, what w. * h * atteiiti i
,ixell l, and upon what did heexeieist
;s vigilance that lie could not -c. tli.i
.it in his household, and all at aud
•xirx-stealing and *tealing •. ntiniril y
Vh, lirautV lUtewtioii was given to ! ' 1
-aces and pleasure* at hong Branch m.-
uuuituiug at. und the country. But, di>
te not know that hi* office-he dx rs,
c*pvilly the ones lucnttoncd above,
* ere robbing ail tlio time on a uio*-
gigaulic st-ale? Acs he did he k' • w
it all —for the witnesses are now on to
a and who swear that they informed tin
'resident of what xxas going on, and tin
letters have boon found on tile xxiii. '
.■onirnoni'-atiHl to hitn the nut- Am
he evidence goe* to show that t!,c uu ..
vho reported the thieves to him. wer.
•unished by removal from pla. e* whiel
hey held, for their impudence in reiwrt
ng the tin faithfulness of his otliee-hohl
Start from the ftxiitiijlia" 1 ! tin <• x
-riiiiient and come down to (.iiattt * nr>,
inauguration and see whether tlnf
ever was an admiiu*trati n -o -h.-i ■ - corrupt and wieketl a* this > -u- .
Ti.e'presidelit ktiexx it toll, Slid tlnoe i
n >t the lea*! de uht of his >1 aiii g tu
iluuder with lb hcoek and th> ok
chisky ring, an-i will. Belknap and tl.
Delano's anil all the other thieves. I *
i >t strange that a president h i* ..roa;
lim such characters, while there ar
lonest, decent and respectable men i:
.1* partv ? But hone*t men did
suit him. lhey wuiihl bring hiiu
resentsi.ndhave n (plunder t divi
villi hint.
President '"irr.ut feels that he It
ible to get even with or ahead fth
-enatc for its rejeeti >n • f Pan. i
aa'.io.., by sending * ' ink, i. . '.
KngL.nd. iirantl.a- de . t rtta;
* unit-* the np.rt• f tl t ■ ...
•nittee is remarked !y daiiKi.- s.g. 11 :r*
r'le* *i:b Tautially in th.- way. 'i'
- grave d uht* : st- whether *
- not really still in n. . hi ■ y>
tiie ITesideut i* n< t able to soil
*ehenck asked permission t" xi .t tl.
i'mted i-tatxs, which w.i* gra:.'.- : 1
the State Department, lie ..!•-•
<y resigned, hut it is urged that bin rt
ejr.aticth is not to take elicit until ti.
ippoiatmenlof hi* sti.-ee*.*• r. A*u • •
•mr cannot be appointed except by c
- lit of the senate, and the "*e: ate ref :
• 1 to consent t ■ the appointment . f Mi
Dana. Beside*, tien. Schenek ha.* i.<
. resented letters of recall to the British
iovemment, nor ha* that Governn:ei.
•een notified of any change in <ie
henck's relations. It i* not the lea
'-. it improbable there that the hero o<
die Emma Mine will g > back t< I i
and, unless he himself is afra.d to f..
he music in the English court*.
i'inekback gave some w holt *• -tne i un
-el to hi* colored brethern in Nashvilh
which ought to l>e heeded. He said
"If we consolidate the white peoph
•ftUi* sei-tion together • r any other m*
ion of it again*t the bhu k n.en an
make it an issue, the annihilation oftht
blacks is certain. There is no qnestio:
.•bout it. There once belonged to thi
eery land a race that for chivalry nt.
taring, for true valor and courage, h:t
lot an equal on the face of the gloic. I
allude to the Indian. Where are they
"o-dav ? There was an irrepressible con
fliot between them and the white man,
tnd the result is that the place which
knew him but a few year* ago know
aim no more. And, gentlemen, just :
-ure a* I qs-ak. if thi* antagonism i t..
go on; if we are to have thi* political
war which is now being waged hetwn i
the races, it will not he long hefoe i
will lie an actual war, nnd the end v. !i
hconr annihilation.''
Kemitor Wallace on 10, intro<luee<l :
f;ll In the si-nate to provide forthe co-r
. geof "guloid silv r coin" dire.ts tin
eirelary of the treasury t<. have coinct
one dollar, half dollar and quarti r < ,i
!ir piece.*, learing the insert j ; ion '
'Galoid Silver," and consisting of i< p
centum in value ofgoM and ' d per < .-
mm of silver, the dollar piece* to en
tain 'J 3-10 grains uf pure gold und .2
grains of pure silver, nnd the -.hsidi tri
coins in proportion. The new coins..;
to he legal tender for all payments • .
i ept customs dulh an 1 the it - • <
the public debt, l inally the bill pr> ii
ties that Wni. Wheeler Iluhhell, the in
ventor of the galoid silver coin lothd.
shall be allow ed a royalty of one-half "
one per centum as jiart of the ex|*en*i
of coinage. The hill asserlM that the
combination will reduce the si/e and
weight and increase the utility and value
of the national coin.
The Reporter lit • m '• -r fa ' -i
--ioi duty to the dcuiivcratic party it ha al
ways Le.-en true to iu principle! und n iul
i;ee, ami when the difo;gatii:'.ing mm -
me it ito uefeal our candidate- for m • ut ■•
judge and cougre*-, was mnd- two \
ago, the -KepoiK-r stood Ly the rsgu'u r
nominees and upheld the party < „..i.
tion. For tl i* fidelity, atul beenu- ■ it c i
not he us<d by bad mar. and to c .
corrupt praelices, a certain cl- >.t pd i
cians arc making every possible ende ixor
—fair and fcul—to steal from t:ielto i er
u duo share of the patronage t" wlfch
entitled, and thus | ini-h thi." • !
advocacy of truth and lionet men, and t
cripple it in its influence. Some of its ; <
| ronage may thus be stolen away, 1 a th<
I Reporter w ill still l v in spite of thoc < i
! forts of a few spiteful men. We feel that
xxobavothr up|ort of the hon t i., -,-i
merit our steadily increasing li-t is evi
dence. The effort now being made it. <■< r
tu in quarters to rob us of our share of [ i!> -
lie printing, w ill return to plague its in
venters. Penngvalley interc t- —a"'d
j pecially our lailrond enterprise—have •!<.
i pi:tided solaly ujioii the Reporter f . ,n
advocate. It will only he ri'-Cv.o y
' for ue w lis tan me p..uU, whoa re gu-
in iit o me un work ' I**
bisak down this paper, ai d >t vvdlbi g |
upon tlieni il < onih iiiiiatlou of the peo
p <of l'< nn>x aßey. Wedenn cervix to
cU the a'lei tin •! our iViomU t" this J
nintler, their eni-oui'geiieiit ai d upporl I
W d Ist . Utxveigh the liu 'n- "I the llt
l km-l >l' corrupt men who long (or nod
, moll lin to hi. Ik ih.WII the paper
,V l • \ U h 'e-i I ' l i t
lU.AI.M lOc
Ami in xx BUii e i* getting in lothvia
In ai l'\ I 111 I Ia ill i. .. ltd in..y ■l*| ' •
cd hi* I residential #*piti ■ mm h t
i> linualii ation VII tmll.uiopoli* do-•
11.1- Si I.titlx-I < I 11 • • 1 its
• at J.>. llariiMUi a j i oat 1 ..tilv I
tin* • :t\ :v i for • n i ' - "I >* ••; -
~ _ , U , u .; , ,| ; 1,. Il I' ■ .
: Ihulie ,1 ia in p•*
in . , . * ~ i . . td.iit e , u iim iw
~1-Xl 1 M-X e -It I • i-S. II 11l t I lUI
,d Ml. I u- Ihe ' 111 . IV- lie.
". - <
ae oi Direcioi hut w..* jirv xcnlxd eii
,he ground tlu.t such aition would he
n-trimeutal t ' Mr. Blaine a politn ai
•leaps Xl* M Use the pit hi Is (lit .of th
wlmxe. Mi 11 a 111 -> n * ' •a . kid Pi
s statement oi tin fa-t* l-ut i,ii>*to
uHin tii in that ifrbroaght befere ■
v s ngres*iv>iatl 4 oinmitlt i lu will tell ali
. know* tilhiUl it xxiilnnt voneeal- I
t \ / il i \/' >i tAJIJAi. I'l itl l> I
<</ MI < I- a N SMM. IMUni
In the piswlulttitti m relative to tile
; of the l'mhidi !phi I t nteuiitiil,
which General Grant uaiuJe hurt yew? to
.11 nations, he stated that it was propos
ed amongutlnr thing* to exhibit "stub
iin U-* ami materials a* xx ill ti 11.*tratv
the ftuu tiotva Hint adiiiiiixati vc "facol
in* if the l ■i\ eminent.
