The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, April 13, 1876, Image 4

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This world with all its power and pride.
Is but a vale of sorrow;
To-day, perhaps. In pomp we ride
Above ambition's seething tide,
Who knows aught of 10-morrow ?
A day can rail forth many thing".
And docs from the future borrow.
To-day may ahow the power of king*.
But who will prune time's fleeting wing".
Or say what romes to-morrow *
To-day the victor flaunt* the wrealli.
And deeme the earth too narrow,
IHseaae. perhaps, ma; stop tire breath.
No hand can stay old tune and death.
Perhaps twill corns tomorrow.
To-day is then the given day.
For death's unerring arrow
May turn the proudest into clay.
And who oould for salvation pray.
If death should come to-morrow ?
Then leave the worldly thoughts awhile,
~Pl better to possess than borrow.
To-day might free ua from all guile,
And Heaven's reconcihug emile
May give ua joy to-morrow.
The Prslrte fire.
There hail been one or two hard
frosts, and the top of the gr.o- w -is get
ting brown and shrunken. 'he leaves
were growing dry and rustling, -o that
the clear, deep blue of the -ky showed
through their yellow and brown foli
age. And day by dav the grass grew
dryer and the trees thinner. The bright
blue lakes and sloughs, with their
tYinge of tall reed- and grasses, were
occupied bv the ducks that woie dock
ing together before their migration.
And In various direction- the glow by
night and smoke by day told that the
prairies were burning. So one morn
ing John voked up Buck and lick to
plow some furrows for a tire-break
round the homo-lead. His house was
within a few roils of a little lake; so he
commenced his furrows at the lake on
one able of the house aud run them to
a slough that was near, aud then to
some breaking that he had, and then
down to the lake again on the other
side, so making a line all around the
house and stable and stacks of hay that
he had. First two furrows, then skim
ping about a rod, and then a couple
of more; and he meant to burn the
grass between them himself, and so
make an impassable tire-break around
his house, and. Indeed pretty much all
he pog.-cs.-ed was within that circle of
furrows. It was too late to burn the
•lay of the plowing; and the next day
there was no wind and the gra.-s
wouldn't burn; and the next day John
had an errand to the nearest neighbor's
three miles off. and, though there wa
souie wind and some smoke in the air.
yet there did not seem to be any lire
"near; and he thought at any rate the
furrows would probably turn the
flames, if they should cotne. And he
would not be gone very long, so he
went. His errand to the neighbor's
took hiui longer than he expected, as is
apt to be the case; and w hen he started
back the wind was harder and the
smoke thicker than when he started.
So he looked somewhat anxiously to
ward home, and kept the horse going
at a good (Mice, for he thought that
Mary might 1* frightened, though he
didn't feci as thdugh such a thing
could happen as the burning of their
snug little home. But w hen he got
within a mile of It, and came around a
little hill, he started with almost a cry,
for there wa- the dense rolling smoke
cloud. that half concealed the leaping
flame- below it, rushing straight on to
ward his homo, and nearer to it than
he was, too.
He struck the horse once; but there
was no need of a second blow, for lie
knew the prairie fire too, and home had
always meant shelter and safety to Hint.
He would do his best to reach it now.
:Se the horse ran, and .lohn steadied
himself with one hand on the dash
board and watched. The fire ran in
lines—points of fire running ahead for
some distance, with unburned spaces
between. John watched it. In the
long grass between the bills it crackled
aTnl roared and leaped ahead with fear
ful fury, while where the grass was
thin or more sheltered from the wind
it came much slower. Now ,t would
run quickly up the side of some little
knoll; while going down the s|oje it
would almost stop, and sometimes go
out and leave unburned Half a
mile from home, and a line of fire
reached the trail. He drove around it
and kept ou. A little further and the
trail crossed a cooley, where the grass
was high. The fire got then* just
ahead of him; but the trail checked it
an instant, so he turned short for a
couple of rods anil ran across ahead of
it. A quarter of a mile more and the
fire was up to the trail all along, and
he had to abandon it. The fire how
ever, bad only crossed the trail in a few
places yet. and he was gettiug nearly
home. Then he ran through one line
of fire, where the grass was light, hop
ing that bevond it he should find an
open tract Lome. But a moment showed
him that the slough between liiin and
the house had caught, and that he was
cut off from going on in that way. How
should he turn ? To the right, and he
must run a line of fire, which perhaps
he could do, to the ground that had
been burned over. But then he could
not get to the house till the fire had
passed it, and Mary there alone. He
could not do that. To tlie left. Could
the horse lieat the flames and run across
ahead of them before they reached the
lake, and so cut hiin off in that direc
tion? He would try it. He turned
short again. The horse was excited,
but manageable. The smoke and heat
were terrible; but he kept as near the
line of leaping flames as possible.
When he got opposite tlie end of the
line he could just see through the
smoke the tree* on the lake shore,
three or four rods off. If the fire was
running ahead here in a narrow line,
he could cross before it; it it was com
ing with a broad sweep, he couldn't.
He could not see or tell. Another in
stant and he turned again. Light be
fore the fire now. right into the smoke.
And then Mary saw them come spring
ing out on the other side. A half minute
more would have been too late, for the
fire hail reached the lake. The house
was standing yet, for the fire bad lieen
checked a little by tlie furrows and hail
burned around ou each side, while it
stopped in front. But the flames were
crossing the break, bad crossed it in
several places, and were coming on.
That was evident. Was there any chance
of making a successful fight against
them? On three sides was the lira
coming ou in front, eating in slowly at
the sides and a strong wind to carry
sparks and srnoke and heat. But then
tlie house was of logs with a sod roof,
and would not easily catch ; the
grass around it was thin or worn en
tirely away; the stable was behind the
house; and there was tiie lake as a last
resort tor their lives. Kacb took a
gunny-bag and a pail of water, and
then waited a little. .Some stacks a few
rods away hail just caught; but it was
no use to meet the fire till it came up
nearly to the house. Then they fought
it—first here, then there. While they
worked at one point It crept up to the
very sill at another, and where it
seeined to lie put out it would start up
afresh. But in five minutes they stopped
to take breath, and looking around,
saw that the tire had ail swept past,
leaving the black burned prairie and
poor Scorched trees behind, and to them
their house and stable and one small
suck of hay.
But what they had lost did not
seem much to them just then; they
were so glad lor what they had saved.
Joe's Heavy t'afrti.
The stream that Daniel Webster so
well loved was famous for trout, and he
was famous for catching them. Often
he would sit for hours on a mosscovered
stone in a retired nook—his line dang
ling in and above the water, but never
a bite; and, if there had been, the fish
was safe, lor he was entirely uncon
scious of all around and about him. One
warm and sultry morning in July,
while thus absorbed, he was aroused by
hearing over the stream :
"Hullo, there! hullo, I say! How are
ye? Nice morning this? Got any fish?
have any bites? How d'ye get over
there? I've been fishing two hours;
nary bite, I see you have long boots
on; what'U you take to carry me over?
Don't want to get my feet wet. I'll
pay you well; what'll you take."
Here he paused long enough for Mr.
Webster, who had all this time been
surveying the speaker (a slight-built
dandifleuyouth), to ask:
"What will you glwf"
"Well, a quarter; thai'* 'nough, ain't
"Well, yes; I suppose It Is."
So, quietly laying down his rod, he
took his way to our Boston boy, Joe p.,
who, hy the way; was as good a fellow
as ever sold tape; he was now on a
three days' furlough, and houml to
| crowd all the tl-hing, -eM-tiathlug and
| sight-seeing seasons into the allotted
I three days time, and one was rapidly
I passing away. Mr. Webster seated hitti
. self on thelutnk; Joe mounted his
I shoulders, and, like t'asar, whom fas
| sins from the raging Tiber bore, so Joe
j upon the gtsi-like shoulders safely
i crossed thestreain. The quarter quickly
changed hands, Mr. Mebster quietly
settled into his accustomed s>at, while
Joe, on further pleasure hem, hastened
up the stream. Tired and hungry, lie
returned rather late for dinner, and
passed into lite dining-hall, w here the
guests were engaged in lite last act of
the drama.
Our Itoatonian, however, fell-to with
an apjetite sharpened by Ills morning
i exercise, and with a full determination
to make up with *|MMI what he liad lost
j iit time. S> Intent upon his own affair*
■ was he that he took no notice of those
; around the table, until some one re
quested Mr. Webster to relate his morn
ing adventures.
joe looked up, and following witli
his own the direction of all other eyes,
he beheld Ids morning .tineas. Turn
ing to his nearest neigliUir, tie asked:
'• \\ ho is that I"
"That! why that's lUniel Webster."