I'he li-t would he Is . long li gixe en, and it xxould mors ixerio-t 1-v treat*
.ug Um v xpeetvsl x isitor* to the t Ynteii
.ii.d fairly, to deprive them of the pleas*
rs- of fhsasiirprise which the president
is evidently uiteinliug togivetlum. Ihe
iiclsiWiiig. hem ex er, are a } art i f the
• op. -vd exhibit
I'he "funslions" will be illustrated in
i variety of ways. Hiere will he a gal
.ery of jmrtratts of tin *e of the limnt
i'..iuilv who have received olflii-s Broth
er-in-law t\ rh.n xx ;iI w represented#* a
or Id man, shedding tear* before tin
1 ivestiguting t'omuiittee of ls?l. in rs-i
--i-rence lo the gold conspiracy; lirother
n-l.ixv framer in the net of having h;-
*o pulled in pullie while representing
he nation in a foreign land, lor conduit
mbecoming a nenlleinan our brother
"Orvil," a* lbs- tnoslel miller and exnirae
, r in gein-rel fi.r the* sWih from the
it. ben* of the White House; I .ret her-in
law LVnt as door-keeper to the Exe. n
.ve Alansioii, ami g'.is ral jet' eoumu*-
-i.>n agent; hn t!:er-i-1..w OmH a* prx
siding over the whiskey and
.-rripui.n ring in N xv Orient!*: Hab
„g xs ill show ll- w rial r-s.,i.e is lliva--
arxsl in Waahingtonand now pwpwedia
appsar from llie \\ lute 11-'ii*c. fhe mi
isirattxe lus-nltn - will hs- illustrated
xxax hp i r*'' of I'. Ik: ..p. xutli an
5..,t r .vI of > '.(..diiig-i* St; aad
j: hen- k and a plai, of the l .mina Xlim.
.Villuui.s' laml-uU t, with the late At
nruev-txi i enil sitting in has lncti
s*eiailv -it for. General Butler, done
hnis*. i.nd as.-i-ti •! '-v Jay l; 0 a! -I >..n*
rn. wi!! exemphfx the spy and grab
- -!x : v '; litner * f the money w!i > a
-hare of the plunder of New York
Merchant* Whom he I referred to r h
-.tlierthan protect, xxill U* shown by
r cisl arran-.'-nient. "ktgger# in bak
i eartli*r* xs.a n.riM t Torn
Mnrohy, IV hruel Lockev, Joyce the coo*
x B- Jiie( herd, t • I - IH-laiio
ppear in th fls. h, we.iri w*a • 1
he Voti "ii'l IU p; • -1 bx tin U -11.
. Itei :■ el tiiliX I h.- mala Ituini -
ration of the War IK j ..rtuinit. .Mor
w,ll 1 there, a! o.g with an <fligv t
iieluihohl -eiling hmdcU.
ll iw mulerstoosl that the minions of
... ign d< - mtattre in ts. y to se. ure
.fter tin v'cnts 1U....1.. .m t!l :*ir.itiuu • •
Vurerican republicanism, I'it Gem ral
irat.t thinks He can make more mopt x
it uf it bx- retaining and exhibiting it
-.. pern ant 11 ipatjtnt nin - dm cimm
.ith hi* farm at Ht. I m , after hi re
.renient. — B >rl<L
Milwaukee, April Ju-.lgi
i' j r 'rn ni.■ 11! seiilenre this
...ruing on t". I'. J. Moelh r, ex-gaug* r.
-xiovivU'sl of Disking false return*, ill
i s swnteneexl to .ne ypar - unpris- n
ment in tin State Pri- in and a line ol
% 2.MJO.
Reyuoldf, rectifier i*'tivi<-fe<l of i n
piiaiy. wa* *i •' •. ■• 1 ' six m nib*
nprl* mment in the eflmuty jail t:d a
•it e of $2.5(4'
' iucrg'o, II!. April 12 In the I'nited
State* Coort thi* morning the jury in
'he Frusitiger and tieavern# whiskey
■ i*c returut*l a xs-niirt -.f guilty. lh
i-ntemirg fthetwomen was po-tpen
cd until .if er nil the whiskey trial* have
• i-n i : iplctc-'i in thi* < ourt.
liAll. II I } II jli I OMiIES e EP.
There is prospect for another railroad
••xar. At a meeting in New Y'.rk on 12
of representative > of the Chicago pool
line*, the Michigan t'enlral, i'ittshurgli
in.l Fort Wave, and laike Shore and
Mil higan Southern, Mr. Joy, President
of the Michigan Central, becoming din
satisfied with the proi ceding* left the
r. om and the meeting was at an cud-
I'lie course taken l.v Mr. Joy break* up
the [tool# on cast bound freight in ("hi
and a!* > sis -try- all existing agri e
menta in to r.itis on cast and
west Lsnimi freight* among tin* great
trunk line*, and a general railroad war
may he expected. Advices received
froui Chic-'-> are that ti' kct* to New
York over the Michigan Central nml
iirie* arc being Hold at t\\<. dollar*
less than regular rati . The-.- redue
ti his \i ill I • pn mptiy met by the mana
. • rs of the N't xv Y< rl; t i ntn.l, and otlu-r
line will no d übt follow their c x.itn*
Tliee.t of Mil.*#, the
xx no is noxx under-going a sentence of
I rUe:i years' imprisonment in tin;
Vermont State prison fur robbing tl.e
Birr. Pan': v. iiich *r copy lo day fr.-lu
tit. Her hi. i- aiiothoi link in the eh. in
. i irresistible < •'ideiico which fastens u
large share :I the guilt of tl •• safe-hurg
; l.try cniispira. y directly upon lien. Bub*
It, who ul tlie t:uie the outrage v...
. .rami! cd xv.- * the • onflileiitiul se.-n-'a
;x and ndvi er of the Pn-sideiit. Taken
by itself, tie confession of so noted n
< iiminai as the convii t Mile would not
bu enti;led to any eon: idi ration ; but it
.* well known, and x\ .s fully j .rove. I on
the trial of Harrington before it jury
i ..cke<l by 'be President's brother-in
law t" ait.j'iit that Mile# wn* one of
tlio profe-*ional burglar* employed to
. M i nte the pl-.t of the Washington
Ping, and hi* st.-ry in all important
j-..i,t* i • fully corroborated bv the evi
dence given In the Harrington trial.and
h- Ihe eo uf.-- ions -.t Whitley, Settle
.' jp, ami ether aeeompliee#. .Mile.*
f -\ *, too, that the men in Washington
v. ho iin ploy- d him made the tnn.*t
solemn ! ledges that the whole power of
Ibe government let .d be lieliir.d )it in
for hi.- Pr t ti oi, HI >1 • very ij.sly knows
how xvnll tin..-e j.roiiiiscs v.i-re carried
• A until ri ill iJi;vei..pmenU- tendered
it iiec.ef -ary to ab - ndon tli" hurghn*
ami lli. :rf < 1 low ii—j ■ 11:. *- i * to the!#
1 e, jus' ; Vf. l' .iial.l, 8.-lkuap, ami
. l.e.r intimate friends of tlx- President
Wire thrown overl-n; r. 1 when it Becani
'i. TI aary t ("rant's own sab ty to do ;,o.
I No per - n ofordit ary iutelligenec ever
* ippo*. >1 fcr ;• moment thai the mu*
] ehinery of the Treasury Secret Service
Bivi -ion eoui.i have been used to i-xi
. the plot, ami the machinery of the
p • r'n*T cottr's to the eoiiapire*
I fr-'-m pu:ti hinent, unless there liad
I • -i i r :i* iti very high official station
(■•• 'iiizant of the n-hetne and iuteres ed
in it# sue. ess. Under these ei ren install
c. there Is ro reason for supposing that
Miles lias misrepresented the details of
| tl. ■ part !.e tOOK in the cowardly crime.
ll..!■tir.pU.ii, lute oisirict attorney at
\V • -tiin k oi-. aa.i win. wa# concerned wit It
Bubcock and ' ther. • the sufu
■ liva froui '.ho c.u..ry.
Tin: lIi IGM I.NVI "-LIGATION. j .
11 ;> t'rlr hit rii April 1. I liv Inmni sent.- f
■l'll continue" the Hbntrliitig tlkhjo t id
COM . nation lotlm . although tlio excite 1
men! and w idi'spreading distrust las s. n> (
sdi!\ abated n the utility parties lu'oim , 1
mote distinct!) tuaikcJ out, TliflsN nab
Committee held a meeting this
atitl llrpr. l'.-t r. II told Ins spirt
#til - sttitlol It I, gut-it boh w G.-o
W rer. J.-uii.'t i • ..! tl > 11.,
a t> I anl ds n| |u al ed b.luli the toUtliiilU>i
and eel h-Mil t<< Irs j a r t in the Km I "k
--l'et: ll' In gotialhiiis
l' t I li s"Ji X (' .lll ii lii tt ."
ti I • -1.1 , Mat eh. belW.-cu the s.Hiis
■ .;ht a' I iin in the illuming. I nut
Mi H|lrr, the J. 11l l.ill I'irtk of thi
ll > ■ >i#il l-vi-tl r tuivaiils tbi
i: * • * •
t - ■ i •in hi unrig ibnl llir busstti
* -t. k. ih. , on Tin -dai.
fin d," that the lumbermen
t I I 1 th I h* lli. 1 .*is Is I I . dcall
' ti . lin.i -oi ad leiii l.eil the
fi- li, ill- I he MI d he fit.-111.1 sec nie
■I II m- lit in ruing, while
• li - HoUso, Mihhrr eaniti to tin anil
•111 J I. - aln the. | l-.-uhl got t, n Mil .out
il- th, I'liitadclpliia delegation from lu th
attract i lie 111, use for live hundred dollars
<as I sunt i ellii'llly H- saist that Ktii-|
b > bud toill 11l ,klt wo .Id b- llel'i-ssal V |
t ; ti :i meil 'Ut of the I'luhadetphlH del- ,
grh n to i *rry the bill ki l he viou dlel,
i' i- ■ vv firtber a' ,t it n Monde
I' i Monday 1 call.* tip, r.s the lipsin-s
--i < kpertr 1 did not i ceur, anil it lute in tli
iioiiie SI. iniicr citllie to in# aiui said ill* . I
..lit eii I .til iiglteii |o give hie,
1 .. i doitui- for tin men out of tlo ,
Philadelphia delegation, and that thry
air willing to put th* money up in my!
haml< or in anybodv't hatul whom we
it Ist sugges -at Isrlify to tin lit I
•all . 111 111 • llllsl.t d, 1 W 111 .-OS this lest I# 1
:i -lu and let y u km w 10-iiu rrovs On
l ues,!a,V in ': ing I told Miililinr lltr.v j
.sen* -at -il d : t hint lu hold the mono
I!- • id, "t. ve in* tb* ten names, w.,1.
i e|hi -• s -.1 , in get 111 Case they are
ircliil " I, ' lliiw at out the nr n-J
cv * He-a-.d, 'lf you inoiil mc in the
.-I*l . S nolo at li II I 10, I. tills
•s. lids Ule that." 1 skill. "All light
I met SkiiitP rat fte litne tlaii • d \V*.
sin : ir',,l th* flic* together ai d lad not
been there t! ree m.nutes before Mr Hu
i, Is a|-f ared IK • erned to have a ke\
if the door, as it vr s> lot esi and ho can i
in without it being opem-d for bun, and 1 e
said that l.v w allied the li n >ku
tier sM.I to '•'* that be wattled the ten
•an es tu See .! there was al V aluutig them
,ll:it they hud a'ready g t 1 gave >kin
10-rten natnet. which he wrote dean -in
e a paper i • d then lia! ded tin lu to Km
■iek II- took them and ciatnmcd tin o
l ben be tiHsk a Certificate of deposit out o!
Ills po ,el dcfsi I II lit", I. the bis. 1. wlt I '
I- name and payable !>• ihcordar of Skin
ner, and handed it Skinner, who started
l • -ay - oneltiing lii him, w t.rn Knitnck in •
t rrnplcd bun by saving that he slit not
want anything ftirther tsi fay that we
could ss itt- it b :wo , us. ami than walk
ed out of the room >k.nncr handed the'
cer'. : ule to inc. sit v 1.1.0 k t .t VOIIJ•
-el' 1 b-uk it. saw DotighrtlV ltr<s.'i
igl attire on lb* face of it am) Knibiek s|
on the I .is h. payable t.i tilt • rdor of S s j
• * s.nil it was for seven thousand Cs e
hundred dllar.
- li t*r ai-o told ni> w ! ih in the i !*• , s
-•m. that 'they were bound ti carry th*
• ill thr ugh to show you that tti*> im-ai
u oc--, II el gav* me i>fci|i|iei,l all eli
• pe i th SkW 111 It, Witt "Ut saVH.g i.
Id." Tf at i. about th* subtam eof a
* trai pired b twi-eg *-k tuo-r and o v
' self
At) Awkwanl I'JIRET for Mr. \V P.
Hi vi- \V • t 4 r . sii„n \V IV did
VtHI lake s s tnuiii Put rest 111 tl e defeat id
Ar -wi- |J- lh. hVi- i s | .usage
.•ii si cfTeet the revenues of the Hi it*, and
. .1 be the means id diVeiling itiivtra.le
.. -.hi - p ~,t. tothw .lijui> ; Phtlwdvl
oh ia.
O Did t ever s. . ..r to >.U that in in •
r. had h. • : a v dut g. r of th* I I h.
g I ist • mi* ■ f the* in favor •-( it v„u J
s c ehai--I th. ,r vnp-s so *1 to he ist a
is. - t un to a-ove t ret-mfisj ler
Mr. W i.i Such was t * pc.iu.-t ■
all about tho arrwng. liiei.t betw.-rn .Skin
i ran I me. hn-s- - y ti thj- ,ed >-
• I
Mr- v\ olfi oldiutoj |u that ansa r be
I "m' 'r":r. ;r. Well, ifcit lguor
. \ fuit.ier 1 want to know wl.etS i Vol
. goptw t" have such iiiswcrs jot ii si
von • e tit be :ius* I do not pr. , o . :
II w. rany •s the aiuwer is .v
the steli■ -graph, r.
Mr Woifo d s-u did (lot n:is\vrr MJ
quest ion po you klluw up s ihiug turlhei
Ih.UI thii luulli r—*li) thing Vi U bat ■
M- fitivf I ram miilt toll
Ihi .r., if it s. cvuiciii ■ I h*ni. II at J* i
• lad I **n engagi-il as i oiilivel for the I.UU tor S],IMU.
k| r V\ . te. D i I pill t- at down "nih
ed out " f
M- I'ctr. tr satd b* WoulJ naver ban
offered to give his W-limopy in til* matte'
hoi ihat r*si luth'i) nut h**n off,-red bv thi
'r ■ nds of th- 10l He 11-ade a l eal,
- clear stati moot, ar I was rnsia xalniio ■
■it great length for an hour and n hat'
wilt out atfvcting bis ividince in thi
* -1.
Tin II use cmm it*c has examined nl
the luembwrf #xc pi tl. so absent on com
..te ! Itv at l'lltshtirg Hut two, D-'Ug
mis, of I'm'adelphia. a.ul Lynof. o Lu
. kerne, hi.v* drelini*d to I'* sworn, and i' i
said the commit!' e will proem it ngauisl
them I. tin rrow o ask the instmcttoiis "
Uie lis us. ■
Harrishtirg Apii! 14 The S-nalc i - ■
i 'uitlce ■" ih in investigiitioß bad 11 ;
resi ntallv* Lynoit. of Lukcriic, before ii
1 to day. who WHS examined at hu own re
• pie. l He lad hitherto refused t" appeal
liefore the Hou-e eoiiimilto*, and liisnami
w:. diser.d'tabl* connected with it's
Kimm lohbv hy the apparently well au
thenticated ruun r- atiout the town 1 •
lay lie c Jul a : l d übts and su-pense hy
isr. -. ntine $ "-<< l in currency to the Scnnts
(' i.ti-e. and Icstifled thnt it was tin
identical tnotx-v given to him by ex S n:i
t>r John H. IviH'k, ot \Vliiiamspori, ti
vote for the passage of tho banii bill. Hi
-ill lie had been supp rung the bd
until the iliumy was h-uided him, iii s
i . ha* Tenv, ' pi', hy Mr. Hei k.aslhi-y
p i... di n the walk, when r. Ih ck lo'. 1
hi in l take tli* P" c. ago andnp're would In
given tin If'he billg-t through afety Hi
-hii it that he did not know what Heck had
handed him UP il he had to parati-d from
,iiin, w..en he discovered that il Was >
nd I.* would no lunger support the bid,
ml did io t favor It thereafter This m
. it. r il nth r the hill t-nl p*s*d second
■ iii l if ntj-t I efor* it fl. nl pnssiige, Tlo
-• rev Was received hy tho Conuiitle,
•id i now in th* rust <!y of Senator Dun
kel, the i hatrman
Ii irri-hurg Ap d II Kx Sen-.:oi
Berk was in tow ii, ulid I saw him withiti
no i.our after Lynott had testified. He
, I.e. without up V reserve, about Lym-U's
evi h-nre, and mid that il was totally fnl-e.
I'r reh-ri- I to l i- own searching examin
ation l-< I r* the House euliunittc. wlo r--
tie hiui v-i lulitarily gor:o as soon - lie Wa
no itie*-1 tint hi* presence wtudssirrd, and
I -Uti'd liuit he had not made HP Corrupt
r intraci rulntii gto tlo- boom bill ; t' at
he did not know of tiny having been line
• . either sid*. and added that he would
j iprnr before tin- Senate committee hp '
p -ilivrlv contradirt Mr. i.yiiot!
i ator link denies l,yn"tt' story
and tloit lie had lies or bargained with 1 s
notl. HI d never im I him any money for
any purpoao, and that to- would so answer
under outl) lli insi-: thnt it iv a put-ii|i
or b'.-ii k-rn :! ;<! and thnt Lyn itt's pki) •
i-g on loih - i|. - ot the boom Id!) vv li lie it
wit* pending in th a House, and Ids dodg
ing ahout to delay In* examination, pre
•trong evident I Ins di-ign to delruiid
s.-uiot iy. Mr Beck is en iid export
about llarri-burg, and hu- be II a mem!" r
■ i I t'i brunches of tin Legislature.
Imp rlttitl Kviilciicp ' ivon t>\ Major
jliitoii Giant t > lt* Stiliji itnmd.