He found no further use for his knife
anil fork, and was silently leaving the
table, w belt Mr. Webster now recog
nised him; with a look or a nod (Joe
j could ne\er tell which\ he detained
him and requested him to take w inc.
Joe look the wine with a trembling
baud, and, with a look of earnest en
j treaty, begged Mr. Webster not to re
late the circumstance w hlch occurred
| In the mortiiiig.
Mr. Webster replied:
"You should not be ashamed of the
adventure, there Is no young men In
the country, however lofty his aapira
tious, that w ill be likely to attain the
position you this morning occupied."
Joe left the table and the hou-e, and
on the tlr>t train left town, satisfied he
had doue enough for one season. In
ilie evening Mr. Webster related the
whole nti'air to the assembled guests,
and this day Joe enjoys the soubriquet
of "Pan."
I.row Hi o ■ l.Uhi.
The presence of su-oug ltyglit In the
early stages of growth soeius to have a
retarding intluencr UJIOII some plants.
I have known instances where the lily
of the valley, when forced in pots—es
pecially iui|H>rted clumps—positively
refused to grow under strong Sight lu a
warm house, yet when moved n> a dark
mushroom-house, or covered with uioss
or litter, to exclude light, the buds
started directly. I'trlgtni *y*-cW>ili, lilac*
and many other deciduous plants and
shrubs w ill break more rapidly in the
dark than whan exposed to strong light.
1 once saw an experiment tried in a
house containing young pot vines. They
were exceedingly sluggish in starling
and the produce was wanted early;
and, alter twisting the canes with a
view ot liberating the sap, till the tis
sues fairly cracked, without producing
auy effect, the house was covered with
mats for a week, night and day, whilst
at the same time the requisite tempera
ture, with pleutv of moisture, was kept
up. The upshot was they broke strongly
and regularly and carried a good crop.
Of course, where anything is covered
up in this way to exjiedite growth,
w hen me buds are pushing and the sap
tairly in circulation the covering must
tie removed and light admitted; choosing
a dull day. If possible, for uncovering;
as. although growth or elongation in all
plants under natural or artificial condi
tions takes place mostly in the night,or,
at least, during that period of the *24
hours w hen the sun is absent, still with
out its consolidating and maturing In
fluence such growth or elongation
would be useless for producing fruit, or
in most cases flowers either; but as re
gards the latter, there may be a few ex
ceptious, one illustration of which may
be furnished by the plan now commonly
adopted of forcing lilacs in the dark for
the purpose of obtaining pure white
flowers. Any one accustomed to note
the changes that take place in Spring
must often have beeu struck by the
effect produced by two or three dull
warm days, when accompanied, as they
ofteu are at tiiat period, by compara
tively warm nights. There is something
almost magical in the rapid unfolding
of the leaves, which Is much more
noticeable than in bright sunny weather,
as such days are often followed by cold,
frosty nights, which chill the sap and
stop growth. In seeuriug the rapid
germination of seeds when sowu in pots
|or paus under glass, it is a common
practice to place a layer of moss over
tiie surface of the soil after the Metis
are sow n, auu this has been found
materially to hasten their growth, in
tiie same way covering radishes and
' other early crops in tiie open air with
straw or mat* to exclude light aiul se
cure an even stale of moisture and
temperature has an im|>ortant influence
in the early germination of the seeds.
Some may* say that the even state of
moisture has as much to do with it as
the exclusion of light; but, whilst that
even state of moisture cannot easily be
secured without excluding light, 1 be
lieve, judging from my own observa-
I lions and experiments, tiiat its exclusion,
! as far as germination Is concerned, is
most important.— ln<l'p< n<lent.
Hard TlniM and llirir Rrnirdy
This country wan never more pros
perous really than now ; the only need
U a clear perception of it* actual con
dition, and the adaptation of its forces
to this condition.
The remedy I shall propose is a plea
sant one, as this suffering country is
not really ill, but remarkably well;
and the very evils which seem so heavy
are the i>et indication of its thrift, its
prodigious vitality, according to iny
diagnosis of the case; and I think you
will agree with me.
The condition of affairs is this:
Vast numbers of men are out of em
ployment. They are consuming and
not producing. They desire work, but
there is no work "for them. Every
branch of industry is full, and over
flowing. There is a glut of everv pro
duct, waiting to be consumed. Exces
sive accumulation had been growing
for years, until It culminated in the
fall of liiTd. Hiuce then labor has been
reduced to the gauge of necessity, over
production no longer goes on, and inanv
thousand men are now without work.
Their work is not needed, hut they need
work, for they need wages to obtain
tin; necessaries of life. Everything
prod need is produced in abundance by
the workers now employed; and the
accumulation of an immense over pro
duction continues on hand. What is
the cause of this apparent evil? Labor•
taring invenU<ms.
Muntil after month, year after year,
the great idleness continues. The army
of tlie unemployed is increasing in num
bers. The amount of work they would
do, and wish to do, is not done; is lost
for ever, a great stream of waste. X'o
adequate measures are taken to utilize
tliis labor, to prevent this needless suf
fering, to end this painful condition of
unwilling idleness. lather which would
make an enormous showing, If per
formed, is not performed, and the whole
nation feels the loss as well as the un
employed. Labor-saving Inventions in
crease in number—as they should; la
borers diminish in number, forced out
into idleness, to avoid a still greater
over production; and no new, great
enterprises are engaged in, although to
establish them is clearly the remedy
for the condition of over production in
the existing industries.— The GaUuy.
A Simple I.title KlAwer
In one of the early comic annuals
there are some amusing lines of Hood's
describing how a country nurseryman
had made a large sum out of the sale of
a simple little flower which lie sold
under thenarueof the "Ithodum Sidus."
This charming name had proved quite
an attraction to the ladies, and the
flower hail become the rage of the sea
son. At length a pertinacious botanist,
who found that the flower was not an
uncommon weed, insisted on knowing
where the nurseryman had got his
name from. He elicited the following
"X found this flower in the road beside ns
80 I christened it the iihodum Sidus,"
On Caor OR MAN V. —W have again
and again urged upon the farmers the
necessity of a more diversified agricul
ture, sav tli* San Francisco ICurul
/•res*, it seems hardly necessary to
return t< the subject, and most or our
friends have doubtless, at one time or
another, suffered from de|M>ndlng upon
the returns of a single crop, w hlch may
have fallen short or failed altogether;
yet the matter ap|eara to need urging.
It la not always convenient to practice
a system of divtaiou. An orchardlm or
small fruit raiser cannot well attempt
at (he same time to raise wheal or to
f;rase; and the situntlon which enables
ilni to successfully cult I vale fruit and
market vegetables would hardly lie
suited to tiie more extended o|teratloiis
of grain grawing. Our Oregon Irieuds
who cultivate crantierry marshes can
not alo lie general farmers, and those
w ho are most successful in raising hops
tobacco and gra|es, are those who de
vote their energies exclusively to the
one (leflnlte purpoae. W lieu It hap|>eiis
to lie a good year for a iiartlciiUr crop,
tiiat is, a year of good yield and alo
also strong demand, the s|iociallst
profits largely ; hut a- It more often
hap|ietiH souietiilug adverse turns up,
and the general farmer has the best of
it. In t aliforttla farms are generally
much larger, a yet, than the Kastern
Slates, and each farmer is more dece
dent on his individual resources. No
much the greater, then is the necessity
for a division in culture. So far as
practicable, every farmer should be per
fectly indc|iemlciit of outside aid. For
a farmer to buy fresh vegetables, fruits
eggs, etc., which lie could as well raise
himself, simply argues aw ant of thrift.
The advantages of a diversity of pro
ducts have thus been summed up: I'he
general system enables the farmer to
more economically make use of hUowu
or hired labor—work can lie bettor dis
tributed throughout the year. It is, as
a rule, better adapted to retaining or
iucrea-ing (tie fertility of the soil, and
It secures the farmer trom the evils fol
lowing the fluctuation- in price in all
*|iecialtie*. To go into detail would
call for a much longer article than we
have room for. Hut it is at least worth
w bile to repeat that every farmer should
have his own vegetable garden.