U'nsiiiiiuto'l. April Id.— Major Lueion
K msi-timi prosneuting iittorney In
S' !, uii- whisky fr aid trio!*, wsl ex
ii in, d by the Select Investigat ng Com*
•iiittee on tiial subject to tin jr. His ti-sti
oi iiv was similar to that of his culleaguu
i'yer, ljendi rson tintl Ilrodlieml. lie re
al.-d the Hi.iioyanoe eiiused hy tho puhli
cii ion • I Attorney-(ei etnl l'iorrepont's
i ii; or b-t'.er to district iittoriuv, nnd
II • t otiliio of the pr 'socu'ioti in quieting
ft i jrbiened w i.n< ssi-s-. 11 in italeinent ot
t' i miiiuliii of the triiil- WHS coroboralive
111 til .t heretofore publi-lied. The most
witi •>'tont p rt ot Ins tcstitiuili v was the
in, of i) copy >f u letter written to
Pi-old,-! I (Jr nt bv ex Co lector Foril, of
Sr. Lout-, in lb7fi The copy submitted
to tl-e c"i mitten whs in ex Collector
Ford's Imn-iwriting. Mr. Ford, who is
now tleitd, was an intimate personal friend
of the P'evident. This letter, which can
in t bo obtained for publication, informed
Grant that McDonald, who whs sentenced
\ to-day, then Supervisor of Internal ltevc
| nue • f the States of Missouri, Arkunsas
ai d Kansas, WHS a raacal, that he could
not be trusted, and had connived to de-
Iraud the Government. After speaking
uiiquaiiliedly of McDonald, Ford alluded
1 to sotue u>a iu poxiditijj before the dtparty
luenls ii W 111 t !,* Pi I'. till lit was to I ,10 I
an inti lesi This matter will pu.b dill ,l
--t .nl I.uilli, r aubji-i l for in v.-. t igni i-if.
Mm i Cut,in inn,* Into i II ■ I ill.
b itei ihr ugh , i,rini-r chief ' er i of n- ,
Collect Ford win I'o iul It mn, ug I ..
pHpirs iilti • lis di at I' 11 i- a 11111 * 1-, in
111 11 HI up oi die I* r i it. Nt Hiui uti
IT R LLLLG I OLLL •" * 'I LILT O O ' HP'-t 'Misled 4
perm, ii ti lends of M, Donald's bad fi-pn* '
iatiii,ti at he should tu'i to- i,,a* in ruli 1
pill,hell I.Hough I I- stil lls 111 Wiisbing
l.-n lli lli* I'resiilelil ~w il i r I lug*.
I'nsid. iii Grant will be *ub,ii iiHed by-•
I. re ill" i ,mnilt' * IliVe-t gall g tin- '
frauds, when tl • • vainitiNlo U ' f the ottiei *
t r
Iv ninti.|.-r*d in cm.unit"*, ami q u>.> 1
I llitllglll It til Mil l". I his ' Ills fit t!,„! 1
mean- mifbt !"• employed I. . us* ih I
t I'euieiiti of other witne... s B gt*, wilts 1
. s. .
A I vfKW \li I > I'l'N I It AI, 1
M. w \ Apt 1 ,i ,w.l ,
were i* dlei t* 1 itit- nmrning fri m aniarlv!.
\ I
-ii* wai I* Il • I wilt •- - In- ti-to-ral | ro
,■ - "i I' 'ot hi-. !i II itiu* | iy* I
t-it i * art* stationed in I lie all tint- ar i
oi llis ,p. ot to'iisi * I to- Vast n- "in •
i. i V ;.
small p i. tore, in t. out. f tt..-rev hi,..:
of the ilec-ased, kept built tli* ■ r.-wd - ,
o-ili allowtd ttni, In i iiti-r lli* dw ■
who w i* provided w't'lt tickets of i.d -
lion. J
I I ti* liitp tal pM>c*ssion started from M |
Sti wait > house at utn'Ut 11 t.U a. in. In-,
ibody lay ill -late all I■ * uinrttitig. to |t
■ Was viewed by lolly I'tlJ |< • pie It wa* I
| -upport*il on a bed t II er* neatly two!
| feet lilyb; th* uthv r floral decorations j
w , ' e superb und , • iiht hardly he excel led
ii fiihgiiitii-i-iii i- 'I tee. llitr w s covered .
with l-bsi'i velvit and i lie MI innriptiioij
. -ii a plat* ol si. > s d with gold hat)-'
I! - i-Hi) heavy g'd.l ,ng* t> ree iio In >
Jdei |i ali Hi. iiiul It Tt w.- line,l
' w tih w hitc-'k. rut tfi* t>o,iv was dro **d r
I in H suit > ' Idaek clthe*.
Uislp-u I'.it i-r and Kev. It, 11 T.vug,
1 r.-Bil a kfW htHAral .lip" al fit.- I
ti to;. lb* b, tj wrtslilUrJ. A Iter ilttss.-i
. 11, 01l . i tup "t i■ s • ! tl .- dec* i . J w•• .-!
' allow id t" etitnt and t ike a I ist look ut ill*,
d.-i-.ttt I The. p.s-id i.i th,- r.'.e .. j
atuHl! f rty fiv t" a'e, but -rt tbisi
one* tl tiiok ii*Hrty ut. hour and a half t
'g.t through. The i din was tli, n uf ■ !
and the |r. ,-<* 1.0, tn.iv .-d d"Wn h .tlti H\
"Utisr to tentli Street and aero-- lb* la lei j
•.|p>ri'Ugt.fare I i li," . lu'ib I lie nr.g.i
'l umbered ktri carriagi - at 1 ex i fid d a
long distance
Tie preparation* at thsrhutrli ba.l '>renj
.■omtuencaa ear y in III*, ai..i " t-i
fl.ifui tr.bu •t' .rew ,I e lirjg;. ei.l lh"
jcalafulqUe Wn- al the lower nnd •! tin
mail, taxbii* Alt ki tv].a -V<4 I'l K lt.*-A I'l llofc
,era Large cruwd* uf iiekt b:]er* wen
; outride vlanp rlfig for udniits oft, and it
e.juiri d the utm. tiff -is ti. stro-ig po
lie, Ji-rie to ri-ir. ii tham Dei: rn..i -
were present at it." . t.urcb It in t!.e Mer
-bants 1 ss;. *tiai hank atid th* I r ion
f i-*Mgui-. tub
N■w Y< ik, April 1: l'ourte, ii . t .*•
wera in attendant e all <f wl . 1. ~ i.. ..
I"t. . d fr.-iP t. .! r(s employ >! by U
•>!' .nit in t.i- Tenth s'.reet *t -r*. A ft.
ti* funeral s.-rv". rr at tt.* "hurvk, the'
tro ty wa- . . iiitr 'ted lo tbe fainit.v va-rlt.
' I tin 111 -l protn llel.l*. .tl*. II- a UMsflcd t'o !
'urp-r.l. "110 p,|l b irti* were t.ewrlt-rl j
■ny G >. *i . den nlid G . lilt* p
.I' - <• I i-y Dr. K. : til a., d
-Wl ,'d "i!< -n aft *vp*i ■ ' .
v-.r if evefi frien.l ol tie li. p.oit. a . ~
-ctdu,lto . ...I* of at 01... r l .r
will. 11., t . • or if . * in..i (Ii- on . . i s ;
i. loontl.i >1 IX.I, aioi > ric ye.. li.- ..!-
>.-r. and wtitrif-av you t-y iu.prov i' tie
::• V '
1 s! -i • • I . " Of
(tend you tile It.-poit.r n* vca* Ires.
I Kt.l- . ! li - N' n< :
. ounis bur* bi <n • can. . i wnd -si t
hy p. and ten. >tl . d , ! te ••i'i it. Hits
tli e fort he tits p. lit di-I i.yi. , t ,t. |
' I'.fcd" .'.'a W.M l.."pi' .'fit.' i l" it." Ol
j at. * Cimrt rvf Centre ".anil* on W • i
• molar, the V h rla.v r.l April A I' DT'
, 1 for Cfimflrmation and allowance ,
'( > t at" VC t Uip! • 'i - - • ' ' e
• I' -
M ' t • ... ' It. • '" !
<.n of 1 us Ann " > . . .uti d-t
.. ..
■ -
fJohn 1. fi* t.da of Fe4t.rlwp.ri. d.
Ifol waiter, dm i. si rat - .1 ie...nt*oi
tt*nrv H • la'.* ut ii twp .
. t. 1 e 111 . rio.ui'l . Jm. V II v. ; j.
sdipini.trxi-" ui 110- .slat, of Pauiuci
' 1 tir,-w n late of Haiti- -t|v
" ; Tt- so, ..'*! .• d r lab II u ! s
I "lioistrafior ot tb* . -l'* • I iv -ah
! Hl'd* " I fit fi .tw . .1. c'll
1 h Th* at • ■tit of da. !• i'. \ . eld".
": • luardian of iiic j J. Fan, .... t .11 rd,
jxrpl Mm, not. . itdii-n ol ,! n \
rb.imas, li.-i cl ; la
•: ]p. am ' J 1-0 W Kt u.ri..,
and Manila Jaiia K"|d" 4ll >: ■ no- -I
' I' .- t ~t" fJ ~■■■! K- i- ■ . • i" irgtD
' 'son l>(>, Centre CO d* -
*"| |U Tb* account uf J H la -th-rt and
'ils. H l.Cath*r wdmil i-Mat-t * • t tin "tali
I.if Joii'i L'-atticts |*ta ol H.-vratd twp.
II Vntr* ci . d". u
*■ 11 Tb* account of John 7. --g • r a d
[Bet -v /* g'- r • e-r* nof tlw nek will
and t"lani*nt of Michael t. g *r l it* ,f
llain*s twp, rtiM'd.
I'i lh* afi-cttufil of I.d Ward 1 1,1 hd
1 land H'cl.ard AthVUtft, tr..-iei- nl UM
, I estate ol Hardm.l . i'hinps. di '.i
Id The account ol K4w rd F Ll -vlalid
' J 1' Mot.lgomrfV. t* Us!. "V ot e-t..!,- ot
llardman l*hilipl*c'd
11 I'll* xe. "fiint ol Kdwnrd F L' v d
ni \ .! M,-e!g<m. ry. tt i , *. f. -i ,t*
..( Ilnrdnian l'blltf* di <1
j Ift The account tflih. rt Gardner. *x
ecu lor ol ilia last wui .. nd ti stativ. Nt *.l
* J.dtn Gardm r Die of Furg ■ n P ~ I ab<p
, dee'd
]fi Th* account of William i*. itir i.d
ministralor of th* estat* ot Kb* ibelu \V*a
" v*r hit* of (rr*gg twp, d-c'd.
17 Th* account ot John L K.,Mr. ni-
Mntiniatrator of lite i sialrvol Jam- 11 Hm
' ion, lain of the borough i>f 11. ilefoiue.
IS Tli* account of Adain T Wg- cr.
' administrator of the -*;al* ol 1 l;,,ina Byt.s
.* n*r. late oi Benni-r twp, ile,'d.
l'.t Tlio lirt partial account > f 1 iii am
M A Kison, "X*.-ut-r of ih* last will 1 t.--
j fii"lent ol David L.tub, lal. ot Ma o'
twp t iii.lre . >. di e d
'JU l lin account of Joti.tli 11 ltr.. n,
Guardian •>< Clnra -. uii■ ■•~ il
ol Henry M I. icn-, int.- ol Fn--w fxlio
i t'P, dec d.
J1 Th* ninth annual account of Daniel
' Islioad* and .1 • ' n Irvin jr -ur\ ivi " 1 u
lees ot the "stale -d . A 1 m. i-, d"-d
the borough oi Bclletoi.t*, ... i
2J Ih<- t. Count <>l Ad.m \ II da ' I
■I a rub iia-"is "X. " Jtof -oi tli . - .
I'tulip Voll-ld l, lutl! ol Ml -lfifip lii fi' I
23 rn* accunt of J K H ivt-r, gu .-.i.
an oi CI. .rl* K. Iv>-fi" .. .no, . ,| i
John \V. Her. Inti* I*--itc-r .vn
k 21 Tlio tii.xl i . niit of Fit. r ii f
' Guaidinti "I the per-s n ni d •—late ot i'OH
rail Deckert, minor child ol C-.i.rad l>ei k
erl. -r , lute ol Gregg ' w .!•. i.
Jo Tl.* m ount oIS 1 IL-ring dm"
' istrator of th* i--t .tr- of I*l.i ip M i-sur. 1 .t
' of lh* twp. of G:. gg in th* .ou Iv• I ( .
1 ir-, di-c'd.
J') Th* partial r.rcoiin of S , .
i B. M. Il*iitig, J I". ll.iit a . S (•
Sliutinoii, o\", uiors >■! t! . t v. ii tu
I. - 11l 111 "111 ot t.i, „ il, ling, ! t< i til eg.'
twp. dee'tl.
27 Ti . ni, o.ii.t of J, !,ri ]i.t!c, g'
' of Svlx'i-ster S. lib g|.-, i.I nor "luoi
' Sam'l S. t.l*gl*. lat* of 1 <-rg-.latin tow ship
' du d.
' 28 'i ll* account PI t ni? VV. -n ad
| tninistrxfilor of al and singo art..<- goods
ami chatties, lights a lid ci ■ <iil ol Jaioh
, Ktlarx lulu of tho t .vti-'iiji of llcnuar,
, dee'd
J'.t Til" -CPnii !. .1 i' fr.-ph It. 1.0 ..
F -ipp,ilit*il 1. v b* tlr phulls t'o.n . ot k . nili
• >., t > s*il HP) r.-uT .-tu!" ol Dnuiy . un .
Murv Hustings i-.t* ot sairl count \ <1". .!
W. ii. ill Ut 11FI KI.D.
lb-gist). |.
WltflfflM ihfl lloiL i Murif* A Mkfflr. r(ilrnt •!
! Hir court of I iifiiinnn I'lfaa in Uie '.olll Judicltl Din
lriot, ronttiilihtf id f tin iiunllex <•! i ruin*, Jlailon nttrl
'UA flip 111, 81 •) lllfl I llntnll W I rivo ft tnl tJf
linii<itthU II Jiiiiflrr In ( citli.
Ith day f Apr \ H . IM. ••# dirpr!Hl !r hnltlinu
a I'uutt of Oyrr til loi miliar ftlld irent'lai .lll lrlv
, org autl t/oarlvi Sy|lun vt thr Pourr In Iti-llu!•
ti>o ctiiiniv i rnt*. id !<• odnmuMf on •
kIoDvUF uf Airii. Inind lAj 3lril dij ot Apr l^r6
And t OUflttOU* tMO xvrihfl
NutbT l ihi'mforc linfrlij glfii U)lhi i' rinfr. Ju*
tii'ci f the l'frp, Ahlrr**ian and i oneial-U** uf lh
ld county of I'enlre, tfiat tlipjr lie then and Ihfrc |
tlinir ir<ier pera-m*. al lw u'rlin k lu the* forenouti oi
ald lay. with thidr r*rrtl. Intj iiMioita. t msntna
t ijtun. and lit'Mi nn remeinhraiicea. I tlo I U' thing* |
, vruicb to llfolr ulHt-o appnUliu lo In' due, ami (!••• ,
who ar# lMtnf fn re< <irnU*tn*i*A to nrtta^tute apiAtii<
Che priaotipta thai ari ni ah .ill UP In tlin.lail ot f fnln
< tuir!>. In* then and thrr* to |irccut< avalitiiC thuiii
rt*U.-tll Im> jUAt
liiraii under my hand, at Rellefonle, thi* Ut day of
Apr,, Id the car >f our Kord. lATrt, and In llm IIUMI
ilrotfi year ol Itidevt" l *!"!? l *' !,i " Ulted M
IF VI MII.VcjON, Khfrif!
Hr II St or e.
iFlfi: Sll AN 1) CUE AP.
Apr. 22
For iii* lli portar
'l'lit i ii" W is not us ou * Koek, avail • t.i
11 im ■ ■ ilii ii idv. . be ng ju Igi *. Diu
B.'; Si
Ttioar who trust to any rock but Go.;
will lit." t fill tin-in when they most tie*
it I li* text Mix y le dlr cur -all Uliib •
t hi i e itlvlsloliS, v i!
I 1.1 lin fil l V The proper in* id th.
I. i .. sf. SIP tl MS tile following
I .Sir. liglti I lie mighty trees of tl i
I . . in to l.e rltoiig t.ut the wind ami
-I in. in ' ,*it turfi, level 'hern in It a
_I. und . hot So nl tli. rr,l t The t* tnpe-l
In tv llpoll ll in vaill. The fuming wa
ll - ot Uie oi t it' ll tsli aroUlol It (ll tl • pur
pose ,
Siahi itv. 'llia Works of S, "111. N d
art . annul stai d aga'l tl (lie effacing in • I age Are ant eittes templr-s,
piia. ei anil lii.'iiUtiiatiU i,an- ported away
N merer, w It, Its garden* parks, flttlr
ai d I 'llille ,|, us i. |,na „ d< ft, nil .t
er .ti wild vctrr-ti'iofi |', rh.ri'r, c d
II fit • lui , ; „ ;
n. )i 0,- !• * •! r<. il I. a., ti i. t . . I, .
lu-, b . .g. g gurdi us and spier did . •
at) y I Id <> ,
i ! I I • ti . , I
; I i • a .■ i g it i a
. . t ■ - , . i,
. ■ ' ill u, i. . !e, .. „to op . I iu
N I f the t | fi, (,
H -reti reman p. ()., ,| ,• j- ,
I'eri noly. Ail ll.oig "long. 'f
fosfal in of Ihta world p.itsvtl, aw-.y it" |
it.o rock iem all's, a lit trrnbleio ol %irfii
II SplHtrt'Xll.T
1. God I-till Almighty-the l. rd J j
lutvall. rvariasling rt-ength 110- Km b <• '
lsia*l, tbe Hut kof salval'on. tli* |{ ( , i
lUtug". u- is tfJ 'it;. Wd xt
'J Gi.ll don't change ll*B Ih; tfi J, )
t i . it is lli. satfi" fit'slcsdoy. p. <fa |
and forever 1 I'r r. I. r* mi nd- us ol tl.s
great ft. ing never cl.-rig*s ..f wtom |
Ho ■ s .ti ii . •,auii | ruin, wrn*s. reytng
iel- tod been our dwilling pine- I
otall* It,a niuuntair ■
' -gi't forth or over tbi-u l.|.i>
' D" tiaiib. He fitioid-, even fnm ]
'' 1 ' X ' • wiutbw tlnni ar*
as'til, " gllti n\ llilll llf (ill j
|l"-'l'- the ti.HJ of talvnli.ifl. til*
' 'll'cr supplies, a ligfib t. tip
! "fi "• dy. a re'trgr froil. the sfi. rot,
" ' 1 I' " I" at w ! "t, th as. ..|
' '• a storm against It e
>. h i \\"M might Dat d ant I win luge
1, rd my strength l*s : 1 lb
j 111 CoXirABAxiVKLY Tl nil roclt it,
I " ,r H • " einfi their anemias i 1.*..,
," "* " 1 ,M K j '''Res Whatever any un. 1
d' t • upon ~r t'ustr in, is hi* |toi k
< kriit ir tkr < Artafoirt * k
I ' ' ' r.x-lt of tile heathen it nd our
Fh*| "fises!.:|. ! toy know not what. T' r's
I kg l-ll . !.s aural., led Ih. mi, HP HIP, !