DRESSED WUUHT or Hons. —Farmer*
who have hail but little experience in
feeding animal* for the market, are
often disappointed because their lieef
ami |K>rk ilo not weigh as much as they
thought it would. They are likely to
overlook certain poiuta, which ought
U> be taken into account when estima
ting the dressed weight of animal*.
1. Age— An old animal will not dre**
a* much in proportion to lis look* a* a
young and growing oue.
2. Fames*—A creature which i* fat
will weigh a great deal more than one
equally a* large, but which has not
been well fattened.
3. G rain fed—An animal which ha*
had twenty or thirty bushels of ineal
w ill dress much heavier than one which
was in equally good order w hen tlie
fattening was commenced, and which
may look equally well when finished,
but which ha* only been fed on half as
much tucal.
4. How long fed grain—A creature
w hlch ha* been mealed lor five or six
months will weigh more than one
which had ahout the same quantity of
meal, but w ha* been fed only
about half a* long, lit all caae* liberal
and long continued feeding i essential
to the attainment of any great success
in fattening animals of any kind.
THE London Hunleiurt' Vh roHiciV de
scribe* a method of raising tomatoes
within doors which it says ha* been
successful, and i* worthy of general
adoption. The seed is sown about
Christmas, and by the first week in
March the plants are set out against the
wall of some of tlie lean-to-vineries, in
a good compost, with ample root-room.
Here they make a rapid and vigorous
grow th, and in the course of the season
attain to a height of from ten to twelve
feet, and produce successive crop* of
fruit with great profusion until jiast
Christmas, in thts manner early and
late tomatoes are obtained from the
same plant*. As a matter of course,
the plant* can scarcely IK* kept too
moist, and a good dressing of crushed
bones Is occasionally given. The imr
der in which tomatoes are planted is
only about fifteen inches in width.
The plant* must lie well fed, but the
wonderful croj they bear is the lest
testimony to the advantage id a iiU-rai
treatment. The weight of fruit ob
tained from one plant in a season is
something remarkable, and many plants
attain a great si/c.
CiiKKJtv Titan*.—These should never
be highly manured. Singular a- It may
seeut, better results have been obtained
by growing cherry trees In grass than
by cultivating them a.- highly a- pears.
Kxjierienced fruit-growers in IMaware
who once began a system of manuring
and treatment of cherry trees, found
after an experience of a few years, that
the bark would burst, gum would ooae
out, and many portions of the tree*
show an unhealthy condition. The
growers immediately discontinued high
teeding, and seeded the land to grass.
The trees recovered their health, and
have boru beautifully since the system
of grass culture began. It Is the only
fruit tree of ail varieties which we can
safely recommend to be treated In this
way. A I>elaware friend says bis row
of cherry trees, growing in grans along
the fences, are the picture of health
and luxuriance; while in previous
years, with orchard culture, he could
never make them successful.
I'rof. Klley, of Marvland, say* that as a
preventive against the insect's attacks
there is nothing belter than coating the
trunks and larger llinbs with soap, at
least twice a year—once toward the end
of May, and again in July or August.
The soap is not only obnoxious to the
beetle but tends to keep the bark clean
and smooth, so as offer no atlraetion to
the female; and it is, withal, beneficial
to the tfee. Mr. Henry Shaw, who ha*
a good deal of trouble from the work of
this borer on the young trees, in Tower
Grove I'ark, in St. Louis, has finally
painted them with a mixture of soap,
lime and a small pro)>ortioii of I'aris
green. The green might, perhaps, be
dispensed with, but the lime give* con
sistency to tlie soap, and In many of
the trees thus treated the larva* have
actually worked their way out, only to
fall to the ground and perish.
FLIES IN STABLES.— Mr. Met*hi calls
attention to the system of darkening
cow stable* by banging old t-auva* over
the openings, adopted by tlie late Mr.
Hudson of Castle Acre, to keep out tlie
flies. He says that on a visit there, he
was "amused and Instructed by seeing
the well-fattened cattle get rid of their
tormentors by passing between IHJll
dent canvas curtains, which admitted
them and closed after them, rendering
tlie sheil dark and fly less. Another
friend who iiad many cow* in a long
slieil, having its ridge louvre-boarded
throughout its whole length, and divi
ded by a |K*ndeut board on Watson's
principle, excluded light except from
these opening in the roof; not a single
cow's tail was in motion, for tlie flies
would not descend into the darkness."
A SHEEP'S TEETH 1 often hear per
son* disputing the ag<- of sheep, to my
surprise, he it said. For them to tell
the age of a sheep nothing Is easier. A
sheep's front teeth the tlrst year are
eight in nunilier, appearing all'of a size.
Second year the two iiiiihlle ones are
shed out and replaced by two much
longer than the others. Third year
two very small ones HpjK-ar—one on
either side of the eight. At the end of
the fourth there are six large teeth.
Fifth year all the front teeth are large.
Sixth year all begin to show wear—not
till then.— Cor. E/jchatuje.
THK cause of slobbering in horses,
like that of milk sickness, seems to !>e
ascribed by many to eating clover; but
to my mind, and that by practical test,
it is quite different. If anyone will go
when the dew is on the grass and
gather a peculiar woven spider-web,
and take a small quantity and swallow
it, he will feel a prickly sensation on
the glands of the throat, and for a
time will slobber the same as a horse.
The spider is small and red.— Country
.Sprinkle the hay with water that has
salt dissolved in it, because it is pleas
ing to the animal's taste and more
easily digested. A teaspoonful of salt
in a bucket of water is sufficient.
The i'ractieal I "*e* •>/ Light. A fi<w
tiny* since, nt tho l.ondnn Institution,
hr. CrookM iwul a paper mi tin* riuli
at ion of lik lit. iu which lo spoke of
some practical applications that might
be made of IIIM ilim oi n un, Ilia acieii
title work ia already well known, but
these applications were for th tirst
time I tint liefore tin* public. Ho HUM
vesta tlint the torsion balance, whh'ti
lie linn throughout used for testing the
mnrt of Hi-tiou oauaed h> Um t
p roach of light to It, nlioulil IM> em
ployed aa n tent for the pinity of our
gas supply. Flint ho would tout the
i|iinlitv of the standard candle* tiaed,
which it in known rcttUv vary very
much w lion thnt vnnnttoii in regarded
from the standpoint of nciotititle nccu
nry, 1 lion with the torsion balance,
ho would tint the cotnimi IM>* IH twoMi
the Kim mid the standard cnndlo, tlio
slightest motion of the Itnlnnco being
cnpnblc of la-tng recorded by the index
scale oil which the reflecting minor
iditiicA. The other suggestion was the
application of the rotating apparatus
to meteorological pttrpiMtc*. lie loin
arranged the windmill totaling wire*
with pith Imlla, no thnt lliej entry
round n small magnet sti-peiidt d IN>
Dentil them. Their into of rotation do
iK'inln on the ninount of light thnt tall*
on thoiu.
Ncar the magnet attached to them ia
ait-pctided another magnet, which oa
dilates as the attached magnet pre
sents alternately its north and south
poles. Tina oscillation ia arranged to
make aud bleak ait electric circuit,
which, by a wire that may be of any
length, is connected with a recording
Morse machine worked by clockwork.
Koch revolution of the rotating pith
balls ia tbua recorded by a punch ot
(be Morse on a strip of continuous pa
per, and ao a self-recording account of
the amount of light railing at nny
place may be kept.
ill our present meteorological re
cords. l>r. I'rookea olmervea, we notice
beat, rain, and pleasure of atmosphere ;
but light, the most important influ
ence, noth as regarda health and agti
culture, la lieglrcte l. liecause not till
now have means of measuring it beeti
HVieacf.— Ccrannuns, as a rule, have
a long, feathery (ail to the carpel,
which is believed to le for the purpose
of distributing the seed. One of the
order of Geratiiacin? lErodiutn) twists
this tail, screw fasbiou, according to
the moisture in the atmosphere, it is
by geometric. The telcologiats tell us
this is tor the purpose of screw nig the
seed into the sand where the blant
generally grow*. There would, of
course, IH* considerable coiling ami un
coiling aa the dryer day and moister
night succeeded one another; but it
strikes us that tills movement would
call for a vertical position, to IH- very
effective ; but in falling it lies tlat on
the ground. The erodtum ia a low,
herbaceous plant, seldom rising over a
foot: so that in falling to the grouud
there is uot much time to gnther peue
trattng force by revolvtug motion, and
tt is rather difficult to uuderstaud how
iu the practical working of the theory
the hygrometrtc character of the tail
can assist iu burying the seed. The
tail would rather seem to be in the
way. Even though a direction favor
able to peiietration of the seed by hy
grometric motion could lo secured on
the sand, before it got far the gentle
breexe would strike the tail, and thus
draw Uie seed out aud carry it further
away, anil thehygrometric labor would
be lost. We mention the matter here,
as some distinguished names seem to
tw endorsed on this teleological cha
racter ot erodiuui.