* ' k*' s , t.nwks, ow'M, r-r.M-odi!,., ■
i s, et. Ihe all devouring trod o
■ A-sx . fii.. ur. or Cr* The gr. !
! st-v Hay lonian* was Helor it- lux '
,J h S 1 ' da avian* w-orxbiprc! W-drn
■ ! ' (! <l* 1 lie Greeks and Ko-j
' 1 * ''' Jvolsferped Jupiter, A|h-1.0, Mars j
•l r.ufy, lis., t, Juno, Miner
i . \ . ,; v , to the number of i.psrlx '
<"•*' in a I, hut they were all dumb'
- ''•' ' 'k of the M usselman is n>t our ; -
H - k i, Mahomet tb* falsa p*.|<htt,
1 -" ..piuiv, Uia las' --I lha
-1.,," d (HIM II s diw-sj
• W.l ill. t-b —hstlulPsf Wand not I
M. pr-.p... .terl 1,., n lis i. by
II - loin-w- t, rxj-s-i-t Is. rro.s '
Oft vMI ■ . t.arr.-w b-' . fi-. flnrst | .al
to , aw.rd, .1 rink ~f Mako.ot -
' IM Plhd . 1., eat ths- l-n't
tt * ,f. !■' feipit.*s |Miutgrat at*-
vi •' . - • ' ti , and tli k .r . > •
MV . • f Paradise a. .... „t w' c fl w,
fiitt. v.:.r,. me wot. m, - a .Is. ui w h
: lions v
' 1' -• tfitck of th inf!,f*t j. nut ..ut
St ,
Ir -x " prat* riatiat fetiivrfisall t all
Rtrtkltg t-isr . .. it.- L r.l J*
f-w i . .1 t.-r sat'tfi slot sairat.or. Ftin*
'-*• -vr i . fij.r—J*. -tr*rs 'f. arid Ci'seiltai.,
n .1 t>- .fatwiiisto, -r tt.c t|>.*'
'• IM-ltiali i, <it at' things .•!
• o .. 1 -lip |- >s", b<-. .is* they tl.-jgitt
~■ ; . e M ,sr ,i .at t tham
• r H-Cis .it 11 Iml SIS Pot our
ii X
i -Ufi-h ■ "s it,,n ttrr. r. si,.l
• - . *i ito . pr.-p * ... l ung lugn*r
) ~l foil is t*. -u'l-aive in* paf
' ■ '■■ n. It. p , it.sfci , ! p-fi
w d i-y. s. .•*!* ni-n n tw* m-ss irsal .
I. a wi.ol. fi-. n.u'oty ioi nx-sfe •: i .
fi .. i n. * j.y 1,. i . i.i -. .ot
i.iri o .ore l r- tot \ a a.. M r --v .is
ti (Jw.-ip- ii re„ .rt. t-1 F . i
.fi . I al ~ ffirti'rer tu f* e *".j
'• ) i-vo. atid * - • ton u .i*l brvsthr t '
I i
11 ! tio-t. * - i,ut*hrtat in u-ty • tthc'
•ii is t- d ref.-rto i. I. rr* i t
.1 I M !'.H k fill the >, lUu . <*t Is tltsl QUI
Xf 'irrtUaiiat* at fi. to..** i r..p.w who IM—
.. - 11. .1 s>il tl mis ifiou's* with the
. a' sHU "I the unseen world which t*
i .ni. ! on hy ntra'i* ol table ra|tping>,i
•it*i . tto-r. *ogfit of batid iwrfi.rmsiirta,!
allitrial n.agn--t.-rn sod tiatrv yaip-rv.
!,-ar stgtso dorr, j Tt.ry tirrclwrsr Chris
to. tut j lob* ~n old .-fteie skat ret.) r-tgiofc .
and tu*ot fi • n ■ Dsisbli i r a Fal"cr
-1 .. J .Molhrfb.x-J in (i■ ai, ulol the!
p. , - qua ity • I lhe--x-a'D*" to.eisru |
- I-.-, to. ado r spi. .liia' t- in with tl* uiutti
til-itt: -us da . ii.g (Abel's c-'inpHto with.
- spir luai It-ex. d* sirs Christ) that fot
ts- t tbe am lent 1-ra*.ilex ami qufi'iich.-d;
then Itiiral
' °1 < t -. I ;i,c i'. rfi v tioi.iai is nut uur
i lb - ,
i H .t, - i... law hi.d lives ut-dcr r.fii|
f r.l—si.-.., his own Uitnd prompts
Mm d-—lr*- | sin, he rejects the!
A "t (>• d ali.l llirll —feot a law ol III*
.. Dtx-aloguc tonus h in
7 It.-- rock .-I the Shaker* it not our.
1 K-ek
! locy abjure martig*—are cnmmut.isu
in d w rsbip G->d by .lancing anu violent'
i tHxiiiv com motion*
8 I .- rot-k ot tb* Mormons is not . ur ;
I l.t-fi be I"fin in a uialcrtial but), poliga-,
I my and sea ,ng it. on and women together j
■ ifi,r < I"!
9 The rock of l'arkerism is not cut 1
- Rock
Tl i-o.tor* l'.trkt-r talight that b* who;
. tiin.ii* h msrlf to the Bible is ill* worst
. slave in Ih* world—that while there is
inu< Ii truth in it, there is a-*u much noa
. sella* in It
IU 1 t.o rock of the Sensualist is not our
K ut! is.
' • it I. v*s pleasure in .retha* God—loves
il.-li. toii* viands, strong drink, etc
II 'lite rock id lite M'-er is not our
- It k
11.. I.tvea monfisy and trs-a-ure— trust* ir. |
gold and -I ver —ami n.-l in Christ
IJ Ibe r .k of jo I'harios-e t n>.( our
r Rfi ts
il,- v.- ic- on work., moral or rcrctn -nij
ni 11. t xpt clslo "an. lit" cr-.tvll ol If.- I
; It,.- is, wui ■...: ■ xt.-ud tb:* clnxs'fl. uti-- j
\\ . 1,1, ve .n Jesu-Christ, who said tip-j
t on t! i- R.h k ivi! I 1.ui1.1 church ami!
r .- gal. • tsi I."II -lintl not prevail Kg iMist
h Vkt-l. 11. (.il Topiady -ay :
B< k pf kg.-s, • < fi for tup,
L- lno inti* in * **.f in Tnes>, etc.
N-t •• \.-t THE .IrnavtiNT.
I I'I: I' ro< , i- it,.| our I. >t k. even out
.-fi mo * then.*"lva bo i.gju.lgfi-a
Nt . io- id tl.. character* referred f
i j,.\- " l appines* of Gtsd s lit-. plc— oU
. t..... • I.ei gjtilg.-- —our i-pini-n- ha 1
!■ . , I" th matter. L"t us appeal to
x|n 1 i"lie•- they peni-P, C-nifort
■tin! i. v lul* l a|.pme-s' Gr ap|ieal l
p" !. li. ■- \\ t.-.t t.a- t- any "f til-- etiainies
: r • •! lit? What evils have ttt.-y
eiiioii I? A bat ptin.■•pit— have they im
a: ten ? Ar*a"v r-.lit-al relorui* atirtt.
Utah •> to any ot llieiti ? I answer. In- 1
t i.' • -tianitj i- tie only principle uf rewj
• t'o-r- n Or ' t'v, appt-itl to a d> !
•• ' ir Dot - !I fidelity give an\ 10-t-i |
Pait tii" AtlMfi .rpf tire Age";
l{. ■ -ir iiit lit- last tnisiuei.t-: Lord,
i . : - ; l.ord .1 e-tl lierp me \\ h--n
pli) • an ask. I hiui il b.- rcallfi h. lievtd|
it tl, r.'.mu ol Jem- lie suit), 1 dmi I
Wit-it to intimating, however llintaoo.t, ; ni \<i f reed him to eonfi-s
I- \n :her. a young man dying at
Norn.p . xclait ll I'n lie's Age-•! R*r-*
.p hu i iit.ed toy *--u! How much b< tier 1 fit uid 10-. ll i Innl m>l s*t)l< It I I'"I •
lrn-1 Willi the-e .'Samples John Arndt,
• ivipg iu ,!*,.tli.- N tu. liat.c iclt > #!"-rw .•
den. Gr Dr. Kvittts lafitng: All is fisc-ll
.Viol 1 •-11 r, Matthew Henry's dying sayy
in-.-: A life spent in the service of Chris!