.Vetc Application of the Spectrum.—
Some new applications of the apectro
scojie in quantitative analysis have
been made by M. Alleyne, that well
known chemist aud metallurgist. With
a modification of the llecqueret ttilw,
and iu an atmosphere which will not
supnort combustion, be lirst observed
the line given in the spectrum by a tn>-
dv containing a known quantity of
tiii<M|>horus, and then substituted the
tHHIy containing theutiknown quantity
of phosphorus to le determined. The
phosphorus lines are just blotted out
by intriHluring hydrogen Into the tube,
and re-stored by replacing a motion ot
the hydrogen by a measured quantity
of car IRIDIC acid. The quantity of
pbosiihorua is, says Mr. Alleyne, in
versely as the quantity of gas used,
aud be can investigate in three min
utes quantities under 0.500 down to
0.000 |H-r cent, or less, with accuracy ;
above 0.500 requires further investiga
tion, owing to the grrat power of the
phosphorus lines. It is asserted that
tor the determination of small uaati
ties of phosphorus in iron or steei this
newly-discovered method must prove
of peculiar practical value, and may, in
lact, la- regaided as laying the founda
tion of quantitative spectrum analysis
.1 t'rrful Invention for ll'nireri. —
Chamber*' Journal ha* u brief imtouiil
of Marker'# patent self-acting puochiiiK
machine for repeating Jacquard card*.
In the ordinary machine, a skilled
workman must tie employe*! during
tiiree w cck* or a month to tit it tip ami
get it in working order. The new ma
chine, which can Im- packed in a small
box, is always ready for working, ami
will prepare from 12.000 to 310,000 of the
perforated card# in a day; while the
old prorca* will not produce more than
l.tUKt. Another advantage consist# in
the rapidity with which changes of fa
shion may Imp followed. A manufactu
rer will bring out new ilesigus for each
season ; and if any of them meet with
success, he will frequently be able to
take large order*, if he can execute
them with dispatch. Aided by the new
machine, he can get card# for a large
number of looms in a day or two, in
stead of being week# over them as in
the old system, and can thus start his
looms quickly and send his g<Mxl* iuto
market in time for the season.
Americtin Halmon in Aetr Zealand.—
Intelligence lias been received of the
safe arrival in Auckland, New /.calami,
of 40,(KM) salmon eggs from Columbia
River. These eggs were sent from San
Francisco by steamer, consigned to the
Napier Acclimatisation Siwiety; but
on arrival at Auckland tliev wen
found to be so fat advanced that it was
determined not to risk sending tliem
all to Napier, but to distribute them
immediately in suitable localities in
the neighborhood. One half was thus
treated, and the remaining 20,000 wen
sent ou to their original destination,
Napier. Then- is every probability
that an actual colony of salmon has
now been planU-d in New Zealand, for
the fry were in a healthy condition,
and great rare was taken by Mr. Firth
to protect those placed in the rivers
from all enemies.
Jyom/m without fh/. It will be an odd
thing if we some day till our lamps
with iron tilings instead of oil, and
dispense with wicks. Vet an experi
mentalist in Berlin has aliown tlint a
brilliant, lasting light may Im- obtained
by burning iron. He took n straight
liar magnet of some power, and sprin
kled iron tilings on one of its poles.
Applying to this the Maine of burning
gas or spirit, it took lire, and contin
ued to burn for seme time as freely as
any ordinary comhustilde materials do.
The tilings arrange themselves in ac
cordance with magnetic fotcc, and.
however closely they may apjM-ar to in
placed, of course no two of the metal
lic tilings are pnrallel, and consequent
ly u certain amount of air is confined in
a metallic sponge.
A Walking Engine.— Experiments
continue to Im- made iu France to tost
the efficiency of n engine having no
wheels, but provided instead with
what may be called legs. It does not
roll; it walks, runs, or gallops. It is
like an ordinary engine, with straight
rods terminating in broad circular cyl
inders,instead of turning w heels,to raise
the feet. The invention, it is claimed,
is particularly adapted for carrying
grcut weight# up an incline, a# a con
venient substitute for the means now
employed. OtMOf these, which is at
present at work on a French railway,
weighs ten ton#, ami giM-s four to live
miles every hour, but can accomplish,
if desired, eleven or twelve nules.
A rem good impression of any art i
cle of metal having a lint ornamented
surface may Im* taken hy wetting some
note paper with the tongue ami amok
ing it over a gas tlame. The article is
then pressed iijhmi the smoked part,
when, if the operation he cart-fully
conducted, a clear impression will ap
(M-ar. This can lie made permanent by
drawing the paper through uiilk anil
afterwards drying it.
A German firm haa recently intro
duced an alloy of M parts cupix-r. In
parts lead, 10 part# tin, and 10 part*
/.inc. It is called dysiot, and is a kind
of whitish brass, readily fusible.
CAKK or FAMII.Y Sromen, Flour
nliould Im> kept in n barrel, with 11 tlour
scoop to dip It, a sieve to nlft It, and
■ mil to bold the nlftcd tlour either In tbc
tmrrol or clone nt hand. The barrel
nliould have a light cover to keep out
mice and vormlii. l'liholted tlour
nhoubl IH ntorcd In krg or covered
tuba, and always be kept on hand a
regularly a* flue tlour. Indian meal
nliould tie puri based ill small i|ilnnlll lon,
Ml v fifteen or twenty |Mitimln ala lluie,
and lie kept 111 a covered tub or keg. It
in always Improved by scalding. H
iiuint lie kept very cool and dry. nod It
occasionally atirred In preserved more
surely from crowing noiir or musty.
Frenli groomM* bent. Ituckwheat, rice,
hominy and ground rice muni IM- pur
chased In nninll quantities, ami kepi In
covered kegn or tillin. Several of these
articles are Infested with nmall black
limccu, ami examination munt occasion
ally In- uiade for them. Arrowroot
(apim-a, nago, |n<arl barley, proa! w heal,
cracked wheat, American isinglass,
maccaroiil, vermicelli ami oat nn-al are
all artlclen which help to make an
agreeable variety, und it in jut a- cheap
to buy a nmall ipiantity of each
an it U to buy a large ipiantity of
two or three ai'ticlen. Kigbt or leu
|Miuildn of eacli of these artlclen of finnl
tan In* ntorcd in covered jam or covered
wood (sixes, and then they uie at way n
on hand to help make a variety. All o(
lbelii are very healthful food, and help
U> furm many delightful dessert*. Some
of the moat healthful pudding"are llioae
made of rice, taphn'a, nago and luao
caroui, while isinglass or American
gelatine lor in" elegant article* of des
nerl, and In alno excellent for the nick.
Sugar a "bould not be tiooghl by the
(•arret, an the brown In apt to turn to
inolaanen, and run out on tin- floor. He
tineil loaf for tea, crunlietl sugar for the
nicest pre-erven and to une with fruit,
nice brown sugar for OOlfee, and com
mon brown for more common tine. The
loaf can he stored in the pajH a r on a
shelf. Ino others nliould IM- kept in
clone covered k< gn, or covereil wooden
articles made for the purpone. hotter
must be kept in the dryeal ami cooleni
place you can tlud, in vcnseln of either
atone, earthen or WIMMI, ami never in
tin.— 1-ard and dripping- munt be kept
ill a dry, cool place, and should not be
nailed. I'nualty the cellar is the Is-st
place tor them. Kartben or atone jam
are the U-at to atore tlieiti. Salt must
IM- kept ill the dryeal place that can be
found. KlM*k -alt la the ls-st for table
aalt.—it ahould IH- washed, dried,
tHMinded, aiflod, slid stored In a glass
jar ami covered close.— it ia common to
tlud it grow ing damp iu the salt stand*
for the table, it should then IH- net by
the tire to dry, and alterw ards IM- re
duced to line jiowder again. Few things
are more disagreeable than coarse or
damp salt on a table.
AieiJt CHAKLOTTK. —ButIer a brown
earthen dish, aud place around the sides
slices of bread which have IH-CII cut
about an inch thick, soaked iu cold
water, aud buttered; till the dish with
sliced apples, and grate over them one
nutmeg; strew on one cup of sugar,
and then pour on oue cup of water;
this will carry the sugar through tin
apple. Cover the apple w ill* slices of
soaked and buttered bread, then cover
the whole w lib a large plate, and bake
in a very moderate oven tour hours.
Remove from the oven half an hour IM--
fore time to dish, and set where it will
IM- cooling. When ready to dish, loosen
gently round the edges with a knife,
lay the dish In which you intend serving
it on the one iu which it was baked,
turn the dishes over, aud lift the pud
dlug-dih off. This is a very handsome
dish. Hervcwllli sugar aud cream or
whlit ii tlaum-l, made yellow by :ige,
dissolve of while *(< in 30
•oft a(rr, ami aim s j ut. spirits of
ammonia. immerse liir flannel, stir
well around lor a -hort time, and wwh
in pure water. When black or navy
blue linen* are w ashed, soap should not
he used. Take Instead two potatoes*
f;rated Into tepid Mift water (after
laving them aolird and IMIOI), into
which a leaxjiooaful of aminouia ha*
tieeu put. U uli the linen- with thin,
and rinse llietnlncold blue water. They
will need nostarrh, and should In- dried
and ironed on the wrong aide. An in
fusion of hay will keep the natural
color in bud linen*, and an infusion of
bran will do the same for brow n linen*
aud print*.
Hot IIXI But?. —Take -is pound* >f
lean l>eef and rub Into It two •]HH>nfuU
of sail, one-halt of pepper, one cun of
flour; then lay in a Miial! kettle, which
you cut cover tight. ut into thi* one
carrot, one small turnip, one onion,
two |>ar*iii|Hi, and cover with otlil
water. When it oOtne* to a boil, akiui,
then *el Itack where it will simmer three
houra; at the end ol thia tilue, thicken
with three spoonful* of flmir, and cut
in three |HiUUa-; cover and aitumer
again one hour, if not seasoned enough,
add more aalt and pepper.'
Chinese doctor say* tin- Americana Imil
tea and thereby lose the flavor, while
the < lilneae make it by Infusion. They
place a *mall quantity of tea leave* in a
bowl, jHUir boiling water upon it ami
then cover the bowl. The strength of
the tea dejiend* ti|*m the time the tea i*
allowe<i u> draw. "And," aaid the
•|H*aker, "when making an Infusion do
not holl the water hastily at lir-l. Milk
or sugar should never !*• used with
THE cause of streaked butter is the
imperfect working of the butter after it
la salted. Salt In hmter acta the color,
or deepen* and brightens It; ao that if
the aalt is worked into the butter and
not so fully worked a* to salt every
part, then the fresh butter retains the
eolor It had when it came from the
churn, and salt nutter grows so much
darker that it la decidedly streaked.
The remedy Is to work the streaked
butter more thoroughly.
MAHYIANO BISCTIT.—'Take three pint*
of dour, In w hlch put a teasitooiiful of
-alt and a tc.-uqioonf ul of lard, and mix
it thoroughly; then moisten it gradu
ally with half a pint of water, then
work it for half an hour, until the dough
become* |ierfeetly smooth, then mold It
in balls the size of aw alnut, tlattcn
them with the rolling pin, pick with a
fork, and hake in a quick oven nlmut
twenty minutes.
Psiupisk Pt!iu>iNa. Three eggs,
quarter (Mtuml of bread-crumbs, three
apples, currants, the Juice of half a
lemon, nutmeg, salt. Mince the apples.
Heat the eggs and stir lliem into the
bread-crumbs and other ingredients.
Kith the currants in a small quantity of
Hour before they are put Into the mix
ture. 801 l for one and a half hours.
To ia> eaten hot with sauce.
Pt'Rrut or Rkp Caiujaoks.— 'Take ofl"
all the tough or outside leaves, slice
them thinly ami evenly, put them in
layers, sprinkle salt freely over each
layer, and let them remain twenty-four
hours. Drain the cabbage well. Boil
up some vinegar, add alum and spice to
your taste, and jwuir over it, hot. Ite
|K-iit tins process for three or four days.
Hot Toast.— Mix with one table
spoonful of llnely-choppcd or grated
ham, the Is-aten up yolk of an egg, ami
a little cream and |M-p|M-r; heat over
the fire, ami then spread the mixture
cither on hot buttered toast, or on slice*
of bread fried quite crisp in butter;
serve very hot.
Mkat I.oaf. —Chop flue whatever cold
meat you may have, fat ami lean
together; add pepper, salt and a finely
hi>p|M-d onion, twosliceaof bread which
have been soaked In milk, ami one egg;
mix well together ami hake in a form.
Tills makes an admirable tea or break
fast dish.
I.kmon I'ik. —Take the juice and grated
rind of one lemon, one cup of sugar,
yolks of two eggs, three tablespiMin fills
of (lour, one pint of milk; after baking
cover with a soft frosting made from
the whites of the two eggs and lour
tahles|>oonfuls of sugar, and brown
some rather thick slices of underdone
cohl mutton, score them well, and rub
in plentifully some common mustard,
salt, and cayenne pepper; theu broil
them over a clear tire, ami serve with
the above sauce.
Hi Moines Eigne!**.—She was a lady
named Magruder, and somewhat strict
In reference to family morals. Indeed,
while Mr. Magruder was a good man.
and endeavored to discharge Ida duties
as a parent with propriety, yet Id* views
as lo what really was projier often ran
counter to the views enter((illicit on the
same subject by lit* wife, and site bail
spftnk. I'hssc differences on a certain
IH-caslou are thus dem-rllied by a com
mon friend:
"I called at Magruder'* Hie other
morning on my w ay down town, and as
I knew tbeiu well, I entered the side
door without kuiH-kltig. I waa sliiM-ked
to tlud Mr. Magruder prostrate on tiie
floor, w idle Mrs. Magruder sat on Id*
chest, ami rumpled among bis hair aa
she buinp<>l Ills bead on tiie Istard* and
scolded Mm vigorously. They roae
when I came In, ami Magruder, aa lie
wl|M-d the blood from Ids now. trb-d lo
pretend it wa- only a Joke, lint Mr*.
Magruder Interrupted lilm:
"'Joke! Joke! I should think not. I
was giving him a dressing down, lie
wanted to have family prayer* la-fore
break I itsi, ami i waa determined to have
them after ward; and as be threw the
liihie at me, ami lilt Mary Jane with
the hymn-lMMik, 1 soused down on him.
if I can't rule this house, I'll know
why. l'lck up tliein Scriptures, and
have prayers! You hear me, Magruder?
It's more trouble regulaliu' tiie piety
ol this l.imily than ruuuiu' a saw-mill.
Mary Jane, give your !>a that liyiuu
Tills morning as 1 waa coining to the
oitlcc 1 met a beautiful little boy- in
charge of a French nurse. He had big
eyes and golden hair and velvet clothe*.
The French maid had on a French
nurse's cap, a French white muslin
apron—cut bias, 1 think s French
calico dies-, and asweel siuile. I wanted
to know w liosc Utile boy the little boy
w as, but as I don't like tosiieak French
to the lower classes i hesitated. 1
thought there were /eyeral jM-ople balk
ing at me, so I said In English, with a
line French accent, "Ma'uiaell, whose
nice Utile boy is this?" and 1 looked up
at the utaiti'* mouth for the sweet
French an-wer. Hlie smiled louder and
said she uiulersnHMl every word:
"Well, sur, that wee cttoiie ia it, thin,
tiie little darliut? Shore and ahum
cholle wild he to- but Ids mother's be
yant ?" Wliat a wonderful language
the French I* !—lVrrr*ja<fe<v of Jkim
hurt/ AVtrs.
AN ACTOH fell through a trap as
in- wus leaving the stage. Emerging
instantly afterwards be was met with a
hearty laugh aud the remark of aw ag,
"I am xorry to see you descend to such
clap-trap matneuvre* as that." "Yes,"
wa- (he quick reply, "but you'll admit
that 1 neter undertake any thing with
out going through."
AxtilJUi —"iH-uced mid, Ikmald; I
can't get a fish over seven |M>uuds, w hen
they say Grant, above ua, killed
half a do/en last week that turned
twenty jMiund* apiece!" Donald—
"Aw eel, sir, it's no that rnuekle odds
'lib saw moil, but thai- fow k up the
waiter Is bigger leears than we are
doon here."