•ittd in C. mmuiiion w.tli him. 1* tli* most
1 eb-n-t till and eomforubln life any one can
l .tv* i.pop earth, ami you will see tb* tri
' un.pti and glory ot the Religion of J-sti*
Keatl.-r. Uuiid y.Hir bo|ie* ol lli-avt-n upon
Christ, ill* lb-els of eternal Age?. Hopes
tsutred upt n tin- founda ion will remain
un*h. km. Choi by tin- terrors of dva'h it
..ell, J.T,
An; onsburg, Pa
PUMPS l® y
ii.atiTilr j '• SUn-trxf Cucutuhwr wttd C.rflro €.'• ?■!>•■
ctrjt|*i l .ultiga old fttid nr all Ira mis] all -luring fni-llliiaa grrgtUT lucrrnnrd ; stnek n#-
LAUUK.i ricesßJltALL. VUlur itr.lgranud lkTr4rr
jKt-ln?. nironr4Ullt lie Itoal.whr® In nwo th Mf K*blWtW>.
1.. I I at, 1 -oc ..a . r *■ nlf- r w tth prttgl nDI Mjßßkt I
C.G. BLATCHLLY, Mxnufr, 50b Cammsrte Sb,Phil<.
\Y i~ iiiC Aiit o ney at Lii"
\l * Prompt attention given to • |
Intvin"** entrusted to i'lfi car* in Cb-arf.u d|
or Ccntro county. Office with PF. Foil j
M*V. Belief..nte.
Wf A. JACOBS, Physician anil Sur-j
j *Y tffi'on, ofiers hisprofes-ionalser-i
1 \ ices to tlio citizens of Potter. Office next!
\deur te pest ullico, Cuutt'fl Hull.
substance "I * /cnreroalioi) aboutUaa llall. In
l lilll brown's " Urim
OoUiii./ - In America." A tlx) lor and
Blleti.UnWG the apeaker*:
ll tour " Wlitl oornar U the building on?"
AtttmUit ' houtli YjM r.imw of buik and
Market I'leaaa Bute lha HIXTII, fur soma
strmngrrs acx-klrvf tMk 11 ail. hare been muted
l y dakUcnitif jwraoiia"
V II 1< prrloclljf roloaaal! Do you know
tta dimensions*"
A. " il.iMO equate feat—M on Market, and
I*o odd on BUlfc, aim aturiee high, haa over
three arm All - 'Jti and rovers space onre
occupied twenty different bust
una blare* "mr
V. Ixi you ui# (team powerf*
A. " A gum young engine furnlaliea power
for the freight and i-aMrng. r eleven rt.aud the
boilers au-aio fur b**Ung, and the outer opera
Uutia of the house "
V M What ord rdo yon take with goodsf
A. "Tiny are tint < yog l*l and arranged In
Uie leer mm i on lone lytr counter- and ut< n
U.<u<* on Ue to the tnxpfix
tor's room ou floor "
V. " la tuepr om operation f
A "ho, Mr measuring 1 hegoodaarefirst
measured In the pleue. Thru Inspected. Ihe
cloth paeam over rollen In the (are of a Strong
light, and two men ait, one liefore and one
behind the g *-d watching wtUi the eye of a
hawk for the toast pin hole imperfection, and
marking etery flaw, ao thai the miter may ere
and avoid It when he noma* to cot the gar
V. " Von BUM employ an srr/tr of cutters'"-
A "tome to our filth Qui J and are I W#
krep 70 hands all the lA ■ fftlng up lb. cloth
Into garmenta bri %/ machines that do
a d oar it men a work earMt a "
V. "ito you ma mi (actum all your own
A "We do, and moat carefully Oar rr
aminen tnepect every aUtch and aaam, and
oantfy to every garment as extra wed made
before we put our ticket on it. and become
iweponaible fur It " *
de! r* 0 "" ,)-ca maM , * T# 700 • r**
A. "In every direction.air It la tMe system
and economy we practice ail m v. Jf through,
that rttabiea us tu put our yA/uHD to the
peop-e aa we d<> " w
V. " After inspecting the work, whatbacomea
of it*"
A. "Before It |ei into Stock It la tukeud
Every single garttieul haa it* numUrr and
other putnu noted on It, ao thai its entire his
tory ran be traced without (ail, npun our
V. " You must have 30 or an salesmen**'
A. "Why air, on busy days you mav/arr lUO
lu in* vuioui ru4u AJbd luiUu ou luutui,
•filing to the throngs of customers "/
V. Do you do an order bowk./ by mail
and ixorras -
A, " \ cry great. All over Uie country Our
W t>S
—iiwjypff' r
H. I*. Uitnmn A
I i<l ftrcn A 94* fcm*u.
BBLLwqmta, fA. ft. ' = J: * .." I, ' : ' , ~
Send for Cii(iUn.*tv
liurtxri and Shipper, of the ct-ifhulfH
Z UilliiniES iLIIIMIE. Z
l)'-a!t*r ia the verv :>■ -t .m !*©!
Tin- n v <!• alcr, it, Centre (Vnint* who**!! the
W I; Li Iv E S B A! R It E C! 0 A L
frutn the old Baltimore mine* Alto
of AnUit At-iit Cual <iryijr bou*ed ciprml) lor house (i*e. at tfco lowest prices
They pay the highest price* in cab o- grain that the Eastern markets will afford
Hmiafct or will he *, Mon commission when desired, and full price, guaranteed In*
formation concerning tlie grain trade will be furnished at all time*, te farmer
with pleasure, free of chare*.
hi. h b hlwm.v* .old m 1..w pries. and warranted lo be mm good a fcrtilir •• n
Other planter.
Wr 81?
IT retains all the virtues of the I i*ht U,.:>n,iug ' DOMESTIC," Including the Automatic
1 Tension which was and 1. th. I "J-1 In u>.
notice our PATEN 1 HARDENED CONICAL on both the Machine
and old out with brand new Machinery and wron work.,
in the busy city of Newark. New Jersey, have given us a standard of HAN ICAL EXCEL
LENCE, Minimum oI Friction. Maaimuut of Durability, and range of work, never heretofore
reached in the Sewing Machine world.
We invite the attention of all, especially thoae having high mechanical akill or
gbacrvation. N It —All Machines fully warranted.
Mow York and Chioago.
perfaet eyatetn a/el rnlM of *lf measurement
make to plcaae people .'.<* mile*
away )%*yT*u (•> t!y a* if they warn bar* in
I tonpwe you hare at treat half a doaen
different department*T'
A. "My dear lrl ne hare more than Mt,
earh rharged with It* own tmrtneii and aat ■
Uion.uaMy organiacd. a i.ooooary wheal with
in lb# greet wheel "
V. "Mill you name a doean or *o of themr
A. "With pleaaure The Ciulon Depart
ment. fur lho.e> mho prefer ruatom made la
ready-meda TRfc lurnnJili.e Department,
with lie llnfl.Nt eunk of all underwear.
The Hhlrl to rj, with lu buay maehlnea,
ia*king iur own end-clam ahlrta. The Trim
ming Department llaelf a* big a* many a regu
Ur atom. The Garment Mock Room. The
Receiving Room. The Order Department,
named before. T1 e Ppeelal filiform* Depart
ment The IVlttrry Department, wliblta
wore of mcmenert* Tbe-"
V. " Bold, hold I air enough T
A. "I m not half the >ugi Iha Adrrrtlalng
Department, with lla (■ 1 1Car.d *tgn dutnbuu.r*.
editing and j.ubllehli ga tuaineaa and popular
journal, mrt fo,utic.pijk monthly
i tell all your
Jtrpartmrnl. wltlnt* many * <>ma. The to..**"
l>r;artmcaL The V'Utlur l.'i-tart men t Tim
tliildivna Detortment, with It* *■**■!al
•nuanue for tadloa 7ba IrUfiaph Owait
metiL The Chief Clerb'i Department, with
It, tMX>k keeper* end aaaletanu General Mas
areCa Impertinent, fluent .cC* Ofli<e, and
other other* of the t:u/ ail hu*y a* bee*
thinking, planning, asmbung buyteg, mak
tng ragMenng. mwb.jb aendlrig owl,eeliiUf.
and in a U>< uaii'lWti joining their lurcm
to carry on a huainredVith the people amounc
trig to between uuo and M.uui.uuo an
V. 'A t n po n-do-tiaP
A "Indeed it Uf I forgot to name the
Ceahier l Uriarunrnt. w hah handle* it* E£,UOU
of retail *al on aame aingU day*!"
V. "t~ "Ju: Immi-iut t That *, hat enable*
the houaelo buy (hrapand*r/rt.<i •
A. "L'artJyl Vou have But hit it. The
people throng here kiA af that we depend
on low prirw and imm^Maalee."