11K 1-EANEI> back gracefully against
the circle railings, with his small dog
U'lwi-eu his feet. One foot was on a
treacherous Itnnana rind, and, as lie
picked up the other to admire a crack in
id* Is sit. he sat down on the dog. Then
there w as a yelp, with brimstone enough
in the air for a match factory and hark
for a whole tauyard.
NEAKI.Y all the Boston juvenile maga
zine* have dle<) out —probably owing to
the tact that they i-ould secure no cir
culation in their owu city. Boston
children orv for the Xrlk Autrrizna
/i'rnr and fctuersou's work*, ami for
ligtit n-ading pcruac Oar win'a argu
WIMJK was saying hi- usual prayer
at his motlier's knee at Nsi time, and
having gut a* far a* "If 1 should die tie
fore 1 wake," hesitated. "Well, what
M\' •" MM Ml mother. "Whr.
mamma, 1 up|xc the next tiling would
be a funeral."
IN IIV the Knglisb should lie coiilitltl
ally singing "(*l save the queen" I*
more than a reasonable man cmn con
jecture. It Is always advisable Ui save
the jack, but the queen only counts two
for a game, and is alwaya a good card
to throw away.
laivEi.v Kimtuti K. Augustus—
"<h, Adele, Adele, why cast Oif love
away for sordid wealthr W by, he's in
his second childhood." Adele —"But
Augustus, cldldhissl is so sweet, and
think what experience In chihlhoial he
ha* already hail."
AN III!*IIMAN, writing from Ohio,
•ays it it the most litigant lionn- In the
world. "The first throe weeks," he
say*, "you are boarded gratis, and after
that you are charged nothing at ail.
Come along and bring lite chllder."
Two MEN were conversing about tlie
ill-humor of their wives.
"Ah," sahl one, with a sorrowful ex
pression, "mine ts a Tarter."
"Well, replied the other, "mine I*
worse than that —mine is the cream of
A nov w ho had a stepfather ami after
ward a Stepmother, has tieooiue con
fused In his ideas of relationship. He
says his youngest brother, Just arrived.
Is certainly hi* brother, although by
another mother and a different father.
( AS four ANY PKKSIPKXT— I "Ah, we
must accommodate ourselves to the
times. Announce a reduction |of ten
cents a thousand feet in the price of gas
—and add a couple of thousand feet on
each gas bill."
Jilt*. PaitTiNUtoN attended an auction
sale of household goods, hut forgtrt her
pocket-lionk. She remarked to Ike on
her return home that when she saw
tiling* she needed put up for sale "the
iinhhlding tear would start."
"ANN," observed a housekeeper to a
hired girl the other inoriilug, "a* *,ve
have entered u|nn the dawn ot another
century of our nation's history, 1 gtieas
you had Is-tlcr get a tooth-brush of your
ltk'ttiiiv lt!a tiinrrlttirn llrui ATII m-
Hkfokk his marriage, Brouglmo
praised the artistic manner in which
his wife "hanged" Iter hair. Now he
complain* of the cruel manner in which
she hangs his head.
"1 iiavf not," says Hilling*, "got as
much mutiny as some (oiks, hut I have
got as much impudence as enny ov
lliem—and that Is the next tiling tew
"1 tki.l. you Susan, that 1 will com
mit suicide if you wont have me."
"Well, Thomas, as soon as you have
given me that proof of your affection,
I will believe that vou love uie."
"Hints to housewivesTo makes
centennial dog, color your |MMslle mi,
white and blue, lM>ginning at the hark
end of the dog. Very neat ami striking.
Two mxniiKp words a minute is
MiKxiy'a linguistic pace, hut we know a
woman w ho could distance him in flfu-cn
minutes and show no sign of distress.
Cook comic after a situation) —"By-
thc-by, ma'am, is there a rink in your
neigli hor hood ? fori shouldn't like to.
give up my skating!"— l'unch.
"What Is the interior of Africa prin
cipally used for?" asked a teacher nl a
pupil. "For pui|Mises of exploration,"
was the reply.
Scotch satimo: —A doar plaat wi' a
toon's naniii on 's a vaary goad tiling,
hut a dinner plant wi' a moil's dinner
oil's a la-tter.
Tiik little New York beggar hoy over
shot tlie mark when lie wipetl a tear
away ami said he had three mothers to
"Joiin, if you're going to be out till
two o'clock to-night you II have to stay
at home and letyouself In, for 1 won't.
"Tint rich," said a Dutchman, "eat
venison lan-atise it ish deer. I eat
mutton because it ish sheep."
Tint man who works with a will—the
probate judge.
km Irish WIISSM
The late Jnmea T. Hradr ttaiyi to My
thnt they were like a cfieatuul burr,
full of afiarp point* and daugernua to
handle. He uaod to relate an ainuainir
aceue that u-urrd in Court when- Ge
rard waa for lliv plaintiff and he for the
defendant. After the former counsel
hint Inn shed the direct esaiuinatiou of
an Iriali witiieaa by tiie name of 4'ar
they, lie banded him over to llrady for
rnMta-t-xaminatiou, and aa be had given
very damaging teatiniony agauiat bla
client, it waa ennaidered Important to
break down Ida testimony, no iirndy
aildreaaed Inm abruptly by Myiug:
"Well, 'OVarlhey', where were you
born, and iiow came you to tie born
thereT" "Mr. O'Hrttly," repliee tor
tliey with great nonchalance and uu
eoooern, "T have left the 0' oft from
my name." "Ho have I," quickly re
plied llrady. The witueaa iualauUy
retaliated with : "What a pity you had
not changed your manners instead of
the name, The laugh waa very gene
ral iu the court, aud participated iu by
the judge ami jury ao much agaiuat
Itrady thnt he loat lire opportunity of a
reply. After ordei was restored, llra
dy said "ihat will do," meaning that it
waa a giKMi one. t at they waa pleased
to construe the remark aa meaning that
the counsel waa doue with him. Ho he
cooly stepped from the witueaa stand,
and retired, amid a loud and boisterous
laugh and general applause, llrady
■aid that he waa dour with the witueaa,
and refused to call him back.
A Jtew ledwalry.
War Cape May, in New-Jersey, are
a number of *w amps of dark, miry loam,
in which ar<- buried immense white
cedar trees, the rgpreatu* Ugtfiln, The
trees are lodged at a depth varying from
3 to 10 feel, aud seem to tie the prisiuct
of successive forest*. Mnuy of these
trees sit on] valuable timber, and search
ing for them forms a regular business.
The tree-miners become very exjs-rt at
discovering Uth the location and the
value of tin- buried trunks. Au iron
rod is thrust into the soft mud, and a*
soon as a tree is struck, the workman
ascertains, by several soundings, how
it lies, which Is its root-end, and how
thick it Is. lie then manages to get a
chip ol the tree, aud by its smell deter
mines at once whether It let i nudfall
or a breaktlu tea. If the tatter, he know *
that it fell because it decayed white
standing, and Is worthless; if the for
mer, it was blown down while sound,
anil has IHH-II preserved by the antisep
tic nature of the |M-at which surrounds
It. The soft earth is then removed, if
the tree he sound, aud the trunk is !
sawed Into convenient lengths. Trees
are sometimes obtained in this way
which yield lU.UUO shingles, worth s£>
j>er thousand.
t srlss* ( ustomi.
In Weudish,l'ruMd*,lhere are villages
where certain old customs are still ob
served on the death of the male parent,
if the mau should happen to have been a
bee-keeper, one of the family goes to the
hive and striking the comb, exclaims,
"Bees arise, your Master is dead." A
similar custom prevailed and, |tosibiy
stUl prevails. In part- of England, aud
furnishes the ides for an liiteresUng
jjoem by Tennyson, entitled "Telling
the Ilees." The English custom was
based on the supposition that unless the
bee* were lold of any death occurring
In the family lliey would quit the prem
ises, and tiie manner in which the
information was conveyed was by
a black clotli over the hive. In the
l'rusaian village* already alluded to, it
is the custom on the morning of a
funeral of a farmer for the man
to proceed to the cattle sheds, and
alter causing the cattle to gel upou their
feel, to place cheese before them, and
solemnly announce to tliein that the
body is about to be taken away.
Phjsteal rssrn Esaat
In the rural districts of Portugal, the
women work in the Held* from earlv
childhood, sharing to lite full the hil'l
and fare of the men. Yet a more heaithv
comely and contented race of women is
not met with the wild world over. No
|ude, thin, careworn, matron- or maids
are found among thetn, but aimokl with
out exceptions, they are vigorous iu
frame, stroug and iithe in step, aud
cheerful and winning In countenance.
Something of this U to be ascribed u<
the feeling of security and Independence
that comes from a sure tenure of their
homes, which, though rented are re
tained for generation* on comfortable
terms. Something is owing, too, to a
genial climate, and to the ivmparitivi
ea*e with which the necessities of life
can be provided. Yet the fact tend- to
show that with indentical habits of
living, the physical powers of men and
w oman should tie equalr
When Pyrrhu#, King of Kpirus, was
making prr|iarntions to Wager war
against Home, tineas, aw Ise and good
man, asked him w hat were his exjs-cta
tiuns a# to the result of the career ufion
which he was about to enter. "Tosul*.
due Rome," answ erod the King. "What
will you do next, sire!"' "iwill con
quer Italy." And what then?" "I will
subjugate Cartilage, the w hole of Afri
ca and Greece." "And when you have
conquered all that you can conquer,
what w ill you do tfu-n?" "I will sit
down ami spend mv time In peace and
comfort." "Ah, sire," said the sage,
"what prevents you from sitting down
and spending your time In peace and
comfort now ?"
SntlXO Dlt MUTT, languor, lassitude,
and that low state of the system (teculiar
to the springtime of the year, are imme
diately relieved by the Pkiu vun Starr,
which supplies the blood with its vital
princi|ial of life element—lron—lnfusing
strength, vigor, and life into all (tarts of
the system. Being free from alcohol,
its energising effects are not followed
by corresponding reaction, but are per
manent. Sold by ail druggists. Pam
phlets free.
Srtii W. Fow ijc .t Sons, Proprietors,
Boston. 2
Axvaonv can make and sell cheap
Clothing, but it is the tx>ast of Messrs.
Bennett A Co., that at their Tower llall.
No. his Market Street, (sign of the large
clock they make good clothing for men,
youth, Isiys and children out of the l*#t
materials and at the lowest prices. Ail
articles taken hack If they do not suit.
Give them a trial.
(Heeding renin |.**|* Cslsrrh. Hrna
chill* ('•■•■•spllaa. A Uumlrrlnl
Hik-hrstkr, X. Y. Jan. I.lth, ISTt.
It. I'iKRCK, M. I)., Buffalo, X. Y.:
Itrar Sir —l had suffered from Catarrh
in an aggravated form for atMiut twelve
years and for several years*froui Bron
chial trouble. Tried many doctors and
tilings with no lating Is-m-tll. In May,
'72. becoming nearly w-orn out with ex
cessive Editorial laiiors on a paper In
New York City, I was attacked with
Bronchitis In a severe form, suffering
almost a total loss of voice, 1 returned
home here, but had been home only two
weeks when 1 was completely prostrated
with Hemorrhage froin the Lungs, hav
ing four sere re (deeding tptlh within two
isects, and firtt three inside of nine day*.
In the September following, 1 improved
sufficiently to lie able to he atMiut, though
in a very feeble state. My Bronchial
trouble remained and the Catarrh was
tenfold worse tiian before. Every effort
for relief seemed fruitless. 1 seemed to
Im- losing ground daily. 1 continued in
Ibis feeble slate, raising bliss! almost
daily until about the tlrstof March, '7l,
when I tiecam* so hail as to lie entirely
confined to the house. A friend sug
gested your remedies. But 1 was ex
tremely skeptical that they would do
me good, as 1 had lost all heart in reme
dies, ami IM-gan to look upon medicine
and doctors with disgust. However, 1
obtained one of vonr circulars, and read
It carefully, from which 1 came to the
conclusion that you understood your
business, at least. I filially obtained a
quantity of I>r. Sage's Catarrh Remedy,
your Uohten Medical Discovery and
Pellets, and commenced their vigorous
use according to directions. To my
surprise, 1 soon liegan to improve The
Discovery and l'ellets, In a short time,
brought out a severe eruption, which
continued for several weeks. I felt
much better, my appetite improved, ami
I gained in strength and flesh. In three
months every vestige of the Caurrh
was gone, the Bronchitis had nearly
disap|eared, had no Cough whatever
and 1 had entirely ceased to raise blood;
and, contrary to the expectation ofcome
of my friends, the cure has remained
permanent. I have Inwl no more Hem*
orrlutgca front the Lung*, ami am en
tirely free from Catarrh, from which 1
had buffered ao much ami no long. The
debt of gratitude I own for the blaeelitg
I hare received at yotir lunula, know*
no bounda. I ant tiinrnnghly aatiaflcd,
from my experience, that your medi
cine* will uiaatcr the wor*t forma of
that ndtooa dlMtaae, Catarrh, a* well aa
Throat ami I.ung Dlacaaea. I hare re
commended them to very many and
*hall ever apeak In their pralae.
(i rut fully your*,
tVta. 11. SrtvcKß,
ho w, ktl, Mart***, A. r. ta
Or llrhrarli'i atrtntlarrl Beaeeßlaa.
The atandard remedlea for all d I ana ana
oftlie luuga are Sciiaxca'A TVLMOMIO
Hrmt, hc-HKNca'a Hu Wum Ton to,
and hctiKkca'a MANIIKAXI TIUA, and,
if taken before the Jung* are deatroyad,
a aneedy cure la effected.
To theae three medicine* Dr. J. H.
Schenek, of Philadelphia, owe* Ida un
rivalled aurora* In the treatment of pul
monary diaeaawa.
The Pulmonic Rvrup rlpena the roor
tdd matter In the luuga; nature throwa
It of) hv an easy eipcckirttloa, for when
the phlegm or matter la ripe a alight
rough w ill throw it off, the |taiieiit baa
rent and the luuga begin to heal.
To enable the Pulmonic Hyrun to do
thla, hrltemk't Mandrake Tula and
Seheiiek'a fSea Weed Tonic muat be
freely uaed to eleanaa the alnmach and
liver. Hchenek'a Mandrake Till* act oil
the liver, removing all obatrucUou*, re
lax (he gall bladder, the bile atari*
freely, and lite liver ia toou relieved.
Heimlich'# Nea Weed Tonic la a gentle
atimulaut and alterative; the alkali of
which it la ooru|ioaed, mixta with the
food and prevent* enuring. It aaalat*
the dlgeatiun by toning up tbe etomarh
U> a healthy condition, ao that the food |
and Ute Pulmonic Hyrun will make good |
Wood ; then the luuga heal, and the pa
tient will aurely get well If oarei* taken
to prevent freah cold.
All who wlah to consult Dr.Schenck,
either |<eraonally or by letter, can do ao
at Ida principal ofMoe, corner of BIITH
and A atu M ttxria, Philadelphia, every
hcheiick'a medicine* are aold by all
drugglau throughout the coantrv.
ALLEN'S Krri4=*Z. < '3
mm ,|iLrn I.* K.tu #jr*l*w. a, iMrti Mr.
aad & t run A cw.. a rtM tu... a. v.
t 9a
The People's Remedy.
The Universal Pain Extractor.
Take no other.
• llt sir, tor I %% 111 M*nk of ttk
ti*ift*l?a** •
niOi EXTRACT - "The I,'iral 1 riMiUt Pal*
llmrairr. lira bent In aw vw thirty
> ran. and fnrrieinl bead an.! ,<■■;! cur*.
t tt Ulna ■ be rudlrd.
CNlLßtia. ** f ...til* ran*, .id tobe wltLaot
rn.i'* Kalian. Antdrau, itratara.
(Mlarimm I at •, liwitiaa, an reinted
altnoal itttritir by . tutul *?(&• anaa.
Knatttldlf reitn.-a pa na r Haute, faeaida,
f.irwtatbn, 1 kaßa. Old Kom.
nolle. I'rltHM, t eriis rtf. Amili itj-
Aaaulvm. 'rdntrt aurdbur*, atnpa b'erdteg,
tv-HOt ea C ■ oll tuttw|litUM|'.
FEMAU WEAKR SSU. It alw... frfte- .paic
la iv laai k tu.aiulM.ladana nd prawning |aii
Iti lhe head, t.aaeaa, vertigo.