V. " What are the "roPa aiLm' 1 hear as
much about T"
A. "OuraywemofbnMna* dealing-1 One
jai ce no deviation ; t Ca*h fur every tiling: A
A guaranie, pratacttng the ptwhamr. 4 The
money rrtumcd IS the buyer can't utherwiaa
be raited "
V " Nothing could be (hilar "
A "Nothing. And the people am lb"
V. " Well, 1 thank you. air. lor your poUle
A. ' K.tat all IV*a pteamue te■Aeyow.
Call aga'.n. and b* mm of piwm-Wana
makrr A Brown * Oak Hallflugt - East cor
ner math and Market"
V. Thar, k you I 1 ahall be happy to dom.
Good morning."
J & J. Harris.
A new and complete Ha.-tUar* 8ior
mm been opened b the undcrtigned In
Hr.., building—where they
ire p-epend t .ell all kind* f Building
Ipd Kurnuhing Hardware, Iron,
, Httvl Nail*. '
BUM* wbeet* In etu, Champion
Cl..b W rir*cr. Mill Br,w, Circular and
Hand Tennon Sw., Webb Baw,
L*e Cream Freeger*. Bath Twh*. Clothe*
ityk*. • At 11 **uriment of Ola** and
Mirror Fiate of all ai/aa. Picture Frame*,
Vv hrrlbrfii*, Lamp*. Cal Oil Lamp*,
Belting, Hixiltrtt, Felloe*, and Huh*.
■ low*. Cultural*.™ Corn Plow*. Plow
Point* -hour Mold Board* nnd Cultivi
tor Truth, table Cutlery, Bhoal, Ppade*
and Pork*. Look*. Hinge*, Hrrew*. Ba*h
spring*. llore Shoe. Nail*, Norway
fill*. Lard, Lubricating Coal,
Linaaad Tanner* Anvlla. Vice*, ilrllow*.
l"ii>. R'-.rb.mllh* Tool*. Factory
Hell. Tea Belt*. Orindktone*. Carpfllttl
T-a.U PmiJun and Can*. Paint, Oil*
V" n Lb) r„.'.ived and for *ale at
■■ ■■•* >r I A I II ARIt TK
late rakaofMbl* Kan die and Shield Conblscd.
S TV handle 1 entirety
e-jaat', ai d a*. Pa
•*4 luf any • toiher of
Iron*. If ran <w n.'JuH
ed tu*i*ofijr and l tng
{•no.a.a wtib a *fcteid
the hand t* completely
protected fn-ai the
Ut. Ne bolder la
o.,lr i when ti!ng.
i - - -- m..a in. ,h * '* ~rl" ?
> • healed, ike handle moat
he detached We arTI *r. Ito any ad.!..-*, a re
ceipt of Draft or I* O. Order fur tt.a aaioiu.'. either
of ti> foll1:.f ::
Set No. J- Iran* of I C and 11S*., 1 beadle, fi 00
" 1-4 , TaMftlM- - too
- I-S M T,Sa4tJbe, ** *M
Nickel plated Iran*, TVfi. per act extra.
Any party ordering fit* acta will ro
re It* one art extra a* premium.
Tboroegb!jr reliable waned.
S3 Pint St, Brfc.kl/a* D. D, S. T.
*.a—<—*!■* bm*etl,.3Ur trajefe*.
4 t his e#t*bii#bment at Centra Hall. keep
>n Itaii'*. and tor talc, at the morn reasons*
tile rate#.
& Spring Wagons,
and eehiclea of evory dtwcnpuon made to
•rder. and warranted to be made of th
be.i MMtuatd material, aad by the m> *t
'killed and couapetaittl workmen. B.
for bugg-r. and prtiig*w *••. Ate... ,f the
mint ! | pattern- made to otder.alto
Gtarian at all kiiMt alr to order A!l
kiedt el repairing d-ne promptly end at
the lowol (><<>.blx rta-*
j Perron, wanting anything in hi# line are
! aqweetedtw —II and ataariae hi# *i*rk,
[they will find it M la, ti -# ceiled lor -lur*
jahtbty asd Wear. 01-JT * (
IAS. M'MASrs. A >lom.-y at Law
Ktllrf>ta. |ir .o'taly all. l.d, to a?i
' nttdaea* atr'jted (*• bim. iui2,'"-hi
Chas H. HeldT
Clerk. IlatrliutMka rd Jrsfi ti
Mill brim. Ca-,irr La,., i'a.
a!! kind* of ClwL. H at/hc at d Jaaeirjr
>f tke latet etylw.. a* a law the >•..,!>. the
Patent Calender Clock*. pr. *id. d with a
tmnplHe index of the no-nth and <tat u.
he tOtfjUt ai.U week on it# lace. tii h i# a
warranted a* a i-effect tune t,-j • t
AS-t t<k U li ho and Jewelry m
t*atreti .ft a-au eafin a.oai.kj
/"U M I S ViS HUI e V
L/ -w Jlj
BelUfoata, PA
ISAAC Ml I. Lb , V pri.-tr
The Co timing. D un-. <• Bt-lluji etreet,
:♦ olie c. the ••'ea*anu-*t I <r.tni t--le'. n
he ■<< it It baa the tict a able- t I• e
;ila-e. bn ai< "totllrui lltei i *Ua. h -d at d
i *etjf aUt-THlntl l : i h jiaul glit-.'a No
| - win* Will lie |ni>ed l make tt a plea -aM
so ffi|i|( opine place tor he pah
H-tnnl tie In if,.- day or week, ad
< rwarci-d e l.i wt * It rv
Dentist, Millhelm.
I Offer# hi# prnte# oi; i aere.ce* t.i the
public, lie i pii-tand to la'ttwtm all
operation# in lb< denial pio'e*. oti.
trHf i now fully prepared t. extract
j 'eetf akao/wfe/y in/Wt pain mt ft 78-ti"
IB Mi in
Tke long end cf tke tube it isaerted ia tke
oow"# tear. irAm tke miik trill flotc, uithoul
the aid of tke hands.
Tka attention of Dairymen i called to
ha above cut, wnicn reortß-enu a fclL*
VEK MILKING TUBE by which m re
than half the time and lab -r of
row# i tared K.nir lubnlntPU which
will be tent p.wtpeid to aM pari# of lb*
country op m<|tioi Two Dollar* ta-r #-t-
An Agent t wanted in en ry eo-irty. to
whom a liberal dncount wi.l be allowed.
Add • the manutactorer. m
701 Cheetavl btraet. FbiladeljhU
iefc. Al< kind, of Secret Society work.
Jewel#. Emblem# Badge# and Sitvirware
Dipkini.# awarded ai the Berk#. M<mt
:u ry, Cne*ter and Bj< k* C-ut iy Fair#. ,
for le*lt'll liiel# eee the i'raetxal Further
for Sttlember and Ch uutier. Seod lorir
cular# "..I t'.hn,
Tube# can ha #een at the Reporter . dice
—tbi y ere aaiiccnaa
HE KY RftOCKEKttorr, i. i. BHPWKRT
President, Uvioer.
(Late Mitliken, H.aiver V Co.)
And Alluw interna.
killY *1 I 'Mill.
CVivernmetu Secu its* a.(i.l 4 i
i). M. KITTKN hoi'MK,
K(Hlslft. SdTw AK* \ CO.
Fish, Cheese and Provisions. -
144 Nwth 1>"I w r- A vpitu,
M* NiW Wrtir Sln<H,
* A.lkOOVi, G Krmtu? J
at Law. BeiU'onte. Pm. Slpfkl
tUraliun given In Oolb-otion*, Mini 0 -
..hens' C-'tiri practice. May be cm t ted
m German it ltd English Office in (iar
man's B lil.iinr mviffi'74-t.
I ie >io I Oliptipril ii*>W tli t r. AlnU^
tifft*:ur d hr
OASIKL DKKR Blvr..iit. poena.
Volt ind tee th- HI before finrchnnt g
litl'l.y m
rj. A. J. OKXDOKF.
I* still located Ht Pine lirnvr Mills tml
■ now prepared to travel io the huain ot
jwiiuflbiti ijnunce nnd render Mny de
sired service in bis line, in the best mn
ner, of best quality nnd Ml reasonable
rates. Insertion of n-w dentures iintdc n
specialty. Teeth extracted without pait
This well known hotel. situate in the
business itoriion of the town, has b>*en
thoroughly renovated, repainted and fur
nished new. It will bo the aim of the pro
prietors to make it a pleas int Home fer
those übomay favor them with their pat
ronage. A free carriage is run. to the de
pot. and the best stables in town Mre con
nected with the Uou-e ""•
DF FORTNEY, Attorney at L:IW
f Bellefontn, Pa. Office over Kcy
•n'<l s tiiv ll' l #
W\f P. W!L><lN. Attornev-at-Law,
Bi-llefonte Pa Office in Mrs. Uen-
Mcr'< Ruii'ling Be'liot.e l*
PEiINSVaI E/b N I .o CO.
UEL'EiVK ic.t'/SITS .hi u Inter
est; D -c'u' t Note ; B< . ltd
-hi ti .ernm oit - ,-n e.
<*..ld and Co !*• .
i'ETKB iioFF**, W*. B. Ul>oU|
A'ros U. ...