IRIEICRRRHEA it km no nisi'. Ail kiwi* id at.
rrraliaaa to which Me< are arb.-r t art
jexitnntlj rated. Huiirr drUJain bookaraa.
jtant lar each kittle.
P'li* kit ad of Umllaa -mm ttnocrpl trSH
and ready raw. Kurmc, luarm dtialt or
chert u air. eaa Song rrtrtat lie rer-.Ur nt.
VARICOSE vms. llt ta lite ot.'y ur rot* (or
I 1.1. dtet.rae.t,,,. and r.ol •(<.
IICSIT DISEASES.—It ka no rtfii.l l.rjrraa
Url I C tifT.
ELURIIO from rnjr rt rae, Ft>-thia la a ape.
rißr. It b at nmixl hundred* o( Uw attest ril
other rent* J lea (i.M to imt bWatiag fnw
■Mr.HMar.i'l, Iniira .tad elurw her.-.
Kara t-ke .Mala, nt.rred, and oil I* ;*-r
--mi~ut!y r iml. * a
MVSICIAII •< -i< ""hotti. •!- anjotia Ed
•ruii I'at.d'• I tirart at* li. k Han im.
canmend It 111 tre-ir |rtjrr. VI c have t.- le-aid
rucumeutl*! >< frvaa buvtilrrda at I*l. ak!w,
main at erfeom older I' lot go la tiartr own
|r*ri<ee. lit addition loll# (crToltlf. titer
order lt t~ fte hn.-liaaoaa < rll kioda,
I|ai*a>, hair Tkraal, ialaaari! Tattnall*,|4f and chronic ItiarrWa, t alarrb,
lor a hi. till ieae,rUk.)lhilM*la*. I root
ed (eel. Nhaf •( laarrth UttMiallaaa.
• . t hapi'. d ilnnd*. I are, in.; indeed
r.U ntnaaf of akto il xam.
TSit ET USE. - i£rmn..a hatrara. Roat-fcrew*.
tu-d haanltaai lira]. C'aataa. I la.|>l.waa,
ai.d Piaaalt >. Jl it, ta
/.ale, alilla wratidertutljr Imje." ;ttj the
Ti FARMERS." i'oad'. F.atranr '.No fi-ack
Hrrader.wa IJvrrt Han rw atord to I* amok
Si. It ta uaad by nil lite Leading lJrrry Stab ice.
Uriel Kaiiroade and fltwt li .rataro in New
York C it. It Bytalta. Han
tteaa car hiHlr t kaßair*. Nllatw,
krnlrbn. rUlaf.( at*,
Hlrrdlni. 1 , r..i1a. C altr. Hiarrka-a.
1 kill*, l aid*, a'*. It* nuitfv of arlkn la idr,
and Ike raitel it .tied* lean [aosi|4 thai H la
loeaittaWe in every Krrm-rard ae writ a* in
cwtt r*rm hcMmr. Let it W lrVd one*. and
Tta.l a fit Brtat tar at Hh,>M H.
CAOTiOI. Patni'a I. an net Ia heett imitated.
Tuc mt;ltt ttttaie id# tie- tauraia Paoai** K
tra< I hi"ti to e*eh bo-tb-. Ill* irrtattd hr
the only, prrtoaa lit lay who erer knew
kow to |o*fiar* it *ram]r. Ketuw *U .dtaer
j.t e|taratha of Witch liaceL Tkw la Ua* aaaiy
art., le tuad by ffcraematn. and la Ike kueytuU
at tkn o-.ut.trr and lane
tti ijblilH, wi (Vw cm mpniicmitim to
Ptmr* K\TKUT (*PAM f Wi Lt*.
.Nr V<t
6R }n fton u i h m < • s
Ov 111 Vi6v Had Mttau* A Oa, PirtbatKLMsios.
0. tso. !5. DOO.
' W4 • fw orcrt icmll
lEtsi r*M r*t
(C -itOflf" '•! > "na. rattos tran. *im
#J C I>ZU<V Ii w A CO., PorUsad. Ms.
Prtced, in large Assortment
PRICES NEVER AS LOW—for twenty years. Large Purchases of
Goods for Cash, at present very low prices for Woolens, haw
enabled us to effect this.
SAMPLES SENT BY MAlL—for any kind of Garment, with prices
attached on printed ticket, with plain Instructions for Measure
GARMENTS ORDERED—Sent by Express, Fit and Satisfaction guar
anteed; if not we pay Expressage both ways on goods returned,
and on return of Money to us if kept
GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER—on these terms if unable to come to
Mk Jor liaflf
1. 518 Market Street,
Me Lane Street-Clock Orerlmifltt Eatraitt,
Hal f' wa V bet - Fifth and Sixth fStreets,
View of Tower HalL PHILADELPHIA.
CtMTWMWAk PfttaiiuM*.
£*• !*• to to tvutod for Ilw tol
;,' .'.:x::riESSpLEKSS
"-<<< jCrr ..&.■ it 0..., .ir w u * w#
■fW tor* *etotwwAis.
M-WTO—I* toUwTk.... ~..1
'*■*_? *I" "StAtf to*#BB tn.'.<l.v K .|
* n-ww " | r>|.tKil U ntlon
W flivßws, /W# *t>i lin i<M U k <>
•:•'*' iM to * tofiMMiM t—tato* to. i*.
lllli'tllly IrMM Pwin. I .Or!—• owutM
I apm (too eokfoMtto. i*aM,l*o*.t.
P.O. (!•■ •.. 94 B.frter U B.T.
Ol f) • Bag at aaaa*. tiau —ata*. Oattt aw*
Bio hm TH'lt * 00. Aufiato Mw<
94 If
t%aa* la Uala
Without rtat. (toad for areolar at on—. Ha
tun. to lorn. ALLEN A 00.. 7 MvmL
NEW VOHE. 97-ly
Wptrngtifhta' hri<if-t
■ UcmUrlmArUttlmrtU,
t tor m., New vera,
tor < irceUia.
Of | uxH'AfMTAMCKcaana,* rk>. a.
to".* A<4MW,J. a. HMM. NMBMI. IUUM. CO., V.
JO HI J. BEIMEB k 00.,
•AS Watoladaa —veal. Saw Tark.
rrtuntol tow* ta Nr. Tort tor tb. be* Bra— Ma—
a— to tb. I'rittad futo*.
Broomi from ff.oo par dans tad upward.
Tb* IMr prkm mm 4 gtmtmt rwrwtj to to to—4
Ato.*ratlran atoek <g WOO© u4 WILLOW
W*aa.*wto rn r—a, r—a, u*—.
Ctotoup*. t .toretor., l ii.*tl— R iu. . full I*, <4 IM|.
* ** aa* cuj ri|*. r—n *©>.
U—*. Carta?, tors, to—n IK. |t& ufh |— MtiL
A full Utor<b.l—lf—nif rfTUrWABIL
f. t-VrnONr into >1 pk.ttatowlr—ln
— I 4nu— g oa tb* rto Orto— to —M wifl n*
—** I*—rt* mmmtXam toe.M—*4 ltoa 9444y
| to, .to*. .*!• ft BmgßwJt*" FLTIWER. I
118 and 121 IV. SECOND STREET.,
it* i
Ann • * * XwmAL. <?. i aad Toao*. aad
\ I I r*K • U—' Wmattty. Tmn. w) OCTTTT
; HISTORY or m u.S.
TW |TM otwrt is Iks lM.n of sr
.aastrt mat.* ibto thr (M —litsc M •* MS
lb*d ll roaiuM • fail aorau* of Urn (irui Ok-
UDMW Ktyhttiiit.
I'AITIttS.-OU, lamasMi aad rpkalil>
'*■ sr imac fl'nliltt ■* lis tfcs i>>4 m bay
<tsim449 lHr rn|rslso>iK:lK) (mnth
Smd ft* nrraiar* aad nin tana* to AfwMa U
drsM, * Prausataa Oa.. pkitoMyLa
All Mjrtoa. aevar Moontad sad Watt at. ad
SScroS rnc
VffUMH. A3.
Boru and urncircKxmnui as t*da
Tba iar**at sod bM mmW ttaaft, nam ■ I
saaaadknttd in Urn Our
AP X ! ' IT1 >" 'AM*. 10 J*m. vtA Mto 10
M <aU, or > Anguaiataac* H> rwafa, UatAi lu
£. rn I "•*• SMklA— '<* > nail •!mp Addrs*
mm \X .Wm*> Otrd (K. VuKt. Rmw. On, K. T.